
Resistance 3 - Ending 

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Ending to Resistance 3.




4 сен 2011




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@matthewclark703 10 лет назад
in the ending you can see his son playing the robot that looks like the one for Ratchet and Clank future a crack in time.
@kpdc1 13 лет назад
that cant be the ending for the series they left so many questions unanswered! great game all the same
@mrepicfailtastic 11 лет назад
this game came before halo 4
@Anacondas101 12 лет назад
i just finished the game, when the ending credits rolled i clapped my hands. RESISTANCE FOREVER!!!
@_volton 12 лет назад
1:41 yeah i can fire a magnum about 150 times without reloading, ive been shot several thousand times and im still alive so i can survive this massive fall that would kill anyone else
@shivam0hi 12 лет назад
I actually like the fact that this game isnt a copy of cod , god the gameplay was heaps fun !
@anasshahid224 13 лет назад
alrite ending,thanks for the vid!!
@captainbob26 13 лет назад
@DoctorDargonfly Grayson headed for moscow and hasn't been seen since. The hive mind consisted of the primarchs and overseers that daedulus created. The wormhole would eventually have let the pure chimera from other planets to come through. The chimera started to lose the war because they were no longer converting people and a large portion of their forces turned against them (feral chimera). The super cloven haven't been explained along with a lot of other stuff.
@captainbob26 13 лет назад
@cmullins69 In the R3 credits you can hear people talking on radios all over the world about the improvements they are seeing as they are starting to beat the remaining chimera back.
@RIChava18 13 лет назад
Did you all sleep through this game? The tower was slowly cooling the entire planet and it was leaving a door open for the pure chimera to arrive once the planet was cold enough. Since the tower is gone, the wormhole is closed which means no more pure chimera and the Earths global temperatures come back to normal. Warm temperatures= Human Chimera hybrids weak/dead. Human race starts to rebuild. New york is rebuilt. Nathan Hale Nat. CementeryPay attention to the drawings during the end credits.
@Dutchforsure 12 лет назад
Would't it be cool if let's say the humans won, for now. And then quickly we go into the future it's the year 2011 now, And now we suffer a complete invasion from space not from inside earth or with a virus no from space, the chimera have travelled 50 years after Capelli closed the wormhole. So they are god damn pissed when they finally get back at earth and it would be the greatest Resistance game ever.
@sandro0244 13 лет назад
@BlazeyHero that just means their will probably be more games in the furture
@Ricksterw1 12 лет назад
@cfc18Casper88cfc 13 лет назад
@swordmaster305 that actually wouldnt be too bad, still wouldve liked if insomniac cleared some stuff up though since were still left with alot of the same unanswered questions from R2. Only thing is insomniac said they think theyre finished with the resistance series and could see it moving onto another developer
@captainbob26 13 лет назад
@cfc18Casper88cfc In the first 2 games the chimera could just spire human forces. Now with the humans hiding and daedulus dead the chimera were relying solely on the pure masters to come trhough the wormhole. Capelli destroyed it meaning the chimera were cut off leaving a inferior hive mind in command, no longer converting (not sure why but thats what malikov observed) and at war with their feral counterparts. Plus there would be mass starvation among chimera with such a limited food supply.
@CounterStriker013009 13 лет назад
Best ending
@nedmaster1000 13 лет назад
The kids toy is a hard as balls boss in ratchet and clank crack in time
@SoloTre442 13 лет назад
@cmullins69 What happened to other parts of the world? I dont know but in the credits u can see photos of umans re-building New York
@thelinedrive 12 лет назад
@AKBeazBoi you want to learn it you have to find all the intel in all the games. although why feral chimera exist I still haven't been able to explain
@9mm54 13 лет назад
@grandpamoe1 It looks like one of those Brawlers from earlier in the game.
@jackytheman58 13 лет назад
First ending to resistance that isn't sad or depressing...
@anasshahid224 13 лет назад
@JackieChiles007 dude what happens after the credits?
@GibbazGaming 13 лет назад
i see it as maybe it will continue bcz it ended far to quickly if this was the last Resistance the ending would have lasted longer but the thing is there wasn't one of those blue lazer things (cant remember the name) there were loads so maybe the wormhole will open up again
@ColonelCosmology 13 лет назад
for all of you who dont get the ending, cappelli probably wont do anything about the chimera because the earth is like, 90% chimera, and 10% human now. do you not remember what he said in the start of the game? we vowed to stop fighting, and start living?
