

Agent Nesty
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Agent Nesty at your service! In this video I will raise the topic of racism in Russia and discrimination based on nationality. Yes, this exists in every country, but is it okay that a person of non-Slavic nationality has SUCH BIG PROBLEMS with renting housing in Russia, especially in Moscow? No, it's not okay. And in this video we'll discuss where it came from, why it's so pointless, and even how to change it!
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Timestamps: not ready yet 🌝




29 апр 2023




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@AgentNesty Год назад
So, the most important thought on this at 9:48
@josephhalligan1712 Год назад
@youren8 Год назад
@stephenmead7474 Год назад
It's really hard to see good in the world right now..
@snuscaboose1942 Год назад
You are correct, people are people regardless of skin colour, birthplace or ethnicity, some are bad most are good.
@BaronSaturday66 Год назад
You sort of look Norwegian to me, but I guess you are neighbors. 😊
@MathieuDeVinois Год назад
There was an Austrian psychiatrist Viktor E Frankl. He was Jewish and survived Auschwitz but still stayed in Austria after the war. - in America he was asked why he didn’t move and stayed in a county what did such monstrosities. Hies answer was simply that when he went back home from Auschwitz he passed a street and an old lady gifted him an apple. And then said “good people are everywhere, and so are idiots”
@husamabed6527 11 месяцев назад
I could not agree more.
@KateeAngel 10 месяцев назад
maybe he stayed cause the alternative would be go and live on land stolen from Palestinians
@MathieuDeVinois 10 месяцев назад
@@KateeAngel Viktor Frankl wrote many books. You may want to read one or two before starting to insult people you don’t know. The story with the old lady he mentions in one of his books too. I can’t say which one though.
@PROVOCATEURSK 8 месяцев назад
Good people in America, good joke.
@TheSuperVideoRey1 7 месяцев назад
@@PROVOCATEURSK Depends what country in America.
@Sycokay Год назад
I believe that most of the time when we think something is racist - especially when it comes to renting an appartment - it is actually not racism, but classism. If you are black and looking for an apartment in Germany, you are having a hard time - if you are an asylum seeker from Africa. But if you are an African American, working in the nearby US Base, you don't have a problem. If you are a Syrian refugee, you will have a problem. If you are a well off Saudi, you won't. The reason is simple: landlords will choose the candidate who is most likely to be able to pay the rent and don't cause damage or trouble.
@remi-lyon5 Год назад
Absolutely agree with this comment. The same problem in France. Landlord carrefuly choose the person to whom he will rent the apartment because the landlord absolutely knows that he will be alone with problems in case of unpaid rent or damages to apartment. Neither justice or state will help the landlord. And in France, the renter may stay in apartment up to two years even in case of unpaid rent. This fact led a lot of landlords in a dramatic situation and this is a part of the explanation why there is a lack of apartment for rent in France
@ivani3237 10 месяцев назад
But racism starts when you decide - who is "is most likely to be able to pay the rent and don't cause damage" and who's not only by skin color or eye shape
@rcrouwl485 10 месяцев назад
My friend gave an apartment to the Uzbeks, and they started riots. He told me: they didn't take care of my property. They were making noise. They were disturbing the neighbors. I'm not saying everyone is like that, but that's how I came across it. And because of this, a biased attitude is created. My friend is not a racist, but now he doesn't want to rent an apartment to these guys.
@Sycokay 10 месяцев назад
@@ivani3237 But imho this is often not done, more important factors are clothing, outward appearance, hygiene, the way the person carries himself, the car he drives, the job he has etc.
@LaughingMan44 8 месяцев назад
LMAO, asylum seekers/migrants/economic scammers get GIVEN places to live for FREE at OUR expense, while they commit horrific crimes against women and children. My fucking god, lunatics like you are destroying us.
@Aisaaax Год назад
To be fair, when I lived in Russia there was a huge problem with certain ethnicities absolutely ruining the apartments that they rented. I knew several people who got burned on that. So basically what would happen is you have a nice clean appartment and you rent it to a foreigner... And then 3 months later you find out that actually 6 people are living there that you had no idea existed, and not with great sanitary conditions. Everything is dirty and/or broken, and since they broke your stove they are now using a small gas burner to cook. And then when they move out you now need to spend more money on repairs than they have paid you during their stay. It was a huge problem/stigma in 90sand early 2000-s. I have no idea if the situation is different now, but I know that definitely the memory and associated prejudice doesn't die all that fast. The thing is, you really can't recover any damages in Russia. Renting was a huge grey area for decades after USSR fell apart, with no real regulation or recourse. So yeah, just mytwo cents about the roots of this issue.
@stevenhenry5267 Год назад
@Aisaaax Год назад
@@stevenhenry5267 well, from your name I will just assume that you had not, in fact, ever known landlords from Russia. So... Ridiculous on what basis? People from different countries aren't equal culturally, you know. In some places it is still totally fine to pee on a street corner. Some cultures don't take shower every day, or even every week, and wash their clothes rarely. Some cultures are used to eating food with their hands and wiping it on a cloth. How can you assume it is "ridiculous" for certain ethnicities to be more negligent with apartments?
@dsmj7389 Год назад
@@Aisaaax I know that you yourself are not a bigot, and I understand that prejudice and bigotry is unfair and wrong and should be battled against. But there could easily be some truth in what you are saying, that poorer and less educated upbringings could result in people not knowing how to be respectful of other peoples property. Different cultures can certainly have different behaviors and values, and this could lead to initial prejudices among groups. But I don't think this type of honest discussion is actually allowed in today's ultra-righteous society.
@lepersonnage371 Год назад
​@@dsmj7389 We don't need that western ultraliberal blind idiocy to plague our country as well as it did plague America, Britain, France, etc. These countries are being destroyed by certain ethnicities and in Russia these ethnicities are capturing everything too. This is not normal, and everyone should be able to give or not to give his apartment for rent to anyone. If he doesn't want muslims in his appartment then it's absolutely fine and logical.
@DarkHill43 Год назад
​@@stevenhenry5267its true, nowadays landlords literally have a condition of renting, to be of a Slavic origin....
@user-gt9tz3qq9q 4 месяца назад
А имела ли автор длительный опыт сдачи в аренду своего жилья жителям Кавказа и Ср.Азии? Если нет - она просто ТП.
@LapkaKutiapka Месяц назад
Даже без если. Она просто ТП
@mishacol 4 дня назад
западному потребителю заходит. рашка же по-любому зло.
@D11r41k 10 месяцев назад
I'm a Tatar, and those "only for slavs/russians" rental ads were making me furious every time I had to search for an apartment in Moscow. Now I live abroad, and to the foreigners I'm a Russian myself 😂 And it's very difficult to explain about Tatars. And I'm at times feeling confused.
@vesogry 9 месяцев назад
Maybe Tatars do too much shit/don't pay in the apartment?
@D11r41k 9 месяцев назад
@@vesogry no, it's just ignorance
@vesogry 9 месяцев назад
@@D11r41kYes of course. Definitely.
@dermeister1744 9 месяцев назад
@@vesogry tatars almost equal russians. Many people who call themselves ethnic russians have some tatar blood. For example me, I am a mix of tatar bashkir and russian, but people not always can say what ethnicity I am. One time I was told I look like a belorussian.
@gaara13756 8 месяцев назад
It sounds like a lie. By Slavs, it means that you are not a visitor from another country and have the citizenship of the Russian Federation, you can speak Russian fluently. This inscription is against Tajiks, Azerbaijanis, etc. Against migrant workers.
@Zorro33313 8 месяцев назад
хз, я из северной осетии, по всей России езжу каждый год с командировками, уже давно не сталкивался с таким. Лет 10-15 назад - да было. И то это сложно назвать расизмом, т.к. я вот не славянин, но мне все равно сдавали даже в таких объявах, т.к. при личном общении понятно, что я не гастарбайтер, который говорит что будет жить один, а потом живет в квартире целым табором и за полгода превращает ее в свинарник. Так что это не расизм а предосторожность, продиктованная тогдашней реальностью. Сейчас реальность изменилась - изменились и условия аренды.
@robstewich 6 месяцев назад
Красавчик А девчонка хайпует просто, нитакусю включила. Жаль, симпатичная и ролики у неё классные.
@miguelandreas8198 5 месяцев назад
Все зависит от акцента еще. Если он есть, то все - многие вакансии для тебя закрыты. У многих саха, тувинцев русский язык - это второй язык, и у нас мало русских, так что у многих рудиментальный русский. Почти все русские относятся к таким людям с презрением.
@robstewich 5 месяцев назад
@@miguelandreas8198 фигню несёшь. знаю двух девочек якуток, с одной даже встречался пару лет. ни одна не говорила с акцентом и ни одна не жаловалась на расизм так как ты. да были случаи, на работе (она работала в магазине на кассе) было пару раз, когда клиенты называли "пиздоглазой" например, но это всякие уебаны, которых везде хватает.
