
Self-Image without an Image of Oneself? 

Quiet Mind Inside
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Hey everyone! I recently discovered that the term "self-image" is a lot more literal than I knew. 🤯 With no mind's eye, I never realized that the term was actually referring to an actual picture in one's head!
Since I can't create a picture of myself in my head, I'm honestly a bit confused by the whole concept. What form does your self-image take? Is it your everyday look? Your best you? I have so many questions!



23 май 2020




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@NeedMorePlebs 4 года назад
I don't have aphantasa and I've always thought of self image as how you are personality wise, not visually.
@om617yota8 4 года назад
100% agree.
@KMC3050 4 года назад
Me too. It’s more about who you are rather than what you look like.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Ok, that makes me feel better. It's a bit weird feeling like you've totally misunderstood something your whole life!
@Kenionatus 4 года назад
The way I understand self image (and the way I understand Wikipedia on the subject) is that the "inner" qualities are just as or even more important for the self image than the outer ones. "I am thin" or "I am fat" are sure part of it, though. That's also where resistance to change comes in. I think I'd get a personality crisis if I'd put on a lot of weight in a short time, because being thin is part of my self image.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@Kenionatus Ah, I see. So moreso the part of the physical that you really identify with, rather than every single physical thing about you.
@j8acob1 4 года назад
This is interesting, Iv'e always thought of "self image" as more of a story of who I am and not so much a picture of myself, which makes sense as I don't visualise things very clearly. My self image feels very abstract as in its not a picture or words or a voice but a jumble of lots of kinds of thoughts and feelings in my head, that I guess create an idealised version of myself and that's who I try to be
@georgH 4 года назад
Me too. I don't literally see myself, but do as you described
@daniellerodgers6493 4 года назад
@danylehler2741 3 года назад
I can see very vivid images in my head but I’ve also always thought of self image as how you see yourself as far as traits. Any time I hear self image that’s what comes to mind just things I like about myself and things I don’t, or even how I think others perceive me.
@merfwriter 3 года назад
I think "self image" is not a good word for it. I think "self envisioning" is a proper term. Self image is more of personality characteristics of yourself. Personality wise how do you perceive yourself. Which everybody can do. Self envisioning is having the ability to see a mirror image of yourself in your head.
@briella5356 4 года назад
“I don’t think about how I look for the whole rest of the day.” #goals I can’t help but imagine the freedom of not being consumed by body image issues! Wow, lucky you ♥️
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Yeah, I think in this instance at least I can be a bit grateful for my aphantasia.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@grumpystina Perhaps we're more affected by the company we keep because we can't "see" ourselves in our heads? Like, if someone makes a negative comment about how we look, we're more likely to believe it because we can't see the truth without a mirror? I might just have been lucky to surround myself with people who didn't care about those things.
@timhall3955 4 года назад
At 50 years old, I've just discovered I have aphantasia, and it's come as quite a kick to the stomach knowing there's possibly so much I've missed out on. It's strange when growing up, it never comes up that you're supposed to see images, hear, taste and feel in your mind. Very glad I've found your channel, seeing someone else explain pretty much exactly what it's like for me is comforting :)
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I'm so glad you find it helpful. It's definitely a shock. I keep trying to figure out how I missed it. Why does nobody talk about this stuff? It seems so much more interesting than most of the things I talk to people about 😄. Honestly, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it. I keep waiting for everyone to say "Ha ha, We fooled you. Can't believe you fell for it." It just seems so fantastical, like magic. I also wonder about how different my life may have been. Seems like everyone else is having such a completely different experience.
@crivsmum4820 3 года назад
I found out when the professor at Exeter did a study, part of his survey was on the BBC I think so I contacted him and did the full survey. My brain does seem to know there are images but they don't appear in my "mind's eye" and I have found these videos enlightening. Memories are not triggered by tastes or smells or music though I do "talk to myself" so my mind isn't quiet lol
@lina...... 2 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 I think it was a consciousness thing. Like you know when things get normalized that years ago no one even thought were not ok? We were not prepared years ago to know this information so as humans, we did not put it "out there" to discuss. It's weird but I can't think of any other option on how this just suddenly came up, not even doctors studied it, and now it seems we might be 10% of the population if not more. It also means it's not that important for our existence as humans if we were just the same as others before we put a name to it although our experiences might have been veeery different.
@scottsalas1803 2 месяца назад
I have aphantasia as well, and an almost quiet mind. I’m not 100 on if we have the same experiences in our mind when it comes to inner voice. I too can fall asleep very easily. I also don’t have an inner voice that tells me something like “Did you turn off the stove?”. I have to consciously think about it, otherwise I won’t even bother to check. Now I have been cooking for all my life and haven’t burnt down my house, but I do understand that I’ve got a different way of thinking. Also I really am drawn to doing things with people because it’s what makes memories for me and because I can’t imagine doing things with people, at least not in a vivid way.
@buildingamystery74 4 года назад
For me it’s a combination of how I picture myself visually and how I feel emotionally about myself. My self image is usually something close to what I look like right now. It can be really hard if my mental picture of myself doesn’t match what is in the mirror. It really affects my confidence. I can visualize what I want to look like (ideally), and I can also look in the mirror and form opinions about myself and then retain some of that image for the rest of the day. It’s not a crystal clear image but I can picture myself looking in the mirror this morning. I usually picture myself wearing the outfit I’m currently wearing. Sometimes I picture myself wearing my favourite outfit or an important outfit (ie wedding dress). My self image sort of talks to me but I don’t picture my self image talking and moving it’s mouth. The voice is separate from my image of myself but they can coexist sometimes.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Thanks, that's really interesting.
@davidmusser7927 3 года назад
@Lindsey_Burrow 2 года назад
I can’t relate to any of that 😂 jeez my brain is really wonky
@julienaruse1721 3 года назад
As a fellow Aphantasian middle age woman, I feel exactly the same. During the day, I don't think about my self image. My closet is similar to yours. I don't wear jewels or make-up. A few years ago, a music teacher asked me to look at myself in the miror while singing and it disturbed me so much I cried. I think I know why, now. It's because I don't hold any self image inside my mind. So how could this image in front of me help in any way ? A therapist asked me once to visualize myself as a kid, and I couldn't because of my poor imagery. Secondly, I don't feel different from myself as a kid, so there is no point recalling the little girl I was, as my identity is note linked to my image or age.
@quietmindinside4808 3 года назад
I hate looking at myself in the mirror! It feels so uncomfortable. I've noticed, too, that on video calls, my eyes are constantly moving around because I don't want to focus on my face on the screen. That's a really good point about our identity not being linked to an image or age. I definitely agree. Thinking about myself in any time before now would have little benefit for me because I don't feel any difference between these "selves".
@stephanieb663 3 года назад
So do you have vanity?
@om617yota8 4 года назад
Good morning! My thoughts: 1.) Seeing yourself and presumably others as their traits and personality and not their image means you've got a much more clear and focused view of what's important. Rock on. 2.) Self image, I'm pretty much like you. I can recall an image of someone and of myself, but that's not what comes to mind when I think of them because that's not what's important about who they are. I check myself in the mirror in the morning to make sure I'm socially and professionally acceptable, and just don't think about it again. 3. No fashion sense? Again, not what's important in life, rock on. I'm literally wearing a t shirt and jeans right now too. 4. Not trying to be a creeper or cross any lines, but you're seriously cute. Your husband is a lucky man. You probably think you don't look much different from 20 because with a change of tone and demeanor, you could pass for 20. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
😄 Thanks! I'll remind my husband in case he's forgotten 🤣.
@Stephanie102684 4 года назад
My self image is kind of like when you play Sims and create a character, so I see my height, weight, hair color, eye color, hair style, etc. and I also think about characteristics like that I'm sarcastic, nice, etc. As far as clothes go because I always wear jeans, in mind I'm always wearing jeans, but the shirt sometimes changes and sometimes it's just a solid color. In my mind I also think I'm still younger, like in my 20s; I often forget how old I really am like when it comes to comparing age to others, like an example is my best friend is 39 and she'll tell me about a 40-something year old guy she's interested in having grandkids and in my mind I'm like, "WHAT?! HE'S A GRANDPA ALREADY?!" but then I remember how old we really are and then I'm like, "Oh, yeah, okay, that makes sense."
@Scary_asmr101 4 года назад
Personally when I think about how I look I more remember a photograph of myself that I remember seeing
@annipsy2185 2 года назад
shame. we look better in mirrors,lol
@sarkam3 4 года назад
I would say self image is more of a concept rather than an actual image. I imagine myself but not literally, more so what you mentioned, like caring, giving, etc.
@humorme5874 3 года назад
you might have aphantasia
@sarkam3 3 года назад
@@humorme5874 I can imagine myself literally, like I can see myself in my head. However, when I think of myself I'm not always visualizing my face if that makes sense? I'm looking more inward of who I am. On the contrary, if I'm describing a series of events to someone with myself included in the story, I can see myself visually in the story I'm telling.
@amyetta619 3 года назад
How I see myself has always been personality based for me. When I look in a mirror or feel something like a pimple I notice the imperfections and/or parts I like, but otherwise I dont visualize anything. I think of others mostly by personality too, other than basic features I cant describe what people look like.
