
Sapient Thoughts #26: Does the Quran get the embryo's bone & flesh formation wrong? | Mohammed Hijab 

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@hanis5138 3 года назад
Alhamdulilah for Islam!! I swear it is a blessing to be from the Ummah of prophet mohammad peace be upon him🙏🏻♥️
@tamerfakhri 9 месяцев назад
he is a false prophet
@IslamTheTruth2314 5 месяцев назад
​@@tamerfakhriBible contradictions 💯 1- Acts 13 23 : Jesus is a direct descendant of David. Matthew 1 18 and Luke 1 35 : Mary was impregnated by The holy Spirit. Which means Jesus never had a biological father thus he isn't the descendant of David. 2- Judas after he betrayed Jesus: Matthew 27 3-5 : Judas gives the silver back to the priests and throws it in the temple and hangs himself, then the priests buy a field with the silver. Acts 1 18 : Judas buys a field with the silver then falls headlong and his intestines spill out. 3- Luke 3 23 : Joseph's father is Heli, and there are 40 Generations between Joseph and David. Matthew 1 16 : Joseph's father is Jacob, and there are 25 Generations between Joseph and David. 4- 2 Samuel 10 18 : David killed 700 charioteers. 1 Chronicles 19 18 : David killed 7K charioteers. 5- Story of Jesus meeting Andrew: John says that Andrew approached Jesus, while Mark says Jesus approached Andrew, John says it happened while John was there watching, Mark says John was in prison, John says that Andrew told Simon about Jesus, while Mark says Andrew and Simon were together when Jesus called him, John says they Andrew was next to the Jordan river where John used to baptize people, while Mark says Andrew was fishing. This is from John 1 35-40 and Mark 1 14-16. As you can see there are 4 contradictions Just from these 8 verses. 6- Matthew 1 17 : Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah. 14+14+14=42 If you count the generations in Matthew 1 1-16 you'll find out it's 41.
@IslamTheTruth2314 5 месяцев назад
​@@tamerfakhri womp womp.
@OmarAlfaress 4 месяца назад
By Allah*
@flamingkillermc2806 11 месяцев назад
Here is what ChatGPT says: Q: Does the bone grow first or the flesh? A: During fetal development, the skeletal system (bones) typically begins to form before significant muscle development. In the embryonic period, which occurs during the early weeks of gestation, the basic structures of bones start to develop. As the pregnancy progresses into the fetal period, bones continue to grow and ossify. Muscle development, on the other hand, also begins during the embryonic period but generally follows bone development. Muscles form from the mesoderm layer, and as the fetus develops, these muscles gradually grow and differentiate. In summary, the sequence often involves the initial formation of bones followed by the development and growth of muscles. And another; Q: In the fetus development which comes first the bones or the muscle / flesh A: In fetal development, bones generally start forming before muscles. The process of ossification, or bone formation, begins early in development, while muscles and flesh develop later. Atheist take this L
@XypherTheZenith. 9 месяцев назад
W guy W Sheikh Gpt 🗿
@ryanj6514 8 месяцев назад
you dont need chatgpt just google the process, the process as known in science is the exact same process in the quran even the days listed lines up with the scientific process
@harry_j_potter 5 месяцев назад
Here is what GPT 4.0 says (quoting book Langman's Medical Embryology, 14th Edition): _Chapter 13: Development of the Musculoskeletal System_ _Appearance of Muscle Tissue (p. 215)_ _"Muscle tissue first appears during the _*_third week_*_ of development as small clusters of cells ventral to the notochord. These cell clusters rapidly enlarge and soon form myotomes."_ _Appearance of Cartilage Tissue (p. 217)_ _"Cartilage tissue first appears during the _*_fourth week_*_ of development from mesenchyme of mesoderm. This mesenchyme condenses in the region where cartilage will eventually form, and soon differentiates into cartilage tissue."_
@flamingkillermc2806 5 месяцев назад
@@harry_j_potter Only issue is that Langman is wrong, and that book was published in 1963. Another L
@flamingkillermc2806 5 месяцев назад
@@harry_j_potter Here is what ChatGPT 4.0 says: Q: Does the bone grow first or the flesh? A: During fetal development, the skeletal system (bones) typically begins to form before significant muscle development. In the embryonic period, which occurs during the early weeks of gestation, the basic structures of bones start to develop. As the pregnancy progresses into the fetal period, bones continue to grow and ossify. Muscle development, on the other hand, also begins during the embryonic period but generally follows bone development. Muscles form from the mesoderm layer, and as the fetus develops, these muscles gradually grow and differentiate. In summary, the sequence often involves the initial formation of bones followed by the development and growth of muscles. And another; Q: In the fetus development which comes first the bones or the muscle / flesh A: In fetal development, bones generally start forming before muscles. The process of ossification, or bone formation, begins early in development, while muscles and flesh develop later. Atheist take this L
@ummetden.1-i 2 года назад
From enternet: الرد على شبهة وجود خطأ علمي في الآية الكريمة (فكسونا العظام لحماً) بقلم : عبدالله محمد (طبيب أسنان) نص الشبهة؛ يقول الملحد لقد أخطأ قرآنكم في ذكر تخلق العضلات بعد العظام لان كليهما ينشآن من طبقة الميزوديرم (mesoderm) وبالتالي يتكونا في نفس الوقت ، فلا تسبق العظام تكون العضلات (اللحم) الرد: ملحوظة قبل البداية : اللحم هو العضلات وليس الجلد فحين تشتري لحما من الجزار يعطيك من العضلات وليس من الجلد أولا سنتكلم عن تكوين الجنين : تشارك ثلاث طبقات في تكوينه و هي : الاكتوديرم (ectoderm)و الميزوديرم (mesoderm) و الاندوديرم (endoderm)، و ما يهمنا في هذا الموضوع هي طبقة الميزوديرم التي تتكون منها العظام و العضلات. ادعى الملحدون أن العظام و العضلات يتكونان في نفس الوقت بحجة أنهما يتكونان من نفس الطبقة، و لكنه لم يدرك أننا لو تتبعنا نمو أنسجة الجسم سنجد : القلب و الغدد التناسلية و الغضاريف و العظام و العضلات وغيرها وغيرها من الاعضاء التي تخرج من نفس طبقة الميزوديرم (1)، و كل ذلك لا يتكون في نفس الوقت. و نسأله : ما رأيك الآن؟! هل القلب يتكون مع الاعضاء التناسلية؟ هل الغدد تتكون مع العظام؟! هل الغضاريف تتكون مع العظام؟! كل هذه الأنسجة تتكون من نفس طبقة الميزوديرم (mesoderm)، ولا تتكون في نفس الوقت فهذه حجة سخيفة تدل سطحية تفكيرك و معلوماتك ، فأنت تضع استنتاجا زائفا و أنت لست أهلا للاستنتاج اصلا. على سبيل المثال، الغضاريف تتكون في منتصف الأسبوع الخامس (2) بينما العظام يبدأ تكوينها عند السادس، و العضلات ما بين منتصف السادس حتى الثامن. و هذا يعني أن الغضاريف تتكون من نفس الطبقة و لكن لا تتكون في نفس الوقت. و إذا ما طلبت منهم مرجعا علميا لإثبات كلامهم هذا لا تجد إلا قولهم "يخرجان من نفس الطبقة، إذاً يخرجان في نفس الوقت!!!" وقد اثبتنا بطلان هذه الحجة ثم لو سلمنا لكلامهم فهذا لا صلة له بمعنى الآية، فالآية تقول : فكسونا العظام لحما، "فكسونا" و بالتالي فالآية تتكلم عن مرحلة الكسو، اي مرحلة ارتباط العضلات بالعظام، و ليس مرحلة تكون العضلات نفسها. لأن العضلات تتكون منفصلة وكذلك العظام منفصلة ثم بعد تكونهمها تقوم الأربطة بربط العضلات بالعظام فالآية تتحدث عن عميلة الربط هذه وليس عن تكون العضلات نفسها ولاحظ أن الله عز و جل ((لم)) يقل : ثم كسونا العظام لحماً !!، بل قال : فكسونا، و الفاء في اللغة تدل على السرعة في الفعل الذي يليها. و لكن سنتنزل و نفترض أن الآية تتكلم عن تكوين العضلات. هذا المرجع الواسع المتخصص في علم الأجنة (3) يذكر ان بداية تكون العظام يحدث عند بداية الاسبوع السادس فيقول حرفيا "at sixth week : mesenchymal condensation for appendicular skeletal bone" فنلاحظ هنا انه يتحدث عن عظم حقيقي "bone" بينما في الاسبوع السادس ايضا يحدث فقط بداية تكون الخلايا التي تشكل العضلات وليس العضلات نفسها فيقول حرفيا "segmental elaboration of somite myotome occurs at sixth week" بينما تشكل العضلات يظهر عند الاسبوع الثامن فيقول حرفيا "at eighth week : individual muscles develop" فهنا يتحدث عن عضلات حقيقية "muscles". في الأسبوع الثامن . فاذهبوا وحاكموا العالم صاحب هذا المرجع الطبي !! او لا تصدعوا رؤوسنا ، و على الرغم أن هذا ليس معنى الآية، و لكن لو اعتبرنا أنه معناها فنحن أيضا نمتلك الأدلة على أن خلايا العظام أسبق من حيث التمييز. و إذا ما عدنا للمعنى الصحيح للآية نجدها تتكلم عن مرحلة الكسو أو مرحلة ارتباط العضلات بالعظام. في موقع EHD , أحد المواقع المتخصصة في علم الأجنة، سنجده يقول أن تكون العظام يحدث ما بين الأسبوع السادس و الأسبوع السابع فيقول حرفيا "Bone formation begins between 6 and 7 weeks, starting with the clavicle..."(4)، يعني قبل السادس لا يحدث تكامل للعظام. و لنرَ هذا الحديث الموافق لهذه المعلومة الطبية، يقول رسول الله ﷺ : "إذا مر بالنطفة اثنتان و أربعون ليلة بعث الله إليها ملكا، فصورها و خلق سمعها بصرها و جلدها و لحمها و عظمها" (5)، و هذه الأعضاء كلها لا يكتمل نموها إلا الأسبوع السادس، أي بعد الاثنتين و أربعين ليلة، و قبل ذلك لا يكتمل نموها. لدرجة أن الجلد يستمر في النمو إلى ما بعد الأسبوع الحادي عشر و لا يكتمل تكوينه قبل الأسبوع السادس أبداً ، ملحوظة: حرف الواو في الحديث السابق لا يفيد و لا يستلزم الترتيب، و إنما تدل على العطف فقط ، وهذا الحديث دليل على إختلاف العظم عن اللحم وانهما ليسا شيئاً واحداً ملحوظة : قد تجد اختلاف في موعد تكون الأنسجة من مرجع لمرجع آخر وذلك لإختلاف العينات المفحوصة لدى صاحب كل مرجع لذلك فقد تختلف في بعض الايام التقريبية . و بخصوص ارتباط العضلات بالعظام، نفس موقع يقول أنه بحلول منتصف الأسبوع السابع تقوم الأربطة بربط العضلات بالعظام فيقول حرفيا "From 7 to 7½ weeks, tendons attach leg muscles to bones...."(6). و بهذا يتبين لنا أن اللفظ القرآني دقيق جدا حين قال فكسونا، و لم يقل ثم كسونا. "فكسونا" تدل على السرعة، و بالفعل كل الفرق بينهما أقل من نصف أسبوع. و هذا كله مثبت بأدلة علمية من مواقع طبية متخصصة في علم الأجنة ((كما وضحنا)). من ناحية أخرى، نجد أن العضلة لها مبدأ و منتهى، مبدأ العضلة يُسمى المبدأ العظمي (origin)، أي الطرف المتصل بالعظام. فكيف يكون للعضلة مبدأ و منتهى (أطراف) (insertion) قبل تكون العظمة التي من المفترض أنها ركيزة صلبة تتصل بها العضلة لكي تؤدي وظيفتها(7). و هذا إثبات بديهي سهل من ناحية أخرى، فلا يمكن أن تتصل العضلة بالعظم إن كانت العظام لم تتكون بعد. بالنسبة للصورة المرفقة بالمقال فهي أتفه من أن نناقشها فالذي تخيلها لم يضع في الاعتبار وجود أوردة وأعصاب وشرايين والأنسجة الرقيقة الأولية للحلد والتي كانت موجودة في مرحلة المضغة أصلا لذلك تخيل أن القرآن يقصد ان الجنين عبارة عن عظام عا-رية كما تخيلها!! وبذلك يتبين جهل وتدليس من يزعم بوجود خطأ علمي في هذه الآية ويتبين الإعجاز والسبق العلمي في القرآن الكريم وهو ما يؤكد وحيه من خالق هذا الانسان والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته المراجع : (1) www.researchgate.net/figure/Schematic-overview-of-the-development-of-different-organs-from-the-mesodermDuring-early_fig4_224037865 (2) www.ehd.org/dev_article_unit6.php (3) Netter's Atlas of human Embryology ch:8 (musculoskeletal system) (4) www.ehd.org/dev_article_unit7.php صحيح مسلم صفحة 2645 (5) (6) www.ehd.org/dev_article_unit8.php (7) www.visiblebody.com/learn/muscular/muscle-movements
