

Adeptus Ridiculous
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Ork "teknologee" appears ramshackle and slapped-together, but is as potent as any weaponry used by the Imperium. Ork technology is characterized by a constant stream of poorly thought-out experimentation and constantly trying to outdo the competition to build the biggest gun, the largest Gargant, or the fastest Warbuggy. Therefore Ork technology is not uniform, lending Ork Warbands a cobbled together and random appearance. Ork Mekboyz are specialists in the field of producing powerful Force Fields that can protect against damage, and at battlefield improvisation of repairs.
There is no standard design for a Shoota - most of them are hand-crafted by Mekboyz and are often customized by their owners, so although they may conform to a general pattern, no two shootas will look the same. A shoota fires either massive bullets or explosive shells, or even a mixture of both. As is the case with most Ork weapons, they are crude but effective. A Shoota is considered good if it fires a burst of shots at once and makes a lot of noise. Noise is important, as many Orks believe that the louder a weapon is, the better damage and range it has. Orks that enjoy shooting often acquire Shootas and form up mobs of Shoota Boyz.




3 окт 2023




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@Secret_Takodachi 9 месяцев назад
16:00 ORK: "Itz easy! You just paint every bullet red. It goes fasta and glows!" DK: Aren't tracers supposed to be used in between regular rounds ORK: "Wot? Why wouldn't I want to see ALL da daka flyin'?"
@b-beale1931 9 месяцев назад
Glad to see someone else on the same page as me lol
@YoBen100 9 месяцев назад
Ork's midlife crisis: More dakka but less fasta or more fasta but less dakka
@pcgordon3360 9 месяцев назад
'Alf ol Git 'ere-can Confirm
@thatboy5751 9 месяцев назад
What do you mean he will have both
@ryanwillmon7689 9 месяцев назад
Dats umie thinking. Jus slap more dakka on an' paint it all red
@christianjames1291 9 месяцев назад
Bigga engine, more fasta.
@calmc9655 9 месяцев назад
​@@christianjames1291lol RU-vid kindly provides the English translation as "bigger engine, more fast".
@mannofdober873 9 месяцев назад
Ork weaponry is very much a case of "It's not a bug, it's a feature."
@curiouswind9196 9 месяцев назад
It just works
@darthplagueis13 9 месяцев назад
The same thing holds true for Tyranids
@user-kt6og7vf9e 9 месяцев назад
​@@darthplagueis13no, with the Nids, It's both
@bldgl8723 9 месяцев назад
@@curiouswind9196 "16 times the dakka"
@level20eevee75 9 месяцев назад
@@darthplagueis13”its a buggy feature.”
@Reddotzebra 9 месяцев назад
How the orks decide which ones should be grenadiers is also funny. The only qualification is knowing to throw the stikkbomb and not the pin.
@kamarreingram5045 9 месяцев назад
Ah yes the ork rule of hold on to da pin throw the other part
@theelectro6812 9 месяцев назад
Frow de offah paht *
@Brutalyte616 9 месяцев назад
Only those Orks who have mastered the Zen Buddhist-like patience to NOT immediately blow up their explosives can become Ork grenadiers, as they are the ones who generally survive long enough to learn that those who throw the grenade become Stikkbombas, while those who throw the pin usually wind up getting turned into Squig chow.
@Beandealer 9 месяцев назад
Personal favorite weapon of the orks will always be the shokk attack gun. The ability to kill an enemy by teleporting a snotling inside them will always be amazing.
@Emidretrauqe 9 месяцев назад
I like to imagine the mek doesn't have snotlings contained in any way, he just knows they're dumb enough to keep coming near him
@SuperBastodon 9 месяцев назад
When you think about it... teleportation have SO MANY risks. If it wasn't snotlings : you could just teleport scrap, trash or debris right INTO peoples face or skeleton. And what could they possibly do about it ? Heck, just teleporting someone itself is dangerous ! The Mega Armor Tellyporta blasta could probably kill not only by WALLING people to death, but also by how desastrous their tech is. People missing limbs, people being TP INSIDE OUT, people being TP inside other people... and i'm not even talking about the fact that they are sent RIGHT into the warp without any mean of protection ! Orks have the tech level for teleportation... and make it into A WEAPON ! And it's zoggin wonderful !
