
Religion and Schizophrenia 

Atlas - a road map to meaning
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Schizophrenia and religion are intimately related, with some scholars even suggesting that key biblical characters (such as Paul or Jesus) suffered from the mental illness. Is this connection valid? Has religion impacted schizophrenia or vice versa?



6 июл 2021




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@racheldooley4258 3 года назад
Wow, such an interesting topic! I can definitely see the connection - it's interesting that hearing voices/having hallucinations or visions within religion is accepted as normal, yet in other contexts can be considered a sickness/mental health problem. Great job explaining your perspective, the graphics and your presentation of the info were really good!
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 3 года назад
Glad you liked it! :)
@truthshallsetufree1295 2 года назад
I started smoking weed and it effected me bad i got constant anxiety then it lead to depression than i started losing my mind and thought god was talking to me and i thought my grandma put witch craft on me than i went hardcore into Christianity than i studied my way out and i think all i was feeling about god n demons was just craziness and this all happened after i started smoking weed i feel so bad now knowing im just insane and my uncle went threw the same and my other uncle says he hears voices and commands them to leave n he says its demons and he talks to them to leave him alone n they leave
@mistylover7398 Год назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning if you're seeing things running through your head who you gonna call
@moneymeansnada Год назад
@@truthshallsetufree1295 smoking weed affected me in negative ways at some times but I also had a lot of good times on weed. I don't smoke anymore and I am diagnosed with schizophrenia. I believe in the teachings of Allah and I don't know how my schizophrenia affects my understanding the teachings of Allah.
@truthshallsetufree1295 Год назад
@@moneymeansnada But do you not see what weed does why is it that everyone who smokes weed ends up losing there mind and develop schizophrenia thats what i am talking about. Weed is no good and i understand u believe in god but with schizophrenia you would not know wats real or not so my advice is eat healthy exercise and take care of your self and don’t be around negative people and study about schizophrenia and weed and religion
@layotheleprechaun Год назад
Great video. I was diagnosed with a drug induced psychosis - however, I had all of the symptoms for schizophrenia. My experience was heavily spiritual, the voices referred to me as the Messiah and I was spoke to by a Celtic mythological figure. My belief, is that people with schizophrenia suffer from an extreme lack of self esteem and this is their way of giving themselves that love and importance. To summarise, you may not be the messiah, but you are as important as one.
@Mudpluggs Год назад
May I ask, what was your relationship with spirituality before the psychosis?
@layotheleprechaun Год назад
@@Mudpluggs I described myself as an omnist, however I had very little awareness of a lot of traditions or philosophies. After the psychosis I found myself drawn towards studying spiritual texts in much further detail
@Meowwolfwarrior 7 дней назад
Beautifully put thank you ❤❤❤❤
@teloivnus2361 2 года назад
that was a great video. I was diagnosed in 2020 and took Latuda. A lot of my hallucinations stopped after a month. I've had an inner peace I haven't had in decades, but occasionally I still want to die. My father had symptoms of schizophrenia so there is the genetic component. I could listen to you talk for hours because you have a great way of presenting things. Keep up the great work. Also, I have had 7 failed suicide attempts. I was trying to stop the voices, they drove me insane! After I would wake up from a failed attempt the peace and quiet would last about 2 days then the chatter would start. Feelings of disassociation too. I feel like, when my symptoms were bad, I would go to sleep and have peace, then wake up and the nightmare begins.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Thank you for your kind comment, I appreciate your support. I am glad you have found benefit in Latuda. I am also glad you are still alive! I am interested in hearing more about your symptoms. What are the worst symptoms in your experience? What have been the most effective ways to alleviate these symptoms?
@teloivnus2361 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning the worst thing about schizophrenia is that you live in your own nightmare world that no one else can see or hear what you are hearing and seeing. Seeing and hearing hallucinations, it is real to the person experiencing it but no one else is seeing or hearing what we can. That was frustrating. Obsessions with death and dying are horrible, and I do mean obsessive thoughts not fleeting ones. Repetitive thoughts are horrible. The whole thing is horrible that is why I hate when people say to me "you have a gift'. Being delusional and feeling like I am about to go insane is not a gift. Going psychotic is not a gift. Suicide attempts are not a git. It can take a long time (years or decades) for some to get help because we don't think there is something wrong with us, but rather the world. Exhaustion comes with schizophrenia because hearing these voices is very draining. Best ways to deal with symptoms in my experience; talk therapy, self care (massage, exercise, good food), keeping a journal, therapy, being honest to a therapist, medicine, sleeping pills, meditation, doctor checks to see if there is a physical problem such as a deficiency in vitamins, minerals or iron as these things cause psychological problems. I also suggest you look into 'Soteria House' books, documentaries and articles. The alternative treatment model of Soteria helps individuals suffering from schizophrenia without relying on medication or coercion. In my experience, I could take medicine but that just would put me to sleep and drowsy. I could have just done therapy but couldn't sleep properly and function properly at times. I needed both. Some people diagnosed go to the Amazon of Brazil to get help, but even that doesn't work for everyone. I feel fortunate I got better because many don't.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
@@teloivnus2361 Incredible story, thanks for sharing! I have worked with a handful of people suffering from schizophrenia and the road to recovery (or symptom reduction) is often very long and windy. I am glad you mentioned some things you have found helpful, as I will keep them in mind for the future. Again, I am very happy you have found some methods for recovery; speaking with many sufferers, I know how difficult it can be. I admire your perseverance.
@teloivnus2361 2 года назад
@Aryan Vishwakarma please go to a doctor asap to ask for help and medicine, whilst I would love to help you there is not much I can do via youtube. Please go to a doctor and ask for help. All the best!!!!
@teloivnus2361 2 года назад
@Aryan Vishwakarma you need to get help with people in real life, not me over the internet. The medicine and therapy will help to stop the voices dear. All the best to you and God Bless.
@ronald3419 3 года назад
Very good topic. There is a history of mental illness in my family. I barely dodged the schizophrenia "bullet" in my late teens. I might not have been so fortunate had I been forced into a more stressful situation than where I was. My sister had a close friend, now deceased, who had a breakdown and was diagnosed schizophrenic when she was in the military. Religious ideations were a big part of her case. I worked in mental health for a time, hoping to someday become a Christian Counselor, but that dreamed died long ago. Do you have an email or another web site where we could communicate privately?
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 3 года назад
Very intriguing story, im interested in hearing more. You can email me at hkile007@gmail.com
@laureeeee 2 года назад
First things first this video was too short for me. I recently started thinking that Jesus was just a regular guy with schizophrenia and been trying to do my own research on the thin line between religion and mental health due to my own mental health issues. This video is super great! Thank you!
@catherinemccarty2307 2 года назад
@Aryan Vishwakarma I agree with 'who knows idk' but I wanted to point something else out....you should be very careful about allowing yourself to be diagnosised with anything including schizophrenia. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at about 22 and my diagnosis absolutely rules everything about my life. Once you are diagnosed you can pretty much map out your life--doctors and therapists, very low income, constantly stuggling to make someone believe you and not just dismiss you because you happen to have schizophrenia. On meds, no one would know that I have anything wrong but even 20 years after my diagnosis and 10 years past my last episode, I everything I do and says seems to be punctuated with 'schizophrenia'. If one more person asks me why so many serial killers are often schizophrenic, I think I will cry!! Statistically, schizophrenics are more often the victim of crimes, not the perpetrator of crimes....okay, I'm done ranting, really i do love my life with or without it.
@ray_x6959 Год назад
yep religion is psychologically very damaging
@briangallardo3246 Год назад
Jesus was God made flesh
@ray_x6959 Год назад
@@briangallardo3246 Jesus is man made
@brainevolution Год назад
Same here Lauree. I was brainwashed to believe in Jesus since one year old bc most church brain wash you before age of four. After post partum depression my family estranged me saying that Christians don’t get depression. Now I see the Bible in different light. Such claims that Noah saw burning bush probably in fact resulted from psychosis and depression from malnutrition
@fathertime2020 Год назад
My Catholic mother was fanatically religious. She used to hear voices in her head that she believed was Jesus, mother Mary and her guardian angel. Though she wasn't diagnosed till in her seventies she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. When she was in her manic phase she thought she was literally with Jesus.
