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@orgmonk 14 лет назад
I personally believe that the strength that some of them achieve is achievable naturally, but not the size. Steroid's do 1/3 of the work. They put everything they have into there training and mental preparation. They have to plan meals etc, change there lifestyle to fit there every need. So people who say it's all steroids, that's not true. They spend there entire like achieving what they accomplish.
@TheNutramino 14 лет назад
Ronnie have always been big.. But u see em other guys, all they had from the start was a dream. A dream that went true. Pain is temporary, Pride will be yours forever.
@sublim28 14 лет назад
They also have an ideal metabolism for building muscle and ideal muscle insertion points. Now when you add to this genetic makeup 5-6 meals a day, a cocktail of steroids and HGH, the best supplements money can buy and 10+ years of training you get that big. I'm not trying to say that these guys don't put in a lot of hard work. They do, it's just that there is a lot more to the equation than that.
@Slim-Pasty 14 лет назад
These men are still respectable though and admirable to a point,because they knew their strengths and capitalised on them.Thats pretty smart in a practical sense. GENETICS are the ULTIMATE factor for shape and size and symmetry,stack drugs on top of that and your up there.... GENETICS and DETERMINATION are KEY,but not one without the other. You have to TRY 2 know,just don't waste time after say 2 years of HONEST,HARD,INTENSE effort.If you don't get RESPECTABLE results...let it go its OK...
@MusicKingSprings 14 лет назад
this video is great i really enjoyed it.... its a proven fact that steroids can only do so much its the dedication of your training that carrys you
@RealFilo 14 лет назад
damn nice video man i was strying to find this n i couldnt so thank you bro n i agree with u i think that colenman looked better before
@MrSaydilou77 15 лет назад
Tihis is a lifestyle not a part time job. It takes dedication. Coming from an ex bodybuilder, I don't personally see anything wrong with juice except for 3 exceptions. One, kids stay away from this stuff, it will kill you. Two, don't over abuse it. Three, and I speak from personal experience, it is a drug that you can be arrested for. Not just a ticket like weed. I am talking felony. Like coke or any of that crap. Jail is not fun and it sure makes it tough having a felony on your record
@wsman18 14 лет назад
It is simply this. Steroids without training, does not put more than a couple pounds of muscle on you. You can take a gallon of testosterone straight into your blood stream, and if you don't eat the protein needed to build that muscle, you won't add one extra pound. Weight training and diet are more important than steroids. If you take steroids but don't train, or eat right, you don't gain muscle. But you can not take steroids, train, and eat right, and gain a shit load of muscle.
@Bsnakes 14 лет назад
yeah they take steroids, but nobody works harder than these men. takes nothing away from them. Huge respect and I hope to be in a video like this some day :)
@Mattris 14 лет назад
For each example you can find of a dramatic drug aided transformation, there are hundreds of others who took the same drugs AND trained hard, AND ate right, & STILL didn't make as dramatic growth. To ask which component is more important is to fail to grasp reality. It's only when genetics+training+drugs+diet come together when THIS level is achievable. If it's not the life for you, then live & let live & do what's best for YOU. These guys had to choose a path right for THEM. Just let it go.
@elnastychino77 15 лет назад
I think it pretty much depends on what results you are looking for. If you are planning on becoming a professional bodybuilder then most likely youll have to use steroids. But if you are looking to have just a nice, cut, and lean body you can do pretty much with training and good diet.
@iNNeViTable1 15 лет назад
Jay Cutler juices...he admited it basically in "Bigger,Stronger,Faster" he said, "In bodybuilding there always someone looking for an edge, is there steroids involved in this sport? yes, I have an edge and thats why Im the best"
@bigdannyg23 14 лет назад
if you do your research...if you can get legit gear...if you use as opposed to abuse,if you can inject yourself properly or have somone who can...then the risks are minimal..lot of "if's"but if you can say yes to all these points then all should be well....more importantly the question you need to ask yourself is "do i need to?"
