
OceanBlock Ep37 Draconic Preparations 

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Its time. Lets get into Draconic!
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6 дек 2021




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@ToasterUnknown 2 года назад
Dire I did some testing: Two 3x3 plots with the center having a water source instead of a crop. One plot was Insanium Farmland the other was Rich Soil Farmland from Farmer's Delight. Testing confirmed that the Essence farmland does not increase speed but does increase crop output(farmland tier must match crop tier or be higher) while the Rich Soil Farmland provides a growth ticks. Each farm has a full compliment of growth accelerators under each crop. I setup redstone control on the plant gatherers and let both run. Just from a visual standpoint it is clear the Rich Soil Farmland is faster and we see the numbers support that: After 10 minutes Rich Soil Farmland farm produced 470 essence while Insanium Farmland farm produced 300 essence. Since you mentioned Ritual of the Green Grove I set one up for each farm and after ritual tinkering to change the targeted growth area(be sure its growth and not the mob life leeching area from Corrosive Will) so each ritual covered it's farm. After a second 10 minute test: Rich Soil Farmland farm produced 486 essence while Insanium Farmland farm produced 321 essence. So some improvement but nowhere near as much as one would expect based on how the ritual worked in the past. Seems you'd need to mess with the Will System to improve it with this version of Blood Magic, namely Raw Will to improve the speed and Vengeful Will to improved the success rate. It should be noted RNG is a big factor with the growth ticks both from the Rich Soil and the Ritual, so the numbers will vary but the result is still that Rich Soil Farmland is better despite essence soil providing a chance at more output. Edit: Bonus Test - I repeated the ritual test but also stood there with an active Sigil of the Green Grove for 10 minutes: Rich Soil Farmland farm produced 1094 essence while Insanium Farmland farm produced 983 essence!!! I sure hope this is what the ritual performs like when you use Will with it, never got into the Will system before so no idea how it works. Edit 2: So messed around with the Will system, I filled the aura to max with Raw Will and Vengeful Will. I tinkered the ritual to use raw and vengeful will and did another test: Rich Soil Farmland farm produced 574 essence while Insanium Farmland farm produced 365 essence. So it isn't as good as the Sigil and it requires you maintain the aura by continually feeding it the two forms of will as the Ritual does consume the will in the aura over time. Makes me wish I could activate the sigil and set it down on a pedestal or something and have it just keep working at the farm without me there. I feel like this Ritual needs some work, the sigil should not be better than the Ritual imo.
@MrJohnyBGood101 2 года назад
You should try hydrophonic beds with ether gas. I didn't see you tinker with that in a previous series. And i know a dire, he is always up for new stuff :)
@SkrymNV 2 года назад
I second this! Those beds are extremely fast. (about 1 sec. per essence, which can even utilize cruxes to farm Nether stars or Awakened Draconium for example) I have 78 hydrophonic beds running with tier 2 speed and processing addons in all of them and i only need 1 wither to farm ether from to keep up with all of them. I am out of plastic now though which can't be farmed from mystical agriculture sadly and takes a while to process.
@jeeBisOkay 2 года назад
@@SkrymNV I think Industrial Foregoing plastic shares an ore dictionary tag with Mekanism HDPE, though that might depend on the pack.
@CaspyGh69 2 года назад
@@SkrymNV 16 fluid extractors with speed, efficiency and processing addons should do the trick. Acacia wood works best for latex - constructor with acacia log and a crafting upgrade - (from wood essence). Keep in mind to upgrade your latex processing unit(s) as well. I recommend storage bus on the processing unit(s) as you also need liquid latex for dissolution chamber crafts (or, if you want, have a separate, prioritized tank for latex - or directly in a dedicated dissolution chamber)
@homeybacon3162 2 года назад
Hey Dire, so I was about to comment to you a few days ago about those Mystical Agricultural Growth Accelerators, but I didn’t have much courage then, but I do now. So the deal with those is that the first tier of Growth Accelerators can go down to a certain height, but the second tier can of course go down further than tier one, but the second tier can also REPLACE the tier one Growth Accelerators. This concept also works with the further tiers as well. Also I’d recommend you use a lot of those Greenhouse blocks on the plants as that can also help their growth, and that they can also stack on top of each other to the world height limit. Also if I remember right, you can use a bottle-of-time on a pedestal to accelerate the growth of your plants even further (but I have only seen other people on RU-vid doing that so I don’t know if you can do that to). Oh, also if you have Botania, you can use that Lily Pad to grow them more, but I don’t know the exact mods on OceanBlock so that would be up to you to find out.
