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#LifeandWorksofJoseRizal #RizalinEurope #MarceloDelPilar #GracianoLopezJaena #Brindis #FelixHidalgo #JuanLuna #FerdinandBlumentritt
This is a lecture on the course "The Life and Works of Jose Rizal".



17 мар 2022




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@timothyjakeanquillano4212 Год назад
ANQUILLANO, B43 1) -The relevance and importance of Dr. Jose Rizal’s travels are very clear; it is to satisfy all the set themes of every travel he made during that time. It is relevant and important for the country’s quest for nationalism and independence because Dr. Jose Rizal’s knowledge from the outside world expanded because of these trips. He learned a lot from those countries that are free and has its own systems. Moreover, Rizal’s travels made a significant impact on his quest for the Philippines because he made a lot of connections and even published his books during his trips. He equipped himself with the ideas he got from those trips in which he may use for the good of his country. Also, his perception on different countries became relevant for the Philippines because he can choose a set of goals where he can use for his people and country. In addition, his travels mean a lot for the Philippines’ quest for nationalism and independence because he learned different cultures and people where in it can give realization for us that Filipinos should be treated the way they supposed to be. 2) -I think the country he liked was Japan. As a fellow Asian country and a neighboring country, Rizal viewed Japan as a beautiful country with rich culture and nationalism. Also, among the countries he visited, he described Japan as amazing because of its beauty, people, discipline because there were few robbers, and its culture. In addition, I think Rizal liked Japan because he learned unfamiliar things quickly which means he is very interested in that country. Lastly, Rizal met a lover in Japan that loved him not better than another woman. On the other hand, the country he disliked the most for me is the USA. We know at that time that the Philippines is struggling from discrimination from the Spaniards and that triggers the Filipinos against that ideology. Among all the countries he visited, Rizal recommended not to visit the USA if you are an Asian and a black person because you will be slashed with racial discrimination. They have that thinking that the land of USA is only for white and other colors must be apart from what they do. From that thought, I already knew that Dr. Jose Rizal disliked his visit to USA. 3) YES
@miguelcarlodamitan969 2 года назад
1.) The relevance and importance of Dr. Jose Rizal’s first and second travel are tremendous since it is his way to think on to how to establish the Philippines nationalism and independence. Dr. Jose Rizal allowed himself to observe what was the life, cultures, government system to the countries that he visited. He also made some friends that helped him be a better person. As he visits the countries especially the first trip, he changes his perspective that affects the religious and the culture. The second trip that he went, he expanded the cultures that were made therefore he continues to grow as a person because of the way he was seeing the life in other countries that he visited on. Dr. Jose Rizal learned a lot of things and he did leave a mark in order for the Philippines to have a new revolution and independence. This is the significance and the importance of Dr. Jose Rizal’s first and second trip to different countries. 2.) Since Dr. Jose Rizal’s mission to travel is to observe the Life and Culture, Government and Laws, and Industry and Commerce, there are countries that Dr. Jose Rizal traveled twice (Spain and France) but I think the most that Dr. Jose Rizal liked is the Japan. He learned a lot to that country. The culture, government, etc are some of the reasons why he visited Japan. He met some friends like Tetcho Suehiro and his love, O-SEI-SAN (Seiko Usui). Rizal also loved the country because he observed that there are only few robbers than other countries that he visited. The country that Dr. Jose Rizal disliked is US (United States) because there are racial discrimination to that country and when he arrived in San Francisco, he was quarantined for 8 days due to that he is an Asian and the racial discrimination is happening between Blacks and Asians. This is the countries that he liked and disliked during his travel. 3.) Yes DAMITAN (A06)
@annlorainebanzon4114 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, Dr. Jose Rizal's travel was vital and significant. The ability to travel to many locations throughout the world during his time seems to have a significant influence on his life and work. Being able to travel to multiple destinations and nations has provided him with a much larger understanding of the world outside of the Philippines. Throughout his journeys, Rizal made several companions with whom he appears to have shared his ideals of independence and who also provided inspiration for his works. He saw the disparity between the Philippines and other countries where people's freedom is enforced. The notion of liberalism that Rizal experienced in other nations gave him optimism that liberalism could be used to help our country obtain independence. Moreover, Rizal's first and second voyages allowed him to see diverse civilizations, governments, and cultures of the many nations he visited, which gave him a great deal in terms of education and patriotism, leading to the Philippines' nationalism and independence. 2. I assume that Japan was one of his favorite countries. Jose Rizal was so taken by the majesty of this nation and its people that he rapidly acquired their language, arts, music, and judo. And he mastered these things very quickly enough not just because he is outstanding at those, but also because he was cherished, appreciated, and fond of throughout his vacation to this nation. On the other hand, I suppose he regretted his journey to the United States since he was quarantined for eight days in San Francisco for being Asian. In which he declared firmly that he would not recommend anyone visit America. He also noticed the disparities in treatment of Blacks and Whites. He once mentioned that he seen the Niagara Falls but was totally unimpressed, comparing it to the Los Banos Falls. 3. Yes. Banzon (A07)
@leafigzz 2 года назад
1) The international travels of Jose Rizal created a great impact on him to grow as an independent and patriotic young man. These experiences of Rizal of traveling abroad with such objectives do not only benefit him but also a story to share with his fellow Filipinos who are interested in his life and works. Therefore, these are highly valuable as it gives us a perspective of what is behind our history. The importance and relevance of Rizal’s first travel (Spain) and second travel (Hongkong) are that these are the root of our independence, on how Rizal processed our freedom from the colonizers. In Spain, he was tasked to observe liberalism along with the lifestyle - culture, tradition, and religion. Also, he was able to get along with other Filipinos in Spain who used their talents to promote their intentions. Meanwhile, on his second trip, he was able to develop his skills (especially in writing) and had a deeper connection with Blumentritt which he expressed his deep appreciation during his stay in Hongkong. All of these events made Rizal limitless which pushed him to fight for Philippines' nationalism and independence. 2) Every “first” of your life is remarkably memorable and you have learned a lot from it. Rizal’s trip from country to country is like plenty of “first time” since he moved to different continents such as Europe, Asia, and America. I think the country he liked the most is Spain because this is his first-ever out of the country. Luckily, he did have a great time where he met other notable talented Filipinos who were also like him. It was like he had a good life-work balance since his purpose is to observe life in Spain and at the same time enjoyed his work which he is passionate about. On the other hand, travel isn’t always pretty; it isn’t always comfortable, and would not expect something that leaves marks on your memory. Rizal’s most disliked country for me is the United States of America. He experienced discrimination all because he is an Asian. From his experience, he said he wouldn’t advise anyone to come to America. I also think that from this, he was very disappointed to the point that he cannot see the beauty of the country and he was embraced by his emotions instead. 3) YES, I watched the entire video lecture. Yap (A01)
@axiedelacruz4723 2 года назад
1.) The journey of Dr. Jose Rizal around the world has a purpose. In every country that he went, there was always a knowledge or an experience that adds up to his personality and beliefs. He was there to observe keenly the different culture, traditions, government, and way of living in different countries such us Spain, Germany, France, and Austria- Hungary in his first trip, and Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, USA, England, and Belgium in his second travel. Rizal have seen the difference of the Philippines to other countries where in the freedom of the people is imposed. The concept of liberalism that Rizal witnessed in other countries gave him a hope that the liberalism might serve as a solution to gain freedom for our country. It brought an idea to Rizal that our nation's independence is possible. 2.) I think that Rizal loved his stay in Spain during his first travel. In Spain, he met other Filipinos who were called "Illustrados" where they got to see liberalism with their very own eyes. Illustrados are Filipinos that seems to be enlightened and very rich to be able to study in Spain. The organization have dream of better treatment and freedom for their fellow Filipinos during the time that the government of Spain controls our country. They promote their intentions and ideas through the use of their talent in writing and in painting. Rizal have gain many knowledge that have been useful in actions of heroism. On the other hand, I think that the place that Rizal has disliked the most during his second trip is his stay in Macau. Rizal wrote that Macau is a small city that is sad, gloomy and almost dead. 3.) Yes. (Dela Cruz, A01)
@eusevmopera6077 Год назад
1.) Rizal's travels and experiences had a significant impact on the Philippines' quest for independence. Rizal met with people who had similar goals for their countries. He was inspired to advocate for change and reform in his own country after learning about the difficulties and successes of other countries' struggles for independence. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo by Jose Rizal played a significant role in the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule. His life experiences and insights inspired many Filipinos who wished to build a just and free society. 2.) In my opinion, Rizal liked staying in Germany because he felt nostalgic for his parents and his homeland. I also believe that Germany is where he has the most leisure time. He studied at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, where he also published Noli Me Tangere. I believe that the United States was Jose Rizal's least favorite country because he was subjected to racism and discrimination and had to be quarantined for eight days. 3. Yes Mopera (A18)
@irismorfe4896 2 года назад
1. Considering the significance and relevance of Rizal's first and second journeys, I believe that they are excellent tools for establishing his way of thinking for Philippine nationalism and independence. A better understanding of how other countries operate as well as ideas on how to improve the Philippines for future generations were gained from each of the countries that he visited. As a result of his travels to other countries, Rizal realized that he could free his own country from the Spaniards, and that by studying and becoming well-known in other countries, he would be in a position to leave the mark that the revolution demanded. Because of what he did as a hero during the revolution, he studied many different subjects in each country, embraced the culture, and learned more about the country's history. And this is why Rizal's first and second journeys are so important and relevant. 2. There could be a number of countries that Dr. Jose Rizal visited that he favored the most for a variety of reasons among the many that he visited. The countries of Spain and France were visited by Jose Rizal twice during his first and second journeys, and it is possible that these were the countries that he enjoyed the most because he was able to return to them. I believe that, aside from these two countries, the country of Japan is one of the ones that he enjoyed the most. Doctor Jose Rizal was fascinated by the natural beauty of this country, as well as its people and culture, and he quickly picked up the language, arts, music, and even judo of the country. And I believe that he picked up on these skills quickly enough, not only because he is excellent at them, but also because he was adored, enjoyed, and remembered during his visit to this country. Furthermore, I believe that the United States is the country that he despises the most because of its racial discrimination against black people and Asians. He went so far as to say that he would not recommend anyone travel to this country. 3. Yes (Morfe, A01)
@peachyshan7169 2 года назад
1.) I think the relevance of Rizal's first and second travel was for him to learn more not only about other country's culture but also for the Philippines to gain its own heritage and liberty from the conquerors. His travels served as an eye-opener to him as he observe how people live with liberalism and how good it would be if our country does the same. Jose Rizal got the chance to meet different people in different countries which have contributed in his mission about knowing the life and culture, language, industry and commerce, as well as the government and laws of a specific country. He got the chance to share his intellect with them, same as what they did for him. His travels gave him the courage to inform and generate the fire inside the Filipino's who long for independence from the Spanish Empire. With this, he also shared friendship with influential people that are known to be heroes of our nation. His acquired wisdom inspired many Filipinos to be nationalistic and yearn for democracy. 2.) Of all the countries that Rizal travelled to, I believe that Germany is what was likely the most memorable for him. It was discussed in the video that as he reached Germany, it somehow reminded him of his parents that it almost felt like home for him. It was memorable for him and I think Germany had a lot of memories of him too as there is a statue of Rizal in the country. He stayed here for quite long, improved his fluency in their language, inspired to write a poem, and even published "Noli Me Tangere" with the help of Maximo Viola. However, I think Rizal's most disliked country was USA. Discrimination was really evident here as he was quarantined merely because he was Asian. He even witnessed the racial discrimination of the Black Americans from the White Americans. I think this was really rude as they highly honor those who are white-skinned only. He even wrote that he would not recommend people to visit the country because of this discrimination. 3.) Yes Barbastro (A01)
1.)The importance of Dr. Rizal’s travel was very evident, without his travel he would not have new insights and changed perceptions. Dr. Jose Rizal’s first travel was so important because he began to meet other illustrados abroad. He began to make connections and his first trip helped his study of ophthalmology. He also learned other skills such as Painting, sculpture and fencing, he also learned different languages such as English, French and German languages. Dr. Jose Rizal also published his masterpiece Noli Me Tangere in Germany during his first trip. During his first trip, he also met his favorite pen-pal Ferdinand Blumentritt. His first trip changed his religious outlook and widened his perception of the world. During his second trip he went to different Asian countries and territories such as Hong Kong, Macau and Japan and he learned their different culture and Japanese Language. When he went back to Spain he became very active in the propaganda movement. He also learned a lot in USA where he saw the unfair treatment of Asian and blacks. He annotated Antonio Morga’s sucesos de las islas Filipinas. Rizal’s trip was very important in his quest for independence because different countries opened his eyes further and he also collaborated with fellow Filipino intellectuals that are patriotic and wanted to help our country. 2.)Among many country Dr. Jose Rizal has been to for me he disliked USA the most. He experienced longer hour of quarantine because he is Asian which caused a lot of hassle for him. He also saw the unfair treatment of Asians and blacks in the USA which also reflect on how the Spanish conquistadors treated the natives of the Philippines. In his own opinion, he also was not impressed with Niagara Falls. For me Spain was Dr. Jose Rizal’s most liked country because this is the country where he met fellow illustrados and there was a time when they celebrated the victories and talents of his fellow illustrados and there was also time where they worked so hard in their propaganda movement and La solaridad. Spain was also the country where he published two of his greatest essays. 3.YES
@isaacmalabanan2074 Год назад
1) I believe Rizal's first and second journeys are very vital and significant in his desire for nationalism and independence. First and foremost, Paciano provided him with the opportunity to travel to Spain not only to study but also to see the lives, culture, language, laws, and administration of the countries he would visit. And he did just that; on his first trip, he travelled to Spain, where he met the illustrados and got a feel for Spanish life. Having the opportunity to travel and meet others of like mind as him, as well as the benefit of sharing thoughts with those he encountered in Europe, enriched Rizal's views on the emancipation of the Philippines. He met fellow Filipinos in many locations, where he founded organizations or groups with similar beliefs or ideals about liberalism, particularly for Philippine nationalism and independence. 2) Among the various nations that Jose Rizal visited, I believe he loved Germany because, as a resident of that country, he felt longing for his parents and his home land. He was also able to pursue and complete an eye medical specialty. Germany also aided Jose Rizal in finishing his novel Noli Me Tangere by inspiring him as he traveled the nation and learned more about it. It may also be demonstrated that he had a good time in the place and with the people during his stay because he found time to join a chess club in his dormitory. He also spent time with Reverend Karl Ullmer, who assisted him in learning German, and it is apparent that he enjoyed himself because he was able to stay with him for a three-month vacation. He also gained information by attending classes and continuing his science and language studies. 3) Yes
@serkromereyno3574 Год назад
1) Jose Rizal's first and second travels to Europe were significant in shaping his views on nationalism, colonialism, and the need for reform in the Philippines. Rizal's experiences abroad inspired him to become an advocate for social reform and a critic of the Spanish colonial system in the Philippines. His writings exposed the injustices and abuses suffered by Filipinos under Spanish colonial rule, and called for reforms to address these issues. Rizal's travels showed that nationalism and independence were achievable goals for the Philippines. By witnessing the successes of other countries in achieving independence and self-determination, Rizal and other Filipino nationalists were emboldened to continue their struggle for freedom. His travels helped to lay the groundwork for the Filipino nationalist movement, inspiring other Filipinos to take up the cause of independence and to work towards a free and independent Philippines. 2) He had notable experiences in some countries. Rizal enjoyed Germany where he pursued his studies in ophthalmology and was impressed by the efficiency, discipline, quality of education, and progressive ideas of German philosophers and writers. However, Rizal had a negative experience in the United States where he was appalled by racism, discrimination towards African Americans, and the American government's treatment of the Philippines. It is challenging to determine which country Rizal liked or disliked the most as his travels brought him to different places with different cultures and experiences. Nevertheless, his observations and insights during his travels helped shape his views on nationalism, colonialism, and social justice, which he would later express through his writings and advocacy for Philippine independence. 3) YES Hermosa (A18)
@irvinrossbalagtas3264 Год назад
1. Jose Rizal’s Travel was a gateway or an opportunity for him to learn more and expand his learnings. His brother Paciano Rizal knew that Jose Rizal would seize the opportunity of going to other country not only to visit and enjoy but also study academics and their practices. Jose Rizal main reason was academic, leisure, and nationalistic. Truly Rizal’s travel impacted him of how he made an idea which made a propaganda movement in our country when he came home. He managed to have a lot of friends in his stay out of the country. Throughout his first trip abroad Jose Rizal had sudden change in his religious perspective and he also widened how he see cultures due to the cultural differences of each country. In my opinion, Jose Rizal being able to witness different societies, governments, beliefs, and cultures made a huge impact of him being our national hero. 2. Jose Rizal visited many countries, and he looks more on the attitude of the locals more than the place our tourist spots. He once visited the Niagara Falls but he said that the falls in Los Banos is more beautiful. Jose Rizal’s most liked country was Germany. In his stay in Heidelberg, he was attending ophthalmologists’ classes, he also felt nostalgia for his parents during his stay there. Additionally, Jose Rizal he stayed 3 months with a protestant pastor named Karl Ullmer. He published Noli Me Tangere, one of the famous works of our national hero. However, his trip in the USA did not go as pleasing as the Germany. Jose Rizal experienced the racism and being quarantined 8 days just because he is an Asian. He even did not advise other people to go to America due to his horrible experience in the country. It is sad that discrimination still exist nowadays. 3. YES BALAGTAS - B43
@avypsngc Год назад
1. As he became a tourist, Jose Rizal was very productive, academically, and patriotically. He made a lot of friends such as academicians, Filipino compatriots, foreigners, girls, and he wrote a lot about his insights, the sights he saw, the good and bad experiences on the different countries. His yearning for change and reform was stoked when he first visited Spain and saw firsthand the brutal reality of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines. As he observed the Spaniards' intense sense of national pride, he also came to understand the value of education in uplifting the Filipino people and fostering a sense of national identity. During his second travel, Jose Rizal was able to expand on his ideas about nationalism and independence. He visited numerous nations in Europe and Asia, exposing him to a range of political and cultural forces. Because of this, Jose Rizal's beliefs on nationalism and independence, which eventually emerged as guiding principles in the Philippine struggle for independence from foreign domination, were significantly influenced by his first and second journeys. 2. I think among the many countries he visited, Japan is the one he liked and USA is the one he disliked. He liked Japan because he was amazed with the beauty of the country, people, and culture. As we all know, Japanese people are known for being friendly and hospitable. The discipline made their country have cleanliness and orderliness of their cities. He quickly learned the Japanese language, arts, music, and judo. They are also respectful which is why I think Jose Rizal liked Japan the most. As for USA, the people there quarantined him for 8 days in San Francisco just because he was Asian. He also observed racial discrimination of Blacks and Asians, especially Chinese immigrants there then wrote, "America is indeed Land of the free and home of the brave but only for the whites". Because of his experiences there, I think Jose Rizal disliked USA the most. 3. Yes. Yapsangco (A18)
@katrinac5082 Год назад
1. From my understanding, Rizal's first and second travels are highly relevant and important in relation to Philippine nationalism and independence. It is evident that Rizal didn't travel just for enjoyment; his trips had significant academic and nationalistic objectives. He embarked on these journeys with the aim of gaining knowledge and insights to better comprehend and tackle the challenges confronting the Philippines during the time of Spanish colonial rule. Firstly, he embarked on these journeys to gain knowledge and understand various aspects of different nations, such as their way of life, language, laws, and government. This knowledge helped him distinguish and compare them to the Philippines. Secondly, his travels were motivated by his desire to gather experiences that would enable him to contribute effectively to his country's cause. By immersing himself in diverse cultures and societies, he broadened his perspective on the world, which was beneficial for his nationalistic goals. Based on my personal understanding of the lecture, I learned that Rizal's travels were of great significance in his pursuit of Philippine independence. 2. Based on the information provided in the lecture that I watched, it is evident that Jose Rizal may have held a strong dislike for the USA and developed a fondness for Japan during his travels. I believe that Rizal's negative sentiments towards the USA likely stem from his observations of racial discrimination against blacks and Asians. As an Asian, being quarantined in San Francisco for 8 days may have further reinforced his negative experience, exposing him to the realities of inequality and injustice. This shows that the idealized notion of the USA as the land of freedom and bravery could have deeply disappointed Rizal. On the other side, Rizal's admiration for Japan is very evident. Not just that it is a meeting with O Sei San, who became his love interest during his time in Japan, but also his fascination with the beauty of Japan, its people, and its culture underscores his positive impressions. During his travels, he was captivated by Japan's aesthetic appeal, which includes its landscapes, architecture, traditional arts, and customs. 3. Yes, sir, I watched the entire video lecture. (Carañagan, Section B43)
@jacobdeleon7278 Год назад
1. In my opinion, Rizal's first and second journeys were instrumental in shaping his thoughts and ideas toward Philippine nationalism and independence. His exposure to different cultures, laws, and government systems during his travels enabled him to gain a better understanding of how other countries operate and also allowed him to learn about new and innovative ideas that could be applied to the Philippines. Through his travels, Rizal realized that he could play a significant role in freeing his country from Spanish rule and that by gaining recognition and support from other nations, he could make a lasting impact on the revolution. Rizal's extensive studies, cultural immersion, and historical exploration during his travels provided him with a wealth of knowledge that he could use to contribute to the betterment of his country. Therefore, I believe that Rizal's first and second journeys were critical to his development as a hero and remain relevant to this day. 2. In my opinion, Jose Rizal may have had different preferences among the many countries he visited, but I think he particularly enjoyed Spain, France, and Japan. He visited Spain and France twice during his first and second journeys, and perhaps he enjoyed them the most because he went back to them. Meanwhile, Japan fascinated him with its natural beauty, culture, and people, and he quickly became proficient in their language, arts, music, and judo. I think he picked up these skills quickly not only because he was talented, but also because he was well-liked and respected during his stay there. On the other hand, I believe that he disliked the United States the most because of its discrimination against black people and Asians. He even warned others not to visit the country. 3. YES (DE LEON, A18)
@saureclarence Год назад
SAURE, B43 1.In my opinion, and as I have learned from the lecture, the first and second travels of Jose Rizal was very much relevant and important to the nationalism and independence of the Philippines, it was stated and mentioned in the lecture that Rizal was very much observant to any country he went to, from the administration and the government and up to the culture and the people's way of life. Him being observant and also it was mentioned that he often writes to people and his pen pals about the country he is in, and I think is it his way to pave a guide on how Philippines can furthermore grow as a progressing country after it can gain its independence. His travels were also a great key to having connections around the world. Through his travels he came to believe that the Philippines could achieve independence through peaceful means, and that education and enlightenment were the keys to progress. 2.In the lecture, it was very much more evident that Rizal loved his stay at Japan, it was stated that he quickly learned the language of the country, even their culture, which involved their arts and as well as their music, and even judo. It was also stated that Jose Rizal fell in love with the countries' beauty. Not only the country and the environment itself but also the people in it. Jose Rizal also pointed out that there were only few robbers in the country which reflects the honesty and respect of the people for each and every one of them. I can also say that leaving Japan was very painful for Rizal because of his lover Seiko Usui, which his feelings were highly shown and reflected into his goodbye letter to her. He also had a friend which eventually looked up to him named Tetcho Suehiro, which i think he also had a strong bond while staying in the country. On the other hand, it was clearly stated he hated USA for their racist remarks and also their quarantines, he remarked USA as the land of the whites. 3.YES
@user-ix5xf4zo3j Год назад
Abulencia // B43 1. I think Rizal's travels and experiences had a significant impact on the Philippines nationalism and independence. These travels shaped Rizal's understanding of the colonial situation in the Philippines and allowed him to gain insights into the various socio-political and cultural landscapes of Europe and Asian countries. This learnings from these travels greatly influenced his ideas and actions, making a significant impact on the Filipino nationalist movement. He encountered ideas about democracy, freedom, and national identity that were instrumental in shaping his nationalist beliefs. Rizal also learned that other nations had fought for and achieved independence, inspiring him to believe that the Philippines could do the same. Through his experiences abroad, he gained valuable insights and ideas that strengthened his commitment to the Filipino cause and inspired others to join the fight for freedom. Rizal's legacy continues to resonate today as a symbol of Philippine nationalism and the ongoing struggle for genuine independence and social justice. 2. I think the country he visited that he like is Spain because he visited it twice during his first and second travel. And he also met some Filipinos in Spain like Marcelo Del Pilar, Juan Luna, Antonio Luna and many more. They were called “Illustrados” which means the “enlightened ones” because they see the liberalism in Spain that time. And their advocacy is that they want a better treatment of Filipinos by the Spaniards. They use their talents like painting and writing to promote their intentions to the Spaniards. Rizal did not like his visit to the USA because he got quarantined for 8 days merely because he is Asian, Rizal also said that America imposes their duties enormously. He also experience racism among some of the white people there, because of the inequalities between whites, blacks, and Asians were obvious that time. He saw the Niagara Falls but he was not amazed by it. He said that the falls in Los Banos is better unlike in Niagara. And lastly I think all of the countries that Dr. Jose Rizal visited are significant because he was very productive academically and patriotically even though some of the countries he does not like. All of these countries have taught many things to Rizal molding him better as a person and our National Hero. 3. Yes.
