
43. Q & A: Finding Faith as an Evangelical Convert? 

David Alexander
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43. Q & A: Finding Faith as an Evangelical Convert?



16 сен 2024




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@WEdMay-cq2ou Год назад
“The most opposed thing that has ever happened” (20:25). The strength of the opposition indicates the strength of our position. If we were like everyone else, Satan would not oppose us. But because we stand for new revelation in our time and the restoration of apostolic authority, all heck breaks upon us. I am a 47- year convert to the church. Primary influence was the power of the doctrine of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and the power of the Holy Ghost which bore witness to my soul of His divinity. The book that brought me to Christ is of Christ, inspired by Christ. Thank you David; keep up the good work!
@JeffTidwell-i9v Год назад
David, I am a very young 69 year old active member of the church. I am so happy and delighted to be a member of the Church and wanted to express my absolute gratitude to you, your humility and dedicated drive to find the truth. As a fellow disciple , and member of the Church and pretty much the same age it is a pleasure to get to know you through your you-tube videos. You are so on point with bridge building and testimony building. Frankly it is hard to believe you have only been a member of the church for 6 weeks. I’ve been a member for 61 years baptized at 8 in 1962 in Westchester California. My great great great grandfather lived in Nauvoo. I only share that to help you understand , “it doesn’t matter if I have been a member all my life and you for only 6 weeks” We are brothers in the Lord and even though our orbits are different we are so much more alike than any of us can realize or imagine . Your evangelical experience has given you an understanding and an education that will bless lives in miraculous ways. Just wanted to thank you and say keep up the good work. May we all have that, “perfect brightness of hope” and carry on His work. Thanks again David. Jeff Tidwell
@Nikkiotero Год назад
@davidfrey5654 Год назад
Right on!
@jum5238 Год назад
So cool when he reminded the sisters of the authority they carry.
@josephwhirlwind6086 Год назад
I knew a family in our ward who investigated the church for 10 years , before they finally were baptized , they moved later on to a different area and ward , but I heard from someone ( I havent seen them in years ) that they are very strong and active and devoted in the Gospel ! So dont give up hope , sisters !!!
@crisantocabrerajr.8540 Год назад
David's youtube channel is getting more and more exciting....congratulations from the Philippines
@mmelhsals7389 Год назад
David Alexander TESTIMONY is one of the Powerful TESTIMONY I've ever heard it's True, Humble, Pure and Very Simple...you would know the True Power of Holy Spirit...Our Loving God Bless you Brother🙏
@rollingltl5053 Год назад
I used this same line of thinking when I was investigating the Church 8yrs ago. I'm so glad I did and decided to enter the waters of baptism.
@germanslice Год назад
This is what I understand from everything David has said in his videos A Holy People of God The Highway to Holiness The Happy People Trees of Righteousness (Isaiah 61:3, Alma Chapter 32) Living Prophets and Apostles Fountains of Living Water Tree of Life whose fruit is most precious (1 Nephi 8) Exaltation & Eternal Life (1 Peter 5:6.)
@David-Alexander-German Год назад
@@germanslice right on, bro
@helamanbrooking8552 Год назад
David it’s because of you my friend that I now make the time to listen to one conference talk from our Prophets and Apostles each and everyday to go along with my my most precious habit of scripture study and prayer so Thankyou for adding that to my daily habits as they too are the words of Christ. Keep up the good work my friend you are inspiring many to do better.
@johnbushman57 Год назад
"A glorious tree bears glorious fruits" - that is the Restored Gospel. Why do so many people want to dig at its roots to see if there is something dark and bad there? So profound, David. They just need to look up. Look at its fruit! Like you did. I suddenly have an intense desire for some peach cobbler made from peach trees from that orchard in Eastern Washington.
@AnaliliB Год назад
There are some converts that take more time, but if they are sincere, they will find God. Thank you, David and Sisters for your efforts.
@loridavis7086 Год назад
I remember a man’s story in the Ensign: he’d had the discussions, wasn’t sure, never got a sure answer. He finally decided to test it (after reading some scripture). He committed to living the gospel fully for 1 year, (tithing, everything), even w/out fully believing it. by the end of the year, his life had changed so much for the better. he’d seen so many blessings & had a strong faith & testimony. .. and got baptized.
