

Tia Taylor
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26 окт 2024




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@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
Today, we're talking about habits that are totally normal in Italy but would be considered rude to an American (and vice versa). What are some “rude” habits you've noticed around the world, what were your initial reactions? I Se volete aiutarmi con i sottotitoli, ecco il link: bit.ly/2IerqQZ :)
@mattiabuscema8672 6 лет назад
Da Italiano anche io ho molta difficoltà ad interrompere il mio interlocutore mentre sta parlando, quindi aspetto pazientemente che abbia finito di parlare. Per quanto riguarda la cosa dei soldi credo sia una questione di "regioni" italiane anche (?). Ad esempio in Toscana, dove vivo io, la maggior parte delle volte che mi danno un resto lo ricevo direttamente in mano (ma capita anche che venga versato nel piattino).
@virgirispi89 6 лет назад
Hi Tia, I am an Italian living in NYC. I have heard so many burps since I am here, I lost the count! Is it considered normal to burp in public in the US? That's a NO NO in Italy! Also, we would never eat while in class. A snack is ok but nothing that requires cutlery. Loving your videos as usual 😍
@lauram7791 6 лет назад
L' abitudine di interrompere le persone in una conversazione è abitudine in Italia, tuttavia io credo che sia "rude" credo che sia molto maleducato nonostante io stessa sia italiana, e quando mi succede faccio esattamente come te, se vengo interrotta non continuo più il discorso, se qualcuno mi chiede di terminare il discorso lo faccio, altrimenti non parlo più, perchè se nessuno mi chiede significa che non erano interessati in quello che stavo dicendo. So che può sembrare brutto detto così, però penso che interrompere le persone mentre stanno parlando, per dire qualcosa di associato ma che non è indispensabile e quindi potresti aspettare prima di esprimere, sia in qualsiasi maleducato "rude" in qualsiasi parte del mondo purtroppo e noi italiani dovremmo smetterla di farlo. ..interrompi una persona solo se hai un emergenza ovviamente ma non per "dire la tua", o come si dice da me "parlare sopra" a qualcun'altro. About blowing my nose, I had heard that this kind of habits is rude in Japan, but I did not know it was in America as well. Well, I'm allergic: in the spring, if I were an American, I could not live because of my constant need to blow my nose...or I'd have wet nose all the time.. XD
@davidelederman7337 6 лет назад
Sniffing can last forever if you don't blow your nose, which is 10 second and... done. Isn't it just more logical? In Japan it is like in America then, for this matter. I add that if you have a really bad cold it would be much appreciated if you went to the bathroom to blow your nose. Or why not stay in bed one day and get better before passing the cold to all the world. A teacher of mine found rude to blow your nose in class, and also coughing, but then you couldn't even ask her to go to the bathroom without driving her mad so... what can you do :D. Money on the plate money in the hand... it's the same, the frequency of one or the other is pretty equal I think. it is not rude, neither of those. If you give your hand they probably will give you the rest in the hand, if not they are not going to wait for your hand obviously. Sometimes they can even switch the aim from the plate to the hand if they see it in time. Talking over people is rude only if the other one's intentions are bad: if he just can't hold his words because he is so anxious to tell you... you cannot really blame him, can you? You can also just tell: "let me speak!" (Smiling) or "wait a second" and basically take other yourself... I often say "maaa" ("but") as a i-want-to-talk-signal. Final consideration: why are you Americans getting upset so easily, chill out :D. (I am Italian, exercising my English in RU-vid comments)
@deborasecci8718 6 лет назад
Dear Tia, sniffing is, not only annoying and “rude” for people around you, but also unhealthy for your respiratory system and your lungs!!!and if you have a cold it could last more the normal time if you continuously sniff!
@GiacomoMiola 5 лет назад
If someone is constantly sniffling here in Italy, here's why: 1) Unpolite 2) They ran out of tissues 3) Cocaine addiction
@pietrocr7 5 лет назад
ahahah descrizione perfetta
@Annie-ol3yl 5 лет назад
@ettoremorabito860 5 лет назад
I'm the third!
@anakinskywalker3777 5 лет назад
Exactly 😂
@linojakobsen7737 4 года назад
Non solo in Italia.
@davide1143 6 лет назад
Lol if you sniffle more than twice in Italy, someone will ask you if you need a tissue, it’s a passive aggressive way to say: stop doing that you nasty 😂
@sabrinafloris5058 6 лет назад
Verissimo, ahahah
@alessandrodamoli5675 6 лет назад
Qualcuno potrebbe minacciarti di morte anche😂
@bellaboomz 6 лет назад
@ericalucato9037 6 лет назад
Also, isn't sniffling bad for your health? That's what Italian parents always teach to their children when they are too lazy or haven't yet managed how to blow their nose properly.
@HeyItsLeilani 6 лет назад
Yeah exactly the same in French culture! Like, it's always better to blow your nose once and get it over with than sniffle loudly for ten minutes.
@LauraCenci 6 лет назад
Il fatto dei fazzoletti mi ha sconvolta, ho il raffreddore 365 giorni all'anno, non so come farei!
@isabellaa.469 6 лет назад
DaphneMay idem! Ahah
@LaZebra 6 лет назад
Ho pensato la stessa cosa 😂😂😂
@cixi97 6 лет назад
@enricostucchi3415 6 лет назад
Tranquilla negli states si soffia il naso ... e molti cafoni tirano sul il moccolo per il naso rumorosamente....
@martinamurtas9081 6 лет назад
Esatto!! Cioé da loro proprio non esistono!!
@orsograsso7281 5 лет назад
Im Italian and if someone interrupts me i just say: "Shut up, im talking" .. Im italian i consider it VERY RUDE to interrupt someone.
@p.d.3102 4 года назад
I think she was talking about the way we share our points, constantly. Speaker 1 says something and then speaker 2 manifests his/her agreement and then speaker 1 talks again... We call this discussion in Italy. I have seen that in Canada for example speaker 1 talks and until he finishes everything he has to say, he continues... Like, you know... A little bit of a monologue lol and then... In the pause (if there's any) speaker 2 can say, oh yes I agree with what you said 2 hours and 16 minutes ago rotfl! Just kidding. We just have a different dynamic in discussions, that's all. Stay healthy!
@sonosoloioeindiscutibilmen8322 4 года назад
Si dice porcamadonna se non mi fai parlare te ne mollo uno, le basi
@iosonoqui2 4 года назад
Penso si riferisca più ad una conversazione normale; ovvio che se uno sta spiegando qualcosa non viene interrotto, e farlo è da maleducati, ma quando si parla del più e del meno è abbastanza usuale che la scena si svolga con il A che dice qualcosa, il B risponde a riguardo, A riprende il discorso, C dice la sua, B interviene, A riparte, e così via... La chiacchiere rimbalzano da un interlocutore all'altro senza soluzione di continuità, mentre gli americani sono abituati a fermarsi e chiedere cosa ne pensano gli altri, e a turno ognuno parla (ok, non in maniera schematica, ma più o meno). Lei non trovando queste pause nei discorsi non riusciva mai ad intervenire, come ha specificato nel video
@Stopreadingmyusername23 4 года назад
@stefano19951995 4 года назад
I totally agree
@harryshadow9813 6 лет назад
Gli italiani sono efficienti: -Se hai il naso che ti cola come il po, te lo soffi. -Se mannaccialpadre devi mettere i soldi in tasca, ti prendi il tuo tempo, non te li schiaffano la tipo "piglia questo e vaffanculo" -Se hai qualcosa da dire le persone le interrompi, con cortesia lo fai. Se state parlando di un posto di mare, non puoi dire la tua quando si sono messi a parlare di politica araba. Le basi signori. Le basi.
@alessandra2287 5 лет назад
Anche in Italia è da maleducati interrompere, anche se è un brutto vezzo comune ma non di tutti per fortuna. Le sue basi zoppicano un pò signore
@FractalMannequin 5 лет назад
@@alessandra2287 Quello che si intende nel video per "interrompere" non è proprio l'interruzione come la intendiamo noi, ma più la nostra abitudine di infilare risposte quando qualcuno finisce una frase. In Italia le pause in mezzo ai discorsi sono estremamente brevi rispetto a quelle che ho visto in Inghilterra o in Olanda, per dirne un paio, e noi siamo semplicemente abituati così. Se una persona fa un discorso ragionato anche di qualche minuto, facilmente questo sarà spezzato in frasi, e tra una frase e l'altra capita spesso che qualcuno infili un commento o una considerazione, che di fatto non è una vera e propria interruzione, ma lo è per il ragionamento. Purtroppo è una cosa di cui mi sono reso conto molto bene dato che per mia abitudine - come puoi immaginare dal commento stesso - tendo ad argomentare ciò che sostengo. La strategia che ho adottato io è di trasformare i ragionamenti in racconti, in cui mediamente mi capita poco spesso di essere interrotto (chissà poi perché?).
@alessandra2287 5 лет назад
@@FractalMannequin abbiamo semplicemente due modi e due mondi diversi di pensare. Quando dice l'interruzione come la intendiamo noi, non è esatto. Piuttosto come la intende lei. Io la intendo come Tia e l'assicuro moltissimi italiani. Anche a me viene di infilare una risposta appena si finisce una frase ma non lo faccio. Per diversi motivi, il primo è che spesso se si lascia finbire la persona mi accorgo che la risposta sarebbe stata inutile perchè appunto nel discorso andando avanti c'è proprio quella risposta. L'altro motivo è l'educazione. Lascio finire tutto il discorso anchr se si tratta di un lunghissimo monologo e poi rispondo punto per punto chiedendo però il massimo rispetto che non venga interrotta anch'io. Spesso però è una battaglia, per fortuna però se lo si fa notare la gente lo capisce che è da maleducati, non insiste certo nel dire che è "normale". Questa è la cosa più sconvolgente insistere a dire che non è maleducazione nemmeno quando è evidente.
@federicof3112 5 лет назад
Oh, mio Dio, ti adoro. Intervento sensato e molto, molto divertente per come è posto. ahahah Comumque, sono d'accordo con te, anche se è palese che il contesto diverso, porta ad abitudini diverse, come non farsi il bidet (valli a capire).
@erikkillmonger963 5 лет назад
Beh che ti aspetti, che ti parli di cultura e di educazione un paese che non ne ha minimamente? Hanno vagamente 600 anni di storia, sono gli scarti che abbiamo mandato via dall'Europa e oltretutto hanno ammazzato tutti i veri nativi...ahahah questo video fa già ridere di per sé come qualsiasi osservazione fatta da un americano a un europeo...
@CarolinaGuidetti 6 лет назад
sometimes if I am making a long speech and nobody of the people i am talking with interrupt me I think they aren't listening. it's just how things work here in italy.
@keliaXV 6 лет назад
Ma un conto è dire la propria in un attimo di pausa, un altro è interrompere mentre stai nel mezzo del discorso... quest’ultimo sarebbe maleducato anche da noi direi
@CarolinaGuidetti 6 лет назад
kelia si di interrompere proprio a metà no, ma di solito si interrompe nelle pause dei discorsi. Soprattutto in gruppi di persone, spesso se non salti su rimani zitta sempre. Invece in conversazioni tranquille tra due amici spesso si lascia finire.
@cristalsolis3541 6 лет назад
Haha so funny!! 😄
@julietc.6757 6 лет назад
Una Realtà al Cubo I wanted to say the same. I have been taught to wait for my turn to speak, but sometimes I feel the urge to say something while someone is talking, to let them know I am still listening. If I keep quiet they will think I am not paying any attention. When it comes to group discussions instead, I just cannot help jumping in anyway 😅
@antoniodelfabro7276 6 лет назад
Una Realtà al Cubo ma infatti, c'è prova a pensare che noiose e lunghe sono le conversazioni in america
@theristichannel 5 лет назад
Personalmente preferisco uno che si soffia il naso piuttosto che continui a tirarsi su il moccio. Quello è fastidioso
@marcoerbifori8683 4 года назад
@Riccardo Milliava correzione alquanto inutile. Usare il congiuntivo si, ma quando serve.
