
Sinking of the Moskva - Animated Analysis 

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It’s the early evening of April 13th, 2022. Just 120 kilometers from the shore, Ukrainian land radar detects some large vessel. After carefully verifying and analyzing data, Ukrainians come to a surprising conclusion. On the 49th day of the Full-Scale Russian Invasion, they finally tracked down something big.
The target is correctly identified as the warship Moskva, the flagship of the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet, which performs its duties as a part of invading force.
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8 апр 2023




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@Tomah4wkVideos Год назад
Some British diver will one day go to the bottom of the Black Sea and say: "You can't park there, mate!"
@yusufbektas1961 Год назад
They will try and bring the wreck to the british museum, maybe they will even bring the whole country of moldova to the museum
@darracqboy Год назад
@giorgikibabidze Год назад
Read it with brittish acvent its much funnier😂😂
@Blue_Collar_Colonizer_1776 Год назад
​@@giorgikibabidzeit's the only way
@michaelvanacker809 Год назад
US imtelligence and Ukraine military tactics; goodbeye moskova
@starwarspros7556 Год назад
It's been a year now since Moskva got promoted to submarine. Time flies by
@tonyaughney8945 Год назад
Childish comment.
@tomj1676 Год назад
@@tonyaughney8945 Useless response. Just like mine.
@TallCasade1115 Год назад
They performed well, they really deserved that promotion
@noidontthinksolol Год назад
@@tonyaughney8945 is only russian, y u hef to be med?
@RawPower7 Год назад
@@tonyaughney8945Nah! It was a great comment.
@gekolizzard Год назад
The response from the island never gets old.😂
@kazutokobayashi2781 9 месяцев назад
This guy has Balls of steel. I salut to this guy, very nice😂
@4TwentyFour20 9 месяцев назад
@Mrfailstandstil 9 месяцев назад
@@kazutokobayashi2781 He actually got back to UA in a pow exchange, russians weren't able to tell who uttered this legendary phrase cause there were like ~15 guys on that island, what a legend!
@duartesimoes508 9 месяцев назад
They even manufactured bumper stickers. 😀
@x9466x 4 месяца назад
@@duartesimoes508 And the Ukrainian Postal Service issued stamps depicting a UA soldier flipping off the Moskva
@Brendissimo1 Год назад
I think you correctly identify incompetence and arrogance as the primary causes of the sinking. Ukraine's missile forces did very well, but that cruiser on paper should be easily able to defend itself against two of those missiles, with all the countermeasures and defenses it has on board. If Moskva was functioning like it was supposed to, with all its radars and defenses active and its maintenance issues taken care of, I'd think it would take a barrage of at least a dozen missiles like the Neptune to actually sink the ship. In the words of one Ukrainian soldier, "we're very lucky they're so f***ing stupid."
@anuvisraa5786 Год назад
the battery is composed of 16 missiles and there is no evidence that they did not use more missiles
@andrzejkol4538 Год назад
its not only incompetence, but enormous amounts of corruption. Commanders stole money that was meant for maintenance, even simple soldiers stole everything, thats why a lot of fire extinguishers were locked, and they couldnt control the fire
@Brendissimo1 Год назад
@@anuvisraa5786 I have seen no source claim the ship was hit by more than two missiles. In fact the vast majority I've seen have specifically mentioned two. If you have evidence of there being more missiles involved in the sinking of the Moskva, please link it. Otherwise what you aren't really saying anything.
@trevorpom Год назад
What's the saying?...oh yes, a stupid enemy is a gift from the gods. May the Russians stay stupid.