@3raser3 12 лет назад
@onetime188 yes the ending is much cooler and explanatory if you play it on the hardest setting but you cannot die once. if you do , then you will have to reboot the playstation. i wont spoil the ending for you but trust me its worth it.
@SuperMrBentley 13 лет назад
It was shot, I finished the campaign in 8 hours
@rogimusprime 13 лет назад
@RIChava18 Thanks for explaining that. You can tell public schools are failing these days as comprehension and attention span are clearly dwindling from what they used to be. "Bu-bu-bu, what happend to teh rest of the wurld!?"
@bluedeath87 13 лет назад
hydra tank cameo
@Crusder1000 13 лет назад
3:07 ratchet and clank hydra monster
@alexthao06 13 лет назад
@overseer06 they never said that this is the last one
@biojc28 13 лет назад
wasnt bad, just cause it was an emotional ending rather than an action one doesnt mean it was bad.
@Be4zle 13 лет назад
anyone reckon resistance 4 will be released on ps4 and we get to see how it ACTUALLY ends
@ShootEmUpSteve 13 лет назад
so is the war over and the chimera gone?
@9mm54 13 лет назад
Major let down this campaign was. R2 made me think we were in for an all out war against the "pure" chimera but they fucked on us here. Didn't even see what one looked like let alone fight it. There was some cool parts to the game but really it lacked everything R2 had, story, levels, bosses, and they did nothing to complete the cliffhanger left in R2. The fact that they teases us with "pure' chimera in the journal entries in this game was a slap in the face when they pulled a no show.
@NickSully94 12 лет назад
So the Chimera lost the wormhole (which they survived all through R1 and R2 without just fine), and now somehow the remaining 10% of humanity rises up and takes back the world as guerellia fighters, even thought the organized militaries were unable to do it before falling apart? OK... Oh and thats cool insomniac, we didnt want to know anything new about the Chimera's origin or purpose in this game anyway.
@halox80 13 лет назад
How many freakin bullets does that gun have?!
@icynok 13 лет назад
the ending made NO damn sense to me, Only explanation i can think of why the chimeran army are being pushed back is that the Hive mind was disrupted since it seems it was in that New York tower considering how well defended it was it had to be very very important to them besides the wormhole. The Chimerans didnt get weak from the Heat coming back since the heat was still there in the first two series so it has to be the Hive mind is Disrupted or gone now.
@RoyaCanadianInfantry 13 лет назад
In this case they(Insomniac) shall make at a Resistance 4 that takes let's say maybe years later where the humans will fight the Chimera forces on Earth who they become disorganized or whatever,they said it will answer the majority of the qustions but they didn't! I suggest they should make a Resistance 4 to asnwer those damn question. PLZ give me some responds on this!
@SurfinBird369 13 лет назад
hahaha it's the hydra tank from crack in time
@Scampy099 13 лет назад
So the chimeras all died? If they did I don't think there gunna be a 4th one
@Curlyq1515 13 лет назад
@BlazeyHero GoW3 hasnt come out yet
@TheDieHard777 13 лет назад
How the hell did he survive that 100 ft fall?
@SuperMrBentley 13 лет назад
@theJakemc77 loool so true
@gamerps3100 13 лет назад
Resistance 4 to finish off chimera maybe?
@PSNragglefraggle1 3 года назад
As cool as this ending was, it's sad we'll never see the direction Insomniac originally wanted to take
@SuperMrBentley 13 лет назад
Fuck we didnt got to know what happend to Lt Cartwirgth and Rachel Parker, those characters are way more interesting than capelli still i liked the story and campaign of this game
@onetime188 12 лет назад
Fantastic game all the way through although New York dragged on really badly. The ending I saw sucked which was this one, is there any more of an ending if you do it on a harder setting?
@SurrealMK 12 лет назад
sooooooooo thats it?
@cromwell300 13 лет назад
@cmullins69 13 лет назад
Thats the ending what happened to other parts of the world?!
@legomanic342 13 лет назад
This........this is it??? :(
@LegoMETAL44 13 лет назад
lol ratchet and clank reference FTW
@cactusjack67 13 лет назад
well you love to rush through games
@Curlyq1515 13 лет назад
@MANOFULTIMA0123 oh lol tht was still a good ending too
@Zoey2k1 12 лет назад
People here don't collect any of the intel in the game don't they? The intel revealed bthe back story of the chimera, including the nature of the wormwhole and the towers. It does leave the possability of a Resistance 4 open however. I felt that this was possibly the best in the series. It wasn't the cliffhanger ending in RE 2. i loved RE 2 but that ending sucked. THis one was very fitting.
