Claudio Torres why wasn't he in anything 'big' again? Was it family or teaching commitments? Or bad luck. I expected he'd have had tons of work after this tour de force performance in such a popular movie. A cameo that spoke a thousand words
The daughter did not suspect anything. The recording was an accident, she was trying to record her puppet show, then heard mom coming and jumped into bed to avoid getting yelled at for being up and playing. Only after she died did she know what happened. She also knew that her mom had started poisoning her younger sister after her death. This was a new development, so likely she learned all this in her ghostly state. To save her sister she got Cole to act.
lollipopfop I will NEVER understand Munchasen syndrome. I mean never possibly get to grips why a parent or step father/mother would ever do it. What's the motivation?? I mean as disgusting as they are we at least know most serial killers are motivated by profit or usually sex. Paedophiles usually made not born through abuses. THIS I just can't comprehend
The way she is tending to the flowers, almost as if they were for her. In all these years, I have never noticed that tiny part until now. Tiny, but yet, it speaks volumes.
What is particularly astonishing is how still, after many viewings, it manages to send frost of the backbone. There is poetry in this film. Of how many thrillers can that be said. It transcends the genre, the way Chinatown transcends film noir capers. And the restraint!
Red is the colour them sick fucks use, red shoe club.. devil symbolisms are a major thing in films and this fucked up world we live in.. protect your children at all times.
There are real cases of women doing this, which makes it so much scarier to me. Nurses, called Angels of Death. And sometimes they're wives who make their partners or kids sick. I think it's all about giving themselves an opportunity to be the nurturing care-giver/angel to the sick? Like when someone starts fires because they want to be the one who puts it out and saves lives.
Rhonda Bell Martin in Alabama (in the 1950`s?) did something like this. And she paid for her sins with a ride in the electric chair. A friend from Norway.
@Heidi Sorry, Heidi. But some people really do this nasty shit to children.They kill them. I do not mean to be offensive or use foul language! Take care. PS! She died.
More often than not, it's an affliction called Münchausen by proxy in which parents or relatives poison or fake a relatives' illness so they can be at the receiving end of sympathy and love. It's said people with this disorder had someone close to them growing up that was sick and their needs were put aside in favour of the sick person. They learnt in a twisted way that they would be loved if they were to be sick or their children were to be sick. It's terrifying.
The look on her face when it changes. There's something inhuman about the Mother's eyes (the actress and actors who play the parents both did very well here for such small parts). For those who don't know the color red in this movie is symbolic. There's articles and videos explaining why. I love the use of color in movies and TV and it is well used here.
The kid was pretending to sleep which is why she couldn't see the cleaning fluid. And once she got sick again that afternoon, it makes sense that she'd forget about the tape. Her poisoner just guilted the girl into ignoring the funny taste every time. She never noticed the camera rolling. It's unusual but not completely unrealistic. My first thought was wicked stepmom trying to off the husband's older child.
Such a good Munchausen-Syndrome-By-Proxy example in movies, and in my opinion, the watching of the video tape is the scariest scene in the whole thing, and the best dramatic filmmaking, with the slow zoon in on the screen at the moment of the poisoning, and the slow zoom in on the father while a group of mourners stands behind him. The final highly pixelated image of the daughter, now dead, on screen. "And don't say that it tastes funny..." Just...chilling. So much better than the Willis stuff.
she probably didn't know that it was the mum doing it. But when she died, she would have seen the mum do it to her sister and then realize why she was sick
I had this movie, and on the DVD, they explained that everything in the movie that connected somehow to Bruce Willis' character being dead was in the colour red. Like the roses in this scene, her outfit, and I guess the red door to his basement office.
Man, watched this last night with wife (her first time) and in this scene she was just frozen, then quietly after it , turned to me and said "jesus christ" Man it still gave me chills!!
After this scene, when the little girl (the dead girls sister) asks "Is Kyra coming baaack....." with a broken voice it totally makes me wet my eyes, every time x'(
Its not only the great acting on the part of the dad but the actress who played the mother as well. The cold callous look on her face at 4:10 as if to say...."so what?" is just haunting.
@@thefivepointshonestly that bit ruins the scene for me. Big stage acting with the hands. And why does she bring such a massive bottle into the girl’s bedroom?
One of the key features of this movie was M. Night Shyamalan's use of the color red to depict death or the world of the dead being mixed with the world of the living. You'll notice that the box Kyra's tape was in was trimmed in red, and the interior lining was red. Did you also notice that the soup was reddish, more than likely tomato, and the cap on the NuPine bottle was also red? Also, Mrs. Collins was dressed in bright red.
in addition, M. Night Shyamalan's "The village" was all based on colour red. One of the scariest movies I've watched as a kid, one of the most interesting I've watched as an adult.
I didn't read the Wikipedia article when I wrote that. M. Night Shyamalanewr himself admitted to using the color red in the movie to depict death. Like Ankh117 said, he got that from Edgar Allan Poe: "...and the Red Death held sway over all."
@bh90210freak she did it because she has Munchhausen Syndrome, which means she basically loved the attention and sympathy she was getting from other people because of her sick daughter. That's why she periodically poisoned her daughter which eventually killed her.