@TheKingsDaughter4227 Год назад
Wow! That’s REAL investigating!
@alicewongham3541 Год назад
​​@@davidjanbaz7728 That's not buying your way into heaven. It is putting the Lord's words to the test. We're all commanded to pay tithing as you might know. He could have stopped at any time he wanted to. But I think he Saw the windows of heaven open and he felt the blessings as promised by the lord for one who pays tithing. The Lord does not need our money to buy salvation from him. But we do need to pay tithing to wean ourselves from our worldly possessions to show our devotion to the Lord. So glad that you read the comments and got you thinking though. It's good to have honest questions and given a chance to hear sincere answers. Have a blessed day!😊
@537300 Год назад
Thanks for the post. It's interesting when people "Leave the church" without exception as far as I have been able to determine, do the exact opposite. If Satan tries to tempt me I "double down" on tithing if the funds are available. If you keep doing as you suggested in your post, you can still leave I guess but it turns from doubt to full rebellion. Kind of what I did as a teenager 50 years ago. In tennis we call that an unforced error, one that was preventable.
@davidfrey5654 Год назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 It's called following the commandment of tithing.
@binmyrtmind Год назад
Maybe the young man just needs a good challenge like your comment explains!
@Mgreat-o7v Год назад
Brother, you are a blessing, how beautiful are the missionaries. You could have a conversation with the missionaries who taught you and baptized you to hear from them what the experience was like.
@ShellLeighSays Год назад
For the lovely Sisters - I wanted to give you a response to your investigators thoughts about the Prophet and the water bottle. Something I think a lot of people have missed or ignored. After he smashed the bottle, he was asked WHY he did that. The others processed and considered his position. When they too felt this was a WISE choice, they joined in. We are not mindless drones and are not expected to be. We must think, ponder and pray for ourselves. We are all individuals and will have different talents, callings and roles in the gathering of Israel. It’s a beautiful gospel. I wish James the best and hope he decides to elevate his opportunities for growth in this life. ❤
@Timmyjg2004 Год назад
@capybara39419 Год назад
The smashing of the water bottle was not the best example of following the Prophet, in my opinion. There is no eternal consequence to the smashing, or not smashing of water bottles prior to recycling them. There are, however, weightier principles and practices that do have both earthly and eternal consequences, which the Lord through his living Prophet has counseled or commanded us to follow. As we follow the Prophet in living or doing them, we are blessed (as the Lord promises). Our Prophet's solemn counsel to us has been to "Hear Him" - meaning, hear the Lord through personal revelation from the Holy Ghost, as he cautioned us, "In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting and constant influence of the Holy Ghost." We can receive a witness for ourselves that the counsel is of God, and is his will for us. Then, through our agency, we make the choice to follow or not. P.S. In some cities, residents are asked to not smash empty water bottles before recycling.
@ShellLeighSays Год назад
I agree. For someone who has belief in our Prophet, this is so true. For someone who is trying to figure it out, it was an opportunity for a conversation. :)
@crazyaboutcards Год назад
Thank you for being willing to help James and these missionaries.
@juansmiles9924 Год назад
It is amazing the clear knowledge and understanding that you, brother Alexander have of the restoration of the gospel having been member of the church for such a short time. Love you.
@rncondie Год назад
Missionary work has changed a lot since I served in 1982. Knocking doors is the pits. David, I applaud you sharing the gospel and utilizing modern technology to literally spread your testimony worldwide. Sisters I wish you much success.
@frankNigan Год назад
Yes, it has changed.. because, it need to adopt new technology... Even late 2005 missionaries are not allowed to use smartphones or social media for sharing the gospel... Great things to come....❤
@kz6fittycent Год назад
I tracted (knocked doors) for ~40 hours/week. It was a very refining experience.
@capybara39419 Год назад
I served in Perú at the same time (82-84). One of the best things I've ever done!
@537300 Год назад
Your story is quite interesting For 47 years you were ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. On top of that you had a Catholic background so you were burdened with knowledge of the necessity of having a line of line of authority with nowhere to go. And Boom, with surrendering to the spirit and getting the Gift of the Holy Ghost its all at your finger tips. As a full time missionary we learned that the primary benefit of the Holy Ghost was the power of recall. 47 years of struggle created a beautiful orchard of peach trees.
