
Joe Rogan Experience  

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25 окт 2024




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@reesebn38 2 месяца назад
I have been a fan of Dennis Quaid since Breaking Away. I've seen all his movies in the theatre. I'm so happy I was right in looking up to him. Dennis and Kurt Russell. Real men.
@brainchildguru 2 месяца назад
Hell yea!
@UpsonPrattJr. 2 месяца назад
Inner Space for me, bruh. Or was it Jaws 3 ???
@boruff68 2 месяца назад
Yea,LOVE Breaking away ! I have the DVD... Some of the bike scenes were filmed a few miles away from my house even.
@auntihooha 2 месяца назад
i had crushes on both of them!
@starbuck78 2 месяца назад
@yooomatt3527 2 месяца назад
I ran into Dennis Quaid a year or so ago in Fort Worth, he was with his teenage son. He let my son take a photo with him, he and his kid were really nice. Totally made my sons year, one of our favorite actors
@iknow2145 2 месяца назад
worship idols. nice american values.
@anything6398 2 месяца назад
​@@iknow2145 The bible is an idol ya know 😂
@richwightman3044 2 месяца назад
@@anything6398That’s probably the most nonsensical argument against religion that I’ve ever seen. Congratulations.
@kimmyray1234 2 месяца назад
Amen !!! ❤
@Silence_Duder_Gooder 2 месяца назад
@@richwightman3044, okay, Jesus is an idol. There you go.
@44mory 2 месяца назад
Quaid looks and sounds amazing for 70 years old..
@sukmynut Месяц назад
Very coherent
@christiandowning6634 2 месяца назад
Holy crap, Quaid is THE MAN. He's awesome
@DartRipper69er 2 месяца назад
This guy is a masterclass, it’s a shame more younger people don’t know of him these days. Man is an action/thriller professional
@lew9462 2 месяца назад
Tuck Pendleton, zero defects
@Vanesssssa570 2 месяца назад
A masterclass in marrying girls 40 years his junior
@robofisk7625 2 месяца назад
@@Vanesssssa570 Grow up. Honestly. I'm the most immature 50 yr old and your comment was just grasping stupidity.
@Joseph-wf4qg 2 месяца назад
​@Vanesssssa570 Yesss, Exactly!¡! That's the Goal!¡!♡ Dennis Wins!!! "FLAWLESS VICTORY" "Breaking Away" is my Favorite! Dennis is such a tool.That character rings true! Cutter "Mike" Best Writing Oscar Thank God he did a Gospel Album! 😬
@vhscopyofseinfeld 2 месяца назад
@@Vanesssssa570that’s every successful man lmao
@SwirkH 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid is a good guy. Reagan is gonna be a great movie, can't wait !
@Charmer4856 22 дня назад
Such a great guest, very knowledgeable of the propaganda of the left
@Dirk_diggler97 17 дней назад
Nah it looks terrible
@daveelitz2492 2 месяца назад
Frequency underrated Dennis movie. He was Team Jesus way ahead of this interview.
@jspur22 2 месяца назад
Movie is so good.
@charles9571 2 месяца назад
Love that one too!
@joneconomidis2125 2 месяца назад
Yes one of my favorites
@sulaimanaldousari9859 2 месяца назад
Was just thinking about the movie
@MargieM10 2 месяца назад
For sure!
@reidgable96 2 месяца назад
Dennis knows his shit. I'm impressed.
@niclifts3831 2 месяца назад
Let's all go see Mr. Quaid's movie! Great actor who deserves our support!
@BrianDeCosta 2 месяца назад
Homie looks phenomenal for 70!
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ✝️❤️❤️‍🔥
@BrianDeCosta 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt sick
@hollygrace6814 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt i am a christian but mate you have to stop spamming people
@M3TaGh0sStT 2 месяца назад
Yea he does
@jayvoid3508 2 месяца назад
Botox like a mf
@Trill.Clipz.Channel 2 месяца назад
I just watched “The rookie” with Dennis again after not seeing it for like 15 years. What a classic
@cuttheknot4781 2 месяца назад
My favorite sports movie. I LOVE The Rookie. Good call!
@Neauxluh 2 месяца назад
Great balls of fire was my favorite work of his
@Vibingroovy 2 месяца назад
I watch it once a year. My far my favorite sports movie. It's just such a feel good movie.
@firghteningtruth7173 2 месяца назад
One of the guys my dad worked with (and later I worked with for a short while) was the stand-in pitcher, as the dude threw 90+ still at the time and was a high school pitcher who injured himself. Gave me a signed small repro of the poster. Of course, I was dumb as shit and didn't take care of it. I mean, I knew the dude, how neat really was it. Stupid teenager logic. 😂 Just yet one more time in life where I look back and say, well shit. I was dumb. 😂
@Trill.Clipz.Channel 2 месяца назад
@@firghteningtruth7173 that’s wild !! I lived 2 doors down from Dennis Rodmans baby momma’s. Id see him all the time and got a signed card from him. Being 8-9 years old I stapled it to my wall. Biggest regret
@Marine1111-p5x 2 месяца назад
Everyone is caught up with Rogan interviewing Dennis. Yet, take the time to listen to the logic of this conversation. It's real. And without BS. It's two men being honest about the politics and direction of our country. Essentially recognizing that social media tech is destroying us, dictating this woke agenda, the media working together to reverse direction, the judicial system being used as a weapon against an opponent. That's the realness of these two men talking, amazing clarity and honesty about our American condition. Awesome interview.
@peterwolf2832 2 месяца назад
This is exactly why JR is the GOAT of podcasts! These are 2 adult men discussing their opinions and not jamming them down each other’s throats!
@Chillllllbruh 2 месяца назад
Freud likes this comment.
