
My Last Hell Let Loose Video - GG's 

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22 окт 2024




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@Prodlovejoy 3 месяца назад
I really agree with the medic stuff I would love to play medic but it is seemingly useless to play
@TwinCityShredder 2 месяца назад
Could be fun, but not when it's so limited and nobody sticks around to get revived.
@YTAnon10 3 месяца назад
A lot of valid points, I still play the game semi frequently but it's been a real bummer to see the path it's gone down.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Thanks bud. I will still return to it, as my Discord all joined because of this game, but at some level we all must move on. It's a real bummer, as I know some people will just leave forever, but that's the way it goes.
@Jules_Winnfield 3 месяца назад
It's been a fun ride Shredder! Started playing this game December 2019 Update 4, and I couldn't agree more with this sentiment of declining gameplay. SME was just released and I was in total awe of this game. I'm sure nostalgia plays a factor now, but the game is really hard to enjoy with all these unnecessary changes and added bugs. Hit reg being the biggest perpetrator. Thanks for showing prime examples of how much it has regressed. Honestly, it makes me wish we still had the old hit scan days 😂 See you on the other side bud
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
@@Jules_Winnfield Thanks for the comment bud. Its decline is such a disgrace. The new UI is a classic example of how a multimillion dollar corp, can ruin things over night. They should open the game up to modders who actually give a shit. They should have bought the game and never touched a single thing, and the game would still be in a decent state. With double the player base.
@NorthMiPatriot 3 месяца назад
I started playing in 2019 during Early Access. I was immediately hooked on it, and I am not really a big FPS guy. HLL had me hooked with it's team work, pace, and short ttk. It was brutal and I loved it. After Team 17's take over, I found myself playing less and less. The botched British update that has still not been totally fixed, the run speed and dolphin diving followed by a reversion, the wonky hit reg, and the list goes on. I just moved on to other games and come back once in awhile to see if anything has changed. Still hoping that it the devs will find their way with HLL. Unfortunately, I have yet to see anything that makes me want to play the way I used to. Sad to see where the game is at today.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I agree. The hardest part for us as gamers, is seeing the massive potential with the game, and to sit and watch it's demise. How long until they run out of basic stuff to work on, and implement a night mode for the training center. We all had an idea that the T17 takeover would be bad, but they can't even get the game back to where it was when they bought it.
@kaonashiix 3 месяца назад
I agree with most of your comments, it’s sad to say the game is only truly ‘fun’ to me in competitive gameplay, because that’s the only time you play against people who actually know what they are doing
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
That's why I assumed some people only play comp. Was for the actual players who play the actual game. I am enjoying the FnF. Which is about all I can stand atm.
@husamh4585 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredderwhat’s FnF
@agp11001 3 месяца назад
@@husamh4585 Friday Night Fight. Basically a middle thing between a public game and a full-on comp game - different clans get together and fill individual squads - you still get to play with other people, but most players know what they're doing. FNF happens on - as the name implies - Fridays, SLB (Squad Line Battle) is Tuesdays, I think. There's also other fight night events, like the Greyhounds' Fight Night.
@Gen.Rocker 3 месяца назад
You skirt the issue, Shredder: this game needs community-created MODS. Friendly helpers would solve a lot of the optimization issues, and promote social interaction. The back office has either has too much to do, or are not all that creative. Hope the issue is the former, but I have my doubts since the release of the sophomoric practice map suggests the latter. The business model confuses me in that I would pay for an update that offered an optimized 3-map Pacific Theater pack that includes interesting skins, for those who care about such things. That said, I do appreciate the updates that resolve known issues. Now, I am a life-long gamer who has played long enough to remember having to reverse-engineer a patch that took all night to download, so I am patient. :) Thanks for the feedback, shredder! Let me know once you find another WWII genre game that plays better!
