You will never be a woman, your skin is thicker and rougher than a woman's, your pores and connective tissue are arranged differently than a woman's, your bone structure is obviously male, you have a man's hairline, your ring finger is longer than your index finger, your navel is above your waist, your body stores fat differently than a woman's, your saliva, sweat, and urine contain different pheromones, you are incapable of menstruation and pregnancy, every somatic cell in your body contains the Y chromosome, children are confused when they see you, and your parents will use your real name when they bury you.
I'm a cis, straight male. I've been diving deep into trans studies for a long time because I work with kids and I want to know. It felt as though there was not much solid biological evidence behind it. THIS IS WHAT I'VE WANTED TO FIND! Why is this not more widespread knowledge?! That's a rhetorical question, I can imagine why. It's sad. I'm very happy I found this. Edit: quick postscript, the reason I stressed biological evidence is because, when having a discussion with people, especially parents (my own friends with three kids included) it's MUCH easier to get someone to actually consider listening when you have biological evidence to support psychology. People debate psychology constantly. Something physical is undeniable.
Why is it not more widely known? Because it's all bunk. The studies he's quoting are more than 20 years old and involve a fairly small cohort of subjects - who were all of advanced age, and were already DEAD. The brains of the "trans women" all belonged to men who had been taking female hormones for years, and who had lived as artificial women for a long time. So if their brains were different from a typical male brain, there is no more reason to think that they were born different than that they BECAME different. Certainly, none of this information applies to children. Please, don't let any of this nonsense affect the work you do with kids. We are a long way from knowing if there is any physiological cause for trans-sexualism, much less what it could be; and we're certainly a long way from finding a cure for it. Surely you can see that major uro-genital surgery and a lifetime of toxic hormones is not a cure for a mental or brain issue. Please don't allow your admirable concern to be politicized.
It’s nice to see people take the time to understand the kids they’re working with instead of pushing it aside as something odd kids grow out of, Im sure the kids you work with are happy to have someone willing to learn.
To make a clear diatinguishment that he was born male, v intersex or trans as he is apeaking Bout trans issues, it might gain the assumption that he is tran. Disambiguity.@@PhaIIanxx
@@PhaIIanxxcause cis is not a slur you ignoramus, is a latin word, is like calling yourself homo, a greek word, cis and homo mean alike or this side, and trans is like hetero, not alike or in the other side, thats where words like transparency come, so calling youself cis is a descriptive of your gender being the same as your sex, if you think cis is a bad word you are being feed propaganda
Fascinating! If people approached these kinds of variations in human psychology with curiosity instead of fearmongering, the world would be a better place.
Imagine if we grew to see variants like these as something akin to being left handed or having synesthesia Just a fascinating quirk where people could step back and appreciate the variety of human life and experience instead of using a marginalized population for political scapegoating
@@CrystalUranium you guys also don't need your own month, elementary school classes on gender identity taught to impressionable young children, and an entire culture literally bowing in fear of you either. It should be exceedingly rare, not encouraged, and a last resort when all else fails.
@@jonasandezekiel1109 Bro you’re fucking everywhere in the comment section Your brain is so worked up on propaganda that nothing I say is going to convince you otherwise no matter how correct it is You are spouting bullshit to trans people and other generally sane people who don’t buy your shit talking points and aren’t going to be changed by a stream of consciousness segment from your average Fox News speaker I’m not going to convince you, you’re certainly not going to convince me or anyone else in the comments, so why the fuck are you even bothering? I think you need to lay off the virtue signaling letting everyone know what a based goodboy you are, and find a hobby. Like seriously you’re interrupting my pixel art for an uninspired trolling effort it’s pathetic
@@jonasandezekiel1109You should watch the video before commenting, buddy. The whole point of this clip is that transsexuality isn't the byproduct of an impressionable person being convinced they want to switch sexes. Also, no one is telling elementary students they should be transsexual. That's a lie told by people who haven't stepped in an elementary school classroom for seven decades so that morons will continue to give them their votes and money.
It's so interesting how people will immediately write off one of the most prominent neurobiologist's in the world because they disagree with him, while at the same time, pretending they only believe what the science says.
The prominence doesn't mean anything in terms of scientific validity. Generally it means that the scientist holds themselves to a certain standard and speaks accurately after checking all the facts. But, the finger length ratios he mentions here are not a definite indicator; there are studies about it contradicting each other. I emailed him about it and he said he is not an expert in that field and was carpet bagging.
Disagree with him, or with his data? Because supposedly he's just repeating stuff he's read, which means it's not him saying any of this. That's kind of how science works, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 'Ramachandran, V. S ., & McGeoch, P. D. (2008). Phantom penises in transsexuals.' In this study the rate of phantom penile sensation in MTF is noted at 30%, not 0% like the prof. claims. Not so simple now, is it? And none of the evidence he's presented actually proves it's not a psychological disorder, given rise to by physical deformities, since your psychology is tied directly to your brain's biology. Depression has a biological factor too but we don't treat it with a suicide booth, we treat it with drugs that change the brain chemistry (against it's will) to make it behave like a normal brain. Why would we treat trans-sexualism with genital mutilation? Why perform surgery on someone because of an abnormality in their brain? Because we don't have a pill that makes their brain behave like a normal brain? Of course if they invented that pill, the trans lobbyists would claim they were the victims of genocide. Like all the depressed people who have been the victims of genocide, by taking SSRIs. lol There's a woman, bless her, who has a brain deformity that results in her firmly believing that she should be paraplegic, and she's looking for someone to perform surgery on her to make her actually paraplegic, but no one will do it due to ethical reasons. She actually lives like she was paraplegic, with a wheelchair and everything.
@@mattata-san 👏👏👏👏 you won sir. Would you like a 🏆,🥇 or a slap on the back for demeaning someone for no reason on the internet? Because that's all you're getting. Nothing irl changes for you.
@@mattata-santhis children, is a perfect example of someone regurgitating words that they heard ones and acting like they just made a point "Antithesis" isnt a thing in this context. Preproduction of results is the closest thing. If another group managed to find similar results using the same methods.
@@jonasandezekiel1109 why? ru paul is the least qualified person on earth to speak on it, he isn't trans and the only interactions he's had with the transgender community have been largely negative...
What's crazy to me is how strongly people feel their gender one way or another. I am a man, but I really don't know what people mean when they say they "feel" like a man. I know I definitely don't feel like a woman either, but to be one gender and in your mind be so sure you are another. Like how would you know what it's like to be a woman if you have never been one? That kind of psychological inheritance from our genes fascinates me.
It's like only being aware of your shoes when they're on the wrong foot, or a fish not noticing the water until he gets washed up on the shore. You're lucky that your male body fits your brain. It just feels natural. A trans woman pre transition might not know what it's like to live as a woman, but she'll know that living as a man is deeply and profoundly wrong. Her brain expects her body to be female and until she can transition she'll have to deal with the constant painful realisation that it isn't.
@@iteoircre8517 That's what I mean though. I don't really feel like a man. I don't relate to other men when they do and discuss manly things. Same thing for women, I don't relate to girl talk or girly activities. I don't really "identify" as either stereotype of a gender, if you get what I mean. But this evidence would suggest those stereotypes do have a basis neurologically.
@@FindTheFun Gender identity is not about the stereotypes (gender roles). It's mostly about how you relate to your body. Not being super 'manly' doesn't make you less of a man. There are plenty of men who don't. I like some stereotypical guy things but dislike others.
@@iteoircre8517 Again I don't mean society's concept of a man or woman. I mean what I feel internally. Internally I have no concept of what makes a man a man and a woman a woman. Everyone is just a human being to me with human behaviors. When someone says "I feel like a man" or "I feel like a woman" that just doesn't mean anything to me. What is that even supposed to mean? How can someone feel like their body is the wrong gender? What does it feel like to be a man? What does it feel like to be a woman? I just don't have these same innateness of gender than cis and trans people seem to.
@@FindTheFunHonestly, as a trans person, I see a lot of folks like that. I've got a friend- Harmony, let's call them- that just kinda tends to mirror whoever they're talking to. They don't really have a sense of gender, don't transition but also don't to anything to try and be more "manly", and just kinda go "whatever" to all of it. Same thing with many of my autistic trans friends- personally, I've got a bit of a sense of it, enough for my original one to feel wrong, but now that I'm here it just kinda feels... fine? No strong sense of rightness, though there was a void filled. It's a very interesting subject- as with any social construct, there will be those who feel it very strongly, everyone from the "alpha male grindset" type to a trans person, enough that they take its existence as objective fact and something they certainly have the right view of, and others that just kinda go "huh?" As someone in both autistic and trans communities, I see a lot of similar attitudes. I don't quite share it, but I certainly empathize with it.
Not sure how old this recording is, but this speech aged like wine. There's now a mountain of neurobiological studies which prove the distinction between biological sex and neurological gender identity, and the neurological mismatch this guy refers to as " trans-sexuality" is now officially referred to as gender incongruence by scientists.