@jelly.212 Год назад
@@Brendissimo1 Just because there is no source does not mean you can't just assume it didn't happen
@robertf3479 Год назад
20 year USN enlisted retiree here, Surface Warfare Specialist. I saw Moskva (nee Slava) during a deployment to the Soviet 5th Escadra (Mediterranean Flotila.) He was a good looking ship laying there at anchor off Greece in 1985. Powerful looking, fresh paint, no sign of running rust that a even a relatively new ship spending a good deal of time at sea would have. His reaction to the approach of the destroyer I was in at the time was to try to get underway and go to flight quarters at the same time, preparing to launch his KA-25 helo. My favorable impression quickly evaporated when, as he was accelerating immediately after starting his main gas turbine engines suffered the destruction of at least one main turbine, maybe more. There was a belch of heavy, brown smoke from his stack and he went Dead in the Water. The marine gas turbine engines that the Soviets were using at the time in the Slava class required time to run at idle to warm up before placing them under load or advancing the throttles. Slava started her mains and immediately began maneuvering. One of my friends was a sonar tech and he told me afterward that the sonar shack got a good recording of Slava's sound including the main plant tearing itself apart. The Soviets laid down 4 Slava class ships, completed 3 with the 4th actually launched and partially fitted out before the USSR fell. That ship is still in afloat and moored to a pier in downtown Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
@rethguals Год назад
In 2014, I was an Army reservist on attachment to the Royal Australian Navy. It was a pretty eventful year - patrolling for asylm seekers and illegal fishery, MH370, and the Ukraine situation really blowing up. After our government raised a stink about MH17, the Russians sent a naval task group to sail around just outside our waters, a big muscle-flexing thing. The Slava-class cruiser Varyag, an Udaloy-class destroyer, a tanker (fair enough)... and a tugboat. Despite the immense size of the Russian Navy, this token deployment really stretched them beyond their capabilities and comfort zone; the presence of a tug really demonstrated their own lack of confidence in their seaworthiness, they didn't stay long, and their warships were visibly in pretty average condition. If anything, I was more impressed by the Chinese warships that visited earlier that year during the MH370 search. At least they looked clean, new, and didn't spew black smoke everywhere.
@vapoet Год назад
Ten year navy vet myself. Saw it in either in 1986 or 88. It looked tough but struck me as a one time use ship. Hard to explain. Maybe it was because the weaponry appeared all on the deck.
@charlesharper2357 Год назад
@@vapoet Have to go back to port for a reload...
@duartesimoes508 10 месяцев назад
I visited her in Lisbon Harbor in 2008. Sure was a beautiful ship and appeared well maintained. The garrison was terrific and showed no bias whatsoever against the many Ukrainian visitors, my Wife among them; quite the opposite. I brought them a few Russian Newspapers as I always did when visiting Russian Warships - visited six - and they were delighted. I was even invited to seat on their KA-32 cockpit. Well, they´re the enemy now.
@1ramyus 10 месяцев назад
You are talking about the ship of the country, in which the grass was usually painted green before officials visited.
@jackc3205 Год назад
The most vital ship in the Russian navy is the tugboat. Which tells you all you need to know.
@onlynamelefthere Год назад
ahh, came here for this
@TheDrAstrov 11 месяцев назад
Ukraine's Most Responsible Hero - Troll What tells you everything you need to know. 🤣
@danielvandersall6756 11 месяцев назад
The one they have assigned to the "Admiral Kusnetsov" deserves to be named a hero of the Soviet Union.
@Cool5380 10 месяцев назад
If so maybe it needs to rest with the fish to!
@vonfaustien3957 9 месяцев назад
Your underselling the Kommuna. It dates back to before the USSR was formed is the oldest ship in active military service and preforms a kep role as a dedicated salvage platform in helping with the Russian surface navy's love of pretending to be submarines
@oL5re9re55ion Год назад
With its huge missile launching capabilities, the sinking of this ship early in the war seems to under-appreciated by many.
@planetcaravan2925 10 месяцев назад
By many russians maybe
@Iamthelolrus Год назад
I really hope you make more of these videos. I'm surprised you don't have a lot more views. Really well done.
@rickfox4068 Год назад
I went aboard Russian / Soviet ships in the 90's. Their damage control is so bad compared to the West. Where a US vessel would have 10 damage control lockers, Russian ships only had 2, maybe 3. US sailors are trained from the beginning to save the ship... Russian doctrine seems to be avoid the damage and we don't need damage control. I guess we can see what thought wins out...
@oldfrend 10 месяцев назад
well put. the US navy's doctrines are borne of 200 years of hard naval combat; the russians a hundred years of loud mouthed bloviating. i know which one i'd rather trust. ex.; US carriers used to have two trained firefighting crews. during a fire on board USS Forrestal during the vietnam war, both crews were killed in bomb blasts so the rest of the crew had to improvise. they did what they could but their lack of training in some ways made the fire worse. now all sailors are trained in fire fighting.
@Serby665 9 месяцев назад
In some wierd way, I would be fine with 'just avoid damage' But how can you avoid damage when you send the ship blind, with most of its radars not working, turrets out of action, jammers blocked in place?
