
Questions & Answers with Ferguson, Godfrey, Lawson, Nichols, Parsons, and Thomas 

Ligonier Ministries
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Christians are called to be people of the truth-not people of “my truth” or “your truth.” But in a world where the existence of universal truth is called into question, it can be difficult to maintain our commitment to the reality of universally binding truth, let alone declare that it is found in Christ and His Word. In this message, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey looks at some of the false understandings of truth in our culture, the difficulty of standing for the truth, and the call for us to stand firm on Christ as He is revealed in God’s Word.
This message is from The Way, the Truth, and the Life, our 2024 National Conference: • The Way, the Truth, an...
Introduction (0:00)
1. What do you see as the greatest heresy or false teaching in America today? (0:15)
2. The Beatitudes tell us that it is blessed to be meek. What does it look like for a Christian to be meek in our culture? (6:24)
3. How do we compassionately share the truth when what we share is viewed as anything but compassionate? (14:24)
4. What is a pastor’s main responsibility and purpose? (25:27)
5. What can congregations do to encourage, equip, and strengthen their pastors? (33:17)
Note: Answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith: www.ligonier.org/what-we-believe



9 июл 2024




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Комментарии : 49   
@freddyt86 Месяц назад
Parson’s statement about raising a generation of guys instead of men is really needed. That’s going to linger with me for a while.
@Packhorse-bh8qn Месяц назад
Even secular authors have written about the problem of the epidemic of overgrown boys in our country.
@JesusAlleineRettet Месяц назад
The Legacy of RC of this ministry is huge. John Mac is truly missed at those conferences. RC served always a huge dinner full of biblical knowledge you know you came to see him listen to him to learn same as with John Mac what they said had power was mind changing. Their Footsteps are huge very difficult to fit your own shoes in. These man sitting up there were all selected by RC to carry on his Legacy and if they are not capable doing it they wouldn’t be there. So now the baton his hand over to you to feed the souls of students the audiences and listeners around the globe. I have my eye on Parsons he is young knowledge growing I feel his humility in his weakness that’s what God is looking for. I love Fergussons tenderness in his knowledge to teach it’s beautiful to listen to him. Nicholson is smart and wise. Lawson clear. Godfrey so humble and Thomas is a thoughtful listener and speaker at the right time. Yes it’s weaker these conferences without RC an John Mac but still clear and truthful.
@kimsteinke713 18 дней назад
Wow you lived under a rock...
@kimsteinke713 18 дней назад
Yes we're created in the image of God as long as we live up to the image that God wants us to and that image is whatever this church is assigning us to.
@brianmccarty3211 Месяц назад
God has to lead others to Himself. We can speak truth over others but we have to trust God to reveal Himself. That’s how people come to be reborn.
@eileendunkley4373 Месяц назад
I love all these men, who have been called by God. They are great teachers, and expound the Scriptures so beautifully. I hope to meet them all in heaven when we get there. Onward Christian Soldiers. !
@meema227 Месяц назад
I’m so grateful to see these men growing older and still so faithful to the Lords work . I’ve been listening to them since they were much younger and they have grown in wisdom and knowledge. RC is missed but these men are doing a wonderful job in keeping the ministry go on to glorify the Lord and edify the body of Christ !
@lauraatkinson8920 17 дней назад
Women can preach it is a gift, the Word is for all who have surrendered to Christ to preach the gospel and for our souls to Live in the life of the Word.
@JohnLee-wm9om 15 дней назад
Reread the Bible
@bevstephens8425 10 дней назад
Sure! To other women and children ❤ no problem at all! Nancy demoss Wolgemuth is an outstanding example 😀
@The300ZXGuru Месяц назад
cant sugar coat the gospel
@Packhorse-bh8qn Месяц назад
@The300ZXGuru "cant sugar coat the gospel" No, but we don't have to serve it up with a half gallon of white vinegar.