I completely forgive him for using the term transsexuality okay? He's clearly doing his hardest work to prove the validity and correctness of our existence and the existence of many other people all at once with this amazing speech / lecture. Well done you silver fox wizard looking Stanford Professor, well done indeed!
I'm not trans, I don't know personally noone who is trans. Even with that, I find this video very interesting and eye-opening. A simple explanation of the process, simply put and with enough respect for the people but with 100% scientific regor
@claires1063 not every trans person identifies as "trans." I've met men and woman who have transitioned, but I've never met someone who identifies as "trans" outside of the label found all over the internet.
Same just that I would have appreciated if he stated which types of neurons, where they are located are those that seemingly have a direct link with sexual identity... And or if these neurons are in charge of sexual identity l, given that he stated along the lines that other variables of body coincided with the sex, except for the specific neurological structure... So my main thought is "are these neurons linked to sexual identity? If we could somehow manipulate these could we turn a heterosexual person into someone that believe they have the wrong sex?, likewise if manipulated on a trans person would this make them believe they are their "natural" sex?" If not then what is the link between these neurons and sexual identity? Regardless very interesting information, I just now have a way to "defend" trans people a bit better with the arguments of physiology and more specifically neurological differences
Seemingly it is the INAH-3 "INAH-3 is the short form for the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus, and is the sexually dimorphic nucleus of humans. The INAH-3 is significantly larger in males than in females regardless of age and larger in heterosexual males than in homosexual males and heterosexual females"
Another "phantom limb" study published recently: they did a reverse-phantom-sensation study about female breasts. They tested cis women and born-female transsexuals who had not gotten their breasts removed yet. They scanned their brains while they provided sensory stimuli to the breasts (like poking them). and found that cis women's brains reacted far more strongly to the sensations than the transsexuals' did. I can personally concur these results... No matter how many times I saw my breasts in the mirror, it was as if I was looking at an alien creature. My brain would always freak out like "what the hell are those things attached to you?!" When I got the surgery, I had none of that euphoria or excitement or feeling like a brand new person; it was just... normal. Silence. My brain had no complaints anymore. I was now able to just go about my day like a normal human.
Fascinating, though as a person with ringing in my ear (when it’s silent), Complete lack of noise is a huge bother, and when it leaves there is definitely something I’d call euphoria. I’m curious to be enlightened as to how you would describe “complaints”, along with the following “normal”. I imagine it to be different from the technically imaginary physical pain I get but how exactly?
@@RossklesExcept another study showed that 30% of men who were genitally mutilated so they could pretend to be women did have phantom penis. You know why? Because the genital mutilation they perform is not the removal of the penis, they just scrape it out an turn it inside out. The nerves are all still there. So the brain thinks the penis is still there. On the occasions that the surgery is bodged and the nerves are destroyed, the brain thinks the penis is gone and the patient gets phantom penis. Which is the 30%. Because this trans stuff is all BS.
What this seems to suggest is that transsexual people are neurologically intersex, having developed in the womb physiologically in one sexual direction but neurologically in another, which makes a lot of sense.
Yep, the people part of this study are basically a type of intersex. It is merely something which is not at this time as classed an intersex condition.
I don't think 'in the womb' is quite correct there, as the topic that he was just about to move on to was discussions on how that area develops and what we know (or don't know) about it. Part of the research is to not assume anything. In animals, and in humans, the testies develop quite early in the embryo and soon start to release testosterone. After birth in animals, there is a process called Methylation which affects how genes are expressed, which can be affected by environmental and genetic factors. There are also a couple of disorders where males, such as Androgen Insensitivity Disorder where the males do not respond to their own testosterone, though there is no converse for females. (using male and female here referring specifically to people born with XY and XX chromosomes respectively for clarity). So, just be careful when you make determinative statements. That being said, my reading is from 2017, so it may not be up to date.
yeah being trans is simply an intersex condition of the brain. I've been pretty convinced of that even before watching this video but its fascinating to actually see studies on it. I didnt think we understood the brain well enough to study it in this way yet.
Same with gay brains as he mentioned. Theirs a definite biological factor to it, and I would say a sociological one which should better understood. @@fayefischer1751
Don't cry much; but definitely appreciate any thread etc that is refreshingly sane&polite instead of derailed&ridiculous xD Diamonds and such things are rare, I guess good threads/comment sections are almost as rare... Especially when ppl are taught to consume and produce as much sht as possible, so that finding something else becomes even harder. If only that sht was useful for growing the right plants. Okay, now, maybe I brought some level of ridiculousness into this comment section. Enjoy!
@@zombiespock4512 I sure noticed a shift in what is promoted around yt's political & strangely philosophical corners... Only recently did I see (multiple) videos criticizing the usual figures/experts and trends of the obvious hateful direction & mentality. For almost a decade (or longer..?) I've been getting anything that looks like "x schools feminist", again and again (but as I always say, these circles love saying they're censored xD) and been noticing how many random commenters include Jordan Peterson in particular in their "serious" playlists... I don't know if there's anything shady involved here but I appreciate the (potential) variety/balance for once. Maybe it's a comeback that's unfolding; hopefully not the mere swan song I've always expected to see, or something to do with the upcoming US elections. Then again, online stuff aren't exactly real life, this may even be temporary and how the yt algorithm treats my account this week or month... but even if there was actual perfection/peace online, what happens in reality or inside ppl's minds would hardly be the same, especially when craziness keeps escalating. But an indicator of something positive going on is welcomed at this point. I knew many ppl of any serious side are sick of the hostility (even if some don't mean it when they say so, but I mentioned serious sides anyway), but I don't really expect it going away when few ever stop provoking and belittling others 24/7 in practice - I don't include blaming because it's another story imo since there sure are behaviors and mindsets who are responsible for the mess (and those who don't care about solutions, but about "winning" arguments, can exist in any group), while others genuinely try to listen and respond without the insults and cunning parts, and truly care about solving issues. That said, I would no longer let comment sections affect me much. Even if we exclude the armies that swarm certain comment sections (or almost any comment section), many say things about not being changed by "the world" but don't really resist the parts that boost the deep decay/hate (which presumably is implied when ppl say "the world" in a negative sense). Well, what to expect when words like 'decay' (or others that are in fact completely neutral or positive, which have been twisted etc) are open to interpretation and to some decay may mean "leftists and LGBTQ and illuminati and NWO", though? Whatever. I actually avoid starting analyzing the main topic for real, because of several reasons. Just mentioning them would make me add 2 extra paragraphs, lol. To also say something 100% on topic again tho: Just a bit less hostility or actual friendliness are nice but, only a part of the first step. Entering conversations with the wrong goals is more complex than that and requires much more than 20 or 1000 videos and threads that can be appreciated by some of us. I could not even begin to explain the aspects of this and the approaches I've observed, that get in the way. Obviously, I gotta assume that the LGBTQ ppl who actually go through the worst experiences, know better. Especially about the parts only they face. But enjoying views and posts that have something positive to offer is a must. I personally learn to appreciate any kind of thread, unless the fanaticism and wishful thinking and ignorance are the *only* things going on. But eventually maybe the most mature will multiply (or I'll be luckier in finding more of them again).
@@squirrel_disaster *These women are harmed by transpeople:* “The Women’s Liberation Front filed a lawsuit last week in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California on behalf of several incarcerated women as well as a group, Woman II Woman, that advocates on behalf of incarcerated women. Two of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, both incarcerated women, allege they were sexually assaulted by [male] inmates who identify as transgender or gender nonbinary.”
@@wormwoodcocktailcool, you have one example. Stellar! And it's from the WLF who's historically had their asses handed to them in the courts for frivolous anti trans lawsuits. This includes the current supreme court by the way. Really drives home that you are a serious person and not at all a moron.
The phantom limb feeling (or rather lack thereof) is so real. I got top surgery a few months ago and I barely even remember how my chest felt like before. It just feels normal now
What about the guy who identified as a dog, froze his hands so they were amputated? Is that normal, too? What about the people who have body integrity dysphoria? Why don't we talk about that, too?
Omg I'm so excited to put a face to his name. His book, Behave, literally saved my life. To be able to separate my emotions from the science behind what was happening between my neurons in an almost mechanical sense helped me through the darkest time in my life. I hope he reads this, but I'm not hopeful 😂
He is veryyyyyyy smart obviously lol. I just had to watch a video that featured him in my psychology class and he found correlations between stress and social hierarchy by experimenting on baboons
No, hell naaah, what its this? A RU-vid video with very compressed and approachable nuance about a manipulated topic that also has a very respectful comment section? Am I in heaven? Cheers to you guys, this conversation and the science behind it is actually possible with the right mindset. Faith in humanity restored until next video at least 😂
The comment section is not entirely respectful There are a lot of ignorant people here I delete a lot of anti-semitic or horribly transphobic comments I keep the other ignorant comments because free speech, slippery slope and what not
Incredible how a 5 min peacefull well explained video was worth everything and more eye-opening that any that of the ideological rage and conflicts we have today.
Yeah turns out it’s easy not to get angry about something when you’re an unbiased observer providing facts rather than a person actively fighting for your right to exist.
