
Reacting to Comments from the Most Toxic Mythic+ Pug Video Ever... 

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7 июл 2024




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@Seph.ackerman 13 дней назад
People legitimizing toxic behaviour as normal are a big part of the problem and likely defend it cause they behave the same.
@hugofreitas6799 13 дней назад
Well, it is normal.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Yup. people mistake the word "regular" for "normal." Its "regular" behavior because of how many bad actors congregate in this conversation. That doesn't normalize it.
@Seph.ackerman 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Well I have all my buttons keybinded and all my portals and crap - still gotta agree.
@ThomasBachler01 13 дней назад
@@Seph.ackerman but do you also have KSM and KSH? Otherwise I am not sure if you have the authority for common grounds here.
@Seph.ackerman 13 дней назад
@@ThomasBachler01 got those right after my method trial.
@akcat11 13 дней назад
its funny how this TeslaTrips guy is insulting others by calling them "dirty no lifers" etc, yet he is acting as if WoW is the only thing that matters in his "life", if you can even call it that.. That dude is 100% projecting and is literally describing himself in every sentence he makes
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya, that one is ultra embarrassing tbh. That dude tried to make a point then totally invalidated that point each and every subsequent comment.
@Nienora 13 дней назад
lol, he just kept repeating it! Like, I get it, sweetheart, you need a shower, but by all means, keep coming at me with your nonsensical ad hominem attacks. People like that quickly out themselves in their own responses because they lack any personal discipline to understand the difference between a valid argument and an attack.
@TeslaTrips 12 дней назад
wanna know a fun fact ? i dont even play wow ;)
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@TeslaTrips that does not surprise me at all.
@akcat11 11 дней назад
@@TeslaTrips yet you still talk as if it is the only thing in your life. this should make you consider on how you appear as a person in the internet, one way or another, really really sad. actually you just made yourself look even worse, you watch a video of a game you dont even play to be toxic specially about the rating in the game (that you still dont play).. like... i wonder where in your life went something that horribly wrong to be like this.
@OneNvrKnoz 13 дней назад
"as long as the hands are down, then they can't press cyclone" had me in stitches for a good 10 minutes. ROFL
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
haha glad you caught that!
@zejzild 10 дней назад
Same xD and that last guy, was he really boasting about keybinding stuff? Like... wow.... bet he'd be fun hanging out with at a bar... "so, baby.... wanna hear something REAL crazy? Last night, I made my w key into a mouseclick!!! So now you obv have to sleep with me!!!!" veeeery impressive xD
@Nienora 13 дней назад
I was honored to be called "karen of the bat cave" (whatever that means...). I'm more a "hide in the shadows" member as I often watch all new content, but rarely comment... but boy was this a gem! As a nurse with a psych major, it's fascinating to see the lack of introspection in these type of insults. Most of everything that they say is pure self-projection as people often insult from a source of personal experience. If someone objects, come with facts to support your side, but the second you revert to personal attacks, you've truly lost the argument. I tend to play all three end-game content as a raider, mythic + and rated PvP and each has their own skill set and strategies, but for those to simply attack an argument for morality and decency on the internet and then absolutely lack either of those... a good look in the mirror is warranted. Time for me to go take my monthly shower now.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
haha sorry you got attacked, but you handled it masterfully so thanks for that! These guys really are headcases. The bat cave comment is funny too like wtf is he saying with that
@Nienora 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro , it's all good. It's fascinating how low someone will go when they lose the moral argument. I did learn that apparently I am one of the best players on my realm because I have keybinds, ports and muscle memory... go me!
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@Nienora hahaha
@Erik_Arnqvist 13 дней назад
These people that apparently know Bazza I would assume also loves "alpha male sigma life tips" so they should know that their network is their networth and should get better friends.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Funny, but true!
@JGTheStorytime 13 дней назад
The dude monologuing about druid spells and portals had me dead. I can't believe people actually take time out of their day to post this with the intention of trying to make a coherent point.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Its WILD right!? Like he typed that all out and hit enter thinking this was going to go well... Scary.
@her0268 13 дней назад
The Sabidinca guy made me chuckle, that was the most schizophrenic comment I have ever seen. The guy basically wrote a whole book in the comments to brag about getting portals, and it is mind boggling that in his brain he thinks that he is one of the greatest players to have ever touched the video game. Or perhaps he is a genius troll that has all of us wrapped around his finger, but I highly doubt it.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya no shot. You can always tell the ones that are serious because its just word vomit. Basically a string of thoughts comes to the guys head and he pukes it on to his keyboard and hits enter. A troll would have thought a bit more to make it perfect.
@Kim-tr5op 13 дней назад
thats why i always have a few "Neural Silencer MK3" ready in my bag
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
ya, I always forget about those.
@theroyalcam 10 дней назад
ive been pugging m+ since legion extensively and there is one rule ive stuck to for all these years, never never never ever ever ever ever EVER invite a premade to your pug key. IT IS NOT WORTH THE RISK.
@heythereguysitsMetro 9 дней назад
@@theroyalcam glad you agree!
@SoleaGalilei 12 дней назад
You make a good point. How you act online where there are no consequences speaks more about your character than how you act IRL where it's not so easy to get away with shit. Maybe that's what people mean when they keep saying "it's just the internet", all they see is there are no consequences and it never occurs to them other people make choices not only based on consequences but based on what we personally think is right or wrong.
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@SoleaGalilei that's exactly it.
@kylewood4079 13 дней назад
I made the mistake of inviting a 3300 io Tank (from my same server) to a +10 Azure Vault PUG group. During the countdown after activating the key, he demanded 50K gold or he would leave. One of the rando group members offered 10K, but I just kicked the Tank out of pure disgust. Key was shot and group disbanded. Worst experience for me in WOW to date.
@heythereguysitsMetro 8 дней назад
Ya that is an absolute must record situation there. Would love to expose that type of thing.
@leautrec6492 13 дней назад
Today I learned to never invite a Duo and never read youtube comments 😂
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Glad to hear this was also educational.
@becomeanhero9875 13 дней назад
"the big guns runned the maths" "your non existant dps is needed"
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya like how do you type that out, literally, and feel confident with that statement. But even worse is saying it at all. He really believes that's what's happening here? By "they ran the math" does he mean the math on the death counter they are ballooning?
@becomeanhero9875 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Having one player in your pug that isn't getting any value for completing it (maybe just for their weekly if anything) can cause so many problems for the whole group its insane and kind of sad. This problem gets multiplied when you have more than one queued together, they are mostly likely in discord and shit talking the whole group throughout the dungeon. Now not everyone in lfg is a sociopath however i agree with you that avoiding them all together is much better, especially if you are soloqueing lfg where you need every bit of rng in your favor.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@becomeanhero9875 Glad to hear you agree!