@superidol4670 3 года назад
E vero ma se lo fai tu ti piace xd
@andinexyz7460 5 лет назад
One of the americans' habit that I found very rude and annoying was their asking/saying "what's up?" or "how you doing?" and then not acrually stopping to listen to the answer. That in Italy is extreamly rude.
@aaidenjett1221 5 лет назад
Because, when Americans say things like that, they aren’t actually inquiring the question, it’s just a greeting. Close friends may ask this question and actually want to know the answer but on a regular basis, it’s a different way of saying hello
@andinexyz7460 5 лет назад
@@aaidenjett1221 You haven't understand my point. It's not that we don't understand it's just a greeting. It's that we Italians can't accept it is the way that Americans choose to greet people. We find it find quite crazy because it is a socially accepted lie. Instead of saying hi or hello, they use a question that doesn't ask for a reply. The same for the expression "see you later" when used with the meaning of "bye". It's very common in UK. It's another socially accepted lie: the interlocutors know they are not going to meet again during the day. As any psicologist knows, language structure (e.g. choice of certain words instead of others) influences and shapes our personality. Differences among people have origins also on language structure. For instance, French and Italian grammars are quite similar but many French idioms are closer to English way to express certain concepts than the Italian one. It's not a case that Italian way to relate to people is very different from the French or the English one.
@ch_5062 5 лет назад
We Italian can't accept it parla per te. Differenza culturale. Se è solo un modo di dire lo accetto. Anzi a me piace. Anche in Irlanda lo usano fisso. Anche in negozio quando entri o al bar. É un modo per salutare diverso dal nostro ma stesso significato
@andinexyz7460 5 лет назад
@@ch_5062 of course I can't speak for all Italians. But I used "we" because it's it's a very common opinion among the Italians (and the Spaniards) I've met in UK. Of course, I am also aware that some people (Italian or not) don't question themselves about linguistic difference but that happens to be, as well, a very important scientific topic. BTW in multinational environments it's commonly considered rude to talk in a language that isn't understood by everybody.
@BigKSlam 5 лет назад
@@andinexyz7460 sounds like you're figuring out American culture "how are you doing?" ...no one cares. It appears to be polite but when you dig deeper it's a facade. Much like many relationships you make, often times you are cordial with people for years and do a similar activity, in US, you greet, have fun, say bye, and see each other next time...in Italy you will make plans to grab a drink or bite after. Before you know it, your casual friends are like family. In US, you've known them for 5 years but possibly never have seen them outside whatever activity you do together. I am not saying you can't make friends in US but generally people keep each other further away.
@degliespostigiorgia 6 лет назад
italian conversation: a: talks b: talks over a: screams b: screams harder a: *screams even harder* c: AOOOOOO MA CHE CAZZO STATE A DÌ' *AOOOOOOOOOOOOO*
@uzzaaair7552 5 лет назад
@deadgaming5387 5 лет назад
@americanstyle6280 5 лет назад
They all rude and loud👎
@deadgaming5387 5 лет назад
Yolanda San Diego no
@MaryRowell678 5 лет назад
@Tehui1974 6 лет назад
I'd rather a person next to me blow their nose, rather than continue to sniff.
@Sippy309 5 лет назад
Very true
@misstiataylor_ 5 лет назад
You guys continue to miss a huge point in what I said, you sniff IF you don't have the possibility to excuse yourself and blow your nose in private which is not as common as your guys are making it out to be.
@dabi6075 5 лет назад
@@misstiataylor_ Actually, _you_ missed his point He said he would rather have a person blow his nose *right next to him* instead of having that person sniffing every now and then Doesn't matter if that person can't go somewhere else to blow his nose, he would prefer him doing it close to him instead of seeing and hearing him blow the nose Hope I made it more clear lmao :"
@misstiataylor_ 5 лет назад
@Giorgio Trota I'm not ever sick so I can't really relate.
@TexasGabby1 5 лет назад
turn their head to the side and blow - don't sit there sniffing
@tuc4319 6 лет назад
Bidet e fazzoletti: insegniamo chi comanda al mondo
@trippiepinkk3237 6 лет назад
Ma cosa vogliamo insegnare che ci stanno superando tutti in tutto.
@tuc4319 6 лет назад
@@trippiepinkk3237 era ironico
@jennyfenu7660 5 лет назад
Il bidet c'e anche in America
@Centerbez 5 лет назад
"I gift you the fork, symbol of civilization !!" Cit. by 'Faschist on Mars'.
@niccoloorsibandini9440 5 лет назад
Facciamo schifo ma a culo splendente.
@manelumi 5 лет назад
In France we blow our nose everywhere and yes sniffing is disgusting .
@Valagh 5 лет назад
As italian, thanks "cousin from beyond the Alps" for your comment 😂❤️
@Nickelini 5 лет назад
I'm Canadian and I find sniffing disgusting too. I've never heard of blowing your nose as rude in Canada, but I don't think enough people do it when they need to.
@Thylacine62 5 лет назад
Maybe it's normal for Europeans
@nyishamartin1563 5 лет назад
In the us it iss
@gigi7204 5 лет назад
i think it's a European thing. Here in Belgium people will be passive aggressive asking you if you need a tissue
@loliabuzer 6 лет назад
Interrupting people is actually rude in italy too
@michelegrassi4385 6 лет назад
infatti... indeed
@exitforalive 6 лет назад
Yes but we do it all the time for survival. I have very long elaborate thoughts and if someone interrupts me then I interrupt them to finish. But unfortunately because of their rudeness I am seen as bossy! :-(
@84Clo84 6 лет назад
Credo il problema sia nel fatto che lei parli di un gruppo folto di persone. In quel caso non si può fare un discorso di mezz'ora, a turno (non siamo agli alcolisti anonimi). Tra l'altro è maleducazione anche monopolizzare un discorso. I dialoghi sono solo più veloci, quindi sembra ci si interrompa, e lei non riesce ad inserirsi perché non è abituata a questo tipo di conversazione (Tra l'altro non è facile neanche per me, ma è un mio limite, dovuto ad altre questioni...) Ma è nota a tutti la norma di non dover "parlare sopra gli altri".
@sublita 6 лет назад
I agree. Sono d'accordo, non sopporto le persone che interrompono e lo faccio anche notare
@exitforalive 6 лет назад
84Clo84 si hai ragione è solo un peccato che si perda un po' di profondità nella conversazione cercando di semplificare. Però è bello vedere come sembriamo visti dalle altre culture
@Matteo-pc9gt 6 лет назад
beh meglio una soffiata di naso che una persona che tira su ogni due per tre o che gli cola il naso😂 In realtà è maleducazione parlare sopra qualcun altro e a me da un sacco fastidio😒
@giandomenicopadovan9647 6 лет назад
Purple putroppo in Asia é normale, anche in Australia. In Cina in particolare é normale sputare per terra (e tralascio i dettagli del come)
@Matteo-pc9gt 6 лет назад
Giandomenico Padovan lo so ma la reputo una cosa disgustosa....in cina è educazione anche ruttare come segno di apprezzamento per il cibo😂
@giandomenicopadovan9647 6 лет назад
Purple nonostante viva a Pechino da qualche anno, non ci ho ancor fatto l'abitudine e penso che non ci riuscirò mai :)
@nicla7551 6 лет назад
Sottoscrivo, odio i 'rumori' umani e in Inghilterra tutta la gente che tira su il naso e si pulisce con la manica mi fa uscire di testa 😂
@Astgsfgt 6 лет назад
Nicol Favro idem in Olanda... non ce la fanno proprio. Ogni tanto esco di testa (tipo dopo mezz'ora in treno con la persona accanto a me che risucchia col naso ogni dieci secondi) e offro un fazzoletto, cavolo ma come fanno a non rendersi conto che è fastidioso??
@aalesslp 6 лет назад
WAAAAITTT americans dont walk around with tissues? How do yall live during spring 😭
@MaureenMurphy_ 6 лет назад
Alessandro Russo Don't tell nobody but alot of us just sneeze or wipe their hands on their clothes, at least the people around me do.
@theperoxyde 6 лет назад
@theperoxyde 6 лет назад
Frank Murphy that’s terrifying
@aalesslp 6 лет назад
Frank Murphy thats disgusting, get a tissue
@martinabarbero8729 6 лет назад
Alessandro Russo IKR
@BeautyFederjka 6 лет назад
@anakinskywalker3777 5 лет назад
@껙께겍 4 года назад
Hahahahahahahaha lolololol
@alfredopieri6696 4 года назад
Hawaiian pizza is not pizza in Italy.
4 года назад
Lindo culo
@pierre-louisbureau6206 4 года назад
Shutup Fede
@paolab4744 6 лет назад
Italian conversations are war
@myssangela4872 6 лет назад
damn right
@myssangela4872 6 лет назад
+N L "argomento" means "topic/subject" so I don't really get what you mean. "discussione" on the other hand is closer to "argument" but not always
@DaveDaveTor 6 лет назад
Italian dialogs are the MOST aggressive in world!
@M.C.P. 6 лет назад
DaveDaveTor mmm... actually they're just full of life! ;)
@DaveDaveTor 6 лет назад
HEY m.c.p. , keep out
@ladygiovi 5 лет назад
I wouldn't necessarily say italians 'interrupt' each other while speaking. It is more of a 'contribution' to a conversation. Speakers expect a feedback from their listeners and it is interpreted as a sign of interest to what they are saying. If you remain silent it can be seen as if you are bored or not interested in what it's being said. Like you don't say anything because you just want the conversation to end asap :)
@jayson1geek479 5 лет назад
Yes they do
@000MIKE 4 года назад
@@jayson1geek479 No he's right.
@DaiMoscv 3 года назад
Trust me, you guys literally interrupt the other person just to oppose with your own idea and it's fucking annoying. If you have something to say let the other person finish first that's common sense around the world
@Iujjdjcbjrujgsm 3 года назад
I noticed koreans are like that too !
@sofy8836 3 года назад
@@DaiMoscv That's our culture, In Italy it's considered rude the other way around. A conversation in Italy Is a constant exchange of opinions, it's just how it works in Italy, if you don't do so, the other person will think that you are not interested or even annoyed.
@chiaramilanoli1997 6 лет назад
I hate in the US when the waiter bring you the bill before you asked for it, here in Italy it's so rude
@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
SEE! I would have never known that! Even though I can’t remember a time that it’s ever happened to me... usually you have to ask for it.
@nickn2794 6 лет назад
Tia Taylor yeah I guess that for us is like saying: ok now you can pay and go away ahah.
@1999Gunter1999 6 лет назад
That just happen to me a week ago u.u
@Leilan83 6 лет назад
Yep when I moved in Usa and they brought me right away the check.I was offended because I thought they were thinking I would had left without paying.
@milanie6697 6 лет назад
I like that! In Finland it's sometimes normal it depends about the place. I hate when I'm eating in restaurant in Italy and you have to wait ages to get the bill. I'm like: "I don't want to sit here the whole day.." :D
@laurenelise1810 5 лет назад
My parents are Italian born, moved to Canada, and so I actually have a really “bad habit” of interrupting people when talking 😭 it’s not even me trying to be rude it’s me being excited and engaged in the conversation
@rarab22 3 года назад
I'm Jamaican, live in New York... I do the same thing...I had an ex who made me realize lol I was being rude...but my argument was the same as yours...I'm just genuinely excited about the conversation. My solution was to pretend I'm not interested lol
@lauriesolis1026 3 года назад
Italian American here and I have the same conversation habit. Ive been working on it though.
@spacewolfcub 3 года назад
I’m on the verge of crying tears of joy, here. It means so much to find people that communicate like me.
@almmason7 2 года назад
Lol, me too! Drives my hubby crazy but I'm in extrovert and he's an introvert.
@claudiamass5939 6 лет назад
ma scusa se non vi soffiate il naso in pubblico una persona che ha il raffreddore e che magari è a lezione e non può andare in bagno come fa?? poi io sincermanente trovo più irritante un persona che tira su col naso di continuo pur di non soffiarlo di una che si soffia il naso...
