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David Kuckhermann
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Check out our fundraising page at bit.ly/savethehandpan
You can find more information about the current wave of lawsuits at www.hcu.global.




11 окт 2020




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@DoranMitchell_Handpan 3 года назад
It seems to me that the cat is out of the bag & there is no going back. The steel is the canvas , the tuning the work of art, & the players bring it all to life.
@jason_108 3 года назад
This is just heartbreaking Felix & Sabrina would go this far. Received my first hang from them in 2008, an Integral. The handpans own creators are turning against the very unity & joy they were inspired to spread. What next 2020?!
@leaveyourcomfortzone 3 года назад
i would like to understand the drive behind this behavior of rohner/schärer. since years they behave like angry , greedy, narcissistic kids. everybody gave and gives them respect for what they have created. it is disgusting.
@KiwyZzonk 3 года назад
I agree.
@TimFalk73 3 года назад
Take a look at PanArt's page, there they describe in detail with many paragraphs their position on this. But: This is regression, not progress! This is ego instead of public spirit! This is a disgrace for the general public! ... just my subjective opinion!
@KiwyZzonk 3 года назад
@@TimFalk73 I also agree
@tdogg956 3 года назад
I don't agree. Mr. Rohner might write a "flowary" but at the bottom line I understand and support them.
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
@@tdogg956 Look at their website, not even a normal digital store or an assortment of Handpan/Hangpan scales to sell or whatever...If they win it's handpan players back to the Swiss stone age's. Just an angry old man.
@thegreenlightwarrior8742 3 года назад
The handpan is definitely this centuries healing instrument; we need it to continue raising our vibrations and continue the evolutionary process. Praying and spreading the word.
@handpanmusik 3 года назад
such a sad development. Many existences who are devoted to handpan with all their hearts will be destroyed. The market will be free for cheap, mass-produced imports. Let's hope Panart has a heart.
@vedex613 3 года назад
The handpan helped me find peace while going through a divorce.
@robinbullock4366 3 года назад
Me too!
@yyutopian 3 года назад
Me three!
@deiaassumpcaoyokota9317 3 года назад
Congrats, this short video explains very well what we're going through. We are crossing our fingers!! With LOVE.
@mattiasselin4955 3 года назад
I've donated! I love my handpan from Ayasa
@Jonpicklewater 3 года назад
The company that is trying to copyright the handpan is dumb it’s like Ford saying they are the only one to make cars
@handpan-relaxingmeditation3316 3 года назад
Does it make sense for other musicians to also upload this video to their youtube channel? I would like to do so. Why is this video not listed when it is the goal to reach as many people as possible?
@Apaged 3 года назад
Seems like the Hang was an accidental stroke of brilliance from the creators. This move goes completely against what the instrument communicates. Where is all this hate coming from after the handpan has spread so much love and beauty and connection around the world? We will fight this, and we will win.
@Gapcloser 3 года назад
According to themselves the idea was given by a gatham player but they never even said his name. Their execution was brilliant but the creative spark wasn't theirs.
@ptalch 3 года назад
Played mine yesterday. Suddenly started crying....it all came out....
@aniko7828 Год назад
Could a settlement be found? They created the Hang. They could receive like like 2 or 3% of every handpan newly made and sold for the next 40 years. Like the authors when their book is printed and sold. That would recognise and honor their creation.
@DrHinge 3 года назад
Played my handpan yesterday because of this. I really hope I can buy or swap in the future. Handpans came into my life to stay. Will donate.
@ThaGamingMisfit 3 года назад
Just wished it was clear where that amount comes from, what has the world come to that it costs 250k for a copyright lawsuit. Why now, more than a decade later is it suddenly no longer primarily musical instrument? I just can't believe how American this sounds, we live in a world of lawsuits where money reigns supreme.
@karli34 3 года назад
Probably 250k is their estimated loss of profit due to the now many "copiers".
@mattiasselin4955 2 года назад
Any updates?
@benfox9382 3 года назад
the real shame here is all this money going into legal pockets when it could be spent on so much better stuff like conservation.