@nukins 13 дней назад
Dude i have all my buttons keybinded i have an mmo mouse and i have gained my muscle memory over the years thats why pvp its easy for me. Most pve players are clickers and thats the reason why not many pve players pvp. Just wait until all the clickers in classic cata start to fail and wait for the drama in the guilds because clickers dont like to move and they dont look at whats going on.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
hahhaa love it
@msscott22 13 дней назад
The Aaron Judge comment has me rolling. That's amazing. Imagine if Soto and Judge were running around in the outfield trying to trip Verdugo while he was catching flyballs. That'd be the equivalent of that toxic duo from that video.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Haha love that continuation of the analogy! Then after they are tripping him they are talking to the media in their post game scrum and they trying to justify it by saying he isn't good enough to be on the team with them lol... Sounds like something you'd hear kids say in little league!
@Deadscheme 13 дней назад
Craziest part about these comments is that 90% of them are either lying about their skill level or straight up have not played the game in years. Mythic+/Arena videos are PLAGUED with people over exaggerating or just lying about their character. They are all Top realm/world first statistically its all bullshit.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya, the internet in general is just filled with liars and cowards. Its really weird, but I guess it makes sense because being those things in the real world is hugely detrimental to your success, so the only place they can actually thrive is an online video game that fails to punish either thing.
@saetchs 12 дней назад
You know when you read "Dude i have all my buttons keybinded" you are dealing with someone at the top. Playing only for the rankings. Absolute machine
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@saetchs yup. Not everyone can even imagine being this skilled.
@spartangamer1 13 дней назад
im no 3600 player, but i do okay...usually about to 3k by the end of the seasons(im never really interested in pushing farther past that). i find it astounding that people like the priest and dk even exist, I had a dh tank hold an underrot 3 key hostage this xpac. I really wish i recorded it, would have been a good one to highlight. we got past the 3rd boss and they literally said 50k or they would leave. as an over geared fury warrior (I was there to farm the mount) I knew id be able to finish the key with the rest of the group, impending victory on the last boss is really op to assist the healer and we did time it regardless of the selfish dh...I love helping lower rating people when i have spare time,,,and i never need anything for it. its always interesting to see what mistakes they make along the way. I have learned many things for myself in those situations too...not gonna lie, it can be entertaining to wipe on raszageth lfr for a couple hours, but even more rewarding when i see the progress within the group when they actually down it and grasp mechanics! More players should be helping these people learn instead of messing with them. I love your content and keep the clips coming! i always look forward to your vids when they come up.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Thanks a lot! Sorry to hear about your key there, but hopefully that's one to remind you to record them all moving forward!
@RealCecilion 13 дней назад
Im pretty sure that’s against tos if that actually happens and that DH could’ve got banned if you reported him in a ticket with proof, if you get to an actual human in the ticket nowadays
@kizzagaming6523 13 дней назад
Yikes, welp... We love ya mate and appreciate the level headedness & videos. I feel like sometimes when I look back that maybe I'm coming across as hostile when we've disagreed on something, but then I read things like this and I just can't believe people even say this crap. It's crazy.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Haha the regulars I'll always respect man. Any time it seems heated, know its trumped by you being a returning viewer and commenter. I value that communication and reciprocation of respect more than any single comment. There are a lot of people who do NOT respect me or just influencers making videos in general. Really probably just any other human in general. That's what you are seeing in this video haha
@eaalders628 13 дней назад
Troll me in a key that's not mine and I'm out of there, troll me in a key that's mine and you're getting blacklisted and never invited again. Why are people normalizing clearly toxic behaviour like gripping people into their deaths?
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@eaalders628 there is a dude who just now posted like 6 paragraphs trying to normalize everything. It's utterly insane. He says staying dead on the last boss is just as toxic as anything else etc. People really are just not right in the head.
@Gamemorewow 13 дней назад
With the duo thing I just wanted to say I appreciate you always give your opinion regardless of how popular that opinion is going to be. I am very new to PVE but I honestly see the exact same negative trend with duos, and simultaneously I've had some of my best times with duos as well. It just feels like more of a risk when inviting them. My exception almost becomes we will probably either get a good time or not finish at all. You also are opening yourself to more toxicity. Anyways it's clear you've done lots and lots of pug keys and have an insight into that realm that not many players can share. Thank you for sharing your opinions and trying to help people get as far as they can in this intimidating realm.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Thanks a lot for saying that, and I agree with your summary of the problems. But ya, I have pretty much exclusively pugged since MoP CMs, so its been pretty wild over the years. I don't know how many people have that same level of exposure, but I can't imagine its a lot!
@Oliyox 10 дней назад
At this point I'm done with these types of people after doing my own 0 to hero, it actually broke me and now I'm becoming toxic, told an intentional griefer to kill himself which I'm not proud of, but sadly I meant it. And you're right, it was a priest with a waaay higher score and Ilevel, they just join lower keys to make everyones life miserable.
@heythereguysitsMetro 10 дней назад
@@Oliyox geez ya, take a break. This type of stuff is like a virus. Spreads and infects everyone around until they too partake. If you get too deep in it, it can cause some huge issues for you, not just in game.
@Oliyox 10 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Oh yeah I quit M+ for the season after that run, somehow I do Rated PvP and don't encounter this level of toxicity there which is ironic.
@dtrane86 13 дней назад
Glad you went over the duos thing in more detail. O think you’re right it’s not worth the risk. If you and your buddy want to play together list your own key
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Yup, you really should just do your own key when pugging as a group. You have multiple keys to choose from and you already have part of the group formed. The likelihood that you get invited as a duo is very low anyway, simply because they need to need BOTH of you.
@dannyd806 13 дней назад
Thank you for clarifying what you meant by inviting players grouped up is generally bad. As a tank who normally rolls with my healer I was confused, but I can see where you’re coming from. You’ll definitely have an increased chance of toxic behaviour with a group of 2/3 players signed up verses just having 5 random players. Not all are bad but the logic is sound!
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@dannyd806 ya not all anything is ever bad but this is just a numbers game in a stacked deck of pugging. No reason to risk it.
@terryfunk1728 13 дней назад
My opinion is that for lower/midrange keys it is indeed almost everytime bad to invite a duo, however for high pug keys with no comms it can be very beneficial to invite a duo because they tend to be communicating with each other in voice. (This is my experience as someone who is pugging high keys and isnt comfortable being on voicechat myself.)
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Cool, ultimately it is up to you! This got brought up specifically for low keys though, so I'll stick to that for now. I don't really ever see duos even sign up for the keys I'm doing, let alone get invited, so no real advice or experience on that side.
@RealCecilion 13 дней назад
Duo is like a double edged sword in high keys, they are either communicating with each other really well or don’t say anything and you are better off with 2 solos
@mbailey314 13 дней назад
What I took from the middle portion of this video... There are a lot of commentators here that seem to think you need to do 500k overall to complete a +9. Trolling your buddies in a key is always funny, but man that's pretty unacceptable in a pug with strangers. It's not that complicated. Can't believe people were defending that behavior. Also the dude telling people they have no lives seems to have a lot of spare time to comment on youtube for such a busy and successful person.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
That same dude is still replying. He just last night said "trolling people for fun in a game is okay, it's supposed to be played for fun after all" or something like that. Like what the actual fuck are these guys saying at this point!? If you abuse other people for fun and only you find it fun, you are a scum bag. End of story.
