
Mormonism On Trial: Ex-Mormon Lawyer Challenges Truth Claims ft. Kolby Reddish 

Cults to Consciousness
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@amanda_weber1 Год назад
Really excited to hear more from Kolby ever since he and his wife were bold enough to break the silence on abuse that happened in my hometown at the hands of a bishop. Thank you!
@reddish22 Год назад
Thanks Amanda-that’s very kind.
@kimberlysmith3874 Год назад
I love when you said it is a gift to have come to a realization that you were wrong about something important.
@sagesaith6354 Год назад
@Kolby -- I'm so glad you mentioned epistemology -- it's a profound key to arriving at a logically-coherent understanding of the difference between knowledge and belief. It usually goes beyond most people's capacity for comprehension, but is vitally useful for those who can manage it. My favorite "intro" to epistemology is as follows (I believe I shared in another post): Our human experience incorporates functions of both knowledge and belief. Complete the following sentences: I *know* something when _________________________ I *believe* something when _________________________ Do you *know* that your car will start the next time you turn the key in the ignition? Or do you *believe* that it will? Do you *know* that you will be alive ten minutes after reading this? Or do you *believe* that you will be alive? In one sense, we actually do not "know" anything. What we call knowledge is actually just a repeatedly-affirmed belief (reproducibility -- the basis for the scientific method). When I say that I "know" that if I drop a coin it will fall to the ground, what I'm actually saying is that, based on the past, every time I dropped a coin it fell to the ground, therefore I *believe* (since it hasn't happened yet) that the next time when I drop a coin it will also fall to the ground -- because I *believe* in the constancy of nature such that, given nothing has changed, the same conditions will produce the same results, OR that if the same results are not produced given the same conditions, there has been some change which can be explained. Becoming aware of explicit criteria for knowing and believing can be a starting point for consideration and a more critical evaluation of what one claims to "know" vs. what can only possibly be believed (i.e. by faith). Or, as the saying goes, “It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.”
@bestbi3587 Год назад
thank you for your kindness, your compassion, and your willingness to be a resource for personal revelation rather than a force of pressure to change.
@matthewrennermusic9652 Год назад
Thanks. I'm Former LDS I know the law in general. And...... 10 years I learned so much History. 1983 to 1993 in Mormonism. Great Channel!
@boysrus61 Год назад
More compassion and less tribalism. Sooooo true. I learned after living over seas for several years, that the church is run slightly different in different places and if we think we know the "right" way to do it, we might be mistaken. I like to say more Christ and less culture.
@sagesaith6354 Год назад
I think Jesus would agree ...
@susanbergman9765 Год назад
I wiah that I could hav e this man defend me or advocate for me in my separation from the denomination to which I belong. I never was a Mormon. He provides more comfort and logic than any clergyman that I have spoken with.
@Notfromhere347 Год назад
Kolby Reddish you are an amazing example of integrity!
@reddish22 Год назад
Thank you, very kind.
@aircastlearchitect Год назад
This was incredibly compassionate and inspiring. I'm listening to this episode twice.
@DanielEarth1 Год назад
A profound point was brought up when Kolby hypothesized an apologist response that Joseph Smith couldn’t have written certain incriminating letters because of Emma’s statement that Joseph couldn’t write. Well if apologists believe this to be true, then aren’t they also admitting that Joseph Smith couldn’t have written the Book of Mormon?
@reddish22 Год назад
That is usually what the statement is used for by apologists. They'll use it to--in my view--"unbalance" the equation in an effort to establish that Joseph did not have the natural ability to write/dictate the Book of Mormon. The logic then goes that if Joseph couldn't write/dictate it--a supernatural explanation is how it must have been produced. That's where I'd really turn people to the primary sources and not just accept Emma's word (made much later and in a statement that includes demonstrable untruths about Joseph's polygamy) for whether Joseph could or couldn't write a well-worded letter. Look at his 1830 letter to the Saints in Coleville and see if Emma's claim holds up.
@sagesaith6354 Год назад
​@@reddish22 I am absolutely convinced that Joseph Smith et. al. produced the Book of Mormon by virtue of spiritual inspiriation -- it clearly is a spiritually-inspired and spiritually-empowered tome. Just not -- unfortunately -- the Spirit of God.
