
Lucifer Explained: The Origin and Meaning Behind this Fallen Angel 

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@hochelaga 4 года назад
Thank you Toasters for creating a channel Discord. Click the link below to join the discussion: discord.gg/29tngpT And check out Toaster’s channel, he’s got some great videos that you might like: ru-vid.comvideos
@abhishekconstantinewinches9907 4 года назад
Hochelaga, the Bible is not about planets, it mentions angels. Lucifer is literal name of the first angel of God, which means Light bearer, or the Shining one. In Hebrew text it's Heylel, whereas in Latin translation it's been translated as Lucifer. Isaiah was not suddenly insane to compare a fallen king to a planet, especially when the planet Venus disn't ever fall or burned up by sun.
@braindeveloperdimensional5579 4 года назад
So there are three devils in Bible now? Old serpent, samyaza and samael, right? Or are there more of these devils?
@braindeveloperdimensional5579 4 года назад
@@abhishekconstantinewinches9907 keep your theories to yourself. In past it was a common practice to compare people with cosmic bodies and abstract ideas and even numbers. Lucifer was never written by the original auther so it's not even any devil's name and the word Lucifer is also refers to Jesus in Bible. Helel bin Shahar is a title that Babylonian king held at that time so it made sense to call him that. In Bible the Beast is not an actual beast or a demonic entity, it's referring to the king of Rome Nero who killed lots of Christians and whose name equated to 666, money was printed in his name so no one could buy or sell without his mark on their forehead as they had to kiss the coins and then touch those coins on their forehead (symbolising mark on their forehead). Angels in Bible look like monsters and the Old Serpent was actually a Seraphim who became a devil later. The Nephelims were not Giants, the word used in Hebrew is Gigantus which means earth born. I know that you know nothing about these things, as you are an Indian and you don't know Hebrew, you have to rely on the third class Evangelical missionaries who can't even teach you anything properly, so then go on about making your own denomination.
@abhishekconstantinewinches9907 4 года назад
@@braindeveloperdimensional5579, you're talking to a Catholic catechist. Samyaza was another angel who was mentioned in 1 Enoch, who came down on earth to marry human daughters in Genesis 6:4. Devil fell on earth when there was no man. Samael is not Heylel, they are different. Serpent in Genesis 3 is the devil, who is mentioned again in Revelation 12. Read your Bible again and then come here to comment on scriptures.
@abhishekconstantinewinches9907 4 года назад
@@braindeveloperdimensional5579, attend Sunday school, read you Bible, morning stars have been mentioned many times in the Bible. They are high rank angels, probably Cherubim. Read Job 38:7.
@AlternateHistoryHub 3 года назад
Its funny Venus started all of this, and thousands of years later we discover it literally looks like Hell.
@curtisleblanc5897 3 года назад
@martinmizfitcruz4975 3 года назад
And they say women are from venus..🤔🤔🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
@curtisleblanc5897 3 года назад
@@martinmizfitcruz4975 IT'S A CONSPIRACY, MAN!
@SteveMLloyd 3 года назад
@@martinmizfitcruz4975 They couldn't be more right!
@veronikamajerova4564 3 года назад
Aaaaand there might be life on it.
@mr.bright2.038 3 года назад
I'm assuming that "the most beautiful angel" must have meant the ones with the most eyes and mouths
@scottbruckner4653 3 года назад
@John Smith God's throne is a wheel chair?
@scottbruckner4653 3 года назад
@John Smith So it's an office chair.
@scottbruckner4653 3 года назад
@John Smith God can swivel in any direction he pleases or roll at your with infinity speed. Sounds like an office chair.
@DDDRRRCCC 3 года назад
@@scottbruckner4653 LMFAO
@givdb5513 3 года назад
Why are you guys making physical comparison to actual figurative, subjective, enigmatic, metaphorically, philosophic, with even a forgot alphabet which the meaning of these words doesn't mean the same thing from every 1000 years. Even the last decade of 90s doesn't mean the same to the 2000s to 2010s to 2020s
@jay-san464 3 года назад
I’m not even religious, but learning about this stuff is kinda interesting
@whitereaper2960 3 года назад
dude same i’ve been binge watching videos like these
@kiyoshi5430 3 года назад
@starvinmarvin6565 3 года назад
That interest your feeling is GOD letting your Spiritual Eyes see the works of satan. (Adversary, disrupt, unpure, unrighteous, unlawful)
@Rojob 3 года назад
You shouldnt have to be religious to understand world religion and culture
@starvinmarvin6565 3 года назад
@Moko a Man who has no Faith is a lost Soul, for in GOD'S Eyes you will be forsaken for your Faith was forsaken.
@AlasdairGR 2 года назад
It's so fascinating to grow up religious (in my case, Mormon) and finally, as an adult, see a lot the doctrine of Judaism and Christianity put into actual historical context with the real documents and the comparisons to other neighboring cultures and mythologies of that time period. So many of these stories now feel like actual history and mythologies (like Greek, Roman, or Egyptian) instead of these weird legends that I was constantly told to believe in as a kid.
@cherylwade264 Год назад
The Book of life is actually explaining the good and evil that people do. Archaeologists a Linguists and Scientists help with the understandings of the world around us. When you view life as a learning experience you begin to understand the beauty and complexity of our existence. The spiritual part of people is based on religion although not always experienced because of religion..
@markthefan Год назад
@TheGuardian60 Год назад
Don't trust psychiatry, they are merely a branch of the law, to keep order and hide away embarrassment.
@sav2823 Год назад
@allinworldwillfadeawaysome4245 10 месяцев назад
Bible connects everything. as i grew older it makes sense the other religions are just fallen angels pretending to be god. like Greek Gods are just fallen angels
@justarandomsovietofficerwi2023 3 года назад
"In today's terms, that's the equivalent of being a sort of Bible fanfiction" Best part of the video.
@bernardfinucane2061 3 года назад
Not exactly accurate though. It's projecting current religious belief on the religion of the time, when Enoch was a central pillar of belief.
@Getoffmycloud53 3 года назад
Funny, but incorrect, as it arbitrarily distinguishes between “true new testament books” and “fan fiction” - so if we look at the whole bible, new and old testament, there are many such arbitrary choices between “official” and “unofficial” - that is without stacked translation errors etc added on top. That history, editing and translating makes these books a very human affair.
@Darasilverdragon 3 года назад
honestly pretty much anything written by someone claiming themselves to be a 'prophet' or any contemporary of Yeshua (y'all call him Jesus nowadays, despite that name being completely wrong) was considered 'canon' back then finally the church convened the Council of Nicea where they debated and argued until they'd finally settled on an official canon, and everything else got chucked out as apocryphal, including the Book of Enoch - probably because it involved too much mysticism for their tastes... it's effectively the christian equivalent of the judaic Kabbalah, and includes ways to summon and bind spirits and the names of secret angels, and sigils supposedly used by god himself one of the most famous (by which i mean often-seen, not commonly known about) is the Sigilum Dei Ameth - if you look it up, you may recognize it from some anime or other popular works involving magic/mysticism
@Riituuu 3 года назад
I'm so glad I was the 666th like on this comment
@goodcorwin627 3 года назад
maybe more like an expanded universe, then when the new Church acquired the rights to the franchise, they just declared it non-canon and ignored it... Wonder if theyre gonna reach into it now, they seem kinda desperate for new material, since the new canon doesnt seem to please the fans so much anymore.
@Josh-xm4cp 3 года назад
Religious or not, the Bible has the coolest lore.
@citizenvulpes4562 3 года назад
Yes, but with the book of enoch. Without that book it seems dull compared to older religions of the time. I'll always love Odysseyous, over anything in the bible.
@deepcore2220 3 года назад
If you read it like a story book it is quite fun
@jedaaa 3 года назад
Naaahhhh you should study Ancient Greek mythology, it's mad as fuck.
@user-wn3wv5bx5e 3 года назад
@@jedaaa half the problems came from Zeus who couldn't keep his pants on lol
@user-wn3wv5bx5e 3 года назад
But yeah, honestly the Bible has some deep and cool shit in it other than the religious things, the martyrs are either so badass or tragic
@elijahblechman8633 3 года назад
Lucier as a concept is so important for modren story telling. The idea of of once great and almost heroic person falling to become the ultimate evil is my favorite troupe in fantasy story telling..
@hithere4719 3 года назад
With how wonderful life is for everyone on the planet, and the virtue of the leaders, I am so glad that such a baaaad baaaad guy like Lucifer isn’t in charge of anything at all 👍🏻
@increaseoverture_ 3 года назад
@Bushheadmonster 3 года назад
Walter white
@bread2512 3 года назад
Turn away from your sins go to God 🙏🙏
@YoloTB 3 года назад
@@increaseoverture_ Im pretty sure Anakin is based on both Lucifer and Jesus he was the chosen one and he was born without a father from the force and his mother raised him like Mary. And he fell from grace and started a war and killed all of the Jedi like Lucifer
@AccountantProOT Год назад
I'm glad someone actually covered this topic. When I was a Christian many years ago and after reading and studying the Bible over and over again, especially the books of Isaiah and Ezekiel, which folks claim the story of the origin of Satan appear, I realized that those verses DO NOT talk about Satan, but about the kings of Babylon and Tyre. I brought that up with some of my peers and they scoffed at my findings. They claimed that I wasn't reading the verses correctly and that I needed "the holy spirit" to guide me while I read the scriptures. I've learned years later that if you read and study a topic and it doesn't explain itself clearly, its all rubbish. This is why when folks try to tell me "the bible says" this or that, I ask them "did tje holy spirit tell you that?"-because ebery Christian denomination in the world claims to have the truth, that they are believers of Jesus Christ, that they are baptized by the holy ghost, yet they bash others making the same claims as well. This is why there is so much confusion out there. Not everyone of them can be right, but they sure as hell can all be wrong.
