
SBC women on recent denomination decisions -  

Christianity Today
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@majafleur9646 4 месяца назад
I graduated with a Master's degree in Christian Ministry with the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary and after do ending $59,000 on it, am completely unmarketable. I make $2000/monthas an Ed. Assistant instead.
@teluvv66 18 дней назад
Women can serve as the NY lady shared. However, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The Bible as it is written is clear. Going against it is going against God. Women are focused on the thing that God said they cannot do. The church is not a corporation.
@nicbronson6324 2 месяца назад
Dear SBC, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet." Sincerely, The Apostle Paul
@nikkita1688 18 дней назад
That is a lazy and one-dimensional thing to write. You're reading someone else's mail without context (in a different language, no less) and making judgment calls.
@nicbronson6324 18 дней назад
​@nikkita1688 Lol Lazy? I'm simply showing scripture. The Apostle Paul clearly states women are not to be pastors or in any position of authority over a man. Quit trying to change God's word to your liking. Yes, it was originally written in Greek, so? It has been actually translated. There is nothing out of context.
@linhunnicutt6556 11 дней назад
@@nicbronson6324amen brother. Gods Word is very specific.
@wherezthebeef Месяц назад
Your Church should be founded correctly from the start, and then it serves as a Constant, a Northern Star. Church does not evolve in accordance with contemporary cultural fads or memes, but by being the Constant based on Biblical Truth, it is the Guiding Light that errant culture and The World can come back to, to get back to The Truth. Once you go down the path of changing the rules based on cultural whims and feelings, it's all lost, in a heartbeat. Accept it as it is or leave. Better yet, find out what is driving you to desire to change Christianity to conform to Feminism.
@roxannekruger9438 25 дней назад
Didn’t the sbc start in order to support slavery?
@stjcmc 2 месяца назад
Women today, gays tomorrow. Mark my words
@janewhitely964 2 месяца назад
Hogwash. Pentecostals have been ordaining women for a century.
@wherezthebeef Месяц назад
Hamlet was so, so right.
@sethbond8304 2 месяца назад
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; Friends,sadly we are here. The precious word of God is all that matters, not the culture, or society. It cuts, like a sword. Sadly, so many unregenerate people fill the pews, and this is what it produces, Bad fruit, from un repentant people Truly pray for those still standing and holding the line.
@wherezthebeef Месяц назад
History has borne this out to be true.
@platimation 3 месяца назад
… So let’s just ignore everything the Bible has to say and base preaching on our feelings, not Gods. Just because you want to be a pastor does in no way mean God wants you to be a pastor! That is called being man-called. God can use women in the church, but they have a different role such as a teacher. Let’s keep church biblical. Please read Timothy, it’s not just for one church alone, but all.
@wherezthebeef Месяц назад
1 Timothy 2:12
@sird2333 3 месяца назад
Women can be Sunday school teachers. Secretaries. Even choir directors. These are all the jobs a woman may have in the church.
@tassi8925 2 месяца назад
You know what I don’t understand, is why women are allowed to even be a “messenger” to vote on these decisions if they’re not allowed any leadership roles, I would think you’d have to have an elevated position to be a “messenger”. ivf is another item on their agenda
@daleensiegert3684 2 месяца назад
Back to basics. What does God’s word say about it? Not current culture ideas but God as He never changes🤷‍♀️
@wherezthebeef Месяц назад
Amen. Ladies, this is how it has to be, period, end of discussion: 1 Timothy 2:12
@christianchin-ups 3 месяца назад
Alot of arguments that dont involve Gods own word. Servants dont need titles, but unfortunately that's what I'd expect from Christianity "today"
@marshatolbert154 Год назад
As a former Southern Baptist I would encourage women in the SBC to listen to your instincts. These men in power are showing you who they are and what they prioritize. They prioritize their own personal power, and reinforcing patriarchy. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, taking care of the poor, the oppressed, the prisoners, the stranger is of peripheral importance (if that). Egalitarian and liberal are not evil concepts. If God is calling you to serve and you are being rejected by the SBC, then find a congregation or denomination that will help you follow God’s calling rather than hinder you.
@HearGodsWord Год назад
The decision was taken based on scripture. Your opinion just seems to be based on feelings. Egalitarianism isn't Biblical.
@user-pd5qz2vt2c Год назад
@@HearGodsWord What scripture? Timothy? Which has recently been proven not to have been written by Paul. Or Romans 16 where women are accepted by Paul to be deacons and one, an apostle? (although her name was changed to a man's early on because scribes didn't like the idea of a woman being an apostle).
@HearGodsWord Год назад
@user-pd5qz2vt2c sounds like you're dismissing one, or both, of the letters to Timothy. If you don't want to accept part of the Bible then you're on very rocky ground.
@marshatolbert154 Год назад
@@HearGodsWord I think you have it backwards. You are building your theological house on the grounds of poor scholarship and heresy. I noticed you have not even attempted to refute my earlier point of the SBC’s past positions on slavery and segregation.
@HearGodsWord Год назад
@@marshatolbert154 you really want to compare the debate about female pastors to segregation and slavery? Wow, bad move 👎🏿
@ds2348 Год назад
As a former southern Baptist, I left the southern Baptist church for this very reason, I have found peace within Buddhism
@HearGodsWord Год назад
Surely, that issue would actually just lead you to a different Christian church, rather than completely turning to a different faith. It doesn't sugget you were actually a born again Christian
@user-pd5qz2vt2c Год назад
@@HearGodsWord How is it that you cannot accept what the person wrote? Are you calling them a liar? Or have you received some direct message from god about this person and their beliefs.