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I don't expect people to read all my comments, but I have mentioned MODS many times. I truly believe that MODS would fix this game in a week. But T17 would have to let go of their server monopoly with GPORTAL, and watch dedicated devs, massively fix the game on a very large scale. Would be embarrassing for the investors, and the mobile devs at T17. I appreciate the comment. I wish there was another WW@ FPS on the market. S44 is available but janky and the gunplay is not satisfying. Maybe Arena Breakout will be good. I don't have much experience in Survival FPS games but I am ready for a much harder and challenging game.
@KAISERMtbb 3 месяца назад
overall really good points and props to the video quality, very nice :)
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Thank you sir! I appreciate the comment.
@Ema6835 3 месяца назад
I've been playing this game since 2021 and I agree 100% with everything you said. At least once I thought of every change you proposed, it's good to see that I was not alone with my thought. Just some clarifications: About the nodes, I remember that the problem with the variable points earned was that having the middle sector was such a huge advantage. In my opinion they should 1) reenable the ability to build all sets of node by one player 2) make only the nodes on the HQ sector earn less resources, and everything else (so from 2nd column to 4rth) earn the same resources. 3) make me drop supplies in the HQ sector with the supply truck. Also about the Arty, it's not just "click a button and have kills", it's not always easy to coordinate artillery and I enjoy it to some extend. That said, the MAIN problem is that it doesn't have a counter. In every game, every mechanic needs a counter, arty is just there. The only counter we made up is spawn killing with snipers but that is so boring, nobody wants to do that and snipers have to do other things. As much as I love arty, they either need to find a counter to that or they need to replace that with mortar squads. Anyway, I like to discuss about the changes this game needs but yeah... this game is dead. Not from a playerbase perspective, but from a dev perspective. Team17 bought the game, released a bunch of cosmetic DLCs, ruined gameplay here and there and that is it. Also looking at the recent update that brought... NOTHING (apart from buggy UI that nobody asked for in the appearance menu) I just don't think they will bugfix anything or balance anything. They will just use their devs on some other game and let hell let loose die while making some money.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
You are exactly right, and I like the idea about the nodes. And of course the supply truck. Community is there, but the devs aren't. So true. Sad to see it come to this, but the changes with the UI are not great, but I do like selecting my outfit ahead of time, before spawning. But having devs work on such basic shit, whole the main aspects need a ton of work, is asinine. I could have designed a better UI in a week, and the first thing I would have done, is separate the Redeploy and Leave Server buttons. They used to be opposite sides of the screen.
@agp11001 3 месяца назад
To be fair, in regard to the Recon-Arty loop (coming from a Sniper main who actually met his Spotter buddy of over 1000 hours played together by sniping him off artillery every evening before he joined our clan)... if you are dead-set to waste Recon to camp arty, it's your own fault for it being boring. Get one or two guys and give them the default spawn Recon tank. They take the Recon SLs behind the lines and then lay waste to the spawns, hunt supply trucks, etc. Way more efficient and way more sturdy than a squishy sniper. Also, way more fun to tank snipe artillery from across the map - now THAT usually shuts down public game arty dudes pretty quickly. That being said, it has a certain appeal to get the same guy over and over and over again, especially when they to find you by doing something like spawning on another HQ....
@Ema6835 3 месяца назад
@@agp11001 I know that a few people (as yourself it seems) enjoy this mechanic. But the vast majority of people I played with hates it and considers it boring. Also, I think that this "mechanic" was just discovered by the players in an effort to find a counter to arty and not intended by the developers. This because arty is so strong and they didn't think of a counter to that. If you enjoy staying put, spawnkilling people for 1h then good for you my man.