@@formofchicken4519 This is something that people often forget when discussing politics related to "the rights of x". They might be hostile towards you because your beliefs are actively endangering their way of life.
@@ivanyy Ikr? Like, they’ll spew hate speech and then act like it warrants a completely calm and level reaction. If you’re talking to a professional about it sure, but you can’t roll up to a gay bar, call someone a slur, and not expect to get your shit rocked.
well everything is political now. and even when someone as evidence or perhaps especially the cynical people take advantage. that's why we see AGPs everywhere re transgender issues and why we can have a sensible discussion. if you are an AGP who wants access to women in their spaces it's not advisable to talk about the biological evidence of transsexuality.
The Phantom limb part is interesting. I'm a trans man (so, FtM for those who might be confused) and I had a double mastectomy in 2019 as part of my transition. First of all it was one of the happiest moments of my entire life, and second, I've never felt any phantom sensations afterward at all. I can honestly barely even remember what it was like to not be flat chested- it doesn't even come to mind anymore. It truly does feel like being in my natural state. I get a similar feeling in the opposite direction with things like packing (if you don't know, just google it lol) where cis women have told me it'd be so uncomfortable or strange feeling, but for me its kind of the same as my chest- it doesn't feel unnatural whatsoever.
I thought you meant packing luggage for a moment and thought “well my wife gets anxiety and uncomfortable when she packs for a trip too…” doh I’m glad science is identifying the mechanic reality of “gender affirming care” especially with the anti trans obsession that chromosomes should determine gender when info like this shows theres much more that needs to be understood about what defines someones gender experience
Also a trans dude who had a double mastectomy in 2018, and my experience is super similar. My life post top surgery is so natural, normal, and joyous, that I A) find it difficult to remember a time before being flat chested. B) have less than no desire to try to remember, because the only thing I *do* remember is how unnatural and wrong it felt, and the lengths I went through to never be confronted seeing my chest.
@@XploringGender yep, sounds pretty identical. It caused me daily distress before. One instance i remember more than others was being in the passenger seat of my mothers car as a teenager, we were going somewhere public that day and i forgot my binder at home. Had such a bad panic attack over it that we had to double back so I could put it on, even though it was physically uncomfortable. I do NOT miss those days, I tell ya what.
@@VictorMarwood there was a need, because I was specifically talking about women who have never had a penis, and never experienced any form of gender dysphoria.
This is incredibly eye opening. Really changed my perspective. I’ve always been kind and accepting of the trans community but always felt like I could never totally understand how they felt the way they felt. This pretty much came right out and explained it point blank. Wonderful little video. Excited to share.
you put into words so well what I felt. The Trans community was an anomaly to me, something I never could really grasp or understand, but have done my best to accept them. This really helped me understand what is going on in the mind, allowing me to even feel what it might be live to be a trans person.
And then again I hear someone that was saying that the study that came a year later just put a wrench in what is talked about in this video. Nothing is ever easy.
@@aick I’m not lol. He said they had a big sample size but the n=6 in this study. It’s just being disingenuous. There isn’t any statistical difference in that and it’s not adjusted for in the statistical analysis. I don’t even think there is any.
Amazing - I was born in 1954 and I didn't know any of this - only that when I was a child I distinctly got messages that gay people were very weird. How sad for them and for us older people that there was so much misunderstanding. I'm very appreciative for this video and the 'Ardra' person who published it. Thank you!
keep in mind that many studies (including the one he mentions) have also shown that some people that have never felt any dysphoria or feel to change their sex also have the gland of the opposite sex and some trans people that feel strongly about their sex being the wrong one have been proven and shown to have that part of the brain in the same size than the average person with their original sex. this is way this reasoning is never used to validate when someone feels trans or not. if the idea he is saying was correct 1 to 1 you could've scan the brain of every kid who claims to be the different gender and see whom is really trans and whom isn't. and this is a procedure that is never used or validated by the medical community.
@@paulogaspar8295 It's one indicator. Transsexuality has an spectrum and many variables as same as intersexuality, although transgenders are a kind of intersex.
I'm a trans man (FtM) and I remember feeling the incongruity between my body and my sense of sex as soon as I had an understanding of gender differences between people. Puberty was incredibly rough and I didn't understand why body was becoming even more alien. It was like a horror movie with parts growing that weren't part of me. For my late teens and early 20s I had resigned to being uncomfortable living as woman because I didn't want to face rejection and discrimination. When I finally did transition, it was such a relief. I often forget I'm even transgender now because I just feel so normal. I didn't choose to be male -- I was terrible at trying to be female and tried anyway until it was preventing me from participating in life. I did choose to transition so that I could actually enjoy my life and participate as a functional person in society. I have no doubt there is some kind of physiological cause to this condition because I felt this way long before I transexuality even existed. I always felt like a boy and hated being a girl. I didn't want to feel that way, but nothing I tried or told myself ever changed it. I actually have a hard time understanding many of the trans masculine people I know because basically all of them are non-binary, and for me it felt very clear that I was male and not female at all. There are times I wish I was born developmentally male, but overall I just feel like a normal guy with a medical condition. I'm glad we live in a time where it's treatable to the point I get to be happy. Hope the stigma that effects my more vulnerable trans friends can be minimized in our lifetime.
Thank you for writing this up and giving your perspective. I have only recently started to actively learn about and confront myself with the topic of transsexuality, since a dear friend of mine has come out and was finally able to decide to start their transition, which they are doing now. I feel like your last statement is very powerful - about being just a normal person with a medical condition. I truly hope this point of view can eventually be the norm of how we perceive and talk about transsexuality in our society and everyday lives.
@@CandeIero that's so sweet as a trans person I love it when people do their own research and learn more about something that can effect someone a lot. I also hope that being trans can eventually be a norm and nobody bats an eye at someone saying that they are trans, for me personally I just want to be accepted without any fuss, like nobody needs to talk about me being trans I can just have other defining traits that make me who i am! And it's not that I'm ashamed about it or don't like it its just that I don't think its a big deal for people who are just meeting me!
On one hand I wish all trans people to be happy with whatever body they have or they choose to have, and nothing should stop them from getting there. On the other hand I have no idea what you mean by "I was terrible at trying to be female" like people don't have to live their life differently if they're a different gender. Sure, society treats genders differently but that's a problem that needs fixing, not a rule we must abide to.
It’s ridiculous that people are so adamant against transgender identity when honestly it makes perfect sense. There are so many different issues that can go on with a person’s body; it’s really not far-fetched whatsoever to suppose that someone could be born with sexual anatomy that doesn’t align with their gender. This science is cool and it makes perfect sense. Some people just want so badly to find someone to hate. It’s sad. I really hope as a society we can not only accept trans people but help them live their best lives.
Gender is a social construct, so how can you be born with something that doesn’t match it. Here’s the main issue, it’s basically a new religion and the dogma is contradictory (even Richard Dawkins says this) It’s not about hate this is a discussion about science, psychology, biology, if you want to put yourself in this discussion you must hear the harsh truths. Science is about truth not delusions
@@eggheadusa gender is a social construct but you probably still have one. youre just being ignorant on purpose as you all always do. if this wasnt about hate why are so many trans people killed just by being trans? just accept you hate us. also, even if it was a delusion, why the hell do you care? its not hurting anyone, what hurts trans people is transphobia, not being trans.
@@CometKP36. You didn’t answer the question. No when it comes to freedom of expression majority of Americans including myself would stand up to protect you. (This is a debate regarding, psychology, biology and philosophy) The “don’t challenge me I’m a victim” thing is cringe. At the end of the day it’s just illogical dogma, even Richard Dawkins says this and he’s always been a ally and was turned on for being a biologist
@@CometKP36. A example: You say there’s no definition of woman. How can you have the wrong gender if there’s no defining characteristics? (Besides being the actual definition not the neo one) I guarantee you can’t rationalize this without back tracking to the fact they are just emulating biology
the concept of a neurological "body map" should be a lot better researched and communicated than it is; it's a profoundly important notion for comprehending one's subjective experience of life.
Today is 2024. This video is dated 2022, the one study they cite above was in 1995. Once you adjust for being gay, there are no significant differences in trans brains yet recorded. There is a lot of evidence that many male-non-intersex HSTS transexuals have endured childhood emotional trauma, many are autistic. Many non-intersex M-F transexuals also report being raised believing masculinity is toxic. Until there is better evidence of a biomarker for trans identity, I can only assume it is a psychosocial issue.
You are objectively wrong. If you want, I will link more than sixty studies with high academic scores (You probably don't even know what an academic score is lol). But if you want, I will.
@@ardra1905 Reading the paper, it seems only 6 trans individuals were included in that 1995 study. The pattern is quite evident, but it would be reassuring to see more data. Given that the paper has over 500 citations, I imagine that this study must have been reproduced with larger sample sizes in the last 30 years. Do you happen to know of one?
@@DrKvo unfortunately not. I'm not a researcher in this field and I also cannot legally access the paper or the citations and going through scihub along such a long route when I have no background will be a pain in the ass
@@DrKvo yes please more information on later studies. Question; how credible is this study, I see J Money's name mentioned. That name makes me shudder.