@jez22689 14 лет назад
finally someone who knows what they are talking about. goo work.
@CruelSkies 14 лет назад
If your trying to show that training is more important than steroids you can't. Of course training etc is important, but the underlying fact remains you can't get that mass level without the 'roids. I trained naturally for years at 6ft 2" I couldn't get over 12 1/2st. A 12 week course of roids turned me into a walking god. I always trained hard and 'roids showed the quality of my work. I didn't want the problems associated with prolonged use, and as soon as I stopped the mass went too!
@swilson3d 14 лет назад
@Willard321 - Which brings to mind another point : WHY would there even BE "natural" contests? aren't steroids illegal in the regular contest anyway? What are they saying? Yes steroids are illegal in THAT contest but they're REALLY illegal in this one (for real this time) That should tell you that everyone in the upper levels of bodybuilding know what's really going on. People haven't tripled in size since the 1950's for no reason.
@harryscrotum007 15 лет назад
its both bodybuilding and training. these guys juice and train for 10 years minimum to look like that. its not like juice makes anyone like this. you have to train many many years, eat right food, sleep, whole life devoted to bodybuilding. people who know nothing of this thing just know the bad stigma. its not even a big deal at all. I've done a few cycles and I honestly think it was well worth it for the expeirence.
@shotgun14141414 15 лет назад
this is a great video, but I think that is a picture of Kevin now, not before lol
@hitler42088 14 лет назад
ive lifted natural 5hrs a day, 6 days a week for 12 years. im one year of steroids now and ive doubled my size in that year. im within 1 1/2 in of arnold in my biceips, and 4 inchs on my chest. i just started my second cycle on dianabol,test enthante, deca and trenbolen. so ill have arnolds measurements in a year, and 2years to get the deffention
@NitricPump 14 лет назад
IFBB Constitution Article 22 - Doping: 22.1 Position Statement: The practice of sport involves physical health and fitness, dedication to training, and proper nutrition. Doping, which includes the use of Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods to artificially enhance performance, is unethical, contrary to the concept of fair play, undermines the values of sport, and can endanger the health of the athletes. The practice of doping is forbidden within the IFBB.
@Azian_Euroz 14 лет назад
@MonkeyParts92 actually they do give that higher potential, the allow you to be bigger, stronger, faster, etc. thing is you still have to work for it, steroids just let you worker harder, being that you develop more as well as allows a faster recovery and therefore, more "work" in your workout
@Flamindepanman 14 лет назад
indeed its not a game its a lifestyle, every user has side effects, most of them will get health problems and be forced to quit using it afterall...
@jimmy2nz 14 лет назад
no steroids no training just lifestyle
@marcus_yap 14 лет назад
@picabloo wat i think is.. steroid isnt necessary to build muscle. but flour and heat are necessary for cake
@LegendMuscle 14 лет назад
hahaha! i enjoy how the rennie before picture is still rediculous
@MicooXX 14 лет назад
Steoroids + dieting plays the huge role :P. and steoroids do a huge huge difference.
@Soco9 14 лет назад
you took pictures with them when they where young and old....in time you can reach that mass but only in time and this video shows that..peace
@south97north 15 лет назад
Yeah you are right. thats why all bodybuilders dont look the same. Even when using steroids some may get better results do to the amount of receptors thou these bodybuilder shown have or do do steroids they have to constantly train and diet other wise they would just get fat.Not taking anything away from them I would like to compete one day.
@25AEAndrew 14 лет назад
its a mix of steroids traing eating not in that orde of course but also genetics plays a big role like jay was a pretty big kid
@Connectopress 14 лет назад
454LS6, i'm sorry but that's bull. He clearly stated on 'the making of Pumping Iron' that he was a very heavy user of steroids and that "we all took them, they weren't illegal back then." That's perhaps why, he stated, he needed cardiac treatment later in his life (mid 1990s). But still, great bodybuilder, not as good as Yates though. :)
@Spychu1993 14 лет назад
great video, roids just help them but the most important is good diet and training .