@agp11001 3 месяца назад
@@Ema6835 I'm not overly fond of it myself, because it gets rather boring 90% of the games, and I'm sick and tired of people starting to scream for "Recon take their arty" 5 minutes into the game. Getting told that artillery is killing dudes left and right and when I get the gunner, the guy has taken out 15 combat score points worth of dudes. Happened to me recently, my teammates made it sound like we were playing against some comp arty guy stacking up 400+ kills, and the guy literally killed 2 people by the time I got him. TWO. After bullying him for 10 minutes I actually told chat that I will no longer sit here because he clearly wasn't that big of a threat running arty and I kinda felt bad for him, too) Then again, because of this broken gameplay loop, I met a random player who I've now have spent well over two years playing regularly (almost exclusively) Recon and Recon tank together and who I now consider a dear friend. But while I had my share of exhilarating gameplay moments in the over 3k hours I put into this game, not many come close to the sheer fun of evading (at least) a full squad of infantry and a tank while *still* taking potshots at their gunners. Because that's when you really start impacting the game, pulling resources off the enemy team instead of just playing whack-a-mole with two or three people (which is the boring unfunny part of the game, unless you are playing with an individual with the same penchant for psychological warfare, like we did in this game - tinyurl.com/mrxpfx22).
@dienamx6696 3 месяца назад
personally i like a lot of the realism aspects of HLL i always classed it as a mil sim and always kinda viewed it in the same sort of boat as arma or squad, so that being said personally i would like to see them keep certain things authentic like weapons for certain teams like germans using german guns etc but i do agree that they need to overhaul the balancing of the weapons to make it more fair/fun, so maybe not completely realistic but more like "historically authentic" ig
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I think they need to do all the weapons at once then, not just 1 map at a time, or 6 months at a time. I think most ARMA players would shut down the argument of HLL being a milsim. I don't think steam even classifies it as a milsim anymore, but it did used to say it. Back in the day, the idea was to make it hardercore, then it turned into a much more arcadey game after U9. The game let you play any weapon for the last 4 years, so to change the guns per map, is just not of the utmost importance in the grand scheme of things. It's like someone who takes out the trash, but sets it by the front door instead. Either change all the guns at once to reflect the history, or just leave them alone. I'm fine with either, but removing 1 gun from 1 map, is just simply a waste of time. Balance of the British weapons is horrid, and needs some work. Fair and fun should always be the goal.
@dienamx6696 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder Tbf i haven't played since just before the British update maybe a year or so before it, so i wasn't aware of a lot of this before watching the video, it is a shame because i was going to build a pc again and one of the games i was looking forward to play again was HLL, this seems to be a reoccurring theme in the PC community devs get a bit of money and fuck off the fan base gg ig
@crazydogdog2831 3 месяца назад
I may have an unpopular opinion. I love what you said about the medics, I love playing medic and would love a change. I think one change that should happen is that you should get a penalty of some kind if you give up when a medic is less than 20-30 meters away. It would give people more care to stay and wait rather than give up the second you go down. I understand people want to get back in the fight, but when people give up when you are running towards them, it’s very irritating. I’ve literally had people give up while I’m 2 feet away and they just died. It makes the role almost non playable. And although I know you said give medics more gun options but as a medic main, in ww2 they weren’t supposed to take lives, it was only a saving lives thing. When you play the role, you HAVE to play different because that pistol just doesn’t match up to a mp40 or a rifle. It makes the game seem fresh because you can’t go storm a point like the rest. You have to stick by people and play smarter instead of playing call of duty.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
If your 5 years old, then 1 year is 1/5th of your life, if you are 50 years old, then 1 year is 1/50th of your life. With that said, I have over 4k hours in hell let loose, and to add a penalty to an already long death screen, which I have spent over 150 hours in just that screen, I wouldn't want to penalize a player for respawning. Any way to motivate a player to stay down is fine by me, but in HLL, it not like players are protecting medics so they can get the revive, so adding more ammo or better guns is a better way for medics to take care of the dirty work themselves. Not a perfect solution, but an improvement. I know my logic isn't perfect on this, and would take way more thought that just adding better guns. But things could be added to make this role better. The amount of times I've seen a medic pushing up solo is absurd, meaning people don't really play the role as it was in real life, they play it the Battlefield way. So let them have better weapons and just enjoy the role, and if they get more revives, then all the better.
