
Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC - Synthesis Ending FULL - HD 

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The Synthesis Ending provided by the Extended Cut DLC. It added a few more scenes spaced into the last mission, then a few dialogue options and an extended ending sequence. This was with a fairly high EMS and playing Paragon the entire series. I'm still not a fan, but I'll check out the other two endings now.
EDIT: other THREE endings
Plus there was some more extra added content before the video starts, but I loaded the mission starting right where the video begins, so that's where all these videos will begin. Sorry for that inconvenience, but I think it's showing your squad getting evac, and I don't think there's anything else.



30 сен 2024




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@MrKrimMusic 10 лет назад
In my opinion the best ending. I sure hope this also could be the future for us, transcending our limits and achieving a higher existence.
@Dragonstorm62190 10 лет назад
I think Synthesis would allow the Catalyst and the Reapers to finally comprehend the emotion of "Guilt."
@KyleDeKyle 10 лет назад
yeeeeeeah :) and forgiveness, he is now the heart inside the once heartless matrix
@Dragonstorm62190 10 лет назад
Glad you agree. Almost everyone else hates the synthesis idea.
@KyleDeKyle 10 лет назад
Law vs chaos, life or death, organic or synthetic... in the end it's the bridge between the 2 that is the peacemaker :) like a phoenix, knower of both life and death - like shep, he's been there and back. Personally I love that ending but it's the way of the world to want to pick 1 of 2 sides haha.
@MrCod18 10 лет назад
My favourite ending
@mahatmacharya 3 года назад
IMHO: The Synthesis ending is for those players who have a strong desire to forever be a part of the Mass Effect world itself. The game, played as trilogy can easily overwhelm you. By synthesis ending, 'your' essence of who your Shepard is, joins with all of the game's virtual existence! EDI saying that 'because of you she is alive and not alone' is actually your Normandy ship saying that it is happy that you chose to be with it forever, in this way! Thus, it is a fourth wall breaking meta-ending because you, as a human being are yourself finally joined to synthetic life, which is the game itself! So seen in this way, it is like the final closure to this trilogy and a great tribute!
@TheDishonoredWolf 10 лет назад
To be honest, I think that Bioware made a fantastic ending to the series. After completing every side quest, saving everyone you can possibly save, never skimping out on a conversation, and building relationships with every character, I must say that Mass Effect was a life-changing trilogy with a beautiful, sad ending.
@yourbookdesign 10 лет назад
agreed, i don't know why they got a bad rap for a bad ending,. i thought it was awesome. One of the best games I've played.
@Comintern1919 10 лет назад
Well, besides the usual Problems like running counter to the point of the Series (Th Godchild says it's impossible for Synthetics and Life to co-exist yet you can save both Geth and Quarians, both making peace, and Legion is 100 % Loyal to Shepard) or the sudden introduction of a new important Character shortly before the ending (which is an absolute no-go. Go ask any writer). What my Main Problem though is, is that I HATE being lied to. I don't know about you, but I just can't accept and overlook people lying to me. And Casey Hudson did just that. He specifically said that there WON'T be an Ending A, B or C. Just google it, you'll see the interview where he promised that. And what have we got? Ending Red, Green or Blue. He also said that there will be a countless different ending depending on the choices you made. But again, we only got 3 specific Endings. Yes, there were some sliders added later on for different choices, but still far from what was promised. So yeah, I hate the endings not just for the Endings themselves, but also because of what could been and what we were promised.
@HippieInHeart 9 лет назад
Comintern1919, David Moratto , TheDishonoredWolf the endings themselves are actually pretty ok. maybe even kinda good. but not for this story. too many logical problems. and i don't even care that much about those false promises because hey, maybe they really thought about making like hundred different endings, all depending on your choice, and then just figured that it would be way too much work since casual players would only play once or twice though such a massive game and with this high diversity between endings there would probably not many people to even watch all the other endings on youtube. with every ending that you add the chance that anyone will ever see it lowers. 3 endings is pretty casual. 10 endings is much, but easy to find out or watch all on youtube. 25 endings is really a lot. once you reach 50 different endings you are at a point where you invested about the same - probably even more more - work into the endings as into the rest of the game with a very low chance of anyone even seeing all of them. choice-influence-diversity throughout a game is squared neccessary work time. the only problem i do have is that it basically does not matter at all what you chose throughout the game. it's like, "hey, let's be super awesome and make even some choices from the first game count in the third game" and then suddenly "oh, btw, you can decide the ending completely independently from previous choices, what you did before won't matter at all." this is especially bad in mass effect where everything is so much based on your choices influencing future events. and yes, i know that ending is also based on military-worth-point-thingstuff but it's not really connected to it. don't know a better way to say it, i hope you understand what i mean.