@october83160 15 лет назад
tu as raison aussi et ton message video est clair "un boeuf est aussi costaud eux charge "
@swilson3d 14 лет назад
Take a look at top level bodybuilders from the 1950's and compare them to today and tell me that there's a new way to do the bench press that's making them all 3 times the size. Arnold admitted steroids and basically said that everyone was doing it. He was pretty up front about it txknightrider82 , yes there were some over the counter supplements that were basically equivalent to steroids, they are now controlled substances; if they took them off market, they were obviously not baby aspirin.
@sadlovevenky 15 лет назад
Classic bodybuilder wer before like arnold n few others ... bt nly few can seen with perfect body
@ravinder2ravi 14 лет назад
ya it is stroids & nutrition & a lots lots of training in the gym
@LayneRoxxx 14 лет назад
damn...those guys got HUGE! Where do I get some of that?
@Reignman007 14 лет назад
levrones first photo is AFTER his prime.when he started acting career
@Thesp88 15 лет назад
PEOPLE KEEP IN MIND THAT the before and after pictures aren't in a lapse of a year or 2 , it's 8-10 years of pure hard work ( sure they used some juice , probably , but they fucking trained like muther fuckers )
@hiszpanoo 14 лет назад
steroids and hardcore training!! RULEZ:] Jay the champ..
@MustLovePoop 14 лет назад
arnold is on a different plane, you can see he's exceptional, can't put him in this video man
@TheHardTruth101 14 лет назад
@iDMS2009 ok we here you. you posted the same comment 3 times. but my question to you is, who are pro bodybuilders cheating by taking steroids when they are all on them???
@ThaiBox2007 15 лет назад
Steroids and training of course. Hours and hours and years of training and dieting. And yeah the juice is gonna take you past what nature intended. I mean a lot of the juice is used so they can train an extra hour plus a day and recover faster. I disagree with using steroids for recreation but everyone is so quick to forget the time energy and dedication involved in bodybuilding or anyother sport
@massivewhopper 14 лет назад
jay was still a bit of a unit before he got serious
@tomodonnell3 14 лет назад
jay cutlers 37, dont you think 22 years of training is enough to build you up that big?
@sublim28 14 лет назад
Let's cut the bullshit. They don't get this big because of hard work and dedication. That's just one part of the equation. First and foremost these guys have exceptional muscle building genetics. They are born with more muscle fibers than the average person(that's why their muscles look so dense). They are naturally stronger than the average person and by the time they are in their teens they already have a respectable muscle mass.
@abelhoul 14 лет назад
agree be sure steroids alone does nothing but kill ur kidney fster but with training the damage is reduced and the muscles get the benefit.
@psustud5327 14 лет назад
The real answer is, truthfully, HARD WORK, DIET and THEN steroids. Steroids, indeed, help give the ability to work as hard as these guys work. But Steroids aren't magic pills!! I have many HS and college friends who did steroids and NONE of them look anything like these guys... even the ones STILL doing it. Don't let steroids discredit the work, diet & expertise (and yes, genes), that these guys have (put in) as so many other "know-nothing" envious types do!
@jonesylvp 14 лет назад
all these guys looked really good before i think, more athletic
@xavior109 14 лет назад
it's obviously a mix of both, but you definately can't get that big without roids.... you can train hard without but you won't get that big... and the roids help you train harder and longer so you can get bigger
@10Corson 14 лет назад
Yea, and if I practice singing enough I'll sound like rascal flatts. Come on here. I'm in the gym for one reason, and thats to get bigger and stronger. Steriods isn't magic either. It takes hard work. You only get bigger, stronger and look better with dedication....period.
@10Corson 14 лет назад
Train hard and you can get results like that. So if I sing enough I'll problably sound like Rascal flatts too huh. Come on man. I don't see where people think that steriods are magic. Of course you have to take steriods to get you to the next level but it still takes hard work and dedication......PERIOD.
