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4 июл 2024




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Комментарии : 2 тыс.   
@daveblackman816 Год назад
“You owe your employer a conversation” ummm no. Pay me at the rate I deserve or I’ll go somewhere who will pay me.
@ripsirwin1 Год назад
I owe my employer jack dick fuck.
@Nerobyrne Год назад
Yeah, by what metric do I owe that? Things owed must first be earned.
@Nerobyrne Год назад
@wheresimpreza No. That Sink is staying outside.
@booleah6357 Год назад
@@Nerobyrne we won't be able to afford it after we got a surprise layoff with no warning anyways.
@theskiesrainfire Год назад
Lol it’s insane how much a company believes you owe them because apparently, your paycheck comes from their goodwill and not your labor.
@JagoKestis Год назад
I’d love to see how a CEO/Manager/Corporate would react if you said to them: “Bruh you’re just rage firing. Calm down”
@pyguy9915 Год назад
I'm rage laughing right now
@Waldee84 Год назад
Rage. Rage everywhere.
@JesusRoseAgain Год назад
@williamhiggs6024 Год назад
All aboard the rage train!
@svilen12345 Год назад
Hhaahhaah, nice one!
@insainbassist Год назад
“You owe your employer a conversation” but then if you have a conversation they put a target on your back for being "disloyal" lmao
@adamd9166 Год назад
Exactly! As soon as you express any unhappiness, you become a "problem worker" with a "bad attitude" and you risk putting yourself on the chopping block. They want that conversation so they won't be caught off-guard and can get ready to replace you before you quit.
@smokedbeefandcheese4144 11 месяцев назад
@@adamd9166 Yeah and they want you to train your replacement too that’s why you can’t be honest about when you’re leaving
@youcankissmyyouknowwhat 2 месяца назад
So true, they want loyalty but they’re the ones that hire people of the open market that you need to train and pay them better from day one than they pay you after 5 or 10 years working for the company and also the new recruits have less responsibilities. Where’s their loyalty and appreciation for their employees? Just saying thank you is not enough. Words don’t pay the bills
@supremegaming8794 Год назад
The audacity she has when she says "You owe your employer a conversation” like the company won't drop you the second you become a liability and then humiliate you by having security escort you out
@eddardgreybeard 11 месяцев назад
How many tantrums you think were thrown before security walking anyone out became necessary?
@unyieldingsarcasm2505 11 месяцев назад
@@eddardgreybeard none, companies do it as a default, even to the point of violating the law by not letting the person they are firing collect their own tools/belongings. Iv seen it happen first hand, companies always make things far bigger deals then they need to. Those "tantrums"? yeah its the middle and upper management throwing them constantly. The workers are just trying to keep their heads down and get thru the shift without getting fired for dumb shit.
@eddardgreybeard 11 месяцев назад
@@unyieldingsarcasm2505 *none, companies do it as a default, even to the point of violating the law by not letting the person they are firing collect their own tools/belongings.* 1) No, they aren't violating any law. It prevents employee theft and vandalism. If it is outright prevented, the employer in this case has the belongings collected and ready for the terminated employee to pick up later. 2) I don't know how old you are or how long you've been working, but you best believe employee retaliation from termination is exactly why it's done. It honestly wouldn't hurt to educate yourself on the matter: For every policy in place, there has been umpteen scenarios that have occurred which inspired these policies, including mass shootings proven to be the direct result of job terminations.
@unyieldingsarcasm2505 11 месяцев назад
​@@eddardgreybeard Old coworker of mine flat had to get the police involved to get his very expensive respirator welding hood and work boots back. Other fires iv seen them just dump the contents of fired peoples lockers right into the trash. Once got offered tools from a fired employee, his personal tools, not the companies. But do keep going on about how "it really is", i guess i was just hallucinating repeatedly for the past decade. "I don't know how old you are or how long you've been working" old enough to know your the naive one here, iv born witness to to many shite workplaces being hostel with no reason to take what your saying seriously in the slightest. "It honestly wouldn't hurt to educate yourself on the matter" take your own advice kid, for every justified policy, theres 5 added just to be spiteful cocks.
@romanfan250 8 месяцев назад
@@eddardgreybeard +0.01$ added to your account.
@StarContract Год назад
The Wagie life cycle: - rage apply - rage work - quiet quit - rage apply
@patmarek1222 Год назад
Just add rage cushion somewhere 😂
@TheBrainDunne Год назад
And no rage quit? :P
@TheSoulCrisis Год назад
@TheSoulCrisis Год назад
@@lerubikscubetherubikscube2813 Rage Quit needs to be there for sure......!!
@RJ-Isaac-TSOML Год назад
Next it's going to be "long lunching" where employees are condemned for using their FULL lunch break and refusing to handle work matters during the break.
@chocolateearrings Год назад
Bruh 😂😂😂
@JV3Player Год назад
So much comfort around common sense, take your full damn lunch, it's usually an hour, I don't understand the logic, lunch time equals lunch time.
@The-Great-Brindian Год назад
@silentj624 Год назад
I eat in my car everyday because of this. I lose five minutes just walking but it's worth it.
@tomasviane3844 Год назад
That's the trick. You take something normal and add a negative word to it. "Toilet Refusal": people refusing to do some casual work while on the toilet (like picking up the phone). "Private Egoism": not responding to mails or phonecalls while you're off work. "Elevator Denying or Stairway Theft": taking the stairs instead of the faster elevator.
@Eralen00 Год назад
for years they were saying "if you don't like your job find a new one" When people started actually doing that now its "you owe your employer a conversation"
@wendwllhickey6426 Год назад
Company's don't want to pay and this is another excuse to not pay what the job is worth
@wendwllhickey6426 Год назад
They expect everything from you and they have nothing but excuses for you .