@mrjugurtha4077 Год назад
مقال رهيب
@joyboy2748 Год назад
Yoo this explains it all !!
@Maryem-vg4lk 11 месяцев назад
الله يبارك بعلمك و يجزيك الف خير
@ameerakhtar1348 Год назад
As a lay person, I’ve had to watch this several times just to understand it all but I think I’ve got it now. Jazaka’Allah Kher.
@IbnMurrah 3 года назад
“I don’t know the Arabic Language, but I’m still gonna try to critique the meaning of the Qur’an.” *logic has left the chat*
@user-mm3yk3uq4g 3 года назад
You mean: Logic has left the chat. You have really badly taught your students like CP 😂
@IbnMurrah 3 года назад
@@user-mm3yk3uq4g But now I have smart homies like you who can help me out. 😎
@SulemanImran 3 года назад
@@IbnMurrah 😂💚
@Faiz9163 3 года назад
Wow what a specious argument as usual by Murrah
@streetzboxa 3 года назад
@Swoosh Swish This isn't odd exegesis...he's not saying this interpretation is 100% correct and he always says it. He provides possible interpretations...They're not Muhammed pbuh what they say isn't always 100% the correct answer
@mamdouhatout6745 3 года назад
As an Arab and a medical doctor, who knows both the language and the science of embryology, my opinion is that the alternative interpretations of the quranic verse according to brother Mohammad hijab makes sense and are logical, but for people who read this verse superficially, I think many will misunderstand this and believe it to be a scientific chronological error
@SulemanImran 3 года назад
💚 Jazakallah doctor for your input 😊
@mamdouhatout6745 3 года назад
@@SulemanImran wa iyyak (i.e you too) brother, you are most welcome
@SulemanImran 3 года назад
@@mamdouhatout6745 May Allah bless you and your family. And continue to expand your knowledge in medicine and Islam. Ameen 💚
@abdullahifarah5878 3 года назад
The issue is that they assume Qur'an is science. Qur'an is a book of moral code and preservation of the last message. A book of signs. Science is after.
@nobody6851 3 года назад
So brother is hijab right about the cartilage thing?
@ladysolidarity6072 2 года назад
"Thus, the cartilage tissue serves as a model for the bone that follows. The skeletal components of the vertebral column, the pelvis, and the limbs are first formed of cartilage and later become bone. The replacement of chondrocytes by bone cells is dependent on the mineralization of the extracellular matrix."
@TheonlywayisAllah774 Год назад
This verse isnt supposed to be a scientific statement but a statement from Allah saying how he can easily resurrect people.
@bishrn Год назад
Dear brothers and sisters, the verse is very clear and CAN NOT be wrong. It says we created the lump bone, and then we clothed/covered/decked the bone with flesh/meat. Sadly, we are led to believe that the bones were created, then the flesh was created, which is NOT what the verse says. 6:21 God bless you and peace be upon you
@flamingkillermc2806 11 месяцев назад
Here is what ChatGPT says: Q: Does the bone grow first or the flesh? A: During fetal development, the skeletal system (bones) typically begins to form before significant muscle development. In the embryonic period, which occurs during the early weeks of gestation, the basic structures of bones start to develop. As the pregnancy progresses into the fetal period, bones continue to grow and ossify. Muscle development, on the other hand, also begins during the embryonic period but generally follows bone development. Muscles form from the mesoderm layer, and as the fetus develops, these muscles gradually grow and differentiate. In summary, the sequence often involves the initial formation of bones followed by the development and growth of muscles. And another; Q: In the fetus development which comes first the bones or the muscle / flesh A: In fetal development, bones generally start forming before muscles. The process of ossification, or bone formation, begins early in development, while muscles and flesh develop later. The Quran is right at the end.
@ZaifVlogZ 6 месяцев назад
No it written in the verse that : we created the lump bone and we covered the bone with flesh. In this verse and is used not then this verse is not talking about the stages of development that which is made first this verse is saying that and we covered Not then we covered.
@NeverForgetPalestine_ 5 месяцев назад
عليكم السلام ورحمة الله
@mohamedinshafjihath4626 3 года назад
Great video, masha allah. It would be a good idea to compile all the clips of sapient thoughts into a book and publish it . Jazakallahu khairan.
@abodraconian-9114 2 года назад
In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man’s embryonic development: We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)... 1 (Quran, 23:12-14) Literally, the Arabic word alaqah has three meanings: (1) leech, (2) suspended thing, and (3) blood clot. In comparing a leech to an embryo in the alaqah stage, we find similarity between the two2 as we can see in figure 1. Also, the embryo at this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.3 The second meaning of the word alaqah is “suspended thing.” This is what we can see in figures 2 and 3, the suspension of the embryo, during the alaqah stage, in the womb of the mother. The third meaning of the word alaqah is “blood clot.” We find that the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs during the alaqah stage is similar to that of a blood clot. This is due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo during this stage4 (see figure 4). Also during this stage, the blood in the embryo does not circulate until the end of the third week.5 Thus, the embryo at this stage is like a clot of blood. So the three meanings of the word alaqah correspond accurately to the descriptions of the embryo at the alaqah stage. The next stage mentioned in the verse is the mudghah stage. The Arabic word mudghah means “chewed substance.” If one were to take a piece of gum and chew it in his or her mouth and then compare it with an embryo at the mudghah stage, we would conclude that the embryo at the mudghah stage acquires the appearance of a chewed substance. This is because of the somites at the back of the embryo that “somewhat resemble teethmarks in a chewed substance. You can see all the pictures compared to to original text if you google it. Highly watch professor Keith Moore. Please if your interested more watch Keith Leon Moore was a professor in the division of anatomy, he explains everything in details
@Gaxi2 Год назад
It is said that keith Moore later denied to talk about this...
@Stealthy6 Год назад
@@Gaxi2 where is the reference that he denied to talk about this? Even if he denied or rather rejected these parts that are mentioned goes fully with the Science and without the microscope to make a guess is just astonishing.
@multifayzer8130 Год назад
@@Stealthy6 He just denied an interview on the topic because it was 10 years after he researched it.
@xxCr7xx823 Год назад
​@@multifayzer8130give me the reference
@multifayzer8130 Год назад
@@xxCr7xx823 wsj article, i think i posted an answer but it was deleted, you can find it on the wikipedia page of Keith Moore
@fredcheickhibnsufi9171 3 года назад
The problem is that nowhere in the verse it say that flesh was created before, after or simultaneously with the bones... Nor it say that flesh was created from boned or the opposite It juste says that God has made flesh like a cloath for bones, wich was something that people at that time knew, and something that we still today know and that science doesn't contradict...
@sparephone8228 3 года назад
Yes it does. The Qur'aan uses the particle 'fa' three times in the same verse to show the sequence of tissue differentiation : mudgha [ chewed flesh or lump of flesh], 'izzam [bones] and lahm[ muscle or intact flesh] . So the Qur'aan tells us the muscles appear after the bone structure forms. This bone structure is not the calcified bones we have, since the embryo is soft tissue. This is confirmed by another verse in in the Qur'aan which describes the embryo as a morsel of flesh shaped in proportion and out of proportion [ mukhalaq wa gair mukhalaq..].