@antoniricafort9919 2 года назад
1. Rizal’s travels around the world were major factors to his understanding about our country’s situation and stance against the Spanish regime. They were his gateways to viewing our nation’s oppression from the outside in as well as a stepping stone for his comprehension of what could be for our country. In his journey across Europe, America, and Asia, he witnessed all kinds of people living all kinds of lives, as well as receiving all kinds of education and experiences, all of which helped him in his quest of learning what his people really needed for their welfare and freedom. One of the many countries he had visited was Spain, the heart of the Spanish Empire itself. Here, he met up with likeminded people and worked together to form organizations to help advance and promote their dream of a better Philippines. Rizal’s travels helped him understand things really needed to change. 2. Among all of the countries that Rizal had visited, I do believe that Germany was the one which he enjoyed the most. He did a lot of things during his stay there, including attending medical lectures, joining clubs, and even writing a poem about the city he had stayed in, Heidelberg. It was also in Germany that he experienced nostalgia for his parents and country, brought about the people and atmosphere present there at the time. As for his most disliked country, the United States of America is most probably at the top of the list because of his less than pleasant experiences there. He was quarantined and discriminated because he was an Asian and witnessed the oppression of other races there as well, even going so far as to say that the United States was indeed the land of the free, but only for the people of white complexion. 3. Yes. RICAFORT, A01
@minigon9402 2 года назад
1. I think the relevance and importance of Rizal’s first and second travels in the contribution in achieving Philippines’ nationalism and independence are his experiencing different cultures in the countries that he travelled. Jose Rizal’s secret mission is important since it will benefit to him and to the Filipinos. Travelling to different countries helped Jose Rizal to learn different things such as cultures, politics, different race, and the independence of that country. Jose Rizal also learned what are the problems of different countries that is relevant to the current problem of the Philippines at that time. Jose Rizal also met different kinds of people and with that experience, he learned more things and improved his skills as a doctor. In his quest, he also met different kinds of people that helped him to publish his novels such as the “Noli me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo”. Jose Rizal’s journey was relevant in making the Philippines independent. 2. I think the country he disliked the most is the United States of America (USA). I think he didn’t like there because of the 8 days quarantine in San Francisco just because he is an Asian. He wrote that he wouldn’t advise anyone to travel to United States of America because you will be quarantined for 8 days and have sever customs inspections, which it leads to discrimination, inconvenience, and waste of time. He also observed that there is a racial discrimination of Blacks and Asians. He also wrote that the United States of America is indeed the land of free and home of the brave but free for whites. I think that the country that he liked the most is in the Germany. I think he liked Germany because he attended the University of Heidelberg’s 5th centenary celebration, joined chess player’s club in his dorm, and published the “Noli me Tangere” with the help of Maximo Viola. 3. Yes Lara(A07)
@kristallynfojas9425 2 года назад
FOJAS- A07 1. Being able to visit different places and countries will surely give different perspective and angle to an individual. And Dr. Jose Rizal being able to experience first-hand the customs, traditions, languages and culture of those different countries from his first and second travels surely gave him new insights from all of those experiences. He also met a lot of people and listened to a lot of professionals where he learned a lot quickly in different fields like medical, judo, arts and music.Aside from this personal learnings, he also created and put up various groups and organizations with different reasons proving that Dr. Jose Rizal has his influence and nationalism in him that sparked even more. Lastly, he observed and realized the inequality already going on in some countries like America and that somehow might urge more inside him the sense of nationalism and liberalism to fight for the country, Philippines. 2. I believe that Dr. Jose Rizal's most liked country was Austria-Hungary where he met his favorite pen-pal, Prof . Ferdinand Blumentritt. Dr. Jose Rizal was surely comfortable with him that he can say whatever he want without the fear of himself that Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt might think ill of him or he might give his letters to powerful people that might use them to harass or harm Dr. Jose Rizal. Having someone who he wrote and talked to was surely enough for him to remember and have Austria-Hungary as his most like country. On the other side, I believe that his most disliked country was USA. First, he was quarantined for 8 days simply because he was an Asia. Second, he even advised in his writing not to visit America. Lastly, he saw and observed the inequality happening between White and Black Americans that time. Seeing that might be an enough reason for Dr. Jose Rizal to make USA his most disliked country especially he, someone who fights for equality and justice observed that first-hand in America. 3. Yes.
@vinztataro1860 2 года назад
1.) Dr. Jose Rizal's first and second travels to other countries are super relevant for the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence because of how he managed to understand the different cultures of each country. He seek to know the different types of governance between the countries that he visited in his early years. He widened his mind to help his country, the Philippines for us to outsmart and outwit the Spaniards. He also observed the types of academics and patriotism of these countries which lead to the independence and nationalism of the Philippines. In his tours, Dr. Jose Rizal also met significant names that shortly became his friends. Because of foreign friends, he also learned the perspectives of the locals about the culture and governance of these countries which helped him learn on the different approach of these governance when it comes to the countrymen and the foreign people who welcomed in the country. 2) I believed that out of all the countries that he have visited, he loved his trip to Japan the most. Why? because according to Dr. Jose Rizal, he loved the music, and culture that Japan has and he also loved how beautiful the country was. He also admired it because of how clean the governance Japan has and how almost all of the countrymen are good persons because of how they were taught in schools. Because of these, he learned and mastered the language. And one of the many reasons our national hero loved Japan so much because he met one of his lovers and according to him, there was no better woman than her that loved him that much. I think that he hated or disliked his trips in the English countries, USA and UK. The reason why he disliked USA even though he learned a lot in this trip because of the racial discrimination that he got with the American citizens and government officials. After he step foot in the land of America, he was quarantined because he was Asian and the people thought that he might be carrying a virus that came from Asia. UK, he disliked United Kingdom because of how boring and dead it was. Tataro, A07
@michaelamistoso9188 2 года назад
1) I think the relevance and importance of Rizal's trips in the quest for nationalism and independence is by strengthening and solidifying the need of liberalism for the country on Jose Rizal's perspective. This shows on the difference of the results on Jose Rizal's first and second trip since Jose Rizal's first trip focuses on studying and learning the countries in Europe in which we know was experiencing a surge of liberalism at that time. This helped Rizal on aspiring and solidifying his ideals for the country as he experienced first-hand the perks of living in a free and a liberated country. Jose Rizal also learned on his first trip things that will help on treating his mother which increases his engagement with different people who each have a different ideals that will widen his ideals for liberation. On the other hand, Jose Rizal's second travel was more on putting those learnings and perspective in work in a wider range which shows on his annotation of Morga's Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas and El Filibusterismo which were both made in his second trip. Also, lets not forget the product of Jose Rizal's engagement with different people with different ideals that further widens his knowledge and perspective which shows in his works. 2) I think the country that Jose Rizal visited and liked the most is Japan. The reason I picked Japan is because that is the country because I think he enjoyed his time the most in there since he got to stay in a Spanish embassy which saved him a fortune and it look like he was a lot more free in Japan due to the fact that he agreed in it since "he has nothing to hide" and that was even after the release of Noli Me Tangere and he was already being spied by a Gov. Gen. in Hong Kong. Another thing is it looks like Jose Rizal has someone he liked in Japan which is O Sei San. O Sei San was actually one of the girls he likes the most which shows on his letter for her. Adding his many compliments for the country, it looks like he enjoyed Japan most in all of the countries he visited. On the other hand, the country he disliked the most would be USA. The reason to this is Jose Rizal experienced racial discrimination first-hand and witnessed slavery in the country which disgust him basing on how he wrote in his experience in the country and slavery opposes what he is fighting for which is freedom and liberalism. Another proof is how he wasn't impressed by Niagara Falls which can be affected by the racial discrimination he experienced in the country. 3) Yes Amistoso (A07)
@gelallames 2 года назад
1. The importance of Jose Rizal’s first and second travels was to gain new knowledge by exposing himself to the culture and people of the countries that he has visited. By doing so, he was able to realize the reality of the Philippines better. He was able to justify that there is indeed something wrong with his own country and that the Filipinos are not free at all. From that, I think that his love for the Philippines and his desire for its independence started to grow even more. Rizal also met people, like the illustrados, who have the same principles and goals as his. I could say that this became important for him as he realized that he is not alone in his desire to get the Philippines out from the grasps of the Spaniards. Furthermore, I also believed that his encounters with various people from different countries also inspired his writings as he also learned a lot from them. 2. As discussed in the video lecture, Jose Rizal has visited a lot of countries for different reasons including academic, leisure, and nationalistic purposes. Regardless of his purpose, it is only natural for him to have a particular country that he might find likeable or dislikeable. In my opinion, Rizal seemed to like Japan the most. This is kind of evident with how he quickly learned the Japanese language, arts, music, and judo. He also recognized the beauty of the country, people, and culture. He is also impressed with his observation that there are only few robbers in Japan unlike in other places. Furthermore, more concrete evidence that shows his love for Japan would be his letter to Seiko Usui, who became his lover in the country. Meanwhile, I think that Rizal probably disliked USA the most amongst the countries he has travelled to. He even deliberately discouraged other people about visiting America while sighting the inconveniences that he has experienced during his visit. One of these is that discrimination is clearly rampant in the country. He was required to quarantine for 8 days in San Francisco just because he is Asian. It is important to note that this is not the first time that he has experienced discrimination from the Americans as he also experienced such when he is studying in UST. Rizal also preferred the attractions in the Philippines better than what he saw in USA. 3. Yes. Llames (A01)
@armandoagraviadorjr2594 2 года назад
1.) Rizal's travels around the world were eye-opening for him, especially in terms of liberalism, because they allowed him to learn more about culture and life, laws and government, business and industry, and language of each country he visited. These lessons aided Rizal in laying the framework for his own nationalism and other beliefs, which inspired many Filipinos. He also met a number of people who assisted him in forming organizations that enabled people to use their skills to promote their goal. In conclusion, Rizal's travels were instrumental in the Philippines gaining independence. Rizal would not be willing to open the minds of the Filipinos without these travels, and we would be unaware of the concept of liberalism. 2.) Rizal traveled to numerous nations in order to gain deeper that he could use to foster nationalism and develop ideas for the Philippines' independence. He also met a lot of people, but some of them written about their interactions with Rizal. I believe the country he despised the most was the United States of America, because he was subjected to racial discrimination in San Francisco, where he was quarantined for eight days. Because he is an Asian, the Americans treated unfairly Rizal, which is why Rizal stated that America is the land of free and land of the brave for whites. 3.) Yes Agraviador (A07)
@kurtaeron1365 2 года назад
1. Rizal’s travel is relevant and important in the way that he got the chance to observe and have a deeper knowledge of each country’s life and culture, government laws, and politics which later on urged him to achieve independence and liberty from the oppressors. His travel to Spain, France, Germany, and other countries in Asia and USA was an eye opener to him and made him experience different things in the medical field, art, and music. He met a different noble person which helped him understand what was really happening during that time and became one of the reasons for his novels and writings. Having said that, each country he went to has an impact on his own belief and life perspective. Having the chance to publish his two great novels, Noli Me Tangere in Berlin Germany, and El Filibusterismo, was one of the reasons why his travel is very relevant up to the current time because those two novels helped him to make the Filipinos fight for the country’s independence. 2. Rizal was known as the most traveled Filipino hero in the world, among the places Rizal went and visited during his lifetime, I think he liked Germany the most. He liked Berlin, the capital city of Germany, in a way he got the chance to study more about ophthalmology since curing his mother's eye was the main reason why he’s practicing ophthalmology. He had so much admiration for Germany during his stay there, that he got the chance to meet different scientists and got the chance to publish Noli Me Tangere which sparked a revolution at that time. Besides the places that he liked during his travels, I think he despised the United States of America for the reason of racial discrimination against Asians and Blacks. He and other Asians on board served 8 days of quarantine and a tight custom system just simply because of being Asian. His stay in the USA made him write that America is the land of the free and home of the brave but only for the whites. 3. Yes Remoquillo-A06
@RnZ_226 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal as a travel companion is like I am with a teacher because I can learn a lot of things from him. I want to be educated by him because he is an eye opener as he experienced and encountered a lot of challenges in life. Jose Rizal is fun to be with because he is intelligent and has a good sense of humor. The Filipinos still fight even the enemies power is strong because of their riches and advantages. Jose Rizal always makes a point that education is the best gift that we could ever receive because this is where we can have a power in all the aspects in life as our knowledge leads to be respected. Jose Rizal also know his stand and how to argue without physically hurting anyone but he said his arguments through speech or words with a pen. 2. Jose Rizal experienced all sorts of pain because he lost his wife, child, family, dignity and freedom when he was deported, deceived and betrayed. Jose Rizal ask for equality, recognigtion that Filipinos are equals of Spaniards. Rizal had revealed to Pio that the nation was not yet prepared to dispatch an upset contrary to Spanish provincial principle. Jose Rizal also writes poem about freedom and his love for our country in such a young age. 3. Yes GARCIA - A01
@user-vb6zs5tj8p Год назад
1. Jose Rizal’s first and second travels were really important and relevant to the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence. During his first trip, he traveled to Japan and Europe. During his trip he met a lot of Filipino citizens and he learned about the different types of resistance to the Spaniards that were being waged in different countries. He also started to write his first major work which is Noli me Tangere, which we all know became one of the foundations of Philippine nationalism. His second trip was also important, because he met different prominent people in the international communities and he also gave speeches and lessons that are all about the Filipino people. He traveled to Europe, North and South America during this time. He also published his second major work, El Filibusterismo, which is said to be more comprehensive than Noli Me Tangere. Overall Rizal’s trip abroad were major turning points of the Philippines’ nationalism and independence. It helped us gain a wide perspective in the situation, built international support and it inspired Filipinos to fight for our freedom. 2. Jose Rizal visited a lot of countries during his trips, he learned and experienced a lot during his trips. He was glad to discover everything that he went to. Rizal maximized his trips and he learned and applied the things that he learned to help us Filipinos. Among his visits I think he really enjoyed his first trip in Japan, because he mentioned that he loved the food and the culture over there. He also mentioned that the Japanese people were really friendly and welcoming. However the trip that he disliked the most is his trip in Russia. He said that his entire trip was the entire opposite of his description in Japan. He said that the people were cold and unfriendly over there, and he found the country to be depressing to live in. To sum up everything, I only said things that I interpreted that he liked or disliked that he went to. However it is safe to say that Japan and Russia were the countries that came to my mind. 3. Yes
@yvanramirez6630 Год назад
Rizal's travels were important milestones in the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence. His travels ultimately allowed Rizal to be exposed to different cultures and observe their injustices and inequalities that were prevalent in them. Through his travels, Rizal gained knowledge, as well as insights that would later prove valuable, and shape his thoughts and actions turning him into a revolutionary leader. Like most of us, our travels usually help us grow in some way, as was Rizal. On his first trip to Europe, he learned quickly about the ideas of liberalism. Meeting influential people everyday who advocated for the rights and freedoms of the Filipinos, he was also able to compare the socio-political conditions in Europe with those in the Philippines. Then, on Rizal's second trip, he went to Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States, he further expanded his knowledge of the world. He met with fellow Filipinos who shared his desire for change. Discussing ways to achieve their mission. Rizal was able to inspire his countrymen towards a common goal of independence. He used his books to raise awareness about the injustices that were rampant in the Philippines. Among the many nations Jose Rizal visited, Japan appears to have captivated his eye. The values, discipline, and culture of the Japanese people were things he admired. As an Asian country that has successfully industrialized while preserving its unique culture and customs, he pointed to Japan as an example. Rizal, though, had conflicting feelings about his time there. He was conscious of the promise the country held, but he was horrified by the racism and discrimination that African Americans and other minorities had to face. He expressed his displeasure with the US's inaction as well as the unfair treatment of these people in his writing. YES Ramirez A18
@sandreadiamante2625 2 года назад
1. The journey of Dr. Jose Rizal around the world has a purpose. In every country that he went, there was always a knowledge or an experience that adds up to his personality and beliefs. He was there to observe keenly the different culture, traditions, governments, and ways of living in different countries such us Spain, Germany, France, and Austria- Hungary on his first trip, and Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, USA, England, and Belgium in his second travel.For me, the relevance and importance of Rizal’s travel over several countries in relation to the Philippines’ quest for nationalism and independence are the eye-opening or wide variety of culture, diversity, schools, lessons, religion, government and other differences between countries. Rizal is just not enjoying his time every time he travels, he makes sure that he had his full time exploring and learning about that exact country. He even met a lot of people and became friends with them which is part of the fun when you travel to different countries. You met new people and learn about their daily lives and how they spend their days differently compared to us. Rizal's travel was important to widen his knowledge in different ways. He studied abroad for three purposes; academic, leisure, and nationalistic. He studied different cultures and governments in other countries so he prepares himself from Spanish tyranny. While Rizal was studying to improve his fluency in other languages, he also studied painting, sculpture, and fencing. It made a great impact in his quest for nationalism and independence. Getting the chance to travel and meet people who share the same intellect as him and have the advantage of exchanging ideas with the people he met. Travelling is not only for us to enjoy and have fun but at the same time, it is for us to realize how big the world really is. 2.I think he liked Japan the most as he learned the language, music, and culture quickly. He was also amazed by the beauty of the country I believed that Rizal really enjoyed his stay in Japan. He even quickly learned the Japanese language, arts, music, and judo. He was also amazed by the beautiful country the kindness of people and their culture. Also, one of the reasons is because he met O-SEI-SAN (Seiko Usui) and he even wrote her a lovely letter that says no woman better than her loved him and sacrificed herself. But definitely, I am sure that Rizal liked almost all the countries he visited as he have experienced many new things and learned a lot more about the different cultures around the world. However, when it comes to the country he might not like the most it will certainly be the United States of America mainly because of how they treat their fellow Americans differently just because of their skin color which Rizal hates the most because we should all be treated equally especially we must respect and love one of our own. 3.YES -DIAMANTE (A07)