@johncunningham739 Год назад
Didn't the word apologize, apologies, apology mean that you realize that you are wrong and are willing to do whatever it takes to correct that or those lies ? So they are admitting that they are wrong but are to dysfunctional and ashamed to correct the lie.
@joannegrieco8523 Год назад
This pretty much just happened in the Gwyneth Paltrow case, the other side claimed to have video but it "conveniently " disappeared or was never there once they went to court. Before court he was trying to use her not wanting to go to court against him. He was found to be the guilty party and she won the $1 she sued back for
@victoriagibby8069 Год назад
Would love to see you do an episode with Jordan and McKay at some point!
@klassymom4118 Год назад
I loved this so much as a paralegal. I would like to ask, where is someone’s responsibility to research. Does the fact that the LDS church fear-mongers people into NOT researching and getting perspectives from other sources before joining or as active members put them in a different position of liability? I would think that type of intimidation or even punishable action would play into their liability of “consent”. It seems like coercion to me. I wasn’t a member long enough to have huge tithing and time loss, but had I been, I would be super pissed and want restitution of some kind.
@the-salamander4truth Год назад
There is a law suit in Australia where people are doing that now. Their laws differ from ours. I am not an attorney, but I wonder if there couldn’t be some sort of class action lawsuit for folks that paid tithing before the age of consent (18)?
@MystiqueHawkins Год назад
There was No full or honest disclosure in my case. Beautiful wholesome innocent people. Dangerous Institution .
@moniquedelaney7958 Год назад
This man is a gem
@kp6553 Год назад
David Whitmer's response in 1882 when asked if he had only seen the gold plates in a spiritual vision: "No, sir! I was not under any hallucination, nor was I deceived! I saw with these eyes and I heard with these ears! I know whereof I speak!"
@beachgirl6305 Год назад
Thank you for explaining the "spirit eyes" part! Didn't know/think of that!
@capo5005 Год назад
I recently had my "shelf" break vis a vis Mormonism. Anything like this that is fact based and verifiable is so so helpful and needed thank you. Also looking for new community (I live in South Salt Lake county)?
@barbaralael5092 Год назад
I did that I had a faith problem. I left the LDS Church. I turned to the Jehovah Witness faith. I studied with them. One day while driving I thought, "By Damn! My Mom is just as good as these women up here! Their belief was that there with be a New Heaven and A New Earth the survivors would only be Jehovah's Witnesses! All others will be burned as stumble. Mom is a good woman not a Church goer of any kind. Not just.
@capo5005 Год назад
@@barbaralael5092 I don't understand. Who will be burned as stubble?
@the-salamander4truth Год назад
@@capo5005 I don’t think anyone is going to burn.
@capo5005 Год назад
@@the-salamander4truth I should have clarified that I'm looking for community of fellow kind AND rational people
@richardholmes5676 Год назад
Paul Gregersen debunked the Egyptologists, the anti-Mormons are ignoring it.
@bri7478 Год назад
2 guest suggestions: Lena and Meg from More than Mormon podcast and Jordan and McKay. Love your channel!
@jeffsaxton716 9 месяцев назад
I've spent my life endeavoring to be a good citizen and obeying secular law. As an ex Mormon, I simply decided not to add any additional authority. It's not required or needed. I'm an adult.
@tawnyachristensen7310 Год назад
Love this interview as well. Kolby is a top voice in this arena as far as I'm concerned!
@joannegrieco8523 Год назад
You could've had a seizure or be schizophrenic or have a brain tumor even a mild stroke all these medical conditions, I'm epileptic and the voice thing is like a crowed restraint not a single voice plus that's only happened twice and I've had thousands of seizures but the rest you can hear one voice
@joannegrieco8523 Год назад
It's simple biase to pick and choose parts of books as "true" without using critical thinking
@danielvonbose557 Год назад
The witnesses using their spiritual (imaginary) eyes to witness the golden plates. LMFAO!! Like during fast Sunday I'm having spiritual food.
