Your enthusiasm is contagious. I bet the neighbors are so curious about your doings at the cottage gardens.You are a visionary and it is so fun to watch your videos.
I really appreciate how you share your process, your challenges and how you are spacing out the work. It is very encouraging to see another gardener who is busy with kids and other responsibilities. I do not have the luxury of lots of free time either, with kids at home, and I also have no help with my gardens. It made me smile to hear your spouse has no interest because mine feels the very same way! He is supportive but just does not feel the same about plants. Thanks so much. I will continue to follow your adventures!
The person taking care of the property is called the caretaker. I have been helping grow your channel by mentioning it on channels I watch. I see you have grown from seventeen thousand to twenty six quickly. Your channel is very informative on growing in colder climates even for us in the Kentucky. Thank You Sarah. You have a good heart and personality as well,very enjoyable to watch your channel. Check out Johnny's seeds I bought a very good row cover and they are not that expensive.
Springtime Oh, spring came to my garden And caught it unaware Wearing just a few old leaves And a dejected air. But when spring left my garden, Its work so deftly done, Many, many Daffodils Were dancing in the sun. vdb Cheers 🍷
I am in Canada and we have a similar growing season. Can't wait to follow along with you and plant what you do : ) Thank you for taking the time to teach us. Much appreciated !!
I really love watching your videos. There is something so soothing and comforting about them. I recently started growing more cut flowers to see if I could sell them. I am really planning a big garden for next year with flowers and vegetables. I'm so excited and I just LOVE your videos. Thank you for taking the time to share your passion with us. I also have 4 children ages 6-11 so I really appreciate all that you do!!
I would love to know how many people you have inspired. You are so sweet and watch you all the time and love you so much. I am in my seventies and still loving the soil.
Oh I love your plan for the coming season. I am so glad to have found you. You explain eloquently. We are preparing our organic allotment and seeds are coming on greatly. Thanks for sharing 👍😎
I thoroughly enjoy your videos. What others see as impossible to achieve, you prove them wrong by your practical approach to any obstacles, such as rocks,etc You also work with nature & the conditions, which in turn reward you with your produce. I too, have a very large garden & orchard, which I tend to myself, It is my own little escape , which gives me great joy & peace, especially after coming home from work, & dinner is waiting to be picked from the garden. I love your iron determination in getting things done! Looking forward to your next video Love from Australia 🌹
You have inspired me. We have had a bit of warmer weather in Maine and the top inch of the soil has thawed. Tomorrow I will go out and poke in some spinach seed. Why not? I am growing seedlings inside and it will be cold again but maybe the spinach will grow.
What a fun time chatting and being inspired in your garden today Sara! It's going to be so fun to see how your special smaller garden grows. Thank you for sharing the plans, you're making me think of a few extra spots in my garden I can grow a few more things!
I too have a small garden and I admire your method. You have a well thought-out plan. Thank you for sharing. I am in Kentucky, USA and our last frost is mid May, first frost is mid October so I have a slightly longer growing season than your area. I’m a new subscriber and can’t wait to see the next video.
Thank you Sara for this inspiring video! I live in Maine on a sloping hillside and you have totally inspired me to create a garden on the slopes! I will do a mix of veggies and flowers . Wish me luck!
Hello from Slovenija. I have seen your videos before. You inspired me to garden. I am going to plant a lot of vegetables and fruit (strawberries, blueberry etc) and of course basil and other spices. Good luck. Looking forward to your other videos.
what a beautiful and interesting place to make a garden . looking forward to seeing the finished product. I am inspired by the plants you use in Sweden. thank you!
Thank you dear Pia! Same here, with snow today. But I was happy about that, so I could stay indoors writing instead of thinking of nice things to do outdoors, ha ha!
Thanks for showing us your plans for your other garden. I love watching what you do. I have a small allotment garden plot and a tiny section that has issues with lack of sunshine. But we do have a mild temperate climate. inspiration from watching your films. Wow I never heard of never-ending tomatoes!🍅
I can't wait to see this when it fills up with plants! This time of year is so much fun - all the planning. I'm sure it is going to be beautiful and bountiful!
I wonder, why you don‘t cover the lambs lettuce with a net, even you could put some old newspapers over, so it will not be damaged by the frost. Here in Austria of course we have not so hard winters, but frost in March and April is also usual. The last frost here is mid of May. If you want to build new beds on the terrace you can put some cardboard upon the grass, so it is fully closed away from light. The cartong will be rotten after a while and the grass and weeds also, it will fertilize the ground. Then you fill a big amount of homemade compost over it and can immediately plant with no dig system. This method is much more easy, specially, when there is not enough earth on the rocky ground. The plants you can grow midwhile in the house and they are ready for planting out, when your beds are ready. Lycka till! Hälsningar from Moosdorfer Bienengarten. 🧑🌾🐝🌺🌱
Well, thank you for your suggestion Helga. It's not a very good idea for me to cover the plants, for a few reasons. One is that I cant reach them easily to harvest =) And we do have such cold winters so a layer of row cover or paper on top do not make a difference. The way you describe how to make the bed in the slope is pretty much how I work in my gardens. All of this garden is created like that. But I don't use compost/soil - I use mulch that compost on top of the ground. It works best for me. You can see more videos about this in playlist for my mulched garden.