@al_nasr5851 2 года назад
@@sparephone8228 fa is not always chronological. You could say that “fa” referred something like “afterwards or in the end”. In that context it goes out like “afterwards flesh covers the bone or in the end flesh covers the bone” which is totally right because as we can see muscles is on top of the bone in one way or the other.
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
@@al_nasr5851 afterwards refers to chronology
@al_nasr5851 2 года назад
@@markorbit4752 not always. Afterwards simply means the end result, so that verse probably means something like "flesh and bones were created simultaneously. Afterwards, flesh covered the bone (as a final view)"
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
@@al_nasr5851 bro, afterwards indicates chronology. It indicates an action or event following another action or event. What kind of mental gymnastics are you trying to play.
@fs5297 3 года назад
6:30 that's more accurate سبحان الله العظيم ☝🏻❤️ Quran is definitely from Allah SWT. Otherwise you would have produced a book like that as it challenged 1400 years ago.
@thenewmuslims9421 2 года назад
I as a doctor also verify that. The primordial models of bones are formed first. But it is the case for the limbs. What about the trunk musculature? Same there..but i think the ossification starts there first before the proper muscles are formed.
@fitrik7248 2 года назад
Professor PZ Myerz - a biologist and scientist, as embryology is SUB field in Biology Department has stated the quran is WRONG about embryology.
@thenewmuslims9421 2 года назад
@@fitrik7248 Professor Keith L Moore, much more biigger scientist and professor as well as much more truthful and authentic person along with dozens of other embryologists stated that Quran is true. You think instead of them, i will believe the some unknown "scientist" you memntikn.. And you are talking to a doctor here. I know much more embryology than you or your scientist.
@fitrik7248 2 года назад
@@thenewmuslims9421 , nope he never did
@thenewmuslims9421 2 года назад
@@fitrik7248 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Search Keith L Moore about Quran on youtube. I wont reply to your comments now.
@fitrik7248 2 года назад
@@thenewmuslims9421 , l have abdool not a singIe statement proving the qoran is align with science, what is there is more errors - drinking too much cameI urine sunnah rosooI is bad for brain..
@innocent3163 5 месяцев назад
6:28 : most probably correct, because Allah did not said “fa-khalkna” rather said “fa-kasawna”
@tairahman4777 2 месяца назад
A thoughtful perspective from Chat GPT which is far from ignorant The Qur’an’s description of embryonic development in Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:14) is remarkably accurate when compared to modern scientific understanding. The verse outlines the process as follows: “We made the lump into bones, and We clothed the bones with flesh…” This description aligns well with contemporary embryology, where initial cartilage models of bones are formed before they are ossified into actual bone. In modern terms, cartilage serves as a precursor to bone, providing a flexible scaffold that gradually transforms into bone through a process called endochondral ossification. The Qur’an’s use of the term “bones” reflects the final stage of this development, even though cartilage-an earlier stage-is not mentioned specifically. This makes sense because the term “cartilage” was not known or used at the time of the Qur’an’s revelation; the people then would have had a more general understanding and would have described what they observed in terms familiar to them, such as “bones.” Additionally, muscle and other tissues only begin to surround the bones once the bone structure is sufficiently formed, aligning with the Qur’anic description that flesh (muscle) is added after the bones are established. The alignment of these descriptions with modern science is a profound aspect of the Qur’an, highlighting its remarkable accuracy in depicting the stages of human development.
@Will-ko3yt Месяц назад
And yet the Quran does not list the female egg, the equal most important component of human fertilization not listed in the Quran
@sleep7ng Месяц назад
@@Will-ko3yt There isn't any sperm mentioned either. The word, "Nutfah" is semen, not sperm.
@Will-ko3yt Месяц назад
@@sleep7ng you're right even worse
@thestrikerking1486 3 года назад
Thank u I was looking for refutation
@dom3073 3 года назад
Pictures, diagrams and illustrations would really improve these clarification videos.
@jaafarfilali1723 Год назад
i agree i cant rlly understand like this
@badalrana10 3 года назад
MashaAllah Allahumabarik The camera is looking better today for some reason
@amadcutz 3 года назад
Thank you! I asked for this last video!!
@AwderHassanHamasalih-ry8yh Год назад
Who is Allah? In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. 1. “Say (O Muhammad): “He is Allah, (the) One.” 2. “Allahus-Samad (Allah - the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need).” 3. “He begets not, nor was He begotten.” 4. “And there is none coequal or comparable to Him.” He is Allah-there is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him: Knower of the seen and unseen. He is the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. 59:22. ❤.
@aniiss04 3 года назад
Ma shaa Allah Al-Hossary rahimahullah the legend
@ceti_9998 4 месяца назад
Quran never got anything wrong! Quran was able to explain things that no living creature can deny.
@Joorawon.M.Yousuf 3 года назад
It's quite a logical thing❗Had there not been the bones(soft), then how and where would the muscles have attached to❗⁉️🧐🧐🧐🤔 FOOD FOR CRITICAL THINKERS❗
@stephenponraj9523 Год назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Go and study biology
@Joorawon.M.Yousuf Год назад
@@stephenponraj9523 what did I say wrong❓🤔
@ElyséeSails Месяц назад
​@@Joorawon.M.Yousuf Muscles and bones develop together in a process called musculoskeletal development. Muscles don't actually need bones to initially form. In fact, the first muscle fibers start developing slightly before the cartilage models that will become our bones. However, like you pointed to bones are crucial for providing the structure and leverage that allow our muscles to function effectively. I'd encourage you to read books on embryology, developmental biology, or anatomy.
@مُحاربجَسُور 3 года назад
بارك الله فيك
@mobinurrahman4377 3 года назад
Cartilage is essentially the bone for early embryo
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
Cartilage is not bone. It becomes bone, bit is not bone
@mobinurrahman4377 2 года назад
@@markorbit4752 it does the same job and it is the prototype of bone.
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
@@mobinurrahman4377 it does not do the same job. What are U talking about? Cartilage if your bones were cartilage, I assure you that you would not be able to move around much. Either way, cartilage does not form before being covered by flesh.
@yassineyousri3802 3 месяца назад
@@markorbit4752they are considered to be prebone before they undergo ossification. However, in the Arabic language, cartilage really could be understood as smooth bone and so the explanation is correct.
@markorbit4752 3 месяца назад
@@yassineyousri3802 cartilage is not bone....bones, muscles and cartilage develop from the same embryonic tissue called the mesenchyme. Muscleand cartilage develop simultaneosuly. the quran is full of bs*S
@nidaacmak9620 2 года назад
Thank you for this video.
@karlecolin7864 6 дней назад
AI Overview Yes, the Quran's description of the development of bones and flesh in an embryo is incorrect: Order of development: The Quran describes the development of an embryo as fertilization, blood or cell formation, bones, and then flesh. However, organs and flesh actually begin to form and divide cells first. Bone structures develop later, along with the organs and flesh. The Quran describes the development of a human from clay in Surah Al-Mu'minun, verse 14: Drop: Allah created a man from clay and placed him as a drop in a place of settlement. Clot: The drop developed into a clinging clot. Lump: The clot developed into a lump of flesh. Bones: The lump developed into bones. Flesh: The bones were clothed with flesh. New creation: Allah brought the human into being as a new creation.
@Truth_Seeker1 Год назад
The Quran is 100% accurate on embryology. Embryology tells us that the primordia of the muscles and the bones they form together between the 25th and 40th day which the Quran refers to as the stage of Mudghah, but they are not developed. Later on, at the end of the 7th week, the embryo takes the form of human appearance then the bones are formed. The bones are formed after the 42nd day and it gives an appearance of a skeletal thing even at this stage when the bones are formed the muscles aren't formed. Later on after the seventh week and the start of the eighth week are the muscles formed.
@stephenponraj9523 Год назад
@hipmagoo46 Год назад
But the quran fails to list the female egg, doesn't mention the egg whatsoever, that's just wrong
@quasarsaad12344 Год назад
​@@hipmagoo46 Yes it does 💀
@hipmagoo46 Год назад
@@quasarsaad12344 no it doesn't, there is absolutely no listing of the female egg. Which funnily enough wasn't known at the time of the Quran being written. And no playing around with translation can work because egg is a simple word.
@quasarsaad12344 Год назад
@@hipmagoo46 Not true "then placed each ˹human˺ as a sperm-drop1 in a secure place" Surat al muuminun 13 Hmmmmmmmmmm I wonder whats that talking about, it's as if the sperm enters the ovum and that formation becomes a zygote
@jacobpilavin9981 3 года назад
5.00 checking the verse garhoof is not used idhaama is used
@Travellahh 3 года назад
It baffles me how severely some people can lie to themselves. Low self respect is widespread nowadays
@mohammad.alkurdi. 2 года назад
What do you mean by that ?
@quasarsaad12344 Год назад
The non muslims? Yeah I agree
@TmanRock9 11 месяцев назад
@@mohammad.alkurdi.because only some bones form before some flesh. If Muhammad meant all bones form prior to flesh then he would be wrong. If he meant that the formations of bones begins before the flesh does he would still be wrong. The mesoderm is only one place that flesh forms from. Another is the ectoderm which forms the out layers of skin and this occurs before any bones form at all.
@ZaifVlogZ 6 месяцев назад
No it written in the verse that : we created the lump bone and we covered the bone with flesh. In this verse and is used not then this verse is not talking about the stages of development that which is made first this verse is saying that (and we covered( Not then we covered.
@besmirkocia1207 3 года назад
afalā yanzurūna ilā l-ibili kayfa khuliqat Then do they not look at the camels how they are created? (88:17) I found a perfect connection of this verse in this specific surah. If we count the words of this surah including the word (camels) till the end of the surah we found the number 37. For our big surprise 37 is the number of pair of chromosomes in camels. n= 37. ;. 2n= 74 number of chromosomes.
@مُحاربجَسُور 3 года назад
ارجو منك أن تلقى نظرة على كتاب "العلم وحقائقه" للدكتور سامى عامرى فهو يتناول بالتفصيل هذه الموضوعات
@GentlemanLife-Beyotch 4 месяца назад
No, the Quran doesn't get it wrong. The Quran is the book of which there is no doubt.