@Tahimate Год назад
8k subscribers today 5/7/23, 6 weeks since baptism. On the 5 and 6 weeks mark, you had 1k subscribers per week. Today, we are up to 1.3k. I am loving this data.
@davidfrey5654 Год назад
Yes, I"m a youtuber and sometimes it takes people a year to get to his subscribership. It's exciting to see his voice rise from the dust.
@paulblack1799 Год назад
Right you are. The roots make the fruits. 🍓
@JacenCB Год назад
So helpful David and you Sisters are so attuned. Enjoyed visiting your channel today David. Mentioned you in a testimony today in Southern Utah. You also have an email from me. I'm aware of bandwidth to processing things. Our testimonies yes isn't it simple but so vast too. I think you'd really enjoy several of Neal A. Maxwell's works. Best to you Brother Alexander.
@rconger24 Год назад
May The Lord bless, keep and guide these sweet sisters as they go forth and love Heavenly Father's children into His Glorious Church! HOSANNAH !!
@kristastrong Год назад
I'm really looking forward to hearing about your visit with James! You are doing a wonderful work sister missionaries and David!
@rconger24 Год назад
"The truth cuts its own way." -Joseph Smith Jr.
@brucebooth4489 Год назад
Another wonderful message, David.... Sisters, you have the keys to teach and testify of the savior. Like David said, the message only takes root if James wants it and humbes himself to receive it.
@laloifilealofi9628 Год назад
Yes, the Lord sent you His servants, Sisters to share, teaching him, James the Lord's Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints, love and keep praying for you our hero, Missionaries keep sharing the good news ❤️ 🙏
@danite620 Год назад
I belive you are right brother Alexander. I know that when I first found a Book Of Mormon, the reason I was compelled to keep reading is because it was simple . Clear to one as uneducated as i .
@sonlighter01 Год назад
These are not David’s exact words, but what I have paraphrased from his previous videos. I wrote it down because his advice is so good! “This glorious tree, bearing glorious fruit, without doubt has glorious roots! So rest in the shade of its branches with gratitude, and eat of the glorious fruit, and be happy! You don’t need to dig up such a glorious tree to examine its roots.”
@Steelblaidd Год назад
I recently read though a very enlightening book examining the translation of the greek "pistus", what is typically rendered as "faith" in English. The author presents "allegiance" or "loyalty" as a more full translation of what is often meant when the word is used. It is pointed out that an essential aspect of the gospel is that Jesus ascended to Sit on the throne as King, and to be Christian is to swear fealty to him in that role. One cannot say they are obedient to the King while ignoring the officers of his Kingdom.
@themanflake Год назад
That was such a great conversation. Thank you!
@davidfrey5654 Год назад
David, thank you for using your conversion experience to proclaim the gospel online. Love your efforts brother.
@kathrinebeeder9892 Год назад
And when necessary, fast. ♥️
@quinnwoody6023 Год назад
When you’re humble, you’re teachable. When you’re teachable you learn, and when you learn you progress. Damnation is just the stopping of progression! Simple yet true. The idea of eternal progression is the idea of Gods eternal blessing! This is heaven distilled down to its simplest essence.
@paulmacfarlaneslp9209 Год назад
No blind faith required. I have been doing the same thing with water bottles for the same reasons for years. President Nelson gave, as he always does, a reasonable and sensible solution to a problem and he explained himself ... so why not follow?
@dcorem1 Год назад
I love your analogy of the peaches! No justification for poking around at the roots when the delicious fruit of the gospel is staring you in the face waiting for you to take a bite!!!
@crenshawize Год назад
It is so hard to get past the years of warnings and fear instilled by others whether well meaning or not but the individual being taught has to b willing to listen to the voice of the Spirit.
@bradjennings8714 Год назад
To me, knowing the correct translation of scripture and then trying your best to live it is the definition of faith.