@Zorro33313 5 месяцев назад
​@@miguelandreas8198 да, конечно, к таким будут относиться подозрительнее. язык для русских главный аспект определения в системе свой-чужой, т.к. язык в отличие от генетических особенностей выбирают и если человек сделал выбор, что живя в России русский ему учить не обязательно - отношение к нему будет соответствующее. язык это совсем не то же самое что врожденные генетические черты. быть гражданином РФ по праву рождения и решить что достаточно "рудиментарных" знаний русского языка - это очень плохая идея. разве что ты никогда не собираешься выезжать из своей республики, но это абсурд. такая республика со временем превратится в резервацию и там начнется социополитическая дестабилизация подрывающая безопасность самой республики. все эти сказки про независимость и прочее - чушь, потому что ни одна республика РФ по одиночке не выживет. сожрут и выпотрошат внешние силы, как однажды в 90х попытались сделать со всей Россией, как сделали практически со всеми странами СНГ. это очень серьезная тема, в общем, но скажу одно: у нас в РСО это давно поняли и сделали окончательный выбор в пользу интеграции с Россией. У нас с детства учат русский язык как родной и он у нас у всех родной и есть. Да, с локальным легким акцентом, но свой акцент есть в любом регионе и это не имеет значения. А осетинский язык мы учим уже только в рамках культурного обогащения и изучения истории своего народа. мы не забываем свое прошлое, но осознаем настоящее и понимаем что без россии нет будущего, поэтому относимся с уважением к русскому языку, что видят другие русские и отвечают взаимностью. так что просто учите русский как родной - вы же рождены в россии, это наш общий, главный язык. язык ООН, ШОС, БРИКС, язык международного общения - мировой, замечательный язык.
@miguelandreas8198 5 месяцев назад
@@Zorro33313 вы решили стать "русским". вы приспособились под русских . я вас не осуждаю. но есть другой путь - многие якуты владеют 3 языками, в якутске никого не удивишь знанием 3 языков, только русских это что-то невероятное и что-то интеллектуальное. но в этом ничего нет странного, если владеешь двумя языками с детства, третий язык уже как приложение. проблема россии в том, что русские в москве пытаются аланию уравнять с саха сирэ и чтоб мы жили по их правилам, чтобы ИМ было удобно, а не НАМ.
@danilkorovin6012 11 месяцев назад
Забава в том ,что даже лэндлорд узбек с хорошей квартирой может поставить приписку только для славян .Вот и думай ,где тут расизм ,а где материальная безопасность
@KateeAngel 10 месяцев назад
доказательства есть?
@RustedCroaker 12 дней назад
@@KateeAngel А ты прокурор чтоль?
@Anna_brand_newsha Год назад
My friend is half Kazakh and half Tatar. She called the landlord and said, "I have a cat. I am also Kazakh and Tatar but I was born and raised in Russia. Will you rent me an apartment?". The owner said, "I'll rent it to your cat but not you"
@MsNinich Год назад
Half dunno ugrish never had any problem to rent anything in Russia, but once met American who told me that I don't look like Russian but like mid eastern girl and the way he told it sounded like it was bad
@MsNinich Год назад
@amossutandi Год назад
​@@MsNinich racism is everywhere in the world, thing is you should not allow it to bring you down.
@MsNinich Год назад
@@amossutandi mostly in the West
@amossutandi Год назад
@@MsNinich well, it's mostly in the west, partly cause there are so many substantial minority groups interacting with eachother and facilitating the opportunity to be racist. In many small russian, or Arab or African cities there are hardly any 'others' to be racist against. Plus coupled with the fact that since the west is the dominant force in the world, there is this inherent idea of belief that the west is superior and others are inferior.
@lostplanet1931 Год назад
I think its mostly due to the bad reputation the type of immigrants caused that are discriminated.
@user-oc3im9fe9q Год назад
I am a Muscovite, and I also offer to rent an apartment. And I ask the realtor to indicate that I want to see Slavs, Tatars or Bashkirs as tenants. Everything. Tatars and Bashkirs are like Russians - there are no problems with them. They are neat and tidy. Very cultured - as a rule. There are problems with the others. Not to mention the natives of Central Asia. Alas...There may be trouble. And it's not about racism, but about what kind of apartment will be after they leave.
@sirregul 4 месяца назад
@asliddinochilov4341 3 месяца назад
You're still racist then
@silviachiarito1035 Год назад
Hi from Italy! In the same period (but I think also from 90') skinheads were here in my country too... I noticed that a lot of people in particular from Ucraina (people that now are living in Italy) are soooo racists (against black people, against minorities and, off course, gay and italians too... It's so sad and so different from the european's culture... For me it was hard to believe they were talking seriously... 😢).
@mnemonicpie 11 месяцев назад
lmao Italians are the most racist (towards blacks) guys in western Europe, what are you talking about😂
@tonyjaa9503 11 месяцев назад
Italians are the most xenophobic and racist rude sh.t people in the world. Roman empire is cursed. Clean the garbage
@E85stattElektro 8 месяцев назад
Yes, talked to some Ukrainians here in Germany and they were like „The muslim refugees are very bad, they are lazy and don’t work at all“. Those guys are very racist!
@yamashita888 6 месяцев назад
Yeah and now your countries are African and Middle Eastern or lgbtq maniacs because preferring your own group is somehow "racist" and "evil"
@HigherMorality 5 месяцев назад
Real European culture is about racial pride and having an inherent sense of ethnic and/racial superiority. The "European" culture you're describing today is nothing more than jew-induced a slave mentality that was beaten into the people by corrupt governments beholden to judaic America.
@user-ts3qo8zo6f 7 месяцев назад
Очень шаблонный взгляд на проблему. Хотелось бы услышать ответы на вопросы. 1. Лично вы Настя видели хоть одного скинхеда? Я думаю нет, потому что нахождение в такой организации преследуется по закону. 2. Можно ли сейчас перересекать границу Европы на автомобиле с русскими номерами? Нет, это является дискриминацией по национальному признаку. 3. Сможете ли вы взыскать деньги с иностранца за ущерб нанесенный вашему жилью? Нет , поэтому жильё стараются сдать гражданам России или иностранцам из благополучных стран. Тут экономические причины.
@TaxistGeviskon 9 месяцев назад
I'm Tuvan (Siberian Turk). I've lived in Moscow for 8 years. There are wonderful people here. My Russian neighbours are decent folks, as well as my awesome Russian friends. Yes, I face hate and racism occasionally. One time I was attacked by a drunk man in metro for no reason. But half of the time, it's usually the other coloured folks who are really racist, such as Caucasus or Southern CIS states people. Like, they are so obsessed with races or countries thing, just like the woke black people in the US. You also shouldn't forget that Moscow as a megalopolis isn't really a nice place. Similarly to NYC, people here are impatient, rude and always in a hurry. It's a common thing to meet unfriendly impudent folks - especially those 45+ years old ladies, Russian Karens. But mostly, all ethnic Russians I met were nice and friendly. Mostly. Lastly, a piece of advice to other brown folks. Don't be like those brainwashed liberals in the West, who would cry about racism and oppression 24/7. Frankly speaking, most of the time, it's the coloured folks who start behaving first. Stop acting like a monkey and 99% of times, you won't be called a monkey. Some folks from the south "had it coming", if we say so.
@robstewich 6 месяцев назад
underrated comment
@schuylerleithulfr788 11 месяцев назад
I moved to Russia 9 years ago, it's home. I have a little bit of Baltic heritage, but I'm mostly Celtic and Germanic. My wife is Slavic primarily, Finnish and Baltic. I'll never forget the time when we were younger and I was reading over this application for us to rent out an apartment and it said 'slavs only'. When the land lords came to meet us, I was just staring at them grinning. They looked confused and I said "What about Celts?" They were baffled, couldn't believe that a man of primarily Hebridean ancestry had moved to Russia. Needless to say, we got the apartment, because even though we Celts and Slavs are related, but different ethnicities; what the land lords are really trying to say is: "Whites only." Let's be honest... Lmfaoooo I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though. My wife is Slavic, so maybe she was our ticket. But I highly doubt that.
@kamchatmonk 11 месяцев назад
What the landlord meant was "no caucasians", because people from Caucasus and ex-Soviet republics like Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have made themselves a bad reputation due to backwards tribal culture. You know, like wiping your ass with your hands then smearing it over the walls of the toilet. I'm not even joking, I've seen this in the students' dorm in St. Petersburg. Students from Dagestan lived separately on their floor and girls were afraid of going anywhere near them, because catcalling was the least of the problems they'd face.
@KateeAngel 10 месяцев назад
@Slecky2 would you tell that to millions of indigenous Siberians?