@brainevolution Год назад
Same as my mom. Protestant. Had weird dreams and used to accuse people, and that happened to me, she made me the black sheep
@fathertime2020 Год назад
@@brainevolution Yeah I'm an old man now and still carry scars from my crazy mom even though she is long gone.
@vibraniumrolex6524 2 года назад
you're in a room with a religious person and someone with schizophrenia. the schizophrenic person said they just heard someone tell them that everyone in the room hates them. what would be the normal response to that? "Dude it's not real you're just hearing things". Now imagine the religious person said that they just heard a voice telling them that everyone in the room is a sinner and will burn in hell. What response would you give that person?
@fomalhauto 2 года назад
What about those that believe that they have the Holy Ghost that give them to power to speak in different tongues?
@Coolguyallthetime2k Год назад
You did an amazing job presenting this. This is definitely a thing!
@nazdalaan 2 года назад
It's absolutely interesting. You can feel that Prophets had mental auditory hallucinations.
@courtlandlyons6436 Год назад
Yeah, man. Thank you for sharing. I had sleep paralysis as a kid and all I had to do was say the name, "Jesus". You made some extremely relevant points that pertain to my life.
@travisolson9190 Год назад
I’m glad I found this video after breaking up with my ex. She was flat out delusional in the final week, yelling out loud in public that God made sand, she yelled at me in 3rd person that I offended God. Wrote a 23 page breakup letter to me in biblical text (and 3rd person) saying I offended her and God, and then I am nothing. It was horrifying in that final week, getting yelled at non stop . Even her daughter was scared of her. Everything about it is confusing.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
Wow, that sounds incredibly stressful. I can't imagine that happening to someone I was in a relationship with. I wonder if she was ever formally diagnosed with anything. I hope this video helped you understand her mind better. I am interested in hearing more about your story. If you'd like to reach out, my email is below: Atlasclips2@gmail.com
@lenasvistunov1514 11 месяцев назад
Was she capable in writing love letters to you all kinds of poetic odes?
@alqwer8099 2 года назад
Thsnk you for this video! It has logic and it has scientific evidence, so its a viable explanation - it makes sense. 💯%
@tristrumandrewsfisho339 2 года назад
It's nowhere near as simple as passing on schizophrenia or not. having high dopamine levels makes one a successful individual. tip over the edge though and one descends into psychosis.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
As far as mental illnesses go, schizophrenia has a massive genetic basis (which was referenced in the video). Furthermore, I never suggested it was this simple. There is much more nuance to my theory, hence the mentioning of religious and cultural motifs and journal articles mentioning their connection.
@frusnelaugustin4372 Год назад
What do you think of Hellen G. White (the founder of the 7th day Adventist Church) which most of the things she said she wrote were full of plagiarism.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
I'm not too familiar with her story. Based on the little research I've done, it seems that her claim to have received a divine revelation is challenged by the fact that her narrative is nearly identical to someone else's. To me, there are only a few answers as to why. Either she plagiarized. Or the two people had remarkably similar experiences. I think religious experiences often included a genuine engagement with unconscious content that is shared amongst many people. So, it is conceivable that the two could have similar narratives from separate experiences. However, I would have to really dive into the accounts to make a confident conclusion.
@stelioslalas87 4 месяца назад
I have schizoaffective disorder. I had it since i was 8. After my first psychotic episodes i became a Christian, i felt like i was constantly judged and watched for my sins all the time. At some point i felt really suicidal because i felt like my sins would send me to hell and that God hated me. When i started taking meds all these delusions were minimized eventually leading me yo become an atheist as i couldn't function every time i returned to religion. Aside from the negative delusions i also thought i was Jesus reincarnated and at other times thati was a demigod. I still avoid religion like the plague and i hate it when i tell someone I don't feel comfortable with it but they still push their religion down my throat. I know God doesn't exist butas long as i have this disorder it's difficult for me to think rationally. I often have to talk myself out of it even if i take meds because if i don't it ruins my life. .
@saccharine2278 Год назад
My one of the worst experience was when I had psychosis and I heard angels telling me to kill myself and that I am a fallen angel/god. I try to avoid religion as much as I can cause it triggers me so bad. In my opinion religion+schizophrenia=tragedy
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
Why do you think that the voices appeared as angels? Do you think this was due to your previous experiences in religion?
@saccharine2278 Год назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning i never believed in god, but something changed few years ago. My parents are atheists, my only contact with religion were from my grandparents and my aunt, whom bullied me for my atheism and I think it can one of many reasons why it happened to me
@XGen_23 2 года назад
Great video sir. Thank you for this.
@merrisol 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. Well spoken and insightful
@bloodyfingers8633 2 года назад
The very beleif in invisible beings that watch everything you do, 'that if you're not good (based on what religious theology you're indoctrinated) you go to hell.' That there's a good invisible guy and a bad one and a hierarchy of beings called angels and demons, that have the ability to pull the strings of events of your life to 'tempt you' or to 'test you' into "sin". This view of reality i think is the perfect set and setting for causes a disconnect to reality. I think some cases are caused by people that have a sensitivity to imagination and also inability to correlate practical causes for things. Instead they are literally brainwashed into believing theses false concepts and views of reality and don't understand they aren't based on logic and reason and can cause them to fall into psychosis. I personally believe that the very concept religion creates a set and setting for a person to have a disconnect of logical assement of reality and that opens the door to schizophrenia and psychosis.
@diannerussell4849 2 года назад
Extremely well said.
@nirazarazara7634 2 года назад
you are the best!!! Thanks for this education
@themorningmist99 2 года назад
There's a very fine line between spirituality and insanity: we judge a tree by the fruit that it bears
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Would you mind expanding on that? Im interested in your perspective
@themorningmist99 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning "The world is multidimensional, our experiences in it are multidimensional, the mind is also multidimensional. Essentially, the world we live in and experience is not limited to only one or two senses. We still don't fully understand our own inner workings, nor this thing we call existence." The most effective lies tend to have more truth to them than actual lies. Essentially, the closer the lie is able to mirror the truth the more effective it will be in capturing the minds of those it's directed towards. This is the art of a great deception, I would suppose. In this world, or existence as we know it, there are truths or right, and there are wrongs. For example, what is a lie? It's the opposite of a reality known as the truth. What is theft? It's getting something by illegitimate means, betrayal is the opposite of the more honorable quality called, loyalty. We could go on but you get the idea. My point here is that without the good there could be no bad because the bad are only perversions of the good. The bad quality is as a shadow in the presence of light, where the shadow is only able to manifest because there is light and a reality of substance by which it becomes possible for it to reflects its negative image, as it has no power of manifestation of its own. Now, to me, there seems to be a law here: there's a positive and a negative to everything. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and have experienced hallucinations, delusions of grandeur (so the doctors called it,) and within these there were many "spiritual" experiences. For example, I heard "God" speaking to me, angels also, and demons. I fasted beyond 40 days numerous times, and all because I was told by those angels that I was a prophet, and God would give me a new body because I had defiled this one with drugs and sexual immorality, and a prophet's vessel must be undefiled by such things. Now, what were the fruits of such visitations from these spirit beings, as well as from my many fastings and prayers? They landed me in the hospital where I was strapped down to a bed and forced fed, and medicated. I think it's safe to say, this wasn't of God. Now compare my "spiritual" experiences with that of... Moses, for example, who heard the voice of God (i heard it too,) saw the burning bush (i saw a smoke filled house which i presumed was his presence with me,) Moses fasted 40 days and nights. I fasted 43. Moses was promised to be sent to Israel in Egypt, and it happened (we're taking the story as is.) I was to be sent to the church with great power....I ended up in the hospital, as previously stated. So what was the difference between our spiritual experiences? The difference was that Moses' bore the fruits of someone who truly came into contact with God. The results proved it, whereas my experience (and others like it,) would've ended in our death without medical intervention. But my experience wasn't borne of it's own either, I've already shown that a lie cannot be possible unless it's in contradiction to a truth, something that already exists. So if my experience was a lie, then there must be a truth to such an experience. If that's the case, then Moses and others in the Bible, may have just experienced that truth, or the spirituality to this insanity (my experience) that is called schizophrenia. This is the difference between what we experience with schizophrenia, namely auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions of grandeur, etc, and what those men experienced in the Bible. None of them followed their visions or commands and perished hopelessly in the desert, or something like that(as far as we know,) where many of us could've/would've had we followed what we saw and heard without intervention. So the fruits of the experience is the evidence of its true nature, whether it's born of truth or falsehood. But again, a lie is a shadow of something greater, and cannot exist on its own. It must be the same thing with the experiences of psychosis such as schizophrenia.
