
Psychology of Psychonauts | Cruller's Correspondence 

Gaming University
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Good day everyone!
Psychonauts 2 largely follows the story of the original Psychic 6. After the Battle of Grulovia, all were damaged in some form or another. Neither of them being the same.
The leader of them, Ford Crueller, has had his mind shattered into multiple parts. However, some vital information is held inside. Something that requires Raz to piece it all back together before this intelligence is learned.
In this episode of Psychology of Psychonauts, we will explore Cruller's Correspondence. Locked away inside the Mail Room, one part of Ford sorts the mail. Inside his head, he does the same thing. Just in a different way. Let's dive in and try to figure out what is happening inside this mental world.
As always, free discussion is encouraged in the comments!
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Episode: Psychology of Psychonauts | Cruller's Correspondence
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26 сен 2024




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@TheIvoryDingo Год назад
I've always liked Mail Cruller's line of "It's not like she was marked 'Fragile'." Though wordplay with multiple meanings like that one are something I always appreciate.
@veradistheeggcat229 Год назад
Ford's dialogue in the mirror shards are nothing short of masterful works of art. I've never seen puns used in such serious ways and WORK.
@Netsaver Год назад
What I like about that line is that it shows a hint of Lucrecia's character that she was a strong willed individual and not one who fell under pressure. However the experiments with the Astralathe had weakened her will and caused her to lose control of herself.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I agree these end level scenes are masterfully scripted. All of the word associations really hammer home not only the point but why the levels look the way they do.
@QuindianaJones Год назад
Such a loaded sentence, if he wrote it on a paper and mailed it to himself alone, it would rack up the postage fees like he tried mailing a fridge in a dollarstore envelope.
@niveth1 Год назад
@@veradistheeggcat229 “Careful! Sometimes it’s hard to get it back in that bottle” “Even gutter balls return, eventually” “I guess some packages are better left unopened.” I think it’s the scenario they’re used in and what they imply that makes them work. First talks about Lucy’s defense mechanism so to speak. Once it took control, it was hard to get rid of it as you could see in the memory vaults and in her fight. Second, I’m not sure what this one implies. Maybe telling himself that Lucy might come back (as her old self ) but idk. Third is pretty explicit. The psychonauts used their powers to open every closed door in their minds and when war came along, this would be a part of what lead Lucy to become Maligula. It’s even implied in “Ford Follicles” where lighthouse ford says “Wait a minute, you’re not Lucy. *You’re something from deep inside her, something we accidentally **_unlocked”_*
@ftwinzeler Год назад
Part of me feels like the reason that they made him a mailman is because of all of his unaddressed issues. Literally unaddressed. Like mail
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Unaddressed issues in the dead letter office. Perfect sense.
@ScorbunGame Год назад
All of Ford's personalities in this game are rooted in memories of his past that he's trying to keep suppressed because their too painful for him to face. When looking at all of them as a single mind it becomes very clear that Ford is a broken man that's letting his grief and sorrow destroy him from the inside.
@QuestionDeca Год назад
Oh, bit of a spoiler, but he’s keeping them suppressed for another reason too, much more important to him then avoiding pain.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Without getting into those spoilers but I suspect there was more that one into his decision than simply keeping a certain someone safe. By doing what he did he wouldn't have to deal with the emotions anymore either.
@VVen0m Год назад
"You see? The mail just doesn't matter." This line is kind of chilling tbh
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Really depressing too.
@Ordecaos Год назад
“Nothing Important, just that I loved her.” Is such an incredibly raw and heart breaking line on so many levels. Ford realising that, like the video says, his letters were never going to get to the right person. But it also brings up something else, Ford is an old man, all of the Psychic 6 are elderly with grandchildren (with Compton) and grandnieces (with Bob) all of them should be well into proper retirement with their own families and friends by their side, but the tragedy of it all is that his love, possibly his only love, died and he has such terrible guilt (deserved or not is another question entirely) and the subsequent shattering of his mind that Ford likely never loved again. He almost seems bitter about it, in a way. An understandable reaction but still. When you’re young, you believe that love can conquer everything, that if you love enough that you’ll overcome any trial, but time often, unfortunately, proves that wrong. I have no doubt that all of us have loved someone so incredibly much despite ourselves and that love just wasn’t enough. It’s unlikely Ford ever properly processed that given the shattering of his mind, and if he did then it’s entirely possible he came out worse for it, at least until the end of the game but that’s for another day.
@AnakhaSilver Год назад
I think part of the problem is people conflate love and infatuation. I was always taught that infatuation are the initial feelings, but love is something you and the other party(ies) have to actively grow and work on together. One person doing all the work won't work out, and expecting that love to just grow itself kills it.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
To respond to your thoughts on love versus infatuation. I go back to the Two of Cups imagery. Equal and opposite exchange of the water which represents emotion. Infatuation is more of a desire to possess something in my opinion. Granted two people can be infatuated with one another but that isn't love. Love is something that is tempered. Not something you initially have.