@KateeAngel 10 месяцев назад
@@kamchatmonk it is pretty stupid to just assume that all people from Caucasus and Central Asia are like that. I have also lived in dormitory with people from those regions and in my case they were not any worse that anyone else, many were more polite, clean and educated than "locals"
@Slecky 10 месяцев назад
@@KateeAngel Yes, they should leave
@rcrouwl485 10 месяцев назад
The Russians descended from the Normans. So you have much more in common with the Russians than with the British or Italians)))
@sxe1nuar 7 месяцев назад
Most reputable websites don't allow usage of any discriminating language including "slavs only". Even speaking statistically before such rules years ago there were less than 10% of ads containing remarks like that. And as people mentioned below it was frequently a thing related to cheap apartments, rented out by people poorly educated people with low socioeconomic status. Saying that from personal experience my parents stopped renting their apartment for good at all. There were multiple occasions with some of the mentioned minorities groups, where the whole place was completely trashed on purpose, with ALL appliances being stolen and all that after not paying rent for good 6 months.
@asd99579 6 месяцев назад
Взгляд на Россию через призму ТП. Тоже нужная вещь.
@user-tr7xb7rw3g Год назад
Landlords are the same all over the world. And racism is everywhere. Keep up the good fight for a better world for everyone
@paradoxofgodexisting 3 месяца назад
Good fight is an oxymoron.
@leight420 Месяц назад
you they jus pulled the stereotypes out of their ass?🤣
@Malik_Bulack Год назад
The fact is that crime among migrants in Russia is growing rapidly, in some cities of the Moscow region it is already unsafe to walk in the evening because of migrants. Any state should control migration, and when this does not happen, residents take care of their own safety, in particular, filtering tenants.
@michellea9857 11 месяцев назад
If you look at England, UK some of the large scale immigration came in the 60s from the commonwealth due to the many men who died in WW2. Post 60s with liberal thinking and now low birth rates including through abortion, homosexuality and contraception, the indigenous population of England has died a death. England is now a multicoloured melting pot.
@johnysins69696 11 месяцев назад
interstate migrant's or international migrants
@AnnDale-ie3jn 11 месяцев назад
@@johnysins69696 Tajik Uzbek Azeri Chechen international students who are Africa especially Nigeria
@briopalumpus8676 11 месяцев назад
Russia has it's own mafia problem. The russian mafia with its pimps and heroin trade is mostly staffed by ethnic Russ.
@mikatimonen5449 11 месяцев назад
Perhaps they do crimes because of their desperate situation not their ethnicity?
@Melayganda463 Год назад
Hi can i ask your youtube account still monetized ? I’m here in moscow but because of the war my YT account has been undemonetized
@leninist 5 месяцев назад
Выбор хозяина квартиры в сторону славян связан не с расизмом, а с тем, что славяне чаще всего не живут по десять человек в комнате, а люди с азиатской внешностью часто грешат этим . Соотвественно, в квартирах где проживает больше людей надо чаще делать ремон. Это хозяину квартиры и ненравится, в азиатских квартиросъёмщиках.
@user-fw7os4yv7s 8 месяцев назад
It is not racism. It is a conflict between cultures and religions, not races or nations.
@thepepperlanders 7 месяцев назад
As a one upon a time long ago landlord I can say from experience that some ethnic groups are much better at paying their bills than other groups. It is not about racism, it is about wanting to be paid for your time and effort. Landlords that discriminate between different ethnics or group types are only playing the odds. Landlords aren't perfect but neither are tenants.
@zombezyb6692 10 дней назад
Yeah it's maybe a racism but after seeing 15 people in places where 1 person should be living changes the view on that.
@larashanrem 10 месяцев назад
As a Yakut I had too much difficulties on looking for an apartment in Moscow due to my yakutian name. Yakuts majorly have russian names. Like Vladimir, Andrey, Alexey, Dmitriy. I think I don’t have any accent in my russian speech, but my name. During the call, when landlord asks for my name and hear it, he immediately cut off the call or say goodbye. Another reason for decline is that I’m not a woman.
@Zorro33313 8 месяцев назад
странно, я осетин, у меня таких проблем не было. даже когда было много объявлений типа "сдам славянам" мне сдавали без проблем, когда понимали, что я не гастер, который приведет 15 человек в хату) хотя я выгляжу прям как типичный "кавказец". а щас как раз есть проблемы, потому что теперь мода сдавать "молодой семье". одиночкам не хотят сдавать, особенно мужикам. Можно было бы сказать что это семьянизм или секзим, но думаю, причина простая и все та же - люди боятся что им разнесут квартиру) ты из якутии, говоришь, к якутам у славян вообще отношение в среднем лучше чем к кавказцам, мне кажется. думаю, тебе нужно после того как представишься сразу пояснять что ты из якутии и говорить кем работаешь, чтобы люди успокаивались. можно даже пошутить по этому поводу. дело то не в расизме, мы ж понимаем, люди просто очкуют что у них в хате притон устроят) в общем, мне кажется, славян не сложно понять - они такие же русские как и мы;)
@Svatlex 8 месяцев назад
@@Zorro33313 100%. Всем на самом деле вообщше насрать на национальность, цвет кожи и т.п. Просто у людей много негативного опыта с жильцами из конкретных регионов и они боятся за свое имущество, поэтому в объявлении пишут всякое, а по факту сдают любому нормальному человеку независимо от национальности. Опять дже если придет быдлан или алкаш, хоть и русский, квартиру сдадут не ему, а интеллигентному гастарбайтеру. В этом и есть уникальность расизма в России, он как бы и есть, а как бы и нет, по тому что к любому нормальному человеку относятся хорошо независимо от расы.
@alexandracotton4514 4 месяца назад
I'm yakut renting apartment in saint petersburg and I usually avoid the 'for slavs only' ones but once was trying to rent one anyway - and met no problems (though only because the owner learned that I graduated university in SPb and that my passport (for 20y.o.) was issued also in SPb) but then I ultimately decided to rent the other one that had better price and no 'for slavs only' √•~•√ I have russian name though. My other friend had a yakutian name and she actually owns an apartment in Saint Petersburg but had her name changed to a russian one anyway (she didn't like her original name but that it always drawed some attention to her which she didn't like was also a reason)
@user-tj3km3nv2h 4 месяца назад
Знакомые сдают квартиру уже несколько лет, кому только не сдавали - и чеченцам, и грузинам, и русским, и китайцам, и латышу. Китайцы квартиру засрали - туалет не чистят, пооы не моют, кухонную плиту тоже, так что стереотип про грязнуль китайцев в данном случае оправдался. Латыш был последним, две недели назад его выселили - квартиру он не разнес, но посрался жестко со всеми соседями - орал матом, обещал заварить двери соседям, устраивал пьянки в квартире и на него поступали жалобы уже три раза. До этого почти всегда сдавали семьям, там таких ситуаций не возникало. А так да, реально все равно кому сдавать, лишь бы были нормальные жильцы ​@@Zorro33313
@aur485 4 месяца назад
Сдаётся мне, что это бот. Владелец квартиры определил его национальность по телефону и бросил трубку. И ещё он не женщина с женским ником. Дочь офицера короче.
@DeryKoklov 7 месяцев назад
Но ведь в последнее время мы наблюдаем расизм и со стороны мигрантов. вон таджики нападают на русских девушек, а азербайджанцы в школах сбиваются в группы и бьют по национальному признаку русских подростков. И таких сообщений полно. Проблема то не только в том, что дети группой бьют одного подростка, а в том что эти дети бьют русского. Это значит у них в семьях расизм по отношению к русским. Так что на самом то деле расизм исходит не только от русских людей, но и от представителей других национальностей. Ведь объявление с требованием только русским сдаст квартиру может опубликовать и армянин, сдавший в прошлом квартиру представителям народов кавказа, который испортили и ремонт и еще не заплатили за аренду с запугиванием физической расправы еще и с явной примесью российских высказываний в адрес армянина.
@jeffbreezee Год назад
I'm adopted and found out through DNA that 25% native American. I always thought that had kind of Asiatic face and as a little boy I experienced the same thing you did.
@hr3nk Год назад
As a russian, I can confirm that there is certain amount of chauvinism in heads of certain groups of 45+ y.o. people. I doubt that this is cultural phenomenon, although there are a lot of people that are kind of brainwashed by constantly watching state media and not really moraly developed. Best I can say, It rarely crosses the point of being racist, as it's not about superiority - it's just that it's tough for them to accept things being different and they can be mean to others without knowing. And it really depends on the neighbourhood, I was lucky enough to not meet extreme points of opinion expressions, but I certainly met people that openly stated their dislikes of certain religious groups and minorities. I understood that it came from personal experience and didn't bother with trying to "woke" them. In all honesty, every country in the world has people like this.
@hr3nk Год назад
@andrewthomas-mz8nh Well, chauvinistic doesn't equal patriotic enough to go die for motherland. State media doesn't go like "love motherland, go die for motherland", they are mostly about "everybody hates us, but we are strong and independent, everybody envies us for that, also president is undoubtedly cool". You can hear very bad opinions and ideas from them about other people and UA in particular, but it doesn't go further than that, because currently most people of russia value their comfort more than anything, even if they are brainwashed to bones. I think media is doing this so that if we have another mobilization, at least some amount of people will feel justified to follow orders and not sabotage the whole thing.