@RefutingOrientalists 3 года назад
assalam alaikum can you tell the reference of the book and page number please
@cagatay9935 3 года назад
İ couldnt understand the video because of so many technical word can someone briefly explain me what quran says and what science says
@al_nasr5851 3 года назад
Anti Islamic preachers urge that the Quran said that bones get created and then flesh covers it which is scientifically wrong. Mohammed Hijab’s point is that the Quran doesn’t mention it chronologicaly but rather it only says that bones get covered in muscles which is true because the Quran doesn’t imply a chronological order. In science, how it works is that muscle cells develop on carthilage that will eventually ossify itself. Now Hijab claims that the word “Bone” can also be used as carthilage based on dictionary, if that’s the case, the whole anti Islam narrative is debunked and destroyed.
@thetruth9472 2 года назад
@@al_nasr5851 Scientifically the cartilage isn't bone and also there is no evidence in the koran and sunnah which there is an example that the word fa doesn't refer to a chronological order.
@al_nasr5851 2 года назад
@@thetruth9472 first of all you got to understand Arabic linguistics. The Quran didn’t refer to the processus to be chronological in any way, for example the Quran sometimes use “we” to talk about something, for example “we will destroy them”, now knowledge we know that “we” is only a majestic way to say “I” and doesn’t refer to multiple people but only to Allah. Similarly you can use that to fa, it’s meant to be an enumeration (in that context) but if you were to translate it into English it would be read as if it was meant to be chronological. Quran affirms one thing, muscles cover the bone and that cannot be denied. As for carthilage, again you could argue that it can be a vague term for bone or another way to say something similar to it (people in the 6th century probably didn’t know what carthilage was, and so using simple words like bone to describe similar things to bone like carthilage makes sense). Another thing to understand is that Quran isn’t a science book, and so putting non realistic expectations for scientific grammar is wrong by itself, especially in a context where the average person wouldn’t necessarily know how to read the Quran and understand it if it was meant to be “scientific in every way”
@thetruth9472 2 года назад
@@al_nasr5851 But Mohammed Hijab is a known liar because he is a hypocrite who said that in islam a public apostate will be deported but that apostate will not be executed although this is completely false and all of the scholars he looks up to say that a public apostate must be executed. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-FGx2EI3KBHI.html
@al_nasr5851 2 года назад
@@thetruth9472 ok the discussion is done, you can keep your opinions of Muhammad hijab to yourself. enjoy your day 👍
@sunrise-pn9br 2 года назад
Medical "cartilage" Use as "bone " In ancient times.
@orthodoxedeter1657 3 месяца назад
Hi, I'm a student in Biology. Embryology is covered in several academic lessons so I'll try to vulgarize as much as possible why Muhammed is wrong here. Try to bear with me. Muhammed claims that the Quran was only referring to precursor cartilage models of the bones and not bone itself. However, this does not explain why the author of the Quran (supposedly God) mentioned not cartilage ('ghudhroof) but only bone ('itham), which literally replaces the cartilage and starts to form well after muscle building blocks are in place. In any case its description would still be incompatible with scientific reality. Unlike what he's trying to imply here, muscle and bone (AND their precursors) develop contemporaneously, although the parallel processes start when myoblasts migrate and form distinct masses around condensations of mesenchyme that have only just begun to differentiate into cartilage, as detailed here: A very detailed account of musculo-skeletal development in the human limb by clinical-geneticist Robert Jan Galjaard covers this subject. It details that muscle precursor cells migrate from the somites into the limb buds (ca. day 26). This is well before the condensing core of mesenchyme has started to chondrify into cartilage bone models in the upper part of the upper limb (ca. day 37), followed by the lower part (ca. day 41). The myoblasts have grouped into distinct dorsal and ventral masses by that stage (they do so in the upper limb by day 36 and the start of chondrification according to Sivakumar et. al). The upper limbs later start to ossify (ca. day 54). Chondrification of mesenchyme, the grouping of myogenic masses, and ossification all occur in a proximal-distal order (upper to lower part of each limb). The digits of the hands only start to chondrify ca. day 51. In the 10th edition (2016) of the Developing Human, Keith Moore says that ossification of the long bones begins in the 8th week, starting with the upper limbs, followed by the lower limbs and pelvis. With axial musculo-skeletal development, myotomes have migrated (these form axial muscle) and sclerotomes have started to condense into mesenchyme (which will form cartilage) in the 5th week. According to Rugh, Building blocks are present for 40 pairs of muscles, which are located from the base of the skull to the bottom of the spinal column by day 28 (these are the myotomes of the somites). Muscles appear in the pelvis day 31. Movement of the muscles is being controlled by the nervous system by the 6th week. All of the muscle blocks have appeared by day 36 after conception. It is apparent from the above that muscle masses have started to form around the mesenchyme condensations around the same time as they begin to chondrify into cartilage models of the limb bones, and long before they have even begun to ossify. Similarly, the process of muscle and cartilage formation begins at the same time for the axoskeleton. Muscles and cartilage, and bone that replaces it, continue their formation in parallel with each other. For the same reason the Quran would still be wrong even to suppose, with a further stretch, that it means only the very beginning of the formation of the cartilage (chondrification) before they are in any sense complete shapes. Going back earlier still, it can even be pointed out that the precursors of muscles (myoblasts) and precursors to the cartilage (mesenchyme) are present in the limb bud as soon as it arises. Chronologically, the BONES AND THE CARTILAGE do not form before flesh. Please, do not try to make reality fit into a claim that is LITERALLY wrong. Stop being dishonest with yourself and don't be satisfied with the false claims of an arrogant person that obviously has no basis in Embryology and rejects ALL consensus on the matter. Don't be afraid to question the contradictions & errors that are displayed in the Quran, don't be afraid to think outloud : "Hey, am I maybe following a book that was written by a series of mere bedouins trying to establish a Religion that will allow them to conquer and rule over Land and profit from these ?" I know a big portion of your identity is currently associated with Islam so it's not going to be easy. I pray for you that one day you'll have the courage to face it, to question your faith. Trust your reason, and as Socrates used to say: 'Trust your Logos'. The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost.
@ibnsyed9479 Месяц назад
Nowhere it says about the formation of bones before muscles. Also it's mot difficult to say out loud "I don't know history , so I don't want to make dumb statements like "they" wrote this for wordly gains etc."
@elyonxx Месяц назад
haha nice try. The arabic word that indicates chronological order in the verse, "'thumma" is only mentioned ONCE and its prior to the reference to clinging clot. The words used AFTER this are "Fa." Which doesn't have a clear translation to the english language, and Mustafa khattab probably did so out of convenience but this word does NOT indicate any chronology, which is consistent with the proximal-distal development of the tissues which eventually become the musculoskeletal structure. That was a nice circus you pulled after a whole lot of blabber, quoting Socrates? Seriously? And criticising the Qur'an for it's origin and sociological background doesn't serve you well either, ever heard of genetic fallacy mate? Blabbering with sophistry is a thing that died with hitchens, keep it that way because it lacks the very presupposition it claims to dogmatically adhere; enlightenment humanism.
@user-oooooooooo 3 года назад
Best contant ever
@TheMeezanUrdu 3 года назад
Well, this is not the true meaning of the word "عظام" when the Quran uses it. Cuz in the same surah (al-mu'minun your verse is 14) in verse 35 and 82, this word has been used to mean "bones". When NonMuslims were asking the prophet how they will be resurrected when they would be bones in their graves- that has been discussed in these verses. And also this word has been used in the rest of the Quran to mean "Bones". Not in one instance in the whole of Quran, it has been used to mean "cartilage", of course except here where you are trying to twist the whole verse around. Sorry. Show some honesty, guys. Quran is not here to agree with science, it is here to show us how to live a good life. And the other thing about "order". Well, if you look at the verse, you will see that it is really talking about the order. So the word "fa" might mean something different in another context, but here it is really saying "and then". Which is order.
@kingsentertainment786 2 года назад
i really don't see any problem ie its says and then we "covered" bones with flesh which is the obvious case. I don't see it said we created flesh before bones.
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
@@kingsentertainment786 there is no stage in embryology in which bones are formed AND THEN are covered with flesh. The Qur'an is wrong. It just echoed what Galen write, and Galen too was wrong
@kingsentertainment786 2 года назад
@@markorbit4752 bruh covering is different from creation. It is the case that flesh covers the bone as the bone is formed. The text is limited.
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
@@kingsentertainment786 yes the Qur'an is wrong...and stole ideas from greeks
@kingsentertainment786 2 года назад
@@markorbit4752 did you even understand what I said?
@hassaanahmad7453 3 года назад
Literal arabic: علقة leech علق hung,suspended مضغة something chewed عظام bone لحم flesh
@Name-jz4fb 3 года назад
Can you make a video on the "oh sister of Harun (PBUH)" verse referring to Maryam (May Allah be pleased with her) please?
@brotheralexp.8811 3 года назад
This is addressed in a hadith.
@Mo-uq3zg 3 года назад
Sister of harun meaning she came from the lineage of harun as. This was a jewish Tradition of referring to certain tribes. Or it could be possible she had a brother named Harun because people named their children after prophets. Either one is a valid claim. Hope that helps you inshallah.
@afifislamsalvi5107 3 года назад
Muhammad (pbuh) said that He(pbuh) is the dua of his Father Abraham(pbuh) and the good news of his brother Jesus(pbuh). Was Prophet Muhammad a jew?? Was he Son of mary?? No So,why he said he is brother of Isa ibn maryam(pbuh)??
@Name-jz4fb 3 года назад
Mo 324 JazakAllahukhrain
@muhammadaaus105 3 года назад
@@afifislamsalvi5107 _In the Qur'an it is said:_ *The believers are but one brotherhood, so make peace between your brothers. And be mindful of Allah so you may be shown mercy.* *49 : 10* _The verse is implying that all the believers who believe in Allāh, His angels, His books and in His messengers are like brothers of each other._ _In Bukhari, Narrated Abu Hurairah (R):_ *Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Both in this world and in the Hereafter, I am the nearest of all the people to Jesus, the son of Mary. The prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one."* _The hadith perfectly answers your question, our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has said that the Prophets are paternal brothers._
@karimdaghmash7853 3 года назад
plural in arabic is 3 or more items, so when Allah says bees have stomachs it means 3 or more but when I researched it, it says bees have 2 stomachs. Is is still possible for the quran to be right in this regard
@dewofera7092 3 года назад
Please don't Say Allah Said.., when Allah didn't say, and make sure to use the Same Arabic word Allah used in the Quran in Arabic when you make these assumptions, Allah never said the Word "Stomachs" but rather said "Emerges from their Abdomens" Not "Emerges from their Stomachs" at all Abdomens (بطون) is the Accurate word from the Quran, Bellies is also Correct, Stomach (معدة) is not wrong but not accurate at all and not a word mentioned in Arabic Qur'an, if you found any Qur'an translations Contain the word "Stomachs" you should be able to know that it's not accurate. Qur'an 16:69 "Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought."
