
Just Keep Walking Away 

Dry Creek Wrangler School
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11 сен 2024




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@timcisneros1351 Год назад
As a 66 year old Husband, Father and Grandfather I always dreamed of building my own home with my own hands. We bought our first property in 2016 after renting for 38 years. I was 60 years old. I'm a retired Farrier and am a full time Blacksmith. While many of my contemporaries and some that I went to High School with are "retiring" I'm working harder than I've ever worked in my life. I love what I'm doing. It's been the greatest adventure of my life. I have a small sawmill and I've milled all of the lumber I've used to build our Timber Frame cabin with. I've done everything myself. Septic system, driveway, foundation and raised the Timber Frame 2 years ago. Still another 2 years to go probably. The work keeps me fit and my sons are helping us build. The greatest family adventure ever and so rewarding. It is incredibly hard to do physically but it is for that reason that I am in as good of shape as I am. Saves on Gym membership. I hope that my story helps others who are on the fence about doing something epic in their lives. If your dreams don't scare you , you aren't dreaming big enough.
@salazam Год назад
I'm planning on doing that now. Do you have to get permits and crap? I'm going to buy huge property (at least 100 acres) so no building inspectors should be dropping by, but the thought of red tape intimidates me.
@timcisneros1351 Год назад
@@salazam I did have to get a building permit. It depends on the county where you're going to build. Don't let that intimidate you. They just want money anyway.
@davidc9135 Год назад
@chadpilled7913 Год назад
That is awesome man. Very happy to hear that
@abitoffblacksmithing9985 Год назад
2 years ago I built my own blacksmith shop. Built my own forge and built an anvil stand . My anvil is a 100lb block of aneald 4140 and works beautifully. Built my own jigs and anvil/ vise tooling. Once I moved the steel with my hammer I was hooked.Iam 53
@Jacob-py9mx 10 месяцев назад
Love you sir, grew up with a very abusive set of parents, kicked me out at 18, joined the Air Force and trying to find my way. Been an introvert and I love your channel. Thank you.
@colettespencer3357 10 месяцев назад
Hypnotherapy helps a lot for past trauma. I found that out much later in life. Wish I would have discovered it sooner. ❤
@deluca4750 10 месяцев назад
For real. Therapy helps, my dude. And the military is what you make of it, and what you can get out of it. To me, the military was one of the best decisions I've made. It set me up for life. So work hard, but keep in mind nobody in your command will look out for you more than you.
@anirudhnair6194 9 месяцев назад
Almost the same story
@Godfailedyoustophumpinghisleg 9 месяцев назад
​@@deluca4750How do you reconcile joining the military as a moral action? When you join a machine that kills indiscriminately? Doesn't that invalidate your soul if you do belive in God?
@Zatarra69 7 месяцев назад
Hey brother I just found this today and figured maybe you should hear it: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Keep finding ur own path brother
@reaperskeeper8259 Год назад
As a 19 year old young man this is exactly what I need to hear. Real advice and wisdom from a real man. What a gem
@youtubesucks5080 Год назад
Now think very hard about who's to blame that you never heard real advise from a real man until now. Think carefully. It's deliberate.
@Lucida1818 Год назад
Hello guess what my name is actually Gem and I listen to him too. I am a 57 year old woman and I am healing through listening to Mr Dewayne. Keep listening to him he is exactly the kind of man everyone needs to listen to. Even the billionaires out there. In fact it’s the high flying jet men that need a huge wake up call on reality. This man is the real deal and I bet if he has a jet he would sound the same.
@kcampos5619 Год назад
@ReapersKeeper, you are a gem for lifting the hopes of older generations who worry about our future world.
@kcampos5619 Год назад
@@youtubesucks5080 Blame game is lose / lose.
@Mastakilla91 Год назад
great. Maybe you'll eventually remove that profile pic.
@ferpirata76 Год назад
This is what the internet should be about: good feelings, sharing wisdom and connecting people. Great channel. Best wishes from Spain!
@perfectstandardkjv6849 Год назад
2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@zneytram1432 Год назад
Perfectly said. Despite all the demoralizing by the media and the government, there is nobody that stops you from improving yourself. Finding a job, finding love, creating something would be easier in a normal world, but we are were we are and the only thing we can do about for now is to keep walking through everything they throw at us. Love the content from Europe
@townbythetown Год назад
That’s a great comment. I’ve been demoralized, as I’ve lost a lot recently. But I’ve also made the choice to start over and build something worthwhile. Thanks
@jackiek4159 Год назад
Love this and amen! 🙏🏻💞✨
@jasonjohnson9810 Год назад
Your the man I want to be in twenty years
@user-kj2gf1cn1p Год назад
@@townbythetown we got this guys 🤞🏽🖤
@bender9222222222 Год назад
Problem is if everyone adopts this strategy, the public will turn cold, calice and isolationist where itll be incredibly hard to develop connection and even find passion and love in life and with others.. wait a minute.... hm
@flippinchips7495 Год назад
You've helped calm me down, I'll be honest not too long ago I was tempted to do rotten and regretful things until I listened to your words, thank you Dwayne
@artaxorwelle2206 Год назад
Brother we all gotta look out for one another. Bad choices affect many, not just yourself. I'm glad you posted that. Stay locked in. Choices.
