
Temple Sealings, Eternal Marriage and Family 

Charles Brown
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This video contains my own opinions, observations and experience as I have learned and lived as an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. None of my statements should be construed as official positions of the Church.
Temple Sealings and Eternal Marriage are doctrines and principles unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some few figures in theological history have spoken of such possibilities but only in The Church of Jesus Christ are they organized and implemented as a key doctrinal principle for the eternal happiness of mankind.
In the beginning of the Church in Joseph Smith's day, the practice of sealings was just being restored. There is some controversy regarding the early implementation but there were no inappropriate relationships, adultery or infidelity. Of course critics of the church have created their own strawman narratives that have been heavily perpetuated through social media and every other means of spreading defamation of Joseph Smith and the revelations he was given regarding the nature of God and human relationships. Many have already expounded on these things and that is not my purpose here.



10 июн 2024




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@HelamansArmy 26 дней назад
Thank you for your fantastic message!
@Robert-rw5lm 26 дней назад
Thank you for this video. I just felt the spirit listening so I'll save this ons
@jenniferleon-guerrero634 27 дней назад
Very good job explaining the gospel and temple. I know the Church of Jesus Christ is true and it’s our Savior’s church.❤
@davidjanbaz7728 26 дней назад
I know it's a counterfeit: and I testify to that in the Holy Spirit of the Trinity Godhead of Historical Christianity.
@Mgreat-o7v 16 дней назад
I was born Mormon, but as a young person, I wanted to leave the church and attend an evangelical church. I thought they had the same idea of God and eternity that we had. However, when I began to understand that, for them, God would not be a man and that after our death we would also no longer have gender but be like the angels in heaven, who neither marry nor are given in marriage, these teachings seemed very strange to me. One day, I asked the pastor if, within their theology, God had regretted creating Adam and Eve to eventually eliminate gender. In fact, I thought I could just switch churches if I had any issues with mine, but this experience showed me that I am truly Mormon in every fiber of my being. If I leave the church, I have nowhere else to go. For me, the way we describe our theology is the best.
@charlesbrown1245 14 дней назад
Very Good points! As Latter-day Saints we believe that we have a literal Father in Heaven, not a metaphorical father figure. Likewise, we teach that Jesus is the literal Son of God both in the premortal life and in the Flesh. Evangelical theology means that Jesus is just a metaphorical son and savior. The implications of these doctrines are profound. You are right, if you as a Latter-day Saint understand the importance of God creating us in His image and that of our Heavenly Mother, we know what the scripture means to be the image of God, male and female. Women are not male and traditional or classical Christian theology totally ignores this doctrine of creation.
@AlbertJLouie 26 дней назад
DO MORMONS HAVE A PRIESTHOOD?? In the opening sentences of the Book of Revelation, John the Apostle makes an astounding statement when he declares: "Blessings and peace to you from him who is, and was, and is coming, and from the seven spirits before his throne and from Jesus Christ, the trustworthy witness, the first born of the dead, the sovereign of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has released us from our sins by his own blood---he has made us a kingdom of priests for his God and Father---to him be the glory and power forever" (Goodspeed, verses 4-6). How incisive is this plain declaration by apostolic authority. Jesus Christ who is the sovereign of the kings of the earth, the one who continues to love us and who has released us from our sins through His own blood, has also made us "a kingdom of priests for His God and Father." Here is the true priesthood indeed. The Christian does not need any temples, secret services, rituals, and mysteries. His priesthood knows no special offices and power to communicate with the dead, something which the Mormon priesthood most definitely claims (see Leaves from a Tree, a catechism for young people by Mormon leader Charles Penrose, p.38). The Christian priesthood embraces all those who have been loosed from their sins by the blood of Jesus Christs, and who enjoy the perpetual love of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. This concept is further developed in the writings of Peter, who affirms that: "You are the chosen race, the "royal priesthood." the consecrated nation, his own people, so that you may declare the virtues of him who has called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light; you were once no people, but are now God's people; once unpitied, but now pitied indeed..." ( I Peter 2:9 and 10, Goodspeed). In this context, the words of the apostle establish that long before there were any mythological Mormon priesthoods, there is a priesthood embracing all the redeemed, a "royal priesthood," neither Aaronic nor Melchizedek. This priesthood is composed of all consecrated "ambassadors for Christ," to quote the Apostle Paul, whose task is to exhort men to "be reconciled to God," "knowing the terror of the Lord" (II Corinthians 5:20 and 11). As has been observed, Mormonism places great stress upon the priesthood. But as we have also seen, it is not the priesthood described in the Scriptures. Instead they have substituted the revelation of "Prophet" Smith concerning a priesthood which has been changed (Hebrews 7:12) and a priesthood which by its nature is "untransferable" (7:24). The resulting dilemma is that they have no priesthood at all since their denial of the true Deity of Jesus Christ and the nature of God rules out the possibility that they could share in the priesthood of all believers. In order for one to be one of the "kingdom of priests to God His Father" (Revelation 1: 4-6) and a member of the "royal priesthood" (I Peter 2;9,10), one must first have undergone personal regeneration in a saving encounter of experience with the God-Man of Scripture---Jesus Christ. Mormon theology with its pantheon of gods, its perverted view of the Virgin Birth, and its outright condemnation of all churches as an "abomination" (Joseph Smith---History 1:19), removes itself from serious consideration as a form of Christianity. There is more to Christianity than the application of the Christian ethic. There is a great deal more to the Gospel than the similarity of terms, albeit redefined. Christianity is not just a system of pronouncements (though they are of vast importance). It is a living vital experience with the God of the Bible as He was incarnate in the man from from Nazareth. Mormonism, with its many doctrinal vagaries and outright denials of historic Christian teachings, disqualifies itself. And its priesthood, on which it places so much emphasis, is shown to be the antithesis of the divine revelation.
@kaduyantv2857 25 дней назад
Acts 18:21 And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying, “Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. See, not every one who proclaimed they believe in Jesus, will have this power or authority of the priesthood, unless they have been given by laying on of hands by those who have authority like Prophets and Apostles in ancient times. The Priesthood authority was given by Jesus Christ himself to his Apostles. Peter, James and John has laid their hands on the head of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery giving them the authority and power of the Priesthood.
@AlbertJLouie 25 дней назад
@kaduyantv2857 And that verse has NOTHING to do with Mormon priesthood. You are quoting Acts out of it contextual meaning
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