
Smear Campaign: Turn Narcissist's Flying Monkeys Against Him/Her 

Prof. Sam Vaknin
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Only correct response to smear campaign: no response.
Damage to reputation non-existent among true friends and just workplaces, great among fake ones. So, smear campaign is a useful filter or membrane.
Turning an agent into an asset (double agent) in counterintelligence.
Appear collaborative and compliant, thank the flying monkey, act as if you are scared in order to elicit additional info and lower the guard of the conspirators.
Feed the narcissist with wrong info, disinformation (with nuggets of truth).
Spy on the narcissist and anticipate his/her next moves.
Identify others involved in the conspiracy of the campaign.
Expose the narcissist’s often criminal conspiracy to law enforcement, media, or online.
Alternatively, keep the evidence against the narcissist and his flying monkeys for future use in case of extortion.
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@wenj3488 3 месяца назад
How sad to have people in our lives we have to play games with to stay safe from. Good to have a plan but so sad. Thank you professor Vaknin
@new_earth_2024 3 месяца назад
Same thing i was thinking.
@caupainregina9948 2 месяца назад
The reality is that there are good and bad people in this world. In order for you to navigate and sustain yourself in this world the plan is a huge necessity.
@MIRNA_LIZ 4 месяца назад
EXACTLY! 👏👏👏👏👏👏 After a smear campaign, I know very well who are my true friends! 💯 Good for me! I am not naive anymore.
@sonnyborja9375 3 месяца назад
Please include neighbors 😂😢😅
@michellehumphreys 27 дней назад
​@sonnyborja9375 I was warned by therapists not to talk to neighbors. Be careful out there if you are going no contact from your abusers like I did almost 5 yrs ago. This video is extremely VALIDATING to my experience of being a scapegoat of a toxic dysfunctional family system and then the aftermath of trying to go no contact and having to move and change my phone number several times. Its no joke, stay safe out there!
@patriciaturner7402 3 месяца назад
I just reported the narc to the Board of Professional Regulation. He lost his license to practice.
@ElenaLearningForeverToInfinity 3 месяца назад
I hope the board looked into it long and hard? that you had some big proof? you're probably just trying to be brief, but makes it sound like hearsay. "just reported" meaning just very recently? and already so fast his/her licence gone? that easy to get someone de-licenced?
@patriciaturner7402 3 месяца назад
35 yrs ago. Yes it’s very easy when he’s trying to molest your daughter, not keeping records cause he’s not working. Lying to the government. He had to make a deal to keep from going to prison.
@patriciaturner7402 3 месяца назад
Yes. It certainly is.
@julia912d5 3 месяца назад
Did you have a psychologist narc who abused you? If so, I did too. Who did you report them to?
@afol4016 3 месяца назад
@JohnWesp 4 месяца назад
One thing to add: narcissists don't seem to think too far ahead. They have no long game, use that to your advantage.
@MingPhoenix-Romania 4 месяца назад
If he is a covert narcissist... and uses passive aggressive tactics... will be a long time tactic... I don't think the video is about them...
@lundsweden 4 месяца назад
​@@wardeggerrobertmarius144 No, psychopaths definitely don't have a long game, inability to see and plan ahead is a characteristic.
@Lion-rf8xi 4 месяца назад
​@@wardeggerrobertmarius144 Not reassuring.
@mamccrea4910 4 месяца назад
Mine had an elaborate set up and he was definitely thinking about his long term benefits when he was doing it. It was long term goal, with the help of flying monkeys.
@TherapyAbuse 4 месяца назад
​@@wardeggerrobertmarius144 You're both technically correct. The issue is between Factor 1 & Factor 2 Psychopathy. Primary Psychopaths (F1) are the more charming, charismatic, manipulative, cold, calculated, & strategic, "white collar crime" types. They have a long-term goal. They don't care who they have to screw over to achieve their objective. They more or less have "planning" but their lack of insight in their 'plans' renders them often fairly ineffective. These 'plans' often have to adapt to accommodate the psychopath's lack of consideration of consequences (i.e. because REALITY doesn't always go as they expected so they have to improvise) Often this means transitioning from one 'plan' to the next, _in the general direction of their long-term goal, but with A LOT of collateral damage and near-misses along the way. Secondary Psychopathy also sometimes referred to as "Sociopaths" tend to be the more reckless, defiant, impulsive, reactive, including violent and/or sadistic. The maximum security prison types. These psychopaths typically have a baseline of Factor 1 traits (lying, manipulative, callous, two-faced, etc) but their impulsivity and recklessness often land them in trouble with the criminal justice system at some point. Most psychopaths have varying degrees of BOTH factor 1 & 2 traits, which is probably why the term "psychopath" is so confusing and misunderstood.