@leon03k 13 дней назад
Metro, love your content . You’re the only wow content creator that provides this kind of stuff. What’s your take on people not knowing mechanics in key ranges +12 and higher?
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Thanks a lot! Glad to be a force for change. I think the problem in that 12 range is simply that its too easy to be carried. That's on Blizzard and they have taken action to make the lower keys harder. Can only hope they will continue that trend.
@leon03k 13 дней назад
The frustrated part is that this are people with the correct io rating for the key level and still haven’t learned a dam thing. Super frustrating !
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@leon03k ya and it's like that in every key range honestly.
@SmokerFace12 13 дней назад
19:22 holy shit, wildest stuff I ever read. It gets worse the longer I read. Oh my god.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya that stuff is just strange. Can't take it serious.
@kfactor99 13 дней назад
idk man. that guy has all his spells keybinded. i wouldn't mess with him.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Now he just needs his keys unbinded.
@Soldruid 12 дней назад
You are absolutely amazing. Thank you for your content ❤
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@Soldruid my pleasure glad you like it!
@Kuoin 13 дней назад
The thumbnail for this video is perfect along with the theme of the video haha
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Glad it hit home!
@metermaide1726 13 дней назад
its so strange to me when these toxic personalities leave comments defending assholes inting games, it makes me wonder what they are really like outside of the game.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
They are appear to be cowards, so probably totally different. This is the real version of them. The one the world sees is the anxious outer shell they have to cobble together to avoid getting pushed out of society. Its actually kind of sad when you think about it that way. How many people use the internet to just be their worst selfs.
@MinhNguyen-zw8zj 12 дней назад
Does anyone know if the two players been banned? They need to be perma banned asap.
@heythereguysitsMetro 9 дней назад
They won't ever be banned for this sadly. That's why I'm making the videos on it to raise awareness so the community can take action instead.
@Titan.Fox56 13 дней назад
I'm a pvper and a pver and I will say that Jacklovex guy should just shut up and stay in the pvp department cause he made himself look like an idiot. When I was a 12-17 yrs old playing online games I was bad with toxicity I would say things that would make a sailor blush and as time went on I realized I didn't like the person I became I was a ASSHOLE, so I stepped back from Heroic raiding(this is when raids only had two difficulties.) and hardcore gaming and as well as stepped back from being on the mic. I took a break from it all and now when I play WoW I will occasionally get tilted but that's only in pvp, in pve I'm more chill and relaxed cause being frustrated and raging at the end of the day doesn't accomplish NOTHING except making yourself miserable. WoW or in any game in general shouldn't be taken serious to the point you are treating it like a second job, and when it gets to that point people need to wake up, step back from the game, and evaluate themselves. Games are meant for fun but you have those players who treat the game like its their only income and expect people not to make mistakes. Anyways sorry for the long post but ever sense the introduction of M+ the toxicity has risen drastically to the point it has made people not even care to attempt M+ unless with friends/guildies. But that's the way pugging M+ is tho you take a chance to get 4 dickweeds or 1 dickweed.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
No need to be sorry, your story is super relatable. I could tell a similar tale. I think the end of it matters the most though. Eventually you grow up and look back and hate the old you. That's how I am. I don't know that this is how these guys are, and that worries me.
@Hadesxo027 13 дней назад
As much as I want to disagree with you (as a person who is pugging quite often with 2-3-4 "premades" (depending on who is missing from our premade) I do admit that the phenomenon you described regarding "duos" is just way too accurate. Unless its a "whatever bnet friend" - from the moment you know the other person who you are queuing - the following conversation will never happen: random dps: healer, why did you DPS instead of healing (classic high key resto druid with 60k healing on a 17 Halls 3rd boss) duo healer: Yes, sorry I got distracted and didn't HoT people up in time, sorry for that duo dps: Yes, we were just discussing in voice that he should focus on preHoT-ing people: It's rather like this (sorry for the language, tried to change characters for keeping the authenticity) random dps: healer, why did you DPS instead of healing ? (classic high key resto druid with 60k healing on a 17 Halls 3rd boss) duo healer: lol you m0r0n, maybe if you pressed defensives? Do you know them? noob, learn to play --> leaves duo dps: yeah ffs, why are you flaming the healer if you are just tra$h?? Learn to play and use defensives --> leaves too In our premade (regardless its a duo, trio or four people premade) we actually do admit if any of our members do mistake. This is the reason we still dont have a full group, because its hard to find people who can understand that 1. mistakes can happen 2. as long as you learn from it its okay 3. we do better next time So far we had 75% positive reaction to our members admitting mistakes or understanding what happened and explaining, but I would like to believe this is a way better approach to the toxic approach many people present. I don't fully understand why people make such a big fuss about "admitting a mistake", tho. I mean since when it's a sign of weakness? If you cannot admit to yourself that you made a mistake how on earth do you expect to improve? I know there are some people who "quietly admitting" but I know for sure they don't - because they still rage when the same thing happens over and over again. Unfortunately I have been to groups / premade groups where this was a "requirement" to protect each other and disagreeing or pinpointing " [insert play name] is actually right man, you didn't do [action]'" meant an instant kick / ban for me. Duos (most --> 95% at least) will always protect each other no matter what, even if the evidence is clearly there - as shown on the video. I think the only duo which is the "safer" is the tank + healer, tho.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
It could be for sure. But ya, you summarized all the social stuff very well. Thanks for doing that!
@gxxkc8074 13 дней назад
there have been times where on solo bosses ive had to look at boss hp look at my dps and run the numbers mentally to see if i can time it solo mid fight, its not often but it has happened. Yazma comes to mind.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Maybe he was thinking of you! If he was indeed "thinking" at all.
@gxxkc8074 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro would be odd if a random person who doesn't know me did that.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@gxxkc8074 This guy is certainly the definition of odd, so ya never know!
@Z_inky 12 дней назад
I had a strong urge to word vomit to the PvP guy that 1 of my buddies who had never touched WoW a day in his life went from beginner to 3 chesting 10s (top dam) in less than 72 hours of total /timeplayed on WoW, Whilst not necessarily a feat. Just emphasizes you can start as garbage & be decent quickly if you try. I don't find myself to be a casual but I'm also not top .1%, I get bored of pugging each season around +15s (old +25s), I could possibly skullbash to +18s if I tried but, when I hit a wall, takes a lot for me to improve. I almost wanna say I understand why people would be toxic in low keys, if someone has a "3.5k main" linked to their alt, and doing less damage than the tank, maybe I'd say something a few times, but those specific circumstances are so few and far between, to deliberately be provocative and a heavy weight on the team solely because people aren't playing like you want, it's just a waste of your energy, like if you're gonna be a troll, at least say a slur (not actually) so you get banned & don't need to be dealt with for 3-4 days, touch some grass in that time, and come back not a drag on pugging society
@heythereguysitsMetro 9 дней назад
Ya sadly too many people just can't get away from this elitism
@dagowow 13 дней назад
Ok, let's be honest. all these people talking about being "succesful" at WoW but don't break into the professional scene; why do they speak up? In the grand scheme, they haven't achieved anything they're blabbering about lol. Reality checks can't come soon enough - especially adjusting their expectation in PUG content. That blows me away, the standard they're trying to achieve in content with strangers.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya its basically peacocking but half the features are turkey feathers. Most of the stuff that gets said is just a lie, OR its an exaggeration to sound better than it is. Or its just bizarre confusion like that guy bragging about getting the portals haha
@typicalzergling9955 9 дней назад
Best part about the back and forth in the comments is that it feeds the algorithm and makes the video far more popular and relevant than most of your other videos. So if they wanted to defend this behavior/person all they did by arguing in comments is make it more visible.