@pablonunalvares5391 9 месяцев назад
Better yet, TPing a warp crazed snotling inside them... I love how Orks are equal parts terrifying and goofy...
@josephgatts1679 9 месяцев назад
My favorite is da Stikk. It is just a Stikkbomb, but you don't throw it, you just beat gits wif it until ya arm blows up.
@nachoguy5 9 месяцев назад
Snotling chestburster body horror has to be a gag if I ever run a 40K game
@Infernoraptor 9 месяцев назад
I just realized; the orks' tusks could be really good for pulling grenade pins. It'd either work because they assume it would or they get teef for the attempt. Plus, imagine a bombardier ork with a ton of pins around one tusk.
@ironbomb6753 9 месяцев назад
That's hilarious! 🤣 👍 brilliant!
@memes_the_dna_of_the_soul5487 9 месяцев назад
Concept. Warboss Stikk-Lobba. An Ork, notorious for his skill and superstition. He boasts a tusk at least one foot in length, bedazzled with various pins of grenades he pulled. In his right hand, hes weild Da Multi-Lobba, what could be best described a belt-fed grenade launcher. His left had does not hold a choppa or smasha it is always left open for Stikkbomb throwing. He typically pulls the pins of his grenades with his Lukky Toof, and oftentimes they fly true. His most infamous throws include. Throwing a grenade down the barrel of a Baneblade. Detonating its massive ammunition stores. Throwing a grenade through the window of a Passing Avenger Aircraft. Throwing a grenade square into the mouth of a roaring Mawloc. Which then proceed to decapitate the creature. Most Orks in his Warband have adopted the partice of pulling pins with their teef. While none do it directly in his face. He is also extremely distrustful, then again, his Lukky Toof would be enough to buy a Gargant. _With_ Kustomizations.
@Backstabmacro 9 месяцев назад
@@memes_the_dna_of_the_soul5487this makes me unreasonably happy.
@RvEijndhoven 27 дней назад
Bit of a late response, but: One of the basic Boyz models back when I played them during 3rd Edition did actually have a grenade pin around one of their tusks.
@jackmack4181 9 месяцев назад
Observe as the ork attempts to use the Gau-8 Avenger as a gun, now watch as he is flung around the sky.
@Secret_Takodachi 9 месяцев назад
For an ork, he flew pretty good! (Spoken like Sergeant Johnson in Halo 2) ❤😂
@TheSchultinator 9 месяцев назад
Reminds me of some videos from RubixRaptor
@davisdf3064 9 месяцев назад
Just you wait, Ghazkull is going to strap two Gau-8s on his back and use them as Jetpacks.
@antigrav6004 9 месяцев назад
@sdgamer1860 9 месяцев назад
Because of deff guns, i think they can handle the recoil and i am expecting mega armored nobz to use them as shoulder weapons
@xanmontes8715 9 месяцев назад
The fact that ork ponytails are actually hairy mouths that are chomping down on ork skulls will never cease to make me feel a healthy amount of respect for the orkz. Imagine having male pattern baldness and replying with "no, I'm going to grab this feral cat and force it to grip my scalp for the rest of my life."
@funnyvalentinedidnothingwrong 9 месяцев назад
Not even "I am going to grab this feral cat". "I am going to breed an entire subspecies of cat specifically for the purpose of looking baller while they are death-gripping my scalp"
@weismeister121 6 месяцев назад
You should definitely play...Shootas, Blood & Teef...ork game, Bricky already covered it.
@Secret_Takodachi 9 месяцев назад
It says a lot about the Ogryn in Darktide that while Orks will pull the pin before they throw a Stikk bomb. Orgryn will just throw a FULL BOX OF GRENADES WITHOUT PULLING THE PINS 😂❤
@XtreemAlan 9 месяцев назад
Now they have Da Beeg Bomb And Rock
@Secret_Takodachi 9 месяцев назад
​@@XtreemAlanGoddamn it, sounds like the latest updates are gunna give me a reason to return 🤣❤ Gotta look after the "little ones" for Commissar Elise after all!