@potenza76 3 месяца назад
I'm going through a6yr attack at work.I have a dangerous fan. The police, lawyers are now involved. Her threats have changed now to a palpable fear. They lie. They forget the past. They are impulsive. They are at the end of the day dangerous to themselves. I went and is going through an extremely stressful life event. But thanks to Dr. Vaknin, my psychologist,lawyer and so on, I'm learning to turn my fear into power. Good luck everyone. Stay strong.
@sherri-be5pw 3 месяца назад
Yout advice can save lives!!! So many ppl have committed suicide bc of narcissists amd especially if they wage a viscious smear campaign on top of the abuse they inflict in person. Look at rhe highly publicized case of Mica Miller. Its good that ppl are finally understanding the seriousness of what they do amd it almost always includes them breaking the law. They hv no regard for their victims amd no regard for the law
@teejehoda9749 3 месяца назад
Mica Miller was Murdered, she did not kill herself. But yes so true many many suicides...l wanted to when l was with the Narc.. 33years Praise God lm still here.❤
@teejehoda9749 3 месяца назад
@AaronFaust213 3 месяца назад
I honestly believe this is what caused a lot of public shooting situations as well. Its very sad. Especially to push people so hard with mental illnesses, should be prohibited. If you want to help someones get them into treatment or therapy, you dont push them over the edge. Very sick and counter productive.
@maryvera123 4 месяца назад
I didn't know anything about narcissists but I instinctly knew he was trying to get me back. I used the grey rock technique and went no contact. Worked like a charm.
@iwannabethekid34xc 4 месяца назад
You sound like an emotionally manipulative person tbh
@ia9259 4 месяца назад
How can we recover when the smear campaign continues and by your family. In some countries, it's a nightmare to have your parent against you. I don't respond but I cannot get rid of the sadness. What have I done to deserve all these lies, insults, violence, the humiliations. They took away everything I owned and I bounced back and they're still trying to hurt me. I was stupid because I believed my parent would be more kind with age hahaha what was wrong with me? I only gave another chance to someone who didn't deserve it and who broke me.
@Hayes2703 4 месяца назад
Read Dr Ramani book ‘Its not you’ straight away. Audio the best, you hear the kind, sensitive, caring narrative of Dr. Ramani herself. Love and light.
@MsSunshine-cw3oj 3 месяца назад
You have done nothing to deserve it. It is unjust and unfair I'm in a simular situation. The narcissist are envious of you and hate your light. They live in darkness. I now see, that it is a gift to know who is against you. Also their flying monkeys are either the same or blinded by these lies. To have peace I use the word of God. So much truth and love to find there. God loves you, and he created the whole world, and you ❤ Do not seek validation from people, especially not those who treat you badly. Forgive them (for they know not what they do), but don't trust them. Stay away from them and find good people you can trust. You are not alone ❤️
@jude1987 2 месяца назад
I am in the same boat. I'm so so sad, confused, can't stop ruminating, and can't walk away because my son's is suffering and my grandkids are told so many lies. I'm a truth teller but I have no voice. And I listen to sam and Dr Ramani and YES, what they say makes sense but I'm getting worse over time, not better. I did nothing and I lived my abuser DIL, so trying to wrap your head around it is absolute confusion
@m998hmmwv7 2 месяца назад
An old Chinese man once said.. it is what it is....
@e.1766 24 дня назад
You are Not Alone! If we can find the resources to help us, & find a way to Use those resources, that's our way out of families like these. Stay Strong 💙
@alexdeh973 4 месяца назад
Thank you for explaining. My Previous Work Place was hell on Earth. Boss is an overt and his prime flying monkey an covert narc employed in HR. Never expierenced a more evil duo: Mobbing, Bullying, Lying, Micro Management, gossiping, Distrust. As soon as they come to the conclusion that the employee wont fit In, they instantly will lay the person off.
@BamaBelleOpines 4 месяца назад
Sounds like one of my past workplaces......... a hospital..... a place for doing much good yet much bad for many of its workers...
@mrmcallister 4 месяца назад
What would be a more appropriate set of actions if management comes to the conclusion that a person is a bad fit for the company?
@alexdeh973 4 месяца назад
@@mrmcallister The thing is that the decision is not based on the employees performance but upon their complying or non complying with the toxic work culture. Insanely high turnover rates, they take pleasure in Kicking people out, even Top Performers because Management seeks admiration, almost workship and submission to their corporate/personal goals, no critics allowed. From the Managements POV the only reasonable Action - I agree with you.
