
Rape - Just How Much Of A Double Standard Is There? 

The Young Turks
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"It was just last June that Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto declared there is a "war on men." At the time, he was writing about the "campaign against sexual assault in the military" that in his mind had turned into an effort to "criminalize male sexuality." In a new column, Taranto has extended his war to college campuses.
As a jumping off point, Taranto uses an article by The New York Times' Michael Winerip titled "Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault," which focuses on "bystander intervention" programs as a way to prevent rape on college campuses. Taranto doesn't actually oppose the program, but he does argue that it helps the supposed rapist as much as it does the victim.
Taranto's real rhetorical gymnastics come when he takes Winerip's analogy about drunk driving prevention in a disturbing direction. "The hope is that bystander programs will have the same impact on campus culture that the designated driver campaign has had in reducing drunken driving deaths," Winerip writes in his piece, referring merely to the awareness of the issue that groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving have had on the culture."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.
*Read more here from Matt Wilstein / Mediaite:
Bigot, Meet Internet, Now Your Restaurant Is A Gay Bar bit.ly/1jviZOF
Cop Arrests Cop. That's When Her Troubles Begin... bit.ly/1ff82cQ
Rape -- Is There A Double Standard? bit.ly/Mau3m3
Teacher Charged For Sex With Multiple Students bit.ly/1ePgncn
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@wishbone346 10 лет назад
This is why I hate both ends of the spectrum. The far right believe that women are reporting false rapes like there's no tomorrow and that rape isn't that big an issue, while the far left believe that women are always the victim and that men should somehow be able to control every aspect of themselves, even when intoxicated. Now I'm not defending rape at all here, what I'm saying is that if two legal aged individuals get drunk and have consensual sex then it should NEVER be considered rape. Now date rape does happen, and this is why we have a police force dedicated to investigating crimes. However, as the stats show false rape accusations do happen. Now 8% is a massive number, and by no means does it show the "epidemic" the right tends to believe is happening, but it's still a number which means it does happen. This is why our society needs to stop this BS of dealing in absolutes. The world isn't black and white, it's full of many shades of gray.
@EnhancedSlowMo 10 лет назад
I definitely agree with this especially if both parties are of legal age (18 or older) or if they are similar age (both under 18 but within a year or 2 of each other like a 16 and 17 year old).
@SuGaRuSh14 10 лет назад
You would be right, except for the fact that the VAST MAJORITY - like 99.9999% of the left-wing don't believe in or agree with that statement about drunk sex being rape. That's preposterous. It's like saying Hitler represents all conservatives. It's one thing that one idiot has made up, and here we go with "all liberals think men are evil". It's *bullshit*. Don't see things in black and white, but also don't generalize.
@wishbone346 10 лет назад
SuGaRuSh14 If you read my statement it was directed at the FAR left and right, i.e. those that do think that way. However, I apologize if I offended you by making you believe I meant all liberals were like that as that wasn't my intention. You have to admit to the fact that the most vocal (and most covered) individuals of each side are in-fact the kind of left and right I was speaking of though. And honestly I don't really consider you completely liberal or conservative unless you fall into those categories. I prefer to think of people who actually aren't insane as independent with left/right tendencies. Just my preference though.
@wishbone346 10 лет назад
***** Ok 1) I didn't say that you don't exist I said "I've never met one" which I haven't. You're clearly in a very small minority. And 2) I'm not conservative. If anything I lean closer to the left than anything.
@Martialarts222 10 лет назад
The Young Turks Guy I love your piece on Rape, but I must point out. If your a man and your accused of Rape as a male your life is over regardless of guilt or innocent.
@DiceWarwick 10 лет назад
agreed, even when found innocent, the guy has a hard time even getting back into the collage. Let's also not forget that in some states, rape done on men is not even seen as a crime, as it is not seen as rape.
@Martialarts222 10 лет назад
DiceWarwick well stated.
@anonmcanon5724 10 лет назад
The accusation just carries so much weight, same with any other form of violence against women. When I was a kid there was a girl in my school who would accuse boys of threatening her to get her way and because the principle was a raging feminist she'd often punish them before finding out if they even threatened her in the first place. We need to stop freaking out at the accusation and start freaking out when people are proven guilty, that's the place for outrage, when guilt is established, not at the accusation, at the conviction.
@IamMrMatt 10 лет назад
Agreed. Duke Lacrosse players for example were vilified by the media, come to find out it was all a lie. Their images are tarnished regardless.
@Avatinfernus 10 лет назад
IamMrMatt Yeah but if you listened to the whole video, they did say that "false" accusations only make up for 8%. Not to say that it's awful that some girls falsly accuse men to begin with, but.... think of the other 92% too. And often, women get blamed and ignored and called liars even when they are in the 92%.
@dangerouslytalented 10 лет назад
simple definition of rape: Sex without consent.
@rauth666 10 лет назад
It's not rape unless you're convicted.
@dangerouslytalented 10 лет назад
... so those women in Saudi Arabia who get gangraped and the men get off scot free and she gets stoned for going to the police saying they are gangraped....?
@aryanking3116 10 лет назад
Yes, but you can't revoke consent after the fact. You can't make a shitty decision when drunk, wake up embarrassed and decide you no longer consent to something you already happily engaged in.
@rauth666 10 лет назад
How do you know she didn't consent to the gang bang?
@aryanking3116 10 лет назад
***** Dude are you delusional? Literally millions of women would and do. This is 2014 and girls are blowing guys for Molly at the clubs on a regular basis, wake up.
@Raziel_Knight 10 лет назад
Keep in mind that that 8% isn't a hard fact number, because it's merely based on the number of CONFIRMED false rape accusations. I'm not saying it's really some exorbitant number, but it could easily be higher than that, since we KNOW that the justice system isn't perfect and a quite a few rape convictions, could and probably are, against innocent people. Especially considering the double standards society hold against men in cases like these.
@TheLuxrosa 10 лет назад
Except that, like they said, the vast majority of rape goes unreported. So that- at the bare minimum- cancels out what you're talking about.
@Raziel_Knight 10 лет назад
Rachel Tucker No it doesn't. Do you even understand what I'm talking about? My point was merely in response to their reaction to the 8% number. I'm ONLY talking about reported rapes as well, so the unreported ones are irrelevant, at least as far as my comment is concerned and again I'm NOT making the claim that the number is of any significance to the overall reality of rape. I'm merely pointing out that the FBI's 8% number is a loose number and not a hard fact.
@hunterkiller725sc 10 лет назад
Rachel Tucker oh really please tell me about all these rapes that arnt being reported at all next you can tell me "i believe therefore god exists"
@agunemon 10 лет назад
hunterkiller725sc There are a lot of women that don't report rape, but nowadays it may seem that the cases go up even if the actual incidences are decreasing because nowadays there is an increasing number of women who actually stand up for their rights and report the cases... and of course there are also an increase in false rape accusations that get convictions... Don't have the url for the source though because it was in a school seminar last year of a women's rights group...
@webkilla 10 лет назад
It also begs the question of how many false rape accusations are dropped before actual charges are filed. I have a cop in the family who says that almost 50% of the rape accusations he works with turn out to be false. Now that could just be that where he works its frighteningly more common to accuse people of rape, or again... that a lot of these simply don't make it to the books to enter into those official statistics, because the cops in a lot of places do have better things to do than prosecute false charges, assuming that things haven't gone too far already.
@smokert5555 10 лет назад
The policy quoted from Stanford says that if you are even slightly intoxicated, you can't give consent to sex. This would apply to both sexes. If the guy is intoxicated, under this policy, he can't consent to sex. Which brings up this question: How many women have been punished for sexual assault (either by the school or criminally) when they had sex with an intoxicated partner? My guess is zero. How many guys have been punished under this guideline? My guess is only guys suffer under this guideline.
@smokert5555 10 лет назад
***** I disagree. There are plenty of women who initiate sex. I don't like the term "aggressor". It makes it sound as if every suggestion of sex is an 'aggressive" move, which makes it sound more of a demand than request. Sure, that happens, but most of the time it's mutual flirting which leads to mutual consent for sex. I definitely don't like that when both parties are drunk, the man seems to always be perpetrator and the female seems to always be the victim.
@alanfournier3071 9 лет назад
smokert5555 Radical feminism has gone mainstream. And a large component of radical feminist ideologues see all heterosexual sex as rape.
@smokert5555 9 лет назад
Alan Fournier Yeah, i've read that too. But i still wouldn't call it mainstream. Maybe they don't realize it, but if all heterosexual sex is rape, then all women are helpless victims. That doesn't jibe with the strong, independent woman they make themselves out to be.
@toast1012 9 лет назад
smokert5555 cant get anywhere without the victim complex like ANITA SARKEESIAN has used to great effectiveness. She has turned Gamergate from being about reporter INTEGRITY to being about females bullied by male gamers. Which has been proven to be false on multiple occasions. Anita canceled an event that the police told her was safe yet she still felt "threatened" so got to take 40 grand for doing nothing other than lying. #feministfrequency #lyingwoman
@smokert5555 9 лет назад
***** Yeah, i heard about that. Can't seem to find anything to support her over. The sad part is she has tons of supporters.