@Mulapu1 Год назад
He got it all wrong Here's The Factual Truth (use logic) First off here's the extension of Isaiah 14:12-14 "12. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High" If you really understand the Bible you will notice that the ambition the "King of Babylon" had was far beyond any human comprehension. For there is no human being who would have the mindset to challenge God who's often called " The Most High" In reference to Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18 says Jesus said , "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" this is the same as "How art thou fallen from heaven" in Isaiah 14:12 In addition the devil Lucifer has been known to possess humans throughout history and the king of Babylon happens to be one of the victims. And another victim of possession was The king of tyre read ezekiel 28 to get the whole picture. The name Lucifer has nothing to do with a planet but rather a fallen angel.
@AccountantProOT Год назад
@@Mulapu1 prove it
@AccountantProOT Год назад
@fraterperpetuuscoegi7668 i agree
@AccountantProOT Год назад
@fraterperpetuuscoegi7668 of you study the bible, there is no mention of the rapture. The verses that supposedly were about Satan were actually about the king of Tyre and the king of Babylon exactly. The serpent in the Genesis isn't mention as Satan, although Satan appears in the book of Job, he's no more than a minor character. The term antichrist appears in the 1sr book of John and it says that "anyone that is separated from God is an antichrist", not some kind of evil ruler in the ends of time. Many times people grab one bible verse or two, misinterpret it, and create plenty of false doctrines from them. The bible is clear about the judgment that will fall on those that add or take away from the scriptures, even if they have the best intentions (Revelations 22:17-19). This is why we need to read, study, and learn what the scriptures says. We need to ask the Almighty for his guidance to understand the words in the holy book, so we don't fall for our own limited and flawed understanding. God himself doesn't anyone boasting nor exaggerating anything for the sake of his name. God is God and he does how he pleases. And for those who take his name in vain, even with the best intentions, will have to be accountable for their actions. God bless all of you. Rick
@yakob1248 11 месяцев назад
Hello. Greetings, I hope your day finds you well. I suggest you do some reading and digging into Orthodox Christianity, it is the most authentic form of Christianity and I'm certain that you'll find what you need there.
@colindaniels6218 3 года назад
"Bible Fan Fiction" Huh, never thought I'd hear that one
@Saffron-sugar 3 года назад
You're not a Roman Catholic, I take it?
@alienalchemist 3 года назад
Ever heard of Paradise Lost and the Divine Comedy?
@yootoobsuks4210 3 года назад
Wait'll you hear what REALLY went down in the Garden of Eden. Heh heh heh!
@arricammarques1955 3 года назад
Biblical stories were passed down as an oral tradition. The stories had many changes.
@askhowiknow5527 3 года назад
Mormons, anyone?
@ivabiggin5964 3 года назад
Very good explanation. I have been aware of this for 5 decades. Having the ability to read Aramaic and Hebrew is paramount to knowing what has been said. I do my best translating Latin which is very helpful. Sadly most religious people don't really want to know the original intention thinking it will destroy their faith.
@fr33kSh0w2012 3 года назад
@jollimaiahtacksworth 2 года назад
I'm an idiot so take this with a grain of salt, but if a person's faith can be broken by something as simple as knowing the truth, is it even worth anything?
@tobiaswedin 2 года назад
@@jollimaiahtacksworth It never was, faith is a pretty stupid concept. Ignorant at best.
@engineeredtruths8935 2 года назад
What's your point oh wise linguist? Understand what? What has been misunderstood? The original teachings were taught in Hebrew and Greek and only later Latin, what's your point?
@engineeredtruths8935 2 года назад
@@ThornWithin I can make out that all linguists I've seen and heard were ignorant and/or Liars. Missing context, missing church history and doctrine.
@roblrocks 3 года назад
He's the most handsome, giant ring covered in eyes
@voidlesslove3123 3 года назад
That and he has a top hat
@thepassionateginger6236 3 года назад
Satan is a Cherub angel so he wouldn't be a ring covered in eyes.
@aela9921 3 года назад
Soya NastTes, Thank you hahahaha You think guys i was overthrown.. hahahahaha I am just over here on my throne, My wings and my hair where you at. I am here who is the heir, and i want you to hear cause i am here. I am who i am. The son of the sun.
@aela9921 3 года назад
@@thepassionateginger6236 my Arch angel name. Satan is my student. There is a difference between pride and arrogance. And we have difference faces. 😛
@bodoque186 3 года назад
@@voidlesslove3123 rdr 2?
@zekesanchez1851 2 года назад
Now it starts to make sense. There's a saying in the Latin community "Hijo de la Manana" wich my parents used to refer to when chastising a person or a bad situation. That translates into "Son of the Morning". I never understood it till now. Thank you.
@nathanielhellerstein5871 3 года назад
Isaiah: "Hey, bright boy, you've gone _down._ " King of Babylon: "You're not helping!"
@aela9921 3 года назад
You think guys i was OverThrown.. Then i laughed, I am just over here on my throne, I am here who is the heir, and i want you to hear cause i am here. I am who i am. Seeing you guys and hearing you. I am Lucifer The Son of the Sun.
@pedromsampaio647 3 года назад
Isaiah: Come on down, come on down!
@aela9921 3 года назад
Soon. 🦇🦇🦇
@monmonfiasco6391 3 года назад
Imagine if Isaiah is a former Gangsters and said that and quote in the bible
@weedmood 3 года назад
it is holy word dude keep in that in mind, you will be punished for changeing the words of God (that was mention in bible). You were maybe not informed about that. If you not afraid of God do it for othere people ... respect their faith , do not misslead others. God was newer talking to any of babilon kings directly. Ruler does not make friends with lions ... ruler gave human earht to rule the animals . it is an insult to man to be compared to an animal, because it is man who was created in God's image
@polish_filipino 3 года назад
Lemme just go up to some satanists and be like: "Lucifer isn't even canon" smh "Ya'll just a bunch of hardcore bible fanfiction supporters"
@Stars-Mine 3 года назад
I think they know
@Sn1ffko 3 года назад
@@Stars-Mine Isn't Satan canon?
@ellagage1256 3 года назад
"Lucifer isn't canon" "We know"
@kyrabytes563 3 года назад
They know lmao
@aela9921 3 года назад
Hahaha. Really, if you are a solid Filipino, You know where we at? For the topic of this video is the God of Time. A Question. Your Quest to answer my Question.
@glacet 3 года назад
You forgot the part where he fell in love with a detective.
@feliciapattinson9591 3 года назад
Lmao 5th season part 2 ep 2 is the worst
@brewdanny4988 3 года назад
Glacet Satan doesn't fall in love thou.
@glacet 3 года назад
@@brewdanny4988 i hope you know i was joking
@brewdanny4988 3 года назад
@@glacet Satan doesn't Joke either
@davidmarcum3432 3 года назад
Tell me, What do you desire?
@acezeman07 2 года назад
So I'm not religious at all, and I love these videos connection and explaining all of this. From a history and curiosity standpoint your videos are great and I love watching your content.
@roberttrumanreed7016 Год назад
It's not my business but my hope is to help anyone I can that is struggling with religion its my hope that through my suffering someone might be saved I struggled to know what to believe as well I swear I am of sound mind and without lies only the unfortunate truth of the mark of the beast and the reality of the devil talked about in the Bible I'm here to bare my testimony to the reality of Satan and how evil he really is he has power over a spiritual realm wich he uses to control dreams that he uses to defile you with sin his sole purpose is to accuse you in front of God he uses confusion and lies to affect your faith he uses your weaknesses against you he has the ability to look like your friends and family members his joy is to know you're gonna spend eternity in a bottomless pit alone remember your creator before the silver cord is severed believe the profits in the Bible call on jehova and Jesus exercise faith and repentance in Jesus name God bless you I hope this sparks in you the desire to know God I pray he keeps your soul and this evil never befalls you
@thebluedragon07 Год назад
@@roberttrumanreed7016 I see you no doubt copy and paste this. But a little tid bit from me: not everyone needs religion, it won't solve any real world problems, it won't put food on the table, it won't help pay the bills, it doesn't really make life bearable either. Just talk to a person like a normal decent human being, if religion comes up, great have a chat about it, but when the subject change, change with it, but otherwise don't force it on someone (the Bible explicitly states that you should never be forceful in getting people to believe in God, that it must be done on their own will). Also you may want to go through your reply and figure out punctuation's, it makes what you wrote difficult to read. Also don't blame the devil for every bad decision or action you ever made, take responsibility like a decent modern day human being.
@paulavery5889 Год назад
I love angels even though I don't believe in them lol true story
@acezeman07 8 месяцев назад
@@Buddz69 ligma balls
@acezeman07 8 месяцев назад
@@roberttrumanreed7016 ligma balls
@cristian-ionutapostol8018 3 года назад
Luceafăr is still the Romanian name for Venus in the sky to this day.
@anna-px3ty 3 года назад
Modern Romanian is so close to Latin it's so cool!
@Mandalorian_John 3 года назад
Venus the morning star
@yvieoluoch66 3 года назад
I can just imagine Lucifer Morningstar (from the show)introducing himself to a Romanian. No shudders here.
