This is the first time on history of arknights that Kuma pronounced the name of an operator correctly. And that's because Figurino is a word with Latin roots anyway.
Figurino S2 is bound to go really hard with Qiubai. Basically guarantees her bonus damage talent procs, while also being a psuedo fast redeploy. Can't wait to see the numbers.
Personally, I love love love merchants and Figurino doesn't disappoint in the slightest! Perhaps my only bugbear is that since Merchants are usually highly specialised (with Jaye really being the only exception to that) I really wish Figurino's s1 did arts damage or had some other utility besides dealing damage. Generic skills are especially harmful to the Merchant class because they have a direct cost associated with keeping them on stage, so I'm admittedly a little uneasy about Figurino's s1 (even though I can see a lot of potential for it as auxillary dps for duelists like Flamebringer or the Musha guards). Hopefully his multiplier is multiplicative instead of additive a la Tequila or Chongyue 😅 As for his s2, that's what I'm truly ecstatic about because considering it consumes more dp the longer it's up (if I'm understanding the tls of his skill description correctly) that should mean Figurino has permabind so long as you have the dp to foot the bill, much like Lee is immune to CC as long as you have the dp!! And that opens up SO many doors for stalling, crowd control and team synergy that I'm salivating just thinking about it!! Definitely cannot wait for Figurino on global, say whatever you want about Merchants but at least they're never boring ❤
TBF to his S1, it’s rare to get a FRD DPS with permanent extended range like that. It’s probably nothing crazy, but it’s super easy to set him up somewhere safe and continue to deal DPS unlike the others.
I'm a big merchant fan, but I'll be fully honest, I don't really care about this guy. I feel like some of that is the art, but also his hit doesn't seem terribly interesting either. He just kinda seems boring to me. Maybe a skin can save him for me like what just happened with Lessing. I always liked Lessing's design more than this guy, but it was a similar case of not being super interested in either his art or his kit. But new Lessing skin gets announced, caters to a niche fetish of mine and, well, now Lessing has been added to the list of operators to build lmao. I'm a gacha player. I've come to love Arknights' gameplay over the years, and the story is a huge draw as well, but I'm pretty shameless in that the main thing for me is the characters and their artwork. If a character has neither a design I'm into or a kit I think is cool, I'll be promptly forgetting about them. That's definitely what has me so hyped for Contrail as well. I think her kit is awesome, and I really really love her design, and the excellent color palette of her artwork.