As a trans person who hasn't yet done anything medical, thank you, I sometimes struggle with my mental health and second guess my own identity but seeing things like this makes me so happy and so confident about who I am regardless of social or societal norms or trends. Thank you.
"Do your own research" That is the worst advice, simply because you do not actually know how to do the research. Research is not just reading studies. @@ZimaCyberia
studies and science are informative and interesting and good at helping cis people realize trans people are real. but please know there is no such thing as trans enough. trans is biological but also just a human made category into which every person who queers gender may be put. gender is a feeling and therefore will always be partly ineffable. to be trans, all you must do is feel trans. and I hope you never let anyone make you forget that ❤
@@ZimaCyberia Well frankly I didn’t even see your comment when I posted mine, wasn’t meant to be scientific just wanted to support a minority in need of support. I promise not everything is about you. But all that aside yours wasn’t much scientific either, just used the word Ad Homenim once and acted like that made you smart. This isn’t a study as your comment states, it’s an excerpt from a 2-1 hour lecture. Of course it isn’t a highly detailed account of the scientific workings of transsexuality in all its facets, he didn’t go in depth on how exactly hormonal imbalances occur in the womb and all these talking points which are highly important to dish out to younger people, and yet, in a mere five minutes he gives a very dense and detailed and often very witty account of the fundamental science behind it, you couldn’t give a dense detailed account of anything. You talk this big talk about “you guys should do independent research and read studies”.. Now i ask you, what studies have you read? What genuine academic studies with proper credentials and peer reviewed studies have you read my friend? If I’m gonna wager a bet… none. You can respond and say “actually I read this” and then vomit up a bunch of links at me but ultimately, I know what you are, and you know what you are. You haven’t read anything, you don’t wanna learn, you wanna get angry at minorities in comment sections because they make you uncomfortable… Now if you actually wanna read something, here. This harvard source isn’t a study but a nice logbook for any studies that would answer any of your questions. Now go ahead…. read.
Beeing trans sometimes is a weird experience cause i will get random people exlpaining to me that my behaviour goes against "basic biology" and then look at the scientists and they agree with me.
Love digging into this gentleman's lectures in general, and hope someday to be worthy of a similarly wizardly beard. One big problem with binaries is that our brains (or possibly our languages) are difference engines by necessity (sorting stuff by is/is not, safe/not safe, etc) but reality is analog, not digital, and most phenomena are best mapped on a set of spectra.
I don't think Sapolsky would agree that our brains are such simple difference engines. They are certainly not 100% consistent in their sorting decisions and may sort one thing differently in one situation than in another.
@@Avianthro I did hedge my bets a bit, part of it is a matter of communication and language. Hell, for all I know it might be to do with the emergence of binary semaphores (encoding messages) and their impact *on* language. At least, by my experience in English or Spanish (the only languages I'm more or less competent with), there's a lot of opposites and flat this/that dichotomies which seem better for making quick decisions than comprehending the entire picture. But yeah, I don't doubt that the subject (a magnificent and wild one!) is more complicated than that, or that Sapolsky would have a much clearer and more complex understanding of it. I do apologize if my limited attempt at diagnostics came off as arrogant, or an attempt to assert subject authority.
This is a snippet of a series of lectures about evolutionary psychology at Stanford. It's all on RU-vid, and it's amazing. Sapolsky is an engaging teacher, I watched almost all of it without even noticing.
Too bad like half of American population don't believe in evolution so he can cite research results for hours but it's enough for someone like Trump to say "well that's not how God made it" to shut him.
This is so helpful. In a world where my trans son is looked at as he's a deviant, this is good to know that this is biologically based (which I always believed, but nice to have the science prove it).
its so frustrating that so many people are complete boneheaded bigots. Whenever I see a youtube video of someone bashing lgtbq people, I always expect--and find--everyone in the comments agreeing with them. It's incredibly frustrating that people go out of their way to infringe on others' freedom of expression (especially since they're the type of people who pretend to be pro-freedom). Why can't they just let people be who they want to be? it's even more frustrating that, despite being too soft to tolerate people acting "differently," they call lgtbq people the snowflakes. it's all so baffling and im so tired of it
I looooove this guy. 0:04 As a trans femme, it often worries me that I may someday have to battle for my own existence. A lot of treatment isn't perfect, but simply hormone therapy has had a night and day difference. I'm the most stable I've ever been, the most social and the happiest 😊 I hope politics improves and we can all be fully accepted. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
The politics will only improve when we stop letting people who think being trans is for clout and making up genders run the movement, and instead giving it back to the dysphoric trans men and women who started it.
I hope that everyone who learn to live and let live as 63 I've already gone through allthisnracial unrest in the 60s as kid and really didnt want to spend my 60s in a giant REPEAT OF IT
@commontater1785 id say that ppl will try to make it illegal, jail us ect. What N@z1s already tried basically. That's what's meant with "battle for our existence"
I’m a trans man and my earliest memories are knowing my body is wrong. I didn’t understand the differences between male and female then. I was four or five. It is amazing to learn there is legit science that this isn’t just in my head in a psychology sense.
I hated my body since I was very young, 3-4 years old. Although I was intersexed I found out later, it makes no difference. I NEVER felt my body was my body, but once I was on HRT and after my GOS (Gender Origami Surgery I call it, mostly just readjustment). I FINALLY felt normal. My tumors were gone and I felt normal. It's a birth defect, and a human brain can have birth malformities, one just can see them. I read so many ignorant "opinions" over and over, hurtful and hateful speech and endure harassment for being trans and/or Jewish. My transition lasted 25 years, lots of psychology, denial, acceptance, and uncovering deep hidden emotions. Not an easy path, not a path anyone would "choose" to do. I'm not a drag queen, hell, I hardly wear make up. I'm a pudgy old woman. Thank you Dr. Sapolsky, and @nolan Williams. If you feel the need to reply with hate speech and denial of who I am, fine. I NEVER ready replies so you'll just be wasting our ignorance on yourself.
Honestly you lucked out on the Jewish thing. Hard to argue with the halacha pointing out that yes, this stuff is real and no, it's not new. Meanwhile, off in gentile land, we're desperately ignoring the history and evidence of LGBT+ stuff when we're not actively destroying it, and it's a tossup between various bad faith religious leaders calling being queer in any form evil and 'rationalists' foregoing the reality that literally every great ape species has gay sociosexual behaviors and field scientists have found, of all things, intersex bears (the last bit isn't super important to the discussion, it's just one of those 'seriously nature is not concerned with our precious little categories' things that I find remarkably funny).
Can I ask you if, in retrospect, it would have been possible to ""learn (? if that thing is even possible, my question might be naive)"" to adjust to your body, or if it's something you think was totally impossible for you ? I mean, 25 years of transition seem really harsh, so do you think it's the best path, or do you think another ones might be explored ?
Even though you won't read this, as a CIS gender male I empathize with you. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you the best and happiest of lives.
I identify with someone who resents this whole agenda... Who gives a crap how anyone " feels" so what ? That's YOUR problem...I don't care, except I am having to buy into your ridiculous agenda. Shut up already
American Christianity has been a horrible place for women. It ignores them, abuses them, assaults them, objectifies them, oppresses them, & then attempts to theologically rationalize it all as Biblical & Holy. The church’s oppression of women.
When taking my neurospych class for my psych degree, I remember learning that there are neurophyisological differences between men and women, and the teacher even said that transgender people have neutological traits of the gender they identify as, rather than that they are assigned at birth. I did a lot of independent reading of the research myself, and it's true af. Whenever someone says transgenderism is an psychological illness because of "biology," I am eager to point out that neurobiology is a FAR more reliable measure of who a person is than their genitals, but normally get dismissed because I don't have a PhD, so I'll definitely be sending them this to bolster my stance. Also, a thought experiment I like to do with these people (fellow ally's of trans people may want to use this): First, start by asking if they know that men and women have differences in neuroanatomy, which most people would agree with, including right leaning people. Then ask: Imagine a world where brain transplants can now be successfully done - if I, an adult male, am in an accident and my body is dying but my brain is fine, and a female body donor is all that's available and my brain was put into this woman's body, would you insist that I am now a female because of my body's genitals, or would I still be allowed to identify as a male? At this point, they'll probably try to start back pedaling, but keep pressing that this is just a hypothetical scenario until you get a response (or they leave the discussion, which is common at this point, because nuance isn't their strong suit). Normally, if they're honest, they'll respond that you should be able to still identify as a male (switch the sexes for your case if needed). THEN you hit them with the research showing that trans people have brains of the gender they identify as, instead of those associated with their genitals. Final note, the research has a come a long way since this lecture series, and there's a pretty solid body of evidence corroborating this.
He didn't cite the studies. Do you know who did them? Also, are these neurophysiological differences found in ALL transexuals? I have heard of these studies, but are we seeing these brain differences in every case? If so, what explains the other cases.
@@Julia-lk8jn Can you please say that in English? You see people breaking out of what? And "cotton on....." I have no idea what any of your comment means.