@heythereguysitsMetro 9 дней назад
Ya those videos catch fire because of how controversial the comments get. I'm not sure how it works, but I'm happy because it basically triple dips. More eyes on the content, and more eyes on their bad behavior in the comments section, on top of all the regular eyes.
@typicalzergling9955 8 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro it all feeds the engagement, the more they post the better your engagement score! Here, have some more engagement!
@heythereguysitsMetro 8 дней назад
@@typicalzergling9955 haha thanks!
@mumfordjam3731 13 дней назад
This was such a good laugh. You just gotta wonder what goes through there mind.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
In the case of that one guy, I think the answer is something very confusing.
@akira410 13 дней назад
It's funny. I agree with you that inviting duos often turns out bad, but hypocritically, I often run as a duo myself. I'm a tank and I run with my healer buddy. We're always in comms and we're constantly communicating about what he has available and what I have available or plan to do. If he's had to blow big CDs on a DPS hiccup, he lets me know so I can adjust my pull accordingly, etc. Duos like that are fantastic to invite but it's impossible to know which one you're going to get. Someone else said something about it being self projection (regarding the toxicity) and I think a lot of that is true, too. I know some people who typically mean well but sometimes can be a bit toxic to others, and often someone in a group will be said that's completely fine (by someone else) and they will interpret it in a negative way and start accusing that person of being toxic... because in their mind, had they said something like that they would have meant it negatively, so this other person must mean it negatively too -- but I'm standing back looking at the context of it all and I see that they didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I end up having to break it down for them and explain how this random pug wasn't coming from a toxic place and they're just interpreting things that way. I'm just rambling at this point. Good video, Metro! Watch out for those Bitenhunden.(or whatever it was lol)
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
haha thanks! The damn doggensteins!
@TheGoobMeista 13 дней назад
I don't understand how you can defend the behavior shown in that video. I'm a noob to this community and im a cata player, but i was thinking about trying Mythic+ Keys and People like Bazzamage, toxicity and an overall bad vibe keeps pushing me away from trying Dragonflight atm. (been a player since TBC 2007) and anytime i return to Dragonflight, even for dungeons. People yell, scream, and kick, if you do ANYTHING wrong.
@H41030v3rki110ny0u 13 дней назад
Same .. think about coming back to WoW, keep watching wow content.. but people like these in Mythic+ makes me realize I should stick with FF14 sadly
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Well its being defended because the people defending them are either their friends or also bad actors with no real respect for other human beings. This is VERY different though, from your run of the mill arguments we see in keys. People do get agitated by just about any mistake in wow, but that's easy to solve. Obviously work on the mistake and diagnose what the reaction means compared to the severity of the mistake. Some times its just people overreacting, and to that you pay no heed. But THIS is just sociopathic. Their behavior had nothing to do with this key at all. They weren't responding to any actual mistakes of problems, outside of the single fear kick being missed.
@TheGoobMeista 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro i agree 100% with everything in this statement. I guess for me i have the social anxiety of making a mistake and dragging everyone down.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@TheGoobMeista Ya, no doubt. That's a hard thing to overcome. I have it to a degree as well, but have it really bad IRL. Its easier in game because I am able to leave the situation whenever I want safely, AND I am able to analyze the situation afterwards. I record the runs, review what happened, and know if I messed up or if the player was overreacting. After years of that feedback loop playing out, it has made me steely against the corrosion of the pug commentary.
@jewishjojo 13 дней назад
Sorry Metro I do one key a week and my vast anecdotal experience disagrees with you so your opinion is wrong. Jokes aside, I played with a less than polite duo for a while and you are 100% right that the relationships going into a key are more important to duos/trios than the "random" they join. My new group is much nicer to PUGs we join, but if I was posting my key, I wouldn't want to take that coinflip. Better that everyone in there is a stranger and there for the key than the slim chance for the alternative. *Playing with a premade feels less like one group of 5 and instead two smaller groups thrown together.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
haha ya sadly I have seen it too many times in too many places. This was firmly in my mind from my days of raid leading and guild leadership too. Every single time we invited a duo to the guild, they would just form their own clique and never integrate.
@omnislash882004 13 дней назад
Any competitive game mode, and I mean this in a broad sense (has timers, rankings, actual consequences to failure in this case depleting your key stone) will always breed this kinda toxicity. There are varying to degrees and none of it is ok. This is an extreme outlier and I will be honest, this video should just be put into a ticket and sent straight to Blizzard. (Pray an actual human being looks at it.) And these players get banned for breaching the social contract which is against ToS. This behavior honestly deters me from enjoying M+ its bad enough I have to up my game every single season just to stay relevant for my raid team. I dont need it to be any harder.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
It should be actioned for sure.
@johnsullivanmusic2719 13 дней назад
If someone is a douche to a really excessive degree in a game its kind of the same red flag as if someone just hates animals for no reason or is mean to animals for no reason. Probably not a great person deep down inside, they are taking the opportunity to act on their irl insecurities or anger in a videogame. Which dont get me wrong, it can be e healthy outlet; in a single player game. an MMO where you are subjecting other people to your bullshit and wasting their time where they have limited ability to fight back against it, it starts to border on like sadism or sociopathy.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya, I think that's a bit of an extreme example but I get your point. Anyone who victimizes others when they know there will be minor or zero repercussions is scum deep down. A wise quote from Rust Cohle: "If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward then that person is a piece of shit." I think you can substitute "divine reward" with "the expectation of being punished" and its basically what we have here.
@icswack6015 13 дней назад
The most funny thing to me is the guy defending bazzamage is calling people no lifers while claiming he is a high end player. But the thing is pushing for title requires you to play a lot of hours to practice keys and then do homework keys until you get the ones you need. Now I know that he said I only think Im a good player and Im actually trash but I do have 3 titles and I can say that I pretty much had no life in seasons I pushed for title. So not sure who he is reffering to as no lifers, couldnt possible be that he is playing wow 10 hours a day himself?
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Everything that dude did and said is oxymoronic so why should this be any different!