@centurymemes1208 7 месяцев назад
Us navy learned well from the battles against the japanese Notably Lexington and the cruisers at savo island.
@sage5296 4 дня назад
@@Serby665 I mean it's a **war**ship tho, you can't just expect everything to go to plan and have no losses (...well you can, but the russians have done a good job demonstrating why you shouldn't)
@barbeonline351 9 месяцев назад
In an interview, retired US Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges spoke to the incident. He was listing Ukrainian advantages in the conflict. One of the items he listed was how much of the elder Ukrainian staff had Soviet/Russian experience/training. Insider kniwledge. He went on to give the example of the Moscva sinking. Ukrainian staff knew of a Moscva vulnerability--its radar only saw 180degrees at a time. So they employed a drone or drones to keep the Moscva looking east. The Neptunes came in unnoticed.
@ssg25uret6 Год назад
As an American combat veteran, the fighting spirit of the Ukrainian people is amazing. Were I a younger man I’d come fight beside them. I hope to see a complete and total victory of Ukraine soon.
@Grumpini Год назад
At least you'd be defending an existing regime for a change
@ssg25uret6 Год назад
@@Grumpini don’t be an asshole. Soldiers don’t make those decisions, we follow lawful orders.
@Mc__Nugget Год назад
God bless you
@DevSolar Год назад
@Broba-Vet25U I think you have your hands full keeping your own land out of the hands of fundamentalists and defending your democracy... but the sentiment regarding the Ukranians is certainly shared here.
@IIMoses740II Год назад
Wew lad, we went from defeating the Nazis to funding and envying them (not to worry, tho: plenty of foreign volunteers are dying in your place for a regime that uses our artillery to shell their own children in Donetsk)
@duartesimoes508 9 месяцев назад
I'm glad I visited this ship in Lisbon Harbour in 2008, because nowadays it appears difficult to visit her again. It was a beautiful ship with a very nice Guarisson, but they're the enemy now and their rightful place is in the bottom of the sea. Too bad.
@eugenes9620 6 месяцев назад
You can still dive to see Maaskva and ruZzians
@donald4624 Год назад
When I was in the NAVY (USS Juneau LPD 10 75-79) every day was taken up with the P.M.S. the planned maintenance system, you were either running the equipment or maintaining the equipment, a ship at sea or in port needs constant maintenance, it seems that the Russian NAVY may have forgotten about this rule.
@vapoet Год назад
That is what was so disturbing. The conditions I've read about make me wonder if it would have sunk on its own before the war was over. Basic PMS not being done and very likely a crew not on any guard is the reason it is gone. Missiles that size never should have sunk it. It's not enough missile to sink a ship that size.
@zmeelov50 Год назад
​@@vapoet для цього потрібно дещо розуміти... ралянський флот був меншим і ніяк не міг конкурувати з флотом США - банально не вистачало портів, грошей, ресурсів, фахівців... тому було прийнято рішення робити максимальну велику кількість систем озброєння - яка значно перевищувало розумне З одного боку це давало певні плюси в атаці, з іншого корабель був суцільним складом зброї і боєприпасів, що робило його дуже ніжним до пошкоджень ситуація приблизно як з радянськими танками, поки він домінує - все добре, якщо прилітає у відповідь - детонація боєкомплекту і літаючі башти,що цікаво - танки чудово їдуть вперед, і майже не можуть назад, тобто радянська техніка (кораблі теж) мають поганий баланс між атакою та захистом
@LegioXIVGemina 11 месяцев назад
And god help the sailor who gundecked a PMS report.
@duartesimoes508 10 месяцев назад
More probably they never heard about.
@Oblivisci........ 9 месяцев назад
​@zmeelov50 Soviet amd Russian tanks have not been "dominant " since the late 80s.
@larsrons7937 Год назад
It was a _"Reverse Surfacing Maneuver",_ a Russian specialty first tested with the "Kursk", in april 2022 perfected with the cruiser "Moskva", and now they are aiming for the pinnacle of this kind of maneuver: The Reverse Surfacing Maneuver of Russia itself. 🌻🌻 Glory to Ukraine! - Glory to the Heroes! - Stay safe! 💙💛
@kyouhyung Год назад
A genious maneuver. You can't sink a ship if it's already sunk.