@d.e.p.5624 6 лет назад
Claudia Massidda ... per non parlare del fatto che la gran parte degli Americani che io ho conosciuto, non si pone problemi a scorreggiare in pubblico! Altro che soffiarsi il naso!!!
@claudiamass5939 6 лет назад
Deborah E. no va be non lo sapevo ahahahahaha 😂😂😂 e poi si scandalizzano per una soffiata di naso
@nicolamutton 6 лет назад
Deborah E. 😂😂😂😂
@alicerighi 6 лет назад
so.. people don't carry around tissues??! :O ok ok - I am a little shocked. haha. I am literally the tissue lady. Even with the smallest bag, I will make sure to have at least one tissue with me. Non si sa mai:)
@brunarusso3467 6 лет назад
Alice Righi after living in Italy I became this person as well! I feel much better having a tissue than not having one hahaha and I realized that in Italy 🤣
@jutrzenka811 6 лет назад
in Poland its also normal to blow nose in public and i also carry tissue in a bag
@Adamantis96 6 лет назад
being allergic and not having a tissue always on hand would be a huge problem for me ahhhaha
@EmyReynosoOviedo 6 лет назад
YUP i agree. meglio avere i fazzoletti sempre!
@elisazorzanello3764 6 лет назад
Alice Righi tissue-lady squad 🙌
@JamboJimmy 6 лет назад
Cioè voi non vi soffiate il naso C O S A hahahaahh
@chiarapanozzo6800 6 лет назад
pensa che i coreani è già tanto che quando hanno un raffreddore si tamponano il naso se no non se lo soffiano perché è maleducazione….TE LO SOFFI A CASA TUA IL NASO, MA GUARDA TE!! ahaha
@paolobignardi2131 6 лет назад
In molte culture far fuoriuscire il muco è considerato oltremodo maleducato. Ad esempio anche i giapponesi non si soffiano mail il naso: se possono indossano la mascherina in pubblico, ma anche se non ce l'hanno, piuttosto che soffiarsi il naso preferiscono aspirare il muco (se diffondi i germi in giro, DISONORE!! disonore su tutta la tua famiglia!)
@lorenzamaganuco1888 6 лет назад
Ahahah esatto
@mircomenca 6 лет назад
@paolo bignardi, però considerano naturale e educato sputare in mezzo alla strada!! Che schifo
@Th3MaDAv3ng3r 6 лет назад
Ehmm...no, nessun giapponese sputa in mezzo alla strada. E te lo dico io che ora sto in Giappone
@camilla9980 5 лет назад
Cioè quindi dove mi dovrei andare a soffiare il naso? Sulla luna?
@deadgaming5387 5 лет назад
yocami soltanto che diventerebbe ghiaccio il muco😂
@sofiiiboohhh1591 4 года назад
Esistono i tovaglioli
@monamodelproduction2016 4 года назад
Ahahahha magari dobbiamo fare un viaggio speciale per soffiare il naso 😂
@Blessing-Iyamu 4 года назад
@a09z125 3 года назад
@purplesubmarine83 6 лет назад
I'm an exchange student from Italy currently living in Denmark. In Danish shops and especially supermarkets, it's the norm to find misplaced products that someone just left there because they changed their mind during their shopping. In Italy, most people feel compelled to put the stuff back where they found it and I think this happens in many other countries as well.
@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
Lol...... I always leave thing I don’t want anymore in the place I’m standing (usually near the register) ooops 😅
@yurikomina 6 лет назад
In France we blow our nose like in Italy, but your way of doing it is the same in Japan !!
@MuhoChannel 6 лет назад
By coincidence (or not?) puttin the money in your hand is also the same in japan like in Usa.
@sebastiancrenshaw851 6 лет назад
Alle volte rimetto a posto le robe lasciate in giro dagli altri avventori. Specie in libreria.
@niclaci6093 6 лет назад
E il piccolo dramma di vedere ad esempio un vestito abbandonato nel reparto sbagliato, provarlo perchè ti piace, ma vedere che non ti sta e non solo non sapere dove andare a pescare tutti gli altri per prendere quello giusto, ma non capire nemmeno dove lasciare il trovatello! Lo rimetti nel posto sbagliato? Vai in esplorazione? aaargh
@otto__nove358 6 лет назад
Mi sono trasferita in America un anno fa e attualmente sto per graduarmi Posso assicurare che la storia dei fazzoletti è vera al 100% ed è una cosa che mi ha fatto letteralmente impazzireee sia perché sapevo che non “potevo” soffiarmi il naso tranquillamente ma più di tutti quando alle 8am avevo un orda di persone che si tiravano su il naso facendo versi che manco un documentario di National Geographic mi aveva dato modo di ascoltare
@monesimo100 6 лет назад
Ma che schifo!! Cioè, per cosa li usano i fazzoletti? Se li tengono in casa come fosse carta igienica?? Che brutta cosa dev'essere una coda d'attesa allo sportello, magari in Inverno quando sono tutti raffreddati. E la coda dal dottore? Se vado in America, mi porto fazzoletti per tutti!
@chiarapaderi8516 6 лет назад
In Brasile è uguale!!!
@divinitacurvy8873 6 лет назад
Hai ragione ! Non ne posso più! Sono in Florida da mesi e vi assicuro che è una cosa insopportabile !!
@car2059 6 лет назад
Oddio, non potrei mai vivere in America. Sentire la gente tirar su col naso mi fa incazzare come una iena, prenderei a schiaffi chiunque mi capiti a tiro😂😂
@divinitacurvy8873 6 лет назад
Carlotta Bernasconi ciao Carlotta posso dirti che è una delle cose più fastidiose! E se tu lo fai notare a loro ti dicono che qui è normale! Ma poi una cosa disgustosa e in continuazione... comprese le donne 🤮
@Corilo91 6 лет назад
I'm italian, and I can assure interrupting is absolutely hated here. Unfortunatelly, a lot of people hate being interrupted but don't care to interrupt others.
@paolocarpi4769 6 лет назад
Sottile. Bravo.
@lorenzomarsili549 6 лет назад
That's the problem
@ethanfisher-perez9620 6 лет назад
It's a habit that's hard to break.
@elenasistemi6757 5 лет назад
Actually, interrupting people during a conversation is considered rude also here in Italy; let' s say that we use to put a lot of passion in our dialogues, so sometimes it happens 😅 This is Italy!
@diegoinvesini8724 6 лет назад
Cioè, in una normale giornata invernale, con una classe di 30 studenti nella quale una decina raffreddati, per soffiarsi il naso dovrebbero uscire dall'aula? Una continua transumanza! Pensa in aereo che rottura doversi alzare per fare passare tutte le volte il vicino che si deve soffiare il naso. Tirare su invece sarebbe normale? Per quanto riguarda il resto viene messo sul piattino in modo che si possa contare facilmente e contestare eventuali errori: mi pare corretto.
@milesmorales2106 6 лет назад
Diego Invesini come si dice “raffreddati” in Inglese ?
@mariaantoniagiordano7875 6 лет назад
Diego Invesini e Infatti quello che nn mi piace di molti americani o nord europei e' che hanno sempre sto naso gocciolante e talvolta e' da voltastomaco, Si vede spesso perfino nei films sto naso umido come I gatti. Ma neanche a me piace quando una persona Si soffia Il naso a tavola o in faccia alla gente. Nella mia famiglia le regole erano chiare: se si e' impossibilitati a muoversi ci si gira voltando le spalle all' altro chiedendo scusa e Nn soffiandosi troppo forte Il naso. Questo sia in casa che in pubblico. Non sara' molto piacevole ,ma almeno Non vedi adulti che hanno un naso da "mocciosi" che essendo impossibilitati ad usare un banale fazzoletto invece tirano su col naso in continuazione, oppure Si asciugano istintivamente con le mani cercando di tamponare Il flusso o addirittura usano le maniche come faceva mia sorella a 8 anni di eta'. Quindi per carita' Il Buon senso serve ovunque nel mondo!!!!
@zenoableful 6 лет назад
vabbè ma non è una gara all'abitudine migliore, è un confronto..
@Bert0ld0 6 лет назад
Io non capisco proprio questa cosa assurda. Ci sono un mucchio di situazioni in cui non puoi ovviare alla cosa! Per esempio: "Sei in ritardissimo e hai un colloquio con il capo entro 1minuto e se non arrivi in orario ti licenzia. Arrivi alla sua porta e ti viene da soffiarti il naso. Che fai? 1) Ti soffi il naso prima di entrare come una persona sana di mente; 2) entri e fai il colloquio tirando su con il naso mentre il capo parla (non riesco ad immaginarmi come possa essere considerato educato); 3) corri al bagno più vicino a soffiarti il naso ma poi arrivi al colloquio in ritardo con conseguente licenziamento." Voi che fareste? Ci sono mille altre situazioni ben più critiche di questo esempio stupido ma sarei curioso di sapere cosa fareste voi italiani e soprattutto come agirebbero gli americani. Maria Antonia Giordano va beh ma queste sono buone maniere, ovvio che non ti soffi il naso in faccia alla gente. Il problema è che per loro in ogni caso saresti maleducato... assurdo! Ma sono cose allucinanti proprio
@michelegrassi4385 6 лет назад
raffreddato = get a cold, o semplicemente dici i'm sick(=sono "malato") e poi quando ti chiedono cos'hai gli dici "a cold"
@BeautifulDirtyRich93 6 лет назад
The change thing actually makes sense: Italy has a "touchy feely" society and so the courteous thing to do is to create some distance, while for the US the most polite thing to do is to create a physical connection bc they don't tend to get up close and personal.
@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
That’s one way to look at it!
I don't think it is for that, personally I want to see all the money to count them and make sure the change is correct without touching it, if you get wrong and it's already in my hands I could have put some in my pocket and blame you. This way we can both see the money while the cashier is counting them.
@Ronkyort0dox 6 лет назад
Also you're not constantly touching strangers' hands.
Well you're touching money which is the most dirty thing you could touch so ... >.
@nais_tri 6 лет назад
actually I worked in a supermarket for 3 years and 90% of the time we handed the change in costumers' hands...sometimes it's just because to keep going with your work you put the change on the counter and leave it to the person to take it while you attend someone else, the same happens when I'm on the other side XD
@lisabuffagni1566 6 лет назад
Italian discourses are actually tennis matches
@DaveDaveTor 6 лет назад
I agree
@iota-09 6 лет назад
they are, and that's a bad habit we have, it's not a "good" thing, it's anormal thing, and hopefullly one day it won't be anymore.
@tommasovasta8323 6 лет назад
Yep. You're right. Speaking over the next is very common in Italy. A cousin of mine always uses to do it and it's very, very, irritating. However, not always is a rudeness matter. Italians, in fact, are very - maybe too much - passionate people and most of them find difficult keeping self-control.
@iota-09 6 лет назад
Gerardo Vasta that lavk of self control though is frowned upon as a sign of immaturity, do not think it's just being too passionate, if you see italians do it and not complaining, chances are everyone involved does it and is used to doing it, it is also more common among older people, especially (but not exclusively) from the south.
@tommasovasta8323 6 лет назад
I come from South Italy and I studied history, linguistic and anthropology at university (more over, I got an international certification to teach italian as L2), so I know a bit how the matter works. There are several reasons whereby Italians speak in this way. Italy has always been a controversial country, suspended between diplomacy (it's the birthplace of Niccolò Macchiavelli, just for saying) and strong contrasts (Guelfs and Ghibellines or - how Shakespeare told - Montagues and Capulets). So, people have acquired this "conflictual" way to communicate. Of course, times have changed since then and we need to learn self-control but every language system has its peculiarities and imperfections. For instance, anglo-saxons speak a language related to their life approach: pragmatic. In other cultures, as East-Asia, where the conversation carries on as a "spiral", starting from the details, going "straight to the point", as especially Americans use to do, is considered too direct and above all vulgar...
