
r/Maliciouscompliance My Boss Said I'm Too Fat to Work 

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@metademetra 2 года назад
I don't get why the makeup story was so hard to explain. All you have to do is say: "Only nude pinks, browns, grays, and blacks," and you'll have a workforce in natural colors.
@jimmyrossmeissl6644 2 года назад
Boss: “You’re fat!” OP: “So is my paycheck!”
@LiLiKOiOiOi 2 года назад
@DarkWolf22K 2 года назад
Paycheck seems low... It's supposed to be bigger than my ass but it's barely covering one cheek... I'll need at least two more of the same amount
@WhiteFangJiel 2 года назад
A drag queen once said "Life is like a paycheck, a generous figure is always nice." ;D
@Hybrid301 2 года назад
“You can’t dress like that! You’ll get harassed. . . BY ME!!!! Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy
@Nerobyrne 2 года назад
she thought it was a warning, but really it was a heads-up.
@TheRealNekora 2 года назад
@@Nerobyrne arnt those tge same thing? Im legit curious
@Nerobyrne 2 года назад
@@TheRealNekora Well, I meant it in a way that one was a general warning that "someone" might do it at some point, the other was supposed to be "just so you know, I'm gonna do this." Those two are very different, but I'm not sure what words would be more appropriate.
@nicoleb695 2 года назад
Guys who talk like that, think like that. Hope they did a thorough background check
@TheRealNekora 2 года назад
@@Nerobyrne Gothat and thanks. I dont "speak" english nativly so i was a bit confused. thanks for the help
@bulldogfan57 2 года назад
I’m pretty sure the casinos “natural colors” rule was supposed to be NEUTRAL colors
@mongmanmarkyt2897 2 года назад
or meaning natural skin tones given the context of other rules
@firesong7825 2 года назад
@@_JiminyCricket_ They could always change it if they cared about it...
@MrEshah 2 года назад
Don't know why the gender would matter, but seen as the manager was a woman, there was probably was atleast her input on the rules
@It-is-me...Melsie 2 года назад
That worker was petty and pathetic. To pretend to not understand the dress code was just belligerence. Hotels, casinos, etc, have dress codes for good reason. The workers are supposed to blend in, and not stand out like some freak show exhibit. It's not all about them
@hauteteapot349 2 года назад
@@It-is-me...Melsie 100% agreed.
@Nerobyrne 2 года назад
"WHY ARE YOUR LIPS BLUE!?" "Oh this is a dye made from lapis-lazuli, a naturally occuring blue stone. You like it?"
@memez_r_life6692 2 года назад
My excuse would've been "The sky AND the ocean are blue! Blue is a naturally occurring color!"
@MyDogIsYoshi 2 года назад
I would love a lapis lazuli lipstick, eyeshadow, nail polish, etc.
@ArcanineEspeon 2 года назад
I thought I read recently that lapis lazuli was slightly poisonous.
@Adjuni 2 года назад
@@ArcanineEspeon Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good for you. ;)
@AuntLoopy123 2 года назад
There are other sources of blue that are 1) cheaper and 2) less toxic. But, yeah, blue is a natural occurring color. However, it does NOT naturally occur on human skin or human fingernails. Even when a person is in the grip of cyanosis, it's not actually BLUE. It's just a blue-tinged human flesh color, that is more of a pale purple.
@atraxian5881 2 года назад
"Natural occurring colors are colors that can occur in nature" Pretty much every color in the visible spectrum.
@starchild8822 2 года назад
I personally felt op was causing trouble intentionally tbh Almost everyone understands what a natural makeup look is She just wanted a reason to be vindictive imo
@Twinklethefox9022 2 года назад
@@starchild8822 Yeah, just being petty. All because it didn't use the term "skin tones"
@limiv5272 2 года назад
Yep. I find it incredible that a company couldn't predict what that wording would lead to. I'd probably have it say that makeup is limited to the wearer's skin tone and muted shades of brown and pink that aren't more than a couple of shades darker than the wearer's natural skintone. If you find any loopholes with this let me know
@metademetra 2 года назад
@@starchild8822 It sounded more like people were about to start getting in trouble for wearing the wrong shades of brown (Like the one time a black woman at Hooters was fired for having bleach blonde hair.)
@starchild8822 2 года назад
@@metademetra I'll be honest that's not the vibe I got from it at all Plus it would have been different if the management was already giving people flack for things like that or colors that weren't even that outrageous To me it sounded like op just immediately jumped into doing this bc she didn't like the rule There might be context missing that we weren't told but from the information given that's what it sounded like to me
@PinataFreaks 2 года назад
The whole point of a per diem is that it (mostly) doesn't matter what you spend it on. As long as you don't spend too much in a day. Want to pick a cheap hotel so you can afford a nice dinner? Go ahead. As long as you don't go over the per diem. Yelling at someone for spending too much on dinner while they were still under the per diem is absurd.
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
The last few places I worked before I retired, they just worked out the per diem and cut you a check before the trip. Spend it however you want. Eat like a queen. Starve yourself and sleep on the street and put it in your savings account. Didn't matter. In short they treated me like an adult.
@GigaTechWolf 2 года назад
@shauns1621 2 года назад
@@sourisvoleur4854 that's how I do mine for the 50 people that work for me just easier.
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
@@shauns1621 You're smart.
@miked1871 2 года назад
I got $150 a day in per diem for a 6 month work trip. I rented a small apt, cooked my own food, etc and ended up banking over $75 a day. Quite the bonus when I got back.
@Ash6777 2 года назад
The first story reminds me of what I was going through at my last job. For months, my boss was trying to get me fired. He would write me up for dumb shit that was out of my control. I was on my supposed last warning, so he gave me the option to stay or put in a two-weeks notice. So I put in a notice because I was done at that point. So weeks after I left(I left right around the beginning of last month), I had two inside sources say that the boss was trying to get me fired because I was "too big" for the job. And granted, I worked in a warehouse for a major clothing company, and despite me being big, I still kept up. So, in any case, I may need to look into seeing about getting a laywer and file a complaint against the company.