@CultstoConsciousness Год назад
Daniel! 😂😂😂😂 cracking up!
@derekpascal3749 Год назад
How ironic that the only true church was dissolved by truth.
@rainbowmom7582 Год назад
Hi, new here. You have a great channel and I’m really loving it. I was just curious if anyone had told you that it sounds like a pen is continuously being clicked on & off? It drives me to distraction and it’s hard to focus. It could also be a computer mouse but it really sounds like a pen. Thank you
@shirlzitting647 9 месяцев назад
Is Kolby's website blocked?
@CultstoConsciousness 9 месяцев назад
He just let me know he took it down because he wasn’t active on it.
@skyjust828 Год назад
What if when Shelise "rear-ended you you were watching this new podcast of Shelice's while driving in front of her? 😂😂🤣🤣
@skyjust828 Год назад
I left "the church" years ago but kept what I believe in i.e. Jesus Christ, tithing (not to "the church" but to charities like feed the children & wounded warriors ECT.) family night (held on Friday s playing board games renting videos spending time with our family) the 2 yr supply I thought was a good idea but we could only afford a 2 month supply 🤣🤣😂 wasn't so adhered to. Cussing was low & I never cared for caffeine but my children & their Dad did so I made a good cup of coffee while not drinking it 😉
@theeight-roadwanderer6286 Год назад
Kolby is the bomb
@hossmcgregor3853 Год назад
Anyone can walk on water, if the water is below 32 degrees Farenheit.
@iz_not_was Год назад
Does he have a email that doesn't require hitting "submit"
@hollayevladimiroff131 Год назад
Has anyone on this site researched the Book of Mormon and Solomon Spurgeon?
@spymaster2455 Год назад
Actually did you know there is another book out there written one year before the book of Mormon was written. You can prove that Joseph Smith copy from the other book. The book of Mormon because the book before was a fictional tale of Indians and all he did was change a few names and changed a few words from that book and called it the book of Mormon.
@sagesaith6354 Год назад
plus maybe copied a "few" verses from the Bible
@the-salamander4truth Год назад
I read the book. I don’t have time to go find it, gotta get to work. But, it really wasn’t copied word for word, but a lot of the general ideas were taken. Think of one of your favorite Star Treks. We have the original with Shatner, then we had Next Generation. Next Gen has its base in the original. They are both still fiction. Lol
@reward0212 Год назад
@@the-salamander4truth Name of the book please?
@richardholmes5676 Год назад
The Book of Mormon was written?? The Book of Mormon was translated, not written.
@spymaster2455 Год назад
@@richardholmes5676 For your information: That was the biggest lie!. Because it was not translated that is this a fallacy as what the church says it is. But it's not true it is falsehood. It was never translated for one thing Joseph Smith made up the whole story of seeing what you saw in the woods..
@skyjust828 Год назад
Hi Shelise😁👋 I'd like to tell you my point of view. When I was growing up (1961-1978) I was "good little Mormon girl" my only "infraction" was known only to my sister was accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior. Between my baptism and confirmation (baptized on 6-28-69 accepted Jesus on 7-2-69 & confirmed 7_5-69) since my confirmation I learned of "2 more wives of Joseph Smith" my parents separated for some time so I didn't get to go to the temple as all the other kids (including my brother) when I had a bad experience with, not my bishop but the bishop of my fiance' at the time (hasbeen now) when my court was scheduled for after our marriage and my 17th birthday for the day after "God"(aka the IRS) told Spencer W. Kimball ( 🤔I think) was told to allow blacks into the priesthood. 2 birds one stone more members more tithe 🤣🤣😂 anyway I believe "the church has vilified Joseph Smith to make Brigham Young look not as bad as he was. I hear now Joseph Smith had over 20 wives some children some already married. When I was young polygamy didn't start until the Utah valley after the pioneers. Also I'm hearing there were black pioneers 😯 old B.Y. must be spinning in his hellish grave!!! He was the biggest bigot against blacks next to Hitler 💢 "the church has changed it's history often with every generation it has changed. Please look into this I know you could you have living family who are still members. I wish I did who would speak to me. I'm an "apostate " 🤔 whatever that is it must be bad I don't care actually 😂😂🤣 thank you for your videos and thank you for your time 😘😉
@johnlee1352 Год назад
Admit it...you were just a poser in the church. You've never believed. Hope you're satisfied with the hollow accolades of the haters because that's all you've got...that, and weakness and confusion.
