
r/MaliciousCompliance You Won't Pay Me? I'll Cost You THOUSANDS! 

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@carissamessina1908 2 года назад
I used to be a receptionist at a local car dealership. I was 19/20 years old at the time. One of the very first things I found out is, no matter what the person looks like or how they are dressed, you have no idea what kind of money these customers had. I live in the southern USA. Lots of farmers and what not. We had a man come in wearing old dirty overalls. He purchased 2 Ford F-250’s, CASH! Top of the line ones. Never assume someone has nothing by the way they are dressed. Or look. Or talk.
@UntoDawn76 2 года назад
My dad looks like a hobo yet he just went out to alaska and bought multiple tractors/trucks with cash😂 never underestimate the guy who looks like he works for a living.
@smolboi1222 2 года назад
Never assume anyone that looks like they run a farm can’t afford a vehicle. If they can afford tractors they can buy a new car.
@bigbird4481 2 года назад
Farmers can make bank if they have the land for it
@whyamihere1563 2 года назад
I hope Rebecca bought a beer for Martin, for saving her from a cheater
@slevinchannel7589 2 года назад
Know HUSH?
@desireeloveros1055 2 года назад
@@slevinchannel7589 Thé skeleton dude?
@desireeloveros1055 2 года назад
@@slevinchannel7589 Thé skeleton dude?
@slevinchannel7589 2 года назад
@@desireeloveros1055 Skeleton-Overlord.
@desireeloveros1055 2 года назад
@@slevinchannel7589 Yes! I forgot about him what’s he doing?
@sashabarnett8402 2 года назад
This made me giggle I’m a makeup artist I make 30$-50$ an hour but I rarely wear makeup or dress up due to medical issues being comfortable is difficult so I wear pj pants everywhere. I’ve had a woman refuse to help me at Sephora because she thought I was homeless. I then bought 1000$ of makeup and said wow look I do have money it must be my lucky day 😂
@TitaniumTronic 2 года назад
$30-$50? HOLY SHIT, please adopt me
@LordSeal7 2 года назад
30-50 u have succeded in life nice poggors
@KKsKrissvs121 2 года назад
Half my class in middleschool wore pj’s in public all the time when going to the town center. They also wore it to school at times.
@isaackellogg3493 2 года назад
There’s a saying at the Lamborghini dealership: The guy in the three-piece suit won’t buy anything, but the guy in shorts and flip flops will buy two.
@DarkEinherjar 2 года назад
I can only imagine the RAGE of the passengers if they found out they missed their connection flights just because some douche didn't want to pay their employee 10 dollars. I missed my connection flight once and was stuck in an airport for twelve hours (overnight, with no food because everything was closed) because the plane I was in had to fly around a thunderstorm and land somewhere else to refuel. Even though it wasn't their fault, I was PISSED.
@77Endercraft 2 года назад
Oh definitely. I work for an airline at the same level as OP in that post. The thing is that on top of all the company costs, those being fuel, compensation, overtime, etc, there are so many airport fees and costs that racked up on top of it. That was one costly night for them and hopefully they rework their system as it was just a ticking time bomb. At my air line, if you’re a lead that’s your position and you only do lead tasks. You’re assigned a shift and that’s what you do and unless a supervisor AND manpower confirm a change they can’t pull you. I know during the pandemic high point they just have out a bunch of overtime and we’re bouncing back well. TLDR: more cost that one night cost than anything they could imagine, but the way they ran the place it was a ticking time bomb
@Keylin2174 2 года назад
@@77Endercraft I used to handle EU 261 flight delay claims and I can only imagine how uch in fines this could have ended up as in the EU.
@Kazwens 2 года назад
I was so pissed, my flight home from my grandparents house was delayed 6 hours, canceled at one airport moved to another airport 4 hours away and was continued to be delayed. The original flight was at 3pm, we left at 8 am the next day. I was quite literally living off the caffeine in soda (which is not that much)
@bigLsupreme 2 года назад
I think the airline employee was being a little petty here especially since it took 45 minutes for it to get guided in. At that point you are messing with passenger connections and you never know what someone in that plane has going on, a person who is trying to meet a loved one for the first time, or hug a loved one for the last time. I understand how unions work as I am an airline union worker, but maybe us maintenance folk think about it differently. The supervisor screwed up big, but do the work and grieve it and get paid for it anyway if you are union.....that's why they exist.
@dominichines9996 2 года назад
If I were on the flight and knew why I'd have offered the guy $20 since his employer couldn't be bothered
@Alteusgirl 2 года назад
the two stories about employees overlooking a customer reminds me of me. When i was 20 i went to Dublin for a year as an aupair, which meant i had 150E of pocket money every week and what did i do? shopped a lot of course. I loved makeup so one saturday i went to mac, it took 20min until a condesending employee started talking to me, i could see her judge my appearance as a chubby 20yo that probaly looked more like barely 18, wearing jeans and sneakers... i asked to see a few things but she dismissed me and told me to just check the samples and went away to someone looking a lot more fancy.. she didnt even give me time to say : i dont wanna check samples.. i want the things i asked for to buy them.. one her coworkers ended up serving me and directly pulled the things i wanted from the drawers and rang me out.. i spent like 230e that day and the other sales rep tried to say she was my seller first and it was thanks to her i was buying so she should ring me out.. yeah i refused.. every time i came back i would ignore that seller and wait until someone else was available just out of spite XD
@someguy7629 2 года назад
Appearance doesnt tell someone sh1t oftentimes.
@derekwhite1870 2 года назад
The same thing happened to Oprah. She was over seas in Europe. She went inside a very high end boutique. Sales person or owner refused to help her, and I believe told her to leave the store or she left because they wouldn’t help her. Never refuse to help anyone because you may never know who you are helping
@SailorMya 2 года назад
Amazing how people think like that even now because a lot of people enjoy casual clothing especially when shopping. If I'm going shopping for the day I would rather be comfortable because it is just a trip to the store. I save the well dressed outfits for going out or date night not to the store to grab a few things quick. (not saying I dress trashy to the store but I'm also not in my best.)