@benpit5012 4 месяца назад
don't know if 3 month probation period exists where u are but for any reason can be let go.
@benpit5012 4 месяца назад
these people have openly talked about their diagnosis and or having NPD? how many degrees of separation for u to Know a lie vs perceive? or take your pick from your given list keep detailed records for no reason but to protect yourself .
@stuartr2764 3 месяца назад
Only issue for me is that smear campaigns are fine for real friends/ fake friends situations. But there are also many people who only know you slightly, they are ‘neutrals’ in a way. And narcissists target these people… ‘turning a neutral into an ally’ - creating enemies for you where before they were just people you knew. This is not harmless.
@LearnCompositionOnline 3 месяца назад
I got this on workplace
@lilyghassemzadeh 11 дней назад
The deadly silence on your part will be in contrast with the narcissist's barking. There is a possibility that the healthier neutral flying monkeys notice the difference and gradually find out the truth. It is happened for me, albeit after about 6 years. It was not easy but the fruit is so sweet 😊
@DawnGreen-wn4hr 3 месяца назад
You’re right, Sam! Nonetheless, many victims of narcissistic abuse don’t want anything to do with fake. To survive we have to relearn a lot of things.
@martinprice8263 2 месяца назад
They will seemingly, innocently get in your way and have you tripping over them when they see you are busy and distracted with your hands full.
@cnunex1766 4 месяца назад
I like the part about true friends not believing what the narcs say about the person they recently discarded. My mom just discarded my sister and I don’t believe anything she says about her.
@gabrielleg8794 2 месяца назад
Don't play the game of the chain of fools. No contact is the only way out never engage in their nonsense keep your sanity and move away and never turn back. That's my advice and it works wonders. No need to get involved in their dirty cunning game for this is poison for your soul.
@blankblank-mx7dx 2 месяца назад
Get away and get your sanity back. And don’t let yourself forget who and what they are if you have to find yourself in their company again. They’ll act as if they have changed just long enough to start screwing with you all over again.
@jackoneil3933 4 месяца назад
Useful advice that makes life easier is a gift. Thank you Sam.
@shamyrajeremiah9039 4 месяца назад
Thank you!!!! I never even think of being on offensive. This is good info. You know EXACTLY what you are talking about!
@deborahbennett-kagan5793 7 дней назад
Thank you Sam. You are very helpful. My mother was a narcissist and I have attracted both male and female narcissists in my life because of it. I'm currently dealing with a smear campaign from my ex boyfriend which is horrible. Thank you for your advice. Deborah
@jasonuren3479 4 месяца назад
The actual origin of the term flying monkeys. Not what I was expecting. Thanks for the clarification.
@ajc2208 3 месяца назад
Yes, the other description keeps being repeated by other sources. Glad for that clarification.
@Lady-Celeste1 5 дней назад
Thank for setting a path. Can't believe this happened to me. THANK YOU
@oraltosun 3 месяца назад
Narcissists already love and want to play with you. If we do these things, the narcissist would go crazy with agreat joy.
@bridgetmenham6686 3 месяца назад
Narcissists don't love xx
@deltaradiance9034 3 месяца назад
This is a Strategy not necessarily a game coz here the Narcissist will never come back after this
@ApocalypseofMichael 3 месяца назад
The abusers of my childhood were so violent, it caused trauma induced amnesia. It lasted for about 16 years and they convinced my parents, drs, police that I was crazy. At 16 a psychiatrist abused me psychologically and it triggered a massive amnesia in me. For the next 30 years my abusers got close to all my friends and convinced them I was crazy and that I fantasised about being abused... When Covid came and the masks were mandated, it massively triggered me (Suffocation was one of many torture tactics and there were many ways to suffocate and torture me) and then over a year, i came apart lost in somatic flashbacks, then the memories all came back one day in a horrible way, kind of like a machine gun of memory bullets. It took a year for most of them to come out, day after day. I opened up to a couple of friends but they made me out to be mad, I opened up to others and they also didn't believe me and treat me badly, even telling me "I was mad "and one said when I asked why he didn't believe me "You haven't convinced me enough" Saying it once was enough in my mind, but the he has a T-shirt that says "It's all about me!" I've just come out of another batch memories but now have put all the pieces together and see who has been smear campaigning me, and friends I've know for years I see now how they were trying to trigger me in group situations when my abuser was there- acting on her behalf to prove her "reactive abuse" was my disorder as I was unknowingly being triggered. My family knew about the abuse but chose to hide it and even got a policeman friend to come and give me a lesson as to what it would be like if I sought help again. I've a six" fracture on my skull from that and many broken ribs that went untreated. They have tried to push me over the edge again. I have cut off from everyone I know. It has been hard but for my safety. I've been off work for 9 months now and in therapy. Not sure I will trust anyone again.