@TheDishonoredWolf 9 лет назад
Luzilyo Stormchild Claiming that they're bad for Mass Effect is just...stupid. Who are you to decide how the ending should be? Bioware decided that they wanted the ending to go a certain way, and that's how it happened. Was the extended cut ending WAY better? Yes, absolutely; I nearly cried watching the Synthesis Extended after my journey through all three games several times. But that doesn't mean that they are bad. What else was Shepard going to do after that? Just shut down the Reapers and go home? Become an old-ass general? He died heroically and became a legend.
@HippieInHeart 9 лет назад
the fact is not that they are sad, played some other games with really good sad endings (example: starpoint gemini. spoiler alert: everyone who fought alongside you dies to make it possible for you to do the last neccessary step in defeating the enemy. really strong ending, even kept me from doing my intended replay, but great none the less). the difference is that those endings actually didn't have major flaws in logic like harbinger completely ignoring the fact that geth and quarians do have peace even though geth have already become sentient which has appearently never happened before, since it is stated that organics create synthetics to reach perfection which is only possible through synthetics becoming sentient which ultimately leads to a war similar to those the quarians have fought and all life has to be harvested before it is completely destroyed in that war. that would however ignore the fact that the people in the galaxy have already learned that synthetic beings are also alive and can be peaceful though the quarians and geth coming to peace. and synthetics likewise learned that not all organics are a threat to them. it would make synthesis obsolete. also legion states at one point that the upgrades which the reapers gave them would have been reached anyways at some point of time, just later. however, even though they have the reaper technology they are still not hostile and willing to fight alongside shepard to save the galaxy from the reapers. this indicates that even though the reapers are hostile, the geth and organic, advancing the same way in technology, might still come to a different conclusion, based on how they peacefully live together instead of trying to kill each other. second, actually a fact that someone else has pointed out, maybe under a different video, there were hints that the story was actually supposed to take a completely different turn, where that strange phenomenon that is mentioned at haestrom actually plays a big role and has something to do with the reapers (which would make sense. i mean, srsly, tali gets sent out to a mission deep in geth territory, finds some very strange phenomenon that would probably not have occured naturally but it just means nothing and is completely obsolete? doesn't really make sense to me). this was appearently due to the fact that the guy who wrote the story for me1 and 2 got assigned to a different game and ea chose another writer to do the story for me3. third is a small one, it's just that in storywriting it's a no-go to introduce an important character just a few minutes before it all ends, since it's impossible to evolve the character appropriately in such a short time. and last something rather personal, it was stated (or at least the person that i mentioned before said so, didn't have time to verify his info) that the me-series would not end with just having ending a, b, c and instead have a range of possible endings based on your decisions. this would make sense since what ultimately makes this game so special is that many of your decisions influence either the current game or the next part and a few decisions from me1 even influence me3. and then it's suddenly all like "lol, fuck you and your decisions, here, have 3 endings based on military-value-point-thingstuff, you can choose any of them and it does not really matter at all what you did before, you might as well have been playing a completely linear storyline instead." ps: of course it's always pretty strong to let someone die a hero, but not neccessary. it doesn't affect the quality of the ending wether the character survives or dies, which is why i haven't included this into my list, but there are some possibilities. as you have said, shepard could live as an honored general and war-hero and help with rebuilding military forces and become old and die of a heart-attack or whatever (like it would probably happen in reality) or he could just be like "allright, enough of the fighting, i had my fair share and now it's time to rest my famous ass on a quiet planet in a small house with whoever i romanced most throughout the games." or he could, as he did, and die as hero, or he could try something different since war-stuff is not really neccessary anymore so he might try to put his abilities to good use elsewhere to help people, or something completely different that none of us has thought of yet. however, as i said, that wouldn't really affect the ending as it would not even have to be mentioned. might as well just be a scene of shepard and his crew celebrating victory, or a scene where he and the one he romanced most holding hands and being happy that it's now over or whatever. again, doesn't really affect the quality of the ending (unless someone horribly screws it up, but you gotta try hard to screw up something like that).
@schlickfitten845 10 лет назад
So... Organics are now partly tchnologic and technologic beings are now partly organic? Or............ huh? *Mind Blown*
@thordrek9005 8 лет назад
The organics have been improved by tech, so their bodies are nearly perfect(inmune to many illness, genetical errors corrected)so they can focus on improve as a society, and the synthetics(incluiding the reapers) mind has been improved to fully undertand organics(emotions, feelings) so they can coexist. As in any society there will be conflicts but now that they can understand each other and with the knowledge of every civilization that came before the galaxy have a future full of hope. P.D:sorry for my english.
@bossshun9 6 месяцев назад
In short: Humans are as perfect as a machine yet they maintain their own individual personality. Synthetic beings now truly get what organic beings feel and have ways to better themselves. With that, both sides coexist together and share technology from thousands of years ago and improve on it.
@Fumbles9001 11 лет назад
I honestly loved the ending.