@ChristianDall-p2j 5 месяцев назад
@@GamingUniversityUoGi Think i would define YOUR definition of “infatuation” as Lust!
@ChristianDall-p2j 5 месяцев назад
@@GamingUniversityUoGp.s. HI GAMING UNIVERSITY!
@Mr.Anderson9323 5 месяцев назад
Cruller’s line “I’ve done a terrible thing, Raz. And so have you” really stuck with me. I love the utter coldness in his voice.
@GamingUniversityUoG 5 месяцев назад
I mean haven't we all right? Comes down to if we learn from it or not.
@katietaylor8314 Год назад
"There are no good and bad emotions - only good and bad reactions to them". This is 100% right on the money. All too often when we're not in a good place mentally we tell ourselves we "shouldn't" be feeling this way, which is the perfect recipe for making it even worse because all it does is compound the existing depression or anxiety with further feelings of guilt and shame. And you *cannot* reason your way out of the way you feel. If you try you'll just end up in a pointless battle with yourself and your own feelings, and a battle like that always ends with both sides losing. This is actually my least favourite level in the game, and not because it's a bad level - far from it (though I've always found the whole area around the typewriter really frustrating). It's because I'm autistic and the relentless noise and movement in the main area really bothers me. I have to put on headphones to stop myself from getting agitated. (I'd LOVE to see a level in Psychonauts 3 which is inside an autistic person's mind. No doubt I've said that before at least once).
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
This is the reason I enjoy the entire discipline of Metacoginition so much. Taking a look at how your own head functions rather than let the robot in our heads dictate every aspect. Emotions are an automated response. Wishing them away isn't something we can feasibly do. But we can sit down and try to figure out what the emotions is responding to and work from there. How would you design a mental world based upon autism?
@Ketchamfamily Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Sorry to cut in but I would like to put my two cents in as well since I also have autism specifically Asperger and for me, I always imagined my mind as a library or database. Some sections are overflowing with various info and memories and facts about various esoteric stuff I find interesting. Yet some areas would be chaotic and in disrepair areas where things like regrets, enablers, and especially doubts are running rampant gumming up the works and making things not work correctly. Since one of the biggest things about me Is I doubt myself a lot. I Doubt myself, my skills, my capability and so much more and that leads me to be fearful of messing up and causing further problems which results in me trying to stay safe in my little bubble. I understand that this is not healthy but a part of my brain is happy with the status quo and frankly, it is maddening dealing with this sort of duality. My guess is the boss would be similar to 2 sides fighting for dominance and Raz trying to stop them and make them work together rather than having one or the other win. I dunno frankly I would love to have a psychonaut come into my head and see what they can sort out in there and perhaps help me fight my own demons since I feel like I barely do myself. Anyhow sorry to butt in but this question spoke to me on a personal level and I wanted to give my 2 cents
@judithvandenberg8551 2 месяца назад
​@@Ketchamfamily as a fellow autistic person, let me say that it compleetly fits with ASD.
@hatbros4463 Год назад
It’s the small details that I love about psychonauts
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
The environmental storytelling here is incredible
@maurothetoad Год назад
​@@GamingUniversityUoGI find it amazing how much care was put in the positions of collectibles in some missions we haven't got to, yet :D
@andre_601 Год назад
I said it in previous videos, but I say it again... I love the detail of Raz not just being happy that he brought another piece of Ford's shattered mind back together, but actual sadness about Ford's situation. About what he felt back then.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Ford was a hero for him and Raz sees exactly what his hero has been going through. His history. That what he reads in True Psychoc Tales doesn't reveal the emotional cost.
@TheTolnoc Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG More than that, it likely never detailed their personal struggles beyond a few simple, surface things, like Sasha and Milla having feelings for each other, which... seems pretty obvious to most who see them together, likely. Learning that Ford was imperfect in the first game, only to find out more and more of his secrets, struggles, and failures... Raz is rapidly becoming disenchanted with the whole image of Ford as a hero. Which really makes the next bit hit as hard as it does.
@QuestionDeca Год назад
I’ll always wonder what the state of that dam was like Prior to the rain that finally broke it.
@MatthewCobalt Год назад
It was mostly fine (within reason), but the continuously increasing water level must have pushed over the edge of it's design
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm not an engineer but I agree. The dam probably was not intended to support that much water.
@flowerheart2054 Год назад
From what I understood, dam itself was fine, but it wasn't made with quality materials
@QuestionDeca Год назад
@@flowerheart2054 I’d love a source for that because nothing In Game says anything about it beyond that it broke the day of That Protest and that she found her sister’s body after.
@flowerheart2054 Год назад
@@QuestionDeca I mostly took it from fact how much Theodore sucks as leader, and that he doesn't spends money on people, and when rulers like that, buildings don't get a lot of government sponsorship
@MatthewCobalt Год назад
This entire series has put into perspective my own mental stuggles, as my own maladaptive feelings/actions have resulted my very reserved and emotionally stunted person. I'm trying to get better, as I try making friends at such a late stage of my youth (22). Wish me luck, as it only get harder for me.