I'm transfem and going into neurobiology, I love these kinds of studies that delve into the absolutely immense amount of things we have yet to learn about modern implications of neuroscience. Does anyone know the titles or ways to access the papers he's talking about? I'd love to get my digital hands on a copy to keep on hand for presentation to someone who can't stop thinking about the shape of my genitals.
I don't really see how it changes anything. He is just describing a brain defect, you would see similar changes in the brain structure in other mental disorders like Depression, OCD, BPD. I mean does a certain structure override the rest of your biology or is it simply a anomaly which feeds a delusion? Abnormal dopamine receptors cause hallucinations in Schizophrenia but you wouldn't say that these mistaken sensations are reality.
if you are part of an academic institution, chances are you can access many journals through that. like, with your student id and password or whatever. my university library has many databases that enable you to search for these papers. if you are not yet part of an academic institution, chances are you will be familiarized with this soon enough.
I'm a transwoman and this is cool info that I did not know existed. from a young age I always hated my body and my voice, never felt like I belonged in it and never felt the same as others. took me a long time to put my finger on exactly what the issue was I suspect because I didn't have a single super feminine role model as a kid, farm women and farm men are not all that different especially in terms of how they dress, still looking back on it I always did the "girl" work. now 6 months in on HRT I feel better than I ever have. I don't think I will pursue any surgical treatment, besides maybe some minor FFS.
@@adamcrane4071 no. A man that says he's a women cannot menstruate, cannot bear children, and in no scientifically recognized way functions as a woman. What you just said is mental gymnastics, nothing more. So, by your logic, a schizophrenic that thinks he or she is a god, is correct?? Because their brain believes it? Or maybe they think they're a house plant. Where does it stop, and rational thought takes over?
Guys let’s just try and understand and grow together… let’s all have a healthy conversation and advance as a society… there is no point in mindless hate and judgements.
That's impossible. I'd love to see it, but it's impossible. Even if you get people to agree, that's only 2/3rds, the other 1/3rd wants the world to burn for no reason at all.
And I think the the paper is called Sexual Differentiation of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis in Humans May Extend into Adulthood Wilson C. J. Chung, Geert J. De Vries and Dick F. Swaab It's in the journal of neuroscience and it's free to read
@billyb4790 what kind of trash human, comes in to the comments where science has validated a group of people, just to try to start shit with those people, completely disregarding the studies and science. How can you preach science and biology when neurobiology is proving you wrong here. You can't preach biology but deny it when you're proven wrong just because you want to let your idiotic ideology take control.
0% in phantom limb section is insane. Not even one individual. It’s almost like the people who go through with these operations KNOW they want it and KNOW it will be good for them. Awesome video.
i can confirm you already know it will be good, its natural for us to have sensations of these parts even if they arent there because of our body missmatch
@@BoredAmerican less than 1% with the majority of detransitions happening because of social pressure. Like, you should at least pretend to look at the facts.
@@BoredAmerican ... the stats are 0.03 % of post operative Transpeople indicate regret and that mostly due to societal pressure/hate. Or getting paid a lot by the Heritage Foundation. In comparison 4.7 % of people are unhappy with their nose jobs.
These are isolated studies with slim evidence. You can probably find equally-convincing climate-change denyal studies. Until we have a bunch of peer-reviewed studies with 10,000 individuals or more, then it's just wet paper. And for that we need decades, like we did to prove that tobacco was bad. We should be open to the possibility of transgender people being a form of anorexia, and dumping a good amount of money into studies that can clear it up as fast as possible. The amount of human suffering here is immense, in either case. If it's a psychotic problem, we should treat it. If it's actually what they claim it is, then we should test for it and target reassignment in infants, as suggested sometimes. People are just running with too little information here.
"Hormone replacement therapy has been shown to influence hypothalamic size, even though the study tried to do this by including non-transsexual male and female controls which, for a variety of medical reasons, had experienced hormone reversal. The statement about the neurobiological basis from birth has later been brought to question, though not refuted, by a follow-up study by the same group which found that the sexual dimorphism of the BSTc is not present before adulthood (approximately 22 years of age) even though transsexuals report being aware of their gender identity since childhood." Wikipedia
@@thelegendarysalem Seach for "Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST) on Wikipedia. It's really hard to come up with a counterargument when you're not an expert...
I've been trying very hard to understand the trans "issue." I started to lean towards disdain when i talked to trans individuals, as frankly i don't think everyone can articulate things to everyone's liking. It didn't make sense. I would listen to biologists on RU-vid talk about it, but their talking points were not strong (and, frankly, they would lose a lot of their left leaning viewers if they opposed, so that made me question them). But this. Calm, factual, stated studies, easy. Got it. This is why you keep your opinions to yourself until you get educated 🤷♂️
Thank you for not using your opinion to spread hate! I am transgender myself and constantly am looking for answers, and I too find things that don’t make myself. I appreciate you being kind and looking into it yourself ❤
Well, yes, and no. In the first place, this isn't really so new. But regardless, it's still good to spread the knowledge of what can cause a person to question his or her own sexuality. However, the good doctor is not only explaining the condition, but please notice that he then tells us that these people "got the wrong body". What? Why does he assume and tell us from his authoritative position as a scientist of the field that this brain lobe which is a mismatch with the rest of the body is the determining factor of sexuality (or gender, if you prefer), and not the cause of the individual's sexual identity confusion? In other words, why does he prioritize this factor over all the other defining factors of sexuality such as chromosomes, genetic makeup, and physical development? He doesn't say. I'm not saying he has an agenda, but if he doesn't, then his conclusions seem awfully arbitrary at best. And if anyone reads this and concludes that I'm somehow a "transphobe", well yes, but only under a specific definition: I'm not afraid OF trans people; I'm afraid FOR them. Far too many people are making the same assumptive leap that our friend is making, reaching the same poorly-based conclusion, then doing permanent and irreparable harm to themselves, and misleading our children down the same tragic path. Let me put it another way... Maybe, just maybe, if there's a seeming disconnect between the body and the mind, maybe the mind should be treated, instead of mutilating the body.
@@amyliz0101How closely did you pay attention? A gender incongruence in a region of the brain does NOT mean the issue is of the mind, it means it's an issue of the body. You can't treat an issue of the body with a psychological intervention.
as a trans person it’s great to see so many people in the comments saying how this has made them more open minded when it comes to transgenderism but at the same time it also makes me kinda sad that people don’t believe us and listen to us when we’re begging to be able to live our lives until someone explains it to them in a way that is to their liking.
This was so refreshing to hear a scientist speak calmly and logically about the neurobiology of trans-sexuality. For context I'm a cis, straight male but I want to learn as much as I can about trans-sexuality at the physiological and neurological level as it's something I am very interested in but it is extremely hard to find qualified discussions like this one online. Thanks for posting this; I have a thread I can finally pull.
Sapolsky’s course on youtube has transformed the way I look at and understand the world, I can’t thank him and Stanford U enough for having it online for millions of people to watch!
I feel kind of conflicted about it. It feels like the same thing coming out of our mouths. But now it's valid because a cis person recorded it, reported it as a study, and published it.
@@walter-vq1fwNo, it’s valid because theirs a crucial ally behind it: the robust enterprise of studying the natural world, with citations called science. I’m trans myself, and I wasn’t gonna have surgery until I knew I was scientifically valid, none of the “female/male spirit” bs helped me console or dismiss myself. Knowing I can be atheist and still trans eradicated my doubts, because I don’t have to appeal to “magic” to validate my wants, homophobes do now.
This short video has done more to help my understanding of gender issues than practically anything I have seen or heard anywhere else. Thank you for posting!
Thank you so much for this. My parents pretended to be ok with me, but as soon as I wanted to actually transition so my body would actually fit me, they threw a fit. Just completely lost it, demanded I delay my transition or never do it at all, so I could keep being their "daughter." I've never been their daughter. That was the point. My chest has always felt wrong from when I first developed it, and I bloody hate seeing it in the mirror. Demanding that we pretend to be fine and be something we are not for our whole lives, living through massive discomfort and depression, so you can be a little comfortable and never question your perception of the world, is ignorant and deeply, deeply selfish.
As a transfem I do find this interesting to hear, because it explains to me at least potentially gives me a clue as to *why* I am the way I am and why I've always really been that way
@@mixstardust429 I just want to inform you that there are a lot of transphobes in the comments all of them are low lives and have dedicated their delicate time to harassing trans people because they have nothing better to do. Im telling you this to prepare you for the upcoming war that is going to happen.
This is outdated actually. The idea that the brain is sexually dimorphic is a myth n studies have shown this, but it's not popular bc then the sexism part of neurosexisn falls apart. Trans ppl are trans n they don't need any research to prove they exist. You're trans because it makes you happy. That is enough.
as for phantom sensations, i would like to add to the conversation that i (ftm) get phantom penile sensations, like my brain expects something extra to be there but it is not. it was definitely exaggerated when i started hormones, like its saying "okay this should DEFINITELY be here. why is it not there??" additionally, i frequently forget that i have a chest. i function like i already have a flat chest and i dont realize it until i hold something close to my chest or i bump something into it. all of these sensations are very weird, and constantly experiencing that disconnect causes so many mental issues and stress. transitioning saves lives!!