@sebastianviruzab7986 6 лет назад
What I would do : Pick control -> Recreate relays and Citadel -> Throw some organic there for synthesis -> Recreate my own Shepard body AGAIN -> have fun/profit
@bossshun9 Год назад
26:43 This will and always be the best ending for a paragon hero. Rather than destroy any more life, both synthetic and organic, he pick to sacrifice himself for all lives. He brought an end to a war that will never return. The Repears and synthetic lifeforms fully understand guilt, pain, and emotion for every act they did. Every living being now can comprehend like a machine and remain individuals to their core. In the end, Shepard did what not many would do. He cured the genophage, brought peace between Geth and Quarians, allowed the Rachni Queen to live, and pacified the Repears. Shepard is a Saint among all life in the milky way.
@VeteranRangerSwiss 9 лет назад
This is by far the best ending. And it is still bullshit. The same event with different words. ME3's endings just c ast aside every god damn choice you make, every life you save or sacrifice, the crew you fought with over 3 games, all of it cast aside for a halfassed ending. Damnit.
@brianbonardi8413 12 лет назад
yea, i felt it to be the best ending cause when I weighted my options it was this and destroy, and as I delved deeper into the repercussions of destroy i was like "Wow, i'm going to be a huge dick! I just reunited the Geth and the Quarians, made a robot feel love towards a human and now i'm just going to throw all that away just so I can kill and army of Cthulhu!? FUCK THAT NOISE!!!! EVOLUTION!!!!!"
@raydark8007 9 лет назад
i watch this ending 3 years ago and watch it today and still dame good :D
@Krinor16 8 лет назад
It's always good :')
@bossshun9 6 месяцев назад
I still watch it too. It never gets old.
@Wardragon1012 12 лет назад
thank you man :D i really needed to see this.
@etude79 8 лет назад
LOVE this ending...especially EDI's speech in the end... "because of Shepard, I am alive and I'm not alone!" I hope she plays a big role in Mass Effect Andromeda as one of the main characters. I'd like to see how she's evolved!
@Krinor16 8 лет назад
That would be cool
@abomesai18 8 лет назад
She won't. I'd be surprised if any of them appear at all. Shepard probably will by name, but no appearance
@Gil_GS 9 лет назад
The best final in my opnion
@QuickSilverswe 12 лет назад
Best ending! Too see Lira and EDI hugging in the end is very emotional.
@bossshun9 6 месяцев назад
Even after years roll on, this is still the best.
@CRYPTfromCATACOMBZ 8 лет назад
I felt really terrible whne i had to make a decision so Shep dies, but honestly symbiosis was the best option to choose. I couldn't kill EDI or Geths. Because during my story line i tried to make only positive decisions and Synthetics were really helpfull for this war as well. So for me Green Ending was the only real END. Tx to Commander Shepard what became as a my hero. Never Forget. Love Mass Effect. The movie what u can play. p.s. Poor my love Liara at the end. She did not deserve it :'( Btw 39:11 this part is making me cry.... Really wonderfull
@abomesai18 8 лет назад
my love was tali. the only correct choice
@TheKinginRed 11 лет назад
This is by far the best ending out of the 4. I really love this one, to me it makes the most sense :)
@kolekzionera 11 лет назад
Yeah, I totally envisioned Synthesis since the very first game.Clearly this is where everything was coming all along.
@Rob36622 12 лет назад
the only thing I really like about the destruction one is that they show you at the end Shepard gasping for air. Telling you he is alive. in this one it just shows you a little kid hearing about it.
@Ovidiupistolaru 12 лет назад
I am Commander Shepard and this is my favorite ending on the Citadel!
@CarloMartinini 11 лет назад
I like this video because everyone here likes Synthesis, whereas on the more popular videos everyone is constantly bashing it. Synthesis is the best ending, indeed.
@Mercury205 11 лет назад
Honestly, if or when we can build decent spaceships, someone better make a Normandy
@bragiodinsen4604 3 года назад
22:45 translation : the writers dont know
@Potatoslice 11 лет назад
i love the whole part where shepherd n anderson are sitting down talking n my fav line "god, feels like years since i just..sat down"
@Grom76300 12 лет назад
that "Damnit" just resume how I feel about each ending.
@NiceAwesomeDude 10 лет назад
Best Ending
@Dragonstorm62190 12 лет назад
I feel this is the best possible ending, but my brother thinks otherwise. Hes a genius and has studied psychology and what he said makes me cast doubt on choosing this ending. I told him I chose because it looked cool, but he asked "if you were in the same position and choose one of three why would you choose synthesis if it is morally questionable?" What do you all think? How can enforcing this radical change on everybody be considered morally justifiable when you take all factors into account?
@autobot69000 12 лет назад
"So youre just an AI?" "In as much as you are just an animal" BURNED BY THE CATALYST!
@mahatmacharya 3 года назад
That was a great, quick burn indeed!!! Hello from 8 years in the future!!
@Dragonstorm62190 10 лет назад
I think the Catalyst is a reference to V'ger of Star Trek the motion picture.