@RazorRamonMachismo 10 месяцев назад
They want to exploit people for profit If you are powerless or it is impossible to find a better job they will tell you "if you don't like your job find a new one" but if you can they will drag your name through the mud so you become powerless again It is all about power
@sigma80 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, when you got all your stuff in a box, abd about to walk out the door for the last time. "Shove your low paid wage slave crap with miniscule pay increases and no promotions up your butt sideways" as you stroll out the door.
@msg270 Год назад
One of the biggest problems in the modern workplace is HR. In their desperate attempt to make themselves seem more relevant than they are they overanalyze everything.
@sahaynam6470 11 месяцев назад
They call themselves "People Teams" now. HR is so last decade.
@MoonLitMews24 11 месяцев назад
It’s the lady at 8:00 for me. Like sis you ain’t even GOT not job
@SuperDanielHUN 11 месяцев назад
Overanalyze everything, but 99% without any actual analytical skills. As a data analyst it always baffled me, that HR makes core business decisions, yet in their department nobody has a proper understanding of data and statistics. They look at "industry trends" and go by intuition most of the time, especially the older generations. Every single company I worked at, at best HR could do a pie chart. No regressions, no clustering, no correlation matrices, and no clue what a P value or R^2 is even, and that's the problem. They put more effort into knowing the average employee nationwide, than knowing their own company's employees simply because the former already has research on them. Not to mention, most research is focused on the US, and somehow HR always assumes EVERY COUNTRY works like the US. It's like going to a doctor with a broken bone, and he insists it must be a heart problem.
@entertainmentgaming8738 11 месяцев назад
They only hire if you're family or friend they know personally. Your credentials and qualifications don't matter anymore. If you aren't a popular person with a massive Facebook following, you can't even get past the application phase in order to get an interview with someone who matters in the company. You will be forever stuck with "while we appreciate the time you spent in applying with us, we have decided to go with someone who better fits the needs of our company". That is really "we looked you up online and you don't share any of the same friends with me on Facebook, so I'm going to sabotage your career opportunity so that I can hire my friends which are less qualified"
@hernamvel Год назад
“You owe your employer a conversation”.. yeah, that's called "exit interview"
@marcellusjohnson9439 Год назад
Exactly! I have no problem leaving an employer who does not value my work or wellbeing to find a more suitable one ☝️
@ShanaeBeautiful Год назад
And even that is optional lol😆 dependent on whether or not I acually decide I want to put them on my resume
@adamd9166 Год назад
You owe them the same conversation that they owe you in an at-will work situation.
@CrizzyEyes Год назад
Exit interview? Haha. How about "You have 20 minutes, clear out your desk, oh and by the way this guy in a suit is going to hover over your shoulder the entire time." I just about managed to say good bye to SOME of the coworkers I liked.
@steventurley2963 Год назад
I don't do "exit interviews". If I quit it's because the company has fallen below my standards of what a good job is. Then I'm gone never to be seen again. If your company what's to dortball it's workforce then you deserve being ghosted
@realmdarkness Год назад
Hey, remember when these people were saying "if you don't like your job, then quit." The moment people start doing that they they flip it on the employees
@SaHaRaSquad Год назад
The new employer trend: pikachu facing
@btw-3006 Год назад
Bingo. That right there.
@comeforaride Год назад
Hahaha. They didn't mean it. Effing entitled little shts. "You can't do better than this job."
@ClandestineSnowman Год назад
"whoa! whoa! whoa! I didn't think you'd actually do it! I thought I could just exert leverage over you! shit! fucking ingrates" -CEOs probably
@bluezone3 Год назад
She's describing the only way Job Applications work today. You apply to hundreds of jobs over a few days.
@creepersonspeed5490 10 месяцев назад
And who did that? THEY did this!
@gossamer1234 9 месяцев назад
@sigma80 7 месяцев назад
And you get two refusals. The other hundred plus? Nothing. Might as well fart into a hurricane, same result
@stevenobrien7686 Год назад
Businesses wanna enslave us in a corporate dystopia, then gaslight like we owe them a "conversation" before we exercise the freedom we do have. Crazy.
@jasoncreamer5747 Год назад
I literally did this four days ago. My boss told me I was moaning too much and I should find another job if I was so unhappy. The thing is he says that to everyone and nobody leaves, I did leave. Locked down an easier job with an extra 7K a year "not including overtime" and I got the shifts I wanted to work. I gave my notice in today and guess what, all of a sudden my boss was offering everything I had been "moaning" about and more. BUH BYE
@ghostaccountlmao Год назад
/loud, uproarious applause and thundering bellows of support
@OriginalContent89 Год назад
You're my hero!
@purpletigerracing7087 Год назад
Absolute legend
@jasoncreamer5747 Год назад
@@OriginalContent89 Not really, I was an absolute coward. Listening to Joshua's videos knowing what he said was 100% right and still staying in that job for an extra 2 years trying to get what was promised to me and never delivered. I should of left two years ago but I was to scared of change.
@AnalyticalReckoner Год назад
Nailed it!
@tayzonday Год назад
It’s very hard to write about new things in business media when every day is the same old exploitation.
@woodside4life Год назад
🤔… Rage writing!
@MechromancerFTW Год назад
Holy shit…chocolate rain is here.
@beardedcrypto146 Год назад
The man himself.
@TwinRiver100 Год назад
Nice to see you stop by.