@einkater8997 3 года назад
why no paypal to spend a bit?
@Quodge 3 года назад
Hi, a friend pointed out another very important point here. YOU CANNOT COPYRIGHT AN INSTRUMENT. Why do you think they pushed their 'sound sculpture' bullshit so heavily? They're clearly an amalgamation of Caribbean Steel Drum and Balinese Gamalan. Both of which are instruments. Aside from the fact that they released their own instructions on how to make these into the public domain before they were enacting any kind of copyright clawback, is there any way for you challenge the fundamental premise of what handpans are? They are used as instruments. For live performance. For street performance. For producing recorded music. They are TUNED.. Carefully! Is a Bell a musical instrument or a 'sound sculpture?' You don't go to look at them. You go to listen to them be performed as musical instruments. They are not used for some kind of sound scape dissonant art/sound experience. They are played as musical instruments in a musical context following the same musical and cultural rules as all other instruments. Even the skill required to play them is transferable from other types of hand percussion. The way the body maps onto and relates to these objects is as a musical instrument. It is tuned percussion. Fight this bullshit guys please.
@KiwyZzonk 3 года назад
Agree !
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
It is a piece of art in their view a sculpture. Hence the situation. In that light no1 can paint a painting anymore in a rectangular shape. Also a Dutch artist has the copyright to the copyright symbol because he painted it, showing the absurdity of such matters. Every creator stands on the cultural and historical things thoughts and creatons of those who came be4 in history. Everything is just a combination of old things like the Hang a combo of an India pot-instrument and the steeldrum and the tonguedrum, Guess how they came up with the tongdrum shape?
@tdogg956 2 года назад
@@aluminiumsloep As I already mentioned in the old days either noone tried to copyright a sculpture or instrument or did it and it's too long ago. And on second step an institution would still check if it is protectable at all-> rectangle and such would have not been accepted. So please dont choose such senseless examples.
@novelistusonthewater 3 года назад
I have a Pantheon Halo and a 2nd gen Panart Hang. I bought the Hang used for 3000 Euro and when I wanted Panart to tune it for me they refused to do that with the argument that they did not allow the original owner to sell the Hang in the first place. Subsequent emails in the matter only brought to light the arrogant and angry personal nature of Felix and Sabrina. They are obviously very sick minded people and its hard to fathom that these people have been part in creating such a wonderful instrument as the Handpan. I am just a handpan, and music in general, lover. Which Panart obviously is NOT, or no longer. Shame on you Felix, shame on you Sabrina !!!!!
@tdogg956 3 года назад
I cannot see anything "sick" about it. It's not "nice" and maybe not the way you are used to while trying to refund or complain about a product at a store. But there is and there must be a difference between bulk freight and handmade specific products. And I bet all other companies/artists/builders would refuse to restore a product they didn't sell (or at least they feel not comfortable with it at all). And at the end: try to take their point of view! I am really curious how you would react!
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
That is really sad
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
@@tdogg956 name me 1 company which forbids you to resell the product you bought from them used for a while and then what....Imagine I bought a bike used it sell it and then the new owner can't get it repaired anywhere. It's ludicrous their point of vieuw. Makes me angry that people operating in a creative positive industry bahve like this.
@tdogg956 2 года назад
​@@aluminiumsloep the differenz is that you cannot compare a bike of any kind with no patent on it with a product of a new kind of handban.
@stefanblue660 3 года назад
I don't really understand, ok they invented the hang which sounded like no other handpan I've ever heard. But then, they went to produce instruments, you can't play together with other instruments, , the first step to crazyness. From then I löst interest in them.Could somebody recommend a good handpan? Because I never reached to get a Hang. My letters to Panart were unresponded.
@bgymn-fn8jy 2 года назад
oooooh wow..... how much is a hang now? now i consider buying the handpan while its still available... :D
@thisall4real 3 года назад
Sad that this is what is happening. I only joined the hp community a year ago. Wanted one years ago but were so rare. Now it's possible. One can only guess the motifs behind this but i dont think its coming from a good place.