@AuntLoopy123 2 года назад
@thatonewitch Месяц назад
Make sure you have all the proof and any witnesses you need so that they can't claim it was a "she-said-he-said" thing
@itsybitsybosmer 2 года назад
The HOA story reminds me of my parents' HOA's most recent drama. A new house is being built in the neighborhood for the first time in over 30 years and the exterior is *GASP* white clapboard siding in a neighborhood full of traditional brick homes. The busybodies and Karens are all losing their minds, pearls rattling at the horror. My parents are so over everything. Their only issue with the new house is that the garbage from the construction site is making its way into their yard.
@thundermothstudio5446 2 года назад
Somebody looking at those houses is going to be like "Normal, normal, normal, normal, Cholera, normal, normal..." A symptom of Cholera is grey diarrhea. Look it up. Either way, just a dumb joke.
@someguy7629 2 года назад
@@thundermothstudio5446 XD
@AuntLoopy123 2 года назад
My sister-in-law's father got hounded by his HOA, because, "You don't have brick on the side of your house! ALL HOUSES in this HOA, MUST have X amount of brick on the side of their house! You have siding!" So, the lawyer said, "OK. I will abide by the contract, and have X amount of brick on the side of my house." "Good." Later... "Wait, why did you build an extension above your garage, and make it entirely of brick? That looks STUPID!" "It sure does, but it is completely valid, within the confines of the contract." "But it looks SO STUPID!" "I agree. The plain siding was MUCH better, wasn't it? Oh, well. You got what you demanded." "BUT IT LOOKS SO STUPID! WAAAAAH!"
@berylwheaten9385 2 года назад
🤣😂🤣 Pearls rattling in horror 🤣😂🤣
@rikschaaf 2 года назад
If someone pays in pennies at a checkout on a slow day, it's just the customer that gets screwed over, not the cashier. The cashier gets paid hourly and doesn't have anything better to do anyway xD
@limiv5272 2 года назад
I'd say watching TikTok videos is something better to do
@NickSteffen 10 месяцев назад
@@limiv5272 Yea but slowly counting pennies while watching an angry jerk slowly get pissed off and have to leave empty handed is like living in your own tik tok video.
@rexgrl3 2 года назад
Natural makeup: Mind you, the company probably meant earth tones but because they are stupid, they failed to realize that there are purple flowers, green grass, blue sky, brown soil, gray rocks, gold hay...and on and on and on....
@mariefrancke6868 2 года назад
Did I miss something in the Casino Story? The policy was basically, dont wear fake nails and lashes because they're unhygienic and can fall in the food. And Nobody seemed to make a fuss about "normal" make up, just keep it classy. Cause, you're at your place of Work?
@Anarchristian_Beanz 2 года назад
NOOO I need to be able to look like a clown! This is so unfair!
@spongebobsjellyfish 2 года назад
Yeah. Op sounded entitled af. “Im making a stand at a job with a uniform” 🙄
@Tiewaz 2 года назад
Per diem is *literally* there so places don't have to deal with auditing receipts for every darned thing and for the things that often don't give receipts (or not meaningful ones you can tell where they came from.) For big companies, it is literally cheaper to just pay the per diem than to spend the time reviewing and counting up receipts. Where I work, the only thing they require receipts for are travel costs and direct hotel costs, because those are fewer and detailed enough it doesn't take long to review. And they simply give the daily per diem amount straight up. If you decide to eat off the dollar menus or skip meals entirely? You get the whole amount, no questions. (They do try to say you should use the company travel credit card so they can directly cover that and just pay you the difference, thus see if you're spending on anything you technically aren't allowed to, but they can't force it.)
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
Yeah my last few jobs just cut you a check before the trip.
@williamhanna4823 2 года назад
I take it you are not a government contractor.
@Tiewaz 2 года назад
@@williamhanna4823 No. Government civilian. Work with them, though, so I know they have different rules. Private/smaller organizations tend to be more anal retentive about expenses and depending, are spending more than they are saving. There are some areas I know of where they are literally spending a dollar to save a penny. But you know how fast government tends to change. Measured in geologic time scales.
@ficialintelligence1869 2 года назад
The Natural Occurring Colors story: Really? She didn't "know what that means?" She literally just wanted to pick a fight. I bet she doesn't keep jobs for very long. And yes, it's a stupidly-worded rule.
@gildagodfrey5108 2 года назад
Yeah I agree I think she did obviously know what the rule meant or elseher first instinct wouldn’t have been to put on eye bleeding colors, and getting a book to go along with that. I think she was just a brat who didn’t like rules. They never said you couldn’t wear makeup. They just wanted the makeup to still look like you. Obviously people aren’t born with blue eye coloring around their eye lids!
@Grygus_Triss 2 года назад
Yeah. If this was “Am I the butthole?” The answer would be YES. It may be a badly written rule, but the reasonings behind the rule are not malicious. They want their staff to look professional and approachable. I actually cringed when RSlash read the manager in his Karen voice. She was quite reasonable. OP just wanted a fight and to wear whatever she wanted without regard to anyone else. It was obvious that the INTENT behind the rule was “naturally occurring skin/nail/etc colours for someone of your ethnicity” It should not be a bad thing to ask your employees to look natural and professional (unless they have a medical reason).
@tcsam73 2 года назад
I worked in a convenience store while in college and had some douchbag come in with a pile of pennies to by smokes and he told me it was all there. I asked him if he really thinks I'm going to take his word for it and I start counting. Funny thing, my father is a coin collector and he buys bags of pennies and sorts and counts them, he taught my sisters and I how to count by teaching us how to count and stack coins, so I'm pretty fast at that job. So, I'm about 3/4 of the way through the pile when he loses his patience, it had been less than 2 minutes by this point, and he just sweeps his hand across the counter, ruining all the stacks I had counted, says some choice things to me and storms out. He didn't take his coins, he didn't come back. I just cleaned up the coin mess, and my till was a bit over that day.
@neilprice513 2 года назад
A family friend a few years ago built his retirement home, he was a builder and set it up that he could build fishing lakes having his own business to supplement his retirement savings. He had to pay to safely remove and relocate a few endangered species from his land (several plant species, but no animals). It cost him something like £15k to do so and his business is now all built and booming. So much so he had to recently change to a "members only" business model, with each member having to punch in their own membership number to enter the property, as people were breaking in and stealing the fish to eat them (It's catch and release).