@rickimaemasongsong8700 2 года назад
1. I think the relevance of Dr. Jose Rizal's first and second travel around the world, it was his important quest for nationalism and independence of the Philippines. During his travel he gathered so much knowledge, experience and information's which made him a better person he became. He met a lot of people in his travel, he exchanged ideas and knowledge with these people which he treasured and became his inspirations to write and fight for our own independence. Dr. Jose Rizal also met his favorite pen-pal Ferdinand Bluementritt a Filipinologist in Europe. As he travel around Germany he published the Noli Me Tangere one of his novels that reveals the inhumane actions of Spaniards among the Filipino, which became a tool to start a revolution. All of his travel opened his eyes to the different culture, traditions and government which allowed him realized what patriotism and nationalism he needed to fight for our independence without using any violence just using his intelligence and pen to be an eye opener also to his fellow Filipinos. who was abused by the Spaniards that time. 2. Dr. Jose Rizal grew older as he travelled around the world for leisure, academics and nationalistic purpose. I think the country he most like is Japan because he easily learned the language, culture, arts, music and judo also. He even met good people in Japan, Juan Perez Caballero is one of them who offered him a place to stay and he accepted it so he can save some money while travelling around, Dr. Jose Rizal also met his girlfriend O-Sei-San a 23 year old woman from Japan, they exchanged letters together and fell inlove whom he knew he will never meet her again when he leave Japan. The country he disliked I think its United States because they discriminated him, Americans quarantined him for 8 days because he was a Filipino, it is very disrespectful to be discriminated because of Dr. Jose Rizal race. He even saw the Niagara falls and compared it to the falls at Los Banos which he even like more. 3. Yes MASONGSONG (A06)
@earl2222 Год назад
1. José Rizal's trips to Europe had a significant impact on Philippine nationalism and the battle for independence. He developed a deep sense of cultural pride and identity after being exposed to ideas associated with the Enlightenment. His research and reform action were driven by seeing Spanish colonial horrific acts. His trips triggered the Propaganda Movement, which helped to raise Filipino national awareness. His novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo" revealed colonial crimes and sparked a desire for changes. Rizal's legacy of peaceful struggle and martyrdom united Filipinos in their desire for independence, lifting him to the status of an image of resistance and sacrifice. 2. He liked Germany because Rizal acknowledged Germany's excellent educational system and academic rigor. During his stay in Heidelberg, he continued his education in a variety of fields, including ophthalmology and spoken languages. He admired Germany's commitment to research and academic success. El Filibusterismo, his novel, was also published in Germany. He disliked USA because he got quarantined for 8 days just because he is from Asia, he already experienced discrimination and racial profiling the minute he stepped foot in USA. He was also worried that American colonial control would be similar to Spanish colonial rule, destroying Philippine independence. He also wrote that "America is indeed the 'Land of the Free and home of the brave', but only for the whites." 3. yes DE LEON, B43
@kiroroxas2346 Год назад
1. Rizal's first and second travels are of significant relevance and importance in the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence. These travels played a crucial role in shaping Rizal's perspective on colonial rule and his advocacy for Filipino rights, identity, and independence. first travel to Europe exposed him to the ideas of the European Enlightenment, which emphasized reason, liberty, and individual rights. This exposure broadened his intellectual horizon and deepened his understanding of the injustices of colonial rule in the Philippines. He inspired the Propaganda Movement, a group of Filipino reformists based in Europe, who advocated for political and social reforms in the Philippines. Rizal's writings and his experiences abroad contributed to the growing discontent and desire for change among the Filipino population. Rizal's travels, writings, and advocacy for reforms established him as a symbol of Filipino nationalism. His experiences, writings, and advocacy contributed to the awakening of Filipino national consciousness, laying the groundwork for the eventual struggle for independence and the shaping of the Filipino nation. 2. I would say his stay in the European countries was the most productive in terms of progressing his knowledge towards a better ophthalmologist, everything happened there was a necessary gain for him. But I cannot say that he enjoyed it as much as his stay in Japan, he met a girl which treated him with the most special care, special enough to make Rizal dedicate a whole letter for her, containing his admiration towards the girl called Seiko Usui, even though it is unfortunate that the letter didn’t reach the girl, it is still worth mentioning that his stay there became very special for him because of the Girl. He was also amazed by Japan’s culture and its beauty. As for his least favorite country, which I can say that he pretty much hated the stay was the USA. Racial discrimination was so rampant that the services he received was poor which made him state that the quarantine there was poor and insulting. 3.YES Roxas, B43
@JamesDeGuia-hm7su Год назад
1.) In my own opinion, I think the relevance and importance of Rizal's first and second travels vis-à-vis the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence is that those travels particularly his exposure to different cultures, societies, and political systems, shaped his worldview and ignited a sense of national identity and pride among Filipinos. Rizal's travels allowed him to observe and interact with various cultures and peoples. This exposure broadened his understanding of the world and made him realize the unique aspects of the Filipino culture, traditions, and history. It helped him appreciate the value of preserving and promoting Filipino heritage in the face of colonial oppression. In addition, During his travels, Rizal witnessed the discrimination and oppression faced by Filipinos and other colonized peoples. He saw the consequences of foreign domination and exploitation, which strengthened his resolve to fight for justice, equality, and national liberation. Rizal's first and second travels were instrumental in shaping the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence. His experiences abroad, coupled with his intellectual insights and passion for justice, ignited the spirit of nationalism among Filipinos and contributed significantly to the country's struggle for self-determination. 2.) Among the many countries he visited, I think he liked the most is Germany because Rizal spent a significant amount of time in Germany, particularly in Berlin, where he pursued advanced studies in ophthalmology and other fields. He admired the German people's discipline, industry, and educational system. He found their passion for learning and their sense of nationalism inspiring. Rizal was deeply influenced by the liberal and progressive ideas in Germany, and he saw it as a model for how a nation could develop and progress. On the other hand, I think he disliked the most is Spain because Rizal's sentiment towards Spain was somewhat complicated. On one hand, he had a strong love for the Spanish language and culture, having been educated in Spain during his formative years. However, he was critical of the corrupt and oppressive colonial system that Spain imposed on the Philippines. He witnessed firsthand the injustices and discrimination faced by Filipinos in Spain, which further fueled his passion for reform and independence. 3.) Yes -DE GUIA, B43
@danecollado 2 года назад
1. The importance of Dr. Jose Rizal’s first and second travels was he was able to witness and be exposed to the respective culture, traditions, and customs of the different countries he visited. We have a saying that experience is the best teacher, since he was able to observe the cultures of those countries on his own, he had a better understanding of how those cultures affect the people and their environment. Additionally, these learnings helped him realize what would be the best for the country and the Filipino people. Through his travels, he learned more about the idea of liberalism and the importance of having our independence and equal rights. More importantly, he met lots of people, including some Filipinos with the same principles and advocacies as him. He had an acquaintance with several people from different countries who helped him and made his travels more meaningful. In summary, his travels contributed to how Dr. Jose Rizal shaped his perspective and ideas. The experiences from the countries he visited also deepened his understanding that we, Filipinos, deserve more than being a slave to the Spanish Empire. 2. In my opinion, among the different countries Dr. Jose Rizal traveled to, his favorite was the country of Japan. In the reference video, it was mentioned that Dr. Jose Rizal quickly learned the Japanese language, its art and music, and judo. He was amazed by the beauty of the country of Japan, its people, and its rich traditions. Additionally, he met a Japanese lady named Seiko Usui, who they called O-Sei-san who loved him dearly as expressed in his love letter. The only thing Dr. Jose Rizal did not like in his brief visit to Japan was the few robbers he encountered. Nevertheless, I think the mentioned reasons were enough for Dr. Jose Rizal to like the country the most. On the other hand, his most disliked country was the United States of America. First and foremost, he directly said he does not advise anyone to travel to America. It is because of the discriminatory nature of the country. As mentioned, Dr. Jose Rizal underwent an 8-day quarantine period in San Francisco for being an Asian, and this is something that he does not condone. He also observed racial discrimination against Black and Asian people living in America. In the previous lecture, we learned how racial discrimination negatively affected Rizal’s studies at the University of Sto. Tomas. He believed that the privilege exists only just for the white people. These reasons are enough to conclude that he disliked the USA. 3. YES Submitted by: Collado (A01)
@imperatrix9411 2 года назад
1. I think the relevance and importance of Dr. Jose Rizal's first and second travels quest for nationalism and independence are how he observed and studied every country that he visited such as their Cultures, governments, industries, and Language. Because of his observation of these countries, he was also able to learn about liberalism and had learned more knowledge about the other countries. Traveling has even made him independent and made him even more dedicated to pursuing the Philippines' independence. He made a lot of friends that helped him in pursuing his goal. Because of his experiences in different countries, he was able to realize more about them, and even urged him to have a certain goal for the Philippines revolution. 2. Among the countries that he visited I think that what he liked the most is the country Japan, he had learned and observed things such as the language, arts, music, and Judo which he learned quickly. He also experienced falling in love with a woman named Seiko Usui. To which he wrote that no woman better than she has loved him and was longing for them to meet and spent time with each other again. He was amazed by Japan's beauty, people, and culture, and how he noticed that there are few robberies. The country that I think that he disliked the most is the USA, which he observed having racial discrimination towards Blacks and Asians. He even wrote to not advise anyone from coming to America because of being quarantined because he was Asian. 3.Yes Ladrido, A01
@jadeeortiz2143 2 года назад
1) The academic, leisure, and nationalistic purposes of Rizal's first and second voyages, in my opinion, are relevant and important in regard to the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence. Rizal continued his education on different regions of the world, and as a result of his vast understanding of various cultures gained from his travels, he experienced a sudden change in religious outlook, having a meltdown of his social complex, which enlarged his view of civilizations and then became his inspiration for Revolution. Jose Rizal's travels and adventures were a vital part of his learning and knowledge, since he learnt about other countries' cultures and politics. Jose Rizal's excursions educated him to conflicts that led to reform in the Philippines. He also intended to learn about European laws, governments, and cultures in aim of assisting his compatriots. 2)Among the other regions of the world he traveled, I believe he really like Germany the best because he felt nostalgic for his parents and his homeland, but also he went to Germany to continue to pursue his education in the field of science and languages. He was interested in learning about the political and economic processes of Germany, as well as the cultures, laws, and governments of other countries, in order to assist his fellow citizens and pursued knowledge of ophthalmology in order to heal her mother's eye illness, whereas the country he disliked the most would be the United States because he was quarantined for 8 days in San Francisco simply because his racial identity was Asian, and he also witnessed discrimination. The place par excellence of freedom, but exclusively for whites was Rizal’s view of America. 3) Yes - Ortiz (A01)
@acmontemayor3640 Год назад
1) Rizal's first and second journeys were crucial in the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence. These journeys exposed Rizal to various cultures, ideologies, and political systems firsthand, which profoundly influenced his views on Filipino identity and the struggle for freedom. Rizal's first trip to Europe in 1882 introduced him to Enlightenment thinkers' ideas, liberal movements, and the concept of nationalism. He witnessed European nations' progress and development, which contrasted sharply with the oppressive Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines. This experience instilled in Rizal a sense of national consciousness, prompting him to envision a brighter future for his homeland. Rizal's travels were life-changing experiences that shaped his intellectual and political development. He understood the importance of Filipinos asserting their identity, reclaiming their dignity, and fighting for their rights. Rizal's exposure to various societies influenced his belief in peaceful reform over violent revolution as the path to independence. Furthermore, Rizal's travels enabled him to establish contacts with prominent intellectuals, activists, and reformists. He became a catalyst for change and a unifying force in the quest for Filipino nationalism through his interactions and correspondence with like-minded individuals. His novels, such as "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," reflected the Philippines' social injustices and oppressive colonial system, igniting the flames of resistance and awakening nationalistic sentiments among his compatriots. 2) Rizal's extensive travels took him to many different countries, each with its own unique characteristics and influences. While it is difficult to determine his absolute favorite or least favorite country, it is possible to gain insights into the places he admired and those he may have found less appealing based on his writings and experiences. Germany was one of Rizal's favorite countries. He spent a significant amount of time in this country, particularly in Heidelberg and Berlin, where he studied. Germany's advanced educational system, scientific advances, and intellectual climate impressed Rizal. He admired Germany's discipline, efficiency, and commitment to knowledge and progress. Rizal also admired Germany's freedom of expression and intellectual discourse, which enabled him to develop his ideas and engage with prominent scholars and thinkers of the time. Rizal's experiences in Spain, the colonial power that ruled the Philippines, were more mixed. While initially optimistic about Spain as the birthplace of Western civilization and enlightenment, Rizal became disillusioned with the country's political and social climate. He witnessed the Spanish government's and society's corruption, oppression, and decadence, which fueled his criticisms of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines. However, despite his disillusionment, Rizal believed in the potential for reform and saw Spain as a critical arena for advocating change. It is also important to remember that Rizal's travels took him to France, Italy, Japan, and the United States, among other places. While Rizal may not have expressed strong feelings for these countries, he undoubtedly absorbed aspects of their cultures, political systems, and histories, which influenced his worldview and understanding of the struggle for national identity and independence. 3) YES Montemayor, B43
@jaeonjacquejakosalem3108 2 года назад
1) In relation to the Philippines quest for liberation and nationalism, Jose Rizal's travels are significant in a way that it opened doors for him to understand and make his fellow countrymen understand that their country isn't doomed and there is a chance to stand against their oppressors. During his travels, he observed various cultures and how they lived. he gained a sense of liberalism and was impressed on how well it worked on those other countries, and this made him realize that if this concept worked on them, this could definitely work on the Philippines. This could be the country's salvation. His travels also gave him a chance to meet and work with his fellow Illustrados who had the same ambition as him, dreaming of better treatment of Filipinos by the Spaniards. Travelling abroad, Jose Rizal met exceptional people by fate. These people gave him, not only good company but also the opportunity to learn and excel further. 2) Among the many countries he visited, it was clear what he liked and did not like based on how descriptive he was of them during his travels. It was noticeable in his description that he liked what he saw and experienced in Japan. He appreciated how rich their culture was and how amazing their language, arts, people, and music were. He also met one of his lovers in Japan. Seiko Usui was born and raised in Japan. You can tell how he very much loved her based on the letters she wrote to her. On the other hand, he kind of disliked being in Macau due to the dullness of the city in his perspective. The country for him, was small and gloomy and at some point almost dead. Compared to the other countries not much was said about the country's rich culture. 3) Yes, I did. Jakosalem, A07
@jbcagampang3566 Год назад
1) Rizal did not only travel to several countries all over the world to be a tourist but also to learn about other countries life and culture, government and laws, industry and commerce, and language. He was very productive, academically and patriotically. He made a lot of friends while traveling the world that would ultimately influence his decisions in life. He would also write a lot about his insights and experiences while traveling abroad. With his first and second travels, Rizal found different ways how to further learn and widen his knowledge to be able for the Philippines to its independence. It is also relevant to every one of us as traveling to different places even not abroad widens our perspective and different approach to things. With Rizal traveling to different countries, it paves the way for him to expand the knowledge he needs to achieve the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence. 2) Among the many countries he visited, I think he liked all of the countries he visited and no country he disliked. Due to the fact that he gained something from each country he visited, it may not be a big impact or contribution, but it is enough to make a difference in Rizal's life. Each country he visited, has a purpose, a purpose may be to widen his connections, his studies, or even just to have some fun. Except for the fact that he felt bored in England, especially during weekends as every place he goes is closed where neither shops nor theater is available and religious music is only played. As he traveled the world, he has a goal in each country, which is why he could not dislike a place as he chose to go there on purpose. It was a very productive first and second travel which one could only hope that he/she could have experienced it. 3) YES (CAGAMPANG, B43)
@bentisoy1280 Год назад
Pangilinan, A18 1. Both of Rizal's trips were pivotal in the fight for Philippine independence and nationalism. Rizal's travels exposed him to many cultures and political systems, broadening his worldview and helping him better grasp the Philippines' colonial situation under Spain. The concepts and writings that Rizal produced as a result of his travels had a profound effect on the Philippine national consciousness and inspired the country's war for independence. After returning from his travels, Rizal produced a number of books that showed the oppression of colonial power, social injustice, and the need for reform, such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. These writings encouraged Filipinos to rise up in opposition to the repressive regime of the Spanish colonial authorities. Because of his travels, Rizal was able to connect with other nationalists and revolutionaries from around the world. From his observations of other political upheavals, he gleaned inspiration for the Philippine Revolution. Because of Rizal's ties to other nationalist leaders, the Philippine independence movement gained international support. 2. Rizal visited several countries, but his writings and travel tales do not indicate which he loved and disliked. His writings and experiences can reveal which countries he liked or despised. Rizal enjoyed Japan. He admired Japanese discipline, cleanliness, and culture in his writings. He thought the Philippines might learn from their technological advances. Rizal's letters and diaries called Japan a "paradise" and the Japanese a "wonderful race." Rizal may have been conflicted regarding the US. He respected the country's political system and progress but criticized its imperialist tactics, particularly against the Philippines. Rizal wrote extensively about the Philippine-American War and how American crimes violated the Philippines' right to self-determination. It is unclear which countries Rizal disliked. His Hong Kong and Singapore experiences may have been less positive. Rizal lamented Hong Kong's filth and overcrowding in his diary. Rizal also condemned Singapore's colonial authorities for exploiting local workers by European and Chinese companies. 3. Yes.
