
Psychic Healing and the Creeps of Instagram 

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25 апр 2024




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Комментарии : 6 тыс.   
@o0Spurs0o 5 лет назад
I’m honestly surprised that the ladies talking to the grass have hairless armpits
@WowWow-ow6fw 5 лет назад
@milotin 5 лет назад
That's true
@lxkng22222 5 лет назад
That’s true
@cheecho2001 5 лет назад
That's true...!
@Myco97 5 лет назад
That's true
@krisss2468 5 лет назад
Lady in white: Lets talk to the trees. Lady in blue: Thats true...
@inkshermit9055 4 года назад
Honestly thought you were making a joke but nope! It was in the video...
@dangerousdanmx1567 4 года назад
That's true
@user-QQQQQQQQ 4 года назад
Thats truE
@reggie5507 4 года назад
that's true
@pureamericanmetal_ 4 года назад
That's true
@insertusername9978 3 года назад
The day she says "that's false" is the day the world ends
@arnaudflemme4726 3 года назад
That's true
@MashPatayta 2 года назад
According to their RU-vid channel, the blue shirt girl acts as the "fact-checker", and often calls her mom out for false statements, but they cut those parts out of the videos.
@shmovinnn 2 года назад
@@MashPatayta she doesn't do a very good job lmfaoooo
@Dr.Manninton 2 года назад
@@shmovinnn that's true
@rs_kira5710 Год назад
That’s true
@crabbyscrappy 3 года назад
Let’s ask the trees. “THATS TRUE”
@knives4apro485 3 года назад
thats true
@crabbyscrappy 3 года назад
knives4apro that’s so true
@ghoul8085 3 года назад
that’s true
@crabbyscrappy 3 года назад
🙍😿but what if it’s false! I can’t live with that
@heyitsbella1734 3 года назад
Crabby Scrappy that’s true
@TheWholeofHell 5 лет назад
I respect the fact that you go out in public with that mustache.
@blueham8230 5 лет назад
This man streams i don't think he leaves the house or atleast doesn't have to i know i wouldn't
@NewbCh8surr 5 лет назад
Don't think he's allowed to leave with that ankle bracelet
@dlpozzer9598 5 лет назад
Who said he goes outside
@bobbibson626 5 лет назад
Bold of you to assume he goes out
@alkapol1 5 лет назад
@private4043 5 лет назад
"Why did you call me?" *says the guy that called Chuck E Cheese at 3:07am*
@MeowMixMatthew 4 года назад
That’s true
@pureamericanmetal_ 4 года назад
@trevorlonghofer4146 3 года назад
@viruscomputer9736 3 года назад
"Now the grass is angry at us though." is the most insane statement I have ever heard. also the old lady's just babbling on about some random weird ass space sub-atomic shit with dead people going in the light and the blue shirt lady's just over there going "THATS TRUE THATS TRUE THATS TRUE"
@elibreezy 2 года назад
@CLB Ronin facts lmao
@xclawes9005 3 года назад
“That’s how you know he’s a psychopath” me on 7% battery
@TvC_Levi 5 лет назад
The girl on the left sounds like a church deacon saying amen after every word a paster says
@ArthurMorgan-_- 5 лет назад
That’s true
@teenrandomgamer1785 4 года назад
@tsukarikaoru 4 года назад
I dare say that she has been brainwashed by her mother. I feel so bad for her.
@EnderShard 4 года назад
@@teenrandomgamer1785 pasta*
@teenrandomgamer1785 4 года назад
Ender Shard booooooooiiiiiiiii 😒🙄
@bobbobinson11 5 лет назад
I finally deciphered what he said: "Ooooook guys so now let's Stop messing around and look at the time"
@Supreme_Lobster 5 лет назад
r u ok?
@jemmakei7676 4 года назад
holy shit
@cheeseburger5904 4 года назад
@@Supreme_Lobster are you ok.
@cakeeater9796 4 года назад
You are the type of person destined to rule the world
@kilinski4247 4 года назад
That's true
@andelsmith7854 3 года назад
Bruh the way he used nigga was hilarious 😂😂😂 can't even be mad at him
@PricedHigh 4 года назад
The stain on the shirt was from her drooling on herself, it wasn't stained when she put it on 👍
@ep6808 2 года назад
Her mother is 100% drugging her
@DPadGamer 5 лет назад
No one > Blue Shirt Girl > Thats truuue.