@Dragonstorm62190 12 лет назад
What do you think the Bio-Ware team mean by "sharing new adventures"? Do you think they have plans to create a new mass effect story arc?
@lipepsene 9 лет назад
I have a question: which is the maximum EMS necessary to have the squad members die? (I want to do the synthesis ending and I know that having a low EMS will kill the squad members and i also know that to have the synthesis ending i need 2800 EMS, but i also want my squad members to die, só its possible to have EMS low enough to kill the squad members and have the synthesis ending?)
@crazytrain111 9 лет назад
Ruined the game for me... I spent so many dozens of hours gathering a massive alliance... I allied the Beth and Quarians... Tuarians and krogan..etc... All for a horrible final mission... So we invade earth and we have to hold off a few waves.... Fire rockets at the reaper... And then get nailed by the Harbinger beam... i was seriously so furious when I woke up from that and I had to limp all slow and fucking annoying towards the Citidel... Idk.. The suicide mission in ME2 was just so amazing.. It was a crazy gigantic battle, nonstop fighting... This games final mission should have been insane like that... It just felt like I rallied all those armies for nothing... your actions thought the series should have determined the outcome of the game.. Not some stupid ass final 3 choices that basically render everything else you've done unimportant.
@akuladoctor7355 10 лет назад
Organics seeks perfection through synthetics. Synthetic seeks perfection through understanding. Organics forced up in the evolution gaining improvement in many ways. Synthetics doesn't improved physically but they improved emotionally they have and understand feelings and emotions. Advanced organics always make wars and chaos, but they never extinct each other.
@Velnerea 6 лет назад
Admiral hacket-all fleets, the crucible is armed, disengage and head to the rally point I repeat...disengage and get the hell outta here Garrus-joker, we have to go Joker-damnit So emotional
@seraphlazuli6251 6 лет назад
Who knows, with a hundred trillion years of knowledge at their disposal, maybe they’ll learn how to measure and interact with a soul and bring Shepherd back. They were already able to bring him back after he was supposed to be dead in ME2 and did that will only human technology within their current time, and Grunt’s physical body was artificially created, so it doesn’t seem like an incredible stretch to believe in the possibility, with the new technology and what is likely a consensus on a galactic scale to do so.
@CesarACastillo 2 года назад
What's scary about "our" cycle is that it only took the Reapers a couple weeks maybe a month or two at the most to push us to the very edge of oblivion. The last time they initiated the cycle the Prothens lasted for a good couple centuries.
@Ryutora8 8 лет назад
lol, indoctrination ending forever... this extended cut doesn't eliminate the theory. Indoctrination theory= genious; regular ending=shit
@-Big_Big 8 лет назад
tears sacrifice to make everyone living gods.
@Xigmus 10 лет назад
The absolutely horrifying thing about this ending though is the individuals who turned to husks get their sentience back. So now they have to live a life as these amalgamations. I mean think about that means the brutes, banshees, cannibals all have to live as these, well... freaks essentially. That's fucked up. Not only that but it was eluded to that in sanctuary that there were children that were tested on and turned into husks. So that means even children will be these walking creatures that will have horrible memories of Henry Lawson doing terrible experiments on them. These people will be walking reminders to themselves of the trauma they went through. I like the sentiments of this ending, but it completely leaves out how they are going to treat the people who were indoctrinated by the reapers, people who got turned into husks, cannibals, banshees, brutes etc.
@lordofgingers 10 лет назад
Id wager that due to the experiments conducted on them, they are more machine than organic.....meaning their memories and such are irrelevant.....they are probably closer to geth post synthesis than organics...if anything
@UnitDCCXXXI 9 лет назад
Xigmus If there's one thing anyone quickly picks up from playing Mass Effect, it's that every choice has consequences. I fully understand what you're getting at, but the implications of the other endings aren't better. If you reject the three choices, EVERYONE dies and another collection of races afterwards has to suffer horribly for a CHANCE to defeat the Reapers. If you destroy synthetics, that means the Geth and EDI die. An entire race, gone. And for what? So that the problem the Reapers tried to "fix" can kick back up again in full force later on? If you choose to control the Reapers, you're putting the care of all life in the hands of one person. Even if that person is someone as capable as Shepard, or more so, he'll make mistakes like the Catalyst did before him. In some versions of that ending, he turns into an artificial overlord. Best case scenario is he has to help rebuild the galaxy with everyone terrified of him and then spend an eternity cut off from everything he cares about as it slowly ages and fades away/dies and is replaced by something new, all the while wondering who and what he is now. What's to say he won't wind up resuming the cycle later? A lot can change in just a few years, including someone's personal beliefs. In that sense, the Indoctrination Theory holds some water. Shepard himself said it nicely enough: You start thinking like the Reapers after a while, even if they don't actually indoctrinate you. Plus it doesn't actually solve the problem of synthetics vs. organics, it just delays the onset of conflict for maybe a few centuries or millennia. Eventually, the organics will reach technological parity with the Reapers but continue to produce synthetics at the same level. And then the chaos resumes. Frankly, next to those possibilities, a few possibly-immortal traumatized circus freaks who can probably be surgically/mechanically repaired or at least cosmetically altered to APPEAR normal and have a chance to psychologically heal, and maybe even find peace and happiness seems relatively light. People are resilient, they eventually bounce back from the worst things imaginable, as long as they don't die in the meantime. On the flip side to that, the knowledge of every living thing from the days of the Leviathan race is now available to use to propel all life forward, and there is no longer a need for conflict between organics and synthetics. I'm sure there will still be wars and conflicts over other things, but that particular highly destructive cycle will be put six feet under so it will never threaten the galaxy again. There's a reason Synthesis is touted as the "ideal solution." It sucks the least. That's really the point of most Mass Effect choices. You can't always get what you want, but sometimes, if you try, you get what you need.