@deborabroodbakker2860 5 лет назад
Blowing your nose is rude, wtf only in America, not only in Italy but in the rest of Europe people blow their nose when they feel to
@margochanning6868 5 лет назад
I'm of Italian descent. My father is first generation American. We blow our nose here in the US. Not sure what this young woman is talking about but she's wrong. We carry tissues around. Tissues in the US are big sellers in our supermarkets. I blow my nose in public. I am not the only one. Most normal people do. What is rude here in the US is sneezing in public without a tissue or not covering your mouth with your hand when you sneeze. All I can say is she is young and has some narrow views that do not reflect most of America. What is really totally rude is going to another country and acting like you landed on the moon and brought all your narrow minded assumptions of how one should conduct themselves. She's young. That's her only excuse.
@anakinskywalker3777 5 лет назад
What’s rude about it? How am I being rude to someone to do something humans normally do when they’re sick ? You all are weird lol
@anakinskywalker3777 4 года назад
@carolinalomeli9128 4 года назад
Reality check: lots of Americans blow their nose in public and no one looks down on them for doing so. I don't know anyone who considers nose-blowing with a tissue rude. I think sniffling and swallowing your mucous is rude and gross.
@tiffanifarrington4039 4 года назад
Debora Broodbakker She’s wrong about that being rude. I see people blowing their nose in public all the time. We even have the travel sized tissues so I don’t know what the hell She’s talking about
@elissa.dellaera 6 лет назад
I'm Canadian and consider Canada and the States pretty similar, but this idea of blowing your nose being rude is unheard of to me. I always have a pack of kleenex in my bag and I blow my nose whenever I want. The only time I don't is if I'm eating with other people, and I'll just walk a little farther to do it.
@thatgirlinitaly 6 лет назад
Maybe it's different in Canada but it's definitely rude in the U.S. Blowing your nose is forbidden in public basically.
@elissa.dellaera 6 лет назад
A. D. What if you have a cold, do you just not leave the house?
@thatgirlinitaly 6 лет назад
Well, if you're sick enough you would stay home, as would anyone in any country. But if you have a cold you either excuse yourself to blow your nose or find a private way to blow it. Growing up, we weren't even allowed to blow our nose at the dinner table in our own house and we're not a particularly formal family at all. It's no bueno.
@elissa.dellaera 6 лет назад
A. D. Idk I can't, my nose is constantly running. If I had to hide every time I needed to blow my nose I'd never leave the house again 😂 but also, a lot of employers don't care if you're sick and make you to come to work anyway
@elissa.dellaera 6 лет назад
Agreed, blowing your nose happens a couple of times, sniffling happens EVERY 2 SECONDS. I think blowing your nose is much more tolerable
@CalledLissy 6 лет назад
Cultural differences are really interesting ^^ The first two italian habits are also common in Germany and I think they're logic. It's annoying if a person is constantly sniffing so it's better they just blow there nose. But people normally trie to turn away so they don't blow in other people's direction.^^
@moniquemonicat 6 лет назад
The "first habit" is NOT a habit in Italia. I live in Italia and have never seen anyone blow their nose in public. I don't know what region she was in but it is not done where I live.
@CalledLissy 6 лет назад
moniquemonicat Okay (:
@oriomenoni7651 6 лет назад
That is what well mannered people do in Italy, we blow our noses but we do that turning away from the other people, and we do care to fold and hide the tissue without being seen.
@paolocerracchio4028 6 лет назад
We do that in publoc, but there are some rules: doing it loudly is unpolite, and you do not really blow your nose facing other people
@lilshit3325 6 лет назад
moniquemonicat where exactly do you live in italy
@carlottacoradin1514 6 лет назад
io sono italiana e onestamente se qualcuno mi interrompe quando parlo di cose importanti me la prendo da morire, sono stata cresciuta così, coi miei amici ho sempre prestato molta attenzione a non interrompere e viceversa, se una persona è stata spesso interrotta da qualcuno di norma lo facciamo notare, e onestamente a me dà un sacco vedere nei video persone che si interrompono a vicenda hahah, non avevo mai pensato che potesse essere una cosa che varia da paese a paese ma piuttosto da persona a persona. A volte la maleducazione non conosce confini, secondo me 😂
@elenainpigiama2029 6 лет назад
CharlotteParker 6 vivo in una cittadina con molti cinesi, per loro è maleducatissimo interrompere chi sta parlando (tanto che a volte fatto un eeeeeeeee a metà frase per non interrompere il discorso e far parlare l'altro) e odiano questa abitudine italiana di interrompere chi parla
@carlottacoradin1514 6 лет назад
Elena In Pigiama posso dire che fanno bene? A me quando sento/partecipo a conversazioni come quelle che descrive Tia in cui si interrompono tutti a vicenda ogni due secondi viene mal di testa, non riesco a starci dietro 😂
@Ronkyort0dox 6 лет назад
Se non interrompi non parli, è qualcosa che si impara da ragazzi. La maggior parte della gente non ha la pazienza e la voglia di ascoltarti e ti devi fare sentire (cercando di non essere troppo maleducati); poi magari ti scusi e chiedi cosa stava dicendo l'altro ( gesto in genere apprezzato). Se aspetti che l'altro abbia finito dovrai tacere per sempre.
@Fylo98 6 лет назад
Ronkyort0dox verissimo. Se mi ritrovo costretto a dover interrompere il mio interlocutore parto con “scusa se t’interrompo ma...” e una volta finito, se l’altro può riprendere da dove l’ho dovuto interrompere di norma dico “perdonami, stavi dicendo?” È solo questione di buona educazione, che di questi tempi sembra scarseggiare sempre più.
@mellyfilli7734 6 лет назад
Quando l'altro parla molto, a volte io mi scordo quello che avrei voluto dire all'inizio del suo discorso, per questo non trovo rude interrompere un momento per puntualizzare... Poi mi scuso e lascio procedere
@eli32h66 5 лет назад
actually in Italy interrupt is considered very rude, indeed, usually if you do apologize, but it would not be polite to point out the gesture
@andinexyz7460 5 лет назад
In Italy is also rude not to let other people interrupt you. Anyway, she is talking about another type of "interruption". We Italians do participate in CON-versation (have a look to the etiology bof the word) in a coral way. It's a sort of dance. We conversate in a very fluent way. Similarly to the other Mediterranean countries. In UK, France, and USA (pleases where I lived) conversations normally are slower and less natural to us Italians.
@masterjunky863 3 года назад
@@andinexyz7460 French is partially mediterranean
@andinexyz7460 3 года назад
@@masterjunky863 Yeah, you're are right. And indeed I noticed that when they speak in an informal context they speak very fast (faster that I expected). But in professional environments (at least in mine) they tend to add pauses to induce other people to jump in.
@FedericaFagg 6 лет назад
Sono stata in america per sei mesi e io ho sempre il raffreddore, sempre. Non sapevo assolutamente questa abitudine e la prima volta che ho soffiato il naso in classe, tutti e dico TUTTI, si sono girati a guardarmi e io non capivo. Poi ho chiesto ai miei host parents e mi hanno spiegato e mi sono sentita super in colpa ahahahah, olè
@jorehir 6 лет назад
Avrai soffiato a pernacchia... Lo fanno in molti, ma e' "rude" anche in Italia.
@silviamezzadri5876 6 лет назад
jorehir anche io lo soffio in quella maniera, ma non possiamo esattamente scegliere. Possiamo essere discrete ma il rumore rimane
@theatomixgaming5520 6 лет назад
Io li faccio da agosto i sei mesi e soffro di allergia... Yeeee
@pirateclick1d169 3 года назад
Ti sei sentita in colpa per averti soffiato il naso? Che schifo.
@CristinaOliva 6 лет назад
Gosh I haven’t noticed it until now! Man, I wonder how many times I was being rude here in the US with my tissues Hahahah
@rociochavez3007 6 лет назад
and meanwhile I was like WTF when some persons blow their nose ON THE TABLE! OMG hahaha
@CristinaOliva 6 лет назад
Rocío Chávez lol
@beandreotti 6 лет назад
Sameee, I’m an exchange student and I’m icing in Texas, these days I’m congested and I’ve been blowing my nose like all day long once yesterday
@cyn37211 6 лет назад
I’ve never had a problem with blowing my nose in public (in the US), but then my mom is Italian. But what’s more gross - a person with snot running out of their nose or a quick blow into a tissue? I’ve lived several places in the USA, and I see people blowing their noses all the time. Hearing someone sniff back snot drives me nuts!
@michelacalo1495 6 лет назад
@@rociochavez3007 well at the table is impolite in Italy too.. Because it is not hygienic
@oiurehj 6 лет назад
I've always been taught that if you don't blow your nose and you sniffle you're gonna get sinusitis and it's worst because the germs get stuck and your gonna have a headache. The "change thing" i don't really know why we do it...probably because while the cashier is counting the change you have the time to do your things (check your wallet, put the grocery inside the bag, finding the market card...etc) and the cashier put the change down so he gives you time and you don't feel rushed. Actually i don't think we do the third thing as often as you claim...of course when we're having a discussion we could be a little bit heated and so we want to prove our point but, you know, there are rude people and respectful people in every country.
@t4squared 6 лет назад
oiurehj You will not get a sinus infection from sniffing. That usually just happens if you have a weak immune system. Sniffling is gross but, not as gross as expelling your bodily fluids in public in close proximity to other people. That’s how you get other people sick.
@oiurehj 6 лет назад
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and you get that also because the mucus gets stucked there. You could also get a rhinitis which is an inflammation of the whole mucous membrane of the nose. I've always been fine with the "blow your nose" method and since other people probably got me sick during my life, my immune system has always been trained and probably is stronger than a japanese ones.
@lucabralia5125 3 года назад
@@t4squared if you blow your nose well, you don't spread too many germs
@MrEdoardo138 5 лет назад
Ma come non é considerato maleducato interrompere? A me parte tantissimo il cristo
@laurazanetti8267 5 лет назад
Beh dipende da quello di cui si parla, a volte anche a me da fastidio quando la gente mi interrompe mentre dico qualcosa di serio o di importante. Ma nelle conversazioni normali, quando semplicemente si chiacchera tra amici, si scherza, si spettegola o ci si racconta cosa si è fatto nel fine settimana, ci si interrompe senza problemi; più che altro in Italia siamo abituati a fare frasi brevi e non discorsi lunghi.
@FrancescoPregliasco 5 лет назад
Interrompere a metà una frase altrui ignorandola e parlandoci sopra è maleducato anche in Italia. Però in Italia non è maleducato parlare appena l'altro ha finito una frase. In altre culture, invece, si aspetta che l'altro finisca l'intero *discorso*, e/o che ti chieda che cosa ne pensi, prima di parlare.
@sonosoloioeindiscutibilmen8322 4 года назад
quando qualcuno fa ste cose gli devi tirare un pugno e dire porcodio se non mi fai parlare te ne do un altro
@gretacastagna824 6 лет назад
Ho vissuto in Canada per 10 mesi come exchange student e non mi scorderò mai di quella volta in cui mi soffiai il naso in classe e tutti si girarono e mi guardarono disgustati 😂
@GTFDFP 6 лет назад
In Italia lo scambio di soldi è considerato una cosa "sporca", tradizionalmente, e anche se piano piano questa cosa sta sparendo, è visibile in alcune cose. Se devi regalare dei soldi a qualcuno non glieli darai mai direttamente, ma li metti da qualche parte dove possa trovarli. I ristoranti anche solo un minimo eleganti hanno degli appositi "fodero" per lo scambio scontrino/pagamento, così che tu possa nascondere i soldi dentro quello e passarlo al cameriere senza darglieli direttamente, e viceversa lui nel portarti il resto.Ugualmente poi nel lasciare la mancia, la lasci nello stesso fodero o sul tavolo, magari coperta da qualcosa come un tovagliolo o comunque non troppo visibile, facendo finta di niente ed un cameriere educato dovrebbe aspettare a prenderli che tu te ne sia andato e di non essere visto. Quando le persone anziane danno ai giovani la paghetta (già i miei genitori non lo fanno più, ma i miei nonni, e i nonni di tutte le persone con cui ho parlato di ciò, sì) lo fanno come fosse un gran segreto, ti passano i soldi cercando di non essere visti da nessuno degli altri parenti presenti e spesso te li mettono direttamente in tasca di nascosto.