@@Skillnadens , thank you for your precise description . I do know the Swedish winters, I have a garden in Smaland, where we live in summer, I also have been many times there in winter. I did not mean, you should cover the plants all the time with heavy paper, only to hold against the severe cold, when it is becoming spring and the plants have too early begun to thrive. Lamb lettuce is in Austria winterhard. We cannot mulch here in Austria too much because of the slug problem , therefore I use cardboard on the earth and then compost over it. The cardboard is only in the beginning, when you prepare a bed, which was full of weed and grass before. I have never seen the slugs in Sweden. Swedish people call them „murder sniggla“ because they really eat up all the young plants, they are a pest. They live under the mulch, so this is not an option for gardening in Austria, but can be in Sweden. The system of gardening which I mean is „no dig“. Especially in Sweden where we live, the earth is full of sand and cannot hold moisture. Not easy to garden at all. Therefore my respect for you, that you can gain a good harvest under these difficult conditions. When the climate is so cold, you must propagate the plants many weeks indoor before, or in a greenhouse, to have the plants big enough, when it is time to plant.
Best Wishes to you Sara! What a happy start to our new growing season 🌺☀️ Here in Ohio our last frost is end of May as yours is, and first frost about the same. Im so glad to have your suggestions. My December sowings of spinach are already up! 🌱
1 month ago you do a video for sowing in winter time I live in Quebec, Canada and we have the same temperature After I saw your video I go outside ans put seeds under poly tunnel and greenhouse no heat (almost full sun in winter) Radish, cabbage,spinach,oignon,lettuce is begin to grow They are a long list of vege growing in cold soil for your melon and 🍅 or other vege they need warm soil temperature 25C it will grow suggestion I dont no where your sun is but maybe if you put your plants near of the big big rock a warm conductor it will help to kept the soil warm in spring and autumn. 🙂
I look forward to seeing how everything will grow during the year! You have close to the same frost dates that I have where I live in Canada. I still have lots of snow on the ground and was snowing again this morning...I'm getting impatient for green things!! 🍀🌷
Lovely video Sara,, wonderful to see you growing and planning ahead in the winter,, thankyou for your recommendation of the big pointy cabbage,, ordered it right away 😀 good luck and best wishes,, Lisa
It's going to be beautiful. It's interesting how close the houses are to the roads. I guess that's a Sweden thing. Ours are close but not that close to the road. There must be a reason though. Maybe it's to maximize yard space.
Hi there! That is an interesting thought! I think this house is so close to the road because it should be near the church in the old days. The road was smaller when the house was built though. Most houses on the countryside in Sweden is not that close to the road, same as you probalbly. All the best to you! 😊
Thanks for new video Sarah. I’ll watch a little later. Just busy now. Hope all is well with you and the family. What planting zone are you in. Or what latitude? Thanks Love the spring weather! 👍 😂 I’ll watch video. Then ask questions. Sorry!
Gleder meg til å følge med på denne reisen 🌱 Her i sør-Norge var snøen endelig smeltet - helt til i natt. Plutselig lå det 40 cm med snø igjen. JEG VIL UT Å LAGE NYE BED! 😭😂 Hjelper på utålmodigheten å se dine filmer. God helg til deg 😃
Another inspiring video! I’m curious how much you follow traditional crop rotation principles? Good luck, I think your mulching methods are fantastic 😊
Love watching you pottering about and making plans. Thank you for sharing. I might have missed it and I am watching from newest to oldest, but do you have a bed width preference? I was thinking you might base it on your arm length/reach and fleece size?
Thanks for watching! It really depends. You can make it smaller or wider. If you make it wider you need something to step on in between the rows. Happy gardening! 😊
I have a nabor that has her garden next to the road, she only grows tomatos and pumpkin. Anyways her garden grows faster and longer then anyone else. I think it's because of the road. It heats up faster and is like a heater for the plants. So I think your road will help your plants. Also I love your hat and sweater. Did you knit them?
Hi Amber! Thank you for reaching out and for your thoughts about the road, that might actually be the case. 😊 I do love knitting and I try to do it as often as I have the time. Thank you for you sweet comment. I have knitted the hat and the sweater myself. Take care!😊
Hej Sara, I couldn't catch the name of the sugar pea that grows long and the ever lasting tomato. Would it be possible then for the planting list if it's not too much trouble. Following you eagerly from Malmö. Lycka till och hålla tummen // Fiona :)
Hi Sara I enjoy your videos very much and wanted to thank you for very inspiring content I have a question about deer in your area if you have a big problem with them because I noticed you don’t really have a fence around your property where I live in British Columbia Canada in some areas we say if you don’t have a fence you don’t have a garden any tips ?
I prefer not to have a fence round the garden. I grow som many vegetables that if some of it gets eaten that is ok.😊 I have occasionally put some thin cloth over the plants to protect. You can do that if you want or put a net over or perhaps buld a nice looking fence.👍 Happy gardening and best of luck to you!
@@Skillnadens Thank you I was thinking the same thing , if I plant tons of things they can’t eat it all right ? I really do not want to build a fence around my property to expensive 🤗
A good way to check this is to have a thermometer handy. Please read about winter gardening Best of luck! 😊
Absolutely! We have a really nice variation of both fruits and berries. I grow plenty of blueberries and also haskap berries/honey berries. I can show you later this summer.
Does the word for "chive" in Swedish (forgive me for my attempt at spelling a Swedish word phonetically), _grasslerk_ translate literally to _leek grass_ ?