@Gowardh 3 года назад
They compared it to that but it's an actual lying spirit the devil is real
@bigviel3298 3 года назад
And both are referred to as The Morning Star!
@parkin3885 4 года назад
Great video, love the channel. I'm not even remotely religious, but these kind of things are interesting.
@Boiea 4 года назад
I used to be religious: the fact that Lucifer falling from heaven, and becoming evil wasn't in the actual Bible (it's in the Apocrypha, I think) is one of the MANY reasons why I'm not anymore. XD
@JulianGem 4 года назад
It's amazing that Norse and Greek aren't the religion
@Fetidaf 4 года назад
@Lucileide Ribeiro dos Passos not really, he's the ultimate rebel against authority... And he somehow almost won against an all powerful and all knowing being. He tried, sure he failed but trying is what really counts in this instance
@guardianangel3146 4 года назад
Try Aoc network
@x-kid1848 4 года назад
I agree
@Fuck1me2and3U 3 года назад
Fun fact: the name Lucifer hasn't always been associated with evil. In fact, it is also known as an epithet for Jesus, therefore, making it a popular name. There is a literal Saint Lucifer.
@ruukibane301 2 года назад
Thank you someone who knows its origin. They don't understand that king Neb. was being mocked for even comparing himself to the likeness of godliness.
@voidremoved 2 года назад
But the word Lucifer came from crappy Latin translations that we don't need. Thats why the RC church is so messed up, they used a poorly translated Latin Bible to make their marian cult.
@quasmati 2 года назад
Yes! Jesus' real father may actually be Lucifer. When Jesus was baptized the bible says 'a voice from heaven said...' It did not specify whose voice it was. It would be very presumptuous to assume the voice was God's.
@anchorthesun3438 2 года назад
@@quasmati who else would the voice possibly be ? Who else is speaking FROM HEAVEN , to even think Jesus has any other father than God the father is heresy
@haruyoshida2338 2 года назад
@@quasmati 🤦‍♂️
@flicko_dave Год назад
Thank you for telling us the origin of Lucifer because now I know that it's not the devil but some sort of fallen angel. This was very useful.
@francespaculanan1840 3 года назад
As a child I always felt and thought that "Lucifer" sounded too pretty to be a name associated as the devil 🙃🙃🙃
@aela9921 3 года назад
Yes, I am here the Heir. The devil that lived forever and ever. Thought by many fuck by i am fact.
@dennisotieno6830 3 года назад
Lucifer was the name used before he rebelled, but after sinning and rebellion God changed Lucifer's name to Satan.
@michellemckillop8935 3 года назад
@@dennisotieno6830 satan means adversary. Defending oneself. Free will. Questioning “ authority”. Lucifer means bearer of light. She sounds pretty great to me. Ciao
@extreme6993 3 года назад
The name Lucifer just popped in my head has I try to meditate,The planet is shifting and I have or becoming spiritual to this,So I looked Lucifer up to stumble across this channel on purpose,No ACCIDENTS!!
@matheusmorenodavid214 3 года назад
he was a angel and byble clearly says that, this video spreads misionformation about the devil, just like he probably want
@Soundlite09 3 года назад
I remember my Bible study teacher telling me this. The name Lucifer was actually meant as a name to ridicule the kings of Babylon whom were trying to overpower the lineage of King David. Lucifer may have never been Satan’s name to begin with.
@aharonbaalshem 3 года назад
It's not Satan is the Fallen Watcher Azazel. Lucifer is a title Samael uses and the name popped up in Infernal Grimoires. The Church thought they were talking about the actual Morning Star that fell and pushed it as Cheif Satan. No that is Dutchess Astaroth the former Queen of Heaven. Lucifer is the Fallen Archangel Samael
@Soundlite09 3 года назад
@@aharonbaalshem Wow that’s interesting! I’ll keep note of this😃 So are Samael and Satan two separate entities? I always wanted to know. And if you have links to sources, I would love to know that as well😄
@swampraider3488 2 года назад
@@Soundlite09 Samael is Satan, Lucifer is Lucifer. Telling you from a Satanist. Hail the Old Gods!
@luciuszogratis9557 2 года назад
@@aharonbaalshem Yo those names dont even exist in the bible lmao. Like, some names you just mentioned were based off of mesopotamian Godesses. Like Astaroth which is based from Ishtar.
@aharonbaalshem 2 года назад
@@luciuszogratis9557 I'm talking the actual Hebrew Bible. Samael is literally their Satan and Google is your friemd. Right here is one Google search. Background. The name Astaroth was ultimately derived from that of 2nd millennium BC Phoenician goddess Astarte, an equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, and the earlier Sumerian Inanna. She is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in the forms Ashtoreth (singular) and Ashtaroth (plural, in reference to multiple statues of her).
@AtilonWoW 3 года назад
Hebrew is like my first language, and the way you were reading sounded like you were going to summon a demon xD
@jasonmb2728 3 года назад
Sounds interesting. Could you please share with us more ? ☺️
@AtilonWoW 3 года назад
@@jasonmb2728 Well It's really just pronounciation. The way you actually read sounds way more laid back. It did sound badass though
@samuelsackey2599 3 года назад
@@AtilonWoW yeah. Very true. I don't know Hebrew but it sounded scary listening to that reading. Lol
@xano2921 3 года назад
@@AtilonWoW maybe it's because it's old Hebrew and not the modern one?
@yungdmusic8147 3 года назад
It’s old Hebrew not Yiddish shalom
@YoussefMouline-zo4it Год назад
I wish you could’ve mentioned more about the history of the Devil, it’s so interesting! Now, the actual figure of Satan doesn’t appear much in the Hebrew Bible. In fact, whenever the word is used, it is normally the translation of the Hebrew word “śāṭān” meaning “adversary”. Normally, this word would be used to describe any type of adversary, whether human or supernatural, and a lot of the time in the Hebrew Bible, it is often used to describe human adversaries. However, in the later books of the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the books of Job and Zechariah, it refers to a specific supernatural entity. We can identify this entity by when the word śāṭān is accompanied by a definite article, which turns it into “ha-śāṭān” or “the adversary”. This form of Satan occurs 17 times in the Masoretic Text, in the books of Job and Zechariah. In Job, Ha-Śāṭān continuously tests Job’s faith in God by torturing him, and in The Book of Zechariah, Zechariah is shown having a vision about Joshua the High Priest being prosecuted by Ha-Śāṭān. Curiously, in much of the Hebrew Bible, this figure is shown not as an enemy of God but as his servant, usually testing people’s faith, and it is mostly this image that can be found in modern-day Judaism. However, during the Second-Temple period, when Jews were living in the Persian Empire, Judaism started to be heavily influenced by Zoroastrianism, and because of this, the figure of the Devil started to form. In case you don’t know, Zoroastrianism was an ancient Persian religion, and had elements of both monotheism and dualism, and is considered to be one of the oldest monotheistic religions. In Zoroastrian belief, there is the good God, or Ahura Mazda, and his opposer Angra Mainyu, the evil spirit of darkness and evil, and the first fully fleshed out idea of God’s opposer is, of course, in the Book of Enoch, which the video already explains. Although, because the Book of Enoch is not considered Biblical canon, it wasn’t included in the formation of the Hebrew Bible. However, the Enoch story and the new figure of Satan is what laid the basis for his character in the two following religions; Christianity and Islam.
@drip_sauce7967 Месяц назад
Wow, can you teach me more ? 😮
@nicholastessla2670 4 года назад
So tell me, what is it you truly desire?
@_mossy_8520 4 года назад
An actually non-shit season please
@ladenbin 4 года назад
I would love to taste butter
@kbjinx2273 3 года назад
@olivermilan1773 3 года назад
Ah, i see you're a man of culture aswell
@yaphetgebreyesus3774 3 года назад
@Larry Cavalli humanity is created by the likeness or image of god so every time he breaks somones faith he feels he got a revenge against god read in the bible about job
@Crystal23 3 года назад
"remember, non of these are canon" Dude talk like this is an anime fanfic
@mourad505 3 года назад
You got it the other way around, actually. Star Wars, anime, and comic fans talk like their favorite stories are Biblical texts.
@willmosse3684 3 года назад
Yeah, like the dude above said, the term comes from Biblical study. It was copied by Anime fans
@rtoomer92 3 года назад
It’s like the apocrypha is not considered canon and this was deemed by Constantine
@nubuangipachuau1317 3 года назад
Bro i think this narrator didn't read the revelation about the war in heaven
@actuallymichael1 3 года назад
Tbh the bible is the og manga
@duplicarus 3 года назад
I’m really bouta read the Bible now
@MikaelLewisify 3 года назад
Read with lots of caffeine...it’s the most boring collection of books I’ve ever read.
@talkingwithtravion5454 3 года назад
@@MikaelLewisify I understand that but there are so many amazing details about the bible . The logic, the wisdom, the holy, etc. everything is amazing and intresting and gets so much better the deeper you go.
@MikaelLewisify 3 года назад
@@talkingwithtravion5454 we’re going to need to agree to disagree on this one. In my opinion, the Bible is the most boring and amateur collection of nonsense I’ve ever read.
@talkingwithtravion5454 3 года назад
@@MikaelLewisify i agree many depections were lost due to ill translation between languages and the history is different
@MikaelLewisify 3 года назад
@@talkingwithtravion5454 I think calling it “history” is a bit of a stretch. Unless, of course, we are going to also call Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter “history” as well.