@GTFDFP 6 лет назад
@giuliacarvelli1100 6 лет назад
Io sono cresciuta al Nord e non ho mai ricevuto direttamente in mano i soldi ma sempre sempre sempre dentro una qualche busta o biglietto 😂 Addirittura al momento di pagare in cassa tendiamo ad appoggiare la banconota al bancone e spingerla in avanti più che a offrirla direttamente in mano alla persona addetta, ma non mi ero mai fermata a pensare che fosse un'abitudine tutta italiana!
@gwenchase97 6 лет назад
Non sapevo di questa cosa ma adesso mi spiego perchè mia nonna ha questa fissazione del gran segreto quando mi allunga 10 euro. Grazie!
@CM-kr3rj 6 лет назад
Giulia Carvelli Sempre dentro una busta (Trentino)
@chiccaluminosa 6 лет назад
Io mi sono sempre chiesta perché alla cassa non mi potevano semplicemente dare le tremila monetine di resto in mano anziché guardarmi mentre tento di raccoglierle tutte dal bancone per ore! E io sono nata e cresciuta e vivo in Italia eh 😂
@Michelle-xb6fk 6 лет назад
Oddio, e se hai l'allergia o il raffreddore e devi soffiarti il naso costantemente che fai? Vai in bagno ogni 5 minuti? Ahahah è abbastanza assurda/scomoda come cosa dal nostro punto di vista! Ps. Adoro questo tipo di video♡
@celeste7113 6 лет назад
Michelle 394 è la prima cosa che ho pensato...forse non si esce di casa col raffreddore/allergia...ma sembra un po' improbabile 🤣
@Michelle-xb6fk 6 лет назад
Celeste Oldome era la spiegazione a cui avevo pensato anch'io, ma mi pare improbabile che stiano a casa per un semplice raffreddore... così come mi sembra impossibile avendo il raffreddore risolvere il problema solo tirando su col naso, in quel modo puoi al massimo darti qualche secondo/minuto in più prima di doverlo soffiare
@MissElisabelle 6 лет назад
Mi ritengo una persona dalla mentalità abbastanza elastica, ma per quanto disgustoso possa essere soffiarsi il naso, alla fine è un atto fisiologico e non ci puoi fare nulla. Io che ho l'allergia come faccio?
@Michelle-xb6fk 6 лет назад
Leslie Perez Esatto... per questo dico che lo trovo assurdo, perché è una cosa che non puoi più di tanto controllare, se stai male stai male, è come dire a una persona che sta tossendo "la smetti? Sei maleducato", come se lo facesse apposta
@brinaf2857 6 лет назад
Io personalmente troverei molto più disgustoso sentire una persona tirare su con il naso piuttosto che vederla soffiarselo...
@Legionario557 5 лет назад
So it's rude to blow your nose but okay to burp in public?
@umopepisdn. 5 лет назад
It's not okay to burp in public. Where did you learn that? It's okay to burp in your own home, maybe.
@ooamyoo_gacha6864 5 лет назад
@@umopepisdn. he say that cuz is not true, we hate when the people sniff in pubblic
@leannemelvin3304 3 года назад
@@umopepisdn. grow up lol. We all burp and sneeze. It’s not gross..
@leannemelvin3304 3 года назад
@@umopepisdn. maybe? You want us to stop burping inside 😳?
@junbird 6 лет назад
Not being able to blow your nose whenever you need to sounds insane. Interrupting a person you are talking to, however, is not really seen as "good manner" in Italy, it's rude here too, I think. It's just that most of us really can't help it, so we don't care and we still do it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We are just really used to it, but deep down we know that doing so isn't polite at all.
@ReCreso 6 лет назад
One of the foreign habits that's very rude to an Italian is the US habit of bringing customers their bill without them asking for it. Another American habit which isn't really *rude*, but surely was extremely strange to me, is asking people in the customer service how they are: like, I would make a phone call to a customer and he would ask me how I was doing, and even after months my automatic reaction was still: "Uuuuuh... do we know each other?".
@katrinadomi1 6 лет назад
Re Creso In New Zealand all customer service people including McDonald’s employees ask you how are you doing. I think it’s nice. It made me realize that the costumer service in our countries sucks.
@ReCreso 6 лет назад
Nat S It just depends on what one is accustomed to... in Italy that's incredibly strange, lol.
@theoriginalG99 6 лет назад
Re Creso Customer service... Like, on literal phone calls? Ha ha
@elenamenci2454 6 лет назад
I think because the "how are you" for them it's just a way to say "hello", while for us it is an actual request, like if we're asking someone how they're doing we want to know how they're doing!
@mariocasali2817 6 лет назад
Sniffing is harmful for your body, you couse your mucus to go from your nose to your lungs, worst case scenario you get Bronchitis, our Doctors suggest to blow our nose, exactly for that reason, so a person that sniff with his\her nose is seen as kind of unhealty i guess.
@vittogol 6 лет назад
Mario Casali also touching money is dirty. Money are more bacteria than we think. And also to respect workers on the cashier. Why they should touch hundred not strangers every day. It's a form of respect for them. And lastly in the plate you can check better and quick if the rest is right.
@Arsenico971 6 лет назад
The change! Il resto nel senso del denaro si dice "the change", non "the rest"! Minchia quanta gente fa questo errore qua in Italia.
@PS-hy5pi 6 лет назад
Dite la vostra ma non siate offensivi. Non mi sembra le la ragazza nel video abbia offeso e sono certo che sulla maleducazione e malcostume degli italiani ci sarebbe molto da dire e da offendere. SIATE RISPETTOSI E NON USATE PAROLE OFFENSIVE, CONTRO NESSUNO PERSONA E NAZIONE.
@LucaPizzoplus 5 лет назад
@Hector Savage in realtà dice che sono modi di fare e rapportarsi differenti che credeva fossero offensivi (perché sono considerati tale negli Stati Uniti) ma che ha scoperto essere la normalità qui in Italia. A me sembra stia dicendo la verità senza offendere nessuno, non capisco come possa sentirti offeso da questo video..
@Aaditri44 5 лет назад
@@LucaPizzoplus Il problema é che parlava di noi come se fossimo degli alieni.
@WalterLoggetti 5 лет назад
@Hector Savage Veramente non sta offendendo nessuno. E' qui in Italia e sta raccontando la sua esperienza, in maniera che altre persone poi non ci rimangano male scambiando per scortesia, quella che da noi è la normalità.
@LucaPizzoplus 5 лет назад
@@Aaditri44 Se vai all'estero (in posti con una cultura differente) ti sembrerà di stare su Marte, non ci vedo nulla di male in tutto ciò 🤷✌️
@Aaditri44 5 лет назад
Sorry, non mi sono spiegata bene perché stavo leggendo certi commenti americani e mi hanno dato fastidio
@AnnalisaJ 6 лет назад
Here in California people have no problem blowing their nose in public, discreetly yes, but they do it!
@lizcorbett2587 6 лет назад
I blow my nose in public all the time. Maybe turn to the side if you can
@allfactsnocap2285 6 лет назад
Stop lying
@RobertKaucher 6 лет назад
From Ohio and it's a bit of a mix here. You would be expected to excuse yourself and move away from the group but if you are alone in public (on a bus or walking on the street) it's not a problem.
@francesco32890 6 лет назад
In Italy is the same ...
@sottoilsuoocchio1514 6 лет назад
the same in Italy, it is considered rude to blow your nose in front of someone, especially at table.
@Wunschautorin 6 лет назад
I'm german and feel like, most of the things you said about italians pretty much fit to germans as well. I never thought it would be considered rude anywhere to blow your nose! That's mind blowing. I am dating a american, I guess he is simply used to cultural differences bc I never got a comment on that. The money thing is kind of the same as well for us too. With the interrupting, I know, I myself do at and a lot of my friends but .. here it think it depends more on your personality and the relationship you have with that person.
@moniquemonicat 6 лет назад
Well, in Italia we do not blow our noses in public and I have never seen anyone doing this.
@angelodeavila 6 лет назад
I'm from South America an I moved to Italy 5 years ago.I was so disgusted when I heard students (and even professor) doing that (now it's normal).
@eorlsven1241 6 лет назад
it seems you are speaking for yourself whil other italians aknowledge that blowing your nose in public is something normal; of course you'll want to be as discreet and silent as possible...
@paolocerracchio4028 6 лет назад
Wait a sec, we interrupt only our friends, maybe we do it even with less close ones
@alessandram9367 6 лет назад
I can't believe blowing your nose is considered rude! It's really surprising..
@layla_2390 6 лет назад
Alessandra M It's the same in Japan... still, I found it disgusting :(
@alessandram9367 6 лет назад
layla_23 interesting! Of course I try not to blow my nose just in front of someone's face, it's always good to be not so near someone or at least to turn a bit around, but still here it's quite natural. Even leaving the room and go to the bathroom is a little bit extreme in my humble opinion. I'd rather have someone blowing their nose than someone not doing it and trying to avoid it at all cost, that is frustrating to me. But it's a cultural thing, I totally get it, it's very interesting to know these little things :)
@maggiex991 6 лет назад
Since I suffer from pollen allergy in spring, it would be really hard for me not doing it 🙈
@dancerwithin8350 6 лет назад
Alessandra M yeah I think she is exaggerating or it may be where she is from in the US. You don't do it loudly right in someone's face but neither do you have to hide away in shame to blow your nose.
@Yetizod1 6 лет назад
It's not, this women doesn't know what she's talking about. It's also not rude to put the money on the counter instead of into the hand. No one cares.
@hocksaw 4 года назад
I'm italian, and I find it very rude to interrupt people during a conversation; these are the kind of conversations that I try to avoid
@legendsm8410 6 лет назад
quindi soffiarsi il naso è da maleducati, però fare sniff sniff sniff 4 ore di fila va bene... o-o-oke
@Italia77 5 лет назад
beh non ha detto questo, ha detto che se uno sio deve soffiare in naso, se per esempio si trova in classe si alza e va alla fine dell'aula, o se in pubblico si allontana, trovo questo molto civile, a me fanno schifo quelli che si soffiano il naso vicino a me, e magari ci guardano dentro
@matteop5638 5 лет назад
LegendsM8 Perché non ti ho mai Incontrato su Ds3?
@claudiamass5939 5 лет назад
@@Italia77 si ma se sei in un posto dove non puoi alzarti? Per esempio in classe durante una lezione disturberesti se ti dovessi alzare continuamente per soffiarti il naso, e sentire la gente titare su con il naso continuamente sinceramente è molto più irritante...io sono un soggetto allergico e con il naso molto sensibile al freddo, se non mi soffio il naso subito mi viene da starnutire e non la finisco più per dirti!
@TurquoiseTalks 6 лет назад
Dude everything's considered rude in America!
@despicabledog 6 лет назад
ahhaha so true... Americans are so easily triggered, jeez.
@marklandmark3269 6 лет назад
I could never live in America... i tried but nothing.. Americans are stuck in thousand of rules
@claudiozamburru5842 6 лет назад
I lived in America and I cant wait to be back but you are right. Americans have a lot of rules and we have the perception that we are "faster" sometimes.
@thegirllikesmovies7389 6 лет назад
despicabledog well there are different social rules based on whats acceptable in that culture. I get somethings are cultural and to just let it go cuz they don’t think it’s that serious. But staring at a person making them feel self conscious and not returning smiles and looking like they’ve never seen another human being is rude in every culture. Ever since I got to Italy I’ve been rudely stared at and it’s so uncomfortable.
@Ggdp97 6 лет назад
TheGirlLikesMovies Same. Italians are rude and impolite, and everyone knows it.
@ellybac13 6 лет назад
No Tia it’s very rude cut off people when they’re speaking even in Italy!