@crishenvinzon535 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal's first and second journeys are relevant and important because they allow him to see the lives, culture, government, and industry of several countries. It opened his eyes to the truth and made him fully aware of how different the culture and regulations are in his adopted country. By traveling to Spain, he encountered other Filipinos known as Illustrados, who are educated individuals who have seen and experienced liberalism firsthand. As a result, Jose Rizal and other Illustrados advocated for better treatment of Filipinos and the country's liberation. Jose Rizal published his two works, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, in two different countries with the support of people he met outside the Philippines, by traveling to other countries. The Filipinos were able to gain the freedom they all desired thanks to these writings. Even though Jose Rizal traveled to numerous nations, he never forgot his homeland or his native Filipinos; he always brought his spirit of nationalism, as well as the desire for the Philippines' independence, with him. 2. I believe Rizal enjoyed both his first and second trips to Spain since he has spoken Spanish since he was a child and Spain has been one of our conquerors, therefore the country has had a significant influence on our culture. I also believe that, strangely or perhaps coincidentally, his first trip abroad was to Spain, and that he returned there. This, I think, is due to his passion for the country, which led him to continue his education there. And I believe Rizal despised his trip to the United States. Rizal was detained for eight days since he is Asian, which really is inexcusable. Rizal even went about the country and noticed racial inequality between Blacks and Whites. He has seen Niagara Falls and is unimpressed. He did state that the United States of America is the land of the free and the home of the courageous, but only for white people. We all know that the United States has a problem like this because they have a deep hatred for black people and even use them as slaves. 3. Yes VINZON, A06
@micajas6072 2 года назад
1. I think the relevance and importance of Rizal's first and second travel are that he keeps on learning about the things he used to observe. Rizal is just not enjoying his time every time he travels, he makes sure that he had his full time exploring and learning about that exact country. He even met a lot of people and became friends with them, especially when he went to Spain, meeting the other Filipinos there also known as the "lllustrados" who build a group that got to see liberalism, and all of them want the Filipinos to have a better treatment. It had a massive impact on Rizal's life when he traveled around the world. Rizal's knowledge build-up and he learned a lot of their culture as well as it also has a big help on Rizal as a doctor. He met Louis de Wecker who was a famous surgeon, it does help Rizal on being a Doctor as he learned a lot in a short time and he already knew how to perform all operations. Rizal was indeed lucky in that part because he got to travel around the world and studied in every country he went to, met a lot of people, and even had a love life there. 2. I think the country that he most enjoyed was Japan, Rizal explains that this country was a very beautiful place observed the beauty of the culture as well as the people and he even met a girl named O-Sei-San who was a 23-year-old girl and became Rizal's lover, he even met a friend there that got inspired by him. The place that he disliked the most was the USA, Rizal got quarantined there for 8 days because he is Asian, which is not reasonable. Rizal even observed the country and told that it has racial discrimination against Blacks and Whites. He even saw the Niagara Falls and he's not even impressed. He did say that the USA is the land of free and home of the brave but only for the white people. We all know that USA had this kind of situation as they tend to have a big hate on the Black people and they even make these people their slaves. 3. YES. BALBENTA, A01
@ryanesperanza3332 Год назад
1. Rizal's two journeys are both significant in the sense that Rizal learned and realized something throughout each journey. Everyone believes that if you don't try, you'll never know. Which is really relevant to his mission. Rizal's first trip was relevant and important, Rizal visited Spain where he met the "ILLUSTRADOS" meaning the "enlightened ones", and the other most crucial country is France, Germany, and the Austria-Hungary Empire which allowed him to encounter cultures outside of his native Philippines. Rizal additionally benefited from his interactions with various societies. Rizal was also able to distinguish the Philippines from the other nations he visited attributable to the lessons he learned from his travels. His journeys serve scholarly, recreational, and nationalistic objectives. The fact that he continued his studies and participated in intellectual groups where ideals of nationalism, liberalism, and democracy were addressed is very important to him. The harsh colonial regime in the Philippines stood in stark contrast to the progressive nations he visited elsewhere. Lastly, the most important, second trip that Rizal took was crucial in releasing the Philippines from colonization. played a significant part in his struggle for the independence of the Philippines. By publishing articles, essays, and novels that highlighted the wrongdoing and abuse carried out by the Spanish colonial administration, he actively engaged in the reforming movement. The novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," in particular, by Rizal, served as catalysts for the nation's awakened consciousness and the promotion of the concept of self-governance. 2. I believe Rizal's favorite nation was Germany, where he was able to study and complete a medical specialization in Ophthalmology, where his mother, Teodora Alonzo, had cataracts, and where his mother's physical condition encouraged Rizal to pursue medicine. Furthermore, it was mentioned in the lecture that he had a sense of nostalgia for his parents and his native country when he was living there. Furthermore, it was mentioned in the lecture that he had a sense of nostalgia for his parents and his native country when he was living there. Rizal also valued Germany's cutting-edge scientific achievements, educational system, and intellectual climate. He liked the Germans' orderliness, accuracy, and effectiveness which is this society made a deep influence on him and shaped his ideals and hopes for the improvement of his native Philippines. The dislike of Jose Rizal is a widespread problem nowadays, which is racial discrimination, with Rizal being discriminated against because he is Asian. As a result of his race, Rizal was restricted or quarantined. 3. Yes Esperanza, B43
@angelachacon8546 2 года назад
1. Before his first trip to the first four countries he visited, Rizal is already an idealistic person. To begin with, he is known to be a wonder child who writes poems, excels in academics, and has a long-term goal he wants to do for his life and the country. Although he already has ideas before going on a trip, his travels made him gain more knowledge about different ways of living. It includes the country's culture, politics, food, the people, language, and environment. The upright judgment he made from his trips made him develop a stronger foundation in line with the Philippines' independence. Moreover, Rizal also found people who actively have the same goal as him. This encourages the group and advocacy to generate more innovative ideas that create an ideal way for the Philippines to get better treatment from the Spaniards. 2. I can say he did visited a lot of countries and I think he liked the most is visiting Germany and France. Since he likes to gain more knowledge in the field of ophthalmology, I assume that he enjoyed the lectures of the leading German Ophthalmologists. In France, he also visited Louise de Wecker, who is a famous surgeon and innovator for practical advances in eye surgery. One of the reasons why he want to gain more knowledge in that field is because he wanted to operate her mother's eyes. In Germany, he also attended the 5th centenary celebration at the University of Heidelberg. Which I believe he enjoyed because there is a possibility where he catches up with his peers and professors from the university. On the other hand, I think he disliked the most is when he traveled to England. It is stated in the lecture that on weekends, Rizal was bored. Maybe he did not have a moment in England where he can spend his leisure time well on weekends. 3. Yes ACHACON (A06)
@CSColdishGamer 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal as a traveler is the national hero’s most important role. Through his travels in multiple countries, he was able to learn different types of idealism and discover the events occurring in different countries. Jose Rizal’s first travels started in Spain, France, Germany, and the Austria-Hungary Empire. In Spain, he was able to meet and conduct discussions with his fellow Illustrados. The idea that Filipinos should be treated as equals and have their own rights is strengthened by the Illustrados he met. Due to his first travels, his ideas of society broadened which eventually led to ideas of independence and nationalism. During Jose Rizal’s second travels, he was impressed with the quality of life in Japan. With this, it may have fueled his dedication, even more, to uphold independence in his own country to achieve a good quality of life. Throughout his travels, he was able to meet different kinds of people, societies, cultures, ideals, and livelihoods. Jose Rizal took inspiration from each of his travels in his works which led to the Philippine Revolution. He was able to share the ideals of different cultures of different countries in the world. 2. Jose Rizal visited multiple countries throughout his travels. The country that I think he liked the most is Japan. Japan has considerably a wide diversity of cultures and traditions. According to Jose Rizal, Japan is beautiful along with its people and culture. There was also a low occurrence of robbery in the country. Jose Rizal also met one of the women who loved him more than anyone as he stated. The country that I think he disliked the most is the United States of America. Jose Rizal does not recommend for Asian people visit the country as the country is strict with its quarantine protocols that are governed by racism. Citizens of the United States of America imposed quarantine protocols if you’re Asian. Jose Rizal was not impressed by the famous Niagara Falls. Jose Rizal also compared the Niagara Falls with the falls of Los Banos with the falls of Los Banos being more appealing than the Niagara Falls. 3. Yes TORRES (A01)
@janlemueldelosreyes9278 2 года назад
1) In my perspective, the relevance and importance of Jose Rizal's first and second travel in relation to the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence is he got to see with his own eyes and feel the liberalism that other countries are experiencing. In Spain, Jose Rizal met other Filipinos that shared the same dream as his, the better treatment of Spaniards towards the Filipino people; they were called the Illustrados. Jose Rizal and Illustrados mastered their talents, especially writing and painting, to promote their intentions. The countries that Jose Rizal visited during his first trip have developed his skills and talents not only in writing but also in sports like chess and fencing, arts, and the medical field. Because of his travels, he published both of his novels that encouraged the Filipino people to strive for freedom. His first and second travels widened his perspective of different cultures and gave his view of the Philippines like what he did to Morga's book. 2) Among the many countries Jose Rizal visited, I think that he liked his visit to Japan as he was amazed by the beauty of the country, its culture, and its people. He very much enjoyed the country where he learned the Japanese language, arts, music, and judo quickly. He fell in love with a woman in that country, which made him write, "No woman better than you have loved me." Jose Rizal regrets that he had to leave Japan and his lover, Seiko Usui, based on his farewell letter to her. On the other hand, I think it's evident that Jose Rizal very much hated his visit to the United States of America as Asian discrimination was rampant that he, himself, had experienced. Jose Rizal advised anyone not to visit America because their quarantine is crazy and discriminatory to races other than whites. He was not impressed by the beauty of the country as he stated that the Falls of Los Banos is better than Niagra Falls. 3) Yes. Delos Reyes (A01)
@ellaica342 2 года назад
1. He continues to learn about the things he used to notice. Rizal does not simply take his time when he travels; he spends his time discovering new and acquiring knowledge about the countries in question. He studied other countries' cultures and governments in order to be ready himself for Spanish tyranny. Rizal studied art, sculpting, and fencing in addition to improving his fluency in other languages. Rizal does have a bunch of time, and he makes good use of it. And although Jose Rizal traveled to several countries, he never forgot his homeland or his native Filipinos; he always brought with him his national pride, as well as the desire for the Philippines' freedom. He studied those countries designed to help the Philippines in becoming a better country than the countries he visited. 2. what Rizal liked, believe Jose Rizal likes Germany because when he goes on German. he begins to feel memorable for his family members and his homeland. He also started gaining knowledge. I believe he would be most proud of Germany, the state where he completed his specialization. Noli me Tangere, his first novel was also published here. As a result, I believe he feels more connected to Germany than to the other countries he has visited. We all know that his main reason for fleeing the country was to complete his studies, and his other goals were just part of his secret mission. I think that he doesn't like the country the USA because of what he wrote that he doesn't advise to make a trip to America for they are crazy about the quarantined just because he is an Asian. Also in USA there has a discrimination of black and asians and about the falls too he is not impressed. 3.Yes SAOIT(A01)
@rovicmghrng 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal has travelled in a lot of countries to pursue some of his interest like academics and leisure but he also travelled with a nationalistic purpose in his mind, some of his visits are relevant to his life as he pursued his quest for Philippine’s quest for nationalism in independence especially his first two trips abroad. I his first trip, he already had a mission to observe keenly the life and culture, government and laws, and industry and commerce, there he had widened his view of cultures and he had changed his outlook towards religions. He learned and realized a lot of opportunities for the Filipinos and that Filipino people deserved better treatments from the Spaniards. Rizal’s second trip made him realized that other countries were really different and living a very different life from his country, he learned a variety of things that helped hone his talents but also been inspired to write his novels that aims to promote Philippine’s quest for nationalism and independence. 2. During Rizal’s trip, he had the opportunity to travel to a lot of country and some of those countries had different impacts towards Rizal. According to Rizal’s diary or journal, his visit in the United states is not much recommended for Asian people, he also implied that racism that is still rooted from the people there, he also had a first-hand experience towards the prejudice he experienced in United States, he had to quarantine and go through lots of inspections just because of his ethnicity, so I believe he really disliked his visits in the Unites States. As for the country that I believe Rizal liked the most, I believe it would be his trip to Japan, there he learned the Japanese Language, arts, music, and judo; he also said that he was amazed by the beauty of the country, people, and culture, he even had an intimate relationship with a Japanese woman that he may have treasured deep in his heart, bit his love for his country is more important to him above all things so I believe he was really fond of his visit in Japan. In conclusion, he disliked the most his travel to the United Stated while he really liked his travel to Japan the most. 3. yes Maghirang (A01)
@thirdmendoza9195 Год назад
1.) Rizal's first and second journeys influenced the Philippines' fight for nationality and independence. Rizal saw the injustices that the Filipino people experienced under Spanish rule during his travels. He witnessed abuses by the Spanish, and a lack of opportunities for Filipinos to succeed in life. The role of education in encouraging nationalism is pointed out across Rizal's first and second journeys. Rizal made clear the importance of education and being able to think critically and independently. Rizal's first and second journeys guided the Philippines' struggle for nationality and independence. His support for education, promotion of national identity, and vision for a better future motivated generations of Filipinos to struggle for their freedom and dignity. 2.) Rizal visited many countries, and while he appreciated the unique qualities of each, there were surely some that he liked more than others. One country that Rizal liked a lot was Japan. The Japanese people's discipline, work ethic, and sanitation amazed him. Rizal praised their love of art and culture, as well as their commitment to tradition and social order. He also admired the Japanese ability to modernize and adapt to Western technology and ideas while keeping their own identity and culture. On the other hand he had mixed feelings about some of the European countries he visited, especially Spain. Rizal observed the Spanish colonial government's injustices and misconduct. The social, political, and cultural systems of the countries Rizal visited affected his opinions of countries. He commended countries that encouraged democracy and education while opposing those that silenced and abused their citizens. 3.) Yes (Mendoza, A18)
@justin8157 Год назад
1.) Rizal’s travels were not just about leisure, it was actually very productive, both academically and patriotically. His travels became a turning point for the Philippines’ long quest for freedom. During his first and second travels, he was exposed to new environments and cultures and to that country’s political and social structure. It became a gateway for him to strive for an Independent Philippines; a country free from oppressors and a country where the natives are called Filipinos. During his travels, Rizal also met different people who he shared and exchanged different views and ideas with. On his first travel, in Spain, he first-handedly experienced liberalism. He also met other Filipinos there and formed a group and called themselves, Illustrados. Because of their exposure to liberalism, they advocated for better treatment of Filipinos by the Spaniards where they used their talents and skills to promote their intentions. As Rizal travels to a different country, his knowledge continuously expanded. He was able to publish the books Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo during his first and second travels, which exposed the oppressive regime of the Spaniards and helped to bring nationalism out of the Filipinos. 2.) Besides European countries (as he spent a lot of time there), I think Japan fascinated him the most. It is in Japan where he left his heart at. He met a girl in Japan named Seiko Usui. She’s one of the girl’s that caught Rizal’s heart. A part of his message to Seiko, Rizal said, “You will never come to know that I have thought of you again, or that your image lives in my memory…”, it was clear that Rizal was madly in love with Seiko, however, it was impossible for them to meet again, leaving his heart in Japan. Additionally, besides Seiko, Rizal was amazed by the beauty of Japan: the country, the people, and the culture. Furthermore, among the countries he visited, he disliked the USA. It is where Rizal experienced and observed racial discrimination against Blacks and Asians. During his stay in the U.S., he got quarantined for 8 days just because he was Asian. He wrote, “America is indeed ‘Land of the free and home of the brave’, but for the whites”. He was not also impressed when he saw Niagara Falls, he even compared it to the falls in Los Banos which he thinks is more beautiful. 3.) YES. SALVADOR, B43
@kylamostizo6389 Год назад
1. Rizal encountered several types of individuals on his travels who influenced his ideas and plans for the Philippines. Rizal's first and second journeys had a significant impact on his education and worldview. He was exposed to new ways of life, new languages, new systems, and new people. Many of the people Rizal met on his travels seemed to share his dreams of independence and provided him with additional inspiration as he wrote. It is clear from Rizal's correspondence with his pen pal that he paid close attention to local customs everywhere he went. He broadened his worldview by learning about the practices of religion in various nations and by engaging with the customs of people from other cultural backgrounds. Press freedom advocates like Tetcho Suehiro were among the persons Rizal met. In terms of patriotism, his trips demonstrated the sagacity of Filipinos, as seen by his friendships with Filipino artists who won a prize in Spain, and the unique beauty of the Philippines, as evidenced by his comparison of Niagara Falls and Los Banos Falls. 2. According to the debate, Rizal has certain loves and dislikes, and one of the nations he visited where he has an aversion is the United States, which he visited twice. He wrote in his notebook that the locals were racist and provided more evidence by recounting his experience of being confined and subjected to several inspections and tests on the basis of his Asian heritage. While in Germany, he also celebrated the university's five hundredth anniversary. Which I think he enjoyed because it gave him the chance to reunite with his college friends and professors. On the other side, his trip to England was perhaps the one he loathed the most. The lecture claims that Rizal was bored on weekends. Perhaps he never found a weekend activity in England that he enjoys doing. 3. YES MOSTIZO, A18
@michaellibrea352 2 года назад
1.) The relevance and importance of Rizal’s first and second travel is that on those journeys he was able to acquire knowledge on how those countries are running without the presence of the Spanish empire. This gave Rizal a glimpse of what the Philippines can be without the ruling of the Spaniards. As Rizal continues his studies in these 2 travels, he was inspired to write his 2 famous novels the El Filibusterismo and the Noli me Tangere. Upon his return to our country, he established the La Liga Filipina an organization which manifest his written books. This organization aimed for liberalism and to push out the Spaniards to create a more equal society and unite the Philippine Archipelago. 2.) Based on Rizal’s statements, I believe that the country that Rizal most like is Japan. I say this because he was mesmerized by having a unique experience in Japan, he experienced an amazing culture and the kindness of the Japanese people. In his travel to Japan, he learned their language, art, and their culture. Aside from that, he meets Seiko Usui in Japan too, Usui is one of the lovers of Rizal’s whom he wrote a love letter to. I believe that the country the Rizal dislike the most was the U.S.A, I say U.S.A because Rizal experience severe discrimination because of the inequality between the white, black, and Asian people because he was Asian. Rizal was even quarantined for 8 days for just being Asian. In all of Rizal’s travel, he only experience this kind of discrimination in this country because of that he advices everyone to not visit the U.S.A. 3.) Yes Librea (A06)
@lorenzo3185 2 года назад
1) Rizal’s first trip included Spain, France, Germany, and Austria. This has opened his worldview to the understanding that we are not confined to the default choices set by our origins, that there are limitless perspectives that are equally as valid, as it is alien to himself and the Filipinos at that time. This understanding of course, has enabled Dr Jose Rizal to view the Spaniards’ occupation as a decision where we have a say - rather than an inevitable process. Having associated with the “Illustrados” gave him a platform to exercise his higher ideals, the people’s appreciation of his comic, “The Monkey and the Turtle” gave him the confidence to move people by his works, and staying with a Protestant Pastor, and seeing how faiths are equal among the religions completely freed him from a frame-of-mind that believes in subjective truth. This should abolish any ideas of xenocentrism, and knowing that your race is equal to others leads to nationalism. His second trip included Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, USA, England, France, Spain, and Belgium. Much has already been learned by Rizal at this point, especially in the secular world, but it was in Japan that he found the element that changes even the most stubborn of men - he fell in love. It was obvious by his description that in that moment, he loved her infinitely. Falling in love binds you closer than friendship, and deepens your understanding of another person. I know at this point, Rizal knew that anybody else who has not seen what he already has is still blind. I could only assume that he wanted to open the Filipino’s eyes to the idea of independence, of choice - he did, and the people worshipped him. I think it is very clear that he disliked the USA the most, it is evident from his discouragement of the people regarding visits. Macau comes next, from his bleak descriptions including, sad, gloomy, and dead. I am of the opinion that he enjoyed Japan the most, he felt so comfortable there that he got himself a Jap girlfriend, and even worked at an embassy! Was he trying to settle down and forget his secret mission of learning life & culture and industry & commerce? Well, love does make even the most mundane things in life a joy to behold. My assumption is that Spain is next up on his list. He speaks the language and has written all his prose in Spanish, so he must feel well at-home here. Meeting other Filipinos, being a part of a group of similar status, and being involved in many functions would have given him the stimulation that he needed to balance out his highly socio-academic lifestyle. 3) Yes. (SANTOS A01)