@crazydogdog2831 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder I disagree, like I said, playing medic is and should be a different mindset than the rest of the roles. Just adding more guns makes it another run and gun class and (even though I agree people don’t play it like they should) it would deter people from playing medic how they should. I’m not taking away your 4000 hrs, I only have 600, but I still don’t agree with your more guns idea. I’m a huge ww2 nut, that’s part of the reason I play this game. I loved the other ideas like running faster or dragging players but then if they had that and more guns, the role would be OP and people would only pick it to run and gun and play solo. Hey, we’re just two people with different ideas. That’s okay. God bless!
@LanD_87 3 месяца назад
N’avoir qu’un nombre limite de réapparition toutes les temps de minutes forcerai les gens à utiliser leur vie en jeu beaucoup plus prudemment et avoir un compte forcerai à attendre le médecin cela rajouterai du rp
@toeray5864 3 месяца назад
I'm a veteran player and it's really frustrating at times. Newer players just want to run to the next point and shoot their gun. In probably half of games my gang has to build every node and sometimes take a supply truck out to build garrisons too. The game desperately needs a mandatory onboarding that shows you how garrisons and nodes work, why they are so important, and how you can build them. Like you said, 20% of the players are playing the real game, the rest are just running around like lemmings.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I was screaming for a forced training like Squad has. It makes even the dumbest player like a Rank 20. Constant noob players suck the fun out of the game. I get everyone was new at some point, and I'm glad when I was new, the playerbase just wanted everyone to learn and learn fast. Nowadays, you ask someone for an OP, and they reply like you banged their mom. There is always gonna be players who want to learn the game, but the issue still resides in people needing to spend their free time learning outside of the game. Which some people just do not have that kind of time. T17 knows this, and purposely avoids it.
@iamthemusicman13 3 месяца назад
I have shared almost all of your vies for changes and with a decent 3k+ hours, always trying to help new players etc... this game is important for so many people and it is heading to the dark side. HIT REG IS MAIN ENEMY. Bravo on a great piece of yes rather simple art conveying an even BIGGER care for a game that has changed lives and made MANY long time friends.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I love this comment. Your thoughts on the community as a whole, is something I've tried to convey for a long time. But HLL is just the rusty can being kicked down the road, in hope of making a few dollars along the way. Imagine buying a $46 Million dollar truck, and driving it off a cliff.
@geronimo5537 3 месяца назад
regarding the hit reg. the prior devs added a "solution" for when players were constantly trading kilz with each other. they made it so one person always lives. the hit reg issue started when they added that system.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I need to see more information on this. Can you share a link? The hit reg started to really fall apart in U13.5, when T17 added their back end analytics which raised the ping of every player by double. Not saying it was perfect before that, but it was significantly better.
@leshtricity 3 месяца назад
all you need to know about T17 is that as soon as they acquired HLL, they immediately raised the price, and over the following months, have downgraded the quality. the game crashes all the time on console; trying to play with a group is impossible, as someone will crash every 10 minutes.
@agp11001 3 месяца назад
Console's a different beast altogether. You poor guys got straddled with a game that wasn't fit for console release when it was released, and caused a shift in development priorities (the much-lamented push for "PC-console parity") that seriously hurt the development of the PC version. Hell, it even wasn't meant to be released on console, ever.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Tbf, the PC community knew the game would take a dive when Black Matter announced a console launch during U9. The fears were real and BM did all they could do to convince us that it would not effect the PC version. What they have done to console should be a crime. There should be class action lawsuits over it. Back in U9, there was 15 devs, and after U10 and console release it went to 75 devs, and somehow things got worse. We have seen fixes for console, that have fucked up the PC version. Like looking at the map while taking down a node. We used to be able to do this, but on console, looking at the map took down the node twice as fast, so their fix for console, ruined what was working fine on PC, and they called it a feature, not a bug. They claimed the quality of graphics wouldn't downgrade with a console launch, but we now know, that the LOD on PC was the exact same as console since June of 2023, and was fixed in U14.9. It's just lie after lie, and bullshit marketing BS, with zero dedication to improving the game.