@sexii3292 Год назад
The reason why banzino didnt like em is because he seen em as the hiphop elvis and someone who was sent into hiphop to destroy hiphop.
@Setheskivias Год назад
Oh my why did you have to say nothing burger! Now I'm hankerin a burger!
@DRT279 Год назад
Have you seen all the new temples that are going up?
@lindanorton2088 Год назад
The Linda listen was more Zionist ici and peaceful then Mormonism ever was.
@reward0212 Год назад
you need to learn English better. I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.
@lindanorton2088 Год назад
@@reward0212 Zionistic, but it spell corrected. You probably don’t have friends.
@knot4frogging553 10 месяцев назад
New tshirt= community ism over tribalism
@beeg693 Год назад
I agree your lawyer friend that an individual can't prove that they heared voices. Where does he get the idea that stress causes someone to hear a voice? I have heard voices on 3 different occasions and none of them were under stressful conditions. They were complete sentances. All of them were warnings to me personally.. I would add that no one can prove prophetic dreams or visions of future events either. I wouldn't be able to prove them. Anything of any real spiritual experience can't be proven either, unless some is there. And that might not be true cause my friend on weed was there when a candle on a coffee table spontaneously light up..... He said" yeah.... I lit that a half hour ago." I responded, " no you didn't. It wasn't even lit five minutes ago." I heard a sound just before that wick of that candle was lit. Most of it can't be proven. It is interesting to hear about exfoliation in the legal term.... Yes, those testimonials from church members can't be proven. They are dead spiritually to me. I won't be going back... I only have had two miracle experiences that were witnessed by other people and that might not be enough. Two questions: Are you really interested in seeing the dead? Do you believe you can? I am just going to say. I have seen 4 dead relatives in my dreams. Often they came to give me messages, warnings and talk. One visit in my dream was a HS classmate. Be open and invite them to visit you in prayer. I invited my mom to come see me before she died. I told her to come visit me in my dreams. She didn't come to me in a dream. She came to me as a spirit in the middle of the night. I awoke and watched her standing there in white. She didn't say anything. She eventually became transparent and then just disappeared. I can't say how soon it can happen. It can if you are open. I was wrong too about the church.
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 11 месяцев назад
kolby asked me, If your interpretation, not mine, is correct--why does the letter instruct that it should be burned? If the letter is simply about sealing the Whitney family collectively, why is secrecy from Emma necessary? I'm sorry I can't find Kolby's question here. Two days before Joseph wrote this letter Emma wrote to Joseph "I should contrive to see you this evening, but I dare not run to much of a risk, on account of so many going to see you" She was being followed and she knew it. Two weeks after this the sheriff again showed up at his home and while Emma kept them busy in the front yard Joseph went out the back and over to the Whitneys, Emma knew where he was going. The letter he asked the Whitneys to burn had the location of where he was on it. Apparently he moved once again so the Whitneys never burned it. Knewl Whitney was a close friend of Joseph and Emma's. They stayed in their home from 1832 to 1836, while their own home was being built. Yes, he loved them. But there is no indication there was anything sexual between Joseph and their daughter. You have to think of it more as an adoption, I think he was marrying these different women to link them to the priesthood so they could learn the temple ceremonies.