@lawrenceramos9499 Год назад
1.) For me, base from the video lecture that was discussed by Sir E!, there was a huge significance of Rizal's first and second travels vis-à-vis the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence. His first and second travels are solely focused on knowing the the social, political and economic status of each countries and so that he could get an idea outside of our country. The 3 dominant themes of his travel was academic purpose, leisure, and nationalistic purpose. It was said to be academic purpose because in his first travel, he continued to study in Madrid because he didn't enjoy the educational environment in University of Sto. Tomas because of its old fashion way of teaching and racial discrimination he experienced there. Jose Rizal also enjoyed his travel there because of leisure, he did have some enjoyment with his friends and met some girls during his stay in some countries. It was also said the he was on secret mission, his travel in every country was to observe their life and culture, government and laws, industry and commerce, and language. 2.) Among the many countries that Jose Rizal visited, it was hard for me to determine which country did he liked and disliked the most. For me, base from Sir E! on what he discussed in the video lecture, I think country the he liked was Germany because as were said in the video lecture, he experienced the feeling of nostalgia not only for his parents but also in his country which is Philippines and because of that, he wrote "The flowers of Heidelberg". Jose Rizal also published his novel in Germany which is Noli Me Tangere with the help of Maximo Viola. It is also where Jose Rizal learned how to treat cataract because his mother has cataract and he want to cure it so that his mother can see again. The country I think that he disliked was Spain, even though he met with some fellow Filipinos there, Jose Rizal saw the corrupt government of Spain and he might also experienced discrimination there because he was Asian. 3.) Yes RAMOS, B43
@jetrholafiguera5713 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, the relevance and importance of Jose Rizal’s first and second travels are that they gave enough knowledge and learning about the traditions and cultures of several countries that Jose Rizal visited during his first and second travels. Moreover, the experiences of Jose Rizal in the other countries that he visited gives him enough knowledge for the Philippines’ quest for the nationalism and independence of our country, which starts the sparks and realization for the Filipino people to begin a revolution against the Spaniard colonizers. Furthermore, the first and second travel of Jose Rizal to the several countries, including Spain, France, Germany, the Austria-Hungary Empire, and more, where he learned and understand the rise of liberalism in the west countries and established an organization called Illustrados, which gives more motivation for Jose Rizal to fight the freedom and human rights of every Filipino people. Moreover, they used their talents and skills in arts and literary works to express their experiences and intentions, such as Spoliarium and Noli Me Tangere. 2. To my way of thinking, there are several countries that Jose Rizal traveled to, and among those several countries he visited gave him a lot of experienced and insights into the different perspectives of other countries the foreign people, that's why Jose Rizal had liked and disliked countries since he wrote his insights, sights, and experiences to the foreign countries. Additionally, the countries he liked the most are Spain and Germany, and the countries that he disliked the most based on my observation in the lecture are the Macau and USA. Moreover, the reason why I chose Spain and Germany as the liked countries of Rizal was that he stayed there for a long time and has good opinions and insights about the two countries. On the other hand, the reason why I chose Macau and the USA as the disliked countries of Rizal was that he encountered discrimination because of his Asian race and got quarantined for eight days, and the gloomy atmosphere of Macau gave an unpleasant experience for Jose Rizal. 3. Yes - Lafiguera (A07)
@zakugour2677 Год назад
1). Both of Jose Rizal's overseas journeys are crucial milestones in the Philippines' fight for nationality and independence. Rizal's travels exposed him to new cultures and ideas, which influenced his thinking and enabled him to have a better grasp of the country's challenges. Rizal saw discrimination and injustices endured by Filipinos in Spanish colonial society during his first journey. He observed the friars' and the Spanish government's injustices, which fueled his determination to fight for his country's freedom. Rizal refined his skills as a writer and thinker as well, utilizing his talent to criticize the colonial authorities and motivate fellow Filipinos to act. Rizal's crusade for reform and independence continued on his second trip. He interacted with other Filipinos in Europe and joined organizations such as the Propaganda Movement to advocate their cause. He also created the novel "El Filibusterismo," which highlighted the Spanish colonial government's corruption and injustices and spurred Filipinos to fight for their rights. His stay abroad allowed him to see the world from a variety of perspectives, allowing him to question the concept of freedom and its various forms and expressions, reflections that helped him to imagine a better future for his people free of Spanish tyranny. His experiences broadened his perspective, deepened his understanding of his country's situation, and enabled him to speak out on behalf of Filipinos seeking freedom. His efforts and ideas continue to inspire future Filipino generations to fight for their rights and work toward a more just and equal society. 2). Rizal visited a number of nations when he went on his personal journey, including Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria-Hungary Empire, Belgium, England, Hong Kong, Japan, and even the United States. He enjoyed these nations' arts, sciences, and culture, but he also became aware of their social and political issues. Despite everything he saw, experienced, and discovered about the histories and cultures of each country, the one that stood out to me as the one he liked best was the Austria-Hungarian Empire, where Jose Rizal stopped on his second trip to Europe in August 1887. He was only there for a little period of time, and Vienna was even shorter. Rizal toured the city's well-known attractions during his brief time there alongside Viola. Additionally, he spoke with some city-dwelling Filipinos and observed the society, culture, and history of the nation. Additionally, he spoke with some city-dwelling Filipinos and wrote Ferdinand Blumentritt, a well-known Austrian ethnologist and Rizal's friend, a letter. Rizal wrote a letter in which he expressed his respect for Austrian culture and people as well as his views on the cultural distinctions between Tagalogs and Visayans in the Philippines. For me, the fact that he visited his Penpal was the most wholesome thing that I read about Rizal's visit, there is even a historical marker dedicated to Rizal and Blumentritt in Litomerice, which is in the current day Czech Republic. According to my observations, the United States is undoubtedly Rizal's least favorite country. He was quarantined there for 8 days on the grounds that he might have smallpox and cholera or because he was Asian, and as a result, he was exposed to the appalling living conditions and treatment of Asian immigrants who were also being held for quarantine. He might have developed later support for social justice and human rights as a result of this interaction. This also leads him to even recommend not visiting America, as future visits might experience similar treatment. Rizal's experiences and observations while visiting several nations were generally mixed. He was proud of their successes in terms of culture, knowledge, and technology, but he was also aware of their social and political issues. 3). YES LUNA, A18
@tomie3374 2 года назад
1. I think that Rizal’s travels to Europe was relevant to his quest for Philippine nationalism and independence. His travels to Europe were originally a secret mission just to observe the culture, government and laws, industry and commerce, and language to free the oppressed people from the Spanish tyranny. Each visit he made to the different countries in Europe and some parts of Asia made him gain knowledge not just for academic and nationalistic purposes, but also for leisure. Along his travels, he met people of his national descent, people with half-nationalities, and foreigners which he befriended or made a romantical relationship with. He also took up formal lessons such as painting and fencing to further his artistic skills. In his travels is also where he improved with his writings by publishing several works such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which made Rizal’s mission for nationalism successful up until his death. 2. Among all the countries that Rizal had visited, I believe the country he liked the most was Germany. His stay in Heidelberg gave him the time to finish his specialization course in ophthalmology with the teachings of two leading ophthalmologists in Germany which were Cr. Otto Becker and Prof. Wilhelm Kühne. While studying for his specializations, he was lucky enough to witness the University of Heidelberg’s 5th Centennial celebration which made Rizal feel nostalgic for his parents and country. He then expressed his nostalgic feelings in written form entitled “The Flowers of Heidelberg”. In Germany is also where Rizal had published Noli Me Tangere with the help of Maximo Viola. On the other hand, the country which made Rizal dislike the place was America. The first thing upon stepping into the country, Rizal was immediately quarantined for eight days just because he was Asian. The next thing he observed while being there was the racial discrimination towards the Black people and the Asians. And for the last, he did not find the place beautiful which he stated that the Philippines has better scenery compared to the USA. 3. Yes Gamilo (A07)
@miconelsunga9195 2 года назад
1.) In my opinion, the relevance and importance of Rizal’s first and second travels were a huge contribution to Rizal’s knowledge and perspective. He was able to learn and experience the different styles of cultures, languages, governments, and people. While he was in Spain, Rizal and the Illustrados put up organizations with used their talents to promote their intentions which to bring independence against the Spanish colonizers. Also, Rizal was able to publish the finest novel in Germany called Noli Me Tangere. Along with his first travels, Rizal’s faith and social perspective have a sudden change in his religious outlook and a widened view of cultures. On his second travels, he observed the unique and beautiful culture of Japan. He experienced the hard discrimination and inequality in the United States. Moreover, Rizal published the El Filibusterismo in Belgium. With these travels in different countries, Rizal wrote his insights and experiences. He also made tons of friends while he was staying in every country. Rizal was able to notice the difference between the other countries and his native country. In those countries that he visited, Rizal build up new ideas about liberalism which he applies to our country. Also, it became a key to expanding his knowledge that will bring independence to our country. 2.) Rizal visited plenty of countries in his first and second travels. He was amazed and experienced different cultures and practices in every country he traveled but Germany is probably the country that stands out and he really likes the most. Rizal experienced a feeling of nostalgia for his parents and his country which persuaded him to write the Flowers of Heidelberg. While he was staying in Germany, he took an Ophthalmology specialization and he was able to finish and completed his degree. Moreover, he joined a chess players club in his dormitory. Apart from that, he stayed with a protestant pastor named Reverend Karl Ullmer for a 3-month summer vacation. He was able to improve his fluency in the German language. Most importantly, Rizal was able to publish the Noli Me Tangere with the help of Maximo Viola. As we observed, Rizal was really enjoying his stay in Germany. As for his dislike, the United States was the country that he dislikes the most. Rizal experienced discrimination since he was an Asian. The United States was not advisable because of the 8-day quarantine and severe inspections. Lastly, Rizal was not impressed when he saw Niagara Falls. He stated that the falls in Los Banos were more beautiful than the Niagara Falls. 3.) Yes Sunga (A07)
@katherinenambio1081 Год назад
1.I think that Rizal's first and second travels is very relevant and important for his quest for nationalism and also independence. He was able to learn the operations of the eye under hands of Louis de Wecker in France. Also, he was able to learn and improve German language through the course of his time in that country. As well as he had published his first work which is Noli Me Tangere. 2.Among the many countries that Jose Rizal visited, I think that he liked the country of Germany. As of the lecture it was said that he experienced the feeling of live for his parents and his country during the time when he was living in the said country. The most disliked country of Rizal is his travel to the USA which we already knew how he was discriminated for the fact that he was an Asian. 3.Yes
@lynbaldovino4392 2 года назад
1) Rizal's travels are relevant and important in the Philippines' desire for nationality and independence since he was not just a tourist but a traveler who extensively analyzes the culture of the countries he visited. He is also traveling to get additional information, the majority of which is science and literature, which he is learning as he travels from place to place. Rizal's early travels help him build his passion, which would become more prominent as he grows and expands his views. Such as the ideals and information he gained, the friends he made while traveling, the locations he saw as well as what occurred there, and the fact that he met a lot of others that share his independence perspective. His travels allowed him to mature and gain a sufficient understanding of the places he visited. He obtains the expertise he used against Spaniards fighting for Philippine independence and nationalism, along with some companions from the places he used to visit who share his ideas and opinions. 2) Despite his restricted means, Jose was able to optimize his cross-border experiences. He traveled extensively and treated each destination as though it were his first and last. I believe his favorite destination was Paris, France. Rizal, like many travelers, was enchanted by the picturesque landscape of Paris, particularly the lovely parkades. Rizal spent a lot of time in museums and watched the French way of life. His travels had molded him into the person he was, and he now believes that even the tiniest of collections may have a huge influence on one's education. I believe he liked Germany as well because of its scientific atmosphere and lack of racial prejudice. In Berlin, Rizal lived a methodical life. He was busy all day and night completing chores that helped him improve his German, French, and Italian skills. His famous work 'Noli Me Tangere,' which was totally dedicated to the Philippines, was also published here. I believe the place he dislikes the most is his visit to the United States of America, where he had a negative view of racial inequality. There was racial prejudice that ran counter to the ideas of democracy and freedom that Americans preach but do not practice. 3) Yes BALDOVINO, A07
@michaelmaniago2095 2 года назад
1.) Personally, I think Rizal's trip is what shaped our culture and what made our race and him personally recognizable in the different countries that he has visited during his venture. Why do I say this? Well, it is because for him to bring his own skills and work in those countries and either contribute or make his own work be recognizable to the people is astonishing since he was bringing our culture to those countries. As stated in the lecture, Rizal established patriotic organizations in France which composed including the Kidlat Club, Indios Bravos, and the Sociedad R.D.L.M. He also published the famous El Filibusterismo in Belgium, Observed how blacks and Asians were treated in the U.S.A, and lastly was active in the propaganda movement in Spain and also published his two famous essays "Filipinas Dentro de Cien Anos" and "Sobre La Indolencia de Los Filipinos" which was published in La Solidaridad. Him creating these things even if he wasn't in his own country is what made these different countries recognize the works of a man who had nothing but love for his country. I also believe that Rizal's very wise habit of observing different cultures and learning about them as well is what made him develop his own sense of nationalism and independence towards our country. I think he didn't want us to imitate these cultures because we ourselves have our own unique features that make the country what it is. It's what sets our differences from other races which is why we are classified as Filipinos. Personally, Rizal doing those things in the different countries he visited must serve as a solid example of nationalism and independence. And one example we should all follow as Filipinos wherever we may end up. 2.) Personally I think he's favorite country would be his visit in Germany. Not only because of the academic knowledge he gained there but also because his visit there was more for leisure purposes compared to the other countries he has visited. Yes he still did work there like publishing Noli Me Tangere but other than that, he only wrote things that was for his own enjoyment as well. Like A Las Flores de Heidelberg which was a writing that Rizal made since Germany reminded him of his home. Rizal's stay there was mostly for his own happiness which is why I feel like this country would have been his favorite trip among the other countries he visited. Now in terms of his least favorite one, I feel like his trip to the United States of America (U.S.A) would be the best answer. Why? Well, not only was he quarantined for 8 days because of the countries strict rule of custom inspections, he also found nothing in the country attractive or worthy of his time. And not only that, to see your own race being discriminated by people in a different country... How would one feel? This is why I think this is where Rizal developed his sense of pure nationalism but my knowledge is limited by the lack of truth so I can only assume. Rizal's stay in that country had no moments that can or is considered memorable nor knowledgeable except the fact the the falls of Los Banos was more better than the Niagara Falls. So for me Rizal's least favorite trip was in the U.S.A. 3.) Yes. Maniago (A01)
@glenmark7214 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal is well-known as a prolific writer and revolutionary. The same can be said about his being a polyglot-able to communicate in 22 languages-and, of course, a national hero of the Philippines. What isn't talked about nearly enough, however, is his trip to Europe, particularly his time in Germany, during which he formed friendships with people who would help him write his iconic novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as achieve achievements that would add to his already illustrious legacy. Jose Rizal's travels and adventures constitute an important part of his education and purpose in the Philippines. His travels provided him with a comprehensive understanding of other cultures, which served as an inspiration for Reform. Jose Rizal's travels exposed him to struggles that led to reform in the Philippines. Rizal's intention to study abroad was motivated by both selfish and philanthropic motives. He wanted to become an ophthalmologist so he could help her mother with an eye problem. He also wants to learn about European cultures, laws, and governments in order to assist his fellow citizens. 2. Rizal disliked the USA, On April 28, 1888, Rizal visited America for the first time. Racial discrimination ruined his entry into this wonderful country. During his journey from San Francisco to New York, he took notes on everything he saw. Only First Class passengers and goods were permitted to exit after being quarantined, according to Rizal. Second and third-class Chinese and Japanese were imprisoned much more. In a letter to his family, he complained about being "excessively charged" and that no epidemics had been reported in the ports of Hong Kong and Yokohama, from where his ship went. I think Japan is the favorite country of Jose Rizal, the architecture of the shrines and temples wowed Rizal. He visited the National Museum frequently to admire Japanese art. He also paid visits to cities such as Meguro, Nikko, Miyanoshita, Hakone, and others. In Tokyo and Osaka, Rizal was amused by Kabuki shows. The natural beauty of Japan, the pleasant manners of the Japanese people, and the magnificent temples all captivated him. He also fell in love with a Japanese girl, whose beauty filled his sorrowful heart with joy and romance. Seiko Usui, also known as O Sei San, was the daughter of a Japanese samurai. 3. YES - CABALLAS(A07)
@tripler2325 2 года назад
1) I think that the relevance and importance of Rizal’s journey from his first and second travels for nationalism and independence of our country are that he desires the same or more for the better of our country and his fellow Filipinos; and the freedom that he encountered from different countries he have explored. That is why he was not afraid to express his ideals and impression against Spaniards among his friends no matter what their races are. One of which are his speech in Spain where he deliberately included what on his mind to challenge the Spaniards, his notable works such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, and his annotation on the work of Antonio de Morga where he directly points out the reasons why Spaniards colonized our country and how they treated us in his time. Likewise, as he travels, he did not forget to build connections to help him to make his desires for the country and fellow Filipinos as well to come true. 2) I think that he liked most is Hong Kong wherein he told Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt his letter that even though Hong Kong is very small country yet this country is very clean. Also, he experienced long celebration of new year and he experience to eat the Lauriat food in Hong Kong. In opposite, I think that Rizal’s most hated / disliked country is United States of America (U.S.A.) where in his time, there is a strict eight days long of quarantine not because he is a carrier or he was ill at the time he visited the country but because he was an Asian. He also experienced great discrimination among people who are literally not whites in color. He elaborated in his writings that he did not recommend to visit U.S.A. I his time because of poor accommodation on different races who will visit this country. Which is still happened nowadays and it is more brutal than Rizal’s time where the Asians today are being attacked randomly by the bystander(s) or person who are passing by. Also, he was not amazed on the falls that America has and he compared it to the falls that our country has in Los Baños. These are the things I think why he liked the most Hong Kong and disliked the most the America. 3) Yes po. Reyes (A06)
