
Students Support Socialism... Until It's Applied To Their GPA 

Campus Reform
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Would college students support a policy that would force those with high GPAs to donate part of their own GPA to help those with lower grades?
With the recent rise of politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, more people than ever support socialist policies. But would they support socialist policies when it came to their GPA?
We went to Florida International University to find out.
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@MylesC1234 4 года назад
They believe in capitalism and they don't even know it.
@CaesarCassius 4 года назад
Conservatrons like the con man in this video misunderstands socialism. Wealth is quantity, mathematically, it can be spread around evenly, although the mega-rich won't be so rich any more. Grades are a rating of quality, mathematically everyone can get 4.0, without diminishing each other. a more accurate analogy would be: Capitalism means the people who worked the hardest get, sweating in factories, 40 hours a week, get a grade of 1.0, while the people who work the least hardest, lounging in air-conditioned offices, get 4.0. It's grossly unfair conservative con-games don't fool intelligent people.
@ravishjoshi9262 4 года назад
@@CaesarCassius Grades are only a metric of quality if everyone studies for the same number of hours per semester. However, we know this not to be true as people that recognise that they are average, put in more time to bridge the gap between their more gifted peers and themselves. Therefore, grades are a combined metric of intellect and effort. Same with money. The amount you earn is not just based on time you spent working. It a combined metric of time spent, ability to deliver output and difficulty of replacing you. So the time spent can be equated with time spent in both cases and intellect can be equated with ability to deliver output. As far as difficulty to replace is concerned, it is also a combined metric of your grades, experience (which again, is a measure of effort) and selection of a stream which is fairly rarely selected by individuals. So when it comes down to it, earning money and earning grades is exactly the same from a quantitative and qualitative perspective and earning money has an additional factor which in by itself is a combined metric of effort, foresight and ability to deliver output. So no, if you are all for redistribution of wealth you must also be all for redistribution of wealth. Can't have it both ways. It doesn't really matter though. If you do not support redistribution of grades, you will make it through college with all your grades intact and then have to share your wealth with the rest of us anyway. So sharing or not sharing of grades really doesn't matter if you are socialist.
@CaesarCassius 4 года назад
That's fine, just give everyone a grade of 1.0 no matter what result, and if undeserved, you still won't get far in reality. But it's the same with money, once the wealthy corrupt elites are stripped of their capital with it redistributed,, only the truly deserving will get ahead after that and the currently privileged will be revealed for who they are. To quote philospher Jai-Paul Sutra: "Areh yaaaarrrr! Toom kiya kasundi ha??" Source(s): Sholay Hero Number 1 More Than Two and Less Than Four Idiots (MTTALTFI) Yes Boss Khon Khan Kheh Khana Khatta (KKKKK) Ghabbar Singh I Am A Disco Dancer (IAADD) Sachin
@CasiodorusRex 4 года назад
Wait until they get jobs and Uncle Sam pays a visit.
@unknownchannel3141 4 года назад
@@CaesarCassius 😂 look at their education. Wealth = value. There's a few exceptions, like millionaire parents & becoming a Columbian drug lord.
@flaxseedoil1000 5 лет назад
60% support socialism 70% don't want to pay higher taxes Total disconnect
@v44n7 5 лет назад
In Argentina we are rule by socialism and here socialism people always say "We want to the government to give to the people" but in the next statement "we want the government to low the inflation" by the way in Argentina we have 45% inflation annually, because the government doesn't have enough money to pay the socialist politics .
@srisankethu8913 5 лет назад
@@v44n7 45% inflation? 😲 Only this year right. Less see what happens next year 👌. It's a cycle actually, rich-poor divide increases, socialist and communist come to power, destroy the rich, increase deficits, lose power due to dissatisfaction, new government are pro business, again rich-poor divide increases 🤥
@rakoveith9443 5 лет назад
@@srisankethu8913 Rich poor divide increase is a myth created by socialist philosopher/advocate. There are less poor people in the US and Europe in the last 100years than any socialist nation. It is true the rich get Richer in capitalist world but same is also true in socialist world. The difference is in capitalist the rich/elites get Richer through business(can be unfair at times) whereas in socialist the rich/elites get Richer by stealing public money.
@horseplop9 5 лет назад
@@v44n7 Live Free or Die USA Hey Man It Obviously Never Happened. The Left. Has Been Exposed As Having a Coup Against Our President.. Its Disgusting and Should Be Forever remembered as 80 Million Dollars and 2 Years Of Trying to turn the People of the Nation who elected him, against him. Shame on you Democrats and half the Republicans. This Is the Globalism
@Xylon666Darkstar 5 лет назад
Because humans are inherently lazy. Hence, all these young generation people taking the easy way out/thinking liberally (not at all more like) and focusing more on FEELS than logic, and wanting their welfare.
@Aro9313 2 года назад
The last guy nailed it. We must all push for equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
@whatthej 5 месяцев назад
Same GPAs is equality of opportunity when entering the workforce
@WRXBase 5 месяцев назад
DEI is the antithesis and yet ...
@whatthej 5 месяцев назад
@@WRXBase We will be successful in maintaining status quo!
@allwhatilove914 5 месяцев назад
There will be no equality of opportunity neither. Some has to work two jobs while doing school, some can only study, some has difficulty with maths, or DDHD, or the father died during school years, or had a disease, or had too many siblings to help with, some live besides the school, some live 100 miles away… and so on. Each one of them will have an excuse to why they didn’t succeed like the ones on the top. It’s never their responsibility.
@gregorykavivya875 4 месяца назад
Equality of opportunity is a socialist goal. Children born into households with differential emphases on study, homework completion, assistance with assignments, discipline and monetary and time investment will not have equal opportunities in life. To achieve that, you'd have to have a single authority raise all the kids in a uniform and equal way. Equality of opportunity therefore requires a very totalitarian version of communism
@puzzLEGO 2 года назад
It’s crazy how privileged rich people support socialism
@tennysee1439 2 года назад
ikr, like how do you think you got there?
@jsonjsoff 2 года назад
They don't. They support a ubi system with a permanent underclass. Their "socialism" is about ending the system that allowed them to achieve so that they don't have to compete.
@MisterVercetti 2 года назад
Usually, they fall into one of two categories: 1. Truly ignorant sheep who have no idea how society or economics work. 2. Wolves in sheep's clothing who just want the other wolves eliminated so they have more for themselves.
@mpr746 2 года назад
Their parents are rich, not the student
@pablobear4241 2 года назад
You do realize socialism if we follow it to its conclusion, it’s a more industrious hardworking society. Most people have no right to being a socialist, but, the ones who truly understand it know that it will be a more challenging, yet more fair society. If you’re privileged and rich, if you support it you generally realize it’s to help people who don’t have the same advantages as you (advantages that weren’t earned through any merit, just spawn point RNG) An example is colleges/education, if everyone has the opportunity to go, and are given you know a basic quality of life guaranteed, it would increase the pool of students hence making admissions more competitive, whilst getting rid of racist policies like affirmative action. The thing is, socialism is a word that has lost it’s meaning due to a combination of McCarthyism, CIA special influence campaign on culture/education, and just poor education/a society where critical thinking isn’t taught formally in any sort of capacity. Even discrete math classes and so on don’t teach you much, it’s moreso an Anglo form of logic/reasoning, that is different from just general common sense that people like Socrates would use.
@meneer8229 4 года назад
I live in Europe. Healthcare is NOT free, we are just higher taxed.
@angelbarajas9180 4 года назад
Ya but these kids are too dumb to realize that
@ST-dd6ny 4 года назад
Thank you @Meneer Stolk. People are just too blind to realize that, even after they say they wouldn't help other people with their hard-earned money, but they're already forced to do so. I lived in Brazil (mostly socialist) and I agree with you 100%. Ridiculously high taxes and my mom had to wait 8 years to get a call about a hip replacement surgery through the socialist health care system. My dad has a Hernia from another surgery through the same system, and my grandmother died after an unsuccessful knee replacement surgery through the same system. They sued the government, but obviously couldn't fight the government and lost.
@bujumburamutt3159 4 года назад
@@angelbarajas9180 i pay the same rate of tax here as i would in a lot of us states But i have free healthcare, cheap education and subsidized public transport.
@meneer8229 4 года назад
S T how long did you live in Brazil?
@meneer8229 4 года назад
Bujumbura mutt It’s taxed so it’s not free. We just spend the tax money a little bit more efficient. healthcare is cheaper in the Netherlands because they allow price competition between insurers, even though it is mandatory. So while some European countries are higher taxed for ‘free’ insurance, we still have to pay it directly. Nothing wrong with that we just need to admit that free lunch doesn’t exist.
@glenncouni6024 4 года назад
"I don't want to sacrifice what -I- worked really hard for!" Surprise, you're a capitalist!
@taragnor 4 года назад
No, if you want to keep what you worked for, you're a socialist. In capitalism, the majority of your grades would go to the class president and the average student would keep a small fraction of their own work, while the people at the top benefited most. Even in a lowly job like working at McDonalds. Take a look at how much you'd be making if you purchased the ingredients yourself and got paid per burger you sold. It'd be a hell of a lot more than minimum wage. The illusion that you're keeping your work in capitalism is a total lie.
@taragnor 4 года назад
@david perkins : You're preaching like capitalism is a meritocracy, and it isn't. You can't have it both ways. You can't say "capitalism is great because you keep the benefits of your work." A salary isn't keeping the benefits of your work, it's a participation trophy. You get it just by showing up. And like you said yourself, it doesn't matter how awful your work is, you still get paid. The equivalent in college would be "You negotiated beforehand to get a C grade just for sitting in your seat and doing the assignments, you can't get any higher for the year. " And guess what, students would HATE that too. People have this overly glorified view of capitalism, because everyone envisions themselves the business owner and not the exploited worker.
@anniec81 4 года назад
@@taragnor what is stopping any person from buying the ingredients to make & sell the burger?
@solacolubrum3081 4 года назад
@@taragnor move to Venezuela and see how great it is man
@TexasIronLegend 4 года назад
taragnor if you purchase the ingredients yourself then you are running a business which takes a lot more skill than flipping burgers on a stove. Also, the business owner PURCHASES ingredients which means that he has expenses, whereas the minimum wage worker doesn’t have to buy anything for the business. So of course you’ll make more than minimum wage as the business owner due to the facts that it requires more skill and you have to spend money out of your own pocket in order to pay your workers and buy all the necessary supplies.
@miccassady9450 2 года назад
It's unbelievable how when people's bad ideas are exposed, they still maintain their position.
@SoccerSounder 2 года назад
they're using a strawman to attack it? on the surface sure it's sharing something you work for, but like the way gpa's work is to set you apart from others in the skill of your field supposedly, where-as the use of money is to live/live comfortable. is it not inherently immoral to say others should live a unhealthy lifestyle just cause they "don't work hard enough"? that their families should as well? if it's not immoral, should we not allow poor people to have kids, should we force them to work for their food and home as well, or should we provide for them? the first two i hope you can see if obviously immoral, and agree with me on that at the least, if the third that's socialist to some degree, and if none then what do you suggest instead? on the otherhand it's not immoral to say someone is better at what they do than someone else, in my opinion at least. it may lead to better jobs, and could lead to those with a lower gpa failing, and it could easily be due to outside forces such as illness that's not something they can control. it could in theory sometimes lead to those who's gpa's you're not helping be raised, to not be able to find a livable job as well, however i don't think that's the issue with it, i think it's the other system, the one which it's being compared to that's the issue
@cara-seyun 2 года назад
Because it’s seen as shameful to change your beliefs now. People don’t want to think they have been ‘wasting’ all the time they spent believing something. It takes a lot of honor and courage to admit you were wrong, and neither seem to be very common.
@theboombody 2 года назад
@@SoccerSounder The biggest problem with money is we need MORE than what is "comfortable" to start and maintain a business. And we simply need businesses to maintain our current society. IBM needs an ASTOUNDING amount of capital to function properly, whereas a healthy guy in his 30's who willingly sits on his couch all day needs very little, and deserves even less than what he needs. Should we provide him with more than he deserves? Maybe, at least if we have the means. But we still need to feed companies like IBM a whole heck of a lot if we don't want them to die.