@EginOG Год назад
@@hr3nk А кто саботировать то будет? Фанаты бело-голубой тряпки? Так они инфантилы, в лучшем случае пацифисты. А в целом ты, конечно, сам несешь полнейшую максимально субъективную ахинею, пытаясь выдать ее за объективность
@wclac 11 месяцев назад
Do you even know what Woke is?
@hr3nk 11 месяцев назад
@@wclac yes, woke culture?.. why you ask
@axelaqvayli 10 месяцев назад
@@hr3nk hello
@BruceHoult Год назад
What you say is soooo correct. I, a middle aged white [1] guy from New Zealand passed the test in the mind of a Moscow landlord, and then when he wanted to sell the apartment two years later, I passed the test in the mind of the landlord of a different apartment in the same building. I, of course, am not slavic. But more importantly, I don't come from a country ending in "stan". Apparently. My experience in Russia (and I visited provincial cities too, such as Sochi and Kazan and Vladimir and Suzdal) was not of racism, but of being maybe some kind of minor celebrity. [1] mostly British, including Celt and viking, on my father's side, and half British and 1/4 each Danish and Swedish on my mother's side.
@AgentNesty Год назад
Thank u for sharing your experience! And yes, unfortunately, in many countries, the attitude towards "different foreigners" is completely different. For some reason, some are considered "good", while others are "not very". Very sad and outdated setup in people's heads. But I still believe that this will change for the better in future 🤞🏻
@Habakuk_ Год назад
but this is not just a Russian problem, it also exists in China or Europe. In Europe, they don't say that openly, but look for another reason if the person doesn't suit them.
@doriansebastian8065 Год назад
As long as you dont have narrow slit eyes or brown/tan/black/yellow skin you are fine even if technically not slavic :D Its a beautiful world.
@Shadow25720 Год назад
In Moscow the people are in general unfriendly. I'm a engineer and had several projects in Russia and almost everywhere I was, the people where mostly very kind and friendly. But when I was was in Moscow, I thought that im an a different country.
@Habakuk_ Год назад
@@Shadow25720 the same can be about paris or any other big city in big cities they are usually more ruthless.
@jamesbuchanan1913 Год назад
I ended up making mostly Tatar friends when I was staying in Kazan. At first, I didn't know the difference so it was interesting to realize over the months. But the Tatars are definitely my homies now) I also met a lot of immigrants from the central Asian former soviet republics. They were very helpful in helping my navigate the bureaucracy since they had similar experiences. I also heard the N-word a few times and it shocked my American brain, lol
@pat-2024 Год назад
I’ve been often in Bahkortostan! And my best friend there has family in Kazan… But about your N-Word. I am surprised. Already in 2014 when Russia invaded, everybody was speaking about the Azovs…but knowing the truth, there were more Russian N in Ukraine than common people know. At least Utkin formed Wagner…but also many others participated… In this video you’ll see a bit more about the Russian World behind the wall! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-SnYFTVM5di8.html
@enriqueperezarce5485 Год назад
Bro n word is American exclusive, nobody outside of America really gets offended, nigga originated from Spanish with Nergo lmao fun fact.
@jamesbuchanan1913 Год назад
@@enriqueperezarce5485 yep, that's why I said it like that, lol
@KateeAngel 10 месяцев назад
"negr" in Russian means "negro", not "n*gger", and n-word is the latter
@the_eye8574 9 месяцев назад
in Russia, the n-word is not considered an insult. there are other words for insults here
@atix50 Год назад
I am LOVING your channel. Binge watched tonight. Excellent quality production 👌 ❤ Keep up the good work! 👍
@2ndviolin Год назад
As Archie Bunker once said: " I am not a racist, I hate them all equally!" 😉
@asdasdaa7063 Год назад
question, I'm a African American, I plan to visit russia at some point. Will I have issues renting so on? This all sounds very sad.
@pat-2024 Год назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-SnYFTVM5di8.html Just don’t go to special places… And always saying when you get in trouble: Russia is the best place in the world! Then you won’t have problems. Better don’t criticise something…
@winnikvinni Год назад
Russia is pretty chill with black people from what I've heard.
@pat-2024 Год назад
@@winnikvinni Sometimes, and very depending on where you are and where you go… ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-SnYFTVM5di8.html
@MClark-kf9wq Год назад
There’s plenty of interviews with black people who live in Russia on the channel Ducanralf.
@robertmeshew1935 10 месяцев назад
When I rent a house I have a lease agreement and they often do not fill it out correctly! I go to their house and see how it looks inside and how the children act with their parents! If the kids show respect and the house is clean and furniture not broken I rent it to them because if they take care of their own house they will take care of mine! I have never had a tenant damage my homes! Our media in the USA is owned by a handful of corporations that own everything! They tell us their version of the truth which means we are being lied to, poisoned, and robbed constantly by corrupt politicians and greedy corporations! I am sure this is going on world wide! So be kind to each other because we are all that is left and need to look out after each other!
@leonel1058 5 месяцев назад
Девушка видимо никогда не сдавала квартиру и не захотела вникать в суть проблемы. Либо она сознательно лжет. Люди не хотят сдавать квартиры мигрантам из Средней Азии и Кавказа не из-за расизма, а из-за особенностей поведения мигрантов - многие плохо знают русский язык и при возникновении любой проблемы с ними будет сложно договориться. Они могут легко обмануть хозяина и вселить к себе еще 15 человек. Также они в целом более эмоциональные и могут быть агрессивны. Владельцы жилья просто не хотят тратить несколько месяцев на судебные тяжбы из-за испорченного имущества или угроз. Хотя формулировка "сдается только славянам" не удачна и звучит как расизм, но расизмом не является. Не все мигранты такие, но многие. По тем же причинам арендодатели не хотят сдавать жилье семьям с маленькими детьми и животными - слишком высок шанс порчи имущества. Или ваше следующее видео будет называться "ненависть к животным и детям в России"? 😉 К тому же среди мигрантов слишком высок уровень преступности, это факт. Девушкам не безопасно идти по улице в одиночку ночью, если навстречу ей идет группа из 2-3 мигрантов с Кавказа или Средней Азии. Сами русские с удовольствием ездят как туристы в Грузию, Армению и Азербайджан и любят кавказскую кухню. Где тут расизм? В России существует расизм, но его намного меньше, чем в Америке и Западной Европе, откуда он и проник к нам в 90-х. И с ним активно борются. Ваше видео слишком манипулятивно и недостоверно.
@mikhailphilippov2862 3 месяца назад
ну так то же самое можно сказать про черных в США. Если в районе появляются черные, оттуда уезжают белые. Наибольший уровень преступности в США - среди черных. Но думаю, что белые граждане США вполне себе могут сгонять как туристы на Багамы, или в ту же Африку, где живут эти самые черные
@Kai28600 Месяц назад
@@mikhailphilippov2862not true
@BunnyRavn 4 месяца назад
Клоунесса, которая даже не сомневаюсь, ни разу не сдавала свою квартиру, что-то там рассказывает 😂 Интересно, чем же тогда по мнению 🤡 можно охарактеризовать моменты, когда ее любимые НЕ славяне, заселяются целой деревней, портят имущество собственника, не выплачивают компенсацию и в случае чего, валят к себе на родину? Конечно же 🤡 расскажет, что "ЕЕТОО ВСЕ РАСЕИЗМ!0!", а не горький опыт арендодателя. Upd: ля, чекнул канал, предсказываю название одного из будущих видосов - "I'm finally storming Mexican border line"
@TheHighlanderprime Год назад
I like your narrative style Agent Nesty; the humor makes it very effective.😊
@MrSkilldo 2 месяца назад
Non-Russian hating black American here! Your country has always been extremely interesting to me. I started teaching myself to speak the language a while ago. I'm making progress, but it's a long task! I probably sound like a young child when I speak, but I'm having fun! Anyways, Just found your channel, and I'm digging it! Keep up the good work!
@Logan-ed4pu Год назад
"They're only individuals who can commit bad deeds, what we as a society should condemn and try to change." Well put. Much respect from the USA.
@hotrodjones74 11 месяцев назад
Even for a white American renting in Russia can be a problem. Mostly because landlords/landladies don't want to register foreigners at the local records office (МФЦ). Moreover, everytime you leave Russia and get a new migration card or registration you have to go with your landlord and repeat the whole process. Just renewed/extended your visa? Go register again. You went to visit another town and the hotel registered you? Go back and register again. I must've went there with my sweet landlady Nadezhda like 7 times during the 2.5 years I rented from her. I brought her cool jams from Montana and American candies from my visits to my family in the US as a thank you.
@jpvjr71 13 дней назад
I had a similar reaction twice. I tried to rent a room once and was almost approved based on my last name. When I showed up & didn't speak a word of Spanish the landlord changed his mind. The same happened at a job interview.
