
Jordan B Peterson's Recent Comments on God and Christianity 

Dr. Jordan B Cooper
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8 окт 2024




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@ngel0 3 года назад
29:25 “The objective world and the narrative world touch “ - JP “The Word becomes Flesh” - John 1:14 Credits to profiveoh Had to put this out 🙏
@kingnarhmusic 3 года назад
Succintly done!
@dukeraul624 3 года назад
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
@j.g.8494 3 года назад
"the word became flesh" - God sent Himself down to earth as His son, to be scourged and crucified, to appease His anger as Father, piqued by a woman's desire for apples and knowledge"!
@charleyjohnson4823 3 года назад
I wonder how many followers of Jesus are praying for him besides me?
@kingnarhmusic 3 года назад
Been doing so too for years now
@carolineleiden 3 года назад
@georgehaas7292 3 года назад
I will now. I had no idea Jordan had been going through this recently.
@preacherofthecross 3 года назад
Me too, with tears.
@Jimvesterstallone 3 года назад
I am. :))) I just love him so much.
@laurasalinas2600 3 года назад
I believe that this man is on the cusp of belief and surrender. I am praying he opens his heart and makes that step.
@gotcha9983 3 года назад
@maris24th 3 года назад
I think so too! All he need to do is to humble his heart.
@yessanknow302 3 года назад
@@briannyamwata733 And rightly so. Peterson is insane.
@lesleyclaster6878 3 года назад
There is a profound difference between suffering alone and tempting God to prove Himself by taking away the pain and trusting in His goodness amidst the pain. It seems that JP’s intense lifetime battle with anxiety and depression would respond to the mind-renewing transformation possible by applying the power of His word to our own thoughts. Has JP actually studied the Bible cover-to-cover before psychoanalysing God?
@yessanknow302 3 года назад
@@lesleyclaster6878 Obviously not as he would have realised God is a fictional psychopath and Jesus was a delusional narcissist.
@theeconomicrevolutionist 3 года назад
I pray for Dr. Peterson every day. He has helped me through some very dark times, some clinical psychological help.
@o0Michelize0o 3 года назад
I am continuously praying for Dr Peterson.
@yessanknow302 3 года назад
You're wasting your time.
@djnv4702 3 года назад
As am I.
@o0Michelize0o 3 года назад
@@yessanknow302 prayer is never a waste of time.
@theeconomicrevolutionist 3 года назад
I listened to Dr. Peterson's lecture on suffering. Incredibly powerful and it lines up with suffering for Christ.
@gabrielornellas8313 3 года назад
We need to be praying dilligently for him. Christ, please reach him. Heal his Soul and ressurect him Father, in the name of Jesus, Amem.
@Organicme1 3 года назад
@vaquera9368 3 года назад
@dunamis333 3 года назад
I believe he already belongs to Christ.
@wouspor1804 3 года назад
Amen and Awomen
@Organicme1 3 года назад
@@wouspor1804 lol
@lutherserbe6435 3 года назад
I really hope Dr. Peterson finds this
@juelztaylor300 3 года назад
Me too..he needs this
@brittmoseley9716 3 года назад
He did find it he said so. He is just beginning to surrender everything he believed to Christ! It is a Saul/ Paul conversion
@yessanknow302 3 года назад
He's too busy trying to escape his straightjacket.
@scottgall8383 3 года назад
@@juelztaylor300 needs what? Anyone with a modicum of understanding of Jordan Petersons work could give these opinions. Just a guy hanging on his shirt tails. Nothing more. I enjoy theocratic discussion, but to claim you know what Dr Peterson means, then answer in the most basic ways.......shit man, really?
@juelztaylor300 3 года назад
@@scottgall8383 you need Jesus in your life
@bds8715 3 года назад
"I'm a sinner in need of a savior" can be a cliche, mocked by unbelievers. But when realized in a genuine way and that conviction hits, it's a destruction of the self of the like described by Jesus and Paul. Christianity is a metaphorically suicidal religion (as the true worldview was always going to be) and the weight of that suicide, of that conviction, into forgiveness and God's love (and into, a la CS Lewis, the weight of glory) can feel overwhelming...
@emmanuelkatele1 3 года назад
@Gina Ryan C.S Lewis was a what? A satanist??
@emmanuelkatele1 3 года назад
@Gina Ryan C.S Lewis was no satanist. He was a man who used the gift of intelligence that God had given him to bring people to Christ. He has introduced people like me and many others to Christ. No satanist brings people to Christ, only away from him.
@jlouis4407 3 года назад
@Gina Ryan How is CS Lewis a Satanist? 🤣 You sound like a crazy Ellen White type Sabbather, you are, correct? The world ended in 1844, oops I mean Jesus entered the heavenly sanctuary?
@KAROSHIcomics 3 года назад
@Gina Ryan I believe stories written by us mimic God’s word, even by accident. And these works, while imperfect, create a stepping stone to the truth for many. God uses everyone, and C.S. Lewis helped me understand God more than any other besides my own experience. He’s a bridge for many, creative works are like magic in that a balanced work can create a reflection for readers to see themselves. Hiding the story of morality under aesthetic visuals like talking lions and witches is slight of hand, and not witchcraft. I’d argue what C.S Lewis did for me (and many others) is definitely magic, though, I’ll give you that. God bless.
@ACT1ON_JACKSON 3 года назад
@Gina Ryan god isn't real
@rachelparradelong 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing this , JBP helped me come back to fully practicing my faith and I pray for his salvation
@JacGBoots1 3 года назад
i hope you can tell him
@dtrfgr 3 года назад
JBP frames ALL of his thought through the lenses of evolutionary psychology and existentialism. Always remember that when trying to understand him. Predictably, his (ultimately nihilistic) metaphysical stance embraces Buddhism's first noble truth--all existence is suffering. But unlike Buddhism, JP believes we must constantly strive to strengthen ourselves in order to lessen that inevitable suffering to whatever degree possible. The "good," "mythical" and "spiritual" have evolved in human consciousness as adaptive psychological forces designed to mitigate our experiences of chaos and pain. When understood correctly, the Bible, wisdom lit etc are symbolizing natural laws our species have discovered and must follow if we don't want to be consumed by our ever present hell. It's all utilitarian, materialist and sad. He recently spoke with Brent Weinstein (an evolutionary biologist), and listening to them discuss the human condition in a thoroughly clinical manner was truly frightening! As brilliant as both men are, they have missed both the essence and heart of human Being. All this is IMO, but like most existentialists, he seems thoroughly lost wandering around in his hostile Godless world. Hopefully he will soon discover what so many others in his painful predicament have, and he will experience (not intellectualize) the real and Ultimate reality we are all operating within. And judging by recent appearances, he best do it soon. He's too brilliant and honest to lose at this critical point in his/our situation. Thanks.
