
Joshua Bell plays in the Washington DC Metro 

Palouse Mindfulness
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This video is included in Week 2 of the free online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR) by Palouse Mindfulness (palousemindfulness.com). The original is owned and was produced by JJ Musgrove and was originally published by his "Embrace the Beauty Around You Project" ( • Video ). It was copied onto this channel so that we could add Spanish subtitles.



28 мар 2015




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@NaptownRugger 7 лет назад
What's not shown in this video though is the lady who stopped and enjoyed every note she could. Once Mr. Bell finished playing, she commented about how she had seen him perform at the Library of Congress and that this (this being one of the world's best violinists busking in a metro station) could only happen in Washington, D.C.
@nataliavylkova1204 2 года назад
Great remake!
@txkos 8 лет назад
The location could have been cherry picked to make a point the author wanted to present. At 7:15 am on a Friday, in a Metro station people are either trying to get to work or get home, both are on a schedule. A better neutral location and/or time of day would have gone a long way to make the experiment more valid. Having said that, I know the point the author is trying to make and I agree with it.
@mariateresaguitarratulleud8311 3 года назад
Que maravilla de música gracias ❤️. Yhosua. Bell, y felicidades de corazón ❤️ de una Catalana Española 🇪🇦
@KeziahGibbonsGuided 8 лет назад
Very interesting, and raises many questions about the nature of experience, of how we perceive our surroundings and also how we treat other human beings. My daughter always stops when we see a busker, and I do allow her to remind me to pause and interact. It's important to see and acknowledge people, as well as the music they make!
@TheKetsa 8 лет назад
At 7:27 Am in a station. . . yeah they wanted to prove a point.
@annamuslimpuri3386 5 лет назад
Чeловек стaл на станции метро в Вашингтоне и начал играть на скрипке, это было холодным янвaрским утром. Он сыграл шесть пьес Баха около 45 минут. За это врeмя, так как это был час пик, мы подсчитали, что 1100 чeловек прошли через стaнцию, большинство из них по пути на работу. Три минуты прошло, и мужчина средних лет первый замeтил музыкaнта. Он замeдлил свой шаг, остановился на несколько секунд, а затем поспешил по своим делам Минуту спустя скрипaч получил свой первый доллар: женщина бросила деньги в кейс и не останавливаясь ушла. Через несколько минут, кто-то прислонился к стене, чтобы послушать его, но посмотрев на часы убежал. Скорее всего, что он опаздывал на работу. Тот, кто обратил больше всего внимания - был 3-летний мальчик. Но его мать утащила его за собой, Так же себя повели и несколько других детей. Но все родители, без исключения, заставляли их двигаться дальше. За 45 минут пока музыкант играл, только 6 человек остановились и остались на некоторое время. Около 20 дали ему денег, Он собрал 32 доллара, но все продолжали идти своим обычным шагом. Когда музыкант закончил играть, никто не заметил. Никто не аплодировал, не было никакого признания. Никто не знал этого, но скрипачом был Джошуа Белл, один из самых талантливых музыкантов в мире. Он только что сыграл одну из самых сложных частей из когда-либо написанных, на скрипке стоимостью 3,5 миллиона долларов. За два дня до игры Джошуа Белл в метро все билеты на его концерты были распроданы в театре Бостона, где стоимость одного места состовляла в среднем $ 100. Проект «Джошуа Белл играет инкогнито в метро» был организован газетой Washington Post, как часть социального эксперимента, о восприятии, вкусе и приоритетах людей. Задача эксперимента была в следующем: В обычной среде, в неподходящий час можем ли мы воспринимать красоту. Как мы реагируем, и что делаем чтобы понять это? Признаем ли мы талант в неожиданной обстановке? Один из возможных выводов из этого опыта может быть: Если мы не находим одну минуту, чтобы остановиться и послушать одного из лучших музыкантов в мире, который играет лучшую музыку из когда-либо написанных, то как много важного в этой жизни мы способны не заметить !!!
@rosadaz5954 3 года назад
Es fantastico este violinista
@rozatoldi5555 2 года назад
Bellisimo playing
@marthaleonorpenahernandez3736 3 года назад
Súper lindos.los sonidos!
@macemalcoyotl8505 4 года назад
La belleza de la vida no se reparte igual para todos!
@maximomontenegro7805 3 года назад
Yo no se porque no se conmueven esas personas yo lloro cada vez que lo escucho
@aa-vz6oj 2 года назад
@Arizoli1000 5 лет назад