@samszotkowski 5 лет назад
@bananabeansyoho7781 5 лет назад
@@samszotkowski *gasp* a NO???
@khestal 5 лет назад
What does "Nobody: " or "No one: " mean?
@simspigeon9481 5 лет назад
Chester it means that nobody or no one says anything but the thing happens
@anthonycareaga683 5 лет назад
That’s true!
@ablationer 5 лет назад
I legit feel like the That's True chick has been indoctrinated by the other woman (her mom?) and possibly routinely beaten into submission until she'd start going along every single thing she'd say as a defense mechanism. She talks about pulling her own traumas out, stuff that messed her up, and immediately the other shuts her down as if to say she had no reason to complain about anything, to which she instantly agrees and proceeds to shut up op for the rest of the video, speaking up only to repeat after her and not bring any of her own thoughts anymore. I mean yeah she's clearly high as a kite, but that's not everything. That and the mumbo jumbo that's meant to sound deeper than it really is, makes for some seriously worrying cult-like stuff.
@finickyzeppole 5 лет назад
that's true
@McNottagoose 5 лет назад
That's true
@jef3406 5 лет назад
That's true
@eula9 5 лет назад
that’s true!
@ducktheparentofducks9421 5 лет назад
That’s true
@Rand0m411 3 года назад
"I'm a beautiful boy" "Thats true..." 😂
@inforism. 3 года назад
that “planet earth dating” joke was golden 😂
@ny0omm 4 года назад
“I tug on my trauma strand once a day...” -Wubby The girl on the left: *THATS TRUE*
@uglyhorns4640 4 года назад
DarkShadow_YT Gaming and More she would know
@victorrice4549 4 года назад
That's true
@kirkbennett9229 3 года назад
You realize he did say yall niggas need to stop cutting me
@knives4apro485 3 года назад
thats true
@brianbouf8303 3 года назад
Das right
@seyp6888 5 лет назад
Take a shot each time the girl on the left says, "That's true."
@i.suk.6146 5 лет назад
You'd die(That's true)
@DignifyTM 5 лет назад
fukck thss is ny firft drillkinvg chalngne, 10 shotd of evrclear I csnt thype
@DignifyTM 5 лет назад
pock a weaker albocohol
@mikhaylaschull5913 5 лет назад
Dangerous. That's true 'o'
@commandershepard1838 5 лет назад
The grass got angry at me Plz help
@louisvictory4023 3 года назад
"I really dont think the grass cares that your uncle cornered you at the Christmas party" - Wubby
@thatchris1626 3 года назад
I was just expecting the girl in the blue top to just start whaling in immense pain for a second and then everything goes back to normal as if it didn't happen
@harrybennett5127 5 лет назад
" I tug on my trauma strand once a day"
@hendrik6720 5 лет назад
I tuge on my trauma strand twice a day. Sometimes 5.
@ldargjohnson315 5 лет назад
That's true
@jeremywallace5216 5 лет назад
Dosnt sound like its very effective if you need to do it everyday
@Jafarmarar 5 лет назад
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@rq6767 5 лет назад
thats true
@user-be8be4tj1k 5 лет назад
You are my favorite lesbian RU-vidr
@squiggatesticles2679 5 лет назад
PaymoneyWubby is my favorite independent black youtuber
@DJRowas 5 лет назад
That's true
@hivjuice1817 5 лет назад
@duunniduunni5146 5 лет назад
That's true
@ChuckJustice123 4 года назад
That’s true
@gdsergio_4898 3 года назад
No one: Not a single soul on earth: Blue chick: THAT'S TRUE
@ShadowAkatora 3 года назад
It's actually kinda relaxing listening to crazy grandma talking to the trees. I'm sorry _the grass_ the trees said "No" this time.
@MaybeitsmeJulia 5 лет назад
I'd like to thank you for the doorbell sound effects played repeatedly. My puppy thinks there's like an army of guests at the door.
@flattie2107 4 года назад
That’s true.
@bakerXderek 4 года назад
Holy shit, those chicks were actually DEATH STRANDING.
@beemelonhead1 3 года назад
Wait what do you mean? I thought that was a video game..