@jordanclark4635 9 лет назад
+UnitDCCXXXI I'm not sure if it's a long shot to just assume that the husks and others all just went kapput, the people inside were effectively dead already to my understanding
@UnitDCCXXXI 9 лет назад
Jordan Clark Then it's just one less thing to feel crappy about if you pick Synthesis.
@Berserk_Knight 9 лет назад
+UnitDCCXXXI Well said! Couldn't have said it better myself.
@JJskywalkerLIVE 11 лет назад
It allowed the universe to ally with all races, without the reaper war on earth the races would have probably never come together to fight one threat. In the end the threat (the reapers) became a great ally with cycles of knowledge that will push them more foward in time than it would have if they controlled them, and instead of a future where it was possible for a organic and sythetics war , its replaced with understanding between all beings.
@CollectiveHiveGaming 11 лет назад
I've figured out that if you cut out all the bits where you are just wandering through a hallway (with rather unimportant dialogue), you can shave off up to ten minutes depending on how slow you went through those parts/how much you diddled around looking at things. Also, the full Extended Cut ending tends to crash Windows Movie Maker, which really sucks when fraps cuts it into forty inconvenient segments.
@Regular-Sized 11 лет назад
I didn't buy any of the games. They were great to play but Im glad I didn't because of the ending. I would've felt like I was robbed of $180 and then spit on. In my personal (and highly unimportant opinion) that dlc was a spit in the face of every fan who actually invested in Mass Effect. still shots of the characters isn't tying loose ends. Quite a weak response to an upset fanbase.
@Regular-Sized 11 лет назад
lol this ending made me almost tear up a bit, but it still sucked ass. Bioware should be ashamed. frankly it doesn't even make logical sense. Sythetic and Organic peace I guess is ok, but overarching peace doesn't make sense. think about it: What drive does anyone have to do anything? for example: say as they advance, someone invents something they wanna sell, well there becomes competition, and competition will eventually get deadly as soon as money is involved. *shrugs* lots of holes.
@lexsmith8689 12 лет назад
only when organics search for improvement only then can be created synthetic lifeform. And since it´s organic (presumably human) who is sentient being itself with morals, opinions and thinking then it´s natural that the ideas, opinion, morals and thinking becomes incorporated into the synthetic being. because of this the synthetics would be thinking the same way as organics cos´ there wouldn´t be no other entity which would do othewise...
@lexsmith8689 12 лет назад
much too deterministic theory! it superfluously enforces only three possible scenarios. in the same time catalyst demented the fact that organics evolved beyond their expectations. While preserving this fact, we could speculate that humans are so unique that they will always be able to find solution for seeming problem as conflict between organics and synthetics... eversince there is any life, it´s ALWAYS FIRST organic!!
@jagerf22 12 лет назад
Oh wow so it isn't really different at all except for dolphin diving into the beam and the effect is green and the memorial is a little different. Oh ok I just recently beat the game a second time and I tried to control them and all I needed to do for this one is just walk straight into oblivion and that's all same thing except they fly away in the Normandy happily ever after. Wow.
@Xanthosis012 12 лет назад
theres alot of speculation on that, either he was indoctrinated and when he has to choose between the 3 ending, the catalyst (or harbinger) might control shepard to choose the other 2 option (not detroy) but if u choose destroy, meaning u break the indoctrination and the scene showing shepard gasping for air might be before he teleported to the citidel. I think it shows that shepard isnt done yet
@RebelJoe13 12 лет назад
A few things: -Green eyed Krogan scare the hell out of me. -A Rannoch where Geth and Quarian live in peace is a beautiful scene -The simple edits and additions to this ending have made it ten times more beautiful than their stupid original ending ever was. Should have done this in the first place. -Apparently Crucible Engineers wrote "Human Sacrifice" into it's design when they were building it. . . I mean really? Couldn't have just pushed a button?
@RenegadeElite101 12 лет назад
Also the reason he didn't control the citadel was because he was content to allow the organics and synthetics struggle against the reapers because he knew that despite any effort they put up that the cycle would continue. He didn't think about the Cruciable becuase he didn't think it was possiable that the protheian schematics surrvived since the reapers were so thorough ,and when the Cruciable connected it changed the child making him think outside the box for different solutions.