Something he didn't mention on that tangent is that FtM individuals reported phantom penile senations at 60% as well. The very same amount as their cisgender counterparts.
@@callosamiusprometheus7350 Yes, I'm sure you know more than the neurobiologist who specifically stated the opposite. Frankly, it's incredible the extents you people go to in order to justify your backwards and outdated beliefs. You'd be better suited just admitting that you don't care about reality.
@worldlinezero4783 ...No. He didn't even mention FtMs. He mentioned MtFs only. on your reading comprehension before flipping out on people? 🤣
@@worldlinezero4783Just a big oof. Take a step back from self-radicalization and evaluate people's responses to a topic calmly and in detail. You probably only read part of the comment consciously and let a outrage-addicted brain fill in the rest. Don't do that. Don't jump to conclusions. Stick to what people *actually* say and don't try to find malicious intent behind every corner, less you will keep finding it (where there isn't).
Robert Sapolsky's entire lecture series on human behavioral biology is remarkable and fascinating and everyone should watch it. I can recommend his books "A Primate's Memoir" and "Why Zebra's Don't Get Ulcers". Thanks for posting this. His series came up in my feed during Covid when so much of my life was shut down, but now I need to go back and review and explore his work. What a pleasure to learn from such a great teacher!
Just imagine how horrible it must have been for Jewish teachers before the early '70s, to be forced to teach that homosexuality was a mental disorder. That must have been so agonizing for them! Pure bigotry!
@@APerez89 "your woke script" bitch conservatives and transphobes literally say the same shit over and over meanwhile we're just existing if anybody is scripted it's your dumbasses
Can you clarify why you detailed his Jewish heritage? ( I'm assuming you know for sure he's Jewish ?) I happened upon this clip by accident & don't know anything about him. @@josephinetracy1485
On the phantom penis point, another interesting thing is that many trans men (female to male trans people) have this phantom penis sensation. This is anecdote from my experience as I’m a trans man who’s spoken about this with many trans men. This feeling can occur at a very young age, lots of trans guys have a history of filling their pants with something when they were kids just to ease the discomfort. Or it happens just when you’re older and start to feel the urge to interact with your own penis.
Yeah, no. FTMs tend to get phantom pain in their *nipples* and *breasts.* You know, the body parts they paid luxury car amounts of money to have some dude hack off?
You can not have a "phantom sensation" of something you never had! If you were born female at birth, claim to have the phantom penis, this only proves that this is psychological!
As a trans woman, God bless you for this thank you!🙏🤗👏🏽💖 I have read into this stuff for years myself and I have been ADAMANT trying to get others to understand THIS aspect of being trans because this IS REAL. I so appreciate you sharing this information and this approach with so many people because then they can listen to you talking instead of their 'fav' politicians with 3 brain cells about what being trans is.
True! Sapolsky is such a great teacher and his knowledge is out there for free, it's almost like you attempted his class at Stanford uni for a year 🥳 it changed the way I see things. I learned so much. Very very recommanded.
@@lisaac9477 sounds like you have a head full of assumptions and you’re projecting, since you’re expanding beyond a suggestion to listen to a lecture series, and making it about this thing, ““higher” education”, that you seem convinced is something to avoid at all costs… Why? What all are you projecting onto this? Are you, or am I mistaken (and explain why I’m mistaken, if I am, please)? You realize the lectures they’re suggesting aren’t even focused on trans gender issues, that it’s a very, very small segment of hours of lectures on neurobiology? Yet you are going on and on in these comments about “pedophiliacs” and the dangers of “higher” education”… I’m sure realize universities are where the overwhelming majority of scientific research and advancement take place, yeah? You talk about “evidence”, but you seem to want to avoid the very thing that gives you whatever research you’re relying on to push back against the research you don’t like.… or has something infiltrated the university that now makes it completely unreliable and worth avoiding? If so, what is it? If not, then how do you square that? And what all should we be avoiding? All of biology? How are you disaggregating “good” research/evidence VS “bad” research/evidence, and how do you know what’s what? How do YOU know that it isn’t YOU who is lost in ideology, as opposed to the professors and subjects that you obviously believe are nothing but false ideologies? Sorry, I know that’s a lot, and I don’t expect you to reply, but I wanted to leave this here so that maybe you’d reflect on your own position, and question whether or not you’ve REALLY done your due diligence in being absolutely certain of what you say/think on these matters… ✌️
@@dragone7897 It's garbage. Not figuratively speaking, but in the literal sense. They're brainwashing camps, much like Stalin and Hitler did to their schools. Mold the youth exactly how you want, and they're much easier to control. It's why we have so many idiot young people blaming capitalism for what 120+ years of socialism has done. Then they want to give MORE power to the politicians who caused our current situation.
@@billyb4790And what, pray tell, are your qualifications that make you an authority on the differences? Have you spent literal decades of your life studying this? If not, I suggest you STFU and listen to those who have, like the professor in the video.
I'm transexual. Thank you, thank you, thank you! There are lots of people willing to criticize us, but not enough people willing to study our bodies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for spreading real information and for asking the correct questions.
This has always been my big issue. Because stupid people made it about politics instead of medicine we’re not having the conversations we should be having about what is medically going on and how it should be properly handled.
Yes. There are literally millions of us in the world, a significant proportion of whom have removed the major hormone-producing gonads. From a scientific perspective, we are very ideal human subjects to test hormone-related drugs. Yet no one trys to study us.
@@nightshadow73 No, you are mis-guided. No one cares about trans related decisions in adulthood. For god sake it was enshrined in the Canadian Human Rights Code. It you need surgeries - go for it. Heck be like Anthony Loffredo and get 40 odd surgeries if you want - Anthony identifies as an alien and I have no idea what his pronouns are. What you FAIL to see is the overt efforts to confusion children - is a line families have drawn. This is what makes people regret ever being sympathetic or becoming an ally to the transgender cause in the first place. Ironically, this includes members of the LGBTQ community and I stress trans-members of the LGBTQ community that are concerned
this is literally nothing. every neuronal cell is still either xx or xy, having a small number of abnormalities in corpses means nothing but that they are abnormalities
I’m a trans person and a transgender health scientist; I feel a sense of relief seeing this. It’s hard for me to teach this kind of thing because I’m still so occupied with how much backlash I immediately get. The comment section here shows me that times are changing. I’m almost 10 years into my career, so grateful for this.
There are some learned comments somewhere in the comment section describing faults in this research and the discussions and new research in this field. I haven't pinned any of them, so i am sorry that if you want to find them, you would have to scroll.
Very interesting video. Although I have trans friends who I openly supported. Because of my up bringing i still had some slight prejudice and questions about it in my head. This video answered a lot of questions I had and really allowed me to move on from those old ideas that were beat into my head. Absolutely stunning work and thank you for sharing this piece of the lecture.
100%. Ever since I disassociated myself from the belief system I grew up in, my attitude toward acceptance has been "why should I care what people want for themselves." I figured that it has to have something to do with hormonal balances, but I don't study biology and hence do not have the understanding necessary to digest these heavy topics. While I still don't understand the hundreds of identities that aren't he/she/they, lectures like these give me hope that my acceptance isn't yet blind. Definitely saving this guy's lectures in a playlist.
@@flambambam| Fortunately, there aren't actually hundreds of gender identities. There's a good handful of legitimate ones, but the hundreds you can find online are closer to personal horoscopes than actually useful terms. Simply put, human brains are absurdly complicated, and thus everyone's experience of gender/sexuality is a little bit different. Some folks sought to define the unique aspects of their personal/gender identities by labeling them as entirely new, increasingly niche genders. While useful as tools of self expression/discovery, these "genders" can usually still be defined within the he/they/she spectrum.
I'm a trans psychotherapist. My greatest frustration in life was being taught this as a teenager and spending the next 2 decades being told my existence wasn't real by people who had neither my lived experience nor education on the matter.
still isnt real. Gender isnt what someone wears or how they dress or act. Male and female brains are identical. Clotehs are just clothes and not gender. Honestly. sex = gender and is the best way to put it to take out all the roles stereotypes, etc.
@@JackieDaytonaBar male and female brains are not identical. The sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area is literally has sexually dimorphic in the name. The nucleus bed of the stria terminalis is also sexually dimorphic and has found to be different in trans people. Also female brains show a significantly greater degree of bilateral similarity in their cortices compared to male brains which are significantly more asymmetrical. Again this has been taught in psychology for decades, as has why the need for gender as a word to exist. Your worldview requires a perfect ignorance of basic neurology to make sense, which is great if you have it, but it just isn't real, and why you think adults should listen to you is beyond me.
@@Cabal_Therapist modern neuroscientists have identified no decisive, category-defining differences between the brains of men and women.This is a good thing it proves females and males are very identical and on one is in the wrong body
Just think… if modern ‘Christian’ fundamentalists/nationalists (or just straight-up haters) rediscovered something Jesus referred to as THE GOLDEN RULE. None of this would be so utterly demonized. Psychology… biology… nature in general… Viva variety!!!
