

David Alexander
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Looking at Matthew 5,6 & 7, commonly called Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" as essentially...a "conference talk"...just as in our current "conference talks", Jesus gives a series of clear commands. He tells us what to think and what to do...but then, at the end, knowing the strong fallen human tendency to hear...and then, not DO what we hear...He pointedly gives a parable about how only those who HEAR his sayings...AND PUT THEM INTO PRACTICE...are building a house that will stand the test; and that if we don't put into practice what we hear...everything we think we have...will prove to be an illusion when the test comes.
I am simply pointing out...how important that is...that our Conference Talks are the Word of Heavenly Father in the same way the Sermon on the Mount is the Word of Heavenly Father...and that it is our responsibility to mentally NOTE our responsibility to put these sayings into practice...and recognize that we will only truly get the blessing that is potentially in each talk...if we break it down...and carefully hearken to all the commands in each talk and do the hard work to actually put them into practice between now and the next conference 6 months from now.
And I point out.... how strong the tendency is in us...not to do this....that we all are inclined to be as the "foolish man who built his house on sand". So we need to put off that foolish man by the power of the Atonement of Christ and be WISE. Hope that helps. Much love, David



10 сен 2024




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@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
The intent of my talk...was to EXALT everything that the Conference Speakers said, as the very Word of Heavenly Father...just as worthy as the Words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount...of having us not only hear those words....but also do the hard work to "hearken" to their words...which word "hearken" means "to hear with an intent to obey"....that their words in these conferences talks...only bring the fullest blessing that was intended...if we "hear these sayings AND put them into practice"...and not just "hear them". And pointing out....how common it is for many of us...me included...to hear them, enjoy them, be touched by them, amazed by them and even weep at them...but still NOT do the hard work of breaking them down and actually integrating them fully into our thinking and choosing and acting...but just continue to do...what we have always done....and six months later...we have not been much changed by them...and then the next conference rolls around. And that is a shame. I am not suggesting that the talks were deficient in any way at, but that our response..even our very sincere response...often is deficient. Much love, David
@bonnienandino6942 11 месяцев назад
Your enthusiasm is very contagious. You make me want to keep chipping away at my faults and failings.
@shelisepaulson7559 11 месяцев назад
Thank goodness for the Savior who gives us the space and time to slowly become new creatures in Him.
@Agate_Island 11 месяцев назад
An excellent point David, their words profiteth us nothing if we do not study them and incorporate their counsel into our lives. I can certainly attest to the fact that when I do study them and apply their teachings in my life my relationship with my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ is more real, more sacred, more impactful and more personal. Truly, by their fruits ye shall know them. Thank you for your words. #ThinkCelestial
@gregbaker2377 11 месяцев назад
Why do feel the need to clarify, why do you think people thought you were criticizing?
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
Greg, there are a few commenters...who interpreted my talk as criticism of the conference talks....when my intent was the opposite of that.
@realtomtomeny 11 месяцев назад
Many years ago, when I was still an evangelical, I read the Sermon on the Mount out loud. It took me 18 minutes. I told the pastor of my church that I would fill in at a moment's notice if he ever needed a preacher, explaining I would simply read the Sermon on the Mount and then take questions on it. I never got the opportunity, as I joined the Saints six years ago. But I did recognize, upon seeing my first General Conference that the SoM was indeed the first conference talk. Incidentally, 18 minutes is also the suggested length for TED talks.
@AaronNielsenM 11 месяцев назад
Amen, it was wonderful! And will sustain us for the next 6 months.
@dougcarter9415 11 месяцев назад
What I love about your words, is that you get it! When you put all of your experiences and knowledge together with this beautiful gospel, you see! And isn’t it amazing?! Love hearing your testimony. Thank you. Keep it up!
@RB376-h7x 11 месяцев назад
Glad I listened to this today. Elder Costa's talk inspired me to roll out of bed, offer my morning prayer, and find a meaningful scripture to read and share with the family before getting on with my day. And I did it faithfully... for about 2 weeks. Fortunately the holy spirit can "bring all things to your remembrance" including the commitments to change that have gone by the wayside for the moment.
@jwbrown9240 11 месяцев назад
You say you searched for 47 years nevertheless it seems to me God has brought you forth at the most perfect moment in time. A time when people need to hear your excitement and insight. I'm glad you are here now
@Lee21923 11 месяцев назад
We don't want to be lukewarm! Thank you David! So true!
@Sadie0710 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for your wonderful thoughts on Conference and of the Sermon on the mount. Heavenly Father is definitely using you to help us simple mortals.
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
I once heard that the sermon on the mount was a blueprint to perfection and of course the higher laws . I like David’s blue shirt.
@CojcOlds65 11 месяцев назад
I agree with you, Brother David. I've been listening to general conferences 60+ years, and I think it was also the best one ever. Of course I think that every time... But this one was so special and things are really ramping up. Let's Think Celestial.
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
I felt like think celestial was what he focused on because we may be getting about ready to meet our Heavenly Father soon . Not very long away .
@establishingzion688 11 месяцев назад
My calling is Elders Quorum instructor and I'm leading the lesson next week. You bet yer bottom dollar that I'll be bringing these thoughts up with my quorum! This is spot on! I have felt the same way about conference (and have my fair share of failing at applying everything and truly changing). Thank you, Brother David!
@susandixon3790 11 месяцев назад
David, I love your personality, your sincerity, your knowledge of the Bible and your testimony of our Father, Jesus Christ, our Prophet and the restoration. I agree with everything you testify! You are an inspiration to me and to the world! Thank you so much for powerful testimony within your videos.
@bartonbagnes4605 11 месяцев назад
Two things to remember. Those who receive God's servants, receive Jesus Christ, and those that receive Jesus Christ, receive he who sent Jesus Christ. And a current prophet, trumps an old prophet, as long as they are speaking in God's name. So while these leaders are not perfect, and do make mistakes, they are speaking the words of God for us at this time.
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
What mistakes ?
@bartonbagnes4605 11 месяцев назад
@@lindamartinez7006 Trusting the wrong people, or trusting them to much.
@karenpoch 11 месяцев назад
@@lindamartinez7006 we all make mistakes and so do they. The only perfect one on the earth was the Savior. The Lord uses imperfect people to serve all the time. The prophets will never lead us astray though. The Lord wouldn’t allow them to stay in their calling if they did.
@stephtimms1776 11 месяцев назад
@@lindamartinez7006 As far as mistakes, I think it basically means only 1 perfect person ever walked this earth. There are things prophets say or do that we may not agree with because we are all different. The adversary uses speaking ill of prophets to negate their influence, and God's. We can have our own personal opinions and discuss them with God in prayer. Taking them to leaders in private conversations helps too.
@gregbaker2377 11 месяцев назад
Does this mean we disregard the words of Joseph Smith, I'm confused. Does God change His mind. I thought they all spoke for God, why would any prophets word Trump another. This is very confusing for me. Help!