@MrRubyElf Год назад
@michaeldalton8374 Год назад
Man! HR has just been KILLIN’ IT with these new terms lately! Finally “earning” that check. 😆😆😆🤦🏼‍♂️
@amergingiles Год назад
I am literally homeless with my family because my current rate and hours are almost half what I was making prior to COVID. The only thing I like about my job is my coworkers. I've been applying to every trade position around me because it necessary for my survival at this point. Corpos acting like their the victims boils my blood.
@zinc2zinc2 Год назад
Homeless with a family? How do you get by? That sounds awful. Where do you sleep? How do you go to work? Do you live in a tent or something? Or homeless as in you dont own property but pay rent somewhere?
@johntodd6413 Год назад
@@zinc2zinc2 Would you consider living in a RV homeless? If you don't, you might not realize how bad the situation is
@zinc2zinc2 Год назад
@@johntodd6413 i dont think living in an RV is homeless. A lot of people do that.
@johntodd6413 Год назад
@@zinc2zinc2 have you ever lived in one? It's not even close to a home. That's like me calling a bench a home because a lot of people sleep on them.
@Stigmaballs 11 месяцев назад
​@@zinc2zinc2Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the description for "homeless" is in the word
@ghostaccountlmao Год назад
I'm borderline convinced all of these HR buzzwords are from HR ladies who are tired of having to go through applications
@tawnygirl2000 Год назад
They don’t go through applications. They have software for that. HR’s job is to make sure management doesn’t get the company sued.
@adesuwa9112 Год назад
Yeah they all just seem like overblown PR campaigns for bored “HR professionals”.
@timothygibney159 Год назад
@@tawnygirl2000 If I see Taleo or others I immediately lose interest. They take an hour to fill out only to be black boxed when your app goes into a black hole. Employers who have enough employees use LinkedIn. Not HR systems from 2009 when we had 100 users to opening
@davestorm6718 Год назад
They're attempting to stay relevant with their almost-worthless degrees.
@xcidgaf Год назад
they have lawyers for that
@NexLegacyAccount Год назад
"If you don't like it, find another job!" "Okay." "Why are employees rage applying?! So immature!"
@k2k4 Год назад
You know what kind of job is hard to leave, even if you're 'enraged'? One with good pay, good benefits, great work-life balance, and a boss who isn't a jerk.
@josephbrown9685 Год назад
Ah yes, we “owe our employer a conversation” but they never seem to owe us any courtesy.
Nobody wanna converse with an asshole boss...we're just tryna get tf outta there QUICKLY
@Seattle-2017 Год назад
The conversation we owe our employer: "I'm resigning. Here's my two weeks notice. This is not up for discussion."
@@Seattle-2017 PERIOD!
@bloodCount8895 Год назад
Look at Google. People got text messages or a work email at 3am saying that their work account was deactivated. But you know you owe the company a conversation.
@Seattle-2017 Год назад
@@bloodCount8895 The old corporate double standard.
@joeymcguire8742 Год назад
“You owe your employer a conversation” as if an employer has the decency to do that bullshit before layoffs…
@LucRio448 Год назад
I owwe my employer exactly what we agreed on in the contract, not a single second of my time more. If they want a conversation when I'm leaving, they can hit me up and I'll tell them the rate.
@candice6472 Год назад
My current theory on these "quirky new" concepts is that employers hate that employees no longer at the same company for their whole career anymore and it's their way of trying to control people
@EvenTheDogAgrees 11 месяцев назад
Nah, what employers want is employees that don't complain, work more than contractually agreed for no extra compensation, and stay in their position for as long as the company needs them out of a sense of loyalty, while simultaneously reserving the right to unceremoniously walk them out the door the moment they underperform. The employee does not get to choose when they leave; the employer does.
@itoibo4208 11 месяцев назад
People have to talk about the situation, and they need names for things. When trying to council a business on how to keep good employees, you need to be able to communicate concepts by giving them a name. "We will refer to this set of behaviors as "quiet quitting" and ways to avoid it. (or crush it with an iron fist!)" They might have called it "slacking" before, but this is a particular kind of slacking based on unhappiness about their job. Human resources wants to be aware of who is coming and going, and they need to know how much production they are facing, and when, so they can supply just the right amount and kind of labor needed. Too much, and you have people standing around, too little, and you cannot meet your production needs. Unfortunately, in this "on demand" work scenario, companies need to cut people when not needed. The unemployment system is made to help with that. You can get pay, help finding a new job, and get temporary insurance, while you move on to your next job. The companies feel that you are being taken care of, so they feel little or no guilt about getting rid of you. They will also escort you out of the building to reduce the chance that telling you that you are laid off or fired results in you doing something damaging to the company, like erasing all of your files or worse. Ideally, the needs of the workers and the management should be balanced, so that everyone is happy, but, systemically, workers have little power. The US government supports the on demand system with unemployment benefits. Biden supports unions. On demand work is efficient, and unions can help labor find work with good pay and conditions. Non-union is fine, too, but I feel that the employer should get to chose whether they want to work with a labor union, and the union should not be a part of the company, but rather a work allocation system that provides labor and benefits. This is an adversarial condition which is good. It keeps both parties making an effort to be needed. Unions can offer work on demand, while also taking good care of workers out of the money they earn from renting out people. Republicans have been battering unions for years. I do not foresee a future where Republican leadership ever leads to any power being on the side of the workers.
@SyedAbdullah Год назад
I put 6 years into a company believing better days are ahead, had the conversation. Better days arrived when I got a new job.