@XtreemAlan 9 месяцев назад
@@Secret_Takodachi I’ll still appreciate the o grin just beaning a cultist with a box ME’LE BAWKSES *clunk*
@fluffly3606 4 месяца назад
The Orks have a 50% chance of throwing the pin instead of the bomb
@FailcopterWes 9 месяцев назад
Stormboyz just belting a rocket to their back is wonderful. One of the best moments in The Infinite And The Divine for me is when Trazyn is dealing with Stormboyz in his ship's reactor area. He takes a moment to catalogue all of the different things they use as jetpacks, only to realise in horror that one of them is just using a live missile with an active warhead that could go off at any moment.
@tenebrisnarud9738 23 дня назад
And later on in the book: "Suicidal Idiot," muttered Orokin. "Yes," agreed Trazyn, "But not the missile on it's back"
@andreykuzmin4317 9 месяцев назад
"Dead killy axe" is based on IRL axes with back spike. You would use bladed part to, well, chop(p) your enemies and backspike to pierce through armour. That's... a surprisingly smart feature for an Ork weapon. Very Morky-like.
@bigterry5005 9 месяцев назад
I’m sad they didn’t talk about the old rule for the shokkattack gun, back in the day when you rolled for the strength if you rolled doubles different things would happen. And if you rolled 2 6s you would summon a daemon prince on the field and each player took control of it during their turn
@tyrusdalet 9 месяцев назад
I don’t remember that ruling, but I do remember that 2x6 used to be a small blast template of instant death. 2x1 was the same, but starting directly above the Mek! XD
@bigterry5005 9 месяцев назад
@@tyrusdalet it was the rules in 7th, basically when you roll the 2d6 to determine your strength, if you roll doubles something else would happen 1s would kill the model 2s he takes the same damage that he deals 3s you target the closest unit, friend or foe 4s makes the ap -6 so you can’t save 5s teleports the mek into melee combat 5 and a 6 turns the weapon into a flamer that auto hits 6s summons the daemon prince to the field
@dylan8193 9 месяцев назад
@@bigterry5005 Holy shit that's an amazing if fucking nightmarish to balance around rule.
@The_Sharktocrab 7 месяцев назад
So as an ork player you'd need to buy a daemon prince?
@bigterry5005 7 месяцев назад
@@The_Sharktocrab well would you want to roll boxcars and then not have a demon prince to put on the table?
@jontyhugh1080 9 месяцев назад
For context about the Ork holding the scoped gun at the beginning. That Ork is part of a killteam set and is the dedicated 'Snipa Boy'. But the weapon profile is just a 'Scoped big shoota'. All he did was put that scope on a normal gun
@XtreemAlan 9 месяцев назад
I remember back on 1d40k in Trazyn’s vault there’s the only Ork sniper
@Toneill029 9 месяцев назад
It’s not a normal gun it’s a big shoota!!!
@petulantpeterturbo 9 месяцев назад
You guys missed something in the snazzgun section. The bottom right gun not only had a bipod on a flamethrower...it also had a SCOPE.
@henrypaleveda7760 9 месяцев назад
So perturabo, what do you think of the current most prominent ork warboss using a similar quad barrel configuration of heavy wrist mounted weapon as you did?
@scooterdescooter4018 9 месяцев назад
" 'Corse me burna got a snazz skope, i wants ta see dem burn."
@Qardo 9 месяцев назад
The scope adds +5 to accuracy!
@zephyrus2569 9 месяцев назад
Regarding the relationship between Khorne and Orks, my understanding is that most Orks do not in fact feed Khorne, their energy goes to Gork and Mork, who Chaos worshippers refer to as "the Great Green," the Ork psychic gestalt. Orks do occasionally become corrupted by Chaos and worship Khorne, but Chaos Orks typically don't survive long because they're actually less aggressive than normal Orks. That implies that Gork and Mork are ackshually bigga and tougha than Khorne, YOO STOOPID SPIKEY GIT!
@henrypaleveda7760 9 месяцев назад
I would say that each, even if not as strong as peak khorne, are substantial and together far surpass any of the chaos gods. trouble is they have more fun fighting each other.