@karimdaghmash7853 3 года назад
@@dewofera7092 I just have one more concern If you answer this, I'll be back to the straight path in sha Allah: Why does Allah say to the bee to eat from (ثمرات) fruits when the main food source bees is honey, pollen, and nectar which come from flowers. They could come from flowers of fruit plants but the majority of food the bee gathers from is regular flowers not fruits If you go to the arabic lexicon and type the world in it gives you pollen for one of the possible contextual meaning But pollen is still not the main main food source of bees. That would bee nectar which turns into honey, although they eat nectar before the transformation in to honey too. Bees can't even eat from fruits most of the time since the fruit has to have a hole in it, which they can't pierce by themselves Jazak Allah kheir
@dewofera7092 3 года назад
@@karimdaghmash7853 Why do you want an answer for something that i ma sure has been answered many times, what is the point, you will go to another video and ask the same Question like you never heard any answer for it, are you going to disbelieve in Allah and lose your afterlife which is for an eternity because Allah did not tell you why bees eat Thamarat, My answer can't guide you "Back" to the straight path, but Allah almighty is the only one who can guide you, or stray you by using me, waiting for fallible humans to guide you is not in your favor at all, study the Qur'an yourself, like i did, Allah will let you see the truth and ease you heart, if you're really searching for the truth, not searching for an argument. Allah never said Thamarat (ثمرات) is the Main source of food for bees, or mentioned anything about if the bees can pierce through the fruit or not, honestly who cares, there is no need to add extra words and invent lies on Allah, the verse Qur'an 16:69 has no faults. There is 2 words in the Qur'an (فواكه /فاكهة) pronounced as [Fawakiha/Fakihah] and ( ثمرة/ أثمر/ ثمرات) pronounced as [Thmarah /Atmhar /Thamarat] In the English Quran translations both words are translated as "Fruits" Why?!! when Allah in the Original Arabic scripture of the Qur'an Differentiate between the 2, something is different even if it slight, We Arab call the edible Fruits in general فواكه /Fawakah and rarely ثمرات/ Thamarat. As you see, the word (فواكه /فاكهة) could have been used instead of (ثمرات) in verse 16:69 since it was already mentioned 14 times aside from the other words taking from the same root, but not used, the word (ثمرات) doesn't have an accurate words in English for it. i can't give you a clear answer since i didn't study this subject yet, and so i lack knowledge about it. Finally Allah almighty knows best
@crux9313 3 года назад
@@dewofera7092 Why Allah allows sex with captives?
@free-naturalist8912 Год назад
Aristotle made similiar conclusions about the embryo many years before the birth of Muhammad. Which means people were already investigating this at the time. So there's no shock in what Muhammad brought forth.
@hipmagoo46 Год назад
And Galan and an Indian Dr who I forget the name of
@egyptianplayerstv891 Год назад
Can you quote what they said instead of just making claims? These claims are becoming absurd actually having the Quran amazingly use tons of sources and theories around the world by a man in a desert in a civilisation that’s not known to have access to such information. Apparently he got everything right! What kind of person was he? Superman? Doing all of this while being a military leader, husband of 9 wives, having 7 kids, being a prophet who’s asked for guidance constantly and in danger of being persecuted! All of this while challenging the Arabs to make a book like it and creating a whole new literature with new grammatical structure and eloquence!!! Also, having an amazingly logical doctrine. It’s absurd actually. Anyone who said one thing right out of tons of others wrong is being seen as a source of the Quran 🤦🏻‍♂️ Anyways, I’m waiting for the evidence and I hope it’s not like this other one of Thales where they said the Quran copied from him what it says that “every living thing is made of water.” Turns out it’s not just an extremely unpopular opinion but he didn’t say that and actually said “everything is made of water” not every living thing. May Allah guide us
@hipmagoo46 Год назад
@@egyptianplayerstv891 I can explain why the quran is mostly a copy but is there any point, you seem to have your opinion fixed and you are capable of researching what Galan said about human embryology and comparing the quran version, both are wrong by the way because they don't list the female egg or ovum, human embryology cannot be correctly explained when omitting the female egg it's importance it vital but Galan wrote this approx 500 years earlier than the quran, no divine claims from him. So if you wish to have a look research it yourself.
@egyptianplayerstv891 Год назад
@@hipmagoo46 You think I didn’t research? Galen and Aristotle both have a whole theory about embryology but anti-Islamic clerics somehow quote only the part where they think it corresponds with the Quran. For example, both of them said a baby is formed by the sperm and the menstruation blood of the w3men but the Quran somehow omits this. Galen also says that a baby is formed like a midget! The Quran doesn’t mention any of these absurdities. Interestingly, both of them say a baby is created from all the sperm but the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him is quoted in an authentic Hadith saying that a baby is not created from all of the man’s water which is scientifically accurate. “˹For˺ indeed, We ˹alone˺ created humans from a drop of mixed fluids, ˹in order˺ to test them, so We made them hear and see” (76:2) Ibn Abbas (the cousin of the prophet) says: the mixed fluids are a mix between the contribution of the man and w3men. The w3men’s here is what you can call a fertilized egg or the any female contribution happening. This is because the Quran says: “we created you from male and female.” This is also scientifically correct opposed to what Aristotle said. As for the female ovum or egg being absent in the Quran, that doesn’t mean anything as the Quran did not say it will talk about every detail and it’s only a pre-supposition from your part that the Quran will be detailed about the process. However, that doesn’t discredit the Quran and it talks about the formation of the embryo correctly. Although the Quran has a great description of what happens: “Did We not create you from a humble fluid, placing it in a secure place” (77:20-21) What’s this secure place? Modern interpreters say this secure place is the fertilized egg as it matches the description of it being in a “safe place.” Anyways there’s nothing wrong here. Also, the process is not wrong and regarding the “bones or flesh first” the word عظام in Arabic does include cartilage and if you look up in any Arabic dictionary the word “غضروف" it says that it’s any soft bone. This means that cartilage is one of the steps of the formation of bones and it’s correct that cartilage forms first. It’s not about me being fixed it’s about the absurdity of these claims and the amazing cautious language of the Quran that makes it relevant for experts and laymen in all times, cultures and civilizations which makes it a timeless book. Interestingly, Al-Qurtubi who lived in the 1200s said in his tafsir: “God Almighty clarified in this verse - he means the Almighty’s saying in Surat Al-Hujurat: {Indeed, We created you from male and female} (Al-Hujurat: 13)- that He created creation from male and female. Then he responds to those who said that Creation is created from only the man’s (Aristotle and Galen) similar to what was popular at his time (from only the man’s sperm), and he said: “And what is correct is that creation is from the water of a man and a woman; for this verse, it is a text that cannot be re-interpreted” Ibn Hajar also who lived around 1300s says the same and he corrects embryologists and his time with the Quran and Sunnah. This stuff is recorded in manuscripts and printed books. I would suggest you do more research. May Allah guide us
@rebeuoriginel 7 месяцев назад
​@@hipmagoo46 Galen also asserts that the semen from both the male and female mix with menstrual blood. In his book On Semen, he dedicates a whole section on disagreeing with Aristotle’s position that the male semen mixes with the female menstrual blood, and articulates a case for the mother contributing semen as well as the menstrual blood to form the fetus.[64] Galen concludes that the formation of the fetus arises from the mixing of the two semens, from the mother and the father, plus menstrual blood.[65] These concepts are not mentioned in the Qur’an, which further widens the gap between Galen and the Divine book.
@idrischemali5991 3 года назад
Great Video Mash allah, i suggest to u guys to pick up an Audio of the intro that Mohammed Hijab says at the beginning and use it maybe with some sort of effect in the biggining or something so he dsnt have to repeat it every time. Jazakum allahu khairan.
@AM-ki2ec 3 года назад
This is the content mohamed hijab excells in. I dont mean this to put him down or restrain his abilities, but the recent online scandal reallt reduced your creadability and put me in an awkward position trying to defend him.
@azerty9458 3 года назад
What do you mean by scandal
@aarfeenanees9147 3 года назад
What scandal?
@mikebrigandi_ 3 года назад
@@aarfeenanees9147 he lied and cut footage of a debate to make it seem like he won
@nuhashahmed7692 Год назад
@@mikebrigandi_ Which debate?
@Rafm1236 3 года назад
maa syaa a llaah
@shamsbangash2090 2 года назад
الله أكبر
@rsyumul2625 2 года назад
“Bone that is very smooth”… is still a bone
@zedd722 Год назад
This is completely false,,, cartilage and bones are nothing alike& not under the same category,,,cartilage is a flexible connective tissue , it differs from bones ,,, plus even if it was not chronological the phrase "clothed the bones with flesh" is wrong coz it entitles smthing is wrapped with the other, whereas it's something that developped within another ,,,, there's also the problem of having "the flesh developed into bones" which is also incorrect
@majd-mk 8 месяцев назад
You disproved yourself, the verse does not use the word “devloped” but uses the word “clothed”, theres a clear reason the word “devloped” was used for all of the previous stages but not for this stage
@zedd722 8 месяцев назад
@@majd-mk goes back to the same, coz it's neither before nor during,,, bones &cartilage come much later,,, there is no scenario where bones come b4 or during, flesh cannot develop or cloth them,,,flesh comes first& bones much later, 2 different phases,,,,u missed my argument completely, read my explanation
@yassineyousri3802 3 месяца назад
You must’ve not understood what he said. Cartilage is considered to be Pre bone since it’s going to undergo ossification. And when you check the dictionary, Arabic dictionary, you will find that his explanation checks out, which is that Cartilage in the Arabic language is عظم لين or smooth bone. Also, Bone Formation, in any case, starts before muscle formation
@scooprammer5934 2 года назад
Its amazing how many 'could be' there are. This is meant to be a gift from the all knowing creator, allahs message sending ability seems confused.