@AshleyMcintyreLedwidge6 2 года назад
Hello, I’m Ashley and I’m 15 years old. I actually started crying while watching this bc I relate to it so much. I actually didn’t know that people can visualize themselves until I saw this video. I never visualize myself and I don’t have an internal monologue either. It’s hard to describe, but Whenever I see myself in the mirror I don’t think anything of it. I know it’s me and like you said, I make sure that my hair isn’t messed up or something, but that’s it. I just look at the mirror and leave without thinking about what I see. I just go “thats me. Cool I guess”. The good thing about that is that I’ve never had a problem with how I look. I hope I don’t sound like I’m trying to get attention or anything cause that’s not what I’m trying to do, but I don’t look at myself and go “Your ugly” or “your pretty”. I just go “meh” (meh as in I don’t care) and go on with the rest of my day. I’m having a lot of trouble trying to deal with knowing that I can’t imagine and can’t have inner monologue. I feel so left out. Everyone around me is constantly saying how they imagined this, and imagined that, and blah blah blah. I’ve told my mom once or twice about how I feel about me not being able to imagine things and she didn’t understand. She said that its not a big deal and she never addresses it or says anything about it. It’s like we’ve never even had that conversation. Meanwhile, Me and my friends have had conversations about their ✨imagination✨ and they always try to make me imagine stuff but I can never see anything. They made a joke out of it. They don’t mean to hurt me and they think it’s a joke but they call me “medically lame” all the time and it actually hurts. Sorry about all of this ranting but to be honest, this is the only place where I feel like I can talk about how I feel without being judged. So yea, if anyone sees this thanks for reading. If anyone has any tips or anything that can help, can you please write something back? Thank you so much.
@aquaseahorselove3939 10 месяцев назад
Aww young people can be so cruel to each other. As you age, you will meet more mature people to become friends with. I struggle with my thoughts (inner dialogue and images) ruling me, it's hard to feel calm when there's always a dialogue going on in your head. It's anxiety inducing. Research all the positive things about Aphantasia. Don't see it as a negative. You have a gift that most people don't have.
@spiritofadmetos9992 4 месяца назад
If you're careful not to make crass jokes about people with perceived disabilities, then you are good. There is a whole lot of psychopathy and bad, so if you reflect on your actions and see that you mostly create positivity, your lack of inner voice or visualization is no impediment on the greatness of your person.
@grayskindablue 2 года назад
I hope you’re safe and well, it’s been awhile. I also have aphantasia, but a relentless inner dialogue lol. I’d love to hear from you again about this if you still want to make videos!
@virginiahansen320 Год назад
If you're not constantly seeing a visualization of yourself when you're walking around and navigating the world, I can see how fashion wouldn't be a big priority.
@Mac3ipad 3 месяца назад
I discovered this channel 4 years on from it starting. It looks like you stopped posting about a year later. You are a such an eloquent and thoughtful teacher on the subject, you have given me a deep insight into a phenonema I didn’t even know existed. As someone with an internal monologue and vivid imagination, I am astonished that 30% - 50% of people are aphantasic. I came here via a science journal, so I think there is a growing interest in the subject which may drive a flurry of new viewers. Do you do other RU-vid videos? I hope you are continuing in some way elsewhere as you are a very talented presenter.
@EmilyKramer 3 года назад
Loving these videos, I see I missed them by about a year. So I'm a bit sad they stopped. I love that you are so real and genuine about exploring no mind's eye and inner voice and the differences.
@FM0fm 3 года назад
Same, I realised a few days ago that I have aphantasia and now I’m just watching as much video about it as possible. I especially love this channel cause I can relate so much to her, it’s like if almost everything she says is exactly like my experience with aphantasia.
@barnaby1987 4 года назад
I think I have hyperphantasia. When I close my eyes if I want I can still see my surroundings (imagined of course) but it's so vivid, I almost believe I can see through my eyelids. This part is actually very comforting when I go to sleep. I get to "see" and close my eyes at the same time.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
My husband is like this, too. It really blows my mind.
@barnaby1987 4 года назад
Quiet Mind Inside and it blows my mind how your mind must be a peaceful place compared to mine lol. Sometimes when I try to go to sleep, the “show” starts and I keep seeing images on my eyelids and it’s very hard to stop them. After watching a horror movie it can be faces, but the faces will turn into zombie and demon faces... then I have to get up and try to sleep later because I know damn well they will be part of my dream if I’m able to fall asleep at all.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@barnaby1987 That sounds terrifying! I hate scary movies, and I can't even see any of it in my head after. Must be a thousand times worse for you!
@whoissokol4846 2 года назад
Just WOW !!! I stumbled on your videos doing research and your experience is sooo relatable. so similar !!! down to opinion of self image, self maintenance, wardrobe (Yes I wear a v-neck t and Jeans every single day), singing off key and not remembering names unless there is a experiential attachment to that person. EVERYTHING! I had my wife sit through a couple of your videos including the one with your husband. we were hysterical laughing as we both can relate to each other so perfectly. You made my research that much more enjoyable. TY
@stephanieb663 3 года назад
so because you don't visualize yourself - then you don't manage your appearance for *others*. i used to look in the mirror a lot as a child and my mother said i was vain. i am always looking in the mirror. i don't have a problem with it, i like the way i look, and i feel like i manage my appearance for myself more than others - at least thats what i tell myself. i mean its hard not to be aware of how others are going to perceive how i look - because i am very aware of so many narratives - and i feel like i communicate with fashion in a way, and its fun and a form of sharing i think - like art. sharing something that is fun and beautiful - like a beautiful design or something. but i always wanted to be the type of person who just wore the same thing everyday like a uniform. it just seems more authentic.
@cwbrown14 3 года назад
Thank you for these videos. I just realized that not everybody doesn't have a minds eye and am working through all the implications! These videos are really helpful for me but also to show to others to help describe my little [darker] world.
@quietmindinside4808 3 года назад
I'm so glad they've been helpful! It's really nice so to hear. Thank you!
@jodifisher2183 2 года назад
Thank you so much for posting these videos. I'm 57 and just figured out today that I have aphantasia. Never heard of it before today. But of course the first thoughts were that this is just another way I'm different from "normal" people. I immediately started having many of the same questions you are raising so.... It's nice to not be alone on this new journey. I'll be binge watching your playlist this weekend.
@JOYSILVERWOOD1 4 года назад
you are so fascinating. i always thought self image was more character traits and self worth as opposed to a literal picture.
@roza2633 4 года назад
I didn't think anything about the human mind would surprise me more after learning people can visualize things in their heads, but this... my jaw dropped to the floor. It makes no sense to me for self image to even BE anything visual despite the... image in the term. For me it's kind of abstract and it's mainly what I value, my morals, ambitions and things I care about and that's how I always understood it. I also wear pretty much the same things every single day and I never remember what I was wearing the day before, but I also just have the memory of a goldfish. This is kind of unrelated, personal and sad, but I've been watching a show about... well a woman who died and since I've also been watching your videos recently it made me think whether it's easier for us to deal with grief, because of aphantasia? I've seen a very close loved one die, but I obviously can't remember it all that well and generally... don't spend too much time thinking about past events in that way, because it's mostly just facts in my head? Sometimes something I watch will make those feelings from the past return, but that's as far as it can ever really go since I can't visualize and even if I remember many facts about some... moment and event I can't go back to that in my head? I do know people who can visualize really well are apparently able to picture their happiest memories and I'm jealous of that, but I guess everything just brings both positive and negative experience. I wonder if it's easier for us to live in the present, because of our aphantasia
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I believe it is easier to live just in the present. I rarely think about the past at all unless I'm asked about it. I even more rarely try to think about the future. I do think that dealing with grief is a lot easier for us. I had a close friend pass away back in college. I remember that I was devastated at the time, but now if I think of him, I just have an overall pleasant feeling of it because I'm not focused on the fact that he's gone - I just remember the good times we had together. I think this is also partly because I can't re-feel past emotions. I can remember that I felt them, but there is no residual feelings when I think about them again. Apparently, this is unusual as well. I definitely think it is helpful for dealing with grief, though.
@ksmontanaro 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 Wait, have you mentioned this before? About not re-feeling emotions? That's another mind-blower for me! Sounds nice. I'm basically covered in old emotions.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@ksmontanaro Hmm, maybe just in comments. I actually didn't realize it until I was doing a questionnaire for an aphantasia study I'm participating in. There were a bunch of questions asking about all the senses, and I knew I couldn't do any of those in my head, so it wasn't so shocking. But then it asked me to re-feel happy and sad emotions from the past, and I couldn't do that either. Honestly, I didn't realize it was a thing until I read the questions and then asked people about it. Seems like it's not true for all aphants, though. Some still re-feel emotions, just like some still have an inner voice. I just happen to be "blind" to everything I guess.
@lina...... 2 года назад
I think it is. I have the same experience with grief as you do. I never understood why people were unable to get over their dead ones but now it makes sense. I don't hold into any image because I don't have it so in my experience, thinking about that person is the same now as when they were alive. It's the same reason why I tend to have a vague "image" or sense of the people I know but I have to see them to really remember they exist. It's all just like "there" if it makes sense but I do feel a lot of emotions so it's not like I'm a robot that does not feel anything about people. I used to have a really hard time about this before.
@pkiser99 Год назад
I know that you made these 3 years ago, but I only recently became aware that I have aphantasia. It helps to hear someone else discuss their experience to compare to my own. I have never been an avid reader and when I do read it is usually to scan non-fiction writing for information rather than read the entire book or article. I have read fiction but I have a hard time 'seeing' the scenes and after a short period, I tend to forget almost all the details. In regard to the topic of this video, I also have difficultly recalling what I look like to someone else. My ability to recall is extremely limited. I didn't realize that most people can do that. Thank you for relating your experiences in these videos.
@jodiallemeier3781 3 года назад
I have aphantasia and definitely wear a lot more than jeans and tshirts!! But this has blown my mind a bit because I have battled with dismorphia - not having a clear idea of what I look like, and responding differently each time I look in the mirror. I do have disfigurements too, so I’ve never thought about this potentially also being linked to aphantasia!
@quietmindinside4808 3 года назад
Yes, I definitely think there is some kind of connection! The more I speak with people, the more I feel aphants are likely to fall on the extreme ends of the spectrum. Either we never think about our self-image at all, or we have extreme views on it because it's harder to see the truth when one only sees oneself when actually looking in a mirror.