@welldoitlive8769 3 года назад
Your concerns are 100% valid. Let us pray from him
@sooperd00p 3 года назад
I agree. I have also noticed that nihilistic people tend to judge themselves as if they are God as if they alone have transformed themselves. I would assume that angers God quite a bit to continuously cast out trust in God on your way to truth. Its completely backwards and unscientific. Peterson is essentially sitting on a mountain of evidence that points towards the existence of God, but they trudge forward like nothing happened only to return to their invented hell. Its the plight of the insane imo.
@chrisgreen8803 3 года назад
@RhetoricalMuse 3 года назад
*He recently spoke with Brent Weinstein (an evolutionary biologist), and listening to them discuss the human condition in a thoroughly clinical manner was truly frightening!* It's their job to do this, they have to be as objective as empathic. To find this frightening means oen thing - get a fucking grip! *As brilliant as both men are, they have missed both the essence and heart of human Being* Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Aristotle. Educating the heart refers to the importance of not only focusing on developing the cognitive aspects (our minds) but also all the qualities that make us human (our hearts) and ultimately give us meaning in our lives. So we have known this since Aristotle and before. The presupposition that Weinstein and Peterson have 'missed this', is nothing short of insulting. Peterson is a damn psychologist for Petes sake! We all know this - music, art, film, love. Cmon man don't be so dramatic. *but like most existentialists, he seems thoroughly lost wandering around in his hostile Godless world.* Hostile eh? Countries with high irreligion have high wellbeing. To state a clinical psychologist, high IQ, in the pursuit of knoweldge, rich, happily married, loving family is 'lost'. My oh my. I don't even need to challenge that one. Plain stupid. Furthermore, here are some godless folk, just for fun: Bill Gates Buffett Gervais Sam Harris Dawkins Branson Jodie Foster Woody Allen Aristotle Noam Chomsky *Hopefully he will soon discover what so many others in his painful predicament have, and he will experience (not intellectualize) the real and Ultimate reality we are all operating within.* Again, you do realise he is a psychologist, right? Part of trauma recovery is to come out of the head and into the body. You think he doesn't know this? of course this isn't what you mean...cos....ya know...God. *And judging by recent appearances, he best do it soon.* I'm sure you're right Freud. Sheesh, the arrogance. *He's too brilliant and honest to lose at this critical point in his/our situation* After insulting him you wish him well. Ffksake.
@katharinedavis4947 3 года назад
@Kevin Johnson. Have you seen his most recent video, only 2 or 3 mins long . I think he is being met by our Father , Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He is recognising the enormity of his sin and the amazing grace of God's forgiveness. As I hope we all do when we reach that place . Like Christian in Pilgrims Progress the heavy weight of sin is falling off him . I believe God has used his breakdown. K
@Billcarsonstobaccobox 3 года назад
A wise and anaylitical man taking many paths of reasons and analysis coming closer to God. He's tired, yet might become young again. Love him.
@DeusEstPrimus 3 года назад
Dr. Cooper, I could be wrong, but I get the sense that the majority of the pain he is describing is not really the physical suffering he is experiencing, but conviction. He sounds like a convicted man and I'm not sure he realizes it or wants to admitt/embrace it.
@dtrfgr 3 года назад
Well said!
@jesussaves1599 3 года назад
Exact same thing I was thinking. He's displaying signs of someone who knows his entire life and outlook on life will forever change when he fully yields to the Holy Spirit and he's a little scared right now. If he ever does truly get saved I could just imagine listening to him speak.
@mattw.433 3 года назад
I don't think this is the case. Peterson has been very vocal about the extreme and consistent physical pain that his illness has caused him. To the point that I'm surprised to hear him think and speak so eloquently because anybody who's been in that level of persistent pain for as long as he has, it's remarkable that he can think of anything other than the physical pain.
@DeusEstPrimus 3 года назад
@@mattw.433 Yes...this is true. It also true that you can be suffering from different types of pain at the same. Like you, I have heard Mr. Peterson speak on his physical pain. This appears different. Peterson is fighting something, you can see it all over him. This does not look like physical pain, but more like emotional distress. You may be right though, just my 0.2 cents
@Organicme1 3 года назад
It's hard at first to deal with the since of love and shame, the love that has always been there for you and the shame of not excepting it sooner & of your sins. I can't seem to read, hear, or think about God without crying, it's odd. I have always loved him but didn't embrace him until he saved me a couple yrs ago and the crying began. I hope the crying part wears off I feel silly.
@brittanybradford9239 3 года назад
Christians pray for Mr Peterson. God is working on him. He could be a strong endtimes voice for the Lord
@Bassium08 3 года назад
Indeed, he's been dancing around what Christian morality pushes and it sounds like it's finally catching up to him. Jordan must have needed to be brought low through the recent events he suffered that he may finally be reached.
@wc8048 3 года назад
I’d rather pray that God would save him without the added expectation that he would not be a voice for Christians. Let’s not look for Christian celebrities.
@brittanybradford9239 3 года назад
@@wc8048 of course that would be the most important thing. And who said anything about celebrity? JP is a solid clear thinking individual who has a unique ability to get folks to think. Maybe God is calling him? He will have to figure this out himself bc most ppl like him die in sin bc they are always to critical.
@brittanybradford9239 3 года назад
@@Bassium08 wow, that sounds very true. He may be one of those that are to smart for their own good and this could be the Lords way of actually breaking through to him in a deeper way.
@gotcha9983 3 года назад
Yes! In Jesus name I pray fill Jordan with your truth wisdom love and light, and most importantly I pray he is studying the word . God has plans for this man. He reigned the Luke warm and atheist students in (including myself..but o had to move on to the Lord. This man did help me on my way there though)..got their attention and now he can blow the lid off with the Word of God. He will help save so many souls. I have faith God will knock him down to humble simple man..lose the over thinking of things.. to build him back up...so he can have good testimony and reach so many souls. God is good ❤
@daudenfield2905 3 года назад
Now that's a pair of Jordans I'd be interested in buying ......... I'll let myself out....
@tammybaker125 3 года назад
@yodaddy3596 3 года назад
@thoughtfulpilgrim1521 3 года назад
It made me very happy that Lewis's essay "Myth Became Fact" is quoted in these videos. The collection of essays in "God in the Dock" are well worth the read.
@elainejan 3 года назад
This is a beautiful video. Poignant and so well articulated on every point.
@benpotgiter4440 3 года назад
It would be great if you could have a friendly talk with Jonathan some day
@DrJordanBCooper 3 года назад
I don't know much about him.