@xyz7572 Год назад
I’d love more about mistranslations! The concept of apocryphal books are so fascinating, and so is how mistranslations accidentally can form canon. Thanks for the cool video!
@faustinadavid8902 3 года назад
When I was small I sometimes used to wonder if planet venus is the real *HELL* lol bcoz of it weird and mysterious features I read like.. 1 Planet venus is growing so bright that it can actually cast shadows. Venus has a bizarre rotation. It rotates in clockwise motion(backwards unlike other planets)Infact A day on venus is longer than a year(To rotate on it own axis : 243 days and to rotate around the sun: 225 days) 2 Venus is hotter than mercury even tho it's the 2nd planet from sun.Its the hottest planet in solar system(Surafce temperature:462°C) Even more strangely the rotation appears to be slowing down every year. 3 The atmosphere of venus is made up of carbon dioxide and thick clouds of SULPHURIC ACID.The clouds are so thick that that u cannot see what's below. Like how there are water droplets on earth venus has SULPHURIC ACID droplets and CO2 is one of the most dangerous and suffocating gas. 4 Venus has 90 times the atmosphere pressure of earth. Its called the most brightest planet. It's so bright that it's sometimes mistaken for a UFO. Venus is filled with volcanoes and fresh lava(probably one is erupting now) 5 Venus appears to be a spot where spacecraft's go to extreme.Venus atmosphere killed spacecraft dead very quickly. 6 As said in the video it's the first star we can see in evening and last star when sun comes up in the morning. 7 MOST Importantly it's called the *Earth's Twin* bcoz of their similar size,mass,proximity to the sun,and bulk composition.
@LyisLie 3 года назад
bro you're very open minded, good observation
@Azazantei 3 года назад
@a w Bro Sirius is a Literal Star ofc it's gonna be Hotter.
@DrowningScallop 3 года назад
@a w ok
@mondy710 3 года назад
Noted that.
@nsdtgabe4082 3 года назад
a w Sirius isnt a morning star its a winter star
@pop5678eye 3 года назад
3:47 Just a little bit of clarification about the planet Venus. It is sometimes visible before sunrise ('morning star') and sometimes after sunset ('evening star') but never both on the same night. That's because Venus orbits the Sun closer than the Earth and hence from our perspective it never strays far from it. However the orbit is very slow so it couldn't be observed both before sunrise and after sunset on the same night. It's only one or the other.
@carlinkag2525 2 года назад
Ah, thanks! I was trying to understand how it could both be the evening and morning star but couldn't get the logistics straight in my head.. 🌟
@theprofanedflame6601 2 года назад
What if the the star that shines the brightest in the sky is not venus...but the actaul sun 🤨
@carlinkag2525 2 года назад
@@theprofanedflame6601 The sun is too OP and so it doesn't count
@LilOlFunnyBoy 2 года назад
@@theprofanedflame6601 Venus is not a star. They didn't know this stuff thousands of years ago.
@samsmom1491 2 года назад
@@theprofanedflame6601 Calm down. Venus is a planet...we know. People refer to it as a star as that term/noun dates back to the time before humans knew the difference between a star and a planet.
@abhinavbhise3816 3 года назад
i Always wonder about the crazy consequences of mistranslation from languages and how they affect our beliefs today
@blackseoulite 3 года назад
And people get so used to one translation that they don’t want to look at any other ones.
@lahoku 3 года назад
Beyond affect, my friend! More like impactful on an epiphanic revelation on unparalleled proportions. ☺️
@MOON-lk3fz 3 года назад
It does, there are many English translation of the Bible aside from the King James Version. Like in that particular book in KJV where a certain creature was mistranslated as "unicorn🦄" instead of "auroch 🐂".
@EpicBlackflame07 3 года назад
Pretty sure there was a Futurama world episode about that
@StokesRef 3 года назад
You can read it in its original translation
@maximilian6830 2 года назад
One thing that should be mentioned is Paradise Lost and it’s influence on the story of Lucifer in the minds of modern people (also good to mention is Dante’s Inferno)
@mikearchibald744 Год назад
Yeah,, thats where MOST of it comes from, surprised he didn't mention it.
@Johnny3Batony Год назад
Both are fanfictions that have nothing to do with the original texts.
@Joanna-il2ur Год назад
We might say darkness risible. The bit in the Inferno where Satan is eating Brutus, Cassius and Judas Iscariot tells us that the worst in is betrayal.
@maximilian6830 Год назад
@@mikearchibald744 the Quran is also a good source of influence
@TheRafaelBond 4 месяца назад
@@Johnny3Batony So? Thats not what he says
@miguelr246 3 года назад
5:19 "They taught the humans Forbidden Arts like MIRRORS" lol what.
@anonymoususer6683 3 года назад
@bombum1487 3 года назад
MIRRORS is true Forbidden Arts, if you have not seen any mirror before!
@nathanm.8823 3 года назад
Mirrors and makeup. These things promote vanity. Vanity promotes pride, and pride comes before the fall. What fall you might ask? Why the fall from God's grace of course! We can only be saved by the grace of God. Mercy and forgiveness are God's grace. God achieved these thing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ, who died and was punished for our sins. But still you might ask, why doesn't God want me to be proud of myself? It's because proud people do not ask for forgiveness. Proud people don't even see themselves as being incorrect.... like ever. Therefore they are incapable of receiving God's grace and being forgiven for their sins. Jesus' sacrifice is wasted on them. God wants everyone to go to heaven. The serpent wants everyone to go to hell. Who are you going to pick?
@nirazbal656 3 года назад
@@nathanm.8823 James 1:23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a MIRROR. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.
@nathanm.8823 3 года назад
@@nirazbal656 The verse you shared has almost nothing to do with the mirror it mentions. It's about seeing the truth and then walking away and forgetting. Hearing the Word and then doing nothing.
@ayutism 3 года назад
@falseprofit2569 3 года назад
the devil taking the storys in the Bible and making it his own :/, "don't be deceived for even the devil can appear as an angel of light"
@5thfloor584 3 года назад
Yeah, where do you think the bible's authors came up with that idea, to begin with? All religions come from the same place, they all share ideas and the bible is a young religion/text. I kinda subscribe to gnosticism in this regard, like how Yahweh is the material god (evil) and the freedom providing beings are the good ones .
@5thfloor584 3 года назад
@@falseprofit2569 If I wanted to spread my religion and control people/the world I would make up warnings like that to keep people confused about what's really good or bad.
@falseprofit2569 3 года назад
@@5thfloor584 I highly doubt people back than would have the knowledge to make up the Bible and the connections within it that's why I lean more to believe it
@mikochild2 3 года назад
@@falseprofit2569 many of the stories that have parallels to the Bible actually predate the Bible
@cej3940 3 года назад
"We've been played, fooled and quite possibly; bamboozled" - Yepe 69:69
@ekkoekko4610 3 года назад
niggalations 69:420
@cej3940 3 года назад
@@ekkoekko4610 I love that haha
@masteroogway3040 3 года назад
@valentinyovkokvv7685 3 года назад
0000BC Jesus Christ - "Yikes"
@The_Whimsical_Stenographer 3 года назад
I'd much rather believe in God and find out he's not real than vice versa, because the vice versa will not be good. 😊
@adrianscorch Год назад
I was in a private Christian school from kindergarten until fourth grade, and must’ve made it through the Bible twice. They explicitly taught us that Lucifer as Satan is never mentioned in the Bible.
@meesterexit1969 3 года назад
That's the thing with so many translations, interpretations in different languages. You get estranged from the original meaning of the text.
@VG-rj8pn 3 года назад
none of you know the meaning of even one thing in the bible. you all are full of mans buffoonery and church idiocies.
@professorbaxtercarelessdre1075 3 года назад
kinda like humans right? we're all descended from England and Africa, but we don't all look or sound like we all, we've become estranged from our own origins in a way
@yourplaylist4538 3 года назад
Totallyyy unrelated but Your PFP reminds me of 'The Ring' It's a movie
@meesterexit1969 3 года назад
@@yourplaylist4538 : Fear me not....I am not Samara :-) But everything is related by the way....I have seen 'The Ring'. It's a picture of a solar eclips.
@meesterexit1969 3 года назад
@@VG-rj8pn : That's why I am an atheist.
@pinkorulez 3 года назад
was not expecting lucifer to be from a fanfic
@Khushi-Shah 3 года назад
Makes perfect sense.
@spaceman5908 3 года назад
The original “OC do not steal”
@steveprendiz 3 года назад
Lucifer was sent to hell? So why did hell already exist before this happened? What was the purpose of creating hell?
@professorbaxtercarelessdre1075 3 года назад
sounds like he needs to do a video on that very topic :D (idk either btw)
@davidordaz5251 3 года назад
God made it for the devil and his fallen angels humans aren’t meant for hell though usually
@professorbaxtercarelessdre1075 3 года назад
@@davidordaz5251 what are humans meant for then? and is this from the bible? i'm curious cause i never read it, too long and confusing lol (also don't believe in most of it)
@steveprendiz 3 года назад
@@davidordaz5251 How can God, which is pure love, make a place so horrible?
@zanaijscott8850 3 года назад
Hell in this verse means the void aka earth
@gimmik6756 7 месяцев назад
I also think that the name ‘Morning Star’ refers to how Lucifer fell from greatness, yet never was able to come back (since he was never called night star, because he never rose again)
@onism3053 3 года назад
Is also cool to know that "helel" and "shahar" in "helel ben shahar" are both the names to the Crescent moon and star in the islamic flag.