@dnsdbheh 3 месяца назад
i decided to pause playing this game when t17 showed their ways with their first update. i kept watching alot of hll content tho, to see where this is going. when they released the non-zeroed brit weapons, i thought: "well, a bad mistake, surely this will be fixed very quickly.. ima wait until they do this" 1.5 years later, (after even stopping to really care), i decided to run the game and found out the hard way. i played 5 games. then i deinstalled the game. they'll never fix this game, so why should i keep wasting my time playing their bs? i had a blast playing other games instead. r.i.p.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
It really is sad. You'd have thought that with their claim of 6 years of dedicated development, you know, each year of the war, that they would have had some cool stuff come to the game, but it's just never gonna happen. If they would just open the game to modding, I bet modders would fix this game in a week.
@LeftJoystick 3 месяца назад
Nearly exactly the same experience as you. When a game loses a significant portion of the people who were there and stuck with it from the beginning, it’s an indication that something has come incredibly wrong. New players can come in and like it - I’m happy for them - but after a few patch cycles, they’ll come to understand that Team 17 are, unfortunately, so incompetent that it sometimes comes across as malice. It’s insane.
@LeftJoystick 3 месяца назад
You are 100% correct with all of these. Been playing since the EA days, and quit when T17 screwed up that horrendous British update. So sad.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
The British is the unfinished project that stains this game. What a disaster, and not a single bit of effort to fix the simplest of things.
@AlfimAlves 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredderWhat is unfinished with the Brit update? I haven’t played in a year…
@Splif128 3 месяца назад
Nobody gaf about making this game better. T17 saw it had a solid fan base and wanted to monetize it. Thats it. That was their entire strategy. Zero focus on improving the game or fixing legacy issues. The old road map was immediately abandoned, new road maps were never implemented. But here’s a single map paid dlc and paid skins. 👍
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
@@Splif128 Exactly. They CoD'ified it. I like how they reverted the $12 no helmet dlc, to work on all maps. The people at T17 are morons. They should have reverted the game back to U13 when they had the chance, but nope, just keep pushing weak updates, baby step fixes, and comprehension of how the actual game functions. Open it up to mod support and let actual devs with passion fix the game.
@AffableGuacamole 3 месяца назад
There is one more thing… It’s been emotional.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Hey bud, hope you've been well. Emotional it is. It took me a month to make this video, and to make sure I covered each topic well enough. It was a hard video to make, while coming to the conclusion that I need to move on.
@AffableGuacamole 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder what game are you moving on to? Video covered all the right points. I've not played HLL in a while except for a few quick matches to see if anything has improved. It has not
@relaxingnightsounds1489 3 месяца назад
Thank you for saying these things they are truly broken and only getting worse..I have 200 hits with garand yet end up with 10+ kills...I also believe ai might have been introduced which is killing the game with 10-15 min matches that seem to not be able to stop...as I have started only playing defence....your tips are straight in but this game is dying slowly then the give it away for free to keep it relevant but the fun left years ago now aimbots and hacks control the field
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Your welcome bud. It's really sad to see. There is about 10 players with past VAC and game bans in every match. Fucking losers. I've been vocal about it's issues for way too long, and some things are just idiotic that I can't look past it. I'm happy to have enjoyed the glory years of this game, and all the great times. But it is over, and looking towards new horizons.
@agp11001 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder Sorry, but what servers do you play on that you have that many banned players? Many community servers have player filters that autokick people with a certain number of game bans and/or recent VAC bans (I think the usual threshold is that if your latest VAC ban is older than 2 years, it's ignored, otherwise it's a kick).
@StephenWride 3 месяца назад
Not sure I agree with half of the damage changes, I would hate if this game took a turn towards call of duty in any way, already got over 600 hours it would be a shame to want to refund it now
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
The damage changes wouldn't make it CoD, far from it. It would change the lethality of the current guns, more in the middle of how it used to be vs how it is now. I definitely do not want players to take more hits. As that was already implemented in U10, so new players don't die as easily. Also when they changed the game so players don't spawn in until 500m away, that was intended to keep new players alive a little longer. These changes were implemented to help you die less. So since you've been playing the game, you've only experienced the current meta. When before U10 the game used to be more brutal, and you could die much easier. That sound alot more like a hardcore military fps rather than CoD. Tell me if I'm wrong, but don't you want the game to be more hardcore? More punishing, and more unforgiving? Because that's the damage model I was trying to project.