@jurtheorc8117 Год назад
From a random person on the internet to you and all others who may need it: Wish you best of luck in taking care of your feelings, your mind and yourself.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I wish you all the luck in the world. Take care of yourself.
Another awesome analysis, cool. But I find out, that you didn't mention one interesting detail. In Strike City only enemies(expect Censors, but they, well, everywhere)we must dealt is doubts(which is makes perfect sense, considering that(according to memory vault) nothing bad didn't happened yet; in Ford's Follicles we must dealt with, not only Doubts, but also Regrets(again, makes perfect sense, considering WHAT this world represent), but only in this world we see one and only, enemy, who have all rights to be here, both from game and story perspectives: it's a Panic Attack. From game perspective we already know Panic Attack and how fight with them and from story perspective we also know what happened, and I have no doubts, that after such news Ford couldn't have actual panic attack panic. Small detail, but interesting. Sorry for grammar, English is my second language.
@BannanaOnFloor Год назад
As someone in a similar position just know it does get easier! Sometimes you just need one good friend to help introduce you to a bunch of people
@bluwasabi7635 Год назад
​@BannanaOnFloor This is true
@spongeintheshoe 8 месяцев назад
You know, I think this is the first time I've seen a robot's head explode without it being funny.
@rosykindbunny1313 Год назад
That last letter from Maligula though 😢 Seriously, all the Ford levels are so deep and so amazing
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Short but dense. His whole story is depressing
@snoodge-cv7fj Год назад
Psyconauts had always impressed me with its design, it's very impressive the way every aspect of a level is thought out to represent a certain concept or part of the psyche. But more than that its one of very few games I've watched or played that can illicit such a strong emotional reaction in me, even just hearing the out of context lines "I wrote a letter once, maybe it would've saved a thousand lives, maybe just one, but I couldn't know, I never sent it" is written and acted so well that it almost has me tearing up. Even just by the cleverness of the metaphors these games have to be some of the greatest ever made in terms of storytelling and messaging.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I love every aspect of it. The level design, the theming, the acting, the messaging. Everything works together.
@agsilverradio2225 Год назад
12:00 "If you will pardon the pun." There's no need to apologize for any sort of pun. This is Pshyconaguht we are talking about!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
No joke I got that pun by watching the Psychodyssey documentary. The developers used that pun when making the level
@Leviachan- Год назад
This is so great! I love your analysis of all the levels so far! If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were on the team yourself lol!!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm glad you enjoy these! If I got in on the writing meetings for these games I'd go nuts lol
@AgentChick Год назад
Always great when a new Psychology of Psychonauts episode drop. Can't shake the uneasy feeling that the series is about to end after all these years though.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Yeah I know. It is one of those things where it is exciting to have the whole series done but at the same time sad that it's done. I do have another psychology based series planned after. Hopefully that scratches the itch.
@debrahill9312 Год назад
How the hell are you not more popular? Content as high quality as this deserves millions of views!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I appreciate it! We'll get there. Just imagine what will happen to these videos if a Psychonauts 3 gets announced. Honestly though I think it has to do with the games I cover. Not the most popular games.
@rodan9773 Год назад
Guess what Car Cruller Drives....A FORD lolol. Respect and keep up the epic work.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Low hanging fruit here sir lol.
@goldentriforce29 Год назад
I like how you address the psychology of the mental levels of Psychonauts and the characters. The next one the tomb of the Sharkophagus is next and reveals the dark truth of Ford’s memories
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm looking forward to working on the next one.
@michelecastellotti9172 Год назад
I wanna express how good the ford cruller levels are, like... initially you dont make much of it until you realize every single detail in them is connected to his experience. This one in particular how he is freling confused and tries his best to put every bit of his memory back where it belongs, and the fact he tries to hide or destroy that single letter is really telling of how much he loved lucrecia, and my god those cutscenes where he talks with parts of himself are just pure perfection
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I try to look at all three of them as a single mind. Just different facets of it.
@michelecastellotti9172 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG but thats the point, it is always him, its just the parts of him that are the most important. The barber is the one that looked from afar, trying to light the darkness and help others, but also the one that had to admit the horrible reality; The bowling ball clerk is the one that wants to remember naught but the best parts of his life with the person he faced, tho now that person was lost to... herself; The mailman is the part that is trying to put everything in place, it is SUPPRESSING everything, his love failed, she cant hear him anymore anyway, so why keep so much space occupied? (I uh.... had my experience with this, kind of)
@inklingplush7592 3 месяца назад
i had to pause the video because i didn’t know you could address the letter to lucrecia and it would still work??? that’s so cool
@michaellatner975 3 месяца назад
One small detail i like, is how one of the emotional baggage was right next to the letter where Lucrecia was accepting the name of Maligula, probably due to Ford seeing it as a major point of Lucy leaving "lucy" behind
@sheda111 Год назад
Ford Cruller is my favourite character in literally anything I'm so glad you're making these videos Feels like therapy lol
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Ford's awesome!