@DizzyDJW 2 года назад
The growth accelerators do not get faster as you tier them. Only the range increases. The ranges are set up specifically to use 12 of each tier.
@cxcevents 2 года назад
@@DizzyDJW so what you are saying is he isnt wrong, just that it would be a waste of resources to use the final tier accelerator from top to bottom.
@Juan188812 2 года назад
Is the time on a bottle In a pedestal made for the pack?
@KuruGDI 2 года назад
After _Building Gadgets_ and _Mining Gadgets_ I somehow see _Accelerating Gadgets_ at the horizon 😁
@supersonictumbleweed 2 года назад
And if Dire is worried about the balance, he just has to add clay as recipe ingredient and voilà!
@KuruGDI 2 года назад
@@supersonictumbleweed Yeah. The Gadget does not run on RF or time, but with clay 😂🤣
@scamp5000 2 года назад
If Dire goes to the End, let's see if he remembers to bring an overworld painting to get back home.
@camfalafranca800 2 года назад
10 bucks says he forgets
@SivaExperiment 2 года назад
you dont need it
@DizzyDJW 2 года назад
"/home" is in this pack too, so no need
@akakscase 2 года назад
@@DizzyDJW That’s cheating though! /s
@ichigo31045 2 года назад
@@akakscase Not really
@LionAzul 2 года назад
Dire might I PLEASE recommend CompactMachines for Nuclear Waste? You can entangle the barrel into the tiny machine, and store all your waste in a pocket dimension.
@direwolf20 2 года назад
Not a bad idea :)
@anchuin 2 года назад
I highly recommend everyone exploring the end in this modpack. I don't want to spoil everything, but I can say that Better End Forge is now one of my favourite mods.
@pantheis 2 года назад
On my server, we went to the end, killed the ender dragon, and there doesn't seem to be anything else there but the bit of land where he spawns. There's the portal that in vanilla apparently takes you to a village or fortress or whatever, but taking it just teleports you onto a small platform out in the void, nothing there. Are we missing something? It seems empty except for the Ender Dragon platform.
@couchalmark675 2 года назад
@@pantheis The End should be flooded with water, with the BetterEndForge biomes out past the center island. There's a lot of them. You should also find Chaos Guardian islands every 10,000 blocks, which are necessary to complete the pack.
@SurrealNirvana 2 года назад
@@pantheis you need to fly about a thousand blocks in any direction and then you will get different biomes. Think nether update and you are not to far off.
@zyzzyx222 2 года назад
Add BYG as well, makes the nether biomes as diverse as the overworld!
@oriakoae 2 года назад
Hey direwolf! About those growth accelerators... that range means how many can you stack but it does not mean you have to put the prudentium ones after the inferium ones. That's why your crops are only affected by the 1st tier of accelerators. All the blocks in the column have to be the same tier and prudentium can be stack up to 24 blocks. It works the same for all tiers, it has to be the same block from top to bottom up to the limit it says. Btw, the soil affects how many essence you get but not the speed it grows. I hope it helps!
@markbogdan2 2 года назад
As far as I see, the planter and sower don't keep up. Way too often you see an empty field or full crop.
@trippin7464 2 года назад
He needs to add upgrades to the plant gatherer and sower, theres two industrial foregoing addons that speed it up and keeps up
@lrayzor 2 года назад
Blood magic ritual harvesting is much more efficient and doesn't require you to replant the seeds meaning it's exceptionally easy just to add a new seed
@lricardo4679 2 года назад
There is also the botania horn thing that harvest without breaking the crops
@akakscase 2 года назад
So I figured out how to eliminate the spent nuclear fuel. It’s a little convoluted, but essentially I have a system that automatically crafts waste barrels, a placer that puts them down one at a time, a piston system that pushes an empty into place while moving the almost full on out of place, a breaker that picks up the almost full barrel and trash cans it, and a reader that activates the piston when the barrel hits 97% full.
@couchalmark675 2 года назад
PowerPots are definitely the way to go for at least midgame resource generation. One Nitro Reactor supports one Mk1 PowerPot, so you don't need to delve too deep into Draconic to get set up with a farm of them. For above Mk1 you'll need much better power gen, probably Mekanism fusion, but Nitro Reactors are easy to set up and fuel en masse, so it's not hard to build a room of them that gives you all the resources you need to get into everything short of singularities.
