
The Atheist Experience 828 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples 

The Atheist Experience
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@Thormp1 4 года назад
If the god of the bible had been portrayed as a king instead of a God , he would be remembered as the most evil, mass murdering, tyrannical dictator of all time! Christians give the bible god a free pass because, they say, he is god the creator. I don't see the difference whether man or god. If his actions were evil or immoral, as the bible states, then he'd be just as guilty of being evil as any human committing the same deeds.
@Thormp1 4 года назад
Believer: Your Relationship with god is simply a profound and dynamic relationship with the self, with your ego. This is why god can seem so very real to you. In a sense he is real. He is you. This is why god's opinions are so very often your opinions. This is why two believers of the same religion can both claim to agree with god's opinion but not with each others. When you pray and god gives you answers you are the source of those intuitions. You are simply having a conversation with yourself and don't even realize it. This is why god can always assuage any doubts of the believer. You see, "God" knows exactly how you think because he is you. He knows your tastes, your biases and all the gaps in your logic. Therefore it follows that "he" knows what arguments you will find compelling and what mental gymnastics you are capable of to ignore any arguments to the contrary. Ironically I probably can't convince you of anything I stated above because of the very fact that it is in fact true. You are "god". The next time you hear someone preaching or waxing poetic about god, Jesus, Mohamed or Joseph Smith, change all the names and pronouns you hear them say, in your mind, so that they refer to the person speaking and trust me you will get a whole new perspective on life. This is why believers have such a strong emotional reaction whenever they encounter a non-believer. They simply misperceive the non-believers rational skepticism about the supernatural and occult as an assault on their "god" which is to say their own personal identity. There are a vast multitude of religions and superstitious beliefs in the world that espouse many mutually contradicting doctrines. Therefore they cannot all be true. but they can certainly all be false. Even if one were actually proven to be true it would still follow that human beings have a rather remarkable propensity for making up entire religions from whole cloth. I think that all religions and other supernatural beliefs are cultural phenomena of purely human making. Much of this impulse in human culture is driven by peoples existential angst, their innate and instinctive fear of death. Their own death and the death of the people they love. It can seem easier to deal with death by convincing ourselves that it is not real. "My loved one is not dead they are in the afterlife", we tell ourselves. And "Of course I will never die! that's absurd!". You all need to grow up. Embrace the suck! And make the most of the time you actually do have. You are mortal. Death is real...... Get over it. I sincerely and earnestly do not believe that gods exist. But you have each other. Perhaps that alone could bring meaning to your lives. However if you insist on believing in supernatural claims at a minimum please do us all a big favor and don't give your hard earned money to religions pimps and hucksters.
@lookingforonetruechristian7396 3 года назад
Or attempt to control others through politics.
@m9frank 5 лет назад
Aharon is struggling to find logic. Theism cripples logic.
@l-_-lShadowCat Месяц назад
And he starts by evaluating 99% (or so) of the callers as “stupid” and then proceeds to…
@tkenglander6226 5 лет назад
Calls start @ 19:25.
@molsondutch93 3 года назад
Thank you :)
@WizardImp 20 дней назад
@megabites4368 4 года назад
Jesus: "love thy neighbor as you love thyself." Christians: "people who don't agree with me are idiots." Hmmmm.....
@danjohnson8138 2 года назад
Jesus " slaves obey your masters"
@Nivola1953 3 года назад
What you have to “admire” of believers like Aharon here is that their faith is such a strong driver that completely erases the normal sense of shame anyone would have to show this total lack of basic knowledge of his own reasons for believing and yet think he can “stand on the pulpit “ of morality. This is a Dunning Kruger effected believer, he thinks he knows enough to patronise/lecture others using his own empty well of knowledge.
@miskatonicalumni5612 3 года назад
"Ron" from Brooklyn is a flerfer, his screen name is Wotan and he calls in a couple times a year. He used to appear on Red's Rhetoric and Non Sequiteur frequently.. He's a ding-dong of the nth degree.
@defenestratefalsehoods Год назад
He said most of the callers he heard on the show sound like idiots and he ends up sounding like an idiot who cant defend his faith.
@steveo6631 2 года назад
John - -- Got Meth?.....