@iputapipebombintoyourmailb6210 3 года назад
and lemme guess. people will use that translation without context and use it to offend muslim. but hey i also hate myself for some times
@johnsilva1773 3 года назад
Oddly, I know that only because I served in the Army with a guy named Elhilali
@steinsgate514 3 года назад
The crescent moon and star symbol actually have no origins in the Islamic faith, in fact the use of those symbols pre-dates Islam. The Seljuk Turks were the first to use those symbols to represent their "Islamic Nation".
@heleniyahabukarsh513 3 года назад
A man name Hellel Wiess the head of the Sanhedrin (head of the pharisees). And if you didn't know the pharisees claim to worship the same god as the Muslims
@heleniyahabukarsh513 2 года назад
@Digging Monk I am is not what is written it is translated that way from YHWH. Same with LORD it's not written originally it was a translation from the same YHWH. I wouldn't go around throwing those terms at the Most High.
@floritareese4564 4 года назад
I love when people use the word "curious" in their vids. Such a whimsical word. 🌹💫❣
@OCDlosp 4 года назад
curious, very curious
@pankeksenpai5323 3 года назад
It's curious how you think the word is whimsical
@varunsvinu 3 года назад
Curiously I'm curious too
@mikeaa5235 3 года назад
Now I understand why the Dutch call matches Lucifers. Literally, light bringers. Wow!
@aela9921 3 года назад
I am who i am, I am he, Let there be light, I am the Son of the Sun, Sad but True i am True and it's Good to be True. My genes is to four families but inherent to one person. Let share the initial judgement for all is now, a preparatory for real Horror cause i will roar soon to meat the blasphemous. A Christmas Earthquake was the sign for judgement to the EAST country of pEARLs. I am the Heir people is in my hair i am here have an EAR.
@iamthesenate5769 3 года назад
@@aela9921 *NOW that's what I'd call edgy!*
@thickangeldaddysubliminal1890 3 года назад
@Wallmart5 Год назад
We seriously need to see another part of this video. It’s so interesting.
@larsb4572 3 года назад
For the ones saying Satan is Lucifer: The name Lucifer occurs once in the Scriptures and only in some versions of the Bible. For example, the King James Version renders Isaiah 14:12: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” The Hebrew word translated “Lucifer” means “shining one.”In some translations the Latin Vulgate term “Lucifer” is retained. It is, however, merely the translation of the Hebrew word heh·lelʹ, “shining one.” Heh·lelʹ is not a name or a title but, rather, a term describing the boastful position taken by Babylon’s dynasty of kings of the line of Nebuchadnezzar. The Septuagint uses the Greek word that means “bringer of dawn.” Hence, some translations render the original Hebrew “morning star” or “Daystar.” But Jerome’s Latin Vulgate uses “Lucifer” (light bearer), and this accounts for the appearance of that term in various versions of the Bible. Who is this Lucifer? The expression “shining one,” or “Lucifer,” is found in what Isaiah prophetically commanded the Israelites to pronounce as a “proverbial saying against the king of Babylon.” Thus, it is part of a saying primarily directed at the Babylonian dynasty. That the description “shining one” is given to a man and not to a spirit creature is further seen by the statement: “Down to Sheol you will be brought.” Sheol is the common grave of mankind-not a place occupied by Satan the Devil, and Satan most certainly isnt dead. Moreover, those seeing Lucifer brought into this condition ask: “Is this the man that was agitating the earth?” Clearly, “Lucifer” refers to a human, not to a spirit creature, also men cannot see invisible spirit creatures.-Isaiah 14:4, 15, 16. Why is such an eminent description given to the Babylonian dynasty? We must realize that the king of Babylon was to be called the shining one only after his fall and in a taunting way. (Isaiah 14:3) Selfish pride prompted Babylon’s kings to elevate themselves above those around them. So great was the arrogance of the dynasty that it is portrayed and represented as bragging and saying in his heart: “To the heavens I shall go up. Above the stars of God I shall lift up my throne, and I shall sit down upon the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. . . . I shall make myself resemble the Most High.”-Isaiah 14:13, 14. Biblical evidence points to Mount Zion as the “mountain of meeting.” Hence, since stars can refer to kings (Nu 24:17; Re 22:16), “the stars of God” must be the kings of the Davidic line who ruled from Mount Zion. The “king of Babylon” (the dynasty of Babylonian kings), reflecting the attitude of Satan the god of this system of things, indicated his ambition to lift up his throne “above the stars of God” by desiring to make the kings of the line of David mere vassals and then finally to dethrone them. Like stars that shed light, the “king of Babylon” shone brightly in the ancient world and could be termed “shining one.” “The stars of God” are the kings of the royal line of David. (Numbers 24:17) From David onward, these “stars” ruled from Mount Zion. After Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem, the name Zion came to apply to the whole city. Under the Law covenant, all male Israelites were obliged to travel to Zion three times a year. Thus, it became “the mountain of meeting.” By determining to subjugate the Judean kings and then remove them from that mountain, Nebuchadnezzar is declaring his intention to put himself above those “stars.” Instead of giving God the Father(yhwh; here after simply Jehovah) credit for the victory over them, he arrogantly puts himself in Jehovah’s place. So it is after being cut down to the earth that the Babylonian dynasty is mockingly referred to as the “shining one.” The pride of the Babylonian rulers indeed reflected the attitude of “the god of this system of things”-Satan the Devil. (2 Corinthians 4:4) He too lusts for power and longs to place himself above Jehovah God. But Lucifer is not a name Scripturally given to Satan as is shown beyond doubt by careful examination of the scriptures.
@SewNegative 2 года назад
Dam bruh wtf couldn’t you explain this a bit less?
@dianthusbarbatus2846 2 года назад
Hey, I don't understand. In short please?
@djamz4479 2 года назад
Yeesh. Write much?
@saintbrush4398 2 года назад
Lmao "One of the most important distinctions in the Old Testament and Christian Theology being written to be made clear in a thorough manner is waaay too long for me!!"
@IAM_GodKing 2 года назад
Funny How They Tell Ppl To Ignor The King James Version
@Boiea 4 года назад
I am in love with this channel. I've read the Apocrypha, and I'm kind of surprised that none of them made it into the official texts of the Bible. Also, fun fact: the Roman Catholics were the ones to canonise the Bible. The Roman Catholics... You know, the ones who withheld the Bible from their people, only plagiarizing its texts amidst sermons and teachings. Lol
@KenAmmi-Shalom 4 года назад
Funer fact: you may remember us Jews who received, preserved, lived and died for God's Word, the canonized the Old Testament, for millennia before the Roman Catholics church existed.
@ZephLodwick 4 года назад
I wish the Book of Enoch had made it into the Bible.
@Anthropomorphic 4 года назад
Kind of begs the question of when the Catholic church really became "The Catholic Church", you know? Was it before or after the establishing of the Biblical canon?
@ZephLodwick 4 года назад
@@Anthropomorphic According to tradition, the Catholic Church was established by St. Peter. It split from the Orthodox church during the Great Schism of 1054.
@Boiea 4 года назад
Whoa, first time ever getting replies. UwU, I love informational youtube channels. This has been a nice discussion to watch.
@Phoenix-np1iu 3 года назад
I'm Christian, but I feel like a lot of the stuff in the old testament was meant to be taken more metaphorically, so this is super interesting to me
@opindras.bangerh129 3 года назад
Hello Tessa, this presentation is not correct. That passage is not meant to represent venus. It is meant to represent the Devil, even if you reject Lucifer as a name/title. In short when he says modern translations don't use Lucifer, he is right. Modern translations don't because modern translations are wrong. Satan is hiding in plain sight. The KJV uses Lucifer. Even witches and occultists know Lucifer is satan they are not stupid. Don't let satan deceive you. In short the OT is meant to be taken literally where rendered. Jesus fulfilled 313 prophecies LITERALLY at his 1st coming and the rest will be fulfilled LITERALLY at his return. E.g Look at Israel back in the land etc. This is a literal fulfilment of prophecy. Shalom.
@xxxashx0 3 года назад
@@opindras.bangerh129 no💖
@JackDaniels-pj3sg 2 года назад
@@opindras.bangerh129 Lucifer is not Satan. Satan is Satan.
@opindras.bangerh129 2 года назад
@@JackDaniels-pj3sg it's a name change but the same being. Read: Luke 10:18 KJV - And he (JESUS) said unto them (DISCIPLES), I beheld Satan (LUCIFER) as lightning fall from heaven. Jesus here witnessing the fall of Lucifer/Satan.
@raymondlewis3527 2 года назад
@@opindras.bangerh129 Luke 10:18 is not speaking about the same being. Read the whole chapter of Isaiah 14, it is not speaking about a spiritual being, but a human being which was the king of Babylon. Satan is not Lucifer. The word lucifer is a Latin word. Study and don't be ignorant.
@twiztidsidfreak13 2 года назад
I do love the origins of words and names. It's always so interesting the path words and phrases take to end up where they are now.
@acatacho 3 года назад
I have come the conclusion that the more you study old texts as a scientific discipline the more astrology seems like it was more than just to scam people but an actual study of something.