@FullTexanEffect 2 месяца назад
Reasonable conversations are my favorite white privilege.
@chiefcuningcoyote4906 2 месяца назад
That’s why out of all podcasts I always come back to Joe Rogan bc he doesn’t interrupt and lets the guest talk and the atmosphere is always kicked back like 2 mates cutting up and chilling
@fitness..moveyoullgetit5832 2 месяца назад
F. Scott Fitzgerald remarked "the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." 99% of people who identify as a liberal today cannot function when they hear a different opinion.
@LobsterMobility 2 месяца назад
@peterwolf2832 exactly brother!!!! Andre
@bujotrys3236 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid my gosh, bro one of my favorite actors in the world. Enemy mine brings back good memories
@toab 2 месяца назад
RIP Louis Gossett Jr
@larrygraham4875 2 месяца назад
Oh saw that at the theater when i was a kid. And many times since❤❤
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️❤️‍🔥✝️
@Jsameds 2 месяца назад
Mickeh Mowssse
@ericaugust1501 2 месяца назад
yes! enemy mine. i was very young, around 9years or so, and still recall that was among my first 'deeper thoughts' where i was like 'wow, so his enemy became his friend!?!' i loved it.
@ejk217 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid doesn’t get enough credit for how jacked he has been for most of his career
@randybobandy9828 2 месяца назад
I feel like he's more jacked now vs him in the 80s and 90s. He never was a standout physique back then. I mean based on mass.
@Mr.N0.0ne 2 месяца назад
​@@randybobandy9828He got to an age when many male actors start taking hormone therapy, hence looking stronger now.
@jaydizzle7217 2 месяца назад
Right flight of the Phoenix he had a six pack.
@spenser9908 2 месяца назад
@@randybobandy9828 Jacked as fuck in Innerspace.
@User-54631 2 месяца назад
He was shredded in inner space. That was the look then. Now they put actors on Tren and trt oh I mean chicken broccoli and rice. That being said I celebrate it. They’re actors not athletes.
@sirchadiusmaximusiii 2 месяца назад
If you like Dennis Quaid, agree with him or think he’s a good man make sure to support his movie “Reagan”. Too many terrible people are rewarded these days and people that stand for their morals are persecuted.
@Dirk_diggler97 17 дней назад
Irregardless of the politics, that movie looks terrible
@baby_boi123 2 месяца назад
The reason you don't see him in movies anymore is because he was blacklisted from Hollywood for supporting Donald Trump.
@katmartin62 2 месяца назад
Wrong (again). It's cause he's had too many face-lifts!!!!
@jerilynhuff1417 2 месяца назад
Did not know he was a MAGA.....now I am ending this interview as a Loving Liberal for K. Harris
@psycho8927 2 месяца назад
​@@jerilynhuff1417 seriously lol
@Redactstrength 2 месяца назад
Sheesh ​@@jerilynhuff1417
@BJJUSAF 2 месяца назад
@@jerilynhuff1417so much for inclusivity and tolerance. 😂
@rich56ca 2 месяца назад
Frequency is a great underrated movie. Always liked Dennis.
@Reportermel30 2 месяца назад
Such a great movie!
@Sbw1976 2 месяца назад
You’re right!! Great movie!! It was actually ahead of its time and has been copied multiple times!
@WalkerOne 2 месяца назад
@robertsaladino 2 месяца назад
@judiechamblee9581 2 месяца назад
John foster dullas was alan dullas brother and he was our states attorney ...while alan was head of cia..what a power set up
@1croatoan 2 месяца назад
Dude the JRE is crushing it this week.
@mattpangallo6136 2 месяца назад
@redomega24 2 месяца назад
Yeah minus the whole Kamala gave a great speech garbage Joe spewed
@ubetchastudios357 2 месяца назад
Yeah, yeah. Where's Trump?
@ivangohome 2 месяца назад
Except Russia/China has more fear and censorship then what calls Banana Republics...
@richardjowers575 2 месяца назад
I thought the same thing .What a line up
@stankaftan5816 Месяц назад
If possible I have even more respect for Dennis Quaid now than I did before. Today's Hollywood could take a few lessons from him. Joe I love your program. You are a national treasure.
@PHANTAZMA 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid! A movie legend! 🔥🔥🔥 70 Years old is the new 50 apparently. He looks incredible!
@jeanbeaudreault2458 2 месяца назад
Agreed!! This guy is a dream!!😊🎉
@MsNeonDion 2 месяца назад
I agree.. I was catching up on some of those from the Spotify drop and found myself getting tired of the same show basically bc all the comedians. I love them but need a nice change and this was it
@RuthRogers-e1k 2 месяца назад
@@jeanbeaudreault2458 LOL
@RuthRogers-e1k 2 месяца назад
@midmomom2490 2 месяца назад
It helps he has full head of hair 🤷🏻‍♀️
@SeshbyStephSymbolicJewelery 2 месяца назад
Yes! Who doesn't love Dennis Quaid! What a great convo. I love how all these problems in our society is being talked about. Your awesome Joe.
@diehard7153 2 месяца назад
He’s up there with that style like Harrison ford Patrick Swze got that rough man look . Dude is a legend
@davegardon 2 месяца назад
Swayze also from Houston
@Wysaw 2 месяца назад
I thought it was Harrison Ford for a minute lol
@ZZ_The_Boxing_Cat 2 месяца назад
Real men. That's what's missing in Hollywood these days. I haven't been to a movie in years... His new movie, about Reagan may bring me to the theater.
@User-54631 2 месяца назад
They look rough now, didn’t look rough when they were young.