@bira3232 2 года назад
@@SoccerSounder Your own argument can be used against you if you can't share something as meaningless as GPA, why would you share your hard earned money. When you need it and use it to live and support your family. Socialism will never work. Setting yourself apart from others which the GPA system seeks to accomplish is a completely capitalistic driven idea.
@SoccerSounder 2 года назад
@@bira3232 no it can't, my argument is that gpa is used to show your skill level, that is not at all the point of money. meaning, everyone having the same gpa would defeat the purpose, meaning it will be replaced by something else. where as money, if everyone has an equal level, or reduced extremes of differences wouldn't cause the same issues at all? as for your point of "Setting yourself apart from others which the GPA system seeks to accomplish is a completely capitalistic driven idea.". that seems like saying comp mode in overwatch is based on capitalistic ideas too, like you could argue it, i don't see the point however socialism may never work at a full scale, but you can still use some elements of it, such as free health care (yes i know it's not literally free, and it's payed for by taxes, i am just using the term "free" for it), or using taxes to pay for roads, or for schools (of any education level). i don't know any system that you can use solely without having huge issues, capitalism leads to monopolies, communism leads to corruption, and socialism can lead to those who are the majority not understanding the needs of others, and therefore not properly providing or taking for/from them.
@gauravnambiar2509 2 года назад
There was a professor in India who had done that and redistributed grades when he sensed that everyone in this class where socialists. Changed their minds
@GoDewy 4 года назад
“Ive lost a lot of sleep to get my grades” “I worked hard for my grades.” “I made a lot of sacrifices for my grades.” Have you ever owned a business?
@raff5184 4 года назад
Or simply just worked...
@SousChef77 4 года назад
Oh Drew....you said it bud. If you have never owned a business, you have NO idea how hard it is.
@bob2000and10 4 года назад
Oh cool all that hard work opening a small business only to have it close down because Home Depot moved into town and hires immigrants for slave wages. You have to have brain damage to cuck for fortune 500s over small businesses owned by working class Americans.
@thaboomer53 4 года назад
socialism? now you can give away some of your GPA to those who didn't work as hard as you, but want to share (translation--steal) some of your hard work.
@-Wreckanize- 4 года назад
And include “risk” to that. Business owners assume a lot of risk.
@marioramos6790 3 года назад
"That's different because I'm studying all day for my grade" Yeah And I'm working all day for my money
@trevor_corey8037 3 года назад
Couldn’t agree more, And having to be creative and resourceful and push the boundaries and limits. Totally different than the average person who clocks in and out with no extra work outside of their “job” . Minimum wage is for average C students. You gotta try hard in this world. Period
@philsomething8313 3 года назад
MANY people work all day for their money - perhaps anyone willing to work > 16 hours a day can be a millionaire within 5 years hmm
@xavierozaraga391 3 года назад
@@philsomething8313 That's right but they won't get it if they don't do any other job, don't ask for a raise, and if they refuse to suppress lifestyle inflation. Getting alot of money and getting financially stable is different. It requires discipline and not just having a high paying job. It requires planning ahead and creating a budget plan.
@ericz6 3 года назад
Yooo I was just abt to write the same thing but saw urs and didn't
@davidsikatse 3 года назад
@@xavierozaraga391 I don't get how this simple thing can be so hard to grasp by people on the other side.
@jesusthroughmary 2 года назад
"Most rich people didn't actually earn their wealth." People don't earn their intelligence either, naturally intelligent people have a built-in head start in life, and that's not fair either.
@Gabovo 2 года назад
Its seems like you arent one of the naturally inteligent ones seeing how retarded this example is. Unlike being born a billionare tou arent destined to having a good GPA if you are smart since it neasures how much you study and are sucesfull unlike money which is gained by being as big a scumbag as possible, and yeah there are the “self made” billionares like steve jobs was i dont think he wouldve had so much money if it wasnt for all those chilean quasi-slave miners that got him all of that copper,gold and assorted rare metals he needed for his phones
@cara-seyun 2 года назад
And the majority of millionaires (over 75%) received nothing (or close to nothing) in inheritance
@Gabovo 2 года назад
@@cara-seyun ok? Just because you got your wealth via scamming chinese favtory workers and tax fraud doesnt mean its any better than just inheriting it
@alertpenguin8403 2 года назад
I also love how Naïve his statement on stock market trading is …”it’s just pushing a button on a computer”… as if calculating, estimating, evaluating, and closely watching stock prices is anything easy and is in fact a full on career.
@explorenaked 3 месяца назад
@@alertpenguin8403 What he was expressing is jealousy. When you complain that someone has more than you, it's simple jealousy.
@JohnSmith-pn1vv 2 года назад
Watching these guys advocate for socialism, only to perfectly illustrate how unfair it is a sentence later. 👏👏✊🏿🙈
@salvadorvizcarra769 2 года назад
That is not Socialism. Taking your money to give it to someone else is not Socialism. Socialism has nothing to do with it. I recommend you watch the Michael Moore Documentaries.
@JohnSmith-pn1vv 2 года назад
@@salvadorvizcarra769 Michael Moore lol, the biden endorser right? I'm tired of 70 iq retahds telling me I have to watch this or that. Why don't you tell me what socialism is yourself? Wealth redistribution isn't socialism? Fk outta here jose
@peenoice5176 2 года назад
@@salvadorvizcarra769 well it kinda does.
@fatpenguin0089 2 года назад
@@peenoice5176 no, it doesnt
@idkman5145 2 года назад
@@fatpenguin0089 it dosent in theory but if you will shift from capitalism to socialism it will mean this exact thing
@JustSayRance 5 лет назад
Supporting socialism as long as they're the ones profiting from it. Classic.
@vernacote2219 5 лет назад
They need to watch the finland experiment. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9nPQM54oPMg.html
@ktajax 5 лет назад
Exactly! If you can afford to go to college today, I consider you rich! There are those out there that can't afford to go. Care if socialist gov takes your monies to help others go to college?
@ktajax 5 лет назад
Verna Cote That vid is a waste of time. Just talks to people about their feelings and has no conclusion if experiment worked.
@danimal097521 5 лет назад
@@ktajax Waste of time? It proved a very simple point. These kids supported socialism....until it meant taking from them. That IS the point.
@ktajax 5 лет назад
danimal097521 I was talking about Verna Cote's linked video in regards to an experiment in Finlnd. Please concentrate on what's being stated before lashing out.
@TheCanon66 4 года назад
"Yes, rich people should give us their stuff." "You can't have my GPA, I worked for it... =( "
@DesertStateNevada 4 года назад
noname - They dont just wanna take from rich people, they wanna take from everybody. Hope you realize that.
@N12Gautam 4 года назад
DesertStateInEu yeah it’s not thier money tho, they aren’t willing to give thier own money but have the audacity to demand rich people pay for everything. we are a capitalist country not socialists, you can go to Venezuela if you want socialism
@mrjones4249 4 года назад
In addition to being ignorant of history these students are too lazy to read anything that's not on their social network.
@erikthomas9228 4 года назад
@@mrjones4249 I know !!!! It's disgusting
@rbrotherton0267 4 года назад
DesertStateInEu it’s dumb
@beans9019 2 года назад
I respect this guy for not shaming them and helping them understand the concepts instead of some people that turn it into a public roast
@indigopapi8667 2 года назад
“You’re basically profiting off of my hard work FOR you, so who’s really the bad guy here?” Thank you.
@fatmorsyth2856 4 года назад
“ everyone’s a socialist until they get a job and have to pay taxes” hahaha these people have much to learn.
@crispkiller1157 4 года назад
@A Dominguez... Life teaches better lesson than Universities
@andreapasqua8639 4 года назад
@A Dominguez you should have taught him a valuable lession by paying him to do house work, then taken out money for tax, rent, time off for having down time and all the other things that workers get screwed on. Mind you I am glad your kid learned from the school of hard knocks seeing the commies posing at university lecturers failed him.
@jeremyanderson3819 4 года назад
@A Dominguez You illustrate the main problem with the majority of our society. We raise children with nonsense ideas of fairness and justice when we should be raising them to be money obsessed douchebags. We talk about charity and jesus like either have any place in a capitalist society, whose primary measure of a man is the size of his wallet. And then we wonder what the hell is wrong with the kids nowadays.
@junowatt5802 4 года назад
You nailed it, when they have to take responsibility and pay their own bills their outlook will be different.
@jpconservativeview3901 4 года назад
Its not when they start working and paying taxes.. Its when they have worked for years to gain a few promotions, are nearly double the minimum wage and think it would be great if the minimum wage increased by double until it does and they are pushed back to the starting point where all the people with no experience or skill is at, and there they remain... Until they work their way back up... Only this time they aren't blinded by the false idea that its pulling people up... They understand that it's knocking them off the ladder they tried so hard to climb That's when the socialist blindfold comes off
@jamespatrick1548 3 года назад
When it was something of THEIRS, they ALL instantly became free market capitalists. Love it.
@driftalaska6129 3 года назад
Perfectly said!
@grimmlight4541 3 года назад
That is the epitome of socialism and communism. Sounds great but it’s a disaster. They all want equality but don’t want their stuff taken. Just uneducated and ignorant fools.
@leonardbrown9465 3 года назад
Orrrrrre they were just asked the question in a weird way so they were forced into that mindset. Imagine if you were told that by giving away some of your GPA, it would remain largely unaffected and you would still be top of your class regardless of whether you gave up some of it or not. Then they would switch right back to socialists. The question was framed weird to prove a point. GPA and Salaries are not comparable anyway
@reishlion4394 3 года назад
@@leonardbrown9465 you have a point there. But sadly it works the same way with money. They won't take from you to give to others but still you will keep the same. Hmm hmmm don't wanna sound bad but if they do it like that, that country will have a huge inflation problem. And btw if you are working your ass to achieve anything in your life you wouldn't like others to take part of it from you to give it to to any1 who have not put the same input as you in.
@leonardbrown9465 3 года назад
@@reishlion4394 I highly disagree. You could argue that people that are less fortunate work 10x harder than somebody with “billions.” If I had enough money to where I physically couldn’t spend it all in one lifetime, I would be happy to pay taxes to help those who are less fortunate than me. Selfishness and Greed is the only reason someone wouldn’t want to
@Soriddo_Suneku Год назад
People sound so stupid when they get caught but they still try to keep with their stance.
@whatitis5646 2 года назад
Hard comparison; i’m not for one for socialism, but it’s a sharing of an asset versus sharing an academic rating. It’s akin to sharing your credit score versus sharing your money. One changes your eligibility for certain things where as the other simply deduces from your assets. Aside from that, the student’s explanations were still hypocritical and fallacious.
@Julia-iu7sz 2 года назад
Money changes your eligibility for things as well. It changes your eligibility to be a member of a community through buying a house with higher rated schools or closer proximity to healthcare and grocery stores; it allows you to have personal transportation rather than public, pay off a large purchase sooner to avoid interest rates or higher insurance premiums, it changes your access to entertainment (concerts, streaming services, restaurants). Money is like opportunity which is why it can be traded so easily. Money is just a store of value just as GPA is a certain store of value. The biggest difference is that GPA is a less readily/directly transferable store of value. You can’t just trade GPA points for material goods upon graduation. The GPA would have to be utilized for program/job potential, which would turn into work, which then becomes a paycheck with which you could buy material goods. An academic rating is an asset just as money is. A credit score is also an asset.
@irv581 2 года назад
Did you know the whole point of these hypocritical students for have a high rating academic is to get a job that pay the higher to be able to buy a great smart home and a Tesla? Or you believe they will use it to help poor people in Cuba and Nicaragua 😐
@firstnamelastname9237 2 года назад
Money and a higher gpa both are effected by your effort and time. Some people are also inherently able to get a good gpa with less effort same as some people find it easier to make money.
@Tymirjones 2 года назад
I mean that’s overcomplicating it tho
@Tymirjones 2 года назад
But yea still hypocritical at least you agree
@robertmiller6444 4 года назад
"I wouldn't sacrifice the stuff I worked hard for, but I'm all for other people sacrificing stuff they worked hard for."
@Nik-km2qy 4 года назад
What about stuff your parents and grandparents worked hard for ?
@ac-jn1iq 4 года назад
These people are stupid if they don’t realize these things they are voting for will come back to them and effect them also when they are out of school and working hard at a job
@emac4dh395 4 года назад
They want to be a socialist until it’s time for them to give away. Lol.