@flippinchips7495 Год назад
@@artaxorwelle2206 Heil the Fuhrer
@Questthecat Год назад
Thank you.
@warriormanmaxx8991 Год назад
@flippinchips7495 - re: "I'll be honest..." Are you not "honest" all the time? Or only when using that meaningless word?
@Gabrielle937 Год назад
​@@warriormanmaxx8991It may be used as a figure of speech to announce or accent something we may not usually share.
@xander810 Год назад
Dewayne, as a man who has all but given up hope, these messages keep coming at just the right time. I appreciate you and your family and all that you guys do. Keep at it brother the Big Man has his hand on y'all for sure. You guys are helping to put the world back together again.
@cmoore04 Год назад
Xander, as a man who has given up on all, before I will suggest to you that you take a read at "man's search for meaning" he talks greatly about hope and how you can find it. It profoundly changed my life.
@regularguy3202 Год назад
I’m with you. Stay in the race. Hold the line.
@leviwright5522 Год назад
Trust in Christ and keep moving forward
@jaynecobb3212 Год назад
Don't give up man. Your suffering can be a useful tool. You know pain, lose, emptiness. You know how those things make you feel. Use the experience of those feelings to help someone else not give up. Doing so will give purpose and meaning. It'll be okay brother.
@marshallwilder6410 Год назад
Perfectly timed.
@TheRenegade2424 Год назад
"They can’t stop you if you know you’re right and you just keep on coming" great advice thank you I really needed to hear this this morning.
@moto3463 Год назад
As a 22-23 year old guy I’m glad there’s still real men out there with morals and wisdom, appreciate every video Dwayne you really make my days better. One day hope to be as wise as you. Keep it up
@artiglesias9317 Год назад
Never give up!
@Aarongoscinski Год назад
Well said man
@yearginclarke Год назад
These men are fast becoming a rare breed in this crazy world. I don't get the same feeling of wisdom, experience, morals etc. from younger generations, not even Gen X. I'm 37 but always got along better with older people like this guy instead of people my own age.
@timcisneros1351 Год назад
I've always said there is far more good going on in the world than the media would have us believe. If you hang out with the old guys you'll be just fine son. Just be a good person and good things will come your way. It is a universal truth. Joseph Campbell said "Follow your bliss" and magical things will happen. Don't know what your bliss is? Here's a clue. When you're doing something that you enjoy and five hours seems like five minutes. You'll know it when you find it. Good luck!
@zestynews Год назад
How are you 22 and 23 at the same time
@deenanthekemoni5567 Год назад
I lost my father in 2019, and 22 days later my best friend of 17 yrs passed away. The two people I was most like on Earth, gone in 3 weeks. Both of them. It changed me, but it didn't break me. Thanks for this. I like the video. You can't live in the past, it will eat you Alive. I have a daughter now, she's the Sun to me, I love her with 100% of my being, she gave me a new life when my old one fell apart. RIP dad, RIP Alex. Miss you guys. ❤️
@RealityContradiction Год назад
Amen. My dad went to be with the Lord feb 2021. One year later my mom went in Jan 2022. My birthday was 3 days later after her passing 😔 This year was the first Thanksgiving without both of them. Its been real emotional. Yes, I changed. But I believe its a transitioning change. One that will make me better with God's help ♥️
@user-jv8kc7bp8e 10 месяцев назад
@bongo6_462 6 месяцев назад
Thats fucking hard, respect for pushing thru and I pay my respects to your lost ones
@michellepatrick5175 Год назад
At 62 years old I am learning to Love life with the help of this man and the Grace of God.
@MsOaktree11 Год назад
"The past gets left behind with any fool bound to it." ...😔... I know this feeling all too well...
@BitSku77 Год назад
You are doing Gods work. So many men of my generation have no idea what it is like to have a father figure like you. Keep up the good work, keep mentoring. Our country needs to be reminded what it is to be a real man.
@carriecree1789 Год назад
Women need to know what a real man is too, and not interfere needlessly with what makes him tick. This is interesting discussion here.
@youtubesucks5080 Год назад
Wrong. It's not the lack of real men, that causes the abscene of young real men. It's the anti-men who try to punish anyone trying to be a man. Real manhood is instinctive and developrs itself if not supressed.
@elpeluca7780 Год назад
Dude, we're just some accidents in a floating rock. Just let everyone be what they want. Our time on earth is limited and you shouldn't waste it trying to keep ppl from being happy and worrying about what they do.
@Moonie787 Год назад
Amen, OP
@breeneco Год назад
@@elpeluca7780 I see you dude. Agree.