@RenegadeElite101 12 лет назад
They did solve that plot hole ,the "god" child is an advanced computer program. It was designed by his creators (the first people to fall to the cycle) in order to be a diplomat between Organics and their AI counterparts ;however, everytime the two groups met it never went well. So the child ,who was programmed to find a solution to how organics and synthetics can coexist, the only answer was to destroy both synethics and organics and make them into a reaper.
@DrFrostyNutz 12 лет назад
These endings are improved, but one big plot hole is still not accounted for. Who the **** is the god child? Who made him and how did he come to the conclusion that eventually all advanced life will create synthetics that will destroy all organics? The conclusion that led to his "solution" of only destroying advanced life. Also, if this AI was just hanging out on the citadel, why not just control it and open the relay on its own.
@Aven2334 12 лет назад
What it needed to was that Joker never, left your squad never left, you saved Anderson and you convince Illusive Man to help you, the galactic army doesn't get fucked over, Shepard says go fuck your self to the kid, then Illusive Man says fuck it I'm killing my self to save the universe cause Shepard is to bad-ass for that shit, then Shepard and Anderson get picked up by Joker and everyone on the Normandy has cake and fucking ice cream!
@bcajma12 12 лет назад
I feel that Synthesis and Destroy might be the best ones because Synthesis we are all united and free to co-exist where as Destroy wipes out the Reapers and ends the "war". Though Destroy doesn't mean everyone one survives, that we can't immediately live as one, or we even lose the knowledge of those before us. It means we can move on free to make our own choices. Plus think about it, Com. Shepard had such a large influence you would think everyone would carry out the legacy that we made. (Best)
@Gthang213 12 лет назад
(continue) That's basically the mindset of the Catalyst. The cycle has happen hundreds of thousands of times, maybe even millions. Should the catalyst just stop the reapers from having organics being destroyed by synthetics simply because an anomoly (Shepard) occurs 1/million times the cycle has done. Remember there was never peace between synthetics and organics until Shepard showed up. And that only occurs if you follow a very particular path in both ME2 and ME3
@Gthang213 12 лет назад
The Quarian/Geth peace is an annomly to the formula created by Shepard. Shepard was a variable the catalyst didnt count on but that doesn't disprove the Catalyst numerical theory as fact. Think about it this way. Say you flip a coin and 99/100 times it land heads (bear with me on this metaphor) and for some random reason there's 1 out of the hundred times it lands tails. Are you going to tell me all every time you flip the coin your going to pick tails because it happen to be on tails once?
@Gthang213 12 лет назад
So you are looking for the Disney Happy Ending. I'm sorry but if you actually were expecting this then thats on you. The entire tone of the ME3 even the signs leading up to it from ME1 and ME2 all point to that this war was not going to end without a major sacrifice. This is war and there is always sacrifices in War and hard choices have to be made. You shouldn't have expected a feel good ending
@Swordfishstick 12 лет назад
I agree that a good story can trump scientific accuracy - IF you hadn't set a precident, in the story, of consistently at least attempting to be plausible. A story that is consistently SciFi, and then suddenly switches to fantasy is not a mark of good writing. I would be fine with fantasy, if the game, and the series had been a fantasy series - but it wasn't. At least not up until the last minutes. A genre violation like that is a major, major blunder, and it detracts from the story severely.
@OnyxDragon88 12 лет назад
So organics and synthetics are somehow networked. EDI says that they have unlimited access to knowledge and she also mentions how the Reapers are sharing their knowledge from all the previously harvested cultures. I take it that means that everything is sort of connected to each other now and can share knowledge and information. Sort of a collective consciousness thing going on. Interesting...
@Swordfishstick 12 лет назад
Space magic. Ugh. Why Bioware thought it was OK to put a fantasy game ending to a sci-fi series I'll never know. This is soooooo new-agey woo woo nonsense that its grating, and completely conflicts with the concept of a universe where things actually work thorugh some sort of mechanism, rather than magic waves of green energy doing impossible things. Sure, this is better story telling in that the ending is not so abrupt, but it is still completely inapropriate for good scifi. Really bad.
@Gilgamesh417 12 лет назад
Yea, there is the implication of "Does everyone become a hive mind?" and "Is individuality retained?" and "What about tech 2.0?" but access to eons of knowledge from thousands of alien civilizations? I'd say that perfect knowledge put together with synthetic logic (as only a geth can do) plus some of that Shepard mojo that got spread through out the galaxy can make a utopia.
@Rob36622 12 лет назад
All of the endings are the same except for that tiny detail. I just though it was interesting. Im not even going to bother to say anything else becuase it would just end with a 4 page long arguement with us both sounding like a bunch of cursing idots checking eachothers grammer and stalking both our videos saying we look like 4 year olds who never got laid or some shit.