@elanakriek7135 2 года назад
You look at their actions for a psychotic person will also act that way... A good tree will bear good fruit and a bad tree bad fruit....
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
@@elanakriek7135 The determination of "good and bad" fruit is, in my view, too subjective. Also, someone could be producing good fruit for the wrong reasons or vice versa.
@elanakriek7135 2 года назад
True but therefore I want to make sure I do not fall victim to somebody like that - I look at their fruit and don't listen to their words - falseness
@peachvalleywoodworks Год назад
Thanks so much for this fabulous explanation!
@likeicare300 6 месяцев назад
The story of Abraham, driven by dreams and perceived divine communication to sacrifice his child, raises ethical and mental health concerns. In modern contexts, such actions could lead to legal consequences and psychiatric evaluations. The intersection of religious devotion and potential delusions prompts reflection on the adaptability and relevance of ancient teachings within contemporary ethical frameworks
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 6 месяцев назад
I absolutely agree, that if the story of Abraham is true, it's morally questionable. Which places religious devotion on unstable, ethical grounds. However, if the narrative is understood as symbolic, rather than literal, the knowledge contained within it, is morally relavent and even required for a full understanding of reality.
@likeicare300 6 месяцев назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning yes thats always the excuse used to justify ridiculous stories. However in Islam for example, these stories are considered literal according to everyone. Including other miracles etc
@davidarmes7693 Год назад
Dear Atlas (is that your name?), I have been diagnosed with Schizophrenia for almost 30 years. I had numerous episodes of terrifying Psychosis in the 1990s particularly. I stopped having terrifying Psychoses in 2007. What had changed? 1. I had started to believe in God after previously thinking i was Atheist. 2. I immersed myself in Spiritual and Mystic literature and TV programmes 3. I managed to get a First Class BA 4. I regarded each Psychotic episode as a learning experience and came away with at least something positive after every devastating episode. An episode in 1995 left me committed to joining the Mennonite Church 5. I gave up Cannabis in early 1998 which may have triggered the initial Psychosis in 1992. I never smoked much except in 1990-92. 6. I started attending Quaker Meetings in March 1998. 7. I gave up drinking alcohol which I did a lot for many years over Christmas 1998. 8. I started a PhD in 1999. 9. I gave up smoking tobacco in 2004. 10. In 2007 I was tortured with sleep deprivation Aripiprazole and attempted suicide twice in a week when Psychotic. I lost my fear of Death and in retrospect this was the turning point in my Recovery. I just stopped trusting anyone other than God in my head and God gave me the answers to every question or accusation put before me which were many. Psychiatry doesn't like Schizophrenia patients not fearing Death because they fear we will be violent if not terrified. Terrifying Psychosis however often or always emerges for the Schizophrenia patient when we are desperate to Die and simultaneously Terrified of Dying. It is this intolerable Tension that drives us insane and I would say makes us far more open than most people to witnessing how God or whatever God is can be at work clearly in the World which others just don't notice. 11. I have never been Psychotic in a terrified sense ever since although I was tortured again with Aripiprazole between 2018-2020 and I almost went back into Psychosis but decided I would rather die and talk it over with God before anything worse happened. This saved me. Lockdown happened immediately afterwards and I have not seen a Psychiatrist since and they accept I am on half the meds usually required for minimum treatment of Schizophrenia. It's all bullshit if you read up on it anyway. No common cause, course, or outcomes to any of these pseudoscience Psychiatric diagnoses unlike all other medical science. Psychiatry also hates what they call Religious Ideation which was my saving Grace. They really punished me but God seems to have won, as I have also challenged the Authorities over the affect of same sex sexual abuse on Schizophrenia patients. You say most Schizophrenia patients who hear voices have Jesus Christ in the majority. This could be True worldwide as Christian and Muslim Schizophrenia patients both revere Jesus and often think they might be or are the Second Coming. I thought about this in the old days but I have concluded I can't be Jesus now. Interestingly if you went to the River Jordan today where Jesus is supposed to return to, you will find people claiming to be Jesus and most will be Muslims. Obviously we can follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and this should get us into better communication with God just as it did for Jesus. He called it "The Way" and of course if you are serious you will likely experience something very Powerful although changing the way we behave usually has this effect on us and others around us. Others around us are often aware they are connected to our thoughts and feelings and this connection is natural even though if we tell Psychiatrists they say it is further evidence of illness. They are very worried about Hitler returning believe it or not? They think we could be the next Hitler and either start off serial killing or get into politics in a spiritually supercharged hate filled way. I find this totally amazing because I have never hit anyone first strike in my life. In fact Hitler murdered Schizophrenia patients before anyone else and if anyone had stood up for us then the wider Holocaust against Jews, Roma, Gay men and Slavs would not have happened. So it all seems incredibly unfair the way we are treated and it's no wonder if God exists that God is going to try to help us is it?
@davidarmes7693 Год назад
P.S. I forgot to say you are wrong if you think the majority of Schizophrenia patients who hear voices in the West hear Jesus's voice in their ears. The predominant voices heard by Westerners since the industrial revolution is homophobia and homophobic content for male Schizophrenia patients and promiscuity voices for female Schizophrenia patients. Incidentally, you were wrong to say if you get past 30 you are probably in the clear for Schizophrenia. This is only true for males. Female Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed in their 30s. I suspect this is related to our sexual development and the trauma and social exclusion we experience which I imagine is immediate for teenage males and happens later for females as they approach loss of fertility. These negative experiences are likely to be much lesser in a Religiously ordered society that excludes less people socially for sexual behaviour and more for blasphemy of course. The West at present appears to do both increasingly with Blasphemy against Woke Ideology becoming a very real cause of social exclusion also as well as how we try to be sexual without any religious instructions in Love. Schizophrenia isn't uniform around the World by the way. It is actually increasing dramatically in the UK after Lockdown by 30% new first episode referrals which is an astonishing rise when it was said to be impossible. It's not really an illness but the result of protracted long term abuse in many forms. To illustrate this, there's been a petition in the English County of Essex trying to stop people giving evidence to the first ever in public investigation into why there has been 1,500 suspicious deaths of mental patients either in Hospital or just after release. I think the petition says it all doesn't it? People in families and friends and communities are being very nasty to people and they don't want anyone to know. Schizophrenia patients suffer especially. It's important we stand up as much as we can. I wish you very well in your endeavours if you are a fellow Schizophrenia patient? It's not the Hitler within us we have to worry most about I suspect. Maybe the Authorities are beginning to take notice?
@BillRemski Год назад
Instead of immersing yourself in mythology and religious delusion, read about nature and science, the real world, animals, plants, the sea, the sky, and the sun. Take a walk in the woods one early morning and listen to the dawn chorus of the birds. Sit out a summer night and listen for the frogs and crickets. I had my first episode in 1996, and with the help of Risperdal left all my religious delusions behind, though it is a debilitating drug in many ways. We are here on this planet for only a short stay, find out what you can about reality and the truth and don't drown yourself in the false narrative of life that pretends to be modern culture. I don't follow Jesus, because he was a human sacrifice, and life doesn't come from death.
@salemslostchild Год назад
One issue - A lot of spiritual people, especially spiritual leaders have a strong cognitive function that Carl Jung called Introverted Intuition. That is different from Schizophrenia - mental illness.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
That's fascinating. Do you know which books Jung discusses this topic in?
@andrew28anne 7 месяцев назад
The psychology if religion.
@CP-yp8pc 2 года назад
Please if you can tell me if this what my family member is going through. She says God speaks to her about both of them saving humanity..( only her and Jesus because she is so special) she does talk about suicide for since she was 10 she’s now in her 50’s…she has had an episode of not knowing her own baby in the car seat screaming at him I don’t know you get out! There is history of abuse with her children post pardon. She always says God speaks audibly and she is and empath and has to cry on the floor to let all that emotional go. Please tell me what is wrong with her. I been trying to figure this out for so long and finally I found your channel. Thank you for any input.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Thank you for reaching out. Please email me at hkile007@gmail.com
@diannerussell4849 2 года назад
You have a right to protect her children , I was quiet concerned when I read this.