@yapmcgoolies1756 2 года назад
Amazing how little the creator tells us in the quran, doesn't tell us the earth orbits the sun, or the earth is a sphere/ball/round
@yapmcgoolies1756 2 года назад
@Ahmad Hanbal stunningly stupid and you call me illiterate, re read what i wrote, i gave three simple words to describe the shape of the earth, these a simple ways to describe the shape of the earth and the quran does not do this and you pull some dodgy unscientific bs using the wrap must mean round. Hahaha, you do realise that the earth is never just night or day, thats ridiculous attempt at claiming the earth is round. A phobia fear of something, i don't fear islam, if anything i enjoy it, it entertains me with ridiculous unprovable claims and the weak attempts of muslims just like you to turn the quran into something its so not. What about the earth orbiting the sun, without the sun this planet has no life. Its importance to this plant is all consuming, yet allah doesnt feel the need to tell us the earth orbits the sun, nope, nothing from allah on that, ridiculous, but ty for the laugh
@yapmcgoolies1756 2 года назад
@Ahmad Hanbal i tell you what if the quran is from allah and thats the best he can do, its laughable
@yapmcgoolies1756 2 года назад
@Ahmad Hanbal ok this finishes it, the quran is wrong on human embryology, it foolishes attempts to explain fertilisation but it completely and utterly wrong, it fails to mention the female egg. The female egg is the equal most important part of fertilisation but the quran leaves it out completely. You cannot describe fertilisation without the female egg. The quran description is plain and simply wrong. And guess what that was best knowledge us humans had at the time of quran writing but its wrong. Allah the creator appears not to understand how embros are formed. Its just so stupid, and wrong. And the quran copied galan earlier writing but it was still wrong. If the question was, describe human fertilisation in less than 20 words and you gave qurans answer, it would be marked, fail. Its wrong, you cannot leave out the female egg, which does not contain blood or blood clot, you books wrong, its not from allah its part copy, man written but its fools like you that are desperate to turn it into something its not. Sad really, islam fills the earth with lies untruths and ridiculous claims that are laughable
@yapmcgoolies1756 2 года назад
@Ahmad Hanbal yes it does, it fails to list the female egg, please explain to me how you can try explain embryology and not include the female egg. The quran copies what Galan the greek hundreds of years earlier, best we knew the time but wrong. Its wrong, and that is true.
@vanhammer1723 5 месяцев назад
Even with this revised interpretation, it still doesnt match the actual development
@auradone8127 3 месяца назад
@doctorsfaithcorner4917 3 года назад
@jkmutaike 2 года назад
Bones or Cartilage cannot REST without some flesh first -- If Bones came first -- then we should have some cases of bones not completely covered with flesh when abortion or miscarriage happens -- lol! - The Finger Nails is a good example -- it requires flesh to grow... However small or big you are - the flesh fits on the bones MEANING they GROW TOGETHER
@Zoubida214 Год назад
Send sources
@Killa_3 Год назад
Just go and ask any embryologist the questions, they will laugh the Quran out the building, that will let you know all you need to know about any Islamic cliam to truth in the Quran, but be careful as that will show the Quran got it wrong and has a contradiction
@jacobpilavin9981 3 года назад
5.40 not really mesenchyme is a soft part of the animal wich is flesh.
@angelp4724 8 месяцев назад
Wasn't the prophet said to be illiterate or at least unlettered?
@TheLoadedLongboard 5 месяцев назад
He was called a lot of things. Illiterate being one of the many characterizations of the profit, yes.
@M-Scorpion 3 года назад
I think your answer wasn’t really sufficient. Others have responded to this very well, for example Dr Keith Leon Moore has described the stages of embryology and confirmed the Quran did describe it correctly. I also notice in such verses which explicitly mention an established unchangeable scientific phenomena in a correct way, you seem to be hesitant to say it, just becuase in the future may it change and you try swerve away. I am surprised you didn’t mention the word علقه and other words. In a such strong explicit verse speaks about a Science, we should have encouragement to say it. Thanks
@M-Scorpion 3 года назад
@@ponderingspirit There are stuff never gonna be outdated and it will be fundamental. For example, the sperm is what determining if the embryo going to be a male or femal or sperm has the ability to self-move. These things will always remain the same. When Quran speaks about them, we should make it clear without fear.
@notionSlave 3 года назад
Keith Moo and Maurice Bukok were given cash to make shit up about Islam. They’re unreliable. Neither converted to Islam either.
@M-Scorpion 3 года назад
@@notionSlave when you said they were cash up, where did you get this from? And who said they converted to islam? I guess i didn’t mention about their conversion!! You need to drink more water to cool yourself down. 🖐🏼😂
@maodijong3661 3 года назад
@@ponderingspirit its neither outdated nor incorrect
@MM-oj8vb 3 года назад
@@M-Scorpion Keith Moore went on record explaining how the saudis who funded his book (which was also funded by none other than osama bin laden believe it or not) completely misquoted and misinterpreted his words. He was asked to come to Saudi Arabia to examine the embryology in the Quran and to make sense of it in light of recent medical data, for the Muslim students of medicine, and he was paid nicely for it. That’s why there is the normal book minus the Quranic interpretations for regular medical students and the Islamic version. Moore even said in an interview that the embryology in the Quran is significantly and profoundly incorrect and obviously he didn’t convert to islam because of these fabrications. Do some simple google and you tube searches. That whole thing was a scam yet so many Muslims aren’t aware of the truth and continue to quote Keith Moore. He explicitly said embryology should never be taken from the Quran as its overwhelmingly scientifically inaccurate. This is a process which is simultaneous in nature. You really need to stop making proof videos when there is nothing to prove and you twist the most obvious and clear verses into extensive twisted and contorted meanings just to attempt to correct them scientifically. This makes it worse- just like the semen from the backbone deconstruction. It becomes farcical and makes Islam look like a joke. No credibility is left because you must just take us for fools who believe anything can be twisted to suit the truth you need it to.
@theastronomer5800 Год назад
Most Muslims have not studied science and more importantly the history of science. What the Quran says was already know, or is wrong but gets re-interpreted. They will often mention embryology, and that no one could have known this stuff 1400 years ago. Let's see.. The Quran borrows (and only summarizes) all of its ideas of embryology from those of the Roman doctor Galen who describes them in much greater detail and describes how he made his observations in his text De Semine. Galen lived 500 years before Muhammad. When confronted with this, Muslims always argue that Muhammad could not have known these things, but again ignore history. We know that Sergius of Reshaina (died 536 AD), one of the best Greek translators of his time (he translated 26 of Galen's books, as well as works of Aristotle), was a Nestorian who moved to Jundishapur in Persia. "Coincidentally", one of Muhammad's closest followers and a doctor that Muhammad frequently used, Al-Harith ibn Kalada (died 13 AH), happened to have studied in that school according to Muslim historians Ibn Abi Usaybia and al-Qifti (and married Muhammad's aunt!). Hmmm... So, what is more likely, that Muhammad heard these ideas from his buddy, or from some cave demon?
@Gaxi2 Год назад
You are good at making analogies but there is something called proof that you need for such claims.
@hipmagoo46 Год назад
Well said astronomer, or maybe Allah copied Galan and told Mohammad in the cave?
@r.k3618 Год назад
This cant even be considered a theory as there's no evidence apart from it could happen lmao
@rebeuoriginel 7 месяцев назад
Galen also asserts that the semen from both the male and female mix with menstrual blood. In his book On Semen, he dedicates a whole section on disagreeing with Aristotle’s position that the male semen mixes with the female menstrual blood, and articulates a case for the mother contributing semen as well as the menstrual blood to form the fetus.] Galen concludes that the formation of the fetus arises from the mixing of the two semens, from the mother and the father, plus menstrual blood. These concepts are not mentioned in the Qur’an, which widens the gap between Galen and the Divine book.
@ceti_9998 2 месяца назад
​@@rebeuoriginelbro can't you understand they are just pain in the a$$? They speak blindly and follow stupid unbased arguments
@AS-jj4dv 3 года назад
Maurice Bucaille (1920-1998) was a french physician and private scholar. He was once a personal physician to the family of king faisal of saudi arabia and the family of egyptian president anwar el-sadat. In 1976, Bucaille published the controversial work “La Bible, le Coran et la Science”, in which he presented his views on the judeo-christian revelation and the quran (allegedly because he was angry at the catholic church). It established the school of "bucaillism", popular in the islamic world, according to which the quran should contain about 1,200 passages that anticipate the findings of modern science, claim rejected by secular scientists. Indeed, if a real scientific fact or miracle is reported unambiguously and correctly in the quran, this would have been largely recognised by today’s scientists. How come that nobody noticed before the numerous scientific miracles when reading the quran, and it is only fifty years ago, with the hindsight of recent scientific discoveries, that muslims discovered science in the quran, with massive propaganda efforts financed by the new oil money of the autocratic regimes of the arabic peninsula? In most cases the verses chosen and quoted are twisted and reinterpreted so that they may fit vaguely with science. The quran had and has no explanatory and predictive power in science, it is a book of the early middle age. Bucaille’s legacy is a curse for islamic theology. The believing muslims have to defend constantly absurd scientific claims and miracles in the quran despite that there aren’t any, compelled to prove by all means the veracity of the scientific claims as proof of the divine origin and of the veracity of the quran.
@Oldandnewdrink 2 года назад
U use a fallacy u just typed w long comment that can be short
@mido222100 2 года назад
A certain quranic description of a scientific fact isn't supposed to get any mass attention from scientists or any expert, because it is intially considered belief. It is not believed by any muslim that an objective interpetation of the quran exists, because the quran itself says that. There are many verses, which till our day does not have a clear interpetation given our current understanding of objective reality. The attention happens or is supposed to happen, when science discoveries aligns with one of the quranic descriptions.Science findings are based on observations, and thus cannot be argued with regardless of your faith and is mass trustable for an unbaised person. In conclusion, the argument that the abscence of attention before the discovery indicates the intentional reinterpetation of the quran to fit to the discovered scientific fact is mere bullshit. I do not disagree with you that some quranic descriptions have been miss-used, whose abstract meaning is too vague to be associated with a scientific fact, but also many descriptions are sufficiently solid to be associated with recently discovered facts. And for your question about the reason for this lack of attention from scientist's side, there are so many factors that are plays a role in that issue, but a dominant and arguably a primary reason for that is the general hate and dispise a dominant sector of western scientists have for religion in general, not just Islam. Most of them don't give a second thought about the possibablity that a religion could be true. They have been raised and taught that religion is the enemy of facts, and that science is the only provider of trustable knowledge about reality. And while the scientific method is a very powerful tool for consistent correction of findings, the claim that it is the only way for objective knowledge is unbelievably absurd.