@jamjam1 Год назад
If you check her job experience she's got 13+ jobs with an average of less than 1.5years at each company. The same kind of sht she'll deny an applicant for is what she's doing
@Excalibur-Sonic Год назад
Rules for thee and not for me - ceo
@PalladinPoker Год назад
Job hopping usually means under 6-9 months but that is still pretty funny
@therisashow Год назад
@@PalladinPoker Josh did a video where a CEO shamed workers who had less than 2 years spent at each job, saying he wouldn’t hire them because that’s not enough time to develop in your role, blah blah blah. That CEO had more than half his career at jobs he spent less than 2 years at, and the employees he hired had less than 2 years at their jobs as well. They’re all hypocrites, and just change “the rules” whenever they want.
@PalladinPoker Год назад
@@therisashow oh I agree with you, I was just saying that by normal standards what you describe isn't really hopping.
@ayochayce8185 Год назад
The hypocrisy :/
@seanw6323 Год назад
Label and dehumanize, is the age old strategy bosses use to justify their poor treatment of employees.
@ctrlz4439 Год назад
You forgot pit one to another.
@joshnabours9102 Год назад
@@ctrlz4439 that is strategy number 3 - "kill with a borrowed knife"
@jsuazo2011 Год назад
S.I.G.N. = shame, insults, guilt, need to be right
@GeneralChangFromDanang Год назад
Did you just rage-splain that to me?
@SK-ql3yf Год назад
You nailed it, but it's not working like it used to....win for the employees!
@sinjin8576 Год назад
"Push past the typical questions." What a wonderful way to earn a lawsuit.
@muffin7320 Год назад
I'll stop rage-applying as soon as they stop passive-rejecting. I can only handle so many "We'll be in touch"es.
@karepanman8705 Год назад
Rage apply, then rage interview, rage negotiate, rage accept, and finally rage go to work.
@adesuwa9112 Год назад
The American dream lol
@amireallythatgrumpy6508 Год назад
It's all the rage!
@dutube99 Год назад
ya all that ragin' got me pretty tired, but when i slept i had rage dreams
@karepanman8705 Год назад
@@dutube99 I got no impression This town is made by the imitation Wanting your sensation In this silly simulation I wanna rage my dream
@uwontlikme Год назад
Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage.
@amreamer362 Год назад
This a class war: investors vs workers.
@CrashPCcz Год назад
Pretty much! Great to see people spotting that.
@feralkid9315 Год назад
narcissistic morons vs competent creators
@_nimrod92 Год назад
I know investing is good for a company to innovate but man there has to be a limit to stop investors from Indefinitely leeching off a company after it reaches a critical point and dividends are paid out to its workers that built the company.
@chrisreed4065 Год назад
I find it funny that for the last 50 years employers have been using workers like interchangeable parts, then when employees treat them the same way they get butthurt.
@cryora Год назад
It's like corporations discovered gamer terms and started using them as part of their vernacular.
@SlightlyDisturbed123 Год назад
Let's say it loud for the people in the back: YOU DO NOT OWE YOUR EMPLOYER SHIT, because THEY DO NOT OWE YOU SHIT. They will replace you without thinking twice if you become inconvenient.
@AnalyticalReckoner Год назад
"Ler's say it loud for the people in the back" is a really long and dumb way to say nothing
@SlightlyDisturbed123 Год назад
@AnalyticalReckoner Pretty sure the 'kids these days' use it as a way to say; hey this is important so we aren't gonna stop yelling about it. Just because you aren't a fan of certain slang phrases doesn't mean you gotta be rude about it man.
@lifeiswonderful22 Год назад
@@AnalyticalReckoner Well, she's right. Employees don't owe their employers shit beyond getting the job done. They don't owe their employers "an extra mile" or a two week notice. It's interesting to hear how many employers actually hate the free market.
@adamdahlin6025 Год назад
"If you die, right here, right now, you will be an email." I've never heard truer words.
@gryrvn Год назад
@debrakwilliams48 Год назад
Best answer back in the 1980s was, “I’m looking for a better opportunity”. That was a catch all phrase, and well accepted by new employers.
@batboy555 Год назад
I told them once I'm going to have to let you go.
@alexmikhylov Год назад
that is a strange time in the modern world history when tech giants fire thousands of valuable coders who actually build stuff while office culture expert also exists as an actual job title
@Beefster09 Год назад
Talking to the company about job satisfaction is rarely in your best interest because it marks you as a flight risk.
@Maki-00 Год назад
“Ways to tell whether an applicant is just trying to get away from their current job.” Well, if you’re applying for another job, then you’re obviously trying to get away from the current one. Duh!
@MushookieMan Год назад
They would prefer you were fired from your last job, and you're desperate for dogshit wages.
@ladyeowyn42 Год назад
The most common interview advice is to avoid any hint of negativity about your current employer. The hilarious thing is HR thinking applicants are going to fall for their BS questions.
@mark7166 Год назад
When we have to label EVERYTHING (while somehow still not wanting labels applied to ourselves...), it's no real wonder that "applying for a new job" has to have a snappy new name.
@gerrykan3437 Год назад
"I encourage you to have the tough conversation, talk with your people ..." I was naive enough and had a "tough conversation" when I wanted to take on more responsibilities. Next thing I know, I was labelled the department "trouble maker" and my name was on top of the list of the next round of lay-offs.
@adamd9166 Год назад
You got it. In my more naïve days, I would be like that too. I think you can imagine how well that went for me.
@James-vj5hz Год назад
This is how I just got my new job. It came with a 17% raise, a more predictable schedule, and an opportunity to get more experience that will help me land the next job.
@s0nnyburnett Год назад
I would take no raise for a regular schedule right now.