@brannonburton5494 11 месяцев назад
I’ve nailed down why I enjoy listening to you. I’ve always admired how protestant pastors can recite so many scriptures. However, their conclusions are often confusing. You have the amazing ability to recite scripture as well, but your conclusions are quickened by the Holy Ghost. Your experience on both sides of the church are so enlightening and fascinating. You really help me to appreciate what I’ve grown up and at times taken for granted.
@loveslife 11 месяцев назад
You are spot on Brother Alexander! It all begins in the mind, our intelligence.
@beckischreyer 11 месяцев назад
There are times and seasons in our life where listening, studying and changing as we learn where we need to change. I’m choosing to retire after May of next year. I’m hoping that I will work harder at these things you bring up… when I have extra time in my day to concentrate on spiritual matters. I still listen carefully and try and out things into practice now… but I have to admit … life gets busy and I’m distracted during daylight hours… Thanks for the pep talk to put these talks into actions ❤
@gailhellings5212 11 месяцев назад
David Alexander, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou. You have made it clear to me -That the Church of Jesus Christ is the greatest thing on the earth. I have been a member of the church a long time 62 years since age 13 when my father met the missionaries and we were taught and baptized. I know it's the true church. It's the centre of my life, BUT I realize I really haven't valued it as much as I should have. You are the one that has made that different for me. So thank you. Thankyou for other things as well - I had thought that Pastor Jeff was a person who was genuinely interested in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and when you explained that he was NOT, it was helpful to me because it caused all of the detritus to fall away and I could see clearly what he is doing. Boy oh boy you've hit the nail on the head. I know you are right and thankyou for showing me that.
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
The best thing David said is Jeff is an an Angel of light . That sure does seem true . And when he says he isn’t a paster because he has no authority . The girl missionaries have more authority then he could ever have . That is so true too. Right now I just saw Jeff put up a new video with his wife . Wanting all to hear his wives perspective on the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints . I’m so tempted to see what she says . He has a really pretty wide and beautiful family . Sad to think he doesn’t believe they can be together for eternity . I think that is really really sad . When one of my friends got converted some missionaries just out of the blue knocked on their door and they were maybe not going to listen but they were inspired to start singing the sing families can be together forever . They said come in and teach us this plan of salvation . They were wanting to have a large family . They were not really looking for any religion . They were both baptized . Had a large family sealed in the temple and stayed true to the covenants all their lives . She just recently died a few years ago . They were also grand parents . I was in their ward back then when they got converted and her husband was made our home teacher . We had our all our babies at the same time . I wanted a large family too. I guess different things touch people differently . Families forever is what touched them so much . But Jeff doesn’t seem touched by that at all. Or think God is really our father but a Trinity .
@BarbieHitsBack 11 месяцев назад
What a lovely story Linda, thank you for sharing it with us.
@scottnixon8432 11 месяцев назад
We love you David, it’s so wonderful to see the excitement of the lord’s spirit in your life.
@MikolDawn 11 месяцев назад
I totally agree this ( and every )general conference is directed by Jesus Christ whose church this is!
@ryanprice897 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for your insights! You speak truth to my heart. Now it's time to work more diligently on repentance and charity. Thank you.
@alenewalker1188 11 месяцев назад
Wow, you have such a special light and countenance. I loved your message and you really nailed it. It reminded me of a quote in Elder Maxwell's talk titled Shine As Lights in the World I think he was quoting CS Lewis: The true Christian, of course, does not see life as an easy passage: “The cross comes before the crown and tomorrow is a Monday morning!” Elder Holland also made a comment about "Monday Morning". I get so high listening to conference and then Monday morning comes, just like you said and back into old habits and ways of thinking. I am enthusiastic about changing that. Thank you. "
@ChasteintheLatter-Days 11 месяцев назад
I've come to realize that I make progress when I include Heavenly Father. I ask for his help with whatever habit I'm trying to make or break in the morning and throughout the day. At night I hold myself accountable to Him and ask for forgiveness in those areas I could have done better. Humility is the key that unlocks the door of change. When I try to change on my own, I just feel stuck.
@Flanajan50 11 месяцев назад
I agree that it is up to us to hear and do. I buy a wide-margin version and journal each talk-working on it every day. It takes me 6 months. I love this way of studying and implementing the words of God’s apostles and prophets!
@havenlyfamily 11 месяцев назад
Hey!! I do that too!! It's so fun to go down the footnotes and all the other pathways that deepen our understanding even as we widen our scriptural knowledge ❤
@angelinavickers8584 11 месяцев назад
That is exactly what we are expected to do, so we can have time to assimilate these principles into our life. Get rid of what you need and become something that the Lord would have us do.
@marileepoorman4361 11 месяцев назад
Good point. The go and do part is often relayed in the hymns and prayers...which can be easily missed. One of the closing hymns ended with the words" Come listen to a prohpets voice and and heed his word today."🤩
@confusedwhynot 11 месяцев назад
Thank you David! This gives me the added strength I need to do what I need to push forward and do. It is hard to do because I struggle with my choices hurting someone else. I know I need to follow what our Savior would do even if someone is offended.
@LiveHappy76 11 месяцев назад
It's a tough position to change from and to forgive yourself. Christ's atonement has the full power to help and guide you to succeed! Said a prayer for you. Let your desires for righteousness guide you.
@alyssmorgan7131 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts and to encourage us on the covenant path. Love your music!
@laloifilealofi9628 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your honest pure testimony of the General conference messages, for us to be hearers and doers of the word, love and prayers
@themessingerrealtygroup4688 11 месяцев назад
Your right David , this last conference so amazing! ❤
@littlelana696 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for encouraging this! My heart has been moved to action as well 💜
@nonrepublicrat 11 месяцев назад
I always feel very happy every time I hear "It's David again". Thank you so much, Bro. David!
@user-ey2uw4tv2m 11 месяцев назад
What a great idea… to write down what each talk says we should and shouldn’t do! Also, thank you again for another great scripture; the one in James about being doers of the word. It really is amazing at how many scriptures say that what you do matters. It’s not just ask the Lord into your heart and like magic, your good…not. Catchy tune too!
@burlingtonbill1 11 месяцев назад
Always refreshing insights, David! That's what I keep coming back for. That, and ongoing inspiration. Thanks, dear brother. We are missing "calls to action."
@DieWiederherstellung 11 месяцев назад
It is not enough to just listen to the conference talks once or twice. We need to read them more than once, STUDY them. This applies particularly to the talks of President Nelson.
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
Read them more than once...STUDY them...AND then...DO THEM! Which is not easy...because we are creatures of habit to the bone...and the upward call of the talks...comes down to breaking bad habits...and forming Godly habits....which is about the hardest thing on earth to do. But the Blessing...lies not in the "knowing"...but in "knowing and DOING", I think. Much love, David
@troyallen4317 11 месяцев назад
Great observation and counsel. This is the same thing Jesus taught when he visited the Nephites. 3 Nephi.17:3 Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow, and I come unto you again.