@r.alexander9075 4 года назад
@@Nik-km2qy exactly... what kind of stupid argument was that... "well alot of people inherit money..." oh yeah dude well then give me yo mamas money
@victorvinegar7116 4 года назад
You all know America has socialist inspired programs right? All of which benefit you in your everyday lives? Now that doesnt mean socialism is the end-all-be-all. Every system has its flaws. Socialism is ripe with corruption. In the same vein capitalism can be too, albeit less up front. Perfect example of Capitalism being corrupt is the pharmaceutical industry. Why are life saving drugs so expensive in America when the same drugs are way less cheaper in other countries? Insulin being a perfect example. Finding a good mix of the two and just being a decent human goes a long way.
@h133gaming6 3 года назад
“I’m studying all day for my grades” Yeah, and Americans are working all day to support their families, and don’t want their money taken away.
@cheesin1373 3 года назад
@@frankiegreenberg2771 not true at all, there are definitely still people that work their ass off to get a good gpa but still dont end up with one. Im my opinion, this situation would be a perfect replica of actual socialism and also shows how corrupt and immoral it actually is.
@magicalminty6203 3 года назад
@@frankiegreenberg2771 That's just not true. When I was in college I knew a couple of guys who defy your idea. One worked his ass off, he studied all the time, and was always getting tutored, but he wasn't that bright, and struggled to read, so despite his hard work his GPA was crap. The other guy was highly intelligent, he liked to spend him time smoking pot and goofing off, but because he could breeze through his school work easily his GPA was good.
@carnbyarst670 3 года назад
You're studying all day for you're grades to get the job to pay back the student loan for the rest of your life...
@carnbyarst670 3 года назад
@Boxspring74 you are right, I was alluding to the cost. The higher education system in the US must be one over the most overpriced and expensive anywhere.
@lillianjoycenesper4030 3 года назад
@@cheesin1373 That is not true. Kids with learning disabilities work extremely hard.
@vince-pm1zf 2 года назад
the last guy made a good point...we should strive for more equal oppurtunities as opposed to outcomes.
@restro3058 2 года назад
“That’s like, completely different. I’m studying all day for my grades.” Yeah and people work all day just for the government to take their taxes and put them into welfare
@wesley492 4 года назад
“I support socialism” “No I wouldn’t give my stuff and time to people who don’t earn it” 🤔
@s0515033 4 года назад
The comparison is absurd to begin with. GPA and money are not comparable. Most important, money is inherently an exchangeable thing that retains its value from one hand to the next. If I give some money to you, the money we both have remains legal tender. Contrarily, you cannot share GPA without rendering said GPA immediately worthless to everyone. GPA is only valuable because it signals mastery of content and allows you to meet standards so you can succeed. If you get a GPA, but learn nothing, the GPA is useless. Facilating that is wrong because distributing GPA hurts the "recipient" by falsely signaling to authority competence for further coursework/jobs. Likewise, the person giving up the GPA no longer meets qualification standards, thus he is suffering an unreasonable loss that prohibits him from succeeding. .He becomes "under-qualified." The issue is that my GPA no longer reflects mastery, and neither does his, thus we both lose. Since he only had his passing GPA through fraud, he will likely fail, thus rendering the effort inherently pointless. He's going to require socialist redistribution of wealth anyway when he loses his job or fails later courses. I am fine with giving people stuff they didn't earn if it will prevent them from suffering and they cannot help themselves, so long as in doing so, I am not making worthless what I give them or impoverishing myself. Giving someone access to basic medical care, food, etc actually DOES help them without rendering said goods worthless. I am not impoverished myself by giving up some money for these purposes, and in the end, I also benefit from it with them. But if I allow someone unqualified to pass, I am helping no one and hurting everyone. So my opposition to "redistributing GPA" is not based on any emotional inconsistent offense taken at having to give something to someone unearned. It's just that it's a waste of time. Much like how it would be a waste to time travel and give the plans for a nuclear reactor to 2nd century peasants at the cost of me being stuck in antiquity. Serves no purpose as they can't do anything with it anyway while just fucking myself over. These kinds of comparisons are not honest.They are pseduo-intellectual "gotcha" scenarios conservatives think are super duper clever, but they aren't. All it takes is a little critical thinking to dismantle them because they aren't based on any serious thought.
@wesley492 4 года назад
Damien Rafalowski The people also said that they would not give their own money away.....
@s0515033 4 года назад
@@wesley492 The real question should be: "are conservatives okay with people suffering poverty when said people try hard, but still fail due to mental/physical inadequacy?" You can try hard and still fail at life. I believe that answer is "yes." Because Conservatives literally don't care. They believe that if you are less smart, disabled, old, or unlucky, you deserve punishment for it. Poverty is "always deserved."
@wesley492 4 года назад
Damien Rafalowski No. Conservatives believe that the welfare system is abused. And by abused, we mean that a large majority of people on government assistance don’t want to work. That shouldn’t be allowed. If you aren’t employed in this economy you aren’t even trying.
@martinmccormick2166 4 года назад
MetalBiscuits this is soo true. I can't tell you how shitty welfare is In Alabama people either have no intention of gettimg a job and have children to raise the money that they get or they make a lot of money and keep most of it off books and then go get on welfare. which they aren't required to prove the income that they say they make or don't make. The state employees can't question them on this and thus we have an extremely broken system
@chrisc1926 4 года назад
" I'm studying all day for my grade" ...uhhh people work all day for their money.
@thatdude9381 4 года назад
exactly what i said when she said that
@ninoperisi2210 4 года назад
That Dude Same here
@derkleebaum 4 года назад
Some work long hours for next to nothing, some work all day to get millions
@chrisc1926 4 года назад
Der Kleebaum someone who is making over 1 million per year definitely is working very hard, or did work very hard at some point. (The exception being someone who inherited 1 billion and put in stable stocks and is being paid 1 mill+ by the dividend)
@jsmith42690 4 года назад
@@chrisc1926 family fortunes rarely last longer than 3 generations, for the same reasons most lottery winners lose it all within a few years: The more money you have, the more work and intelligence it takes to keep it. The qualities needed to hold onto money aren't as easily transferable as the money is. So, generally, it takes a lot of work to get rich and stay rich. Jesus, managing the taxes alone becomes a full time job. Very few people inherit a billion dollars (Seriously? Can you even name one guy?), and even if they did, holy hell the hourly paperwork for capital gains tax alone...
@BedsitBob Год назад
"I have family in Europe. They go to College for free." No they don't.
@aglover12345 2 года назад
An genuinely interesting little experiment, but like all arguments from analogy, its force depends upon solvency of the analogy itself. And, in this case, the analogy falls apart upon closer inspection. Income is theoretically unlimited. You can always earn more, and you can always replenish losses incurred through taxation. University GPAs, by contrast, have a fixed upper limit; no matter how hard you study or how well you perform in class, you can't earn higher than a 4.0. More importantly, once you drop below a 4.0, it is impossible, even in principle, to return your GPA to its previous level. The two situations are thus disanalogous, and logical consistency never requires applying like principles to unlike situations.
@jk777212 2 года назад
I see your point but I still think it misses the overall point that was being made... I think the point was hypocrisy...
@IamLaR1 2 года назад
@@jk777212 There is no reason to even respond to this Adam guy. He is one of those people that tries to be smarter then a simple lesson, which means he will always miss it.
@daliam8715 4 месяца назад
No. Since the analogy of the GPA does not actually work, it's not hypocrisy. It's perfectly reasonable to not be okay with sharing your GPA but to be in full support of sharing your own wealth.
@aglover12345 4 месяца назад
@@IamLaR1Let me apologize for my little exercise in critical thinking and distinction-making. I should have known that RU-vid was no place for adult conversations. Like you, I too wish reality were a children's book with easy answers and neat moral lessons. But, unfortunately, we all have to grow up at some point.
@Tardisius 5 лет назад
A Socialist will always say: "Yes, take from the rich just don't take it from ME" =))
@blurglide 5 лет назад
I have another idea to convince them: "We in the west are in the global 1%. Would you support globalist socialism until everyone has the same income?". That might be a way to plant a seed of nationalism
@AWW8472 5 лет назад
Every "socialist" in the US probably makes more money than you or I put together but has never and likely will never give money to a charity that helps people.
@TOAOM123 5 лет назад
These people not realizing even at the us poverty line they earn more than 90% of the world so they would be "the rich"
@Baconator1368 5 лет назад
@@blurglide Wealth redistribution is not what socialism is. You have been fooled by corporate media.
@OfficialFedHater 5 лет назад
@@Baconator1368 Taxation is wealth distribution through a third party, the government. Socialism can not exist without taxation.
@onejourney6776 5 лет назад
"I've lost a lot of sleep so..." This girl has no idea what it takes to own a business.
@sawtoothscream1521 5 лет назад
Yeah, she clearly doesn't know anyone that is a millionaire. The ones I know didn't come from money and bust their ass for it.
So you think when you're in bed at home, and your trouble man has his beeper go off at 3AM goes and solve the problem makes you a bunch of money in your sleep, he's worthless.. and Has no idea and the troubles you go through to make that kind of money... shouldn't ask for anything except for his job.. people like you are the ones putting this socialism into all these people's heads..
@onejourney6776 5 лет назад
@@republicansthatdidntvotefo1605 Jeff Meli Business man sleeping at 3am? Dude what planet are you on? If you want to grow a business and you want to grow it big you don't sleep for a couple of days. Working during the day is selling hours. Working at night is marketing your product until you can get big enough to hire people to do it for you. But you still did the work, took the risk, went in debt, found people to hire, paid for all the expenses. You literally are face down for 10 years plus working your tail off if you want to own a business. Where on earth did you get the idea I think my employees are worthless?
@RobyraDaFirst 5 лет назад
Working 2 times more hours than your employees yay!
@edwinmuchiri480 5 лет назад
I swear!
@clashnstuff5451 2 года назад
the large difference is that people require money to survive and people don’t require a high gpa to survive
@radhiadeedou8286 2 года назад
@metalheadlass9868 2 года назад
Having a low income does not mean you don’t work hard
@confectortyrannis275 5 лет назад
funny how quickly answers change when all of a sudden THEY'RE the ones that have to give up their labor and efforts
@jesusgonzalez84 5 лет назад
More funnier when they don't want to give it away, but then WILL BE TAKEN AWAY, lol
@zakofrx 5 лет назад
I know people who have worked their way to wealth. These idiots don't seem to understand that the higher you go the longer you work.. People who do normal office hours when starting out find they need to start work at 6am and leave at 8pm when they get into the management levels of pay.. Its also one of the female wage complaints. I have known women who have chosen to stay at lower levels because they prefer the free time over a higher wage..
@Stanton_High 5 лет назад
Socialists don't exist. They would be the first to protest it.
@hunterraoulduke 5 лет назад
I feel like that is what socialism is. People for socialism just want something givento them, but when they have to give something then they feel its not the same.
@955miro 5 лет назад
It looks like most of these kids have never had to work for anything in their whole lives. They don't have any clue what it takes to make it in their own, to live independent of someone else's handouts. Their GPA is the first thing in their entire life they had to actually earn. Once they graduate and get a job, find their own place to live and start paying bills, maybe then it will click that you have to work for and earn everything you want to get out of this life.
@jfivecoat 5 лет назад
"your GPA has nothing to do with your quality of life" then why are you going to college if not to improve your life!!!
@elmerwilber3308 5 лет назад
@demounit2505 5 лет назад
Thought the exact same thing when he said it.
@bfields5839 5 лет назад
So true. Study to get good grades and create opportunity.
@AWW8472 5 лет назад
@melissaholzhauer7310 5 лет назад
With that incredible insight, I am thinking college will have a limited or negative impact on HIS life. Imagine the debt all to realize you wasted the opportunity to learn because you thought you knew it all.
@kirkpatterson9613 Год назад
These students don't have a clue what they are saying and how serious socialism can be
@draze2296 2 года назад
As far as I'm aware GPAs are used to rank students by how well they've done in school, if you give points from students with high GPAs to students with low GPAs while maintaining the ranking order it would have no real effect other than to force everyone who utilises GPAs to adjust how they use them. Alternatively if you adjust GPAs so all students end up with the same GPA it becomes meaningless. A good analogy to get people thinking about Socialism vs Capitalism but missleading none the less.