@benpotgiter4440 3 года назад
@@DrJordanBCooper give a few other videos of his a try. I am very interested what your thoughts will be
@benpotgiter4440 3 года назад
@@DrJordanBCooper his 3 part video called Death to Glory is amazing. I also enjoyed his videos on Eden
@rachelparradelong 3 года назад
I would love to see that I follow Johnathan ! I don’t agree on some things but I do think he loves Christ and has some good insight
@j_deo 3 года назад
@erikstanton5651 3 года назад
Wow if only more intellectuals could use there intelec to see the truth and wisdom of God's word like this, profound insight here!..I'm praying for you Jordan
@JacGBoots1 3 года назад
yes! he is actually a truth seeker
@samuelrivera4362 3 года назад
Those of us who are followers, believers of the Jewish Messiah, have a great responsibility to not only pray for our loved ones; But also for those who walk without GOD, without hope in the world. Pray for the president of our nation and the entire political branch, the prisoners and the sick, For Peace in Jerusalem and our soldiers and the Martyrs of the Pure Gospel in countries like China and others. But I am going to ask for a prayer for Dr. Jordan B Peterson's and his family. GOD bless your pilgrimage. Amen.
@jamesdecker8069 3 года назад
@HeatherMelton77872 3 года назад
@bensonthepuppy 3 года назад
I pray for President Trump.
@polopopolo2197 3 года назад
Find myself coming back to this video at different times. I really don’t know why but I really enjoy this. Maybe it’s the honest conversation and the juxtaposition between Dr. Cooper and Dr. Peterson. One Doctor a believer in the Lord and the other wrestling with the Lord. Dr. Cooper breaks down a complex subject into layman‘s terms in a wonderful way.
@marianweigh6411 3 года назад
@pjwg 3 года назад
I really enjoyed this video. It is very edifying and applies to each one of us who call ourselves believers. I pray that we are admonished to be more Christ-like and trust in Him for our santification. Thank you Dr. Cooper.
@gretelhance 3 года назад
God gives the increase! Preach the Gospel is our command
@nicolepreou6754 3 года назад
Pain and Suffering shows us we are not in control, totally relying on Jesus in every way
@JacGBoots1 3 года назад
The Suffering Servant
@rockjock32492 3 года назад
I appreciated this content and your comments. Thank you kind, sir.
@JacGBoots1 3 года назад
Amen to that!
@ggbrady 3 года назад
I would respond to JP when he brings up his pain, and the idea of joy feeling cruel. He isn't wrong, in a rational sense. But that's the key. I'd send him to the entire book of Acts. Not to invalidate his own pain, but to show how so many who were brutally persecuted and still found joy. Irrationally, from a secular aspect, but God-given in a Christian perspective. The very understanding of, "Come, Lord Jesus". The hope, and faith that what we are struggling through is nothing compared with what we will receive. And yes, with your comment on what Joy is. I'd add that happiness is fleeting, joy is eternal. Like St. Augustine's message about when he was with a black void of a heart back in his early years. He constantly sought to satiate the hunger in his heart, but it was never enough. Christ filled it entirely for him, and he found joy. Sadness and suffering are also fleeting.
@ComfyCozyShelle 3 года назад
I used to be a born again christian. I turned agnostic at 18 and then shortly after atheist. The blow up of Jordan Peterson re-ignited in some way my interest in spiritual matters. I've opened up again to spirituality, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that I believe in god again. I am still very much on that skeptical atheistic side of the spiritual spectrum. nonetheless, I found these discussions very interesting. thank you for making this video! I look forward to hearing more about JP's spirituality!
@thursdaythursday5884 3 года назад
Pastor Cooper should have a talk with Jonathan Pageau about icons and Protestantism.
@tracychesney4336 3 года назад
He should also talk to him about delivering the unadulterated Gospel of Christ to someone who is struggling with sin, and practically begging for the relief of the Gospel though he may not know what it is that he needs. I watched the whole interview; it was painful to see Jonathon talk about all sorts of God things during that interview, without ever telling him that Jesus lived a perfect life for Jordan, died for Jordan sins, and rose again so that he would have eternal life. He should have explained that when we are forgiven and adopted by Jesus we will continue to be both saint and sinner, but that we are covered by the blood of Jesus. I was practically in tears for the missed opportunity, and kept thinking how differently the conversation would have been had Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller been speaking with Jordan Peterson.
@whitedove7945 3 года назад
@@tracychesney4336 Thank you, Tracy. You said it 💯 times more eloquently than I just tried to. God bless🙏🤗
@vngelicath1580 2 года назад
@@tracychesney4336 To be fair to Jonathan, his articulation of Christ and what that means for the human race is not far from what Dr. Cooper has had to say. The framing of Jesus as the greatest thing that humanity has ever possessed, being an offering to restore the fractalled creation, re-orienting the cosmos toward the highest Good and doing away with sin and death! How is the Gospel NOT present in that?? Just because he didn't explicitly personalize for Peterson? He all but said this. This is a major issue with contemporary "Lutheranism".. Our salvation is not at first a personal "for you" substitution (subjective justification; ordo salutis). It is Christ's actual person and work in history as the manifestation of the greatest thing humanity has ever produced (by incarnated grace) returning itself and all things to the Father in infinite self-sacrifice by which God accepts this reality and death is destroyed (historia salutis; objective justification). Faith in this reality (by the power of the Spirit) is a secondary apprehension of this reality, but the Gospel is nevertheless fully preached when even the Historical Story of Salvation is proclaimed. "For you"-ism is Gerhard Forde nonsense.
@liljoydagdag4953 3 года назад
we have joy because we know whatever happens we have our Father in heaven,Jesus as our high priest and the Holy Spirit groaning in prayer for us.That eternal life awaits us after this short suffering
@JacGBoots1 3 года назад
Amen! Glory to God!!!
@nickgeorgiou123 3 года назад
First time watcher, really enjoyed your presentation
@JacGBoots1 3 года назад
@vincentklug 3 года назад
Well done! Appreciate the work you put into this. Can you please tell me what camera and mic you use? I do FB Live...
@revbogoldie2368 3 года назад
What a blessing to wake up. Beautiful 🌹
@johnrevelation37 3 года назад
I really enjoy this channel. Thank you for your dedication. God bless.
@moomin8251 3 года назад
The remarks he made about people who say they believe in God but don't live it out, reminded me of something I read once. "The world will not believe in a risen Saviour until they can see His crucified body". The crucified life is not a popular message today.
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
Good video. Greetings from an Orthodox Christian brother, God bless you
@matthewkeeley4479 3 года назад
In prayers for Jordon P, I pray he keeps on keeping on. So many of us can say when on our faith journey, we were praying or talking to Him as if He was listening; and asking Him to please reveal HImself in ways I understand. JP's fear and trepidation of believing is actually refreshing, JP most recent trials are challenging trials! Let's keep on praying for his saving faith as he hears by the Word of God. Such a hard road to be walking things out, basically, shown for a very large audience.