@agp11001 3 месяца назад
​@@TwinCityShredder I don't think adding a more hardcore damage model would be necessary. The current 3-zone system (legs/arms, head, body) works well enough in theory, if the hitreg (or maybe the hitboxes itself) weren't so wonky. I think it's more pressing to overhaul the whole shooting mechanic that works off classes instead of calibers in regards to shot-to-kill and range. Right now a 30-06 from a Garand is deadlier than a 30-06 from a BAR, which just makes no sense.
@childrenofsleep 3 месяца назад
Hell Let Loose is just sad at this point
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Can't wait until we get a night mode for the training center. Gonna be pretty sweet!
@zombiemincaftr 3 месяца назад
you can now play easy red 2
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I had never heard of this. Just watched a video, and wow so much more detail than HLL. I wish I would have known about it a year ago. Seems like the playerbase is kind of dead though. Was it a marketing issue? Like S44?
@zombiemincaftr 3 месяца назад
@TwinCityShredder I think its just because its an indie game made by a small dev team which started out as a single person. It's been developed for a very long time abd still gets update, and has amazing custom content on steam workshop. Unlike hell let loose it is a bit more of a casual game not as military sim, but you can make it a bit harder. I think it is best played as a co-op or single player game, if you can play with a couple friends its pretty fun to just go through all the campaigns together. The main selling point I think is the large battles it can have with all the ai though if you put too many it sometimes makes the game unbalanced. It is really not a pvp focused game if you would ask me, and thats likely also due to the lack of players, but its fun fighting against the AI, it also has like a lot of vehicles, tanks, planes, boats, all authentic and goes to several difference fronts allowing you to play both sides of the war. Its overall a really stellar game that does deserve more attention but it has its issues as all games do. Alot of people call it a world war 2 fps sandbox game for that reason too. It's not perfect, but it is worth trying out for the price.
@kanipshun4216 3 месяца назад
Good video but I have 1 critique. The medic class can easily be fixed in one simple change. If a player gives up before a certain time, they SHOULD respawn with half ammo/bandages/no grenades/no rockets. There is absolutely no point to wait for a medic if I can respawn QUICKER and replenish all of my ammo/bandages/frags. Making medics faster or adding dragging is not going to change the incentive you already have to respawning.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Back in the day, as Support, you could just redeploy for more supplies, then they added the 5 minute cool down timer. That change you suggest would definitely change the way the game is played, but also have a game flow momentum change. Part of HLL, is sitting on the death screen, so adding even more wait time or a penalty for redeploying, might only work, if the added 10 second penalty was removed. I did the math a while back, and throughout my time in HLL, I've estimated that I've spent a minimum of 150 hours on that death screen. I tend to lean in more fun direction, rather than penalties for all players. Solely based on the speed of the game and getting back in the fight as soon as possible. Making the Medic faster and more powerful, would lend itself to more people playing it. Meaning more revives, and more medics, and more reasons to wait. Dragging downed players makes the role more intuitive for people who like being medic. Like most games with dragging. The incentive is there, faster run speed and more powerful weapons, and more people would play it. Can't punish all players for nobody wanting to play medic.
@kaonashiix 3 месяца назад
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Those tank clips would be infuriating. Also that incredible 144 - 0, with 717 hits. Jesus wtf is with that.
@iamthemusicman13 3 месяца назад
last thing, new players need to accept playing it correctly and if not many other games to slide in are there. Simple commands and mechanics that get ignored in turn FULLY taking any fun out of the game due that style of playing correlates to the mechanics not being played correctly ruining the game then.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Very true, which is why I'm still playing Friday Night Fights, as everyone plays the actual game. This has been an issue since U9, but proceeds to get worse.