@emmanuelticzon6220 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, according to what I have witnessed in the video and based on to what I have experience and witnessed in real life, when a person hits a wall from progress, they need a solution for it as soon as possible. Determining this solution is usually a very difficult task especially when you are lacking in materials and knowledge to counter the problem. So, in order to achieve this, we usually look into a different perspective, think outside of the box, these things can be done by discovering new ways of handling things. This method was achieved by Rizal through his journey around the globe, during the Spanish era surely the education that Rizal received in the Philippines was sufficient for him to grow, but that isn’t enough to make him a great hero, he needs a catalyst to open his eyes towards a wider scale of possibilities. As he travel towards each country one by one he gains new knowledge, culture, friends, and most importantly a new perspective on the best way to serve and lead a country. The journey was a great eye opener for Rizal which lead him to writing the two novels, El Filibusterismo and Noli me Tangere, the two novels which revolutionized the way the Filipinos think thus started the history of liberation of the Philippines from the grasp of the Spanish Empire. 2. According to the lecture video, I can tell that his stay in the European countries, he was most productive in terms of progressing his knowledge towards a better ophthalmologist, every thing happened there was a necessary gain for him. But I cannot say that he enjoyed it as much as his stay in Japan, he met a girl which treated him with the most special care, special enough to make Rizal dedicate a whole letter for her, containing his admiration towards the girl called Seiko Usui, even though it is unfortunate that the letter didn’t reach the girl, it is still worth mentioning that his stay there became very special for him because of the Girl. He was also amazed by Japan’s culture and its beauty. As for his least favorite country, which I can say that he pretty much hated the stay was the USA. Racial discrimination was so rampant that the services he received was poor which made him state that the quarantine there was poor and insulting. Also the scenery that he saw here was subpar compared the the scenery we have here in the Philippines. 3. Yes Ticzon (A01)
@michganda1000 2 года назад
1. Rizal's travels throughout the world have a purpose. Every nation he visited provided him with new information or experiences that enriched his personality and ideas. On his first tour, he traveled to Spain, Germany, France, and Austria-Hungary, and on his second trip, he traveled to Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, the United States, England, and Belgium to witness the various cultures, customs, governments, and ways of life in other countries. Rizal recognized the Philippines' distinction from other countries where people's freedom is enforced. The notion of liberalism that Rizal saw in other nations gave him optimism that liberalism could be used to help the country obtain independence. 2. I think his favorite country was Germany. Rizal's love for Germany and its people is obvious in his frequent trips to his "scientific mother land," where he spent more than a year enjoying the beauty of the towns along the Rhine and immersing himself in a variety of intellectual pursuits in other areas of the nation. Rizal's most important literary work, Noli Me Tangere, was originally published in Berlin, the capital, paving the road for Filipinos to gain independence from Spain. His most disliked was America or the USA. Rizal spent ten years or a third of his life traveling first to Europe to study. Noli Me Tangere made him a person of interest to the Spanish government when he returned to the Philippines. So the next year, he left for America. While Rizal believed America was a promised land for those who strived hard to better themselves. Rizal saw it as a wonderful country with many flaws, noting that some towns did not have true civil liberty and that Americans despised the Chinese and were bewildered by the Japanese because of ignorance. 3. Yes TAGALOG, (A01)
@jazminebuenaventura5432 Год назад
1. Jose Rizal's first and second travels played an important part in the growth of the Philippines' fight for nationalism and independence. Through his travels, Rizal was exposed to various ideologies and cultures. Rizal witnessed the enormous differences between the Philippines and the West in terms of education, government, and culture during his first journey to Spain in 1882. He noticed that the Filipinos were considered second-class citizens by the corrupt and ineffective Spanish colonial authority in the Philippines. The second travel Rizal made to France in 1888 was as important as the first one. He continued to write and publish pieces that promoted the rights and liberties of Filipinos while on this journey. From the lecture, I conclude that Rizal's travels gave him the education, skills, and exposure needed to take over the leadership of the Philippine Revolution. His exposure to many ideologies and cultures helped him to comprehend the Philippines' situation on a wider scale. His writings motivated Filipinos to fight for their freedoms and rights. Through his travels, Rizal also demonstrates the value of education and critical thinking in building nationalism and independence. 2. I think Jose Rizal liked his travel to Japan compared to other countries. He was able to meet O-sei- San, his love life in Japan, he also learned quickly the Japanese language, arts, and judo. Jose Rizal was amazed by the beauty of the country, people, and culture. Based on the lecture video I have watched, Japan is the only country he mentioned that he was amazed. In other countries like Macau, he mentioned that Macau is gloomy, sad, and almost dead. In Hongkong, he observed that the city was a small but very clean city. He was bored in England on weekends because every place is closed, there is neither theaters nor shops, and the songs that are being played were only religious songs. I think the country he disliked the most is the USA since he was quarantined for 8 days just because he is Asian. He also wrote that he would not advise anyone to make a trip to America because of their quarantine. He observed racial discrimination against Blacks and Asians, and the freedom and power in the USA are only for the whites. 3. Yes
@luna_au 2 года назад
1. Rizal travels to further improve his studies with a secret mission to observe and learn about other countries' lifestyles. The idea of liberalism had helped the Philippines pursue independence and nationalism. By learning about how other countries have different life and culture from one another, he can conclude that a country can independently stand on its own without interruption and involvement of foreign countries. He learned that the uniqueness of every country and its traditions are crucial in making a great country. Rizal also learned more about the other countries' laws and governments and the idea of liberalism. Furthermore, Rizal met a lot of different people in his travels. These people make significant contributions to Rizal by giving him more knowledge about the country he was residing in. Not only that, but he also learned more about a country by observing its industry and commerce. He shared what he learned with Filipinos through his writings and works. 2. I think every country that Rizal traveled to is enjoyable because he gained knowledge and experience regardless of whether he liked or disliked the country. Of course, some instances occurred that made a country likable and dislikable for him. Just Like how he met the girl in japan named O-sei-san, which he admired to the point of dedicating a poem for her. He also befriends another Japanese man, enough to even inspire them. Rizal also spends his time admiring the people and culture of Japan. His amazement and admiration for the country are enough to make it his favorite and most likable. On that, Rizal's experiences in the country of USA make him feel the most antipathy of any other country he visited. He mentioned how Americans have racial discrimination against blacks and Asians. He was quarantined for no reason other than his race. He does not even recommend the country and advises anyone not to go there. Thus, I conclude that the USA is the most dislikable country for Rizal. 3. Yes. HERNANDEZ, A07
@reginaaliza9230 Год назад
1.) Rizal's first and second travels are relevant and significant because he was able to distinguish other nations from the Philippines. From the way of life, the language, the laws, and the government. He was able to observe and acquire knowledge that he could potentially apply to the Philippines when he returned, particularly when he saw other nations gaining freedom to rule and lead their own territories. In addition to studying abroad and becoming a doctor, he also opened his eyes to the concept of liberalism. Many Filipinos were motivated by his ability to cry for nationalism to fight for our freedom from the merciless Spaniards who treated us like slaves. With the assistance of his brother Paciano, who also updated him by writing a letter so that he could know what is happening to the Philippines in the hands of the Spaniards during the time that he is abroad to study, Rizal traveled and met people who share his views about independence, which had an impact on him and inspired him to write about what is happening during the colonization of the Spaniards. 2.) According to what I have gathered from the video lecture, it appears to me that Jose Rizal likes Germany since when he got the opportunity to travel there, he felt nostalgic for his family and his native country. He had conflicted feelings about the fact that he would be attending classes to help his mother with her condition while also being away from his family at a time when the Philippines' situation was far from ideal. With the support of Maximo Viola, he was also able to publish the book "Noli Me Tangere" in Germany. The country that he undoubtedly disliked the most was the United States, where he was unreasonably quarantined for more than a week (8 days) simply because he was Asian and that proves that he is totally discriminated even though he is not doing anything harmful to the people living in the country he went to. Regardless of his claim that the United States is the "land of the free and the home of the brave," He also realizes that only white people can claim this. Rizal discovered that even though it should not, racial prejudice often looks natural. It is a sad fact that Asians believe they are at a disadvantage while traveling to other countries, despite the fact that in the Philippines, people of all colors were welcomed. 3) YES (WALO, A18)
@pdioneda 2 года назад
1) Jose Rizal's travel journey throughout different countries across the world made him think of other perspective such as their foreign life and culture, industry and commerce, as well as their government and laws, From his Brindis that challenged the Spanish regime, the publication of Noli Me Tangere, and all of his feats during his first trip was a big factor on widening his views of other culture. As for his second trip, the one of the most notable event that happened was Jose Rizal annotated Antonio de Morga's work to reveal and explain the truth about misconceptions on the Philippines and the Filipino people. Further more, the propaganda movement, La Solidaridad was established which assimilates the state of the Philippines under the Spanish regime. Jose Rizal's travel really changed him as a person and with all those different perspective and information with him, it allows him and fellow countrymen to further pursue the country's independence while reigniting nationalism along with it. 2) From all the countries Jose Rizal visited on his journey, he definitely took quite a liking on Germany. It is where he attended lectures about ophthalmology for his mother and it is also where he experience feelings of nostalgia for his parents and his country during his stay. With those feelings, he wrote "The Flowers of Heidelberg". He also did a lot of casual stuff such as joining a chess club and even taking a 3-month summer vacation. But more importantly, Germany is the country where one of his most famous work, Noli Me Tangere, was first published. With all of those events, I'm quite sure that he favors Germany the most among all of the countries he visited. On the other hand, he seem to quite dislike his stay in America. Paraphrasing the words of Jose Rizal himself, he said that he would not advise anyone to go to America for their very strict and unreasonable security and quarantine measures. Discrimination towards Blacks and Asians was very prevalent on America during Jose Rizal's visit which left a sour taste in his mouth. Moreover, Jose Rizal wasn't even impressed on the sceneries like Niagara Falls and even said that the falls of Los Baños are more beautiful. With all those remarks, it was obvious that Jose Rizal's stay in America was his worst one. 3) Yes. Dioneda (A07)
@kategutierrez2941 2 года назад
I think the relevance of first and second travel of Dr. Jose Rizal is to gain knowledge about the culture, life and politics of the different country. In his travel in different countries he learned a lot and he inspired himself to the people he met in the different count. To that travel he inspired himself to have a foundation to nationalism and liberalism. In his travel he met people who gave him big impact to build nationalism, like Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena , Juan Luna, Antonio Luna, Marciano Ponce, Jose Alejandro they make organizations to advance their cause used their talents such as painting and writing promote their intentions. The El filibusterismo published in Belgium we all know that his novel is one of the way that Rizal build the nationalism to make our country free. In his travel I think Germany was the most he liked country, why? He attended lectures of Dr. Otto Becker & Prof. Wilhelm Kuehne leading the German Opthalmologists, His knowledge to that Prof is the big impact to his mother Teodora Alonzo who have cataract in eyes. In Germany he experienced the feeling of nostalgia for his parents and his country because of that feeling he wrote "The Flowers of Heidelberg" mean "A las flores de heidelberg forget me not. And also to that country he published his first novel Noli Me Tangere. I think the country he disliked is the USA that he need need to be quarantine in how many days because he's an Asian. He experienced discrimination to that country that's why he wrote the " I wouldn't advise anyone to make this trip to America. for here they are crazy about quarantine and have severe customs inspections, imposing on any little thing duties upon duties that are enormouse, enormous. Yes (Gutierrez, A07)
@stephendanielmendoza9797 Год назад
1) The first and second journeys of Jose Rizal had a big influence on the Philippines' desire for nationality and independence. His trips enhanced his understanding, gave him access to many cultures, and stoked his passion for change in the Philippines. Rizal experienced other cultures and ideologies, such as nationalism, democracy, and freedom, during his first trip to Europe in 1882. He saw the social and political structures, which influenced his vision for a better Philippines. He also saw the hardships of other colonized nations, which confirmed his conviction that freedom was necessary. Between 1888 and 1892, during his second trip to Europe, Rizal continued to develop his views on nationalism and independence. He developed relationships with activists and reformists like Marcelo H. del Pilar and Graciano Lopez Jaena, who agreed with him that the Philippines should be free. He also produced two important books, "El Filibusterismo" and "Noli Me Tangere," which acted as a wake-up call for Filipinos and highlighted the injustices and corruption of the Spanish colonial administration. 2) Rizal spent a lot of time in Europe, especially in Spain, which he regarded as his second home. He adored the literature, art, and architecture of Spain, as well as its rich culture and history. But he also criticized the way the Spanish colonial government oppressed and abused the Filipino people in the Philippines. Rizal also traveled to various Asian nations, including Hong Kong and Japan. He was fascinated by Japan's commitment to modernity and appreciation of heritage and culture. He also loved the discipline and work spirit of the Japanese people. He was critical of how the British colonial authority handled the problems of Chinese migrant laborers in Hong Kong. In each nation he visited, he had various encounters and learnings. However, it is evident that his travels increased his knowledge and global perspective, which influenced the way he thought about reform and nationalism for the Philippines our beloved country. 3) Yes Mendoza, A18
@haezelbrequillo1173 2 года назад
1.Jose Rizal's travels in Spain and France were both dedicated to learning what lies beyond the dark regime of the colonizers in his fatherland. These journeys became relevant and significant because they were able to impart so much knowledge on the young Rizal. Furthermore, his stay in Spain was significant not only for his educational aspiration to learn medicine, but also for his goal of opening his mind to different doors that can help him find a solution to breaking the shackles that hold the Filipino people's independence. Besides that, the opportunity presented to Dr. Rizal when he met the other members of Illustrados allowed him to pursue what he had always wanted to do since first setting foot in Spain. The young boy from Calamba, Laguna's quest for nationalism and independence continued when he was able to explore more of France as his second destination to his travel because of the opportunities that opened up to him in this part of Europe, Rizal was able to broaden his eagerness to return to the Philippines because he was able to learn more about his profession, which he then used to cure his mother's blindness. 2.After reading about our National Hero's travels, I believe he preferred his trip to Germany over the other countries he visited while in Europe. This could be his favorite country because so many things happened during his time here. The experiences he had in Germany were extraordinary, but they were the ones that kept him focused on the goal he set for himself when he decided to travel abroad. This country also played an important role in his most significant move, which was the publication of his first novel, Noli Me Tangere. This novel had a significant impact on the world's awareness of what was going on in the Philippines at the time. And, in fact, most of the countries he visited amazed him because he was able to witness different cultures, but Japan may be his least favorite because the culture was so different from what he had experienced in western countries for the longest time, and he also witnessed a few robbers. 3.Yes Brequillo , A06
@meribanocia9826 2 года назад
1. Rizal's travels focus on enriching and advocating his mind for self-growth and awareness. In my perspective, the importance of Rizal's first and second travels is for him to visualize the world outside his birthplace, which led him to understand different ways and values that he could share with the Filipinos to awaken their sense of nationalism and independence. During his travel, he met various intellectual people that helped him to sharpen his mind. He met some famous Filipino artists, his favorite pen pal, whom he treasures, and people willing to help him write his pieces. He showcased his advocacy towards his fellow Filipino by providing better treatment for them during his travel to Spain. He makes sure to improve his skills and appreciate his surrounding, making him realize the value of freedom around him that the Philippines should acquire. Also, his travels lead him to various happenings of joy and scenes that make him wonder how his fellow Filipino would feel if they also experienced this kind of treatment. Overall, the significance of Rizal's travels is for him to appreciate and become aware of what is happening and what he can still do to help his fellow Filipinos. It is for him not just to grow his career but to also know the utmost problem of his country compared to the places he visited. 2. Among the countries that Rizal visited, I think he fell in love more with Hong-kong. Based on the lecture, he enjoyed his stay in Hong-kong, and he looks happy and refreshed in the said country. Rizal experienced various things, such as the vibrant New year's celebration, his amusement in theatre, and his first-ever taste of their Lauriat food. He even wrote to his favorite pen pal, Blumentritt, that Hong-kong is the cleanest city he had seen. Although Rizal also enjoyed his stay in Spain and France, I think Rizal is much more stable and free in Hong-kong. However, in my opinion, he dislikes the USA the most because he experienced mistreatment when he was there. Rizal was quarantined after his arrival because he is an Asian. People stated that America is for free people, but only for whites. He experienced racial discrimination, and because of that, his travels to that country were tormenting for his liking. Overall, his journey was not perfect, but he learned many things that helped him know how to advocate for himself and his country. 3. Yes. Bañocia (A06)
@Livilencee Год назад
1. The relevance of Rizals travel is that to give him enlightenment on the freedom of the European democratic things that happen making the other colonies of Spain escape from their hand, he studied the culture of the countries and by having an idea of all of it he managed to have a conclusion and a idea to do something about the things happening in the Philippines, he experienced a lot of cultures and traditions leading him to know that some other countries have the same racism problems like in the Philippines, he also goes to other country for him to have a knowledge and learn things academically. 2. RIzal like the best country is the Japan where he met the love of his life O Sei San that he adored so much, making her a poetic letter in expressing his love to her, the country that Rizal disliked the most is the USA where there is a racism problem happening in the country where America is free to do anything only if your white, in that time black people are considered slaves, and also not only black people, if you are not white you will have a racist people will be blocking your way, the same way he reflect the racism in the Philippines between Spaniards and Filipino. 3. Yes MANGUI B43
@h4n53ll 2 года назад
1. The relevance and importance of Dr. Jose Rizal’s first and second travels is it allows him to observe how other countries live their life, how other countries run their government, and how is the culture of other country and use it to develop our country. By the time he visit spain, he met Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Gracianio Lopez Jaena, Juan Luna, Antonio Luna, Mariano Ponce and Jose Alenjandrino. They are called Illustrados which means the enlightened ones and they got to see liberalism with their own eyes. Illustrados dream is to have a better treatment by the Spaniards to the Filipinos. As he observed and study the life of other countries he published his two novels which are Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which sparks and initiated Filipino nationalism leading to the Philippine Revolution. 2. I think the country that Jose Rizal likes is Germany. Dr. Jose Rizal’s affection for Germany and its people is evident in his many travels in his “scientific mother country.” For more than a year, he moved from city to city, admiring the beauty of the cities along the banks of the Rhine and immersing in many intellectual pursuits in other parts of the country. Berlin, the capital, is where Dr. Rizal’s most pivotal literary work, Noli Me Tangere, first came off the press, eventually paving the way for Filipinos’ pursuit of independence from Spain. The country that he doesn’t like is USA. Because of its racial discrimination of Blacks and Asians. He was not impressed by the falls that he saw and compared it to the ones in Laguna. 3. YES Datay (A06)
@cedricquicay8843 2 года назад
Quicay (A01) 1.) The relevance and importance of Jose Rizal's travels were to expand his knowledge about nationalism and independence. Jose Rizal was a very observant person, he saw different views or perspectives of nationalism and independence from other countries. Jose Rizal's travel was a tool to prepare for how we will be free from the oppression of the Spanish colonization. Other than the purpose of being a tool for Jose Rizal, his travels also became a way for him to meet other people who changed and help him. He did not only had friends but also lovers abroad. Even Jose Rizal's works of writing improved through the years that he was abroad. In Jose Rizal's travel, he learned about the different perspectives and cultures of other countries, enjoyed the free time he had with himself and other people, and he started to spread liberalism in the Philippines with the help of the people he met. 2.) Jose Rizal went to different countries for academic, leisure, and nationalistic purposes. For me, Jose Rizal liked his travel to Spain. In Spain, Jose Rizal met other Filipinos, specifically the illustrados, who also have an idea and insight into liberalism. The illustrados and Jose Rizal had a common, they both hope that the Philippines would soon be free from the Spanish colonization. Some of the illustrados also show or portray liberalism through a visual form of art that can be seen by people. I think Jose Rizal would choose Spain also, given that he met people who also think and see like himself. On the other hand, for me, I think if Jose Rizal would be given the chance to choose which country would dislike, it would be the USA. Jose Rizal even stated that he would not advise anyone to go to America. America was a racist country at that time Jose Rizal then got mistreated because of his Asian. He was quarantined, had multiple inspections, and had all eyes on him because he's Asian. Jose Rizal also wrote that "America is indeed the 'Land of the free and home from brave', but only for the whites". It was the deciding factor for me and maybe for Jose Rizal why he disliked it the most. 3.) Yes.