@BigBadMonkey23 12 лет назад
It might be that they want to explore more of the galaxy. I certainly hope they do! Something I wonder about was while most lifeforms have now been evolved to be hybrids of synthetic and organic, what if they come across a new (and possibly aggressive) species that is completely alien to everything that has been seen and are immune to biotics and were unfazed by the synth wave.
@TheyScreamTraviesa 12 лет назад
there is a possibility that there will be a new mass effect planned because the new endings show that the reapers are rebuilding the mass relays and shepard is control no matter what option you choose you probably chosed the right one even though commander shepard died for the right cause to make the world and everyone in it peaceful and no more WAR!
@RenegadeElite101 12 лет назад
The creators of the child resisted however they eventually fell and were turned into the first reaper. The child then created the cycle ,he allowed all the civilazations a certan amount of time so that they could enjoy life then the reapers would come in and wipe out all advanced life (including synthetics) in order to make way for the next civilazations.
@xenonnati 12 лет назад
yeah i wanted to chose the destroy ending at first, (because of the indoctrination theory) but when the kid said "and destroy all synthetics including the geth" i was like fuuuck noo! i love the geth! they're awesome.. then synthesis came up and i thought, best thing ever. this one genuinely solves the problem.
@Gthang213 12 лет назад
it's an additional ending to the other endings but the overall ending aren't differnet. Different Endings to me was if they went with the Indoctrination Theory (which i am extremely happy they didn't). The overall concept of the endings are the same if you want to save the galaxy (based on your POV of what saving the galaxy is) then you choose one of these three endings.
@ExpectMoore 12 лет назад
This trilogy will always have a special place in my heart. I hate the fact that Shepard dies, when he should be at the bar on Omega drinking with Garrus and dancing with Tali. This ending is by far my favorite of the four, but it's always hard to watch when you have to say goodbye to all of the friends you made over the years in the game.
@willjsky 12 лет назад
Endings are still shit... I think I'll stick with FanFiction rather than this BS! Extended Cut my ass, still same colors, now some additional scenes which show you a summary of the ones you kept alive and the ones that were killed: Seriously!? I know, BioWare, I played all three games... At least the DLC was free.
@Steve3146 11 лет назад
I thought this ending was a bit creepy. I make everyone in the galaxy part robot without their consent. I always choose the paragon ending because it seemed like the best out of the three. If you could destroy the reapers but keep Eddie and the geth I would have chosen that option.
@DesertFoxKG 11 лет назад
The game got trashed (only by the players). 2/3 of Metacritic reviews are negative ones. Is that how you show that you don't like the ending? Ending that was good, but not awesome? Gamers are getting more and more spoiled every time. I guess that's why we have so many COD games. No risk there.
@Spoons__ 11 лет назад
oh come on its just the ending. This actually satisfies me. although i think the original was bad, I actually think this gave acceptable amount of work. the reason I think so many people still hate it is because since mass effect is an amazing game they would expect a mind blowing ending.
@Gthang213 12 лет назад
They already have said This will be the last game in the Mass Effect Universe were shepard is the main character of the story. Also I feel people that pick destory degrade legion's sacrifice to give the Geth True Intelligence and spit on name by choosing the Destroy ending
@qwadissimoe 12 лет назад
I wanted to take Synthesis(even though I'm pretty much raping all organic life and making them into hybrids) but because Shepard lives in Destroy I just had to choose it... I'm going to make a separate save with Synthesis, and then wait for Mass Effect 4 to see if Shepard is going to be in it.
@jjzgamer5507 12 лет назад
"You may be in conflict with the Reapers, but they are not interested in war." What?!?!?!? So what about when they launched an invasion on the Citadel, sent the Collectors to attack human colonies and then launched a full scale invasion of the galaxy? I think that spells war quite clearly!!!
@owennash2878 5 лет назад
anyone else notice when hacket contacts Shepherd and calls him Shepherd Commander only Legion calls him that
@directdog291 12 лет назад
this nearly made cry a little bit it was really sad when Shepherd died to save everyone and the normandy's crew were nearly crying :'( also the other ending where the reapers win and Liara leaves that message. it was just really sad to see it. :'(
@Whitecroc 12 лет назад
... ... ... ...I just finished with this ending and somehow this fact failed to register. I'm so used to the masks that I guess my brain forgot quarians had faces underneath, and simply figured it was some random dude in the foreground.
@manguy01 11 лет назад
Not really. Unless you assume that the origin of life was a one-time thing and won't happen again. Besides, when you get right down to it, what makes an organic different from a synthetic? Just different machinery. I found "synthesis" to be the lamest of cop-outs. It throws out enlightenment and you just go "fuck it. make everyone the same so we don't have to deal with this." It's the same thing the reapers were doing, only actually successful and not pointless, torturous violence and murder.