@henrymartinez6894 2 года назад
Thanks for explaining and showing the thoughts of Jordan be Peterson both of you I’ve gained such knowledge and wisdom and it’s good that we can all hear and learn from it.
@757optim 3 года назад
People who ascribe the actions of "Christians" to Christ err gravely. Jesus said to be like Him, but no one is, or can be. When you see a "Christian" do something hypocritical, know that Jesus never sinned. Had He done so, the Cross would be meaningless. All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. The Lamb of God paid the price, saying, "It is done".
@mandycote5662 3 года назад
Christ called His followers disciples So called christians call themselves Something's are caught Some things are taught Sister Sharon Johnson- motivatingu2 win- Quote ❤
@heatherb6141 3 года назад
Jordan tastes the weight of it...the weight of God’s Glory! Taste and see that God is good! Revere & fear God 🙌🏼 Jordan must know now that He searches hearts-Jordan is fully known by God. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Remain humble, teachable and seek Him with all your heart and you will find Truth or rather God reveals Himself to you. Falling face down in awestruck wonder...Who am I? You desire relationship with me?? ❤️God is Love. Amazing grace...transforming power- Life abundant in Christ. Gifting you eyes that see & ears that hear...Christ is the Way, the truth and the Life! Nothing is impossible for God. Grateful 😌I am weak but He - HE is STRONG. 💓 Worship in Spirit & Truth🙌🏼❤️🕊
@gotcha9983 3 года назад
Please pray for me. My parents and my sister and her husband need God. I am finding Christian family..but I miss my biological family. They are lost and I pray they surrender to the Lord. In Jesus name. Amen
@julianledezma5633 3 года назад
Thats amazing my first experience happened at a border check point like 60 miles from delrio tx on hwy 277 i was illegal had recently been deported like 6 months prior and obviously i didnt have legal status but i went back because i had 2 lil baby girls and a wife in the US so i risked evrything to get back to them i prayed to God to please let me get back to my children imagine being arrested separated from your family i was raised in delrio since the age of 6 went to sxhool and evrything my friends didnt even kno i was illegal no one knew only my fam and when i broke the law i got deported I was 22 yrs old so i spent 3 months in val verde county and then sent to crystal city to be deported thru eaglepass into Mexico so when i finally got deported it was like losing my family for the 2nd time and my journey jst got tougher 5 months later i finally got the oportunity to cross and i made it across the river got to my grandmas house in del Rio and chilled there for about a month then i had to try and make it past the checkpoint to get to my family which was in pittsburg texas about an 1 1/2 hr east of dallas I rode these vans that take ppl from the border to like dallas or ft worth but when we got to the check point a black border patrol opens the van sidedoor and asks the passengers for their visas and all of them had theirs except me i had no documents no id nothing when he points to me and says what about you? all i could say was oh im a us citizen and i remember he said get your bags and get down i was scared and lost cuz I knew I'D be back in jail and then deported again and wasnt gonna be able to get to be with my family my little girls and that completely shattered my whole being I felt completely lost. I got up my hands were shaking i couldnt keep my composure and i slowly moved toward the front to exit and this lady was sitting next to my bag and i guess she saw me shaking that when i reached for my luggage she leaned toward me and jst bearly touched my hand and in spanish she whispered in my ear "con calma mijo con calma " and i felt her bearly touch my hand as i reached to grab my bag and I blinked and when i opened my eyes I was in this huge open space and it was all white like the clouds i was in this vast white space and i immediately became engulfed by this feeling of peace and love and happines joy all in once and i opened my arms cus i wanted embrace the eternal love i was feeling and i remember opening my eyes and in thought i dont think i spoke I said in my mind but outloud i said "O my God i know its you where are you? and I'm looking around in this vast open white space as i asked the question and i started seeing images like tvs showing me all kinds of pictures and i saw how God is everything the air we breathe the water we drink the last grain of sand in all the oceans in all the planets in all the universe he showed me how he is everywhere and everything then after seeing that i started to wonder about my self cuz i was concience i knew who i was i didnt lose my identity and i look down at my legs and feet cuz i could feel i had them cus when i first got their i opened my arms and i could feel i had legs but when i looked down i couldnt see them like the werent there and I looked to my arms and i couldnt see them either as im looking at my missing arms and legs that i felt i had i noticed these little beams of light coming straight out of my eyes and i remember putting my hands to my face even tho i couldnt see them i still used them and moved like i had them and as I moved my hand close to my face to try and catch the light beams coming out of my eyes i noticed that my head was this yellow light that i was emiting from my head and i saw how i was a ball of energy floting in this eternal vast pure white place which made a contrast well in the vast white eternal place i saw it firery like a energy and then i blinked again and i was back on earth i calculated it lasted about 12 seconds and also i remember that the feeling of eternal love it was the most beautiful feeling ive ever felt in my life never felt it again since them and i cry evrytime i remember i can't help it and i remember that the feeling of love and peace increased in intensity with every passing second the feeling of eternal love kept rising with evrysecond and i felt that if i had stayed in their the feeling would of kept rising almost as if it would never stop growimg it felt like the eternal love and peace i felt would of kept rising for ever it was eternal jst like the white vast space the love feeling matched the white eternal space they both went on forever i felt like i could run in there and never ever hit a wall or nothing it was so pure in there that i couldn't even think of anything about the world almost like it didn't even matter not even a small negative thought could exist in there it didnt let you think of anything negative or the world it completely didnt matter then like i said i opened my eyes and I was back on earth and still had to face the border patrol 4 deep amd i remember the first thought that came to my mind when i saw the border patrol this phrase crossed my mind " game on" i felt so smart and so mentally sharp that i tell my family i felt like if you threw an apple in the air i could chop it in half with jst my eye sight i honestly felt ready for the interrogation long story short they drilled me for 40 minutes and couldnt figure out why i was there with no documents and they went on a trip trying to bust me but all the right answers came rightt outta my mouth 40 minutes later they had nothing finally the guy. Gave up and said next time you come down here again make sure you bring your id or your documents and that day after all that i finally got reunited with my lil baby girls and wife I will forever be Greatful Dear Heavenly Father for your mrecy thank you Jesus in your name Amen! And that was my first experience in 2002 and didnt have te courage to tell it untill 18 years later.
@maggiefay3765 3 года назад
I kind of have a similar experience- it sounds unbelievable, even to myself sometimes, but my memory of it is always vivid. I believe it happened as I was being born (2002). I remember suddenly being conscious (but obviously not of my identity because I was a baby) and it was pitch black. I was crying and reaching my arms upwards (although I couldn't see them), as if in desperation of not wanting to start life on earth yet. Then I heard a voice say, "God loves you" (although of course I couldn't have understood it in English because I didn't even know any language yet- it's probably how my mind interpreted it to mean later on when I could put words to it). It was as if those words were a consolation that God would always be with me- that leaving the womb wouldn't mean leaving God's presence. Every time I think of it, I just remember the feeling of God's overwhelming presence and love, and it always brings me to tears. It also reminds me of Psalm 139:13-16. I've used this memory as an anchor for my faith.