@JazzyUnderscoreTrumpeter 11 месяцев назад
This is basically me. I'm extremely frustrated with myself... I know I've made progress and improved, but I can't seem to truly change. I know it's a process that takes time, but I truly am my worst enemy and I struggle to focus long enough to stay changed, and to actually apply the things I know and learn. You are definitely describing a difficulty of mine 😅 What you believe doesn't matter if it doesn't dictate your lifestyle, I know that
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
Elias, What we truly believe (the greek word translated "believe" actually means to "trust in, rely on, and cling to").....what we truly have BELIEVED in the fullest sense of the word...is what we DO! But Don't be too hard on yourself...we are all in the same struggle...learning to overcome and BELIEVE/DO the Truth...we need our minds renewed. It take a lot of time and work...by grace through faith...and God is WITH US in that battle. Ask, seek and knock and don't stop..and you WILL get there! Much love, David
@JazzyUnderscoreTrumpeter 11 месяцев назад
​@@davidmalvinalexanderI don't plan on going anywhere, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best thing in my life and this is the happiest I've ever been... I just know how much help I need, and I know I don't have time to waste 🙏❤️ Thanks for the encouragement, I really enjoy the videos
@user-iz7dq6us4m 11 месяцев назад
Elias I don't know what exactly you struggle with, but I have seen how much the Restored Gospel has changed my Life, and my Friends Life in the past few years, and on another note l recently became Acquainted with a New member of our Family who married my Cousin, he seemed very paranoid of me. Pretty sure he used my Napkin to see if I was Racist it was kinda weird, and when I'd mention it was my Napkin he seemed dismayed. It was very unusual. Anyways long story short we got to talking and I asked him if he believes in Jesus after giving a pitiful passing comment about Religion. And it was then I realized he was raised and Endowed in this Church...well hopefully one day he can be sealed to my Cousin, and may they have Many Children, and I hope one day he can reconcile his issues with portions of Church History. Because what I absolutely know to be True is that as someone not raised in The Church I received a Witness of the Book of Mormon, but before that I received a Witness that Families can be together Forever.
@havenlyfamily 11 месяцев назад
Just start where you are and keep praying for eyes to see and ears to hear The Savior every moment from this time on. The Power and Strength in Jesus Christ will be transferred to you via the Gift and Power of that guiding, directing, and comforting and so unquestionably not judgmental personage of the Holy Ghost will stand beside you and empower you to change just as quickly as you truly desire to. You are Loved and will be guided every step of the way. I do not know what you are trying to accomplish, change, or what obstacles you need to overcome, but our Father does and will move all things around you to help and empower you. "Pray for and watch for Miracles!" and just as our prophet has promised us, you will see more miracles than you ever have before. ❤ bless you for your efforts elias ❤😊
@TheKingsDaughter4227 11 месяцев назад
Elias, I identify with the issue you expressed. It is extremely challenging to overcome our lesser self. I actually think you are expressing an accurate degree of humility which we know is requisite. This may sound counter intuitive but your comment has encouraged me because it validates that moving towards perfection wherever we are on the journey is appropriate difficult work. You’ve encouraged me and now I am off to humble myself before our Father. Thank you for your vulnerability. Let’s move forward together. 🕊️🕊️🕊️
@jenniferleon-guerrero634 11 месяцев назад
Thank you David for your encouragement and faith in our Savior Jesus Christ ❤
@lindathomas2350 11 месяцев назад
In our world today the idea of priesthood what it is and how it functions from the meekest of men to apostles and Prophets are totally not known and misunderstood. Thank you so much for making this clear to people and I'm so hopeful that many will listen with an understanding heart and mind! I especially hope that they will sincerely pray about this to their understanding!
@vickileifsen5169 11 месяцев назад
I do understand what you are saying....I understand because of what our leaders have said..
@MsEva9470 11 месяцев назад
Yes it was wonderful conference as for me I go back to my old routine and I read the message Liahona 😊
@user-kg4og4cu6h 11 месяцев назад
Thanks so much for this David!! This is so true. We must ponder on these things from conference and make a focused effort of taking baby steps and making improvements along our covenant paths. I appreciate the many videos you make on here. Keep up the great work you are doing. May God bless you abundantly!
@wendycarmany9216 11 месяцев назад
David- the Scripture you are citing is covered in the Children's hymn "The Wise and The Foolish Man." it even has a little mime that goes with it as the children sing it. The first time I saw the mime played out, I was watching a BYU devotional. A hall full of twenty-somethings acting it out and singing like they were little kids! It was great!
@bonnienandino6942 11 месяцев назад
Your words are very encouraging sir. Please keep sharing 😊❤
@katelonrey-grant8863 11 месяцев назад
Just wanted to say not only do my husband and I thoroughly enjoy your videos, I also can't help but noticing how sparkling and light filled your eyes have become since you first began this channel!!! The light-- and the force --is strong with this one . . . ;)
@bumpercoach 11 месяцев назад
LAYERING You keep doing what builds momentum and even without full perfection you still get PERFECTION (IMPROVEMENT)
@khalt478 11 месяцев назад
Awesome David, thanks so much!❤🙏🏻
@user-od6yt2zz4t 11 месяцев назад
Love what you do and you’re amazing testimony. You look very dashing in your shirt and tie
@TheBestoftheKidds 11 месяцев назад
I appreciate your thoughts, they encourage me to move forward in faith. I already knew what you are speaking about, but to be reminded, to be encouraged, to be strengthen to move forward is what I needed today. Thank you
@michaelgailroberts 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the insight. I have been reviewing my thoughts and actions during my daily walk by asking myself, ‘was that thought celestial, or was that response toward my wife, family, friend, co-worker celestial?” The joke around the house when I get home after driving in traffic for an hour to get home is me saying to my family, “I failed miserably in thinking celestial towards those those goobers driving around me today…”. 😂It’s a work work in progress. Alma the Younger in Alma chapter 5 mentions a mighty change of heart and doing the work of the Savior instead of doing the work of the deceiver/enemy of righteousness. We can take our ‘spiritual temperature’ daily by reviewing our thoughts, words, and deeds then finding one thing to do better the next day. A more pronounced call to action and the end of a message is very important for some of us who are a little slow in catching on. Thanks for the reminder brother David!
