
Steven L Peck on Why Evolution and LDS Thought are Fully Compatible 

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Steven L. Peck on "Why Evolution and LDS Thought are Fully Compatible: Overcoming our Suspicions of Science" given at the Science & Mormonism: Cosmos, Earth, & Man conference held on November 9, 2013, in Provo, Utah. More information about this conference can be found at:



29 ноя 2013




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@TheBmgrayson 6 лет назад
His remarks were centered around convincing Mormons that evolution theory is valid, rather than how it is compatable with lds theology. I wish he talked more about the difficulties of passages in 2nd Nephi and past leaders statements.
@sammcgee8726 Год назад
Ben Spackman has several fair conference talks addressing in depth the perceived conflict between the theory of evolution and lds theology.
@cyberherbalist Год назад
You kind of have to start _somewhere._ In order to convince someone less knowledgeable about evolution, one must begin with what evolution is, and convince a skeptic that it is reasonable and possible. The scientific evidence for evolution is quite overwhelming, and you have to be whistling past the graveyard to deny it. There are too many whistlers whose faith can be shaken by truth, when it doesn't need to be that way. Latter-day Saints are already willing to accept that the Bible has limitations (see the 8th Article of Faith), and contains important errors and omissions. It doesn't take much effort to then rationalize with them that what God told Moses clearly didn't involve telling him about mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, quantum mechanics, or astrophysics. Yet these areas of knowledge exist, and their absence from the Bible doesn't invalidate any of them.
@TheBmgrayson Год назад
@@cyberherbalist The title of the talk is why evolution and LDS thought are fully compatible, not "Why evolution is true". Talks like this give the listener a false sense of confidence in their beliefs. They listen to someone who believes the LDS doctrine AND evolution and leave with the belief that they are compatible, when in reality they haven't begun to explore the unresolved tension between evolution and LDS thought.
@cyberherbalist Год назад
@@TheBmgrayson - I agree that the talk isn't complete in that regard. Brother Peck doesn't fulfill the talk's title. But he does answer the first question along the path, which is this: "Is evolution true?" Next, consider that plenty of LDS leaders in the past and present have said that science and LDS theology are compatible. From these two facts it should therefore logically follow that LDS theology agrees that evolution was the process by which God created life. To which I say: _quod erat demonstrandum._ And you're certainly entitled to have a quibble with that.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
I agree. he is justifying his position with star power poorly quoted at stake conference OR the dad of President Eyring. He uses some evolutionary images, No real fossils. human to ape Evolution is a lie.
@lukeslc-xd8ds 6 лет назад
Sorry, but what did he say? I was waiting for something big, and I heard nothing.
@squalllionheart5538 5 лет назад
In physics there is a problem with Quantum mechanics not being compatible with Gravity or General Relativity. We don't throw out Quantum mechanics and we don't throw out gravity, because they work. We acknowledge that we are missing important information that will unify the two theories. Likewise, the same can be said with the doctrine of creation and the discoveries of science. We don't stop using science and I don't stop using religion, because both have helped me out in life. Science and the knowledge derived from it saved my life when I was a very sick as a child. Also, religion ( The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and a relationship with God.) helped me out in a dark time in my life. They both work and the one day just like in physics we will have the knowledge that will bridge the gap of understanding.
@tacojohn9 9 лет назад
This talk has a good, but misleading title. The speaker did almost nothing to square Mormonism with evolution.
@jasonroberts9788 4 года назад
Did anyone hear an actual reason WHY evolution and LDS thought can go together or did he just talk about how he believes in evolution?
@thelatter-daysaint2427 4 года назад
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I like Peck. I loved his "Short Stay in Hell" and absolutely adored his "Scholar of Moab." But I found no support for his presentation's premise. And I was really hoping to hear it. Perhaps, I'll listen to his Fair Mormon talk on this subject. I feel that his ego was a little too bright on this one. He kept plugging his work, which some was tangential but others were just like an ego wanting the audience to put his pictures on the fridge.
@charlemagnetheFranks 4 года назад
@@thelatter-daysaint2427 🤔👍
@joyajensen1065 3 года назад
The earth's created stages go perfectly with the "days" in Genesis. God, Jesus, the master gardeners. It's harmoneous truth
@sammcgee8726 Год назад
@@thelatter-daysaint2427 Ben spackman explores the matter thoroughly in several fair conference talks and many blog posts. He has extensive knowledge of Semitic language and religious and scientific history. His work gives ample, clear, and precise support for a reconciliation between faithful discipleship and an acceptance of modern science. I wholeheartedly encourage you to listen to his talks. They can be jarring at first, as they call into question some foundational assumptions, but they demonstrate plainly that those assumptions are not justified by God's revelations to men.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
I didn't hear it. I heard a man validating his own position bringing false philosophies into our church as young people going to BYU and college are leaving Faith in vast numbers. THIS man is aiding Satan in infiltrating places that should be safe for faith in the Creation and Faith in God! watch 27:18 Q&A portion when he says we need to reinterpret the scriptures
@douglasrowley2641 4 года назад
Religion 327, (2000) Pearl of Great Price Student Manual, p. 10: "In 1909 the First Presidency stated: 'It is held by some that Adam was not the first man upon this earth, and that the original human being was a development from lower orders of the animal creation. These, however, are the theories of men. The word of the Lord declares that Adam was 'the first man of all men' (Moses 1:34), and we are therefore in duty bound to regard him as the primal parent of our race" ("The Origin of Man," Improvement Era, Nov. 1909, 80).
@JaysonCarmona Год назад
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
THANK YOU FOR SHARING TRUTH. this man is an imposter and is leading our children away in a current battle for our youth as they fall away in droves. A professor at a church school will have more power. a wolf in sheep's clothing.
@thelatter-daysaint2427 4 года назад
I don't think Peck makes a strong case here for why evolution and LDS thought are fully compatible. I am not saying they are not, but I was hoping for an argument for a strong symbiotic relationship between the two. His argument seemed to hinge on the fact that he believes science and LDS thought are compatible, and people should stop being afraid of it, but he gave no evidences as to why this should be the case. For instance, he could have spoken about the light of Christ, "as also [the light of Christ] is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made...which [light of Christ] in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is in the midst of all things" (D&C 88:7, 13). He could have gone on to quote D&C 93:30, "All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also, otherwise there is no existence."
@ruexcited2WholeHearted Год назад
I agree. I get the feeling that Steven Peck believes that current Darwinists have everything figured out, so now we need to makes our beliefs compatible with them
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
Agree. because there is not one. They are oil and water. Human to ape evolution is a massive lie. He is leading away our young people who go to a church school and are malleable. this is so dangerous.
@ikesteroma 10 лет назад
I really enjoy this talk. Whether or not any of us should accept or rejects the premise of evolutionary theory is a subject for debate. However, there one basic idea that we must all understand: It is possible to believe in evolutionary theory and be a good/active/spiritual Latter-day Saint. We must accept that the two ideas are at least plausibly compatible with each other, and a belief in evolution (even to the extent that man is descendant from lower primates) is not an indication that one is weak in faith. Further, whether nor not anyone believes in evolutionary theory is irrelevant to salvation. To believe (or emphasize) otherwise is, as Jacob articulated, "looking beyond the mark" of what the Gospel is all about. As for myself, I'm a thousand times more worried about whether or not blokes are getting their home teaching done than what their personal feelings are about evolution.
@kelman727 9 лет назад
Science and superstition are not compatible, alas.
@ikesteroma 9 лет назад
kelman727 Correct.
@ikesteroma 9 лет назад
***** If you are to reject theories in natural selection, that is fine unto itself. I suspect that most LDS generally agree with you when any of them stop to ponder on this issue. I have no problem with this by itself. There are a couple of other ideas that have been proposed to Man's existence that I suppose are certainly possible, though I will admit that I'm skeptical. My only contention is that you say outright that this stands in contradiction to the gospel. This idea is derived from a very narrow understanding of the gospel. It is perfectly acceptable beleive in evolution (all of it) and believe in God and the prophets. Dr. Peck is proof of this.
@ikesteroma 9 лет назад
*****​​ Whether or not I believe in evolution does very little in my understanding of our role as humans and our relationship with God. I would be willing to bet that both your philosophy and mine is very nearly the same in our understanding of who we are as children of God, even as we might disagree on evolution. It is worth noting that we explicitly understand that all life has a spirit, a doctrine that is unique to Mormonism. Our own religious heritage has a keen understanding that we do indeed share a kinship with plants and animals that we should cherish. But our understanding as to who Adam was is very limited. Church leaders have disagreed on this very issue, while the church itself has made no official statement to settle the issue outright. Besides, there are literally hundreds of LDS professors at BYU and abroad who are out-of-the-closet believers in evolution with their membership fully intact. If the church doctrine was so opposed to this, why is it that they allow it to be taught at BYU?