@juiceitup7915 2 года назад
Saving humanity because she is so special.(It's very familiar) I went through them (voices) telling me that I was God's daughter and the holy spirit. They make you feel like you are special with lies. Sometimes it is not GOD talking to you but the enemy. The enemy drives you insane and won't let you recover. You want to let go because they cause depression and suicide for some people is their only way out. I've tried 3 times with pills. Some schizophrenics do deal with chemical imbalance. Some are under demonic influence. Being under the influence causes you to act erratically. Doing and saying things you normally would not. They also use religion against you. I come from a long line of ministers. Alot of it is false information or information given to us but turned around. All we are doing is spreading philosophies from spirits or ancient people who did not have the wisdom and knowledge and technology we have today. I keep a journal. It's my therapy. I also try not to engage with their voices. It is hard but we don't know who we are entertaining. If they are telling her the wrong thing to do then you know that it is of darkness. A righteous spirit would help her and pray for her and help her with her harrassment here.❣❣❣ I hope this helps a little. We all have to help each other💗
@ErenJaegerTheRealOne Год назад
This was awesome dude thank you so much! :)
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
Glad you liked it!
@ericlarue8010 Год назад
We've seen torrettes syndrome that appears to be caused by streptococcus. I wonder if schizophrenia could be caused by a similar biological organization.
@stelioslalas87 4 месяца назад
I've read that being infected in the womb with some pathogens like influenza can increase your risk for psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. I believe this theory because I have schizoaffective disorder and my mom told me she had the flu while she was pregnant with me
@wolfie1027 2 года назад
Most mentally ill people have had religious fanaticism. Religions been around forever, it's a convoluted subject matter, but toxic religious preoccupations cause pathologies. I've not found this in spiritual and psychic people, who use their power but don't ascribe to repressive restrictive tenets. There's a huge difference between a religion and our natural selves and our natural abilities. Religion has created a big mess and huge misunderstanding.
@christophergibson7155 2 года назад
Yes, religion most assuredly. But not a relationship with Jesus.
@christophergibson7155 2 года назад
@Aryan Vishwakarma Please keep away from psychics. They will bring a curse to your life. Yes, occult powers are real. The Bible warns us not to get involved with these. It is just demons deceiving you into believing they have the real truth. Trust the Word of God, The Holy Bible. It will never lie to you, for it has all the truth you need.
@christophergibson7155 2 года назад
@Aryan Vishwakarma Take it from God's Word. It's all a lie from Satan. He will appear as "an angel of light" like it tells us. He wants to destroy your life through this deception. Please don't get involved with it. Jesus is the only truth. He has power over all the power of the enemy. That is why Jesus went around casting out demons (unclean spirits) from people. They had to depart from the person when He spoke. Only the kingdom of God will bring you the peace and joy you long for. Turn to Christ and live.
@youngjezy23 11 месяцев назад
I never had it as much as a kid as much now because I know more about life now than I used too
@mysteriesuntold3393 Год назад
Great presentation 👍
@mikeandrew8973 2 года назад
Excellent interest ing good 👍 thx
@flyingrhino800 3 месяца назад
You are an amazing young man I have scitzo-affective and I choose to relate my hallucinations to religious beliefs for people it is an acceptable thing as you say
@freespirit7450 2 года назад
God is only close when Im off my medication.
@diannerussell4849 2 года назад
That would be great on a T-shirt.
@peach0129 11 месяцев назад
If your connection with God is dependent on what neurotransmitters are prominent in your brain or not then it's probably not a very solid one
@loganwykstra7922 8 месяцев назад
Plz make that a hat
@yami5325 5 месяцев назад
@LoriKasprzak-kc7xc 3 месяца назад
I had a pagan schizophrenic friend begging me to stop praying for him, for it only made his voices, hallucinations & delusions far worse.
@donovanscabbia6770 2 года назад
God is so powerful he can't stop mental illness no matter how hard you pray. Very personal and hands on (yeah right!)
@Godcreated1746 9 месяцев назад
Good stuff. I couldn't agree more.
@RyanAtTheShow 2 года назад
I have schizophrenia but I am shameless. So I am still living in this shameless world.
@TomeRodrigo Год назад
2:43 ..we don't have a voice in our head, we have a thought process. Schizophrenics have literally an audible voice/voices like they can hear it in their ears. It would be nice to call these things correctly as they are very different.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
The voice in our head is distinct from simply a "thought process." Some are born without the internal monologue, but can obviously still think. Some are born without the capacity to produce speech (required for the internal monologue) but can still think. Schizophrenia represents a fissure in this voice, resulting in hallucinations. They can be both experienced as internal or external.
@redthreadzen 10 месяцев назад
A common theme in both religion and schitzophrenia is magical thinking. That is that magical forces and people can perform acts that are beyond logical possablity. Unfortunately if someone is experience delusions and or hallucinations then magical thinking often comes into play if not a theme of the delusions at least an explanation of how these experiences are occuring. If one is baught up in an environment where magical ideas are considered a part of how the world works it really can and does play out as a very possable explanion and theme for the person experiencing symptoms of schitzophrenia. Religion generally does premote such ideas. In these situations it's much harder to reality check and to teach reality checking as a means of testing ones thaughts and perceptions about reality. It's has been said thet religion is many people sharing a delusion, a cult is a few, but when one person has their own delusions that is a mental health problem. Clear logical thinking without magic as explanations for why or how things work is a very theraputic approach to checking ones delusional thinking. Not just for schitzophrenics but for everyone. So religious thinking can be quite detrimental to mental health outcomes for people who are prone to delusional thinking. That includes conspiricy theorists, cookers, soc cits as well a others with mental health issues.
@LouisaWatt 4 месяца назад
I can say that the people I know who have prophetic gifts and the people I know who are schizophrenic, are extremely different. Definitely not the same category or a good reason for people to stop taking their medication.
@NATEG01 2 года назад
I have Schizophrenia / Schizoaffective disorder with religious delusions and hallucinations. During my episodes, the devil will tell me evil things about Jesus and I will become paranoid and think Jesus is evil and working with the devil to trick me. I will then become fearful that I committed the unforgiveable sin and want to kill myself. I also have persecutory delusions and think that people will persecute me for my beliefs. The crazy thing though, is now that I am on medications and in the right state of mind, I'm no longer religious. I would probably call myself an agnostic Christian or cultural Christian, but I don't think I can believe in everything in the Bible.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
That is a fascinating story, thank you for sharing. I am glad you have received effective treatment. Do you have any idea why religious delusions were present in your symptoms? Did you have a history of religious involvement?
@NATEG01 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Yes, I've grown up in Pentacostal / Charismatic churches. One of them was cult-like which is probably what caused some of my wacked thinking, that and my psychiatrist says the disorder is genetic. The funny thing, is now that I'm on medications, I've been questioning a lot of my beliefs and not sure if I believe in the Bible anymore. And it makes me wonder if the only reason I believed in the first place was because I was mentally ill? I'm doing fine now that I'm not going to church anymore. Religion for me was hell for my mental health.
@Nancy-pc6sf 2 года назад
Going through the same
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
I invite you to share your experiences if you would like! I'm interested in hearing about your story.
@danyk5768 2 года назад
Does anyone of your family members had schizo phrenia
@FuHackers-wx9lq 6 месяцев назад
Most people I know with mental health issues. Started to smoke weed chronically... Starting as teenagers. I strongly disagree with giving children medication or consuming illegal drugs. ✌️
@jackiemiiers9845 Год назад
It is a mature person who can walk in the supernatural things of God, it's a river, and when you get just a toe in it, you can feel as if your drowning. To be heavily rooted and grounded in that Word is all that will sustain your physical mind in that river of God, and out of it.
@ONDANOTA 5 месяцев назад
6:20 'better mental health' or just 'better health' ?
@henrypoyker3951 10 месяцев назад
Great video
@papadong8100 2 года назад
Women can develope schizophrenia early 20s or early 30s, males usually develope it early and some women do too,but being 30 doesn't lower your chances as a women.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Yes, the curves are definitely different for men and women. Based on the articles I have read the peak diagnosis age is roughly 23 for both genders. The chances of men and women developing schizophrenia decrease after this age. For women, the decrease is slower. You are less likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia as a woman at age 30 than at age 20.