@annberlin5811 Год назад
Yea ha
@lordblazer Год назад
according to the HR lady you are a bad person for doing this.. Jobs aren't about pay, it's about making a dream come true or whatever the fuck whimsical bullshit these corporate bots are saying now.
@thesquad2253 Год назад
damn dude thats what i need a more predictable schedule
@CaptainYokkiller Год назад
Same with me got a 30 percent pay boost, easier workload, a manager that treats me like a human being, and it's actually giving me experience in the job field I wanted.
@stevemorlock5366 Год назад
I wanted to ask ChatGPT what the next stupid job trend will be, but it is "at capacity". So I'll have to guess one myself. How about this: Loud Working. This is where you return to the office because your boss makes you, and then you intentionally act as loud and obnoxious as possible so your boss will let you go back home.
@dominikkin2588 Год назад
"Omg, why are these chairs soooo uncomfortable? Do you feel that too? This sticking part that pokes my back everytime I lean back? No? You don't have that? Maybe it's just mine. Can we switch for an hour so I can check? Ugh the water in the watercooler is just awful! Is it fine if I drink straight from my bottle? Geez who turned up the heating, I'm fucking burning in here! Could you not roast me? Thank you! Guys can we please dim the lights? Have these carpets been cleaned this decade? Hello? Asthma from dust anyone? Uhmm would you mind typing in your very important emails a bit quieter? The keyboard is not a fucking anvil you know."
@VioletIsBulletproof Год назад
This is actually genius. Lmaoooo If im forced back into work ill be sure to do that. 😆😝🤣
@chellejack3480 Год назад
@clanwargods Год назад
@pyguy9915 Год назад
Rage commuting, rage collaborating
@brendantreynor7876 Год назад
You spit nothing but facts man. My wife is going through a similar situation now. I find it hilarious that employers don't seem to understand that if you don't compensate me what I'm worth I will leave. I don't owe you shit.
@christinajohnson3378 Год назад
To the thousands of people who were recently laid off due to company cutbacks… we rage apply for you ✊🏾
@UnDark1 Год назад
Didn’t employers used to say “If you don’t like it, leave!”
@johnpichla9557 Год назад
Job hopping is the biggest lie ever. I lost out for year's staying with the same employer thinking opportunities would just come. Leave and take a better position immediately. Learn from my mistakes!
@costalamb3065 Год назад
You have to go out and put your name out there and grab the opportunities for yourself, both within the company and outside of it. never wait for an opportunity to come to you. Oh sure you might hear someone say that good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who refuse to.
@CaptainYokkiller Год назад
Nah unless your job involves you meeting other companies and making connections no one's gonna come out of nowhere and see how special you are and recruit you on the spot. IF you want a better life you gotta look for it.
@AbderrahmanFodili Год назад
It's time for me to create the next big trendy word. I'll call it "quietly raging" it just means going to work and being pissed at your boss's stupid requests all day long
@joevasconcelos3409 Год назад
I “rage applied” after being given a 3% raise. When I put my two weeks in with an offer for 40k over my current salary they called me and acted like they were going to offer me a real counter, then proceeded to offer me 15k less than my new job lol.
@christeduard951 Год назад
When I started working at my current employer Valet attendants got paid $19 an hour and then they dropped us down to $17 without an explanation. Been there for 2 years and another coworker for 3. Don’t feel appreciated so I’m applying to other jobs. Nothing to do with revenge. They say employees are expendable so why can’t employers be?
@Maki-00 Год назад
Wouldn’t it be illegal to just drop someone’s wages like that?
@sterlingw3611 Год назад
@@Maki-00 it happened to me at my work. went from an hourly restaurant job to slave labor style, $1 per pasty made. found a better job shortly after
@1mol831 Год назад
@@sterlingw3611 how many pasties can you make per hour though. If you can make 120 per hour it isn’t too bad
@therisashow Год назад
@@1mol831 chances are, the employer made the change because they calculated that those particular kind of pastry won’t exceed the previous hourly wage, or that it’s physically impossible to exceed it.
@outlawstarr417 Год назад
@@Maki-00 You'd think it would be. But HR has the final say on earned wages if a Union is not involved. The way they see it, the lower the pay, the more ppl they can hire.
@JBS2018 Год назад
Id be far more grateful if employers just came outright and called all of us sh**bags as opposed to creating cute yet condescending catch phrases.
@JBS2018 Год назад
@t2k777 Brutal honesty is best lol 👌 🤣
@MushookieMan Год назад
But HR is women. All they can do is be passive agressive
@JBS2018 Год назад
@@MushookieMan For real. LMAO.
@ClayinSWVA Год назад
The funny thing is senior managers, VP's and Sales have been doing this forever. Lose out on a reorganization? Time to jump to a new company as a new director. Sales headed down, jump over to operations. "Wanted to spend more time with family" "Was looking to get off the road" "Looking for a new management challenge" Sound familiar?
@chavezchavo Год назад
Those HR personnel are basically just trying to shame and discourage people from applying to new roles with as many fancy words as possible. If you wanna apply for a new job, go ahead. If you're happy with your current job, good on you.
@BasicName02 Год назад
Don’t ever take job advice from recruiters or CEO’s. They have something to lose if you quit your job. The CEO loses a person to do the work they don’t want to do, the recruiter loses commission if you don’t stay at your job for a certain amount of time. Make your own decisions with people in your circle that care about YOU as a person.