@ikesteroma 9 лет назад
***** Your interpretation of the First Presidency's statement is, once again, narrow. The church has never formally condemned the belief in evolution, and I just don't read that statement the same way you do - there is no mention as to where Adam came from, for example. I realize that there have been certain church leaders who have express their disdain for evolution (e.g. J.F. Smith, B.R. Mckonkie), but other church leaders have expressed the exact opposite (e.g. John Widtsoe, B.H. Roberts, J. Talmage). I really don't personally care whether or not you believe in evolution - that is a debate I'd rather have on a different thread. My only contention is that it is perfectly reasonable to be a fully active, fully worthy member of the church who believes in evolution. There were apostles, after all, who were on board. In the grand judgement that is to come to us all, our maker is going to be so much more concerned about what you did to serve your fellow man than what your beliefs were on Darwin.
@richardbarrow4620 Год назад
After joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I heard doctrine that sounded strange to me. Oh well, Jesus Christ is an old friend of mine and his spirit testifies to me page after page that the Book of Mormon is true. That's good enough for me.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
We need to rely on the spirit alone when guys like this come in to teach false doctrines and draw many away after them.
@AutismFamilyChannel 6 лет назад
It is frustrating reading the comments section or even seeing videos about our faith and not seeing one scripture. Here is one for starters: Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Did we evolve from primordial soup, then? You'd have to have a VERY BROAD interpretation of that scripture. Russel M. Neilson: "“The entire Creation was planned by God. …I testify that the earth and all life upon it are of divine origin. The Creation did not happen by chance. … The Creation itself testifies of a Creator” (“The Creation,” 84-85). Again...trying to create harmony between this and what SOME of "scientific" biology teaches, would take a lot of apologetics, which it seems Steven Peck has become adept at.
@karimsonsafehold9233 6 лет назад
Scriptures don't pay the salary of evolutionists or professors at BYU.
@rickrichards166 5 лет назад
Autism Family, there is no harmony between honest LDS teachings and the facts and evidence from evolution. Dr. Peck is being dishonest
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
beautifully written. We must oppose this sort of infiltration into a church school. dangerous stuff.
@fredheimuli5913 5 лет назад
Why are people so offended by the possibility that we came from more simpler life forms? If you look at the natural process that occurs in Genesis, that's exactly what happens as well. From dust, to more complex creatures, to more complex...being offended that our bodies have evolved from simpler forms is like the earlier Christians who got disgusted at Joseph Smith for claiming that God was once man. People thought it heinous that Heavenly Father ever had a past of once living on a mortal world and going through similar experiences as ours. Many thought that we demean God with that belief! Why is it a stretch to say that there was a process that God used in order to develop our present day bodies? Is it beneath us to say that we evolved? I love learning about evolution and yes I'm an active LDS.
@fredheimuli5913 5 лет назад
besides, I don't see anyone complaining about how we develop into babies and adults! At one time, we pretty much looked like a tad pole, then an egg, quickly dividing into multiple specialized cells. As embryos, we actually have gills and a tail! Does any one get skirmish about that? There's a PROCESS involved in how we eventually look the way we do now. Why are people shocked at the evolutionary process? Take the time to study it out first before we become emotionally charged and irrational.
@NashHinton 2 года назад
Joseph Smith wrote in the D and C that the earth is 6,000 years old
@royalspades6473 2 года назад
So? Your mom is 6,000 years old
@NashHinton 2 года назад
@@royalspades6473 Dang. I felt that burn.
@royalspades6473 2 года назад
@@NashHinton you don't actually believe the world is 6k years old right? How do you explain dinosaurs?
@NashHinton 2 года назад
@@royalspades6473 I don't believe the world is 6000 years old. I'm saying Joseph Smith is a liar and so is this guy in the video
@royalspades6473 2 года назад
@@NashHinton ok
@DoctorZisIN 9 лет назад
Just Sunday the church doubled down speaking against gay marriage by stating that Adam and Eve are real. How does that work with the theory of evolution they teach at BYU, Steve?
@sandtruck7259 2 года назад
This guy and the group he belongs to have made radical changes at BYU and they are attempting to reshape the course of the church and are responsible for a radical shift in socialism at BYU which has made a complete alteration in scriptures leading many to question their beliefs and leave the church.
@cyberherbalist Год назад
It works fine, actually. The Creation account in Genesis and in the Pearl of Great Price (in the other part of the LDS canon of scripture) are very basic. All it says is that God made Adam and Eve. How did He do it? It doesn't say. All it says is "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Did God use magic? Harry Potter style spells? It's perfectly reasonable to posit that God used the evolutionary process to generate the precise form that He needed in order to host the spirits (or intelligences) which became known as Adam and Eve, and thus in all the human family. With God working subtly behind the scenes to guide and direct things to the desired result in such a way as to avoid making it evident that He was behind it all, can you prove that it _didn't_ happen that way? Of course you can't. No more than I can prove that it did. It's not a question subjectable to science, since it is non-falsiable. I can assert, but I cannot demonstrate. And you're in the same boat. In the end, it is left to us to have faith, one way or the other.
@DoctorZisIN Год назад
@@cyberherbalist I fall on the side where I don't think the existence of god is likely, and he's just a tool for a few to control many, with the many becoming convinced because of what they get out of the belief, not because there's evidence or a likelihood that god is real. It's a transaction: You give 10% of your income, you loyalty and obedience, and they convince you that there's an eternal reward awaiting after death. I can't prove it, but reason gives me cause to think so.
@Hamann9631 6 лет назад
I want to see him debate Kent Hovind. Please send this comment to Steven if you know him.
@TheBeardedSandman 3 года назад
Oh my gosh that would be murder. Hovind not only believes very strongly in his religion and in his viewpoints, but he is very good at debating and highly disagrees with the LDS church. Kent Hovind could convince you the moon doesn't exist. He could convince you that brown Listerine is cow milk. He could look you right in the eye and convince you that he doesn't exist and that he's a figment of your imagination.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
@@TheBeardedSandman sadly Kent is on the side of truth here and this member of the church is causing much damage to the youth of the church as they leave in droves. Faith is dying and steve is aiding satan. Was i bold enough?
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
Please. I would love to see this man get slapped by another Christian. Sadly with the fulness of the gospel we should be better. this is a disgrace to BYU
@bilagaana1238 3 года назад
I still don’t see how evolution is compatible with LDS doctrine. What sets humans apart from all other species is that we are all the literal children of God. We are “the race” of God. And because of that we have the divine potential to become exalted. We know from the scriptures that Adam was the first man on this Earth. If evolution is true, then were Adam’s parents only 99% children of God? If so, can they be exalted? How would those spirits have been made? Or maybe they were some other species that was everything that a human is except for actually being a human? They have every physical and mental characteristic of a human in order to produce one, but the only thing they lack is having any divine identity? That doesn’t sound like the gospel at all to me. One either is or isn’t a literal child of God. That is true LDS doctrine.
@michaelbarrister429 2 года назад
Wouldn't it be nice if everything were so black and white.
@bilagaana1238 2 года назад
@@michaelbarrister429 That would be nice. I’m glad that this is though.
@michaelbarrister429 2 года назад
@@bilagaana1238 If it brings you comfort then stick with it. But you should allow others to find comfort in a different opinion.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
You are write it is not compatible. Oil and water. the scriptures are clear.Eve was the mother of ALL living. but he said in 27:18 "sometimes we need to reinterpret the scriptures."
@michaelbarrister429 7 дней назад
It is possible to overthink things. God chose to create bodies for Adam and Eve (and their progeny) a certain way. He has not revealed that way to the world, but if he chose to utilize evolution to accomplish this, how does that preclude their potential exaltation?
@cindyandelin7178 2 года назад
The scriptures teach that Adam was the first man and that there was no death before the fall. Evolution teaches that humans lived and died for hundreds of thousands of years before Adam. Anyone who doesn't see a contradiction in these two doctrines is blind.
@497Dante 3 года назад
Dang! No closed caption available.