@Angela3. Месяц назад
Serve as is
@blackjojo1689 Месяц назад
Thank God everytime Lawson focus more on law, Ferguson and Godfrey are more balance with the gospel
@BrianSowatzke Месяц назад
The Way;The Truth, The Life
@thecrew777 Месяц назад
Lovely. So very lovely.
@rhondae8222 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing.
@The300ZXGuru Месяц назад
Hey Parson they call me a hyper all the time but i just speak the truth and they think i am a mad man. lol lets stop looking at everything from mans perspective and look at it from God's everything and anything something and nothing all boils down to one thing and that is God himself. The only thing that matters in a God centered reality is that it is all about God himself. Has nothing to do with angels humans or Gods creation. what it has to do is with the glorification of God himself. thats it. until we look at it from that perspective nothing else makes sense. All that the Father has given the Son will bring him Glory. Its all about Gods Glory!!!!!!!!
@jaynefox8864 Месяц назад
Thank you
@elainemeyer-hp6ye Месяц назад
Thank you so much.
@kimsteinke713 18 дней назад
They seem to twist everything in a pretzel of word salad and you know it never was meant to be like this how sad.
@blackjojo1689 Месяц назад
Law gospel distinction is fundemental as a protestant doctrine, it is the distinction between "do to live" and "it's done now live", that distinction makes obvious the difference between confessionnal/reformed and pietism/lordship salvation. One is focus too much on the Christian life, the other focus on Christ for life.
@tobiasalexander8564 Месяц назад
Now there is going to be more clips for Kuiper Belt Production's reformed funny moments. ( I'm only 3 minutes in and I can tell there will be )
@dmustakasjr Месяц назад
Opening response hit the nail on the head. See Christ Church Moscow Idaho for a model to follow on Gods holiness and living according to His teaching.
@dmustakasjr Месяц назад
Come on guys…. Preach the word, administer the sacraments and care for the church. Let’s get to some real questions. And real answers.
@Packhorse-bh8qn Месяц назад
@@dmustakasjr If you don't think these are real questions and real answers, I fear you know only religion.
@The300ZXGuru Месяц назад
it all comes down to the Eternal Covenant. it all starts from that covenant.
@user-yh5uq5nd7w Месяц назад
Steve Nichol's is the man. ❤l
@uriah4901 Месяц назад
A good word from Sinclair @ 24:45. I can be prone to this very thing.
@BrianSowatzke Месяц назад
Divinity of Christ
@hollayevladimiroff131 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing the word of God, you must know the gosple, this will keep you on the path of the LORD, for example, Mormonism is not biblical, but you must know the Word of God so you can see His truth and compare the two doctrines.
@Echo-ux3wo Месяц назад
Is there a way we can purchase the complete series of these discussions? Including the ones R.C. participates? Thank you for continuing these videos! The Lord knows we all need them! May God continue to bless all of you and yours... ❤
@Packhorse-bh8qn Месяц назад
One other thing you can do for your pastor: Stop expecting his wife to be your servant. Scripture puts NO duties on her. The modern church has a laundry list of duties that are required of her. One or the other is WRONG. Maybe you can figure out which one.
@The300ZXGuru Месяц назад
meek is the last fruit of the spirit which means to be humble. meekness against there is no law.
@iamlove5325 Месяц назад
No. It isn’t “the last fruit of the Spirit.” There is ONE fruit that has all the different qualities listed in the Bible.