@Christian358Kane Год назад
I wish i've found Arthur Morgan , earlier in my life. Many of the things he speaks in his videos about, I've already found and learned the hard way. And yet, in times of personal turmoil, I find it soothing, to see , that it's the world that has lost its mind and soul and not me. Thank you for the content, looking forward to the next video.
@LAK_770 Год назад
I was about to ask “wait wait is this dudes name actually Arthur Morgan”
@86estranged07 Год назад
"Arthur saved my life, I dont talk about him much, but I think about him"
@Say_When Год назад
If I could just interject one idea or concept real quick.... And this is coming from someone who has always had to learn it the hard way... I don't think I've pulled out of a crash because I persuaded and convinced myself based on the evidence around me that I needed to... It's never happened. I aim for the mountainside and accelerate... Other people can snap me out of it but I've never snapped myself out of it... I say that to point out I don't regret any of those catastrophes.. personal failings... mid-air collisions... Every single one of them has been a blessing.. The only thing I've learned based on the evidence around me and by reading trying to understand how people were able to create and gift us everything we have today. How did they do it?.. I had just finished a 20 part lecture series on the civil War... And was digging into reconstruction when Booker T Washington got on my radar... And you look at this man's life where he started where he ended up and the hardships and catastrophes and roadblocks and Great Wall of China's put directly in front of him... And he's on the clock he's got to get around it. He's got to get over. He's got to get under it... This world threw everything at that man... everything... Yet.. All it did was give him fuel to make himself better to learn something new. Not just understand something on intellectual level but know it in your soul. Know It's so completely that it's a part of your genetics... Look at one stacked up against him... Any amount of progress is good and people he influenced and helped to build their character and how that spread... And in the most impossible environment you could possibly imagine a South and adjust been forced to stop thinking of him as property.. his whole mission was to get as many people in his community to be as productive and as helpful towards not just themselves, but towards everyone that they interacted with... But if you were a blacksmith you're going to be the best goddamn blacksmith you could possibly be and that value that you add to other people and the work that they bring to you and ask you to help them with you're going It's still a sense of gratitude in them for the level of effort and discipline. And efficiency that you bring to that project... Sorry, I can go long and deep on this man. Booker T... Okay short version.. You found Arthur at the right time at your time... Don't ever say I wish this hadn't happened to me.. start looking at what you learned from it as hard as that is and maybe it's painful as that is... How do I look at the world better because of that situation.. How can in an impossible way... gain gratitude from pain in hardship... The answer for me is always been read history. Understand what other people have gone through.. because once you understand that what you have to do is nothing compared to what the people that came before you have. That gives me a lot of encouragement... So maybe that could give you some encouragement too
@Christian358Kane Год назад
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.”
@mairuzo 10 месяцев назад
He’s Arthur if he survived tuberculosis and grew old as a wise and righteous man 😆
@ruck27 Год назад
I’ve repeated Dewaynes metaphors to people and they are litterally like “that is pretty profound.” It feels good to pass on good wisdom. 💪🏼
@Ben-vt8ne Год назад
That's cool. Maybe you should change that RU-vid picture from an owl to a parrot.
@alex99x85 Год назад
@@Ben-vt8ne really now dude?
@sneakycactus8815 Год назад
@@Ben-vt8ne bro that was uncalled for lmao. clever, but goddamn...
@unwnme Год назад
@@Ben-vt8ne That's ironic, maybe you should say something clever and funny when you try to be clever and funny?
@BustedBattery Год назад
​@@Ben-vt8ne dayum
@vesman5 Год назад
Just found this channel. I'm a city boy that is now 40 and longing to be a country man. I clock and gamble on thoroughbreds but I want to learn and be around horses more. I'm an Iraq Marine veteran with bad PTSD and I just want to be around horses all the time. What a blessing this channel is.
@ivbqwljrf234 Год назад
Godspeed cousin
@vesman5 Год назад
@Kyle Specht man I appreciate this comment especially on Christmas Eve God bless you
@chrissy_rose8052 Год назад
Please come back here and update us ❤ God speed
@bigbangattack97 Год назад
love you man. I'm sorry for what you've gone through and what you've probably lost. every day is hard. I'm only 25, also a city boy but in texas. sometimes idk what to do so i just do anything. well be okay.
@captured5396 Год назад
@@vesman5 any time around equines yet?! Love horses, such beautiful animals but am allergic so I settle for dogs.
@bobhardie6895 Год назад
Even caged birds sing. think about it.
@XanderTheGreat1 Год назад
@@ralfwillemse9593 I'm sure that was a figure of speech.
@KQwest98 Год назад
@@XanderTheGreat1 Maya Angelou
@williamqueen1628 Год назад
A bird does not sing because it has an answer it sings because it has a song….quote has been around for many years and repeated and tweaked by many …..
@ricknordin8453 Год назад
Even the most helpless and downtrodden have a death song. A bird locked in a cage sings his song until his soul is released. Fly free my bird. Keep moving 🙏
@davestein860 Год назад
Being caged is not living
@LoveEndures7 3 месяца назад
I left after abusive ex kicked me out of our house after 18 yrs marriage. He thought I'd go back, but I never returned. This was the most scariest leap of faith I ever took, but today I'm walking in my purpose. I have peace, joy, and I feel fulfilled ❤ praise to God.