@nukins 13 дней назад
19:23 some people are just dellusional, theres nothing to even say about this one LOL
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
I'm gonna go ahead and say something else beside delusion is impacting that fella haha
@jacobstewart2638 13 дней назад
i remember in Legion/BFA i did mega amounts of Mythic+ as a blood dk Tank my highest key was a mythic+ 14 in Motherlode and completed it, not in time though but considering when 15 was the highest key possible i thought that was pretty good i got so sick and tired of people and their garbage antics i quit retail. Legion was ok but BFA just made me loose my mind! i rejoined in TBC classic re-launch and ever since then i have smashed Heroic dungeons as Tank in TBC/WOLTK and now Cata! Iam a tbc/woltk dungeon master and Hero. Perhaps one day i'll conqueror the mythic+ again but watching these videos makes me think it's only got worse not better Keep making the videos man i absolutely love them!!! They make me laugh so hard!! And i appreciate you making this content so i can enjoy it :)
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Thanks! Laughing and learning is the goal. Glad it's hitting!
@kyrriana1772 12 дней назад
Dude... I have all portals and KSH on multiple alts, and I´m as mediocre player as they go... people defending trolling baffle me. I actually stopped playing with a guy I known for some time because his idea of fun was being disruptive in a key. Aiming tank frontals on the group last second "to scare them" was his favourite. And ofc, not rarely, he could not remedy the situation and bricked totally doable keys by this. And I told him to knock it off, he called me nerd who takes the game too seriously :D
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@kyrriana1772 ya sadly people really are rude anymore.
@redtemple8918 13 дней назад
So I have definitely playfully trolled with rescues before but this guy is wild with it I give a little winky face in chat and only troll when it’s easily timed Is this from us servers because I’ve seen toxic but nothing like this on eu?
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Nope, this is EU.
@Edgarx55 13 дней назад
Agreed. personally play as a duo up to a full pre but never invite duos myself 🤣
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@Edgarx55 ya just not worth the risk at the end of the day.
@sidelvar 13 дней назад
Non-zero chance of duos.... ive warched off and on since shadowlands dungeon mechanic videos and dont think ive ever heard this. Super interesting take ajd something ive never thought of. The more i think about it, the more i agree, although ill still probably take duos when tied to a tank or healer. Interesting perspective metro.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@Lilligirl319 13 дней назад
I often do lower keys with friends on alts or I’m on a low geared alt. Usually if things go wrong I’m the one telling who I am with to just chill and no we can’t just bail 😅
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@CAPSLOCKING 11 дней назад
LMFAO. 'This is the truth of high end players. We live or die on a tick of a DoT' Bro, I've played in enough high keys and seen enough of the quite literal top key holder streams to know that high end players are not AI computers and die to silly shit all the time, and they all call themselves or the dungeon mechanic garbage then move on.
@heythereguysitsMetro 9 дней назад
Ya well this guy is basically just a liar so no need to take any of it serious. Anyone who says this shit clearly has no concept on what's actually happening in the game.
@nickolasroper3237 13 дней назад
Lots of main character syndrome in these comments. Some people just can’t even see past their own noses. As for me, I’m a basement dwelling, no life, no grass sniffing (btw, I did 6 hours of personal yard work yesterday), no showering, fledgling 2800 Rio player. Please look at me and berate me as if my low Rio is the summation of my self worth. 🙄 it’s not.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@nickolasroper3237 haha
@marcdavey1009 13 дней назад
Yo that game of thrones reference was sick
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
haha, love westeros! I wanna be a Fossoway!
@Joe-zd9xw 13 дней назад
Something all of these idiots forget is that a ton of ppl have pug anxiety mixed with still being fairly new to the game. Some ppl might actually be bothered by this kind of behavior and feel bullied even though it might seem strange to these ppl. We should all just try to create a nice welcoming enviroment. Idc if you are 3.5k and join a +8 there is no reason at all to act like this. Its child behaviour and the fact that some of these ppl prob push 30+ with jobs is mind boggling.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya, hugely problematic behavior especially in a lower key. Super sad to see.
@etchieSketchie 13 дней назад
Man it's stuff like this that makes me worry I'll have a hard time being accepted into groups with my wife (duo), I had no idea it was a stereotype that duos are bad/toxic. :(
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
If you guys are wanting to push as a duo, just do your own keys. Since you have two to choose from it makes it way way easier.
@RealCecilion 13 дней назад
You are probably getting invited anyway unless you’re classes don’t bring anything at all and you are both dps, e.g. Bloodlust is searched for a lot cause it’s strong and fun to have since drums are worse. Every group size except 4 mans is usually fine, with 4 mans being the exception because you need a solo person to list their key, be the role you need be the right key for everyone and then still accept you before they see another application they like
@ibazulic 13 дней назад
That druid is... I have no words.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
If he "had no words" that would have been far better haha
@SupahDrummah94 13 дней назад
The internet is crazy lol. Being a dick in the game is a bummer but ultimately it is just a game. Defending trolling is pretty crazy but isn’t it also a little crazy to attack people for trolling? I play plenty of low keys because I don’t have a lot of time to play, and also I’m not good. I see plenty of “toxic” behavior in pugs and like yeah it can be annoying but the way you’re attacking these peoples character, calling them sociopaths, bad people, saying things like “this is the worst behavior in a key I have EVER SEEN” seems way more extreme than the actual trolling in question. Making this much content on this topic and going after these people just seems unhinged idk. And I’m saying this again, not as a stellar gamer or a saint of a person with moral high ground but as a casual, normal dude that enjoys (most of the time) watching your content. Just thought I’d tap in here. This whole thing has been too much of a fever dream to leave alone lol.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Absolutely not, the unprompted behavior is the thing to comment on. The comments after are just reactions to it. You are saying you DONT think the person gaslighting people and gripping them into their deaths is sociopathic? How about the commenter saying that it's okay to troll other people because games are meant to be fun? I'm really not even stretching here. That is basically the definition of sociopathy.
@CharlieVictor212 13 дней назад
React to those game of throne vids on the sidebar next please ser metro.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Haha you see that wild episode 4!?
@DaveStarfire 13 дней назад
Trying to defend toxicity with more toxicity is an interesting and wholly original strategy, I'm sure it worked to sway everyone to their side /s
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Its basically insanity haha
@quintit 13 дней назад
It'd be weird to say the enhance RU-vidr guy is trolling, but he's been making his enhance series for ~2 months, and hasn't improved performance at all. Very consistently competing with the tank, which is kind of insulting to just keep queuing for people's keys knowing that's how you'll perform When I picked up outlaw I didn't even go into a 2 until I had most of it down on target dummies. Maybe most ppl aren't as self conscious abt it, but I'd be embarrassed personally
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
That's simply because you are too worried about stuff above the game. If you upgrade the key and do less dps than the tank, why does it matter?
@bola31 13 дней назад
I wonder how many of the commenters actually read the social contract or just clicked the button. Im thinking its a high number.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya well to be fair its pretty long and they don't enforce it haha. Its like reading the terms when you download an app on your phone. Thankssss for stoppy buy, text. It ain't happening.