@lina...... 2 года назад
Same! I thought they were 2 different things and in my 2 years knowing I have aphantasia I never related them until this video and now everything makes sense.
@jpopelish 4 года назад
Self image is a lot more than a picture. It is more of a fully functional model of myself. Not just what I look like, but how I move, and what I can do and how fast or steady or clumsy I do things. For example, once I stepped in front of an approaching automobile, and had about two seconds to do or die. In that brief time, I saw myself doing various things, including my physical limitations, but with time way sped up. I saw myself trying to stop moving forward, but my feet just slid on the pavement, and the car ran over my legs. Reject. I visualized myself running much faster, to get out of the way, but my legs just spun around, like a cartoon character, and I got hit, splat. Reject. So the problem was not one of strength, because I was motivated to make my muscles work, as hard as necessary. The problem was friction between my feet and the pavement. I jumped, straight up, and let the car pass under me. Solution. So, with my next step, I let my body sink to the pavement in a crouch, and sprung straight up. and the car passed beneath me, and I rolled down over the trunk. Those visualizations and the selection of my best move took less than one of the two seconds I had available. My self image is what performed the tests, during that little scene.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Wow, that's really amazing!
@jpopelish 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 When you approach a task you have never done, before, how do you decide if it is likely to be possible for you to accomplish it? This question can apply to reaching something you have not reached for, before, or picking up something that might be too heavy for you to lift. If you cannot have your mental model of yourself try it, first, before you actually try to do it, does that mean that you try to sometimes do ridiculous things? This is why I say that my self image is a fully functional model of myself, that I have to update, on a regular basis, as I discover the hard way, what I can and cannot do. I don't always "see" this model as a movie, but fragments of it attempt to do things I am considering trying, to decide if they are worth trying.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@jpopelish Honestly, I was a bit baffled by your question, so I had to discuss it with my husband to figure out what was happening, and my mind has been blown again. I asked my husband what would happen if the kids threw a toy plane into a tree. How would he know if he could reach it? He said he would indeed visualize himself reaching for it. So, I asked what he would do if he determined he couldn't reach it. He said he would look around for a stick, and then visualize himself using it. I would do none of these things. I would just look at the plane, know if I could reach it or not, and if not, I would look at the stick and know if it would be long enough or not. I wouldn't see anything in my head; I would just be able to guess by knowing how long my reach is and the comparative length of the stick. This led to a discussion about how we estimate length, and here's where the mind blowing part comes in. So, my husband held two of his fingers apart and asked me how long the distance was, and I guessed about 3 inches. He asked me how I knew. Honestly, the whole process is silent and imageless in my head, but I know logically the lengths of certain things, so I make a comparison. So, for example, I know a thumb is about 2 inches, and the distance he held up was greater than his thumb, but less than two, so I guessed three inches. (Although, I really just know two inches, so I could guess it without looking at a thumb, but I wanted to give him an example of how I would figure out a length I wasn't used it) So, I asked my husband how he knows, and he said he projects an image of a ruler next to the length he wants to measure 🤯! This is amazing to me! When I'm comparing things to guess a measurement, I don't see them in my head at all. I just know how long they are. Like, I know a cell phone is about six inches long, so anything that looks to me to be about the length of a cell phone, I'll guess six inches. I don't see an image of a cell phone in my head or project an image of it next to the thing I want to measure. I can just tell if they're about the same length, or more or less. This is honestly so crazy to me. Anyway, I asked him what his ruler looked like. If it was one of those old school wooden yellow ones 🤣, but he said it was just clear with some numbers on it.
@kit3595 2 года назад
Yes my self image is pretty much me at the current moment with my current clothes on. I try to look descent because that will boost my self image. Sometimes I daydream about my younger self and envision him or sometimes I envision an older version of myself.
@richvail7551 4 года назад
I guess we can choose if we want to see our physical form, I say that because after you asked that question I realized that I don’t actually take the time to visualize what I physically look like. I’m sure I’m just as superficial as the next person and I certainly don’t want to look unkept but my actual main concern is how my inner self is being seen, more than my outer body. I’m a spatial learner so I’m not in short supply of mental pictures so I really found your question very intriguing just cause I just learned something about myself.
@BeardedGeezer Год назад
I just found your channel. I'm 72 and found out about my aphantasia when I was in my mid-thirties, although there was no name for the condition at that time and I thought I was the only one that way. It was a great relief around 2017 when I found that other people had a similar way of thinking. I'm like you, in that not only do I not visualize, but I don't fantasize about my other senses. I like the name of your channel, and like you, I wonder how "normal" people live with all the distractions. I seem to attract people who are hyper-phantasic, including knowing a concert pianist who experiences synesthesia. Look that one up, it will blow your mind. DM me if you like. Good luck to you!
@davidmusser7927 3 года назад
I would like to be more like you. So much going on in my head. My self image is how I see myself in real time. I watch myself continuously. It's like a reality recording instantaneous feedback system.
@quietmindinside4808 3 года назад
I really have a hard time conceptualizing how that works. All I've come up with is like when Tony Stark has his Iron man suit on and there's a picture of himself up in the corner, but I'm not sure how close that is! 🤣
@rpfree 4 года назад
By the way, I've watched some other vlogs on this subject, and I realized that my interest in your channel is mostly about you. You have a talent at this, explore it!
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Thanks! I'm trying really hard to come up with things that aren't covered elsewhere that might be interesting. I appreciate the feedback!
@thammaloenert1203 4 года назад
I don't know if anyone has suggested it, but (if you are interested of course) could you try to create your avatar? Like in the Sims or some other game. It would be interesting to see how close you can get , and if other people would recognize it as you.
@danielanavaes9514 4 года назад
Wow, this is really interesting. As someone with an extremely vivid mind, both visually and "talkatively", I find your condition equally puzzling. My mind literally never shuts up, which for somethings, like working, is awesome, while for others, such as falling asleep, it can be quite challenging. As for my self image, it's a mix of an image of my physical self, combining actual traits and ones I would like to develop. But I usually only activate it when I'm daydreaming about how I'd behave in future situations, that may or may not ever happen. The point you make about ageing is very interesting, and I often think about that: how will I feel when I get older and have to deal with the memory of my "golden days" that will never come back? The desire to age as gracefully as possible and keep that "golden days" self image for as long as I possibly can is the main reason why I have such a zealous self care and health routine. Thank you for your channel and for sharing your experience!
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Thank you! It's really interesting hearing other experiences.
@priscilalandim5214 3 года назад
I loved listening your perspective. Keep sharing. Hugs from Brazil
@ravelingmadness5123 3 года назад
I have watched all your videos and thank you so much for doing them. I am 27 and have no inner dialogue almost to a t what you were saying for yourself and no imagery. If you were still trying to talk about these things I would really enjoy that.
@deborahm6036 4 года назад
This is truly incredible! In some ways, you are really blessed. However, I can”t imagine being myself as you describe. I am a Designer as well as a former anorexic (though those voices never really go away). I rarely have a moment where I am not aware, even if it is in the “back of my mind”, as to what I am looking like in the moment. I am still mostly less kind to myself than others are to me. I always have a photo or movie running in my head of how I look now, or at sometime in the past. I can be talking or not talking. I can remember thousands of “looks”, say what I was wearing at my 5th Birthday Party. My self-image does also include my abilities, both personally and professionally, and I do feel confident and capable. Also intelligent. I have a very high IQ, for whatever that is worth. My road not taken was being a Theoretical Physicist, and I did start college as a Science major. I also am always visualizing the true nature of reality, ie quantum entanglement, different dimensions, parallel universes, and the like. Both my parents were scientists. My imagination is extremely vast and vivid, both personally and cosmically. It is a big life goal to be less aware of my visual self-images going. What you are describing feels much more peaceful. I must meditate or be in Nature to let go of that mental layer of activity for a time. Both of those things are vital to my wellbeing. Thanks again for sharing. I am fascinated! Happy Memorial Day Weekend. Be well. I hope my comments gave you insights into another’s inner world.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Thanks so much! Honestly, I really love all your comments, and they definitely always give me something to think about. I always look forward to them!
@JOYSILVERWOOD1 4 года назад
wow i thought i had a busy brain! i enjoyed your comment very much.
@deborahm6036 4 года назад
Quiet Mind Inside Thank you so much.
@deborahm6036 4 года назад
Lindsay LOL! Thank you! Yes, my mind is, mostly, a very busy place.
@bigv1993 3 года назад
I have a very vivid minds eye however I find it hardest to picture myself in my head. For example i can picture my daughter or partner in great detail and myself not so much and I think that’s because I look at them way more than I look in a mirror so my mind has a better picture of them ingrained inside of it.
@raindrops5725 2 года назад
I finally figured out this is what my condition is too and I’m 39. When you say self image…I thought it meant how someone judges themself cus there’s no image for me. I don’t feel too critical about myself because there’s nothing I’m hearing in my thoughts. Visually in the mirror I see flaws and work on them when I can. I usually stick to jeans and black tshirts w graphics and a hoody. I like staying covered up even in summer and I don’t know why. I’m either cold or just uncomfortable showing some skin? It was so hard for me to learn in school because I was bored from the teachers talking and I’d fall asleep. Then I discovered caffeine and started paying attention. Caffeine has helped me a lot. From my point of view this is like being in a constant state of meditation and caffeinating has been the only way I can escape it for a bit. But if there’s something positive to be said…we are the best observers out there and no one knows. Lol Idk about you but I notice everything from the way people walk to their expressions. I memorize my way around everything and everyone. And we don’t need images because we just automatically know things somehow. If I see a guy running funny….I can’t even judge him cus there’s no thought but I respond to the view and laugh. If someone’s 600lbs….I cant judge them. I think we are the real angels of earth. Lol At least that’s my perspective.