@cdowis 10 лет назад
Steve, I think your view on scientific methodology is... well, naive. You should know better since you have studied the philosophy of science. Let's just look at just one of your "activities that define and constrain science and that make it *powerful*" -- let's look at peer review, the foundation stone of scientific inquiry. Have you actually looked at the research on the results of peer review on the soundness of the research and conclusions? I come from a psychology background and there is something called "confirmatory bias" and this affects not just peer reviews, but the "credentials" factor as well. A well-known example is the earliest dating of habitations of the Americas. The "consensus opinion" restricted the levels (dates) that archeologists were digging because it was a "waste of time and effort". After all, everybody knows that the migrants came across the Bering Strait. I have not even touched on the flawed logic, e.g. conflating conclusions with data (facts). I often find that articles cite an assumption or conclusion as if it were fact. You are still young, and someday you will realize that scientists are HUMAN and have human flaws. Reputation is often more important than truth. Your description of science and scientists does not exist in the real world in which we presently live, especially in such an emotionally loaded area of evolution. It is now official that any research that even smells like ID is officially forbidden (not funded). (PS May I suggest you should include Nibley in your study of the philosophy of science. Study the psychology of scientific research.)
@hg4144 6 лет назад
I don't buy the 6,000 year old earth, and I certainly don't believe in the THEORY of Evolution, nor the big bang .... they are totally old, tired, and don't work ....
@karimsonsafehold9233 6 лет назад
The speaker is not an atheist but is more akin to senator Reid s view of mormon lds. Beware that you do not suffer a discipline as Rigdon or Reid did. His eye. Divine power is more merciful than college boards. Many of his students are lds from a different culture. Reid almost exterminated a Bundy mormon ranch because his faction wanted the land. That is why faction cultural differences matter
@notsure7848 6 лет назад
hg4144 ~ Another copy/pasted comment - yet again you didn't even modify it to fit the context
@ethanf.237 4 года назад
This comment is incredibly ignorant/ arrogant. I'm sorry, but I have to call it as I see it. Once you allow non Psychologists to start speaking authoritatively about Psychology, then I'll take your critiques (of a profession/ field you are not apart of/ know nothing about) seriously.
@Wonderboywonderings 2 года назад
Correct. The same monied powers that control politics control "science." Therefore, most "science" that political or theological ramifications is just a controlled narrative. IOW, it's mostly people with Stockholm Syndrome participating in a giant Asch Conformity Experiment. Who controls the money controls the "science." Anyone who hasn't learned this basic truth will never begin to understand how the world works.
@valentinarts9081 2 года назад
The problem with evolution is not that it is incompatible with the creation story in the Bible, but that it cannot explain moral agency, consciousness, meaning, language, truth and many other things. The fact that science has been successful in medical science and technology does not demonstrate that the theory of evolution has been succesful in explaining consciuousness or morals. The real issues with evolution, therefore, are not addressed. He being a philosopher I would expect he would address some of these issues.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
This man is simply validating his career choice to brain wash our youth. As many leave the church in droves he is aiding satan in the most vulnerable place. a church school. Was i too bold?
@stevent6614 Год назад
I have a hard time understanding why any LDS member would allow themselves to get confused with science, and their personal beliefs. It really doesn't have to be all that complicated. It really comes down to your core beliefs, and what you know for certain to be true. At the very top should be Jesus Christ and your belief in him, and in Gods plan for us. Then, your belief in the Book of Mormon and the bible, and whether or not you believe in Gods teachings. If you KNOW these things to be true and absolute then the rest is easy. If these things are not absolute, then go back to the basics of reading and praying about it with sincerity, and God has already promised that he will reveal it to you so that you can know with "certainty" that it is true, and god CANNOT lie. Then, once you are certain, you will quickly realize that science and your beliefs can easily co-exist because you will begin to understand that your beliefs are the core truths of the earth itself, and that all science is working towards this same truth, but are thousands of years behind, but one day they will catch up and reach these same conclusions that you can obtain right now by simply believing in god, and in the scriptures. Science is more like a thousand year research project that is designed to figure out how god created the world. We know that he did it through the power of the priesthood, yet it will most likely take scientists thousands of years to arrive at this conclusion, but I do have faith that they will eventually arrive at this conclusion.
@hollyodii5969 5 лет назад
Amen. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true! Science is always changing and is the act of discovering the Glory of God. You can be a non-conflicted LDS scientist.
@joyajensen1065 2 года назад
Awesome presentation!
@stevenupham839 2 года назад
My question is this: when did God start using evolution? There was no death before the fall of Adam and Eve. Did things start evolving after the fall? Did man start evolving from the already perfect form of Adam?
@michaelbarrister429 2 года назад
God has not revealed the answer to the world, but there is a theory that God used evolution to develop bodies for Adam and Even, and, once the bodies were ready, spirits were placed in them and they were placed in the Garden of Eden, a place set apart and very different from the outside world (a world to which Adam and Eve would be banished after the fall). Once placed in the garden, there was no death. I know there are those who want to take "no death before the fall" as literal and exclusive, etc. But we have other examples in the scriptures of what appear to be "rock solid" declarations about things that, upon closer examination, are not. For example, the declaration that this life is the only place where improvement can be made, and yet we also know, from the scriptures, that there is improvement made in the spirit world (hence, ordinances for the dead, missionary work, etc.). I'm not saying that I absolutely believe that this is how God created bodies, but I don't see it as being incompatible with the gospel. The challenge is when we make assumptions about what we think constitutes "the gospel." People like to quote scripture, but scripture was never intended to tell us how the world was made or how bodies were created (same with the temple ceremony). People like to quote past general authorities, but either ignore or have no idea that other general authorities disagreed with those statements (or are not aware that a certain apostle who made very strong statements about evolution made no statements about it once becoming a prophet, and in fact was the head of the board of trustees in 1972 when BYU reintroduced the teaching of evolution at that school). For those people who believe past statements that "evolution is the doctrine of the devil," they have to play mental gymnastics to square with that the fact that evolution is taught at BYU, with the approval of the board of trustees (apostles) (see above), and the fact that one of the church magazines answered the question of what the church's official stance on evolution with "there is no official stance." I've seen people respond to that with: some editor in a magazine doesn't get to decide what the official stance of the church is on anything. Persons who espouse such a response are apparently unaware that church magazines don't have the freedom to publish anything they wish. There are committees (or "a" committee), constituted of general authorities, who oversee the published content of church magazines. That statement was not something that just slipped through the cracks. It was approved by the oversight committee. And, in the very off chance it wasn't, then someone please produce the retraction published for the whole world to see (hint: there wasn't one). Years ago I was staunchly opposed to evolution and believed that it was heretical to believe it. Over time that changed. My current stance is that I do not know how God created bodies for Adam and Eve, and that I cannot place constraints on God regarding how he did it. But if he utilized evolution, so be it.
@michaelbarrister429 7 дней назад
The idea is that there was no death before the fall IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN. The garden was separate from the rest of the world. Death was present from the beginning in the world outside of the garden. The garden was prepared, Adam and Eve and animals were placed in the garden in a certain condition, and in that place no death had occurred. For both sides of this issue, it's just opinion, as God has chosen not to reveal these things to the world. Yet. We know all things will be revealed during the Millennium.
@harrykahuhu183 2 года назад
There are many willing to teach the philosophies of men, mingled with scripture.
@randt9494 6 лет назад
-"Through the ages, some without scriptural understanding have tried to explain our existence by pretentious words such as ex nihilo (out of nothing). Others have deduced that, because of certain similarities between different forms of life, there has been a natural selection of the species, or organic evolution from one form to another. Many of these people have concluded that the universe began as a “big bang” that eventually resulted in the creation of our planet and life upon it. To me, such theories are unbelievable! Could an explosion in a printing shop produce a dictionary? It is unthinkable! Even if it could be argued to be within a remote realm of possibility, such a dictionary could certainly not heal its own torn pages or renew its own worn corners or reproduce its own subsequent editions!" - Russell M. Nelson, "The Magnificence of Man," Ensign, Jan. 1988, p. 67
@sandtruck7259 2 года назад
Another problem with his theory is that they say the big Bang came from nothing but yet if there was nothing then where did the elements come from to produce the Bang in the first place?
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
You are truly a man of faith and knowledge. thank you! An actual direct quote from Elder Nelson not the one he shared in stake conference that was taken out of context
@BestoftheBestz 5 лет назад
That’s just his opinion and he has the right to his own opinion but not to his own facts.
@romanempire8705 4 года назад
Facts are facts, and as Ben Shapiro would say “facts don’t care about your feelings”. If you think his facts are false just say it and correct them with quotation, otherwise you too are making your own facts XD
@alexabplanalp4455 4 года назад
Evolution is a fact, not an opinion.
@Applest2oApples 10 лет назад
The more I study of evolution, the more I become convinced that if you start with a colony of the first organism hypothesized to form, you'd end up essentially a very similar colony after a billion years.