@vivigarr Год назад
The dumbest shit about this is that "revenge" and "getting back" can only happen if they've been wronged to have something to get back at for. They're just admitting they treat their employees like shit by believing that. Peojectioonnn 🎵
@EladarImm Год назад
I feel this, and it makes me so angry to see: two years ago, I was applying to every job out there - because it was a mess. I'd done everything from industrial metalworking, to military, to service and hospitality. I now work in software development - and as someone who now personally meets with and hires everyone for my company, the idea of clinging to this gatekeeping and old school employer mentality is absolute bullshit: it's been dated for years, and has no place in our modern work environment. People doing the hiring need to put themselves in the proverbial chair across from them, and employers need to genuinely care about their people post-hire. What I really don't understand is how so many folks in employer positions aren't able to see the issues, when job dissatisfaction is something that all but the most entitled and privileged among us have had to deal with at some point in our lives. Care about your people. Pay them what they deserve. Check in with them regularly about their goals and satisfaction. Keep an open mind when hiring - because it's never "easy" or simple, and always comes with stress. And don't hold it against them when your time together inevitably ends - because it always will. Employer/employee should be a two-way street, and as an employer you should never be expecting more than you're willing to give. It really isn't hard.
@ladyeowyn42 Год назад
I love how they assume workers don’t prepare slick answers to all those probing questions. It’s an interview, not a confessional.
@brookeswapp5871 Год назад
I guess I 'rage applied' and am now in the best job I have ever had. Good wage, great benefits, hybrid schedule, and I get treated like a human being. Best move I ever made.
@danhalo1405 Год назад
Lets hope that your new boss will not rage fire you 😂 ..............
@johnb.1020 Год назад
@sebigamer Год назад
@josephnorris4095 Год назад
Always, always, always keep your personal and work life 100% separate. I do so now but years ago, when I was in retail IT, I did not do so and was taken advantage of, treated in a toxic fashion and my confidence was destroyed, literally. Now, over 4 years later, I am 100% confident in my skills and abilities and it shows in how I do my work for my present employer.
@ameliorated Год назад
Honestly I rage apply, if anyone annoys me at work I apply to a whole load of jobs and do some interviews. Mostly I don't end up taking something else but it feels good to know what's out there anyway, keep interview skills up to date. Last year I ended up doing more than one job at once because I did accept more than one. It's not just about getting away from a current job for me, I want to know what's out there for me.
@JoshuaFluke74 Год назад
@ms_cartographer Год назад
I'm tired of having to work 75 hours a week between two jobs to get by, because my day job doesn't pay me enough to pay off student loans and rent. That's a pretty good reason to "rage apply". When warehouse workers and factory workers earn more than you at your day job that required a bachelor's degree, "rage applying" is needed.
@James_36 Год назад
sounds like you got the most useless degree ever
@ms_cartographer Год назад
@James I got a degree in STEM. GIS data science. And I graduated during the pandemic. Most jobs pay shit when they are entry-level, and that's why I'm job hopping in one year.
@dutube99 Год назад
What's your degree in, may i ask?
@thesquad2253 Год назад
@@ms_cartographer if you have medical degree you could probably get a pretty good job in Tampa its all hospitals and Treatment type centers down here
@CoryFPS Год назад
Maybe try out a factory job for a bit. $27/hour with COLA at my place. I always thought the office job is where it's at, but my mind was changed when I tried it out. I don't have to work more than 40 to live comfortably.
@othneildrew Год назад
I guess I've been rage applying to every job I've gotten in my life. I can knock out 10-15 applications a day. lol After 2-3 days, I've setup about 8-10 interviews.
@johnnyj7731 Год назад
Right? LOL
@Brendanlane22 Год назад
My parents taught me to do this even. They said apply for 5-7 jobs for the next two days and I’ve always ended up in a better position, still leveraging pay.
@Waldee84 Год назад
And somehow they know you've applied with rage...
@The_Real_Frisbee Год назад
I wish I had the skills to do that. I've always had a "jack-of-all-trades" mentality so now that I'm getting older, it's incredibly hard to just get one interview out of 15 applications.
@Brendanlane22 Год назад
@LT Designs may money job security and financial freedom be upon all of us this year!
@Gunderblinx Год назад
They can fire you at a moments notice but you have to give them to weeks. They can refuse to pay you more, but you owe them a conversation to let them know your gonna leave so they can try to get you just enough to keep you longer.
@artificialsoundwaves Год назад
Joshua Fluke, my dude, speaking the truth yet again. I love that you cover and call out these stupid interpretations of normal, everyday things people do. You deserve way more views and subscribers than you already have. Voices like yours need to hit the spotlight as quick as the media does.
@serdeeq Год назад
ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏˢ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵉᵉᵈᵇᵃᶜᵏ💚. ᵏⁱⁿᵈˡʸ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵒⁿ ʷʰᵃᵗˢᵃᵖᵖ☛⟊➊➐➏ꉻ➍➑➏➋➌➌➑.
@matts1392 Год назад
I mean, the underlying implication here is that if a recruiter sniffs out that you are "rage quitting", they are hoping to use that as leverage against you during salary and benefits negotiation. Also, as many others here have pointed out, that lady at the beginning saying you owe your employer a conversation can eat all the shit.
@adeyefrem9488 Год назад
That last part🤣🤣
@EvenTheDogAgrees 11 месяцев назад
@@adeyefrem9488 I can _not_ read it without seeing that broom guy from the meme in my head. 😂
@michadg4928 Год назад
When job interviews turn into religious confessions
@_yllw6155 Год назад
I like how that one woman is like "If you don't like your employer, then get out" as if that's something you're not allowed to think
@letsgobrandon416 Год назад
Ugh, this explains why the interview process has become a living hell. Seriously, do they want to hire anyone? Or do they think a passive aggressive version of the "Squid Games, Office Edition" is going to make anyone want to work for you? If the interview process is hell, I know working for you will also be hell.