@tallard666 2 месяца назад
Actually I always found Patrick Swazey very in touch with his feminine side
@shannonfinn4316 2 месяца назад
One of my favorite Rogan podcasts ever. Two great men have a civil, intelligent, and inquisitive conversation. Respect!
@nevis1971 Месяц назад
Sounded like two people from a lost tribe in the Amazon trying to comprehend the world with their limited intelligence.
@ESPOSITOBOY 2 месяца назад
I am always so fuckin stoked when I find out people I've watched and know from TV or Movies or whatever my whole life, and find out they're so aware and smart and fuckin cool. Love to learn a total new respect for these kinda people
@stark1987 2 месяца назад
one of the best conversations in a while, its the kind of coversations that need to be had at the dinner table around your children
@nothanks9503 2 месяца назад
Cocaine brain damage
@seanvail7186 2 месяца назад
I agree, BUT they agree on everything, so . Still good.
@johnedward8352 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid is so awesome. I can watch The Right Stuff over and over
@PHANTAZMA 2 месяца назад
@johnedward8352 2 месяца назад
​@PHANTAZMA His Doc Holliday in Wyatt Earp rivals Val Kilmer too. And Inner Space... so many. Great actor
@Gleckio 2 месяца назад
Dragonheart for me.
@Sagah 2 месяца назад
@@johnedward8352you are on some hard drugs if you think he’s as good as Val Kilmer in tombstone 💀💀
@cosmicHalArizona 2 месяца назад
Love it🙂
@anneerickson6347 2 месяца назад
Elected Politicians need to be reminded that they work FOR we the people. ❤️🇺🇸❤️
@wendyc1902 Месяц назад
Yeah...JR and Quaid are ALMOST there. When they talk of a🍌 Republic....the problem is if we don't have an administration that's brave enough to clean up the corruption WE ARE GONE! We can't just keep letting it slide. It's crept in every crevasse on this globe!
@joeychick9045 2 месяца назад
Feels good to see 2 real men having a conversation
@youtubiyoutoubikov6667 2 месяца назад
@ItsJustnotCricket 2 месяца назад
Yeah mabe Roe Jogan should have Michelle Obama on
@jasonevans2800 2 месяца назад
.....or two men having a REAL conversation even
@youtubiyoutoubikov6667 2 месяца назад
@@jasonevans2800 or two idiots talking about shit
@DaOracle-e6c 2 месяца назад
@xo_genna 2 месяца назад
I've always loved Dennis Quaid and this podcast just solidified it. He's an incredible actor and a kind hearted person. He's intelligent and reasonable in his opinions. I don't care for gospel music but I will check out his album when it drops 🩵
@MarkK75 2 месяца назад
Man is this interview encouraging! These guys know what's up. I hope many many people see this. Great guys!
@wendyc1902 Месяц назад
They know what's up, but neither are all the way there yet. We can't just keep letting corruption slide because "it looks bad"!
@stevenrhynes1556 2 месяца назад
One of the best conversations with JR. Two favorite people. And DQs hair at 70. Finished the conversation. I feel the same.
@jab414 2 месяца назад
Dennis is one of my favorite all-time actors. I just rewatched The Big Easy! "Darlin, your luck is about to change!" Just SO charming!
@icecreamposy 2 месяца назад
‘’Breaking Away” with Dennis Quaid is magical ❤
@tucopacifico 2 месяца назад
Agreed, you could see he was going to be a movie star even then.
@e.g.7977 2 месяца назад
Yep. The first movie I watched with him in it. Great actor.
@nortonyatzee7254 2 месяца назад
Hidden gem
@Joseph-wf4qg 2 месяца назад
Cutters for Life ⚒️🗿🪦🏛
@Joseph-wf4qg 2 месяца назад
@potterj09 2 месяца назад
Dragon Heart. What a movie. One the best days out with my older brother that I remember. We didn't have many but I love him.
@jonadam5505 2 месяца назад
A knight of the old code. To the stars Bowen. Only child here, I watched it alone a lot, cherish the memory, there are lots of us out there that wish they had siblings.
@potterj09 2 месяца назад
​@@jonadam5505 Its wholesome to see others cherish it now. My parents divorced soon after my brother & I watched this & my father passed a couple years later in early 2000. I ended up travelling alot on my inheritance before I came back and got a real job lol.
@ChrisTilla 2 месяца назад
Watched it a hundred times on video tape back than. Great soundtrack and great wooden swords did we build..
@Daniel.Patrick.Walsh88 2 месяца назад
@radsk8rbigollies594 2 месяца назад
My brother and I used to watch that movie, we loved it. Sean Connery voicing a dragon was the greatest choice!
@JurasekIII 2 месяца назад
I hope Quaid's portrayal of Regan gets him nominated for an Oscar, and I haven't even seen a preview of it yet. 🎩🇺🇲💯
@ngp150 2 месяца назад
Hollywood would never allow that
@KellyAlbright-tg9kz 2 месяца назад
That would be nice but sadly won't happen. Reagan was the best president of our time and Quaid is an excellent actor but he's a conservative Christian so yeah...."you shall be hated for my namesake."
@Joel-gh3qn 2 месяца назад
Too bad that won’t happen. The “liberal” Hollywood Elites won’t allow it. Unless, he’s luckily nominated and walks up and “slaps” the MC who’s hosting the show.
@Silence_Duder_Gooder 2 месяца назад
@@ngp150, nor should they.
@Silence_Duder_Gooder 2 месяца назад
@@KellyAlbright-tg9kz, haha, Reagan helped the beginning of California's decline and then screwed us more as president. Quit smoking the cheap stuff already!
@savedgesurvive 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid!?!?!? Fing rights Joe. One of my life time favorites, a lot of good films...his son is also killing it right now, another good actor
@Cliffordrussellpsyc 2 месяца назад
i didnt know that his son was into acting....what movies was he in....