Well this guy and psychology isn’t a hater, it’s just the reality of life. We’re biological and we can’t change that. But it’s ok to understand things like feminine and masculine not tik tok science
The proof is in the treatment. When I got hormone replacement therapy, I finally felt okay, normal. My brain finally seemed to be working. I improved socially, academically, my self-view improved. This improved further when I got masculinizing mastectomy. I can look at myself in the mirror and not feel a permanent swirling void of *wrongness* in my stomach. If I never got this invaluable treatment I'd be nowhere near where I am today. Sadly not many people seem to understand and think this mind-crippling condition is some kind of delusion
yeah i mean when you compare trans people who have went through the whole rigamarole to trans people who havent transitioned yet, its pretty easy to see that its a real thing. the trans people i know who have transitioned like my therapist seem so happy compared to me (i havent gotten on HRT yet but i have socially transitioned) or other pre transition trans peeps i know
@LouisTeaEnjoyer it sounds like the equivalent of suffering from schizophrenia and somehow society develops medication and psychiatric treatments that enable the patient to be a normal functioning member of society lmao. i've seen you a few times in this comment section and you have a lot of hate in your heart. i suggest going to therapy to treat that too.
@LouisTeaEnjoyer Except schizophrenia could never be indulged in this way. It would just make the patient worse. It's like telling an anorexic to just stop eating. They would die 100% of the time. On the other hand we see improvement in a majority of transsexual patients from treatments like HRT. If the treatment were simply indulging something inherently disordered then the outcomes would not be positive, but similar to indulging schizophrenia or anorexia.
lol this charlatan just confirmed that psychopathology of transgenderism just damages your brain. Because of brain damage these ppl were in this pathological state of mind while the rest of their body was completely heathy and without any sex related problems. (you will either start suffering from these pathologies because of this brain damage or your long term desillusion will pathologically alter your brain tissue in this way - thats besides the point, although interesting topic for research which way the causality lies) Also some should tell this fool that there is no such thing as transsexual because we are not able to change people chromosomally from one sex to other. We are not able to change male to female or female to male. Its impossible to switch chromosomes. i was happy that he at least acknowledged in his blabbering that chromosomes exist...but he should also draw conclusions from that. Also his coparison with homosexuality there was completely uncalled for - comparing a simple sexual preference with a pathological hatred of your own healthy body is borderline homophobic.
Thinking about this just in terms of epigenetics, and when Sapolsky was interviewed for Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, the sheer amount of psychological violence that is placed upon a person who decides to be openly trans is enough to create a monument for people living through the psychological trauma of transphobia.
So glad to see an actual person experienced in biology talking about stuff like this, oh so often there are all these people who talk about "basic biology" and "chromosomes" this and that and it's tiring lmao
Basic biology is good for being exactly that. Tells you how things work in the majority of cases. Just like Newtonian physics will give good enough approximations when not dealing with extreme speed differentials or extremely small objects.
Another interesting point he didn't touch on is that while trans women don't get the phantom limb sensation after sexual reassignment surgery, the opposite is true for trans men who often do get that phantom limb sensation even though they've never had a penis before and some even wear a prosthetic flaccid penis and testicles called a packer sometimes to relieve that feeling.
yes and even though we never had a breast as transwoman developed as woman you wear fake cilicone breats you play wihtt he hallow of that breats you have the same sansation that if youitw as yoru real breast
I'm not even surprised. We form ours brains with what we do and think every day. And I love that this documents a physiological basis for transgenders. Though I'm afraid that those people who need to know this most (apart from the transgender folk themselves) aren't the kind listening to scientific evidence.
@@ryanthomas9306 Did you watch the video. He cities study. You do not get indisputable proof in science. You get data and more data that leads to conclusions. Nothing is set in stone . With science you realize there is always yet to be discovered data
This makes a lot of sense. Could also explain the rate of detransitioners that thought they were one sex but decided later on that they were wrong. They didn't have the neural biology of a real transsexual, but instead a mental stigma was created.
@freakyzed8467 "try and keep up" I bet you finally felt like some sort of a man when you typed that out, eh freak? You and your kind belong in the dirt.
my favorite thing is when the professor knows the stuff so well he is able to drop neurobiology thingy because he definitely knows more than you and is simplifying it for you like a person guiding a little duckling across the street
Because everyone is always fucking mad and uncurious about knowing, people just pretend to know shit and then get so mad like its the difference between a boulder falling on all their relatives or not
This is all conjecture, studies prove the complete opposite in fact Nordic countries have banned conversion therapy and hormonal therapy because it only leads to higher suicide rates and depression
It's so nice to see so many people in the comments go and say that this helped them understand trans people more. As a trans guy myself this was really interesting, and the comments made me happy.
@@sawyer011 :) I mostly forget to edit it every time / haven't found a good replacement yet. I put this on a few years ago, and then it just keeps sitting there c: (there are lesbians who are guys. it's not me though. I'm just forgetful)
@@sawyer011 what, can't a dude put a lesbian flag? Would a gay flag be better for you lol? Often as soon as someone mentions they are trans-something ridiculous questions start rolling in comments that try to pick on something. Is the assumption here that if someone is trans-man then unless they become stereotypical matcho then they are not worthy to be men? It's uncomfortable enough that one got born with wrong genitals but heck the rest of the life when people keep questioning every little life choice as not being manly I can imagine might be even bigger hell. I personally healthy normal man and very happy with my genitals that operate very well but I'd say on average I relate a bit more to average women than to average man for instance as I much rather would watch soap operas than football games and thanks to the fact that I was born healthy man I don't need to be afraid to openly admin that I don't like football and I enjoy soap operas but I can imagine for someone who transitioned into manhood the rest of the life can be difficult maze as some people are judging your choices as not "manly" enough.
When I realised I was a trans man, I spent days asking myself why I was a man. I’m gay, lowkey feminine, people often asked why I transitioned if I love girly things and men. I couldn’t and still cannot relate to traditional manhood. One day I just stopped asking myself the question : I transitioned because I was not feeling in my body when people would treat me as a girl. Quite literally I would feel like life was not real. And now I feel real, and it allows me to go by everyday.
As someone that used to be pretty transphobic when I was younger and still am a bit on the fence about the whole thing to this day. This video helped dispel some of the crutches that I used in my thought process to justify my bias. I've got friends now that are trans and I love them to death. I don't think lesser of them now even tho in my earlier years I would have. It's surprising that I've never seen anyone bring this video up before, it could just be that since I inherently used to believe that there was something wrong with people that were trans, I just blocked it out of my mind and can't remember it any longer. I'm just glad that while my initial judgement stemmed from distain, that the same thoughts are now being used to prove that trans people are perfectly fine. There is something wrong with them. They're in the wrong gender. It's not that it's wrong for them to be trans, weird analogy, but it's like having an extra limb when they shouldn't have, a mutation in their body during development. At least that's how I view it now. I doubt my views are going to just up and change tomorrow, but at least I can slowly bring myself to be more accepting and stop thinking the way I currently am.
It was nice to read your story. While I wasn't transphobic in general because in my country transphobia isn't a cultural thing. Of course there's quite a lot of systemic transphobia as trans women can only beg in the streets. Now I'm slowly seeing trans women taking up roles. There's a derogatory term for an effeminate man, a eunuch or a trans woman and when I was in school I must have used among others. So I won't say that transphobia doesn't exist in India, it's just that trans women who are called hijras or kinnar community have been around for a very long time that we have gotten used to them. They're still marginalised, but there's no new reaction, like there is in the USA. Indian people don't even know the difference between gay and trans lol, even I was confused as a kid I'm glad the video helped. And the bottom line really is that we should respect them as human beings without asking them to cite research papers to prove their suffering
I was born female. Still living as one because of my unaccepting family. But I've always felt like a male. One of my earliest memories was when I was about 6, and mom was helping me step out of the bath tub. I asked her "Why don't I have a twig and berries?" As I was looking down at my body. She told me it was because I was a girl. Because that's how God made me. But I didn't like that answer. I grow up in a very Christian family. And that was the day I felt God made a mistake...
@LeeBerache, YES, I find his lectures/ talks/ mind to be interesting; informative; and, fascinating ! I think these lectures precede much of the political trans-drama, which is so tragically polarized. It seems early hormonal intervention would be vastly more effective for those who would benefit from transition, yet entangling a child who should not transition on this conveyor belt is abuse.
@@solarnaut There are two genders. It's not possible to change from one to the other and it's not possible to be born into the wrong body...unless you are anti-science.
Having scientific studies and analyses like this are wonderful and important. But in reading the wording of some of the comments, I would like to gently remind folx that trans people do not need a scientific explanation to exist. Disgust and disdain directed at trans folx is unjustified even if we are not scientifically vindicated.