@Josh_the_jester 2 года назад
5:28 HOA: your house is supposed to be an earthly color Me: 1. Grey is an earthly color and 2. Your house looks like like shit, have a lovely afternoon
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
Exactly. Dear HOA: How can you say grey isn't an earthy color. Ever heard of ROCKS?
@paulqueripel3493 2 года назад
There's some really nice red earth in Africa. Basically rust colour.
@DatMasterHunts 2 года назад
Like seriously, if they are under the allotted budget why should you care what they eat? Cool the man had steak and lobster but it was still under the budget. God I really hate managers sometimes.
@rileykingyt 2 года назад
I spend my day listening to Rslash for hours. I love it. I wish they were longer haha
@lillyvaughn5398 2 года назад
Mr Redder is pretty good too
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
RedWheel is a real voice too. I hate the robot voices. And yes, RSlash wishes he were longer too.
@thebigmystery7841 2 года назад
I wouldve asked my boss "what about my body or how I dress is innappropriate?" And have him drown as he tries to not sexually harass me while explaining. And then called him out on it, and have it recorded. Like dude I can let YOUR bosses know about your concerns...lets see how they feel about it.
@kranberry3318 2 года назад
He wouldn’t drown trying to avoid sexually harassing you. This is a guy that would sexually harass you all week without even thinking for a second his behavior/comments are a problem. Just do the recording and reporting part.
@LA_choca 2 года назад
Depending on the state you cant secretly record someone.
@RabblesTheBinx 2 года назад
@@LA_choca even in so-called "two party" states, that depends on how much privacy they could reasonably expect. For example, if there are any recording devices in the room where the discussion occurs, then no expectation of privacy can be assumed and it's entirely legal to record them without their explicit consent. And even in states where such recordings are "illegal", they're actually not. They're _inadmissible_ in court, but simply recording the person doesn't run afoul of any laws.
@LA_choca 2 года назад
@@RabblesTheBinx true true.
@RabblesTheBinx 2 года назад
@@LA_choca and in most cases, the workplace isn't a court of law, so sending a secretly recorded conversation to their bosses would be perfectly legal and the harasser could absolutely be fired over it.
@corrupt1user 2 года назад
I too worked at a Casino. Strict rules are just part of the nature of the business. No watches above a certain size? We had a dealer steal a chip inside of a fake watch, so a quarter of the dealers needed a new watch. I once even got a new rule added regarding fly traps; an outside company stopped replacing their fly traps and other vermin control, while upper management just decided to ignore the issue, and the flies got really, really bad. Not just in the back, but on the Casino floor itself. I stuck a fly trap by one of the employee drinking fountains (where the flies seemed to congregate), and it caught 14 flies in one hour. People were looking at the trap since all the flies were still alive and twitching. I wasn't breaking any rules at the time, but my supervisors said they didn't have the authority to approve traps, so I had to take it down just in case, and sent me to security to ask. Security didn't know if they could give permission, but made it clear they wanted the trap. So I got sent to another department, who still didn't know (but also wanted the traps). So I ended up getting sent to the head of my own department, who also wanted the traps, but didn't know if I had permission, so I got sent to HR to ask. HR ignored it, but the next week all the actual traps were replaced. All the departments were backing me and were looking for something to try to force upper management to take notice, although a minor rule was added regarding employees attempting to do pest control.
@chrispham6599 2 года назад
There are strict rules and then there are idiots not using a goddamn dictionary when writing shitty clauses in your policy.
@stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад
So they were too cheap to ask a pest control company in to control pests? Mind boggling.
@featherflight8446 2 года назад
“That’s just one of the perks for working at Rslash Incorporated. If I ever make you travel anywhere, you get a per diem for hookers and cocaine.” By any chance, are you hiring? 🤣
@nicoleb695 2 года назад
That first boss in the first story was a total creep and should not be working with women
@-NiamhWitch- 2 года назад
As soon as you read that they found two endangered species on their property, I audibly laughed... "Ha!!" Awesome.
@francescofranchino7097 2 года назад
When i was a kid, we had Rhubarb, strawberries, blackberries, a pear tree and an apple tree in our yard just growing wild. When we moved, the new owner just ripped it ALL out. Nothing left, total scorched earth....so the hill eroded and demolished the neighbors garage and shed during a heavy storm. He was hyper pissed and sued the pants off him. So after that he had a crappy yard with nothing in it, the hill was mostly gone, and he was out 25 grand. Don't mess with nature. She doesn't take kindly.
@ninirossau2304 2 года назад
@@francescofranchino7097 she is a great partner but dont piss her off.
@92bagder 2 года назад
2nd story: It really took a masters degree in environmental science to figure out natural occurring colors are color found in nature?
@limiv5272 2 года назад
They did say it was pre-Google times, so backing up your claims was a little more complicated back then
@mariposa9506 2 года назад
@@limiv5272 no one needs google to understand common sense.
@limiv5272 2 года назад
@@mariposa9506 Common sense is unfortunately not as common as the name suggests
@isabellethedragy8248 2 года назад
The natural gardens are especially beautiful, and the birds who gave you malicous appliance Throw some Berries and nuts out there for them cutsie birbs
@MsBELLE7 2 года назад
For that makeup story, wouldn't they just want to use the word neutral? Like yes there are colors other than browns but it's all mutted colors that on most skin tones wouldn't be nearly as bright.
@lekiscool 2 года назад
I once had a costumer who literally nickeled and dimed me. They were snickering as they put the bag on the counter. Not so much ten minutes later when I was still counting their change. XD
@kathyclevenger1015 2 года назад
I'm sorry, I'm really not trying to be the grammar police, but what does a person who makes costumes have to do with counting change?
@saram.1587 2 года назад
@@kathyclevenger1015 👏 👏 👏
@AuntLoopy123 2 года назад
My siblings once brought a bag of coins to the store to buy something. The cashier dryly asked, "How long have you been saving up for this?" "Well, not that long. All the kids pitched in, and we gathered up enough to get the thing to share." "OH. Well, I guess I'll start counting, then." INTENT MATTERS. But the kids were just working with the legal tender they HAD. It's not like they went and changed a bunch of bills to coins, just to mess with the cashier. One time, I was dirt poor, and had to pick up coins in the parking lot. I had JUST enough to buy something to eat at the grocery store. The cashier refused to count it, and the manager was called. I said, "I'm sorry, but I do not HAVE Bills. This is all the money I HAVE." He agreed to take it, but he made ME count it, under supervision, and roll all the coins. I didn't care. I just wanted my groceries. When you have a budget of $10 per week for groceries, you do what you have to do. And you don't snicker at the cashier who is willing to count your change.