@mene6465 2 года назад
Not rank, necessarily, just shows how well you did in your classes. I might be missing your point but when people look at a gpa they don’t look at it to see how well you did compared to other people (usually), but more to look how well you yourself did.
@draze2296 2 года назад
@@mene6465 Yes, but if everyone's GPA changed, so too would people's perception of what a good GPA is.
@bira3232 2 года назад
xactly, that's what socialism is equality for all. What ends up happening is if your hard work gets redistributed to everyone else, then everyone stops working hard.
@daliam8715 4 месяца назад
That's not socialism. Socialism isn't about equality, it's about equity. If you work hard you will be fairly compensated, so if you study well and get high scores on tests, your GPA will be high.
@GoTocco 4 года назад
These “educated” kids seem completely unaware of how they contradict themselves. It’s truly dumbfounding.
@JoshuaKimbrough 4 года назад
That's how brainwashing works lol
@BDees23 4 года назад
I agree. I just can't understand how they go into school and suddenly our system is bad. The greatest country in the world has somehow turned into the worst. WAKE UP PEOPLE and understand these so called smart people are promoting a system that has NEVER worked.
@GoTocco 4 года назад
@@BDees23 The university professors are teaching them that socialism is good and capitalism is bad. That diversity is good just not diversity of thought. The US constitution stands in the way of a global government take over and teaching the next generation to devalue our system in favor of globalism is one tactic being used to deconstruct our national identity.
@angelbarajas9180 4 года назад
@@GoTocco They think they're educated because Twitter told them so.
@mvs3553 4 года назад
When it comes to political questions like these people tend to contradict themselves a lot especially if you let them talk for a while.
@bug-lf4sg 4 года назад
This is just a GPA. Imagine how they would feel if it was money.
@Misaka-gt5yj 4 года назад
They can't make the relation with money because most of them are spending money not earning money.
@rubencarvalho2272 4 года назад
This is the worst comparsion you could ever do. Don't get me wrong, you can go too far to the left as you can go too far to the right. GPA allows the selection of the greatest intellectuals among a university, if you "give away" your GPA you're ruining your country with bad engineers, doctors, historians, etc because everyone is put in the same condition, giving the illusion they all have the same qualities. In an economic way, giving away a small part of your salary to, let's say, Healthcare, doesn't only help you but helps others. In the USA, only the elite doesn't get indebted if they are in need of hospital services - actually, there are reports of people preferring to die rather than going to the hospital - so, by giving away a small fraction of your salary to Healthcare, every single working person can afford to be treated in an hospital. Bias video where they select which individual to put in the video to give a bad impression of socialism to an America who views that word with disgust.
@Misaka-gt5yj 4 года назад
@@rubencarvalho2272 The GPA analogy can easily be made to affirmative action for institutions alongside SAT. You are essentially compensating for someone's lower score because of your ethnicity. Prop 209 is meant to prevent that and give everyone a chance only based on their merit, not their ethnicity. Now due to the recent events, most companies and institutions start to unanimously repeal prop 209. In the future, you will have more cases similar to Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam due to affirmative action. In regards to your hospital comment, government subsidies will always cause hospitals to cost-shift, which will either increase cost or bankrupt the hospital because laboratory services to Medicare inpatients are reimbursed at an amt that is often not enough to cover expenses thanks to the Medicare's DRG system. Guess which option they would choose?
@rubencarvalho2272 4 года назад
@@Misaka-gt5yj I don't know if your strawman was intended. It can be applied to affirmative action and I'm obviously against it. You can check healthcare system in europe for a better understanding of how it can work if you'd like to. The response to Covid-19 in Europe and in the US speaks volumes.
@Misaka-gt5yj 4 года назад
​@@rubencarvalho2272 A socialist against affirmative action, never thought I'd encounter such a rare specimen. Here's the thing, you seem to be generalizing failure in healthcare to only cost without realizing most of those cost incurred are the direct result of cost-shifting. I work in molecular pathology labs, so understanding the difference between point of care and cost per test is important. Medicare has been allowing insurances to price fix, and Medicare reimbursements for primary care haven't increased since the early 1990s-while costs have gone up dramatically. You don't just subsidize more into an already broken system. The CPT and DRG systems made it so we must answer mostly to the federal government more than the patient. You would notice this when your primary care physician pays more attention to the computer than you. If you are a Democrat, you should be familiar with Bernie's plan, which focuses at getting insurance companies out of the picture instead on emphasizing cost reduction (which is far more effective) like Andrew Yang's. Getting insurance companies out of the picture is EXACTLY what is going to cut medical cost by half and reduce the need to cost shift significantly. As happened in other countries. The government becomes the only "insurance company". So every medical service provider (doctor, hospital, pharma company) who wants to stay in business and have customers, needs to accept the prices that the government is willing to pay. And guess what? There is a also a downside. The US government, which also has to compensate for other countries (e.g. Germany) failure to meet GDP spending on other organizations such as NATO, is going to reimburse at prices half of what service providers are charging now due to priority appropriation budgeting. Single payer health care system has its limits, which is why many providers here are choosing direct pay healthcare in America. Unfortunately in regards to SARS-CoV2, I don't think you are seeing the full picture. It is more than just cost per treatment. Yes, we have a financial incentive from Medicare to put COVID patients on ventilators, despite ventilators being the last resort option (MATH+ protocol comes first). However, you should know the difference between dying WITH and dying FROM, as Birx suggested before that US CDC data can't be trusted with direct accuracy. It is literally on the CDC protocol for death certificates regarding the virus, if you die while positive, you WILL be counted regardless of cause. You should also know how much medicine has been politicized recently in America. Refer to the Lancet/NEJM retracted articles pertaining to Surgisphere if you want to know more. It is quite literally the pandemic's first of many research scandals. Not to mention Fauci is one of the few health experts who remained consistent on social distancing and decontamination guidelines when it came to protests of any kind, unlike others who exhibit double standards. No one is surprised with the recent uptick in cases in half the states. You simply have people (we call them 白左 in China) in America willing to risk the well-being of others for simple and selfish act of virtue signalling. 70 coronavirus test sites were destroyed in George Floyd protests, I wonder why testing has decreased? (Hint: significant supplies of viral transport reagents was lost in the past 2 weeks) Wonder why contact tracing is not going well? (Hint: contact tracers working for the NYC government have been instructed NOT to ask anyone who is tested positive whether they had recently attended a demonstration). IF you still don't think the political manipulation of health data is what screwed us up significantly, I have a bridge to sell you.
@UnkLuke 2 года назад
bro these people fr think billionaires and multimillionaires work harder for their money than the average american 😭
@cameronunwin421 2 года назад
GPA is an equitable system. Grading policies are standardized and applied equally. Wealth distribution and compensation for work is not the same.
@SuperEzekiel7 2 года назад
Good point, but even still it is much easier to see the benefits of socialism when you're the one who would benefit, and very easy to disagree with it if it would disadvantage you. I feel like that is the point he is trying to make, though by no means is it a perfect illustration.
@acawap 2 года назад
except that's not true. The biochemical physics major takes harder courses than the underwater basket weaving major. You could argue a particular class has the same grading scale, but so do jobs. It's a very good comparison.
@bro-ss2eu 2 года назад
@@acawap the thing is you can switch your major to an easier one. You can’t switch to not be poor
@daliam8715 4 месяца назад
Bullshit. It's not a good comparison. Managers at Macdonalds can make more money than teachers, yet we all know which one is more important, and requires more qualifications and harder work than the other.
@triparadox.c 4 месяца назад
@@bro-ss2eu Except you can switch to be not poor. How do you think most successful companies in US started? At a five-star office building fully paid by their parents or did they all start from garages?
@nahualritem8452 3 года назад
"but I worked hard for my grades, why should I give it away?" Congratulations, honey. You're a republican.
@chrishowell7854 3 года назад
Or a libertarian!
@jon-n-1058 3 года назад
@@chrishowell7854 that too
@jon-n-1058 3 года назад
@jaredolson7543 3 года назад
Great comment!!!!
@jlaw2288 5 лет назад
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money." ~ M.Thatcher
@josephmorabito6992 5 лет назад
The problem with corporate welfare is eventually you are stealing other people's money for you too make millions
@jbdragon3295 5 лет назад
Joseph Morabito How does a corporation steel other people’s money? A corporation is not the government, they can’t tax you and just take your money. They are selling a product that people may want to buy. If people don’t buy their product, they go out of business.
With 11 trillion dollars in offshore accounts, untaxed dollars!! it's going to be a while to run out?
@davidgill3356 5 лет назад
Jeff Meli if its off shore how are you going to take it at all?
@davidgill3356 5 лет назад
Joseph Morabito shouldn’t be doing that either.
@bryceb3194 2 года назад
Hysterical people actually think this is apples to apples. Fatal flaw: More money = more earning potential, it is often inherited & there is no limit to how much one can accumulate. High GPA ≠ more GPA earning potential, can’t be inherited & has a 4.0 maximum.
@juggernautmoses4348 2 года назад
Exactly. It's a shame so many people here can't think critically enough to see through this bs false equivalence.
@Wiintb 2 года назад
These colleges should be fumigated and we need real teachers. Just team STEM and some needful subjects like economics and accounting. We are going too far.
@iiiiii8522 2 года назад
I like your idea and agree with you on premise. But, higher education needs the useless degrees to make money to support the useful ones. The vast majority of students doing useless degrees would have no chance nor interest in doing STEM or business and would end up being MORE useless to society. Also, there's a reason teachers are all useless with little to no real world experience. Why teach when you can be more successful in industry? If that is not a question they ask themselves then they will be more successful teaching, and thus you have our current teachers...
@cara-seyun 2 года назад
@@iiiiii8522 reminds me of the saying “those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach” (Which is why I think we should bring back apprenticeships, so experts can teach new generations while still doing their jobs)
@iiiiii8522 2 года назад
@@cara-seyun Completely agree with that.
@lais_-hb3ug 5 лет назад
Everyone is socialist until they are stealing your money instead of others money 😂😂😂
@ZAP0161 5 лет назад
Vegan: I'll give up animal products Amish: I'll give up technology Socialist: ...
@AndrewDeFaria 4 года назад
Speak for yourself. I was never a socialist.
@peposo7 4 года назад
People who are not on the top appreciate the idea of socialism...until they experienced it. Some say its part of growing up; but C'mon!!! How many times the wheel has to be re-invented?!
@AndrewDeFaria 4 года назад
@@peposo7 It's not those people "appreciate the idea of socialism" it's that they are looking to get something for nothing by confiscation of other people's resources by using their Uncle Sam to do the dirty work. What they fail to realize is that once you give old Uncle Sam that much power he no longer cares about talking or listening to them anymore.
@drmachinewerke1 4 года назад
Socialism means I do not have to work to have what you have. Sounds great. Until you are actually paying others to do nothing.
@meganblack4387 5 лет назад
These people "I study for my grade it's mine. Oh you work for your money you have to share".
@jesusgonzalez84 5 лет назад
But people who play the stock market "only push buttons on their computer that's not really working", lmao.
@zakofrx 5 лет назад
@@jesusgonzalez84 they have no idea about the education and skill involved let alone the risk of loosing large amounts of cash. If a stock market millionaire lost a large sum then would they be willing to give their money to the former millionaire, I don't think so.
@AsG_4_ 5 лет назад
Can't believe none of them thought about how theirs a cap on GPA and not income
@retiredmanager1098 5 лет назад
Jesus Gonzalez investing and choosing stocks is very challenging and can be very rewarding. They don’t appear to have the basic concept of how easy it is to lose money in the stock market, the time it takes to research and the risks of selling too soon or holding too long. The stock market is fear and greed. Those students just want the profits from the good companies, they don’t see how many companies fail due to lack of innovation, not hiring the right people, changes in the law...
@SaneAsylum 5 лет назад
@@zakofrx Apparently neither do you. Most brokers are pawns for wealth redistribution schemes. The real players are right next door with fiber optics and super fast computers trading a billion circles around you each second. Not to mention the many many insiders trading their/their associates way through their terms in office. Coming in broke going out rich. The real reason people are willing to pay millions to get elected (pay to play). The whole market is a game designed to control other people's money. All trust therein is misplaced. But the shorter response would be professional gamblers work really "hard" too...