@sharimarroxas9205 2 года назад
The relevance and importance of Rizal's first and second travels was that it made him realized and made him observed about the ambiance, situation, type of government and culture of different countries; observed the liberalism and independence; made him more nationalist; and made him he had the idea for the independence of the Philippines. During his travels to different countries, he met different kind of people that contributed to Rizal's vision, and goals for the Philippines. His travel in Spain is an eye-opening and very productive one. He met other Filipinos and they were called The Illustrados. They had the same goal, which is for the Filipinos to be treated better by the Spaniards. So, his visit in Spain has a contribution for his nationalism and for the independence. Next, Rizal met a protestant pastor in Germany, and also, he published Noli Me Tangere with the help of Maximo Viola. Thus, in his first trip, he had some change for religious outlook and had widen view for cultures. In addition, in his second trip, he described each country and meet new people. In his stay at Japan, he met Tetcho Suehiro, a Japanese novel, and was inspired by Rizal. His 2 novels were similar to Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. In USA, he realized that Asians was being discriminated there and only white people was being treated well. Lastly, in the second visit of Rizal in Spain, he also has the goal (Assimilation), and it is for the better treatment of Filipinos. To sum up, during his travels, he had improvements, masterpieces, had a goal for the independence of the Philippines and become more nationalist. Among the countries that he visited, I think he enjoyed visiting Germany the most. Rizal liked to study and I think he enjoyed his stay at Germany since he gained knowledge about his field which is Ophthalmology. In addition, it is stated that in Germany, he experienced the nostalgia for his parents and his country. Also, he published his masterpiece Noli Me Tangere in Germany. However, he had worst visiting experience in USA because there was a discrimination and different kind of treatment among Asian. He was quarantined for eight days in San Francisco just because of being an Asian. Lastly, he stated that the Falls in Los Banos are more beautiful than Niagra falls. So therefore, Rizal liked to visit Germany because he liked to learn and to study; and he disliked his visit in USA because of discrimination. Yes. ROXAS, A07.
@nikkiabdon133 2 года назад
1) The travel of Rizal has three purposes - academic, leisure, and nationalistic. All these three purposes were greatly fulfilled by Rizal. He learned sculpting, fencing, and other languages. He improved his knowledge about his profession, ophthalmology, in Germany. He met and made friend with a lot of people, dating girls along his journey. Most especially, Rizal gained new knowledge about other countries’ perspectives and beliefs. In his quest for nationalism and independence, he met and observed people of different walks of life. Those people influenced Rizal in establishing and firming his nationalism. Throughout his journey, Rizal wrote and shared what he was learning and experiencing. It can be concluded that Rizal was gaining a lot of knowledge of the different perspectives of the people he met and the places he visited. His nationalism rose up because he was introduced to liberalism, and he met Filipinos who share the same principles as his. He wrote Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo along his journey which were vital in the freedom of the Philippines from the Spanish colonization. Each of his travels contributed in the knowledge and wisdom that Rizal had. The experience of Rizal had pushed him to pursue his ambition of the brighter Philippines he wanted. 2) Rizal visited many countries in his travel to gain knowledge about other places’ life, culture, government, and laws. I believe that each country he visited had good and bad memories for him. However, I believe that the country he most enjoyed was Spain. During his stay in Spain, he met a lot of Filipinos who share the same values and beliefs as him. He met Filipinos like Marcelo H. del Pilar, Juan Luna, and Antonio Luna who got to see liberalism with their own eyes. These people, along with Rizal, are people who we consider as part of our national heroes. I believe that Rizal enjoyed his stay there even if it is the country that colonizes the Philippines because he met people who is willing to fight for the freedom that the Filipinos deserve. He met friends that further rocketed his nationalism and love for our country because they also want to help the Philippines be free from colonization. On the other hand, I think the country that Rizal disliked the most was United States of America. During his stay in this country, he was discriminated because of his race. Growing up, Rizal experienced hate in our own country because of his color and appearance. Having experience the same in other countries will surely bring bad memories for him. He was quarantined in America because of his race. Rizal believed that the freedom and bravery of the land, that America is projecting to the world, is only for its natives and not for people like Rizal. 3) Yes Abdon (A01)
@jordimadelenedelacruz5138 2 года назад
1. After seeing the movie, I believe the significance and relevance of Rizal's first and second journeys are to learn more about the lives and cultures of other nations, as well as their languages, governments and laws, and industries and businesses. On his first journey to Spain, he met several Filipinos, including Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Antonio Luna, Juan Luna, Mariano Ponce, and Jose Alejandro. They were eventually called the Illustrados, which means "enlightened ones." During his time in Spain, he watched the emergence of liberalism, and that was the time when the Illustrados began to take action to ameliorate Filipinos' treatment at the hands of Spaniards. Furthermore, he emigrated to other countries, where he learned how to take action to make our country a better and safer place. 2. On his first and second travels, he liked and disliked Japan and the United States the most. Juan Perez Caballero, the secretary of the Spanish Legation in Japan, gave Rizal the opportunity to remain in the Spanish Legation, which is similar to an embassy because he had nothing to hide. He met his girlfriend, O-Sei-San, and a friend, Tetcho Suehiro, there. Suehiro is a Japanese novelist who got inspired by Rizal and left Japan to advocate for press freedom in his native country. He later wrote two books similar to Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Furthermore, Rizal was also captivated by the country's beauty, people, and culture, and he quickly grasped its language, arts, music, and judo. Rizal, on the other hand, disliked his time in America because he was subjected to prejudice and discrimination. He went on to say that Americans are preoccupied with quarantine and have severe customs inspections on everything, charging fees on top of tariffs. In addition, when he saw Niagara Falls, he was not impressed by its beauty since, in his opinion, the falls of Los Banos are much more stunning. 3. Yes. -DELA CRUZ (A07)
@patriciasofiacapola3249 2 года назад
1. By the time Rizal was born, it was a fact that other countries held colonized by Spain had already fought for their freedom and had achieved it. So when Paciano told Rizal his supposed secret mission - and given Rizal's principles and capabilities - I think it was guaranteed that the Philippines would gain an advantage to earn its own freedom. Personally, the reason why the Philippines was one of the longest countries colonized by Spain was its unawareness of their true oppression. What they needed was an eye-opener, and Rizal became just that. Traveling abroad, he was able to carry out his mission of learning about other countries' life and culture, government and laws, industry and commerce, and language. Along with these learnings, his perception drastically changed which inspired him to write two of his iconic novels, El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere. Rizal’s travels abroad mainly contributed to these literary, and the Philippines’ quest for nationalism and independence was made firmer when these two came out. 2. Among the many countries that Rizal had visited, I think Japan had left him with a great impression. When he went to Japan, he quickly learned about some of its different cultures like the language, arts, music, and judo. Perhaps aside from his mission, he was able to enjoy their culture and even learned it because of the natural beauty of the country and its people. He also met Suehiro and was able to inspire him. Moreover, in Japan, he met Seiko Usui, whom he narrated was a great lover, another reason why I think Rizal liked it there. On the other hand, Macau, as stated by Rizal, is a small city that is gloomy, sad, and almost dead. Describing a city as such probably meant he had no fun being in it. Although he had met people in Macau, it was not enough for Rizal to feel the liveliness of the city, so I guess he disliked it very much. 3. Yes
@maritonibenjamin6112 Год назад
1.) In his first and second journeys, Rizal had the opportunity to observe the various societies, governments, and cultures of the nations he visited, which gave him a great deal of academic and nationalistic knowledge that helped the Philippines achieve nationalism and independence. He explored how other nations' religions functioned and broadened his societal outlook by taking into account various cultures. During his journey, Rizal made a lot of friends with people who shared his desire for independence and who served as sources of inspiration for his writings. An example of this is his interaction with Tetcho Suehiro, a supporter of press freedom. As a result of his travels, Rizal clarified some facts in Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas and deepened his understanding of the sense of nationalism and independence that the Filipino people should have at the time. This had a profound effect on Rizal's perception of the independence of the Philippines, the value of meeting people who shared his views, and the chance to engage in an intellectual exchange with those he met. Through this, he was able to acquire such wisdom and knowledge necessary to advance in a way that would enable him to show his patriotism and sense of pride for his beloved country, the Philippines. 2.) Rizal traveled to many nations, some of which he revisited twice. But based on the video presentation, I think the country he most enjoyed his stay was in Germany. Because when he was a resident of that country, he felt a sense of nostalgia for his parents and his native land. He was also able to pursue and complete a medical specialty in ophthalmology. In addition, the fact that he found the time to join a chess club in his dorm indicates that he enjoyed his time there with his peers. He also spent time with Reverend Karl Ullmer, who helped him learn German, and it is clear from the fact that he was able to stay with him for a three-month vacation that he enjoyed himself. Despite that in his travels he also experienced some unfortunate and loathing experiences. One of which was his travel to the country, the USA. He labeled the locals as racist, and he provided additional evidence by writing in his notebook about how he was placed in quarantine and subjected to numerous inspections and testing simply because he is Asian. People claimed that solely white people are liberated in America. He was subjected to racial discrimination, which made his travels there unpleasant. 3.) YES BENJAMIN, A18
@jokailarino2254 2 года назад
1.) The travel that Rizal experience for the first time and second time is for him to observe and study the different cultures, political system of the countries he visited. He visited different countries because Jose Rizal wants to have knowledge and use it for good purposes such as making the Philippines free from Spaniards. Jose Rizal earned connection to a lot of different wonderful people that help him a lot developing ideas for his works and help him to publish this works of him. He writes his opinion in every places he visited and learn the culture, politics system and religion of each places. This travel of Jose Rizal become helpful to come with a lot of wonderful ideas and realization and this is one of the reason that's why Jose Rizal made a Novel that will help Philippines to become a free country with a Filipino with freedom. 2.) In my opinion, Jose Rizal's most favorite country that he visited was France. All of countries that he visited has its own beauty however, France is where Jose Rizal went to study on how to operate an eye surgery for his mother. I think that this was his most favorite because he's biggest concern was the bad condition of the eye of his mother and he wants to help his mother to recover. On the other hand, the most country that I think he disliked the most is where he was bullied as Asian and different colored from the people to this country. This country is America. 3.) Yes Larino (A06)
@kelvincabasac5052 2 года назад
1.) The first and second travel of Jose Rizal for the Philippines' quest for nationalism and independence are both important, because through it, Rizal learned different norms and cultures of other countries compared to the Philippines. He carefully studied the government systems of other countries, the social issues and the behaviors of the foreigners toward their administration. During these times, he learned how to apply these learnings in the Philippines. These acquired knowledge from Jose Rizal was his weapon towards our freedom from the colonizers. He learned the way of others, our rights and what we are suppose to be. We got our independence through this quest. 2.) Based on my observation, the country that he liked the most is Japan. He met a girlfriend in this country named, O Sei San; she taught him a japanese type of art painting known as su-mie. Not only that, she also taught him to improve his Japanese language skills. If it wasn't for his patriotic mission, he should've been married to this woman. That is how important O Sei San is to him, which is I think the reason why Japan is also an unforgettable place. Moreover, he loved Japan's culture, government system and how disciplined the people were. On the other hand, the country that he hated the most is United States. He saw how cruel the people were there when he encountered racism first hand. He was discriminated in this country. He was suspected of having a virus just because he was an asian. There was a strenuous racial discrimination at that time. However, I think Rizal still learned from them as to what a country should not become. One of his impression to America was "the land par excellence of freedom but only for the whites". 3) Yes CABASAC (A07)
@austinsoriano4887 2 года назад
1) The relevance of Dr. Jose Rizal's first and second travels was his study abroad. Also, Jose Rizal learned new knowledge about different cultures and governments abroad that help the Philippines reach nationalism and independence. With that knowledge he acquired it become possible the change our country. He learned to connect with individuals from different cultures. He traveled against his father's wishes, to Madrid, Spain, where he studied medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid and took a licentiate degree in medicine. He continued his studies at the Sorbonne in Paris and the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg, where he received his second doctorate. It was during his time in Germany that he got to know the Austrian geographer and ethnologist Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt, who was the foremost connoisseur of the Philippines in Europe and who was not Spanish. 2) I guess Rizal's most liked the place in Germany at Heidelberg because there Jose Rizal studied ophthalmology he even made friends during his stay in Germany. He also managed to publish "Noli Me Tangere" in Germany with the help of Maximum Viola. Rizal's most hated country in my opinion is Macau because he described it as an almost dead country and it is small. Maybe he did not like what this country looks like and he did not feel much about it, not like in other countries he went to. Soriano, A06
@fjz613 Год назад
1. I think that Rizal’s first and second travel has a big relevance and importance in his quest for nationalism and independence. Because at his first travel which is in Europe, it was all planed by his big brother Paciano, he wanted to appear that Rizal goes in Europe to continue his medical studies in Spain, but their main purpose was to observe keenly the life, culture, government, laws, industry, and commerce of Spain. This gives him more knowledge about nationalism and independence, also with his travel in Spain he saw liberalism. With his other travels in different countries, he learns their culture and their type of government that is why I think he wanted to apply all the things he saw from other countries in the Philippines, this is the reason why he pushes his goal to acquire the independence of the Philippines. He also met some people that widens his perspective in nationalism, and he also learned so many things from them and it becomes his tool in pursuing liberalism in the Philippines. 2. I think the country that he liked the most is Japan, because the first reason is he saves a lot of money in here because Juan Perez Caballero offered him to stay in the Spanish Legation, he also met here O-SEI-SAN and she becomes his girlfriend, he also learned the language, arts, music, and judo, also he was amazed with the beauty of the country, people, and their culture. For me he was like a citizen in Japan because he learned a lot of things in there. I think the most disliked country of Rizal was in USA because he just didn’t saw racial discrimination in here because he saw that white people are more powerful than black people, but he also experience it, he was quarantined for 8 days in San Francisco because he’s an Asian that is why he wrote “I wouldn’t advise anyone to make this trip to America, for here they are crazy about quarantine (8 days) and have severe customs inspection, imposing on any little thing duties upon duties that are enormous, enormous.” 3. Yes (Zaguirre, A18)
@ralphjessed.5385 Год назад
1. Early journeys by Rizal let him develop his enthusiasm, which would emerge more clearly as he matured and broadened his perspectives such as the beliefs and knowledge he acquired, the friends he made while traveling, the places he visited and the events that took place there, and the fact that he met many people who share his independence viewpoint. Since Rizal was more than just a tourist and thoroughly studied the cultures of the places he traveled to, his journeys are relevant and significant to the Philippines' quest for its own nationality and freedom. He was there to carefully observe the various cultures, traditions, governments, and lifestyles of many nations. He appears to have taken use of his journey to carefully assess the advantages and disadvantages of the Spaniards. His affection for the Philippines and his yearning for its freedom, in my opinion, began to deepen. Rizal acknowledged that the Philippines stood out from other nations where the right to freedom of the press is upheld. Rizal was optimistic that liberalism might be used to assist the country achieve independence because he had seen it in other countries. 2. I believe that Dr. Jose Rizal most thoroughly liked his time in Japan out of all the places he visited. He met Seiko Usui while he was in Japan, and she became his lover while he was there. He was astounded by the country's beauty and noted that there weren't many robbers there. He picked up the language, music, and Judo of Japan very quickly. The beauty of the nation, its citizens, and its culture and traditions astounded him. The USA was, in my opinion, Rizal's least favorite nation. He has encountered racial discrimination there firsthand, which is sufficient proof that, of all the places he has been, this is the one he didn't even want to stay in. Most likely due to perceptions about some countries being filthy, he felt the most discriminated against while he was there, starting with the eight-day quarantine they placed Asian passengers under. Even more, he declared that he won't urge anyone to visit the country. 3. Yes DIZON, A18
@heurencysarmiento6745 2 года назад
1.) Dr. Jose Rizal’s first trip was to Spain, France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary Empire. Whenever he travels to different countries he always learns and acknowledges every culture that he visited. With each trip, his knowledge and experience always increased. Because of his new pieces of knowledge and experiences, he can always observe the difference in every country that he visited, and he will learn about their different governments, cultures, and various ways of living. His second trip was to Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, USA, England, Spain (again), France (again), and Belgium. When he was in Japan, he befriended the Japanese novelist who left Japan and advocated press freedom in his country. His name was Tetcho Suehiro. Suehiro published two novels like Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. That’s why they questioned Rizal’s work if it’s not a copycat of Suehiro’s works. His travels to every country were very important because he learned different perspectives on life, and they widened his knowledge in various ways. He studied in a different country for the three main purposes, Academic Purpose, Leisure, and Nationalistic Purpose. The main reason for Rizal’s quest for nationalism and independence, he studied abroad to have good knowledge of the three dominant themes of his activities in his travels, to improve his fluency in other languages, he also studied fencing, painting, and sculpture. He also studied various cultures and governments in each country he visited. Especially when he visited Spain, he met the Filipino Illustrados there and he learned many things from them. It really had a significant influence on his quest for nationalism and independence. 2.) In my own opinion, Rizal’s favorite country that he visited is Japan. Because he met Seiko Usui and he learned so much about Japan because of Seiko. He really admired Seiko. He quickly learned the Japanese language, art forms, music, and judo. He is also awestruck by Japan's beauty, traditions, and citizens. Although, he observed that Japan has a few robbers. Unlike the other countries that he visited. For me, Rizal’s most disliked country in the USA. Because he wrote that he wouldn’t advise anyone to make a trip to America, because they are crazy, and he was quarantined there for 8 days and had severed customs inspections. And he also observed that there is racial discrimination against Blacks and Asians. He also didn’t impress by Niagara Falls instead he wrote when he saw Niagara Falls that the falls of Los Banos in the Philippines are more beautiful than Niagara. 3.) Yes, I watched the entire video. (SARMIENTO, A07)
@elijahrivera9590 Год назад