@TheLoadedLongboard 5 месяцев назад
Muscles and flesh are not the same thing. Myoblasts form muscles. Fibroblasts form flesh. You are misleading people willingly like a crooked salesman...
@ElyséeSails Месяц назад
Distorting the interpretation of verses is second nature to them...what did you expect 😅
@faizanalvi3932 3 года назад
keith l moore an embryology professor has a book on this very topic
@Faiz9163 3 года назад
@faizanalvi3932 3 года назад
@@Faiz9163 what's funny??
@Kakeshii 3 года назад
@@faizanalvi3932 yahoodi is angry
@faizanalvi3932 3 года назад
@@Kakeshii keith L moore isnt even muslim
@Kakeshii 3 года назад
@@faizanalvi3932 I know
@saodnatour6427 2 года назад
Btw bones before flesh the bones on week4 ans muscles starts on 7th week..
@walterhartwellwhite8022 2 года назад
Flesh bones then muscle
@saodnatour6427 2 года назад
The verse talks about covering the bones with muscles the bone there before covering the bones it self
@saodnatour6427 2 года назад
And there fore bones before muscles
@saodnatour6427 2 года назад
Flesh or sking or muscles
@saodnatour6427 2 года назад
The bible says that mothers blode and mens water makes humans like chease and it wrong , it says human comes from intestine of his mother wrong it says muscles before bones its wrong it says that baby comes from all of the men ejaculation wrong
@kitako2200 7 месяцев назад
so the quran is wrong?
@ceti_9998 2 месяца назад
Nope but some ignorants speak blindly without any proof and the funny part is that they know nothing about embryology. Edit: i also forgot to tell that they use chatgpt: as their best source😂😂
@nabielboukari2377 Год назад
What is he saying in 5:03
@adamnasser2995 3 года назад
Please, fa obviously refers to sequence in this context describing a process. And the cartilage point just scratches the surface of critic arguments. Muscle blocks have started to form when the mesenchym has only started to chondrify into cartilage models. In other words muscle and cartilage formation are concurrent. Check better refs, even Wikiislam has excellent refs for those topic. Further, precursor muscle cells have already migrated when chondrification starts. Finally, chondrification proceeds proximal to distal. The end of limbs only start to chondrify cartilage when muscle development is well underway in the upper limbs. The Quranic description is unrecognisable.
@BasedYeeter42 3 года назад
It seems to resemble Galen’s view of embryology in some aspects
@yousef_afc9363 3 года назад
'wikiislam' lol thats the problem.
@crux9313 3 года назад
@@yousef_afc9363 Yeah lol . You wanna hear from deceiving scientists like Zakir Naik but wikiislam is lol 🤣
@yousef_afc9363 3 года назад
@@crux9313 Wikiislam is lol. It is hilarious when even self proclaimed arabs make linguistic errors. That is something you expect from a non English speaker.
@fitrik7248 2 года назад
Professor PZ Myerz - a biologist and scientist, as embryology is SUB field in Biology Department has stated the quran is WRONG about embryology.
@Someone-ct2ck 3 года назад
Scientific contentions are very weak.
@asadullahsaaid3794 3 года назад
Subhanallah ❤️🤍❤️
@ISLAMICDEFENSE9302 3 года назад
@OriginalAndroidPhone 3 года назад
brilliant cartilage structure acts a skeleton, and muscle then form on this cartilaginous skeleton.
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
Cartilage and muscle develop simultaneously
@yassineyousri3802 3 месяца назад
@@markorbit4752 no they don’t. Bone start forming first but eventually they form simultaneously especially that bones don’t stop forming until age 21.
@markorbit4752 3 месяца назад
@@yassineyousri3802 I´m not sure where you are getting this information from, but you should recheck your source. Bone develops from cartilage which gets calcified. Muscle an cartilage start to form simultaneously.
@Yashkingman 2 года назад
And more then that before islam become a religion indian vedas especially this book called in that time they called otherwise garbaha upanishad gives a detailed description of embryology and human body organs and to the tissues cells and bone marrow so don't say that quran said it first indian said way before and one of the most important thing is trying to prove your point by showing things was discovered by others isn't a good choice and does really mohammad flied on a donkey how is that worked and being trader he Gathered knowledge from others
@whydontyoustfu Год назад
But that description is wrong
@whydontyoustfu Год назад
So is this description. Notjing about it is fukig miraculous its mundane observation and indiction which is also wrong
@Yashkingman Год назад
@@whydontyoustfu yes but is it not wrong like the quran which only speaks that sperms become a child and that is also a liquid become the child where is the egg goes to your house party mister pakoda and was stolen from romans and yes for wait that same indians are susrutha is called the father of surgery from indian who done plastic surgery and also founder of ayurvedha fk like you should keep that b hole with respect next would have some serious consequences
@razer0072073 3 года назад
Quran got it right? 🤔
@thestrikerking1486 3 года назад
Yes btw are u Muslim?
@mpdcuk 3 года назад
The Quran always gets it right.
@crux9313 3 года назад
@@mpdcuk Lol
@islamicbeliever1179 3 года назад
I don't think I understood anything. Why are you making this video? And why do the haters of Islam find this verse awkward when it isn't? Could somebody tell me a summary or tell me a 2 mins reading (of what he said), because I understood nothing. And what does the latest science say, do they say that the soft bones form and then the flesh? I could be understanding but not 100 percent. Thx, and salam
@ELShahbaazHussain 5 месяцев назад
Modern science says flesh precedes bone formation.
@ordinaryvalley Год назад
Until 1914 - 1918, science would debunk the ayat about Sun rotating around its own orbit. Im just saying...
@rebeuoriginel 7 месяцев назад
Science now agrees with that lmao, and qu'ran mentioned that 1400 years ago.
@harry_j_potter 5 месяцев назад
In Quran the Sun goes around the Earth. So lol.
@ordinaryvalley 5 месяцев назад
@@harry_j_potter WRONG. According to following ayah: “And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming.” Qur’an (21.33) The Islamophobes often present this ayah to proof the sun revolves around the earth. They should know that this ayah proof two scientific claims. One claim is old and another one was proved just recently in year 2015. These are: Sun is orbiting on its own orbit around the galaxy. Which science discovered quite recently. Earth is floating/swimming. Science just proved it in year 2015/2016 that all the celestial bodies in the universe are floating/swimming on unseen fabric just as a ball float/swim on water. So they just quote the wrong translation and do not provide accurate translation to prove both the claims.
@harry_j_potter 5 месяцев назад
@@ordinaryvalley Lol, but the Quran doesn't say anything about the movement of the Earth. In Islam the Sun goes around the Earth, and is having a rest!! Lol lol! _Название хадиса: Хадис о восходе и заходе солнца Sahih Al-Bukhari, hadith 3209: _"This is because every time it [the Sun] rises, it proceeds (according to the prescribed measure) and prostrates itself _*_under the Throne and asks permission to return,_*_ and Allah grants it permission to return. Then when Allah decides that it should rise from the west, it will come as usual to the Throne"._
@TmanRock9 4 месяца назад
@@rebeuoriginelit sounds like the Quran was mentioning the geocentric model which was common around the time.
@yassineboutout5515 Год назад
@infacted2932 6 месяцев назад
Solution to every mistake in the Quran is, "the word has another meaning"😂😂😂
@justsomecatwithsunglasses1011 5 месяцев назад
Learn Arabic then learn the intricacies and correct all these scholars
@ahuman9882 5 месяцев назад
Perhaps, just perhaps, you're ignorant about the Quran and the Arabic language and simply think too high of yourself, and hate it when you are HUMBLED?
@samilamine950 5 месяцев назад
creation of humanbeings ●The Bible Job 10. 【8 Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me? 9 Remember that you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again? 10 Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese, 11 clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews? 12 You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit..】 ●The Quran and the words of the Prophet Mohamed صلى الله عليه وسلم. Adam Stages • Dust (of the earth) (3/59, 18/37, 22/5, 30/20, 35/11, 40/67) • Clay (dust (of the earth) + water) water is a crucial element in the creation of man (6/2, 7/12, 32/7, 38/71&76, 17/61) • Quintessence (extract) of clay (23/12) • Sticky Clay (37/11) • sounding clay of stinky (due to bacteria)altered black smooth mud (15/26.28 & 33) • Sounding clay like pottery clay (55/14) • fashioning him perfectly (in due proportion) & Breathing of the soul into him (38/72 & 15/29). Adam's Descendance and Embryology Stages (Nutfah) Sperm drop stage  A drop emitted  Quintessence of liquid a) Gentle extraction b) Mixture of fluids  very small quantity of mixed fluids “zygote” a) Creation b) Programming c) Determination of sex (x, x) or (x, y)  Cleavage (in the process of creation and reproduction of cells)  Decrease and penetration of fluids into the womb  Implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine lining (6 days after fertilization) (size 1 mm) The stage (Alaqah): Leech-like substance, something that clings & blood clot (Third week) (Size 3.5 mm) (Mudgha) Stage Meanings:  Chewed like substance (looks somewhat like teeth marks in a chewed substance) (partially formed and partially unformed), piece of flesh something that is tacky that can be put into the mouth like something chewed. (Fourth week) (Size 1 cm) *40-42 days collection of all creation components (all different cell types)* The bone stage: roughly 53rd day  The skeleton begins to spread throughout the body and the bones take their familiar shapes. During the 6th week, the cartilaginous skeleton begins to spread throughout the body. Yet, we do not see the features of the human image until the beginning of the 7th week, when the shape of the embryo takes on the appearance of the skeleton. Transformation from the mudgha form to the beginning of the skeleton form occurs in a very short period of time at the end of the 6th week and the beginning of the 7th week. This stage is characterized by the appearance of the skeleton which gives the embryo the human image (Seventh week)(size 27.5 mm). The stage of clothing the bones with the flesh (muscles): roughly 56th day  First the cartilaginous tissue of the embryo ossifies. Then the muscle cells which are selected from the tissues around the bones gather together and wrap around the bones, the muscles take their positions around the bone shapes and take on their well-known shapes and structures (Eighth week)(Size 32.2 mm). Stage The development of the embryo into another creation: At the end of the 8th week, a new stage begins where important processes occur. The rate of development accelerates compared to the previous one. The embryo transforms into another creature, as the sizes of the head, body and limbs begin to be balanced and regular between the 9th and 12th weeks. At the 10th week, the external genitalia appear and the skeleton develops from a structure of soft cartilaginous bones to hard calcium bones at the 12th week. Limbs and fingers are distinguished at the same week. The sex of the embryo is evident with the clear appearance of the genitals. The weight of the embryo increases noticeably. Voluntary and involuntary muscles develop, and voluntary movements begin at this stage. During the 16th week (112 days), the fetus can grab with its hands, kick or even do a somersault. a) Viability (minimum birth 6 months) b) Uterine support (6th month - birth) Birth and parturition. all these statements in stages are derived from verses of the Quran and prophet's Mohamed sayings صلى الله عليه وسلم.