@revdaddy6934 3 месяца назад
It's a lot of these problems that's driven me away from the game and led to me just straight up buying Squad 44. With all the problems between historical inaccuracies, performance issues (which I use to not have problems with), and the arcade like gameplay it's become unfun to play. It is still one of the most beautiful WW2 games I've seen (Whenever AA decides to work), so it's got that going for it at least
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Totally agree. I see the draw to S44, but the gun play feels so janky vs HLL. Everything else about it I like though. Just not enough to keep me coming back to it. Wish T17 would actually sink money into the game rather than tweaking maps.
@revdaddy6934 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder Yeah the gunplay does feel exceptionally weird. It's like a weird mix between old Squad and ICO Squad
@kvrtman_ 3 месяца назад
Squad 44 seems to be the remedy
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
@@kvrtman_ if the gun play didn't feel so outta date, it would be an option. There are some things I really like about it. But the mechanics feel like they're from 2008.
@kvrtman_ 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder yeah agreed, I think they will bring Squad 44 up to date eventually and make it work like Squad which in my opinion works really nice. Maybe except the infantry overhaul which makes me think my solder has plasticine hands. But the audio is pretty cool.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
@@kvrtman_ I do own squad 44 and squad. But have minimal hours in them. If they update the gun play squad 44 would be something I could see myself revisiting. Especially with current updates still happening. It will be interesting to what they do next. Squad feels a bit old too, but the audio in that game is absolutely unreal. I made only 1 video on my first experience in Squad, and the audio was so incredible. What's your thoughts on ARMA Reforger?
@kvrtman_ 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder I just literally bought Reforger, and played only solo for a moment. Nevertheless I think it’s gonna be one of my fav games, looks like Squad, with DayZ/Tarkov mechanics. Reforger looks more comprehensible than Arma 3 which always have been too complex for me. Reforger is on discount now, so I think it’s a nice deal. I thought it’ll look cheap and plastic, but the gameplay is pretty nice. That said interiors look kinda clunky but it’s a milsim game, not Sims 🤭
@charles_wipman 3 месяца назад
I agree with most of the proposed changes, i'm tired of cosmetic DLCs that add nothing instead bug fixes, work on the performance, add new maps; instead... we've changes that no one asked for and that add new bugs and problems, we don't get the changes or fixes that the veterans has been asking for since the U9 or even before, the U15 trailer shown to me what we're dealing with here, pure incompetence. I think that T17 gonna kill the HLL at least for the veterans with so much BS, incompetence and greed; heading in no direction and in all directions at the same time, it's sad man.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Well said. They keep doing changes to the maps and DLC, but not touching the actual game. Seriously wtf are they even adding anything? Oh cool another night map. What's next, night version of the training mode? 3 people made Battlebit, and T17 can't even update the British guns, or add features many have wanted for years. They spend more money promoting weak updates, than they do in game development.
@relaxingnightsounds1489 3 месяца назад
Not to mention all new naps are not optimized they run terribly and are almost to the point of irrelevant. Playing mortain a beautiful map but brings me from 100 fps to 10 to 60 if I'm lucky
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Exactly! Beautiful map, but even the community had to fight, just to open up a few buildings, and the one building they should have opened, isn't viable for them to achieve.
@jimwiggers4019 2 месяца назад
@TwinCityShredder 2 месяца назад
There's no more polishing this turd. The luster has worn off and now my hands feel icky.
@supremeskorpion1863 3 месяца назад
What game will you be playing?
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I will be changing the banner on my page soon, to reflect which game. But for now I gotta keep it hush hush. Still working out the format for the videos.
@granulesackes4354 3 месяца назад
its just called growing up and moving on
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Hence the title of the video. When you spent years on something it just isn't that easy. I have a whole discord of people who joined me in this venture, that I'm still trying to keep as friends. So me switching games, is a massive step that will lose a few people along the way. I have a community here, that has felt my wins and losses through out the years, and many feel the some way, and some that haven't played in years but still stop by to show support. So a dedicated video explaining myself and the issues that determined this decision, was the only way to not just disappear like other YT'ers.