@Michele-ue5eu 6 лет назад
elisa baccalini yeah, we may interrupt each other in an argument, or at most if the other person already got to the point of his sentence but usually it's rude to interrupt
@mbegaliful 5 лет назад
Grazie per il video simpatico e molto interessante. Da qualche parte ho letto che rispetto allo stile della conversazione le culture si possono classificare in tre tipologie. Ci sono culture dove la conversazione assomiglia a: - una partita di bowling: i turni sono chiari e non si ruba la palla -una partita di basket: ci si inserisce solo l'avversario abbandona la palla o esita -una partita di rugby: e' consentito rubare la palla e prendere il turno Chiaramente, si tratta di stili di conversazione diversi che dipendono da regole culturali implicite (non c'entra nulla la buona educazione). E' vero che gli italiani sono più verso la terza che la prima (anche gli italiani "educati" interrompono una conversazione in media molto più di un canadese o lo fanno in maniera diversa). Detto questo, per esperienza personale mi pare che anche in America ci siano stili diversi in base a zona geografica e classe sociale. Nel midwest, ad esempio i turni sono molto piu' rigidi che a New York. Come italiano, mi sento abbastanza a mio agio se devo parlare con qualcuno del queens, ma so che se parlo con una persona del Minnesota, devo fare attenzione a non "trasbordare". Sono cose che si imparano con il tempo. Ps: mi dispiace e mi vergogno un po' per la sequela di insulti nei commenti. Spero che nella vita di tutti i giorni tu possa avere interazioni migliori.
@angelaf.siracusa3292 5 лет назад
finalmente un commento altrettanto intelligente e interessante! (Altri invece, con qualche evidente problema di analfabetismo funzionale, non hanno capito che Tia non sta giudicando nessuno, ha fatto delle semplici comparazioni in base alla sua esperienza, citando le cose che maggiormente l'hanno stupita o incuriosita.)
@breatherepeat 6 лет назад
Even after 6 years in Italy, I'm still waiting for that break in conversation, LOL IT NEVER COMES....... ha ha ha ha
@deniecebasso5367 6 лет назад
Breathe Repeat Conversing with Italians is almost an art. We do it in a way that not ENTIRELY rude but may appear so on the surface. Lol And I'm sure you've already figured it out but you need to step back from a group of taking Italians! We are swinging and flapping hands, arms, sometimes our entire body! 😂
@meygrey7420 6 лет назад
we have a break when the meal is ready :P
@sagitta193 6 лет назад
+Breathe Repeat ur so lucky. Which part of italy r u livin'? Bc it seems unreal 😝 it's not so fair even for us actually, but it's stronger than us as part of our too lively way of talking. We feel what we re saying, you know? Hahahah
@msflyingfree7 6 лет назад
Yep passion is so high at times it sounds like we are angry/shouting lol
@elisakristina2737 6 лет назад
Trueee ahahah
@adrianacolangelo7517 6 лет назад
When I lived in France... I noticed that if you haven't seen someone in a while, they will tell you if you have put on weight or lost weight - every time, without fail. In Australia, if I told someone they'd put on weight they probably would punch me in the face (that's an exaggeration but they definitely wouldn't be happy). It's not so much seen as rude In Aus but Australians are just more sensitive about it and we see someone's weight as a very superficial and unimportant thing to comment on.
@FedericaGalli89 6 лет назад
Let's face it: australians are quite overweight in general.
@FaithStrike 6 лет назад
In Italy old people do as in France! My grandmother (born in 1915) used to tell to my female cousins, after a long time she hasn’t been seeing them, “You are pretty fat” and their face was like 😨 I think it’s related to the fact that they lived during a very poor age, where only rich people could afford to eat enough, and chubby girls were also those who are wealthy. I tried to explain to my grandma that nowadays it can’t be considered a compliment 😂
@giorgiab6538 6 лет назад
I wouldn't be happy either 😂😂
@adrianacolangelo7517 6 лет назад
Federica Galli That's a generalisation... but I think it's because there isn't as much pressure to be thin
@adrianacolangelo7517 6 лет назад
FaithStrike hahaha my grandmother is Italian and she's the same. It's a shame that it has to be an insult.
@gianlucaangeli 6 лет назад
io sono tipo raffreddato tutto l'anno. Se dovessi "nascondermi" ogni volta che mi soffio il naso passerei la mia vita in bagno. ahahah.
@lorenzoiacopi9279 6 лет назад
si infatti, sono loro che sono storti per queste cose
@mizbrowneyes13 5 лет назад
Have you been to new york? We all blow our nose in public
@misstiataylor_ 5 лет назад
Maybe it’s a big city thing but since 90% of America is not New York, I think I’m still mostly correct 😅
@Sippy309 5 лет назад
@@misstiataylor_ No your not I'm afraid.
@TheEurostar 5 лет назад
@@misstiataylor_ , my daughter is in the USA (IOWA) for a year of school exchange and the FIRST thing she said to me after started school, was that no one blows his nose in public.
@mathematix-rodcast 5 лет назад
New York was colonized by Italians. So, that habit was likely integrated into the local society over the first several decades, and I agree with this You Tuber: many Americans find blowing your hose gross and would not want to be subject to seeing it or hearing it.
@mathematix-rodcast 5 лет назад
Oh yeah, and New Yorkers are notorious for being rude. So, I am not sure you are making a strong case.
@hideyoshinagachika7124 6 лет назад
Having a cold in USA must be a nightmare 😅
@azariamosby285 6 лет назад
Hideyoshi Nagachika lots of us do carry tissues in the US in case we happen to get caught up in public, but it's kind of seen as disgusting to blow your nose right in front of people which is why we tend to excuse me ourselves
@isabellaa.469 6 лет назад
You know, I never thought about that! The third habit made me think a lot cause it's true that out conversations as Italians are fast and loud and messy, and we often interrupt people while they're talking to make our point or to express how much we agree or disagree on what the other is saying. But in my opinion it also depends on the context and on the people around you. Like sometime we ourselves find that rude or annoying cause we want to make a point and we want our speech to be heard and understood BEFORE everyone comment on it without having the full thought out, and sometimes it's totally fine because you're with friends and they know that is the way your conversations and dialogues go! But you know, sometimes it can be rude with friends too, because maybe there is someone in the group (and you know there is) that has issues speaking their mind or is very shy and that manner of being loud and never having a break to let the other speak is wrong and can corner someone up and make them feel excluded. So, you know, thanks for making this video, it was fun to think about our habits and be curious and critical about it~
@lainsloth 6 лет назад
Blowing your nose is not considered rude mainly because it is recommended for health reasons. However, people shouldn't make loud noises (in case, they should excuse themselves) nor show what they produced. I highly recommend that you -- always -- have clean tissues with you. Sometimes you just need those little things XD (i.e. public bathrooms) In Sardinia, I don't know if it happens in all the stores, cashiers hand you the money if there are not many people waiting in line. Otherwise they just put the money in the plate. Interrupting is rude, but people daily forget their manners in the closet, so we pretend that we don't care. I am Italian, and I hate that behavior. And I do that too, and apologize immediately.
@thehoebehindthedumpster9389 6 лет назад
I'm from greece I'm 15 years old we must ask for permission and get out of the class to blow our nose some of these happen in Greece too
@nyxldx 6 лет назад
Vag. gio not really. I've finished high school and throughout my school years, nobody ever asked permission to blow their nose inside the classroom. They just did
@charlesodonnell2993 3 года назад
Tia, from my experience growing up in an Italian immigrant family here in the USA, you are correct. Took me years to learn the American way, and I was born in the USA.
@Arehas 6 лет назад
A tutti quelli che si lamentano di essere interrotti suggerisco di andare a ripassare la differenza tra dialogo (io parlo e tu parli) e monologo... Io spesso incontro gente che fa monologhi e quindi me ne fotto e interrompo. 😂😂😂
@valeriobelmonte6100 5 лет назад
Mitico 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
@Dolcenera22 5 лет назад
Bravo hai perfettamente centrato il punto!
@gabrieles4564 5 лет назад
Le tue esperienze non sono per forza quelle degli altri, se conosci ampollosi idioti che parlano per amore della propria voce (o tanto per dar fiato alla bocca), non significa che non ci siano caciaroni che non riescono a mostrare il minimo rispetto verso i pensieri altrui. Le trasmissioni televisive di approfondimento sono un esempio, purtroppo, seguito da tanti.
@19vixi88 5 лет назад
diciamo che c'è contesto e contesto, se sei al bar a parlare di figa con gli amici ci sta che si parla sopra gli altri, ma in un contesto di riunione di lavoro se lo fai ti segano le gambe...
@Nome_utente_generico 5 лет назад
@@gabrieles4564 ti avrei interrotto se avessi potuto 🤣
@lanerush 6 лет назад
When I moved to Italy I was actually surprised by how similar our cultures are. I think the greatest difference for me was the family meal mentality. In the USA, you can tell your company or family to start eating without you but in Italy, if you are in the house and Italians are eating, it is extremely rude/ weird not be at the table. They are very serious about their meals here.
@gabce1200 6 лет назад
I'm Italian and for me is very rude interrupt the people!
@Octopussyist 5 лет назад
Sure it is. But obviously there are people who consider it "interrupting" if you talk before they have ended a whole series of sentences with a long gap between them, and you start talking without their permission during that gap of several seconds they leave between the sentences. I really doubt that such an attitude would bring me far in Italy.
@tarafreund6896 5 лет назад
Octopussyist yes I agree
@XPhantomLord 5 лет назад
"But it will never be a break in an italian conversation." Hahahahaha that's true
@AndyAnderson93 6 лет назад
In quanto italiana detesto essere interrotta in un discorso, lo considero molto maleducato, e forse è perché sono stata educata così. Ogni volta che mi ritrovo in una conversazione tra più persone finisce sempre che non riesco a finire di dire ciò che vorrei e alla fine ci si dimentica chi stava parlando e cosa stesse dicendo. Dà molto la sensazione che la gente parli solo per parlare, e non anche per ascoltare, e mi fa davvero arrabbiare. Quanto al soffiarsi il naso, oltre alla maleducazione secondo la cultura italiana, è proprio che non fa bene alla salute. Il muco rimane incastrato, si creano delle placche etc., ad alcune persone vengono sinusiti croniche per questo.
@AleMeller13 6 лет назад
Concordo in pieno
@gtfiberboy8064 5 лет назад
Concordo in pieno anche io. Non si tratta di fare monologhi, poi dipende anche dalla o dalle persone con cui stai parlando.
@WastedTalent83 5 лет назад
Se sei una di quella che fanno monologhi e pensano che non sia giusto interromperle per motivi mistici , e' ovvio che ti da fastidio. Io preferisco una discussione in cui la gente dice quello che pensa e non deve aspettare 10 minuti che tu finisci, e scordarsi tutto quello che mi voleva dire.
@abab7601 6 лет назад
Idk, I think cutting someone off while they're speaking is still rude here in Italy. Maybe it happens more often (or depends by the region?), but me and my friends actually get a little mad when someone does it to us. And we apologize to eachother when we do it ourselves. ((Btw, you look stunning
@aigerimkurmanaliyeva1657 6 лет назад
Last summer I spent a couple of weeks in Italy and there was one thing that I found really strange. People just stare! They stare at everyone. In most countries people totally avoid eye contact with strangers. But I guess, it is not the case in Italy...
@rpl9987 6 лет назад
Aigerim Kurmanaliyeva I think we are naturally curious, I have never realized that we "stare" at people untill I went abroad and I was asked why italians "stare" 😂
@pincopallino3473 6 лет назад
beautiful women only
@alessandromonchieri6808 5 лет назад
Hi Tia! We in Italy usually lay the change on a plate or on the desk because the "moral" rule says this is to let the customer count it by theirselves. This, to prove them that you're being honest and you're not trying to cheat by leaving the change in their hands so that they quickly put it inside their pockets with no time to check it if they wish. Yeah, as you said, this is a form of courtesy here. At least, this is what I have perceived in my lifetime so far.
@MartinaValla 6 лет назад
Look, I'm pretty chill, but it'd weird me out if I consistently received change in my hand. That's a thing you only do with little kids to be sure they don't lose it - or when giving out offerings, it somehow implies you are seen as vulnerable.