@larsrons7937 Год назад
@@kyouhyung And brilliant protection of the crew. You can't kill a crew that's already dead.
@patdohrety2940 Год назад
It's all going according to Putin's plan! He meant to do that
@korbell1089 Год назад
"If we dive deeper." I see what you did there!😅
@rhoddryice5412 14 дней назад
No need to dive deeper than 50 meters.
@B23Shiky Год назад
Great video again! As always I am eternally grateful for Russian corruption and incompetence. 🙏 🙏 🙏
@cinnamon2151 Год назад
100%,& they claimed it to be tier best ?😂 💪🇺🇦🔱🔱
@TheEmolano Год назад
At least the airport invasion made sense and could have provided a huge advantage if sucessiful. Sending a warship near the enemy coast with it's radar turned off was just plain dumb.
@bugwar5545 Год назад
Leaving the radar off would be even dumber.
@SmartassX1 Год назад
Russian propaganda logic is confusing. "Let's not admit that our ship was lost while heroically fighting in glorious combat for the righteous cause. Let us instead claim that our navy is so incompetent and poorly maintained that it just caught fire on its own and then exploded." (Glory to Ukraine!)
@trolleriffic 10 месяцев назад
It's like losing in a bar fight, then telling everyone that the reason your face is busted and bleeding is because you've spent the last hour head butting a wall for... reasons.
@Nilessterner Год назад
Fate has favored the ZSU since day one. So many unimaginable victories. Defeating the VDV at hostomel. The successful deffense of Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv. The sinking of the Moskva. The retaking of Kharkiv and Kherson. The defense of Bakmutt. Soon we will see the largest counter attack since the Second World War. May fortune continue to favor our allies. Victory will be theirs!
@tarasnev Год назад
Thanks. Kharkiv was never captured btw.
@bolobalaman Год назад
Amen brothers, may the Ukrainian drive those Orcs out of their land and give them a run for their money. If Putin result to Nuke then we all know they already defeated. Slava Ukraini
@Brendissimo1 Год назад
@@tarasnev Probably referring to the big swathes of Kharkiv Oblast which were taken back from Russians, especially last fall.
@PhilipFry. Год назад
Slava Ukraini
@bolobalaman Год назад
@@hakimmihoubi8544 don’t worry x4 of that and u got bunch of dead vatnik lay in the ground. One ukraine trade for 4-5 dead Vatnik. At this rate and Russian economy , they gonna fight the Ukraine with feudal knight and catapult soon. Go somewhere else and spam your prepared Kremlin backed comment. Maybe u get enough bread and vodka for a day
@FutureChaosTV Год назад
"Does not work properly" Well, that sums up the general state of Orcistan.
@schnelma605 Год назад
9:39 When a court has to help count the dead ...
@pioneernut7487 9 месяцев назад
Dont forget what Putin said, all Goes according to plan 😂😂😂
@chaosXP3RT 10 месяцев назад
"The Moskova" is a weird name for a coral reef...
@Liza03V Год назад
Mosckva went to perform a special submarine operation!😂😂😂😂😂💙💛💙💛🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
@Daginni1 Год назад
You see, Russian Oligarchs needed to modernize their Yacht fleet, at the expense of their military naval fleet.
@davidr5964 Год назад
Really clear and concise documentary! I've subscribed and hope you make some more!
@SbrGrendel65 Год назад
I’ve sub’d to your channel, you do an excellent job of breaking down timelines and information that contradicts what’s been said. It’s crazy to think that Russia doesn’t have the ability to perform maintenance on the ship. With everything that was broken they where defenseless and obviously never thought Ukraine had the ability to hit them.
@largol33t12 4 дня назад
I frequently paused the video to read the fine print on the report in the background. It was shocking how badly neglected the ship was. They didn't have a working oven in the galley. Even the printer in the bridge wasn't working so they couldn't print out orders or other vital documents! Just neglect on a typical Soviet Russia scale!
@djrmarketing598 Год назад
Could you imagine if a modern US Navy ships had this major lists of problems? The ship would probably be getting sent to dry dock for a full rebuild.
@jamesflaherty59 Год назад
And this is just what we know about, imagine the incompetence of the people who operate the vessels
@prietjepruck Год назад
Great documentary, thanks for making it.