@tomwatson9825 3 года назад
"What a beautiful and emotional video that reflects my own feelings towards my handpan", was my first reaction. Is this a scam? was my second reaction. Raising money to pay a law firm? Really? Why not: send your own video, postcard, letter to Panart? Why not: sign a petition and we will make some noise that will resonate with the public and the press? Why not: we will print flyers and posters, and even pay a reasonable fee for some press coverage? A quarter of a million!!! for what? When I give to a crowdfunding campaign, I know it’s going to studio time, engineers, cd printing… The costs are clear. Why not 50,000? Or why not 500,000? Isn’t the community big enough to see if there’s a lawyer to advise pro-bono or cheaply? And why this particular law firm? Do they know the community or someone behind this campaign? Was there a competitive tender with different quotes? And what will the funds be used for? Sue the inventors? Offer legal aid to makers threatened by Panart? Aren't the makers professional enough to have a liability insurance with legal protection? Like any business? And do we really believe that Panart would prevent people from playing, teaching, or making? Do we have evidence of that? What are their demands? Do they just want royalties like a musician who’s melody was stolen or an inventor? - check the story of Robert Kearns. Most importantly what is Handpan Community United? It claims to be a registered non-profit organisation. An officially registered not for profit is legally obliged to publish on its website its registration number, where it is registered and the names of the trustees. The HCU has none of this information. Is the money going to an official bank account of an officially registered not-for-profit? Or is the money going into the bank account of the person who set up the GoFundMe page (and works as a tuner for a maker)? Hopefully, the lack of transparency and professionalism is due to passion running high and this not a scam but personally I feel the approach is wrong. It doesn't resonate nicely like my handpan. I will never ever "make a donation" to a law firm.
@1oglop1 3 года назад
yes there are open letters to PanArt and years of history of them attacking the makers. The person behind the campaign is the tuner of Ayasa Instruments You can go a checkout few of existing handpan forums out there
@ptalch 3 года назад
Please add PayPal
@Greenbo08 3 года назад
#savehandpans 🙏😔 Please, for all of us!
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
Funny how salty some people can get. The Hang creators are standing on other inventors shoulders. Without those be4 them they would not have been able to create the Hang. The round tonefields (done be4) the metal body with circular tonefields (done be4), All they did is combining multiple other instruments/elements, ffs even the ding is stolen from ordinaru era's old gong's (thai gong for instance). Big deal. And now out of saltyness Felix and Sabine are going to war against the whole world wide handpan playing community. In the mean time creating a few other instruments to even block others more (although they call them innovative new forms) Well i see for instance the Pan string thing as the same combination of 2 instruments. Nothing new, just a combination. Again standing on shoulders of others. In a way funny how copyright works, sometimes really good sometimes standing in the way of progress. I don't see Panart making such good and above all a varied palette of Hang's. So other makers stood up and filled the gap. waiting lists months of waiting for a Hang, who does not remember that? And at this point it strikes me the most that their attitude towards production is a real limiting factor for the community. I don't see them making interesting Hangs/handpans in a variety of scales outlooks etc...it's just the same old stuff, and the new forms they make lack the depth of tone or variety of tone etc, just a smokescreen to cover the formfield. Sad to see 2 people standing in the way and beeing so stubborn and oldfashioned in their standpoints. I mean if they would have a massive production going on to accomodate the community then i would support them,, But they themselves are stagnant and stubborn and as i understand dont want so many people playing the same "pan" creativity is what they want to promote. Start making hexagonal wavy Handpans people and stop them from making the blatantly copied pan strings, i mean it is obviously a stolen concept. I hope they have fun dealing with all the negativity, they deserve it. This has gone to far and drawn way to far into absurdity.
@bgymn-fn8jy 2 года назад
imagine what would have happened if the first person who built a house would have patented it...... O_O
@kasper3291 3 года назад
A lot of people wanna play handpan, but buying that instrument is impossible!