@jeepmap1 Год назад
To me, David Whitmer's words dont seem to be some spiritual jibjab, at least acknowledge that if you claim to do interviews based on facts :""Some of the 71 recorded interviews he gave between 1838 and 1888 contained different details than others.[36] Recounting the vision to Orson Pratt in 1878, Whitmer claimed to have seen not only the golden plates but the "Brass Plates, the plates containing the record of the wickedness of the people of the world ... the sword of Laban, the Directors (i.e. the ball which Lehi had) and the Interpreters. I saw them just as plain as I see this bed".[37]""
@reddish22 Год назад
Hi Karoly, I think all I said of David Whitmer in particular was that the Church has used parts of his publication "An Address to All Believers in Christ" that have supported its correlated narrative while ignoring the other statements in the same statement that do not. For example--the most obvious question--if you take the statements from him in the quotes in your comment as the truth, I would wonder why you do not believe him when he stated that Joseph was a fallen prophet? I know we talk a lot more about the Church's use of partial statements in the series I did with Radio Free Mormon (Episodes 259, 260, and 262) in the section discussing "the rule of completeness" if you're interested in a more detailed discussion on the topic. This interview was intended to be a lot more conversational and I'd love your take on those episodes where we do dig into the facts in greater detail, if that would interest you. Thanks for listening--either way.
@DRT279 Год назад
Kolby has to use small bits and pieces to prove his point like almost all exmormons that try to seem like experts. They do this to confuse ppl. He would never go on a podcast with someone that could call out his BS.
@studygodsword5937 7 месяцев назад
@@DRT279 Mormons, JW's and Catholics all believe that their "church" is the only way to heaven, but the true church knows that salvation through Jesus (as Lord *AND* SAVIOR) alone (as stated in the Bible) is the only way to heaven !
@americanmanstan2381 Год назад
Nice picture of Hyrum Smith you have on the YT header (try digging a little deeper in your research).
@CultstoConsciousness Год назад
That’s not Hyrum. That’s an ACTUAL depiction of Joseph Smith as recently discovered from one of his descendants found in a locket. Alongside his youngest (14 yr old) bride. Try being a little less condescending in your comments 🤷‍♀️
@americanmanstan2381 Год назад
@@CultstoConsciousness Ya, I'm aware of that. But that narrative doesn't really fly. There are people expert in the field like John Hajicek that explain much better than I can why the face lines match Hyrum, plus there are other issues with it, ie the whole process of photo techniques. But believe who you will, I don't care. Just thought I'd expand your mind a little more, ha, ha.
@americanmanstan2381 Год назад
@@CultstoConsciousness This one is likely more accurate with no agenda: ldsanarchy.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/joseph-smith-200-dpi.jpg
@elizabethgrogan8553 Год назад
​@@americanmanstan2381 Your superiority complex is visible. If you are a true believing Mormon, you would address the issue with compassion and kindness. Instead, you come accross as arrogant. That's not a good impression of a Christian.
@americanmanstan2381 Год назад
@@elizabethgrogan8553 I'm goading you with my alleged arrogance. You can't tell? But you're dishing it back....like, oh... I really feel guilty for not coming across as compassionate. Your faux concern is noted. I guess you didn't dig into the link I gave you. And no, I'm not a "true believing Mormon." But I do believe Joseph was a prophet and the BOM is true. There are problems after that. He didn't start polygamy, Brigham did. There are books written about it and many YT's from people who did their research, like Rob Fotheringham. You should really check it out instead of being an angry ex-mormon.
@chrisepulef-1445 Год назад
Oh man, this guy needs to get to the archives of the church. I will defend Joseph's as a prophet with my life!!
@johnlee1352 Год назад
Hope it's all worth it...the accolades of haters is a sad goal but it's all you've got now...
@timtime9167 11 месяцев назад
But inside you have nothing but anger guilt low self esteem. You get off on hurting people because it's the only thing you have to cling to that makes you feel valid. Your transparent I see right through it. You have hurt many people and that's sums you up. That's why no one likes you John. Tell me where I'm wrong or just be amazed at how I can see right inside you.
@timtime9167 11 месяцев назад
Johnny, you're running, boy. You're afraid of Timmy.