@KaitenKenbu Год назад
So if you commit crimes you suddenly lose your ethnic identity. Pay no attention to trends and patterns. There is absolutley no way of decerning who it most likely to strike next. Everyone is simultaneously completely diverse and wonderful and also exactly the same. Unless they do crimes then they are the ultimate individual
@jesvollertsen6080 Год назад
Another brilliant Agent Nesty Video - Always looking forward to them !!! As you tell, Racism is not limited to Russia. You see it everywhere (very disgusting). The way I experience it here in Denmark is 'towards the neighbor' and not towards someone far away. If a Dane goes for a trip to some exotic place, then very few Danes would show any racism towards the people living there. BUT if the same persons came to Denmark, moving in as neighbors, a not insignificant number of Danes would be against it. They would never see themselves as racists, though. More like ‘they don’t really belong here, they should ‘go home’…’ (whatever that means).
@AgentNesty Год назад
Thank u for your informative comment Jes!❤️ I’m disappointed, but not surprised 🥲 Racism is everywhere, even in well developed countries, as I see. How do u think, is it getting better in Denmark?
@jesvollertsen6080 Год назад
@@AgentNesty I do indeed think it is getting better !!! Back in time, people with the 'wrong' skin color were discriminated just because they 'did not look like Danes'. That is not happening anymore (or better, it is very rare). Now it is based on culture, where people from some cultures are 'disliked'. But also that is becoming less. Like Mark writes in his comment, it is getting better, not worse.
@kallemetsahalme5701 Год назад
don't mistake criticism for racism. local citizen here can dislike excessive tourism just like the local vietnamese can hate the stream of westerners bumbling by and snapping pics. likewise its known that from poorer countries some people want to move to a richer one if only because the government welfare helps them live a better life. the world has over 7 billion people. they cant all go to any one same place at the same time. also common argument is we should help africa and other places to thrive on their own
@sirairili1570 Год назад
​@@kallemetsahalme5701 Overturism in Scandinavia..good joke 😅.
@MClark-kf9wq Год назад
@@jesvollertsen6080 Yesterday I posted a comment on a channel of a nice Armenian woman. She replied kindly. But her followers attacked me for suggesting that her husband should sometimes make dinner. One comment from me - eight replies from Armenian men calling me names, and my husband, too. Whom they’d never even met. There is more to this thing than just “don’t belong here”. When Armenians come to Russia, they bring their traditions with them and treat Russian women as they do theirs. There might be exceptions. But that would be an exception.
@Ronlawhouston Год назад
The last time I was in Moscow (New Years 2022), I dated a lady from Kazakhstan who looked Asian. I was amazed at how bad the racism was. Later I got my hair cut by some Uzbekistan guys. We had an interesting discussion about racism and they said they were often mistreated because of their race. I don't understand how people could single you out. I see a very slight Asian shape to your eyes, but your hair and the color of your eyes just says Russian to me.
@user-dn2rd3er7l Год назад
Uzbeks are not loved not because of racism, but because of their implementation. To say, like you, that Russian is determined by the color of eyes and hair - this is racism. Nationality is not determined by appearance. Especially for such a large people as the Russians.
@Ronlawhouston Год назад
@@user-dn2rd3er7l Russian people look different. The stereotype of a Russian person is fair skin and light eyes. Still I know a lot of dark haired and dark eyed Russian people. I know nothing of the "implementation" of Uzbekistan people. I just saw that people with Asian features are treated poorly.
@user-dn2rd3er7l Год назад
@@Ronlawhouston Fair skin and light eyes, hair - a false stereotype. I don't know when or where it came from. I'm surprised that this stereotype about Russians is widespread in the West. In general, in Russia it is believed that Russians for the most part have medium pigmentation: not very dark skin, brown hair of different shades (from light to dark), various pigmentation of the eyes. Very light too often, especially in the south, are not perceived by Russians (Slavs). They might think about such people that they are Germans, Balts, Scandinavians. Although Russians of northern origin are very light. This is how Russian Nazis and skinheads divide people according to the purity of blood (pure Slavic-Russian = light).
@user-dn2rd3er7l Год назад
@@Ronlawhouston I know that Uzbeks are often treated badly, but this is not institutional, not state racism, and this is not typical of most Russians. Often Asians are protected from violence and insults from other Russians. I know that for racism in Russia now you can go to jail. Recently, in my small Siberian town, three people were tried under this article. Two offended Uzbek workers in real life, the third wrote something racist on the Internet. Cases are checked, an examination is carried out, the perpetrators are punished. I also know that at some metro stations and underpasses in Moscow there are signs in Uzbek and, if I'm not mistaken, in Tajik. This is in addition to Russian and English.
@AliceLavrenyuk Год назад
@@Ronlawhouston Russians differ in appearance depending on their place of residence. Most Russians from the northern part of Russia have blonde hair and blue eyes. Russians from the southern part of Russia have brown hair and dark eyes, as well as slightly swarthy skin (like other southern Slavs).
@chippydogwoofwoof Месяц назад
Unfortunately in the past there were signs in London that said No blacks, No Irish and No dogs. Lenny Henry a black comedian from the UK said of this "so if you are a black Irish wolfhound you're screwed"
@hanipasha8859 2 месяца назад
Russia: There is Racism here Germany: Hold my 🍺
@hyenalaughingmatter8103 Месяц назад
Africans should life in Africa simple as that.
@APlusRussian Год назад
Y'all have any ethnic _Americans_ in Russia? 🤔 But seriously, this was an AMAZINGLY scathing look at racism in Russia, BRAVO 👏 And your style (delivery, editing, etc.) remains DELIGHTFUL, Nastya 🤩 P.S. Your accent is quite ENDEARING, too! But, if you wanted your audience to understand you _a little_ better, we could give you a few pointers - just say the word 🤓
@ferrariguy8278 Год назад
I just click "Like "these days before even watching .. because that's how much faith I have it's gonna be good. Re Anastasia's English.. there are problems I just wouldn't' fix. There is a certain perfectness in just the right level of proficiency but imperfection, and IMHO she, intentionally or not, has nailed it. 🙂
@sonyphotoguy6601 Год назад
With ethnic Americans you can only mean Native Americans. But there is also no real Russian ethnic. Russia has such a history of war and migrations, there is nothing left of a "clean" ethnic group.
@josephhalligan1712 Год назад
@@ferrariguy8278 lol me 2
@jugheadjed Год назад
True, also doesn't hurt that she's VERY cute! 🥰
@APlusRussian Год назад
@@ferrariguy8278 Agreed! We, too, speak with quite the Russian accent on our channel 😅 So, the idea is _not_ to change that *overall* but to get clearer on specific, meaning-bearing words. Example: when Nastya says "Jews" it sounds like "juice" - easy to fix and would _not_ take away from the charm of her accent elsewhere 😊
@philipreasons3298 Год назад
Nesty, here in Missouri oblast, yes , there seems to be more Prejudice in more rural areas and economically disadvantaged. Crime seems to be much more prevalent among those among a certain poverty level.
@lucforand8527 Год назад
Great hair style! A question, were the ethnic minorities more important in the past or have the Russian minorities gradually or not so gradually getting rid of them. For a country that has over 190 ethnic groups with 1 group at 80% doesn't leave much room for the remaining 189.
@gukow1 8 месяцев назад
Russian people have always been the largest people in Russia. The Russian state elite had many Tatar and German roots in tsarist times and Jewish roots in Soviet times.
@libya00218 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for the video, it's really great as it explains points never hear before. Greetings from Libya North Africa.
@anastasiab9506 8 месяцев назад
Not renting an apartment to non-slavs is not racist, it's simply practical to protect yourself from heavy financial losses. When you let a non-slav (esp a recent "immigrant") rent your apartment, it's almost always guaranteed that at least 1-2 more of his family members/ friends will be living there w/o your knowledge. We had major problems with cockroaches and bed bugs because of migrants too - my friend had to fumigate her apartment 4 times- FOUR TIMES!!! Because her new neighbors 2 floors over lived in horribly unsanitary conditions.
@jaimegutier273 7 месяцев назад
Seems reasonable. Non slavs need not apply.
@MattHudsonAtx Месяц назад
Ok, Jim Crow
@impairedtrout6917 14 дней назад
It's still prejudice (and discrimination). When western countries do this they are "racist and authoritarian" but when other countries do this (especially Japan, Korea, China, etc.) it's "part of the culture and optimal".