@sophiejameson4064 2 года назад
The same happened to me twice. I used to have my own small web design and marketing company and, though I wasn't wealthy, I wasn't short on money. Both times I went shopping in work clothes, looking pretty scruffy. I was looking to buy a couple of expensive items but when I went into the store a saleswoman walked up to me and bluntly told me I wouldn't be able to afford anything they stocked. I looked at her in amazement, said you're wrong about that, turned on my heel and walked out. The second time I was followed round the shop by a security guard. It was really uncomfortable. When I walked up to an assistant and asked for what I wanted the guard gave a loud embarrassed sounding huff and scuttled away. It's both embarrassing and bad business to assume what shoppers can afford without actually interacting with them.
@black1917 2 года назад
@@sophiejameson4064 You should have complained, that guard would have fired on the sot.
@nils920 2 года назад
Nothing is more satisfying than idiot managers/supervisors/bosses trying to save pennies only to end up paying thousands!
@shinymainespoon 2 года назад
These are the same idiots that won't pay employees _slightly more_ for extra work, but then repeatedly spend thousands to hire someone again after the smart one inevitably quits
@ramjiwt8 2 года назад
Penny wise, pound foolish.
@Maximara 2 года назад
@@shinymainespoon That is so common I don't understand why they don't realize it is *stupid* .
@jimmiemurvin1871 2 месяца назад
It would be more satisfying if those costs weren't passed on to consumers.
@TheLoreKeep 2 года назад
I had a malicious compliance. So when I worked for McDonald's I took a Karen's order. She pulled up to the window to pay and she handed me twenty dollars her change was around 10 dollars. We were out of bills so I told her sorry we are out of bills let me go get another round of cash. She Basically yelled and told me she wanted her change now so I gave her her change in quarters. Edit:thanks so much for the likes I know it's not much but I do have many more stories from that job
@Wedge_Khan 2 года назад
You should have given the change in pennies
@breadator8368 2 года назад
@@Wedge_Khan idk about that. Other people would be waiting too
@dupee5223 2 года назад
I saw the courage profile pic and was like, "nah, ain't no way"
@umbra71 2 года назад
@@Wedge_Khan I don't remember what exactly but my dad paid something related to high school in all pennies
@arbrunzelle 2 года назад
@bryaneisenhart 2 года назад
Back when I was in car sales, my sales manager told me about his first shift as a new salesman at a luxury car lot. This man and his two sons walked on the lot. They were wearing overalls and all looked like they had just walked off a farm. Not one of the seasoned reps would even look at them. My buddy Pat, walked up to them and started chatting with them. The other reps could be heard laughing and saying to each other how Pat was wasting his time and that he wasn't going to get a sale of those hicks. Turned out the man had just sold his farm and bought him, and each of his sons each a Mercedes Benz S class at about $200,000 EACH. Moral, don't judge a book by its cover or a person's ability to pay by what they look like. By the way, his commission on that sale was over $30,000.
@briangarrow448 2 года назад
I had a woman real estate agent give me the brush off when I walked in to her office many years ago. At the time I was working in construction and was wearing my very appropriate work clothes and my heavy duty steel toed safety boots. Being a welder also meant that I had soapstone, a measuring tape, wax temp sticks and other assorted items in my bib overall pockets. She treated me like I was a homeless bum who was begging for spare change. After she made a remark about understanding what types of property this office sold and whether I was at the right business, I told her that I was making more money in a week than she made in a month and that I was looking to buy a piece of land without financing- just a nice big bank check from my account. And then said that I was walking down the street to the competition to buy the property. Because of her lousy treatment of me. The door didn’t hit my rear as I left. First rule of sales- don’t judge a book by the Carhartt’s he is wearing.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
Especially when anyone who has done labor outdoors can tell you, Carhartts aren't that cheap to begin with. Lol
@TruthSpeaker. 2 года назад
Be sure to help the poor & those in need. You say you're financially well off. So help those who are less fortunate.
@eeriekalle3856 7 месяцев назад
Same though Carhartts are workmans Northface haha
@Hybrid301 2 года назад
The washing machine OP just solidifies the fact that just because you have an idea of how some one should look; doesn’t mean you’re right. After all, Charlie Chaplin once came 3rd in a look alike contest. . . A Charlie Chaplin look alike contest.
@shinymainespoon 2 года назад
A quick google search says Charlie came around 20th place, but your point stands. Stop judging and let people be comfortable
@ifartmagic 2 года назад
Dolly Parton too 😆 This was a fun Google search. And some pages say 3rd, some say 20th.
@zrspangle 2 года назад
@@shinymainespoon that just makes it worse
@josi4251 2 года назад
I worked in a jewelry store in Texas, and I learned NEVER to judge someone based on appearance. That cowboy that comes in with dirt on his clothes and cow poop on his boots? He'd pull out a wallet full of 50's and 100's, wanting an engagement ring.
@dracko158 2 года назад
rSlash: "Incompetent, and a fool. I can see why your supervisor was promoted to management." *OOF Size: LARGE*
@kelsieswain7187 2 года назад
Me anytime someone else says “bless his heart”: Uh-oh. 😬 Me after the Martin story: AAAH MARTIN!! Bless his heart!!! 🤣 We love Martin. Wherever Martin is in the world, I pray he’s protected. 😂
@thunderflare59 2 года назад
Quark from Star Trek was asked why he did business with women. His answer: "Because they have pockets, and in those pockets they have money." Bigotry and discrimination is bad for business.
@Actually_Zahren 2 года назад
That's how you know Start Trek is fiction. Women's clothing never has pockets
@suitov 2 года назад
And those women had only just been legally allowed to wear clothes. Quark is truly our equal-opportunity opportunist lol.
@TheOriginalJphyper 2 месяца назад
@@Actually_Zahren Actually, pockets are rare for all genders in Star Trek.