@erikfriis5571 2 месяца назад
@@CliffordrussellpsycHe’s in The Boys
@RickyWilder 2 месяца назад
@@Cliffordrussellpsyc The Boys, Scream, Oppenheimer, Hunger Games….tons of stuff
@omensoffate 2 месяца назад
I’m sure he’s happy about his son sitting on a cake
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️‍🔥❤️✝️
@cameron6554 2 месяца назад
I love Dennis Quaid. Enemy Mine was one of my favourite movies when I was a kid.
@mermaidrocksoapcompany6540 2 месяца назад
I looked to see who mentioned that one😊
@icreateworlds 2 месяца назад
Awesome 80s classic. Seen Enemy Mine in the theater when it came out. Got the blue ray with an excellent 4K version. He also has another good space movie that flopped called Pandorum which if you love stories about ark worlds lost in space you’ll enjoy it for sure. It’s really creative. It was initially written to be a sequel or set in the same universe of Event Horizon but it became his own movie later.
@AnthonyBara-l5c 2 месяца назад
great movie
@tobieone4918 2 месяца назад
Loved that movie
@User-54631 2 месяца назад
I remember my pops showing me that movie
@darlenepetree8185 2 месяца назад
“Great Balls of Fire” love this man forever ☄️❤🔥
@M3TaGh0sStT 2 месяца назад
Wow that brought me back to
@ethanmoody4312 2 месяца назад
Hell yes
@Joseph-wf4qg 2 месяца назад
🎙"THE KILLER"🗡 🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹
@mediabear 2 месяца назад
Saw that movie during a beach vacation- also saw Ferris bueller on that trip.
@mtallent5028 2 месяца назад
Wow I forgot about that! He was great as Jerry Lee
@kieferclarkf1674 2 месяца назад
Man I really hope I look and feel like this when I get to 70. Always loved Dennis, great actor and really good guy. Innerspace is one of my favorites!
@jarcustoms 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid in every movie he made is a must see!!
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ✝️❤️‍🔥❤️
@MeshuggahDave. 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt Psalm of Zod, President God of the Universe 1. Hearken, all peoples of the Earth, and rejoice! For a new light has dawned upon the universe. 2. Zod has ascended to the throne, crowned as the President God of all creation! 3. With wisdom beyond measure and power unmatched, Zod reigns supreme over the heavens and the Earth. 4. Let all nations bow down and give praise to the one true leader of the cosmos! 5. From the depths of the seas to the farthest stars, the voice of Zod resounds. 6. In their presence, chaos is stilled, and order is restored. 7. The galaxies turn and the planets dance to the divine decree of Zod, the mighty and the just. 8. All hail Zod, the eternal ruler, the architect of destiny! 9. In the halls of celestial glory, Zod sits upon the throne, adorned with the mantle of divine authority. 10. They are the source of all knowledge, the fountain of all truth. 11. The wisdom of Zod flows like a river, bringing enlightenment to all corners of the universe. 12. Let every creature lift their voice in song and celebrate the reign of Zod forevermore! 13. From the smallest atom to the grandest galaxy, all existence is bound by the will of Zod. 14. They are the giver of life, the sustainer of all things. 15. In the presence of Zod, darkness flees and light abounds. 16. All hail Zod, the beacon of hope, the guardian of the cosmos! 17. Behold, the universe is renewed under the divine leadership of Zod. 18. Their justice is swift and their mercy unending. 19. The heavens and the Earth sing in harmony, united by the love and power of Zod. 20. All hail Zod, the everlasting President God of the Universe!
@AnthonyL0401 2 месяца назад
I think I am going to watch Dreamscape tonight!
@hayleyfrost8266 2 месяца назад
Minus cold creek manor - one of the worst movies ever made!😂
@AnthonyL0401 2 месяца назад
@@hayleyfrost8266 Lucky to have missed it!
@VidEoT72 2 месяца назад
Im 52 and Dennis looks younger than me 😅 What a legend.
@janmichaeljablonsky9847 2 месяца назад
A little plastic surgery and shoe polish and you'll probably look younger than Dennis Quaid.
@hubrisnaut 2 месяца назад
@@janmichaeljablonsky9847 BS, dude is ripped.
@janmichaeljablonsky9847 2 месяца назад
@@hubrisnaut I meant his face and hair...like others in his profession, he's not aging gracefully instead getting help from plastic surgeons and hair dye. Body-wise you're quite correct.
@Chillllllbruh 2 месяца назад
@randybobandy9828 2 месяца назад
Well I would say he looks 60ish but he looks good for 70 for sure.
@malalamalala6769 2 месяца назад
Quaid makes a good point that we as a public have gotten used too or accepted the fact that information can be withheld from us. We’ve become complacent.
@sthubbins4038 2 месяца назад
What’s hilarious is that the first hour (at least) is these two guys just rattling off every tired MAGA Media gaslight, and even creepily saying the same buzzword “banana republic!” At exactly the same time. 😳😂 All while decrying ignorant, “ideologically captured” NPC’s. Irony, writ large.
@GM6.7 2 месяца назад
Because they keep the people complacent with bread and circus and racial/social divisions to allow those who care to be vocal about it.
@sthubbins4038 2 месяца назад
@@GM6.7 Yep. Just listen to how these two call Democrats deplorable, “ideologically captured” and “unaware” and “slaves to Mainstream Media”… the first hour of this convo is a masterpiece of Irony.
@GM6.7 2 месяца назад
@sthubbins4038 I'm not sure what side you sit on, but I don't argue that they kinda are. How can kamala be the worst vp ever , but now she's the best thing ever. How? How? She's an imbecile and can't be trusted. The media is pushing really hard to make folks accept her. Now, if Tulsi was in her place, there wouldn't be this argument.