@reward0212 Год назад
Isn't it interesting that nobody kicks a dead dog? Thanks for reinforcing my unending testimony of the Book of Mormon. The problem we have here is that people try to equate the truthfulness of the church with the non-perfected members in it. No person on earth is perfect, including Joseph Smith. The faults of the members, including the leadership of the church are just people who have been asked to fulfill a calling or be a witness of our savior Jesus Christ. They are not perfected humans. If you want perfection, you need to die and look for someone there who is a perfected person. The Church of Jesus Christ is a perfect organization as far as we are made aware of through the scriptures and through revelation from God. It may be different from what I have said here but we only know what we know now. I find it very interesting that people have grudges against the church over, what someone in the church has done. The church is a living correct Church. If it's false, you need to ask yourself what exactly was it, that Joseph Smith gained from this fraud? The answer of course is nothing but a life full of hardships and eventually being martyred for his testimony. Yeah, that's exactly what I would like to have for my life....not.....What was in it for Joseph and his family? Nothing but hardship. The worst enemies of the church are past members who try to equate the church with the frailties of the unperfected people in it who, have be a victum or witness of somthing a leader or other member of the church has done. There are thousands of examples of that. That doesn't make the church itself false. If you think Joseph Smith wrote up this whole B of M. thing up, I would challenge you to write a book anywhere close to this record that Joseph Smith produced for us. It's an amazing record of the Natives in the Great Lakes region of our country. Some of those tribes have Hebrew DNA markers. Go figure
@johnlee1352 Год назад
Did you notice that there are a lot fewer attacks on Mormonism from the DNA angle these days? It used to be standard fare for the haters.
@richardholmes5676 Год назад
Google Mormon doctrine vs Christian doctrine. You'll see the LDS have scripture together better than the other churches. This is proof Latter Day Saint scripture is from above.
@CultstoConsciousness Год назад
Orrr it’s proof that re-writing and revising is a good thing to do. The original BOM didn’t even have punctuation and was riddled with spelling errors among other things.
@richardholmes5676 Год назад
@@CultstoConsciousness No original writings had punctuation, why would the Book of Mormon?
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 11 месяцев назад
He is lying to you all. The letter is addressed to three people, Knewl K Whitney, his wife Elizabeth and his daughter Sarah. Sarah had been sealed to Joseph in July and then went home with her parents. There is no evidence that there was any sexual contact between them ever! At the time Joseph is in hiding and Emma is being followed by his enemies so it is not safe to come when she is there. The Whitneys had not yet been sealed, Joseph says to the Whitneys; "one thing I want to see you for is (to) get the fullness of my blessings sealed upon (y)our heads & you will pardon me for my earnestness on this subject..." It is not a love letter! If this man will lie to you about this what else is he lying about!
@FroggyMCMaster 8 месяцев назад
People with this mindset will always end up as atheist/agnostic. He is trying to make religion something it is not. At the end of the day, you have to choose to believe in something. There is never going to be an objective standard of proof that verifies the truth of a religion. Religion is subjective, always has been and always will be
@reddish22 6 месяцев назад
Your comment has lingered with me for quite some time and I'd like to respond. Why would you want to stake so much of your life, time, and money on something that cannot be determined to be true, except subjectively? As for the claim that I'm trying to "make religion something it is not"--when religions make claims about the way reality works, those claims can be tested like any other. Take for example the studies on intercessory prayer which actually show decreased likelihood of a favorable result than random chance (researchers presume because of the pressure of knowing other people are praying for you). If God or whatever you believe in has actual, real power, why can it not be detected or measured? As for the "you have to choose to believe in something" idea--do you not see how you've just pushed all the actual explanations off by one step? Every difficult to answer question like: why is there something rather than nothing, where do morals come from, how are we to treat each other--none of the answers are advanced one bit by appealing to a supernatural entity that cannot be detected in reality. I'm happy to explain or discuss what I mean by this further with you, if you'd like.
@markmorley7938 Год назад
Proving or disproving in the eyes of God are not what we should be about? What we should know beyond a shadow of doubt is that God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost are true! So irrespective of who you are, what you are about and what you are trying to define, is counter active on where you should be. Trust in God with all of your might mind and strength and let Him guide you to where you should be!
@CultstoConsciousness Год назад
Hi Mark, I think you’re missing the point. Trusting with all your might is literally the opposite of knowing for a fact. Belief is fine, but you can’t expect others to blindly follow a religion, book or mythology that has no basis in reality or fact. Aside from some good feelings you have about it. Feelings are not facts. And that’s ok. But we aren’t here to confuse the two.
How a Mormon Lawyer Lost His Faith Ft. Kolby Reddish
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