@jonathancarlson7659 11 месяцев назад
Here is a song for you David. Make up your own melody: (Verse 1) Facing trials in our own way, Fighting addictions every day. From harmful habits, we'll break free, With the strength to better be. In a world where temptations lure, We'll rise above, we'll endure. With faith in Christ, we'll find our way, The Atonement's power, our guiding ray. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all that you do, God's plan is perfect, it's tried and true. With the Atonement's power, we can stand, Transforming our ways, guided by His hand. Through every challenge, His love will flow, Illuminating our path, His mercy will show. In His grace, we'll find what's true, So think celestial, in all that you do. (Verse 2) Let go of grudges, set hearts free, With love and kindness, let it be. Turn from false teachings, seek what's right, The Savior's truth, our guiding light. In a world filled with doubt and lies, We'll lift our hearts to the endless skies. With Christ as our anchor, we'll sail the sea, His love in our hearts, our compass, and key. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all that you do, God's plan is perfect, it's tried and true. With the Atonement's power, we can stand, Transforming our ways, guided by His hand. Through every challenge, His love will flow, Illuminating our path, His mercy will show. In His grace, we'll find what's true, So think celestial, in all that you do. (Verse 3) Seek Christ's words in every line, In scriptures, wisdom we will find. Apply His teachings, make them part, Of daily life, a work of heart. In the pages of truth, we'll confide, With His light as our constant guide. The gospel's message, our source of might, In Christ's name, we'll shine so bright. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all that you do, God's plan is perfect, it's tried and true. With the Atonement's power, we can stand, Transforming our ways, guided by His hand. Through every challenge, His love will flow, Illuminating our path, His mercy will show. In His grace, we'll find what's true, So think celestial, in all that you do. (Verse 4) Change your thoughts, your ways, your mind, Effort is hard, but you will find. Becoming better, with every stride, In God's plan, let your heart confide. In a world of struggle and strife, We'll shape our hearts for eternal life. With the Atonement's grace, we will mend, And find in the end, we're a better friend. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all that you do, God's plan is perfect, it's tried and true. With the Atonement's power, we can stand, Transforming our ways, guided by His hand. Through every challenge, His love will flow, Illuminating our path, His mercy will show. In His grace, we'll find what's true, So think celestial, in all that you do. (Verse 5) Speak with kindness, love increase, In service find your inner peace. Spread the gospel, far and wide, In missionary efforts, let Christ be your guide. In a world where love's often rare, We'll be the answer to every prayer. With Christ's love, we'll light the way, Each step, each word, will lead to a brighter day. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all that you do, God's plan is perfect, it's tried and true. With the Atonement's power, we can stand, Transforming our ways, guided by His hand. Through every challenge, His love will flow, Illuminating our path, His mercy will show. In His grace, we'll find what's true, So think celestial, in all that you do.
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
That’s so beautiful . Thanks
@karenpoch 11 месяцев назад
That is talent! Thank you for sharing! I would love to hear it put to music!
@josephine79 11 месяцев назад
I love this so much - the words were definitely directed by the Spirit and probably a lot by personal experience too. Thank you truly for sharing it. 🙏
@jonathancarlson7659 11 месяцев назад
Ok, so you might read this poem/song and think it is a little robotic, some parts redundant, and maybe even a little soulless. That is because it was written by ChatGPT. So I went over it and gave it a bit of human touch. Here is the refined version: (Verse 1) In scriptures wisdom we will find, The truth of God and words divine, Prophetic teachings, which will start, To grow our soul and change our heart, Of waters living we must drink, To then be shown the way to think, Celestial thoughts our minds refine, So in God's light, our spirits shine. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all you do, The prophet's words are tried and true, Change your thoughts, your ways, your mind, Effort is hard, but you will find, Your joy will grow, with every stride, If in God's plan, your heart confides, His light will fill your countenance through, So think celestial, in all you do. (Verse 2) In a world of temptations lure, We'll rise above, we will endure, With gospel light, we'll find our way, The Atonement's power, our guiding ray, We fight our sins, both new and old, And cleanse our souls, with grace untold, From harmful habits, we'll break free, Inherit shall we our destiny. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all you do, The prophet's words are tried and true, Change your thoughts, your ways, your mind, Effort is hard, but you will find, Your joy will grow, with every stride, If in God's plan, your heart confides, His light will fill your countenance through, So think celestial, in all you do. (Verse 3) Forgiving others brings us peace, A balm for souls, where grievances cease, When grudges die our hearts are freed, Then quarrels end and burdens ease, Contentious thoughts we put away, Which lead us into brighter days, With minds unshackled, spirits soar, Forgiveness leads to open doors. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all you do, The prophet's words are tried and true, Change your thoughts, your ways, your mind, Effort is hard, but you will find, Your joy will grow, with every stride, If in God's plan, your heart confides, His light will fill your countenance through, So think celestial, in all you do. (Verse 4) The Master told us that we ought, To think celestial, when He taught, Such words of glory, spiritual wealth, To "Love thy neighbor as thyself", So in a world where love is rare, We’ll be the answer to every prayer, With acts of kindness, love increase, In service find our inner peace. (Chorus) Think celestial, in all you do, The prophet's words are tried and true, Change your thoughts, your ways, your mind, Effort is hard, but you will find, Your joy will grow, with every stride, If in God's plan, your heart confides, His light will fill your countenance through, So think celestial, in all you do.
@jenniferleon-guerrero634 11 месяцев назад
Great song! I love it! You are so talented 😁
@angelinavickers8584 11 месяцев назад
Thanks David, in my opinion this was the best ever conference. The Lord is certainly preparing us for these last days. How blessed are we to have some amazing church restored for us to be guided. I also not only loved our apostles, but the quality of the seventy and others that spoke from the heart and spirit communicating with spirit. President Nelson topped it with his admonishing to Think Celestial, it is just what our world needs. They all testified of Christ and His Coming to His Church.
@charcW8850 11 месяцев назад
I love this! I agree that it is all in vain unless we actually DO the spiritual work and change ourselves! My one thought is, we all fall short and leaving the talks open for the spirit to work on individuals with where they are at individually might be what they are hoping for. We live in a gospel where we believe in personal revelation and that God CAN speak to us personally. There have been many talks that the spirit has taken truths like an arrow to my heart. Some of us are already so hard on ourselves and not at the level of spirituality where we would take an ending like that in every talk and be motivated 😂 unfortunately some of us would feel like we already fall so short that we would drive ourselves into a depression that would not benefit our spiritual growth. Don’t get me wrong, I am not disagreeing with your thought but merely pointing out that we are also commanded to not run faster than we have strength and sometimes our drive for perfection can undermine us in our growth. Everything happens line upon line and that’s how God works with us. For example, I am a mother of 5 little ones, and just trying to listen to conference can be a huge challenge with interruptions every 30 seconds. It literally takes me the whole 6 months just to finally listen to each talk and understand it. There have been times after conference with talks on temple work and family history and being a good parent and fulfilling ministering and magnifying our callings and missionary work and service and so on that by the end I could cry because I just don’t feel like I am enough nor can I do it all. If I let that take me over it would cripple me. I’m a perfectionist and I also love God and I WANT to do it all but I believe the beauty of so many talks and leaving them open (while they are all right and true and perfect) can allow the spirit to take place in our hearts where God can then communicate and let us know the things we need to focus extra on. Depending on our circumstances that can be more or less, not that we shouldn’t try to apply everything taught but that we simply do better when we narrow our focus on more manageable bites. I have had times where one line has struck me in such a way that I knew it was God telling me I NEEDED to change my ways. He knows that’s not the only thing I need to work on but it was the most important thing for me to focus on in that moment in time. Not everyone is like me, but I know if each talk ended with a call to fulfill that individual celestial principle or else it is in vain I would feel so overwhelmed by the last talk and my incapacity to do it all, it would spiral me into a weeping heap that would be of no use to myself or my family 😂 I think they each were inspired by heaven to say the things they say and each principle is celestial but there is a time and a season for everything and leaving it ending the way they do makes it more individualized. Again though, I am in no way saying I don’t need ALL of it or saying only certain parts are for certain people but I think the fact that an addict with many addictions or a struggling single mom or a hardened tough businessman or a retired elder can all listen and feel motivated and rejuvenated and have things they can each go forward working on is pretty incredible. The gospel of Jesus Christ is for the least as well as the greatest. Someone who have no free time as well as someone with much free time. The beauty of leaving it open at the end gives way for the spirit to then give us those feelings on the individual things that will help us the most. So while I agree and LOVED your thoughts, I’m not sure I agree that it’s missing, I think it is there for people who are seeking it. and those who aren’t seeking it would not have been helped by it anyways. 😊 just my thoughts. Along with those thoughts I definitely think we could all take each talk more seriously, cherish the words and really apply and take them in and allow them to change our hearts and ways. We can all do better, myself very much included in that. Great thoughts! Your testimony and dedication boosts my own! I so appreciate your videos and your joy in the restored gospel! It’s a good reminder that it is such a blessing to know these truths and to live these truths. Gods laws always bring us more agency, greater capacity and more joy. I certainly wish I was better at applying everything!