@corydorastube 9 лет назад
What are you studying? What literature are you reading?
@MrHFMetz 9 лет назад
Ryan Johnson allright, but where did this colony of the first organism come from?And who would be responsible for the living conditions for this colony to survive a billion of years? That is a very long time.
@notsure7848 6 лет назад
How can you claim to have studied evolution and not know the difference between evolution and abiogenisis? Something smells fishy.
@alexabplanalp4455 4 года назад
Do you not know what abiogenesis is?
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
human to ape evolution has more holes than swiss cheese. this guy is validating his own career built on bad science and false theories
@suzannaylor653 3 года назад
I once said to someone that "Heavenly Father is a scientist". She looked at me as if I was WRONG!! but didn't argue back. I kind of wish she had questioned me a little more - not that I like to argue - but I would have liked to have shared more of my thought process with her. Isn't Heavenly Father the source of all truth? Do we not go to Him with all our questions and doubts and He will give us the answer? Does that not make Him the expert in all things? In my mind, this makes Him a scientist, but also a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, a teacher, etc. I don't have a problem with Him using science to "organize" all things. Actually, I believe our understanding of science is quite trivial compared to what He knows, but I also believe we will have access to many science classes in the eternities 😊.
@John-sx3mp Год назад
Ehn. False advertising on this title. Hugh Nibley had a talk about how in Abraham, Chapter 4, the Gods watched over their creation until it obeyed them. It implies a continuing creation. So I was hoping that this guy had an expansion of that idea--how LDS scriptures are especially friendly to scientific ideas. This was mostly: Don't tell your kids religion is right and science is wrong. The church does not teach an extreme version of that. There was no "why" in this talk.
@cindyandelin7178 2 года назад
As with all arguments for evolution, a case can never be made without a philosophical mockery of intelligent design. I believe in science. That's why I reject evolution. Peck presented no scientific evidence whatsoever.
@brentjensen1396 9 лет назад
President Joseph Fielding Smith did not believe that evolution and LDS thought are FULLY compatible. In 1911 he said that "it is well known that evolution and the 'higher criticism'--though perhaps containing many truths--are in conflict on some matters with the scriptures, including some modern revelation" (Joseph F. Smith, “Theory and Divine Revelation,” 14 Improvement Era (no.6) 548-549 (April 1911)). If they are in conflict on "some matters," then they are NOT "fully compatible." In other words Peck is deceiving himself and others when he claims that they are fully compatible.
@will9579 5 лет назад
He's not deceiving anyone, he is just stating his opinion based on what he has learned.... Nothing wrong with that. As far as I know, Joseph Fielding Smith never claimed that he received any kind of direct revelation on this specific topic (let me know if I'm wrong about that). Many of our church leaders were deep thinkers and had strong beliefs and opinions on many subjects. I, for one, am not convinced on the theory of evolution and tend to favor adaptation, but I'm no scientist.
@texaseaglejcl 2 года назад
It is pitying this interesting video does not have CC, which would be very important for people hard of hearing like us!
@Fairfacts 3 года назад
If science's goal is to find the truth about how the world works, then religionists and scientists should have no different outcome -- ultimately. The problem with both is that neither knows everything they need to know now. As a religious person, I'm not afraid of science. Science, given enough time, will eventually find out all the answers. Mr. Peck alluded to the fact that there is transience between the species (or kinds, if you will), but offered no examples. His disses those who hold that macro-evolution has not occurred without offering any substantive proof of its occurrence. Maybe he has written about it elsewhere, but you will not find it in this lecture.
@sandtruck7259 2 года назад
He has no proof because it has been disproven since he gave this talk but He and the group he belongs to known as the swearing elders the elders are trying to reset the course of the church took a shirt and leave people down a path of socialism. One of his theories or ideas which they have been pushing is that The Bible stories are not actual accounts but are only metaphors.
@balduran2003 6 лет назад
"There are those who say that revealed religion and organic evolution can be harmonized. This is both false and devilish... There is no way to harmonize the revealed religion which has come to us with the theoretical postulates of Darwinism or the diverse speculations descending therefrom." - Bruce R. McConkie, 7 Deadly Heresies, 1 June 1980
@ethanf.237 4 года назад
"A Prophet is only a Prophet when acting as such" - Joseph Smith Jr.
@michaelbarrister429 7 дней назад
There was a time when church leaders felt no constraints on expressing their opinions publicly. Things have changed a bit. The current church position on evolution is that it has no position. Meaning, the church does not claim that evolution is a doctrine of the devil, which is why the teaching of evolution was re-introduced at BYU in 1971 (with Joseph Fielding Smith as the head of the board of trustees).
@balduran2003 6 дней назад
@@michaelbarrister429 D&C 68:4 explicitly states, "Whatsoever [those having authority] shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be *scripture*, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation." At the beginning of Elder McConkie's talk, he explicitly states, "I have sought and do now seek that guidance and enlightenment which comes from the Holy Spirit of God. I desire to speak by the power of the Holy Ghost so that my words will be true and wise and proper. When any of us speak by the power of the Spirit, we say what the Lord wants said, or, better, what he would say if he were here in person." Now, you may choose to believe that he was just giving his opinion if you want, but you will do so knowing that a prophet of God took the time to specify that he was saying what "[God] would say if [God] were here in person," before that prophet said it.
@deltonlomatai2309 2 года назад
Creation evolution all sounding very much like something from Eric Van Daniken or Elron Hubbard.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
scary stuff being taught here.
@travisparry 6 лет назад
The human body is an evolved structure? Where is the evidence for that? Animals have evolutionary capabilities but how did that work with human bodies-no one has answered this LDS or NOT.
@katezimmerman6134 10 лет назад
Left me with my questions than answers.
@MasterMahan-qm8hu 6 лет назад
This was a very poor presentation where absoulty nothing was reconciled between the theory of evolution and LDS doctrine. Very disappointed
@ethanf.237 4 года назад
I very much disagree. Where did you find it lacking?
@rconger24 6 лет назад
Having been a student of engineering, I just don't see enough billions of years available to account for the complexity of the bacteria flagellum motor and the probability that in those billions, it could get to the level it's at. These guys should be doing what the Apostles say which is to challenge the assumptions of their various sciences.
@sandtruck7259 2 года назад
There has been research already conducted which has already proven that that macro evolution is not possible.
@rickrichards166 5 лет назад
If evolution fits so "marvelously" with LDS doctrine then why not address the "Fall" as taught in Mormonism, hard to fit an historical Adam and Eve into human origins according to science.
@alexabplanalp4455 4 года назад
How is it difficult to fit the two together?
@michaelwhipple1766 6 лет назад
I actually have to totally disagree with you, Steven. I'm glad that you are are trying to reconcile science and religion but I just can't agree that we are a product of mutations, even if God had a hand in it. The earth as we know it has been in its terrestrial state for no more than 7000 years. I don't pretend to know exactly how the earth was created but I do know that there was extreme intelligence infused into His creation. DNA is not only complicated, we have no idea how to even start constructing the type of information encoded and everything that it can do. We are just really starting to understand the actual depth and breadth of complexity. An example of its complexity: DNA can have multiple messages with the same structure letters and can tell the difference between them then reproduce virtually perfect. Evolution would actually need to be babysat at every step, versus everything being created, falling from a type of celestial state and running on its own. Entropy only works one way, that is where we get the "arrow of time". Scientists cannot use entropy in their favor no matter how hard you try. In fact, science shows that entropy is in full force with genetic codes because of the breakdown of information. I love science, and I believe that perfect science and perfect religion go hand in hand. I don't believe evolution to be a science but a type of religion. Takes more faith to believe that evolution is possible than it does to believe God created and set in motion all things. I didn't really hear anything that you presented that makes LDS doctrine and evolution compatable...
@jeremymichel3042 2 года назад
I can't agree more
@sammcgee8726 Год назад
We must take care regarding our presuppositions. That the earth is 7000 years old is an assumption not shared by all general authorities. For instance, James E Talmage, who happened to be a geologist, posited a far older earth and believed in death before the fall. General authorities don't always agree, and scripture is imperfect. We are not an inerrantist church. If the data, either in scripture or in science, suggest to us the truth or falsity of a particular doctrine, we may choose, accordingly, to believe or disbelieve. However, we must remember that whether a doctrine seems to us true or false is not determined by the relevant data, but by our own interpretation. We operate within the confines of our own weak wit. Thus, we must always be tentative. To assert without true knowledge is to abandon humility. We must give testimony, but we must do so remembering that we do not know all things.