@gmoney15204 3 года назад
It’s all about being thankful about everything presently God really gives that to you that in spite of pain and everything else in God we can be thankful
@rachelparradelong 3 года назад
I totally agree with you , he gets the weight of what it would mean for him it this is real. I think what he is going through is process that could lead to salvation . I have been praying for him and I am very grateful for the way God used him to bring me back to pursuing my faith .
@76mishima 3 года назад
I think you are very correct at 17.00 and on (and in the rest of the video in fact) that a lot of people just are not willing to actually take up the offer God has given us nor more to the point fully understand just how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL it is! I really think they are not seeing it. 'Come to me, literally gratis, the work is done' I don't think a lot of people really grasp the boldness of this one truth, this sacred Holy gift that they can just reach for Him and there He is and will fulfill every promise faithfully. I sometimes think the really young Kid's books Sunday school books explain it better than theology.
@airitindeparrotin6018 3 года назад
The life of Paul is one of the best, if not THE best example of a full transformation of the heart. ... I love Paul...
@justme-dee6888 3 года назад
Oh my goodness Jordan's discussion interview is so powerful and insightful and I believe God directed. Plus the commentary explaining the various things that Jordan is grappling with is so enlightening and compelling. I have been a Christian for many years and yet am convicted hearing this discussion. I praise God that he is gracious and patient and persistently pursues us. I thank God for this video I will be repeatedly listening to it and sharing it. I'm praying for Jordan as God is pursuing him.
@DennisMerwood-xk8wp 3 года назад
Christians tell us God has a plan for everybody, right? So who are you to pray to God telling him his plan for Peterson is wrong?
@markwallace95 3 года назад
@@DennisMerwood-xk8wp to answer your question, if you were really looking for an answer, justme-dee sound like they are a faithful Christian doing what God wants us to do
@gabrieltalley6041 3 года назад
Dr. JP acts and thinks more in line with Christ and His teachings and understands the weight of the words in scripture more than most Christians, including myself.
@chrisdgough 3 года назад
What version of A Mighty Fortress is that? I love it!
@lorenzomurrone2430 3 года назад
One of my favourite videos you have ever made!
@forexman4894 3 года назад
Jesus was the only one that was perfect. I pray to be more like him everyday.
@eddiewakes9425 3 года назад
We understand that the point is the transformative, re-generational power available to those who take on Christ's perfect and finished work of propitiation in a "saving belief" (= faith), not the futile attempt to MANufacture it.
@lightworker4512 3 года назад
Jesus was human too and was not perfect. He got very angry at the vendors at the temple and over turned their tables. He did not turn his other cheek or love his enemy.
@mattgardiner614 3 года назад
@@lightworker4512 There is such a thing as righteous anger, but regardless, it is not a sin to be angry. At times, God himself feels anger. For example, when his ancient people broke their agreement to worship only him and started to serve false gods, “Jehovah’s anger blazed against” them. (Judges 2:​13, 14). Are you saying God is not perfect?
@paulosborne4993 3 года назад
"In him was no sin found"
@mattgardiner614 3 года назад
@@paulosborne4993 I'm not seeing your point
@koulihere 3 года назад
I am sooooo grateful that I was born Christian and my pride is only in Christ my lord. Peace
@whitedove7945 3 года назад
@@johnsala1619 I hope Joseph meant to say, he was a "born" again christian! 🤗 I'm sure he knows that everyone is born in sin! Why do you think we come out screaming instead of laughing with joy! Satan is right there waiting to attack us as soon as we are born! Satan is the one that teaches us to lie. A 2 year old doesn't automatically know how to lie or be sassy or sneaky. It's all satan. Bring your child up in the way he should go, and he will not turn from it. Amen
@ronnychristenjoyer6778 3 года назад
Hey Dr Cooper, you are a theologian, could you please answer two of my biblical questions? 1. I've heard that what we refer to as 'eternal life', is supposedly "only" an age-long life, because the word eternal is based off of the greek word 'eon', which means age. So, our idea of a never ending life with Jesus, is actually "only" an 'age-long' time with Jesus (possibly the 1000 year reign?), but not a never ending one. What do you think? 2. What do you think about the idea, that Jesus was nailed to a tree and not a wooden cross, as is tradition. Paul and Peter say that Jesus was nailed to a tree. I heard that when Jesus was carrying his cross, the original word is 'sturro', which means beam and not cross, which would be crux. I'm not an expert, but I think this would tie in nicely with the tree of life theme. His death is our door to the tree of life, that is forbidden for those that eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of which we are all bound to eat as sons of Adam. Jesus pormised to let us eat from the fruit of life, which of course is incompatible with the eating of the fruit of good and evil. So his sacrifice on the tree was our way to eat and drink 'Jesus', a type of fruit of the tree of life. What do you think?
@Cuyt24 3 года назад
Dr.Jordan B. Cooper, Dr. Jordan B Peterson, so confusing 😕
@lc-mschristian5717 3 года назад
May God bring Dr. Peterson to true repentance. Thank you for this video. God's peace be with you.
@AJMacDonaldJr 3 года назад
God bless him! 🙏
@gotcha9983 3 года назад
Surrender completely Jordan. In Jesus name I pray for everyone including myself that we follow Jesus all the way home. God is pushing us faster and harder and the spiritual war is real . Walk through the door..and be with Jesus . I have faith in all of us struggling between world and God....that we choose wisely. Amen
@suzettevdm51 3 года назад
Christian fact - when our rescued spirit through Christ on the cross leaves our earthly body rots away but our spirit becomes fully glorified in eternity
@seanvaughn7566 3 года назад
Anyone who preaches the gospel with a faith only approach, is only talking about what we will receive, not about what we must enter into by faithful obedience, which is the narrow gate that leads to life.
@kevinpeterson5779 2 года назад
Man what a wake up call We as Christians should show the world that Christ does transform us. Because in our current culture and the church doesn’t look that different ! With our contemporary Christian music festivals we are not representing Christ as we should….. we’ve become a stumbling block for the very people that we need to be witnessing to😞
@davegallagher3444 3 года назад
I really enjoyed your commentary and am hoping you could help me with a question. What role do we ultimately play in our salvation as it’s clearly stated in Ephesians that the faith that saves us is a gift from God?
@liljoydagdag4953 3 года назад
hi bro,from what i know our part is to accept that gift of salvation.
@slotheatworld 2 года назад
This is an amazing video. Thank you.