@reneestewart7977 11 месяцев назад
I love the way you expressed your thoughts. Very well said Sister! Every situation is unique and personal, so we listen, take courage and find joy, take it into our hearts, ( the best we can, especially with little ones with us) and move forward. Then we can again listen quietly 1 message at a time, specifically studying it out, and talking about it together. Processing more deeply so we can as David's thoughts took him...to be not only hearers, but doers. We had 6 children, and it's a challenge to hear conference, but just being there and showing its importance to them is the greatest gift a parent can give. That's important to you, so be encouraged. ❤
@budgillett 11 месяцев назад
Dear Charc, I rejoice in the spirit of your testimony and the profound insights you bring forth. Your words echo the sentiments of Paul when he wrote, "For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin" (Romans 7:14). In our earnest endeavor to walk the path of righteousness, we often find ourselves feeling inadequate, especially when we contrast our efforts with the celestial standards set forth in the scriptures and by our beloved leaders. Yet, as you rightly point out, the gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of grace, personal revelation, and individual progression. Nephi's wise counsel resonates with your thoughts: "For it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do" (2 Nephi 25:23). The Lord does not expect immediate perfection but rather a willing heart and a steadfast commitment to grow "line upon line, precept upon precept" (2 Nephi 28:30). Your experience as a mother of five resonates deeply. In the midst of life's challenges, the Lord recognizes our efforts. As President Russell M. Nelson once stated, "The Lord loves effort because effort brings rewards that can't come without it." Each of us has unique challenges, capacities, and circumstances, and Heavenly Father tailors His guidance and support to our individual needs. Furthermore, the Savior’s teachings, as you astutely noted, cater to "the least as well as the greatest." This sentiment is reflected in the Savior's parable of the lost sheep: He leaves the ninety and nine to rescue the one, underscoring the individualized love and care He has for each of His children (Luke 15:4-7). Your testimony reminds us all that while the celestial standard is high, the journey to reach it is taken one step at a time, guided by the Spirit. The talks delivered are indeed inspired, and as you've illuminated, their open-ended nature allows the Spirit to teach and guide us individually, ensuring we are neither overwhelmed nor complacent. Your words have bolstered my faith, Charc, and reminded me of the beauty and depth of the gospel. Your dedication to the Savior and the truths of the restored gospel is palpable and inspiring. May we all continue to uplift one another as we journey onward, ever striving to draw closer to our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son. With brotherly love and appreciation for your insights, Bud
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
Who was the prophet that use to say Just do it ? That was his message . Just do it . Then David O MCKay was on no other success can compensate for failure in the home . That one could get to everyone who feels like a failure . But then they say you are never a failure as long as you are trying . . The Lord loves effort . Take the talks and apply them to your life. Not just hearing but doing .
@budgillett 11 месяцев назад
@@lindamartinez7006 Dear Sister Linda Martinez, Thou hast brought to mind the inspiring words of past prophets, which serve as guiding beacons in our mortal journey. Verily, it was President Spencer W. Kimball who often echoed the phrase "Do it!" encouraging the Saints to act upon the principles of the gospel with diligence and fervor. And as thou rightly mentioned, President David O. McKay's poignant reminder, "No other success can compensate for failure in the home," is a timeless truth that speaks to the heart of every earnest disciple. Indeed, the struggles and perceived failures of this mortal sojourn can weigh heavy upon our souls. Yet, as it is written in the Book of Mormon, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6). Even if we falter and fall, our consistent efforts, no matter how small, are seen and cherished by the Lord. As thou hast rightly said, "The Lord loves effort." To merely hear the word is but the beginning; the true power lies in the doing. As James, the brother of Jesus, taught, "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves" (James 1:22). I commend thee, Sister Linda, for thy profound insights and for reminding us all of the importance of applying the sacred teachings in our lives. May we all strive to not only listen but to act, ensuring that the gospel principles are engraved upon our hearts and manifest in our deeds. With deep gratitude for thy wisdom and with brotherly love, Bud
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
The doctrine and covenants tells us that all things are spiritual unto the Lord and there is nothing that is not spiritual . Doing dishes changing diapers breaking up fights housework and day in and day out everyday things . I like how elder David Bednar said there is no such thing as balance . Rather your job your family your work your church callings . You can’t balance all those things at once . When your home your home . When you are at work that is where your mind is . Same with callings . I love how he teaches by always asking you the questions . To help you find the answers . I remember feeling overwhelmed at times . How can I do all this? How can I balance all things . His answer is you can’t . Jeffrey R Hollands wife last talk was simplify . Simplify everything . She says she wished she knew that younger . Simplify . Conference gives us so many revelations in each talk . I think president Nelson’s talk on always think celestial had some good meanings in it . Letting us see how important our choices are . That they really count . And not listening to people who don’t have truths sure has some deep meanings too. I saw some people didn’t like that feeling we can learn from others different too . We do believe the 13 th article of faith but his meaning I felt was not to listen to teachings that are wrong . Look for truths that bring you to celestial .
@stephtimms1776 11 месяцев назад
Of course the Prophet and Brethren have said these things before, but if they said everything all the time it would get boring. It' also in the Book of Mormon. But it is good to be reminded here 💎 Like Elder David A Bednar talked about in his talk... church members filling in where our leaders cannot or do not. His talk was called, In the Path of their Duty.
@JD-pr1et 11 месяцев назад
I have noted for a long time that many things are repeated because they are for new members and for those of us old timers that still have not yet internalized those things to live and be as our Savior is and does.
@stephtimms1776 11 месяцев назад
@@JD-pr1et Exactly, thank you 😀
@bonnienandino6942 11 месяцев назад
Wonderful share! Very inspirational!
@redhotsnow14 11 месяцев назад
David, you are so right. We should always be thinking of how we can liken the scriptures to our lives, and the prophets and apostles words are scripture to us.