@matthewquan9083 9 месяцев назад
I think it's more that Gork and Mork are more present in the material plane whereas Khorne doesn't have the same level of engagement
@masterofspam1408 9 месяцев назад
Years ago I was playing against my friends. Orks vs Nidds. He is Orks and goes 1st. He opens the match trying to kill my Hive Tyrant with his Shokk Attack Gun. I was rather worried because this thing might actually one shot my biggest buggy boi. He rolls doubles. At the time every set of doubles with that gun makes something different happen. This one read "you miss, and move the model in front of the target." So this ork somehow managed to suck HIMSELF into the warp with his own gun, and teleport himself within snuggling distance of the very angry bug he was trying to kill. I like to imagine the look on the ork's face when he is staring up at the Tyrant in disbelief, and the bug just looks confused for a second.
@foefoehamham7016 9 месяцев назад
ya know now i wanna see an ork pull the pin on a stikk bomb, throw the pin instead of the stikk, and the pin blows up and kills people.
@oldeskul 9 месяцев назад
When the Shokk Attak gun fires a grechin, the grechin is driven insane by being exposed to the warp unshielded. On occasion the grechin that are fired by a Shokk Attak gun will survive being launched back into realspace at near-relativistic speeds and they run around in a frenzy stabbing everything until they are killed.
@PobortzaPl 9 месяцев назад
Or it can come to realspace while being inside Space Marine. Or IG tank. Or inside Tau battlesuit
@spencerruston406 9 месяцев назад
If I was an Ork I'd just say the scope allows Mork to better tell if the enemy is worth being blasted.
@KnightManCross 9 месяцев назад
They forgot about the Attack Moon and its "Gravity Whip"! That is the strongest weapon the Orks have shown so far. They would most likely make an even more devastating weapon if they had enough Orks that are on average stronger then the current Orks.
@freelancerthe2561 9 месяцев назад
The Ork's greatest strength is their ability to collectively make 'anything' happen just by having a common idea and belief that it'll work. The more that work together, the more insane and logic defying their projects are capable of being. The ONLY thing keeping them in check is the fact that at some point in-fighting will break out, they'll find that more immediately entertaining and be distracted by it. And whats bigger than a moon? And how fast can we make it go?
@KnightManCross 9 месяцев назад
@@freelancerthe2561 That is true, the only thing holding back the Orks is themselves.
@thelibrary4833 9 месяцев назад
I've always said there's nothing scarier than a PR minded Warboss.
@Bigboy_smooth 9 месяцев назад
The Ork boyz creed: This is my shoota there’s none like it and if there is let me know so I can krump’em
@ironsightsmcgillycudy7753 9 месяцев назад
15:10 Bricky, the bit with the holes in it for "the gas" is the heat shield, part of the barrel shroud. It's probably not great to grab but it is able to be held, the holes are there for airflow and surface area to dissipate heat from the barrel underneath. It stops you from putting your hand directly on a burning hot barrel and helps with barrel warping.
@ngominh259 9 месяцев назад
For Orkz it's a brilliant bit of engineering & consideration for the boyz. If anything I would have just assumed that they'd just pee on the barrel. It was a real thing that soldiers did to cool their guns.
@chaoslordzar7601 9 месяцев назад
DK needs to start 40k with orcs as his first army
@TheSchultinator 9 месяцев назад
He's working on a 1K Sons army, might have another army
@chaoslordzar7601 9 месяцев назад
@SymbioteMullet 9 месяцев назад
He also has some Knights, or at least some Armigers.
@heboric6136 9 месяцев назад
​@@chaoslordzar7601in the ancient times, at the beginning there were army vids on the channel. Should still be kicking around actually, don't think they were put on members only
@MrShukaku1991 9 месяцев назад
Didn't even talk about the 8th ed edition bubblechucka, where you roll 4d6, then take turns with your opponent allocating the dice to the weapon's stats. It was unplayable but absolutely peak ork.
@GreenBaji 9 месяцев назад
@bottledgaming549 9 месяцев назад
I imagine for an ork tracer rounds are the most powerful rounds, because it's the brightest and looks the most hurty. They probably aim worse with tracers because their so distracted by how flashy they are
@OldGoat-cw8he 9 месяцев назад
If you like 40k it is impossible not to be entertained by orks.