@ZeldaStar228 2 года назад
The “be kind to customers regardless of appearance” story just reminded me of something that happened to me and my bf a few weeks ago. So my bf was in need of a new car after his truck got totaled after it lost a fight with black ice. Well, we drove a couple hours up to a dealership to test drive a car that he wasn’t too sure about getting for the price but wanted to take a look at bc he liked the pictures of it and thought it might be worth it. We got done with the test drive and, besides the front window being completely cracked (which wasn’t pictured in the listing) and it needing some power steering fluid, it was a decent car. All bf wanted was for them to knock off the price it would cost to get a new windshield ($450), that’s it. The cost of this car was $17000 before tax (this is way more than it was worth considering age and brand). They weren’t willing to take more than $150 off and we’re very belligerent with us acting like we were getting a steal just for that $150 being off. I’m not sure if it’s because of our age or what, but both the salesman and the GM were very hostile, even going so far as to say “well, you drove this far for a reason, this is the best price on the market, but you’re free to go somewhere else and find something better if you want” and in not so nice terms while still attempting to be “professional” they essentially told us to F off. So.. that’s what we did. That very same day, we went to a much nicer dealer with salespeople that were more than happy to help. Not only did we get a much nicer and better brand of car, but we got it for much cheaper and it is in impeccable shape. It’s a luxury just to sit in let alone to drive it. So, those asshats at the other dealer missed out on a $17,000 sale because they weren’t willing to negotiate a fair deal, and in the end we got a better car by doing exactly what they told us to. We F’d off out of there and found a better one.
@joeschmo622 2 года назад
You gotta go back to that first dealership and wave hi to both of those dimwits.
@gruffen4 2 года назад
It always amazes me at the arrogance of some salespeople. Like, if they were the only place for hundreds of miles around, I could see them getting away with "Go somewhere else.", but with competition around? Insane.
@Wendy_O._Koopa 2 года назад
One of my earliest memories is my Mom trying to teach me confidence or something? She gave me the dollar amount for whatever it was I wanted and made me order it myself. So I waited in line and when it was my turn, the lady at the register started talking to the couple behind me... and they just started ordering. I was smart enough to figure out that she had mistaken them for my parents... even though there was a gap, but that asshole couple really did just steal their place in line from a (presumably) innocent little kid! I kept looking back and forth at them and nobody was saying anything, even though I was standing in front of them. When she started serving the next person in line after that I panicked and left the line finally... what was wrong with everyone? If they weren't going to treat me as a person, they could have at least asked me if I was lost since fast food lines are for 7-year-olds and up, apparently. Then, of course when I tried explaining what happened to my Mom, she wasn't really paying attention, and asked for the money back if I wasn't going to get the food. I wonder if that had any negative impact on my upbringing?
@michaelgum97 2 года назад
It's a definite possibility. If you feel like you're worth less than others, then that experience of being flat out ignored by those assholes and by your own mother could be a large factor.
@NegativeAccelerate Год назад
Lol I doubt it. That's such a normal experience for a kid. If that is what strikes you as a negative memory from your childhood, you're doing ok.
@Wendy_O._Koopa Год назад
​@@NegativeAccelerate First of all, what's with the oppression olympics? Trauma is not a competition, there will always be people who've had it worse, and there will always be people who've had it better. With that being said, this doesn't rank on my top 10 list, probably not even my top 100 worst experiences, it's just one that seemed relevant to the video at the time... though that was half a year ago, so I don't remember what that was. Plus, I merely brought up the _possibility_ of it having a negative impact on my upbringing, what possessed you to flex on a child like that?
@Natalie_the_Fae 2 года назад
Lesson of the day “don’t judge a book by its cover.” The walking pile of acne could be loaded, and the couple covered in jewelry could be a waste of time.
@RiveroftheWither 2 года назад
Can confirm, I have a friend with a Masters in engineering and makes really good money where he works. Dude wears plain Hanes tshirts, Walmart jeans and 5 year old sneakers every day. Obviously no shame in that, it's just silly that in the 2020's people still judge affluence and worth solely based on how you like to dress. With how many financially unstable people rack up credit card debt buying Supreme and Michael Kors and how many upper middle class prefer casual comfort, you'd think people would get that clothes don't maketh the man...
@someguy7629 2 года назад
I'm like upper middle class but i like to wear cheap (but good) comfortable clothes.
@jimbobjones9330 2 года назад
I'm a software engineer who makes really good money. I'm sitting here in an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt that has a paint stain on it (because I, like many software engineers and people in the biotech company I work for, am extremely nerdy and was painting some game figures last night) When I go to the office, it's in jeans, either a t-shirt or a non-descript polo-type shirt, and sneakers, which is how pretty much everyone dresses (and, after an IPO, many people I work with are millionaires)
@zannothefox 2 года назад
I'm not that well off (only 80-90k a year) in comparison but I'm in IT most of my clothes I wear are from target or Walmart or someplace similar. Won't even spend much on shoes myself. I'm the same person who decided casually to spend about 3k at a store after being dismissed because I didn't look like I could just do that.
@lbec9487 2 года назад
I read that the big name ready to wear designers (like MK) actually market themselves towards middle & upper middle class people who want to look rich because actual rich people don’t care as much if they look rich or not.
@233kosta 2 года назад
I know a guy who can afford to just casually loan his friends ~$200k without worrying too much when he'll get paid back. Last I saw him he was dressed pretty much indistinguishable from the average Joe in the area. Absolutely no way to tell how rich he is just by looking at him.
@shinymainespoon 2 года назад
Baking cookies while listening to a malicious compliance video. Today is a good day
@phoenixmastm 2 года назад
Give cookies please? Ive been good!
@user54363 2 года назад
@kidshoulderschase 2 года назад
What kind of cookies
@shinymainespoon 2 года назад
@@kidshoulderschase Chocolate chip with some oats thrown in. Super good
@shinymainespoon 2 года назад
@@phoenixmastm Plenty to go around
@someguy7629 2 года назад
Moral of the story : Don't judge people fully on appearance. They might be the ones who pay your salary + bonus.
@evelynscoloringart8123 2 года назад
the stories of sales people overlooking customers, reminds me of when I went to buy a new car and the saleman basicly tried to "down grade" me to a used car I could afford" I ended up leaving and going to another dealership. Started a great relationship with a salesman there, that has ended up with me getting a new car from him every two years.
@PoisonTheHero237 2 года назад
Oh for sure! The main/pretty much only place I've experienced sexism in is car dealerships. Their servicing department tried to void my warranty too and boy did that not work out for them.