@TheAleksandros 2 месяца назад
@constantinepenguamo4050 Год назад
Poetry rarely connects with me but that opening piece was truly beautiful. Would love to hear more! You're the best, Dewayne!
@MsOaktree11 Год назад
You may want to check out Louis L'amour's "Smoke from this altar"...
@constantinepenguamo4050 Год назад
@@MsOaktree11 Thank you very much for the recommendation!
@practicalphilosophy9031 Год назад
@@MsOaktree11 just looked it up and will be getting that book thank you for sharing; you might enjoy On the Blue Shore of Silence by Neruda.
@constantinepenguamo4050 Год назад
@@MsOaktree11 I recently picked up this book and I want to thank you again for the recommendation, I'm learning more about Louis L'amour and his incredible talent as a writer. I have never in my life purchased a poetry book and I'm really enjoying this one.
@devon2981 Год назад
Growing up with a Father that was not in the best condition to teach a Son, it was hard to find advice from him that fit the situations I was going through in my preteens and a bit after; though, one thing has stuck with me, and I think that it resonates with your words in this video as well. My old man, no matter how much of a bastard he was being, or how much I acted like I hated him, would always say, "It's all mental, Devon. If you let things overcome you in your head you'll never be strong enough to fight it with your body." I wish that I would have listened to him more. I have so much to learn and I owe the few stakes of Wisdom I have to you. Thank you Dewayne.
@marlathompson4084 Год назад
Your Dad was right. Bless you Devon.
@cheapasmilk Год назад
That was some awesome Poetry. Thank for sharing it. Some food for thought.
@DryCreekWranglerSchool Год назад
@natmanprime4295 Год назад
That was good, I have to say
@fishingwithtoogoods58 Год назад
37 years old male Florida... you saved my day today in a way I could not describe. Thank you. I subscribed
@totoroneblinny6100 Год назад
Bro calm down
@totoroneblinny6100 Год назад
@filleswe91 Therapy is expensive and shrinks are hacks, if you have to come back every week to pay for their service, what's the point?
@marlathompson4084 Год назад
@totoroneblinny6100 Год назад
@@marlathompson4084 What's up Maria
@marlathompson4084 Год назад
@@totoroneblinny6100 how ya doing? Just subscribed to you.✌️
@CrystalClipper Год назад
" Weave on a Loom, that you've built, for you: the cloth you want to have." is a fantastic selection of words to form a thought that can be applied to almost anything.
@advent35 Год назад
Thank you sir! Life has been difficult the past 6 years since having my leg taken by a careless driver. Lots of things to work out in my head. Letting go of the hate. Even in the most difficult times we have a choice, choices actually. My mom always said to pray about a decision then make it and pray that God makes it right. I'm not a religious man kind of ended after the accident but that doesn't mean I'm not a spiritual man. Every person we encounter we have the choice of it being a productive encounter or destructive. I'm 60 years old and still learning. Create beautiful memories! Not just for me but for the people around me. Trying to be the person I would like to have as a friend I would like to meet as a human being. I wrote something years ago in one of my photography series about little things, things you step over pass by and never notice. It's important to stay free it's also important to keep the heart of a child honest blunt and right to the point. I had a small boy asked his father once why my leg was broken? The father was embarrassed. It was an honest question that deserved an answer. Our world is broken. Social media is really destructive to the younger generation. I'm sorry, you don't deserve respect, you earn respect. Anyway just wanted to say thank you DeWayne for earning my respect.
@JohnDoe-ef3wo Год назад
Sorry to hear this. Hang in there homie, maybe there's something around the corner, I get a feeling lately !?
@susanrocca6108 Год назад
I know a man who lost his leg as a kid. He was forced off a school bus by the driver for basically nothing, then a drugged and drunk dude hit him! This man and his wife are 2 of my best friends 😥😊😍
@Raspi454 Год назад
Dewayne I love these fantastic life talks, the wisdom you share in your videos is greatly appreciated. The world needs more honest folk like yourself
@perfectstandardkjv6849 Год назад
2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@Equinsu_Ocha69 Год назад
That poem at the beginning was really good, a head scratcher for sure, would love to hear more of them
@BruceThePugDog Год назад
Go eat another sandwhich Ton.
@fridasfunadevntures6643 Год назад
He never had the makings of a varsity athlete
@litedawg Год назад
@@fridasfunadevntures6643 Go shit in your hat ! - Junior Soprano
@jrod2067 Год назад
I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear this. I prayed for strength and then came across the video. Keep moving, stay true to your values. Do what’s right. Don’t quit, If it’s meant to be -it will be, if not- believe in something greater is to take place.