@AlvinKazu Год назад
Annoying Karena : "You know.... Maybe you owe your Employer a conversation...." **Meanwhile in Reality** "So I have been working for GGle for 16.5 years, and I just found out that I no longer am employed because I cannot log into my work account, and a few minutes later got a notification on my phone from my subscription to a website that showed a video about massive layoffs at our company.... I haven't heard from anyone at the company yet though, so I don't know what is going on. ----- Soon, it's going to be called "Abandoning," or "Parental Alienation." "HOW DARE YOU ABANDON YOUR WORK-FAMILY, THINK OF THE KIDS!!" ------------------- "HR doesn't know if YOU are the problem, or if it's the Employer." Wait... I thought we are "Supposed to take shots" and "Go the extra Mile" when working for companies..... So you're saying that you wont take "The Extra Mile" to maybe see if an employee is a good fit if our job history has a "work gap" or we've "moved around too much...." Oh but.... "The Family?" 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
@Maki-00 Год назад
That is just so dirty!
@tvdavis Год назад
With 15+ years of experience, a Bachelor of Science degree that no one else was required to have (but I was for some reason), I got what came out to a 1.5% raise last year (there are NO bonuses or merit increases for anyone), and a meeting is coming soon where we're going to be told that there will be no "pay parity" with people doing similar work in our area. You're damned right I'm "rage applying".
@infotechsailor Год назад
No one else has a BS degree?
@tvdavis Год назад
@@infotechsailor Correct. No one else that was hired for the position or promoted into the position has a degree, but I was told I *had* to have one. Of course, I didn't know that until later. I was talking to people over the years & would happen to mention something about college, and find out they never graduated or never went at all. Basically, the guy who hired me made some assumptions about my education, and once he went down that road, he couldn't pull back without looking biased. Him: "This position requires a degree." Me: "Yes. I have one..." Him: "Not an Associates degree; a 4 year degree." Me: "Yes. I have a Bachelor of..." Him: "Not an Arts degree, a technical degree!" Me: "YES. I HAVE ONE. As shown on my resume." It's on me, though. I should've left long ago.
@Adam-nw1vy Год назад
@@tvdavis I was gonna ask you are you a POC and a quick trip to your channel confirmed what I was thinking ☹
@MrArtVein Год назад
Are you Black perhaps? I went through the same exact thing. Shoot me your email I have some info for you on how I overcame this
@tvdavis Год назад
@@MrArtVein Appreciate you, fam, but I’m set to retire this year. I’m throwin’ up them deuces, ya heard! ✌🏽
@corvus8638 Год назад
Corporations: Profit is all that matters Also corporations: You should want to do your job for more than just the paycheck. I’m tired of this corporate nonsense
@adamd9166 Год назад
So long as you view their actions through the lens of them being completely selfish and machiavellian, their actions make perfect sense. They want to make the most money and spend the least. If they can toy with your emotions to get you to give any extra input without them having to pay you for it, then it is good for the bottom-line.
@Sponsi_PL Год назад
I tried building company loyalty... 8 years in a dev team as a designer. What I got, was no upgrade in importance of my position, lousy salary bump (and only because I was among programmers and they HAD to get raises because otherwise, the team would just dismantle), and more crappy things to do, without respecting my time (like cooperating with people who don't know anything and yet spending a lot of time on their projects whereas in big important projects, my voice was ignored). Now I am 3 years nearly in another company and the story repeats itself! Of course, I was doing my best in both jobs, at some point rethinking what I can do better, etc...
@jasonlemrise Год назад
Rage applying worked for me. Changed my career and doubled my salary and currently super happy with my current employer. Seems like it works to me.
@alissaspafford8846 Год назад
@CrizzyEyes Год назад
B-but, you're so ANGRY!
@insomicraiddict Год назад
Companies be Blind Spot Firing but mad when workers trying to maximize their pay as fast as possible because they never know when they'll be on the chopping block.
@JimmyMcBimmy Год назад
So basically a defense mechanism used by owners and/or management to deflect from their own crummy leadership and poor work incentives. LOL.
@bn-fj7gq Год назад
As someone who had worked at the same company for 30 years I 100% agree with you. You owe your employer nothing except giving them advance notice and dont burn bridges. They did not value my loyalty, so when the time was right I left on good terms. I regretted stay there for so long. Know your value!
@BryanJ76 Год назад
So I had a job where they brought someone in to "work with" me, and had me train that person. After a week, they let me go, without any explanation, in violation of their own policies. I found out the person I trained was making literally half my salary. So they had me train my own, far cheaper replacement. Yet I'm told I somehow owe my employer some kind of loyalty? I believed that when I was young and naive, but an experience like the one above was an eye opener. These companies have zero loyalty to us, and we owe them exactly the amount of loyalty they give to us.
@markkocsicska2590 Год назад
It is always "If you don't like it, just quit. See if you get anything better." up until you actually take the advice. Then it instantly turns to "NO! NOT LIKE THAT!"
@darth_dub_ Год назад
These young people are just beginning to realize that the advice they've been ignoring for so long was actually the best move.
@sankalparora9374 Год назад
You break things quite well. Having a clear head while reading or consuming something is a great skill. Thanks!
@abel6846 Год назад
‘Getting back at’, more like ‘getting out of’. When are these people gonna learn that employees can and will decide for themselves?
@ctrlz4439 Год назад
They say "It is just business" , but then again same people are offended and outraged when employees also say "it is just business".
@adamd9166 Год назад
In their mind, it is business when they lay you off, but it is personal when you are unhappy and quit.