@danieleartioli7223 6 лет назад
I think your last point is some kind of a "borderline misbehaviour". Yes, we generally interrupt each other a lot, but if you just cut in when someone's talking that's seen as impolite nontheless. In fact, one of the first rules children are taught is to let other people finish talking before saying something. What we actually do is to partecipate to other's people talking with expressions like "yeah", "mm-mm", "right" and so on; you are expected to do so, if you dont' the other person will think you are not interested or bored to death, and will change the subject or stop talking at all. But generally yes, you have to gain your little spotlight during a conversation! Life's too short to wait for your turn to talk!
@TheItsGab 6 лет назад
The “interrupt the conversation” thing is something I hate, but I do it too because it’s the only way to be heard lol, but I end up saying “I’m sorry” because I realize I’ve done something rude but you wanna know something? People don’t really care, they just keep talking over me, it hurts my feelings even though I should be used to it, like, conversations are art, someone is giving you their attention, is telling you what they think or feel and you interrupt them? I’ve got a friend who wants to talk over people constantly and I just hate it, I keep telling her it’s not ok and she’s like “ooh I’m so sorryyy” but she keeps doing it, like, what’s the point? Lol, try to be a better person, don’t tell me you’re sorry just to make me feel better if you really aren’t lol. You don’t know the whole point the person’s making, your goal is just to be heard when you could just wait for it lol, lately I’ve started not giving a f, I’ll just say “scusa, fammi finire” and people be like “oh ok, scusa”, makes me sick how influenced I am by this behaviour (get rid of it not a simple task), yet I get how stupid it is.
@polla1903 6 лет назад
Eii i’m italian, i can only say that we really don’t think that’s rude because we have been grown speaking like that. It isn’t something ‘we don’t care about’, of course we care about what you’re saying but it’s our culture. I am not saying it’s right, just trying to explain that we don’t even notice it...I’m sure that your friend is really sorry because I would be sorry too if someone said me not to interrupt him or her. It’s just a different way to talk and approach to people 🤷🏼‍♀️
@TheItsGab 6 лет назад
Polla Anche io sono italiano lol
@camcaminin87 6 лет назад
GreenIce in my experience it's always depended on the kind of situation and conversation I was having. Like someone is opening their heart to you, I don't see the point of interrupting them (and here many exceptions come to mind yet again). I completely agree on the conversation being an art but in the totally opposite way! Personally if I interrupt it's a sign I'm enjoying what the other person is saying and I'm really interested. I would build on what's just being said and then ask an extra question or go back to what the other was saying. When it's about brainstorming for ideas, I fire one and someone builds on it and the end might be the point I was trying to make it or we might have built a better idea together! It's a dance.
@fantasy9865 6 лет назад
It depends on the person you are speaking with. One of my ex-friends is an asshole and really wants to talk ONLY about her problems, she manages to speak 40 minutes without listening to you shouting her that you don't goive a freak about that, because it's the third time she says that😂 Then I have another friend who listens to me A LOT and if she interrupts me she first say sorry and then she says what she wanted but it links a lot to what I was saying and she even helps me with this! Soooooooo it really depends
@alessia-8245 5 лет назад
I’m italian and yeah: sometimes we need to interrupt the other person during a conversation to say our personal thoughts or our opinions, but often it also happens that one of the person speaks, telling what he/she wants to tell and after that he/she asks to the other person for some advice, or for his/her opinion, or sometimes he/she also asks different questions to jump to an another topic to talk about.
When I was in America it was a very common thing that people BURP loudly with their mouth wide open like a liberating thing and then ask sorry and pretending that it was ok just because they ask sorry :O I remember that I was staring at them like WTF ??? and they were like "What ? he/she asked sorry" and I thought yes but they could have been more discrete :O
@KiKiQuiQuiKiKi 6 лет назад
I don't know where you stayed in the U.S. but there is NO PLACE in the U.S. in which burping is considered acceptable by decent people. It's only done by those flouting convention and seemingly declaring, "Look at me, I don't care about being polite. Ha Ha!"
Ki Ki I’m glad to know that ! Unfortunately I met A LOT of people like this. I’m not talking about kids I’m talking of people of all kind, like the old woman on the plane who burped while eating her onion sandwich 🤢 then she was like 🤭 “sorry” , I asked to change my seat. I traveled many cities in the U.S. and this was a very common habit( for my experience of course)
@carollund8251 6 лет назад
Glamour Impact I'm American living in Italy, and I seldom defend Americans, especially these days. But I have truly never seen anyone burp so blatantly back home, and I am 60. You must have had the misfortune to meet some very crude people.
@alexswords8547 6 лет назад
Glamour Impact that’s interesting because I found the opposite. When I lived in Sicily, so many people would burp with no shame
@forevermidi_com 6 лет назад
how rude is to yawn in the comment section of this video?
@WastedTalent83 5 лет назад
if you're able to express a "yawn" on a comment, you're something dude XD
@mdsdy_ 5 лет назад
andrea piro *yawns* I did it 😂
@doroty1299 6 лет назад
Che bello riuscire a capire le cose che dici.. Quando ero in America capivo la metà delle cose che mi dicevano, ma con te ho meno difficoltà
@davideamato3196 5 лет назад
Hi, I'm Italian and I still consider rude to interrupt someone else while he's talking, even if sometimes I know I do... but it will be better if we lose this habit and start giving people time and space to explain their points and be listened without forcing them to raise their voice. There are a lot of things we usually do in Italy but are still rude. I'd love to have a conversation in an American way!
@charisse_xo 6 лет назад
Ahahaha love this! But girl, here in NYC, people don't care - they absolutely blow their nose in public. On the train, on the street, on the bus lol I actually thought it was normal! Lol! (I also carry around tissues because they always come in handy!) The change thing is SO TRUE! When in Italy, I would sometimes have my hand out, waiting for the change to be put in my hand, only for it to be put right on the counter. And I worked in retail before and knew how rude it was to not give people their change in their hand, so I def would feel some kind of way lol! And YES! I noticed the constant interruptions in conversations too! I'm not the type to be able to cut someone off or speak over someone here in America, so I definitely can't do the same in Italy and in Italian on top of that! Smh! lol
@nicolem2877 6 лет назад
OMG I interrupt. I must be Italian!
@MauroCicognini 6 лет назад
LOL the change thing works in reverse too, I remember being at che checkout in the US with the lady waiting patiently for me to extend my hand, while I was thinking "Why doesn't she just put the change somewhere, doesn't she see I've got both hands busy holding the bags and trying to fetch the car keys etc."
@luciamarchionne 6 лет назад
I'm an Italian living in Austria and one thing I still can't understand is that people here find it rude (or at least very uncomfortable) to share snacks. If for example I'm studying with friends in Italy and one person brings snacks, then the others start eating those too without even asking, because everyone knows that if you bring food you don't bring food just for yourself but for the whole group. Here if they bring snacks then they're THEIR snacks and yes, they're going to offer them to you if you ask, but they're going to get annoyed if you do that more than once or if you don't have something in exchange :( and they almost never accept if I offer them mine!
@d.e.p.5624 6 лет назад
Lucia Marchionne People feeling free to help themselves from, say, a packet of biscuits I brought??? I'd find it rude too, tbh
@AKiraff91 6 лет назад
For me, as italian, that's rude too actually. You don't snack from somebody else snacks without asking!
@verytary4444 6 лет назад
I'm italian and in my opinion it is a bit rude without asking even among friends. But actually asking is not necessary because the first thing you do when you have a snack is offering to your friends. For this reason they really don't need to ask xD
@PunchMeAlisa 6 лет назад
Personalmente penso che interrompere chiunque mentre parla sia maleducato a prescindere, anche in Italia, non credo sia realmente un'abitudine o qualcosa che è fatta perchè "si fa" 😂
@myssangela4872 6 лет назад
io odio essere interrotta e cerco sempre di non interrompere, ma se ci penso bene le conversazioni che ho con i miei amici sono botta e risposta in una gara a chi parla per primo. interrompere una frase a metà è eccessivo (anche se c'è chi lo fa), però un po' d'ansia di dire quello che ho in mente prima di "perdere il turno" ce l'ho sempre
@sm-pz8er Год назад
They don't reply your message when they are done with you. They raise their voice and shout to repeat something, even if you are women or elderly people. They do not greeting you properly or reply you when they are sad. They have zero empathy and they usually pretend they are having so. They show their shortcoming is your problem not them. I have met people from different cultures and countries, but these behaviors are totally normal in Italy. I found their behavior so rude and unpleasant. They don't respect people and behave them like slaves when you worked for them. Dignity has no place in their culture and that's why they never take others dignity into consideration.
@MsLegogirl1D 6 лет назад
I lived one year in Oregon and I would like to share some things that I’ve noticed. First of all, I’m constantly sick, so I would always blow my nose in public or ask for tissues to my friends and I remember they would always look at me in a weird way😂Luckily one day a friend of mine told me that was considered rude, so I tried not to do it. Also the thing about conversation was so hard for me! Because I never knew when I could start telling my opinion, or I would forget about what I had to say after the other person was done talking. I guess some things that are normal in America (or at least where I was) that are considered super rude in italy, were not waiting for everyone to be at the table to start eating (or if you were in a restaurant,not waiting for everyone to receive their food), using your phone at the table, eating food while you’re making it, licking your fingers and eating food that has fallen on the ground (these two in particular are still so disturbing for me). As you can see most of these are related to food, and I honestly think it’s due to the fact that we Italians give so much importance to food. But one thing that I could not accept was the fact that people would yawn and stretch in class ( I guess people do it here as well sometimes, but I remember that my classmates would do it in a really loud way) or burp and fart in public, I just find that disgusting. And nope, saying “Excuse me” afterwards does not make it better. By the way Tia, I really enjoy these types of videos, because it’s fun to compare the culture shocks or the differences that I noticed going in your country and then seeing the ones that you notice coming to mine. And it’s even more fun to have conversations in the comment section with other people! This is why I love your community and you channel. Keep up with the great work you’re doing! Love from Cagliari 💙
@dahliaraizel8275 6 лет назад
Veronica Oriti Niosi "burp and fart in public" "picking food from the ground" ma dove vivevi,fra selvaggi????😨😂
@d.e.p.5624 6 лет назад
dahlia raizel Purtroppo il fatto che scorreggino davanti a tutti è una cosa che ho notato pure io!! E non sono stata in US: ho avuto coinquilini e compagni di studio americani! Molti sono così, non tutti immagino.. così come molti Italiani ti interrompono mentre parli, non tutti!
@dahliaraizel8275 6 лет назад
Deborah E. Che schifo!😂
@MsLegogirl1D 6 лет назад
dahlia raizel giuro che lo facevano! Io rimanevo scioccata infatti... ricordo che una volta stavamo facendo una verifica, quindi c’era silenzio totale e questa mia compagna ha fatto una scorreggia davanti a tutti😨😂😂
@dahliaraizel8275 6 лет назад
Veronica Oriti Niosi 😂 almeno si era scusata?
@Rikachan92 6 лет назад
Per me sarebbe impensabile uscire senza fazzoletti... tra raffreddori ed allergia! Ps: Sì, fa davvero schifo quanto le persone "tirano su" col naso!
@latioselatias 6 лет назад
Rikachan92 Ed è anche anti-igienico secondo me, perché tieni germi e polvere nel naso per ore e ore invece di soffiarli via e buttare il fazzoletto
@haileybudach9405 6 лет назад
About that whole sniffling is gross in Italy thing, that’s actually incredibly accurate and people think I’m playing when I tell them that😂 I was at a family reunion and I started sniffling and my grandma literally threw a box of tissues at me from across the room :’)) 😂
@HappyLittleSoulProd 2 года назад
Yes! My grandma hated this so much. I’m American but she was part Italian
@carolinacapaldo6068 5 лет назад
I'm italian and honestly i don't consider giving money in the hand being rude. I always expect the cashier to give me money in my hand, it just never happens, i guess it's because they're just used like that. They're kind of hurry. Maybe in their mind it would be a waste of time -not being rude- to give money in the other's hand (and much comfortable for me). Then, yeah, some people interrupt you when you're in the middle of a conversation, that's rude! It's just a bad attitude some people have! Your friends are trying to justify their attitude telling you that that's the way we're used to talk.