@-_-MARANTZ Год назад
You prayed for strength. You shall become pure fire🔥👊
@perfectstandardkjv6849 Год назад
2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@chelseav8311 11 месяцев назад
I'm praying to stay close to God cause I fail and compromise my values. God hasn't and won't let me be overcome by his mercy but I get too far from Him at times and pay the price. I want to be stronger in faith and not compromise. I want more character and spiritual gifts. I need His strength in my weakness.
@dustyluke595 Год назад
Needed this today! “This world is very fast but I am frightful slow”. Indeed!!
@Subtweeted 11 месяцев назад
I needed this Dwayne. Thank you! I’m in a very difficult situation where I need to walk away even though it is difficult. Thank you for the wisdom.
@DragonForceSGG Год назад
I used to ride horses and help my dad with animals but that all changed when my family separated. The next years of my life were a bit difficult but i always had that idea of a home in my heart. Had to learn some lessons the hard way but no matter what other garbage the world wanted to throw my way i stood firm in my beliefs and morals. I love the lessons and even poetry you bring us at times, thank you!
@YouMatterAndYouAreLoved Год назад
Just had this guys video show up in my "recommended" videos yesterday, and I'm so glad I clicked on it! I'm 57 and this mans advice, and wisdom are incredible. Not only does he give some great talks, but I also love his relaxed, easy going mannerisms. His wife and kids are so lucky to have him in their life. And of course, he is equally lucky and blessed. His videos are SO GOOD, that I click "thumbs up" before I even watch the video! Why? Because they're that good! This man comes across as a wonderful daddy figure. I sure do miss my daddy. I just love watching these videos. Thumbs up, of course!
@robbychism Год назад
I am not a horseman. I love horses, but im not a horseman. I live in the city. But man, I have gotten more out of this channel and these videos... Even the ones about horses and horsemanship. Dewayne is a deep fellow. I so appreciate he and Deanna providing the content they do. I hope they never stop.
@reidcrosby6241 Год назад
I am not a horseman either... but LOVE horsewomen, but i am not a horseman. I live in the country. Lol.
@squidsalltheway9131 8 месяцев назад
As a 15 year old, that felt very enlightening. In this world it’s suffocating, especially with online and Highschool. I left the hospital a few weeks ago because it had gotten so bad I had a genuine breakdown. I’m better now, but going back to those dark places suck. This definitely helped. Thank you :)
@griffinsalyer1804 8 месяцев назад
It gets better, listen to your heart and face consequences of it bravely and proudly and the world will, chase, attack, love, worship, admire your heart and more. It’s hard but its worth it. Have a huge heart, its worth the pain.
@shuvra-kumar-das 4 месяца назад
I'm 20 years old (soon to be 21) and as your big bro I want to give some advice that don't get into any social media thing. Don't use it and don't let others drag you there. I've wasted 5 of my precious years by doom scrolling on social media every day. It made me a very bad person both mentally and physically. It's been 2 months since I last used social media and I am thinking about quiting it for forever for good. Take care ❤
@dummy0000000 Год назад
Love these videos, Dewayne! For all us young people lost in life they teach how to pay attention to important things. Thank you!
@jimtekkit Год назад
When I started my career fresh out of engineering university, I was confident I would get along with everyone I would meet along the way because I'm a very easy-going person. Very wrong mentality to have. I've been singled-out, trapped, framed, betrayed, accused, lied to and picked on by a list of different people over the years. In reality you are rubbing shoulders on a daily basis with other people who love to assert power and ruin your day, it's only a matter of time before you are their next target. The only way to escape those situations is to have strict boundaries and learning to NOT be an easy target. Not letting yourself be caught.
@steelroz7567 Год назад
In the current chaotic times we are in these words of wisdom are sorely needed even as a reminder for us older folks. This 63 yr old gal sincerely thanks you & your wife for sharing yalls time. Peace be with you & yours from south central Texas
@hlmoore8042 Год назад
67 and yes ...sanity in an otherwise insane world. I DREAM of sanity again - north Texas.
@perfectstandardkjv6849 Год назад
2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@samdelossantos2864 10 месяцев назад
Been going through a lot lately and decided I'm just gonna keep busy with work and my bands. I have my ups and downs every now and again but what really helps are your videos. Nothing fancy, no yelling, no editing. Thank you!
@MS-ud6ip Год назад
Thank you, sir! Discovered your videos a few days ago. Your advice is helping a lot with reflecting on my life. God bless from Germany!
@Fahim_Lalani Год назад
Priceless wisdom friend ❤I’m 39 and can absolutely understand where you’re comin from. Much love and respect from McKinney Texas. Walkin away is the best mindset even in martial arts and I studied them all of my life
@onesky1destiny Год назад
you put me to sleep, I put on a video and get great rest, no idea what you say while I’m sleeping but it’s hitting my subconscious for sure. I appreciate your tone and resonance. if you could read some Walt Whitman it would make my day, just the sound of the turning pages with your calm, confident voice. thanks
@aferg1986 Год назад
I appreciate every video like this! Keep speaking the wisdom Sir, it doesn’t fall on deaf ears.