@thegarbageman21 14 лет назад
The name of this video should be steroids AND training. Because both are necessary. Bodybuilding always takes hard work.
@thebruneitimes 14 лет назад
its all about hard work!!!
@CedrickWilliams 14 лет назад
u cant say someone is taking steroids when some of the shots of the before are at the beginning of their career and the after shots are like 5-10 years later or the shots at competition weight and offseason weight cuz their is a big difference
@johann7652 14 лет назад
no es solo esteroides estos hombres se efuerssan mucho para lograrlo,no es solo aplicarlos y esperar a ke cresan estos tipos entrenaan muy duro
@JoshuaPaulHollenbeck 14 лет назад
does anyone here understand what steroids do ? they help you recover faster , and train harder , you still need to train and eat tons of protein, and then train more and eat more etc ... etc ... etc ..
@JoelWells1994 14 лет назад
big muscle is important but after a certain point you should stop growing them
@LenR6 15 лет назад
Oh and, just because you're on roids, doesn't make it all that simple ;-) lot of people forget, you can (so you have to) train harder, eat better, sleep good etc.. etc... So it's always Steroids & Training ! (one can't get that far without the other)
@14156 15 лет назад
wheather steroids or not you gotta work out like a monster to get like that
@abelhoul 14 лет назад
there is nothing wronge with using steroids , its their own choice to take up the risk in order to boost their physic.
@silorm1 14 лет назад
true i get muscle's pump from testosterone even if i hadnt train for 2 weeks
@legalman07 14 лет назад
yes you can you hve to work at it. muscle can build very quickly. steroids are not a necessary part of bodybuilding. they work hard and it shows the oils they put at the shows makes them look better at shows. dont assume shit you dont know about. try then say they do steroids. true may definitely do steroids but dont judge a whole list of people who just went and worked hard to get what they wanted. the workouts paul dillet for abs work like and your ripped in abs in like two weeks. its amazing.
@Anarkiados 14 лет назад
Aggression only occurs in ~5% of the users, btw.
@truthhitshard 14 лет назад
before and after.... maby you should say thet between thers a whole decade of pain training eating and dedication....
@mat.archambault 14 лет назад
Anyone who cant give respect to bodybuilders for their hardwork and dedication deservs to be slaped around big time... Sure Roids help for quicker and bigger gains, but u still have to work ur ass off every day and eat religiously to get those gains. Anyways their is a roid for every sport nowadays... can a seringe shoot a puck, cycle at 40mls/hr or tackle somebody NO athletes need to work for it...
@87PowerMan 15 лет назад
some people just don't appreicate the sport of bodybuilding
@movemaker11 14 лет назад
what are you traing to say that at the first photo of ronie hi is not take a steroids... ?
@peewee3030 14 лет назад
steroids, consistent training and nutrition all go hand in hand. u cant get the look or rthe strengh without all three of these key ingredients. also a good night's sleep is very important
@Kainthemain 14 лет назад
i prefer the lean muscle look. Much better in my opinion.
@1l2g3d 14 лет назад
can someone tell me the name of this song please? thanks
@TheSerbiaKing 14 лет назад
"xavior109" absolutely true
@iskiinthefastlane 15 лет назад
fucking right, thats what i tell ppl who try to give roids a bad rep.....such a good movie
@marbeer17 14 лет назад
The right question is: what would they do without steroids?
@MuscularMetal666 14 лет назад
4:03 ..his name is sazali samad from malaysia! (right)
@joniswolfman 14 лет назад
steroids are to recover muscles faster after training..... they do need to train..... but its hard to say if it is all hard work or if steroids were there to help the hard work unless you really know the person you are talking about.....
@Duppzor 14 лет назад
@CroatianPride45 ...+ very good genes + extreme discipline + 15yrs+ training... and the list goes on.
@Felipe_Reitz 14 лет назад
How long did it take to each transformation?