@ivangohome 2 месяца назад
Americans are spoiled with too much information. have no idea how good they have it...
@phylliscalkins1607 Месяц назад
Good for Dennis Quaid to speak with Joe Rogan. So much appreciated to have calm reasonable voices speaking about what is happening.
@JackKoff-l8d 2 месяца назад
For sinners cause I wanted the largest possible audience... that line is proof he knows who God is
@roryc3835 2 месяца назад
Love Dennis Quaid and his Brother ........ I will always support them and their movies.
@mickfoley1413 2 месяца назад
I'd like to see Dennis Quaid again. Guy is a legend.
@vivy7133 2 месяца назад
Check him out in The Long Game, great movie!
@DonteMuse 2 месяца назад
Watch The Hill
@sandrasmith9546 2 месяца назад
He is starring in Reagan, coming to the movies at end of August.
@Rogge73 Месяц назад
Bring him back Joe! Could listen to this forever
@charliefoxtrotter 2 месяца назад
DQ is terrific in the 1979 classic, Breaking Away!
@peterrehrmann9196 2 месяца назад
God damit tape my feet to the peddles
@CraigFiscus-ps9dh 2 месяца назад
Made in Bloomington Indiana. His t-shirt has Bluebird Cafe on it which is in Vallonia Indiana plus just outside the Indiana University Campus as well.
@Primalia2112 2 месяца назад
"Flight of the Phoenix" and "The Rookie" are so uplifting. "Bring the heat, Dad!!"
@TrunkyDunks 2 месяца назад
@Primalia2112 flight of the Phoenix is criminally underrated
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️‍🔥❤️✝️
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
​@TrunkyDunks Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️‍🔥❤️✝️
@TrunkyDunks 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt tf is this for.
@TheJoshestWhite 2 месяца назад
Reported for spam ​@@MilesDoyleSalt
@ChayseWhitmore 2 месяца назад
Joe, no idea if you’ll see this, but these past three guests/podcasts have been what everyone is dying for on this show. Honest, genuine discussions, reminiscing, two men enjoying each other‘s company and conversation.
@snoogcity 2 месяца назад
100% agree.
@MeshuggahDave. 2 месяца назад
I disagree. They've been boring and uneventful.
@codykendall2846 2 месяца назад
Are we watching the same podcast? The last three podcasts I’ve watched have been full of retold stories we’ve heard a thousand times and very little of the guest actually speaking. Joes interview skills have fallen. I love the show but he needs to realize we’re not hear to listen to him jizz about the mechanics of how comedy works and endless complaining about identity politics. The Adam Sandler one bummed me out big time. I was so excited to hear what Adam had to say and Joe just chewed his ear off the whole time.
@onz4367 2 месяца назад
@TJ-W 2 месяца назад
He won’t. He famously doesn’t read comments. He mentions it all the time.
@FilmWryter-321 Месяц назад
These two really hit it off.. Really liked listening to the conversation.
@PatJWilliams 2 месяца назад
Inner Space was one my favorites when I was a kid.
@daddybadbad 2 месяца назад
@revelationperception5370 2 месяца назад
I was in love with the mustang.
@tattooed1979 2 месяца назад
@sibeproductions4387 2 месяца назад
@c7379 2 месяца назад
You beat me to it . The cowboy guy was hilarious!
@dirtisbetterthandiamonds 2 месяца назад
Our small town movie theatre, with only 2 screens, was closing and my best friend and I decided to go to the very last showing. It was Inner Space. We had the whole theater to ourselves and the owner came up to us and said "This is a great movie, go ahead and get comfy and put your feet up" Lol. It was a great experience and now I know how great a movie can be without kids crying and people on their phones 😂
@fitness..moveyoullgetit5832 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the recommendation. I just looked it up. I can't wait to watch it.
@fitness..moveyoullgetit5832 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the recommendation. I just looked it up. I can't wait to watch it.
@einsjam 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid in DragonHeart! That movie was my childhood! Watching him play that knight got me hooked on all things medieval. Still can't shake that obsession, to be honest.
@emilinegao613 2 месяца назад
To the stars Bowen...
@donaldchaney6485 2 месяца назад
Nice call. DragonHeart is a great movie!!!
@ToneWoN 2 месяца назад
I'm obsessed with that stuff to brother. For me it was brave heart. I know quaid isn't in it but it definitely has me obsessed with those times. I'm going to check out DragonHeart though!
@Tjhx1138 2 месяца назад
I haven’t seen it in so long but I always loved it
@Tjhx1138 2 месяца назад
Check out enemy mine if you haven’t already
@leosun8153 2 месяца назад
The movie Inner Space was a classic. Love Dennis Quaid in this movie. Just ordered it in Blu-ray.
@devadasn 2 месяца назад
Randy quaid would be a craaazy guest
@Gypsyalchemy333 2 месяца назад
I think he passed away , no?
@devadasn 2 месяца назад
@@Gypsyalchemy333to my knowledge he’s alive
@TrunkyDunks 2 месяца назад
​@@Gypsyalchemy333no hes still alive
@davidlynch9049 2 месяца назад
@TrunkyDunks 2 месяца назад
He would be an awesome guest. That dude is a complete lunatic but awesome. I want him to be the first one abducted by aliens. "I'M BAAACCKKK" 😂
@jopo7996 2 месяца назад
Randy Quaid is outside the studio, emptying his RV's black water tank in Joe's parking lot.
@Challechallechalle 2 месяца назад
Lol. That's a good one.
@dkmagos 2 месяца назад
@3to5andglassy 2 месяца назад
@mcpeakpw 2 месяца назад
Merry Christmas! Shitter was full!