1. Jose Rizal's trips outside the Philippines were necessary to achieve independence and nationalism. They were called 'ilustrados' for a reason, it is because they were the ones outside who had experienced the taste of liberalism. Staying only within the country will limit Rizal's potential and capability to help the country's quest for independence, but with Paciano's help, Pepe's potential increased and so with his knowledge. Rizal gained knowledge and wisdom throughout his journey when he met some friends and other ilustrados. Most of the people that he met have become a part of his quest. Valentin Ventura, Ferdinand Blumentritt, and Maximo Viola were the people that helped Rizal publish his novels. They are just a few names on the list that Rizal benefitted from. Without his travels, Rizal wouldn't be enlightened about liberalism. He also wouldn't be able to compare the current situation of the Philippines to the countries that he has visited; the culture, government, and practices. 2. From what I have learned, I think that the country that he disliked the most is his visit to the USA. He experienced a gruesome 8-day quarantine because of his race. He also saw how evident racial discrimination was in that country and that the "Land of the Free Home of the Brave" was only for the whites and not for the blacks and Asians. On the other hand, I believe that he liked Germany the most. It is because we know that Rizal is a family man (his roots and not family with a wife), and it was mentioned in the lecture that he experienced the feeling of nostalgia. That moment could be an emotional one for him because of how he remembered his family and country. It reminded him of what his whole journey is for. His trip to Germany also helped his quest to cure his mother's cataract, as it is in Germany that he stayed in Heidelberg and attended lectures of ophthalmologists. 3. YES Rivera (A18)
@chylog5346 2 года назад
1. When one travels, he experiences the culture of the country that he goes to and learn from it, their ideals, history, and norms. When Rizal travelled outside the Philippines for the first and second time, he wanted to know the situation of other countries as well as know their type of governance that might give him an idea of how the Philippines could be. With this, he learned about the idea of liberalism and how this can help his own country. He did several movements such as establishing the Lo Solidaridad to let the Spanish people know how they treat the Filipinos. He also met several people that became influential in his life and also helped him such as Ferdinand Blumentritt, Valentin Ventura, and Dr. Reinhold Rost. Also, not to mention that he was able to publish his two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo when he went into those countries. He most likely gained enough knowledge and ideas in the said countries as to why he was able to create such a feat. All of these things that happened to Rizal outside the country helped the Philippines reach their independence. 2. Based on my observations, I think that Rizal liked Japan the most among the countries that he has visited. This is because it is stated that he was amazed by the beauty of the country, people and culture although there a few robbers. He loved the country so much that he learned their language, arts, music, and judo. Not to mention he met one of his lovers in there which is O-Sei-San. He also met Teicho Suehiro who is just like him - a man who sought for freedom in his country. On the other hand, among the countries he has visited, I think USA is the country he disliked the most. This is because he experienced racial discrimination first-hand when he set foot on the country. He stated that USA is only a free country and a land of the brave only for the White Americans. He was also not impressed on its tourist destination and implied that the Philippines is better. In our travels, there will always be a destination that we won’t really like and this is was also experienced by Rizal. 3. Yes (PUNTANAR, A06)
@juanmigueldecastro8215 2 года назад
1. Based on the lecture, there are three dominant themes of Dr. Jose Rizal's travels, which are the following: Academic purposes, Leisure, and Nationalistic purposes. But I think that the most important theme of his activities was the nationalistic purposes, in which he observes the culture, language, commerce, and the laws of the other countries. Therefore, we can interpret that the relevance and importance of Dr. Jose Rizal's travels was to widen his views about having freedom for his own country. We can take the time when Dr. Jose Rizal went to Spain and was able to meet with other Filipinos, such as Marcelo H. Del Pilar and Mariano Ponce. During this time, Jose Rizal was able to meet other Filipinos who wants to free their country without using any firearms. The meeting of Dr. Jose Rizal and the other Filipinos, whom later called as Illustrados, was very important for us, Filipinos, because the La Solidaridad, which contains their writings, were able to reach the Philippines was able to read by our countrymen and was to lit the nationalism in their hearts and starts fighting for our freedom. 2. It was indeed true that Dr. Jose Rizal went to many countries around the world. But for me, the country that he liked the most was the country of Japan. Based on the lecture, Doctor Jose Rizal praised Japan for being a beautiful country and having a nice people, although he also said that there were a few robbers. Also, Dr. Jose Rizal met O-sei San which, for me, he really appreciate the attention the she has given to him, as stated in his letter to O-sei San. On the other hand, I think the United States of America was the most disliked country that Dr. Jose Rizal visited. I said it because based on the Dr. Jose Rizal's notes, he stated that he would not recommend to anyone to go to the USA since he has experienced a very discrimination for being an Asian. He also stated that Black Americans have been experiencing racial discrimination and added that the USA was indeed a land of free and home of the brave, but only for the Whites. 3. Yes. DE CASTRO (A06)
@pidsleyyy494 2 года назад
1.) I think the relevance of his travel enlighten him or them (the illustrados) how other countries were that time. Some countries has their own liberty and they saw that with their own eyes. Dr. Jose Rizal's first and second journey allow him to see the lives and culture and how the government and industry work around in the other country. I think it made him realize what kind of in depth situation the Philippines are at that time. Dr. Jose Rizal did travel to Spain where he met the illustrados, the illustrados are the Rich native Filipino who were sent to Spain to study they are also the one who got to experience liberalism firsthand and they were called the enlighten one. This trip prolly gave Rizal the urge to do something for our country to free us and gave us the liberty that we deserve. He wrote the two controversial novel, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibustersimo which created a stir to what's really happening and eventually led to a revolution which freed us from slavery. 2.) I suppose the country he hated was the United Stated because he were quarantine for 8 days and the reason was solely because he's an Asian. He even wrote that people should not go to USA because they are crazy about quarantine. He even observed the inequality that the Black people experience. He even wrote that " America is indeed a Land of the free and home for the brave but only for the whites. He also saw the Niagara falls which did not impress him, he said that the fall in Los Banos is more beautiful and one of the country he like the most was Japan. He think that the people there were really polite and the culture were good. He even learned the language art and music in a short span of time and prolly one of the reason why Japan was really memorable for him is because of O Sei San (Seiko Usui) he even wrote a letter for her. 3.) Yes Acuyong (A06)
@matthewtungga1216 2 года назад
1.) Rizal's first journey to Spain was important for the Philippines' battle for nationality and independence because he met many individuals who shared his vision. He met bright individuals with whom he could discuss our independence and share views. People who share his concern for the welfare of the Filipino people. When he was in Germany, he published one of his books, Noli Me Tangere, which spurred us to start a revolution. So his first voyage was about how his life view changed and widened. During his second trip, he visited Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, the United States, England, Spain, France, and Belgium, among other places. His second journey is about how he saw various cultures and customs, befriended foreigners, was discriminated against, annotated someone's work, created patriotic groups, was highly involved in the propaganda effort, and had his work El Filibusterismo published. All of this helps him in his search for knowledge and comprehension. All of his trips have compelled him to pursue his dreams and objectives for our country. 2.) Among the various nations that Jose Rizal visited, I believe that he like Germany the most for the following reasons: First, according to the lecture, he felt nostalgic for his parents and his homeland throughout his stay there. Second, he was able to study and complete a medical speciality in Ophthalmology, indicating that he had a seamless learning experience. It can also be shown that he enjoyed his stay in the country and with the people since he took the time to join a chess player's club in his dormitory. Furthermore, I believe Jose Rizal had a momentous occasion when he published his first famous book, 'Noli Me Tangere,' in Germany with the assistance of Maximo Viola. Rizal's most despised country I think is the United States, which we previously knew about because of racism. Because of his ethnicity, he was isolated for eight days. There were also a slew of inspections and tasks that he needed to do in order to be processed and allowed for the trip. 3,) YES
@animefrenzy9301 Год назад
1, In my opinion, Rizal's first and second journeys were crucial to his struggle for nationality and independence. First of all, Paciano provided him the opportunity to visit Spain so that he could not only study for a course but also have a taste of the life, the culture, the language, the laws, and the political system of the nation. And he did just that, going to Spain on his first trip, where he was able to meet the illustrados and get a sense of Spanish life. He also gave a keynote address called "Brindis" that might have changed people's perspectives and he completed his ophthalmology coursework in Germany. Additionally, during his stay in that nation, he was able to learn and develop his German language skills. In addition, he had already published Noli Me Tangere, his first significant piece. Ferdinand Blumentritt, whom he met in the Austria-Hungarian Empire, quickly became his favourite correspondent. He visited Hong Kong on his second trip and had a quick introduction to its way of life and culture. He also visited Macau, which he described as a little, depressing city that was all but lifeless. He travelled to Japan, resided in the Spanish Legation there, and studied the local way of life. He also travelled to the United States, but he had a difficult time there because he was discriminated for, he was an asian. 2, I think Jose Rizal enjoys Germany because he gets homesick for his parents and his native country when he travels there. Germany also assisted Jose Rizal in completing his book Noli Me Tangere by inspiring him as he travelled there and learnt more about it. He continued his studies in science and languages, attended several seminars, and picked up new information. And the nation he probably loathed the most was the United States, where he was unreasonably quarantined for more than a week simply because he was Asian. Even though he claimed that the United States is the "land of the free and the home of the brave," only white people can actually claim such. 3 yes barcellanob43
@ronsoliman1774 2 года назад
1. Rizal in his first travel across the globe resulted in his focus on nationalism, religious perspective, and his profession, when he first traveled around the world he went to France to study more about his profession as a doctor, in Spain he met with other Filipinos who would have helped him solve the problem against the Spaniard colony, in Germany he met a protestant pastor who has, later on, influenced his religious aspect, and he also went to the Austria-Hungary empire. For his second travel around the world, he went to many different places, namely: Hongkong, Macau, Japan, the USA, England, Spain, France, and Belgium. He went to these countries to be influenced and study their culture, for what they bring and what are the differences they have, that we don't have. The study of other cultures made a large impact on his eagerness to let the Filipinos be free from the hands of the colony. 2. For me, Jose Rizal was most amazed in the country of Japan because there he met a woman, a lover to which he wrote a letter of appreciation. After all, that woman in Rizal's opinion has sacrificed more and loved him more than herself. Rizal also blogged and commented on how a beautiful country Japan is along with its people and culture. He also denoted that the country has few robbers which is true until today. Me personally, I would like to go to Japan. On the other side, in my opinion the worst country that Rizal has gone to was the USA, at that time. Because he experienced the longest quarantine and strictest of inspections before you could explore their country. The USA was also the land of racism and discrimination because of the division of the blacks from the whites. Up until now discrimination and racism are being observed in the USA. 3.Yes (SOLIMAN(A01)
@kimnicolenarvaez1835 2 года назад
1.) The relevance and importance of Rizal's first and second travel was not by his own will but he had his reasons and that are for academic purpose, leisure and nationalistic purpose although his first trip was planned by his brother Paciano, Jose Rizal had a mission to observe other countries life, culture, industry, commerce, government laws, and language. From this travel Jose Rizal didn't only learn new things but he also met different people like the Illustrados means enlightened ones who got to see liberalism with their own eyes and the ones who dreamt of a better treatment of Filipinos by the Spaniards. Rizal gained knowledge and learned a lot of things from his travel and also help him to published his famous works like Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo that became an eye opener to its readers. From Jose Rizal's travel we can also see his nationalism by comparing the beauty of other countries from our country, even though other countries were more civilized than ours, for him there is no better place than our country. It was just amazing how other countries look up Rizal that they even made a statue to commemorate him and the Philippine Independence. 2.) In my opinion, among the countries that Rizal visited, the one that he liked most was Japan where he easily learned the Japanese language, arts, music and judo quickly, Jose Rizal was also amazed with the beauty of the country, people and its culture. He was also befriended with Tetcho Suehiro and got inspired by Jose Rizal and shows that he is truly remarkable not only in our country but also from other countries. Jose Rizal also met O Sei San (Seiko Usui) and said that no woman better than her has loved him and he even wrote a poem for her and how he misses her and always hoping to see her again. The other country that I think Rizal disliked was USA wherein he got quarantined for 8 days because he was suspected of carrying a disease because he is an Asian, and Rizal wrote that he wouldn't advise anyone to make a trip to America, he also observed racial discrimination of Blacks and Asians and said that America is indeed ' Land of free and home of the brave', but only for the whites, he even said that he was not impressed by Niagara falls and the falls of Los Banos are more beautiful than Niagara, Rizal didn't write or said something good about America that's why I think he didn't really enjoy his travel there. 3.) YES (NARVAEZ, A06)
@bricksmichael 2 года назад
MALANCO (A06) 1. I think the importance of Rizal's travel was to widen his knowledge in different ways. He studied abroad for three purposes; academic purposes, leisure and nationalistic purposes. He studied different culture and government in other country so he prepares himself from spanish tyranny. While Rizal was studying to improve his fluency in other languages, he also studied painting, sculpture, and fencing. Rizal had a lot of time and he uses it wisely, he wrote or even made a comic sketches in England, published el filibusterismo in Belgium and wrote noli me tangere in Spain. He earns a lot of friends in different countries that helped him. This experiences Rizal made a huge impact on Jose Rizal's personality, belief and knowledge. 2. Among the countries that Rizal have visited, I think he liked both Spain, why? Because in Spain, Rizal meet a lot of his comrades and gather there enough to make an organization. An organization for other Filipinos to their advance cause to use their talents to promote their intentions. And I think Rizal disliked was his travel in USA. He even advised his fellow Filipino to not to make a trip in America because of quarantine. And Rizal noticed that there were racism for blacks and asian people 3. Yes.
@kaloy6630 2 года назад
1. As discussed, the main goal of Jose Rizal's travel was to have an insight and learn the culture, laws, governance, and industries of European countries as well as some other nations around the globe in the process. Its relevance was that it gave Jose Rizal awareness of the situation of other countries outside of the Spanish government and see what could be and should be happening in our country. This journey somewhat played a part in the development of Jose Rizal's character because every journey does. Moreover, Jose Rizal met a handful of important persons that played a big role on the quests of Jose Rizal, some of them are Marcelo del Pilar and Mariano Ponce, whom was part of La Solidaridad, Maximo Viola, whom helped Jose Rizal publish Noli Me Tangere in Germany. Without this journey, Jose Rizal would not have the resources and ideas that he could only see outside of our country and his goal to give our country independence may also would not happen. 2. I think, the country that Jose Rizal disliked the most was America, as he wrote, upon arrival, they were as if not welcomed there and was quarantine for 8 days just because they were Asians which is just plain racist. He also said in his writing that he would not recommend coming to America because of the severe customs inspections and the said racist quarantine. During his trip in America, Jose Rizal saw the widespread racial discrimination which was the enslavement of the blacks and unjust treatment to Asians. Jose Rizal also saw the natural wonders there in which he was not impressed and said that the wonders back home was better. On the other hand, I think that Jose Rizal's most liked country in his journey was Japan, this is where he met his love life there, O-Sei-San. Jose Rizal was also amazed of the country's culture and people and the beauty of the country itself. 3. Yes. Manongdo, A06
@princessmae4735 2 года назад
1.) To study the lives and cultures of European nations, their languages, customs, businesses, governments, and laws to prepare himself for the tremendous job of freeing his enslaved people from Spanish tyranny. Rizal's mind progressed as a result of his constant adaption to various cultures, pushing him to continue what he had begun. He kept a journal of his observations, experiences, and lessons acquired while in both nations. He founded groups that we're actively pursuing a goal. The Noli Me Tangere and Filibusterismo written by Rizal sparked nationalistic enthusiasm among Filipinos who felt compelled to fight for independence through armed struggle. Then after traveling, he created La Liga Filipina, a socio-civic organization dedicated to pressuring the Spanish government for reforms and uniting Filipinos across the archipelago. Rizal made certain that his time was well spent in numerous initiatives to improve the Philippines' standing. He had demonstrated that distance is not an impediment to achieving one's great goals. 2.) Among the many countries he visited, I think he liked Germany the most while the country that he disliked is the USA. Dr. Jose Rizal's love for Germany and its people is evident in his many trips to his "scientific mother land," where he spent more than a year enjoying the beauty of the cities along the Rhine and immersing himself in a variety of intellectual pursuits in other areas of the country. He made numerous acquaintances with whom he shared his enthusiasm for science, and he learned German in the process. He also developed his ophthalmology talents there. In his letter before leaving Europe, he also wrote about how he always thinks and talks about Germany, as well as the people's loyalty and integrity. He also mentioned that his final farewell will be dedicated to Germany and that he owes the country his best wishes. The completion of Dr. Rizal's greatest literary masterpiece, Noli Me Tangere, was undoubtedly the most memorable aspect of his stay in Germany. On the other side, he disliked his visit to the USA, where he and all the other Asians on board were quarantined for six days while Caucasians were permitted to exit freely. As Rizal later stated in a letter to Mariano Ponce, his encounter with racism had a tremendous impact on him. 3.) Yes, I have watched the entire video. -CERES, A01
@ecasalibiada3787 2 года назад
SALIBIADA (A07) 1. The first trip was relevant because it changed his perspective, it changed his religious outlook on life, broadened his view of cultures. On his second trip, he observed racial segregation in the United States. he has a Japanese friend who is also a freedom activist in his country. 2. The country he hates the most is the United States because he's racist there, he's quarantined because we're Asian. So he wrote that he would not advise others to make this trip to America. He likes the country most, which is Japan, because in addition to falling in love with a Japanese woman. He was also amazed at the beauty of the country, its people and culture. He also quickly learned Japanese, art, and music.
@angeliquesnts 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, the relevance and importance of Dr. Jose Rizal’s first and second travels vis-a-vis the Philippines’ quest for nationalism and independence are that he was able to observe the life and culture, government and laws, industry and commerce, and language of the nations, especially in Europe, where liberalism was being exhibited. Liberalism was something important since it is what our country, which was being colonized by Spain, lacked during that time. He also gained more knowledge about other religions and cultures. Since during that time, the Philippines was not open to other ideas or in other words ‘conservative’ due to the influence of the Catholic church which was handled by the Spanish friars. I think, his trip around the countries was advantageous for Rizal’s search for knowledge and answers for our country’s freedom. As they say, you need to put yourself out there to gain wisdom, knowledge, and experience. 2. From my perspective, out of all the travel destinations Dr. Jose Rizal went through, he enjoyed his stay in Japan the most. He met Seiko Usui, who was his lover during his stay there. He was also amazed by the beauty of the country and observed that there were only a few robbers in the country. He also managed to immediately study the Japanese language, arts, music, and Judo. He learned a lot during his stay here. He obviously disliked his travel to the United States of America during the second leg of his trip since he was asked to be quarantined for being Asian/or coming from Asia. He also advised people not to visit the country for the treatment he got for just being Asian. Not only was he quarantined but he was given strict inspections when he went to the country. Racism was prevalent during that time, which Rizal concluded. 3. Yes. Santos (A07)
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