@themikead99 Год назад
I "rage applied" once upon a time. I was doing the jobs of 6 people. I was burnt out, had recent got migraines that lasted a week each and to top it off got a raise of 13 cents. I was hella done. You can guess what I did next. I applied to any and everything I could find and got out of there asap. I was not appreciated.
@miketeacher9016 Год назад
Keep on telling the truth Josh. You are so correct and your advice is solid. We are tired of the same b*llsh*t from employers for many decades and they really don't give a cr*p about their employees.
@jessieo5757 Год назад
Do they have a bunch of monkeys throwing darts at a dart board with 2 separate words until they get one their handler likes and try to make a fake story about it?
@Maki-00 Год назад
@JBS2018 Год назад
Does it matter when the end result is equally as dumb? The ends justify the means.
@NatsumiMichi Год назад
It's like HR lives in a completely different dimension, some delusional multiverse of HR madness where employees never quit because they don't want to be properly paid for their work and experience; perhaps a world where they're not a senior member of the team with all the know-how, being paid less than the fresh out of school newbie they are training now - for which they get no bonus. But hey, it's all part of tough love!
@Catpanl Год назад
Basically HR doesn’t want to do the hard work and instead creating buzz words to explain to their bosses why they pick crappy candidates.
@ninabeena83 Год назад
Reached Pro level rage applicant status by doing it on the clock, on my company laptop, in the office they forced me back to. And then I ✌🏾
@nyctasiaselesq Год назад
A lot of companies are making decisions on "letting go" to some employees, and comunicate such decisions after they are made. Now they have the cheek to ask that you consult with them before you leave.
@adamd9166 Год назад
Companies hate to lose the upper hand. They want you to be open about your unhappiness so they can prepare your replacement and blind-side you.
@berkayzanile Год назад
It's very nice of you to talk about these issues. Thank you man! I really like your channel.
@jrmoore4105 Год назад
Agree with you. Although the process of applying and interviewing can be draining, there's nothing wrong with keeping options open and exploring. You might be in a job where you are moderately content. But suddenly you get an offer that's $20k more. You don't know if you don't apply.
@LaughingLikeSagat Год назад
The narcissism and shame tactics are at a all-time high, I see….
@OriginalContent89 Год назад
@adeyefrem9488 Год назад
Right? Employees are starting to understand the mind games and manipulation; there's no undoing that now. And if companies double down on these tactics, they're going to make their relationships with their employees even worse.
@mj1234321 Год назад
So if a company decides to lay off employees, I think it really owes them a discussion about it first!
@enetlocal 11 месяцев назад
You're amazing. Saying what needs to be said. Also, the "no one wants to work anymore" has been happening since the beginning of work too. 😮
@Anonymous_Eyeballs Год назад
She's upset that people are saying "If you don't like you employer get out" but the only thing I've heard since I've been working is "If you don't like it you can leave" I'm so.goddamn proud of our generation(s) for telling employers to go fvck themselves
@adamd9166 Год назад
It was a bluff, the entire time. And finally, people are calling their bluff
And as soon as you have that conversation you'll be labeled a troublemaker.
@Death4Life007 Год назад
Through experience and info like yours Josh, loyalty gets you NOTHING in the corporate world. These trends are the dumbest things to occur. Employers need to change, not employees. Keep up the great content man and hope you’re doing well.
@James_36 Год назад
in the 80s loyalty was rewarded, now its ruthless and way worse - I do not see that as progress, feels to me like Boomers being Boomers, looked after themselves while young, now looking after themselves when old. The boomers are the cause for every decay on society going it seems to me.
@RickSlaughter1 Год назад
Joshua, long-time watcher and subscriber. You definitely nailed it 👏🏽 on this one and had me cracking up 🤣. Thank you for calling BS on these stupid buzz terms...much appreciated!
@CoryRayGordonMusic Год назад
I took a year off and I found a job that pays more than I would have made at my old job had I been working (I wasn't working for almost a whole year) but in one year I made almost twice as much as I would at the other job. A lot of good jobs are taken, you just gotta wait for an opening.
@huasohvac Год назад
I had a conversation with my previous employer about getting more money. They said in 6 months we'd talk about it. 6 months later, nothing. Began looking for a new job right after and got 10 more dollars an hour and less stress.
@adamd9166 Год назад
"Can we convince you to stay?" "sure, let's talk about it 6 months ago"
@perpetualmotion767 Год назад
you can tell these HR employees really want to keep their jobs xD coming up with new buzzword terms
@ndaganorichard7845 Год назад
Thanks Josh. U are appreciated.
@TheoWerewolf Год назад
First off, 100% agree with you and bravo! Excellent analysis. One of the BIG dangers in her advice is sort of obvious: as soon as you go to your boss and suggest you're unhappy one of two things will happen. Either they'll try to accomodate you for now, but then start planning for your inevitable departure since you literally just told them that was a possibility, or decide you're too big a risk and preemptively let you go as soon as possible. Her assumption is that all employers value all their workers so highly that they will fight to keep you there. That does happen, but it's the exception, not the norm. HR departments are not there to help staff - it's right in the bloody name: "Human RESOURCES", not "Staff Welfare" or "Staff Support". HR is part of the company management system. We're in an era where "corporate fit" is more important than skills and upfront skills are more important than acquiring them while at work. Managers don't want to manage people and absolutely do not want to take risks or invest in their workers if avoidable. Each worker is a business unto themselves. They enter into a contract with another business to sell their time and skills in exchange for money and benefits. It's not a social contract and workers are the most expendable cost a business has. It's time for workers to stop thinking they're a "part" of the business and start looking out for themselves because I assure you, your employers see you as a cost, not a benefit.
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