@parkerbeebe4383 9 месяцев назад
I do love the art style a lot more, shy astounding, dk looking fresh, and bricky looking fly
@curiouswind9196 9 месяцев назад
Bricky is salad fingers double the forehead, dk is is more of a weeb and shy is done with everything
@freelancerthe2561 9 месяцев назад
Had a minor Don Bluth flash back.
@erikgaume1730 9 месяцев назад
As grim dark as 40k is, da orkz is havin' a grand toime and da only gitz actually happy.
@TashdacatGaming 9 месяцев назад
"There's that ork thats in Khornes realm" His name is Tuska Daemon-Killa, but some respect on his name! Bro is the only ork in 40K to find Heaven, dude deserves his own spin off series detailing all the battles against Khornes generals and princes
@Broomer52 9 месяцев назад
I hope they talk about the Stormboyz one day because they’re great. They’re Counter Culture Orks but the way they’re Counter Culture is by following rules and being strictly regimented
@Ashtor1337 9 месяцев назад
Grots are about 1 meter tall according to the older codexes. Considering that blade was about 2/3rds the size of the mini and the gun was almost 1/4 thats still a 2 foot blade. Aka a short sword, and a 9-10 inch tall gun. Most 50 call hand guns are 6-7 inches so that gun is still massive.
@alexsynndri6339 9 месяцев назад
Is Kirioth just not working with AdRic anymore? Feels like forever since we saw the Girthy lad, and this seems like a perfect episode for him.
@jakejutras5420 9 месяцев назад
Good, the episode with Kirioth are always a slog.
@geoffreyprecht2410 9 месяцев назад
They mentioned him near the beginning of the episode. Ork guns were covered briefly in the ork vehicle episode with Kirioth.
@SymbioteMullet 9 месяцев назад
Maybe he's just busy?
@henrypaleveda7760 9 месяцев назад
@@jakejutras5420 Well not every video has to be for everyone, but I like the big man.
@sassythesasquatch1571 9 месяцев назад
​@@jakejutras5420at least he's better than the last guest
@SalvaBarbus 9 месяцев назад
There was a JRPG for the PlayStation 3 called "Resonance of Fate" in which the way you improved your weaponry was actually a puzzle mini-game in which you basically created Snazzguns. Like, really, trying to add as many magazines and scopes and everything else to your weapons so you delivered more Dakka. Unfortunately, the protagonists were... well, kind of the polar opposites of Orks, but fun nonetheless.
@IneXtrikabul 9 месяцев назад
"You's gonna love dis, trust me. What you's seein' now is my normal shoota. An' dis...is a supa shoota. An' dis 'ere's a Supa Shoota even bigga den a Supa Shoota. You can jus' call it a Supa Dupa Shoota. An dis...is to go EVEN FURTHA BEYOND-" [Insert dakka and screaming] "...An dis is a Supa DEE Dupa Shoota."
@livingbruhmoment5355 9 месяцев назад
Dbza nice
@davisdf3064 9 месяцев назад
Every single ork is crying due to the sheer beauty. They sing, they hug and they party brutally beating each other happily, for Gork's and Mork's chosen weapon has been made physical. They know they will have so much fun, they are in ork heaven.
@KeyfurDragon 9 месяцев назад
But iz it anee match fer me Ultra Inkstink Shoota, yer zoggin git?
@zenerboi3580 9 месяцев назад
My favorite thing to do as an Ork player is stuffing a Trukk full of Flashgitz. I just imagine a bunch of rowdy boyz throwing insults while they do a drive by.
@SinCitysOnly 9 месяцев назад
After a few weeks of it, I've got to say, I love the new artwork. It's much nicer to see everyone, and it's such a smoother look overall.
@calvinheslop2585 9 месяцев назад
That gun that shoots the teeth reminds me of the one from the darksiders novel that was a Insta death gun that is using the teeth of some race they wiped out and reloads by pulling the teeth from the void.
@GeneralSic66 9 месяцев назад
The German grenades in WW2 were nicknamed "Potato Mashers"
@darcellhartshorne9939 9 месяцев назад
They should make a dynasty warriors style game where you play as a war boss that would be fun asf😂 Edit:I mean like a professional game studio not the guys at adeptus ridiculous though that would be wild to see✌️
@SymbioteMullet 9 месяцев назад
Dynasty WAAAAAAGH-riors
@gabrielchin4161 9 месяцев назад
WH40k is perfect for a warriors game. All the different factions, characters and weapons.