@lightowl4345 4 месяца назад
If you have the time and inclination to discuss mob bullying at work, that would be an interesting topic.
@carmenm.9522 4 месяца назад
As well, is there such a thing as an employer who isn’t narcissistic?
@Pupchipp 4 месяца назад
I'm lucky..my boss is nice. Very caring. Very accommodating. I stick up for her too. I say " Wait, You know what you've got. You don't want her to be your manager? Let someone else you don't even know...step in her shoes instead? You know they won't let half of what you guys do, and don't do around here slide like she does. Be careful what you wish for. Calms them down for a long time.
@ajc2208 3 месяца назад
​@@carmenm.9522 I've worked for a few very kind bosses in my time. There was only one workplace as I mentioned in another post here where the toxicity, corrupt behaviour, smearing, etc was horrible & unbearable. Yes, there are nice bosses out there if you're lucky to get them.
@LearnCompositionOnline 3 месяца назад
@@carmenm.9522😂 there are the „good narcs“
@bettybabwah3923 3 месяца назад
Time is a scarce commodity. I'll invest it otherwise. I'll take action that's quick and snappy.....that saves my time for more productive activities!! I'll distance myself and cut off all contact with the narcissist and flying monkies.
@SELPHELPING 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much professor. Much needed!
@cazza7034 4 месяца назад
Thank you for your wisdom and support ❤ I’m so grateful for you 🙏🏽
@PrimeTimeFarm 4 месяца назад
I thought it was because of those monkeys that tricked prey into walking into packs of lions . Great video
@tatianacashon2059 3 месяца назад
Genius. Thank you for providing such useful information, giving a clear plan of action. Absolutely genius
@mannoubouba9204 3 месяца назад
flying monkeys are even worse than the Narc
@seanrobinson6407 3 месяца назад
Wonderful video. I have developed some of these techniques having been attacked. But it is good to hear this man lay things out so clearly and articulately. The thing that really helped in my case was the narcissist was full on savior complex mode, constantly virtue signaling, even talking in a "holier than thou" voice always trying to make everyone think she was so great which put me at a serious disadvantage because I am generally quiet and just do my work. So I was completely outnumbered and not the popular one being attacked by this jealous narcissist who smeared me for years. One day though, her narcissist rage came out, and she had a meltdown in front of everyone and the workplace cameras. Everyone saw the mask come off and years of her machinations instantly went down the drain. It was obvious the evil in that person, and all the flying monkeys were like... wait, he never did anything in regards to me but look at her! It was hard to sit there and let her spew her venom and not respond or cuss her out, but I am glad I kept my composure. What this man said about filming and documenting within the bounds of the law is true. I used to think cameras everywhere were too 1984 Orwell, but now I'm glad that attackers behavior can be recorded.
@larisal.9923 4 месяца назад
This is gold. Thank you professor Vaknin.
@probrickieexclusive 4 месяца назад
Thank you for changing the world for good through your hard work.
@markfox2043 3 месяца назад
Very very good, on point. Best iv seen about this situation, you are very very good, on point, good words, good outlook, 100% pm point. And exactly what I'm looking for. You have the answeres... Cope, awareness on an army of those, preperation, response. Agents into agents, blimey, yes, double agent, bullseye.
@brandontylerburt 3 месяца назад
I always assumed that the term "flying monkey" originated in reference to the winged monkeys in "The Wizard of Oz" that carry out, en masse, the nefarious plans of an adversarial witch. The image of monkeys simply taking over the highest reaches of a structure the way Professor describes it is more apt and more chilling somehow.
@miniprepper8284 3 месяца назад
It was so weird what happened to me yesterday and today... it led me to this video. For years, I've known a very mentally backward woman from church and organizations I have been active in. In the same groups, I became friends with a benign narcissist who fancied herself a great singer. This lady constantly turned people off by promoting herself at every opportunity. She is still doing this on social media, etc. and by showing up and grabbing the microphone whenever she has a toe in the door. She moved to another state and stayed somewhat in contact with me and in our last conversation we had a disagreement about something that had transpired at church AFTER she left with her of course, telling me how wrong my perspective was. When that conversation was over, I just reconciled myself to not trying to stay in touch with her anymore (easy since she lives far away). Yesterday, I get a letter from a flying monkey (mentally challenged lady) announcing the fact that it was the Narc's birthday (implying I should contact her). The flying monkey invites me to watch the Narc's TV show which is an online thing I have no interest in watching. The desire for me to contact the Narc was so strong, the lady reiterated the information by leaving a message on my phone with implicit instructions to "call me back". I am angry about this (not being left alone) and called this poor lady back and listened to her promote the Narc, then I told her thank you for the information but I was too busy (with a new church) to get involved with what she wanted me to get involved with. I am absolutely sure there are several folks who want me back in their sphere of influence, but you have to be so careful not to habe their minions put words in your mouth. Happily, it is a benign situation. It is only bothersome, not malignant.