@kathrynstiles3509 3 года назад
There is so much joy in Christ but we feel the pain and sorrow of the consequences of sin even though we know we have a much brighter future. I have lately been attempting to really deeply let go of striving for righteousness and instead focus on my love relationship with Christ. Jesus is absolutely real and He shows up when we seek Him.
@kathrynstiles3509 3 года назад
@@mackdaddy798 Thank you so much, God bless you!
@theknitfoxvideography5795 3 года назад
I started my own youtube to talk about christian theology and the arts. It's a companion to my theartsis blog. I talk about Jordan Peterson in a recent video and his new rule 8
@jogger949 3 года назад
I belong to Christ, but do not underestimate the existence of the devil. The biggest hoax the world ever allowed, was that the devil doesn't exist. If you trust in Christ deep in your heart, you also know that other souls can be manipulated by evil. Christ keeps you on the right path. The devil confuses, deceives and REASONS on morals, even to the point that a Christian's moral grounding can slip.
@kevinrombouts3027 3 года назад
Great presentation and analysis. Isn't it fascinating and wonderful how the Holy Spirit works on an individual's life.
@johnwilhelm385 3 года назад
That was beautiful, exactly what I needed to hear!
@bombaway2029 3 года назад
“I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was well-pleasing in Your sight. 22All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.”
@suzettevdm51 3 года назад
To rest in Him 🎼
@clarrainehargray3021 3 года назад
We are Saved by Grace which allows us to believe in Jesus Christ. Once you accept His Gift of Salvation, Grace, become more meaningful.
@DanS24106 3 года назад
With respect to the idea the transformation a true believer experiences can be evidence of that belief to the outside observer, I am not persuaded that's necessarily always the case. When we look at those who actually walked with Jesus and how they deserted Him in his final hours, one has to consider that belief doesn't flip a switch into a radically different person. Faith is truly a journey. From a Catholic standpoint where you can in fact lose your salvation, this makes sense. From a Calvinistic perspective, probably not. In my view, the transformation of belief or the experiencing of being born again, is only the beginning.
@markwallace95 3 года назад
faith is a journey but every time and always, salvation happens in an instant
@TheTkrum 3 года назад
Closest a believer in Jesus will ever get to hell, is this life. However, Closest any nonbeliever in the deity of Jesus will ever get to Heaven, is this life. Let that sink in. Jesus for the win.
@lightworker4512 3 года назад
Billions of unbelievers are burning in hell for eternity. Programmed unthinking minds have that belief system. God is love, God is within us all. The messiah is you, me, all of us. We must transform ourselves first and the world will follow. We must learn our lesson in the classroom of life
@TheTkrum 3 года назад
Light Worker as it was unnatural to sin in the garden - it is unnatural to accept Jesus in this life over the things of this world. It takes an external force to push down a tree growing vertically. A violent storm or heavy piece of equipment could externally provide that force. Just as a tree will never correct it’s own crooked path - regardless of what external force made it crooked, it will continue to grow crooked for the rest of it’s life. God can send a strong wind in the opposite direction, or a group of men can bring in expertise and their equipment, to right the path of the crooked tree - but the tree can never do this on its own. People, like trees, can’t right themselves. People live crooked lives, all of us do, Bible says so. If it takes an external force from a wicked storm and/or from a group of willing and able bodies to right trees - better believe it takes the same, if not more, to help humans understand their crooked ways and help them better learn about Jesus.
@lightworker4512 3 года назад
@@TheTkrum The garden was paradise as Adam and Eve were not fully conscious. God wanted them to be fully conscious so he allowed the snake in the garden and the tree of knowledge. Eating the forbidden fruit made them fully conscious. Now they knew they were naked and ashamed. They chose to be fully conscious and had to leave the garden of Oneness to live in the world of contrast. Still, they were protected. God breathed his spirit into Adam giving him life. The spirit of God is in Adam, in all of humanity. Upon death, the breath, the spirit is the first to leave the body and return back to God, the Source. The body, is nothing, that which is temporary, is nothing. It is the Spirit which is real and resides in each of us. The first letter of the Torah starts off with the letter, Bet, the second letter of the alphabet. Alph is one. The Torah starts off with Bet as it means blessing, you are always blessed ( your an eternal spiritual being) as you learn and experience life in this world of duality (2) When you connect to that piece of God within you, you remember who you really are. But we are human, we all cast a dark shadow capable of evil as we are separated from our indwelling spirit and only plugged into our human mind connected to the collective consciousness of humanity from the past to the present. We are all born saved. Religion is man made and used to program people. God is not fear but Love. We are all part of God.
@TheTkrum 3 года назад
Light Worker wrong. Adam and Eve were born sinless and perfect in Gods image. Satan, out his jealousy, created a plan to try and take out Gods pinnacle achievement. Satan manifested sin in the form of deception to manipulate Eve in a way so foreign, so unknown, so unnatural and unaware - it was as if taking candy from a baby, and like that Eve was deceived. But not without an external force unnatural applied to Eve from satan in the form of deception. The garden wasn’t a prison. There were no locked gates. Adam and Eve knew the rules. As a guest in my house, there are rules - just as there are rules in your house. Duh. Coming over and spending time with me is no prison sentence, but it does come with some rules. Adam and Eve decided to break that rule, which led to the consequence of now knowing good, and evil. Once they knew too much, they had to go. Makes sense. Once you violate my rules, you must leave. Thankfully that wasn’t the end of it. Thankfully Jesus Christ died for our sins. Thankfully even the entire worlds time clock rotates around the birth of Jesus - so to further prove everyone can trust Him and believe in His name. No works get you into Heaven, just the redeeming blood of Jesus. Only having a relationship with Jesus and trusting in His name, His works and His deity gets someone into Heaven. Believing in the cross and His resurrection. The God-man. Our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Just as it took an external force to make Eve sin, it takes an external force to bring Jesus into someone’s heart. A crooked tree won’t correct itself 😉
@lightworker4512 3 года назад
@@TheTkrum you really need to read more, it may help open your eyes
@טימותילורנס 3 года назад
Just think of how much respect that he would lose in the "intellectual community" if he came right out with the truth, ultimately that's his livelihood that we're talking about. He just needs to let go of that fear and call it for what it really is. We all need to. It's hard to let go of the life that we have all become so comfortable with, but when we finally do, the gifts the receive are beyond comparison. Just let it go, Yeshua will provide you with everything you could ever dream of and so much more. This a fact. Much Love!