@tomwatson9825 3 года назад
Really? It's easier now that it was 3 years ago. It takes 4-6 weeks to get one and prices for good quality (not pro) are about €1000-€1500. You should get one.... While you still can ;-0
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
@@tomwatson9825 Try buying let's say a B minor Celtic from Panart.... That's the sad part of it all. They try to block all sales or make money selling licenses in the best case. In the meantime you can buy nothing from them that's come close to what the majority of people want to play. If you ask Panart wy they dont sell a variety of handpans you get an answer along the lines of well do you want everyone to play the same thing without originality? (spoiler yes i do so do others hence drums flutes etc etc are sold everywhere to everyone.
@onetofree 3 года назад
@YogiPrateado 3 года назад
Such a bummer. I wonder why it got to this point? How could it? Were there lines that were stated that were not respected? I have a hard time believing that this is about money alone (or even primarily). Perhaps better than only defending such an attack (perceived or real) might be to have a heart-to-heart with PANArt. Obviously, there have been many slights along the way. And there would be no handpans without the Hang. So, I urge everyone involved to take a more empathetic, meta-perspective on this; and ask how PANArt's perceived injustice can be made whole -- while benefiting the entire worldwide handpan community.
@joeljacq7486 3 года назад
Yes, perhaps there has been some toes stepped on, along the way. Perhaps they are protecting the integrity of their creation? They need to be appreciated and respected to change their minds. I agree in your approach.
@evaluciaable 3 года назад
@shane-zt9ix 3 года назад
Im slowly saving up for a Veritas sound sculpture.
@GPS379 3 года назад
Ego and greed kicked in
@tdogg956 2 года назад
Just develope something and see what others make out of it.
@antonybrooks8530 3 года назад
Think of all the sleepless nights and anguished days that Felix and Sabina MUSt obviously have suffered. You have to feel sorry for them. Now we get their pathetic and infantile revenge. They should be ashamed. I have lost ALL respect.
@chaka9237 3 года назад
@MarkedThing 3 года назад
Excuse me, a copyright for an instrument?? It exists??
@janiebarker2687 3 года назад
@ianhesford 3 года назад
panArt can suck it! Not very community friendly. Greed breeds contempt among players who should be supportive of their company. It's like if Stratavarius was alive today and tried to patent violin. I was going to buy a panArt but now I think Ill save some time and money supporting more community oriented makers.
@innersim 3 года назад
Felix rohner/schärer... how dare you do that. how dare you!! So ignorant.
@christinegeiler5770 Год назад
Weiß jemand, wie der Stand Sylvester 2023 ist?
@lockedgamer8582 3 года назад
Hey man remember that wrist video you did 12 years ago i and u said email me I need help after 12 years . If you see this comment please reach out to me I need your help
@DavidKuckhermann 3 года назад
Hey, Yes, I do remember. How are you doing and what’s the issue you’re dealing with?
@lockedgamer8582 3 года назад
@@DavidKuckhermann when I put pressure on my wrist it hurts so bad. For example when I do a push-up there is pain. It’s been 6 month like that
@DavidKuckhermann 3 года назад
Locked Gamer that could be all kinds of issues - tendinitis, cpr, maybe rsi. Do you still do the stretches from that old video from 12 years ago?
@lockedgamer8582 3 года назад
@@DavidKuckhermann I just started today
@lockedgamer8582 3 года назад
@@DavidKuckhermann anyways thanks for the help I really don’t have an access to a doctor and when I workout my wrist is in pain so I really appreciate your help keep up the good videos
@kainik9885 11 месяцев назад
Does anybody know about an Update ?