@SuperPotsep 14 лет назад
R u kidding me? Ronie Coleman is not the same person in the ''AfteR'' moment
@Damojwood 14 лет назад
Of course training is the most important, steroids take it to the next level and the guys using train even harder while on because they can.
@flotfyr18 14 лет назад
We can all agree that taking steroids is cheating... But you cannot say that everybody can be as big as Ronnie, Kay, Victor or the others just by taking steroids and other shit... It is all about dedication and working your ass off. Training is their life, its all they do (almost)
@Slim-Pasty 14 лет назад
@dooglesbee TWOSHAY...TWOSHAY.....i'm glad iv'e finally figured this out after 10 years of wasting my energies and money (supplements)now i'm finally accepting that IM DESIGNED to be slim and weak (no shame).Now i can exercise the most important organ MY MIND.Many people still deny this aspect (especially meso's) because it shows them as EXCEPTIONALLY spirited and determined..blah..and just the BEST.The more younguns and dumbuns are kept in the dark by this FACT,the more money for supplement c
@ibreakkidslegs 14 лет назад
lol young dorian yates looks like he has his boxers on backwards
@NOCTURNOzombie 14 лет назад
i power lift, im no pro but its funny when i see guys in the gym twice my size and they cant hit weight as heavy as me. I RESPECT bodybuilders who are STRONG, but if your twice my size and doing a third of what i do........ :(
@BB4liffe 15 лет назад
Lolz at Dorians Before picture notice his shorts look like they"re backwords lol:))
@alexfarafrica 14 лет назад
food, steroids, training and sleep = champion
@ketou21 14 лет назад
steroids and hard training,without them you just lose your time in gym,you lll get bigger you ll get better...but without steroids you ll always be under those who does them.....if you want something more than the usual,i think you should take them...i will start steroids on september,if anyone has any tips for me pliz message me....
@chris71388 14 лет назад
@stretch9119 its actually a huge piece in the puzzle. If 60% of me is artificial than consider me all fake.
@powerlifter95 14 лет назад
Pro Bodybuilders: Diet, Training, Rest, Style of Life, Supplements, Roids
@max7bc 15 лет назад
Jay was already pretty big in the "before" picture. His after picture is definitely after roids.
@TrackStar1063 15 лет назад
Steroids plus a hell of a lot of hard work.
@CsniperC 14 лет назад
they are giving their life for this sport stroinds can help a little bit like 100/15 other 100/85 eating working and giving your all life..... too many silly people think only taking 20 testesteron than u can be like roni in 2 week .. u have no idia about this sport men...
@87PowerMan 15 лет назад
oh and kivin levrone has been tested before, you know there is such a thing called supplements right?
@Eliskoopa 14 лет назад
Hell, Ronnie looked good before he turned into a f*****n hulk...
@misterchuckle 14 лет назад
lol ronnie looked pretty juiced in the before pic.
@19may0001 14 лет назад
steroids, training, eat, sleep, 8 weeks later your a beast, 3 cycles a year, max
@mattloriginal 15 лет назад
u have the Kevin Levrone pics round the wrong way. The before pic is actually after he retired from bodybuilding. the ronnie coleman pics are both during his peak, before is contest ready, after is during the offseason where he was known to reach well over 320lbs. whilst I accept that all of the above took/take steroids or HGH to get as big as they are but these guys work sooo hard in the gym u'd puke if you did half as much
@deanP382 14 лет назад
They need steroids more than training to get that big. They obviously worked extremely hard prior to steroids, but look how they changed after the steroids.
@HassanTheSlayer 14 лет назад
well for sure they use steroids but steroids doesnt work by itself it needs training too, hard training
@Naturalhit 14 лет назад
You forgot Momo. Along with Ronnie Coleman he was an active natural BB. BTW...Coleman wasn't a 100% natural back then.
@paulatreides123 15 лет назад
When are they gonna just ban the roids already. All bodybuilding should be natural.
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