@ThEjOkErIsWiLd00 2 года назад
I guess in the first story that terrible boss wanted to prove himself right no matter the cost, lol
@laurencesnee8362 2 года назад
Constantly telling someone they're going to be harassed, IS harassing.
@AmsYourRave 2 года назад
About the nature stories: I like living by nature myself. If I had it my way, I'd let all the native plants grow as wildly as possible. Unfortunately, I rent the house and property, and my landlord gets really pissy if my partner (my landlord's step-son) and I don't mow or weedwack the yard. About 3 weeks ago, I noticed a lot of natural herbs growing in the yard and took inventory. I had garlic mustard, yellow rocketcress, Korean mugwart, mint, and even some feral parsley and wild radishes. I told my partner there was no way we were weedwacking these herbs that I could use for a multitude of purposes. One day, I come home, and my landlord is moving the yard. He ran over all of my herbs! I was reasonably upset. And now it's too late to harvest the garlic mustard or yellow rocketcress, and I have no mint or parsley whatsoever.
@indieh9 2 года назад
I’m sorry that happened. I feel the same about plants but I live in apartments. That’s one of the things I look forward to most if I ever own a house- having native plants and habitat for wildlife in my yard.
@strudel_reviews 2 года назад
That's it beat his ass up
@AmsYourRave 2 года назад
@@indieh9 What's worse is that my landlord calls these herbs "weeds". They're not weeds, dang it. And my landlord knows about the mint because it's grown in the same place every year for the past decade. Yet he ran over the bush like it suddenly doesn't matter anymore? It's just ridiculous. I feel like I need to start buying material to make raised flower beds and mini gardens and start relocating all the plants into said beds/gardens. And I don't have the time nor the money for that, sadly. So I'm at a loss.
@schrodingerscat3741 2 года назад
If you live in the united states, garlic mustard is really invasive. just don't let it seed in the wild I guess?
@AmsYourRave 2 года назад
@@schrodingerscat3741 That's hard to do cuz that's literally how I found it growing- in the wild.
@viktoriak4332 2 года назад
The op in the story about makeup seems needlessly combative. Just becouse they used the word natrual instead of nude. Also who highlights a book they borrowed!?
@Anarchristian_Beanz 2 года назад
That's what I was thinking. I'm also calling BS on the story because the manager could have just specified "naturally occurring FOR (healthy) HUMANS" and been done with it. Human skin does not turn purple or green unless there is something wrong. I agreed with manager when they said "you want to be that type of person?!"
@mariposa9506 2 года назад
@@Anarchristian_Beanz me too
@Abornarazine 2 года назад
Never give employers an inch. They wanna make arbitrary rules then follow them to the letter. They can realize that THEY are being needlessly combative.
@superkamiguru2576 Год назад
@@Abornarazine but it’s a part of the uniform. I get not liking the rule, but that’s just not an action that should be praised
@Scipio441 2 года назад
Rslash in the morning, better than a cup of coffee
@leergutlars 2 года назад
Me, who only can listen to him when He comes Home from: *infuriated German noises*
@lazuli5241 2 года назад
@heythanksforcheckinginimst8323 2 года назад
Me as an Aussie, listening to him right before midnight
@bro-of4hg 2 года назад
It's evening here lol
@afa13829 2 года назад
R/Slash with a cup of coffee and a donut is the best.
@96NSW 2 года назад
Sometimes malicious compliance walks a thin line between 'this rule is stupid' and 'I don't like this rule so I'm going to be difficult until I get my way'. It doesn't take a genius to realise that naturally occurring colours means skin tone.
@Twinklethefox9022 2 года назад
That's what I think too. Op was being more petty tbh.
@shycherrygirl 2 года назад
I was thinking maybe there was some issue where management was being too controlling over what the ladies were wearing and said something like "read the dresscode rules". But OP didn't give any backstory and the rules really don't seem too ridiculous, Front of House staff at my job (restaurant) have somewhat strict hair and nail policies to follow and I don't see why a casino would be different, though my job isn't strict on makeup colors. I feel like management was right and OP was being "that person" at work even though it should have just said "neutral" instead of "natural" in the rules.
@A_Rose_From_Concrete 2 года назад
I agree with you and the comments here, but OP did ask for clarification. Honestly it's the company's fault for using the wrong choice of words. "Naturally occurring" is a huge rainbow of colors, OP just used their own words and took it to the extreme 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
@dracko158 2 года назад
Manager: "OP, do you really need to be that type of person?" OP: "Why yes, yes I do."
@NerdySalemSays 2 года назад
The OP of the second story is just an ass. I love makeup, bright eye shadow and lipstick especially. My favourite lipstick is green ffs. But that rule wasn’t a problematic rule, why the hell would OP act out for no reason other than to basically say ‘I’m smarter than you’.
@mongmanmarkyt2897 2 года назад
tbh the way that I, and most likely most people that read it, interpreted it as - Natural skin tones - while it may not have been directly acknowledged by the rules or clear, the other rules stating no fake nails, etc. Literally give the context of "yea this is natural skin tone, kinda obvi"
@j.j.juggernaut9709 2 года назад
If I were the company I would have forbidden the use of ANY makeup just to spite OP. Or maybe would have specified a single acceptable color for eyes and lips XD
@troberts1 2 года назад
​@@mongmanmarkyt2897 I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw it that way. OP was being clever in a dumb way. She was initially dumb that she couldn't figure it out and she certainly failed to be clever by narrowly defining "natural" to "occurs in nature!" instead of the obvious intention: "natural to skin tones." And as much as I don't want to side with a big business, I can understand them not wanting their staff to be flashy or gaudy, and for there to be a consistency across them, which can't happen if everyone is putting on whatever they want on any given day. Though they were dumb for being vague to begin with and then not being able to write a clear policy afterward, if the story is even true.