@papadong8100 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning I am wondering if women with late diagnosis, is due to them masking. Similar to women on the spectrum, and the symptoms become so insurmountable without medication, they end up getting a later diagnosis.
@Beintentionallyweird Год назад
Jesus and the apostles actually healed people and even raised people from the dead. That’s why they’re still talked about today.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
Others claim to do the same thing. I dont think that's why they're still talked about.
@Starla_Darling91 8 месяцев назад
I have to get on clozaril and my delusions tell me that whatever is inside me they will take my blood for their purposes so doesn’t that tell you that schizophrenics are special and misdiagnosed
@samueltormey3405 2 года назад
Nah man. How do you explain the healings Jesus did?
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Many "healers" have existed throughout time. They still exist today. The issue is that there is no proof. Provide evidence for those healings actually happening. Just because its written down, doesn't make it true.
@stefania9835 Год назад
He wasn't a "healer" Jesus is God in human body
@janetcarasas1256 2 года назад
When you PRAY it's prayer when God talks back its phycopriania
@jesusloveisthegreatestpower 2 года назад
I have an exorcism playlist if you wish to watch it, some videos might interest you because schizophrenia, D.I.D and mental illness and exorcisms all over lap.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Send them my way, I'll take a look at them
@jesusloveisthegreatestpower 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning I have a playlist on my channel
@jesusloveisthegreatestpower 2 года назад
@YouAre Cancer ok genius, whatever you say.
@paulgibbons2320 Год назад
Fantastic video.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@paulgibbons2320 Год назад
​@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning have you investigated the link between Scitzophrenia and fungal infection?
@paulgibbons2320 Год назад
​@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning there are loads of references to Yeast within the Bible. Yeast and alcohol. Bread and wine. The practice of circumcision was largely to reduce risk of fungal infection. Also could be the origins of ritual washing. Why women are regarded as unclean from the waste down in some cultures. Is this an old understanding of Candida or thrush. When they met John the Baptist he was eating crickets an hunny. There is a fungus which afflicts these crickets which can induce hallucination when ingested. Also historically witches were renowned for terrible nails as in fungal infection. Lots of references support this idea. Also now they are using fungus extract to treat depression. Read about the Cordiceps Ants. Fungus in theory could be controlling/manipulate us biologically/psychologically without us knowing it. Also people with viral maningitus or other fungal infections also experience intense hallucination. Also Ergot poisoning which is a fungus which afflicts wheat. The link is been investigated scientifically.
@DrQTM 2 года назад
Id say they were successful because people thought they were holy and above them. The shamans. Not necessarily good.
@BillRemski Год назад
There's a book by Louis Sass, "Madness and Modernism" that goes into the relationship between the modern world and the prevalence of schizophrenia in society. There are grandiose delusions in this disease that would lead a person to seek leadership roles in culture, but more often it is delusions of persecution, as if you are being hunted. There's also a very dreamlike quality to the condition, from my personal experience, and I can still recall the angels singing to me the first time I was hospitalized. In many ways organized religion, especialy Catholicism, reinforces feelings of persecution and low self-esteem with its' all-knowing angry god and guilt over biological functions. It's well-known that you can easily drive any person into psychosis simply by not allowing them to sleep for several days. This is a common tactic used by the military to extract information from enemy captives. Large quantities of adrenaline from stress, trauma, or exogenously dosed, also do the trick. The nightly dream state can also be considered a form of extreme hallucinosis, though one that quickly resolves upon awakening. I look at religion as a form of contagious delusion, with it's impossible supernatural beings and the lie of a life after death. It's a social disease that needs to be cured, and the care of people with psychotic disorders needs to be undertaken in a scientific, sympathetic manner.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
I agree with a lot of what you've shared, and I definitely follow your logic. As you mentioned, whether it be schizophrenia, sleep deprivation, or lsd, additional contents of the mind come to focus. Hallucinations and delusions are a hallmark of they experience. The question becomes, are these contents at all valuable? This was the fundamental division between Freud and Jung who are oftentimes considered the colonizers of the unconscious. Their disagreement run deep and their arguments are both compelling. I recommend exploring Jung as Freuds perspective prevails in society.
@diannerussell4849 2 года назад
I became a Catholic about five years ago, I left the religion because it wasn't for me and for a few other reasons. I have always been an observer of people I like to study them and I am extremely interested in phycology , technology, the cosmos and medical advances. I could not for the life of me find a spiritual connection or get in touch with my spirituality in anyway. However I started hanging out with a majority of the parishioners and watching them whilst they said The Rosary prayer and I am totally convinced that a good 90% of these people have what phycology refers to now as religious schizophrenia . I am now an Atheist, and no I am not being discriminate against the religious, all I am saying is by years of being around the parishioners and being invited to the homes for lunch and having morning tea with them I knew something was wrong. I did work for the Guardianship board many years ago and many of the patients who where under protective care had religious schizophrenia . I won't go into each case study because I would be writing all night, the amount of people that I have observed and listened to that are from the local Catholic Church and other religious people who I have meet and working for years as a social worker with the Guardianship board I can tell you right now that the religious have a mental illness. In my opinion if a person believes in some magic man that lives in the sky is no different from a kid believing in the Easter bunny or Santa Claus. At least kids grow up and stop believing in these mythical characters.
@haywardjeblomey6505 2 года назад
@Aryan Vishwakarma Do you have access to medical care? The best way to reduce your symptoms is for you to talk to a doctor who can prescribe the appropriate therapies. It's probably going to be a pill that you have to take for the rest of your life and counseling.
@ray_x6959 Год назад
you should have turned to spirituality(not the religion type)
@rses916 Год назад
Most humans have mental illnesses tho. Not just the religious but go to any major city and you'll see crazy people who aren't religious at all. Correlation doesn't mean reason so your point cant really stand.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
No sure what your point it. Religious delusions are by far the most common subtype. Obviously not every mental illness is related to religion, but many share a similar substructure of mythological motifs. There is no doubt a connection between religion and schizophrenia. The nature of that connection has yet to be fully elucidated.
@lucillejerome5511 Год назад
Thank you for your opinion. I too have always been an observer of people and how people analyze things/experiences. You "became a Catholic" only 5 years ago, joined a group but "watched" them say the rosary, found no spiritual solace (which means you didn't dig deep into its meaning beyond form), didn't discuss your questions with any priest or bishop, and left. Interesting! So, you are now an "atheist". just thinking out loud: maybe you just tried out a religion that happened to be Catholic of course to observe it's so-called irrationality and its sick people, which at 1st you limited to "a good 90%". You didn't make friends with any of the people or with the supreme being - even as cosmic). You say "I can tell you right now that the religious have a mental illness" (now it's 100%), and "...believes in some magic man that lives in the sky." You were not taught the belief system in the first place at RCIA, were taught incorrectly, didn't really have the intention of becoming Catholic, or. just wanted to clarify your own atheism because you didn't go from religion to agnostic but to atheism). You as someone with an academic degree functioned as a "social worker", oh wait a minute. Maybe you aren't: many people work in guardianiship and are called social workers BUT aren't licensed i.e., no degree/no testing. Just saying - I too observe people and what they do/say and have questions. As a reminder: psychology is not spelled phycology.
@adonaiel-rohi2460 2 года назад
Have you heard of the Bicameral mind the ancestor of schizophrenia
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Yes, Julian Jaynes' theory of the bicameral mind is fascinating. From what I have heard, modern scientific discoveries now seem to disagree with his theories. Nonetheless, it's still intriguing work.
@adonaiel-rohi2460 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning can you create a video discussing the oppositions to his theory
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
@@adonaiel-rohi2460 I have a few other videos planned, but I will definitely add it to the list! I need to revisit that book anyways, it was fascinating
@jesusloveisthegreatestpower 2 года назад
Awesome video dude and btw you are very handsome! 😍 (i'm a woman btw).
@briangallardo3246 Год назад
STOP PRACTICING WITCHCRAFT !! If it’s not the HOLY spirit behind what you do then what is?
@@briangallardo3246 I agree. I stopped practising witchcraft. It is extremely dangerous.
@nomic800x3 2 года назад
Do you have it ?