@richvail7551 4 года назад
Not sure if you made a video of the strengths that you find your style of thinking brings about. It’s easy to get lost in another’s experience and lose sight of what you are gaining from your own experience. Plus it’s also good for those of us who seem very similar in thinking styles to see that there is advantages in different styles of seeing our world. Just a thought, thanks
@lina...... 2 года назад
Well, now I know why I always had a distorted view of myself lmao This fcked me up when I was younger and I didn't know any of this. I thought I was broken and had a problem but thanks to videos like yours, I now know it's ok, I'm normal. There are more people like me and it does not mean we are "broken". Our existence and the fact that no one knew any of this before but we still existed and could survive like any other person, it's proof. When I look at the mirror, it's not like I get startled to see myself as you said, but it's like "oh, that's me". It's weird but cool. I don't think about how or who I am during the day like you so when I see myself it's cool to see I exist as a body. Does this make sense? The part about fashion sense might be a bit common to people with aphantasia because we have a difficult time thinking about how we are and what our style is? I like clothes and I don't dress the same but I don't really have a fashion sense so I always tend to dress similar and not try new things as I can't see myself as having a specific style. I don't really know which is mine as I don't really have an image of myself. I feel like all this sounds like we have mental problems to other people but it's just ok to us? It's normal and like you, I'm trying to see it as beneficial.
@saphounetheteajunkie8626 3 года назад
Hi! It's a late reply but you video hit home way too hard. I can relate a lot about the self-image part. The way you experience it seems to be nice! I'm aphantasiac too. I can see myself for 10 minutes a day while looking at a mirror. Then I forget about it. Previously I used to rely during that time on the image that other people gave of me (you look weird, you look fat,..) and this was toxic. On the other hand, I have always been critical with myself mentally. So having too high standards about a mentally beautiful person was not good either. It did not help me feel happy. Since then I have worked on self-esteem and tried to figure out my own (positive) image of self. Now about aging...yes it definitely was super helpful for me: during 15 years I did not feel like I was aging at all and I felt in sync with my teenager personality ^_^°
@julsvg6575 4 года назад
Isn't it strange? We believe our self to be reflections of our minds. Doesnt matter if we think visually, wordly or emotionally. But these are always just changing and passing perceptions, right? But we are always here, even if all our self-reflections change or pass... I had a very different perception of myself when I was a kid compared to me now as a young adult. But I was always here. So who am I really?
@carolyntemple6331 4 года назад
Maybe you. could take a picture of yourself every week/month to help you see the changes over time. For me, self image is not really just what I look like at any given time. If I am visualizing a memory, I "see" the way I was at the time I am remembering. Self image is more about the value I give myself, which can include how I look today or how I've behaved, or what I think other people think about me.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Yeah, I need to get better at the picture taking. I'm always the one taking the pictures, so I definitely don't see as much change in myself.
@jeff-8511 3 года назад
I never thought that self image really means self „image“ . It suddenly dawns on me.
@rudedogcansurvive 3 месяца назад
The way you are thinking of it is the right way as far as traits oyu want to live by but i ca also picture what i look like in my head as well
@merfwriter 3 года назад
To visualise ones self for me, I see myself in the now at my current age. It's kinda like looking at yourself in the mirror except in your head or seeing yourself in the third person. An example of envisioning myself would be me picking an outfit that want to wear for the day. I look in the mirror and check myself out to see if I look good in the outfit. I think It looks good. I know that I'm going out for the day and I know I'm going to be in public places around strangers. So is the outfit appropriate to go out in public. So I will envision myself as if I'm looking at myself in the third person in the outfit that I have on and envision myself out in public. This vision is for brief moment. It's like every now and then your assessing yourself.
@mfive7274 2 года назад
Thanks, I have been listening to j krishnamurti, in his talks he says about dropping this self image ,you really are blessed having aphantasia 💯
@DroppedMyMelons 4 года назад
you should talk about art and how that’s like for you, doodles, drawing, things like that, i’m super curious
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I'm really terrible at drawing. It's never been something I've enjoyed, really. I took the required art classes in school and that's about it. There are aphants that are artists, though, so not all of us are as bad at art as I am 😄.
@conradharcourt8263 4 месяца назад
If I hear something it is because the air in my ears is moving, if I see an image it is because light is hitting the retinas of my eyes. I know and can remember and consider what things look like and sound like, I do this by thinking. I think in words, images and concepts all the time but I do not hear imaginary sounds or see things that are not there. If the majority do hear voices in their head and can hallucinate at will it would explain why so many people seem to have such a poor understanding of reality!🙂
@jpopelish 4 года назад
I think a great exercise for you would be to sculpt a life sized bust of your head with clay, by sitting next to a mirror. Having to put each little feature into place would require you to visualize your face, appearing out of the clay. You might have to mess it up and start over a few times, to get a satisfactory result. I think visualization is a mental skill you build, much like learning to play a musical instrument. A sort of mental muscle memory.
@lina...... 2 года назад
As someone with aphantasia but also a creative person and someone who did ceramics before I can tell you that that "would require you to visualize your face, appearing out of the clay" it's impossible for us. It's a mental skill you can improve if you have that skill. As someone who does not have it, there is nothing to improve. I would just look at the mirror, look at the clay, don't see absolutely anything, move the clay, look at the mirror, see if it's similar, move the clay again until I get something that's similar. I remember they did us do something similar when I was 5 and I hated the exercise as I had to look a thousand times to finally end up with an awful drawing that kind of resembled me but could had been done way better. I think thinking we can develop visualization is a mistake. We just have different tools, and it might not be better or worse than having it. We are not really lacking anything. We might be living better than the ones that can visualize.
@jpopelish 2 года назад
@@lina...... The big realization for me, from this video, and all the great comments, is how big a mistake it is, to assume that all minds are essentially like our own. Every mind is a unique collection of abilities and activities, Some conscious, but many subconscious.
@lina...... 2 года назад
@@jpopelish yes! And there might be things we still don't know that will be as big as a shock as aphantasia is for everyone which is exciting too. We think we have it figured out and we just need to discover wht we could do with our minds but then no one knew this existed before and everyone though we thought the same way. Same with the personality traits (MBTI) that show we all think differently and experience life in a different way but at the same time, still the same way. Just existing as humans :D
@aaronmit6584 4 года назад
I also have aphantasia. Honestly though I would not trade this for anything as it gives me a very, very quite mind something others seem to find difficult to obtain.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
The more I discover about what is "normal", the more I agree with you. Honestly, I really appreciate being able to just live in the present. I think I had a lot of shock and jealousy when I first discovered this, but now a lot of that jealousy is fading. Most of the time, I actually feel pretty lucky.
@callumc6134 2 года назад
I think self image is a description of yourself like you said and then a memory of what you look like in the mirror that day but that's just me. I think I think both ways in images and sounds and dialog but I can also think how you think if that style of thinking fails.
@julestburt 2 года назад
Loved your wearing the same thing since your were a teenager - I finally got round to that a few years back...my partner keeps insisting on throwing something into the mix, lol...no worries, but otherwise it's same t-shirt jeans...and ideally as soon as possible the same with shorts and flip flops instead! :-) I have no self image / story either - quite not there ...I check the mirror and me once in the morning and then don't think about it again...haha. Cool to hear about someone who does the same!...take care,
@fionabrown931 Год назад
Re: do I remember what I wore yesterday colour wise. I can picture my clothes, go to the store and buy something of a similar hue and tone knowing they should match.
@medavis3 Месяц назад
How do you self reflect or self evaluate? Have you said or did something you regret and felt the need to apologize.
@divineconquer7648 3 года назад
Try this - before you go to look in the mirror, take a few seconds and try to imagine your face, your hair, eyes, nose, mouth, try to get that image, then open your eyes and look in the mirror. How accurate is your image that you (hopefully) created. Are you surprised by the difference of your inner and mirror image. It might not work, but it is probably similar trying to imagine your friend's face or your husband's or even your kids' faces while thinking about them and then seeing them realizing 'oh, yeah, I remember, you look like that. I cannot bring up ANYONE'S face in my mind's eye. As an added note, I like your facial expressions in your videos, very life-like and realistic (I 'see' what you 'mean' and are 'saying'. Only the best actors and actresses have matching expressions to what they are saying. Thanks, Randy A.
@supersayan6318 Год назад
Yeah, I don't have aphantasia, and the wiki description of 'self image' is a bit weird where it states that is resistant to change. One way to view self image, is as you described it, is to understand how others view your personality, etc. The other way, is to visualize yourself as if looking in a mirror. This description of self image would definitely be resistant to change, as I know I didn't have this self image of myself 20 years ago. For example, 20 years ago, if you had looked in mirror, and held that mirror image of yourself in your head, that would definitely be much different if you were to look at a mirror now and held that image of yourself in your head. However, what you mentioned, was that whenever you looked in a mirror, you always see yourself as you've always looked. So, then, in a sense, the way you, Quiet Mind Inside, see yourself can be said to be resistant to change in some way.
@jayy7754 3 года назад
I've got a very visual mind and I'm happy with the way I think, but I think this is where you hit on a way that you're solidly at an advantage here! My self-image changes over time, but is not always up to date. I grew my hair out almost a year and a half ago and still sometimes forget it's long in self-image alone, but not in the sense of being surprised when I touch it and it's long, or that I can pull it into a ponytail.
@quietmindinside4808 3 года назад
Interesting! Does the image of yourself age? Or is it more just style changes, like your hair? And I agree that I may have the advantage with this. At the very least, it's one less thing to worry about! 🤣
@jayy7754 3 года назад
​@@quietmindinside4808 I think it ages, but I'm in my 20s so not a lot has changed, especially when you consider that there seems to be a delay. It did change as my weight did, which is a common part of the aging process. I'd been underweight my whole life, not by choice, and a medication helped me get to a healthy weight. I was thrilled, but my self-image had a delay. And when I switched to a less effective medication and lost a little weight, but not all the way back to my original weight, my self-image temporarily reverted all the way back to the original, although that was still inaccurate.