@thomasinajefferson9971 3 года назад
I’m so confused ... need an explanation PLEASE! Lol
@alexhuerta6164 3 года назад
Bro yeah I've never played the game and I need context what does this even mean
@butay2443 3 года назад
It means they were boring
@JME2191 3 года назад
I assume because they're talking about strands going back a long time
@zerotwo6114 3 года назад
This dude is the embodiment of demonetized and i love it I found your channel like 2 hours ago and I’ve been hooked I love your channel keep doing it
@sexypeopleandme 3 года назад
Did wubby just say the n word ?? Girl on the left: that’s trüę
@wanny9141 3 года назад
This comment is tru ✋🏼U👄U👌🏼
@LurkingOnlineSomeWhere 3 года назад
Honestly was surprised but I’m not even offended. He used it in a non offensive way and honestly hearing him say nigga just sounds right idk
@harryhenson5498 3 года назад
Bro I had to turn on subtitles I was so shocked lol 😂
@tino4769 3 года назад
I'm just glad they shaved their armpits.
@Bbknuckles 3 года назад
Why boys are getting real brave out here..
@ajwelsh3191 5 лет назад
Your mustache makes me think that you tossed a leprechauns salad.
@toast7580 5 лет назад
yeah, and the friction burned his eyebrows off
@cpl_ 5 лет назад
That’s true
@fedeterra42 5 лет назад
god dammit, you blew my mind.
@pureamericanmetal_ 4 года назад
I hate you for that.
@cheeseconsumer5710 4 года назад
Speaking in representation of Pakistan, we do not want to be associated with this man and his 3:00 AM antics 😔
@BhaktaChase 4 года назад
@IceFire1800 4 года назад
sounds just like something Chuck E Cheese would say
@rekietabeatslc9980 4 года назад
Thought that was kinda creative. Good content for kids to watch.
@parasthesia1 3 года назад
@@rekietabeatslc9980 nope
@doctapeppur1900 3 года назад
@@rekietabeatslc9980 yeah if you want your kids to have minecraft zombie brains
@Vok250 4 года назад
Everyone thinks they're on drugs, but I'm getting more of a schizophrenia vibe myself.
@user-hp8rf4ze5k 4 года назад
Dude you clearly know nothing about drugs or schizophrenia
@Vok250 4 года назад
@@user-hp8rf4ze5k You know nothing about me you opionated twat.
@bigbird0077 3 года назад
He did a follow up video where he interviews them and the younger girl was completely normal even bashing the new Star Wars films. Also felt sad about leaving her old life. The mother is either drugging her or brainwashing her. Brainwashing her isn’t completely crazy idea due to the fact that they come from a line of doctors and scientists
@danielkerese9631 3 года назад
well theres a mioment at 11 29 that you can see that the mother is clearly bothered by her saying thats true and changes to the "thats a no " for real check .something weird is going on . And to be hones i also thought of that people that have fetishes and tag videos with #armpits ewe
@SpitMeOut 3 года назад
“Why does the grass give a fuck about your trauma threads?” 🤣🤣🤣 dead
@abigailfosnocht423 5 лет назад
Wubby your cat looks like you and I want to see him more
@advixxc9186 5 лет назад
I don't think anyone could stress this enough
@heda9450 5 лет назад
That’s true.
@Jay-um6eq 5 лет назад
That's true.
@meeke2399 5 лет назад
That’s true
@eks204 5 лет назад
*That's* true.
@JoeOnaBoat 5 лет назад
You know paymoneywubby, there are a lot of creepy people on the internet and yes of course you can trust me
@cheedarcheese5283 5 лет назад
Do you still watch Noahsnoah
@JoeOnaBoat 5 лет назад
cheedar cheese yes Noah does trust me and I look forward to his visit to my yacht
@dumbidiotstupddumb6150 5 лет назад
i trust you very much so
@JoeOnaBoat 5 лет назад
the lion hook thank you for your trust
@thatspicynoodle 5 лет назад
Joe On a Boat beautiful
@notsocooljoe 9 месяцев назад
“Y’all 🥷 s need to stop cutting me” 💀
@kairos-049 4 года назад
"I always swallow, because I'm a considerate boyfriend, you know?"
@sdivine13 2 года назад
Wait wat
@youraveragedude9325 5 лет назад
My brain: Hey yo this video is pretty good My mouth: ThAT'S TRUE
@imexaltedirl1812 5 лет назад
Girl on the left looks like she spends 6 days a week at a yoga place and doesn't have a job Girl on the right looks like she had a tough marriage and divorced after 36 hours
@maya.n 5 лет назад
That's true
@veena3648 5 лет назад
Shadow Galaxy32405 that's anything But Yoga! They're just silly people
@gdwnet 5 лет назад
The grass is angry at them. That's one bad acid trip!