@rosebean 4 месяца назад
You just described the nursing profession, and the ward receptionist has been a flying monkey of the highest order in every single workplace I have seen in 30 years
@DawnGreen-wn4hr 3 месяца назад
My mom is a narc and and a nurse…interesting.
@wassupstock 3 месяца назад
Or... and hear me out here... you could leave the narcissist, and their Cadre of flying monkeys, behind.
@BecomingaQueen 3 месяца назад
Very good video! Omg this smear campaign is a crazy thing 🙈
@Ilona-o3f 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much 👍😊 So true 👍🙏
@KKKkiri 3 месяца назад
it worked, thank you very much -) I gathered so much evidence against the narcissist that it ruined them to the ground and in the face of the public with hard data, screenshots and recordings. It was worth it.
@e.1766 24 дня назад
The narcs in my life usually Are Also their own flying monkeys. They come at me direct, when I'm in a hospital or incapacitated & too sick to fight anything. I'm trying to find outside resources/3rd party professional protection, & how to pay for it until I don't need to any longer. Thank you for your interesting, informative videos
@NaomaNimrichter 4 месяца назад
I'm still with a covert narcissist for 30 yrs. He has been sending flying monkeys to my work, the women he s had sex with. No matter where I go they are everywhere. The reason I'm still with him is because of financial reasons. He blames his mom for me being stalked at work, he won't admit to it.
@Whispers-ro9xb 3 месяца назад
Good job professor. We need exactly this from You. Exact instructions for how to lead the battle. Because the world is a cruel place because of these people and battle is unavoidable if you dont want to be a slave. We need exact instructions for the battle, similar to the chinese The Art of War.
@nicolehayes6020 4 месяца назад
Thank you professor ❤❤❤
@maurisagubler3230 3 месяца назад
Brilliant psychological warfare. I’m watching these karmic narcissists fall like flies by applying these tactics.
@3CGirls 3 месяца назад
I think this tactic works but I just can't do it...I can't even lie if someone asks me if they look fat in their jeans 😅
@LearnCompositionOnline 3 месяца назад
Important ist the workplace . Forget „love“
@nerifterafrnam4682 3 месяца назад
"Flying monkeys can be overturned/used" Well yeeeees, if you got days upon days of nothing else to do than speaking to dog poo.
@dandelion_. 4 месяца назад
Hell no im not doing all that lol its not worth all these games thats not what life and living is about but you wouldnt get it sam.. being a narcissist you all love playing games and get excited with this back and forth sneaky games
@SRM-kh9eg 3 месяца назад
I’m so glad I got the originals on “Flying Monkeys”. Much more deep and profound
@Dr.ShaziaHanif 3 месяца назад
Very informative elegant awareness respected Sir!
@MilanTodoran 4 месяца назад
Very informative and funny.
@IreneTozetti-v5n 3 месяца назад
Maybe someone much more smarter than me could use these techniques.
@samael7867 Месяц назад
the other day i got to work and the leader of my team, the boss and my coworker have been sitting in the office waiting for me, i got accused of some unspecific things, i listend and when the time was on me to talk i just asked, what spesific things did i do wrong? the awnser from my coworker was, do you expect me to tell you all the missdeeds you have done? I said, yes thats exactly what i want, tell me every little detail. No response, from my coworker, she just sat there and the topic was closed and we talked about other things. I hope i responded the right way. and thx for the video, i was thinking can i do a move? shall i do a move by myself? but now i just do nothing, do my work as good as i can and hope she will let me be in peace in future. what was facinating to watch thou was how she changed during the conversation, from confident in her bodylanguage to, idk how to say in english, it looked to me she crumbled.
@auroraaustralis5470 4 месяца назад
Thank you Appreciate understanding Cleansing 😊 💗
@artdoran5920 3 месяца назад
Sir, you are a blessing of knowledge, thank you.
@randijones3952 3 месяца назад
Best and so true message I have ever watched form you.
@baselbassil9913 3 месяца назад
Honestly I need an example of how to feed the narcissist with wrong information .. like how and which kind of information?