Culturally we have always had two spirit people in our native communities. My thoughts have always felt that if someone were considered to be a person with two spirits they undoubtedly don’t fit the mold, in a good way. A way that is honored and respected. While mostly those who are a native two spirit person it usually is in regards to how they view themselves and gender - but I have always felt it’s deeper for us than that. Two spirit folks are usually those with more insight and compassion for the world around them. They are considered to be healers and helpers, and are held in regard for their ability to embrace others. A higher level of consciousness and because they are okay with all of their parts, they hold great space for all of the parts of others. Same can be said for a lot of labels in our native communities that came about with time. Lots of things that weren’t ever looked down upon have been labeled as negative now a days. This was a great video to watch. Thank you for sharing. ❤️
Totally corrected my mind on how I view people with gender disphoria, love it. Prefectly reasonable explanation. I must ask though, why isn't this the mainstream info? Instead, we get some downright weird activists and/or politicians, left and right, who have no clue what they're talking about. I mean, 97k views at this time, what the heck?
@@jengsci8268 In all fairness I never seen or heard anybody say anything that was said in this video, it was all "feel this, feel that", and boy have I seen a lot of videos. People were quicker to point out bigotry rather than facts such as these. I'm sure there are people out there that did, however by bad luck or algortythmic overlook, I simply haven't ever gotten to that info up until now.
Because people are afraid that science will say transgenderism is nothing more than a mutation-driven psychosis, probably in no small part due to the large amount of endocrine disruptors we and our parents ingest everyday. If you discover the cause, you're getting into the realm of a "cure." And that will never be seen as a good thing by the community.
@@argfasdfgadfgasdfgsdfgsdfg6351 I've read them, and haven't seen anything wrong with them, or how they were talked about here. Maybe you should too instead of just casting doubt because you're afraid to change your opinion (sorry if that's not what you're trying to do here, but it's like an 84.72% chance)
@LouisTeaEnjoyer it's all in your head too. your gender, as well as your entire reality. no trans person tries to argue that it isn't all in their head. what is your point?
@LouisTeaEnjoyer everything about you is all in your head. your conscience, personality, perception of the world, all in your head. our identity is just our brain and our bodies are its container. that's why two twins raised in the the exact same environment still develop different personalities and viewpoints. and so your gender is also in your head. you only feel normal because your head agrees that your meatsuit has the right equipment.
@LouisTeaEnjoyerWell that’s how neurobiology works, yeah. What else would it be? Your side tends to argue the opposite, that’s it’s determined by whether you have a cock or not
The phantom limb part brings something really interesting to the table of whether or not willingness has something to do with it. There’s a mental disorder that predominantly affects men where they get an insatiable urge to amputate one of their limbs. It would be really cool to see if they have a phantom limb/use prosthetics after they remove it
If it is remotely similar to gender dysphoria, I would say no, they would not have phantom limb, because they did not feel like their limb should have been a part of their body in the first place, since their brain did not recognize it before amputation. But, if it's not the same, then I would also be interested in hearing its effects. Of course, removing a limb is different than removing a primary or secondary sex feature-- the former has more utility on a day-to-day basis than the latter. Then again, there are many amputees that have adjusted well and live relatively good lives, so /shrug
i don't think it applies because sexual reassignment surgery MtF is not exactly removing the penis. there are large parts of the penis which are used for the neovagina, it is like the penis is inverted (oversimplification), so the bodypart is still there but in a different way, and the nerves are also still there.
Oliver Sacks, famous neurologist, wrote a lovely book "A Leg to Stand On" about a similar condition, as he experienced it himself, yet retained his ability to rationally analyze what was happening to him as it was happening. He hit his head and part of his brain associated to his left leg was temporarily incommunicado with the rest of his brain, turning his leg into a foriegn thing. It's the opposite of phantom limb: the body part is there, but the brain says it should not be. He describes it with intense revulsion and deep-seated horror, like a corpse's body part that had been sewn to him, and in lovecraftian terms (something that doesn't belong in the universe), and there is some similarity to the way some trans people talk about their genitals, although in his case the brain difference was far less subtle. The revulsion might be an ancient (pre-human) instinct against certain kinds of parasites, like leeches and lampreys, that can attach to the body; living flesh should not be attached to you if it's not part of your body. When you consider that trans people might be living with such horror, and from birth, so that it can't be distinguished from the feeling of normal existence, the impact of dysphoria begins to make sense.
@@Eudaletism I had something similar with my right leg where I couldn’t feel or move it, I had herniated one of my discs in my lumbar and it was crushing one of the cauda equina nerve roots. I was given the Cauda Equina Syndrome diagnosis (partial, chronic I think) and had to have a spinal fusion done to reverse it.
Im glad to finally see an answer to a question about myself that has bothered me for so long. it almost feels fulfilling to actually know WHY something is happening instead of just knowing WHATS happening
I am testing a fun concept that came to my mind in self reflection, but if you really want to understand what gender dysphoria feels like (at least how i experience it) just watch the movie the fly 1986. Imagine the hairs growing in weird parts, the blemishes, the greasy skin, the body composition changing in ways you dont want to and the only certainty is that it will get worse until you become a creature you refuse to recognize, but you are painfully aware that you are. There was a phrase i remember but i might be butchering it: “I am just a fly who wished to be a man”. So if there was a cure that *could* help you turn back into a man and works better the earlier you take it, would you take it?
Even though I didn’t really feel gender dysphoria until I was an adult, this is really spot on. In my experience as a FtM transgender man, it felt like there was literal poison in my veins from my ovaries, I felt sickly Ill and constantly wanted to induce vomiting. I felt like I was being weakened and feminized and emasculated by my own body, and so many times I would cry for hours on end physically unable to stop myself from doing so. Fast forward being on testosterone for a year and a half and I’m basically just your average guy. I still have some lingering mental health issues but they’ve largely improved, so I guess I’m still just an average guy with a few problems but then again that’s just your average dude. It’s amazing the difference being comfortable in your own skin can make in your life
@@jonasandezekiel1109 Tell that to my friends, family, and coworkers lol Sure I may have a chromosomal defect that created hormonal issues for me later in life, and some atypical initial physiology, but that’s just a rare birth defect, nothing more.
this guy is tells all..and it doesn't at all refute Transexualism--reveals it as a dissonance between mind and body..makes so much sense.
The whole lecture is about transsexuals have the brain sexually dymorphic from one sex and their phenotype from the other sex. He never mentioned the mind.
The fact that not even a single one of them felt a phantom organ is HUGE. I’m just very happy to finally find out such an important piece of evidence this is normal and healthy and all people who demonise trans people are actually just vile
@@eggheadusa You're forcing yourself into conversations only to complain when you are not welcome. No one said you specifically demonize trans people, so tell me, why do you think you that you demonize trans people? Why do others think you do? Have you reflected on your actions? No one is forcing you, no one is making you go to jail. People may not like you but that is their freedom. Have you talked to a single trans person (in person)? What 'lie' are you even referring to? You slap down all of your preconceived notions at the family dinner table and are surprised when a fight breaks out. Grow up. Come to your own conclusions and stop looking for trouble.
@@rosezy755 I asked a question, I never said I demonize anyone. I simply asked is not submitting to something I don’t believe in considered “dehumanizing”… Because it’s contradictory, its dehumanizing anyone who doesn’t believe in it. I don’t think people are demons for being wrong, I think it’s my duty to be a bridge Truth is hated by extremists in both sides
@@eggheadusa I'm well aware you never said you demonized anyone. My questions were rhetorical, yet it seems my point mainly was missed. The commentor only referred to demonizers, not people who may be wrong, and you made it about yourself
@@rosezy755 “we’ll I’m aware” Why you making it about you? All we can do is express our opinions or speak for others, what’s your point? Yes my motivations are my own (that a bad thing?) I’ve been called vile and a bigot for my own self expression. I have the right to ask if I’m seen as vile for not playing along. (It’s a public comment I’m not being toxic) How else can I gauge a new trend but to ask questions to the very people, “ask google or chatGPT “ that’s not the same
Gotta say, this is quite fascinating. If a person really feels in the wrong body it makes sense, because neurologically speaking they are it seems. Makes me think that we really need to make sure they get their bodies right, so their body and mind align.
He’s saying that the study concluded the part of the brain that was normally bigger in men was found to be of comparable size in the women claiming to be men and that it had been that way from “day one”. Pretty vague language. Day one meaning from birth? These people were all claiming to be the other gender from birth? Or perhaps there was a catalyzing event a la in homosexuals, most of which were abused in their early lives or exposed to sexual content very young. How big was the sample size? How were these “transsexuals” chosen? We’re just supposed to believe they controlled for every other possibility outside of the hormone “therapy”? This guy strikes me as yet another jewish intellectual in a long line of Jewish intellectuals involved in the sordid history of “gender research” and sex reassignment surgery. He’s talking awfully confidently to a lot of very young, impressionable minds here. You’ll see this stuff promoted but never the antithesis. Why are people who believe themselves to be in the wrong body so prevalent today compared to a few decades ago? And so numerous compared with other civilizations? Anyone who believes the trans stuff is organic and not a product of mass indoctrination and trauma is either stupid or totally disingenuous.