@cyberherbalist Год назад
Why is the earth 7000 years old? I know the scriptural justifications behind it, but it quite clearly is not that young. Remember that in Genesis 1 there are 6 + 1 days of creation. And then in Genesis 2 there is only one day mentioned, that it all happened in that one day. Ultimately, your salvation will not depend upon whether you believe in evolution or a young-earth creation. So why be so invested in young-earth creationism, when the physical evidence for the 4.5 billion year old earth, and the evolution of life is quite evident? God caused the universe with its trillions of galaxies containing billions of stars to come into being. Were they all brought into being during that single 7 day period? It just seems to be unwise to rely upon the limited light that God gave Moses to be the stopping point of knowledge.
@SpecOpsDoctor 6 лет назад
Don't take this talk as absolute truth. Science keeps learning and in 20 years who knows what will scientists say.There in no conflict between religion and science, the conflict is in our minds.
@thunderandrain09 5 лет назад
Well there goes 30 minutes of my life I will never get back.
@theaverageaussie7630 Год назад
Lost me at the idea that humans evolved
@masterskyrunner 9 лет назад
On his last point, recently they are developing video games and simulations with a design mechanism called "procedural generation", which is when a code or law is written, and the computer is capable of making a practically infinite number of variables based upon those laws. It got me thinking into how God created the universe, considering that we now are about to have universes in our computers. Did he personally create everything, or did he set laws in place and matter organized itself?
@tomacosta2033 5 лет назад
My question is simple. Does God The Father, have the power and intelligence, to create a man, or any other creature in one second of our present and current time system?
@5IRAHHHP 5 лет назад
is this not birth? not trying to be.. smart. just wondering if this is a simple answer to your question~
@kenmcgowansze4572 4 года назад
I won’t ever get this 30 minutes back again either. The temple teaches otherwise. Perhaps if I wait long enough my Ford will become a Rolls Royce. The one thing we also know about science is that it is never fixed. Yesterday’s science is today’s pseudo science and the possibility of today’s science becoming tomorrow’s pseudo is potentially a given. I don’t see confidence in his presentation, rather, hesitancy. Man as a species “evolved”? Then man in the beginning was not created in His image. Way too many problems with his thesis.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Ken McGowan Sze it’s Mormonism it doesn’t have to make sense or have any evidence 😂😂😂 heck it can contradict itself ANS be true 😂😂😂
@michaelbarrister429 7 дней назад
The temple teaches nothing about the method God used to create bodies. And that's not the purpose of the temple presentation anyway. Nor was it the purpose of the creation story in Genesis, Moses or Abraham.
@iloveutah5584 3 года назад
I do not think anybody knows. Dogmatic people from either side annoy me. Can different animals in Australia be used as evidence for evolution? Yes. Is the cell too complicated to just have evolved on its own. Yes. Could life have come from somewhere else in the universe? Maybe. So if we find life on Mars that is microscopic what does that mean? What about if we find it on a comet or asteroid that comes from a far away place? It means life may not have originated on earth. So did it evolve other places? Did it evolve independently? Or did it come from a creator? Nobody knows in my opinion.
@livingmombirth4005 Год назад
The good brother would also like us to believe that day is night and night is day. Darwinian evolution is the popular mythology of how God didn't create the earth nor anything in it. This is the definition of Darwinian evolution not one of many possible interpretations or extrapolations. The only question is why this good brother is fighting so hard to get us to accept this absolute nonsense.
@BobMcDanielRobertson 9 лет назад
What has this to do with SALVATION?
@BobMcDanielRobertson 8 лет назад
Evolution? The wisdom of their wise men shall be confounded and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. This must have wasted a lot of time for those who watched it all.
@BobMcDanielRobertson 8 лет назад
***** Which Darwinian taught mallards to rape ducks of other species?
@BobMcDanielRobertson 8 лет назад
Which Lion was first bred with a Tiger and did he/she sign an agreement to do so? The reverse process should have paperwork also.
@TheOptimusprime9 10 лет назад
I agree with Peck. We need to come to terms with truth of scientific findings, and learn that these truths are not irreconcilable with our beliefs.
@sandtruck7259 2 года назад
Evolution has been disproven, this guy is off the rails and is a member of a group known as The Swearing Elders" whose goal has been to rewrite scripture and change the course of the church.
@ronpalmer2u 5 лет назад
Each species was created by God individually. There is adptation to the environment within the species as the environment changes. God created the ecology and maintains the ecology of the earth to suite His purposes.
@vaughangarrick 3 года назад
Yeah still not convinced
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
me either
@trader3714 4 года назад
Said almost nothing. Seems he’s at conflict. Science is a discipline in its effort to better understand the natural world only, not the Devine or heavenly side of who we and all that has been created.
@abrown2986 10 лет назад
LOVE THIS PRESENTATION!!! This should be presented in all CES classes. Oh well.
@samvicchrilli3012 10 лет назад
I commend the speaker for accepting the facts of evolution and encourages others to do the same. He remains unpersuasive, however, on the purported topic on squaring evolution with LDS thought. The speaker must know, as do I, that the human population never bottlenecked at two people, especially two people living in Missouri. Adam and Eve cannot have existed. Other religions can accept this, but Mormons must accept the teaching as literal -- that we are the literal descendents of Adam and Eve, the pinnacle of creation. Adam is (in a misreading of Daniel) the Ancient of Days. Mormons are one of the few remaining religious bodies to take the bible so literally. I predict that tendency will chip away if the church wishes to remain relevant, just as it has on this subject. 10 years ago, this speaker could not have given this talk, sanctioned by Mormon apologists. "Other ways of knowing," the speaker says. What are those? He says revelation. So here we have a learned professor saying we can learn things not only through observation, study, measurable tests, etc., but through supernatural means of voices and thoughts, real or imagined. The Holy G-G-Ghost. There are no other ways of knowing. You can only learn math by study and practice, not osmosis, prayer, or wishful thinking. He sees the "New Atheists" as enemies. That strikes me as odd. They are only an enemy because they make the conclusion the speaker is unwilling to make -- all signs point to a lack of a designer/creator. This is the stumbling block of the speaker and all apologists like him (again, though, I commend him for being more forthright than others I have read). They operate from the premise the church is true. They do not entertain another perspective. I approach life that maybe what I think is wrong. Let me hear an opposing view, and, if persuasive, shift my thinking, no matter how hard it is. It took a year of study before I finally admitted the evidence against a god was too overwhelming to continue to have a believe in one. His joke about burning fairy dusk to fix one's car is a funny one, but more damning than he realizes. When in a drought, Mormons fast and pray, as thought abstaining from food and speaking to a absent deity is what makes it rain, and not the water cycle. Peer review. Tentativeness. Transparency. Critical thinking. The speaker rightly points out these attributes of scientific thought. They are also almost completely absent in religious thought. Another way religion and science are not compatible. The speaker says he doesn't know how the spirit works, I think it was relative to cloned animals or something. Of course he doesn't. How can he study what he can't see, or at least know is present? And yet that's what theologists do -- study a subject (god) that cannot be seen, heard, and whose presence cannot be measured. Evolution is a fact. Thank you for saying it. Now follow it to its logical conclusion that god is not a one-word programmer. That is a deist position. Our watchmaker is blind (and non-existent). The speaker, as a Mormon, has to believe in a personal god. One who can heal wounds greater than the medicine you advocate. One who can move mountains, and not just through plate tectonics. One who creates by fiat, as described in Genesis, and not by winding up the world, and only dropping in on the human species some 100,000 years after they evolved.
@MichaelGroesbeck 9 лет назад
LOL! Sorry, but saying that there was no such thing as First Human Man & First Human Woman is just 100% laughable to me. The Laws of the Universe require that Reproduction function like Radio Frequencies....& that is how Species should be defined....where two individuals with matching sets of chromosomes unify their information. Any exception can go to shifting frequencies. But it is quite definitive & essential that we never leave the principle of FIRST.
@samvicchrilli3012 9 лет назад
your comment is gibberish to me. I don't even know what you're trying to say.
@MichaelGroesbeck 9 лет назад
Sam Vicchrilli You called bottle necking irrational. Perhaps you didn't give your comment much context, but I can't see what context you would possibly put it in. So your comment is gibberish to me. Life began with 1, then 2, then another increase. Period. Also, a Deists position isn't that of a Cold or Warm Panentheists...which you come across as & by matter of function, are. You do not speak for all Deists, especially since you are not one. To give further context as to why I brought up how Species is defined....cuz I heard Dawkins use a similar argument to yours a while back, explicitly stating that there is no such thing as First anything. There are restrictions as to how we define species in order to avoid blurring it all together & they line up perfectly with how a transmitter & receiver must be on the same frequency in order to establish a connection & exchange information. Varying number of Chromosomes are the equivalent of Radio Frequencies. So Dawkins & you are 100% mistaken regarding your claims. ps: I am Deist, but I do not assert that God created Matter, Energy or Laws. The Universe always was. Life was not always. Death is Truth & Life is The Great Contradiction. His soul possesses the same nature as ours. & The Universe is not the source of "Nothing", Loneliness, Fallacy, Ignorance, & Arrogance...& basically everything else that is produced by our souls, namely Thought, Feeling, & Action...all of which comprise Experience.