@EmyllSomar 10 лет назад
"Most women don't lie or make up bogus accusations about men raping, assaulting them..." "How do we know?" "From all the women we interviewed in a study." SMH... 'Merica!
@magottyk 10 лет назад
8% are considered unfounded, approx 25-30% are defined as no crime. The analogy was pointing out a very simple perception. A drunk man is responsible for their actions. A drunk woman isn't responsible for their actions. When matters of sex are concerned. He talks of the double standard that when both parties engage in drunken sex, then the male is the one designated the perpetrator even though both are equally drunk. By the definition of the Stanford edict, both would be guilty of sexual assault, yet somehow that always translates that the male is guilty of sexual assault.
@Arkantos117 10 лет назад
Gotta love those assumptions about the 'majority' of rapes.
@floral-smoke 10 лет назад
No, no, no, no. Drunk consensual sex is not rape on any level. To say it is such is extremely out of line for those who have unfortunately been affected by (a la Todd Akin) "legitimate" rape.
@JovianKronos 10 лет назад
Duggan Canning I think she meant if the person is drunk and the person either never gave consent, or was so drunk that she couldn't.
@ChrisMathers3501 10 лет назад
***** When a law is bullshit we the people have the God-given right to abolish it, and...Aluzky...don't you troll bestiality websites? I once dated a girl who was into some WEEEEEEIRD fucking shit, she showed me some of it, and your name popped up in the comment section of this kind of disgusting but FUCKING HILARIOUS video. Anyway if you're into that kind of thing, and no judgment here or anything, I just thought it was funny, but you're really one to talk. At least if you're drunk you're still human. I don't know what the laws are like in your state but I'm pretty sure animals don't give consent.
@oolong2 10 лет назад
Based on this clip it sounded like the guy was just pointing out the institutional bias against males during rape cases, not that ALL rape was based on a drunken encounter. That number of false reports is definitely high enough to at least keep that in mind.
@Z200a 10 лет назад
"The institutional bias against males during rape cases." Do you believe that's a thing that even exists?
10 лет назад
***** Do you actually believe it's not?
@oolong2 10 лет назад
***** I think it's certainly probable... I'm sure it also depends on the culture. Some places might favor the accuser others the accused.
@Shakor77 10 лет назад
***** Yes and he even showed examples where it does exist. Two individuals having sex, both are drunk but then somehow the male is the person to blame, should something go wrong. Like the female regretting it, the day after.
@lipailong2 10 лет назад
***** Depends on the jury really. My criminal justice professor used to be a prosecutor. He said if you want a man accused of rape to go free, get a jury full of women the same age as the victim. If you want a man convicted then get a jury full of men the age of the victim's father.
@judoyodan 10 лет назад
When normal social activities like drunk sex and teasing become vilified, it diminishes sensitivity towards actual occurrences of rape and assault.
@Victor.93 10 лет назад
Isn't the 8% figure from where the false accuser admits to fabricating the whole thing? And the claims where the defendant is cleared of all charges and found innocent is still just "unfounded", and not considered a false rape charge?
@optifog 10 лет назад
Exactly, in the *majority* of cases, neither the accused or the accuser are convicted of rape/false allegation, as there's not enough evidence to say either way, yet for some reason it's often presumed (in "false allegations very rare claims") that *all* of the cases not concluded by court to be false, are true and they... what, couldn't be bothered to convict?
@TheRobotDevilInside 10 лет назад
optifog If there is not enough evidence to sustain the claim, doesn't this mean that the accusations were fake? I mean he's either guilty or innocent, no way around. And it's just unfair how you assume that the people who made the statistics accounted these cases towards the total. After all they don't seek confirmation bias, like feminists.
@optifog 10 лет назад
TheRobotDevilInside No it doesn't. Usually when there's not enough evidence a claim is true, there's also not enough evidence the claim is false, so the only decent thing to do is treat *both* parties as innocent of lying, despite knowing one of them must be lying, rather than risk blaming the wrong one.
@IMortage 10 лет назад
TheRobotDevilInside You might want to check your logic again. If there wasn't enough evidence to sustain the claim, the justice system has to assume (rightly so) that the accused is innocent. He may have been, he may not have been. A trial that ends this way will leave observers with some uncertainty what actually happened, there is no way around that. In case of rape, both of these things happen with some frequency (An innocent being accused, not convicted, but not entirely believed to be innocent. And an actual rapist not convicted because not enough evidence was available, going free.). Both outcomes are ... unsatisfying, to say the least, but there is no way to avoid it.
@HenningII 10 лет назад
optifog or the victim was raped but the accused was not the rapist
@Hamjam117 10 лет назад
I wouldn't say its an epidemic, but a big chunk of reported rapes tend to be false, and or exaggerated. And yes, 8% is a big number when you consider that for all other crimes false reporting is only 1-2%. However We also have to consider the fact most rapes are unreported, and the whole point of a false rape allegation is that its reported, so it skews the numbers; its a complex issue. Ps. We should keep in mind that sexual assault is a human issue affecting both women and men; especially young boys. NA stats 'approx': 1 in 5 women and 1 in 9 men experience sexual abuse some time in their lives.
@theteacher010 10 лет назад
***** Those are only reports that have CONFIRMED to have been false, something that's hard to do. What the actual numbers are, we can only guess.
@prixat 10 лет назад
That FBI criteria is a bit strange. I thought the current advice to women was 'not to fight' back, specifically to avoid injury!
@CodiMichel 10 лет назад
Pleblian Did you actually even read that? Here's a direct quote from the wikipedia article: "Rumney's second conclusion is that it is impossible to "discern with any degree of certainty the actual rate of false allegations" due to the fact that many of the studies of false allegations have adopted unreliable or untested research methodologies." Let me also point out that your quoted figure of 10-50% is also bullshit. You looked at the table and guestimated didn't you? Add all the numbers up yourself and the percentage is just under 11%. But even this is actually way high because of what constitutes a 'false report'.
@Hamjam117 10 лет назад
***** Enough with the anecdotal personal stories, its the internet, no body gives a fuck. The fact that you appeal to your experiences and educational background proves u have nothing of value to add to this convo. I suggest u take off your victim glasses that you are clearly viewing this issue from.
@GottaLoveShuckle 9 лет назад
The percentage of false rape accusations is likely much higher as they themselves disagree that sex when drunk doesn't equal rape. Well the law says that is rape so sure only 8% of rape accusations are false according to that study but that study will count sex while drunk as rape which you don't consider rape! So if you counted all the rape accusations which were really just sex while drunk as false rape accusations the percentage of false rape accusations would be much higher! How can they not see that?
@osmith1999 9 лет назад
GottaLoveShuckle what was quoted in the story is not the law.
@Inannalu 10 лет назад
It's not just to rely upon the presence of injury in a victim (as a necessary prerequisite) when ascertaining a situation of no consent. If someone rapes another at gunpoint, but sans melee, it is still rape. If someone rapes another without a weapon, but melee was not engaged because the victim understood that there was a zero chance of him/her resisting being overpowered, that is still rape. Not physically resisting a rapist does not mean that consent was given-- it means that the victim was possibly trying to minimize damage to his/her body, and to not aggravate the attacker.
@Evirthewarrior 10 лет назад
The problem is that there is a high enough percentage to cast doubt on the incidents, especially when in many cases laws have been set up to where the standard of evidence is very low because requiring a high standard of evidence is labeled as "victim blaming"
@Shippoyasha 10 лет назад
Um. Why is the 'opposite of the argument' automatically 'conservative'? There's plenty of liberal minded people who don't buy into the excessive fear mongering by feminists and other groups massively over inflating a lot of extremely serious allegations and statistics. While male involvement of abuse must definitely be stopped and persecuted, the author makes a great point that you can't just wish away the risky behavior of the bar culture in which women can make a lot of bad choices as well.
@TheFounderUtopia 10 лет назад
Re: Those college rules. Good to know I can smoke weed in a dorm and get away with it because I was drunk when I made that decision and therefore "not responsible for my actions". Right? ....right?
@danyelleashaw 10 лет назад
Well this policy does not specify on the gender. I wonder what they would do if a male decided to say rape and they were both intoxicated. Its sad cause we already know that he would not be treated equally.
@PhantomSinger1 10 лет назад
"Men are stronger. You should have just shoved her off." "Why are you complaining when you got sex?" "What are you, gay?" Can you imagine the shame of hearing these things after feeling physically violated? In a society where men are supposed to be the aggressor, the instigator, there's "no way" a man can be raped. Riiiiight? Maybe if the woman was larger than him and he showed defensive wounds or there was some kind of video evidence that he was unwilling or incapable of resisting, but what are the chances of that being brought up and taken seriously?
@Warmachine2690 10 лет назад
Jane Doe sad but true.
@StevenWalker 10 лет назад
8% unfounded does not mean 92% guilty. It means 8% had literally no basis in reality, the others still have to be found guilty to be guilty.