@bola31 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro I guess.. Just wish people would take their hatred for life and use that energy elsewhere.
@foam5661 13 дней назад
holy that whole defending their friend stuff 🤣 i actually added the mage when i saw the video first time and asked him why they did that, i wanted actual answer and his insight to it but he called me stupid :( guess i wasn't the only one asking
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya I even offered this dude a chance to come and tell his side of things. RADIO SILENCE on that. Legit not a single person responds when I bring that up. Ultra cowardice.
@kayla9663 13 дней назад
I'm a casual KSM/AotC player and have all portals even challenge mode portals! I'm not going to say I have not trolled anyone, but it was not without reason. For example, there was a mage in a Raz pug being toxic. So, when we would get knocked to the other platforms I would levitate them
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Well I wouldn't recommend it, but honestly no matter what you did it wont be as bad as this, I'd imagine.
@kayla9663 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro 100% I only troll the trolls
@saetchs 13 дней назад
This should be a series aswell, lol
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
I love doing stuff like this, but its rare there is enough wild stuff to react to. We used to do it with hot wowhead comment sections, but everyone has been so happy recently haha
@saenct 13 дней назад
you thought the guys in the video where scumbags but they have an entire quad to defend them? holy...
@saenct 13 дней назад
sabindinca is killing it...hes not jsut a clown hes the entire circus on his own
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Not a very big one it seems. The one I made of kop with the Shared Brain Cell guys who grim him into his death then leave was way worse. Was like a dozen people all coordinating their comments and attacks on me... because they were stupid enough to believe I was Kop lol...
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@saenct hahaha
@NTTTTTT52 13 дней назад
19:35 that is an Asmongold viewer right there
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@nthnthms1212 12 дней назад
So many of these comments are ESL. Their insults miss so hard because of it.
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@nthnthms1212 I have always held firm on that. If you can't spell the words you are using, don't expect anyone to take it seriously. Especially now with how easy spell check is.
@arck9404 13 дней назад
Oh wow, i dont want to imagine, how These toxic guys are in rl. I am just hoping, that they are getting some serious help by proffesionals.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
I think, they are just, children.
@FeralKobold 13 дней назад
Sometimes I read things here and wish their account was their WoW character name so I could preemptively block some of the psychopaths in the comments section defending this stuff lmao
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@FeralKobold haha ya I feel ya. It's all people from that guy's social circle though. Just go through the guild he is the leader of and block all those guys and then a few others he plays with outside of that.
@Eaton_Beaver-jy8lp 13 дней назад
That paragraph might be from the druid that threatened to sue you. Watch out Metro lol
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
hahaha remember that!?
@cosmicdragonrawr 13 дней назад
this first guy is projecting so hard, he clearly sees something wrong with his life and is taking it out on people in the comments
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya that dude really made a fool out of himself.
@evilme73 13 дней назад
yay I didn't get put on blast for my... uhh... off-meta take :D
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
I dont even remember it so thats a good thing! but tbh its probably drowned out by all the other stuff
@Turdfergesun 13 дней назад
3:27 I fucking love the cave haha
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@arzitic2443 13 дней назад
I’d like to rebuttals the idea that Inviting a duo provides no benefit. I often play in a duo and with my buddy on disc we are able to communicate and coordinate kicks/stops between us and often carry some difficult situations that a 5 stack of complete randos may overlap and have issues.
@arzitic2443 13 дней назад
I do get what you’re saying tho with the potential risks and have experienced them as well
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Coordinating kicks only matter if all 5 players are coordinating it, OR there is only ever 2 things to kick period. So that one I recognize may be marginally helpful, but effectively no different than your average pug group key to key. But in the slim situation where 2 people can get every difficult kick, then I'm sure it does help for you to be in discord. That's just not happening enough to be considered in this conversation. And obviously not every duo is in discord or is coordinated. A fraction of a fraction here, compared to the risks which are well documented.
@Frawt 13 дней назад
It's funny that Metro re-addresses this in the video, and yet there are still comments here being all "b-b-b-but duos DO have benefits!". Like...yes, we fucking get it. Just as with the previous video, he did not say that EVERY SINGLE DUO IN EXISTENCE is bad, and of course they do have certain possible benefits. His VERY FIRST initial point about how it has shown itself to be a higher risk than inviting single players though...still stands. Literally, nothing about what you said changes his point at all, because his point was about interpersonal dynamics, not about actual gameplay.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@Frawt Right, and the fact that those interpersonal dynamics can't exist if you don't invite duos. That's the big takeaway here. Its a bit psychological though, so I think people just think about gameplay only.
@arzitic2443 13 дней назад
@@Frawt ​​⁠lol why you mad bro? In his explanation in this video he insinuated that only bad things can come from duos, I pointed out a situation where a duo may have a benefit. Never did I say it outweighs the problems he brought up. He himself acknowledged what I said as a fraction of a fraction which is true and fair enough. This is called a conversation. Calm down.
@OriginalZethrel 13 дней назад
What on earth is going through peoples head to justify toxic behaviour in keys? Are these same people bullies IRL and this is how they make themselves feel in the game? Help other people if you feel they underperform with their role... it's like that last line in the social contract: "We were all newbies once - one person offering some help can go a long way!" A bit off topic perhaps, just found your channel and watched a few videos when I saw this dropped.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
That's awesome, glad you enjoy! I want to be a voice for change in this game's community, but as you accurately point out, there are a lot of people with serious complexes.
@icswack6015 13 дней назад
No they are losers IRL that why they act like this in game, because they think that because they got high score for playing 15 hours a day that makes them better than everyone else.
@nofoxgiven6561 13 дней назад
I love when you have video evidence and people will still defend otherwise. "Cant be our friend being an asshole online, he's so nice irl." Well here's proof otherwise🤣
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@nofoxgiven6561 ya kinda wild. Some one else said it best though. He probably is nice irl because he has to be. Can only treat people online his way and get away with it.
@xzalean 13 дней назад
These people end up in Juries. Scary thought
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Wow really crazy way to relate that to real world stuff. That really IS scary.
@mikevance8410 13 дней назад
when inside a game, sat behind a screen where no one knows who or where you actually are is the exact place we will meet the persons real persona.. so if someone is a twat in a game doin what ever just for the sake of it, you have met the real them... in a game there are as you say, no repercussions... no one is likely to turn around and smack you in the face or call the police or what ever...
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
One million percent agree.
@SmokerFace12 13 дней назад
Can only imagine some of the comments on Dilly's video, said it before and will say it again: Thank you Metro for promoting better player behavior and kindness to each other and being reasonable in this videogame. If this 2 dudes mentioned at the end they were trolling a bit in some half assed apology, typed tnx gg the it wouldnt be as heavily loaded and seen as bad manners as it is. They did not and is the proof of them being scum, they legit feel like they're above others and entitled to do these things.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Right, they are effectively doubling down in the key by gaslighting the others. And then it can be suggested that they are even tripling down in the comments between these two videos by not stepping up and offering their side of the story. All we get is more and more toxicity.