@A-fo4sc Год назад
Это не расизм 🤦 Как людям нравится кидать громкие слова, которые от них хотят услышать, для продвижения своих каналов 😏 Расизм - это ненависть, восприярие другого этноса как недо-людей, а себя людьми высшей расы. К предубеждениям в отношении недобросовестных нелегальных гасторбайиеров квартиросъёмщиков, которые создали себе плохую репутацию в прошлые десятилетия своим поведением, это не имеет абсолютно никакого отношения. Точно так же русским на западе сложно снять квартиру приехав без кредитной истории. Потому что все запуганы сказками про злых русских из каждого блокбастера и никто не знает, можно ли тебе доверять, лично тебя не зная. Написать в объявлении там нельзя, что русскому не сдам, но в лицо откажут без поручитрелей. У нас как раз нет такого лицемерия и каждый свободен полнаправно распоряжаться своим собственным имуществом как хочет и вселять, кого хочет. И не бояться писать прямо, потому что у людей хватает мозгов не вешать друг на друга не соответствующий действительности ярлык расиста только из-за того, что ты не хочешь, чтобы к тебе заселился целый табор людей, вместо указанного одного, который разнесёт в пух и прах твою квартиру. Многие кавказцы, например, которые сдают квартиры, пишут то же самое, что только славян, если сдают не родственникам и зкакомым, которым доверять могут. По той же самой причине. Что не хотят нарваться на недобросовестных квартиросъемщиков, а не из-за того, что ненавидят свой же народ 🤦 А вот обязывать кого-то вселять кого попало в свою собственность только чтобы не прослыть расистом, как раз к хваленой западной "свободе" никакого отношения не имеет. Где за тебя решают и как свой участок перед домом содержать, и как свой газон стричь и кого в дом к себе селить. Чтобы не было предубеждений к хорошим ответственным людям, их соотечественники должны вести себя подобающе и не создавать проблемы со съемом жилья своим землякам из-за опаски и недоверия. А не путем принуждения по средством лживых громких ярлыков
@Askhat08 7 месяцев назад
"К предубеждениям в отношении недобросовестных нелегальных гасторбайиеров квартиросъёмщиков, которые создали себе плохую репутацию в прошлые десятилетия своим поведением, это не имеет абсолютно никакого отношения." - это самый что ни на есть махровый расизм, и не надо тут сваливать вину на гастарбайтеров.
@melodiacorta4034 7 месяцев назад
@@Askhat08 То есть гастарбайтеры, разносящие снимаемые квартиры в хлам, не виноваты? А виноваты арендодатели? Их стремление уберечь свою собственность - это махровый расизм? "Хочу делать всё что хочу, и чтобы за это мне ничего не было?" Это махровый инфатилизм и паразитизм. .... То, что вы НИКОГДА ни в чём не виноваты, что в принципе неспособны испытывать вину - известно давно. Вы это постоянно демонстрируете.
@A-fo4sc 6 месяцев назад
@@Askhat08 вы скопировали цитату, описывающую некие действия категории людей и попросили при этом "не сваливать на них вину" за эти их действия😄😄😄 Также повесив свой ярлык на термин, который этим понятием совершенно не является и имеет своё собственное конкретное и отличное от этого определение👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Так держать, учитесь, очевидно, у профессионалов 🙂🙂 именно по такому рецепту строится пропаганда для тех, кто собственным мозгом не может анализировать Однако забываете, что даже если черное назвать белым миллион раз (или желтое фиолетовым, чтобы вам веселей было искать разноцветный расизм в этих метафорах:), оно от этого таковым не станет, как бы вам ни хотелось.
@L_EG0 6 месяцев назад
@@Askhat08 люди ненавидят не определенные нации, а определенное поведение. Типа как турки высмеивают "Наташ" (вульгарных женщин древнейшей профессии), но любят русских красавиц. Кстати имя Наташа стало нарицательным в то же время как появились квартиры только для славян. Совпадение? Не думаю.
@leonel1058 5 месяцев назад
@@Askhat08 да-да, мигранты не виноваты, что обманывают хозяев и вселяют в арендуемую квартиру еще 20 человек. Не виноваты в своем безкультурье и нечистоплотности, что приходиться тараканов после них травить по нескольку раз. Не виноваты, что не умеют себя вести и доставляют неудобства окружающим. Не виноваты, что режут барана на праздник. 😉
@ironfist768 4 месяца назад
Wanting to be around people that look like you and share your mentality is a part of human nature. We have a tribal element in our behaviour. However, making assumptions without having met a certain person is a bit irrational. But, due to what people are seeing/hearing, their survival instincts kick in.
@davidsenra2495 2 месяца назад
Best answer here. Yes, humans have always been tribalists, and it took humanity thousands of years for human rights to develop (including the idea that we are all equal and should not discriminate based on appearance). There's still a lot of work to do tho.
@lemmussibiricus1765 5 месяцев назад
I was looking for an apartment in Charleston, West Virginia, USA about 20 years ago. I left voice mail messages to about 50 ads from the local paper. Only 2 called me back.
@andreyiforoff8891 7 месяцев назад
Не путайте расизм с ксенофобией. Это разные вещи. В России ксенофобия, а не расизм. Ксенофобия в своей основе имеет культурные отличия и предрассудки, но не расовые, т.е. вы можете быть любой расы, внешности и никакой дискриминации не будет если вы вписываетесь в культуру. И ксенофобия, как отражение маркеров "свой-чужой" существует во всех странах, т.к. социум устроен именно так и везде одинаков. А расизм - это совсем из другого мира. Нн уврдите в заблуждение людей, если не можете определиться с точными дефинициями.
@notwwwansik 3 месяца назад
Почему вы не хотите признать проблему расизма и ксенофобии(
@redofspades 6 месяцев назад
in what category would I be put in?
@dieseltinus6680 Год назад
Thank you for this invaluable information, Agent Nesty. Looking forward to your next mission. Greetings from the Netherlands.
@TimeToStartOver 7 месяцев назад
I thought skinheads and neonazis were invented by us Germans, but as I learned today: the Brits did it. 🤣 Haven't seen such guys in a long time though. I personally really don't care about the looks or origin of people, we should all be nice to each other. And there will always be some idiots, but it's not a crime to be a dick, so.. Great video, glad I found your channel. Greetings from Germany! ✌😊
@robstewich 6 месяцев назад
Lol, you can read main English encyclopedia, brittanika or something. They wrote it in 1900 or around and it is full of ideas of early nazism)
@tanyoivanov-personal Год назад
6:45 Skinheads existed in Bulgaria by the end of 90's. It was terrible as they were targeting all kinds of minorities. Even as I am Vlach(romanian) I was not allowed to go out a lot. So I started to go out at night time when I turned 20. But there are issues even nowadays.
@ricardoalves7054 Год назад
4:10 was that an avada kedrava in russian ???
@Legion19999 Год назад
It was Polish guy
@pascoett Год назад
I am Asian in Central Europe and I had never issues with Russians -not even when they were drunk, hahaha. Racists can be everywhere and to say one favorable thing about Russia: they somehow manage to have so many ethnic groups live in one large country without civil war or concentration camps (hello China).
@cocaineminor4420 8 месяцев назад
Well that's a lie I've been to china Xinjiang before And saw the people happy Uyghur , han , etc. And minority have privilege in china
@liqiz1755 8 месяцев назад
@@cocaineminor4420source about that
@cehaem2 7 месяцев назад
@@cocaineminor4420 You've been to Disneyland...
@cocaineminor4420 5 месяцев назад
​​@@cehaem2I'm telling you the truth And yet you don't wanna believe me? In fact Han Chinese is the most discriminated in china
@cocaineminor4420 5 месяцев назад
​@@cehaem2minorities can hold high positions like companies, government, etc while Han Chinese don't have that privilege.
@AndreaBorto Год назад
Interesting as usual Nesty. I wish to know the good and the bad things from your country - and I will do the same if I have to speak about mine. One question: how do russians (slavs) see tatars? they are around 3-5 millions and make up the first minority in Russia.
@AgentNesty Год назад
Thank u for your comment ❤️ All I can say is from my experience - I never saw any discrimination towards tatars, in my village we have festivals with food of different ethnic groups of Russia, and everyone really love when people just show their traditional dishes or dances. It includes tatars as well. But again, it really depends on people.
@D11r41k 10 месяцев назад
Hi I'm a Tatar that lived both in Bashkortostan and Moscow. In Bashkortostan tatars are like fish in the water. The only negative thing I can say that in the Soviet Times many Tatars were statistically counted as Bashkirs to increase the headcount and to win more benefits on the federal level (the bigger your minority group is, the more visible you are, the more influence you can get, such as having more autonomy, language exposure etc). My parents are Bashkirs on paper, but they are Tatars in fact. Also there used to be some Bashkir- related benefits when you wanted to enter a university or a local political post. So the rivalry lately has been mostly between the minorities, who also have a very similar language (Bashkirs/Tatars). Nowadays and in my childhood I'd say it's not been like that, it's ok. Tatars have a special mock word for Russians btw (morzjá, a derivative from Maria), and it is normally said with a tone to express dissatisfaction with different unacceptable things 😂 especially you can be expected to be called a marzja when you are a russian -speaking tatar and don't understand what your grandma just told you in tatar 😅😅😅 When I lived in Moscow people were surprised at my name (and also laughing at some other Tatar/Bashkir names), it might be an issue at times to rent an apartment if your name is clearly Muslim. Also I had a misfortune of dating (shortly) a Russian guy (has nothing to do with his ethnicity btw, but he is an ex skinhead and is just very stupid), who was curious to date an Asian girl (me)😂😂 WTF I'm not even Asian, or let's say 2% asian according to my DNA. Wtfffff. Further I'd say that growing up in Bashkortostan I saw that speaking Tatar was seen as "redneck"/"being uneducated"/"not cool". That's why nobody wanted to learn Tatar or Bashkir languages, and I myself can barely speak my peoples language (I'm the first generation in my family tree who is not Tatar-speaking). I'm catching up now, though, at 34 😂 trying to learn it as my 4th language haha.