@DeadLikeMeJ 10 лет назад
Reasons to love and hate The Young Turks : Love - because they report interesting subjects. Hate - because of their stupid conclusions. IF you agree with James that there is in most campuses especially the more liberal ones double standards in the laws - then why not just sum it up as - We are back you up good job on the article .... Nope, not the case - Cenk Uygur needs to be seem manly doing an over analysis of James's article to the point where he concludes that James believe that there is 'no date rapes'. Nope that's not what written over there - ho wait it continues to the fact that Cenk Uygur thinks women can't assault men like in the Russian female rapist cases he reported about ... well good job The Young Turks...
@Fragacide 10 лет назад
They have a good point. A buddy of mine was charged of rape just because the girl's father caught her coming home with the wrong pants on. She was forced into filing charges, and he went through a huge process. I was there when they were all over each other and went into the next room, and it couldn't have been more consensual. I'm not saying rape isn't bad, it is, and a very serious issue, but unfortunately there are girls out there who make shitty decisions, and then because they either regret it or got caught, they become just as bad as the real rapists for attempting to ruin a guy's entire life just to keep themselves from getting into trouble. It's a bit of a grey issue sometimes, because it all comes down to her word against his in those cases. Also, who ever said that a man can't be raped? It may not happen physically, but there are women who blackmail men into sex or use other devious means.
@Boom-wd7pn 10 лет назад
Yeah their take on this actually really annoyed me because that sort of thing does happen and the rules themself being what they are should be cause for discussion. But Cenk and Ana just say well it doesn't happen that often so its not a big deal lets - turn this story around and focus it on what the piece was not about at all.
@Fragacide 10 лет назад
I'm not so much upset with TYT for their viewpoints as I am with the general public for thinking two different things: A) That whenever a girl says she was raped, she was. B) That whenever a rape happens, it must have been a man raping a woman. There's very little that's more despicable than rape, but I consider the people who get away with it (male or female), and the people who lie about it to be somewhere near the top of the list.
@doc7000 10 лет назад
Daniel Proulx-Cook When someone is falsely accused of raping another person it really hurts everyone out there who was raped and are trying to get justice for it. Historically in the US a caucasian female will claim to have been raped by an African American (falsely) and the result of this is an entire African American community would be burn to the ground. All of the women and children would also die in very horrible ways as well. Another thing that historically happened in the past in the US is when an older man raped a younger women and she got pregnant from it. She would often be forced to marry the rapist (even when she is 14 and he is 30) and flee her home to never be seen. If it was found out that she was "raped" then she would be blamed for it and would be ostracized by her family and friends. Me being the type of person that I am I would need to have concrete data on how many "reported" rapes are false. The report that they showed based on the definition of unfounded put that at 8% though in that you can probably see that some of those unfounded ones are likely legitimate cases. While someone being falsely accused of rape is a very bad thing and even if they are found innocent it can leave them ostracized by some. Even worse is if they are found guilty when they are in fact not guilty of the charges and spend time in jail.
@Fragacide 10 лет назад
MsOsabear Yes, that's true, and while I understand that the case I was describing there is different from what I went on to rant about, I still wanted to point out the fact that just because a rape case is filed, it doesn't actually mean rape happened. I don't believe the girl was in the wrong except for maybe not standing up to her father. For all I know, however, she could have lied to him and told him she was raped. I never really talked to her much, before or after the fact. Hell, she wasn't even suppose to be there. The detectives were trying to act as if we lured her there, when in reality it was suppose to be a guy's night out where we just played video games, got drunk, and had fun all night. But, I digress, I tend to ramble, but I hope my point was clear. Rape cases should always be seriously investigated without any bias at all. There should be no case in which they are going in on the assumption that the man raped the girl. Of course, it all goes along the lines of how we are failing at the whole "Innocent until Proven Guilty" thing. ***** You might have noticed that I said the words "may have..." as if to say that it's not always the case, but could be. And please, I have to ask you to NEVER again place that image into a man's mind...
@doc7000 10 лет назад
Innocent until proven guilty should always be the legal standard indeed.
@mistajames3213 10 лет назад
Note: 8% of rape reports are known to be false. As in, someone went in to the FBI and filed an actual report alleging rape, and that report was investigated and demonstrated to be false. Note that if an individual merely made an allegation, and then withdrew the allegation, it wouldn't be filed as a "report" and wouldn't be included in the statistics. Reports which are not demonstrably false are not included in the 8%. As in, if a report is filed and they don't know whether or not it's false, they don't put it in the "false report" pile. I'd bet, hands down, that the actual rates for false reporting of rape and sexual assault are MUCH higher than 8%.
@MasterC2121 10 лет назад
@AustinFan4Life 10 лет назад
He's right though, there is a double standard with the rape laws. Regardless of whose at fault, the female is always the victim & the male is always the perpetrator. That's why I've always found the rape laws are completely sexist. Sure male rape cases are in the minority, but that shouldn't immediately mean that the male is always at fault. Girl says rape....and the guy is at fault & deemed a sexual predator. A guy gets raped & he gets his laughed out of court about it. That completely shows how there is a double standard with the rape laws. I mean if you wanna talk about inequality, these rape laws are proof of that.
@AustinFan4Life 10 лет назад
I'm not disputing that, hell I even admitted as such, in my comment, I'm just stating there needs to be equality in this law. Rape is rape, regardless of the sex of the individual....am I right?
@RambleOnward 10 лет назад
cant we just play by big kid rules? two legal aged adults get drunk have sex, end of story. why is it, when it's the woman making a mistake is the mans fault?
@RambleOnward 10 лет назад
***** so you're saying that women are not able to control there self when they drink?
@RambleOnward 10 лет назад
***** but where does it stop? Contrary to popular believe almost all men are in capable of rape. In the sense of forcing a woman to have sex most men do not get turned on by that. But I'll digress. If a woman cant help her self out of the situation to be victimized, why do men have to be punished? A girl gets drunk and sleeps with a guy. Why is it his fault. What about a guy sleeps with a woman while hes drunk is it her fault if he regrets it? what if she had some sort of VD? I'm sure he would regret it now. In this case would the woman be the rapist now? Most people would blame the man, she should have used a condom, right?
@RambleOnward 10 лет назад
well there's really nothing to argue about then. If a guy has sex with a woman that is passed out I agree, But If a woman usually gets to the point of black out drunk I thing she should get some help with her alcohol abuse . Before she is taken advantage of, and that includes men as well.
@TheDarthJesus 9 лет назад
8% means that out of every 12 rape cases, one is made up. The article they're discussing talks about how if two parties (one male, one female) are both equally drunk, make a poor decision to have sex, and both regret it; the Male is typically the one being charged if the incident comes to light. We could also get into how 90% of all shelters designed to assist sexual assault/abuse victims wont even accept men; They suggest that because its mostly women being victimized, that by inviting male victims in, they might cause the other female victims to relapse into a depressive state. Instead of honest reporting; TYT focuses on cases where the male isnt drunk, the female is, and the male is quite obviously raping her...
@TheRealBCereus 10 лет назад
Ppl also need to realize there is a diff between rape & regret
@IndicaDreaming 10 лет назад
The law that says you cannot consent if you are under the influence are fucking insane.
@PachucoDesigns 10 лет назад
"It depends if it was a joint decision." No, Cenk, it really doesn't. Because even if it was a joint decision, she would likely still successfully prosecute him on the grounds that she was "unable to make a sound decision due to inebriation." These standards basically make it so that sex is rape if ever, and whenever, a woman decides that it was. Even if it was consensual at the time, she could easily decide two weeks down the line that she regrets it just because she decides she doesn't like him. If she filed rape charges, she'd probably still win. And there really is no sympathy for men whose lives are destroyed based on false charges, even on the rare case that a woman admits to it, and on the even rarer case that she's punished for it at all. You say false reporting is not an issue? Bullshit. First of all, how do you know the vast majority of rape cases are not reported if...they're never reported? How can you even make that claim when there is no sample from which to observe? And further, that 8% number is also bullshit. Because, really, just how much can you actually prove in a rape case? Even a rape kit can only show that sexual contact occurred, and it can say absolutely nothing about consent, especially based on these standards. No, in the end, it's the word of a crying woman, crocodile tears or otherwise, versus the word of a man protesting his innocence. And I think we've demonstrated long ago who gets the sympathy by default in society. That 8% is based mostly on speculative and biased judgment. Bottom line is, if you weren't there, you cannot know if it really was consensual. Unless the rape occurred in broad daylight, in public, and there were bystanders and eye witnesses, you are arbitrarily choosing to take one person's word over the other. And honestly ask yourself, do you think any court would actually take a man seriously if he cried rape on account of being unable to give consent or not of sound mind?