@jvanleeuwenCdn 3 месяца назад
He is not talking about lying to the narcist, or feeding the narc false information but he is talking about the narcist's enablers / friends which allows them to bully people. I assume it is dangerous to engage with flying monkeys.... I mean it's advanced, beyond my expertise... your not an highly trained agent. CIA spents like what is it 2.5 million or is it 1.5 million training an agent.
@ArashaSP 2 месяца назад
Professor, your strategy sounds similar to what was sued against Sean “Diddy” Combs by Cassie Ventura’s lawyers. She and her attorneys knocked it out the park!
@RiggedVedist 4 месяца назад
Most workplaces are the latter type
@newcivilisation 3 месяца назад
Wow. It was you Professor that coined the term!
@charilynn6647 20 дней назад
I saw His flying monkeys on Facebook. It was very distubing because some were naked women in liciviscious poses.
@zibam6687 3 месяца назад
What if ur husband has smear campaign for forty years and tells many bad things about you ? 😭 And u have no evidence that he is wrong 😭
@yuntas 3 месяца назад
Love the picture of the portrait 😄🙏
@Swesum24 3 месяца назад
@Ilona-o3f 3 месяца назад
Good title 😊🙏👍
@KimRishel 3 месяца назад
This happened to me
@sueadair7019 4 месяца назад
Thank you!
@gladhguru 3 месяца назад
Narc 'wives' treat their 'husband' the way they think (wrongly?) that they need to be treated. This confuses the hell out of any pretty normal man, who might experiment with responding in kind, only to find that doing so doesn't help in the slightest. Or, maybe many of them really do want / need to be treated this way, whereas feminism says that this can't possibly be true -- again, confusion all round. Actually, if agression is coupled with coveying total self-control / self-containment at the same time, a narc 'wife' will like this as it helps her to control parts of herself that she believes she can't control on their own. But I don't like adopting a bad boy persona (what she calls 'Sergeant Major) to achieve some kind of stability, so this doesn't work for me in a different way. Narcissistic 'wives' look to their 'husbands' to fix all problems that they 'thiink' they can't (or don't want to / or shouldn't have to) fix on their own, or with any involvement / input from themselves whatsoever. Good men are always helping their wives whenever they can, as they can be very good at doing this, and so get great satisfaaction from doing so. But, some types of problem, escpecially communication problems, seem / maybe are actually impossible to fix without good enough cooperation from the 'wife', so wherever she sees this request / demand for cooperation as unreasonable / or beyond her capacity to help without her suffering some kind of mental breakdown, she may start aggressively insisting that her 'husband' fixes, on his own, her problems and/or his arising problems (all one's that she claims incessantly "she can't cope with", "as she's already close to breaking point"), with the help of the little information she CAN share without having a mental breakdown, where some of what she CAN share then turns up in the form of non-verbal communication. even non-verbal comunication (or even in dramatisation of her emotional state only) that's hard to read, or hard not to read incorrectly, or any information that, from her point of view, is needfully 'encrypted' (out of her awareness) -- hence a typical 'husband' complaint of being asked to mind read, although when some men get ever-better at mind-reading, then what they think they're then picking up typically gets aggressively denied (and then projected?), so this kind of problem is too tough for most people. But, note the following dialogue: "Cut the anxiety, Lisa" "I'm NOT anxious" "I KNOW you're anxious, but I have no idea why" She storms off in a silent huff. We reconnect somehow not much later, where it's instantly 2-way lovey-dovey !! My youngest son handles typical female insanity in his wife (and I'm not saying that many husbands aren't capable of insanity in similar or differring ways) by calmly and assertively repeating "I don't negotiate with terrorists'", which he claims always works, but never results in a permanent fix - so WTF is going on here? I think that from now on, I'll try saying to my 'wife' that there's no quick fix to this kind of problem, or comunication problems, as these kinds of problem can only be fixed in a large number of small postive / constructive steps (maybe triggering little brief upsets that can be recovered from quickly and easily) over an hour, or day, or week, or month, etc., (with a sufficiency of short or long enough breaks) and zillions of relationships all of our planet are struggling in the same way because one partner or the other insists on a quick fix, or otherwise a downing of tools, or a tantrum / hard for anyone to quell hissy-fit -- wish me luck -- or advise me otherwise !!
@DawnGreen-wn4hr 3 месяца назад
Why Sam? Why do they want to push you to suicide?
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Watch the shared fantasy playlist.