@DizzyDJW 2 года назад
Ethylene Generators are still the single best source of power en masse. If you set up enough of them, and just use cookies, and a farm of nature essence to make wheat and cocao beans, you can have more power output per block space than the largest Mekanism Fission Reactor on max. I still don't agree with the power cost for the pots though, I changed the config to something more reasonable in my playthrough.
@couchalmark675 2 года назад
@@DizzyDJW There's so little else that you actually need even one Nitro Reactor's worth of power for that I don't mind the power cost for the pots. The only other thing you might even possibly need that kind of power for is charging Mekanism/Draconic tools.
@rcrawford42 2 года назад
Dire, you can set up multiple sluices.
@nineephe 2 года назад
The end requirement for the draconic quest line is because you need endstone. They probably just didn't think about the end stone from the bottles
@Zachucks 2 года назад
I use hopper botany pots for all my essence farming, since im running my world as a server, i come home from work to a good amount of essence. But Ive been thinking of doing it your way, because the plants seem to grow much quicker
@IJm3 2 года назад
Hydro beds with full upgrades, either gas and water are pretty quick for an early-mid game. As soon as you can get unlimited power mk4 power pots. 64 items on each farm
@AnywhereOnMyOwn 2 года назад
Everyone is now awesome. We all said Jetpack Curio.
@ToasterUnknown 2 года назад
Dire I discovered a mod called Simple Magnet, you may have played with it or some iteration of it in the past. It does the typical magnet stuff but has two tiers, the second having a configurable size and having a blacklist/whitelist and they can go in curio slots. What is really great about the mod is it also has 2 tiers of demagnetization blocks that lets you set up areas where the magnet won't work, perfect for automation areas where items are out in the world. Highly recommend!
@Deveyus 2 года назад
It's worth point out that since the upgrades are exponential you can get double speed by simply _making another sluice_ and your costs will increase linearly in power. So, maybe like... 16 netherite sluices with max fortune upgrade and feeding them would be fun?
@cartercummings620 2 года назад
Dire when he makes a mistake "I wonder if this is a bug"
@maxcraft2106 2 года назад
Dire, auto-hammers do very well with 2x compressed block variants you could reduce your time converting and reduce the amount of auto-hammers running. just need to setup an input chest for one auto-hammer with a crafter and include 2x variant patterns; his allows for very quick conversion of cobble to gravel, dirt, sand, dust. additionally works with endstone, netherrack and basalt. use an exporter directly on your sluice with a crafter.. hope this helps. if you connect a compacting drawer to your storage drawers with the cobblestone generator below you wouldnt need to compress the cobble for the conversion.
@antitheta777 2 года назад
Draconium seeds didn't feel worth it to me, I just went to the end and harvested a ton of end stone and ran it through the sluice. Awakened draconium however, I put 168 hopper pots with seeds to make it in a compact machine. Got enough for tier 8 energy ball in about 8 hours.
@antitheta777 2 года назад
Actually may be a little longer than that with just seeds. I killed the dragon a few times before it occurred to me that seeds exist.
@ichigo31045 2 года назад
@@antitheta777 Seeds are always the way to go especially if you’re using hydroponic beds. Good automation for late game.
@JenInMinecraft 2 года назад
Getting towards the end game now! :) Use the Hydroponic Beds setup (with wither and all) for an end game serup. Power botany pots are too expensive (fun to do with draconic, but use 50,000 rf/t at tier 1).
@ockerspock3432 2 года назад
he still has all the singularities and creative items to craft......oh right ...this is Dire
@JenInMinecraft 2 года назад
@@ockerspock3432 I remember he went part-way through the singularities in stoneblock, then I think just gave up on it.
@Johannes_Kuhn 2 года назад
@@JenInMinecraft I think he got the creative stuff on FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock with Sorayn.
@The_True_one 2 года назад
I have been saying that it is about time you went to The End. Just don't forget your painting home.
@saladgreens912 2 года назад
You don't have to all or nothing the upgrades lol. A few speed upgrades inside the sluce won't increase the power significantly but will help with efficiency. It's just diminishing returns on the ratio of benefit : power consumption.
@jursamaj 2 года назад
As I understand it, the speed upgrade is better than the fortune upgrade anyway. Say you have 10 speed upgrades, that runs thru sieving 1.5 times as fast getting 1.5 times the drops. If you have 10 fortune upgrades, you only get 30% more drops, or 1.3 times, for the same energy cost. Fortune is only better if you have finite supply of stuff to sieve (such as his crush end stone). For infinite supply, like the sand, speed is better.