@wesbesttreacts4515 10 лет назад
Chief keef had a 30 year-old baby moma when he was 16; the lady diddnt get charged for rape and keef has to pay child support for 18 years
@wesbesttreacts4515 10 лет назад
***** kollegekidd.com/news/30-year-old-woman-erica-early-wins-paternity-suit-against-teen-rapper-chief-keef
@yankees4lifee 10 лет назад
are you serious............? wtf
@Jamez377 10 лет назад
"Prosecuting someone who has been accused of rape, is not to say they are immediately guilty." On what planet do you live? If a man is accused of rape his career is over. If a man is accused of child molestation, his career is over. It doesn't mater if the the evidence proves he's innocent. By default a man who is accused of rape is assumed to be guilty by everyone. It's the ONE crime where the person accused is immediately deemed guilty by the public and their employer. Conversely, if a man or another women accuses a woman of rape it's responded with harsh criticism and speculation by the public. It's the same with domestic abuse. It simply isn't taken seriously when the woman is the perpetrator of the crime. This is what Feminism has done to the word rape. It's no longer the forcing of one person into having sex. Now rape is defined as a male having sex with a female. It doesn't matter if it's consensual all the way through the act. At any point after the fact the woman feels she was "wronged" she can claim rape and automatically the public is on her side.
@bigninja27 10 лет назад
Yup, because Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, and others like them have had their careers destroyed by rape accusations..... Oh wait, no they haven't.
@Jamez377 10 лет назад
Yes, because using wealthy and famous people who committed crimes is totally representative of how normal people are treated for the same crime. What you're doing is no different than saying possession of marijuana is taken lightly because celebrities do drugs and get away with it all the time.
@americanslime 10 лет назад
If you look for cases where you can actually definitively say the accuser was lying, the number goes down to around 2%, or potentially even less. And then you have to consider why a woman might make a false rape accusation. An NYPD detective investigated this and found that a large percentage of that were mentally ill people, or people looking to get the police to come to their house because their spouse or parent was otherwise abusive. Of actual cases of a real, malicious false rape accusation, he couldn't even find ten out of several thousand rape reports. I lost track of the paper I read that in, so I can't cite it, but to my knowledge that's credible fact. Studies by other law enforcement agencies around the world have come up with pretty consistent numbers on this.A new study just came out that put the number below 1%, though I haven't read it yet. Nonetheless, people double down and start talking about feminist conspiracies to obscure the real numbers and point to a couple confused and thoroughly discredited studies as evidence. It's all a lot of hateful, preconceived nonsense, of course. Sadly, you hear the false accusation thing from liberals as often as conservatives. Best to just admit that there are a shit ton of so-called progressives who don't give a fuck about rape victims. I'm sure that's proven by the comments on this video as it is by every TYT video about sexual violence.
@motim92 10 лет назад
When we think of rape, we assume that it is predominatly a crime where women are victims and men are perpetrators. Of course men get raped too, but then it is probably a man that is the aggressor. If we define rape as "any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person." And look at the cdc 2010 report we get a completly different picture. In Table 2.1 we get 1,270,000 women who where raped in the last 12 month. In Table 2.2 we get 1,267,000 men that were "made to penetrate" in the last 12 month. So that is realy surprising, 50% of rape victims are men. But the second assumption still stands. Sadly the gender of the perpetrator for the 12 month period isn't available, so we have to use the lifetime stats. We find those under gender of Perpetrator on page 24 under "Sex of Perpetrator in Lifetime Reports of Sexual Violence" Female victimes of rape reported 98.1% male perpetrators. Male victims of "made to penetrate" reported 79.2% femle perpetrators. So overall we get 50% of rape victims are men and 40% of rape victims are raped by women. www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/nisvs_report2010-a.pdf
@Michelandinho 10 лет назад
Finally someone who brings up any evidence to the discussion, thumb up
10 лет назад
Silly person, this is TYT . . . Your facts have no power here. . .
@DarkBoy644 10 лет назад
No matter how small of a percentage false accusations are, it's not small enough. False accusations of rape are an insult to actual rape victims and they put innocent people in jail. Falsely accusing someone of rape (which puts them in jail for 20+ years and causes everyone to loathe them forever) is even worse than rape itself.
@cockoffgewgle4993 5 лет назад
And almost none are prosecuted.
@Shinius 10 лет назад
I also LOVE that Ana says "Oh people accused of rape will stand trial" As if people like Woody Allen (who, I'm not sure if he's guilty or not) have had their name DRAGGED THROUGH THE MUD because he is ACCUSED of rape.
@B_uttcrumbs 10 лет назад
I am a victim of false sexual assault accusations, and suffered significantly for it. The prejudice against men in these cases is very real.
@markmiller5476 10 лет назад
I'd rather be falsely accused of rape than allow someone do be raped anyway.
@markmiller5476 10 лет назад
Ibrahim Hashi lol, sure man, right after you cut out your tongue.
@AnticAgnostic 10 лет назад
The level of cognitive dissonance in this statement is ASTOUNDING.
@Wandernator55 10 лет назад
A man who is falsely accused will be raped in prison as well or worse . liberals use the argument and i agree that we cant have the death penalty because if one person is wrongly convicted we as a society are all responsible for the murder of one innocent. do we as a society want to be responsible for more Innocent people getting raped? when a man is raped is not a big deal? the guy who wrote the article looks goofy because he was probably molested too and there is even a chance he doesn't know that . that's where the inspiration comes from. be patient everybody hurts
@markmiller5476 10 лет назад
T Raa Nah man, I know being accused would ruin my life, even if I was found innocent I would not be able to become a teacher, I would be ridiculed and hated and I'd be forced to suffer in so many ways. I also know that I probably wouldn't even be able to cope with prison, especially if I was thought to be a rapist. But I think about my sister, my mother, my two year old half brother, all my extended family, my freinds, shit people I don't even like, basically everyone I know and I'd give anything to save them from a fate as horrible as rape and I can't help but think that if everyone I know is worth protecting, then everyone is worth protecting.
@PuppY0fDooM 10 лет назад
if you care about tour own rights as a man and a father its unfortunate that you HAVE to vote republican to protect yourself and your own rights. if it wasnt for republican legisation the crazy trend of women who feel raped after you break up with them because theyre mad at you and you could get locked up ended. i know what im saying is massively unpopular but its true and it happens. This doesnt dismiss scumbag men who are sick, They deserve to go to jail. but normal people shouldnt havent to suffer because of crazy liberal policies or a women who got drunk and feel bad about their own behavior.
@Kevin15047 10 лет назад
I will shoot a nun before I vote for a republican.
@Kevin15047 10 лет назад
***** I'll never shoot a nun :) Though I might hit one with a ruler and see how *she* likes it.
@barrygormley3986 10 лет назад
This is why I believe rape accusations should be dealt with on a case by case basis, and political groups (including feminists) should not be allowed to have any influence on official policy with regard to rape.
@joeyg283 10 лет назад
As much as we would like to believe the opposite, there does exist a double standard in cases of rape. I've known individuals from both sexes who have been victim of sexual rape, and as much as I am disgusted by the act, there does exist a sort of societal biased inclining the aggressor as the male. This may be the case in a larger percentage of incidents, but it would be unjust to view rape cases with a "one-size-fit-all" biased
@sporkwitch 10 лет назад
I have to question the 8% for a simple reason: it doesn't account for BOTH parties being intoxicated. The allegation is that in the case of BOTH parties being drunk, the male is almost always found to be the guilty party. That's the issue being raised: that if both parties were drinking, consented, and then the woman regrets it in the morning, the male will almost always lose (and if not in court, often university policies are far more strict, and with far lower evidenciary standards, resulting in sanctions or expulsion simply as a result of the charge). That's the double-standard being spoken to. Granted, the law is clear when it comes to intoxication and consent (you can't give it), but the fact remains that in the event of both parties being intoxicated (as noted even in the video, this makes up most of the cases), the male is fighting an up-hill battle and is effectively presumed to be the guilty party. This is only one of a number of sexist double-standards, alongside the clear bias in favor of women when it comes to custody disputes, alimony, etc. The fact is, sexism does exist, and the stereotypes of women as home-makers, child-raisers, and submissive to males, very much influence the cases where these stereotypes come up. This is not to marginalize the real cases of women taken advantage of while drinking, the mother being the better-suited or better-able to raise a child, etc., but rather to point out the unfairness in this report marginalizing the very sexist double-standard AGAINST males. If Jane and I have a few drinks and decide to hook up, I shouldn't need to worry about her changing her mind a week later and find myself up on charges a month after that. I've had my own share of drunken hook-ups that I regretted after the fact, but I certainly didn't decide to take out my embarassment inthe form of rape charges; I accept that we were both drunk and I made a poor choice in giving consent, but own up to the fact that I did consent. Unfortunately, we're not big on personal responsibility these days, and the number of cases of regret and embarassment (often encouraged by peer pressure; "oh-em-gee, did you seriously fuck that guy?!") that result in destroying lives rather than learning from a moment of poor judgement, however small they may be, are not something that should be ignored. We have to remember that the mere ACCUSATION of a sexual offense is sufficient to destroy someone's entire future, no matter how solid their defense or victory is (even if there's no trial, the accusation is enough). This holds even more true in the perspective of college, where presumably you're aiming for a "real" job, not some at-will position that pays at most 50% over minimum wage. Our system, after all, is predicated on the idea that it's better to let 10 criminals go rather than imprison 1 innocent; in this case, it doesn't matter if you're convicted or not, because your life is destroyed either way. Final point: I'd be curious to see the numbers on cases where both parties were intoxicated and also met the other disqualifying criteria mentioned. That's the real number, in my opinion, because if you're both drunk, one is just as capable of being the victim as the other (or there may be no victim at all). If you're both drunk, neither could consent, so did they BOTH commit rape? Or was there no rape, and just two drunk people regretting their poor, drunken judgement? That is the issue here, and I don't see that it's really been addressed at all.