@17h127 2 года назад
@@PoisonTheHero237 same. I took my car in to the dealership for an oil change and break pads. They tried to tell me I needed new roters and in the detailed print out it just said resurfacing, only they were charging for new ones. I called them on their BS and had them only do the oil change. Took my car elsewhere and got the pads replaced. The other place said the roters were fine. Just cuz I'm female doesn't mean I'm stupid.
@ClassicGOD 2 года назад
Me: *Sneaks up on rSlash while he's recording and tries to grab him.* rS: *Slips away covered in baby oil* Me: *in Chris Pratt voice:* Clever Boy.
@ruddiko 2 года назад
You dont have to clarify it tho, after all, unfortunately, everyone's voiced by Crisp Rat
@Ender11037 2 года назад
@@ruddiko Wha...? Did I miss something in the celeb news?
@jaspr1999 2 года назад
One of the kids' friends came over with him while we were babysitting his kids. I honestly have no idea how these two are friends but this perfect stranger proceeded to tell my wife and me about ALL the girls he dated and got busy with. I enjoyed telling him, "I can tell by how thick those callouses on your right hand are." Yup! He looked... And instantly knew he was busted in his BS. Sometimes, the simplest of comments have the most devastating results.
@cherenkov_blue 2 года назад
The first story is a great example of how the people on the bottom of the corporate structure hold the real power. A company can decide to stiff their employees a couple bucks an hour, and in return those employees can refuse to work and cost the company thousands. Don't let management and corporate fool you into thinking you're powerless, your inaction holds more influence than they ever will.
@zombieslayer9304 2 года назад
13:05 As an IT professional who is currently sitting on his sofa in pjs. I approve this message
@abvhrulz 2 года назад
Employers expect two weeks notice but can fire us anytime. That OP did something amazing. Good for them.
@tiredman99 2 года назад
Wait so you're telling me the airline can't find an extra $10.50 in the budget to get their flights in and out on time but can afford the loss of thousands of dollars and could've afforded to pay the supervisor his bonus had it gotten in on time?
@michaelgum97 2 года назад
@teebee9903 2 года назад
@madgevanness4011 2 года назад
There’s local budgets and overall budgets, and the idiots don’t consider the overall picture.
@josephinemcdonald5101 2 года назад
The flight attendants were NOT paid for this “overtime” btw!! The stewardesses are not paid when the wheels are on the ground!
@maieen2665 2 года назад
*Third and Fourth OP:* A Dhar Mann story came to life! Twice! Shoutout to Martin for calling Steve out, even if it was unintentional. He did Rebecca a huge favor.
@sunshineash7322 2 года назад
I used to work for a western wear store in my early 20s. We had a customer that would come in every couple months who looked homeless but would always buy some of the most expensive things we sold. Found out he had bought stock in Walmart before it got big and is now a multimillionaire
@GeneralArin 2 года назад
With the first story, I suddenly have an explanation for why a few of my flights sat forever for no reason: cheapness
@Azwarrior94 2 года назад
Always hilarious when these stories end with companies loosing thousands all because their managers wish to be penny pinchers. As for the story about Martin, he threw your womanizing room mate right under that bus and had it drive back and fourth over him. Hilarious both for his ignorance and the fact it was karma for the womanizer.
@voiddiver1 2 года назад
Penny wise, dollar foolish
@remylarrivee2047 2 года назад
For the 1st story...I can only imagine how PISSED the people on that plane were when they got off.
@Chuckf66 2 года назад
Dabney, I've had a horrible day. There's been a death in the family, my head has been thumping since lunchtime, & I ran out of antidepressants, but that comment about you sitting there naked & covered in baby oil made me giggle hard. Thanks mate! I needed that!
@rokkiroko 2 года назад
hey man, i'm so sorry about your loss and current situation. rooting for ya, glad that it got to make you smile (i cracked up a bit myself in all honesty)
@vildrox019 2 года назад
Hey Beelzebubbles, I love the name. I read the Hail Satin part, and thought you'd spelt satan wrong. Then I read the rest and it instantly put a smile on my face. Sorry to hear about your family. Know that you'll be on a stranger's mind for a while who wishes you the best, in whatever form it takes.
@Chuckf66 2 года назад
@@rokkiroko Thank you so much! 😊
@lillyvaughn5398 2 года назад
I’m sorry you’re going through all that, I hope your day gets better!
@rokkiroko 2 года назад
@@Chuckf66 'course man!! gotta look out for each other during times like this,, i'm rooting for you bro
@thomasbrian1708 2 года назад
The difference between a Rich person and a Poor person is how they use their time. Your Future is created by what you do Today not your Tomorrow.
@davidwester6021 2 года назад
The rich see an economic crisis as a garage sale and also the rich stay rich by investing and diversifying their portfolio with stock, crypto currency investment which is the wisest thing every individual need to do and it is really profitable.
@davidwester6021 2 года назад
Best comment I have seen so far. If there one thing I have learned in recent months it is to remain calm, especially when it come to investment. I have been drawing my RMD each year and investing it on cryptocurrency with the help of Mrs Amy Robinette, a crypto analyst to supplemeant our retirement SS and pension.
@davidwester6021 2 года назад
Of course
@davidwester6021 2 года назад
大大二✙❶❾❺❹❽❾⓿❻❷❼❸ 大二大
@davidbrown1005 2 года назад
Wow, Is amazing to see people who have also invested with Amy Robinette. I thought am the only one she helped through this rough market.
@ryanwood9313 2 года назад
Rslash's last story reminded me of an incident in college when I and 2 of my roommates discovered that our other roommate's girl friend was cheating on him with multiple other guys when we told him he confronted her and she told him that they should see other people and so his room was like a revolving door of women from then on the fact that he got more action than her really seemed to make her mad
@BersealiaDreamheart 2 года назад
Love that story about your roommate. He may have been naive, but I think he did that girl a massive favor.
@NaeniaNightingale 2 года назад
Not telling the girls that they are being cheated on are horrible, I hope the two guys will get to taste the same thing from their partners and that friends won’t tell them about it.