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
No I do not, however I have worked with those who have schizophrenia. My experiences with those suffering from the disorder have been life changing.
@majakolonja4266 11 месяцев назад
​@@atlasaroadmaptomeaningLife changing in what ways?
@derekklop4627 Год назад
Because Schizophrenia is an illness that is with us because of our fallen nature, Jesus definitely did not have this. He was perfectly Himself, connected to the Father, the Creator of the Universe, and never transgressed against himself. Jesus Christ was a perfect man. One time, in cloudy thinking, I thought "maybe Jesus had this" but when my husband wanted to talk to me about what I had said, later, I panicked and saw that what I had said and the thought pattern was extremely mistaken. Jesus was perfect. He felt our infirmities, and had great pity on all of our humanity, and sacrificed Himself so that He could save us and heal us. Here on earth, maybe we will not be able to experience full healing, but that is okay. The symtoms of Schiz just do not line up with the ideas and ideals of perfection... Jesus was and still is perfect.
@LivingDead53 2 года назад
Many Shamans did and do drugs. My own theory is that's how humans started civilization in a broader sense. When you look at humans, they follow their food or stay in the same regions. We aren't motivated to do much in a natural tribe, not talking about modern times. Poppies were the first flowers of immortality, those experiences led people to believe in strange things and to search out various places. Most schizophrenics are stupid. I was in the special ed, too. I'm very high functioning with my amazing IQ of 116. Yes, I know that's not high, and I have a lot of issues with parts of it. Several doctors have told me that females do better with the disease. It's a new age, so could they put female hormones into male schizophrenics to try to help them? IDK. I've also wondered if the balance of dopamine and serotonin and wonder if there is a deeper relationship there. If there's a dearth of one, does another flood?
@Saks_Fifth 3 месяца назад
I tried Christianity for a while, and I couldn’t get behind it fully. I was fasting and praying heavily too, had a dream where I was told the word of God wasn’t in me, and I even felt immense pressure in the dream. (While on a 4 day dry fast) I noticed I was becoming paranoid of people, felt like I was going insane. Started thinking people were after me cause of the whole “Witchcraft against Chosen one’s talks” Just increase in anxiety in general, I was around evangelicals and all, never spoke in tongues (And Christian’s love to say, it’s cause the carnal man doesn’t understand spiritual things. 1 Corinthians 2:14) I stopped every willful sin and everything, cause I could never get behind it and I prayed and everything that you’re supposed to do, but something inside me could never get behind it, something just kept telling me “This isn’t it” but the more I ignored that feeling the worst I got. After deciding that the teaches some things aligned with my morals and taking those to heart I opted out and started feeling better, my dreams slowly got better, I started losing paranoia and started actually doing internal healing and stuff. I do believe some spirtual things, but I mainly believe we create the reality we wish to live in, because that’s how it seemed to me. It helped me find confidence in myself cause I was able to do the right things. The only things that stuck out to me and made the deepest impact in my life is that, Faith is a beautiful and powerful thing. So hope/faith has been my biggest take away from my spiritual journey.
@CharleyMacDowell 6 часов назад
I’m curious as to what you mean by “faith.” Faith IN what? I have “faith” that a 4-legged chair will hold me up, but a 2-legged chair will not. There is a difference between “faith that everything will be okay” & “faith in my salvation, that the most high God will save me if I put my trust in Him.” I will say, Catholicism is considered very different (by some) from Christianity. Catholics believe in all sorts of things that are ‘touched on’ in the Bible, but don’t capture the true essence of God’s character. I grew up Catholic. As a result, I felt like I was walking on eggshells. Like He was always waiting there around the corner for me to mess up so He could punish me. That is NOT the case with the ONE TRUE GOD of LOVE. These voices you heard- when you dive into REAL Christianity, you discover the truth of spiritual warfare- that this is not the voice of God, but the voice of the enemy. THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION IN CHRIST [Romans 8:1]. Therefore, anything we HEAR that makes us feel like “I’m not actually saved, God hates me, etc.” is the voice of the adversary. It can be difficult for many (myself included) to discern the voice of God vs. other voices. Not all the thoughts you have are “your own.” Once you heard “the word of God is not in you,” did you start reading the Bible more..? Or were you too frightened to do so? He WANTS us to be FILLED with His word… But anything telling you “you’re a sham, a farce” because “you haven’t “studied enough” is CONDEMNATION. A thought that brings SHAME. GUILT. These are literally the things Jesus DIED to set us free from. Your Father wants RELATIONSHIP with you above all else. This was NEVER preached to me in Catholicism. “Religion” ALWAYS makes things WORSE. Read the New Testament & you will find- Jesus reserves his HARSHEST words for the Pharisees & Sadducees. RELATIONSHIP ALWAYS makes things better. Don’t stop seeking truth. ❤️
@Saks_Fifth 5 часов назад
@@CharleyMacDowell Thank you for everything you typed here! I stepped back from Christianity for right now, figured I’d take a step away to re ground. I haven’t stopped spirtual practices like, fasting and prayer or reading up on spiritual subjects. I just felt if I stopped looking for God he’d reveal himself whenever the time is right. I don’t doubt if I’ll find God or go to Heaven. If anything I stopped listening to every voice in my head and just have been focusing on living in the now. Idk if I’m walking with the same God you believe in, but Thank you very much for commenting!
@Saks_Fifth 5 часов назад
@@CharleyMacDowell Everytime I forget about Christianity someone literally always talks to me about it.
@commonomics 3 года назад
Another reason schizophrenia didn’t get weeded out is because women would reproduce around 15-18 (back then) before any symptoms would be presented that would incapacitate them from child bearing.
@briangallardo3246 Год назад
We’re all always hallucinating, the hallucination we agree on is what we call reality
@ozaru615 2 года назад
U should check out devine mania
@eddiemontgomery7088 2 года назад
wow people are waking up.
@indy18286 2 месяца назад
my bf of two years, all of a sudden decide to not have a sexual relationship because he is now walking with Jesus/ God. he posted picture of himself on fb walking with Jesus and quotes frm the bible ....... he is schizophrenic, I honestly believe he is having a meltdown in form of a religious psychosis!!!
@srijanghoshh8633 Год назад
Have you forgotten the miracles of Jesus Christ?
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
Have you forgotten the miracle of Dionysus?
@aleksandracatt 2 года назад
I’m schizophrenic but not religious.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Thank you for the comment! Are there any reasons, in particular, that you aren't religious? Did you never belong to a religion, or did you have a deconversion?
@aleksandracatt 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning I used to be in a Christian community (baptist church) as a child and young adult but I left it because it’s like everything that doesn’t feel right for me. Religion doesn’t feel right for me, it feels unnatural. Against out primary instincts. Humans are not so different than other animals and we all have nature instincts and for me religion is unnatural. I felt such a relief and like a huge stone fell of my chest when I let go of religion and god.
@Michaelschizophernic 11 месяцев назад
Does anyone else here talk to God? He keeps bugging me. I’m choosing to ignore him.
@nitochi3 2 года назад
So are you saying Jesus and his apostles or prophets were schizophrenic?
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
I am saying that it is possible. Some mental health professionals have pointed out that these individuals would fit the DSM-5 criteria for schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders if seen today. Obviously culture plays a large part in this conclusion as well. I believe that Paul is the one most oftentimes thought of as suffering from schizophrenia.
@nitochi3 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning wow! 😱 what if the Bible is true and you end up in hell for treating the Bible in that blasphemous way and not believing the gospel or what Paul taught?
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
I do not believe in things based on a threat of punishment. Nor do I respect a diety that would condemn billions to eternal punishment for not believing in him. Heaven is not all that great if the God in charge is torturing more people than he's saving.
@nitochi3 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning yeah, hell must be more fun if that's the case
@briangallardo3246 Год назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning He wants all us of in heaven with Him with he can’t allow us in if we’re still in love with our sin. We can surrender our life to Him so we can have desire for righteous things, be pure and have to ability to live in His presence.
@daveg1116 2 года назад
Funnily enough, there actually is a correlation between schizophrenia and religion. I do not think you have reached the correct conclusion though. (As a side note I think you must expect some criticism from your viewers as you are making quite controversial claims). Society has defined the condition of schizophrenia to explain hallucinations and delusions. However delusions in the past were common - for example someone might believe in dragons and other legends or myths. Hallucinations were most likely caused by drugs or other flights of imagination, or as a way to explain (an interpretation of) something unknown. Thus I would argue that schizophrenia is a modern believe, and not a more prominent explanation than really any other (without justification).