@DensetsuVI 10 лет назад
There are certain crimes that guilt or innocence are pretty much irrelevant. Rape and child molestation come to mind. By this, I mean if somebody even decides to accuse a person of these such crimes, regardless of the outcome of the trial, or truth or falsities of the trial, that person's reputation is destroyed and they are forever marked. Losing their job is the amongst the smaller concerns, compared to being quite literally run out of their home, town or even state. Given the gravity of such charges, there should not be any biases as far male vs female, and there should definitely have to be evidence to back up charges. Eight percent unfounded, is way, way too high with charges that carry such absolute and total damage, regardless of guilt of innocence.
@SugaryCoyote 10 лет назад
I can't grasp why rape accusations are allowed to be anonymous in some places. That is begging for abuse of the system.
@DensetsuVI 10 лет назад
That is also a great concern. I think one of the tenants of justice is that a person is supposed to be able to at least face their accuser, or if nothing else know who they are. I wonder what if other crimes allowed for anonymous reporting. "You stole something from somebody. We can't tell you who or what, but you did." "You've been accused of speeding. We can't tell you where or when, though." "You are accused of murder! We won't tell you who you might have killed though. But it definitely happened and you will face punishment!" Anonymity in accusations, although it could bring more people forward with crimes, it also opens the gate WIDE for abuse and retaliation.
@mindprism 9 лет назад
"In most of the cases, the guy held her down, or she was passed out to begin with and couldn't give consent" In most of the cases (which cases, sex or alleged rape?) If sex, obviously not, most drunken sex is not rape. If allegations, then NO, by very definition of school policy, drunken sex is ALWAYS rape. That is a blanket allegation. It doesn't matter what Dick says, or what Jane says, it IS, LITERALLY, sexual assault, by him. So drunken sex is illegal for males, so, if she doesn't report him, is she a co-conspirator? She would be sober now and aiding and abetting a felon. I'm so glad we do not live in a police state.
@AmySavage6 10 лет назад
Drunk sex isn't rape, passed out sex is, the difference is massive. As a person who has been unfairly accused by third parties of such horrific violation of a womans privacy I'll always voice my discontent with the overboard generalizations that surface from time to time.
@markmiller5476 10 лет назад
I don't know, I've been in situations when a girl while not passed out is quite obviously not able to function to the level of consent. I don't think there is a hard and fast point at which it becomes rape, basically if your sober enough to recognise that's she's not sober enough to make a decision then don't do it.
@HyrdaRancher 10 лет назад
Worth pointing out that we have all known someone when they got drunk and we know how malleable they can be. You can get a drunk person to do almost anything with the right phrasing, tone, and enthusiasm. I don' think someone needs to be passed out to say you took advantage of their inability to raitonally consent.
@AmySavage6 10 лет назад
HyrdaRancher Again a very good point, as I said to Mark it is a slippery slope, my situation was cleared up when the girl in question intervened and said there has been no wrongdoing from my part and everything was consensual. My point is that this is a volatile subject where generalizations can harm all parties.
@HyrdaRancher 10 лет назад
AmySavage6 It's a sticky topic indeed. That's for sure.
@ChannelSarahB 10 лет назад
Sorry guys, but 8% is an enormous number of false accusations, when getting sent to jail for rape will fuck up your life far more than being raped. Let alone all the false accusations that actually succeed in getting the guy charged.
@mrlegkick91 10 лет назад
where are all these women sexually assaulting me while Im asleep! lol
@PachucoDesigns 10 лет назад
This is exactly why any man crying rape from a woman would never be taken seriously. It's automatically taken as a joke. I'm just saying.
@ScrayXXI 10 лет назад
***** Most men, unless they really don't want sex for whatever reason or she is hideous or she has a disease he knows about, would sort of go with it. Maybe they wouldn't like it if they aren't in control or she had to take advantage of them to have sex with them (really big mental weight there), but they won't make a federal case of it. LOADS of women are like this. I hear stories ALL THE TIME about women who were drunk or fooling around with a man they didn't want to have sex with and he was really aggressive and went with it anyway. They sort of fought back half the time, but they all said it would only last for a minute or so. They would avoid him after that, but I never heard of them filing a report about it (even though they really were raped). For whatever reason, they would much rather just try to get on with their lives (usually unsuccessfully) and put it behind them. The reason why rape is taken so seriously because it is almost a mental prison. This is because they didn't want to be raped, but when the man forced his way in they because physically aroused and physically enjoyed it. This confusion will usually lead to depression and massive anxiety.
@timbermeshivers7439 10 лет назад
***** There are idiots who actually think it happens just as often as male on female rape.
@PachucoDesigns 10 лет назад
I doubt that it does. But it's not to say that it doesn't, especially based on the terms which women seem to more and more frequently determine rape. How many men do you think wake up next to what they deem a beer goggles mistake, then decide it was rape?
@Sagefrakrobatik 10 лет назад
What about asexual men or someone who is a virgin?
@dustinthewind2u 10 лет назад
Consent is a consistent and ongoing thing though. She may have said yes at the bar when she was tipsy but once she's back at your place and starts sobering up and says no you stop. You guys are acting as though saying yes once overrides any no said during the act. Married women can be raped by their husbands so I don't even know why you brought up that argument.
@DanteKael 10 лет назад
Cenk i think the journalist wasn't talking about completely unfounded claims. What it appears to me is that he was talking about situations like regret or guilt, where someone just regrets a decision they made so while the act happened and in the moment it was consensual like people make all the time drinking, some people in the morning will report it as rape out of guilt. Someone in a relationship for example makes a bad decision after a few drinks..... That being said you retards who will comment (call me psychic) with a hilarious sense of undeserved morality save it because i'm just pointing out what i think the reporter meant, not my opinion on it.
@sushimitten 10 лет назад
I hate how we have to put disclaimers now whenever we comment nowadays. People on the internet love to attack others for having opinions. Oh well.
@darkmater4tm 10 лет назад
The problem with rape is that it is in essence a thought crime. In many cases, it is not clear by the actions alone. You have to determine who was aware of what and what intentions each person had. That's why any objective definition of rape either includes too much or too little.
@Plato86 10 лет назад
Completely wrong. Rape is a "general intent" crime, meaning that you do not have to prove that the rapists knew that the victim did not want to have sex and he intended to force her to have sex. Even if you are mistaken and honestly believe that she wanted to have sex, mistake is not a defense to rape and you will be found guilty of the crime. All that needs to be proven is that the victim did not consent and that force was used. The crime of rape is completely dependent on the state of mind of the victim and whether you can prove if force was used. That is why if the victim refuses to testify it is nearly impossible to prove the elements of rape.
@darkmater4tm 10 лет назад
***** Examining the state of mind of the victim is to examine one's thoughts, so you haven't justified why I'm "completely wrong". When force is used, while the girl is saying no, these are the clear cases of rape. These are only part of what is accepted as rape. Adding to that, not every time force is used is non-consentual and a great part of "consentual" sex has no explicit expression of consent. Effectively, it all comes back to the fact that any practical definition of rape does not reflect the popular understanding of rape, which is what I claimed in the first place.
@Plato86 10 лет назад
DarKMaTTeR Yet we never examine the victim's mind in rape trials, do we? She is not on trial and if she testifies that she did not consent, the jury can either believe or not believe her. Prosecutors have the victim testify that she did not consent but rarely go into further details. They may have her testified that she fought back or said no but that is it. They do not get into the philosophical questions and attempt to prove that she did not consent by diving into her thoughts. That is impossible. Likewise defense attorneys do not attempt to dispute whether or not the woman actually consented or not because it would just be your client's word against the victim. When defense attorneys argue the consent defense in rape cases they usually point to a history between the defendant and the victim or even the victims sexual history or reputation. This is the best they can do, anything else is too speculative for legal standards of proof. You seem to think that consent requires a verbal statement or written command in order for it to be an explicit expression of consent. Removing one's clothes and embracing the other person are all expressions of consent. Can you give an example of consentual sex in which one party gives no expression of consent? Laying their while the other person continues their sexual advances is not a sign of consent. You may lay their out of fear that if you resist you will be harmed.