@michellewilson1172 2 года назад
Love it when people judge you and then lose their profit for it. I went to a Zales, I believe, straight from work and wearing my work uniform. Of course no one would attend to me, but I still bought jewelry and no one could claim that they assisted me. Uniform = job = money. Even if I wasn’t in my work clothes, you don’t know me.
@tkokesh 2 года назад
I have my own stories about being ignored by salesmen, but my favorite is my grandmother’s experience. She was widowed at a young age, and she had to take her four kids with her to try to buy a new car. She went to several dealerships and got actively ignored by the agents. Finally, she went to a B**** dealership, and the salesman came right up to her and sold her a car. After that, she ONLY bought from that dealership, which included new cars for herself as well as cars for her kids. All told, the other dealerships missed out on tens of thousands of dollars of sales because they ignored a young woman who brought along her kids.
@Sanodi21 2 года назад
So honest question, in regards to the second story, couldn't OP have gone after the bank anyway due to hostile work environment?
@improv6132 2 года назад
On that last anecdote, Martin 100% had Asperger's. That kind of blank literal honesty and failure to understand the social consequences of what he told the girl are classic signs. And please don't misunderstand, I love my Aspie friends, you just have to understand that they process stuff differently, but the ones I know are almost all wonderful people with a great sense of humor.
@NaeniaNightingale 2 года назад
Thank you for those words, most people online don’t like my forwardness and not putting each word in cotton. It’s fine when someone else gets to deal with it, but ohh no when they have to deal with it I’m all suddenly attacking them. You want people to say your new shirt looks nice? Sorry but that color doesn’t look good on you and I am not going to lie about it. Yes I am a diagnosed Aspie
@Runner656 2 года назад
The insurance issue is the one reason I haven't yet relocated to my office in the States from Canada. I need health care, and would rather fly to Tennessee once a month than worry about having healthcare for my asthmatic ass.
@phoenixmastm 2 года назад
Ok, that...laugh? Noise? You made at the end of your quick former work story broke me for a solid 10 minutes. THAT WAS HILARIOUS! Thank you very much for making my Thursday awesome!
@Dismortis42 2 года назад
I’m a software developer, and I literally work in pajamas most days and rarely wear more than a t-shirt and jeans. I’ve been shopping luxury cars lately and keep getting directed to the used lot and ignored when I walk in. If they took 3 seconds to look at the car I pull up in it’s a $60k dodge that I paid cash for last year. Whoever finally decides to help me is going to get a nice commission.
@EdgyShooter 2 года назад
When I worked at a high end department store, we were specifically told to never judge a potential customer, especially not on their clothes. One: because builders and other such workers would routinely come in a buy huge amounts of products in cash Two: We were specifically told it was not our place to judge if we felt someone belonged in the store and anyone caught doing so could look for alternative employment.
@kianabrown2865 2 года назад
I always start my day (I work from home) with an rSlash video. Makes the time go faster.
@Positivekitten 2 года назад
I feel so bad for the person in Nairobi Kenya for having to verify that yes, it’s a real place and that they have electricity etc. Geography may never have been my strong suit, but I’m in the US and I’ve been aware of this fact since probably third grade. The fact that that many people are so ignorant that OP needs to clarify this makes me weep for the future.
@theatrobert 2 года назад
rSlash: "Don't judge a book by it's cover" also rSlash 30 seconds later, "This guy martin was a total dweeb, and dorky."
@someguythatblinks 2 года назад
Surprise surprise, he's a hypocrite.
@velvetdarksoul8741 2 года назад
@@someguythatblinks like all humans
@jakebyronjones 2 года назад
Dabney, not related to this video specifically but it is really important for me to tell you that I love all your jokes about step-family relationships etc and subtle and respectful allusions to adult content etc in general too! It humanises you as a person that is around my own age and who is a fellow family focused man with good morals! Have you thought about having a Patreon subscription channel (or similar) where you can let your amazing sense of humour out there for an over 18s audience? I'd really want to subscribe to any paywall NSFW content you could produce where you could relax and be funny without worrying about censorship and demonitization! Keep up the good work anyway bro!
@Riverbend1752 2 года назад
The stories of the salespeople not helping customers based on appearance reminded me of a story I once heard. Someone was wearing overalls and a work shirt, so he looked like a farmer. He goes into a high-end car dealership, and the salespeople all refuse to help him. A few months later, he buys the dealership. Turns out he was a fairly successful businessperson.
@amateural 2 года назад
Rslash saying he records nude and oiled up is entirely different with his face on the second channel. Because now I have an image in my head when he says that
@13BGunBunny 2 года назад
I love Malicious Compliance! More please. 😁
@maureenerickson-robertshaw3985 2 года назад
I have a leadership and management certificate from MIT's Sloan School of Management and my professors would tell us all the time about why acting like these supervisors and managers is stupid. Basically, value your people and treat them really well. It will bite you and your company when you treat your people badly. So true!!!!
@bnane42 2 года назад
Coders don't sit on their sofas, They have gamingPCs.
@LMF1716 2 года назад
At this point any sales person who works on commission should know that if they either look like a mechanic or look like a farmer then they're probably willing to drop a lot of cash for a little kindness
@laraq07 2 года назад
The salesman story reminds me of when I went to buy my 2nd car at a local HONDA dealership. I went with my SIL and asked a number of questions. The salesman was a douche and basically told me to come back when I was ready to buy. So we hopped in my SIL's car, drove to an out of town dealership, bought a car that day paying a hefty (10K) cash deposit, got a low interest rate on the remainder and paid it off within the 3 years so I paid NO interest. Sucks to be you salesperson.
@tailsofchaos 2 года назад
While I have heard the 3 story from dark fluff and maybe the first one on storyline ( It really doesn't matter to me if I heard them again from one of the three RU-vidrs however as its enjoyable listening to all :) ), It really does stand of never judging by the person's look. It is extremely easy to look rich and yet people still judge. In the end, they miss out on so much
@Ash-mo7oc 2 года назад
Martin is the real MVP. it's ok to be openly polyamorous, what's not ok is to lie to your partners of being monogamous when you're sleeping with everyone. safe sex includes telling your partners all of your current sex partners and previous ones, you don't know if your partner has allergies to certain lubes and your other partner prefers the exact type of lube.