@HearGodsWord Год назад
@user-pd5qz2vt2c what in my comment didn't you understand?
@michaelbrickley2443 Год назад
Buddah won’t save you
@alans9707 3 месяца назад
@@HearGodsWord, this person shows that they care more about there own feelings and will than the will of God. The fact that they abandoned the faith, because of this shows their roots were shallow to begin with.
@jerry-zs7of Год назад
Unfortunately people these days, including the woman here posting this video, have forgotten or plainly willingly choose to disregard the Word of God. The worse part about it is that men have also become their own leaders. People are obviously NOT being led by God’s Holy Spirit, they are being led by their own flesh and worldly desires to acknowledged, popular and in a position of control, no one wants serve. Jesus Christ, the One they claim to “want” to serve Himself said “I didn’t come to be served, but to serve”. “Pastors” or so called “leaders” of possibly 99.9% of churches are only there for power, money fame and control, no different than for the exact reason satan was casted out of God’s kingdom. These people are so pathetic fighting over power, they’re NOT serving God and they will soon find themselves before God Himself and claim all the “wonderful” things they did in Jesus name, and He will famously respond with “Depart from me you doers of in equality… for I never knew you..” A woman is to remain quiet says the word of God, they are not to teach or have authority over a man, says the word of God. I live in a home with three daughters and a wife, if anyone has any idea why God forbids a woman from leading, trust me I am the one to say God knows exactly why He demands this. Unfortunately, eventually women will have their way in the church and in many churches they already do, I’ve attended some of those churches and believe me when I say, it was a scary thing to see God being mocked and gossip running rampant. God is a God of order, He has established His church His way, who are we to come along and say “hey “God”, you got it all wrong sir, I think my way would be best”, seriously people? Jesus Christ said there was only ONE way, don’t risk your eternity trying to carve your own path, because that path will only lead to destruction and death. Spiritual death is an ugly thing, and women that want to take the position God has established for men, are unfortunately spiritually dead, blind and can’t see the truth. My wife is a genuine prophet, she speaks to God, I myself don’t, I live by the book and she herself will attest to every single word that I speak here. Churches have tried to put her in position of power, and not only above me but against me also all to try to use her as some kind of fortune teller but this is why God also said, if a woman receives a prophecy from God she is to remain quiet and go tell it to her husband. People, stay in prayer, women God gave you a wonderful position in His kingdom, don’t scoff at it and desire more because hell, is absolutely real, mother Teresa herself went to hell, my wife saw it herself as God speaks to her and revealed that horrifying truth to her. I once admired “Mother Teresa”, until one day as I spoke to my wife about her, she tells me, “God showed me something about her, He showed me that she dishonored Him and she’s in hell being tormented”. God demands all glory to Him, you try taking any glory upon your wicked flesh and it will not be a happy ending for you. Do not fear death says God, but fear the One that will destroy the body and soul which is Him.
@michaelbrickley2443 Год назад
God never said women couldn’t lead. You couldn’t be more wrong id you tried. If it wasn’t for women…never mind…you’ll learn the hard way😊
@therealkolluri Год назад
This journalist is exposing her bias without giving the credit where it's due. The issue in the SBC was with the title of 'pastor' and the duties that role would entail for which Rick Warren chose the populist egalitarian route. The SBC still welcomes and encourages women to all ministries as allowed by Scripture which are many, far and wide. There is nothing to be in fear about. This reporter should know that unless she sides with Rick Warren's unbiblical interpretation. Something to think about.
@HearGodsWord Год назад
Very true 👍🏿
@user-pd5qz2vt2c Год назад
And what ministries does the bible allow women? If you were to read Romans 16 you will discover that women played a very important role in the early church. Phoebe was a deaconess. Priscilla and Aquila risked their lives to spread the good word. In verse 7, Junia is described as an apostle. (Of course the later church could not accept that so they changed the original surviving manuscripts to the name Junias, a male name, because we certainly can't have female apostles now can we). There are many more women listed in this chapter as well as other references to women who spread the gospel to the Gentiles. They shared their faith in dangerous times. In other words, they were preaching. And nowadays, there are far more women working the mission fields than men. Of course, try to find sermons expressly related to this topic. Probably far and few between because the Church over time evolved back into the patriarchical structures that were in place in Rome and Greece. In other words, the SBC is in a state of apostacy with their attitudes towards women and their role in the church. Modern Christianity has failed women - they still wish to control them, not unlike their chattel state in the cultures at the time of Christ.
@HearGodsWord Год назад
@user-pd5qz2vt2c the debate in the SBC wasn't about what ministries women can serve in. Also, no-one is arguing whether women played an important role or not. Have you actually watched/listened to what was actually discussed?
@user-pd5qz2vt2c Год назад
@@HearGodsWord Yawn...
@HearGodsWord Год назад
@@user-pd5qz2vt2c I'll take that non-responce as a no then as you don't seem to have anything relevant to say.
@KevinMullins33 7 месяцев назад
How about just leaving SBC women alone, Christianity Today (Secularism Tomorrow more like) and let them have their own view on the subject. If they do agree then that’s okay. If not that’s okay too
@HearGodsWord Год назад
I would encourage people to make their decision based on what was actually said and not this biased take on it.
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