@AndreaBorto 10 месяцев назад
@@D11r41k I have been in Moscow one week and I noticed a lot of central asian workers. This summer I spent two weeks in Uzbekistan. I was fond of these people, maybe shy and not so talkative but unharmful and humble. I don't know why being related to turkic or non slavic culture is undesired in Russia. I think it's simple plain imperialism.
@D11r41k 10 месяцев назад
@@AndreaBorto that's true. I felt sad for the workers. Partially it's politics and propaganda (finding an enemy to unite against). But I live in the Netherlands now, and although people here are good at hiding what they think, I have heard multiple times opinions against Muslims. It makes me sad to realize it's in human nature to be against something they don't understand. On the other hand, maybe hundred years ago this mechanism helped people to survive. There is a theory that links this fear to minimizing a chance of getting sick with an unknown illness that is passed to you by a person from another geography, when your immune system doesn't know the virus and can't react. Education and reflection is what can help us modern humans to live in peace. (Or so I hoped until 24/02/22...)
@AndreaBorto 10 месяцев назад
@@D11r41k it is the fear of unknown I suppose which include your disease fear thought. I have been three days in UAE then two weeks in uzbekistan and I was relaxed and happy being with these muslims because they know how to beheave. It is perfectly normal being different, but if there is mutual respect there is no problem. I think islam in europe got a bad reputation with al qaeda, isis, terrorist attacks, so europeans don't wanna learn about this world where many coubtries are conservative but not fundamentalist. What you say about a common enemy, is used also in india ( been there and there is some beef between hindu muslims sikh and so on)
@HighHrothgar0 Год назад
I grew up Lutheran and would love to visit the Lutheran Church in Moscow have you heard of them?
@momala3919 9 месяцев назад
Просто напомню, что договор аренды жилья не является публичным, с точки зрения гражданского права, а следовательно критерии отбора собственник определяет сам, только славянам, только одноглазым пиратам, только с собаками и т.д. Это МОЯ частная собственность и не вам, левакам-толерастам мне указывать, кому сдавать квартиру, а кому нет.
@outofnowhere1943 6 месяцев назад
Ни отнять, ни прибавить.
@thomasmuller2233 5 месяцев назад
А если кто то закинет объявление " не сдаю славянам" представь сколько руснявых начнут кукарекать?😂
@Insomniator1 4 месяца назад
Только не удивляйтесь если вам будут говорить что вы расист или дискриминант. Вы свободны в выборе людей, которые достойны ваших аппартаментов, а окружающие свободны в том как вас после этого называть
@momala3919 4 месяца назад
@@Insomniator1 да я и не удивлюсь, моя собственность, а следовательно моё решение, не нравится? У вас есть выбор.
@zolandia5262 Год назад
Interesing video. As a New Zealander of British descent who has spent some time in Eastern Europe and Russia, I would say you look Slavic. This channel is also a great place to learn the Russian accent in English.
@evelynabreu5018 Год назад
I LOVE YOUR CHANNEl!!! Just discovered today , in every country there are good people, and not so good , sadly racism is everywhere. I have visited your country 4 times Moscow, Rostov On Don , Kemerovo people always very nice to me . Rusia is in my heart , adopted my sons many years ago in Rusia , they grew up as latino but i always made sure the feels proud of their origins❤ I pray for world peace, to go back and visit . I am very grateful to the two Russians women that gave birth to them , lovely young men . ❤❤❤❤
@Corvusdotensis Год назад
I'm wondering if they trully rent for Polish people, considering what can be seen in Poland related to Russians.
@littlechestnutorchard Год назад
Thank you Nesty for your honest expression of your thoughts about racism in Russia . I used to live in Siberia for a while and I come across mild racism even I am white European extraction . You are a very intelligent girl, I wish success in your life .
@linezone 10 месяцев назад
белый европеец это не кавказец ли часом?
@donallen8414 Год назад
Presenting this topic with your sense of humor is true art.
@Adam-lm4ir Год назад
so are maris slavic or central Asian? i didn't understand
@spikeshaffer2989 11 месяцев назад
Maris are finnic. Most of them look like a mix of white and asian. Some of them can pass as fully white. Also Russians usually use the word "Slav" as a synonym of white. That's why if you're french or british you'll have no problem renting a household labled as "slavs only". Ethnic Russians themselves are basically slav-viking-baltic mix who have adopted a slavic language and orthodox Christian faith
@Naschira 11 месяцев назад
@@spikeshaffer2989 Most likely there will still be problems. Since any foreigner is still additional problems, both of a bureaucratic nature and in terms of communication with him. People do not want unnecessary complications and would prefer to rent an apartment to a Russian rather than a Frenchman.
@MaRie.78 Год назад
Most important: you are back! Worried, if sth "happened" to you - don't they bother you?
@mnemonicpie 11 месяцев назад
It's not racism, Nesty, it's pattern recognition😁 if you really want to know what racism is, go to the black neighborhood in the US.
@Zorro33313 8 месяцев назад
well said. i'm a non-slav russian (north osetia, caucasus) and it was never a problem for me to rent an apartment with such a requirement. once we talk personally people realize i'm not a job-migrant who will bring his 15 friends to live in this apartment and destroy it in 3 months.
@mj-np9sy 8 месяцев назад
@@Zorro33313 this dude is literally from the caucasus and doesnt think racism exists in russia. my god. what if you were from Niger? idiot
@impairedtrout6917 14 дней назад
Other countries when they have racist things happening: "it's part of the culture and not real racism!" When USA and western countries do this: "Omg it's the worst country ever! It's literally Nazi Germany!"
@susuco88 10 месяцев назад
I love learning about the different ethnic groups in russia and russian culture in general but as a Chinese person..... well I dont even need to think about it. I have accepted a lot of people hate us but its still very sad to think about sometimes
@the_eye8574 9 месяцев назад
I was talking to an exchange student from China. he studied in Siberia for only a couple of months. and he said that there is no racism in Russia, because he was not told offensive things directly to his face, as in the United States. I didn't tell him that people here are just pouring racist shit on you, it's just very quiet, and you don't understand the translation... I'm sorry. I have always been tolerant of all nations, but even my parents can say racist things. racists are everywhere. but tolerant people are also everywhere.
@EfimMolchalin 7 месяцев назад
@@the_eye8574 he didn’t come across it because there are few russians in siberia, mostly yakuts and buryats, and their population is growing very quickly, as is the number of illegal migrants from central asia
@EfimMolchalin 7 месяцев назад
it's not that you're chinese and that's not a bad. it’s just that each people must live in their own country, in accordance with their culture, mentality and nationality. otherwise, this inevitably leads to conflict
@brinjoness3386 7 месяцев назад
I don't know anyone personally that hates someone for being Chinese. I know a lot of people who don't like your ruling party. Same with russians and putin.
@tardwife 11 дней назад
@@EfimMolchalinif russians dont want other ethnicities then they should let those federations be free!!!! it’s your own fault
@i_shubham_mehula7638 Месяц назад
I'm from India and I'm thinking of doing masters from Russia (skoltech university) ..what are the things that I should keep in mind 😅
@P1ratRuleZZZ Месяц назад
bro, it's all total bullshit. nobody cares about your race or nation here. there is an Indian family living in my neighbourhood for 30 years. so good luck with your university, I hope you will like your student times here and find nice friends
@craigbenz4835 Год назад
Is there any overlap between skinheads and gopniks?
@AgentNesty Год назад
I think only the crave for violence lol 👹
@EuphoricDan Год назад
This was a vey thoughtful and well constructed video Nesty.
@sirregul 4 месяца назад
Dear friends, foreigners from other countries. I understand that we should all live in peace and understanding of goodness. But, as in any country, there are races or nations that commit more crimes and problems. Unfortunately, the truth is that Russians of different nations write here: Tatars, Yakuts, Mordovians and other current nations in Russia. That many people do not rent houses and apartments to others because of distrust of people, and at the same time, the same Tatars, who in principle are indistinguishable from Russians, end up into such a problem. And I feel sorry for them, because it is not they who are to blame, but MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES FROM CENTRAL ASIA who are to blame, and also people from the North Caucasus often break laws. I don't want to offend anyone, but this is a fact, most emergency cases are precisely because of the North Caucasus, such as Dagestanis and Chechens. From Central Asia: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and others. Want tell them to respect the principles, laws and people of the country in which they are located. Peace to all the world🙏🏻
@Redfizh Год назад
Some small Finno-Ugric leftover towns still exist in russia. Before invasion was finnish TV-show where one guy visited these towns. They are really really really poor and consist mostly of the elderly. It's like they are still living 1800s. In 10-20 years russian finno-ugrics will disappear completely.
@donnybrown7554 11 месяцев назад
thanks for the video .. im (black&white) mixed race out of germany.. you got racism everywhere .. but i never heard something like that before.
@notwwwansik 3 месяца назад
Is racism everywhere where you live?
@RogueBystander 7 месяцев назад
Жаль гражданства не лишают за такую чушь.