@mostar1219 2 года назад
Someone apologized about using a lot of coins once. I just told them at least they didn't give me a lot of coins out of malice and told them there have been stories about people paying with a lot of coins out of malice and it led to small talk
@joecool2125 2 года назад
The hotel and per diem stories sound very familiar. I work as niche tradesman inside a broader field of industrial construction. My job often had me traveling around the US, meeting with prospective clients, and putting on demonstrations with our equipment. On a trip through the NE US, I had to stay at a posh hotel because I was unable to secure lodging with parking to accommodate my large truck and trailer. Upon my return, my manager told me that I was “living the good life on the company’s dime” and the room would be payroll deducted. Over a 3 day stay, my room cost a whopping $20 more per night (parking included). I tried to explain it was due to parking restriction, but my comments fell on deaf ears. Over the next few years, that incident cost them tens of thousands in parking, damaged company vehicles, and stolen equipment. I found the lesser expensive hotels with large, unsecured parking lots. I even had my company truck stolen. They sure showed me! 🙄
@CatCheshire 2 года назад
For the Lady in 6th story: Fox are natural enemies of cats - they eat them! Your cats should be afraid and freakout! And you should be careful with them.
@jeffr5552 2 года назад
The Marine Corps has a great standard for rules around cosmetics, personal grooming and fashion accessories. Eccentric. As long as everyone acts like an ADULT, it works out well, because it's pretty obvious what would qualify as a "natural color". Yes a parrot in the Amazon is naturally yellow but we all know that yellow is not a natural human color.
@sirifjfjdjsjdufjdjdjdcjcjd3157 2 года назад
A s i a n
@jeffr5552 2 года назад
@@sirifjfjdjsjdufjdjdjdcjcjd3157 you're not actually saying Asians are yellow, are you?
@sirifjfjdjsjdufjdjdjdcjcjd3157 2 года назад
@@jeffr5552 you won’t understand
@jeffr5552 2 года назад
@@sirifjfjdjsjdufjdjdjdcjcjd3157 enlighten me then lol
@sirifjfjdjsjdufjdjdjdcjcjd3157 2 года назад
@@jeffr5552 forget it
@heythanksforcheckinginimst8323 2 года назад
The word that the company was looking for for their makeup colours rule wasn’t “natural”, it’s “neutral”
@flamethrower82 2 года назад
The guys should do it too - go into work looking like a bunch of Brazilians celebrating a big samba festival. They are natural colors, right?
@chrispham6599 2 года назад
That first story pisses me off! "Don't wear [certain clothing] or else you're gonna be harassed"! Here's a GENIUS idea! Train your co-workers to not sexually harass.
@johnsonbecca3960 2 года назад
Hey Chris 😎
@Nerobyrne 2 года назад
"If I ever make you go anywhere for work, you get a per-diem for hookers and cocaine!" *furious application noises
@ProbsNotABot 2 года назад
It might just be due to me not liking to wear makeup on the norm but I don't agree with the second story. They were painting the makeup, no fake nails, and no fake eyelashes as ridiculous but, the last two at least, are pretty common when handling food as a hygiene thing. I guess they're worried they'll fall out/off or something. The natural colors thing is an issue on dress code and I guess I understand why they wanted the rule. It's the same as having to wear a certain color pants or undershirt when working. I agree the policy was phrased pretty dumbly though, they should have said neutral or corresponding to their skin tone or something of that ilk. Edit: I don't outright agree with the fake lashes or nails thing, I don't really have an opinion on it, I just know it's common because I have family members who work in catering.
@Snowshowslow 2 года назад
Yeah no bits that can fall off seems like a sensible rule to me 🤷
@henryfromplegia5194 2 года назад
I’m with the manager on the second one. That was pointless. Naturally occurring colors for makeup. So red and pink lipstick?? Clearly OP knew what the manager meant if she went with colors that were obviously not allowed. Wow, you showed them! OP was being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious.
@jsmith1291 2 года назад
Story 1: Sexual assault because of leggings? I wasn't aware that inanimate objects could sexually assault people. Story 2: Stupid rules lead to stupid results.
@amalieshelby 2 года назад
Natural colors would be light brown, tan ect. Not what nature colors would be. Yellow surely isn't a human natural color unless you have a bruise. Is that not common sense?
@jengonfriends51 2 года назад
A monster, an audit, an R slash. My favorite mornings
@Landsmann2109 2 года назад
i feel like the second story is actually overly malicous the rule is cleary meant to mean dont come in looking like a clown, i can see why the manager was exasperated. it would be different if the manager actually enforced it strictly but it seemed like the OP just got riled up over basically nothing.
@bernieheartdragon1888 2 года назад
Right? They probably don't want their workers to be mistaken for hookers.
@monkeybench 2 года назад
That second story isn't malicious compliance. We all know what is meant by natural colour for hair. It's either a grown petulant child or it didn't happen. The wording is "natural hair colour". With outliers like albinism ofc. 0/10 I smell bs
@GamerTime_2002 2 года назад
@program.gender_notfound761 2 года назад
It wasn't talking about hair. It specifically said "no makeup that's not a 'natural color"
@monkeybench 2 года назад
@@program.gender_notfound761 point still stands. Find me a human being that has naturally occurring green nails and mango eyelids. It's a made up story anyway. It was just short from saying "then everyone stood up and applauded"
@Ihazfunkitty 2 года назад
I think it mightve been real, i had the same response as the manager. OP was “being that kind of person” aka someone who thinks theyre soooo cool for being an immature edgelord
@oldgreggsmadmemes4431 2 года назад
Story one is basically like someone saying "I'm not Racist *BUT* (says something racist)"
@Nekulturny 2 года назад
He was telling me I was going to get harrassed? You mean... like hes already doing?
@mitchellpeterson7943 2 года назад
I was half expecting to see the editor adding a caption "It was hookers and cocaine".
@PsychicVoice209 2 года назад
yeah me too
@jhcn01 2 года назад
When I'm home and my wife goes and hangs out with friends/family and when she comes home and asks how was my day and what did I do I jokingly answer "Hookers and blow" which means I watched movies or played games, but it sounds like I'd be a good fit for RSlash Inc.
@klong0001 2 года назад
I do the same thing to my husband. I work from home, he works outside the home. He'll ask me what I did that day and I tell him things like "some random door knocker" or "absolutely nothing, I watched porn all day". It always makes us laugh.