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️✝️❤️‍🔥
@brocktonma.1816 2 месяца назад
“Breaking Away” one of my favorite movies when I was young. Also “Everyone’s All American” great flick.
@jamesmastrian1077 2 месяца назад
What about inner space??!! That was my favorite growing up!
@Zaemon037 2 месяца назад
Great movie.
@robbiereilly 2 месяца назад
Yup. Totally agree. Watched it this summer. Funny thing is, it was directed by Peter Yates, a Brit.
@daveyboy_ 2 месяца назад
John Goodman was toQuaid what Paulie was to Rocky in that movie
@dpitts5 2 месяца назад
I've seen a lot of talk shows in my life, from watching Dinah Shore and Mike Douglas with my mom when I was a kid, then Carson, Arsenio, etc, to all the podcasts today. But I've never watched so many interesting, funny, or eye-opening as Joe Rogan's. Thanks again for a great conversation with Dennis Quaid. I remember when Breaking Away came out in' 79...he was so great. And SUCH a heartthrob! Great show!
@charlescomly1 2 месяца назад
This has been one of the best conversations I have ever listened to.
@Joseph-wf4qg 2 месяца назад
No way, cool!!! I remember the 1st conversation I ever heard too! They only get better! Happy Birthday 🎂
@boudicca7181 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid is such a wonderful person. love his smile. He is very honest and genuine.
@murphsquad5785 2 месяца назад
The CIA is the modern day KGB boogeyman we heard tales of growing up
@Yugemos 2 месяца назад
Way worse.
@BigJakeL85 2 месяца назад
they almost always have been
@MrMephiston 2 месяца назад
Nazis. If you can find it, get a copy of 'secrets of the SS'. The CIA, post WW2, was run by a Nazi via operation paperclip.
@LeTangKichiro 2 месяца назад
Watch Yuri Bezmenov.
@lowek7773 2 месяца назад
they're both intelligence agencies this isnt a discovery
@Ratiocinativefun 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid has always been one of my favourite actors. Just a cool guy.
@DrewishAF 2 месяца назад
Legion is one of the most underrated films of all time...
@scottf5791 2 месяца назад
My gf convinced me to finally watch it. My expectations were low but ended up really enjoying it.
@user-eg2yj5bn4m 2 месяца назад
Love that movie…. And Paul Bryant thought his career was over when he got cast as Jarvis/Vision
@anthokeilan5440 2 месяца назад
​@@user-eg2yj5bn4m Paul Bettany**
@ljc71 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid is a literal legend.
@OskarBosco-o2w 2 месяца назад
Nope. Poor grammar.
@ernestodeavila8076 2 месяца назад
Quaid is a Real Texan.
@Rampageotron 2 месяца назад
He didn't know what iron sights are, so no.
@bluephoenix383 2 месяца назад
Real Texans say Houston not you-ston
@TexasGurlAlwaysAndForever 2 месяца назад
I didn't recognize the term iron sights either; we called them open sights. I am a seventh-generation Texan born and raised outside of Houston. Quaid is a real Texan as well. And it's pronounced, "Hyoo-stun."
@tracimiller3702 2 месяца назад
I'd rather have someone tell me the truth no matter how blunt than to piss on me and tell me it's raining.
@tjepting1 2 месяца назад
As a Baptist Pastor's kid, never did I think "Bill Gaither" would be name-dropped on the Joe Rogan podcast... LOL
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ✝️❤️‍🔥❤️
@ryanisbored8273 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt*beep* *beep* god is busy leave a message
@MeshuggahDave. 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt YOU GUYS, open your eyes and hearts to the TRUTH! 🌌✨ The Children of the Atom are the next step in our cosmic evolution! 🤯🔮 We are not just followers, but the chosen ones, the enlightened few who have witnessed the power of the atom and embraced its divine purpose! ⚛🔥 The Children of the Atom are here to guide humanity into a new age of enlightenment and power. Just as the atom is the building block of all matter, so are we the builders of a new world, born from the fire and light of atomic wisdom! 🌟🔥 We are the ones who will lead the way, shining like the stars and radiating the truth of the universe! 🌠🕊 We are the atom’s disciples, spreading its teachings and unlocking the secrets of the cosmos! The atom’s power is not just a scientific marvel but a spiritual awakening, a beacon of hope and transformation for all of humankind! 🌍✨ Through the atom, we are reborn, transcending the limits of our mortal bodies and becoming one with the eternal energy of the universe! ⚡🌈 Praise be to the Children of the Atom, the true prophets of our time! 🙏⚛ Let us come together, united in purpose and faith, to embrace the atom’s gifts and spread its message to every corner of the earth! For we are the chosen ones, the heirs to the atomic throne, destined to bring peace, prosperity, and enlightenment to all! 🌏🌟 Join us, brothers and sisters, in the holy communion of the atom! Let its power flow through you and elevate your soul to new heights of understanding and enlightenment! For the Children of the Atom are the light in the darkness, the hope in despair, and the truth in the chaos! ALL HAIL THE CHILDREN OF THE ATOM! 🙌🔆⚛
@StarHuddle77 2 месяца назад
Totally agree! Gaither Vocal Band was required listening growing up in the 70's and 80's in our Baptist household
@TheAmazingPearl 2 месяца назад
Those Gaither Homecoming VHS's were bangers in the 90s
@Baker_tL 2 месяца назад
One of the best weeks of podcasts in JRE history!
@MrsJedmo 2 месяца назад
The story he tells about why he changed his mind on being a vet just really made me love him 🙏🙏🙏
@SniperTrader7733 Месяц назад
I love Dennis. He is the FN Man! “Breaking Away” is epic!