@darkmater4tm 10 лет назад
***** Ok, so basically you are repeating my point that, in practice, we treat rape as if it's not a thought crime, only for some reason you're phrasing it as if it is in contrast to what I said. Of course courts don't treat rape as a thought crime, even though it is, because trials as not designed to establish such things. Thought crimes only go through trial for the part that is demonstrable, and only if that exists. Punishment, however, is issued for the thought crime as well. Hate crimes are a another very common example, where you get extra punishment for the thought crime of hating, on top of the harm that you've caused. As for an example of consentual sex without explicit consent, how can you even be taking part in the conversation without having heard of one? Here's one. A girl repeats "stop it" while the guy is going forward. His only clue that she wants him to go on, in spite of her playing hard to get, is in that she doesn't get stressed. She stops shortly before penetration. By that point, had he read her wrong, it could already be sexual assault at a minimum. It was consentual sex only because of her thoughts. In court she would have no problem establishing it as rape. Yes, a reasonable person should choose the risk of disappointing his partner over the risk of committing a crime. But this doesn't change the fact that, had he gone through with it, it would not have been rape, in the popular understanding of rape.
@SigurTibbs 10 лет назад
Just gonna say that being accused of rape while legally doesn't mean you are guilty. But in terms of social perception. There's no recovering from a rape accusation. We always assume the guy is guilty.
@XXSomeDudeXX 10 лет назад
***** It get's worse. Feminists all over USA and Canada are trying to change Due Process for men accused of rape. In other words, feminists are lobbying to change the law so if a man is accused of rape, it is up to him to prove that he DID NOT rape, as opposed to the accuser having to prove that he did. I'm not kidding.
@Bluedragon094 10 лет назад
That 8% of false reports are those reports that have been *found as false beyond any reasonable doubt*. Then you have a whole host of reports in which the case is dismissed or the alleged aggressor is found not guilty. Obviously a guilty person can be found not guilty due to lack of evidence, *but having a lack of evidence might also mean that the person wasn't guilty in the first place meaning they were a victim of a false allegation which wouldn't count toward that 8%.*" The rate of false rape allegations is necessarily higher once you take that into account, but how much higher is completely unknown.
@misterree09 5 лет назад
+Bluedragon094 Can you actually watch the video in its entirety before being quick to make your comment? The 8% figure is for "unfounded". The FBI deemed them unfounded. But if you actually paid attention to the video, you would have understood what the FBI classified as "unfounded". * The victim didn't fight back * The attack didn't use a weapon * The victim didn't sustain injuries * the victim had a prior relationship with the attacker All right there in the video. I know you want to come off looking smart by using the dictionary definition, but as it turns out, the FBI don't use the dictionary definition. You and by extension, the FBI don't factor in attempted rape, where the perpetrator tries to rape but is thwarted by the potential victim or another person. That too can be traumatizing to the potential victim as well. This is to highlight how lax the prosecution system is when it comes to fully understanding ALL relevant circumstances surrounding rape and sexual assault. Also the video isn't about false rape accusations. You are shifting the goal posts by insinuating that women are naturally vindictive towards men. Even though you admit that you have no actual figures to support your assertion, it didn't stop you from further trivializing rape and sexual assault to say that they are used as revenge tools against people they don't like when they come forward. Despite the difficult situation they place themselves in by having to relive the experience when they have to stand trial when being scrutinized by the defendant's lawyer and the jury. The emotional toil those things take didn't dawn on you though.
@BobbyNiggs 10 лет назад
Here is a riddle for you So if an under age boy rapes a woman who is legal age of consent but is passed out drunk, who's the rapist?
@mrplow8 10 лет назад
It may be true that only 8% of rape accusation are considered false under the law, but if the legal definition of rape includes instances where two consenting participants were both intoxicated, then I would argue that some of those accusations are morally false even if they're not legally false. As for unreported rapes, I'm curious how they come up with those statistics. I'm always hearing that rape is one of the least reported crimes, but how do they determine that? And what qualifies as an unreported rape? For instance, suppose that you have two kids dating in high school. He's 18 and she's 17. They have consensual sex. Now, under the law, he's guilty of statutory rape, because the law considers him an adult and her a minor. However, this is unlikely to be reported, because the 17 year old is unlikely to feel that she was the victim of rape, even if the law says that she was. Would this situation be counted as an unreported rape?
@Bluedragon094 10 лет назад
Joseph F _"As for unreported rapes, I'm curious how they come up with those statistics."_ Anonymous surveys. They compile the data in like the NISVS. _"I'm always hearing that rape is one of the least reported crimes, but how do they determine that?"_ Well obviously the surveys are based on pure testimony. If the rape isn't reported, no investigation is conducted, and that means no evidence is collected to vindicate the claim on way or the other beyond the merit of testimony itself. Even still, the fact that so many women would anonymously report being raped and not report the crime is troubling. _"For instance, suppose that you have two kids dating in high school. He's 18 and she's 17. They have consensual sex. Now, under the law, he's guilty of statutory rape, because the law considers him an adult and her a minor. However, this is unlikely to be reported, because the 17 year old is unlikely to feel that she was the victim of rape, even if the law says that she was. Would this situation be counted as an unreported rape?"_ That would entirely depend on the individual survey taker. They might not consider that a rape in a true sense and tailor their answers accordingly.
@Lleanlleawrg 10 лет назад
I know of several example of women that have been raped (some even gang-raped more than once) who were threatened with murder if they went to the cops, and in some cases, they might also be afraid of not being believed, or don't want any more stress out of the situation than what they've already endured, so there's different reasons why women might not report the rapes, as for how many there are, I don't know, but it has to be a fair few. But at the same time, the 8% false accusation statistic, I wonder where that comes from. I assume it only counts cases where someone has been accused of raping someone else, and that it's not lead to a conviction of the alleged rapist. Well, as it happens, not only do I know several cases of women who have been raped, but I know several cases of men who have been falsely accused as well. Three were actually convicted and served / are serving jail time for it, despite both being very unlikely to have done it, and there was no evidence of any kind except the woman in question claiming it was the case, despite these women having an axe to grind with these guys. Two girls decided it was a neat idea to get pregnant so they jumped some 18 year old guys at a party when they themselves were about 14, getting the guys drunk, and lying about their age, they went straight to the cops afterwards and reported them as rapists. Another woman was an au pair who couldn't do her job, because the man in question worked a lot, and needed someone to help look after the kids when he was working, his kids being diabetic, needed insulin shots and some care in controlling diet. This woman was from a place where they didn't have flush toilets or running water, one of her first questions coming into the house was "where's the well?" and had no clue how to cook using any of the appliances, or how to control the insulin shots, so he had to fire her and find someone else. She was not exactly attractive, and this guy makes a fair amount of money and could definitely land someone better than her without too much effort, but after he fired her, she accused him of rape. No physical evidence, just her claim against his, and he's now in jail. So it does happen from time to time, but I wonder if that's counted in the 8% statistic or not, because if not, then that means it's a good chance that the amount of reported rapes being false, is more than one in ten, which is a shocking abuse of the legal system, and I think using legal resources to blackball someone you don't like or whatever, accusing them of having done something as heinous as a rape, is actually a worse crime than committing a rape, and I don't say that lightly. Both are extremely awful crimes, but one uses the foundation of modern society (a code of law) to ruin someone else's life, and contaminate their reputation, and get them put on a sex offender list where they are shunned for the rest of their life, in many cases, whereas a rapist is a deranged evil selfish piece of shit that thinks "i'll take what i want", which is one of the worst crimes anyone could commit.
@mrplow8 10 лет назад
Bluedragon094 But that's kind of important to know, right? People who conduct surveys will sometimes ask questions in a way that will get them the answers that they want. I'm not saying that's the case here, but without knowing the specifics, we can't be sure. For instance, if I'm the one doing the survey, and I have an agenda, I could interview women and ask them questions like, "How old were you when you lost your virginity?" and "How old was the guy?" If they tell me they were 17 and the guy was 18, I could then ask, "Have you ever reported being raped?" without them ever realizing that the questions are even related. If they say that they haven't ever reported being raped, I could then count them as an unreported rape victim without them even knowing it. Again, that may not be the case at all, but we have no way of knowing. That's why I think it's important to know exactly what questions are asked and how they're asked. Another reason why rapes likely go unreported is that prostitutes are often victims of rape. A prostitute who is a victim of rape may be afraid to report the crime out of fear that she will also be arrested for prostitution. This is one of the dangers of having laws against victimless crimes. When someone who is guilty of a victimless crime becomes the victim of an actual crime, they're afraid to go to the police. The same thing happens with drugs. If you're a drug dealer and someone steals from you, you can't go to the police. So a lot of drug dealers end up taking matters into their own hands, which is why there's so much violence associated with the black market for drugs.
@mrplow8 10 лет назад
***** Are you sure that rape threats and rape attempts are included in those statistics? I'm not saying they're not, but I always hear people say "unreported rapes", not "unreported rape threats" or "unreported rape attempts." So it seems like they're talking about instances where a rape actually occurred and wasn't reported.