@jondahl19 13 дней назад
stay safe out there in the wild world of the internet
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
scary place
@nottherealcrazen9793 13 дней назад
Thank you for making my day with these hilarious comments, some people are very very strange. Always enjoy watching people make fools of themselves
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya there is no shortage of it on that video either haha
@vladislavzdravkov4057 13 дней назад
if you grip someone intentionaly to die it is griefing period and it is punishable by blizzard
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Well anything at all is punishable, Blizzard reserves the right to ban players for any reason at all. But they have to actually DO it for it matter. Which they clearly didn't with these guys one way or another, and that's the problem.
@kaybee2801 13 дней назад
Dude i have all my buttons keybinded i have an mmo mouse and i have gained my muscle memory over the years thats why pvp is easy for me.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Thank you.
@mbailey314 13 дней назад
Dude I have all buttons keybinded I have an mmo mouse and I have gained my muscle memory over the years thats why pvp its easy for me
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Good work.
@derangedhermit7981 13 дней назад
I get that you may not like it and you say that you will double down, but there is more than a 0% chance. I look out for the party as a whole and not just the guild or friends group I'm with. When I join a party its a group endeavor and everyone should be able to profit from it, it doesn't matter if they are my best friend or a random. If I get a piece of loot at the end and I don't need its up for a roll despite being friends. Nor do I behave in a way that I wouldn't if I had solo qued during the run. With the one exception being if the friends think the skill level of the group as a whole might be lower than we are used to so I should slow pulls down (but they have always been a better judge of this than I am.) When you are starting to create a social circle where you are looking to push and don't have a fully developed group its better to see how they (the pug group you apply to) fit with the players you are playing with than just by yourself. Its also better to see people in a pug and how they react to problems, or even how they just act in general when they don't know you are looking to create a team until after the run is done. What confuses me is I'm pretty sure you like most key pushers have advocated for networking to find a consistent group in the past. Finally there are times when I'm just running peoples alts through low keys or even just helping someone in the newcomer channel. When this happens I can solo the +4, but instead of dropping my own key I'll join other peoples groups so that they get a chance at loot, a quicker que fill, guaranteed timing of the key and a speed run to boot. I do it because I'm all about helping the community grow. My favorite part of wow is to find people in low keys and run them through content they thought impossible and give them the confidence to both know its ok to fail and to push on anyway. Seeing someone who wasn't sure if they could do a +2 to timming +30's (surpassing me) in less than three seasons is perhaps the best feeling I've ever had in this game. I mean you can feel free to express an opinion and even give supporting evidence (some of which I typically agree with by the way.) But the problem with taking an absolutist stance is all it takes is a single persons actions to prove you wrong. As far as the rest I guess I didn't read the vibes into the post you did as you seemed to get genuinely upset when I saw it more as advise that you are suggesting players not except an entire portion of the player base because they have friends or guildies and thats unfair to both groups.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@derangedhermit7981 a single person can not disprove this, so I guess you didn't understand my points. I've said everything I can at this point. Thanks for the thoughts but this is not suddenly going to change after years. Have a good one!
@derangedhermit7981 12 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Like I had said I agree with some if not most of what you said (prior to 9:55) about the downsides of inviting groups. However you specifically said that there is a non 0% chance, timestamp 9:55. That isn't taking you out of context or misunderstanding you made an absolute statement and if only a single person does not do what you think everyone does than your statement is false. Its why I advise speaking in absolutes. Well I'm that person, due to autism I care more about fairness than I do friendships (though I could never lay claim to being friends to someone who acts in a manner I see as unfair) and treat the group as a whole equal to any friends. As far as changing your mind with the rest of the post, well I tried and hopefully it helps other people out there. I've watched maybe a dozen videos tonight because honestly I love helping people and thought I could adopt some of the things you do. After watching about a dozen videos or so I think I'll probably part ways. What follows is not something I expect you to change (hell you do you after all) rather its just a way to gather my thoughts about why and if I ever do create a channel some of the pitfalls I'd like to avoid, the only reason I'm sharing it here is because I don't know how often you see constructive criticism or if you value it in the first place. If not read no further. There is a lot of talking about how players should follow social norms and be pleasant but despite that there have been a couple of times it seems you engage in the same behavior just on stream instead of to their face so to speak. I don't have a problem with the pointing out mistakes otherwise how do you learn, but at times it seems rather aggressive or like insults. Maybe your not aware, maybe I'm misreading the situation, or maybe its just that because the person doesn't see it you don't see it as the same. Either way its something that rubs me the wrong way. In a similar way at times you cut players down about how getting portals isn't difficult (like in this video) than in another you talk about how lower keys are difficult and try to encourage players to push ahead and get better. I can't fault pushing players to get better but saying a +2 is hard in one video than in the next video I watch saying a +10 is easy and unless the person you are responding to is talking about titles its basically not worth talking or bragging about. That kind of thing has serious effects on players, because you diminish their achievements. The highest I've ever done is a +23 (and I won't go further as that makes me uncomfortable) and what it seems to me like you are saying is that isn't anything to be proud of. Again I hope you don't take this as me putting you down, with 30k subs I'm sure you have helped a ton of people. Its just with those things I'm not enamored with the content. I do wish you the best though and hope you likewise have a great day. Also if in my criticisms you feel like I misrepresented your intentions or behaviors, I do have a hard time correctly interpreting peoples intentions (tis the autism) than I apologies though I don't think it will change the feelings (after all feelings aren't rational.) Ugh so I went and added a bunch more again and I say this without sarcasm have a pleasant day.
@derangedhermit7981 12 дней назад
Sorry I just wanted to add and I'm surprised I forgot considering the amount of time I ensured everything here was spelled correctly, but picking on peoples spelling just looks bad to me. I didn't learn to talk until I was about 7or 8 and I didn't learn to read or write until I was in the sixth grade which meant that by then I had missed nearly all of the spelling bees. The game doesn't have a autocorrect or spell checker and in a timed environment often people are going to be typing as fast as they can. Mistakes are going to happen. Maybe its because people have called me retard because of such things but it seems like you are mocking peoples intelligence because of spelling or grammatical errors when the subtext is clear.
@heythereguysitsMetro 12 дней назад
@@derangedhermit7981 thanks you too. Just pulled up to the hotel at the shore on vacation so about to take a week to enjoy it! Have a good one and thanks for the passion!