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Defining schizophrenia, as done by the DSM-5, did not invent it. Just because we only recently outlined a proper definition of the disorder, does not mean it didn't exist prior. Also, there are additional disorders one could use to explain delusions, and hallucinations (including those induced by drugs) that aren't schizophrenia. Psychotic symptoms are quite common. In fact, one may develop schizophrenia through consistent drug use. Obviously the theory is not bulletproof, but it is reasonable, and reinforced by peer-reviewed articles. I think there are other glaring weaknesses to my theory, not necessarily in the definition of the disorder.
@daveg1116 2 года назад
​@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning But it is only in recent years that science has evolved to explain the mysteries of our world. More knowledge (meaning facts) is available than has ever been in history before. People had many strange beliefs and they weren't considered delusions because no-one knew what the truth was. Consider medieval doctors who had strange remedies. Why weren't they schizophrenic? Because schizophrenia is a modern term used to describe irrational thoughts and people in a modern world where structure is valued.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Yes, schizophrenia is a new term, but it encompasses old things. Schizophrenia has been around for centuries. It was only recently given the term schizophrenia. It is completely reasonable to backtrack and say: in light of new knowledge, it seems as if Paul was suffering from schizophrenia. He did not know it. But thats irrelevant to the symptoms. Others around him didn't know it either. But that doesn't mean it wasn't real
@daveg1116 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Well you could look back and say that - but actually the point I have been making this entire time is that... maybe it isn't relevant to say that someone from that time had schizophrenia - seeing as people from those times had such wonderous believes (all without any scientific backing).
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Yes I see your point but, delusions are not beliefs. They are very different from one another. The dsm specifically outlines delusions as a symptom
@musicjunkie136 2 года назад
Give a schizophrenic shrooms and he will talk too God
@technicalactivity 2 года назад
Or experience insane doom
@musicjunkie136 2 года назад
4 ego deaths, insane doom it was.
@Michaelschizophernic 11 месяцев назад
I talked to God before mushrooms.
@kimlowe705 2 года назад
Schizophrenia and religion are very similar. The auditory hallucinations characteristic of schizophrenia are delusional. It is not the same as people’s inner voice, which we know arises within us. Thought disorder also characterises schizophrenia. Religious people who hear ‘voices’ ascribe them to God, Jesus or angels and the like. Both the voices and their interpretations are delusional. I am sure for a schizophrenic, accustomed to hearing voices, the shift required to believing God is speaking to him is very small. He will be easily convinced. That does not mean that there is anything more than delusion in the message. There is no evidence that the religious person’s experience is any less delusional no matter what they say about God speaking to them. In the Jerusalem psychiatric facility there are about three dozen Jesus patients ant any one time. What came first? The religiosity or the schizophrenia?
@haywardjeblomey6505 2 года назад
Agreed. If I think I can have a telepathic conversation with an invisible person in the sky, and you think you can have a telepathic conversation with the kitchen faucet, which one of us is crazy?
@Brody.W 4 месяца назад
Galatians 3:13-14..
@samuelthomasengardio 2 года назад
All wake and sleep cycle sensory perception occurs in the thalamus, chemical theories are out.
@tristrumandrewsfisho339 2 года назад
then why do my meds work?
@buddyrobles3216 2 года назад
Dude that sucks I take Abilify, will the voices ever go away ?
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
The general consensus is that schizophrenia has no known cure. However, symptoms can be greatly reduced helping those suffering from schizophrenia live a normal life. This depends on many variables. First, how early the diagnosis was. The earlier one begins the treatment the more likely they will heal. Second, how consistent and vigilant one is with their treatment plan (most likely medication). Someone who takes their medication consistently will have much more success in treatment. Lastly, support. Those with family or friends that can support their healing process, generally have better outcomes. A good therapist also plays into this. These are, from what I have researched, the most important factors for recovery. However, there are many more. I recommend speaking with a mental health professional to learn more about treatment and recovery timelines.
@joehinojosa8030 2 года назад
As a Christian, Sometimes I THINK YOURE RIGHT, but then I think you're WRONG, then I go back to thinking you're right. I can't decide which personality to believe.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Making fun of mental illness is rather insensitive. You have also mischaracterized schizophrenia. Individuals suffering from the disorder do not have multiple personalities. The DSM diagnosis you are attempting to equate with schizophrenia is called dissociative identity disorder.
@ericap5433 Год назад
333 like, so I must comment and make the comments 303
@Brody.W 4 месяца назад
Galatians 2:20..
@huntercline5191 Год назад
1 or 2 percent? I'm pretty sure it's more like majority of the population.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
I am not sure I understand your comment. Are you saying the majority of the population has schizophrenia?
@srijanghoshh8633 Год назад
I don't know you guys have problems with Jesus Christ and others. You guys are just kid to understand him.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
What are you saying dude
@inthedark334 2 года назад
I know that overly religious people people who are lied to usually because they're taught wrong Doctrine develop aspects of schizophrenia and the main reason why no this is because my brother was actually developing schizophrenia and was going insane. This was because me and my brother were put under false Doctrine and physically beaten and abused as children by a father who manipulated the Bible out of its context in order to push his own agenda. This caused me and my brother a lot of hardship. We were both suffering everyday under the boot of our overly religious father who would lie about the Bible repeatedly. Because of this we were giving a false understanding of Christianity my brother was literally becoming incredibly suicidal and schizophrenic as time went on he told me that he heard voices and that these voices told him to kill my parents over and over and over. It just progressively got worse for my brother. It wasn't until I told my brother the gospel and got him saved that he started studying scripture after studying the Bible and learning about the gospel this understanding freed him and got him to finally calm down and the voices he heard slowly went away. Now whenever he's around our parents the voices start to come back there usually triggered by my dad and my mom when they try to hassle him or try to manipulate religion out of context. Because the effects that my parents had on my brother through Psychology by Lying by manipulating the Bible out of its contacts has literally psychologically damaged my brother. But whether it's religion or just verbal physical abuse of a child you're going to have schizophrenia. Because schizophrenia is just a reaction from stress that's all it is it has nothing to do with Evolution or genetics. You make this claim that it has something to do with genetics it really doesn't have anything to do with genetics at all. Every single person that I've ever had to deal with or talk to who has schizophrenia or who suffer from schizophrenia every single person always has a background of psychological or physical abuse in some way shape or form. Your brain your psychology can only handle so much stress so much annoyance before the brain eventually can't take it anymore. And the Brain will start to develop schizophrenia as a coping mechanism to save its sanity. And what's it going to do while the brain will tell you kill your dad kill your mom destroy burn whatever. In order for the body to get what it needs. Whether it's someone who's obsessed with sex drugs or just being physically abused in general
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Yes, abuse can play a role in its development. However, the disorder has been proven to have a genetic foundation. This is pretty solid science currently. I recommend reading Dr. Fuller Torry for additional info. The interplay between these two factors is represented by the diathesis-stress model. If interested, I urge you to learn about this as it will clear up some misunderstandings.
@inthedark334 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning look I've worked in a hospital for seven years I've been around people who have schizophrenia I was also a security officer and worked around them repeatedly every single person who had schizophrenia came from an abusive upbringing or a family that forced religion on them and violated scripture according to Doctrine. So when the child grew up they read Doctrine knowing that it contradicted what their parents said tried to live according to what their parents said but trying to live according to what the Bible actually said. Because of this the parents forcing impossible Lifestyle on the child and eventually drove the child insane. This can develop into a form of dissociative personality disorder or schizophrenia could actually occur from this. And I've never seen in my whole life someone just spontaneously get schizophrenia. There is usually a trigger of some sort that affects the brain to a level to where the person develops it. But once that trigger is dealt with the person can go back to normal. Or if it's gotten too bad they'll have to go on hormones or some form of medication in order to fix the imbalance of hormones in the brain caused by years of stress
@inthedark334 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning but I will look into the scientist you mentioned. But just understand just because somebody calls themselves a scientist doesn't mean Their scientist. I've worked with these people I understand the Practical notion of what I'm talking about
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
@@inthedark334 I suggest you reevaluate your eagerness to disregard Dr. Fuller Torrey. He has decades of experience as a psychiatrist; in both clinical and research settings. He is a world expert in schizophrenia specifically. Much of what you have said clashes with his, and the scientific community's, perspective. I also have experience with individuals suffering from schizophrenia. Not all, as you suggest, have a history of religious trauma. Does it happen? Yes. But this is not the only way to develop the disorder. In fact, I was introduced to someone recently who was clinically diagnosed with schizophrenia. The trigger for her symptoms was not religious trauma. She lived a normal life, until moving to graduate school. Then she began to develop symptoms. Lastly, "dealing with the trigger" does not heal someone. It may help them cope with their disorder, but schizophrenia is generally a lifetime disorder that must be managed at an early stage. People can live normal lives, but full recoveries are exceptionally rare and not represented in the scientific literature.