Banda Devassa - Rio de Janeiro. (Cultura, Esporte e Lazer). NUMA MANHÃ QUALQUER !!!! Aquela poderia ser mais uma manhã como outra qualquer... Um sujeito desce na estação do metrô, vestindo jeans, camiseta e boné, encosta-se próximo à entrada, tira um violino da caixa e começa a tocar com entusiasmo para a multidão que passa por ali, bem na hora do rush matinal. Mesmo assim, durante os 45 minutos em que tocou, foi praticamente ignorado pelos passantes. Ninguém sabia, mas o músico era "Joshua Bell", um dos maiores violinistas do mundo! Executava músicas consagradas num instrumento raríssimo, um "Stradivarius de 1713", com valor estimado em de (3 milhões de dólares). Alguns dias antes, Bell havia tocado no "Symphony Hall" de Boston, onde os melhores lugares custaram a bagatela de 1000 dólares. A experiência, gravada em vídeo, mostra homens e mulheres de andar ligeiro, celular no ouvido, crachá balançando no pescoço, indiferentes ao som do violino. A iniciativa, realizada pelo jornal "The Washington Post", era a de lançar um debate sobre "valor", "contexto" e "arte". CONCLUSÃO: estamos acostumados a dar valor às coisas quando estão num contexto. >>> "Bell era uma obra de arte sem moldura". Um artefato de luxo sem etiqueta de grife. Esse é um exemplo daquelas tantas situações que acontecem em nossas vidas e que são únicas e às quais não damos a menor atenção porque não vêm com a etiqueta de preço. O que tem valor real para nós, independentemente de marcas, preços e grifes? É o que o mercado diz que você deve ter, sentir, vestir ou ser? Essa experiência mostra como, na sociedade em que vivemos, os nossos sentimentos e a nossa apreciação de beleza podem ser manipulados pelo mercado, pela mídia e pelas instituições que detém o poder financeiro. Mostra-nos, ainda, que a maioria das pessoas só valoriza aquilo que está precificado, com a falsa ideia de que o que é mais caro é melhor... (Banda Devassa - Rio).
@NatarajanGanesan 5 лет назад
I was there.
@carolsbean681 2 года назад
This is not a fair experiment. In the subway people are on their way somewhere. They don't have time to sit down and listen to a spontaneous concert. If he'd set up at a park more people would have stopped to listen. So.
@palousemindfulness1 2 года назад
Carol, you are quite right. As I say in Week 2 of the Palouse Mindfulness course (palousemindfulness.com/MBSR/week2.html): The fact that so few people stopped was not a demonstration of the cluelessness of these commuters, but how the busyness of our daily life can sometimes prevent us from noticing the beautiful and miraculous world all around us. How many amazingly beautiful things do we miss in a day, simply because of the pace of our lives and the intense focus on getting to the next thing? Every moment of every day, if we truly look, there is something extraordinary to pay attention to: the stunning earrings worn by the grocery clerk, a child’s unself-conscious laugh, the color of the sky, or the miracle of our own breath. This is not to say that we should stand in place, slack-jawed, in such awe of the beauty around us that we make ourselves late to work or forget to pick up our kids after school. It does suggest that if we stop to pay attention, even for a moment, there is always something amazing happening. We don’t have to wait for Joshua Bell to play a concert in the metro.
@laurikaventer6890 2 года назад
Also for such a heavy peace to be played, u need time to enjoy, provided you can enjoy it so early in the morning. Perhaps a happier piece might have been better and more popular...
@CarlosMagno8888 9 месяцев назад
Most ordinary people (like myself) do not have a refined musical culture, so expecting the general public to recognize a quality performance is unrealistic.
@mariaparedes1126 4 года назад
Es tan Hermoso el sonido del violín, yo me detengo ante cualquier persona que esté tocando el violín, en cualquier parte.
@cjthememeguy6571 6 лет назад
$32 in less than in hour? I'm in
@user-vr3ml8qh9r 9 месяцев назад
@alvaug2 4 года назад
What dou you want with no marketing?
@normamcquait1089 6 месяцев назад
Is like an art if you're not into it u don't appreciate at all
@pascaltomicic4006 6 лет назад
7 personnes sur plus de 1000 soit moins de 1% de la population qui a une oreille musicale et/ou qui n'était pas pressée !
@lorenapalominogallardo4534 4 года назад
Quw no reconocen el artista que es famoso...
@sandranoel1909 2 месяца назад
Cela dépend où il trouve la bonne oreille suis sur que s il se serait ainsi produit dans le métro Parisien il aurait eu bien plus de bonnes oreilles ❤
@scubamarilu Год назад
@supercalifragelistik 3 года назад
People don't know where the center of the earth is.
@juanescobedo4915 3 года назад
Quien mierda de le ocurre tocar a las 7am cuando todos se van al trabajo?
@albertmagnotorrescaceres8282 3 года назад
Nadie se encanta por la vibracion de su violin, ya q es la hora de mayor tráfico en el metro, aparte q la gente está más distraída y apurada, peor aún q muchos no aprecian la música clásica, mala progracion debió haber sido a otra hora
@warofthemorning 5 лет назад
Why is this sped up at all? Is there no beauty in the act? Is there no beauty in the reality of it? There is so much to take from the whole of it . . Let us have the experience of watching them all walk by
@martinjones6356 8 лет назад
I get the point you're trying to make, but your experiment isn't really valid. Maybe people didn't stop because either they don't like classical music or maybe they don't like the sound of a violin. I'm not sure I would have stopped to listen to what he was playing as I didn't really enjoy the piece, but if he was playing some Irish trad on it I probably would have then. Also if there was a guitarist there yes I would have stopped to listen. So I was mindful that I didn't particularly enjoy this piece of music but I''m also aware of the skill it takes to play it so kudos to him.
@lesasmart6043 6 лет назад
I often wondered if they did the experiment playing another type of music, if it would have had more interest. Most people don't listen to classical and would be unfamiliar if it was good or bad.
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