@peto7020 2 года назад
yeah…we all share our GPAs with each other in Europe (dripping sarcasm). This is like asking people ‘do you eat meat’ and then say ‘so basically you want me dead so you can eat me’. You already pay taxes in the US. and you DO pay taxes for things you may never use - like a road in a nearby place which you will never walk or drive on. Your healthcare system is simply dominated by huge companies which really love the way things are now, its as simple as that.
@brentinjapan 2 года назад
Intelligence is as inheritable as money, so there goes that argument too.
@StormWolf01 3 года назад
"Socialism: let's do it! As long as we are giving away your stuff, but not my stuff." - Every socialist.
@darthporg9859 3 года назад
Socialism is basicly the gibs
@Christian92177 3 года назад
@dq8262 3 года назад
Are y’all dumb?
@Christian92177 3 года назад
@@dq8262 I'm not sure you get the initial comment.
@tekschannel5128 3 года назад
@Daniel Dancuta and which socialist country did you grow up in?
@khatdubell 3 года назад
"They dont earn it, they're pressing buttons on a computer " Then why dont you press those same buttons, if it's so easy.
@jellymitch6212 3 года назад
The best part is that they want to give the money to other people who do even less.
@eternalreign2313 3 года назад
Not to mention the money still has to come from somewhere, from someone lol. The stock market doesn't magically create money from thin air, it just moves existing money around that people already made.
@LanceRozenfeld 3 года назад
@elismith4040 3 года назад
Just like you didn't EARN the money you would receive from a socialist structure. Keep that same energy, man, I don't want no double standard.
@elismith4040 3 года назад
I've put thousands of hours in to understand the market and be profitable in it. If you told me that I didn't earn my returns, and just clicked buttons.... then I want to see you do the same thing. I put work in, and you're not just gonna steal it in the name of equality. Wait til you sitting on some money and someone wants to take it with your logic. Socialism only sounds great when you have nothing to lose from it. Just because you get a majority vote that stealing is okay, it doesn't make stealing okay.
@scoobykitty 2 года назад
This was a brilliant idea! I hope these students can see the hypocrisy. Freedom of opportunity is what capitalism is all about.
@ireacttoeverythingeverythi4833 2 года назад
You don’t starve if you have a bad GPA.
@Shaweweweeewah 4 года назад
"I'm like studying all day for my grade" I guess the rich just find their money on the side of the road
@tsipher 4 года назад
often times, that's how people think wealth is generated. I make $40K a year and have time to put money away every month, yet I get told that I have too much. I have had to say, "well, if I have too much, what is the incentive to work for that which I saved?" so many times that it just flies over people's head too often.
@aidanjames6368 4 года назад
Evan Ariana no, they don’t work for that much money. Let’s say someone makes 75,000 a year doing construction. Do you think billionaires work 13 THOUSAND times harder than them? Cuz that’s how much more they make.
@Shaweweweeewah 4 года назад
@@aidanjames6368 money earned doesn't reflect the difficulty of a job, just it's value. If you put forth the effort and investment to build a billion dollar company, then you've earned every penny. If you don't want to be poor/middle class your whole life, take the risk and put forth the effort to create a business and make money. If you're not willing to take that risk and put forth that effort, you have no right to take what someone else earned by taking that risk.
@aidanjames6368 4 года назад
Evan Ariana small issue, people who come from poor families don’t have money to invest.
@tsipher 4 года назад
@@aidanjames6368 came from a poor family, yet I'm working for the money to invest, just because you didn't have the money to invest doesn't mean you cannot eventually work up to the point of investing
@shanechannel7066 5 лет назад
"Do you believe in socialism?" "Yes!" "Would you give away your GPA those at the bottom?" "Uhh..." *cannot fast travel while enemies are nearby*
@damboulton 5 лет назад
Underrated comments right here
@DDawgX 5 лет назад
@GeometryDashKenaz 5 лет назад
Top comment material 😂
@Lodogg 5 лет назад
I get that reference
@lebronfitzgerald8129 5 лет назад
cannabased that’s, uhh... EXACTLY what socialism is, bud
@WinkLinkletter 3 месяца назад
That guy at (0:41) is the epitome of snively. Imagine his feelings running the show. "I'm not denying that fact either, but for the regular working person, you know...". What?! We know what, college student? When were you ever a regular working person? Always so generous with other people's resources.
@OldmanJM 2 года назад
Interesting how those who have not worked for 40 years to create wealth, want to share in the wealth of those of us who have. Seems kind of like jealousy to me.
@blackdragons8011 5 лет назад
*_WE WANT COMMUNISM_* ok. Give me your money. *_NEVERMIND_*
@TheGeekMonster 5 лет назад
Precisely. They want these systems *as long as* it means they'll get free stuff. Never mind as soon as they realize they have to *give up* stuff.
@mi-micanterbury2275 5 лет назад
Black Dragons 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏🏽👏🏽
@DonJuanDM 5 лет назад
That's what you get when you let stupid people go to college. They would have learnt a lot more 'common sense' if they start working in the society at earlier age.
@briansiegel6945 5 лет назад
I agree that all those students in the video were idiots, but their inability to adequately respond to his equivocation between money and GPA doesn’t make the relationship true. The goal of capitalism is to maximize individual contribution to the economy, through productivity, profits, investments, etc. The associated goal of a GPA then is to maximize your contribution to the academic “economy”, through hard work, intellectual deliberation, etc. The main difference between money and GPA is that money is a tool that allows for exchange vital for economic growth. But if I give a portion of a higher GPA to a lower GPA, that individual who received the lower GPA doesn’t get a tool to become more intelligent, more able to participate in classes, more involved on campus. They do not gain access to skills necessary to improve their academic “economy”, they just have a number. Money, on the other hand, when redistributed is vital to creating growth. Poor individuals often can’t get a quality education for themselves or their children since they are working long hours for little money. They spend it on necessities and reduce qualities, like ok food, a not great living situation, public transportation, a poor education. However, with redistribution (not literally giving people money but investing in policies that encourage good education, occupational, and economic decision making for example), those individuals now have greater access to spend money and invest in themselves. They can work less hours since they now have economic incentives to get an education and utilize these redistributive policies. With a better education for themselves and their kids, they can go off to be greater and more productive members of the economy, and get more money, and contribute economically as both a worker and a consumer. This money is then spent on products that help the individuals who are rich owners of these companies. The money they invest in poorer individuals doesn’t only contribute to economic growth overall, but returns into the pockets of those who gave it away initially. This is the growth capitalists desire and fail to achieve. Instead, we have an unimaginably high disparity between the rich and the poor. Also, hate to break it to you, we are NOT a capitalistic economy in America. We are a MIXED economy, that combines both ideological components of capitalism and socialism. So if you support the American economic system, you are a socialist just like the students in that video lmao.
@susanschoover1577 5 лет назад
Brian you’re a moron. You’re suffering from the dunning Krueger effect for sure. Supporting the US’s FREE MARKET economy is in no way supporting socialism. Spending on public goods doesn’t equate socialism. That’s just ludicrous. And redistribution DOESNT work. You’re too idealistic, you can’t just teach people out of poverty. And the government can’t be the ones teaching people how to spend money or be financially successful
@erichorner8336 4 года назад
I can’t believe the hypocrisy. “I studied so hard though.” How can people not understand logic?
@pajamas720 4 года назад
@The main cause of warps in all of reality i honestly doubt he lets his business go on autopilot. Thats a good way to start bleeding money. Otherwise youre probably right.
@ItsGoudaa 4 года назад
Wasi you aren't a CEO, so you wouldn't know would you?
@erokjr4992 4 года назад
Liberal logic lmao.
@johnnyrotten9757 4 года назад
@@wasi6798 but he created the company dumbass! Therefore he reaps the rewards
@libertyprime1614 4 года назад
@@wasi6798 You can work hard and you can work smart, Jeff Bezos did it both at the beginning his carrier.
@ocarinaplaya 5 месяцев назад
A supreme lack of deductive reasoning from these students.
@fen3311 5 месяцев назад
Makes sense, what he said wasn't socialism so....
@scottphilips8514 2 года назад
I don’t think that’s a completely accurate comparison. When it comes to GPA, everyone starts school with zero, you can’t inherit a GPA or be gifted a higher GPA. It’s a completely fair starting point for everyone. With wealth, not everyone is starting from the same point, so it’s inherently unfair.
@LumberjackJR 5 лет назад
The sad thing: they still don’t get it 🤦🏼‍♀️
@shadowbanned5164 5 лет назад
Thats the impression I got as well they weren't making the connection with the obvious.
@anomalyevolution40 5 лет назад
@@shadowbanned5164 The girl at 1:35 doesn't have a clue.
@josephjester4917 5 лет назад
That's because the war going on in this country right now isn't a physical one, it's a spiritual one. And guess what? The good side is losing, all per God's plan.
@spunkyspaz 5 лет назад
No, not GIVING a chunk of your gpa.... Having a chunk of your gpa TAKEN from you and redistributed to others.
@mcpick606 5 лет назад
Nailed it!
@Tuke932 5 лет назад
Don't you mean OUR GPA.
@horseplop9 5 лет назад
Live Free or Die USA Hey Man It Obviously Never Happened. The Left. Has Been Exposed As Having a Coup Against Our President.. Its Disgusting and Should Be Forever remembered as 80 Million Dollars and 2 Years Of Trying to turn the People of the Nation who elected him, against him. Shame on you Democrats and half the Republicans. This Is the Globalism
@mattlaskey782 5 лет назад
I finally got that elusive 4.0, my parents will be so proud haha.
@SousChef77 4 года назад
@@horseplop9 You said it Chuckles....knowledge is power. (and rare! lol)
@-loading-_error_not_found3623 2 года назад
I tend to stay out of arguments like this, but I honestly believe there's inherently a flaw in the question you're asking. I'm a student at the moment, one with a 4.00 that I've held steady for two years now, I work my ass off to keep it that way and would be immensely frustrated to be forced to "share" it with students with lesser grades. However there's a couple of things in my mind that separates what you're calling 'grade disparity' from wealth disparity; 1. There's a cap on how high my GPA can get. I as a student cannot end up with say,,, a 7.5 GPA, there's nothing I can do to bump it up that high. The school stops caring after A+, even if I accumulate 120% in a course (something I've actually done before using cart loads of extra credit) that 20% doesn't do anything to my grade, and if there had been a way for me to send that 20% to the students in my class who needed a grade boost I would have done it in a heart beat. Why? Because I don't need that 20% when I've already got my A. Now when you look at wealth there is absolutely no cap to just how wealthy you can be, and someone of our favorite entrepreneurs the ones we Laud for having built themselves from the ground up, (Musk, Bezos, ect) have so much accumulated wealth they could never possibly spend it all in their lifetime even if they quit working tomorrow. When myself and many others are talking about helping out people at the bottom, to relate it to grades again, we're not asking to bring people with 100% in a class down to an 80, we're asking to use the excess 20 of someone earning 120%. 2. Generational Grades are not a thing, if my father went to college and got straight As, I don't get to start out with all the points he accumulated during his time at college, same if he pulled straight Fs, it's a clean slate no matter what. The same cannot be said for wealth, some people are lucky enough to have wonderful supportive families that assist them in their lives when they stumble, they offer monetary support during college, or make funds for first born grandchildren. Others are born into circumstance where they are the ones having to assist their families even when they are not in a stable financial position themselves, circumstance is a throw if the dice that we have to acknowledge when it comes to wealth disparity. 3. If you get an F in a course, youre not going to die. I know this argument probably seems silly but hear me out. If I fail a class, I don't get credit, I'll likely have to retake the course if it's a general studies class, or if I'm extra lucky it's an elective and I've learned something new about my aptitudes in a certain area. This will be stressful for me and may affect my mental health, but overall I will survive and get through it. If I go bankrupt I have fucked myself and *hard*. It's not impossible to come back from this position especially if you're lucky enough to have the family support touched on in my second point, but if not? You're looking at bloated homelessness programs, food insecurity, lack of access to medical care, heightened risk of violent crime and any number of other factors that on their own and especially in combination could genuinely get you killed. In conclusion, your argument is fundamentally flawed, these students are reluctant to "share" their GPA because for all of them, this isn't a resource that they can have "extra" of, for them giving to someone else means going without for themselves. This is not the case with the sort of socialism the majority of rational individuals advocate for, most of us, are asking for the excess wealth that these billionaires are never even going to touch let alone go without over. Next, none of these kids inherited good or bad grades from their parents what they have is based off of the quality of work that they have turned in as individuals. This again is not the case with money, which can be inherited from prior generations just like debt can. And lastly a bad grade isn't going to kill you, it just isn't. So for those of us working hard to maintain a GPA, we are reluctant to offer our limited resources to those who can, at the end of the day retake the course. Unlike with real life and real money where there is no re-do.