@leninist 5 месяцев назад
Просто человек молод и наивен. Думаете за глупость надо лишать гражданства?
@flavio888 Год назад
Im was landlord🙂 . I had many people of around the world and don't have problem with any nationality or ethnicity .in may experiences the best is for nortern European and japanese and and iranians and chinese and germans .and the worst is for blacks and indians and Pakistans their hygiene and destruction was terrible . Black men have bad behaviors and steal many thing from the house and damage the house. I don't know why but it is what it is. But in general i didn't have any problem with any alone or a group of women they were harmless and not damaging. ✌
@keithallangilcart5945 Год назад
I respect the fact that you stay in your country. You need to be present in order to effect change. I certainly would not leave my country if it was undergoing such turmoil. When the government suppresses all criticism the state is lost. God bless.
@AlbaManus 9 месяцев назад
Where are you from?
@M1ghtymorph1n 9 месяцев назад
There's a lot to argue about, but growing up in Russia during 90's-00's I can tell that everything happens for a reason. Crime rates were (are?) way higher than among ethnic Russians and other white or asian ethnic groups. Not to mention that during the USSR era it was ethnic Russians who faced the most discrimination against them, when others had their "ethnic card" to get everything from Moscow. For the long period of of time soviets milked Central Russia and gave all kinds of entitlemets to those on the South. For example, people of Georgia (especially Abkhazisans) had a LEGAL permission to do COMMERCE in RFSRR and other parts of the country making insane foutune of 2 year average salary in a couple of months. Georgian on a Mercedes in a cap became a Soviet meme. Ask your parents or people who lived in USSR during the 80's. The list goes on. There's a lot more to that problem.
@jakkiryanov9859 Год назад
My opinion as an American who moved to Russia, the landlord reverses the right to decide who will rent their house, discrimination or not, that is the price of "real" freedom, unlike in certain states in the USA where landlords are told by the state what they can and cannot do with their own property and in many states the cities are hiring people who pretend to be a person such as: a person of color, LGBT, etc in order to find a reason to sue the landlord and these situations are always a result of laws that get created to strip away freedoms and are in turn abused by both the state and people.
@meluzinaskolastika746 6 месяцев назад
discrimination is not freedom
@jakkiryanov9859 6 месяцев назад
@@meluzinaskolastika746 If the person owns the property yes it is, they own it and the person is free to take their money anywhere else they want.
@meluzinaskolastika746 6 месяцев назад
@@jakkiryanov9859 see, that is not true and the law states otherwise
@jakkiryanov9859 6 месяцев назад
@@meluzinaskolastika746 The law of which country?)
@leper2698 7 месяцев назад
ты много говоришь но не договариваешь. Например вспомнила о депортации нацменьшинство коммунистами. но не сказала о борьбе коммунистов с русской национальностью и как они истребили миллионы русских, и как например у них была прямая политика по дискриминации русских и на оборот создание у нацменьшинств национального самосознания. Это же было борьба типо с великоросским шовинизмом и империализмом, правда пострадали в осовом от такой дискриминации обычные крестьяне
@sirairili1570 Год назад
Green eyes are one of the rarest eyes out there..the drunk was just jelous
@gregmontalvo2737 Год назад
Excellent post Nesty. I hope that your message gets viewed by a lot of people in your country. Most Americans have no hate for Russian's in general. We all want to live in peace with poeole we can call friends, and we want our children to prosper.
@user-oc3im9fe9q 5 месяцев назад
Милая провинциалка, не старайтесь быть менее русской, чем ваши подписчики. Не засерайте головы иностранцам - у них и так в башках каша. Вы прекрасно знаете, что объявления "сдам только славянам" пишут потому, что многие НЕ русские, оставят квартиру разбитой. И в ней потребуется ремонт. К тому же, под славянами (если честно) понимают и татар с башкирами. Их вообще от русских не отличить. А вот с гостями из Средней Азии или Кавказа - будут проблемы. Либо с ремонтом, или жалобами от соседей на агрессивное поведение. Удачи.
@imperskiikulak446 7 месяцев назад
Во конечно ты бреда наплела с три короба.Ты не вникала в саму суть даже так называемого "расизма" в России,и начинаешь распространять свое мнение как истину.Что то я живя в России не замечал какого то оголтелого расизма,если не считать 90-е года,тогда всякого бреда хватало.А квартиры не сдавали в аренду некоторым национальностям из-зи того что боялись,что в один момент придут,а там живет не 3 человека,а 15 человек.
@Theoriginalanimalcracker 7 дней назад
I took a dna test and it said I’m mostly Russian. I didn’t know this and thought I was British/Swedish. Do I count?
@howierfs5471 10 месяцев назад
Hi, second time I watched a video from you. Havent been interested in vids from Russia before the thing started in 22. I very much like and appreciate your mindset and its worth to spend time to view others from you. Another yt who isnt lost in the rmir. Yes, sort of racism(idiots) you will find in every country of this globe and I am sure much more harder in a country with so many ethnic groups. Btw, am I allowed to ask you to which ethnic group you belong too ? I cross my fingers for you of having a good, healthy and happy life in future. CU
@hotcamui 8 месяцев назад
Очень круто рассказывать про расизм в россии на английском, при этом живя в другой стране. господи, да откуда же вы беретесь то такие? удачной жизни в грузии, оставайтесь там. Если мозгов не хватает увидеть причин "сдается только славянам" - ну у вас большие проблемы. но вероятнее всего манипуляция
@frankswarbrick7562 Год назад
Another brilliant video from our favorite secret agent! Thanks for speaking out on things that many would rather not be spoken about. Are you a teacher, by chance? You make learning fun!
@Frag_Limit Год назад
My Russian teacher is of Korean ethnicity. I've always wanted to ask if she felt racism but too shy to stir the pot. Maybe it's not so common in Saint Petersburg?
@crusader.survivor 11 месяцев назад
St. Petersburg is the most metropolitan international city in Russia! No, your teacher did not experience racism there. However, if your teacher is currently older than middle-aged, then, she experienced the scary times when Russian skinheads were roaming about killing those they didn't like until the 1990's. Those Russian skinheads are all currently in and around Ukraine. My paternal ancestry is Koreski (Russian, ethnic Korean).
@Frag_Limit 11 месяцев назад
@@crusader.survivor Thanks for the brief inside. That was a relief!
@crusader.survivor 11 месяцев назад
@@Frag_Limit You're welcome 😃
@user-er7ql3lm3m 6 месяцев назад
В Аэрокосе есть ребята из Африки. Может имеет смысл сделать интервью, как им тут живется и учится?
@woodycaan3228 Год назад
You are wise beyond your years, Nesty ! As a child, my Grandfather had to flee Russia and he ended up in America. The family name of my Redheaded Grandmother meant "outsider" or "stranger". I live now in England, pretty peacefully. I hope you continue to do important educational and cultural work in Russia, but when the Special Military Operation in Ukraine finally ends, you might think about visiting this country? However, under the present Government they make immigration very difficult, under a policy originally called 'the Hostile Environment'. It is funny, that from all I have seen of you, that anyone would meet you with Hostility !
@marklittlehale5756 Год назад
Great video. Racism exists everywhere and in everyone. We all must work hard to examine our own biases. But here in America it is getting better, not worse. Only our politicians want to worsen the situation
@AgentNesty Год назад
I’m really happy to hear that situation is getting better there ❤️ Thank u for your comment 🥰
@raythornton8578 Год назад
You’re so right. United we stand, devided we fall. As long as we are at each other’s throats we do nothing about our government, and justice system.
@williamzk9083 Год назад
The American Politician Huey Long “when fascism comes to America it will come in the form of anti fascism” Also said by Reagan. That’s what has happened in part to Russia. The propagandists and ultra nationalist have gotten so habituated at condemning and pointing fingers Ukrainians, Germans and Americans as fascist and racist they don’t realise they themselves are the same. It’s also the result of agitation propaganda by the GRU which dehumanises the enemy as supposedly “fascists” in preparation for invasion. Also seem to have given some Russian soldiers permission to commit war crimes.
@lepersonnage371 Год назад
Examine the biases and understand that bias doesn't come form nowhere, and that people in their own country should preserve their own ethnic group and to put their nation first. of course westerners, especially americans, have no clue about this basic concept of life, because you've been international for centuries and lost all sense of belonging with your people. Now you can see Texas having hispanic majority, etc.
@wclac 11 месяцев назад
Actually, it's gotten worse in the US.
@GerryBarBar 7 месяцев назад
Thankyou for callout the different type of ethnical / cultural racisms and explaining the complexity of the issue. Stay safe
@Olga-obzor Год назад
Great video 😊❤❤❤❤
@malekessamko Месяц назад
i am Egyptian lived in Russia for 2 years I've never met racism me or my friends or even heard about it
@willmarotta4525 Год назад
Same here in the USA. Rural areas, farms, and livestock, are less tolerant of “different” people. Also people with less education and, or less intelligence are less tolerant. This is not a rule, but a common observation. Be well. I look forward to you videos, that means you are still free and alive.
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