@MichaelGroesbeck 9 лет назад
Sam Vicchrilli & evolution as it is promoted by Atheists is garbage. Evolution is 100% Entropic, It is not static & certainly not positive.
@MichaelGroesbeck 9 лет назад
Sam Vicchrilli You're definitely left-brained. 1. Yes, Evolution as promoted by Atheists asserts that it possesses a positive aspect that allows "ascension"....which is bullshit since we see the exact opposite in all cases. 2. Yes, I agree, The Universe can be explained without any living thing in it. However, the existence of what I listed before, cannot be explained by saying "The Universe Did It!" because quite simply, there are things The Universe does not do....ever...& can never be reproduced in a lab using mechanical methods. 3. You're just ignoring evidence there buddy. That's not very scientific & infact blurs all lines & is destructive to science itself. 4. The Universe did not produce that philosophical malarkey. :) Nor did it produce your arrogant assholery. If it did, then please explain how The Universe produces Logical Fallacy. Otherwise, you don't believe Fallacy even exists....which is a contradiction to everything you accuse of being false.
@GodFatherDeVoochi 5 лет назад
Weaksauce. The cat dog rat chessboard example is weaksauce at it's finest. Chessboards and random mutations aren't even in the same universe. Weak-minded arguments. Seems to be pulling from a bunch of random ideas that in some way supposedly validate his all over the place arguments.
@horton6951 4 года назад
1 nephi 20:13 Mine hand hath also laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens. I call unto them and they stand up together. 1 samuel 2:8 for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them. Genesis 1:6-7 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. Job 37:18 Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: 2 esdras 16:59 Who spreads out the heaven like a vault; upon the waters has he founded it. Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. ************************************************* Just a sample of Gods scriptural Words describing a flat earth sitting on foundations, with pillars , corners ,covered by a glass like firmament holding back the waters above .. ************************************************* John 3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
@scottb4509 4 года назад
I have to say that I have looked into this extensively and am less than convinced as to the evidence and validity of the flat Earth ideology. none of those scriptures are proof of a flat Earth. not saying one cannot interpret them as such but since there are multiple possible interpretations of those scriptures all of which are in harmony within their own respective interpretation ideologies, I find it to be unconvincing and somewhat illogical when comparing it to everything else we observe and know about the world around us. The foundations could be interpreted as gravity or positional relativity within the solar system or even within the galaxy. and all else could be harmoniously included into that frame work and still fit perfectly with scripture. the use of the "circle of the Earth" in Isaiah is an interesting twisting of scripture. a better English translation of the word "chug" would be "vault", not "circle", which we all know that a vault is a 3 dimensional object with a cavity on the inside which again is perfectly consistent with the rest of scripture explaining that there is a sheol or cavity inside the Earth where Lucifer and the fallen angels were cast. the glass like covering over the Earth can easily be explained by the Kent Hovind theory of the ice canopy over the Earth that broke up and fell to Earth during the flood of Noah and that is what made it rain on the whole Earth for 40 days straight. there are lots of different interpretations and I personally have looked at many of them and am not in the least bit convinced that a flat Earth is among the better interpretations out there.
@horton6951 4 года назад
scott banta Then you simply do not understand the word of God , plainly written for all to understand . If you look into it for any reasonable amount of time , and you still can’t see it , your mind is of men not God . Or you’re just a slow thinker .. everything in this video is blasphemy !
@scottb4509 4 года назад
@@horton6951 I'm not in any way defending anything mentioned in the video. but a flat Earth was not in any way mentioned in the video. The entire video could be blasphemy and the flat Earth ideology could still be a wrong interpretation of the word of God. you act as though you are so sure of yourself that you have the only proper interpretation of scripture and yet even ancient philosophers and early church fathers would be in disagreement with you. in other words many of the Lord's close followers within the next few hundred years after His death believed that the Earth was a sphere. and they used the word of God to justify that position. how could we, 2000+ years of alterations and reinterpretations and translations later ever think to know more than they who were there just a few centuries after those words were spoken? Also scientifically there are too many contradictions and unanswerable questions about the flat Earth ideology. how is there a crescent moon and yet nothing be in front of it from our perspective? where do the tides in the oceans come from if there is no center core of the Earth causing those motions? why would God create something on a global scale that we do not observe on any smaller scale? where would be the consistency and unchanging nature of God in that decision? If the sun is forever at the same elevation and therefore could be seen from anywhere in the world at an y given time, if not for the refraction of light obscuring our unaided view, why have high powered telescopes on one side of the disc not ever been able to view the sun at a time when it is on the other side of the disc? The only empirical experiments done on the topic that can in any way be used as evidence for a flat earth are also explainable in a globular system, and are likewise demonstrable in the same capacity. and none of this is to even mention the entire world wide theory of every government being in complete and utter agreement about the Earth's nature in spite of the fact that many of those governments are at complete odds and disagreements with each other in every other aspect. Not saying that it isn't possible. but the likelihood is not logically commensurate with reality. I've followed Rob Skiba's work for quite a while and have been witness to many of the claims and lacking experiments he and his people have attempted to perform to prove the theory true and they all fall short. One would think if they made is their entire life's work to prove it true they would expend a bit more effort in order to do so. the proof just isn't there and until they get more convincing evidence my allegiance to their cause just can't be that vigorous or loyal. I'm a realist, not a blind faith believing zealot, willing to throw out logic in favor of a half-cocked ideology.
@horton6951 4 года назад
scott banta I think you’re missing the point , it’s all a combined lie to hide God , from the big bang lie. To the evolution lie .. they are all lies stacked on each other to hide the creation of God .. to hide the fact that we are all special , we were created individually on an earth specifically described in the Bible . Most humanity have all been dumbed down over the last 600 years by the elites that rule to accept a satanic , freemasonry view of the world . The key is that creation in Genesis is literal and any other man made view of it is of the devil . You need to honestly research it , if it really matters . In the name of Jesus Christ .
@IntoAllTruth. 5 лет назад
"And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the Garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end." 2 Nephi 2:22 Evolution may be compatible with his thought, but not with scripture or the words of the prophets. If he believes this, then he is an unbelieving and uninspired man. Give him no heed.
@TheGreaterU 6 лет назад
So, it's not about science vs. God. It's about whether God used evolution (macro evolution) or not in creating his children here on Earth, and other Earth's for that matter. As I have looked into it, the Church has not taken an official stance on this topic. For me something does feel off about macro evolution. The fossil record tree of this animal modifying into that animal still doesn't hold water to me. Those all could simply be similar animals that died out. We do have proof of adaptation, just look at melanin levels in skin on people right? But that still doesn't prove that we humans will eventually evolve to have wings or whatever, so to speak. Human's seem to have always been humans. When I see overlaps and similarities in species or even across species it seems logical to me that the same artist (God) made all of his numerous living things. Just like a trained artist can pick out a Monet, due to similarities in artistry. Ultimately what matters is that God does exist. That science is one multidisciplinary way to seek truth or fact, and that God is the ultimate Scientist, knowing and creating all laws that govern both the Temporal universe and the Spiritual. I look forward to the day God reveals fully HOW he created us. I suspect those lessons will be reserved for the Gods and Goddesses made by God through Exaltation somewhere WAY down the line. Unless He decides to reveal it into His servants the Prophets...which would be awesome. Also, we have this to look forward to from Doctrine and Covenants 101: 32 Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things- 33 Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof- 34 Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven.
@whizwhitney 6 лет назад
The speaker is a good talker, but he doesn’t address his topic. I regret the time wasted listening to this.
@iconacy 5 лет назад
I will always stand and side with the prophets. The words of scientist will fail give it time.
@mollymu1 6 лет назад
The only thing needed is to look at The Book of Mormon . There is no way it came about by man . Once you realize this , which you will if you are being honest , all else is just details that we will have the answers to one day but aren't really important in the limited time we have to prepare for the next life .