@snowblossom4961 Год назад
Damn my insomnia making me awake at 4 am has some pros in order to catch this as it’s out.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Let's look at those silver linings there
@FayeFingers 10 месяцев назад
Please finish the rest of these. They're great, and I've been waiting for Cassie's Collection for months.
@LeafseasonMagbag Год назад
Had a feeling this was coming soon but this is still a brilliant surprise!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Happy Monday! Hope the surprise helps set the tone for the week
@Orange_Tree_ Год назад
The fact that you even find Bob's letter.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I can only imagine what Ford wanted to say to Bob. Knowing that he was at the bottom of a bottle.
@Orange_Tree_ Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Actually, I was talking about *you* specifically finding the letter. In my personal playthrough, I never saw it among other letters within spiral and just assumed, that Ford felt too guilty to write to Bob at all. In a way, I guess, this much was correct, but the fact, that Ford did plan this letter out and simply never got to putting it on paper, kinda changes things. If before I thought, that Ford just wanted to distance himself from the Bob out of the guilt, now I wonder, if letter "to the bottom of the lake" really means that he planned to go there personally, in an attempt to save Helmut. And in case he failed, was Ford planning an apology and an explanation? Is that what's inside the letter stuck in his mind, the one he hoped he would never need to put on paper? Or, perhaps, Ford didn't even hope to save Helmut anymore, but couldn't tell Bob, that there once was a chance, since he knew how bad his old friend was already? Didn't want Bob to learn he gave up "too soon" and seal himself for dead inside that bottle? Or was Ford never able to find words to tell Bob, that saving Lucy inadvertently doomed Helmut? Is it supposed to be nothing, but an empty envelope, a gnawing reminder of what Ford is supposed to address, with no letter to put inside, never brought to post office along with others? Indeed, we can only imagine.
@teeje8205 Год назад
Finally, my favoriite level! gonna have a blast :D
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Hope I did your favorite level justice
@NicolasDominique Год назад
Another splendid analysis.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Thank you good sir!
@maineman5757 Год назад
This is definitely one of the games of all time!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
This series is so well made and fun to explore.
@maineman5757 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Writing is next level good and it's funny!
@drakofox1362 Год назад
FINALLY ive been waiting for this one lol so.... who's next i hope Bob
@rodan9773 Год назад
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Next we are digging up the past
@AFNTWMB Год назад
These videos are great and so insightful!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Glad you enjoy them!
@blehh_mae Год назад
this is a small detail but, i like how in this level ford said he deeply regretted not sending the letter to lucrecia telling her shes not herself, then later on when maligula appears ford tries to tell her to stop, it shows he learned from that mistake and tried without hesitation the second time
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I wonder how many people have been in a similar situation. We have a hard time telling people we love to forget their behavior. Only to see them turn into something unrecognizable
@flowerheart2054 Год назад
Fun fact - there also a hidden message in level that can be found only though datamining "Theodore Lucrecia has gone too far. The people hate her, but also fear her more than you. She is a threat to your crown! Singed, a friend" And weird part is, that this letter is written with Lucrecia's writing, like, it written same way she writes
@flowerheart2054 Год назад
@@sillycookie I don't think so, like, they are same person and letter specifically refers to Lucrecia
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Would be interested to know why this was cut
@rosykindbunny1313 Год назад
I wonder who wrote it 🤔
@flowerheart2054 Год назад
@@rosykindbunny1313 as i said, there big chance that it's Lucrecia (since it's her handwriting), question is more, why she wrote it in a first place?
@rosykindbunny1313 Год назад
@@flowerheart2054 Maybe one last way to protect him before Maligula took over
@lostmediadetective2590 Год назад
The basic message of psychonauts 2 “ war is hell”
@KaminoKatie Год назад
And the real villain is generational trauma
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
That's the biggest thing. People not overcoming their trauma but rather allowing themselves to be ruled by it.
@EthanTheDinoNerd Год назад
God I love your Psychonauts videos and always a joy to see a new psychonauts video. Your Alan Wake videos are interesting but I'm thinking of getting and beating the game first before I watch them.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Glad you enjoy these! Psychonauts is a lot of fun to work on. The game is crazy good. If you decide to jump into the Remedyverse have fun!
@EthanTheDinoNerd Год назад
​@@GamingUniversityUoGI got a 360 copy of Alan Wake for $1.89 at Gamestop. I'm playing it now and....it's alright...the combat is fun and I'm betting I know what the twist is. Also not a fan of the little enemy variety. Enjoying the game though it does make me want to play other horror games like Silent Hill.
@ftwinzeler Год назад
Half of me wishes that they had made him a bellhop and had him store out emotional baggage instead of letters. It could be an interesting metaphor for sorting out those sort of issues that he had to contain
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I think part of what went into the mail theme instead is because of the pun. Things were going 'Unaddressed'
@bugjams Год назад
Well, emotional baggage is already a thing in Psychonauts. I'm actually glad they took the mailman angle because it's essentially the same visual gag done in a different way. That said, a giant hotel level would be really cool. Or an airport. Might fit for a character who's an empath and feels like they're taking on everyone else's emotional luggage.