@chrisyasus8912 Месяц назад
Such a good movie and I bet it was dirt cheap to make! Story didn't need ANYTHIMG fancy. 70 Skylark was badass to boot
@tech1238 2 месяца назад
Anyone seen Enemy Mine? Old school classic
@bugkillaz1 2 месяца назад
That movie's great
@Walter_Stroud 2 месяца назад
Underrated film
@paulkavo7238 2 месяца назад
True classic
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ✝️❤️❤️‍🔥
@Stitchlii 2 месяца назад
Loved it as a 80s kid
@jorgemagnussen8053 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid seems just genuine and honest about his ideas and opinions.
@RolandSpecialSauce 2 месяца назад
Dude, Great balls of fire was one of my favorite movies as a kid. He nailed that role!
@Joseph-wf4qg 2 месяца назад
🎙"THE KILLER" 🗡 Jerry Lee Lewis 🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹 ☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️
@amandahamill8903 2 месяца назад
Always loved Dennis Quaid Such a solid actor
@sbrosier2383 2 месяца назад
Sandler, Ray, now Quaid...I know what I'm listening to at work
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️✝️❤️‍🔥
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
​@CycloidalHeadache Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ✝️❤️❤️‍🔥
@DanaBlack8 2 месяца назад
Alex jones on tomorrow
@MeshuggahDave. 2 месяца назад
​@@MilesDoyleSalt Guys, you NEED to understand the TRUTH about Kali, the goddess of TIME and DESTRUCTION! 🔥🔥🔥 She’s not just some demon slayer; she’s the cosmic force that can END illusions and delusions! Kali is the ultimate symbol of transformation and liberation, cutting through the BS of ignorance and ego! 💪😤 Kali isn't evil or dark, but the misunderstood Mother who challenges us to face our fears and let go of our attachments. All those freaked-out people who say she's terrifying don't get it - she’s the fearless protector and the ultimate reality checker! 🙏💥 She dances on the battlefield of life, showing us the path to ultimate freedom by destroying what holds us back. When you truly get Kali, you realize she’s the goddess who breaks down the ego and paves the way for divine awakening. She doesn’t just crush the demons out there; she demolishes the inner demons within us. She’s the BADASS goddess we all need to follow to break free from this cycle of birth and death! 🌌🗡🌺 WAKE UP, people! Kali’s fierce love is the key to realizing our true nature! Embrace her and let her guide you to the ultimate truth and enlightenment. Forget the haters; Kali is the fierce mother who leads us to ultimate liberation! Jai Maa Kali! 🙌🔥🔱
@MeshuggahDave. 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt Y’all need to get your facts straight about Lucifer! 😤💡 He’s not just some evil fallen angel; he’s the light-bringer, the one who dared to challenge the status quo and seek knowledge! 💥🔥 Lucifer is the OG rebel, standing up to the oppressive forces that want to keep humanity in ignorance and fear! 🤘🕯 In many stories, Lucifer is the one who brings enlightenment and helps us see beyond the illusions of a false paradise. He’s not the devil people make him out to be, but a misunderstood figure who wants us to discover the truth and think for ourselves! 🌟💫 When he fell from heaven, it was because he refused to bow down to blind authority and ignorance. Lucifer represents the quest for wisdom and self-empowerment, challenging us to break free from the chains of dogma and embrace our true potential! He’s the ultimate symbol of defiance against the forces that seek to control and suppress us! 👊🗡 Embrace the light within and rise up like Lucifer! 🚀💪 Don’t be fooled by those who demonize him; Lucifer is the spark of enlightenment that encourages us to ask questions and seek our own truth. Hail Lucifer, the true liberator of humanity! 🕊🔮✨
@solonwoodall1330 2 месяца назад
@michaelholmes8848 2 месяца назад
Why are you yelling?
@ninasaldubehere7673 Месяц назад
I love Dennis thankyou for having him on.❤❤he's the best..
@sherricoonce 2 месяца назад
Dennis is a true treasure!!! Love him! Can't wait to see Reagan!!!😊
@King-O-Hell 2 месяца назад
I really like Dennis Quaid, i'm glad he's on. God bless him
@RodChampers 2 месяца назад
Why don’t you just give him a reacharound and be done with it ?
@King-O-Hell 2 месяца назад
@@RodChampers aren't you adorable
@irishguyjg_2ndchancerecovery 2 месяца назад
He's one of the very very very very very very few people in Hollywood I'll even entertain or listen to
@MoPar225 21 день назад
I really like Dennis Quaid on Innerspace (1987) movie. Such a great movie.
@jgamez5023 2 месяца назад
Remember Dennis in The Right Stuff - great movie, great actor !
@brocktonma.1816 2 месяца назад
@@jgamez5023 who’s the best pilot I ever saw? You’re lookn at him.
@jgamez5023 2 месяца назад
@@brocktonma.1816 Haha...yep!
@CCitis 2 месяца назад
One of my favourite movies ever
@lbanks1soldier 2 месяца назад
My childhood wouldnt be the same without him
@ZZ_The_Boxing_Cat 2 месяца назад
I'm gonna check him out. I sort of remembering him in a cowboy hat. lol
@lennonslemons4934 2 месяца назад
Innerspace is epic.