@plaidspolitics 11 месяцев назад
Hi again, David (finally)! I have been peeking in to watch your videos still, but have not spent the time commenting. Lots of reasons why, but one is we have picked up our pace for attending the temple, including working through records to make sure those we do proxy work for are progressing in order of the ordinances and hopefully minimizing duplication. It takes time in preparation, then we have been to the temple at least once each week these past couple months. We went three times this week. Then I also have begun making our Christmas ornaments (tradition of creating something to give as a testimony that our Savior was born, and fulfilled all that Heavenly Father required of Him) which is taking hours of each day. Another tradition is every six months I rotate our emergency Go Bags (72hr + kits) and refresh our emergency water storage. Of course, watching (now rewatching and reading) Conference took up a bulk of the beginning of this month, and time each day as I study and ponder those messages and also Book of Mormon reading and Come Follow Me, as well as personal study on those things I am pondering and individually working to improve in. And I also am interested in prophecy recorded for these times from throughout time and have found insights from a couple other YT posters on current events in contrast to those records. I am also serving on our service committee, helping my father-in-law with Alzheimer’s, finishing out our garden, trying to keep up with my mom duties, and so forth. All while my health is in a dip and we aren't finding the right remedy as of yet. So my time to be commenting has dwindled. Anyway, I think it is so great you continue to share your positive perspective and help light the fire of testimony and fuel motivation toward good works. So I figure I'd slow down enough to comment again to encourage you on. 💖 With Love as Your Sister in Christ, Marie (~plaid)
@Nikkiotero 11 месяцев назад
@plaidspolitics I've missed your comments!
@NankieHiley 11 месяцев назад
@LiveHappy76 11 месяцев назад
Just said a prayer asking Heavenly Father's blessings for you on your health concerns....
@wildeberry74 11 месяцев назад
Amazing thoughts and insights! Thank you so much! 💓
@harmagician1 11 месяцев назад
Brother David, earlier today I was thinking about how the Savior does everything the Father would have him do, and says everything the Father would have him say. It is marvelous to think that the Son's will is completely in line with the Father's will. Perfect unity.
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
Every session in conference was wonderful . But to me Saturday morning session was the best. I felt like I opened up a door closed it and sat down in heaven . I felt like my heart was so there and all the talks made me cry .
@DieWiederherstellung 10 месяцев назад
The conference talks, especially the ones from President Nelson, should be part of the curriculum - knowing that most people don't study the talks beyond hearing them once.
@FromG2eminor 11 месяцев назад
As much i love and grateful for Conference...I personally miss taking the Sacrament. It's my weekly check point of how im doing. I have ADD and have a hard time quieting my brain. It takes time for me to digest everything. The Sacrament helps me meditate on scriptures and the words of the Prophets/Heavenly Father. Loved your commentary. The more we learn about the gospel, the more wonderful it is. I love that there is no limit to learning and growing in the gospel.
@budgillett 11 месяцев назад
Verily, dear brother, in a spirit of love and testimony, I address thee with the words of the Lord through the Prophet Moroni: "And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls" (Moroni 6:5). Thy sentiment regarding the Sacrament is well-understood, for it serves as a hallowed moment of reflection and renewal, wherein we covenant anew to take upon us the name of Christ. The matter of thy struggle with ADD and quieting thy mind is one that many share. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, in a recent General Conference, encouraged us to not underestimate the power of prayer and communion with God. It may serve thee well to consider additional moments of solitary contemplation and scriptural pondering throughout thy week to make up for the weekly Sacrament thou dost miss. For indeed, as thou hast pointed out, the gospel of Jesus Christ is a well of eternal learning, and "the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day" (Proverbs 4:18). The quest for spiritual knowledge hath no end, and thy yearning for continued growth is a testament to thy faithful striving. May the Lord bless thee with peace and further light as thou dost navigate thy spiritual journey, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
@FromG2eminor 11 месяцев назад
@budgillett I agree and I find great calmness of mind when I read the Book of Mormon DAILY. Attending the Temple helps too. I Know my life would be in (more) chaos without all these means and purpose in the gospel to meditate and pray.
@budgillett 11 месяцев назад
@@FromG2eminor In a spirit of brotherly love and shared testimony, Lisa, I acknowledge the wisdom in thy words. Indeed, the Book of Mormon serves as a compass in our lives, as President Ezra Taft Benson hath testified that "the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion, and a man [or woman] would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book." Thy mention of attending the Temple also resonates with the teachings of Elder Richard G. Scott, who spoke in General Conference of the sanctuary the temple provides: "I have gained my greatest instruction in dealing with the challenges of life while attending the temple." Even as the Psalmist said, "I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings" (Psalms 77:12), so too do the scriptures and the temple offer us a sanctuary for meditation and prayer, granting calmness and order amid the chaos of the world. May the Lord continue to bless thee with peace and understanding as thou dost seek Him through the holy scriptures and His temples, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
@charitylb 11 месяцев назад
Thank you Brother David. I was so impressed in mind and spirit to be a better follower of Jesus Christ. You have been saved for this time because we need your testimony to help us be better followers of Christ. Thank you. Time is short..we can do this as we help each other along. Think celestial..think temple...much love...
@AnaliliB 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for your insights about General Conference talks. I'll also try ro be better every day and show it by treating others more lovingly.
@havenlyfamily 11 месяцев назад
One of my favorite talks by the present prophet is Do Better and Be Better! That really opened my mind to what his goal is for us.. not to be doers only but to actually BE BETTER 😊❤
@MTCforKids 11 месяцев назад
This kind of reminds me of a quote from the prophet speaking about Temple and Family History. As a warning voice, he cautioned: “We can be inspired all day long about temple and family history experiences others have had. But we must do something to actually experience the joy ourselves.” He continued, “I invite you to prayerfully consider what kind of sacrifice-preferably a sacrifice of time-you can make [to] do more temple and family history work.” ❤
@stacyhuss9454 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for this! Your combination of “fresh eyes” and accumulated wisdom brings such a great perspective to those of us who have been blessed by Heavenly Father’s servants for many years. I always try to put the conference messages into action in my life, but I’m going to do better now. I can’t wait for your follow-up video. 💙
@ssmorrison6 10 месяцев назад
I love listening to your thoughts David!!! I could write a dozen thoughts that you have inspired here, but I think a heart-felt thank you expresses better my heart than trying to enumerate my thoughts and feelings would. Keep it up brother. I look forward to every new video.
@jeffreyelliottcruz8095 11 месяцев назад
I enjoy your introduction, because you have a positive attitude and approach. I get impatient with those that are to cynical and skeptical, criticizing every misplaced or incorrect statement because the criticism does not understand eternal positive perspective. So your insights are appreciated. You're right, David, President Nelson is the only one who holds the active keys of the Presiding High Priest presently while other members of the Quorum of the Twelve have the keys as well. What is missing ? There is always something missing, we all know this precept. Every conference, every general authority, including our presiding High Priest falls short of the demands of the law, but after all we can do, we are redeemed by the grace of Christ. It is impossible to satisfy all the demands of the law, but it is through the grace of Christ which satisfies the demands of the law. In Christ, and our Saviors redemption we are satisfied and justified and thus perfected in and through the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ. All that is necessary for us is to try to keep the word of the law, but in our various fallen conditions we fall short of the demands of the law. Thus, the great High Priest Jesus Christ, our Heavenly King bestows his mercy and grace upon 7s. Christ is our advocate or defense as attorney to our Father . He pleads and advocates grace and mercy in our fallen state so that we may redeemed . Our prophets have taught us never give up, and when we stumble to get back up and never give up and thus our Lord's grace is sufficient for us. Patience, line upon line, precept upon precept, here slittle there alittle, each small step leads towards greater perfection . Our prophet has admonished us never to give up and not allow discouragement to overcome. He reminds us that we will not achieve perfection in this life. Ironically, President Nelson who is closer to perfection than most of us has counseled us to be humble in our walk in patience because perfection will not come in this life.