@BumblyBear Год назад
I've been waiting for this 💕
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Hope it was worth the wait
@DrAmadeusRaven Год назад
I love this series of video-essays! Very enterntaining, interesting and educational!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed all the different things we try to toss into this series.
@ToriskAblinsky Год назад
Hon, wake up, a new psychonauts psychology episode is here 🤩
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Grab the bucket of water and get 'em up lol
@Twillek1019_ 8 месяцев назад
Fun Fact about the mailroom, you can type both Lucy and Lucrecia on the envelope
@GamingUniversityUoG 8 месяцев назад
Weirdly enough I only ever typed Lucrecia lol. Everyone wondered why since they only did Lucy.
@SnivyTries Год назад
I would explain the whole process of emotion / feeling / action, and the barriers between them, with an analogy we all-being here-probably know. Video games, and being angry at them. Something annoys you in a video game. Then, annoyance is turned into anger. Finally, you punch your monitor. The Freudian barrier tells you "don't be angry, it's just a game", whereas the Rogerian Filter tells us "don't let your anger cause you to break things"
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
That's a good way to put it yeah. Comes down to the philosophy of some players top when the annoyance turns into fuel to overcome the trial instead of anger at the game.
@codyboise9989 Год назад
I wonder many times how much of my personality and actions are mine? Growing up with autism and watching alot of TV Growing up, I can remember things of interest well almost like a tape recorder,( like with your video's sir!) But I worry about my unique personality and whether it's mine or just something I reinterpreted. Also now I know the difference between emotions & feelings, I know mine are close enough the difference is almost irreverent. Always interesting learning about new things to discover/fill my mental world.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
My buddy growing up was on the spectrum and was home schooled. TV shows really dictated a lot of his personality because that's what he thought people behaved like. It took a long time for him to discover his own personality. But yeah I think we get into a head space where we interpret our feelings as emotions because that Freudian Filter is so automated we can't conceive of a different reaction to stimuli.
@codyboise9989 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG atleast we have a choice of how we interact and act upon the world, it's also nice knowing all I have in my head I remember is something that has interest to me, that's why even if my personality is slightly different, I do things my own way.
@water..8320 Год назад
i really love these videos , i never looked much into psychonauts 2 but your reviews really opened up my love for that game , its great to see someone really dive into everything in such a nice way! thank you very much
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
You got it dude! Enjoy your playthrough of the game!
@water..8320 Год назад
Thank you very much ^^
@ginsengaddict Год назад
Woot! Welcome back.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Thank you thank you!
@willisrose9756 Год назад
Awesome job on this one! 👏
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Thanks dude. Took a while for me to decide on the angle. I like how it turned out.
@blehh_mae Год назад
unrelated to the video but i just wanna say, when you eventually do an episode on the bob's bottles level i think you should touch on the topic of how bob actively tries to help you, or atleast hes neutral to raz's help since the bulb bob things literally try to help you get through and are generally happy about their situation, meaning he probably subconsciously wants you to help him with the seeds, the real bob at the end tries to stop everything during the boss and knows the moth isnt really helping him, and he also doesnt even stop you from giving him the seeds, he gets a little bit hesitant but he doesnt really tell you to stop or that its harmful even after giving him a couple, out of all the minds in psychonauts 2 he actually tries to better himself instead of not even knowing anythings wrong or trying to deny it, its just that hes so lost after losing helmut and the rest of the psychic 6 that he cant really fully go back to normal by himself and needs some support, but the part of his mind telling him to ignore it (the moth) has more influence than him trying to fix it (since bob is stuck on an island, and the bulb bobs literally cant move by themselves and they definetely cant give bob the seeds) its just a observation i made during the level and i really wonder if other people saw it like that or if theres more interesting things implying it that i missed
@magikarpkarp4899 Год назад
love seeing this stuff, happy it came out!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Got a wild hair to work on this one once I figured out the angle. Glad to be able to get it out for you all.
@snoochieboochyz 11 месяцев назад
Love this series, still excited to see next episode. Hope it drops soon 👌
@GamingUniversityUoG 11 месяцев назад
Writing the next one this week hopefully. Once Alan Wake 2 comes out I'll be distracted for a bit.
@snoochieboochyz 11 месяцев назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I know it’s a mountain of stuff to unpack for the next one. So good luck and Godspeed 🤙🙏
@madmanmortonyt4890 Год назад
Watching your past catalogue, its great to see your editing improve. You've come a long way, yourself!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I ended up hiring an editor. You probably noticed just when all those changes began lol.
@madmanmortonyt4890 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Ah, there it is. I've made another regrettable comment. Another one for the mantle... Please forgive my ignorance. It doesn't change the fact that I still enjoy your videos, and that you have improved significantly.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Oh no you're perfectly fine dude. I'm stoked that I have a talented editor to work with.
@raxelleon8189 Год назад
Ford and Lucrecia's relationship reminds me of that episode of Rick and Morty called A Rickconvienent Mort. You know, the one where Morty dated Planetina?