@jmw1513 3 месяца назад
Can't you just be happy with map locked cosmetics!!!11
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
Hahahaha you're awesome! Jesus man, $12 for DLC you can't see, on a single map. Wtf are they thinking? Funny thing is, that I wrote and recorded the script a month ago, before anyone even knew about the DLC.
@jmw1513 3 месяца назад
@TwinCityShredder I get really frustrated with pubs because people are just so oblivious to what is happening in the match, but I still love the game.
@dragonltu8349 3 месяца назад
i will keep in short i am new player but i knew game for long ( for name ) but idk history i have 100 hours into game and i am well verse ingame as i am in any game ( because i am gamer for long time all problems per say you said with team is nothing new and it is normal to see now it is more common to see sad to say but yeah.. ) content and mechanics and game code things yeah you are right and it is mess i fully agree ( but it seems like to me it is less problem / i don't see much of bugs but more i play into game more i see bugs and what not at which is strange exp ( i am more use to more buggy state of game overall not bad state but could improve all i am trying to say ) overall in content and game game modes i will say needs more like you said it needs more and even trun down realistic aspect at which i will say that every game needs to fellow one thing realistic game like feeling at which i can't say how it is but to say short it has to be balance fun and every role needs diffrent choices of weapons and just in general well rounded of choices and for every faction at which i will say not every faction has that well balanced kits or even does't have same balance thinking / some " upgraded versions " don't feel like upgraded or that much better choice over first one and while also i don't understand why node system was change / it is limited to be build by one engineer and overall system of building isn't well made i will say ( or atleast don't have meaning because it is limited to how many bunkers you can build at which i will say intent is to bring more team play but of crouse it isn't right way because most people want to fight at front not to build stuff or even spend time doing so if there are better at front line to do so and also it is hard to ask people to do them nodes because like you mention most blueberry play game like cod without diging deeper into mechanics and overall doing team work ... but complain alot btw sorry for bad english and i said i will keep short but overall game does need to be better take care of because game has thing that can make fun and overall popular but dev are one thing that fails us like always i will say
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
No worries on the english, I get what you are saying. I often wonder if I liked the game more, when I couldn't see its issues. But these days I can play for 5 minutes, and see all the issues. This game has been on a slow decline over the last year, and there's no hope in sight for it's return. I do still compete in Friday Night Fights, and will continue to do so, as people actually play the game. But I even warm up in public matches beforehand, and it's just a disaster.
@life_well_wasted7850 3 месяца назад
Try Squad 44!
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I really like alot of things about it, but the gun play is a decade behind HLL or even BF3. Just doesn't feel rewarding. If S44 does an update to the gun play mechanics, I will give it another try. It's the movement of it, not the performance of it.
@life_well_wasted7850 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder S44 has better gunplay than HLL and it's not even close
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
@@life_well_wasted7850 definitely personal preference, but for me it doesn't feel rewarding, and I'm not sure if manual bolt cycling can be turned off, but that annoyed me more than anything. There is a lot to like about S44, but the sights at a 105 FOV feel so far away, and shooting just doesn't feel snappy accurate for me. I am a controller player, and I might need to refine the controls a bit more. When I played it last, it just felt sluggish with the movement. Since I played it last, I have found some more tweaks for my controller settings, so maybe I need to revisit it.
@life_well_wasted7850 3 месяца назад
@@TwinCityShredder Definitely preference. I love manual bolting xD! I can't imagine playing Squad 44 with a controller
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
@@life_well_wasted7850 do you use manual bolting in HLL? I know some KB&M players like the flow of it. I use a custom Steam config for HLL and avoid the in-game controller configs for every game.
@justinmills4591 3 месяца назад
Streamers ruin games.
@TwinCityShredder 3 месяца назад
I don't know of single streamer worth watching in HLL. But I do agree with the sentiment. I used to steam HLL only the day of an update, but I'm not a streamer, and feel so outta place doing so. I like video editing, and feel more at home doing that.
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