@IslamTheTruth2314 5 месяцев назад
Yeah I guess having a solution is a good thing 😂 Cope harder.
@AbduImajeedX 5 месяцев назад
@ellol8647 3 года назад
اجلد يا عموهم يا حارق دمهم.
@ElyséeSails Месяц назад
Muscle precursors begin forming before the cartilage models of bones. Both tissues then develop concurrently, with muscles attaching to the developing skeleton. (MUSLIMS LYING AGAINN ) 😊 CLASSIC !!!!
@zainroshaan 3 года назад
O wow am early
@joynalh 3 года назад
The Quran failed to mention the most important part of the human development at embryonic stage. It’s the HEART that develops at around day 20, why did the Quran miss the most important part and moved on to what Aristotle and Galen said. Today the first thing we see clearly moving at the very early stage is the HEART, why is it missing. Because if I knew everything that would’ve been the first thing I Mention.
@kingsentertainment786 2 года назад
Quran is a book of signs not a book of science.
@crimsoncloak6564 2 года назад
@@kingsentertainment786 Exactly.
@kingsentertainment786 2 года назад
@Ola means Wealth, not Hello signs in the creation that point to a Creator
@kingsentertainment786 2 года назад
@Ola means Wealth, not Hello "There are many creators in the Quran" Sorry bro, I didn't get you? I mean the foundation of Islam is built on monotheism. There is only and only one true Creator, One God.
@kingsentertainment786 2 года назад
@Ola means Wealth, not Hello Bro kissing a stone doesn't mean we worship it, I mean its just impossible. There are many things that pagan used to do, that Muslims do too, that does not mean we take from them. Example, the pagans used to circumcise so do Muslims. Similarly, charity, maintaining family bonds, etc. The Arab pagans date their lineage back to Ishmael and Abraham. They lost the fundamentals but some practices remained in their culture. About the Stone, it came from the Heaven, as a sign, and kissing it signifies respecting praising the bounties of God. We even kiss our parents' hands, that does not mean we worship. That's a logical fallacy. We believe in absolute monotheism and Qur'an is super strict about that so much so that we don't even make pictures of the prophets in fear that some deviant group in future may start idolatory.
@Will-ko3yt 8 месяцев назад
You dont have to be a Vetinarian to know what a dog is. The Quran is wrong on human fertilization by not listing the female egg, a 12 year old could describe human fertilization correctly today "the male sperm enters the female egg" either Allah doesn't know this or the quran was written by man using the best knowledge of that time, which was wrong
@ibnsyed9479 Месяц назад
It clearly mentions the "joined seeds" . Also the female involvement is clearly mentioned in hadith as well
@Will-ko3yt Месяц назад
@@ibnsyed9479well 'joined seeds' is wrong, the equal most important component for human fertilization is the female egg. Whoever wrote that passage had no idea of the process of human fertilization apart from the visible man's sperm part. The Quran has no idea what the female contribution is, and is just plain wrong. The male sperm enters the female egg, an 12 year old in school can answer that today, accurately but no matter how you twist it spin it play with translation the Quran answer/explanation is wrong. I say again whoever wrote that passage had absolutely no idea of what really goes on in the female body which no one did at the time of the Quran being written, what does that tell you?
@yasirmsl6157 3 года назад
Brother can u make a response to these 2 claims I believe the ummah needs it Does allah deceive And the مرج البحرين يلتقيان
@Zakaria1426ah 3 года назад
Allah is incapable of deception as Allah is completely perfect, of course Allah can do what ever he wants but if Allah is completely perfect then Allah wouldn't deceive, for someone to say that Allah can deceive its as if there saying that Allah isn't completely perfect and not everything allah sends down is the truth
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
The fact that your ummah needs these explanations shows that you are in serious trouble. Never base your religious beliefs on logic. You will eventually find out that religion has very little logic
@TimPuseek-qb3wr 2 месяца назад
Besides if the sequence of embryo is true or not , How can this be a miracle when Aleus Galenus aka Galen ( 129 - 216 AD) Said this in his book ( on semen ) before prophet Muhammad about 500 years ago And just to let you know Galen was not the first to think about this matter Before him were Aristotle and Hippocrates
@tairahman4777 2 месяца назад
Galen’s understanding of embryonic development was based on limited anatomical knowledge and animal dissections, and it did not fully align with modern insights. He believed that the embryo developed from a mixture of menstrual blood and semen and had an incomplete grasp of the process. In contrast, the Qur’an provides a description of embryonic development that aligns more closely with contemporary scientific understanding. Terms like “clinging clot” and “lump” in the Qur’an broadly correspond to the stages of development recognized today. The Qur’anic account describes the progression from an initial stage to the formation of bones and then flesh, which matches the process of cartilage developing into bone and muscle forming around it. This suggests a level of insight that, while not detailed scientifically, reflects a remarkable accuracy for its time, contrasting with the more rudimentary and less accurate views of Galen.
@harklnouse7930 Месяц назад
Why didn’t he say cartilage in the first place ,simply because he has no idea
@OrdoMallius Год назад
TLDR Yes it gets it wrong.
@UsamaKhan-xs9do 3 года назад
Doesn't the verse in Surah Al Muminoon say that the flesh is created first? The Sahih International reads:   "Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators." (QS. Al-Muminoon 23: Verse 14) Here, the words 'mudhgha' is referred to as 'lump [of flesh]'. The same translation is found in The Clear Quran.
@hayder2127 3 года назад
Mudghah is not exactly muscle it's something like a chewed piece of meat.
@lahoucine66 3 года назад
The key word is "clinging/adherent" . That reffers to the blastocyst . Therefore , "sperm drop" before that stage reffers to zygote . And the stage after it " lump of flesh" reffers to the embryonic disc !
@rolandmccarthy1780 3 года назад
@@lahoucine66 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 and hungry refers to nostalgic and having a lie down refers to a bright sunny day!!! Loooool
@Cooldude909-ng2on Год назад
@@rolandmccarthy1780it’s the Arabic language it’s extremely complicated and he’s referring to the words he’s using
@yibainkilianafumbom8673 2 месяца назад
Did I hear u say myogenic cells migrate to cartilage 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@1982kef 3 месяца назад
" it coult be , maybe it coult mean , perhaps ......." You find what you seek and create what you want. This way you can bend everything straight. Im sorry , the quran is full of mistakes. I have read it and im shocked what i read. Even the translation is often not correct, when i use google to translate the arab it says often different than whats translated.
@dqschannel 17 дней назад
I guarantee you this guy has no clue what he is reading.
@harklnouse7930 Месяц назад
Guys it didn’t really need that much to know that quran in wrong ->who is more knowledgeable about the quran and islam is it this guy or the companions of the prophet ,if you say this guy then good luck if you say the companions then don’t listen tho this modern “tafsir” and go read to the real tafsir by the companions and the followers
@durzodhon 3 года назад
Such a shameless liar
@light11655 3 года назад
@raniamahdi8241 3 года назад
@@light11655 fa in Arabic indicates sequence. Always. Yet he says "could be simultaneously" It's never simultaneously. He cons non arab speakers because they don't know sny better.
@ahmedsalek976 3 года назад
@@raniamahdi8241 he did back up his claim by referencing Arabic dictionaries, just because you always use it in sequence doesn't mean every other Arab in history does.
@raniamahdi8241 3 года назад
@@ahmedsalek976he didn't, fa is حرف عطف للتعقيب و الترتيب A letter used for sequence and ordering. Always has been.
@ahmedsalek976 3 года назад
@@raniamahdi8241 have you looked up the dictionaries he mentioned (ironic how the Arabic language rules were use today such as صرف , تحويل, إعراب and etc are actually derived from the Qur'an).
@crux9313 3 года назад
Hahaha lol. .you need a biology class. The scholar Keith Moore you guys brag after some years he wrote a book in which he says the only thing Arabs didn't understand was embryology .
@ahmedsalek976 3 года назад
@Muhammad Safeer reference: Trust me bro
@ahmedsalek976 3 года назад
OK, and?
@Oldandnewdrink 2 года назад
@durzodhon 3 года назад
Hahaha lol
@light11655 3 года назад
Hahaha lol
@markorbit4752 2 года назад
😂😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ the mental gymnastics 🤦🏾‍♂️. So cartilage is now bone ....oh boy🤦🏾‍♂️ How desperate are you guys?
@Cooldude909-ng2on Год назад
Arabic language has over 12 million words while the English language has over 1 million and the Arabic language and how it words is way more complex then the one u are using
@markorbit4752 Год назад
@@Cooldude909-ng2on are you saying that arabic language cannot be translated to english?
@rebeuoriginel 7 месяцев назад
@@markorbit4752 Yes smartass, it's difficult because it's a richer language that the english language
@TheLoadedLongboard 5 месяцев назад
More words in the Arabic, but not two separate words for bones and cartilage... Give me a break. What were the extra words for? To confuse people into submission? Most Muslims are not even praying, they're just tired from all the words.
@karz12 4 месяца назад
So cartilage = bone ?
@ibnsyed9479 Месяц назад
Where he said that? You blind or deaf
@arianagrandaremix8858 Год назад
Could it be the case lol yuh sure
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