@MrJijack 2 года назад
This is so well said, I was hoping for a comment like this. Makes me wonder what you would say to those who think wealth builds more wealth (like how millionaires build companies that create job opportunities for others, or how a millionaire buying a yacht/ mansion spreads wealth to those who work for yachts or home construction). Those who say this think millionaires should not be barred from this through heavy taxation.
@cara-seyun 2 года назад
@@MrJijack that is a good point, and one that seems ignored by people on both sides of the issue. The economy is not a zero-sum game, it’s possible to build yourself up without tearing down others.
@moonman1488 2 года назад
I appreciate your thoughtful response and would like to point out some of my thoughts on it. Your first major point was saying the idea isn't to bring someone with a 100% down to 80%, but rather take the excess 20% from someone with a 120% since they get no benefit from the extra 20% anyway. Something you say you have personally done through extra credit. Knowing that the extra 20% would bring you no value, you worked for it anyway. At the end of the day you are still working harder than you need to to provide benefits for someone else who is not working as hard as they should be. You are still losing even though your GPA doesn't change and their GPA is improving at your expense. Naturally, those who currently go above and beyond will stop overachieving once they realize they are doing extra work so someone else can slack off, and then what? Then we are left taking away from people who only have a 100% and then your GPA is affected. My second point is to your argument about how there is no generational GPA, but there is generational wealth. This much is true, but I don't think the amount of people who currently have massive unspendable-in-a-single-lifetime level inheritances is as large as some people may make it out to be. A drop in the bucket relative to the population and likely taxing them more wouldn't do much in the big picture. I don't have numbers on this, it's an opinion as much as yours is I guess. Lastly you related failing a class to bankruptcy and how you would likely overcome an "F" but overcoming bankruptcy could screw you over, potentially to the point of no return, at least not without good fortune on your side. To this, I contend a few ideas. First, bankruptcy isn't really the life sentence it might seem. Many times you can file for bankruptcy and still keep your house and your car. It is entirely possible to recover from bankruptcy with several years of diligent work and responsible financial habits, in the same way you can recover from a failing grade by working diligently and exercising responsible study habits. Additionally, bankruptcy isn't typically an overnight "whoops I got drunk last night and spent more on the credit card than I should have" sort of issue. Most people who end up in bankruptcy have a long history of poor financial habits and bad decisions. You don't have a credit score of 850 one day and file for bankruptcy the next. There is a transition with plenty of red flags along the way. Plenty of chances to turn it around. Just like failing a class. If you are typically a straight A student, you don't just suddenly fail one day. It's a process. You fail one assignment, then another, then another with opportunity to fix your study habits along the way. If you neglect to study more or just don't care to fix it, why would those who are getting an A be responsible for boosting your failure? Even if they had 120%? If someone is rich and charitably inclined, that's great. They can give away as much money as they want. If not, that's their decision to make, not anyone else's. I'm not trying to defend billionaires either, although I'm sure it's a problem we would all gladly accept if we had the chance. But the idea that taxing the ultra-wealthy more to redistribute it to those of lesser means seems like a good idea until it is your money being taken. Something I thought this video did a fair job of pointing out.
@bro-ss2eu 2 года назад
The most important flaw in his argument is that. We all start with the same gpa. It’s not the case for money.
@user-fy2mc5wx6m 3 месяца назад
It's simple it's there money keep your hands off it they didn't make for dirt bag on the corner with a sign that's able to work
@arushan54 Год назад
"Would you give away the fruits of your hard work in a capitalist society where each person fights for survival and justifying their existence?"
@NoxDeadly 4 года назад
At this point I'm thinking we should raise the voting age to 30
@Jay-rb5pg 4 года назад
Okay so I don't have to pay taxes until I'm 30?
@NoxDeadly 4 года назад
Jay you're saying no one should pay taxes until they're old enough to vote? Thats dumb af
@NoxDeadly 4 года назад
William Jr Pfann the age to vote is already higher than the age to work, yall slow as hell😂
@NoxDeadly 4 года назад
William Jr Pfann underage? Who said anything about underage? The legal age to be employed is younger than the age to vote, voting and taxes are not tied together
@HenryPaulThe3rd 4 года назад
William Jr Pfann People who pay no taxes should have no vote 😊
@Fingolfin3423 4 года назад
There's a direct relationship between socialism and hypocrisy.
@elizabethcreated9263 4 года назад
Fingolfin3423 haha
@dungeon12 4 года назад
@fleetlordavtar less than 20 percent is inherited
@jasonterry1959 4 года назад
@fleetlordavtar Even inherited money is earned by someone :)
@FM-dm8xj Год назад
ahahahahh its a direct causation.
@Lanthanaas 7 месяцев назад
"That's different because, you now, it affects me negatively... I only support other people giving me stuff, not me giving my stuff to other people..."
@samgines 2 года назад
Yeah my brother is a self made millionaire. He has tried to start and own businesses since his 5th grade lemonade stand. I saw him work harder than anyone else I know to get where he is today, and guess what, he still works 24 hours a day to make sure his company and employees and clients are taken care of. To think people want to take away his hard work and give it to people who haven’t worked that hard and call that fair is disgusting. I wouldn’t take handouts from him either because I know I haven’t earned it like he has. Taking from the rich doesn’t motivate innovation because why would I work 24 hours a day to build something and take all the risk for it to succeed, just to make the same as someone who sits on a couch and watches tv all day?
@darragh4912 2 года назад
Some people work as hard as others yet making nowhere compared to them, does that not disgust you?
@samgines 2 года назад
@@darragh4912 it’s sad to me, but what’s the difference here? In the case of my brother, he worked hard to create a business and make that much money. In my case, I worked hard at school and was satisfied with a 8-5 job. Equal opportunity and equal outcome are different. There is equal opportunity to do what my brother did. Just watch shark tank, people do it all the time. Some people fail. Some people fail over and over before they succeed. But if you don’t put your hard work and your failures towards something that will make you wealthy, you can’t blame others for you not being wealthy.
@darragh4912 2 года назад
@@samgines equal opportunity does not exist and never will under capitalism
@samgines 2 года назад
@@darragh4912 are you saying that if I create a good or service that people want and people are willing to pay for, I can’t start my own company and become wealthy? If I learn skills that allow me opportunity to apply for a certain job, I have as good a chance as anyone to get it. Those that are most qualified (worked the hardest, learned the most, etc) typically get the job. Capitalism is the definition of equal opportunity. Socialism is the definition of equal outcome.
@darragh4912 2 года назад
@@samgines no because not everyone has the same opportunity. How do we all have the same opportunity under capitalism when some of us are the children of billionaires and others have to grow up in poverty and prioritize their family
@alllivesmatter1125 3 года назад
You can almost smell their embarrassment when they realize their hypocrisy.
@danieljosevski1169 3 года назад
That one girl actually caught herself and said "it would be hypocritical if I said no". At least she was honest about it lol
@gjmarin2004 3 года назад
Not entirely I don’t think most of them even made the connection in order to be embarrassed
@jairgomez3965 3 года назад
More than hypocrisy, it’s ignorance
@dq8262 3 года назад
Did is a hypothetical question so she is not a hypocrite dumb loser
@bustersharman8115 3 года назад
Half of them are to stupid to even realize the hypocrisy
@chrishowell7854 3 года назад
"the stock market takes zero work" Soo why aren't you a millionaire yet?
@kristianjohnson8787 2 года назад
Exactly…push some buttons and get rich already! No matter what anyone thinks of him, I always use the knock on Donald Trump. “Sure he was a billionaire, his dad gave him a million dollars!” Imagine if turning $10 into $10,000 was easy…I’d skip Starbucks 2 mornings a week and have $10K by next week!
@dalemullins4562 2 года назад
they just" went on the stock market" lol that's not work hahahaha
@narendra62 2 года назад
20 years and counting living from the stock market. It's not work. It's the ability to be comfortable with risk, having surplus cash and governments that print money to inflate assets.
@MJ-xk8td 2 года назад
@@narendra62 Ppl can lose all they earn and become poor in no time, if they don't make the proper decisions, in stocks
@narendra62 2 года назад
@@MJ-xk8td This is true. It's worked for me. I have been lucky and also helped by the multiple quantative easing.
@rowanmales3430 9 месяцев назад
I'm not "against" the lesson here, but why is nobody pointing out the "real" reason the examples aren't quite as comparable as assumed in this video? A GPA has very marginal inequality, because it has a small fixed range (a GPA is also more directly effort-work based than income/wealth, but that is less relevant to this specific question). This is different to income, which has a very large range. The wider the range, the higher the inequality, and the easier to argue for redistribution. The argument for redistribution becomes correspondingly much weaker when range is much smaller (such as with a GPA) even if the logic used is the same. The second aspect, and the part glossed over in the video, is that there exists a "good living wage standard". While in fluctuates slightly with region specific costs, this is an absolute number, below which people really need redistribution to live with a decent standard of living. But because income has such a wide range, it has the capacity to go vastly over that number. Redistributing a large chunk of income from those massively above this absolute number will have minimal effect on standard of living of those individuals. This is not the same for GPA. There is also a "good living wage standard" equivalent for GPAs, which in this case is the minimum GPA to get good value out of being in school. That is to say, the "absolute number" is whatever GPA the pass-mark is. The same logic indeed dictates that high-GPA-havers should give some GPA to those not meeting the GPA pass threshold. But it ignores that GPA has a small fixed range. Unlike with income, you do not have to take that much GPA from someone before you start to noticeably impact what "standard of living" their GPA can get them. If we want to get deep into the argument, then yes, it is also true that a universal "tax" on GPA would force all top GPA down and thus lower requirements for GPA, which is what happens with money, but by the time we get this deep in the comparison starts to break apart simply because a GPA fundamentally has a multifaceted role unlike money, and doing this cases GPA scores to essentially converge and failures to pass which destroys the entire point of the GPA. GPA is bounded to do its job. Income is not bounded because it does not need to be. And that is the fundamental difference why treating them as equivalent is a good superficial way to test logic and challenge hypocrisy but not at all a good thing if you were to do a deep dive into the issue suggested.
@dalfokane 2 года назад
Because students are profiting of the works of others and not by only studying by theirselves /s This is a bad fucking comparision
@nicak777alex9 2 года назад
No, it's a good comparison. You just don't like it because it's not the exact same situation and miss the point of an analogy.
@dalfokane 2 года назад
@@nicak777alex9 No, I don't like it because it's a bad analogy. You cannot compare gpa and money.
@Daniel-fx7xv 4 года назад
I'm from South America and socialism is the worst thing that could've ever happened
@ZeitgeistGaming69 4 года назад
Just look at Cuba and Venezuela.
@Daniel-fx7xv 4 года назад
@@ZeitgeistGaming69 Nicaragua too
@dr.bunterhidenbrobruh5502 4 года назад
Normal people know that. Brainwashed leftists don't, and unfortunately many college students are brainwashed and indoctrinated by leftists.
@61shubhamdhaker69 4 года назад
Are you Brazilian?
@Daniel-fx7xv 4 года назад
@@61shubhamdhaker69 Argentina, not socialist at all but it's chosing that path since 1940, especially 1997 - 2020. The results are AMAZING! With free markets 5th wealthiest nation in the world and richest country in the entire world 1895 on track to beat the United States. Meanwhile in 2020 with wealth redistribution, closed economy, everything "free" (really bad quality) and a lot of public investment it's not even among the top 60. Not even prepared for such amount of public investement. But hey! We're socialist.
@esotericed8736 5 лет назад
Leftist - "I care so much, we should help this group of people..." Intelligent Person - "Then donate some of your money to them" Leftist - "Nah.. Other people should help them, not me though".