@schaedli177 9 месяцев назад
i'm gonna be honest... i love it when bricky finishes the episode with the metal pipe. it has quickly turned into my beloved and seeing bricky being a fan of it too puts a smile on my face. ...but not as much as GUD ORK GOOFARY
@marceloasensiofilho3833 9 месяцев назад
I am pretty sure that even the Orks have no idea who is cunningly brutal and who is brutally cunning hahaha
@user-hs1xb9tv6e 9 месяцев назад
@ZhangHe2369 9 месяцев назад
I see an ork episode. I watch the ork episode. Can't ever get enough dakka.
@jamestheubet9438 9 месяцев назад
Ork scope reasoning: Makes the Umies closer. (I imagine an Ork with a scope on his Slugga while charging so his Choppa can hit before he actually gets there 😂)
@GHST-wf4zj 9 месяцев назад
Not enough dakka in the title
@jroden06 9 месяцев назад
Bubble Chukkas are so much fun on the tabletop. Highly recommend if you haven't played with one before.
@eduardodiaz9942 9 месяцев назад
51:38 That's the Ork version of the Insane Clown Posse show in Woodstock '99, where they threw handfuls of 100 dollar bills at the audience and a riot broke out
@thelonelybritV2 9 месяцев назад
I think we can all agree that DK should be an Ork voice actor. He has a real talent for the Ork voice.
@Secret_Takodachi 9 месяцев назад
More Dakka? IN THIS ECONOMY?!?! It's more likely than you think!
@davisdf3064 9 месяцев назад
So much teef!
@zachariahcorvish4860 9 месяцев назад
Brikky I'm offended and disappointed that you didn't talk about the shock attack guns table from 4th edition. Roll for strength on 2d6. Doubles do weird stuff. From your opponent gets to place the blast as the mekboy aims wild. Opens a warp vortex. Or my fave. Teleporting the mek himself into combat with the target. Travelling across the table in the blink of an eye.
@greenspace3279 9 месяцев назад
Genuinely these episodes are a highlight of my week. I listen to lots of podcasts at work, and it’s always nice looking forward to whatever whacky stuff you’re going to talk about. Detective Ridiculous as well, you three seem to have such great chemistry together as a team! :)
@RevokFarthis 9 месяцев назад
TIL: Gobshot Thunderbus is my new favorite thing, and I need to make an Ork army just to have it.
@Secret_Takodachi 9 месяцев назад
Candy Corn is the only candy that exists in the grim dark future of 40k BEHOLD A TERROR GREATER THAN THE WARP!!!!!
@Contenttrough82 9 месяцев назад
With the stik bom stuff I can now just imagine a big ork throwing a stik bom and fucking nailing a guardsman in the face he falls to his knees one hand on his face his friends stop the charge to go and help him and they notice too late and all blow up
@CommissarMitch 9 месяцев назад
I would love if the artist of this artwork made it so every episode 1 line of pixels was added to Bricky's forehead. I know that would be asking for a lot but it would be funny.
@thefloridaman41 9 месяцев назад
Every week without a Raven Guard episode my ultra-depression gets worse.
@l33t9r0u93 9 месяцев назад
and you love it ! go write more poetry about superdeathbirbz
@Jormyyy 9 месяцев назад
@thatboy5751 9 месяцев назад
The Google translate is broken on this one
@zcgamerandreacts2762 9 месяцев назад
​@@thatboy5751DAKKA 2 STRONG
@ArchArturo 9 месяцев назад
Two Points: 1. FFS take the compliment, BOTH OF YOU! You're both funny :) 2. Now... These are the DESCENDANTS of the one that krumped the Necrons and the C'tan (krork), and I can see some of the Mek-guns to be far-flung descendants of those Krork-tech weapons.
@kinagrill 9 месяцев назад
Ork gun with scope is accurate cuz ork has seen them humies with scopes on their puny humie guns and them humies clearly seem to shoot rather accurate, so ork puts it on ork weapon to make IT accurate as well. Ork logic.