@LordSkella 5 лет назад
Calling the one on the right “girl” is very generous to say the least. Purple tank top is shithouse crazy but she’s a cutie so I’d give her a like, bitches love likes.
@pinkmivenus 5 лет назад
that's true
@TheGreatOne602 3 года назад
"Yall niggas need to stop cutting me"! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂
@Buckshotyankee 2 года назад
Mother: “Let’s talk to the trees” daughter: ”that’s trueee” For real she has to be drugged she has no idea what’s going on 😂
@Ghastly 5 лет назад
im feeling nodding sensations from the grass as i give my trauma strand a tug job
@joek1600 5 лет назад
You probably appreciated when wubby called the first dude's breakdown a "dubstep dance break" lmaooo
@bananabeansyoho7781 5 лет назад
*Tug job*
@northyegarden 5 лет назад
Thats true
@hemorrhoidsasuke2030 5 лет назад
@cupris 5 лет назад
"Flordia man was arrested today outside a KFC in Tallahassee for masturbating in the drive-thru garden. " i'm sorry
@CuriousNeon 5 лет назад
*THAT'S TRUE* *_but is it?_* _VSauce background music_
@bananabeansyoho7781 5 лет назад
That's a NO
@eiscubexx7519 5 лет назад
That's true
@WubbyPunch 5 лет назад
The way this bitch said that made me want start a genocide
@ruki1252 5 лет назад
god is dead
@Nightknight1992 5 лет назад
jesus christ i want 10 grams of whatever she had
@brucenewman731 3 года назад
As a half-black man, i hereby give wubby the n-word pass so nobody can cancel him in the future for saying the n word
@k-grizz541 3 года назад
Love to see it🤵🎩🍷
@northstar3143 3 года назад
i went so fast to the comments section jus to mak sure i wasn't trippin
@totalovercoolernolesen9254 3 года назад
@@northstar3143 lol me too
@jungleinsectspikewall4474 3 года назад
@ivokosir9711 2 года назад
Nobody cares
@bdot_c4L 11 месяцев назад
"Yall niggas need to stop cutting me"💀
@andyfeldmanmusic 5 лет назад
I can't believe the psychic healing ladies just did a video with him. I have so many questions.
@kevincrawford3557 5 лет назад
Bro I know right? I watched like a minute of it but came back to rewatch this video first. Can't wait to see how strange their video is with him.
@christopheranderson2089 5 лет назад
That's true
@kevincrawford3557 5 лет назад
@christopheranderson2089 5 лет назад
@@kevincrawford3557 Ive just watched a 40 minute video of one of them doing that crazy arm thing in front of a horse what the fuck is going on?
@singh68ify 5 лет назад
@@christopheranderson2089 that's true!
@cody1254 5 лет назад
You look like you just ate out the grinch
@frostfang1 5 лет назад
Nah definitely shrek. Shrek is love, shrek is life. He couldn't make anything on the grinch grow three sizes.
@kitt3h 5 лет назад
@Poi Lethe exactly
@hemorrhoidsasuke2030 5 лет назад
Actually.. U see the green big chungus in the background of wubby's face cam?
@crxdave 5 лет назад
That's true
@ethancastaneda3017 5 лет назад
That’s true
@Z3bly 4 года назад
These women just both had like 3 caps of MDMA each
@tamara4478 3 года назад
That's true
@Z3bly 3 года назад
@Abra Cadabra This is exactly the kinda shit i was doing when i first did mdma
@solmoman 3 года назад
@@Z3bly Really? Okay well maybe after the after-after party.. But we would tangle like a snake pit right there. Wubby, Archangel Gabriel, Jamie, her mom, Allux, everyone
@pipe6491 2 года назад
😂😂😂 ive never done this type of shit while rolling
@Perfeli 3 года назад
Tbh I was really suprised hearing him saying the n word
@Perfeli 3 года назад
@Adebola anhanu Joiban 10:51
@GravyCity. 3 года назад
Me too. A lot of people get canceled for that. It’s not like he used it offensively but I’m still on the iffy side. I’m not sure how I feel about it, or if I have a place to since I’m Arab, but it did surprise me !