@DaveS859 5 лет назад
Other people should be FORCED to help them *!
@marshall4759 5 лет назад
Check out how much Joe Biden gives to charity every year. Next to nothing.
@3trilogy 5 лет назад
@Logan Waltz Gotta love your cynicism and so true!
@wolfpack4128 5 лет назад
I will help them with someone else's money. Money from those rich folks that were just given their money.
@bruhda7469 3 месяца назад
@@marshall4759not surprised. Probably spends it all on dementia treatment
@maxpower9848 2 года назад
You got to love that one kid who says it "wouldn't matter to have a GPA cuz everybody would be the same"? But he likes communism? I think he missed the whole point.
@rajarampejaver6689 5 месяцев назад
For completeness, they should have interviewed a student who had bad grades and wanted others to share their good grades. That would have fully demonstrated the concept.
@YeshuaIsTheTruth 3 года назад
"Your GPA isn't directly related to your quality of life." Then why do you want a good one?
@gregm5636 2 года назад
yeah I know, that kids didnt connect the dots,~ better grade, more opportunities, higher wages, better job.... sure its related to your quality of life.
@narnia1233 2 года назад
Makes you question the education they’re receiving.
@joshuavd5194 2 года назад
because it can enable them to get better jobs. They live in a capitalist country. Even in a socialist country you have your own studies etc. But after you get a good job then you would want to share the money you earn.
@YeshuaIsTheTruth 2 года назад
@@joshuavd5194 good answer.
@basilbcf 2 года назад
"Your GPA isn't directly related to your quality of life" - especially when you live off mommy and daddy and have not yet had to earn your way in life.
@TheOriginalMerr 5 лет назад
It's like these kids don't understand what socialism actually is
@kevinfernandez1929 5 лет назад
@mike a literally everyone in this generation lol
@oska592 5 лет назад
I fucking love it, you pretty much described capitalism at it's finest!!
@prenuptials5925 5 лет назад
They understand it as much as the RU-vidr, and most of this comment section, which is just about nothing.
@justgator3915 5 лет назад
@@prenuptials5925 Which is close to not at all. Learn how to word, what you think you know. Or you could enlighten us all. That would be fun.
5 лет назад
They don’t. My redpilled history prof explained Marxism to us and many kids said they had no idea it was actually what it is. She’s the daughter of Soviet refugees that fled persecution.
@majinraptor 2 года назад
An easy response to this question would be people can work 2 jobs can still hover around the poverty line. If you are working 2 jobs, you definitely shouldnt be struggling to make ends meet. So using the analogy, if someone is procrastinating and not studying for their exams, they deserve a low GPA. In life, same thing applies. But if you work hard in life, you can still struggle.
@feliz2892 2 года назад
The difference is that you cannot get a lof of money by your work alone. You have to take a part of the fruits of the labour of your workers in order to be rich. In this exemple the guy describe capitalism not socialism. I'm not even socialist but the analogy is really bad.
@bLo0dFaRt69 4 года назад
“I’m studying hard all day for my gpa” “I work hard all day working for my money”
@lyahandarissa 4 года назад
@NevrrPresntt 4 года назад
Yes sir. My day starts at 4am and usually ends around 9ish or 10ish. These kids really think I'm going to just give away my money like that? Lmao hell nah I earned that money with the sweat on my forehead.
@skourpi142 4 года назад
Geeze Luizzz This is what they think socialism is. They think people will just roll over and hand over their money. In reality the chances it will ever happen are 100000000000000000000% false. We’ve never had a true socialist or communist country in the history of the world and there is one quote to sum this up perfectly, “Everyone hates power until they’re given a little of it.” Communist like society’s never work. The only communist like society that does work is China’s because they use a hybrid of communism and capitalism.
@Rocko1990 4 года назад
I find myself doing the "exactly! do you realize what you just said?" gesture to all these people
@givensurname1296 5 лет назад
"That's different. I *study* for my grade!" And people *work* for their money, so... Gawd, these children and their mental gymnastics.
@shadowbanned5164 5 лет назад
They didnt get the connection not a lot of brain power in kids these days its embarrassing.
@darkapothecary4116 5 лет назад
Some of them probably didn't have jobs or earned money and actually have to pay bills. That's likely why they aren't a little more money smart. It's good to give but it's out of your own heart and more than just money. They think money is the only thing they have to give.
@givensurname1296 5 лет назад
@@darkapothecary4116 - If they didn't grow up comfortable and clueless, then they grew up on handouts and a serious lack of work ethic - in a word: leftists. The ones who are raised, rich or poor, with an appreciation of what they have and an understanding of just how they got it - those are the conservatives and independents. Also includes those that pulled themselves up by the bootstraps. Rarities nowadays.
@givensurname1296 5 лет назад
@@shadowbanned5164 - Embarrassing and terrifying.
@darkapothecary4116 5 лет назад
@@givensurname1296 what makes you think that the right is much better than the left? Both have twisted idiots leading clueless people who either want to make a positive change or in it just for what benefits them. Both sides are idiots. Fools the lot dictated by greed, lack of thinking, and lack of actual love, real love not lust
@MarinaJBoyd 2 года назад
I think people have no clue how much harder a person has to work to be rich, over being just average financially.
@raff5184 4 года назад
"I have friends in Europe, they go to university for free", yeah those universities are financed by magic
@Avarioth 4 года назад
It's also bullshit. I keep hearing people say that Denmark PAYS students to go to university... No. You can CHOOSE to get a LOAN (SU) from the government while you study. Once you're done, you have to pay it back. Saying that the government pays Danes to study is like saying banks pay people to buy property... Edit: Apparently there IS a form of university payment aside from choice of SU. See Simon V's comment below.
@macmaasi79 4 года назад
also: That's not socialism. It has socialist elements but you still have to pay the semester costs, which include a train ticket, basic costs for university utilities... At least in Germany you have to pay ~300 Euros just to attend uni. Then your living costs pile up on that. If you're a useless eternal student in your 24th semester of art history and gender studies while partying on weekends and living in the inner city of Berlin that can pile up quite rapidly. And most of the time they don't even have a mini-job to support themselves a little bit. Mostly these dumbasses live off daddy's money or take out loan after loan until they're broke and declare private bankrupcy.
@humann5682 4 года назад
Exactly. These Scandinavian countries aren't socialist, they are social democracies. And they have some of the highest income tax levels in the 1st world. Everyone pays a lot of money to support these systems like "free" education. The cost of living is astronomical in cities like Stockholm and Copenhagen too. Much higher than many states in the US. I'm from Ireland btw, and I stayed in Ireland because doing a master's degree here was actually cheaper than doing it in Copenhagen due to cost of living differences and accomodation prices. And master's degrees aren't free in Ireland.
@_AnanasIEgenJuice_ 4 года назад
@@Avarioth Im Danish and are a uni student. I receive about 800 dollars a month as "Education Support". Never borrowed anything in my life. The SU loan you mention is something you can do if the 800 is not enough for you. I dont pay anything to attend the uni and get my degree, because this is paid for through the VERY high taxes here.
@Avarioth 4 года назад
@@_AnanasIEgenJuice_ - Oh, I apologize then. I didn't know there was a separate "support" one could get, that didn't have to be paid back. I looked it up before my initial comment and only saw mentions of support for adults studying in university while simultaneously having a job. What exactly is it called? I tried to search it again, but still couldn't find anything about it (I'm Danish too, btw). I'll edit my original comment.
@dkchen 4 года назад
"Most people don't earn their money." Wow so ignorant.
@victoryoung8390 4 года назад
That's because they haven't gone into the job market yet, it'll be a real eye opener when they do and only then will they wake up... welcome to the real world!
@bigtime9597 4 года назад
@@victoryoung8390 Most of these people will work 48 hours a week. 8 hours a day for 6 days. However, most of the rich (and yes I've spoken to quite a few) will work between 80 and 120. The median would be 100 hours (which is what Elon Musk works). That's 14 hours a day for 7 days, or about 17 hours a day for 6 days. Moral of the story? The people who say "most of the rich don't earn their money" are complete blockheads.
@jakecastillo6731 4 года назад
Not to mention a lot the 1% sacrifice a lot in terms of fulfillment from social to family life. They are almost completely disconnected from people and typically suffer in relationships because they prioritize their work. Not to say it’s not possible to be a good dad, grandpa, husband, son, best friend, etc. and a good ceo, but it’s extremely difficult
@CaesarCassius 4 года назад
Conservatrons like the con man in this video misunderstands socialism. Wealth is quantity, mathematically, it can be spread around evenly, although the mega-rich won't be so rich any more. Grades are a rating of quality, mathematically everyone can get 4.0, without diminishing each other. a more accurate analogy would be: Capitalism means the people who worked the hardest get, sweating in factories, 40 hours a week, get a grade of 1.0, while the people who work the least hardest, lounging in air-conditioned offices, get 4.0. It's grossly unfair conservative con-games don't fool intelligent people.
@tylernicholson1155 4 года назад
@@CaesarCassius Why do you link job quality with how hard a person works? The two are not related. If someone works 100 hours each week picking a boulder up and then putting it back down, they have worked hard but what have they produced? Nothing. Why do they deserve more money than the value which they produced? Bill Gates gave the world computers, Steve Jobs gave us the iPhone, Ford gave us affordable automobiles... they created billion dollar industries out of thin air. That's what capitalism is about. Not how hard one works but what one contributes to society.
@raymondtiernan7139 4 месяца назад
The question not asked is “Why do you want a high GPA?”
@jtperez657 4 месяца назад
"Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
@chadjones4255 5 лет назад
Haha! At this point in their lives, the GPA is the only thing they have ever worked hard for. Great interview idea.
@mam241 5 лет назад
and even that wasnt very difficult to achieve if you can do it while simultaneously being stoned
@darkduck3677 5 лет назад
@@mam241 GPA scores going up, SAT scores going down. Teachers are just giving everyone an A at this point just for showing up and staying within the ideological lines.
@mam241 5 лет назад
@@darkduck3677 absolutely, its a circle of communists(professors) and student peers who just tell each other how brilliant they are and shut down every opposing opinion. Which is why when they graduate and enter the world, and they hear opposing views for the first time in their life, they panic and start crying and join groups like antifa and quit their jobs and go on welfare. The combination of grades being "just a number" and affirmative action is really painting a grim future for the world Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for his soon coming return.
@NickOvchinnikov 5 лет назад
Lol, now they know what we're talking about. I don't work 12 hour days for nothing! Haha
@SixDasher 5 лет назад
Worked so hard for something that obviously has no value anymore.
@MurasakiBunny 5 лет назад
Socialism: it's okay if I'm the one GETTING.
@user-fs3wz8hw9k 5 лет назад
The Laughing Rabbit the only thing that most people in a socialist society end up getting is dead Socialism has killed 110,000,000 people since it was first implemented.
@robbassett168 5 лет назад
The Laughing Rabbit - Oh! You’re getting alright... Socialism is the Prison The Soap is the free stuff YOU bend over to pick up the soap The Govenment (Bubba) is standing right behind you once bent over.
@Lolatyou332 5 лет назад
The Laughing Rabbit “people with lots of money don’t work for it” ... “ I have to work hard for my GPA (so that I can make more money).
@kevinm3751 5 лет назад
Its also OK so long as I am not the one giving anything!
@EstrellaViajeViajero 4 года назад
Capitalism: It's okay if I'm the one TAKING. Now can we be done throwing half-thought-out jibes and strawmen that don't benefit anyone?
@charlieparker5977 Год назад
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein
@alexbishop77 2 года назад
There is no scarcity with GPA lmao
@Artbug 5 лет назад
"Take from the rich!" "Who is rich?" "Anyone who has more than me!"