@darkling115 13 лет назад
@smithman013 yeah i liked the ending and we dont realy need more dead heros life cole macgrath or nathan hale i liked capelli as a character and i wanted him to live
@KublayKahn 13 лет назад
infinite ammo hack
@Smarsa90 13 лет назад
@DarthQball it isnt lol
@CrimsonShepherd05 13 лет назад
Don't get why it's a bad ending, they look happy......
@tigerchitpile 13 лет назад
The ending of the game doesnt do the rest of the game justice. The rest of the game is awesome and I was expecting more maybe even more of a fight with the feral chimera now that the military are all in disarray. btw did anyone else notice the infinite ammo without reloading with the magnum?
@overseer06 13 лет назад
Is this it? Is this the end of the Resistance (trilogy, I guess)? I'm not bitter or particularly hate it, I just want to know if the story is done. I don't want to find out that "oh wait, it's not over yet *trollface* " And no, there didn't seem to be anything after the credits. Maybe if you beat the campaign on the hardest difficulty . . .
@flrurry 11 лет назад
It's a matter of opinion -_-
@ziggycarmine1337 13 лет назад
lool the kid is playing with a ratchet and clank toy
@Sineadmcleod30 13 лет назад
his wifes fit
@RiseAgainstWhat123 12 лет назад
I actully enjoyed the epicness of the very scripted bosses in R2 too (But dear god was Daedalus terrible,) however I also liked the bosses of R3 but they were too generic. Just involved shooting the glowing bits. The ending was terriblebut I think the actual scene was the main problem. It had no emotion, was too sudden and lacked substance. I will always dream of an ending where he gets sucked through and has to fight off the the Pure Chimera in a epic boss battle then Susan gives an epilogue.
@theNEWMASKSdudexxx 13 лет назад
It's...okay I guess. Glad Capelli and his wife got back with each other, but kind of bland otherwise.
@Be4zle 13 лет назад
this game has got the WORST ending ever, you still dont learn the true nature of the chimera. I am so pissed off.
@BlazeyHero 13 лет назад
Really that was a bad ending? Better than all the shitty cliffhanger videogame endings. They wanted to end the series, they ended it well. Better than GoW3 where they show his bloodtrail off the cliff or Killzone 3.
@cfc18Casper88cfc 13 лет назад
so why are the chimera weak now? they never had the wormhole in the first 2 games, there is still billions of chimera compared to the millions of humans. disappointed not to see the pure chimera either, "this is just the beginning", doesnt seem that way. the only thing joe achieved was stopping the pure chimera coming through by heating up earth again. And what made the chimera leave the first time since that was never answered either, it was only hinted that it could be another alien race
@RagingWolffe 13 лет назад
That ending sucks. Glad I didn't invest to much time into this series.
@garzie 12 лет назад
How is this a bad ending? e)-----e
@vaughnhalefaye8406 5 лет назад
Ppl dont get it like we do ig
@smithman013 13 лет назад
Ending was good he came home to his family he missed??? How is that a bad ending. If it was a bad ending he would of murdered his family or died at the end.
@TheCthur 12 лет назад
So Resistance sucks because it is not like Call of Duty (don't worry you need not say it, we all know that's what you mean)? I forgot, every game must be the same, and any deviation from that sameness means it sucks. You have shown me the light!
@Niklasdiver123 13 лет назад
Ending looks like a 1:1 copy of half life 2 lol.
@RespectThis 13 лет назад
THIS ENDING PISSED ME OFF SO MUCH I AM RAGING RIGHT NOW GDOSIAHGAOWBADOADNOVAPNBAEOPBNAEPO NAE im a resistance nerd, and i fucking loved resistance 2, but resistance 3 was a huge disappointment. the bosses sucked, the story sucked, the ending sucked. i want to punch the sky.
@Caraecrika 13 лет назад
good overall campaign horrible ending!
@rayyanalikhan4122 11 лет назад
They put Halo 4 guns in this.
@TheAgg32 13 лет назад
Well that's a shit ending :|
@WarNDeath2000 12 лет назад
Yea this game sucks
@MybrotherinPakistan 11 лет назад
The ending sucks and the game sucks as well, the graphics look like a play-station 2. What a joke.
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