@Shadowgod1000 2 года назад
I assume by natural makeup they mean make up to match your skin tone, so they don't want anyone to have like odd colored lips, they want it to be some shade of red, and they don't want you wearing makeup at is distracting or draws increased attention to it.
@Guntherson220 2 года назад
1st story: Hmm sounds to me like she got150,000 dimes out of the company. 2nd story: That vague definition technically encapsulates nearly every color in existence, Malicious Compliance for the win indeed. 3rd story: Sounds like those neighbors were shit out of luck.(I am not sorry) 4th & 5th story: Ah the age-old tale of corporate trying to save money and/or just be petty backfiring. 6th story: Imma say straight up that I vehemently hate gardening in every form it takes, but this was a heartwarming story to be sure. 7th story: I have no words for this one, seriously endangered birds... 8th story: People really don't get why it's a bad idea to pay in coins, not just because it takes ages to count but because at a high enough amount most businesses aren't even legally obligated to accept these payments making the whole thing a waste of time for them more than anyone else.
@bernieheartdragon1888 2 года назад
That was probably all she had. She didn't do it to be an asshole. She needed smokes
@ZombieSazza 2 года назад
“If he spends it on food, great, if he spends it on hookers and cocaine, also great, follow your heart man!” rSlash might possibly be the best bois on earth hahaha
@Lu13s 2 года назад
So I have a bit of MC myself. I work at a dollar tree and it was just me and two people. The manager and one other coworker. I was main cashier and the other was backup. For this I'll call her Missy. So we have 3 registers. 3/4 are for cashiers, 2 is for manager. We have a total of 5 but 1 and 5 are never working. 1 has a bunch of stuff on it and 5 is never on idk why. 4 and 1 have the intercoms for the over head. So, i was on 3 and Missy goes, if ya need me, I'll be up front just call. Now in my mind I thought she meant like holler her over. So I was doing my thing and scanning and the line got like 5 people long (Rule is 3+ call for backup) So I did what Missy told me. "MISSY I NEED YOU!" Nothing. A customer does the same thing. Nothing. I call over head and boom got both of them (Manager and Missy). Not really MC but still a funny work story.
@StitchTheFox 2 года назад
You probably shouldn't write "hookers and cocaine" into your contract, rslash. 😅😂😂😂
@Terraff6 2 года назад
What if I wanna say I had hookers and booze
@legomangamesnetwork1151 Год назад
Can I work there
@GamerTime_2002 2 года назад
Yeah, with that second story you get that reddit vibe but when you sift through the rhetoric and relate it back to real life you realizing OP was just being difficult because they didn't like the rules
@blackrex828 2 года назад
thank you. like what was the big deal? no one came to them and said, "oh you can't wear those colors. it's in the rules." no op was reading the rules and got offended 🤣🤣🤣
@d0ct0rh0lliday 2 года назад
Yep, OP was being intentionally stupid.
@yamicivetta5252 2 года назад
I mean of course they didn’t like it, because they didn’t specify what they meant what naturally occurring colors. Also this was pre-Google times, so no I don’t think it was stupid that OP acted that way.
@blackrex828 2 года назад
@@yamicivetta5252 OP saying the time was pre-google was to show that she couldn't search up the rule herself, so she went to her aunt that had a book on the subject. OP acted out because her manager or whoever she asked to clarify the meaning did it in a way she didn't like, so to show the person whose boss; OP used the rules that weren't affecting her to make a point for no reason other to get back at someone.
@yamicivetta5252 2 года назад
@@blackrex828 I’m which case, she did search it up lol again they didn’t have Google at the time. I feel like y’all forgot what being maliciously compliant meant in this story and got heated over someone actually being this way in a subreddit, about malicious compliance.
@Gyrono 2 года назад
Given that the 1st story was in a pre-google world, I wouldn't be surprised if the rules were written to try and counteract the punk style of the 80s and 90s. So "natural" was supposed to mean "normal by societal standards".
@zeke7100 2 года назад
Man I swear like literally 90% of the times something has to do with law, the person or someone the person closely knows, is magically a lawyer or whatever. Like there is legitimately no way this could be the case so often.
@sadpotato3386 2 года назад
We probably don't hear the stories of the people who don't know them cause they didn't get the revenge or maliciously comply
@thecraziestcrayon 2 года назад
my high school had a dress code rule that hair could only be "a colour that occurs in nature". Principal tried to get on to my bff for dying her hair blue. She looked at me after he chewed her out and asked "does he not know what colour the sky is?"
@MrFen-ws3vr 2 года назад
The natural colors story feels like the OP was looking for something to cause a problem over Most likely the rules meant natural skin tone colors but that wasn't reflected in the wording Not saying she was or wasn't right but it seems more like "I don't like your rules so I'm going to find something to cause a problem" since it seems she had a problem with not just that rule
@impossiblegrl3698 2 года назад
company could have just changed it to nude tones and probably would have solved everything
@limiv5272 2 года назад
Some people really enjoy wearing color. Why stop if the silly rules don't even actually prohibit it?
@GamerTime_2002 2 года назад
@gildagodfrey5108 2 года назад
@@limiv5272 Its probably apart of the uniform though. It is a job, doesn’t mean you can’t wear that type of makeup in public but they probably have a specific style that they want to represent their company. They probably don’t want the makeup to be too noticeable
@M7S4I5L8V2A 2 года назад
Same with the first two rules. They're most likely there because those things can fall out or chip. Like you may have good products but someone less caring may have cheap stuff.
@artkiddol 2 года назад
Dude the natural makeup story is lowkey annoying. Natural makeup is just nothing bold, tans and browns mostly. Its pretty reasonable for work and easy to do. I don’t understand why they decided to comply maliciously
@seiallen94 2 года назад
Because it doesn't matter, full stop. Customer-facing or not, there's nothing unprofessional about colourful hair or makeup in a workplace. That sort of mentality is a remnant of a bygone era where it was considered 'rebellious' or sexualised but it's just a way to express yourself.
@artkiddol 2 года назад
@@seiallen94 while I agree, as I have half pink split hair and love to put on makeup the “egirl” way, asking for neutral tones for makeup isnt outlandish or even unreasonable. I work at Sephora, which accept me and my color hair and makeup. Natural looking makeup can be beautiful and can also be good for your skin, so it really just feels like OP did what they did just to get on management’s nerves
@theswedishdude1 2 года назад
100% agree OP was just being annoying for no reason "omg how dare you not clarify this one thing for me, i'm now going to go to work in clown make up and convince everyone els to do it as well!"