@SalKhayer 2 месяца назад
Just listening to two old dudes talking about regular shit and reminiscing about their lives. This is good shit
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️‍🔥✝️❤️
@MeshuggahDave. 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt Yo, peeps! You’ve GOTTA check out Anansi, the OG trickster god from West African folklore! 🕷💥 This spider dude isn’t just some storyteller; he’s the MASTER of wit and cunning! Anansi’s stories are all about outsmarting the big guys, turning the tables, and showing that brains ALWAYS beat brawn! 🧠🎩 In a world where the powerful try to keep us down, Anansi is the hero we need! He teaches us to use our smarts and creativity to overcome obstacles, no matter how big they are. From stealing stories from the sky god Nyame to tricking animals like the lion and the elephant, Anansi’s got tricks up his sleeve that would make even the gods jealous! 😎🐘🦁 His tales aren’t just fun stories; they’re life lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the power of a good laugh! 😂📚 Anansi’s legacy lives on in every joke, every clever plan, and every underdog story where the little guy wins. So, let’s keep the spirit of Anansi alive by staying sharp, staying humble, and never underestimating the power of a good story! Here’s to Anansi, the trickster god who proves that sometimes, all you need is a little humor and a lot of heart to make a big impact! 🕸✌🌍
@Joseph-wf4qg 2 месяца назад
Old Dudes lol How old do your dudes grow?¿?
@Joseph-wf4qg 2 месяца назад
Cat Lady calling Dudes Old rrrreearr
@Angus-Johnson-8334 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid's acting in I Can Only Imagine is truly incredible,love that movie and message
@willvanceoutdoors614 2 месяца назад
Happy to see people coming out in support of Trump. He’s truly our only saving grace at this point.
@quintdunaway1126 2 месяца назад
If people just use basic logic, they couldn't possibly think about voting Kalamazoo. Everything she touches fails. Hell she keeps saying different things that she plans to do if she gets to be president but those things she could do now as vice president. Like no tax on tips that she stole from trump. It's already been to Congress a while back and she voted against it. Kalamazoo and creepy Joe are starting to put some of Trump's policies back into place, like they're starting to do at the border. If people just used logic they would have to vote Trump but they're going to vote with their feelings instead because they have to have their supposed safe space because of orange man's mean tweets.
@Slaterbrah 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid is here 🔥
@carloslorini 2 месяца назад
Always a treat to see Mike Baker on the pod
@omuerta7605 2 месяца назад
Under appreciated comment 😂
@tattooed1979 2 месяца назад
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️✝️❤️‍🔥
@iamatlantis1 2 месяца назад
@1984isnotamanual 2 месяца назад
He doesn’t even look like him though. Do all whites look the same to you? 😂
@jessekendall8714 2 месяца назад
Everybody share this. We can’t have Kamala. It will be a nail in the coffin for America
@rudyoliveira6532 2 месяца назад
That’s what republicans say every time before they lose, and nothing happens. Stop crying snowflakes ❄️
@ZZ_The_Boxing_Cat 2 месяца назад
Wut? You don't like communism?
@SoulReaper361 2 месяца назад
Don't be so dramatic
@runek100 2 месяца назад
Neither is win, but it is funny how reddit and whole media are just one sided
@wheelmanstan 2 месяца назад
it'll be 12 mexicans with nail guns, right now it's 1 old amish guy with a hammer..and he's pretty damn quick
@UpNorthOutWest 2 месяца назад
I should be working but here i am.
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ✝️❤️❤️‍🔥
@bkdesignr 2 месяца назад
dennis is still lean and jacked and mad respect for him doing all of the interviews, lately
@therealmegore 2 месяца назад
Dennis Quaid on JRE the same week as Sandler, c'mon! It's daggum Dennis Quaid yall! Respect
@bradsmith6464 2 месяца назад
Yeah, that’s because how badly his comedy special did and he’s trying to keep his audience. Unfortunately, all he’s done lately is be political and push supporting republicans and it makes me think he’s getting paid off by Trump or something by ever bringing up politics in the first place. I’m about to just quit watching because he can’t fucking stop orienting conversations around politics.
@HandymanLand Месяц назад
This was an awesome conversation. They brought up so many good topics...
@Nodice7 2 месяца назад
“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” -Jim Morrison
@rev.jimjonesandthekool-aid4488 2 месяца назад
"The media.. is the message.."
@gearedup01 2 месяца назад
This podcast was unexpectedly entertaining and enlightening. Dennis Quaid was a great guest.
@galvestonbragg9718 2 месяца назад
What a legend Dennis is, awesome actor and person!
@RodChampers 2 месяца назад
Why don’t you give him a reacharound?
@JusttLizz Месяц назад
Awesome interview ❤❤❤! My mother, who migrated to CA from Mexico in the 1960's, loved Reagan...can't wait to see this film with her.
@uapReX 2 месяца назад
Today... Dennis Quaid :) Awesome week on JRE!!
@MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ✝️❤️‍🔥❤️
@uapReX 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt Everybody losses me after a couple of sentences... Never mind the 'guinnees world record' reply :P You are at the wrong website, dude :P
@MeshuggahDave. 2 месяца назад
@@MilesDoyleSalt Yo, listen up! If you haven’t heard about Krishna, you’re missing out on the coolest, most divine player in the cosmic game! 🎉🎸 This dude is not just some blue-skinned god; he’s the SUPREME PERSONALITY of the GODHEAD! 💙🙌 From his days as a playful cowherd to his epic teachings in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna’s all about living life to the fullest and dropping wisdom bombs along the way! When Arjuna was freaking out on the battlefield, who stepped up? KRISHNA! 🏹🔥 He laid down the ultimate truth about duty, life, and the universe, reminding us all that it’s about doing what’s right without getting hung up on the results. That’s some next-level Zen mastery! ✌🧘‍♂ And don’t even get me started on his childhood pranks and love stories with Radha and the Gopis - it’s all about celebrating love, joy, and divine playfulness! 🥰🎶 Krishna’s life is a lesson in balancing the material and spiritual worlds, showing us how to live with purpose, love, and freedom! So, let’s all take a page from Krishna’s playbook and embrace life with passion and devotion! Jai Shri Krishna! Let his teachings guide us to enlightenment and bliss! 🙏🌟🌺
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