@XtreemAlan 9 месяцев назад
Reminds me of when the US Government contracted out offers for a new gun, Colt made a new gun on the AR pattern that fired special bullets that constrained two bullets each The government just took the sight off of that new gun and put it on the old guns and called it a day
@wolvie90 9 месяцев назад
Gotta love the gitz. I've always liked the bubblechukka, it feels so peak orky. Just aim it in the general direction of what you want to blow to bits, push the button and hope it does what you want.
@guitarsandanarchy5985 9 месяцев назад
So I’ve been bingeing old episodes and DAMN the layout has evolved so much I love it.
@kipa3598 9 месяцев назад
I imagine DK becoming infected with some Ork fungi, and is slowly becoming an Ork.
@dylan8193 9 месяцев назад
On the stickbomb topic, if I recall correctly back in the Space Marine game (Space Marine 2 hype!) when you throw a grenade at the ork shoota boyz they will actually still call it a stickbomb when they yell in slight panic when it lands near them.
@Shield_OW 9 месяцев назад
all ork episodes are amazing, i always come back to them
@curiouswind9196 9 месяцев назад
I just realised Bricky's right hand and it gives salad finger vibes especially the pinky finger
@ironbomb6753 9 месяцев назад
Lol! No kidding! It does! 🤣👍
@KeyfurDragon 9 месяцев назад
Oh great. Now I’m gonna think of Salad Fingers every time I see this artwork. Shy, switch back to the original please 😂
@user-yi1xq3mr4k 9 месяцев назад
One of my favorite bits for ork guns is that in the ork roleplay games, they have a variety of attachments. My favorite being the loudener, which is described as something to make the guns EVEN LOUDER. Second best is the red lightbulb, a red dot sight for the orks but its just a red lighbulb
@zerodian115 9 месяцев назад
20:27 fun fact the German handgrenades in ww2 were nicknamed potato mashers.
@joyahorrorshow 9 месяцев назад
having a magnifying sight aligned with iron sights is actually kind of standard practice
@divineclaypuppet7460 9 месяцев назад
11:51 this is just that Casino Royal scene, with "Tau, Mr Bond? Embarrassing. I cast “Da Jump“ and put my 30 Ork Boyz in the rear of your gun line. Waaaaagh, Mr. Bond."
@OTElron 9 месяцев назад
One thing the gun nerd in me needs to "Hm, actually...": The Scope being in line with the iron sights is not some weird ork engineering fail, but as "co-witnessing" a sight setup, that's (at least currently) still regularly used, especially when using the system in an environment, where a failure is not completely un-imagenable while having the need for an instant backup.
@jamesmoltz4459 9 месяцев назад
31:40 I feel like the tractor cannon is just what happens if you give an ork a phys gun from gmod
@deadponic117 9 месяцев назад
12 episodes without talking about Raven Guard or Thousand sons, i will admit, i didn't think they were gonna be talking about orcs again but i'm glad they are.
@jacobduty28 9 месяцев назад
Candy Corn is amazing, will throw hands with anyone who says otherwise.
@ironbomb6753 9 месяцев назад
I got sick from over eating candy corn when I was a kid. Never touched it since. That was about 40 years ago. 🤣
@skeletorjesus7692 9 месяцев назад
It'd be super cool if we got some episodes on the other named works like Mozag Skagbrad, Boss Snikrot, and others.
@kaleb2643 9 месяцев назад
you should make a "Just a Little Grub" shirt for the Tyranid Rippers
@thomaspearce3002 9 месяцев назад
Another great episode. Will say next weapon talk you should invite Zach Hazard. He knows his guns
@allancarey2604 9 месяцев назад
In celebration of Orctoberfest….I’m painting the Orc slavers. That’s right, I’m painting the Chaos Dwarves I’ve had a box for the last 30 years :)
@scooterdescooter4018 9 месяцев назад
Orks are how the Japanese Imperial Army viewed The United States Marine Corp in WW2. very loud, very brutish and lotsa dakka. god bless our great grand dads. much dakka and snazz
@Nussbus 9 месяцев назад
Best way to differentiate Gork and Mork: one has a gun with a sword on it and one has a sword with a gun on it
@EliezerValtierra 9 месяцев назад
i need Brickis forehead to get bigger with each episode until it surpasses the screen
@TonusStoneshield 9 месяцев назад
The difference between Mork and Gork is that one is Cunning AND Brutal while the other is Brutal AND cunning.