@simplexj4298 Год назад
Soon Kerch Bridge might follow Moskva to the ground of the Black Sea! I will surely celebrate that moment with a generous sip of Ukrainian vodka. Slava Ukraini!
@MrPaglynn Год назад
This channel is about to blow up. its quality is just too good
@chavezchavo Год назад
"Smoking accident" they say. 😂
@ryanweintraub9448 Год назад
I never heard the audio for the go fuck yourself quote. It was delivered perfectly lol
@cinnamon2151 Год назад
Well presented, keep up the great work!
@odobrovolskiy87 Год назад
Great job! Please keep the videos coming! Superb work!
@SevenSixty2 Год назад
Discovered your channel today on my front page, and I absolutely love your content so far. Can't wait to see this channel grow, as it's one of the very few channels worth enabling notifications for. Hope to see cited sources in the future too for those who want to dig a bit deeper.
@Nitidus Год назад
This is a very nice suggestion!
@theangrycheeto Год назад
Please make more of these videos. Your channel is incredible!
@lunkis3233 Год назад
You should have more viewers. The videos you do is well made and very interesting.
@thelegendofmecha8194 Год назад
11:28 these ukranian soldier have a metallic balls
@douglasshrewsbury3430 5 месяцев назад
Damn, even the bakery oven was broke LOL!
@battenburg6089 Год назад
I think, with the sinking of this ship, highlighted the massive incompetence of the Russian forces even moreso than the land invasion. Because anyone can fuck up a land invasion if you are not sure what resistance to expect. But this ship, the pride of the Russian Navy, being sunk by two direct hits, and then we get the report on all the failed, broken, (and likely stolen) components that just go to show the incompetence, theft and corruption is in all parts of the military, and that they aren't as mighty as they seem. Of course you can argue that if you did enough research it was clear to see how bad it was before the war, with incidents such as the Kursk, or even just looking up about how the Admiral Kunetsov(?), the carrier, operates. I feel sorry for them, but I don't.
@Dandelion-- Год назад
Outstanding analysis and reporting.
@oneshotme Год назад
"Go Fuck Yourself" Is still very funny HAHAHAHAHAHA
@rolandsilver7742 6 месяцев назад
I am binge watching all your content mate. I love it! Please make more with this level of detail!
@djsturm685 Год назад
Congratulations on the excellent quality of your videos, I hope you can do more. Honestly you have my recognition.
@kiwisteve6598 Год назад
I see tugs attended. The Russian Black Sea fleet actually has one really interesting support vessel - the Kommuna, the oldest active duty warship in the world. Launched by imperial Russia in 1912. Is is a submarine rescue vessel so, now the Moskva has joined the submarine force, it has been used to explore salvaging the Moskva. True.
@robertf3479 Год назад
True sir. Rumor has it that Kommuna was trying to salvage one or more NUCLEAR warheads from the cruise missiles that were aboard Moskva when he burned and sank. I don't know how deep the water is where Moskva is resting, but unless the ship is upside down, laying on top of the missile tubes those weapons (if aboard) may be salvaged with reasonable effort.
@Stacie45 Год назад
"Russian warship go f___ yourself." ...a quote that will go down in military history.😆
@ssg25uret6 Год назад
Sounds like that boat never should’ve left the dock?
@Whatisthisstupidfinghandle Год назад
Great amount of interesting details!
@petermolnar6017 Год назад
Your series of videos is very interesting! I encourage you to make more of them!
@jamesgrantham1264 Год назад
Great work, keep it up 😊
@Astuar Год назад
Summoning the algorithm!
@joegarcia-so1xs Год назад
You amaze me again with another amazing video. Much love from your fan in South Texas
@CBeard849 4 месяца назад
If you think all these "problems" on board the Moskva are specific to this ship you'd be fooling yourself. If they have that many issues with their "Flagship" just imagine the conditions on all their other vessels.
@kartone12 4 месяца назад
Great job! Thanks for such a quality and analysis.
@JamesEkholm Год назад
your videos is excellent, keep on doing more of them
@r.deeblanche6939 Год назад
That ship should have been in dry dock for extensive repairs, not patrolling. How stupid.
@anathardayaldar 11 месяцев назад
How did Russia think they were going to take on NATO at this condition?