@quietmindinside4808 3 года назад
@@jayy7754 So interesting! Is this self-image delay the "norm"? When you mention reverting all the way back to the old image, it made me wonder about the difficulties of creating a new self-image. Like, maybe it takes a lot to create it, and it's easier to stay with what has always been.
@coffeyaum 4 года назад
I've always thought of self-image as either personality or physical or both, just depending on the context of the conversation. If someone asks where I see myself in 10 years, that's usually more of a narrative in my head, or even abstract thought. But if I'm in a conversation about shopping or working out or healthy eating, there's very clear visuals in my head related to that. I have an eating disorder history, so sometimes the image in my head is even stronger than the one in the mirror. I literally can't process the image in the mirror and my brain switches it with something else. So when I was a teenager, I often saw in the mirror exactly what I see everyday now, even though I'm now 50 pounds heavier and more than 10 years older. At this point in my life, it varies more and I think that more often I see a realistic image in the mirror. However, I have days like today where this morning I was wondering if I had gotten smaller and then this afternoon I think I look 20 pounds heavier than yesterday. That definitely didn't happen in real life, so I know logically that self image is false. But it's still the image I see. Researching the term body dismorphia might give you some further insight into this whole concept. For me, it is definitely more static than an animated thing. Like, I talk to myself in my head all the time, but I never see like the Lizzie Mcguire mini me talking back, it's just words.
@TheOriginalLexa 4 года назад
How does this affect your relationship with art and music? For instance, I have a running soundtrack in my head most of the time. Sometimes I can’t get a jingle from a commercial out of my head, or a new album that I keep playing. A sound or piece of music that you can’t get out of your head is called an ear worm, and I get them all of the time, lol! With art, do you feel that you have a strong appreciation of art? Is it difficult to decorate your home? Silly, but that’s a day to day issue that is very interesting. I think and learn and remember both by sound and visually. As far as self-image, it’s both the abstract idea of your ‘self’, but also what you physically look like at any given time. They are pretty much mutually exclusive, I think. Your thoughts on aging are absolutely revolutionary to me! It’s definitely a benefit because you don’t contrast and compare your physical image against an image of your at your physical peak. Every day is your peak. That is beautiful! It is a struggle many of us deal with, and can be debilitating at times. In that way, you are definitely very lucky.
@junehanabi1756 4 года назад
I have aphantasia and and no inner monologue. I have no concept of self-image and no concept of time. I also have no concept of fashion although I do love to dress up in different outfits, dresses, accesorize, and look cute. In practice I rarely do, it's mostly T-shirt and jeans with a closet full of accessories and cute clothing I never wear lol, * sad face * But no, everytime I look in the mirror it's like my first time looking in the mirror, it's like my first time seeing myself. I generally have no idea what I look like but I don't have any idea what anyone looks at when I'm not looking at them lol so I'm really no different in that regard. Really the only time I look in the mirror is when I'm just wearing something cute or accessorizing and I'll admire it on me but given I don't do that near as often as I'd like it also means I rarely look in the mirror about that often as well. ~~~~ I guess I never thought about it really, what self image is to other people. It just doesn't exist in my world but many things don't exist in my world. Most of your videos are very similar to my own experiences really so I enjoy watching them.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Thanks! I'm glad you like them!
@Loulou-fs6qx 4 года назад
Your confusion seems (to someone who doesn’t have aphantasia) a little childish and it’s refreshing, it makes me realize how I am always picturing myself when I’m doing something, wether it is through words or images and that is quite tiresome, but I think it is problem which many people face, especially women since we are pressured to look good all the time. But the self image extends beyond your looks, it is also a conceptual representation of what you are doing, what you did, what you are capable of, what you like, how you are in many ways, etc... These qualities that we picture are expressed through our inner voice that is commenting what we are doing and how good we are at it, it is especially the case when you have low self esteem.
@rangkumanbukuilyas 4 года назад
Please explain how aphantasia feel love, express love, and what if you're in LDR.
@daphnelhunt 3 года назад
Images of self: Often, it's like a six-screen cinema with different movies going on, other music in the background, and an inner monologue front and centre. I flit from one to another. I am both observer and observed in different activities. I recall clothing I had before I went to school, vivid dreams I have had both recently and when I was a child and many in between. I have a selective photographic memory which means I recall some details (stuff I need or want to remember) very clearly almost as if there is a photo in front of me, while other details fade into the background. I was stunned to know that there are people who have absolutely none of this. Like the mind cannot conceive if its own non-existence, I cannot imagine what being without a busy head is like. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
@quietmindinside4808 3 года назад
Thanks! It's really interesting hearing about yours as well. I can't imagine what it would be like to have all of that happening at once!
@mgfinley4986 4 года назад
Tell me about your dreams. How do you dream?
@1m1a 4 года назад
I think of self-image as being more about personality traits and qualities than physical appearance, although physical appearance is definitely part of it. The most important part of self-image IMO is the ideas I have about what kind of person I am, what I can do, what I'm comfortable with, what I like/don't like. It's really a box that we each put ourselves in - a way of self-limiting. It's good to be able to change it, but it's not as simple as updating the software in a computer program... if only it were! I found your videos about 5 days ago and I think I've seen all of them now. You are fascinating to me as I had never heard about aphantasia previously. Thank you for exploring this with us! I do have a question for you. We "normal" humans can look at something with our eyes, and when we close them, we can picture it. This picture in our mind is most vivid immediately after closing our eyes, but it fades pretty fast and then it's just a vague recollection. It's nowhere near as realistic in our minds as it is seeing it with our eyes. That's the way it is for me, anyway. My question for you is this - if you try to see something in your mind immediately after closing your eyes, do you see anything at all even for the briefest moment?
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
No, not at all. If I look at a bright light, I'll get that light burst behind my lids, or if I rub my closed eyelids, I can see bursts of lights, but that's all. No colors or anything either.
@WillfulVisions 4 года назад
Third Question set: The image I see of myself is not a full-body image; it’s like a close-up portrait or a mug shot. I didn’t really consider or visualize what I was wearing. Often times with visualization the only thing with strict detail is what is necessary and anything beyond that is a bit fuzzy. Not fuzzy in a literal sense of it looking blurry. It’s hard to describe. It’s like your mind is telling you “yes those details are there, but you don’t need to look at them” and so you become sure they’re present without ever knowing what they looked like. If I imagine someone walking through a forest I imagine a dirt path with plants and grasses and trees on either side, but even though I imagined that scene I couldn’t tell you what the grasses were, how thick they were, or anything like that. It’s sort of like seeing them only in periphery. Final question set: Wow, no, I totally feel my age and am always aware of how I used to look and whether I think how I currently look is better or worse than that. I can remember old photos of me in my head. No, the inner voice does not come from the self-image. If you want to know something I find very strange for me personally, when I refer to myself in my inner voice, I use “we” instead of “I”. Like my inner voice is directing my monkey brain. “We should really finish that project or it’s gonna mean an all-nighter for us later”.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Wow! That's really interesting! So do you see the image of yourself all day? I'm thinking of like a video game where you have an avatar up in the corner while playing the game. You're the first one to mention using 'we' in your inner monologue. Is it like your body and your mind make up the parts? To be honest, the idea of an inner monologue sounds to me like a divide or separateness within oneself. It really doesn't make sense to me. Like, my whole entity is one, so why would there be parts to talk to each other. Does that make sense? It's a bit hard to explain. Do you feel like there is a separateness, like your mind controls your body rather than just being one thing?
@WillfulVisions 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 No, 80% of my day is just internal monologue with no images/videos. When those things come it's in a series of brief flashes. For me at least, holding a flash of a memory for longer than it wants to stick around takes mental effort. Same thing with seeing myself. I can bring up an image, but diverting the brain power to keep the image of myself there all day would mean getting nothing done. But bringing it up briefly on command is no problem. The internal monologue is hard to describe. All the voices are me, but some are there be critical, some are there to remind me to get things done, some are there to say things I can't out loud. At best it's like having an invisible partner you can talk to that looks out for you and gives advice, but at worst it can be like having your own personal critic that follows you around everywhere. There's a line from a TV show that I think describes my thinking pretty well: "I’m afraid you’re not the type of person who can keep your mind empty. There’s the part of you that’s a critic, constantly watching your own moves… and there’s another part that’s an observer watching the critic - watching you."
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@WillfulVisions I didn't realize that the imagery could take so much effort. That's really interesting. Honestly, that last line is really creepy to me 😄. I can't imagine having that in my head.
@WillfulVisions 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 It's the same kind of dialogue I imagine you might do when you talk through something out loud with someone. It's like: "We should get pizza tonight" "I don't know it's pretty expensive" "But the food we have here sucks" "Didn't you just have pizza last week? You'll get fat" "C'mon we're fine. We'll do an extra workout this week. It'll be great." "Slow down, lets at least let me run some numbers first. How many meals do we get out of a pizza? What does that cost compared to other options like getting take-out?" It's just that instead of needing someone else to bounce things off of to figure it out, you make your own. It's sort of like imaging you're talking to more responsible people, and seeing if you can make an argument that's logically sound enough. And if you can, then it's okay to proceed with your choice / get pizza. Because now there's a logic behind it that you could explain if challenged. It's a method of working through things
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@WillfulVisions Wow! It's so different for me. I debate choices, but it's all a silent process, and I just know mu decision. Sometimes I'll second-guess myself and change it later, but I can't imagine talking to myself about it. It's probably all happening the same way in my mind, but I'm just not hearing it for whatever reason. Really interesting.
@elaineshea121 4 года назад
I too have aphantasia and no self image.I can tell you roughly what I look like but I like clothes and variety and could tell you what I was wearing yesterday.I hear women particularly being very self-deprecating about how they look and I find that quite shocking because it’s not something that occurs to me.I have found using Zoom quite odd,looking at myself so intensely is not something I enjoy.Glad I’ve found your channel it’s all very interesting!