@IIISincerelyIII Год назад
I sincerely appreciate these videos coming from you. it's different from the movement the world is portraying. it's only very few down to earth old fashioned vessels left on this earth that are honest with the youth of this generation now'a days. and i just wanted to say thank for for the effort and time you take out've your day to talk to us.
@perfectstandardkjv6849 Год назад
2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@tatersacreshomestead931 Год назад
Everything happens for a reason.... This is the first time I've seen one of your videos on RU-vid, and I wath ALOT of RU-vid.... There's a reason for me to here you say this, world has been pretty heavy in me lately. Now to figure out why I heard this, and what to do next. Very encouraging words, thank you sir🇺🇸💪
@adampark6889 Год назад
So many people need this talk and to really hear these words. Absolutely love what you're doing and love what you are all about. Don't ever stop
@francisbryan4485 11 месяцев назад
I will be 79yr old this month. I have had a great career as a research lab technician . I have some collage but mostly self educated and on the job learning. It is a career I kind of fashioned as I went along . It is what I wanted to do ever since I was in high school. Every time in my life I lost track of being my best self I had setbacks and made bad choices. I did not whine about it . I picked myself up and strived to be a better version of myself. I like advice. I don't like criticisms without a bit of compassion. Be your best self has been my advice to my family and friends. God bless what you teach . It reflects the better advice I got over the years. I woud be blessed indeed if you were my neighbor.
@digitalplayroom Год назад
Dewayne, I don't know if you believe in synchronicity but your message came to me as the answer I needed to get a hold of a situation that was troubling me for a while. Thanks for sharing your valuable insight and wisdom with us. Love and greetings from The Basque Country, Spain.
@cupidsoul_ Год назад
🙌🏽 I, agree
@adulfdabo898 9 месяцев назад
AMEN to that! I learned to walk away in my early 40th and life got better every day! Turning 60 soon, getting retired in about a year and everything is payed off. Keeping a few handpicked friendships maintained did help a ton in dark times. And that's pretty much all you need, because you need to share the good times as well.
@ntesla66 Год назад
Ran across your channel on accident. I took an immediate liking to you. It gives me hope for the future to see folks with horse sense still walking the planet. And your right on with catching that horse that doesn't want to be caught, convince him that he's already caught and he'll turn to you and stand, if not go ahead and walk right up to you... it's how my dad taught me to do it. Thanks for your time.
@lewisbracken5520 Год назад
@ntesla66 Год назад
@@lewisbracken5520Your right! ;)
@horrorking1000 Год назад
I love older people so wise even though they don't think so they really are and they always ALWAYS have a quote to get you through a situation I love it
@wassupbishup Год назад
I’m 18 just started a job and figuring my adult life out. I have just been grateful to subscribe to your channel because it is making me slow down and think about life choices and the speeches and very strong message behind your videos or what make it easier for life not to rush me and just go through the storm and not veer off .👍🏽👍🏽
@selftheory5401 Год назад
I love this guy! So, much wisdom. Thank you.🙏🏻
@phoenixbleu1730 Год назад
Thank you for the extra strength in weaving my cloth. I'm glad I found this channel! Righteous stoic wisdom is much appreciated 🙏
@lisabolo26 Год назад
Made me cry because you remind so much of my Grandfather. He and my Grandmother had a beautiful slice of heavenly land we used to visit alot in Vermont. He was the only man could walk through the woods smoking a pipe and not set it on fire!
@AmosJay67 10 месяцев назад
Awesome Dewayne!! I’m going through what you described you went through in Texas as a wrangler. Once again your outlook, resonates and adheres with my own. Your logic and reasonable approach is gone and missing in today’s society! Keep doing what you’re doing, and God bless you for it!
@dannyperez8299 Год назад
Please keep making videos like this, sometimes they’re really what some of us need to hear. Your insight helps a lot.
@Rocky-Stone Год назад
The poetry opener was profound and beautiful.
@kevinturner2598 Год назад
Wisdom spoken from a wise man has the utmost value and importance. Thank you
@nirvana613 Год назад
Man did I need to hear that right now. Thank you so much Dewayne for the positivity and showing what being a man is all about. Keep the spirits high and don't let people stop you from living the life you want to live !
@_TheShiv Год назад
I must say the world and some of the unscrupulous people in it have been catching me for years, because I’d run away, until the past few when this lesson sunk in, but you’ve articulated it very well. Walking away from them has served me much better than running away.