@CountPlanes 2 года назад
@@theswedishdude1 everyone did it cause they wanted to though? its harmless and makes them happy. I wouldn't refuse someone that just because it looks 'clownish'.
@hauteteapot349 2 года назад
It's not even malicious compliance it's just cringe, arrogant, and stubborn idiotic willfullness.
@Belmorg 2 года назад
The second story OP kinda pisses me off. The Casino wants its staff to look professional and without being harassed or really provoked she just decided to go crazy on the Make-Up. thats very childish behaviour and i really felt the Managers:" Do you really need to be that kind of person?"
@bernieheartdragon1888 2 года назад
She must be very young
First story: OP was indeed being harrased as her boss said, but what this dougebag didn't realize was that he was the harraser.
@GioSerpo 2 года назад
"That's one of the perks of working for rSlash," True. Very true. It's also one of the perks of working for yourself.
@mamabear7605 2 года назад
Last story : I hope OP got some karma for that bs and even more so hope he doesn't still have a job like that. Smh.
@Artemis_-yy1nt Год назад
About the gardens: Wtf is wrong those neighbors that complained. Everybody finds different things beautiful and if they don't like someone elses garden, then don't look at it, you have your own garden!
@RealCoolstriker64 Год назад
Actually, imma side with the “natural colors” MANAGER. I don’t think it’s unreasonable rule, and it feels like Op was doing it *just because* she was told “no.”
@bridgetw8688 2 года назад
Last story: I see a lot of stories shaming people for using change. I get that this wasn’t what the OOP was doing but it still brings me back to my childhood. My dad had to gather enough change (mostly pennies) for school lunch and the lunch lady treated us so badly (we were 7 or 8) for paying this way. That’s something privileged people wouldn’t have experienced.
@bernieheartdragon1888 2 года назад
Exactly!!! Omg. Imagine scraping, searching, collecting and counting all that change to make sure you had enough just for some jerk kid to screw with you forever and still not let you make the purchase. Took away the penny cup?? Wtf?! Be a grown ass man and offer your own 15 cents. What an absolute nightmare of a human.
@mindyschocolate 2 года назад
Natural colors should have been reworded to skin tone. The military has similar standards, so faddish colors aren’t allowed. No garish colors.
@fnvfan0145 2 года назад
Gray and red are definitely earthy colors, I blame shale and feldspar. 😂
@EdgyShooter 2 года назад
The first story, especially the end line sounded about one step away from "and everyone clapped"
@RCassinello 2 года назад
Second story is more of an "OP is the Butthole" story.
@Marie-cq5td 2 года назад
The Canadian Casino really just worded that rule very poorly, it’s really obvious what it means
@FawnMidnight 2 года назад
I used to work for Publix, which for you west coasters its it's grocery store chain only found on the east coast. They had a ridiculous dress code, mostly dressing conservatively and professional like youre you're lawyer while bagging people's tomatoes. The weirdest thing though was hair rules. They had actually made a revision pretty recently to their hair rules which used to be you couldn't dye your hair any crazy colors. They changed it so that we could now dye our hair, but the stipulation was it couldnt be your full he's of hair only part of it, and the kicker "no color that might be distracting" What the hell does that mean? I had been wanting to get blue in my hair for years but never could cause of their stupid rule so when they changed it I asked my boss to clarify what that meant and she told me she would need an example to see if it got approved or not. She didnt really know what it meant either. So you mean we can't have bright pink hair cause it'll distract Shelby was purchasing her dinner ingredients because she'll be so shocked and offended by my hair she'll run out of the store, leaving all her can behind?
@DarkLordDumbledore 2 года назад
Me: Listening while doing other crap. Rslash: This next post is by "I'm a simp for Obi-wan." Me: *Drops everything I'm doing* What did I just hear?
@KiritoNoiharaQuartz 2 года назад
Our last house was an unusual or uncommon shade of dark red/maroon. All the other houses on the block were standard white or cream colored. I loved the color of our house for that reason, it stood out among the others and wasn't the same. We had a pool in our backyard and an amazing front lawn that was always fully grown and vibrant green. We had to quickly pack our things because my mom sold the house before buying our current one, and the new owners wanted to move in as fast as possible. After about a year of living here, my sister and I decided to drive by the house to see it again and get some fond memories back. I remember how it looked exactly to the smallest detail. The outside of the house was a bright white/cream color and the lawn had been completely torn up with a big dirt pile in the middle. Who knows what they did to the backyard. They ruined a once beautifly made home by painting it a standard basic color and doing who knows what to the yard (probably making it dirt only or something). I wish it still looked how it used to. I've never seen a color like that on any other house in our city and I hate it so much. I've seen blue houses before, but they are usually bright blue, almost white, or regular blue sitting next to 3 other blue houses. Either one person has it, all of them have it, or one person can't decide if they want to switch or be normal.
@SnorlaxChilling 2 года назад
That per diem part almost made me snort my pop out my nose. I was going to say coke, but didn't want the confusion 😅
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
Yeah, for coke that's snorting the wrong direction!
@Ragehunger 2 года назад
While I do not advocate for unhealthy body types on either side of the spectrum, it's still up to the individual how they want to live and whether they feel comfortable about it. I'm just aware enough of the many diseases you become increasingly susceptible to that I wouldn't want to bring that upon myself, and I'm not gonna praise people for not caring about a potential early passing from diseases directly caused by their chosen unhealthy lifestyles. But I wouldn't stand for sexual harassment explicitly due to someone's body type either. Most people have enough on their plates to not have to deal with such toxicity on top of it. I'm gonna end off on a little (hopefully motivational) rant: The only things that are needed for someone to make the journey towards a healthier life is the motivation and willingness to endure the hardships that comes with it, and to remain concise until every task has turned from a chore to a habit. We all change at different paces and require different methods, but that's just how it is. You just need to find your own way to do it. If you remain in a bubble of safety and comfort and only gaze out to the potential places you dream you could've been at, nothing's gonna change. If you want that dream, you mustn't be afraid to break the bubble. And if you struggle, find people who are willing to lend you a hand and be with you all the way. I know this whole thing may not be what some people want to hear and might take offense to, but for those who needs it I hope it serves as an insightful message. I'm making my own journey for the same goal right now, and I believe in everyone who wants to make theirs.