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I have such a hard time looking at myself in video chat, too! I was just wondering if this is somehow related. I did an interview on another channel over Skype, and when I watched it, I noticed that he looked very comfortable just looking at his screen, and my eyes are all over the place! So interesting that you mention that. Self-deprecating comments always strike me as unusual, too. It's not something that I've really done, either.
@NtsBase420 4 года назад
The more videos I watch on your channel, the more I think wait, so that's a part of my aphantasia too? because I NEVER considered, what I wore a couple days ago... I didn't even care to think about it, but like you said, you always wear jeans and a tee-shirt, I used to only wear sweat shirts and sweat pants in high school, but since its my senior year, I cleaned myself up a little bit and only wear skinny jeans and plad shirts, that's all I really know, I think about if the outfit matched when I get dressed in the morning, but as you said, I don't go on with my day thinking, do I look okay... now, I still like to believe I have a self-image, but when I think about it, it's only facts about how I look, or how I'm acting on a given day, so as you said, more personality... Anyways, keep up the good work with the videos, you've kind of been my relief factor through this, kind of allowing me to relate and connect to someone, because I feel like I don't talk to many people about this since most people don't even know aphantasia exists...
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
That's so great to hear! I'm really glad you find these helpful! I'm constantly examining myself now wondering if what I'm doing is just my personality or the Aphantasia, but perhaps it's all so linked it's hard to tell 😄. But I think it's so cool when I find out there are things we share!
@andrewwalker1377 4 года назад
both image and story image can form a story story can form an image we are an ever changing story some times we hold on to the old story when it requires updating
@megs117 3 года назад
I am just realizing Aphantasia is a thing and have stumbled across your channel! Thank you for the enlightening and thought provoking videos! Really enjoying this... I hope you continue :) Also, wondering if your children have Aphantasia as you do?
@billrogers5219 4 года назад
I certainly do have mental images of many things, but I don't really keep a mental picture of myself in my head, ever. I suppose I know what I look like because if I looked in a mirror and saw somebody else I'd be shocked, but it takes conscious work for me to stop and imagine what I look like in my mind; definitely not something that just happens on its own. I also think that it's possible that you overestimate the "visualness" of the mental images people without aphantasia have. Some people I've talked to really do describe imagery that feels as detailed as though they were watching a movie, but I think that it is much less vivid than that for many people. For me, I think that I am remembering some salient features of an image and my brain is somehow comfortable that the detail is there, even though it's not actually giving me a real image of all the details, so I get a sort of felling that detail is there when it really isn't. Sort of like looking at a good impressionist painting.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Yeah, my husband is always reminding me that people don't have 4k video running in their heads all day 🤣. I think it's harder to conceptualize because I just have no real basis of comparison, so I'm sure I'm blowing it a bit out of proportion at times.
@crivsmum4820 3 года назад
I struggle with any sort of self-image; I know things about me but that's all really ... my husband once said he wishes I enjoyed make-up and jewellry more but I do wear more colours as an adult
@cyberoptic5757 3 года назад
I have no visual self-image in my head at all. When I see myself in the mirror, I recognize the face as my face. Other than that, appearance is not in my awareness, except in an analytical way, meaning measurements of characteristics and properties. Examples of measurements: knowing and having awareness of my body temperature, my glucose level, my normal pulse. Examples include being 6 feet tall, weighing 152 pounds, having skin that reflects a lot of light and my eye color is light blue. I can remember the edges of things, so I know my posture is a little forward, and my hairline has greatly receded, and there are bags under my eyes. So I can describe myself in fair detail, but I don't see myself. I limited my clothing choices in order to avoid making garish errors of patterns or colors. I had to learn that from my wife. To me, sound and sequences are intensely interesting. I gravitated to careers in music performance, computer programming, and application development. These are all activities that focus on fingers/touching and ears/listening. My works were very good conceptually, and super simplistic visually.
@bparkyn4696 4 года назад
Hi, I'm a woman of similar age to you and probably what you would call an "average person". I have usually taken the term 'self-image' to mean self esteem and I would, as you did, list my personal qualities. But if i was asked about my physical self-image I do bring to mind a picture of myself as I am now albeit through a foggy lens where small details such as wrinkles, cellulite and blemishes are not in focus. So i guess i do picture a better me. But not everyone does. I too, will check myself in the morning and go all day without thinking of how i look until i see a surprise reflection and wonder "How long has my hair been like THAT?" Your choice in wardrobe is not weird. Many woman do the same. We are creatures of habbit. I did wonder though, if you see a nice new outfit and are not able to imagine what you might look like in it this might have an influence on your choice. BTW you do look 20! You must have great genes. Speaking of which, do any of your relatives have Afantasia? This is all facinatingly new to me. I'm learning a lot from you. Thanks
@user-md9yv7jx2c 11 месяцев назад
When checking my self-image I usually look in a mirror. I thought it was another metaphor.
@Lindsey_Burrow 2 года назад
Lmao I always thought it meant how much confidence I had in myself 😂
@heathermarks8564 4 года назад
Random question (not sure if you’ve addresses this in your other videos): can you draw? So much of my visual creativity is seeing what I’m hoping to create in my mind’s eye. If you aren’t looking at an apple, could you draw one, for example? So fascinated, and I LOVE your videos. You are natural, genuine, curious and funny! Keep ‘em coming!
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I could draw an apple since it's a rather simple shape and I've seen them all my life, but it wouldn't be super impressive looking. Basically, I draw about as well as my five-year-old 🤣
@bdavisreyes 4 года назад
Self image I've always thought of as how you feel about yourself, based on your personal image, who you are, how people have interacted with you, etc. And I don't agree with wiki. I think it changes as our perceptions change. Self image can culminate into that voice in our heads, especially if we have self image issues. Then it's saying things like, oh God, you should have put makeup on; don't look at me, I'm ugly; do I have broccoli in my teeth; don't look at the mirror; don't make eye contact; etc. That's when the voice in the head gets super annoying. Add a sprinkle of anxiety on top of that, and it's all downhill. Have you ever watched BoJack Horseman? There's an episode where he's listening to the voice in his head and it's saying awful things about him. It's not a separate entity or anything, it's just the way he feels about himself (self image). If I find the episode, I'll share it with you. I think it's both a good example of "the voice" and self image.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Oh cool. I heard of the show, but never watched it. Man, all of that sounds so exhausting, though! I really can't imagine having that going on my head an not being able to turn it off.
@bdavisreyes 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 I found a clip. It's super R rated (so listen to without kids). But this is what it's like for someone with poor self image. This is also a good example of what the inner voice is like (although not so aggresive for those of us with a more positive disposition), and even what it's like to conjure up visual scenarios in our head. Like I said, I know it's kinda R rated, but it's a really good example. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3P4_E3GhUv8.html
@bdavisreyes 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 and yes! It can be super exhausting. I don't know if you've read books or heard a song where they said something along the lines of, "I can't run from myself" or "I can't escape the thoughts in my head." The inner voice is what they're talking about. But as much as it can be annoying, it can also help us make good decisions, tally pros and cons, think up something creative, formualte a plan of action, dream, etc. It's apart of us and reflects who we each are as individuals. I still think your way of thinking is pretty awesome too! We're all unique.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@bdavisreyes Thanks! I'll check it out tonight after the kids go to sleep 😁
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@bdavisreyes Yeah, I've heard stuff like that, but I guess I never really paid attention to it. Like, to me it was all hyperbole. I didn't realize it was so literal. Someone mentioned another one to me the other day, "It's so loud I can't hear myself think." I always thought it was an expression to describe it just being too loud, like 'It's raining cats and dogs', not literally people couldn't think because they couldn't hear their inner voice 🤯. So crazy how much I've missed or explained away.
@chazsewell 4 года назад
For me self-image is a lot like I appear in the mirror combined with my personality. Though to be honest it often lags behind by a few years and is a bit smoothed out or like a photoshop touchup image of me. I always just figured it's basically the me in my dreams. Not necessarily accurate or inaccurate since the accuracy depends on focus, and while the exact look shifts the feel is always the same.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Ah, that makes a lot of sense that it would be the same you in your dreams. Honestly, I don't know even know if I'm even in my own dreams. Don't see myself there either 🤣.
@mikerhodes9198 Год назад
I see all your posts are 2 yrs old. Have you given up your discussion on inner voice? I am 75 and just learned that not everyone can visualize or has an inner voice. I was dumbfounded and thought how could I go for 75 years and not know this. I guess I am the opposite of you but just as confused. This seems to be so fundamental that I never even thought to question it. This is very perplexing.
@EloquentlyEse 4 года назад
Weird fact about me: Sometimes when people are talking to me, or just around me in general I imagine them older or younger. I used to do it all the time before. They'd be going on and on, and in my head I'd be transforming them to an 80year old or an 8 year old (or anything inbetween). It's just a funny random thing (I never tell them though of course).
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
That's really cool!
@EloquentlyEse 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 lol I think it's rude 😄 but it amuses my inner self, so I do it anyway. Weird question, what do YOU do when a conversation is becoming boring? How do you pass time without having to leave or seem uninterested?
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@EloquentlyEse Honestly, I'm just pretty stuck 🤣. I've been forced to listen to a lot of crazy conspiracy theories over the years! Actually, I do wonder now if people think I'm a bit short or rude because I do try to get out of boring conversations or conversations that don't seem important to me rather than letting them drag on. My husband has actually commented before on the fact that when I plan a meetup with people, I just tell them where I think we should go rather than asking everyone's opinions. I told him that if I don't give a location, then everyone will have a different idea, and we'll have to discuss the pros and cons of each, and in the end, everyone will just say "I don't care, where do you want to go" anyway. And then I'll have to wait through all that and most likely have to pick something anyway. So, why not just pick the place I want to start? 🤣
@EloquentlyEse 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 wow, that's rough. 😄 I just asked my sister and she said she starts imagining other "better" convos, or what she wants to eat later. I actually notice when most people start zoning out when I'm boring them 🤔 I do it so often, it's easy to catch in others. I think I do a better job at feigning interest (when I must) than most, if I do say so myself! 🤣 I guess my method helps cause I still have look at them and focus to perform a good transformation 🤷🏾‍♀️
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@EloquentlyEse I swear I'm going to end up with a complex after finding out all the stuff. Spend all my time wondering what people are actually thinking about when I'm talking to them!