@j0an-07-arc6 3 года назад
Astrology wasn’t a scam it was considered science not anymore it’s fun i like that I’m a Taurus it’s creepy how It’s accurate but it’s just fun to think about but there might actually have science in it
@AliM-yh3mu 3 года назад
Like alchemy, astrology was actually a proper science (many centuries ago) and certain courts, a.o. kings and queens in the East, hired people to do "science"; meaning that astrology was the equivalent of a government funded physics we are familiar with today. It was a science, but we often make the mistake to compare it (e.g. linguistically) to what is happening today in science. People have always sought to figure out nature and in the case of astrology this was to figure out what heavenly bodies (compared to terrestrial bodies as part of the study of alchemy) were able to do and what meaning they contained.
@acatacho 3 года назад
@Lord Quilton Interesting suggestion and points there. I will actually look in to it since I am curious about the zodiac
@JohnDoe19991 3 года назад
Astrology is Science . But horoscope and Zodiac are cult practices
@JohnDoe19991 3 года назад
@Lord Quilton nope astrology
@Dark-zc8vk 4 года назад
Hochelaga, whatever you do. Just continue to make more of these, your editing skills and pronunciation is SUPERB.
@nurd5776 3 года назад
And that’s why in the show, he’s called Lucifer Morningstar
@hannahllewellyn163 3 года назад
@AlicanYalcn 3 года назад
Morningstar Morningstar
@VG-rj8pn 3 года назад
no thats not why. he was not the morning star there is one being that is called that and never was it lucifer.
@richardturner6981 3 года назад
@ Nurd: that was a good program, why did they take it off the air?
@alucardtheno-lifeking2556 3 года назад
@@VG-rj8pn But doesn't his name translate to that like the video said?
@dannypalmer3581 Год назад
Man I was learning the book of Enoch a couple years ago and it totally changed how I translate the meaning of certain parts of the Bible
@yalijoel62 3 года назад
I really appreciate the fact that you are trying to read out hebrew, but damn, for a hebrew speaking person, its kinda funny to hear an english speaking person read it. Keep up the good work!!
@Saffron-sugar 3 года назад
maybe you can help me on this? הֵילֵל means bringer of light/dawn or morning-Star? In Latin, Lux (Luce) is light. "Lucifer" is the Latin rendering of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל‎ . It doesn't SOUND the same but it means the same. Look: A woman named Rose would still be called Rose in Japan (ローズ), but translated, it would be Bara (バラ) which is the name for the rose flower. Doesn’t sound the same, but it means the same. So, his entire point on הֵילֵל not being Lucifer is wrong?
@3dmockingbird 3 года назад
Pls your reply is needed
@slugcult1973 3 года назад
I find this subject fascinating for many reasons. But I find it really incredible to think that there was a time in this world where if you had made this presentation back then, you would've been imprisoned, tortured and quartered.
@TomorrowWeLive 2 года назад
Um, no? No there wasn't. Like, ever. Except in your weird imagination.
@revenevan11 2 года назад
@@TomorrowWeLive disagreeing with what the church was saying (Lucifer=satan, no questions!) Would be considered blasphemy. Keep it up, you'd be executed in some horrific way. Even if you had a presentation like this with evidence and a well thought out series of arguments and events explaining it, that's all just the devil's trickery trying to lead the flock astray, according to the church for much of history. That's just how the church was for a lot of history.
@crazydude1197 2 года назад
@@TomorrowWeLive Yeah, the Spanish Inquisition where a bunch of people were burned by the church wasnt a thing. Nor Galileo Galilei was threatened by the church. Grow up. The catholic curch was a force that, if you showed any doubt, you'd be punished severilly by it.
@dollynina8992 2 года назад
@@TomorrowWeLive Um, never heard of great thinkers being burned at the stake in Europe for simply questioning the authority of the church and it's religious texts? No? Go open a history book.
@juliusfishman7222 Год назад
@@dollynina8992 yeah that never happened you’re watching too much movies , most of the great thinkers of that time we’re actually christains
@shinaomisanya5367 3 года назад
"Mistranslation" Oof. The entirety of today's bible as we know it. 😣
@michellejohnsen912 3 года назад
@Daisy Fields yes Jesus is our only salvation!
@michellejohnsen912 3 года назад
@wojak47 yes we have free will. I hope you choose Jesus too! God bless you 🕊
@michellejohnsen912 3 года назад
@wojak47 trying to do the right thing is very important. I have a question, how can you be a naturalist when science has proven that there's more that is invisible than that is visible? Black matter and such.
@michellejohnsen912 3 года назад
@wojak47 closer to truth, have you seen the tv show by the same name? I appreciate science along with God. I read in the Bible things that are scientific. The Bible talked about the earth being a circle back when people believed it was flat. It says the earth hangs upon nothing and the heavens are spread out by God like a tent to live in. I guess I don't understand what a naturalist believes. I thought it meant you only believe in what's seen.
@michellejohnsen912 3 года назад
@wojak47 you would like that show, he's asking questions from people of different backgrounds about their beliefs on why we exist and if there's a God etc. He is an atheist or agnostic. Maybe see if they put any on you tube when you are bored. I see what you are saying about replicating an experiment and that's how we find out if something is fact or not. I am different I guess because I think the magnitude of people that believe in God and say similar things about God, is one way that proves God exists. Like just because it's not 100% the same all of the time doesn't mean it's not fact. Quantum physics experiments are along the same lines. The outcome is determined by being observed. If you believe in God that proves Him again because He is always observing us. I guess I am trying to help you see that you can believe in God and science. I don't believe they contradict each other.
@ddude1212 2 года назад
Okay yeah... but can we talk about how fitting it is that he used the music for Shine On You Crazy Diamond in the background?? Look up Syd Barrett's story and read the lyrics to that song, and it fits perfectly with the topic of this video. That song could almost be about Satan, and Syd Barrett's "fall from grace" is a very cool parallel. Leaving a like just for that little detail!!
@miscellania4263 3 года назад
Your narration is very soothing and makes these intriguing topics along with your choice of ambient music so lovely to watch. Cheers!
@theorangekindle4565 3 года назад
"I don't like evil. Don't you like good?" There's a huge difference between the two. Never embrace evil, never to killing, stealing and destroying.
@Infinitelove8 3 года назад
I learn more from RU-vid than I ever did from anyone else
@Idkwtctt 11 дней назад
Unfortunately, people don’t really want to know the true meaning of things or titles used in religious contexts. Thank you for this video, it was very nice to analyze the figure of Lucifer in a deeper sense!
@tp5487 3 года назад
I love how the comments are just filled with ppl reading the bible like a regular fiction novel 🤣🤣
@chargedinsavinghumanity 3 года назад
Bible is literature history book. In fact, not holy at all. You may called it fiction novel because of exaggeration in their writing to express something with amazement. However, some of the writings are telling the history of that era but with too much praised to impress the current ruler.
@danielmonroe9416 3 года назад
@user-ir8er1bh4q 3 года назад
I would also read the bible for fun.
@gerics 3 года назад
The Holy Bible is a book of Faith... U read with ur inner eyes and understand with the Holy Spirit. If you don’t have the Holy Spirit as your explainer u are just wasting ur time and energy
@chargedinsavinghumanity 3 года назад
@@gerics Just listen to yourself.. what the 'current' bible contains of..? 1. The compilations of 'cherry picks' from 66 books of ancient writings. 2. The writing was 'controlled' by the people of church a.k.a. the Orthodox Christian belief (cult). 3. Too much *'censorship' & 'editing'* from original books. 4. The book was wrote by 'humans' and when comes to human hands, all are exaggerations and fairy tale added. Tell me important facts wrote inside the BIBLE telling PROHIBITED to ADULTERY, EAT PORK and DRINK ALCOHOL was obey by you? I POSITIVELY think NOT! FACTS!
@user-th3ix5fc4y 4 года назад
Your videos are so good I watched it every single one of them
@nefarious8987 4 года назад
I agree, super underrated youtuber hope ge gets the recognition he deserves
@ChristianDoretti 4 года назад
Same, I subscribed too at 9k subscribers, here before this channel boosts lol
@_mossy_8520 4 года назад
Ikr i hope the youtube RNG algorithim picks up on him
@humanbeing5546 3 года назад
Me too dude
@nagui_ 3 года назад
"Shine on you crazy diamond" in the first minute
@johncarterwilliams557 3 года назад
Ikr I thought the same thing 😂
@pratikkalsekar3516 3 года назад
@AnthonyDoesYouTube 3 года назад
@xyshomavazax 2 года назад
Please do cover the alternate names of Lucifer. This is fascinating.
@tanyachavis2578 3 года назад
Could be lore but I once read that the star Venus is a representation of Lucifer. The last star to defy the morning light, speaking to his defiance and rebellion against God. In any case, I love your information on here! Thank You!
@alwayshao 3 года назад
this might just be my next favorite channel, that I binge at 3 in the morning
@TomByron-h7s Год назад
The greatest trick ever pulled off by the devil was convincing us he didn't exist
@WhaleManMan 4 года назад
I like to think that Satan fell from Heaven at the same time as we fell from Gods grace in Eden. Rather than being the inventor of evil, he and the demons are simply the more powerful and smarter versions of us,in our greed, pride, and hate.
@AltrekLol 4 года назад
There's something odd in Lucifer 's synonyms, Satan is not Lucifer. Satan is more like God's "angel" send to earth to deceive believer's faith.