@jackiek4159 Год назад
The perfect advice at the perfect time! They cannot stop us from creating a life that we love! Thank you for your wisdom Dwayne! 🙏🏻💞✨
@perfectstandardkjv6849 Год назад
2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@cupidsoul_ Год назад
YOU'RE THE PAPA I never had ❤ The depth of knowledge, love and wisdom you share is appreciated 🙏 ✨️
@markcairney1755 Год назад
Another deep thought video.....great job Dwayne. Love your videos
@mattc7829 Месяц назад
I needed to hear this today. Thank you. Im in a situation in my life where i dont know what to do. I dont know whether to walk away or stay and fight for it. But i believe the more i stay, the more i just end up hurting myself. I just started listening to your videos a few weeks ago and im glad i came across your channel. So thank you for what you are doing
@wadeadpool4796 Год назад
I would love to share a cup of coffee and a cigar with you and just listen to whatever is on your mind at that moment. You are a true King sir. Thank you 🙏🏽
@KvS1248 Год назад
This man is such a joy to listen to, we so much need much more people like this especially in this day and age, let’s hope this way of let’s say ‘groundedness’ and simple observation will start caching on more and more in the world, we need it so much 🙏🏼
@Michel777 Год назад
Be the change you want to see in the world around you....
@jamessalisbury5861 Год назад
Morning cowboy. Thank you for the video. I subscribed. I look forward to more of your wisdom
@ERP1111 Год назад
Thank you for calm demeanor and settling advice. Thank you for sharing your time and family stories.
@dancingwithwolves.9631 Год назад
Appreciate these videos. Us younger people are after knowledge and wisdom. Thank you for being a teacher. That I may teach the younger when the time comes.
@dillondugan5784 8 месяцев назад
You’ve got this brotha🙌🏼🙌🏼 this storm will be a blessing, keep stepping and spread those wings
@lasiqueiros Год назад
Thank you!! I needed to hear this today specially. Your words have more weight than you might think. I don’t even know you personally but you are appreciated and respected, and would be a gift to get to know you. Thank you sir for sharing your wisdom.
@pauldench1299 Год назад
Thankyou Dewayne for your advice , its a great help to a guy of 54years who has lost his home,family and health in 2022, I'm not done trying but sometimes words of value make such a difference, keep em comming👍
@luislujan1431 Год назад
Thank you for the paradigm shift. I resonate with your content. I appreciate it Dewayne 🙏 stay free my friend
@jighaba Год назад
Same age as me but he is like a father I missed. Thank you for your wisdom. I am walking away...
@rezcellent Год назад
Goin through some hard times thank goodness for these videos my brother. Much appreciated. God bless.
@freshliving4199 Год назад
You enjoying your hard times? I hope so, it’s the only way we grow.
@luckiiq 11 месяцев назад
This man has such wise words as a philosophy major I can definitely see the lens that he sees life through. As a young man these videos inspire me and are helpful for the direction I'm in pursuit of. Alot of clarity and new perspectives gained from these videos.
@pimpz7409 Год назад
Thank you for these videos Dwayne, they really help me put things into perspective and help me make the right choices to be the best man I can be. God bless you and your family. Appreciate you brother man.
@lukaspersson447 Год назад
I'm a 905 year old man, and this stood the test of time. Jokes aside, I adore this man. Americans have a certain stereotype that might be true, but they also got these type of stereotypes. Wise and willing to share. Those men admit that they've made mistakes in the past and that's the only way to get wise. Respect your elders, even though he's only 55.
@michaelwills1926 Год назад
Just happened upon your channel and wanted to tip the hat on your conversation and delivery. Reminds me of listening to the old boys drop wisdom when I was younger; I’m older now, but it’s still wisdom worth learning. Cheers
@stephaniemichelle9878 10 месяцев назад
Such great encouragement for spiritual warfare too. 🎉
@BigheroC Год назад
Dwayne sir, god gave you a message and I need that just this morning. You sir are a vessel. Thank you!
@georgesand1160 Год назад
I'm a woman from a very different part of the world (and a feminist, well not a militant one), -and my native language isn't english, but your words are giving me a lot! It is hard to keep faith especially ever since we are living a really rough time and we don't know how it ends...we are in surviving-mode and just 'keep walking'. And even though there is so much cruelty everywhere, at least I can say: I live an honest life. I do what has to be done in order to stay alive in a way that at the end I don't have to be ashamed for it. I keep my mind open and I don't let myself beeing cought by hate and ignorance.
@Perjoss Год назад
Its kind of sad that the true feminists often feel like they have to explain "oh, i'm not one of the crazy ones". The definition of 'feminist' is simply someone that supports equality between men and women, its a state of mind that i think any rational, intelligent human being should have. I'm a feminist but until i looked up the meaning of the word I had no idea that I was one, and I would bet that millions of other men are also feminists without realising it because of the stigma that the word feminist has accumulated over the years from those that push things in the direction of hate, aggression and toxicity.
@georgesand1160 Год назад
@@Perjoss You are so right! But you have no idea how many men didn't want to continue to date me when I told them, I'm a feminist. Well, and I wouldn't want to live with a man who thinks I'm his houskeeper only because I am the one who is the female in the relationship. And exactly there lies the problem with 'Dry creek wrangler school,' too. - I didn't know that untill I saw some of his other videos: He supports the oldfashioned lifestyle like, women have to be this way and men have to be that way. And if you don't like it you are not a good person. That has led to many psychic problems in us humans, men and women, during the past...thousands of years. It's so graet that you understand what feminism is and that it isn't only good for women but also for men. Thank you!