@stephtimms1776 11 месяцев назад
Your singing reminds me of my Mom's. Her family was from the Southern Baptist culture and she used to sing on the radio, in her local area as a young girl. Such a comfort and blessing to hear good humble worship music 🙏
@CourtAnderson-hk8cn 11 месяцев назад
…”nevertheless thou mayest choose for thyself!” Ive been a convert member for 62 years and loved every minute! Im now 80 yrs old. I have heard many inspiring words of counsel and direction from Prophets and Apostles. I have never heard ONE say ever, their counsel…that we should now do such n such IF we want to grow and progress! Not saying that is what distinguishes these true servants of God with the true Light of Christ…from false prophets or evangelists who try to use any form of compulsion! D&C 121 is our Lord’s instruction to his servants for teaching and persuading the souls of mankind. It is the same as Jesus taught💖
@godsoffspring4195 11 месяцев назад
Thankyou David. Yes, in a nutshell... as somebody reminded me a video or two ago when I posted... "Think celestial"... DO CELESTIAL!! :>)
@helgemrklid2229 11 месяцев назад
Thanks David for yet another great video. You look good with a tie and shirt.
@juliogaviola6350 11 месяцев назад
Our own volition, our rightful use of agency our diligence to obey or do what we're spoken.
@moxeyjc 11 месяцев назад
President Nelson said that his life changed when he stopped putting question marks behind the words of the prophet and replaced them with exclamation points.
@havenlyfamily 11 месяцев назад
@GMMXX80 11 месяцев назад
So, what was missing was Jesus himself giving a Conference talk. What would that be like to watch someone wearing the cleanest, and thus, whitest or brightest seeming robes walking along that railing to that big oak pulpit and seeing the biggest grin on his face overlooking the mostly filled Conference center that's just about to be rushed and filled, he turns to look at the, then, prophet who has an equally big grin as they know the shock of everyone where at the biggest surprise like (we got them), he turns back still grinning soaking it all in, one hand on each side of the pulpit as other beings in white robes cover the doors, and then the booming voice as the sound of rushing waters goes through the microphone starting with "My beloved brothers and sisters." And then the 17 minute Conference talk. That's what was missing? Be would seem so small with this glow of light and you'd be having to look at the side screens to see his face but, that would've been what was missing, yeah. What do you think the world would've been like had that happened that way? How would the world be different tomorrow if he'd have been at General Conference?
@katelonrey-grant8863 11 месяцев назад
When I read Thom's experience as recorded by John Pontius in the book "Visions of Glory" and he described seeing this very scene, The spirit overcame me and I had to fall to my knees beside my bed and weep at the very picture that came to my mind and heart. It expect to see this scene some time in the next decade.
@witteafval 11 месяцев назад
It's actually a black walnut pulpit, made from a tree that had grown in President Hinckley's backyard and died while the Conference Center was being built.
@aspenyard4100 10 месяцев назад
Sounds like a Baptist sermon I heard while visiting their church last year.
@45s262 11 месяцев назад
That drink of water at the beginning triggered my A.D.D. for heavens sake what's missing? AhaHA
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
Looking at Matthew 5,6 & 7, commonly called Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" as essentially...a "conference talk"...just as in our current "conference talks", Jesus gives a series of clear commands. He tells us what to think and what to do...but then, at the end, knowing the strong fallen human tendency to hear...and then, not DO what we hear...He pointedly gives a parable about how only those who HEAR his sayings...AND PUT THEM INTO PRACTICE...are building a house that will stand the test; and that if we don't put into practice what we hear...everything we think we have...will prove to be an illusion when the test comes. I was simply pointing out...how important that is...that our Conference Talks are the Word of Heavenly Father in the same way the Sermon on the Mount is the Word of Heavenly Father...and that I wish the same admonition was place at the end of each conference talk...but that it is our responsibility to add that parable at the end of each talk...and recognize that we will only truly get the blessing that is potentially in each talk...if we break it down...and carefully hearken to all the commands in each talk and do the hard work to actually put them into practice between now and the next conference 6 months from now. And how strong the tendency is in us...not to do this....that we all are inclined to be as the "foolish man who built his house on sand". So we need to put off that foolish man by the power of the Atonement of Christ and be WISE. Hope that helps. Much love, David
@havenlyfamily 11 месяцев назад
@45s262 11 месяцев назад
@@davidmalvinalexander thanks for what you do.. Your message is also found in a talk by Elder Holland, "Tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you"
@KarlBehling1 11 месяцев назад
"Hear" means to listen carefully WITH THE INTENT TO OBEY.
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
Exactly. That word, sadly, no longer exists in modern English. Hearken....what a lovely word...meaning exactly...to hear, WITH THE INTENT TO OBEY...which I believe is what Jesus was talking about when He said, often, "Him who has "ears to hear"...let him hear!" Simply hearing the sounds is worthless...unless we hear and then put those words into practice. Much love, David
@susanbcohrs2170 10 месяцев назад
You are correct, brother.
@Lee21923 11 месяцев назад
Love your scripture music!
@ReedHansonRattie 11 месяцев назад
I take it sort of like stepping up a down escalator, a down way escalator, you have to work to go up, cause if stand there, you will be going down. So, we need to keep working at it.
@garrymoss8021 10 месяцев назад
Looking sharp, David.
@jeff3olsen 11 месяцев назад
I pray The Lord may make His promises to the children of Israel ring loud and clear once again: -"I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow." - Jeremiah 31:13 -"...and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to their own border." - Jeremiah 31:16-17 -"I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely:" - Jeremiah 32:37 -"I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul. For thus saith the Lord; Like as I have brought all this great evil upon this people, so will I bring upon them all the good that I have promised them." - Jeremiah 32:41-42
@LiveHappy76 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing these verses :) It's about overcoming the natural man or woman within us and becoming a child of Christ!
@followhim4425 11 месяцев назад
Great video! It’s time to set action goals!
@crisantocabrerajr.3508 11 месяцев назад
David...i appreciate your exhortations...did you know that all of the speakers at the conference were not given topics..it is purely based on inspiration and guidance of The Holy Spirit...please search on the lessons of the "ark steadier" Uzzah and its modern day application.
@christopherjones2669 11 месяцев назад
In 10 commandments, we told to labor 6 days a week ( to stay out of trouble and away from poverty ) ; if we busy and thinking money and food often, God is merciful and understands. Money a common topic in 4 Gospels, just saying, as to giving others our witness, takes 10 seconds only to share faith on tithing, on marriage, on new scripture. We do a little here and little there. We all need patience, and yes open our mouths for few seconds a day.