@madDjakni 13 дней назад
It's hilarious to me how the first guy doesn't realize that both can be true, his friends can absolutely be nice to/around him but absolute jerks to/around others saying "I know them they're actually very nice" isn't a defense, at most it means they're not absolute jerks to everyone. Also guy can't even go more than one comment without having to spill out the toxicity himself thus revealing they're probably not nice at all he just thinks they're nice because he's toxic too.. As someone who mostly plays in premade groups either a full group or pug as a premade I understand your view of not inviting pre-mades because while it doesn't increase risk of an incident it does usually lead to worse toxicity when it happens. I can personally get very defensive of my friends especially when people are complaining about small mistakes or perceived mistakes that I don't think had any impact. As someone who plays both pvp and pve, (arenas, keys and raids) it baffles me when people try to cite raid credentials as proof of skill to get into a key, the two don't translate 1:1. Personally if I don't see any keys on time in or around the level I'm doing I don't care if they've got a cutting edge achievement I'm not inviting them because I have no clue about their experience or skill inside a key environment.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Great point about everything, but especially the "both can be true" thing. Didn't even think of that part of it. Maybe the guy is nice to his friends, but if he treats strangers who can't get to him this poorly, he is a bad person overall.
@madDjakni 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro most people are nice to their friends ( kinda hard to make friends if you're not nice to them :P )
@Covdova 13 дней назад
I've missed these types of videos. It's very insightful and thoughtful. Keep up the good work.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Thanks, glad to see you!
@eliotness107 13 дней назад
Man hearing all these comments really feels a bit sad.... I really need to join a guild for the war within to avoid all of this
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Eh well tbh this is all still very uncommon. But ya, if you can find a guild with people NOT like these guys (which is not easy sadly) then it should make it all go away.
@eliotness107 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro The times i have been very active doing mythic plus about 90% of my key runs was actually fun, sure some had been disastrous because of lots of mistakes but most people just laugh it off and try better but then again i dont do the top end keys, i play to like 2500 mythic plus score and get that achievement and happy with that usually playing as tank or healer. The way i have been avoiding these players is by choosing to invite people that are actually around the rating to do that key i am posting or sometimes a little bit lower, majority of the time i never invited anyone that has way higher rating than me and if they write something like "3300 exp" in the note i dont invite that either because i just know theres going to be a skill gap and skill gaps can be irritating to some people so thats just a disaster waiting to happend if inviting. sorry for bad english
@stephenorr1580 13 дней назад
Dont usually comment but thought it was funny the guy bragging about portals. Im a very casual WoW player and even I got all the portals in season 3...not sure how that shows your qualified to talk about the state of the PvE game.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya, he should have just said nothing about his qualifications like everyone else. When you try to act right and use something that proves you aren't you just waste your time.
@eggshapedisraelioperative6317 13 дней назад
Can’t even begin to describe how embarrassing that guy is, what a mongoloid
@MimixMochi 11 дней назад
My friend and I do PUGS in two's because we enjoy it. Sometimes we push higher keys, sometimes we do lower keys to relax and take a break from toxicity. We have fun and I think the players we play with generally do as well. Your blanket statement that no one should invite a duo is just wrong, sorry. And your over-reaction to being called on it is troubling. Do you really think you can't be wrong, ever? Just because you have done many videos? Time to take a look in the mirror. Oh, and get rid of any guns you may own.
@heythereguysitsMetro 9 дней назад
Its not something I can be wrong about. I'm just giving my opinion on something, and frankly, I would recommend everyone listen to it because all I hear is the same nonsense defense of it over and over again. Just because you aren't assholes and play in a duo does not in an way invalidate my logic here. Crazy that you guys still can't understand this. Is this a self defense mechanism? WTF is that comment about guns?
@bojnebojnebojne 13 дней назад
This is always the case with emotionally immature people. They can't conduct a civil argument without resorting to personal attacks when their argument lack substance to strong man their case. It's obvious what OneAzerothTV's case is he ahs a fkin video showcasing it lol... There is no denying that the guy is a jackass and should be banned. Because what he is doing in that clip is 100% bannable by Blizzards Code of Conduct.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya sadly Blizzard has to actually do it haha
@bojnebojnebojne 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro yeah :/
@vladislavzdravkov4057 13 дней назад
it dosent matter if you do it to have some"fun"
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Well when you put it that way its really even stranger. They are basically saying they are having FUN abusing another person!? That's not something that should EVER be said out loud lol.
@vladislavzdravkov4057 13 дней назад
man those guys need to revaluate they're whole life it is something very wrong with them
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Ya I think they call it chronically online. Bad habits just get blown up to 11 when you drink that shit this behavior in day in and day out.
@celery4564 13 дней назад
If the idiots complaining about Dillisan's DPS did a bit of research they would have seen that his Shaman is probably a Char that his viewers voted for him to play this season as a challenge, he has never played one before I believe and is learning how to play it. He has had multiple chars get 3K rating over the last couple of seasons. He is also a very nice player who runs community keys and raids for his viewers on multiple days a week. The players coming in defending the toxic SP are being toxic also, which is hilarious and says all I need to know about this little circle of players and they are to be avoided.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
To be fair, the only thing that does matter in that key is that one character and its performance. He is a nice guy, and it is an alt he is unfamiliar with, but that doesn't excuse any mistakes. He does own those mistakes, and I do not believe any of the things he did poorly here had any real impact on the key though. So that's sort of the case closed on that front. But ya, those guys saying the dude is a good person then attacking others is utterly hilarious.
@RealCecilion 13 дней назад
I wouldn’t give it my all when I’m getting trolled like that anyway. That this shaman guy is not commenting it on his first death or anyone else who died to it is kinda shocking to me. Would probably even leave and get that key bearer a free boost on my main instead or smth
@eliotness107 13 дней назад
Not even the very best players competing in AWC can land every single kick in PvP... i played pvp for many years casually and if it was even possible to interrupt every single cast in PvP than nobody would play a caster, may aswell just delete casters at that point xD
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Right, great point about invalidating casters. Those blanket statements actually make them look like they have no idea how casters work at all.
@CaledonianCraft 13 дней назад
This was an interesting video. The guy in the first comment does a fantastic job of paint himself as an asshole... Quite ironic how he is here to "defend" the idiot in the key but ends up looking like an even worse person in his attempts to do so. I am one of the people who commented on the duo thing btw. Not in a negative light but more as a counter point to the statement. I get that's not the point you were trying to make and some people perhaps took it a bit too literally however, people respect your opinions on things (myself included) when we disagree on things that's fine. Everyone is allowed their own opinion on things. Its not meant to come across as demeaning. The Sab guy seems a little unhinged as well lol. Mans a Resto doing top DPS? Using Cyclone to group mobs? I think he means Typhoon and Ursoc's for the grouping. No idea how he thinks he is topping DPS though. Morality and Social construct applies to pretty much all facets of life.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
Oh ya, absolutely no worries. Just don't like the comments some made where they say "not every duo is bad" like if I haven't considered that lol... Obviously I know this, and still prescribe that treatment to the ailment regardless.
@CaledonianCraft 13 дней назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Aye man I get that. As I said some people take things too literally or lack for context sometimes. Looking forward to more of these toxicity based videos mixed in with the good old failed key runs.
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
@@CaledonianCraft Thanks, if there is ever a good opportunity, I do love doing these!
@OilySeagull 13 дней назад
lol it would be so funny if it wasnt so sad, wild that people are defending the trolling
@heythereguysitsMetro 13 дней назад
So poorly defending too.
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