@youtuberdisguiser6075 2 года назад
you can go into the end, with the end world painting from the dimensional paintings mod. also if you have crying obsidian, you can use it for no temperature at the tempered glass to double processing speed, furthermore, if you built a respawn anchor, then you can quadruple processing speed
@Mana18Zazie311 2 года назад
"whoever in the comments said you could put the jetpack in the curio spot.. you're awesome" thanks, dire.
@NJM1564 2 года назад
Dire you can now click resapies into the draconic crafter like a regular crafting bench. :D
@thannonkai 2 года назад
Switch all the lower tier growth accelerators to the higher tier ones. Don't leave the lower ones like you are currently.
@cxcevents 2 года назад
someone in a comment above said higher tier accelerators arent faster, they just have farther range. so its useless to replace the first 12 and so on with the highest teir, just a waste of resources.
@laimonis156 2 года назад
you can use 1-16 inferium, 1-24 prudentium, 1-36 tertium, 1-48 imperium, 1-60 supremium growth accelerators.
@zsheets7483 2 года назад
Yes, but the higher-tier accelerators don't have a greater effect, only greater range. So using 1-60 Supremium would be a massive waste of essence.
@seerai-42 2 года назад
why not create a big system of sluicers? have one for crushed endstone, crushed netherrack, gravel, sand, etc.
@josephconover5270 2 года назад
I really feel that he should compress the materials as they can be auto hammered it would allow for more efficiency.
@pierfi8359 2 года назад
Nice video, if I can suggest something, that you already know obviously, I'd add the "Ritual fo the Green Grove" of blood magic, or an Agricarnation flower of Botania (even if I don't remember if it is included in the pack and if it synergizes with the seeds of mistycal agricultures).
@IceAssassin22 2 года назад
Powerpots are pretty dope. I haven’t made it to chaotic yet but the mk3 power pot does 32 per full growth
@imthestighonest3437 2 года назад
The requirement to unlock the check box is to complete the draconium dust quest first End is a pre requisite as you can only get draconium ore in the end 😀
@Spongman 2 года назад
digital miner->end stone->crushed->upgraded netherite sluice->draconium dust for days. just saying.
@darthnihilus1608 2 года назад
I remember how dire said in earlier episodes that he doesn't want to do Myst Agri since that'll make everything else useless.....and here we are....
@DaftCatBrewing 2 года назад
I really dislike the Storage drawers key in the offhand mechanism. Would much prefer drawers locked by default and you can unlock with the key cleaning up an accidentally unlocked drawer that's getting filled in a fast moving system is far more agro than unlocking an empty drawer
@AcAb277 2 года назад
will be fun when he finds out how much power those Pots need xD
@jursamaj 2 года назад
12:55 Since speed (+5% drops) & fortune (+3% drops) cost the same in energy, the speed is better. Even if the bonuses are calculated separately then multiplied (for instance: +50% from speed & +30% from fortune yields 1.5*1.3=1.95), then ideally you still should put the 1st 14 in speed, then alternate, fsfsfsfs, then finish with fortune. But at worst, all speed loses only 0.55% by skipping the alternation.
@NosyMo85 2 года назад
If you just consider output per time and ignore Power, you're right. But in terms of Output per RF Fortune upgrades are WAY better. Since the cost increase is per operation and Fortune increases output per operation and speed increases operations per time, therefore increasing the RF / time even further.
@jursamaj 2 года назад
@@NosyMo85 Since the power is free once set up, the distinction seems trivial.
@reggiejohnston5912 2 года назад
youre welcome for the jetpack tip ;)
@rrbaars 2 года назад
Ah the jetpack even has it's own dedicated curio slot
@FARBerserker 2 года назад
End is probably needed because it assumes you mine and find draconium dust there
@falxie_ 2 года назад
Curious to see how new Draconic works
@Loan--Wolf 2 года назад
i would love to see you do the industrial forgoing ore processing its interesting 5 x with ether gas
@Tntdruid 2 года назад
Max upgrade netherite sluice Is nice. Don't wast time on silly slow seeds 😄
@KrisHesselmark 2 года назад
Remember to lock your drawer again Dire
@ino145 2 года назад
You can view the dependencies.