@SecondCounselor 9 лет назад
"Did the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints know that members are "leaving in droves?" a woman asked. "We are aware," said Jensen, according to a tape recording of his unscripted remarks. "And I'm speaking of the 15 men that are above me in the hierarchy of the church. They really do know and they really care," he said." (Reuters)
@101mythbuster 10 лет назад
Why do evolutionists always use the argument for science as an argument In favor of evolution? These are two completely different things. I honestly didn't hear anything in this entire talk about LDS thought being compatible with evolution. His entire chess illustration, for instance, assumes a naturalistic premise and excludes the possibility of an intelligent designer who could easily bypass any configuration in order to achieve his intended creation. Just because a building is built brick by brick doesn't mean it takes millions of years to achive this. If the theory of evolution were truly compatible with LDS thought, he would have no problem explaining the whole spirit cat & dog dilemma which I thought was actually quite profound. I also disagree with the whole notion of micro evolution being the same as macro evolution over millions of years. There is simply no new genetic information being created during the reproduction processs, which sugests to me that these minor mutations are limited within a species.
@clintlaidlaw 6 лет назад
Addressing how science works is essential to understanding why we think that evolution occurs. But his premise isn't that LDS doctrine points to evolution, simply that there is nothing that makes the two incompatible. It is okay to accept evolution and be LDS. Do you disagree?
@alexblake5743 6 лет назад
Clint Laidlaw i disagree. If the earth was created in 6 "days" which joseph smith interpreted to mean 6 thousand years and Adam partook of the fruit +/- 6 thousand years ago and there was no death prior to the fall......? How is this compatible?
@randt9494 6 лет назад
Clint Laidlaw Emphatically! First presidency message, most prophets public statements against it, and science does NOT support darwinian evolution! -"Through the ages, some without scriptural understanding have tried to explain our existence by pretentious words such as ex nihilo (out of nothing). Others have deduced that, because of certain similarities between different forms of life, there has been a natural selection of the species, or organic evolution from one form to another. Many of these people have concluded that the universe began as a “big bang” that eventually resulted in the creation of our planet and life upon it. To me, such theories are unbelievable! Could an explosion in a printing shop produce a dictionary? It is unthinkable! Even if it could be argued to be within a remote realm of possibility, such a dictionary could certainly not heal its own torn pages or renew its own worn corners or reproduce its own subsequent editions!" - Russell M. Nelson, "The Magnificence of Man," Ensign, Jan. 1988, p. 67
@will9579 5 лет назад
I agree that he didn't really make a good argument for compatibility b/w LDS beliefs and evolution. The only take away I got out of it was that we should be more open to ideas which may seem to contradict our beliefs and that we should follow the truth wherever it takes us. And why shouldn't we, it is just foolish to think we could fully understand the work and creation of God.
@shamrockinnovations 10 лет назад
More than applicable to anyone, I know it's the simple principles that allow for the furthest leaps towards the ultimate gifts. However, I consider evolution and it's role. Who can ignore a fish flying from the water? Would it be anything less than spectacular if it did take the elements of all creation to create the capsule of man? My specific thoughts on what little I know of physics and/or biology leaves me with days of possible amazement. Is it any less grand or amazing for all elements or all living things to have been organized in the dynamic order of evolution as if the God's had pooooof!.......organized man? Either way I know whichever the mystery it is by God's hand.
@TheRaextra 6 лет назад
My opinion is: your full of Dennett's theories!
@iloveutah5584 3 года назад
Scientists and religionists that think they know too much come across as not being very intelligent. I don't know. I don't know. Stop telling me I have to believe in evolution or anything else that can not be proved. I do not. It is a fascinating theory but it is a theory. Proving the earth is round can be proved. Proving what happened billions of years ago is silly even with computers. Too many unknown variables. The chess analogy come on life is more complicated than chess.
@SecondCounselor 9 лет назад
Nope. If there was no death before Adam (see 2 Nephi 2:22; Moses 6:48; and LDS Bible Dictionary) evolution did not happen before the fall of Adam.
@mollymu1 6 лет назад
Don't understand his statements against ID . He supports ID just a few steps back .
@doctorshuckle8394 9 лет назад
Wow, this was a poor attempt to reconcile science and evidence with religion. I am an Ex-Mormon/Agnostic Atheist. So I might have a little bias. But I listened with the intention of being convinced and I never was. Let's think something. This core of this problem is whether to take the book of Genesis as literal truth or metaphorical stories. It says in the bible that things were created as they are today. Well clearly that isn't possible if you understand science and furthermore understand evolution. So let's take it as metaphorical text, well where do you stop taking text as metaphor? Is the first sin metaphor? Well then why would Jesus die for a metaphor? So it has to be taken literally, but then that makes no sense with science and all evidence. Maybe the book is wrong? Well many would say "I feel it to be true"! So is the Koran true because Muslims say "I feel it to be true"! How can that be that multiple groups get the same feeling? Maybe they are all right, and this is some secret test of God, or maybe (and seems most likely) you get a chemical release in your brain when you think that someone greater loves you regardless of the existence of the loving person. Maybe the "holy spirit" is placebo and its "warmth" is what you feel when you think you are loved due to chemical releases in your head. Not to mention how the reason why Jesus died is mostly glossed over.
@cdowis 9 лет назад
"Let's think something. This core of this problem is whether to take the book of Genesis as literal truth or metaphorical stories" This is where the LDS religion can contribute to the discussion. For example, "create" does not mean "ex nihlo" but means to "organize" materials already in existence.. A simple analogy is the jigsaw puzzle, where you put the pieces together to "create" an organism. The pieces are already there, have always existed, the "picture" has also existed from eternity, just a matter of putting it together (organize) The book of Genesis is a temple drama (which has been restored in our modern temples, not intended to relate the details of the creation, but as a broad understanding of the process. Hope that is useful.
@doctorshuckle8394 9 лет назад
cdowis Well, you really didn't say anything. You are playing linguistic limbo, you are just saying what you want about the presented materials. No where in any religious text does it go into a deity creating all pieces of an organism or organizing them. You are putting words in a books pages. You need to realize that you are altering the words of your books, not just "interpreting" them differently. The bible quite literally says that God made them from a specific order and as they are. You want to accept the science (which I think is great), but you do so by twisting so many ideas up. Let us go ahead and sit is metaphorical, well then where do you stop? Where does the arguing between science and religion end? Is Noahs ark a real story, wheres the ark, wheres the layer of earth with all the dead caracasses, science says this didn't happen not only due to lack of evidence for it but it actually has evidence against a 40 day that contained more water than is currently present on earth. What about the order of created creatures, science says this is also false as there are fossils before the animals created in the bible and some animals appear at different times. There is no story in the bible that can 100% agree with science. And this doesn't mean science is incorrect. Science is a blanket term for the outcome after evidence and observation. Some things vary in science like a multiverse theory, our current lack of understanding for quantum mechanics etc. But some things are confirmed to a high degree. And the religious texts of the world seem to try and get around of these very confirmed beliefs. Now please give me examples where your religious texts made a prediction? And am very open minded and would love some good responses.
@cdowis 9 лет назад
I am telling you what LDS doctrine teaches based on the word of modern prophets. This is not the mutterings of philosophers, making clever word games, but revelation from modern prophets. What the "religious texts" try to say is irrelevant, but what God reveals to his prophets. Let me put the concept into a simplified form: The old question of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Answer (in LDS theology): Neither came first. Both the chicken and the egg are co-eternal, or infinite as you will. For every chicken, there was an egg, for every egg there was a chicken which laid it. They have always existed, both in this world, and on other worlds, infinitely. Hope that helps.
@doctorshuckle8394 9 лет назад
cdowis Okay, so that is what the church says. With no evidence, and from some old dude who says so? I can say what ever I want, but I need evidence if I want to be taken seriously. Your prophets are no exception.
@kelman727 9 лет назад
Cdowis, What you posted makes not a shred of sense to a rational human being.
@norland8300 5 лет назад
This may be the most lame argument for evolution, nevermind linking evolution to creation I've ever heard. It may be the case...could be...but he is not a convincing advocate. Evolution, as currently taught and explained is being shot down left and right by scientists who have much more credibility than this gentleman.
@ethanf.237 5 лет назад
Wonderful presentation!!
@clarklambert 5 лет назад
It would be VERY much easier to follow this speaker, if he would please WRITE OUT his talk and just READ it. Then he wouldn't have to stutter.
@thesouringgentleman 4 года назад
So if evolution is true, no Adam and Eve, so no original sin, no need for a savior, and no reformed gospel.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Dirge don’t think about it too hard 😂😂😂. If someone can get magic golden plates there can be magic evolution 😂😂😂
@raybrewster4771 5 лет назад
Ok the reason we have different skulls and dna is because of race mixing and fallen angels and the mixing of man and animals. The days of noah. Its coming back.