@BoySamusMetroid 11 лет назад
You're going by metacritic user reviews? Where the majority of the negative ones are from people who haven't touched the game? Just go look at CoD on metacritic. No one is legitimately saying the game was bad, except maybe relative to the other installments of the series. The complaints were with the ending, and we obviously do not think of the original ending as anywhere near "good", let alone awesome. It's not being spoiled, it's rightfully wanting a payoff after spending $180+.
@BoySamusMetroid 11 лет назад
Jesus, you're a douche. Obviously, the last 5-10 minutes was pretty bad to a large portion of the gamers, especially the die-hard fans of the series. To me, at least, the work BioWare put into the original ending, combined with their treatment of the (rightfully) upset fans, was downright insulting to anyone who had spent money and time on their series. If you can't understand, or at least respect that, I suggest you stop.
@McHitman47 12 лет назад
Look the word synthetic is not only limited to the Reapers - you merge the Geth , intelligent droids exc with humanity , you create true balance between all who are organic and all who are synthetic . You unite two species who are destined to fight each other into ONE therefore excluding any possibility of extinction and war. BOTH species become FAR more advanced and go through a golden age of existance !Did you even watch what happens if you merge organics with synthetics ? It's beautiful
@TheKinginRed 11 лет назад
Synthetics weren't given DNA, they were reprogrammed to understand Organic/Human/Chaotic (whatever you want to call it) nature. Organics were made cyborgs essentially so we understood them, this is all explained in the ending.
@Regular-Sized 11 лет назад
Exactly!!! Mass Effect is an AMAZING series! do you no think it deserves an amazing ending? or at least a good ending? all bioware did was add stillshots. that's not trying to please fans. that's wasting megabytes
@4life4win 11 лет назад
Synthesis, then Bionicle!!!! By that I mean, what if the events of Mass Effect series Synthesis ending was the precursor for the events of Spherus Magna and Mata Nui. Or even possibly the events of Hero Factory!
@BLACKIR0NTARKUS 12 лет назад
Eeeeh I still like destruction because well, you can re-build the synthetics and their knowledge because it is always stored. And I am certain that people will take this the wrong way and I don't blame them
@DesertFoxKG 11 лет назад
Okay little girls. This game has a very positive reviews, and a extremely negative ones. Guess who gives the extremely negative reviews when everybody else likes the game. Little girls. So I'll just stop.
@DesertFoxKG 11 лет назад
The ending, which was not that bad, can't compare to a 100+h of gameplay. The world, the story, the gameplay... I'll do it all over again if you ask me. You can't even imagine what you missed.
@SteelFyire 12 лет назад
This is the best ending because the writers decided it was, and that's all. Despite all the horrid implications that this ending holds, it somehow results in a utopia, and you can't argue with results.
@kushan101 12 лет назад
Still Destroy for me, set out to destroy the reapers and that's what I'm gonna do. Not to end up ultimately going along with THEIR plans. Besides, everyone looks creepy as shit in the synthesis ending.
@videogamer4life360 12 лет назад
So you're mad about the endings.... because they didn't change the colors? They added closure and filled in plot holes, is that seriously not enough and you have to complain about the colors? Really?
@IronSkald 12 лет назад
I personally picked the destroy ending thinking there would be an indoctrination twist but damn watching this ending I just fell in love with it... I shed manly tears when Liara and EDI hugged.
@lordblazer 12 лет назад
Morrowind was great. Oblivion pissed me off. Skyrim was fine though, but I agree in a lot of respects mediocre. Morrowind did a lot more than what Skyrim did. in terms of better storytelling and character development. Also there was a real sense of freedom on Morrowind.
@MarcoBayod_MB 12 лет назад
But in the other hand, I love the new ending because it opens the chance to have a new trilogy, something radically diferent needs to be done to stop the cycle, and the message at the end can change everything for the new races of the galaxy
@Regular-Sized 11 лет назад
im pretty sure small females have the ability to enjoy video games as much as anyone else. but thanks for my barbie back. shes been missing for ages. i was worried sick.
@SuperBulwy 12 лет назад
And yet we are still bound to the logic of the "catalyst"... I just hate how the reapers suddenly turn into good guys when they killed billions for who knows for how long.
@RenegadeElite101 12 лет назад
The new endings aren't perfect but they are a massive improvement to the previous ones ,so I think ME hasn't got the ending it deserved but it did get the one it needed.
@ApplePaai 12 лет назад
I think this is the best ending... although it'd be a little freaky to be half robot in real life... Oh and Femshep's voice acting is a lot more emotional...
@johnspartan98 4 года назад
Correction: *_"Without hope there is no future. Without a future life loses it's value."_*
@Regular-Sized 11 лет назад
No i spent 100+ hrs playing a game i love, only to be given a 5 min ending that spit on said 100+ hrs. 100+hrs = amazing. Last 5-10mins = insulting
@ukmaxi 11 лет назад
It was 1.9Gb, and the programming logic got incredibly complicated with the EC dlc, it's impossible unless they were cerberus and had unlimited funds
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