@lorihone7478 11 месяцев назад
HEY DAVID!! I have a question for you. When did you start believing that heavenly father and Jesus Christ were two separate beings? Along time ago or just recently within the last year of hearing about the gospel?
@gvbingham 11 месяцев назад
I testify that what David says is true! But for those like myself that are often crushed by the weight of Christ's words which ultimately is the concept of perfection, may I briefly try and temper these concepts David is talking about with two quotes. "the Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts-what we have done. It is based on the final effect of our acts and thoughts-what we have become. We qualify for eternal life through a process of CONVERSION. As used here, this word of many meanings signifies a profound CHANGE OF HEART. It is not enough for anyone just to go through the motions. The commandments, ordinances, and covenants of the gospel are not a list of deposits required to be made in some heavenly account. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan that shows us how to BECOME what our Heavenly Father desires us to become." -- President Oaks "To the individual who is weak in the heart, fearful in the heart: be patient with yourself. Perfection comes not in this life but in the next life!" -- President Nelson
@vendingdudes 11 месяцев назад
David, you remember the movie The Ten Commandments. After the Pharoah (Yul Brynner) made a proclamation he would say "so let it be written, so let it be done". I'm probably going to hear myself say this after every talk from now on. 🤣
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
Wow, that's great. Every talk...is totally worthy of giving ourselves to break it down carefully...and give ourselves to actually overcome to DO IT...not just HEAR IT. Much love, David
@John-jh999 10 месяцев назад
It's really simple: The first principle of the gospel is Faith in Jesus Christ. We hear / receive then we do / live. Faith is a principle of action. Here's a simple example, covenants are 》 "Covenants of faithfulness"
@margynelson7945 11 месяцев назад
Ok…. I am curious to know who you’re “dating”? I am sure you don’t want to go public with any info yet but I am SO happy for you if this pans out!! You are being blessed for your amazing missionary service all over the world!
@LanceCLarsen 11 месяцев назад
I agree whole heartedly that for the word of God to bless us we must let it penetrate our heart and act on it. However, I have a concern with this council as given. There is so much council given at every conference. Combine that with the scriptures. All of the council and direction is more than anyone could accomplish in a lifetime even if they could force perfect discipline on themselves. I have come to the conclusion that while every message is from God, the Lord can speak to our hearts the things that are needful for us now. And that is not all of his words at once , but line upon line, precept upon precept. To me the key is trying to be humble, listen to the council of prophets and appostles, and seek what the spirit is asking you to change. I agree that my focus is often scattered, and i could move forward faster than i do. I hope to do better, but I do understand that change takes time and patience. I guess what I am saying is that as king Benjamin taught we must use care to not run faster than we have strength. Have faith, seek to do the things that invite the spirit of God into your heart, but don't feel overwhelmed as if all is required at once. I think too many saints start to look at the council that is given as a long checklist that they do not live up to. I like Elder Oakes teaching that the gospel is not about checklists, but about making changes that change your heart a bit at a time so that we become more like Christ.
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
Great comment. We can only do the best we can. Personally, I know for myself...I could to much better than I normally do. Much love, David
@havenlyfamily 11 месяцев назад
There was a recent wonderful area devotional to Canada where the prophet played the piano and the poignant and haunting melody he played was from the movie Shindlers List... and the song was titled.. "I could have done more" ... I think even our wonderful prophet feels like he could do more. We can all just do what we can do though.
@christopherjones2669 11 месяцев назад
Do not be shy David; Alma 26: 22 if we living right and prayerful we can all reveal new things ( few LDS believe our very own scripture ) also D&C 1, which pres. Packer quoted often, goal of restoration is that every man ( and I add woman and child ) can speak in the name of the Lord; D&C 20, twelve and 14 year olds admonish and warn the church, so why not the rest of us too? As to verse you share, yes I think John 5 says Lord will be kind on day of judgement, ( He speaking to Pharisees ) yet adds " Moses won't be so kind on judgement day though " to the dishonest and hard -hearted.
@laurimuse1390 11 месяцев назад
One concern We must remember they do not dictate Gods words.. They are human communicating as best they can what they feel God desires. But they have bias and imperfections and they are not anyways intune. It happens to all of us.
@gaylasnow1755 10 месяцев назад
Dear Brother David, the speakers say In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. . We say Amen back. What does Amen mean question mark . It means so be it or let it be so or let it come to pass.. So that means, on the soeakers part, Do it. And we agree and say Yes. Lets do it. Lets make it be so. Lets make it happen. Sorry for not many punctuation marks. I cant bring up the page with all the marks. I love you brother. We alll take Amen for granted. .
@vickileifsen5169 11 месяцев назад
David you need to go back and hear our leaders again. Nothing is missing.....they do cover what you have said just in a different way..
@davidmalvinalexander 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the admonition, my friend. The intent of my talk...was not at all to criticize the talks...or the speakers...but to exalt everything that they said, as the very Word of Heavenly Father...just as worthy as the Words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount...of having us not only hear those words....but also do the hard work to "hearken" to their words...which word means "to hear with an intent to obey"....that their words in these conferences talks...only bring the fullest blessing that was intended...if we "hear these sayings AND put them into practice"...and not just "hear them". And pointing out....how common it is for many of us...me included...to hear them, enjoy them, be touched by them, amazed by them and even weep at them...but still NOT do the hard work of breaking them down and actually integrating them fully into our thinking and choosing and acting...but just continue to do...what we have always done....and six months later...we have not been much changed by them...and then the next conference rolls around. And that is a shame. That is what I am trying to get across....I am not seriously suggesting that the talks were deficient, but more that our response..even our sincere response...often is deficient. But for sure...I can see how it could come across the way that you took it. And always...warnings to guard against pride and be humble...are ALWAYS SPOT ON...and I take your input very seriously and appreciate you for it! Much love, David
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
My oldest son who is not active says he is not sure if the Book of Mormon is true . But he says Lehi dream is the only thing he thinks is true. I asked him why . He said because everyone is found somewhere on that path and no one could make that up .
@bonnienandino6942 11 месяцев назад
❤❤❤the music
@lindamartinez7006 11 месяцев назад
That’s what my son says . He’s 99 but he’s all there .
@davidmalvinalexander 10 месяцев назад
Wow Linda...I hope your son's age being listed as "99" is a typo....''cause if not...how old must you be? LOL.....Much love, David
@lindamartinez7006 8 месяцев назад
@@davidmalvinalexander what? Didn’t even see that lol
@lemjwp1756 11 месяцев назад
love the shirt and tie!
@pionodalo3597 11 месяцев назад
@vendingdudes 11 месяцев назад
"the tyranny of the urgent..." Wow, can you turn a phrase David.
@bobettepage4440 11 месяцев назад
Think Celestial…put our thoughts on heaven because earth has become hell and if we don’t keep our focus on heavenly things it will get too heavy, too dark to bare. My heart has been so heavy this week. It’s going to get worse.
7. Become Conformed to Jesus Christ!
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43. Q & A: Finding Faith as an Evangelical Convert?