@whizwhitney 4 года назад
What a waste of time. Is this what they get at BYU? LDS should be so embarrassed.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
scary what he is teaching
@krisofamerica 5 лет назад
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
@veritas9243 5 лет назад
Totally in agreeance with brother Peck,.. our father in heaven is indeed the master programmer he is not some magician who conjures creation out of things without an origin, evolution is absolutely compatible with my LDS faith & my own critical thinking.
@jeremymichel3042 Год назад
What a bunch of baloney. Human to ape evolution is the biggest lie ever told to God's children. He skillfully uses humor, subtle images, and star power from the apostles (albeit poorly quoted and out of context) He puts a bad quote From Elder Nelson that has nothing to do with evolution from a stake conference and uses that as "his mandate" when the actual quote according to him was "go back to the fundamentals of your science and look at the roots" That can mean so many things. Go to 27:18 - (this is an exact quote from his presentation) "Q: what about the commandment to (can't read and hands back to her) plants and animals multiply in their own sphere how can evolution fit or work with this and there still be species drift. Uh that's a great question.. I think, I think, and again as was pointed out by Jeff. The scriptures when they conflict with DEEP BIOLOGY. or deep biology that we see. UM we CAN REINTERPRET THEM IN DIFFERENT WAYS. so when it says the plants command er the animals to do in their sphere. We don't know what that sphere means...there are lots of different Interpretations I think we don't have to take the interpretation that they evolved in their sphere" PLEASE LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART this is the epitome of philosophies of men entering the church through a pinhole to spring a massive leak in a boat. And HOW Many return missionaries go to BYU and leave the church not long after. WE HAVE AN EPIDEMIC OF doubt. This guy is contributing to it. He is asking us to reinterpret or change the scriptures to FIT HIS FAULTY false scientific theories into our beliefs.
@cdowis 10 лет назад
Steve, You use medical research as your example of science. Medicine is rather objective and relatively easily testable. But try to put evolution into a testtube. The results can be highly subjective in drawing conclusions. You cannot produce a chain of evidence -- the "fossil evidence", for example, is not found in a step-by-step chain process, as we can do with medical research. The steps are based on speculation/opinion/assertion.
@ikesteroma 10 лет назад
I could be wrong, but my take away from this video was not so much a defense of evolution, but rather the idea that one does not have to abandon the church if he/she were to buy into evolutionary theory. That said, the evidence supporting the overarching evolutionary premise is basically overwhelming. I would like to think that someone such as myself can accept that without giving up my temple recommend.
@cdowis 10 лет назад
That is his point. But I was making the point that evolution has alot of unresolved issues and we should be smart instead of stupid in dealing with these questions.
@ikesteroma 10 лет назад
cdowis Fair enough. But Peck openly admits that there are gaps and problems at the end of his talk and that there's lots of work to be done. Any credible scientist will acknowledge this in their respective fields, regardless of their discipline. But a thought occurs to me in regards to your first point: the field of medicine is entirely understood under the umbrella of biological engineering. Evolutionary theory falls under the exact same umbrella, and our understanding of one is greatly enhanced by the other. In other words, what we see in a test tube regarding a newly synthesized antibody can save millions of people can be thoroughly explained by our knowledge of the evolutionary process and natural selection.
@cdowis 10 лет назад
Of course evolution is useful, and has been confirmed through research. Just as Newtonian physics has been useful and was "proven" through research and observation. But we have moved beyond that.
@ralphriffle1126 2 года назад
Hard to believe there are people still pitching evolution. Harder yet to believe that a scientist would believe in evolution. Nice try mister. Thank you for the laughs
@michaelbarrister429 7 дней назад
Hard to believe people still believe the earth is only 7000 years old........
@BenTanner 10 лет назад
I was very disappointed with this talk. No offense to Brother Peck, but he didn't really address the areas where people see a conflict. For example, no death before Adam and Eve. It seems to me that he has more faith in an interpretation of fossils than revelation. Also, the chart he show'ed showing whale evolution is very outdated and the "transitional forms" he shows are all disputed. I'm neither an evolutionist, or young earth creationist, I like to keep open to all possibilities and study both until real revelation comes. Brother Peck disappointingly does what most evolutionists do, he pits his "evidence" against straw men. If you actually study what creation scientists believe, you'll find it quite compelling. If you study the problems with Brother Peck's whale chart, you'll find it can be shown to have real weaknesses. It's just a different way of looking at the data. Both have merits, and both have problems. The only real way to truth is through revelation. You can't get revelation without study. But you shouldn't be dogmatic about an idea that hasn't been given by revelation. Even if President Eyring's dad was a scientist. He certainly wasn't the Prophet. If the prophet receives a revelation that evolution is true I'll embrace it. If he receives a revelation that it's false, people who value fossil interpretations over revelation will have a hard time following the Prophet.
@cammerhead 10 лет назад
Thanks for the post Ben. I loved it actually. I felt it reinforced my personal philosophy on evolution (I do recognize that my personal philosophy is not revelation nor science and I'm totally open to different ideas. By personal philosophy I mean my best guess). I feel no conflict between the science of evolution and my religion. However, I feel plenty of conflict between people's philosophical interpretation of evolution and my religion. Evolution vs. Creationism to me sounds like the arrest of Galileo for postulating that the earth was not the center of the galaxy. In the end it didn't destroy the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it just got a bunch of people really worked up.
@BenTanner 10 лет назад
Cameron Morris That's why I don't fully buy into either way of thinking, but I leave myself open to explore and and study both, allowing for the possibility of both or parts of both even another option being the truth. But if it comes down to using my physical senses and reason vs. true revelation, I'll defer to revelation because I recognize man's limitations. We are in a finite state. So we simply cannot fully comprehend infinite things. I trust God has a better view of things than we do, and is able to comprehend it all. My major disappointment is not that he is an evolutionist, but rather that he doesn't address the problems, perceived or real evolution with scripture. He only says we can "reinterpret scripture". I think this is slightly flawed thinking because it assumes that we are able to interpret both what we see in the natural world and what we see in the scriptures correctly. In reality, it takes a seer to interpret scripture. It probably takes a seer to interpret the natural world too.
@abrown2986 10 лет назад
Why is there need for revelation on evolution? Like the scriptures, revelation is not intended as discourses of geology or biology. Scriptures and revelation are for the salvation of our souls, and evolution has nothing to do with our salvation. I like these seminars because they reinforce again and again that the prophets have had no position on these issues, nor should they.
@BenTanner 10 лет назад
Adam, The scriptures say that there will be revelation on how the world was made and life on it: D&C 101 32 Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things- 33 Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof- 34 Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven. There are a great many people who lose faith in God over evolution. I would think a revelation on how God did it would be of great benefit would be a great benefit to their salvation. And if He only gives revelation on core salvation topics, why has he revealed that Kolob is the the place nearest to where He dwells?
@BenTanner 10 лет назад
Don't get me wrong... I loved this conference. I think there is a lot of good here. I was just disappointed that this talk didn't really address any of the perceived conflicts. Maybe it was titled incorrectly. Instead it should have been "Why I believe in Evolution and it's ok"
@pocogirl1 9 лет назад
CHANGE SCRIPTURE? How do you do that. BYU is so full of misinformation it is a shame to education
@seanmccarley6531 6 лет назад
Horrible talk, I didn't learn anything....its the philosophies of men mingled with scripture....
@MrHFMetz 9 лет назад
This is incredible; trying to make the idea of evolution compatible with mormonism. Has your faith degenerated to that stage? You are wasting time; evolution is simply impossible, looking at it from the viewpoint of mathematics and fysics. Science and religion fit together very well, as is said in the video, but unfortunately the science of today is still very limited in its scope. The creation is far too complicated to be the result of a cosmic accident. Ask any socalled scholar, who believes in the proces of evolution, how far he has studied in mathematics and the answer will probably be none; evolution is a philosophy, a beliefsystem, not a science. The fact that there are fossils in the ground does'nt prove that we are descendents from them, only that there was a former creation. This creation proves there is a creator, there is no other way to explain our existence.
@kelman727 9 лет назад
Science and mere superstition are not compatible.
@corbinmcmillen1985 9 лет назад
***** science is mostly lies, they could have had a good discussion about how mormonism can lead us to true science and not this godless mumboo jumbo.
@vaulter001itstruth2 6 лет назад
this guy needs to look up intelligent design.
@dropjawflies6554 3 года назад
@Palko17 9 лет назад
Waste of time. Don't bother listening. The title is misleading.
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