@spawnofchaos9422 4 года назад
@@AltrekLol True and not true.While in the old testament satan is described as an agent of God,we can see how he evolves into becoming an independant evil being in the Dead Sea scrolls and Apocrypha.The slavic book of Enoch(also called Enoch 2 if i remember correctly),the watchers are called angel of Satanail .In Book of Jubilees,Mastema is said to have tempted the Watchers,and tempts people,he is inherintely evil but asks God's permission for his actions.In the Dead Sea scrolls,Satan is replaced with the name of Belial and according to these scriptures,God created him to cause chaos,destruction and evil,but he acts according to his own will instead of God's will.In the epistles of the New Testament,Satan is described as being the leader of evil angels that reside in the Heavens and rule this world and they are against God.
@hellohello7697 4 года назад
Alexander Paul God didn’t create Satan for the purpose of causing chaos. What kind of person would that make our god which is also known as the loving god. His first creation was Jesus, he made all of the angels, and all of the humans. BUT just like how we have free will, he gives the angels free will. So he did not create a specific angel with a purpose to cause chaos. Satan decided to use his free will in such a wicked way. Satan was a regular angel, but then he himself became jealous of god, and wanted people to serve him, like how they serve god. Then Satan tricked Eve and cause her believe the lies he said about god. About the tree of good and evil. God allows Satan to rule the world because since we all have FREEWILL, he wants to test to see if we would use our free will to serve him or to serve Satan (serving Satan meaning choosing to sin and do bad things on purpose, and choosing terrible lifestyles knowing that it’s wrong).
@spawnofchaos9422 4 года назад
@@hellohello7697 3 thousand years of history prove you wrong
@AltrekLol 4 года назад
@@hellohello7697 The book of Genesis doesn't mention the name Satan.
@kolobooi6855 3 года назад
You can't leave me like this! Please give us a part two. You're videos are so educational and awesome! As a 14 year old Christian You're videos are super cool to watch
@NotChinmayi 2 года назад
@Mulapu1 Год назад
Here's The Factual Truth First off here's the extension of Isaiah 14:12-14 "12. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High" If you really understand the Bible you will notice that the ambition the "King of Babylon" had was far beyond any human comprehension. For there is no human being who would have the mindset to challenge God who's often called " The Most High" In reference to Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18 says Jesus said , "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" this is the same as "How art thou fallen from heaven" in Isaiah 14:12 In addition the devil Lucifer has been known to possess humans throughout history and the king of Babylon happens to be one of the victims. And another victim of possession was The king of tyre read ezekiel 28 to get the whole picture. The name Lucifer has nothing to do with a planet but rather a fallen angel.
@wannabe_scholar82 Год назад
​@Di Keu No, the passage is using the myth of "Helel Ben Sachar" to emphasize the arrogance of the king and is equating his fall to the motions of the planet Venus which seems as if it is being born by the Dawn in the sky. The author of Isaiah may have taken inspiration from the myth of Baal and Athar in which Athar takes Baals throne but realizes he can not take the position as the throne is too much for him. Luke 10:18 is not referring to a primordial fall of Satan, in the words of the Oxford Bible Commentary "When the missionaries return (v. 17), and rejoice that they have had power over the demons, the Lord bids them to raise their sights and to see that what has happened on earth is a reflection of, and a pointer to, something even more sublime in heaven; 'I watched Satan falling like lightning from heaven.' What is ultimately real and final takes place in heaven and it is this, as it is reflected on earth, that enables the world to be more open to God's rule. Luke has a strong sense of the transcendence of God's kingdom. It is the victory in that sphere that enables Jesus to bring about God's redemption on earth." This is what the passage is referring to, the loss of control of Satan in the heavenly spear and not a literal fall from heaven of him before Adam and Eve. You're reading later theological ideas back into the bible to come to different conclusions from what it actually says.
@konoduwangda129 3 года назад
You forgot the part where he speaks japanese and falls in love with a literal sheep along his six other brothers
@marimissue 3 года назад
BRUH LMAO. fellow Obey me player I see
@MOVIESNCOMICS 3 года назад
@theuniverse5173 2 года назад
:O japan in the bi-ble nani
@ichikaonna2776 2 года назад
Lmao 🤣❤️✨
@Moodboard39 2 года назад
@strawberrysangria1474 2 года назад
I like how even the bible had fandoms. Everyone collectively decided Enoch was a cool read and made it canon. They even made their own little devil to go with their deity ones. Astaroth/Astarte, Beelzebub/ Ba'al+Zabib, and ...well Ba'al/Bael again. Times don't change much do they?
@hoodlum4511 3 года назад
4:50 wait I read this when I was a child. This was part of the story I read when angels went against God and decided to lust over human women and their off springs were giants. They died by the flood. It was even a picture book lol it was cool
@jamessicard1705 3 года назад
Do you remember the name of the book? Would love to check it out
@davisgwynn4295 3 года назад
@@jamessicard1705 I am like 99% sure it’s from the Dead Sea scrolls, probably Book of Giants and Book of Enoch
@remyhavoc4463 3 года назад
Considering what biblical accurate angels look like, I shouldn't be surprised
@baconcool5834 3 года назад
Yoooooo i got that book too our family owns it we got the same.
@zaynes5094 3 года назад
@@remyhavoc4463 Apparently, and this is just assumptions since we don’t have the Biblical stories, but their was possibly a second group of fallen angels that fell a hundred years after Lucifer/The Devil/Beelzebub/The Great Dragon/The Serpent/Th Great Deciever, etc, and his Fallen Angels. What’s ironic, to me, is there is no actual part in the Bible stating the term “Fallen Angel”. It just came later on, apparently.
@ChewieLewis 3 года назад
I’ve grown up in church my whole life and never learned the meaning behind the name. This was an amazing video. Please post more!
@VG-rj8pn 3 года назад
you will never learn anythingin church. church is the decieving liars who mislead mankind
@bignastytiger4174 3 года назад
Satan is traditionally understood as an angel (or sometimes a jinnī in Islam) who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven with other “fallen” angels before the creation of humankind. Ezekiel 28:14-18 and Isaiah 14:12-17 are the key Scripture passages that support this understanding, and, in the New Testament, in Luke 10:18 Jesus states that he saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
@VG-rj8pn 3 года назад
@@bignastytiger4174 wrong. jesus does not state he saw satan fall like lighting from heaven he said the Prince of this world not satan nor is satan on this world nor did satan ever run this world. just because you oafs never look into things doesnt mean the general beliefs are correct. satan is no angel nor was he ever an angel. and you dont understand Lucifer was the author of the rebellion not satan. they are not the same being. you churchy fools will never know shit.
@VG-rj8pn 3 года назад
@@bignastytiger4174 satan is traditionally totally misunderstood. Everyone'sTotally got it wrong
@bignastytiger4174 3 года назад
@@VG-rj8pn No, you're wrong. Luke 10:18 literally states "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning."
@fabienmokhtari9026 4 года назад
Brilliant video. Great content that is both rich and yet simple to comprehend; great exegetical and historical work too - sound scholarship and engaging visuals will forever make me happy haha. Keep up the good work!
@real_Hamilton 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for providing the appropriate context of the verse as it was referring to the king of Babylon, not the devil. And for reading the original language that it was written in the first place. Very few people do that
@chunkyLissieantklers 3 года назад
I didn't have a heart to really blame them, reading Book of Enoch is just so fascinating!
@susannjogu8013 3 года назад
The book sounds cool and at the time it freaks me out
@chunkyLissieantklers 2 года назад
@GHETTOS ADDY IS 326 BURGUNDY LANE I think I was referring to something else that time.
@Moodboard39 2 года назад
It's myth
@chunkyLissieantklers 2 года назад
@@Moodboard39 Believing it as a myth or not, you can't deny it's interesting.
@peterburton3095 2 года назад
True history (which has been suppressed by the evil jesuits) proves the book of Enoch to be true.
@m.d.sharpe8892 3 года назад
Luke 10:18 "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."
@chocoalien78 3 года назад
Num 2:31-35 also a satan
@matheusmorenodavid214 3 года назад
@@chocoalien78 this video only spreads misinformation
@shybairnsgetnowt 3 года назад
Your voice is so soothing, I could listen to you for hours 😅
@JesusLives889 3 года назад
Bless you Linda this man's voice only makes me think of how much I loath aristocracy. I could not actually make it through the video.
@gusgrizzel8397 3 года назад
@@JesusLives889 Strange derivation you make.
@purplehaze2358 2 года назад
And the moral of the story is: The biblical translation process was janky as hell.
@chee1989 3 года назад
"We established that Isaiah is actually talking about the Morning Star, the Planet Venus. but how on Earth it becomes Lucifer?" I see what u did there
@aela9921 3 года назад
Relativity. hahahaha You think guys i was overthrown.. hahahahaha I am just over here on my throne, My wings and my hair where you at. I am here who is the heir, and i want you to hear cause i am here. I am who i am. The son of the sun. By: Lucifer 🤫
@VG-rj8pn 3 года назад
you will never know because you do n ot seek the truth of these things. men always adulterate facts and twist them into idiocy and to match their religous buffoonery and the rest of you swallow it
@aela9921 3 года назад
@@VG-rj8pn Hahaha, Correct. They love falsehood and entertain Lies. 713 LiE. It is like overthrown versus over my throne. Tsk.tsk. They are so full of being fooled. Someday they will know me. That i mysELF, an ELF. Archangel Lucifer.
@maddyg2320 3 года назад
@kirin..... 😆👍
@Saffron-sugar 3 года назад
Isaiah is talking about Lucifer. Read it. First the fall of the King of Babylon is spoken of. Then his fall is compared to that of Lucifer. I's even titled and It is clearly not talking about a star: The Fall of Lucifer 12 “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! 13 For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ 15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, Luceafăr is the name of the planet Venus in some Eastern European countries. But, it's clear when one is referencing the planet Venus or the goddess
@amberlopez7477 3 года назад
The devil doesn’t come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you’ve ever wished for.