@artaxorwelle2206 Год назад
We are in the fight of our lives Spiritually, mentally and physically right now. Open eyes, open hearts, open minds. Truth
@SlyGuyMorad Год назад
“Feminism” is a cult. Save yourself before it’s too late.
@powerofthetime Год назад
just found your channel good stuff. thanks for your message helped me today will keep listening
@josephpowelliii9169 Год назад
Great wisdom here....thank you Dewayne. I love the part where you basically say that, until you decide to be caught.... you're not catchable. Gr8 wisdom!
@altarof6515 Год назад
Am I inside looking out, or outside looking in? I cannot help but doubt that I'm ever gonna win, if I can't tell whether I'm the spectator or the sport This world is very fast, but I am frightfull slow yet I hold on to the past while in my heart I know that the past gets left behind, with any fool bound to it. But my ways are still my ways, cause whose else can they be? -oomph
@thatkajunguy8029 Год назад
I have no idea why youtube suggested this video, I have nothing to do with horses or ranch life so... But I'm certainly glad it did, this man makes excellent points for living a life with content and peace Went ahead and subscribed for the cigar and pipe thoughts Excellent talk Dwayne, thanks I needed this 👍👍👍👍
@ripGianinaLeilaniReid Год назад
I feel really inspired by this podcast. I grew up with horses and used to have q nice "paint" once got a chance at a Tennessee walker. Now I'm connected to Molokai Hawaii. It's been a long strange trip.
@WyattPotter Год назад
That’s awesome. I grew up in Kentucky like Dewayne. I joined the Army and got stationed in Hawaii. I was wearing my cowboy boots out and someone asked me “are those for show or can you ride?” and it happened to be Bronson, the owner of north shore stables on Oahu!
@eastcoastmostwanted710 Год назад
This story was brilliant, not to long in length just what the people needed to hear Appreciate you sir greetings from west europe
@rogerrojas4612 Год назад
Literally the wisest advice I've come across on RU-vid. Thanks Dwayne.
@darianalexander5503 Год назад
I needed to hear this. I've been becoming demoralized by feeling alienated from my peers for what I believe. I realize I have to fight for what I know to be true.
@lanefinch3066 Год назад
Watched this one 4 times today. Going to add this one to a playlist. Keep em coming Dewayne! Grace and Peace
@Gnostic.Creations.11 Год назад
I would love to have you as a professor. However, watching these videos are such an eye-opener for me and it helps to change my implicit and explicit biases. I thank you for your dedication and the hard work that you put into Vlogging. I have several now on queue just waiting for me to watch - in between of classes :P
@denniswidles9502 Год назад
Let the horse come to you," it may take x ," but they will come," don't force it.
@squigtonianmayhem4602 Год назад
Just found ya, brother. I'm glad you are giving these kind of classes, as well. Men these days are lost. I made mistakes with both my boys, (who didn't) but, I am happy with who they are. A lotta guys don't have someone to impart wisdom to them. If anyone on the tubes should be doin it, I feel it oughta be a fella like you. Ya got another subscriber!
@briantran3791 Год назад
Thanks for taking the time out of your day in making this video. I appreciate your commitment to excellence too.
@user-cp2mv5fn3z 10 месяцев назад
I drive a 96 Yukon. No gps can't track you unless you have you sim card in your phone. Dwayne I can't break you how much you have helped me. Thank you Sir
@matman6623 Год назад
Duwayne, 35 year old single dad here. Honestly, just feel like I'm finally learning how to be a man. I'm very grateful to have found strong role models such as yourself whose wisdom has been priceless in my journey. Hope is well! Give my best regards to Mama
@nickyfabella3236 10 месяцев назад
Im 52 yrs old I love my Father..i know he didn't have instructions or a memo on how to raise me but he tried his best....but if i could've chose my way I'd a chose him to have your words and wisdom, maybe my life would've been a little better. Not blaming my father for my short comings, that was all me. just saying i would've love to hear this kind of words when growing up. But hey im here at 52..and im listening Dewayne...thank you so much!! Keep doing what you're doing please!!!
@kdranchaz3240 Год назад
Outstanding message Dewayne! The Cowboy Way and the Cowboy Code forever. They’ll NEVER “catch” us….🤠
@artiglesias9317 Год назад
RIGHT ON from the Diamond I Ranch ~ TEXAS ~!
@a.fairweather9272 Год назад
Sometimes the nefarious algorithm at work on RU-vid throws things your way that you can't ignore - the wisdom and guidance of Dewayne is one of them. I'm from Adelaide, South Australia and I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to your thoughts and ideas - please continue to make good, wholesome content because there needs to be more of it out there. You offer a firm but reasonable perspective on things which is lacking in the world today - thank you! You have given me a lot to sit with and ponder over.
@michaelmccormack494 Год назад
Embrace your inner nefarious, then conquer it. RU-vid's too!
@rtdc5662 Год назад
Any man that hasn't read Louis L'Amour needs to. Amazing man, Amazing writer. His autobiography is a masterpiece.
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