@mrplow8 10 лет назад
***** Wow, that's fucked up. Especially if they are in fact counting every single online rape "threat" as an unreported rape. If Internet "threats" count as rapes, I'm a rape victim. The reason I put "threat" in quotations is that we all know that people say stupid shit on the Internet that they don't actually mean. I once had a guy tell me that his friend knew how to track where I lived through my PlayStation, and that he was going to come to my house and kick my ass. This was all because I'd beaten him at Mortal Kombat. I didn't take it as a threat, because I didn't believe for one second that the guy had any intention of actually doing that, or that he even could if he'd really wanted to. There's a difference between someone threatening you and someone just being a fucking asshole. Also, I'm curious, if a man used physical force to sexually assault a woman, but did not penetrate her, would that be considered rape?
@The5thStateOfMatter 10 лет назад
Where do people pull these numbers of so-and-so per cent of rapes not being reported if they were, you know, NOT REPORTED?
@Gopherzooka 10 лет назад
I have a question about the 8% how many of the " actual accounts of rape" were convicted based on this idea that if two people are drunk it = rape, because I know for a fact people have been charged on that basis.
@jensbond93 10 лет назад
But what if both partners are intoxicated? With they both be rape victims and rapists at the same time? And chould they later share their jail cell?
@wanker89 10 лет назад
If you drink or take drugs and you know you become slutty, that is on you. I have the same vitriol toward violent drunks and drunk drivers. There is a reason people drink at clubs and parties, to break down their Puritanical barrier. Just because you woke up next to Big Foot because of beer goggles doesn't mean rape. If a guy takes advantage of a passed out girl or force a woman, that is rape. Let the courts decide since we are under the rule of law.
@connormccracken3377 10 лет назад
The Young Turks spreads the knowledge we need to know, not censored by money, the way news should be.
@ThatMans-anAnimal 10 лет назад
8% of the time they are found innocent, there is a difference between that and how many actually are innocent
@cuevasdecamuy 10 лет назад
I think that very often, a girl gets drunk wants have sex, does it. And then when she is completely sober, she sincerely feels like she was rape/taken advantage of..I attribute this to the fact that women get labeled as sluts for acting on their desires,instead of people accepting women as beings that love sex too.
@IraBronnson 10 лет назад
The Stanford policy is ridiculous
@JoeOnWoW 10 лет назад
What he says is true, when two people get drunk and both consent or if a woman rapes a drunk man and regrets it then it's the man who loses his job and gets jail.
@Partyffs 10 лет назад
Legally speaking I was raped, I was drunk beyond the point where i could make any reasoned decision, (she was on top, I was to drunk to be on top) but I don't mind I know It was implied consent(Been making out and want not for hours) therefore it wasn't rape as far as I'm concerned.(I'm an adult I can take responsibility for my actions) These so called rapes that happen when the girl is to drunk to say no, you should have gone home before that point, you shouldn't have drunk that much and you shouldn't have flirted/made out whit the "rapist". In short, you gave implied consent it's your fault.
@Bridget_Leo92 10 лет назад
If some guy passes out and some girl takes advantage of that has sex with him and has to find out the next morning this girl did that to him without him knowing that is rape....it goes both ways. Many dont talk about it but i know men that have told me this has happened and they cant do anything yet they were violated
@Cold4ged 10 лет назад
Freakiest thing about the piece; "Unfounded rape accusations account for 8% of all reports." That is a lot! I would have guessed about 3%." As for the rest, drunk sex is involved in most one night stands, no biggie, but if a girl is too really too drunk to give consent, then an assault has occurred. (No idea what BAL constitutes too drunk to give consent.)
@dj69918 10 лет назад
It bothers me when they talk about rape statistics so confidently. Its a crime where, in the majority of cases, there was only two people involved. Meaning, without dna evidence, the only evidence is the word of the alleged victim. You have no fucking clue what percentage of rapes go unreported or what percentage of rape claims are false. I want justice just as much as the next person, but these "stats" don't do a god damn thing to help. If anything these ridiculous sounding statistics make me feel less sympathetic.
@ImaLaxxer 9 лет назад
Some of the most understandable, intelligent conversations about real, current and ongoing controversies. Love you guys
@elgransick 10 лет назад
Anna, a rape accusation not being proven doesn't count as a false rape accusation. They only count accusations as false if they can prove that the accuser was lying (through their own confession, for example)
@benlowe1701 9 лет назад
Why is it so hard to agree, that Rape is Evil - and falsely accusing someone of rape is just as Evil? I agree that there could be a double standard there... I mean, Men can be raped. So clearly, if both participants are drunk, then neither of them can make a conscious decision, then both of them have committed rape against the other. Not the man, nor the woman. Both them. And this needs to be accepted. And I think, that if two people make the prior agreement to have sex, then I can understand, why, if they are in a present relationship, one wouldn't consider their partner changing their mind. I mean, common sense has to be employed here. You can't place an arbitrary line on it - that's why we have trials and juries. If it was a matter of ticking a box, we'd only need a judge. But seriously people. I get that some people's lives have been ruined by false rape accusations. I have hread some HARROWING Accounts of young men and boys, who lose their virginity in one drunken night, and the next are chucked in a jail cell at the behest of a guilty young girl and her angry father. But that doesn't mean Rape DOESN'T happen - or that it is not wrong. You can't divide it into CRAZY FEMINISTS and BASTARD MISOGYNISTS. That isn't the case and only and idiot would think that it was.
@thecousinbellic 8 лет назад
+Haradion Drogon Absolutely.
@FleurPillager 10 лет назад
I sort of agree with him except men are usually stronger physically and if they are both drunk but the woman clearly says no then there's a problem. The women usually bear at least some responsibility unless it's a blatant abuse of power on the part of the man.
@FleurPillager 10 лет назад
Tosca3MozartMob Every situation is different. Certainly not blaming a rape victim.
@Jelperman 10 лет назад
The drunk driving analogy is flawed, since it assumed both drunk drivers are equally reckless -which is rarely the case when it comes to rape. A better analogy would be if Drunk Driver #1 is speeding, swerving, runs a stop sign and rams into Drunk Driver #2, who was backing into their driveway, and has to be rushed to the hospital with a broken leg. Are both drivers culpable for DUI? Yes, but Drunk Driver #1 is the one who is going to jail for vehicular assault, and rightly so.
@jarroda2006 10 лет назад
4:10 8% seems like a small number, until it completely ruins your life when you are falsely labelled as a rapist in the public opinion.
@Nobodysbby 10 лет назад
Everyone has their opinion but RAPE simply means NON CONSENSUAL.. So if I am blacked out & the man I am staying with knows this & he has sex with me then it is considered rape only if he knew you had no idea what was going on. If the girl is blacked out but looks the guy straight in the eye during intercourse & he is not aware that she isn't fully aware/capable of making her own decisions then that's the difference.
@Nobodysbby 10 лет назад
The same applies to men & women both.
@Gnomefro 10 лет назад
"Everyone has their opinion but RAPE simply means NON CONSENSUAL." If that's all it means, then the word is useless in courts. The reason people object so much to rape is that they envision a guy assaulting a girl, beating the shit out of her and then fucking her silly. That kind of thing should obviously be punished and should be punished like any other violent assault. However, it makes no sense at all to put guys in jail for minor disputes with their girlfriends about whether sex should occur or not and where there's no way for anyone to tell what actually happened. At that point people simply have to sort their own shit out.
@Nobodysbby 10 лет назад
Gnome you said " put guys in jail for minor disputes with their girlfriends about whether sex should occur or not" ... I do not agree with that statement whether you are a man or a woman NO means NO.. Sex has more than physical effects it also comes with mental effects. When you said this Gnome "or not and where there's no way for anyone to tell what actually happened." ... I agree that if there is no evidence, & it's your word against a females then a judge who does her job day in & day out & a jury or peers (you can only hope for) have to use common sense/ judge of character to find justice.. I believe in justice & facts.
@irishgypsy25701 10 лет назад
Rape is a serious, horrible crime and these types of issues only serve to complicate the problem. I think, perhaps a lesser charge for these drunken assaults and prosecution of people who make provably false accusations would be helpful. I realize alot of people will say, rape is rape, but I think there is a big difference between being brutally raped and getting taken advantage of. The damage both physically and psychologically are much more severe in the first than the later. It is also generally perpetrated by two completely different types of people. 
@hookdup1927 9 лет назад
if the women is passed out how could she know if she was raped? likewise if the tree falls in the forest and no one hears it did it fall?
@mailmeonline 10 лет назад
The problem is that the US justice system bases itself too much on precedents instead of taking everything case by case.
@oOPPHOo 10 лет назад
Wanna hear the middle ground? It's when both realize that a mistake happened so no one wants to report anything. Legally they COULD report, but they chose not to. No one intentionally exploited anyone. Unfortunately that means that every time you have sex with some one incapable of giving consent you take the risk of being accused of rape if your partner feels exploited. We simply HAVE to respect it when people feel they've been sexually exploited and find it necessary to report it. If you're in doubt that this person will not regret having sex with you once sobered up and you're conscious enough to say no then don't have have sex with that person. This will of course have a negative impact on the free flow of casual hook ups but that takes second priority to preventing rape.