@benimeboss3729 3 года назад
Yes exactly
@lukasjames6784 3 года назад
Like you
@brucecall1595 3 года назад
He is the father of all lies.
@kenker_ape 3 года назад
Meanwhile god baits His creation with knowledge in Order to Kick them Out. Did god intend Adam to stay an empty vessel or thinking being.
@brucecall1595 3 года назад
@@kenker_ape why do you assume forbidden knowledge is fulfilling. You say Adam was empty until he sinned against God the Father? No. Adam was led astray by the author of falsehood.
@SmokeyBluntRoach 3 года назад
2:27 "did you hear me say lucifer?" No. But I did hear gowyim.
@chubusummer 3 года назад
@mademespice4683 3 года назад
@ArtBellJr 2 года назад
Thank you for the in depth break down from original text to where we are today in English. Very Well done.
@ajbova7928 3 года назад
The Fallen Angels were still fallen angels, It was the Nephelim ( Genesis Ch 6:4. Their chldren ) whos disembodied spirits became demons.
@iv3325 3 года назад
Thank you. Most people confuse the difference between fallen angels and demons.
@shakeemsimmons6203 3 года назад
@Von Wolf Knievel Genesis 6 talks about the Nephelim like he said.
@cristian-ionutapostol8018 3 года назад
In YOUR version of the religion.
@iv3325 3 года назад
@@cristian-ionutapostol8018 but that’s what is exactly being spoken of. Christianity. So yea...
@Stagefire420 3 года назад
Great video. In the Greek translation the Hillel Ben Shahar is replaced by Eosphoros which is where Lucifer come from in the Latin translations. It basically means light bearer. Many Latin words have origins in Greek. Im glad you brought up the Hebrew, I did a little study of that a while back.
@DrSmith-so2dl 3 года назад
That's because the romans were Greeks but mixed themselves with Edom, or the descendants of Esau.
@the11382 2 года назад
@Mulapu1 Год назад
He got it all wrong Here's The Factual Truth First off here's the extension of Isaiah 14:12-14 "12. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High" If you really understand the Bible you will notice that the ambition the "King of Babylon" had was far beyond any human comprehension. For there is no human being who would have the mindset to challenge God who's often called " The Most High" In reference to Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18 says Jesus said , "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" this is the same as "How art thou fallen from heaven" in Isaiah 14:12 In addition the devil Lucifer has been known to possess humans throughout history and the king of Babylon happens to be one of the victims. And another victim of possession was The king of tyre read ezekiel 28 to get the whole picture. The name Lucifer has nothing to do with a planet but rather a fallen angel.
@monkeyming5545 3 года назад
The Bible “fan fiction” is honestly better. For years I thought God just suddenly flooded the world one day but now that the angels are involved, it makes more sense (Still horrific but at least has an understandable reason other than “YOU DARE DISOBEY ME”)
@pard2397 3 года назад
The real devil is tricking you all. 4 questions you must ask to find out. Humans dont need the devil to realise whats good or evil so: 1. why should a mercyful and good god send the most evil being to us? 2. why should god not have mercy on his most beautiful creation (Lucifer) who just was jealous 3. why should god be angry about angels bringing wisdom/knowledge to humans? 4. why should lucifer spoil us with knowledge when he hates us? Does "You dare to disobey me" sounds of a good god? If you read carefully you will notice that there a two gods and two jesus described in old and new testament. One is good the other one wants sacrifice and likes to punish. Ask Judas. Why would he betray Jesus when he know it´s the son of god. that makes no sense. He betrayed him cause he found out it´s the evil one. Actually the second god is Satan and the second Jesus is the antichrist. Lucifer wanted to tell people the truth so he was punished and blamed to be the evil one. Thats the trick the (real) devil is playing.
@jonathanstark5541 3 года назад
@@pard2397 also friend: where is the logic: ''U Lucifer betrayed me, so now for punishment I'll give u (or leave u, is the same) superpowers to corrupt humans for thousands of years making the majority of them damned FOREVER just because I simply don't erase u from existence right now...'' See the total non-sense? There is absolutely no logic on god's behaviour about Lucifer, the obvious thing was just to punish him, why have we to pay for his sins? Why god simply did not erase Lucifer? And why god let Lucifer induct us in temptations? A god like this is not good or mind healthy, is a crazy sadicist!
@StRanGerManY 3 года назад
@@jonathanstark5541 God is playing with humans, like a cat with a mouse. It's not sadism, its just what he does, though the whole Bible, his behavior is consistent. He likes to toy with people, their emotions and he likes to punish them.
@YuGiOhAbridgeFAN 3 года назад
The war in heaven is more about ideologies. What is better for humanity? A perfect world devoid of disease, hunger, hatred, sin, OR a world where you are challenged, your choices determine consequences, you must struggle to stay alive? This is why Lucy boy is allowed up and down heaven. Such as we see in Job.
@falseprofit2569 3 года назад
@@StRanGerManY what ? I don't think that's true "he likes to punsih them" just don't see an example of that, yes he definitely punishes them but not for his pleasure or doing it just because, there is sin in us which requires punishment, you for example love to curse God by saying "OMG" God da**it" and yet complane that God doesn't help you, when infact your just looking to be treated like a king and have God be your servant, and saying he has given you nothing is not true, he has given you life and time to realize your in the wrong, but will you recognize it? that depends on you
@edensaief7918 2 года назад
This channel covers what I’ve been curious about but too lazy to research
@6ick6ick6ity5 2 года назад
Average church goer doesn’t even know this
@m.m6552 3 года назад
Found this channel today started binging all the videos immediately
@elysiansolace3371 3 года назад
Literal same
@negacrash1 4 года назад
This video was mind blowing! Yeez I love your content
@falseprofit2569 3 года назад
you might like to check out a channel named "shamounain" it's insane how much the Bible's story's have much more meaning in them
@betamax1828 3 года назад
I always see the Abrahams religions as the "down to earth" kinda normal religions until you actually read the bible and then the greeks seem a bit more sane
@gyrozeppeli4862 3 года назад
Honestly, yeah... I'm saying this as a Christian too lmao
@hib32 8 месяцев назад
St. Jerome in the 4th century tranlated The Septuagint (egiptian helenistic greek) into a latin version called The Vulgate. In that translation is when the word 'Lucifer' was used in the Isaiah passage. It is from there that the concept of Lucifer was taken, since the passage was interpreted as if talking of the babylonian king and symbolically the fall of Lucifer in a criptic form.
@nth7273 3 года назад
One of the English definitions of Lucifer is actually Venus as the morning star, which is probably what the translators were thinking. Modern translations usually say morning star.
@negativeplayer4446 3 года назад
Through reading the comments before watching the video I discovered how hard it is to write a story. For a story to make sense it has to be relatable or has logic. Also, I went to google and searched for the oldest religion and it showed Hinduism. A religion which is said to be 4,000 years old. For those who will try to argue please know that I'm not like one of those geeks in the comment section, I'm just a person quenching my thirst for interesting stories.
@blackroseknight923 3 года назад
of course what the internet wont tell you is that even tho the bible was put together not that long ago the actual stories and their events happened much much much earlier and the books themselves are not all the same age. for example. genesis could be literally 5000 years old at the time the entire bible was compiled together. and it gets better because jude who was jesus's half brother even qouted the book of enoch. a book which is not considered canon anymore but was at one point by many many christians and is resurfacing today. enoch is actually noahs grandfather so his book is actually older than genesis. so you can see how people warp the actual history of the bible. revelation for example was written AFTER jesus died. so people say thats when the christian religion started. what people dont care to acknowledge is the jewish religion is the beginning of christian religion. we believe both as one big story. any other religion is parts or pieces warped to make a new religion.
@nirazbal656 3 года назад
@@blackroseknight923 Christianity is rooted in Second Temple Judaism, but the two religions diverged in the first centuries of the Christian Era.
@trumpaigaming7632 3 года назад
Another way they could be alikening Venus to the morning star may have to do with the fact that apparently both Mars and Venus used to be similar to earth, so Venus's transformation from an Earth like planet to a barren gas scape is a good metaphor for Lucifer's fall from grace.
@vectoralphaSec 2 года назад
He was the most beautiful angel, the bringer of light. The shining one and the beauty of the morning sun. Some might argue he still is.
@Kareem_Benjamn. 3 года назад
RU-vid algorithm: hey watch this Me:Sure I'll watch this
@jesseramirez9062 3 года назад
good lil sheep, do as you are told
@TheGoat-qo6zm 3 года назад
Love ur pfp!
@Fledhyris 3 года назад
Fascinating, I learned something from this video and I really like your clear style. You get a subscription!
@andrewcarlock2082 4 года назад
Hochelaga, this is my second video I'm watching from you and I can tell you've got something special going. Keep making content like this and I'm sure you're channel will blow up!
@trulyunbroken7548 3 года назад
My 2nd as well, Andrew... Im hooked. I also hope he will keep up the content. I am certainly enjoying the channel by far. 👍 new subscriber 🙌
@nyeguono 3 года назад
He did!😁 from 7.8k to 104k in 2 months. Wow
@Anders01 Год назад
"O Lucifer, how low you have fallen" I believe represents the fallen aspect of Venus. The risen aspect of Venus is a part of Christ (Revelation 22).
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