@jamesredmond6699 3 года назад
These things he talks about Joy chastisement love all these things are written in hermas and the Dead Sea scrolls also Clement is a very fine read if you want to understand parables but the laws of God are written in Hermas it's a fine read and gives you clear understanding of what God expects of us
@steffann1177 3 года назад
I remember I used to talk foolish things about Jesus Christ and consider christians fools for believing those "fairy tales". But I could not find the explanation of evil in the world. So I just said into me:"Leave aside the human rationality and just read the Bible like its true". So I did, and God revelated to me that the story of Adam and Eve is plain true. So I read it all, and the figure of Christ just impressed me. I cried when I read when He spoke that He will be beaten, will die and ressurect. I think dr Peterson perhaps must just BELIEVE, no matter what, believing be the GOAL, not understanding, leaving aside rationality, philosophy, etc. God will soften his heart and He will see the truth. Christ is indeed God and Man, Alpha and Omega, the Truth, the Path and the Life (Romanian orthodox)
@markjacksonturner6462 3 года назад
Praying for Jordan. Interesting that his name is Jordan. The boundary of the Promised Land and Peterson, which means son of Peter.
@JacGBoots1 3 года назад
@KJ-lb4tj 3 года назад
Let us honestly all see ourselves as equal under God
@clintonadams5006 3 года назад
Amen,lets see it now on earth we all need to be here think about it were are all esential.
@halnicholas3791 3 года назад
I wish you preachers would just leave the poor guy alone. Give him some space.
@oscarballard7911 3 года назад
Some of us are destined to suffer more in this life. Hopefully to reap greater rewards in the next?
@gotcha9983 3 года назад
@annayudin290 3 года назад
The "suffering" is for endurance, molding (sculpting) and for purification. It's for our good, in this life!
@76mishima 3 года назад
Ah Jordon, worship is not just 'being thankful for material things you have'
@jamesbertram7925 3 года назад
do you believe Acts chapter 26v20, and if do you believe that Abraham believed in God in Genesis 12, according to Hebrews chapter 11v8, and what did Abraham believe when he was justified in Genesis chapter 15v6
@brittanybradford9239 3 года назад
It’s amazing to see God at work in someone’s life.
@gotcha9983 3 года назад
@jamesdecker8069 3 года назад
:0) Yes!
@alexanderfrost1476 3 года назад
Jordan Peterson reminds me of Paul in the bible. The highly intelligent man whom God took from the whole to led many to the gospel using his intelligence. Paul also had an ailment too in Galatians 4 and 2 Corin that he(paul) later seems to conclude God ALLOWED in his life to keep him from being consumed by his knowledge(pride). Peterson is extremely intelligent that wows other intelligent people...such people can easily slip into extreme arrogance, and i just feel(i might be wrong), like paul, his pain is a kind of steady reminder to reflect and keep him grounded on things that matter the most - his humanity. I see a man God is going to use mightily(if not already using because he's blessed me and many already)
@carbine090909 3 года назад
For too many people, believing in the Christ seems to be disjointed from believing in one's own rightness, even to the point of acting in opposition to Biblical truth. In this case, God's mercy exists primarily to forgive us for any missteps, while having the assurance that God will surely see things our way. That's what gets taught to the nations, and I fear that's the Christianity that appeals to people. I agree with your assessment about suffering and trust, and I agree, he gets it. BTW, I've heard that contemporary accounts of Abraham Lincoln describe him as having a high-pitched voice. It was always hard for me to imagine, until I heard Dr. Peterson speak.
@PsyCygnet 3 года назад
This man HAS to be saved, my there’s so much he can do for a Christ....I’ve no doubt he’s working on him,
@Hannah-qy4mm 3 года назад
I mean he’s just so close to the truth that we can feel it ourselves watching him talk and how he displays himself. This man is SO incredibly close to God that it is beginning to terrify him! I pray that he comes to the truth because Dr. Peterson could do such great things through Him.
@tammyambrose9729 3 года назад
Praying God would give you an Incredible encounter!!!! Jesus set me free and changed my life!!!! I have never regretted my decision to follow God
@GouthJ79 3 года назад
I pray for this man.
@willettej7988 2 года назад
You don’t have to be a doctor of anything, or a scholar, or a philosopher. When we realize Jesus is real, there is no other reality and there is no analysis of the claims of Jesus Christ. We jus KNOW the truth
@vennue9958 2 года назад
sin is really choosing your desires over God, one needs the grace of God to overcome it...thru the sacraments He has given us
@juelztaylor300 3 года назад
Jordan.P. has to realize (narrow is the path to eternal life)...it will never be easy to get there..but we can get there
@PatrickMoto97 3 года назад
“...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 6:23 NIV
@mike81psy 3 года назад
Confessions of Saint Augustine Chapter X-XII: "Let them perish from Thy presence, O God, as perish vain talkers and seducers of the soul: who observing that in deliberating there were two wills, affirm that there are two minds in us of two kinds, one good, the other evil. Themselves are truly evil, when they hold these evil things; and themselves shall become good when they hold the truth and assent unto the truth, that Thy Apostle may say to them, Ye were sometimes darkness, but now light in the Lord. But they, wishing to be light, not in the Lord, but in themselves, imagining the nature of the soul to be that which God is, are made more gross darkness through a dreadful arrogancy; for that they went back farther from Thee, the true Light that enlightened every man that cometh into the world. Take heed what you say, and blush for shame: draw near unto Him and be enlightened, and your faces shall not be ashamed... Therefore was I at strife with myself... not the presence of another mind, but the punishment of my own. Therefore it was no more I that wrought it, but sin that dwelt in me; the punishment of a sin more freely committed, in that I was a son of Adam... two natures: one good, draws this way; another bad, draws back that way... For Thou, O true God, dost disprove, check, and convict... Thus also, when, above, eternity delights us, and the pleasure of temporal good holds us down below, it is the same soul which willeth not this or that with an entire will; and therefore is rent asunder with grievous perplexities, while out of truth it sets this first, but out of habit sets not that aside... Thus soul-sick was I, and tormented, accusing myself... rolling and turning... till that were wholly broken, whereby I now was but just, but still was, held. And Thou, O Lord, pressedst upon me in my inward parts by a severe mercy, redoubling the lashes of fear and shame, lest I should again give way, and not bursting that same slight remaining tie, it should recover strength, and bind me the faster. For I said with myself, “Be it done now, be it done now.”