@ToriLoverly 4 года назад
Interesting video, self image to me always was about how I feel about myself, not the literal imagine I see of myself in my mind. As far as seeing myself. I do see myself in the past. Like if I remember an occasion, I picture myself in the dress I was wearing. (Also what bright color my hair was, as I change the color ever 2 months). But I think that's because I love fashion a lot.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I actually dyed my hair for the first time this year. Only took 40 years to build up the courage 🤣.
@lmpnb 4 года назад
I don't have aphantasia, but in watching your videos I have realized that I form only very rudimentary visual images of people in my mind (myself included). I "picture" people by a sense of their identity, and can't conjure up the faces of even people I love. Except for maybe an impressionistic sense that feels like a passing glance. I can never tell if people have lost or gained weight (unless it's really dramatic), and tend to be sort of taken aback when other people notice changes in my appearance. I can usually (?) tell if other people have had their hair cut. You? Before you realized you had aphantasia, was it confusing for you to see other people commenting on things like that?
@JerEgag 4 года назад
Hey there. I've been binge watching your videos after learning about aphantasia just yesterday. So while watching a few specific questions poped up and I hope you can answer them for me. You already broached some of them. - Since your memories are more like a set of data as I understood, I was wondering if you also have some events of false memory? Like you think you where at a specific place at a specific time, but you actually weren't or you think something happened that way, but it actually didn't. (I think I saw that on the netflix show "explained" if that helps to understand what I mean.) - When you see an old picture do you remember when and where it was and who was with you (stuff like this)? I guess you can't repicture the situation, but how about the situational facts revolving around that photo? - You said old memorys are as present for you as new ones. So do you have memorys about early age (like getting a diaper change or maybe even your birth or getting your first teddy bear) and if so, are they also as present as the memorys of yesterday? - How about long Numbers (e. g. telephone numbers or pi). People who are good with memorizing those, say they are doing so by forming them into persons, colors etc. and mixing them to a story they can rewind. I remember them by sound I guess, like a rhyme or a song, but usually I'm not so good with long numbers. How is that for you? - As I use the inner monologue to solve problems or to come to a conclusion by debating the pros and contras even new facts pop up that I didn't think about before. That way I also build theorys that are supported by imagination. Since that's not possible for you, how do you decide on specific things (like even simple things as deciding between two meals you'd like to eat at an restaurant)? Do you write it down as a mind map or the like? And is multitasking even a thing? - While reading usally I can feel with the characters and feel the atmosphere in the described situation. It's the same for when I put myself in the situation of others in real life. It helps a lot to understand their actions, why they are doing what they do, and their point of view on diverse things ("I see what you mean"). It's kind of like the emphaty thing when someone gets hurt and you shrug because you can understand their pain (e. g. another man gets hit in the balls). Is that also comprehensible for you (maybe in an informativ way rather than an emotional way)? When I'm picturing myself it is more like picturing possibilitys of myself, also dependent on my mood at that moment. It's like an image that is not set in stone. So I am able to project different things on myself at the same time. Sometimes it helps to set goals for oneself or to decide on a haircut or something ("I want to look like that", "I should build some muscles there", "that outfit would look good on me", etc.). I read that because people with aphantasia can't picture things in their mind, it is unlikely for them to become designers or architects. By the way, thanks for the videos so far. They helped me a lot to understand this phenomenon. As you describe it, it appears to me the primary thinking process while talking and stuff is the same (as in "it just pops up"). Just that for me it is supported by mental images. Not always of course. Like when I'm doing sport I just concentrate on that and can blind out the other stuff going on in my head. Which is kind of relaxing at times, because as a lot of others already said, it can be quite stressful and bothering having that inner voice. But as they say: Trying to think the unthinkable keeps the mind healthy and helps to broaden it. So I'll keep on doing that. I hope it's not to much text (wanted to send a private message, but youtube made some changes since the last time I used it). Thanks again and stay healthy!
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I've talked a bit with my husband about this idea of "false memories", and he's said that he knows that he often "fills in" missing data in his visuals to make the pictures complete. It actually seems quite odd to me to have a memory that you know is false. Honestly, I don't think this is something I can have. I either have a memory or I don't. I can't really adjust my memories. So, for example, when I think about a time we went to the beach during our last vacation, I can remember that we were on the beach, I can remember that the water was too cold to swim in, I can remember that we saw a real, live starfish wash up on the beach, but I can't remember what color the starfish was, or how many legs it had. I can't remember if I had a bathing suit on or my normal clothes. The way my husband describes his memories, it seems more like he would "fill in" the starfish and what everyone was wearing, even if he didn't actually remember the real things, but I can't. There's just nothing there. With pictures, I guess it depends. Remembering people is not too hard for me, sometimes I'll forget names, but I can usually pinpoint why we knew each other (like, this was the guy in my math class, etc.). If it's a picture from something important, I'll usually remember, but if it's just a random shot like hanging out somewhere, I probably wouldn't remember much about it. I'm not sure if that's too unusual, though. My earliest memories are about from 4 to 5 years old. Just little things, like things we did at daycare or driving with my parents. Those memories feel the same to me in intensity as what I did yesterday. My husband has told me that old memories that he thinks about often are much stronger than random things he brings up that he hasn't thought of in a while, which seems really strange to me, too. All my memories always feel exactly the same 🤷‍♀️. I wonder if this is an indication that I'm storing things as just semantic memories rather than episodic. That's what I suspect anyway. For memorizing numbers, I'm ok with phone numbers, but I doubt I'd be good with anything much more than that. Generally, when I need to memorize something like that, I just have to say it over and over until it's burned in my brain 🤣. When I repeat it back later, I think of the entire thing as one concept, so if you asked me "What's the number after 4?" I would have no idea, and would just have to repeat back the whole thing to get it. Not sure if that's usual or not, either. For solving problems, I guess it's just all happening unconsciously. I don't really debate with myself that way internally. Sometimes, I'll work things out "out loud", but usually only if it involves someone else or I'm bored and feel like talking to myself 🤣. I've actually read a study that said that the internal debate people do is just a way to consciously work out a decision your unconscious mind has already picked. So I guess at the heart of it, I'm doing it the same way at the beginning, I just don't translate the process to my conscious mind afterwards. When presented with a choice, like picking a meal at a restaurant, I'm definitely processing the information in my head, it's not a surprise to me what I pick and I'm not just choosing something randomly, but my thought process is just all silent or unconscious. I could tell you why I picked the thing I did if you asked, but I don't tell myself why in my head. I have been wondering if perhaps my multitasking skills are not as good as the average person's, though. I'm not sure how I would go about testing that. I definitely feel like I get kind of hyper-focused on things, and I really need to get them done before I can concentrate on something new. I'm not sure how much of that relates to my aphantasia and how much is just my personality. The empathy question is one I think about a lot. When I read or hear about a situation another person is in, I can definitely understand it and feel bad for them, but I don't really put myself in their place. So perhaps my empathy is a bit different. I confess that in the past I would get a bit annoyed when people would get hung up on something and bring it up over and over again. I would wonder why they wouldn't just let it go because they'd already kind of talked it to death. But now I think I understand why that happens better, so I'm trying hard to be more sympathetic for things like that. I've never really thought of myself doing anything in the future, to be honest. Sometimes I may look in the mirror and think "oh, yeah, gotta get off these last five pounds", but as soon as I leave the mirror, I pretty much forget about it. I don't think I've ever had a long-term plan. I was always in awe of people who had a map for the future that they followed, but I could never do that. I figured it was just my personality, but now I think my aphantasia definitely has something to do with that. I'm not sure about the designer and architect thing, though. I know there are a lot of artists with aphantasia, so it could be possible. I believe in Zeman's last study he found aphants were more likely to go into STEM fields, though.
@peterjp2058 3 года назад
Most people who can see images in their heads or visualise things in their brains can also undress people with their eyes.
@sujanigomes5062 4 года назад
The comments about clothing were so interesting! I wonder if you wear the same things because you can't 'visualise' how different pieces of clothing come together as an outfit and how a certain thing may look on your body. I can very much remember what I wore yesterday or some specific day with a lot of detail (like down to underwear and hair sometimes). Self image is a much more abstract concept to me because I remember what a picture of me looks like or how I looked in the mirror rather than having an objective 'image' of myself visually.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I was thinking this, too. When I look at clothes in a store, I have absolutely no idea what they'll look like on me, so maybe I just go with what's comfortable. Also, when I try something different on, I always think it looks weird on me. I wonder if I it's harder for me to handle myself looking different subconsciously because I can't adjust an image of myself in my head.
@STGN01 4 года назад
I have a question and a suggestion: 1. How do you handle good and bad/evil? Like do you ever want to do something mean/bad but you don't do it because of emotion? How do you figure out if doing something is good or bad, does it just flash a yes/no emotion? 2. You should read the book when you have time "THE ORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BREAK DOWN OF THE BICAMERAL MIND" its a hypothesis of how consciousness arose in humans and that humans have not always been conscious like we are today. It was very thought-provoking to me but I would like to hear your take if it resonates with you.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
I'll put it on my list! Sounds interesting. As for good and bad, I just know it. It's just ingrained in my personality from my childhood I guess. I've never had the urge to do anything really bad. I actually feel a lot of guilt if I do anything even remotely not nice, so it's really hard for me to do anything that could potentially bother someone.