@jawusha 2 года назад
it’s now a life goal to work for RSlash inc
@raleighdeluca5988 2 года назад
lolol i worked at a dave in busters in richmond VA when in college- i had a manager who would tell us, black clothing, for the dress code. then i came in in a nice black shirt i bought for work, and she said, “it had to be black and have buttons.” then it was, your socks are black and grey not plain black, you can’t wear patterns. and so on and so forth. just one new amendment to the original dress code after another. the funniest part was that the manager was totallyyy just abusing the little power she had- because who the fuck cared about buttons or sock patterns when we legit worked in richmond, so we had no policy for hair, tattoos, piercings, makeup, etc. i had snakebites and pastel pink hair and a full sleeve. other coworkers had face tattoos, colorful dreads, other facial piercings, etc. but god forbid i wore striped grey and black socks or a black shirt without buttons!! 😱😱😱😅😅😅
@OldsmobileCutlass1969Va 2 года назад
I also worked at a company that said if you had to stay in a hotel food was to be purchased within a reasonable cost. The hotel sold 12 oz can of soda for $3.50! There was nothing priced within reason there...
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
The easy way for the Casino to solve their problem isn't to constantly change the Makeup Rules but to actually Define what they consider "Natural Colours" to be...
@emilybarnes330 2 года назад
Don't usually comment on these but the line "I don't care what he spent the per diem on. If he spent it on food. Great. If you spent it on prostitute and cocaine also great!!!" Is the best line I have heard all year!! Lots of love r/slash
@LilDevyl17 2 года назад
The Penny Customer reminds me of what happen when I used to be a Cashier! I used to work at Weis and we always had this one Customer let's them "Changer" would always came in and paid for their groceries (not a lot) with a bag full of loose change. Stating that its all counted and then leaves. They got me one night and said, "Okay but i have to count this out." "Why it's all there!" "Yes, but if my drawer short then I'll get in trouble. You don't want to get into trouble right?" "Uh, no?" So, I dumped all the loose change out on the back where we put the bags for the Customer to load in their carts. And I then painstakingly counted out the entire bag full of change in groups. It was the right amount but seeing that Customer's face and then kept telling them they couldn't leave until it was all counted out was sure Priceless!
@nekolalia3389 2 года назад
2nd story: technically, you could go to work as Laura Palmer as long as you left the plastic wrapping at home 😁
@j3rbearbearj3r44 2 года назад
@trustingGuard 2 года назад
Morning from North Texas!
@genseven4616 2 года назад
oh that penny story. I wish a store would refuse to accept pennies if I even took spent pennies. pennies are legal tender for all debts public and private. By refusing legal tender you can be charged by the secret service (I think it's the secret service) for not accepting legal tender. I seen a video of a guy who went to pay his tow bill with pennies and the tow company refused them, the guy called the cops and the cops told the tow company that they can accept the pennies or be investigated by the secret service. Point is, don't act all high and mighty because someone is paying with pennies, they are legal tender after all. ooo, when the gold dollars first came out I was obsessed with them. I bought a LOT of them. I went to the movies with my friends and went to pay with the gold dollars and the girl at the register said "I don't know if we take those" and I said "You better, they're legal tender" and some dude was behind her said "they are legal tender"
@thenoblesolo4965 2 года назад
Quick story i want to share. me and my grandfather once pulled into a KFC drive-through and had to wait at least 15-30 minutes in line to get our food.(my grandfather's favorite fast food so wasn't going to leave easily) now we were naturally impatient after having to wait that long, and no sign of food. well when we pulled up and looked through the drive-through window, our questions were naturally answered, as there was literally only one guy in the entire store, and he was flat out on his ass as he had to do everything literally by himself, while there was a large line at the drive through. mind you this was kfc, one of the biggest fast food empires around. what a poor guy.
@geoffreydevereaux3272 2 года назад
When I worked for a government department here in Australia, I was often sent out of town for various things (I was an investigator). They pay a “meal allowance” to the workers per day. But essentially it’s just paid on top of your wage. Spend it, keep it, whatever you want. Sometimes I’d take food on trips to save money or find a grocery store, getting to keep a little extra. Sometimes I’d eat out every meal and spend more than they gave 🤷‍♂️ They never gave a single flip what you spent it on. They had budgeted what they felt was reasonable per day away and that’s what it was. Saved everyone a lot of hassle
@FlorestanTrement 2 года назад
I very much doubt that refusing payment in the official money is legal in any country, even in pennies.
@michaelschmidt4199 2 года назад
Sorry, in the US it is perfectly legal. There is no law that REQUIRES anyone to accept legal tender. You can even find that on the US Treasury website.
@FlorestanTrement 2 года назад
@@michaelschmidt4199 I believe you, but hat's very strange to me; I don't really understand. I don't think even a law should do such a thing, but some special part of the constitution or whatever defines the official money of a country. Making the official money only rely on the one in which you can pay your taxes in seems dangerous to me. You might end up with people using another money entirely. Ah, well, I'm not a jurist or an economist, I don't know what I'm speaking about; I just don't understand. Thank you for the info, by the way. Now, I know.
@krazycats564 2 года назад
He said "Don't dress like that, you'll be sexually harassed" what he meant was "Don't dress like that because I will sexually harass you"
@globe1987 2 года назад
The manager should have been smart enough to word it like "Makeup that isn't over the top"
@huh4963 2 года назад
Live an HOA as well. House colors are ugly here
@ihatebeingright3376 2 года назад
Op in the casino story sounded entitled I don’t understand why there was the need to be that dramatic, it’s their policy if they don’t want you to wear bright makeup they’re allowed to. Also I’m sure natural colours meant something like a "no make up" makeup look.
@nunyadambiznes675 2 года назад
The girl in first story never described any sexual harassment.
@izicmic 2 года назад
Nothing better than listening to Rslash first thing in the morning.
@user-un3us8hp8n 2 года назад
That makeup story is pretty irritating tbh, OP is just being obnoxious lmao. It doesn't take much to put together that the rules imply naturally occurring skin colours but no, let's be a smartass.
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