@lisafeyt3694 Год назад
Matt 19:21 Interesting that the Saviour did NOT say, "just accept me as your personal Lord and Saviour and you're saved". No. He told the young man to go do something bigger/harder. "Works"
@safrew1 Год назад
I pondered this same thought this week- two witnesses
@jimoray3 Год назад
David, you are truly blessed and will be a great missionary called. As time goes forth you will be a great Mission President and leader.
@realtomtomeny Год назад
Do you think our Church would call David as a Mission President? That would be great but seems unlikely.
@jimoray3 Год назад
@@realtomtomeny , oh I’m sure it could happen. Depending on the circumstances and he is 68 now, who knows what may happen in 5 to 10 years. He has great understanding and qualities. I’m sure Saul ( Paul ) was unlikely but was. Whatever the Lords Will might be.
@TheHappyNarwhals Год назад
What makes you think David is making one penny off this- no one is giving him money!
@germanslice Год назад
@@TheHappyNarwhals We haven't given David a single cent but we have supported him with our testimonies and in doing so we have increased the light in Zion. And Zion will continue to grow in brightness and in power and glory.
@David-Alexander-German Год назад
He is already a mission leader. Let the missionspresidents train the full time missionaries, and we will see many more accept the full gospel.
@jonkeller3516 Год назад
God bless you Bro. David!
@mrsjonse Год назад
Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same. - D&C 1: 38
@gladbod300 Год назад
Well said Daivd! As much as I like justifying the truth through reason, simply put, that's not how it works: 1 Cor. 1:18, 21, 27 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. ...For ...the world by wisdom knew not God, [and] it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. ...God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 1 Cor. 2:4, 5, 7, 14 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. ....we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: ....But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
@vanschelt Год назад
@jerrykerr7755 Год назад
Hey David, Thanks for your awesome videos! I would find it very helpful if you would discuss your experience with the Holy Ghost as an evangelical compared with now as one who has the gift of the Holy Ghost. Is the guidance of the Holy Ghost something that is not common among evangelical Christians? Thank you for all that you do.
@DaMossyJake Год назад
Do you know when you’ll be able to go through the temple? I’m excited for you brother:)
@towardcivicliteracy Год назад
One thing I’ve noticed about “skepticism” is that it usually isn’t skepticism. It’s doubt. Skepticism is suspension of judgment, when it is appropriate to suspend judgment. It is very hard to do. In any case, it takes revelation. It takes God’s power. You cannot be saved from ignorance but through God’s grace-his enabling power.
@VickiRasmussen Год назад
Can't wait for part 2!! 😊
@FilmsSilent Год назад
The story of the plastic bottle was a silly story to prove a profound point and the act of crushing plastic bottles shouldn’t be taken too seriously as a new commandment from president Nelson. The profound point is sometimes the prophet asks us to do things we don’t understand such as when Moses held up a brazen serpent to heal people. But why wouldn’t we follow the prophet with the bottle? If James actually listened to the story he would hear that Nelson crushed the bottle to be courteous towards other people. Be bold, but not overbearing and you can tell James to humble himself to be more open and not so hardened.
@bumpercoach Год назад
there NEVER was anyone so good or anything so true but what plenty of critics wouldnt lie about it (especially if the enemy of human happiness opposes and more so if theres a financial motive) ... even those who saw Jesus miracles w/ THEIR OWN EYES and heard Him teach w/ THEIR OWN EARS failed to all keep following Him during His ministry on earth -- why would now be any different?
@loridavis7086 Год назад
David Chiu… do you know Rachael Davis (Wall)?
@jimandhilaryfollett1365 Год назад
I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self security. Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not. Brigham Young
@jimandhilaryfollett1365 Год назад
I'm always comforted by this quote by Brigham Young. We are not wanted or expected to follow blindly.
@halsmith7642 Год назад
This is one of my favorite quotes or declaration from President Young; After another heated debate (I think it was about using an addition to a chapel for community activities/dancing) between Brother Brigham and Brother Woolley (a local Bishop), Brigham said: "Now, Bishop Woolley, I guess you will go off and apostatize." Woolley responded: " if this were your church, President Young, I would be tempted to do so. But this is just as much my church as it is yours, and why should I apostatize from my own church?" Brigham responded " Amen, Brother Woolley, amen."