In case you didn't see my previous comment, I recently found something from the original script (may be the final draft): "MRS. COLLINS (to no one) I took care of her... Her words are met with ice cold stares. The first tears stream down her face. The pretty flowers of consolation in her hand tumble to the floor." So does that explain a lot of things? The script also says that is absolutely her real mother.
That's exactly what I thought when I was younger and watched it for the first time, but now that I re-watch it, it seems like it could be either scenario.
The moral of the story is that if you're going to poison your daughter you should do so in a different room. Really just seems inconvenient to half deliver the food then walk away to go get some poison.
Even if Münchhausen by proxy wouldn't include harming a child in such a way that it dies (which it does), why would that mean she's their stepmother? As if there haven't been plenty of mothers who have killed their own children.
I saw this movie yesterday on tv and I have the movie around here somewhere but I've only seen it a select few times but as they (Cole and Malcolm) are walking into the house doesn't someone say that the younger daughter is also beginning to become sick? That bitch was starting to poison her too I think, if I heard that right.
It's just one scene and the mother made a brief appearance. So it's hard to confirm whether she's the real mother or not or that this is indeed Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy. However it is widely used as an example of MSBP. Many publications actually refer to the movie. Side-note: this particular video-clip was actually used to discuss Munchhausen Syndrome in my psychology class.
"Of course wikipedia could be wrong considering it can be altered by anyone" Exactly, as in this case. In fact, the source the Wikipedia article references for that statement, doesn't mention stepmother but "child's mother". There is no evidence whatsoever that she's her stepmother, so the logical conclusion is that she is her real mother. If the director wanted her to be the stepmother, it would have been mentioned in some way, that's how movies work.
My god. I've seen this movie once, today, but that scene was so horrible and brilliant that I needed to see it again. She murdered her own daughter to get attention.
Camera was there filming cause at beginning girl was filming her playing with puppets until she heard her mom coming and left the camera rolling accidentally then g
Probably been said before, but she's wearing red not just because she's got Munchhausen and loves the attention, but also because red is this film's holy grail (read up on in)
@Decimus78 actually i simplified the explanations of this condition so people who doesnt know bout it can understand it better and secondly i did not say "they kill people to get sympathy at funerals." It is true that there are incidents people feign illness to develop relationships with their doctors but that is not what MSP is entirely known for. In the end its all about getting attention from others.
What kind of father was he? The kind of father that cared so much about his daughter he couldn't even process the truth of her death. Did you stop to think that maybe he was in too much emotional pain and shock to do anything about it then? You can see it written across his face, and for Christ's sake, he didn't even speak a word to Cole (the little boy) just sat there, practically catatonic.
@flyinH1gh I think you mean "Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy" as she was harming the child, while "Munchhausen Syndrome" by itself means that they themselves feign sickness to get attention.
"Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome oder FDP Factitious Disorder by Proxy": the guidelines even say the only possibility to diagnose it is recording it by a video....
That's not simpler, because that's not what's suggested in the movie. It's implied that she's their mother and that she's poisoning them, most likely for attention since she's all dressed up. Simple as that.
@ToxicJoon No, that is an interesting thing you say, but I think the truth was much simplier. It was the girl´s stepmother, not her own mother, who wanted to get rid of the kids (remember how the people who attended the funeral party said to each other: "Have you heard? The little girl is now sick, too..."; meaning Kyra was the older one). I think, when I think of this, that she married the kid´s father for money and planned to kill the husband, too, so she aone would have the money.
Ugh. Look at her all dolled up in red like she's about to go out for a night on the town. You can tell how much SHE mourned for the death of her daughter. Pfft.
If I wrote this movie, I could have given the (step)mother (Ms. Collins) a little bit of dialogue that actually confirms she had Munchhausen by Proxy. Instead, keeping up with the suspense theme, she never says anything and her actual intentions (from her own words) are left to the interpretation of the audience. To make a long story short, if Ms. Collins actually SAID that she had Proxy or something else like "I just wanted some attention" or "I hated that little brat/bitch" THEN we would know for sure if she DID have a mental illness (not knowing what she was doing at least) or if she poisoned her daughter for her own selfish reasons. Am I making any sense? (no pun intended)
Well, poisoning your own daughter is always the result of some mental illness. Seriously, how could anybody think there are obvious healthy reasons for this. If you don't want a daughter you can just leave your family. I like that they didn't tell much, it's a Hollywood illness that everything needs to be explained, especially when it comes to emotions. That's why Hollywood sucks at Love-Stories: They are far away from reality. This scene was great the way it was.
There's no such dialogue in the movie. They only say the child had been sick for two years, that she had seen six different doctors and that the little sister was also falling ill. Everything points to her being the real mother and this being a case of Münchhausen by proxy.
@atheist382 its horrifying because you find out the terrible way that she was killed. also because the ghost was throwing up on his tent earlier, so this explains that.
Why on earth would you poison your own daughter??!!?? If you wanted her to die what would make you want to birth a child in the 1st place??!!!?? Some people have no brains!!!! :(
I missed the clue in this scene. Should have suspected Willis' character is a no one talked to him in this scene. Everyone in this scene is in a conversation except him.