@user-ib6bb2xy3s 10 месяцев назад
I love watching your videos, keep up the good work 👍
@GinsengStrip-wt8bl Год назад
I remember CoD MW3 campaign, they've shown these cruisers make their way to NY 😂
@bolobalaman Год назад
Example of Hollywood, Western media and elite hype up the Russian fear to justify increase in military budget. Still, it's hilarious that this thing suppose to swim in Hudson and destroy Manhattan lmao
@cptpayday2080 Год назад
Right? Hollywood and video games have indoctrinated us for decades to think the russians are a unstoppable force when in reality their military is a decrepit piece of shit.
@triadwarfare Год назад
@@bolobalaman Russian and Chinese media also does fearmongering against the west and the US to justify anti-US rhetoric and the need to see them as sub-humans with no morals, so what's your point? The overpreparedness of the west against Russia at least prepared them for this moment to ensure that Russia cannot expand west, or rebuild their former empire.
@tomparatube6506 Год назад
Moskva cruiser: "Neptune, hit me - I'm so wrecked anyway - so that I could claim to die in combat!"
@331SVTCobra Год назад
USS Yorktown CV-5 took four bombs, four torpedoes, one plane crashing into her, and arguably was only sunk after some depth charges detonated in close proximity to her. The Moskva didn't seem to be built as well....
@apple222sickly Год назад
USS Yorktown is an aircraft carrier...
@robertf3479 Год назад
@@apple222sickly Yorktown (CV 5) was NOT a heavily armored 60,000 to 100,000 ton monster like we build today. She was small, very lightly armored and only displaced about 20,000 tons. She was also only partially repaired after being heavily damaged during the Coral Sea battle. She was loaded with high octane aviation gasoline, magazines full of bombs, torpedoes and other explosives. Moskva (about 10,000 tons) should have been able to survive one or even two hits by SMALL to MEDIUM anti-ship missiles. Moskva's crew lacked comprehensive training in Damage Control and apparently the ship lacked much of the equipment USN ships normally stock for exactly that purpose. Moskva was an "artificial reef" waiting to happen.
@apple222sickly Год назад
@@robertf3479 the moskva was literally hit right in the ammo you're underestimating modern missiles, and even then the moskva didn't even use its defenses, literally just sat there and thanks to the condition their military is keeping it in, it's as what you say an artificial reef
@robertf3479 Год назад
@@apple222sickly If Moskva was hit in an ammo magazine or missile launcher it wouldn't have lasted as long as it did, Moskva floated long enough after the hit for the superstructure to burn out. It COULD probably have been saved by a properly trained crew with basic D/C equipment. The Neptune missile appears to be similar in size and capability to the US Harpoon missile and these appear to have hit the hull above the waterline port side aft, but not in the immediate vicinity of a magazine. A magazine explosion would probably torn the hull open, sinking it in minutes.
@apple222sickly Год назад
@@robertf3479 of course, it could have simply caused a chain reaction of ammo detonation
@calvacoca 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the video. Very interesting 😎👍
@tutts999 Год назад
Brilliant work. x
@Syndr1 Год назад
Hi Archive, It was a wonderful video 📹 about a horribly maintained ship 🚢. Thanks
@andrii_lisniak 11 месяцев назад
Glory to Ukraine! Thank you for the video!
@jamesdi7261 9 месяцев назад
6:35: The main ruzzia ship could either communicate or have an anti-air system enabled. It explains a lot.
@raigarmullerson4838 Год назад
First the ship, soon the city
@DUBSTEP_KUSH305 11 месяцев назад
Under the sea🕺 GLORY to ukraine and the heroes of Ukraine!! 🇺🇦❤🇯🇲.
@keithfarrell3370 Год назад
Great work!,,
@brianfreeman8290 Год назад
I follow the war closely, so why has it taken RU-vid so long to bring this wonderful channel to my attention?
@markvanbeers7123 Год назад
Subbed. Excellent video’s.
@v5e762 Год назад
I wonder if OceanGate will do a tour?
@bombud1 Год назад
2:54 thats a rather anemic looking "flagship"
@Jack-sk4mp Год назад
Got yourself a new sub here, I really like you videos. Great work!
@EpicTrainsCanada 3 месяца назад
The Russian army also got itself a new sub
@seangelarden9543 10 месяцев назад
Nice target, the radar image must be huge
@mtb5778 Год назад
very informative, excellent.