@Annabella24183 3 месяца назад
They bs get bored with the mask and revert to true colours. Iv been begged and then smacked in the mouth and floored
@caringforall4454 4 месяца назад
@Mustbeluve 4 месяца назад
Yes they do think farrrr in advance....they don't move on at all...not one that anyone has heard of moves on
@italianbarbie8986 3 месяца назад
@LearnCompositionOnline 3 месяца назад
26:31 ❤ what i did by nature
@tderuvo 3 месяца назад
I wonder what your thoughts are on a societal level, think maga, Russian citizens, etc
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Search the playlist narcissists in social settings and subscribe to my vakninmusings channel.
@pmskyV 3 месяца назад
YE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Pronto PUP $alute$
@ceceliadavis471 3 месяца назад
People will kick you when you are down. They think you are a loser but they , in reality, are the real losers.
@ThePaulv12 2 месяца назад
What gets me is this, when you're down and being kicked, the kickers feel utterly justified even to the extent the law doesn't apply to them if it occurs in the workplace where there's strong laws to protect workers form this sort of thing. This goes all the way to physical assault, where when the police become involved they don't press charges because they're in agreement with the attackers that you are just a POS. I've never been able to understand this. This has nothing to do with the narcissist in the workplace just supervisors and office staff.
@artlopez767 9 дней назад
They really are. It just seems right now I'm so worn out from all they've done. It's been so painful to go through all of this.
@AysenGuler369-zs1om 3 месяца назад
Thank you, very smart.
@atoneltontetuh5406 3 месяца назад
Narcissists could also operate as a collective/group with the connections to institutions of power. One of the most dangerous forms with an intricate network of flying monkeys.
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Search the channel for "collective".
@angelafaletasi8914 8 дней назад
A lot of times in the long term if you dont engage in a narcissists baiting or smear campaign they will usually trip over their own deception, it is only a matter of time. It is better to carry on and live life. Thank you for sharing
@lindayoung6845 3 месяца назад
Most work places are organized around bullying. Especially workers in healthcare outside of big hospitals, especially mental hospitals, and especially among the women in these settings.
@e.1766 24 дня назад
We actually need to spread awareness abt that, bc a Lot of patients are getting Hurt bc of it. Let's call attention to health worker bullying; including Dr's & administration👍🏼
@jan4548 4 месяца назад
I have been doing this. Acting grateful and providing the flying monkey fake information, she now sends me their chat history and tells him about the information I provide her.
@maneyarain 3 месяца назад
well done 😂
@Wanderedinto 3 месяца назад
@@LifestyleMediaGrpit’s lies they tell about you to you’re friends and family and anyone else who listens and believes it. Once they do that those people act differently to you
@paper-chasepublications9433 4 месяца назад
I'm only 6 minutes in and already see the extreme value in this video. Thank you, Professor!!!
@PR-cv1if 4 месяца назад
All this is true. If you can’t remove yourself from the situation these tactics work. It’s the long game but your reputation will be somewhat better this way. The only one it won’t work on is primary supply.
@2hetig 4 месяца назад
Do you mean it if the victim is/was the primary supply? Or if the primary supply acts as a flying monkey? Why do you think these dont work in that situation? (And what do you mean by primary supply? Sam says an intimate partner is secondary supply )
@jvanleeuwenCdn 3 месяца назад
​@@2hetigDoubtful, it's hard to imagine too many situations where the partner was not primary supply. Who do most people spend most of their time with?? It's their partner
@PR-cv1if Месяц назад
@@2hetig the primary supply is who the narcissistic person chooses. They will obey the narcissistic person most of the time unless they are willing to leave that relationship and cut the bond.
@kathleencondit1660 4 месяца назад
Congratulations on being the one to coin the term, Flying Monkeys. It sure applies well.
@melmac7674 Месяц назад
Before I knew the term was used I called them flying monkeys so that term fits😅😂😂
@elmtree33 3 месяца назад
Bravo! Finally a practical guide on countering smear campaigns. Dr. Vaknin, please consider further expanding on this topic. 🙏
@kenshirogenjuro873 4 месяца назад
There are a lot of components to this game I would really struggle to try to emulate, as presented it probably isn’t worth attempting to develop. The whole dishonesty thing and trying to appear “submissive” or otherwise “beneath” others are centrally contrary to who I am. Even so, I’ll certainly be thinking on ways to adapt my social style for parallel strategies to somehow retrieve information from flying monkeys. It certainly seems like a powerful skill. It’s definitely true that smear campaigns can be incredibly helpful for ascertaining which of your friends are actual friends who see and appreciate who you are vs which aren’t real. And I have certainly seen how “non-response” can not only end up the least-destructive option, but over time tends to turn more people to your side naturally as you simply allow the incongruence between the narcissist’s narratives vs what the flying monkeys directly observe with you grows. The narratives lose steam and along with it the hostility of the flying monkeys wanes. That works well enough for me in most situations. Although you really have to be prepared for the long game. Most people are sadly really susceptible to certain styles of suggestion that narcissists really excel at and are extremely persistent about.