@crushersbutlessedgynow 9 месяцев назад
I wonder when they're gonna make specific playlists for specific zenos races, like an eldari playlist, an ork playlist, tyranids tau etc.
@inductivegrunt94 9 месяцев назад
There is never truly enough Dakka! There will always be a need for more Dakka as long as there is fighting.
@TheXLink 9 месяцев назад
To quote the Emperor of man: "At the point in time when bullets can pass through the interdimensional walls, when firepower takes up the entirety and eternity of space and time all being stuck in a never ending life and death cycle as bullets recover and destroy their bodies in quick succession no one able to think about anything but the sheer force of the bullets rapidly flying literally everywhere in the materium turning the Warp itself into nothing but a sea of semi-automatic weaponry. Then there will be enough dakka. Or at least almost"
@akakeri9802 9 месяцев назад
Love the use of all these Kill team models.
@Transmissional 9 месяцев назад
Enjoy the content. It's lovely to learn more about 40k factions and the stuff found within. You guys have always had good chemistry too. Wish I could understand you normally like I used too. Ah well, wonderful content. I'll be here for as long as possible.
@korstmahler 9 месяцев назад
Note concerning the "Shokk Attack Gun" - The device has zero Gellar shielding. The Grot will arrive at it's target utterly insane at the least, horrifically mutated and potentially possessed at worst. Daemons don't stay long inside Orks, but they make do with what they get.
@Lakstoties 9 месяцев назад
I have a personal theory: "All candy corn was made in one gigantic batch in the 1950's. Since it never goes bad... and no one eats it... The same candy corn has been cycled back to the public in hopes it'll eventually go away once and for all."
@Theminotard 9 месяцев назад
I actually played in a campaign as the mechan-ork-um Basically orks that looted a forge world and adopted an orkified version of it, worshipping the omn-ork-ssiah It used a ton of buggies and meganobs and they were all wired into their vehicles and the grot for the shokkjumps rifle was hardwired to the aiming squig
@IstvanThree 9 месяцев назад
In the Prophet of the Waaagh novel we get a pretty good depiction about both Grots and Orcs in form of Makari and Badrukk, sorry, Captain Badrukk. Only muscles, sinews of steel and an absolute iron will, and pretty damn smart too. I can only suggest this book!
@JeancarlosRPerez 9 месяцев назад
Yay :3 thank Adeptus crew! My Eldar Zelda vibe comment was acknowledged! Great video lads and happy Orktober to all :D 🎉
@mr.trashtastic3947 9 месяцев назад
Who entered a pact with the Aeldari to get me my Halloween merch today? Fast ass shipping man. The Ork content is ALWAYS welcomed. 😂
@josephpolk9660 9 месяцев назад
On one hand I'm disappointed Bricky didn't describe the "on the guardsman" thing as "telefragging" but then again DK is so uncultured he prolly hasn't played a game with telefragging in the first place
@thegametroll6264 9 месяцев назад
By gork and mork I love orks. It's a really good lifetime to be a greenskins player. If I ever get around to learning the art of gunsmithing, I will most definitely make my own custom true to 40K ork shoota. Down to making the safety trigger tricky to find to simulate it, working only in " orky " hands. 😂 HAPPY ORKTOBA LADZ! WAAAAAGH! DAKKA! DAKKA! DAKKA! * drive by dakka * 😅
@georgeorwell8501 9 месяцев назад
This episode needed more Dakka
@taigensolken6459 9 месяцев назад
hoping for a whole month of Orks as green is best
@azzakirk44 9 месяцев назад
Gosh darn these guys 😂 this was by far the funniest vid I watched. 😅 It's sorta making me wanna start an ork army 😆
@ColdNorth0628 9 месяцев назад
Them dunking on candy corn makes them UNDESERVING of October.
@TheMightyMango. 9 месяцев назад
Just discovered this channel and immediately dove into the Orks episode and what's this? Another one on Orks?! Let's Go, Boyz!
@Skrimmyfly 9 месяцев назад
Bricky, if you want to talk Orkyist weapons i have two words for you “Hop Splat Field Gun”. If you rolled “well” enough one shot could wipe out one or both sides, that’s Orky!
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