@ScorpiusZA. 2 года назад
rSlash describing how he "dresses" while recording has scarred me a little. :)
@sirrmobreadings6978 2 года назад
[insert "the weak should fear the strong" meme]
@zephryoz8692 2 года назад
Working in a commissioned area has taught me to never assume how much someone is willing to pay
@austinsmith3260 2 года назад
The one about the washer sounds like a dahr Mann story.
@ashleytheblindvisionary907 2 года назад
I was thinking the same thing lol
@user-bu2sf1gb5t 2 года назад
"You can be fired for no cause" Labor Laws: "Oh really?"
@skorpiongod 2 года назад
Labor laws vary state by state in america.
@slimecorn 2 года назад
most states favor the employer on top of it lmao.
@mattlocktv 2 года назад
I think Martin was playing the long game and now he and Rebecca have multiple children together.
@emilymanning6011 2 года назад
Hope you're having a good day Rslash 💗
@insamers4616 2 года назад
Rslash: talks about how 2022 should be the most accepting Rslash: also still says dweeb Lol we love you rlsash
@joeillingworth1141 Год назад
The way corporations and especially small time managers try to cut costs is absolutely hilarious. Who in their right mind would think delaying a plane is worth 15 bucks
@XenoFireStar 2 года назад
Note, as an IT person, average salary in my area is like 60-70k. Not the 300k rSlash dreams of, but we still do pretty good for ourselves. And yeah, none of us like fancy dress.
@kstricl 2 года назад
I pulled a Martin once. Got invited to the bar after work by the boss and co workers. I don't drink and don't really like that scene, so I declined. The next day I was chatting with the bosses wife (she helped with paperwork) and she asked why I didn't go to the bar with the rest of them. Me: Well I don't drink and didn't feel like watching the stripper. Her: ... Storms off. A few minutes later angry boss shows up and chews me out for narcing on him. He hadn't told his wife what was at the bar that night...
@velvety2006 2 года назад
funny enough I don't think you have to be a martin for that. if you get the same sort of question often enough you automatize your answers and if you don't realize who is asking it then yea you get that kind of situation lol.
@phoebehinton-sheley3937 2 года назад
Bosses holding people's jobs over their heads really grind my gears. It's such an abuse of power, it's makes me sick.
@clarky23 2 года назад
Sales person story....I was at a travel agency (before booking online was a big thing) needed to book a flight to Vegas for a convention. I was dressed clean (basic knit shirt, tan pants, comfortable Reeboks) and I waited for nearly 20 minutes before I left, ran another errand then returned (only agency in town at the time). Because I was young I guess (23 at the time) no one would give me the time of day. Finally a woman (call her Sara) came from the back, asked if I'd been helped. I said no, and she turned to look at the other four agents who were doing "busywork" at their desks. I got my flight, paid, and left. About a month later, I needed to book eight flights for my staff to go to San Francisco for another conference. This time my boss at the time wanted to go all out, first class, multiple suites, rental cars. I went back to the travel agency, this time dressed in my best two-piece suit and red power tie. The four who were at their desks were tripping over each other to get to me first. I just calmly asked if Sara was available. They said she was in the back filing paperwork. Told them I would wait. And I did. Every so often one of the agents asked if I wasn't certain THEY could help me. I said no thanks, I'd wait. About 45 minutes later, Sara and the owner of the agency came out and I called out "Sara, how good to see you again. I need to book another flight." One of the other agents, I think accidently, said "again??" I looked at him and said, "yeah, when I was here last month, none of you would give me the time of day. It was Sara who helped me after an hour of waiting." The owner looked like she was ready to kill and said "Sara, help this gentleman with his needs. All of you (pointing to the four agents), in the back NOW!!!" While Sara helped me, I could hear yelling, couldn't make it out though. One of the agents came out crying, packed her purse with things from her desk and left. The other three looked like toddlers that had their toys were taken. And Sara ended up with a huge commission on my order. Six months later, i had to get a flight for my boss, and Sara was at one of the desks and three NEW agents were at the other desks. OPPS LOL
@GOOCHPILLED 2 года назад
bedtime rslash vid
@AshleyShinabarger-rt2wj Год назад
The story about showing kindness and getting in return reminds me of when I am in the opposite position. I can't tell you how many free extras I have gotten just from being nice and patient with overworked, understaffed fast food workers. A fountain soda here, an apple pie there, and a whole 2 liter of soda sometimes. You treat people decently and, sometimes, you get rewarded for not making their day any worse than it already is.
@HiddenBrother619 2 года назад
100% expected Martin to say, "Idk if he does, but I sure do."
@james0christine89 2 года назад
Being kind to customers, regardless of appearance reminded me of this story: My mom is a problematic, toxic woman. She is VERY petty. We come from a tribal reservation out in the boonies, but make great money leasing out our tribal land to tree cutters. So, every handful of years to a decade, mom gets a MASSIVE (we're talking over 50k) payout for the trees that were grown on her land and harvested. Mom also dresses very modestly, because it's considered uncouth where we come from to dress "too nice" Which is fine in our hometown local area that she lives in. But when she travels outside of that, in her hoodie, jeans, and beat up sneakers and wants to spend money... welll... Cue the story: Mom had noticed my years long obsession with makeup. She hated it at first, but then finally conceded to allow me to paint her face. I watched tutorial after tutorial for her eyes that were more hooded than mine, and her darker skin tone so I could cut those creases, and those cheekbones. She looked *fantastic*. Cue mom's new interest in makeup and picking up small techniques from me every time I visited (this was precovid btw). She wanted to go to a "nice" makeup store to get the brushes that I use and the quality of product I'd painstaking saved up for over months, with her logging payout. I recommended other places like Ulta and maybe even Sephora but she was insistent on going to the nicest place she heard of, which was MAC. None of the MAC employees would look twice at her. She was completely ignored. She asked me if this was normal and I said no, and evidenced that they were hounding me in every other aisle I went down (note: I'm pale skinned 'cause my dad is white and I dress more professional than my mother most of the time). She clocked what was happening, told me to drop off my basket at the register and tell them we changed our minds about shopping there and went to one of the places I suggested. Immediately, upon entering, a pair of saleswomen walked up to us, one of them offering mom a free skin care facial thing and asked me if they could help me find what I was looking for (I wanted a new skincare regimen, I knew I wanted Tatcha brand). Mom dropped a couple thousand dollars replacing most of the makeup in my collection and starting *her* new collection. She opened an account with them so I could keep shopping there and whenever she was in town, she could drop in and take me shopping for the latest products. I thought she was done by this point in her petty revenge but I underestimated her. We finished our shopping, rang up, my anxiety shot through the roof at the bill and mom calmly paid and asked for a copy of the receipt, handed me my bag of stuff, and we wished them a great day and thanked the sales girls for their help and mom even took the time to write a comment card on how lovely they were and orderd me to bring up the website so she could write good reviews for them there too. Then we're walking back through the mall and I'm ready to be done shopping 'cause I'd never spent that much money at once in my life and I'm getting ready to refuse to allow her to buy us all dinner too when we pass the MAC store again and mom makes a beeline for the store. I quickly ask what's up and she ignores me, goes up to the first salesperson and asks for a manager. The manager shows up and mom's inner Karen rears it's ugly head and she details how many people she questioned for assistance, points them out in the store, accuses everyone of being racist and classist and then hands him the receipt for what we spent at the other beauty store and told that manager they need to review their anti-profiling training and grow the fuck up. Mom didn't let the manager get a word in edgewise, stomped out leaving them with the long receipt from the other store and the promise that she'd be sending all the same info to corporate. There aren't many times I am pleased with seeing a Karen in action, but in this moment, it wasn't half bad, not half bad at all.