@JakobStrand 5 лет назад
The healing ladies kept talking about dimensions... I think they mean dementia.
@EnderShard 5 лет назад
@meeke2399 5 лет назад
That’s true
@mmmjjjxxxx 5 лет назад
@@meeke2399 Underrated.
@meeke2399 5 лет назад
Daaku Reunion I am right 😂
@rogerwright3049 5 лет назад
That's true. I think I'll join them in the smaller subatomic now *proceeds to screech and scream in 1940s mad cow disease*
@TheScarletSeeker 5 лет назад
The category is: People who annoy you.
@ralphbrennan7700 5 лет назад
@@OMGitsRogue Randy, nooooooo
@olivercooper2033 5 лет назад
@jessrobson3029 5 лет назад
@Marcuscelio 5 лет назад
That's true
@Abby._.379 3 года назад
The cat looks just like him white and a ginger.
@poncho_20xx14 3 года назад
Can't believe this was from March of 2019, his content transforms so much so rapidly, but it's still so true. Thought it was yesterday, feels like a decade ago. Love you, Wubbz
@Doughy_in_the_Middle 5 лет назад
The younger chick scores REALLY high on the hot-crazy scale.
@bigballs12pl 5 лет назад
That's true
@Caveboy0 5 лет назад
Thats so true
@acehardy3629 5 лет назад
Lemmie run that by my trauma strand.
@mattymo56 5 лет назад
This is not true. The as soon as I heard crazy she immediately became unattractive.
@Doughy_in_the_Middle 5 лет назад
My god...all of their videos are like this. Wait wait... I must feel the expression of beings higher above speaking forthwith to the eternal chamber of consciousness that both flows and emanates from all beings both within and without is ever present in all manifestations of the symbiotic nature of the print head.
@greybeard6504 5 лет назад
“That’s true.” WTF? Crazy people. She looks so confused, too.
@CodBeeClassic 5 лет назад
thats true
@stiffplaysgames9999 5 лет назад
Thats true
@spencerkrell9847 3 года назад
I’ve never heard of this guy before I watched this but I immediately smashed the like button because of his lil positive attitude
@FritzVonR 3 года назад
That stuff on Instagram really gave me the creeps. But I think it's good you addressed this problem.
@Icculus224 5 лет назад
Bounced on my boys trauma strings to this
@Dorraj 5 лет назад
That's true
@petrusorinpirtac3908 5 лет назад
Ah, a man of culture.
@DirtyCommunist 5 лет назад
Hey yo I find trauma strings on my cat all the time. I vacuumed them out of him and then put the vacuum on reverse and that little fucking cat shot halfway to the moon, which is a hell of a lot further than NASA got. Guess he was a ghost, or at least a Chinese-made animal hybrid. The guy who sold him to me only wanted oral sex and approval as payment, which I know are in short supply at the Apple factory. Hope those suicide nets didn't get in the way of Steve Jobs' ghost. Shame on us all!
@ehno4913 5 лет назад
@thatoneboyaiden 4 года назад
Im waiting for the day when she says, "That's not true."
@vulpesveloxx 4 года назад
That's a no
@nilsy2095 3 года назад
It will set her free
@CSantos09c 3 года назад
The "That's true" made me spit out my coffee. So funny
@godzillab10 Год назад
I really want an update on Angelic. The mom seemed to be holding her daughter captive.
@plaguedoctorravennotscp0496 4 года назад
*I like how the captions even struggle to understand wtf he says*
@violet4243 5 лет назад
14:36 he really did just try to slick pull out his trauma strings
@marcgabriel2815 5 лет назад
*that's true...*
@0_0senpairipper33 5 лет назад
Paymoneywubby: Aha *snacks lips* that is not correct
@kingjulien311 4 года назад
11:04 Lady on the right: Let’s talk to the trees Girl on the left: THATS TRUE
@ecol4372 4 года назад
when i saw the ad about medal i was like "not another ad" but then i ended up getting it and i was really happy about it
@Z_420 5 лет назад
That’s true
@bananabeansyoho7781 5 лет назад
*That's True*
@scaredpaul540 5 лет назад
@reubendapiton573 5 лет назад
@bananabeansyoho7781 5 лет назад
*I feel nodding feelings from the grass*
@scaredpaul540 5 лет назад
Holly shit...i am still laughing on it... :D
@Dub.45 4 года назад
LOL, that's not a stain on her shirt. She was drooling!