@The300ZXGuru Месяц назад
@@iamlove5325 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 KJV The Greek word for “meekness” here does not mean weakness, but rather it has to do with humility. When you have humility you have a teachable spirit and you esteem and regard others more highly than yourself. You are humble toward God and man. You do not promote yourself, but you exalt the Lord in everything. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:3-11 NIV Humility is not selfish, nor is it pushy. Humility puts the interests of others above its own. Jesus did not first consider His own welfare or His own best interests when He agreed to be born into the earth in the body of a man. He was not thinking of Himself when He took the place of man, taking man’s sin upon Himself, being judged on man’s behalf, and dying a cruel death on the cross. Jesus was thinking only of His Father and of us. His Father asked Him to take our place and bring us back into His family. His sacrifice would save and redeem us. And because Jesus humbled Himself - Almighty God highly exalted Him! The meekness - humility -- demonstrated by Jesus was not weakness, but it was the fruit of power. He was not meek because He could not help Himself -- He was meek because He had the infinite resources of God at His command! When the soldiers who were sent by the chief priests came to arrest Jesus, His disciples tried to defend Him. He told them to put their swords away because He had more than 60,000 angels (twelve legions) at His disposal -- all He had to do was to ask for them (Matthew 26:53). Jesus humbled Himself by laying His life down, even though He had heaven on His side. No one could have laid a finger on Him without His consent. Therefore putting aside all filthiness and {all} that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls. But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. James 1:21-22 NAS When you are humble you are teachable. You receive God’s Word for your own life and allow it to discipline and correct you. You hear the Word and you do it. When you are humble you allow the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and teach you without excuses or rebellion. You obey the Spirit instantly and precisely. You conduct your life in the way that the Word and the Lord leads you to. Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. James 3:13 NIV When you are full of God’s Word and when you have grown in His wisdom then you will display humility. A wise person is also a humble person. Proverbs 12:15 and 15:5 says that a person who thinks that he knows everything and refuses instruction is a fool. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Galatians 6:1 KJV Even when you have grown in the Lord and have become a very spiritual person, bringing correction and speaking into the lives of others, you must do it with a humble attitude. If you have a humble attitude then you will protect your own heart and you will not be tempted to fall into sin yourself. People who try to bring correction to others in an arrogant, know-it-all attitude tend to end up falling into sin themselves. When you are humble, you do not believe that you are infallible. You do not have to walk in constant fear of falling into sin, but by the grace of God you should guard yourself, never allowing yourself to be put into a situation where you could be faced with temptation. You avoid the very appearance of evil. Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” When your head is lifted up in pride - you can’t see where your feet are going. You cannot see the trap that the devil would like to set for you. Humble yourself and let God do the exalting. You know that you are humble when you don’t care about being exalted anymore! But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6 NKJ Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
@bchodge1 Месяц назад
@mdf6774 Месяц назад
Can someone give me the names of everyone from left to right ?
@RuthYeshua Месяц назад
Larson, Godfrey, Ferguson, Lawson, Derek, Nichols, Parsons
@mdf6774 29 дней назад
@@RuthYeshuathank you good sir
@TheLookingGlassAU Месяц назад
To an addicted person a medical intervention seems violent and abusive, but it is motivated by rescuing the person's life. The Gospel is exactly the same! People who are entrenched and enslaved to the religion of the time in the Gospel is an assault on the spiritual principalities and powers and they of course its to be expected that those powers are going to launch a defense of themselves through those who are enslaved to them. No human being on the face of this Earth is free and independent from a spiritual kingdom - either the kingdom of Light or the kingdom of Darkness. There is no neutral, but the kingdom of darkness has lost its authority, therefore it has an expiration date and the front gate of the headquarters of Darkness is under constant and prolonged attack from the kingdon of Light. The worse it seems down here - this reality needs to be remembered - we are closer now than when we first believed! Acts 18:9 - Keep on speaking, don't be silent
@stephengorman1025 Месяц назад
If you truly believe that God chooses some for salvation and passes over others then compassion is a very difficult concept to defend. If however Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the Sin of the World then compassion becomes central without denying or ignoring the wrath of God. God is good and he is always good and his wrath is manifested in his love that is determined to make Mankind in His image. Grace and Peace.
@The300ZXGuru Месяц назад
i believe it because the bible says it period
@HearGodsWord Месяц назад
​@The300ZXGuru exactly. The Bible is clear.
@EvieBear236 Месяц назад
God chooses whom He chooses. We all deserve His wrath.
@stephengorman1025 Месяц назад
​@@EvieBear236So he could choose all to be in Christ and in that way make Mankind in His image. Romans 11v32-36
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