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Never seen Rick and Morty so the reference is lost on me
@Numatruehome Год назад
Finally, it’s here
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Got a wild hair to work on this. Glad to be able to get the next one out
@Numatruehome Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG it’s my favorite level, all the dialogue between ford and lucie as she slowly turns into maligula, the representation of the automated emotional compartmentalization, all the imagery, I am so happy and I hope we get way more psychonaut games in the future and can’t wait for the next vid
@Seifer911 Год назад
Ey my favorite series returns again! Can't wait for the next episode
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm ready to go gravedigging!
@TheSantaCruzJokerShow Год назад
This one must've skipped right by me, I'm glad I caught it, I usually watch these the day they come out
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Glad you managed to catch it. Weird that YT skipped the normal notification
@dgc1570 Год назад
Yay! New Psychonauts video!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Hope it was a nice surprise!
@dgc1570 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG it was indeed
@Titan990 Год назад
Hoo boy this hits hard much like Fred’s mental world and his problems. The next part of this also hurts too.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Everything about ford hurts
@Titan990 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG agree
@ClintonKE Год назад
So want a game focused on Ford's past.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Like the founding of the Psychonauts or before?
@ClintonKE Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG both. Give us a young Ford recruiting everyone. Then the psychic war baby.
@31darkstar37 Год назад
I do wonder what the mental worlds of the other personalities, the ones from the first game, would've been like?
@lostmediadetective2590 Год назад
For what ever reason I like typewriters (I’m less than 21 years old)
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I have heard that older tech has been having a resurgence. Vinyl Records being a big one.
@TheDevilkiller1 Год назад
They learned the hard way that some doors in ith mind are closed for a reason.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Those filters are there for a reason for sure. The ID when left unfiltered can be rather destructive
@DragonScythe64 Год назад
Never knew you could use her full name! But then again it makes sense considering it’s a post office mind, but that takes longer and is a tad formal for who the letter is for
@samroe4294 7 месяцев назад
I find it amazing that you spelled out Lucretia on the letter instead of Lucy
@jordanmatthew6315 Год назад
Lets go bois, a new upload!!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Buckle up for a wild ride!
@poppyfrancis7338 Год назад
I just want to say that this series made me get up and play psychonauts and thank you for getting me into such a creative wellspring of environmental storytelling
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Glad you're enjoying the game! Have you gotten through both of them yet?
@poppyfrancis7338 Год назад
​@@GamingUniversityUoGI've finished 2 because it's more accessible, and the tutorials in 1 were a bit exhausting
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
1 is definitely less smooth in the gameplay department. Darker in a lot of ways narratively
@poppyfrancis7338 Год назад
​@@GamingUniversityUoGPsychonauts 1 is also much less serious in tone about its portrayals of mental issues. Largely still respectful, but people make a point about Raz awakening the milkman and worsening Lloyd's mental condition getting hand waved away for I'd say a good reason
@TCO_404 Год назад
Absolutely love these videos. Have a great day!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
You have a lovely day too!
Another awesome analysis, cool. But I find out one interesting detail, that you missed. If you remember, in Strike City only enemies (expect Censors, but they, well, everywhere) we must dealt with is Doubts(which is makes perfect sense, considering(according to memory vault) nothing bad didn't happened yet), in Ford's Follicles, we also must fased Regrets(again, makes sense considering, what this world represent) but only in this world we see one and only enemy, who have rights to be exactly here, both from game and story perspectives: Panic Attack. From game perspective, we already see Panic Attacks in Helmut's mind and know how fight with them, but from story perspective, I have no doubts, that after such news Ford didn't feel actual panic attack. Small detail, but interesting. Sorry for grammar, English is my second language.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Your English is good! Yeah it seems like when confronted with all this he wasn't struck with anxiety and panic attacks. Just internalized blame.
@@GamingUniversityUoG Thank you for answering!
@invaderoseybloom2525 4 месяца назад
I am mentally caught on that you called that snake poisonous when poison is basically you bite it you die, but not the other way around because that would be venomous!
@finnmchugh99 Год назад
I look forward to what the next analyzed psyche will be, could be Tomb of the Sharkophagus, Cassie's Collection, Bob's Bottles, Lucretia's Lament or Fatherland Follies.
@edwardarkwright7116 Месяц назад
I viewed it this way, mail is packages right? Letters are just packages of a different sort. Don't we spend all game sorting mental baggage? Mental packages so to speak. These so much guilt, insecurity, and regret in fords life. He brought Lucy to the Motherlobe. he helped expand her powers, he let her leave and didn't bring her back. He shattered and disguised her mind. All this broke his heart, friend group, ultimately his mind. People make their own decisions. Lucy went back to Grulovia. The Psychic 6 had their own falling out through their own actions. Still can see why Ford feels as he does.