@STGN01 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 Thank you. :)
@Netopia40 3 года назад
Hey Lady! Just thought of another one. How do you do with driving and following a map? Could you tell a state by the shape alone? Just wondering about memorizing visual models and how memorizing them manifests in your mind. That's all, hope all is well!
@FM0fm 3 года назад
I have aphantasia and if we close our eyes and try to imagine an apple, we don’t “see” anything, just black. However, we do know that an apple is often red, round, etc, only the facts, but can’t imagine and visualise it. I could with no problem tell a state by its shape if knew them (I’m not from the U.S), but for exemple if you asked me to draw the shape of the U.S, my drawing would be less detailed, since I guess you have a picture in your head of what it looks like, but I only know the facts of the shape of the country( for exemple, I know at the top there is a relatively straight line, then to the right it goes down and there’s Florida….). I don’t really have difficulty with memorizing visual stuff, because it can always be taken down to facts, and I have been doing this for my entire life. I tried my best to make this understandable, but I know this might be confusing, and it’s still very confusing to me, but yeah our brains can be weird sometimes 🤷‍♂️ If you have more questions I’ll be happy to answer them!
@alpicoo 4 года назад
I guess it depends of your confidence level? If you are a confident person and you think highly of yourself you have a positive self image, and see yourself at your best, while less confident people will see themselves as lacking. People who have body dysmorphic disorder for example will literally see themselves as uglier/fatter/deformed in some way. I've read somewhere (I honestly can't remember where) that most old people see see themselves in their mind as they were when they were young, or at the age that felt was their prime. They know what they look like now, but they still instinctively picture themselves as younger. Your self image ages with you from when you're a child but stops aging at some point, which is why some older people get depressed when they look in the mirror and their self image doesn't match reality. This is something that happens with some transgender people as well, their self image doesn't match the gender they see in the mirror and this distresses them. Regarding if your self image is wearing what you wore today - I think self image is a little more abstract than that. It's an image of you but it's like a dream, your not actively seeing your entire self at a time like a picture from a camera, but focusing on different parts at a time so when I think of my face I don't see the rest of my body, and when I think of my body depending on the context I might be naked or wearing something I usually wear or remember wearing. I do also mostly wear t-shirts and jeans everyday, but I can tell you what color the t-shirt was etc. Your self image generally stays the same unless there is a major change, like hair color or a new scar or weight gain etc. I think it's fascinating that you are completely unconcerned with what you look like throughout the day, I think most people especially these days are preoccupied with the way they look and I personally tend to be very self conscious about it throughout the day. I dislike my nose for example so I tend to try not to let people see me at a profile, which sounds silly but because it's something I don't like about my self image I get worried about it. My self image does not talk to me like the little cartoon lizzy haha! It's usually something you think about when it's relevant, like when you're wondering what to wear or you've looked in the mirror, or you're describing yourself to someone, etc. Different people think about it more or less then others. I think you're gaining more that you're losing by not having a self image, as it can be something that's genuinely the center of some people's whole lives, for better or worse. For me it's usually more harmful than good as I tend to see the worst in myself. People constantly compare themselves to other people and to other versions of themselves and it can bring about a lot of negative thoughts and feelings.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Thanks for such a detailed reply. There's a lot in there that is really helpful. The fact that a person's self-image stops aging is really fascinating. I still see my flaws (unfortunately not immune to that), like I might think I look fat or I have a zit or something, but as soon as I'm not looking at it, I pretty much forget about it. Unless someone points it out or I see another mirror anyway. I really can't imagine what it would be like to think about my appearance without a mirror. Really all of this is just blowing my mind. And I'm sure your nose is wonderful! 👍
@gastogether4ever 4 года назад
Im actually really jealous that you don’t think about how you look for the rest of the day. I think/worry about how I look way too often 😩
@bethlija6285 4 года назад
You asked, does your self-image talk to you? I believe it does; I believe that is the very essence of the inner monologue. How I see myself is generally the same as what I saw the last time I looked in a mirror, which isn't very often! I can, however, remember what I used to look like at any age. Your videos are fascinating! I just learned about aphantasia a few months ago and, like most people say, it blew my mind to learn that there is such a condition. As a writer, I've always had a very vivid imagination. And I am *fascinated* to learn about how you see the world. Thank you for opening up your life for us.
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Thanks so much! It's so fascinating to hear about everyone else's experiences, too!
@bethlija6285 4 года назад
Well, you edited your comment while I was composing mine. I hope that my insight was helpful. 😔 Sorry that I sounded grumpy, but it's only 5:30 a.m. here & the notification woke me. 🙂 I'll have to figure out how to shut them off. :-)
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
@@bethlija6285 Oh, my gosh! So sorry! I'm in Taiwan, so the time change is a bit rough! Yeah, I found your comment really interesting. Sorry, my kids likely interrupted me while I was writing my reply. It seems they always desperately need something the minute I pick up my phone 😄. Honestly, it's so outside my realm of understanding that I really can't wrap my head around what it's like to have an image of myself in my head and having it be such an important part of who I was. I have so many questions, but it's honestly really hard to put them into the right words. I find it so interesting that you can even remember what you looked like as a child and bring it up at will. I recognize myself in my childhood pictures, but when I think of a memory of my childhood, I'm not actually in it. It sounds really weird when I type it. I just know that I was there and that's it. So weird. I can't imagine what it would be like to look in a mirror and see myself at different ages 🤔. I feel like if I magically gained the ability to visualize, I would never leave the house! I'd just be running thorough my memories all day.
@ABeautyAddict 3 года назад
I usually remember a picture and the way I felt while looking at it or how I look in the mirror that morning. I can also imagine myself looking at my best which also can make me sad at times. It’s complicated:)
@tom-ss2mn 4 года назад
Although i can see images in my mind, my self image is not an actual image but a description. I am 52 but my self image is more like 40 when i was heavier and had less wrinkles. But when i look in the mirror its like " oh yea im old now" lol
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Very cool! It's so interesting hearing about this.
@mildredjohnson7166 3 года назад
That's it! I know me when I see a picture of me or when I am looking in the mirror I know it's me but I can not describe me because I can't see in my head/mind what I look like. Come to think of it I can't remember what I wore yesterday nor the colors. No photos so to me I think I look the same as in my twenties (trying to imagine because I know I can't look like I did in my teens anyway I hope not) although I am 71 years old. When I look in the mirror I don't think I have changed. And this one really annoys me. I am a melinated woman and unless I am standing in the mirror I have no idea what color, tone, hue my skin is because I can't see it in my mind!
@philnelson9791 3 года назад
I'm a guy, so, maybe not helpful on these questions, but, fairly recently, I got "a photo, from the time", and couldn't recognize myself.
@freakfreaky7929 2 года назад
I've got a question for you: if you can't visualise things moving inside your head, how do you play games like Chess? Do you just move a piece for the sake of it or are other things taken into consideration when you play strategy games???
@ksmontanaro 4 года назад
My understanding of self-image has never been about how I look physically, and it’s definitely not what I’m wearing. It’s really not evocative of visual imagery at all. I’ve always associated the term self-image with self esteem, self assessment, and character, opposed to how others see me, also not physically, but more generally as a person. So clearly you do have a self-image according to how I use the term. The question of whether it’s related to my inner voice is really intriguing, because I can think of it as my conscience, or my image of what I want to be, that is if it’s lifting my spirits in the moment. It can also be quite negative, a sort of devil on my shoulder when I’m being hard on myself. I’ve always thought of my self-image as directed by my consious self, but honestly I’m not certain a lot of it doesn’t dwell in the unconsious, with origins in my distant past and early development. I wear the same thing all the time too! My spouse is so much more stylish than me. I appreciate that kind of thing on others, but it feels like so much effort.
@WillfulVisions 4 года назад
First question set: It's sort of like your brain is taking every time you've looked into a mirror during the past month, getting rid of any times where you looked more abnormal, and giving you a composite image of what you typically look like on an average day based on times you've seen yourself in the past. It’s always going to be a relatively recent version of you. Alternatively, you could just try and remember what you looked like the last time you looked in a mirror. And I can also picture and idealized version of myself, but that looks significantly different. The face is more symmetrical, the genetics governing how my hair behaves are different. I look a bit younger. It's like imaging a character based on myself rather than seeing my real self. Second Question set: I can often remember what I wore yesterday, including the colors, prints, or designs of the clothes
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
That's really amazing. So if you don't look like your idealized image, does it affect your day? Like, does it put you in a bad mood, or can you just kind of forget it?
@WillfulVisions 4 года назад
@@quietmindinside4808 Sometimes, but not usually. I think it would be nice to look more like the idealized version, but there's always gonna be something else I want to change. So I don't think dedicating that much energy to endlessly chasing a perfect ideal is the best use of my time.
@Scorp1u5 4 года назад
I'm 43. I still think of myself as when I was when I was about 22. I look in the mirror and I recognize myself ok, but I look like an older man. I'm continually surprised of how old I am compared to the self-image. I don't look terrible, but my identify is basically what I was at 22, which makes sense because the brain stops developing at 26, an 22-26 there wasn't a lot of change to me. I really like the scene in the Matrix where he is in the training matrix and Morpheus is describing "residual self-image". My self-image resembles Neo's however I have a boyish face, which I now hide behind a beard. I picture myself, college age in a fun t-shirt and jeans, and a hoodie. I ab about 30 lbs heavier than in college and yes, it bugs me, but I am still not obese as measured by BMI, so I don't stress over it too much. No myself image does not talk to me. If I do think about my self image, it's more a character I animate based on my previous self-identity.
@Scorp1u5 4 года назад
Matrix scene: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-AGZiLMGdCE0.html
@quietmindinside4808 4 года назад
Interesting! So it seems kind of like the opposite for me. I'm never surprised because I assume I always look the same. I really need to watch the Matrix again. I wonder if it will feel different to me now.
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