@Helen-vq3uj 2 года назад
What in the world are you talking about???
@connorohare229 23 дня назад
I'm a Christian watching this But I can understand where you're coming from in this video. Obviously I'm going to disagree that Christ was mentally ill. Also in order to weed out the believers who have a healthy relationship with the Lord versus false prophets(mentally deranged people who don't know what they're talking about) is why there's a heavy emphasis at studying scripture in the first place. You may not agree with me, but I have faith that God gave His commandments for our longterm benefit as a species for practical reasons that may not be obvious on day one of reading them.
@rebeccasargent5603 2 месяца назад
Omg it’s such as a debilitating disease
@annieorder4496 Год назад
Calling Jesus and St Paul schizophenic is too simplistic, stating that they had hardly any children so its not that that spread the schizophenia but was the ideas and tenents of religion that caused schizophenia to thrive is also simplistic. The truth is. Schizophenics know the truth when they hear it and thats why they love it (or hate it) They are religious because they" hear" (and I dont mean auditory hallucenation)what other less impaired more "successful" people dont hear or dont want to hear because they are too concerned with success and other worldly things.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
Individuals suffering from schizophrenia oftentimes can not distinguish between truthful speech and non truthful speech regarding the auditory hallucinations. I have seen, first hand, how destructive this can be. Christ and Paul undoubtedly reported symptoms of delusions and hallucinations. Everyone is complicated, and you're right that this explanation is simplified. As a full analysis would require interviews and tests. But this is not possible with many historical and mythological figures. So we are left with speculation
@annieorder4496 Год назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning If the scriptures are not written on your heart already then you will not,cant or wont hear the word of God.
@jeffbauer9672 Год назад
Good video but one comment. Darwin did not know the complexity of the human cell and DNA when his book Origin of Species was written. The third law of dynamics says that entropy increases over time. This is seen in all aspects of life and including human beings. We are never going to evolve to a better state. It is scientifically impossible. If anything is happening there is microevolution going on where small changes over time lead to degradation of a species. This is why procreating with family is bad. Small scale defects have an increase chance to manifest. The Hapsburg family dynasty of Europe during the late Middle Ages proved this to be true. There will be never be an increase in fitness unless a closed system ie your body is artificially manipulated.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
The third law states that the entropy of a CLOSED system increases over time. The earth is not a closed system, as meteors, asteroids, and sun rays all enter its atmosphere regularly. If you were correct then nothing should have ever evolved. Obviously this is false, unless you take a creationist viewpoint and claim that God made everything.
@wonderpeter5231 2 года назад
I don't think schizophrenia is more prevalent than autism, my dude
@henrykile 2 года назад
The statistics here are much more complex than they look. Depending on the source, there are different estimates for the prevalence of schizophrenia. This ranges from 0.25 to 3 percent, or even higher. This is for a few reasons. 1. Schizophrenia may be under-diagnosed. For example it is estimated that roughly 20 percent of individuals that are homeless have schizophrenia. This is difficult to estimate and since it's not clinically diagnosed, it often misses the counts, despite it being close to 100k. Additionally, autism is diagnosed within years of birth, when schizophrenia is oftentimes not diagnoses until adulthood. 2. Life expectancy plays a role in these statistics. The life expectancy of someone with schizophrenia is decreased by 25 years. Those with autism on average have a shorten life expectancy of 12 years to 30 in extremely severe cases. So when considering how likely one is to have schizophrenia there are many factors that come into play. First, finding the correct number. Second, calculating statistics that reflect a more standardized view of the disorder, rather than just its prevalence in the population. Hope this helps dude
@ryan63970 Месяц назад
Schizofrenia is the battle between angels and demons litterally! No need for medication! Just read the New Testament regurlary Matthew 13;37-43
@tarandavison2328 Год назад
The facts r not there
@Brody.W 4 месяца назад
Jesus Christ of Nazareth..
@caperusharris1308 2 года назад
Who is your savior?
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Define savior. Also you're assuming I need to be saved
@XGen_23 2 года назад
Get help please. I understand what you’re going through. I used to be a Christian. It’s okay to seek help and face reality.
@XGen_23 2 года назад
@Soggy Android I fully agree with you.
@tomsea5769 Год назад
no this is agregious. of course not
@JasminDipa Месяц назад
John 3:16 Jesus can save you But the lies you shared about jesus having schizophrenia you should delete those videos you made up about the lord
@sisterk388 2 года назад
“Professing to be wise, they became fools”
@BipolarCorner 2 года назад
I'd appreciate you not referring to us as schizophrenics!
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Sure! Whats your preferred term? Do you feel that there is a negative connotation that comes with the word schizophrenic? In this video, I use it in a more clinical way. In no way do I use the term in a derogatory manner.
@Thruthlover 2 года назад
We are the chosen ones.
@Thruthlover 2 года назад
@Soggy Android Sorry but you don't know me personally or what I've been threw, and I'm sorry that you don't believe but i do and not only that but from personal experience not only do i believe, i know.
@Thruthlover 2 года назад
@Soggy Android You've bee lied to by the powers that be about so called "mental illnesses" like schizophrenia. If you were spiritually minded you would understand.
@XGen_23 2 года назад
@@Thruthlover please seek some help. There is nothing wrong with that.
@JESUS.IS.GOD.777 3 месяца назад
I spit on this video. Anything that tries to take away from Jesus Divinity is Trash. JESUS IS GOD NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU HATE IT.
@inthedark334 2 года назад
Yeah none of those people were schizophrenic you have no scientific proof to determine whether or not they were schizophrenic this is just your opinion obviously
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
There have been peer reviewed journal articles that have reached this diagnosis. Obviously these are limited since we cannot interview these people. This is not just an opinion. Its a conclusion based on expert analysis.
@sereysopeaung8985 Год назад
Jesus is not a schizophenic, He walked on water, healed desease and a lot of miracles he has been doing by the power of God. He is God in the flesh
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Год назад
Last time I checked, walking on water was not an exclusionary criterion for the diagnosis of schizophrenia...
@brainevolution Год назад
There is no evidence that he walked on water. It may be recorded that way because under due stress the disciples probably hallucinated.
@4GSLmusic Год назад
@@brainevolutionya there were way too many people who witnessed the miracles of Christ over numerous places…. To be actual hallucinations and delusions… many many people saw miracles: we still see the miracles of Christ today if we pay attention. There’s a large diff between loving Christ as Lord and father…. And having actual delusions and hallucinations….
@JungleJargon 2 года назад
You know nothing about Christianity or schizophrenia.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
I have read many books and had many classes covering schizophrenia along with extensive personal experience. You can attack my premises if you'd like. But not my knowledge of the subject.
@JungleJargon 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning I experienced schizophrenia so you don’t know more about it than me.
@JungleJargon 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning I experienced schizophrenia so you don’t know more about it than me and you don’t know about Christianity.
@atlasaroadmaptomeaning 2 года назад
Although your experiences with schizophrenia are informing, its naive to disregard the decades of research from thousands of patients and thousands of psychiatrists. The information presented in my video is either peer-reviewed, from the DSM-5, or from a psychiatrist. I am responsible for the theory (of which you may diagree) but you'll have a difficult time disproving decades of research. I actually attend a Christian University where biblical study classes are required. I am also a former Christian who studied the Bible for years.
@JungleJargon 2 года назад
@@atlasaroadmaptomeaning Show me the peer review paper that compares schizophrenia with Christianity. ...and no one studying schizophrenia will ever know what it is like without being schizophrenic.
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