@Timmyjg2004 Год назад
In ancient times people prayed and listened to the prophet, same here! They always say to pray for yourself
@DevonFine-mz8cu Год назад
The simplicity is overlooked constantly
@mickski548 Год назад
8k subs that’s some good stuff
@EricSmyth4Christ Год назад
Great video !
@harryabelpotter9630 Год назад
Dear brother Alexander, sir: ... I have a question. Is there a book or guide or video that you can suggest to help your brothers and sisters to understand the world of Evangelicals [and yes I know there are so many varieties] and a follow-up question: Is there a list of New Testament scriptures to memorize that would help us speak their language?
@outof_obscurity Год назад
I'd love to be put in touch with the missionaries.
@reasonablebb1724 Год назад
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest deal in the history of the world. How great the covenants of the Lord!!! He gives us the nicest vehicle ever made to enjoy for your whole life, oh and this vehicle if you follow the guidelines that come with it will bring you Health, Hope and Happiness; also Peace, Prosperity and Protection; Oh if you live faithful to the guidelines to the end of your life, you’re given the greatest gifts God has to offer. •Eternal marriage Have your companion to share eternity with •Eternal family To have an eternal connection to your family • Eternal progression Forever learning and growing • Eternal happiness Your happiest day for eternity • Eternal life. To live in the presence of God the father and His Son and aid in the continuation of lives and worlds What does He require for all of this? Simply. Take His name upon us by being baptized Remember Him Keep His commandments Keep doing it till the end of your life Greatest deal!! Heavenly Father always greatly pays obedience.
@randycacnio3989 Год назад
@alatterdaysaintonfire5643 Год назад
The way I would answer the first question about Joseph Smith and his supposed errors. I would challenge the man and say how do we know who is. It is not a Prophet of God. Is it simply by reading a book and being convinced of that book, or do have to know it by the spirit. Because there have been many who proclaimed to be a prophet and have wrote books about their experiences. So how do we know for sure?
@537300 Год назад
The differences between Joseph Smith and the other purported prophets is that the others built an organization around themselves. After the experience of the Three witnesses Joseph Smith his mother that was the most exciting gratifying moment of his life because he no longer had to bear the burden of the restoration by himself. Other than the first vision everything he did was connected with as many people as he could get involved. The experience with his mother about sharing the burden with others is recorded in Lucy Mack Smiths autobiography. I have a copy of that.
@alatterdaysaintonfire5643 Год назад
@@537300 the Joseph Smith story is incredible, it is unbelievable, and that is what makes it so much more believable than any other
@mrsjonse Год назад
We have to be humble and childlike. Moses was shown the reality of mankind. Our wisdom is nothing. We must properly approach and access the presence of God... our we just run around in the mists of darkness... unwittingly pretending we are clever. Just to make sure that this reality was not lost on Moses... the Lord, after showing Moses the reality and dependance of mankind on the Lord... Moses 1: 9 And the apresence of God withdrew from Moses, that his bglory was not upon Moses; and Moses was left unto himself. And as he was left unto himself, he cfell unto the earth. 10 And it came to pass that it was for the space of many hours before Moses did again receive his natural astrength like unto man; and he said unto himself: Now, for this cause I know that bman is cnothing, which thing I never had supposed.
@danielmeehan1756 Год назад
I was a convert to mormon church for several years. But my questions with Joseph Smith led to me questioning church. It was a taboo subject in mormon church.
@ilmari7568 Год назад
Maybe James has fallen in love with Mormon ladies ?❤
@ilmari7568 Год назад
I pray for James that he leaves Mormon missionares and dont cover to Mormonism
@David-Alexander-German Год назад
pray for him to see the truth
@loridavis7086 Год назад
And to receive God’s guidance and to come to know God’s will for him. “Thy will be done.”
@JD-pr1et Год назад
Many of us Evangelicals with a solid knowledge of the Bible (and many with knowledge of early Christian history) have joined with the Church of Jesus Christ, restored in the last days as noted by Daniel and John. I am grateful that Jesus Christ leads and directs His restored Church. Come and see the truth. It sounds like you have been exposed to the partial truths and lies of Satan and his misguided followers in the antichrist literature crowd. Come and find the truth behind those many distortions.
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