@123camilaparker 3 года назад
Whatever the so called creators(i heard they got the inspiration from someone else who they never mention) of Handpan are doing has its roots in the place where they stay ! Handpan has the potential of healing the battered humanity via its sound ! As we all know the dark controllers of the world knew that music has this power so they deliberately set the standards tuning frequency for musical instruments to 440 hz to drive the population xmcrazy with this unnatural frequency! But things started changing with 432hz revolution and handpan . Together with psychedelics handpan promises huge potential in the field of healing the human consciousness and that is the reason that the dark controllers of the world want to kill this movement as they inherently have ever been at the war against the humanity! So they bought out the so called creators of this beautiful instrument and now are putting their dirty plan in execution via this lawsuit ! We can’t blame the so called creators also for these dark powers are very very powerful and they will get what they want using power or money ! So lets contribute to this cause more and more ! I have done my part and i request all to do their part as well ! Pls spread the word in your handpan community, lets try our best to foil this war of the control system of the world against the rising consciousness! Lets flop their plan of locking down the ascension of the conscience
@tdogg956 3 года назад
So you write about things you just kind of heard something about. I guess you think different when you dig deeper and consider the whole story. :)
@gregoryschimanski7689 3 года назад
@TimFalk73 3 года назад
This development is really very sad and frustrating. Unfortunately, the law is on the side of PanArt, which owns the copyrights. Any court cases will probably be decided in favour of PanArt. This is annoying and a blow to all handpan makers and passionate players. Wouldn't it make more sense to start a petition and hand it over to PanArt? There will be no success for us without a concession on the part of PanArt. By the way, if the numerous other inventors of innovative technologies had acted in this way, there would be no airbags or ABS or, or, or.... As I said, this is absolutely frustrating and sad!
@michaellegras3888 3 года назад
Sadly a petition would have less signatures than the 1000s of letters they received from customers they turned down.
@karlotto8925 3 года назад
I love this instrument. But exactly copying a quite characteristic new design can´t be legitimate.
@KiwyZzonk 3 года назад
So why thousands of people are building and selling thousands of pianos guitars etc in the world? That instrument is even inspired by other instruments
@karlotto8925 3 года назад
@@KiwyZzonk Because they copy designs which are hundreds of years old and no copyright needs to be respected anymore.
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
@@karlotto8925 So they did not derrived the circular tonefields from the steeldrums? So they did not copy the shape and form from Steel tongddrums? come on...
@tdogg956 2 года назад
@@KiwyZzonk GEE!! because copyright was not that kind of an issue back than. OR: we just don't know about any battles about some kind of copyright! I bet there's had been some! Just imagine one piano creator hearing about someone else. Why shouldn't both care about what exactly the other one is developing!!?
@tdogg956 2 года назад
@@aluminiumsloep See! it's so easy to develope something out of something else. I wonder why some guy/gall is not finally taking the next step!... AND make the same experience as PANART! :D
@gavinchoo9249 3 года назад
Im confused as to how a piece of metal have such big an effect... does it cure cancer or a pandemic? If it does, i have friend that needs it actually :(
@tomwatson9825 3 года назад
If we follow you reasoning, we can replace handpan by football or reality tv and have the same sentence . But no handpan can't cure cancer or pandemic (neither can science can't yet). However it's been proven to be beneficial for mental health; like singing bowls, meditation...
@michaelroberts8397 3 года назад
I didn't watch the video but why not just purchase from the copyright owner?
@tomwatson9825 3 года назад
Man, this genius! What did no one think of that?! If only you had commented sooner... All this fundraising campaign for nothing.
@michaelroberts8397 3 года назад
@@tomwatson9825 I asked because im genuinely interested in the answer.
@MrFair 3 года назад
Not a handpan player myself, so I don't know what the situation is like now, but there are several reasons why it's not really practical to buy from the inventors. 1) In the past, you couldn't simply buy one from them. You have to apply and if they didn't like your application for whatever reason, you would not get an instrument. No idea of the current situation. 2) It's a handmade instrument and they only produce a very limited number (I actually don't even know if they still build the hang, I think they focussed on another instrument at some point). 3) There have been some weird choice with tunings from the hang makers. I have heard of hangs that are basically out of tune and it's impossible to play with other instruments. 4) They have a very specific view on what you should do with the instrument and what you shouldn't. If I remember correctly, for example, some players were sued by them for releasing tutorial DVDs. I think David Kuckhermann was among them. They want it to be an "intuitive instrument" and seem to be against people teaching it and so on. This alone would be a reason for me not to buy from them. 5) It's impractical. If only the would be able to build the instrument, it would be a bit like saying there should be only one guitar maker in the whole world. And not a factory, but a small luthier shop.