... yet sunk not back to my former state, but kept my stand hard by, and took breath... The very toys of toys, and vanities of vanities, my ancient mistresses, still held me; they plucked my fleshy garment, and whispered softly, “Dost thou cast us off? and from that moment shall we no more be with thee for ever? and from that moment shall not this or that be lawful for thee for ever?” And what was it which they suggested in that I said, “this or that,” what did they suggest, O my God? Let Thy mercy turn it away from the soul of Thy servant. What defilements did they suggest! what shame! And now I much less than half heard them, and not openly showing themselves and contradicting me, but muttering as it were behind my back, and privily plucking me, as I was departing, but to look back on them. Yet they did retard me, so that I hesitated to burst and shake myself free from them, and to spring over whither I was called; a violent habit saying to me, “Thinkest thou, thou canst live without them?” But now it spake very faintly. For on that side whither I had set my face, and whither I trembled to go, there appeared unto me the chaste dignity of Continency, serene... cast thyself upon Him, fear not He will not withdraw Himself that thou shouldest fall; cast thyself fearlessly upon Him, He will receive, and will heal thee.” And I blushed exceedingly, for that I yet heard the muttering of those toys, and hung in suspense... “Stop thine ears against those... They tell thee of delights, but not as doth the law of the Lord thy God.” This controversy in my heart was self against self only.. But when a deep consideration had from the secret bottom of my soul drawn together and heaped up all my misery in the sight of my heart; there arose a mighty storm, bringing a mighty shower of tears. Which that I might pour forth wholly, in its natural expressions... I cast myself down I know not how, under a certain fig-tree, giving full vent to my tears; and the floods of mine eyes gushed out an acceptable sacrifice to Thee. And, not indeed in these words, yet to this purpose, spake I much unto Thee: and Thou, O Lord, how long? how long, Lord, wilt Thou be angry for ever?... So was I speaking and weeping in the most bitter contrition of my heart, when, lo! I heard from a neighbouring house a voice... “Take up and read; Take up and read. “ Instantly, my countenance altered... So checking the torrent of my tears, I arose; interpreting it to be no other than a command from God to open the book, and read the first chapter I should find. For I had heard of Antony, that coming in during the reading of the Gospel, he received the admonition... Eagerly then I returned to the place where Alypius was sitting; for there had I laid the volume of the Apostle when I arose thence. I seized, opened, and in silence read that section on which my eyes first fell: Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying; but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, in concupiscence. No further would I read; nor needed I: for instantly at the end of this sentence, by a light as it were of serenity infused into my heart, all the darkness of doubt vanished away. Then putting my finger between, or some other mark, I shut the volume, and with a calmed countenance made it known to Alypius. And what was wrought in him, which I knew not, he thus showed me. He asked to see what I had read: I showed him; and he looked even further than I had read, and I knew not what followed. This followed, him that is weak in the faith, receive; which he applied to himself, and disclosed to me. And by this admonition was he strengthened; and by a good resolution and purpose, and most corresponding to his character, wherein he did always very far differ from me, for the better, without any turbulent delay he joined me. Thence we go in to my mother; we tell her; she rejoiceth: we relate in order how it took place; she leaps for joy, and triumpheth, and blesseth Thee, Who are able to do above that which we ask or think; for she perceived that Thou hadst given her more for me, than she was wont to beg by her pitiful and most sorrowful groanings. For thou convertedst me unto Thyself", see www.ccel.org/ccel/augustine/confess.ix.x.html
@jb_0029 3 года назад
Amen, wonderful testimony of our brother Augustine
@whitedove7945 3 года назад
Mikael klintred The Lord told us to believe God, not man. St. Augustine was a man, full of words. Where is Lord Jesus Christ in his ramblings?
@aaronh8095 3 года назад
I really hope that Jordan Peterson sees this. I think he’s very close to faith but is so intellectual that he needs something as direct to faith and God’s Grace as this. It seems that his experience is mostly with the Catholic and Orthodox churches and that he doesn’t well understand the Protestant or Lutheran perspectives. I think Lutheran theology would give him a lot to think about.
@CornCod1 3 года назад
If he converts it will be the most high-profile public conversion of an intellectual since T.S. Eliot in 1927. Eliot came from an old line Boston Unitarian family and associated with atheists even though he was never one to publically attack the church. His conversion lost him a lot of friends, but he didn't mind losing them much. He was very specific about the fact that his choice of theological position was Anglo-Catholic, the Tractarian branch of Anglicanism. Eliot ended up becoming rather devout. These high-profile conversions should not be taken too seriously. We should be just as happy for the salvation of the janitor who lives in a shack down by the railroad tracks.
@theotherkangaroo 3 года назад
Peterson is amazed by his belief in Jesus Christ, as it should be because this belief is not of his making but by the Holy Spirit's power. He is struggling with that mystery, imo.
@daisyedwards2017 3 года назад
I recommend Dan mohler to answer all his questions
@annayudin290 3 года назад
@3:48 Yes, Christians continually sinning looks bad to others but consider this verse.. so that they all might be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so that they too might be one in Us, so that the world might believe that You have sent me. John 17:21 I believe the reason that there is unbelief is because we are not ONE. We are not of ONE mindset. They see the 40k different denominations, just in Christianity, all whom claim to be right. How can you expect them to believe, when we can't even be of one mindset? Think about it.. if we all came together into ONE belief and ONE mindset, then others would see that we aren't confused.. we aren't hypocrites. They would believe!
@Netseriym 3 года назад
Respectfully, Scripture says sin is transgression of the Torah. You said, “sin is unbelief”, is there a Scripture you could provide to back your statement? Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the Torah: for sin is the transgression of the Torah. - 1 John 3:4
@nicolepreou6754 3 года назад
Trusting in our relationship with Jesus is the burden that is light. His Joy means confidence in long term more than the feeling of happiness.
@Absynthexx1 3 года назад
I'm not sure i would describe sin as "unbelief". The Deceiver who brought sin into the world did not have unbelief. He was rebellious and wanted to usurp Yah. John told us what sin is: sin is transgression of the Law. To parse it as 'unbelief' is to pull it further from clarity than closer in my opinion.
@jonhilderbrand4615 3 года назад
I think that part of the "my burden is light" message, is, as you indicate, if we see through the eyes of ETERNITY, "my burden is also short." Peterson feels his pain objectively. Many of us know this. It is a reality. But isn't a burden borne WITH Christ better than a burden borne alone? A burden with no meaning, no purpose, purely capricious and impersonal. Personally, and I speak as one living with a chronic blood disorder that causes extreme fatigue, I, as a Christian, cannot bear the thought of carrying this burden alone. It's not that Jesus is an "opiate" or a "crutch," he's a "meaning giver." My faith does not make me "happy," but it brings me a place where I can find JOY through and in the suffering, knowing it is for but a moment, that God is working through me and in me in spite of my weaknesses. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” isn't a platitude, it's a reality that I SEE working in my life and the lives of many others. "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." II Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV) God's blessings on you all, and pray for Jordan.
@inspiredme7030 3 года назад
You should interview Dr. Peterson... would really love to hear who is Jesus in his life
@ggbrady 3 года назад
What happened to the resolution?
@DrJordanBCooper 3 года назад
I'm not sure why the video ended up like that. My setting are the same as always.
A Theologian's Response to Jordan Peterson on God
A Critique of Tom Holland's Portrayal of Martin Luther
The Language of Creation | Matthieu Pageau | EP 292
Lecture: Who Dares Say He Believes in God?
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