@TaxEvasionAnyPercent 4 года назад
7:21 "That's drool"
@vikingvfx5412 4 года назад
@@TaxEvasionAnyPercent ghhahahaha
@ambervirtue9323 4 года назад
@@TaxEvasionAnyPercent gold
@thedarkness111 Год назад
I want Jamie constantly saying 'that's true' every time I open my mouth, it's the confidence boost I need really...
@anthonygarcia2390 4 года назад
@pyro530916 4 года назад
"I tug on my trauma strand once a day." Made me spit out my cheerios.
@attackpickle8454 Год назад
good to know people still eat cheerios
@thomasw2798 5 лет назад
No one: Wubby: *says the n word* Everyone:
@BRIGHT_LORD_C 4 года назад
Thomas Westbrook exactly. Wtf is going on
@carlyl2093 4 года назад
That's True™
@lilmisfortune423 4 года назад
That's true
@troyk7100 4 года назад
That's true
@OhertRasmus 4 года назад
That's true
@ThePixelMicros 6 месяцев назад
Wooah rare gamer word wubby
@Bazingalix 4 года назад
Some random RU-vidr: dancing to dubstep Wubby: slowly slipping into insanity
@LivieLOVE2Laugh 4 года назад
"I tug on my trauma strand once a day" LMAAAAO
@Steve_Just_Steve 5 лет назад
At least they shave their pits, because they definitely seem like the type that wouldn't.
@heda9450 5 лет назад
That’s true
@connorswansson3019 5 лет назад
Wolf Kom Trikru if that was meant for like a pun of that purple shirt lady I'm fucking dead😂
@heda9450 5 лет назад
MajorFlapFlap 64 yea it was 😂
@connorswansson3019 5 лет назад
Wolf Kom Trikru Nice😂
@jadeh_2342 5 лет назад
Yeah like you
@meaganhaynes 3 года назад
Something that upsets me is the fact that I understood everything the grass ladies were saying even though it’s all gobbledygook
@youssarian91 3 года назад
You might want to double check you're not on the same drugs as them
@saucynate4177 3 года назад
Stop dropping acid, makes a big difference
@KaisertigerX 3 года назад
What do I take to understand them?
@saucynate4177 3 года назад
@@KaisertigerX take some acid, I did and I lowkey understood them. Kinda fucked me up tho, thinking about there situation
@Harlequin52 3 года назад
12:07 "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"
@giannieditsvideos 5 лет назад
The grass is *A N G E R Y*
@bananabeansyoho7781 5 лет назад
@@kierangee1062 *Angery* something more intense than angry . Angery comes by when you see your fellow grass blades who enjoyed the same lightrays , soil and soilwater as you did getting disfigures, injured and killed right before your very ---- Oh, well ,grass doesn't have eyes. That's why grasses get very *ANGERY*, because they don't have eyes that is...
@anna44644 5 лет назад
U got out of the void?
@strxps9117 5 лет назад
Me: “these edibles aren’t shit” 7:52 **Me five minutes later**
@CapsAhmad 5 лет назад
TriP SaTe that’s true!
@lewis7909 5 лет назад
That's true
@art2988 5 лет назад
TriP Sa
@AlmightyLenny 5 лет назад
Me after reading this comment 10:01
@filthynormie 5 лет назад
Dont do weed at 3 am
@adelanaofficial 3 года назад
The moment he switched on the subtitles........ Classic! 🤣🤣🤣
@delonejuanderer Год назад
I love coming back and finding out which sound bites from stream are from these typa videos 🤣 "thats true"
@bellafrost 5 лет назад
here's the translation for those who don't know what nisan sigurna means: translation: *that's true*
@kat4702 5 лет назад
bella frost godammit
@Xombiefood 5 лет назад
Fucking got me gud.
@AllstarFail 5 лет назад
Foreal tho it means "im not sure" in croatian
@kappapanda965 5 лет назад
The whole answer was "i'm not sure,i can try",but that's true also!
@MassiveSwingingProductions 5 лет назад
It doesn’t mean no and that’s all that matters fellas
@darealkitkat7691 5 лет назад
"eyebrows have left the chat"
@Jay-um6eq 5 лет назад
That's true.