@MaskedCritic1932 2 года назад
Fun Fact: With the full 54 upgrades, it uses 90 * 1.28^54 FE per operation... which is about 55,409,071 FE per operation. Fifty-five MILLION. Yikes.
@ockerspock3432 2 года назад
***spoiler*** End is wet.....very purdy (better End I think) but very odd to sees a sea
@MrBerndx3 2 года назад
@direwolf20 I'm pretty sure, that you use the growth accelerator wrong. I think for each tier the whole column has to be the same tier.
@doom2508 Год назад
How did you setup the Mystical essence crafting recipes? When I did it, it said I need a master crystal per essence upgrade
@shintarolin1933 2 года назад
i will just say it, your brain is a description 🤭
@allary951 2 года назад
The final tier growth block says can be up to 60 blocks away it doesnt say you have to have the other ones so you could have all 60 blocks be the final tier block.
@direwolf20 2 года назад
Everyone keeps recommending this - but I feel like they are wrong. I don't think Tier 5 accelerators are faster than Tiers 1->4, they can just go further away. I'm pretty sure the way I'm doing it is the most efficient and fastest. Yes, you COULD do 60 Tier 5's, but it would be no faster than 12 of each tier. Unless I misunderstand how these things work.
@The_True_one 2 года назад
@@direwolf20 Sounds like you need to compare in a test world.
@FieryMeltman 2 года назад
Hi Dire, I think it would ease a lot of people's confusion if each video had a timestamp for the date in which they were recorded. If it was maybe in the first few seconds of the video, then I think that would reduce a some of the overly-negative comments.
@TheFrostDrake 2 года назад
The endless void is an ocean of nothingness
@Mo0odMC 2 года назад
botania magnetization ring is the best ring instead of a magnet
@creepyhobo5211 2 года назад
@anchuin 2 года назад
Yes dire. The output buffer is over 40k per slot with at least 4 slots. More than that and I crashed because of it.
@user-jm8sy5ox2j 2 года назад
It is a smart idea on the auto hammers to limit their output. There is no benefit to back stuffing them so you should really use a comparator on a hopper attached to the output to turn off a hopper that is feeding the hammers. Anything else just creates excess lag for no reason
@pantheis 2 года назад
I have a line of them setup, one making gravel, one dirt, one sand, and one dust, and feed their output into voiding drawers, which then feed my sluices, and just let the entire thing run.
@kevins7196 2 года назад
Damn your hammers were worse than mine.
@hidenman 2 года назад
Can you science out using just tier 2 growth accelerators? so 24 instead of the 12 under the plants.
@couchalmark675 2 года назад
Growth accelerators aren't worth it for anything but one stack of them under an Inferium seed to get you started in my experience. Even Mk1 PowerPots are dozens of times faster at resource generation and their energy requirements match up exactly to what a Nitro Reactor gives, so as soon as you can make Nitro it's better to switch to PowerPots instead of making the gigantic investment in growth accelerators you need for a full array.
@NeMMyPooH 2 года назад
Isn’t there a item deconstructor that gives you the craftable items back? If there is could you do that for all the extra seeds you get and be able to get the supremium essence back?
@NosyMo85 2 года назад
Probably won't work with the recycler, since it's not a crafting Table recipe, but Mystical agriculture has a seed reprocessor that turns a seed into 2 essence.
@NeMMyPooH 2 года назад
@@NosyMo85 that’s what it’s called, I forgot the name of it, and I’d figure it’d be worth a try but yeah, if he could get the essence back he could make all the essence he needed since he’s getting tons of seeds
@kasperkj11 2 года назад
Gotta admit.. I did get a little confused at 21:10...
@jarrodtanner1986 2 года назад
I find that the videos take 5-6 minutes after being uploaded to finally appear for me
@salmon85 2 года назад
yeah it's annoying, and when it appears finally (even with alerts) it says uploaded
@jarrodtanner1986 2 года назад
@@salmon85 agreed
@kevinnischuk8879 2 года назад
i think You should try hydrophonic beds
@Krampi256 2 года назад
Hey there :) i have a short question: How do i connect my Drawer-Controller with my Refined Storage System? I dont know how the interface - external storage system works >.
@alanking4078 2 года назад
I know this is an old comment but I'll still reply, you need an item called external storage from refined, then put it on the drawer controller then run a cable to it
@Krampi256 2 года назад
@@alanking4078 thx buddy 😁 i got it shortly after that. I tried to connect my external storage with in- or exporter and this was my mistake^^
@alanking4078 2 года назад
@@Krampi256 I figured you knew the answer but I know it sucks to not get a reply to a question so I try to help when I can!