@YuliaFok 2 года назад
It is extremely true that you don't judge a book by its cover. My dad is a maths professor in a world renowned university yet he quite often gets mistaken for a homeless person, several of his colleagues too. There's even an online quiz called prof or hobo. Unless you closely know how professors look, you don't have a chance at passing 😅
@QuoteCaver Год назад
Last story: Reminds me of a roommate I had. He wasn't a bad guy, but he was pretty into the party scene and loved getting high and drunk. He and his boyfriend came home one night, and were literally so high and drunk that they didn't respond to me when I asked them what the hell? They were tearing their clothes off on the way to the bed and got right down to it. I was so mortified I just left the room and went to a convenience store to get something to eat. They were asleep when I got back. The next morning, he was mortified, because he literally didn't realize I was there. He threw out his boyfriend (who was a huge douche about it) and apologized profusely. I told him it was fine, but it absolutely could not happen again, and based on the boyfriend's comments (threatening me) I didn't want him in the room again, period. They broke up a week later. The guy was perfectly fine the rest of the semester.
@bellerain381 2 года назад
Listening to RSlash after my workout and enjoying a cup of coffee!
@henriflego9574 2 года назад
I’ve learned over the years that companies don’t give a s**t about what you’re going to lose, if you even get something to begin with.
@TheGamingGuyYT Год назад
13:10 why not lather your whole body in mayonnaise
@raleighdeluca5988 2 года назад
on the insurance thing- during covid, i got let go from my job after my grandpa died and i told my boss i could no longer move out of state at the end of the year for a promotion because i had to stay near my grandma (promised to care for her). they fired me a month later. i broke down crying and begged them not to, because it was mid covid with NO jobs available and the VEC was so backed up i never got unemployment. the world was in such a state that i couldn’t even get cobra benefits to extend my health insurance until i could find work again. so i lost my health insurance during covid. a few weeks after getting fired, i got a cough so bad my partner thought i had lung cancer. coughing for hours, not sleeping, wheezing, etc. but i couldn’t go to the dr. he would beg to take me to the ER, and i’d have to remind him we don’t have several thousand dollars to spend on my cough right now. and it was true. luckily it went away after a few months of suffering- but also during that time, the loss of my health insurance lost me my ability to see my suboxone doctor- so i relapsed on heroin without another option. it was so awful and i fell into the worst depression i can remember. fuck jobs for doing that to people.
@overlordcobra8380 2 года назад
Courtesy costs nothing, but can buy a great deal. Everyone should remember that, no matter the situation. Especially Karens lol
@tinydancer7426 2 года назад
Oh, Martin was dumb as a fox. "The innocent, What did I do?" Yeah, sure Martin. Yeah. Sure. Golden. If you have to pick which of the roommates to keep ...... go for a Martin.
@carlgustav7196 2 года назад
I really thought Marten would answer to Stephen „Your‘re welcome“ 😂
@Ragehunger 2 года назад
It's a good lesson to teach rookie employees: Never let managers mistake your generosity for gullibility by giving you work that either goes unpaid or is above your paygrade. If they want work done, they either pay you what that work is worth or you can refuse doing it. The consequences are not your responsibility. I also don't understand how America haven't addressed the problem with worker's rights and job security at this point. Even the idea of a Union seems like taboo amongst their corporations. When you sign an employment contract, the employees should always have a say in it too, and that should be the absolute baseline across the whole nation. No working for less than a living wage, no risk of being terminated with immediate effect, no wage theft, and definitely no screwing people over by denying them promised bonuses or taking away their pensions for bogus reasons. Many businesses would likely crash and burn as a result, and they rightfully should as no business should be allowed to run with such a degrading and disposable business model.
@markedwards3647 2 года назад
In the US, it can be dangerous to look rich, and it is very expensive and inconvenient to hire and activate a security team every time you go out. So most multi-millionaires and billionaires do not look rich, unless they are going to a formal event. They do not CARE what you think of them.
@jessieomahony8101 2 года назад
For people who aren't aware. At will states doesn't mean you can be fired for NO REASON. It's any LEGAL reason. It can be stupid small stuff but they can't just say it's no reason. Illegal as hell
@nikitatavernitilitvynova 2 года назад
This Martin guy sounds a lot like me. I'm very honest with people. Because my mom tought me so. To never lie or whatever. So I tend to say more than needed sometimes. For example my mom says I see no wrong in telling my brother how much money I have. I told her the truth: "He wanted to know if it will impact my balance and if I was left with no money at all." but my mom thought otherwise. She told me: "Well now he knows you have more money so if he needs more he knows who to ask." which is true but after talking to my dad I realized I can't hold grudges against my brother for stealing some of my money in the past. He has a job now and not just that, but if he needs help for real I shouldn't hold a grudge from 6 years ago when he never returned €10 according to my dad. Because he's family. And we don't treat family wrong. He said it himself: "I know he won't give the money back, but he's still my son and I can't stand to see him suffer or feel bad. I'll get mad at him sure, but I can't just cut him out like that over some money."