@davecrippen799 Год назад
I did not know about the letters addressed to his friends so that's a neat detail
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
It's that point where having a free roaming camera mode really comes in handy. Finding little details like that is fun
@davecrippen799 Год назад
One I did not suspect you would actually respond most people don't respond to my comments and two I really need to check out more so with the camera
@davecrippen799 Год назад
Fun fact in loboto's labyrinth I found a chandelier that looks suspiciously like a crown
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Interesting thing in the crown. I'd suspect he has imagery related to Gristol in there.
@victoryjamz Год назад
when you put it like that its kinda. sad. i didnt quite realize the emotion packed into all these characters. but if you dig a little you can see their entire life story all implied behind the scenes, huh?
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Just by allowing enemy types be associated with emotions gives the level designers tools to showcase emotional struggles in a unique way. The whole setting is made up to tell these personal stories for the characters. I love it!
@ajerjavec4723 Год назад
I just thought of something what is the reason? Compton doesn’t have a letter is because I he was in isolation of his own Will plus a the three parts of his mind can be done in any order so it doesn’t really make sense for Compton to be saved. It’s not have a letter if they did psyching first to get the time bubble.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Actually a good point. If Compton is in psycho-isolation does that make hin essentially invisible to others? Like psychic-radar immunity
@ajerjavec4723 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG oh, that’s a good question but what about my point about the parts of Fords mind being able to be played in any order, so Compton, not having a letter because razz already helped him doesn’t really makes sense
@arialash1113 Год назад
I cant wait for the next one!!! Are you going to do a analysis on the other interns too?
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'll sit down and try to figure out the interns. There just isn't really a lot to work with. With no mental world we are going off of a few random bits of dialogue. At least with the Campers we had a lot more story bits for them and the social media of the campers to work with. If o find smtthing good yeah if not, probably not
@arialash1113 Год назад
@GamingUniversityUoG I understand that fully, they recently sent out info on psychonauts 3, though. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
@Nazo-kage Год назад
What are the things I’m kind of curious about is, with the barbershop level, what is this whole thing inspired by molecular actually viewing the people as fleas or was that what crawler thought she thought of them. This also kind of coincides with the final level inside Lucy’s head. How much of the flea circus was her own mentality that was slightly altered by Ford. and how much of it was changed to reflect with Ford thought it already was ?
@ajerjavec4723 Год назад
After the tomb, I have no idea what you’re gonna do for Lucy, but for Cassiopeia you’re going to do the parts of one’s personality for Bob alcoholic and nick Peter Pan syndrome, and probably every disorder that’s self-aggrandizing and possibly nostalgia. I mean that’s pretty much what the first part of the ride is about.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Oh I already have Lucy planned. Might be less psychology but involve a personal philosophy I have.
@ajerjavec4723 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG OK three things first what about what I said for the other minds to what’s the order going to be after tomb and second, when the final boss area be it own video
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
So im going Cassie then Bob for sure. I'll have to think about the order from there. Might do Lucy 1, Gristol then Boss Battle
@ajerjavec4723 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG but I’m guessing the tumor will be shorter only on the grounds that’s just revealed a twist
@zehaxorus Год назад
Although the word invaded was a front by the Monarch to get Lucy back to grulovia to deal with the protestors.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Nah there was a legit war going on. Even lucy acknowledged it in her letters. Protestors started up because of the anti war sentiment.
@zehaxorus Год назад
@GamingUniversityUoG Yeah, war can change people for the worst, and pushing someone into get rid of protestors in the name of their country just makes it even worse.
@glados7682 Год назад
Yay new video
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Glad you enjoyed!
@tomcarter5037 Год назад
The whole "return to sender" problem kinda falls apart if you think about it too much
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I see it as you just hold onto it and never send it anywhere.
@tomcarter5037 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG yes but seeing as the psychonauts universe is kinda like ours for example Napoleon Bonaparte why didn't Otto just build a phone for Lucy or if it isn't like ours why didn't ford just give her a piece of bacon like he did with raz?
@Chellythefox Год назад
@@tomcarter5037 I think in the end; it wouldn't matter even if Otto build a phone for Lucy / Ford gave her a piece of bacon to talk to her. She still went through the trauma of the war and she was still fragile / Maligula was still been created as the result of the war and Gzar pushing Lucy to be cruel towards the people.
@tomcarter5037 Год назад
@@Chellythefox But if they were able to communicate to Lucy through Maligula they might have brought Lucy back for example Helmut's plan was able to bring her back during the war which was when she was less of Lucy then the time this is focusing on
@kiayaplews8593 Год назад
How much longer until the next video? I'm ready to take the plunge.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I got all my notes ready for it. Might be November only because I'm geared towards Alan Wake 2 at the moment
@infernalphantom7571 Год назад
Never thought to type out Lucretia. Most typed out Lucy
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Maybe in the weird one
@infernalphantom7571 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG weird one?