@Lion-rf8xi 4 месяца назад
Yeah I have autism so I'm not trying some crazy social shenanigan's tactic. Just saying it like it is after being destroyed and I think people eventually get that was actually an autistic dude and a crazy she banshi from the nether regions of hell not whatever fantasy she had um all wrapped up in. Crazy thing is even if people know what they are doing is wrong they mostly go along with it if the person next to them does. Like wow all you really decided to just stalk and harass that one autistic guy nice! I had a late diagnosis I wonder if I would have fell for that if I knew at the time I had autism.
@sunshine-db2zm 3 месяца назад
I absolutely agree, i have not tried to prove myself to anyone...my no response is working so well for me... my narcissist now looks stupid when she is the only one who keeps on saying bad things about me all the time...she looks desperate and crazy now over time of 10 years...
@Lion-rf8xi 3 месяца назад
@@sunshine-db2zm I think mine wants to kill me so she can keep saying them when I'm in the grave. But I never see her just her crew and knowing she is out there creeping through the shadows for fresh blood.
@cshell2001 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this information. Truly golden ✨️
@myrahouse2368 3 месяца назад
When the narc returns they won’t apologise they just show up all sweet and nice….beware a snake 🐍sheds its skin and comes back as a bigger snake…. The flying monkeys are fooled like everyone they believe nothing is the narcs fault so they come and retrieve you for the narcissist…
@delphihendrix808 3 месяца назад
So true! I don’t give a F what he’s said about me. I don’t talk to anyone who talks to him, anyway. I want to survive!
@charliefarlie2884 3 месяца назад
I am well into the first stages of this and have been for nearly 6 months when I decided the pain and cruelty as they carried on the work of the narcissist for him was enough. There are 2 main flying monkeys who are a couple (family ties and finances involved). They now believe that I have been firmly put in my place by their actions and that they have taught me a lesson. I'd been wondering how to proceed next and drip feeding false information is a great idea, although that will be quite difficult as they barely communicate. However, I've noticed that since they have started to believe that I'm compliant that they're becoming a bit more open with me. Looking forward to seeing where this goes next.
@SusanWillans-b9q 3 месяца назад
Beat them at their own game. Love it!! Thank you Dr. Sam!
@echokammersurvivor2210 4 месяца назад
making their 2nd narc supply radioactive by building alliance is a gamechanger
@danmeck5978 4 месяца назад
I have done this recently and it works a treat
@s.t.6771 10 дней назад
What type of false info do you feed them?
@danmeck5978 9 дней назад
@@s.t.6771 anything that is relevant to the situation. You will know what to say when the opportunity arises.
@amyedie8902 4 месяца назад
Have you ever played dumb to someone who plays dumber than you and it escalates until it’s gets so ridiculous that you wonder how the other person can’t remember how smart the two of you used to be?
@amyedie8902 2 месяца назад
@@tdesq.2463 thanks for the new term😁 I have heard of “Botton Feeders,” like spiritual omnivorous humans who, like catfish or hogs,have nothing against consuming anybody or anything, but mostly go for whoever or whatever’s bottomed out.
@ajc2208 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this empowering video, Mr. Vaknin. A while back, I worked in one particularly toxic workplace that left me scarred for years from the sadistic bullying & smear campaign I received by one very corrupt co-worker. Looking back now on that period, I can see what truly sick & power hungry individuals the co-worker & some of the higher ups who enabled her were. At the time, I didn't know much about this topic of narcissism so I fell for all the traps the corrupt co-worker used to sabotage me. When I compare your assessments from other videos also, I strongly feel she had the triad personality traits. The top tier of evil I now know.
@melaniehellum1281 3 месяца назад
Very good video. Good descriptions. I have lived in the shadow of narcissism most of my life. Trying to figure things out. My x even turned my mother into a flying monkey. I was so stupid. I didn't even have to pretend. She knew I was being emotionally and physically abused but made it my falt. I lived with shame most of my life. That I was in some way a bad person.
@Iamhere12333 19 дней назад
That's okay, i have no friends anyway. I know the truth and that's enough. Im enough for myself. Dont need anyone to believe me.
@estellewarren62 4 месяца назад
Exceptionally terrific video
@deztherrien8700 Месяц назад
Birds of the same feather, fly together. Eagles, fly alone.
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