@100pyatt 5 лет назад
EXACTLY. Socialists always want to steal from someone else and never themselves want to give anything away.... Just look at the rich socialists(Clintons, Obamas,etc) that complain that the rich should "pay their fair share"... but none of them are offering up their wealth... Hypocrites all of them 💥
@peterpan8263 5 лет назад
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America Customs and Border Protection THE WALL!!!! Highways/Roads, Public Libraries, Police, Fire Dept, Postal Service , Student Loans and Grants, Bridges, Garbage Collection, Public Landfills, War, Farm Subsidies, CIA, FBI, Congressional Health Care, Polio Vaccine, EPA, Social Securit,Museums, Public School, Jail/Prison System,Corporate/Business Subsidies,Veteran's (VA) Health Care, Public Parks, All Elected Government Officials,Sewer System,Medicare, Court System,Bird Flu Vaccine, G.I. Bill,Hoover Dam,State/City Zoos,IRS, The Pentagon,Medicaid,FDA, Health Care,Swine Flu Vaccine,Disability Insurance (SSDI),Town/State Run Beache,Corporate Bailouts/Welfare,State Construction, Unemployment Insurance,City/Metro Buses, State Snow Removal, PBS (Public Broadcasting Service),Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Street Lighting, FEMA, Public Defender, S-CHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program), Amtrak, The Department of Homeland Securit, OSHA, State and National Monument, The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Government Scholarship, Department of Health and Human Service, Department of Energy ,Department of Education, Secret Service, Peace Corps,Department of Justice ,National Weather Service ,The White House, Our Government ,the Law
@ThatGuy-vi8ch 5 лет назад
@@peterpan8263 None of that would have been possible without capitalism creating giant amounts of wealth in the first place. Humans will be generous with their money if you give them the chance. By taking away that chance, you ruin the system. Socialism only works on small scales, like a family household. I have no problem giving my neighbor a few bucks, it's when someone forces me to do it without my permission that people get upset. People are generous, you have to let them be in order for it to show.
@demef758 5 лет назад
"STEAL from the rich" is the more exact description.
@jimmymac4559 4 года назад
“ I feel like” is the millennial phrase that will doom this nation.
@paganbornspiritbear8249 4 года назад
Jimmy Mac ...Ahhh...yes, we are now starting to see more clearly the end result of parents being told that in order to parent “correctly” your child’s feelings HAVE to be front and center in everything you say and do. Every child gets a trophy just for existing, so no child is left behind! Isn’t it lovely?
@maskedmenreiki 4 года назад
Jimmy Mac I feel like that makes a lot of sense
@mrjones4249 4 года назад
Socialism is just the stepping stone to communism. Wealth distribution leads to poverty and dependence.
@oldegreg6274 4 года назад
@@paganbornspiritbear8249 and also, your spineless generation of parents will go down in history as the cowards who were ABLE TO BE TOLD how to parent - and catalyzed a snowball effect of moral bankruptcy as a birthright for future generations - per the shitty moral precedent/benchmark you and so many your age have instantiated in reality.
@paganbornspiritbear8249 4 года назад
Greg Myers.....Really? Who the hell are you to make any kind of assumptions (you know what they say about those, don’t you?) about whom or what I am or am not. How freaking old do you think I may be, that you would feel adequately armed to make any assumption at all? Your post makes you sound 10...is that a fair assumption? I would venture to guess, based on you’re quib, that you, yourself are one of those spineless jellyfish parents. I am from a generation who believes guilty dog always barks the loudest. Regardless, you know exactly ZERO about me, my family, how I may or may not raise children I may or may not have. You’re an idiot. Enough said!
@EternalConfusion 2 года назад
GPA is capped.... if the comparison was that you needed a 4.0 to succeed or be more successful but you could earn unlimited gpa points and you have 20.0 GPA and refuse to shared that'd be a more apt example ...
@oceanbytez847 2 года назад
2:00 You know there actually were decent arguments that could be made to separate studying from millionaires but these students failed epically. Simple argument. You can be born into money and as long as you aren't totally stupid and conservative with it you can't really lose it. There isn't any real effort required to get there. It takes effort to become new money, but looking at the statistics, this basically never happens. Most of the top is in fact old money who also just work hard to grow it. If you have enough money in a savings account or dividend stocks you can easily earn 6 figures with no effort at all. Absolutely 0. Everyone has to work for their grades. They might be factors that that help boost some people, but no one is born with a 4.0 all through to their doctorate. If they can't offer even this basic argument they need to learn bc clearly they are book smart idiots and its no wonder they were fooled into being pro-socialism.
@brandonbaxter7307 4 года назад
“Do you support socialism?” Student: “hell yeah!” “Then do socialism” Student: “F*ck no.”
@daano465 4 года назад
How is sharing grades socialism?
@Powerracer251 4 года назад
@@daano465 The idea is that you have to bust your ass to make a good wage in the same way you would good grades. The higest paid have to give their money to the poor in a socialist society, so that principal is being moved to grades. The idea is to get them to think about where the money is coming from in socialism. The poor aten't just gifted "free money," it comes out of someone else's pocket.
@daano465 4 года назад
@@Powerracer251 Which everyone knows.
@daano465 4 года назад
The problem in this interview starts with asking a question about socialism without making clear what it means by both parties. I honestly think most of these socialism interviews are pure miscomunications.
@andreiavellana8958 4 года назад
@@daano465 The point of the interview is to point out the general ideas between Capitalism and Socialism which are: a. Equality of outcome - Socialism (Where lazy students can still get good grades regardless of their performance because the students who work hard are going to give what they worked hard for) b. Equality of opportunities -Capitalism (Where all students can choose between being lazy OR get a chance to get to the top if they work hard regardless of privilege,race and background)
@svy99n 3 года назад
"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money" Margaret Thatcher.
@anthonythatcherchurchilled285 3 года назад
H Markham “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery” Sir Winston Churchill KG (etc).
@nav7903 3 года назад
I ain’t a socialist or anythin but the American system in terme of healthcare and education is very flawed so there’s nothing with some socialism and social reform
@anthonythatcherchurchilled285 3 года назад
@@nav7903 What sort? Because I assure you, state-funded healthcare is not all it is cracked up to be.
@svy99n 3 года назад
@@nav7903 Be careful what you wish for. I live in the UK and we have the NHS. I am 55 and have worked my whole life since 16 and built a home and family....I am not a rich man but I saved hard and paid for my house through hard work ( I am a Sailor). I paid my taxes as did my Wife when she worked. Few years ago my Wife was diagnosed with an incurable long term illness. Yes she got to see a Doctor, but the system is so overloaded the wait times are months, Want medication, sure but if its not on the list ...you have to pay. Your Wife needs to see a Doctor quick...fine if you can pay the Doctors private fee. Need social services to fit fit some rails or anything else to assit in mobility for your disability.... Oh you work you pay yourself... need something else fine we will means test you...sorry you work pay yourself. Basically its free if your on benefits and dont work. If you work you pay your taxes and then pay again. In the UK if you need social care when your older they take your house of you to pay for it. Education, free until you leave High School further education pay........you pay more if you work. Basically you end up paying for those on welfare with your taxes......and then you pay again.......Socialism at work ! In the UK you need to be Rich so you can pay or on Benefits then its free. You get trapped, If I stopped work and went on Benefits we would get more care but in the end it would cost us our home even though we have paid taxes our whole life. Its a vicious circle. As for education my Daughter college fund has gone paying for my Wife's care.......and I still pay taxes.
@nav7903 3 года назад
@@svy99n Yes there are flaws to the system but you gotta understand we are so fortunate in having the NHS and taking this away is suicidal something that was built due to the hard work of British people from the second world war, we must reserve the NHS. With education fees were always going to go up but thank god our ones aren't like America, I mean yes paying 9,250 tuition fees isn't great when paying high taxes, but our system is much better than America's and please forget Thatcher we are still suffering due to her.
@ramireznoy 2 года назад
I am not Socialist nor Communist, but that's a fallacy. You can not compare your GPA to your salary or earned money. That's very stupid. Those are two very different things, not only numbers you own. It is like comparing ice cream and wax. GPA is a measurement of how well you manage to demonstrate the acquisition of certain knowledge and in theory, it applies to anyone regardless were you study and how. Salary in the other hand is a very per-person and per-location value. The salary for the same job can be very different if you live in a big city or a small town, if you manage to know the right people or not or, if you are young or not or even if you are man man or woman. The earned money can be even more divergent, from just born as a rich kid, to be saving half a life, to win the lottery. Furthermore, the biggest issue with the comparison is to ignore were is the money coming from as compared with the GDP. The GDP usually comes from your own effort, the money you earn, unless you only consider salary, comes also for the work of others. So, apart from being numeric values you can consider you own, there are zero similarities between GPA and money. Finally, Socialism is not about we all being equal (that's what politics want us to remember), but about building together despite de differences. Why the workers who do the job get a salary instead of the bigger share of the company? They are the ones making it happening in real life. Why people need to go to bankrupt just because they are or someone they love is sick? Why we think government is all bad and market is all good?
@xr1140 2 года назад
How delusional you have to be to believe make money on the stock markets is just "pushing a button on computer".
@CaptCap25 3 года назад
College kids: “I don’t really know what it is, but I support socialism because I’m on social media and it contains the root word social.”
@nic8671 2 года назад
1:50 - GPA is different than wages. Having a higher GPA doesn't translate into being offered a higher-paying job. Therefore, you don't need to "share" your GPA with others to help them. Whereas, having a better salary leads to having the resources you need to live comfortably. If billionaires and centimillionaires shared their wealth with people who made less than $50,000/year, the billionaires and centimillionaires wouldn't lose any quality of life, and they would help millions of people in our country. This video makes a completely false equivalency - which the guy who is making the video knows, but just wants to promote his worldview and push his personal narrative that he knows will get a lot of views and reactions on youtube so he can make more money.
@marksman5085 2 года назад
@@nic8671 You right and wrong at the same time. The total wealth of US billionaires are around 4.4 trillion, (true, that's a lot) if we divide that with the total number of people in the US is around 14k USD/person. If you make 50k (that's not much) you only get a little more than a quarter of your one year salary. But guess what, if the billis cannot make more dough they will not innovate (no new iphones, cars, clothing, medicine and medical procedures, gadgets of any sorts, etc). If you don't want them to be richer, simply don't buy the stuff they make or use the servicer they offer. I don't have a problem with the rich (I'm not one of them btw) as long as they not use their wealth to lick up to the legislators to make beneficial laws for them, otherwise it is a free market.
@nic8671 2 года назад
@@marksman5085 "You right and wrong at the same time." Nope, that's false. I'm 100% correct. "The total wealth of US billionaires are around 4.4 trillion, (true, that's a lot) if we divide that with the total number of people in the US is around 14k USD/person." So, I found your first mistake. We wouldn't give money to every person. Why would we give money to people who make more than 100 grand a year? They sure don't need it. "If you make 50k (that's not much) you only get a little more than a quarter of your one year salary." If you make 50k, you wouldn't be getting any extra money. The money would be devided between family's who make less than that, each being given different amounts, to bring their yearly salaries up to the living wage in their area. "But guess what, if the billis cannot make more dough they will not innovate (no new iphones, cars, clothing, medicine and medical procedures, gadgets of any sorts, etc)." You can take 1%-10% from billionaires and centimillionaires, so the ones with more money pay a higher percentage. This program wouldn't impead their lifestyle or ability to produce whatever it is they produce - if anything. Many don't, they just invest. 'If you don't want them to be richer, simply don't buy the stuff they make or use the servicer they offer." I didn't say I don't want them to be richer. I just want them to lift people out of poverty instead of hoarding extra billions that aren't doing anything for anyone. "I don't have a problem with the rich (I'm not one of them btw)" You very well should. You should recognize that they don't need everything they have to be productive members of society, and in fact, what they are doing is harming society when they actively choose to not help those they could without any consequence to themselves. It's pure selfishness. "as long as they not use their wealth to lick up to the legislators to make beneficial laws for them, otherwise it is a free market." That's exactly what they do, which is why they are protected and don't have to share their wealth. lol
@legalfictionnaturalfact3969 2 года назад
@@nic8671 stealing is wrong. you need to learn that the ruling class has everything they have via theft from those of us who actually work and produce things. take away socialism, the ruling class falls, and wealth level becomes based on merit in a free market.
@nic8671 2 года назад
@@legalfictionnaturalfact3969 - lol. I know the ruling class has everything they have via theft from those of us who actually work and produce things? What from my statements made you think I didn't know that? However, equating their theft to "socialism" is where you're way off track. That's not what socialism is. At all. They commit that theft through unfettered capitalism that makes it legal for them to do so. The ruling class would never be allowed to steal from workers if we really had socialism in this country as that would mean workers would own the means and profits of production.
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