@phishb8 5 лет назад
That’s true
@mdmxo9980 5 лет назад
That’s true.
@von132 5 лет назад
Uno reverse card
@alteringattitude7445 5 лет назад
.uert s'that That's true.
@cubbleshasreturned6968 3 года назад
Can I leave an N word pass in the comments so no one tries to cancel wubby in the future?
@WeJustActive 3 года назад
I’m black and I don’t get offended when wubby says it because it’s comedic and it just feels right when he says it😂
@WookieWarriorz 3 года назад
Bruh they've tried to cancel him a million times for this haha, even though Ive yet to see a black person offended
@marcusmoore7600 3 года назад
He gets the pass
@Nantosuelta 2 года назад
@@WookieWarriorz Its usually not the actual ethnic group who gets offended, its white sjw's who are completely out of touch with reality
@al3034 3 года назад
Just subscribed today. And this man just dropped an nbomb on these broads
@TostitosMangoSalsa 5 лет назад
That big chungus on the shelf looks more like you than you
@DJRowas 5 лет назад
That's true
@MassiveSwingingProductions 5 лет назад
Don’t disrespect big chungus like that
@arc11honist 5 лет назад
that's true
@RAWRimaCATx33 5 лет назад
That's true
@emilypacheco7816 5 лет назад
Why does that cat look more like you than you do
@DickieisSupaCool 5 лет назад
that's true
@febbie7851 4 года назад
@MR FREEZE-98 no
@Sam-vm9kh 4 года назад
I miss the little random captions u put in some of these older vids 😭 they're so cute to me ❤️
@firnekburg4990 3 года назад
14:08 I DIED :DDD I spilled coffee all over my shirt :D
@igksnowy672 4 года назад
At 10:51 I was like holy shit squigga gave him the eternal pass
@themylcman1208 5 лет назад
I'm so glad you watch these videos so I don't have to litter my youtube feed with it.
@meeke2399 5 лет назад
Nicholas Dillman that’s true
@pasteldoll7274 2 года назад
I absuluty love the 2 women XD watch them when i feel down because I just love the rambling so much
@reneexxx8809 3 года назад
“Before this is your star be sure to do boom to find and keep going on the find” -captions What amazing wisdom he has for us.
@johnrose8017 5 лет назад
Paymoneywubby: *advertizes stream* Me: *goes to stream on Sunday* Paymoneywubby: *not there*
@Jay-um6eq 5 лет назад
That's true.
@chaotictreasure 5 лет назад
That’s true.
@westonwheeler2311 5 лет назад
True that
@mahdi3521 5 лет назад
That’s true
@ashley-id9fx 5 лет назад
That’s true.
@viktoriya2145 5 лет назад
It’s been a long time
@davidcaceres2392 5 лет назад
Didn't expect to see you here, but okay, btw love your videos
@BeexDubb 5 лет назад
Viktoriya n-werd
@viktoriya2145 5 лет назад
David Caceres thank you! And I didn’t expect to be here either he needs to upload more
@RyanT22 5 лет назад
That’s true
@ccrazool 5 лет назад
That's true.
@bilhelm000 3 года назад
I looked up "that's true" and this was the 4th result
@notkerrystolcenberg 2 года назад
I have a friend who ODd on acid and acts and speaks exactly like the older woman. They call it permatripping, HPPD.
@sunnivahansen1473 5 лет назад
Your lack of eyebrow and green mustache had me thinking you were doing crack
@bananabeansyoho7781 5 лет назад
That's True
@frostfang1 5 лет назад
He got high and ate out shrek
@leeleewaters1451 5 лет назад
Look what we've done to him the poor fella😫
@ineedsomesleep6759 5 лет назад
I didn’t even notice his eyebrows until you pointed it out, so thank you...
@ciawillhite9739 5 лет назад
Your cat looks like you but in cat form
@LiVexReFlex 5 лет назад
sub to pewds that’s true
@duunniduunni5146 5 лет назад
That's true
@atomiclr6369 5 лет назад
That’s true
@nikolaa6011 4 года назад
13:29 she misspelled the end of "nisan", its suppose to be "nisam sigurna" which in serbian means "im not sure", btw shoutout from serbia, love ur vids, always cracks me up
@zlMikmaq 3 года назад
Bros getting to comfortable throwing that n bomb around 😂😂
@sierraallen4360 3 года назад
For sure
@solmoman 3 года назад
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