@curtislees2833 2 года назад
Yo Dire pipez mod ftw they have pipes that do everything power fluid etc
@dazley8021 2 года назад
If those Auto-Hammers have presumably infinite output buffer, wont you run into a serious problem after a while? Like idk... memory overflow or something?
@curtislees2833 2 года назад
More of a problem if you need to move them..
@FieryMeltman 2 года назад
I haven't encountered that so far.
@aneulatte 2 года назад
You should have more subs
@thecrazyinsanity 2 года назад
The power pots really aren't worth it
@blackgard3253 2 года назад
@lamafiniel 2 года назад
@apexwarrioryt3220 2 года назад
Can you show how to set up refined to make the supremium?
@razstream4435 2 года назад
He did like 6 episodes ago
@user-jm8sy5ox2j 2 года назад
Used the crafter from immersive engineering
@simonhannaford923 2 года назад
How do you toggle stack mode to single item mode on the crafting injectors?
@Kzorith 2 года назад
I believe it’s right clicking with an empty hand. It might be shift-right clicking.
@simonhannaford923 2 года назад
@@Kzorith Thank you and also to provide extra info. Does not work if you have a drawer key in the off-hand.
@Kzorith 2 года назад
@@simonhannaford923 I find that most things that require empty hand clicks do not respond well with anything in the offhand, be that a drawer key or a shield.
@natik6894 2 года назад
usualy draco have a tablet not a book and you need to craft it
@supersonictumbleweed 2 года назад
I'm glad it's called tertium now. What was it called before?
@martindinner3621 2 года назад
@supersonictumbleweed 2 года назад
@@martindinner3621 really?
@martindinner3621 2 года назад
@@supersonictumbleweed yep, Dire just used to pronounce it wrong.
@supersonictumbleweed 2 года назад
@@martindinner3621 nah, it was called Intermedium
@supersonictumbleweed 2 года назад
but it might be pre 1.13
@alexandrefilho-unifor308 2 года назад
When it’s dire time, but there’s no video :(
@Erick-zd3gb 2 года назад
pretty stoned so forgive me if thats complete busllshit but, the output buffer was coded as a int or some other datatype what if it reaches the max of that datatype and fuck up the world
@poundcakeshuffle 2 года назад
Why do you have a fence around your crop farm?
@ichigo31045 2 года назад
@poundcakeshuffle 2 года назад
@@ichigo31045 I thought it was to make trampling farmland easier. :)
@user-jm8sy5ox2j 2 года назад
Smh dire still not using compacting drawers for ingots and letting refined storage craft blocks and nuggets instead
@disarm2k10 2 года назад
He literally said he won't be using compacting drawer in his first few episodes. Krate's does have a 2x2 crafting tho which automatically convert Chunk into nuggets.
@gingiegirl6963 2 года назад
Dire, love you man but you've turned ocean block into every other series you've done. I have a challenge for you Dire, do a series where you can only use mods you haven't heard of/used before. No Blood Magic, Mekanism, thermal, tinkers, refined storage, create, your own mods, botania etc.... You can keep JEI (modded doesn't work without it and there is no replacement) but that's the only one allowed. If anyone else wants to try this challenge, go right on ahead. I think it sounds super interesting, fun and would bring a lot of attention to the awesome mods that don't get the recognition they deserve.
@martindinner3621 2 года назад
🤦‍♂️ fails to check depencies.
@crushingbass7131 2 года назад
RU-vidr blindness can be super agitating....
@AnywhereOnMyOwn 2 года назад
58th like :p
@vezaruz 2 года назад
@salmon85 2 года назад
@AnywhereOnMyOwn 2 года назад
@IJm3 2 года назад
For someone who's playing modded mc for so long, you're not very good at it
@mattsadventureswithart5764 2 года назад
Making mistakes drives comments. Comments are good for the algorithm. Algorithm pushing his videos is good for views. Views are good for income. Very simple chain of thought as to just why he plays the way he does.
@IJm3 2 года назад
@@mattsadventureswithart5764 you're probably right, but for someone with half a million subscribers, it's unprofessional
@alanking4078 2 года назад
I think "good" is a relative term since compared to people who play casually he's great, to the hard-core community he's less than ideal, I think he falls into the perfect middle ground where he's good enough to have good flow but shows his flaws and thought process around them, tho some of his mistakes are just painful
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