@J1P2K Год назад
I wonder about the other personalities from the first games represent.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I would have loved to see full worlds based upon his original personalities too. Guess it would have been a bit redundant with the Burger Cook considering what we did in Compton's world
@Deathstorm501 Год назад
I did not know the end would trigger if you typed Lucretia as well as Lucy. I thought i tried that in my own playthrough, but i guess i spelled it wrong.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I didn't even try to address it as Lucy. Guess I had her full name stuck in my head
@Deathstorm501 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Eh, I figured there was a reason they made you fetch the Y key
@tristarnova3454 7 месяцев назад
17:20 boy, this conversation namely what postman ford said is well the truth of it is the utmost high plot point of psychonauts 2, namely how maligula was born, due to what they did with the astrolabe.
@blackdemonknight Год назад
What is sad about Ford is he blames himself fully for what happened, the entire Gulovia incident he pins on himself for failing to stop the massicre of it's people, the fall of the country as well as what happened to Luci and in doing so he shattered his mind as penance after it all.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I know his last visit to the astrolsthe was claimed to be because of his decision to protect certain people. But I can't help but suspect it was an easy way for him to never have to deal with his negative emotions. Not really an altruistic act.
@ChristianDall-p2j 8 месяцев назад
Ahhhh, the “thinker”print! I thought you Said fingerring, bacuce thats what the subtitle read😂.
@darkAwesome100 Год назад
That's a good ending
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I liked what the editor did there too.
@partyrock4144 Год назад
I didn’t know that Lucretia also works. He always called her lucy so I thought you had to address it to lucy
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'd you use Lucretia you get some optional dialogue. Robo-Ford says, "Oh yeah that's the name we all forgot"
@partyrock4144 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG pretty sure he says that regardless. All the play throughs i saw have that same line.
@LashknifeTalon Год назад
Ahem, if locked in a room with a poisonous snake, it's time to chill with the snake and not eat the snake. If locked in a room with a VENOMOUS snake, it's time to panic.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I think we have established I am reptile illiterate lol
@christiandidonna8808 Год назад
Can you make a playlist of your psyconaifhts videos
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Already have a playlist set up. I think I just didn't add this one in yet.
@Chaos_1o1 5 месяцев назад
when will the next part of this series arrive?
@GamingUniversityUoG 5 месяцев назад
I got the next 2 Remedy videos in editing right now. Will give me 3 weeks straight to focus on Cassie's Collection.
@Chaos_1o1 5 месяцев назад
​@@GamingUniversityUoG thank you very much for your answer! I'm glad the series goes on ❤
@SplotchTheCatThing 6 месяцев назад
Now I'm curious @Gaming University (or, y'know, anyone who wants to answer) if you were a character in a Psychonauts game what do you think your mental world would look like?
@GamingUniversityUoG 6 месяцев назад
Personally my favorite world is the Library for Cassie because I feel it reflects how my head would work the most.
@davecrippen799 Год назад
Just curious after you raid the tomb will you beat looking at bob or Cassie next?
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm planning on doing Tomb, Cassie, then Bob. It's just the order I did it all in. Plus having the Archetyped under our belt before going to Bob will help with the flow
@davecrippen799 Год назад
Agreed also very cool of you. You answered my question not many people respond to my comments thank you very much
@Celticjamz 11 месяцев назад
Why is snake guy holding up 8 fingers?
@williamlong5428 Год назад
… You… you can spell out her Full Name? I thought the letters you found was all you needed 😅 LUCY
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Yeah you can use the full name. I never tried to use her nickname lol
@thedude0000-b2j Год назад
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
How you enjoyed
@msipp3790 7 месяцев назад
i'm not afraid of a posionous snake, it can't hurt me, now a venomous one, that would be dangerous! (look out graham! a POIiiisonous snake)
@matthewbrown3194 Год назад
What other games you think GU should do psychology?
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Already did a full playlist for Hellblade. Persona is something I'll be tackling sometime next year probably.
@NeoMoonSevin Год назад
Life is Strange series is a good game to cover aswell
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I've seen bits of it but never sat down to play it.
@NeoMoonSevin Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG you should play them all it's right up your alley in concerns of strange things within the life is Strange universe time jumping weird occurrences start with life is Strange before the Storm it's were it all begins play it I guarantee you will come up with some gaming University stuff you cover things strange with in video games you cover but life is Strange is in that same vein also there locked into each other aswell but you have to play life is Strange before the Storm it all starts from that point in time and the rest unravels as you go deeper down the rabbit hole I'm surprised noone recommend the series to you give it a go man you'll become locked into the universe as you play and awfully addictive to
@ProtoTerra Год назад
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Had fun by the sound of it lol
Psychology of Psychonauts | Loboto's Lobotomy
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Psychology of Psychonauts | Compton's Cook Off
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Avaz Oxun - Yangisidan bor
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Psychology of Psychonauts | Tomb of the Sharkophagus
The Genius of 'Lucrecia's Lament' (Psychonauts 2)
The Psychology of Psychonauts - Black Velvetopia
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Psychology of Psychonauts | Meet the Campers
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The Psychology of Psychonauts - Waterloo World
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Psychonauts Out of Context
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Psychology of Psychonauts | Hollis' Hot Streak
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Maligula Is NOT A Villain
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