@lorax8172 Год назад
ended with a classic
@lachlanwelsh5880 11 месяцев назад
Nice work acknowledging The Operations Room. Very large respect as Ops Room is one of my absolute favourites on YT and I had been thinking about the similarities. Regardless, your approach is excellent on all yr works. After Ukraine wins the war, Hollywood will have such a rich list of potential actions for conversion to a movie. Cos daaaamn Ukraine is FULL of heroes against TYRANNY.
@tomparatube6506 Год назад
Russian court: We acknowledge 17 sailors later died of seasickness after the sinking.
@Neptune-4ever67 9 месяцев назад
amazing video!!
@roberthalliday9385 Год назад
Let’s be honest it wasn’t Ukrainian land based radars that first detected the Moskva likely NATO P-8’s or satellites that first gave the Ukrainians the information of the Moskva location.
@zmeelov50 Год назад
на такій відстані, корабель такого розміру? його мабуть могли розгледіти навіть з берега чи рибалки у морі )
@duartesimoes508 10 месяцев назад
Good job.
@MuR4eGG 9 месяцев назад
Ukraine actually had very good radar systems. Many Soviet radars were developed and produced in Ukraine. Until 2014, Ukraine was engaged in the maintenance and modernization of Russian and Belarusian radar systems and strategic missile systems. Ukraine produced ground-based radars for Belarus that are now some of the best they have.
@DDayJayke Год назад
The weird part was the Moskva never really defended itself, it definitely could have shot down both Neptunes. It just seemed too easy
@royalhistorian5109 Год назад
Maybe so...looking at Russia's Aircraft condition alongside the state of the rest of the army...I don't think, this should be surprising as corruption plagues the Russian army, so yea...it's most likely that most of their missile defense wasn't working due to well...lack of care to put lightly.
@DDayJayke Год назад
@@royalhistorian5109 True.
@xSintex 9 месяцев назад
It was reported that the S300F radar was not set in active mode, and was unable to defend it. The way neptune works, the AK turret wouldn't be able to aim low enough to intercept, and I don't think the older AA could, either. If their S300F was on, this possibly would've ended differently. But who knows.
@tbj1972 5 месяцев назад
Great video thanks 👍
@PGTornado 9 месяцев назад
The state of the Moskva is a good example of the state of the entire Russian army. More to appear than to be.
@MikusVilsons Год назад
UA: "ru///ian warship, go fysk yoursef!" ru: well... DONE!
@dam8087 Год назад
Slava Ukraini!!!
@ilikeoranges3869 Год назад
These are amazing
@williamlloyd3769 11 месяцев назад
Moskva had unique air defense radars. Using EW resources, Ukrainian forces could have gotten a line of bearing to the vessel from the shore. If they had two EW receivers they could have had a general target area that allowed Ukraine to launch the cruise missiles. Drones or other recognizance assets could also localized the warship.
@nephilimivritt8216 Год назад
i love that NAFO video of that dog playing the Titanic on a flute for the sinking of this ship 😂
@supremeownage8995 Год назад
I far prefer the Russian explanation, that they somehow managed to set fire to their own ship in an act of supreme incompetence. This has become a reoccurring event with Russian personnel, with factories and ammo depots constantly being accidentally exploded by Russians all the time! My absolute favorite was how a drone managed to fly across miles of Russian territory to attack the Kremlin, somehow completely uncontested! Good work Russia, keep it up!
@Hacker12333 Год назад
Well done.
@TBFI_Botswana Год назад
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
@fitz27486 Год назад
"Russian warship, go fuck yourself." That pretty much sums up the whole war.
@mask1155 9 месяцев назад
Keep going🇺🇦🇺🇦
@bolobalaman Год назад
It was sunk by a cigarette guys, we all know that. According to our Ivan friends that constantly spamming on these youtube platform, Russia media is tobe trusted with extreme prejudice XD
@Exodon2020 Год назад
This story won't make Russia look good regardless of what they are saying.
@hunterz7772 Год назад
now we waiting next video "battle for the Zmiinyi (Snake Island)"
@andychow55 Год назад
They lost a missile ship but gained a submarine🤣🤣🤣
@ErwinFoekema Год назад
Nice video
@ivandankob7112 9 месяцев назад
Як одна москва втонула, то і друга вже згорить :)
@darkdaysunrise Год назад
nice mate
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