@iD7my 10 лет назад
when a guy gets drunk and have sex with someone he wouldn't have sex with sober, he gets up, shakes it off and laughs about it the next day. when the same thing happens to a woman she is raped. not saying that rape isn't an issue but those kind of cases inflate the numbers and they make it harder to prosecute real rape cases. we need to stop telling women that they are going to get raped, because it puts the thought in their head and all of the sudden every man is a potential rapist, and if you thought that every person is a pickpocket then every time you miss place your wallet you'll assume that anyone that stood next to you or pumped into you stole it.
@threeofwands 10 лет назад
Well, that's a good point about the pickpocket, although if one is in an environment of thieves then you probably shouldn't leave your wallet on the table. Traditionally, men have been more likely to be held accountable for rapes because there is a penis that has to be erect, and when it is it can penetrate something, and the logic is that the burden might fall more heavily there. However I really think it should be context, and context means being aware of the company that you're keeping.
@LegoDaleks 10 лет назад
Okay so just don't have sex with intoxicated people - simple. What's so unreasonable about that?
@plaguedoct0r 10 лет назад
8% is a huge amount! What the hell?! Also, those FBI _guidelines_ aren't rigid, they are factors that are considered when deciding if a rape occurred or not.
@amanvds 10 лет назад
FBI stats are largely inaccurate on most of the things let alone rape ..... and i totally don't buy the 8% shit the real percentage is much high ...... and don't forget the feminists influence on the government .... and the modified definition of rape They just artificially increases the number of rape and decreases the number of false accusation's.
@santosscribbles 10 лет назад
im down with taking rape seriously, but i do think a healthy lack of zeal in the matter is also warranted. solid scrutiny should be brought to every rape case or else we let our propensity to turn accusations into a witch hunt and force peoples reputations and lives into an abyss a la Brian Banks.
@dolamitic 10 лет назад
Two questions about the Stanford definition. What happens if both people have alcohol in the system, are they bother charged with sexual assault? Secondly how often is a female charged or something under this definition?
@willbanjara3407 9 лет назад
The expert in the psychology of technical game analysis say's ABOUT 17% of rape that occur are rape. The rest both parties are equally involved! Ken Woods MA.
@KaiseaWings 10 лет назад
Wait, so if I lie down and just decide not to fight back while my best friend holds me down because I don't wanna get hurt? That doesn't count?? That's insane.
@HoppyBunny. 8 лет назад
UVA show clearly the causal nature motivating false rape accusations. It also shows how the general population automatically assumed guilt of the men accused. if it were not for one or two men willing to investigate a bit further, the lives of several innocent fraternity men would be completely ruined, and at no point would the woman behind the false allegation feel an inch of remorse for the damage she might have done, (and still doesn't.) And that's the central issue. Since there is no real consequence for women making false rape accusations, there's little reason for several women not to do so out of spite, vindictiveness or simply to make a man suffer horribly for any reason. What college men on campuses need to be taught is to extremely careful of the female company they keep and always keep in the forefront of their minds to proceed with extreme caution with campus women. Always make sure there are witnesses, don't offer them drinks, and take time out to find out about her past and if she ever made an allegation before. If so, run the other way and don't look back.
@BuckFastZombie 8 лет назад
+blackburn9 This is bad, bad news. WTF is going on in the minds of the women who make these claims, what kind of human beings are they? I remember years ago my friends wife was out with a girl who was crying and told she had been raped on the previous night out. Everyone went to the police station for hours and hours on end, and when they wanted to do a medical examination, she refused, and ownend up to lying, as she didnt want her husband to know she cheated on him! She was caught out, and was prepared to fully go ahead and prosecute an innocent man. What boils my blood to this day is she got to go home, with no consequences after that. Boils my blood. Is this what happens in colleges these days, you sleep with someone you regret, and get accused for bloody rape!? I have slept with some horrors on some drunken nights, and Im sure some girls have felt the same! Whatever happened to shrugging it off, throwing up, then laughing about it later? Nowadays people dont take responsibility for a drunken lay, and instead play a victim, and try to send someone to jail for life! What a world we live in.
@johnandjeannawatson5705 10 лет назад
This was very eye opening. Thank you for reporting on this. Maybe the right person will see it and something will be done.
@fumblingman1691 10 лет назад
False accusation isn't the main issue, but that's not to say that it isn't an issue. The stigma of rape is life ruining, and for innocent parties that's beyond ruining. I'd also like to see where the numbers come from. Do they come from convictions? Because a problem that James Taranto should have been addressing is situations where the conflict boils down to "their word against ours". In many rapes, there is unsuitable evidence, and the law leans towards to the women. It gives them the benefit of the doubt, which is great for women, but disastrous in the case of false accusation (and can skew the figures significantly). A word for the comments. If you refer disparagingly to "MRA"s, or "Femists/Feminazis", your opinion is invalid, as you can't raise yourself above petty side taking.
@williamcutting9911 8 лет назад
A rape accusation can destroy a man's life . But you're right it's only 8pct it's not a big deal.
@alonzo9772 10 лет назад
And people are saying India has a rape problem. We can't even get our stuff together...
@JRMCNEA 10 лет назад
Ana you missed some. that actually drives the figure down from 8% There was not evidence of Forced sexual activity. Evidence contradicting the "victim's claim, And also aligations that do not get investigated in other words a grou of women cliaming a taxi driver raped them and evidence was provided on the spot that they were lying. Also I would like to point out the women who ACTUALLY tried this were not charged of a crime. So to try and downplay the numbers speculating that there is erroneous factors is just as bad as saying if a woman orgasm's she wasn't raped.
@coroanmon10023 10 лет назад
I'm not gonna lie, I thought this was going to about how some say it is impossible for a woman to rape a man.
@yaniczka 10 лет назад
as a woman who likes her liquer occasionally - it is my decision to drink and get intoxicated. if in such state i agree to have sex with somebody, that is my wrong decision that i may regret later, but i am the one to be blamed and that is not rape at all. but if somebody puts something in my drink or fucks me without my stated content, then it is rape. unfortunatelly lines are rather blurred sometimes... but before telling women not to get drunk, it would be better to tell guys to always ask for content and if they are not sure, better not to do it. and yeah, i am talking about male rapist, because it is much easier for a man to rape a woman than visa versa. men needs to have physical reaction to be able to have sex.
@blacklite911 10 лет назад
I remember when I was in university and I was afraid of getting accused of rape if I were to take home a drunk girl. Fortunately, I never did but it was a huge fear of mine. Now as an adult, I know that drunk sex sucks anyways so I don't even get into those kinds of situations.
@HappySqrl 10 лет назад
As a note, from my vary limited experience, a lot of false accusations of rape never involve the police. A guy I new in college was sleeping with a woman who had a boyfriend, when her boyfriend found out about her cheating she claimed she was raped, and when he broke up with her she tried to enter into a relationship with her supposed rapist. Another case I heard of from a friend was a woman who claimed to be raped by her boss in a large company. The boss claimed that she was trying to get revenge on him because she was (repeatedly) turned down for promotions. When the company tried to get the police involved she tried to back out of her accusations, and when a co-worker produced emails where she suggested that she would get him fired for promoting someone else she was fired. Now, I see nothing wrong with claiming that most people who claim that someone raped them are telling the truth (as they see it) but why these crimes should be investigated by the police and not by an institution like a college is because there are a lot of crazy people in the world who will claim anything for just about any reason.
@Gurianthe 10 лет назад
1:10 when you're drunk you can't make conscious decisions....
@EclipseClemens 10 лет назад
I disagree, TYT, you guys didn't do much digging on this story and came to a lot of assumptions.
@milese6601 10 лет назад
I know two victims of false reports, so the issue sketches me out. And in my eyes I think false reporting is a large issue. I also know some other girls that have lied about being rapped in the past just to make people feel bad for them. No joke.
@thezenthink 10 лет назад
Jesus Christ. This was a vaudeville act. At 6:30 I swear to god, you both became Abott and Costello. This is a professional story? Did you look at the statistics at all or visit Gawker for your take? Cenk: Heeeeey Abottt!
@Garthock 10 лет назад
I had a philosophy professor provide a situation that we had to respond to. It was essentially a story about a man and a woman. I forget the exact premise, but the man was suppose to be driving the woman to her home, but instead drives her to his house. She willingly goes inside after saying that she wanted to go home instead. Once inside, he asks if she wants a drink, and she willingly drinks. Despite her asking to be taken back home, she continues drinking as he continues to press her to keep drinking (the assumption is that it's a mutual situation, they're both drinking and he's encouraging her to drink more). They end up sleeping together, and the next morning the woman thinks she was raped because she had initially told him she wanted to go home. I mean, people argue everyday that this is a case of rape.
@IamDeadWing 10 лет назад
I gots a question for ya. If a women or man decided to have sex with someone and that some one fell asleep right before the end, is it rape to finish.
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