@michaelroberts8397 3 года назад
@@MrFair Thank you.
@EveryDaySlacker 3 года назад
Uhm... How about people stop acting like $4,000 is appropriate for a handpan, and more people will get into them and keep em alive
@brainshrub 3 года назад
A quality hand-pan is an individual work of art. While one should not be spend-thrift, I'd be suspicious of a pan that cost less than $2000.
@SoftAsFur 3 года назад
I wonder why PANArt has disabled comments on all of their YT videos. Assholes! Imagine if all acoustic guitars, brass, percussion, and other instruments were allowed to be copyrighted as 'sculptures' like PANArt. If it's a sculpture then it can't be played... if it can be played... it's a musical instrument and can not be copyrighted.
@Noonswing 3 года назад
Handpan? Extremely expensive
@tdogg956 3 года назад
I don't agree. At the bottom line I understand and support PANArt. It's against copiers with no own handwriting in creating handpans. There's no need to "save handpans" just because the good and unique ones are not in "danger"! You guys and gals: musicians, creative handpan builders (with! own handwriting and developements!) better watch out and do not let exploit U by these companies which are the problem and which are actually meant by PANArt. And at the end: try to take their point of view! I am really curious how you would react!
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
And the Panart stopped selling the Hang.... because ..? Just a bunch of sad selfish people there in Bern
@tdogg956 2 года назад
@@aluminiumsloep Well, because of the f*** up situation with a bunch of copiers and because of their own policy to reinvent themselves all the time. and that is what they expect from everybody else instead of just copying stuff to only make money other than develope that instrument and be CREATIVE!. And I bet the inventor of the piano or string instruments like guitar would have thought quite similiar these days. But, well, no one is able to ask them.... So, that has to stay as only a guess of me. I only can say, that I would a problem with that, too, in their situation.
@tdogg956 2 года назад
@@aluminiumsloep And there is something else PANart is pissed about: they wrote, that they had to learn, that Ayasa had planed to sue them in any case, even before they had their little dialogue. so what a kind of trustworthyness is that?!
@joemares497 3 года назад
To try to collect 250 000 EUR within this story sounds quite crazy. Of course, what Panart is doing is awful. But to try to say it will cost 250 000 EUR to change it ? To give it then to some friends "lawyers" and who knows to whom else (no real control over that). But people will be sending after seeing the "touching" video, thinking their money will really help. For sure, it will help some people ;)
@tomwatson9825 3 года назад
Totally agree. I posted my comments before reading yours. The GoFundMe page is not set up by a registered not for profit. It belongs to an individual, likely full of good intentions but the money goes to a personal bank account. A bit dodgy.
@joemares497 3 года назад
Yes, it is really strange to manipulate people like this for one's own profit.
@handpan-relaxingmeditation3316 3 года назад
I know Ralf and all the people in the video. They are trustworthy and they put a lot of effort in fighting for the protection of the freedoms of handpans. They have just one goal with this campaign: To help persecuted makers, resellers and artists to win against panart in court. So that we all, who love handpans can keep doing what we love and what many peoples existence have become dependend on.
@aluminiumsloep 2 года назад
If you would read a bit more and be a bit more informed you would know money is used as intended, ask for instance Rav pans
@joemares497 3 года назад
Mr. Ayasa wants to collect nice money, misusing Panart activities for it, creating pseudo "touching" video and naive people start sending :(((
@1oglop1 3 года назад
I'd like to see what you'd do if your own source of income (and not only that) was at stake
@tdogg956 2 года назад
@@1oglop1 if legislation is not on my side and/or I have to admitt that my business has an error. I stopp crying and start to THINK and devlope something. Because my assets are not that specific instrument, but it's my ability to work the metal that way and tune it!
@chaka9237 3 года назад
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