@teresar.7086 6 лет назад
omg I can't stand when people sniffle, especially if I'm in a public place and I'm doing something that requires my attention, I can't concentrate! obviously I don't blow my nose in people's faces, maybe I walk away or turn around, but we don't think is something rude if you do it the right way :)
@monesimo100 6 лет назад
If you get a cold/fever/flu/allergy??? I'm very curious..
@laura_presazzi 6 лет назад
1. Una persona che tira su col naso è snervante, il fatto che non se lo soffi la costringe a tirare su in continuazione. Anche qui in Italia alcuni fanno così, ma sinceramente preferirei che si soffiassero il naso, così la finiscono di farmi sentire il suono che fa il loro muco nella cavità nasale 😄 ...bleah 2. Dare il resto sul piattino è comodo sia per il commesso che per il cliente, perché possono vedere meglio se il resto è giusto. Non sapevo invece che darlo direttamente in mano fosse scortese qui in Italia; forse dipende dalla regione. 3. In Italia è normale interrompere durante un dialogo, ma non è detto che non venga considerato scortese, quindi sicuramente le persone che hanno il vizio di interrompere non legheranno con qualcuno che non li sopporta (come me 😁), anche se è italiano.
@ihsv85 5 лет назад
Dare i soldi in mano è una cosa sporca.
@Dolcenera22 5 лет назад
Io a volte porgo la mano per prendere il resto così non devo acchiappare le monete dal piattino. Sono tutte "regole" relative.
@casomai 5 лет назад
Assolutamente non è considerato scortese dare il resto in mano. Se c' è il piattino si usa il piattino, se non c' è si dà in mano. Quelli che si lamentano che è una cosa sporca si scordano che, prima del resto, danno loro i soldi , quindi li tengono in mano.Quanto all' interrompere si chiama " abbattimento delle barriere", certo dà fastidio in alcuni casi, in altri è decisamente scortese non intervenire: viene preso per non interessante il discorso che uno sta facendo.
@Creex99 5 лет назад
io sinceramente preferirei riceverli in mano i soldi, sto prima ad andarmene
@Nevlasagna 5 лет назад
@simoneimpiombato8387 6 лет назад
You move your hands like us while you're talking! Very good!
@loveunrated540 6 лет назад
Haha, thats a human thing not Italian lool.
@poorainbowshit2570 6 лет назад
Most people don't talk a lo with their hand's actually because I do, and people notice it a LOT
@alexanderliving4997 6 лет назад
'cause she grew up in Italy
@TriniCrew 5 лет назад
Communication is more than just the verbal expression but in fact body language, so many cultures practice this.
@lorenzobrandimarte1427 5 лет назад
She’s getting started on the right way :D
@paolaserra9035 4 года назад
You're toally spot on! Great video! I'm an Italian abroad for more than 10 years. I can say that interrupting people is in principle rude and I've being trying so hard to get rid of this habit!! Often I do not manage to refrain from interrupting...I feel what I have to say it fits perfectly into the conversation at that point and it would be a pity not to mention it and I am afraid, that if I do not say it I would forget completely. I am totally ok with the person keeping on talking where they finished and I do not mind people telling me -ok, but "please do not interrupt me again because I loose my point, thanks.Appreciated". I have reached a situation in which I do my best not to jump in people speech whenever possible (i sometimes note down the contribution I want to make and when the person finishes talking going back exactly to that point and finally mention it)...as I have said it still happen that out of my being spontaneous I suddenly interrupt the speaker and I therefore ALWAYS apologise for that. If I figure out straight away I stop talking immediately otherwise I make my point and I apologise, finally I remind the speakers where we left the conversation. Sometimes I raise my hand like in school :) and I wait for my turn...but in the latter -by the time I get a chance to talk I have forgotten what I wanted to say- when I am in Italy I can relax and interrupt and get interrupted all the time :D See being Italian is not so easy!!!
@HayleyAlexis 6 лет назад
I am loving your hair!! so much body & volume... LAWD
@madapigi1 6 лет назад
Hayley Alexis it’s a wig
@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
What is your point Giulia? 😂
@SneNomveteVlogs 6 лет назад
Read her queen. But also can we get details on the hair? What texture is it?
@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
You guys know I got you 😂 it’s an oldie (over a year old) but goodie www.rpgshow.com/jackielong-deep-curly-human-hair-lace-wigs-touchedbytim021-p-7777.html?ytb=22344 Jackie-Long Deep Curly Human hair Lace Wigs - touchedbytim021 Hair Color - Natural Hair Color Hair Length - 20 Inch Hair Texture - Silky Hair Density - 200% Heavy Hairline - Pre-plucked hairline (wait for 10 business days) Lace Color - Light Brown Cap Construction - cap-B. Lace front wig cap Cap Size - size-1 (circumference 21.5" - 22") Wig Cap Color - Brown
@RobertKaucher 6 лет назад
Now I know what I need!
@michelattt7596 6 лет назад
In Italia è scortese togliersi le scarpe in casa d'altri, mentre in alcuni paesi si arrabbiano se non te le togli!!!
@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
That’s interesting, I didn’t know taking your shoes off in someone else’s house was rude in Italy 😅 yes I have a few American friends who hate when people enter their house with outside shoes or sit on their bed with outside clothes. Considering how dirty it is outside I understand them (think of all the people who blew their nose without washing their hands that touch public things or all the dog poop/pee on sidewalks) I just personally don’t have time to think about all that 😅. Do you know the reasoning as to why Italians think it’s rude the other way around?
@-Martinasal 6 лет назад
Non è assolutamente vero
@massimobernardo- 6 лет назад
non è che è maleducato ,certo se togli le scarpe senza che il proprietario te lo chieda è strano più che maleducato.
@bellavuchica6051 6 лет назад
Massimo Bernardo Come mai? X esempio, incontri un'amico e andate insieme a casa sua. Di solito, la gente si toglie le scarpe a casa sua. Allora vuoi dire che ci sono i casi dove il proprietario prosegue a non togliersi le scarpe come anche l'ospite? O che cambia in ciabatte ma non le offre all'ospite? 🤔 Impensabile da noi a Slovenia.
@massimobernardo- 6 лет назад
Credo che sia più un usanza del nord ,dove in inverno fa freddo nevica e piove,e c'è il pavimento in parquet in legno o la moquette e non la si vuole rovinare. Uno potrebbe anche sentirsi in imbarazzo perché gli puzzano i piedi ,o ha un buco nel calzino. Comunque anche in Italia qualcuno lo fa ma con parenti o amici ,non con gli sconosciuti. Adesso ricordo che lo faceva mia zia ,anni fa quando andava di moda mettere la cera sui pavimenti.
@theperoxyde 6 лет назад
I live in the UK and my ex boyfriend lived in Italy. When I went there and wasn’t handed the money, I was literally so mad LMAO. My boyfriend was like “are you actually okay” and I was like “no they’re fuckin rude” and he explained that. ALSO him being Italian and having conversations with him and him interrupting me all the time was *SO* annoying hahaha. Even the simple things like just really get to you and take a while to get used to. It’s wild.
@clair8880 6 лет назад
11 girl, you are fucking crazy lmao. literally. when i went to england last summer and the cashier put the money in my hand i wasn’t mad,, like, it was strange for me and i wasn’t use to it, but i wasn’t mAD like,,, c’mon,,, it’s just money. chill out.
@Sohappytoshowus 5 лет назад
I am Italian 1 I hate people blowing nose in public, my father does it and I hate him for this. It is considered gross also in Italy but still some people do it, it is more common than in USA I guess but it is not considered perfectly normal neither in Italy 2 I don't see any difference between giving change back diretly in the hand of the customer and leaving it on the plate or on the desk. 3 Interrupting other people is gross but when you speak amongst friend it is normal. When you are at work or in formal occasions it is better to let the other person finish his speak.
@circadianarchist 6 лет назад
A proposito del soffiarsi il naso, concordo con chi dice che è molto più fastidioso chi tira su col naso di continuo... eppure a volte le persone si soffiano il naso e lasciano in giro i fazzoletti sporchi ed è uno schifo incredibile... in particolare chi li lascia sui banchi in università, già dà fastidio dover stare seduti tutti attaccati, e poi c'è anche chi ti lascia davanti le proprie schifezze >:(
@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
Yea..........that’s disgusting 😅
@dahliaraizel8275 6 лет назад
Ho un collega di lavoro che fa cosi!😷
@astroceleste292 6 лет назад
Esatto! Put your germs in a trash can or somewhere ewwww
@martinaa8356 6 лет назад
Circadianarchist Infatti dovresti dirgli/le che il suo zaino ha le tasche, che la felpa ha le tasche... che i pantaloni hanno le tasche! Cioè, io uso le tasche dei jeans per quello e per l'elastico per capelli... non concepisco l'idea di uscire fuori casa senza una borsa o pantaloni con le tasche
@Fylo98 6 лет назад
Ciao Tia, davvero un bel video e molto interessante, come sempre. Però non sono d'accordo con il secondo e il terzo punto. Certo non è considerato rude quando il cassiere ti mette il resto sul piattino, visto che è lì apposta, però, non ho idea di chi ti abbia detto il contrario, ma è assolutamente falso che quando invece il cassiere ti mette in mano il resto sia considerato scortese. Anzi, nella maggior parte dei casi, e penso di poter parlare bene o male a nome di tutti, lo preferiamo anche noi italiani. Per quanto riguarda, invece, il terzo punto, è vero che normalmente, nelle conversazioni tra italiani, ci sia la necessità di dover interrompere l'altro per potersi aprire una finestra nella quale poter dire la propria opinione ma personalmente trovo questa pratica abbastanza scortese, siccome mi è stato insegnato a non interrompere chi parla, e dubito fortemente di essere l'unico a pensarla così. Tant'è vero che quando i miei amici lo fanno con me la cosa mi indispettisce non poco. In conclusione, il resto a volte te lo mettono in mano, a volte no ma ce ne siamo fatti una ragione ed è considerato rude interrompere la gente quando parla ma le persone tendono a fregarsene e quindi vanno avanti imperterrite per la loro strada. E la storia del soffiarsi il naso in pubblico, sicuramente non è un grande spettacolo da vedere e sentire, ma funziona così anche perché se non potessimo farlo la maggior parte della gente respirerebbe con la bocca e poi ci scapperebbe il morto perché qualcuno ha l'alito pesante ahah. Keep up with the splendid work you're doing 💪🏻
@misstiataylor_ 6 лет назад
I wasnt clear enough on the money point I guess 😅 no one told me it was rude to hand people change but they told me it’s more correct to use the rendiresto and a lot of people justify this by saying money is dirty and so the proper thing is to not let the client touch the cashier’s dirty money hands :B
@Fylo98 6 лет назад
Tia Taylor oh well, that certainly changes a bit the things ahah God, I wish I could bump into you (hope it’s correct to write it in that way 😁) while walking in Milan, because I’m milanese, there are so many things I’d love to discuss with you!
@giuliafrontoni2218 6 лет назад
Fil98 neanch'io direi che è scortese mettere il resto in mano, ma piuttosto per le abitudini di qui è awkward. Di solito uno sta trafficando con portafogli o mettendo via la cosa appena comprata, non conosco nessuno che trovi preferibile tendere la manina e aspettare il resto xD
@Fylo98 6 лет назад
Giulia Frontoni ma a dir la verità io spesso tendo la manina perché mi venga dato il resto. Ciò detto, è vero che non sempre mi assecondano ahah
@PrincessCullen94 6 лет назад
Quando ho lavorato in un bar mi hanno spiegato che il resto va messo nel piattino per permettere al cliente di contare i soldi. Se si consegna il resto direttamente in mano e questo poi è sbagliato è più difficile capire se il cassiere ha commesso un errore o se il cliente ha avuto "la mano lesta".
@Supergecko8 6 лет назад
Sandals and socks, that is super rude and wrong LMAO
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