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 года назад
There are so many reasons to not judge someone by how they are dressed. A major one being that a truly rich person doesn't care what others think, they don't need to pretend to be something they aren't to get people to accept them.
@blackcreators 2 года назад
The guy buying the washing machine reminded me of something that happened to me once. When I got out of the military I wanted to buy a new Harley. I had been saving the entire time I was in the military and had enough cash in my pocket to buy a brand new bike right off the show room floor. I walk in and I'm looking at a beautiful bike, fully loaded with everything I wanted and I had more than enough with me to pay for it. The salesman comes running towards me YELLING "If you scratch that bike you're going to have to pay for the repair." I hadn't even touched it yet. This guy majorly blew any chance of me buying at his dealership so I pulled all the cash out of my pocket and started laying it out across the gas tank on the bike. The guys eyes almost popped out of his skull. I said "I don't scratch things that aren't mine AND I don't buy anything from a$$holes." I smacked the cash hard and snatched it up. The guy was almost crying as I walked out 🤣
@sweet_bunny3600 2 года назад
I watch this instead of working in study hall.
@GioSerpo 2 года назад
Yea, if anyone can say they don't care how they dress or look, it's IT guys. I run a PC repair business, from home, where I work on prob's 3-8 PC's per day. I sometimes make house calls to clients, if they need me to, but most of my on call work is for local businesses. The first business I ever went into to try to strike a deal turned me down because I was in shorts and a sleeveless shirt, and someone asked me how I wasn't freezing to death, my response was to pat my rather large belly and tell them "I just have extra insulation." The owner told me that no IT guy in their right mind would dress and act like that, so they didn't think I was capable. At a spot a few doors down, I talked to the owner and got an exclusivity deal. He calls me, and only me. Problems happen, and as fate would have it, both businesses had one of their PCs throw a motherboard. Now, my usual rate is $30 an hour for any and all jobs, but for my exclusivity deals, each company pays me a monthly fee to be on call at all times, so, I don't charge those companies labor fees. I know, I'm an honest businessman. So rare these days. Anyway, long story short, the owner asked me what I would have charged him had we not had that agreement, and I quoted it at 4 hours plus parts, which would have came to $200. He laughed, then explained to me that the place down the street, the one who denied my deal and didn't call me when their PCs messed up, was charged $800. He wound up telling the other business owner what I said, and told him how good I was at what I did, so I did wind up getting a call a few days later. And, since I'm an honest businessman, I had a similarly priced payment section written into the contract. I could have charged him whatever I wanted to...
@LordDuff 2 года назад
that bank story is a darned good example of why healthcare should not be tied to employment!
@kristinawentz8801 2 года назад
I remember going into Versace in New York and the salesperson gave me the dirtiest looks for coming in. I have been judged by my looks on several occasions. I had a similar experience to the guy in the washing machine story.
@passmethepopcorn 2 года назад
Confession time. I sometimes listen to other RU-vid Reddit readers because 15 to 20 minutes of r/ isn't long enough to get me through the day and I've already listened to all his material. When I realize I've already heard the story Dabney is reading I die a little inside because I feel like I'm cheating. However, I enjoy his delivery much more than dark fluff or mr Reddit so I don't mind hearing them again. I just feel like a dirty unfaithful cheater! 😅
@hunka130 2 года назад
Don't worry. You've heard these stories FROM DABNEY already. I think the first 3 of these posts he's read before. He just cuts 1 or 2 new ones in and calls them something new. I even heard a "TIFU" from him that was clearly an "Am I the a hole" from earlier.
@janyos7935 2 года назад
kinda weird hearing Rslash, known otaku simp, calling someone else a dweeb. way to be judgemental to your own people
@SixOhhGeeTeeOhh 2 года назад
13:10 I don't imagine you that way because I like it, I do it because I can
@enerioffutt1881 2 года назад
Now I have a severe case of the giggles imagining rSlash naked and covered in baby oil. It's almost as good as Puppy Bloopers, which I miss.
@deerkota 2 года назад
first story: I find it so bizarre that only leads can marshal in planes. with the airline I'm working at, you just have to go to training (usually held in Dallas, but mine was at my station due to covid concerns and too many people). you could literally have someone come back the next day from training and bring the plane in. also, since my station is so short staffed, one night in particular was awful all around - there was only 6 of us working that night, and we have only 3 gates, meaning we can have 6 planes on our side without having to borrow from another airline or put it out in the middle of nowhere. we usually have 6 RONs (overnight planes), so when a CRJ's crew left before we could ask them to brake ride (if we tow the plane somewhere, you have to have someone who's qualified to brake ride in the cockpit), that meant that we had to wait for a moment where we could take it out to the J line, which was right before the last two flights landed (all of our RONs always come back to back, which sucks for many reasons). since the crew had left, that meant that we would be down four people - a brake rider, a pushback driver, and two wingwalkers. the other two people couldn't bring in the other planes while we were gone because you need a marshal and two wingwalkers, so they sat there for a _long_ time. another night (here's some malicious compliance), our supervisor told us to bring all the planes in first before offloading them. we were like "uh, that's not going to end well", but we were given instructions, so we had to do as told. we had people waiting at baggage claim for (iirc) two hours before we got all the bags dropped.
@joshdavis5720 2 года назад
I still wish you would put this company on blast. Because it isn't slander if it is true 😁
@CellarSinger 2 года назад
Regarding how people dress, I don't generally care about how fancy they're dressed but I do tend to judge a little if they are dressed in ratty clothes. I do not understand the fascination with deliberately ripped clothes. It is generally reasonably obvious if somebody is in construction or other inherently dirty job.
r/Maliciouscompliance Karen Told Me to Stop Being Deaf!
r/Maliciouscompliance "IF YOU QUIT, YOU'RE FIRED!"