@BrianFedirko 6 месяцев назад
When we talk about "feeling" God? Isn't another feeling we can't explain "Love"? And if your really compare those two inside yourself? Isn't it very close, or even EXACTLY the same feeling? Personlly I've experienced both these "feelings" in different times while thinking God AND for another person, to the extreme point of my physical heart jumping out of my chest. Over my life, "Now" I don't confuse those definitions anymore, and I don't attribute Love to be some supernatural phenomena. It is simply the Love I experience to any degree for everything in this entire universe. My atheism now uncovers answers to serious physical dilemas, and I experience my heart jumping out of my chest all the time without fail. The knowledge one gains/uncovers over time gets exponentially greater as real questions get actual answers instead of settling for "magic did it". Life is wonderous and amazing, and I don't need a God to be the answer that stifles my yearning for knowledge and making life better and better day after day. Gr8! Peace ☮💜
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
I am a very forgiving person. I forgive God for not helping his son when he most needed help. There he was, crying out to God, who ignored him. "My God, my God, Hello, Dad, Daddy, Pop, Father, Pater, Papa, why hast thou forsaken me ? "
@silkiesmoove6268 5 лет назад
@aegisgfx 5 лет назад
Hey me, why have I forsaken me? Which by the way is all part of the plan I came up with...
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
@@aegisgfx Yes, it's all rather confusing. Mary is the mother of God and her Father is God, so God is his own son and grandfather. God and Mary were not married, so Jesus is illegitimate and not allowed in his own congregation.
@lancethrustworthy 5 лет назад
@@tedgrant2 Yep. She was screwed by her son. Ta da!
@adako25 5 лет назад
@@tedgrant2 LMAO
@Skyygems Год назад
I tell you, studying the origin & the root of my former beliefs as a Christian is what smacked me across the face & finally woke me up. The foundation of what I used to believe in as a Christian was built not on martyrdom, but annihilating all other spiritual practices & opposing Christian sects that viewed God as being the Devil really started to get me to think deeply about what I truly believe & why. To believe in a religion that came to be not because of truth but because of death & destruction does not equate to a God of love, which started me on my deprogramming journey out of Christianity. I’m so grateful to have seen the light of logic & reason. The Emerald Tablets also is what helped me understand that extraordinary claims cannot be true unless they can be replicated, if you can break the natural laws of this reality you should be able to demonstrate/observe walking on water, turning water into wine, virgin births etc. otherwise they’re fiction.
@FourDeuce01 Год назад
“I cannot give any evidence, but here’s what I want to ask.” When religious apologists realize all their “arguments” fail, they often start asking questions so they don’t have to face their failures.🤡
@brucebaker810 4 года назад
19:28 C Aharon Camden, NJ. Age 15. Homeschooled. Remedial gotcha questions. Apologetics 101. 41:50 A Ron Brooklyn, NY Catholic tap dance around Evolution. -/- HEY! Aharon. Then A Ron ... C'mon. That's some quality coincidence right there. GOTTA mean something. Amirite? 46:55. John. N Hollywood, CA God cuz...not even, well...bible Jesus if you, uh know what..but then science creation bible atoms.
@FourDeuce01 Год назад
“I guess I’m confusing you guys…” No, you’re confusing yourself.🤤
@ringo666 3 года назад
"About slavery... that one little topic." Throat punch follows, in a just world.
@ringo666 3 года назад
This life is all we KNOW we have. It stands to reason that we would want to make the most of it. And following a moral code contributes significantly to that. Further, anyone who embraces the bible as a moral source has no fucking business questioning anyone else's moral leanings.
@trailmarker6154 6 лет назад
John is an ad hominem attack.
@oggyoggy1299 Год назад
Aharon has this to go back to for life. That’s gotta hurt. Well done.
@diogeneslamp8004 Год назад
That remark he made about 90 percent of all (presumably theistic) callers being idiots didn’t age well, but it did age quickly.
@oggyoggy1299 Год назад
22:13 Let me add to that group…..
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
If I put a letter to God up the chimney, will he read it ?
@silkiesmoove6268 5 лет назад
It depends on which God
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
@@silkiesmoove6268 Correct. I'm thinking of the famous Chimney God.
@silkiesmoove6268 5 лет назад
@@tedgrant2 Santa?
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
@@silkiesmoove6268 That's it, you got it !
@lancethrustworthy 5 лет назад
In your mind, maybe. You see what you look for.
@seans4893 3 года назад
good show
@Lambert1386 Год назад
Ron aka Joey Bag Of Donuts.
@unit0033 3 года назад
John sounds drunk
@zaodedong9935 4 года назад
Jen was a beautiful woman.
@mr.simmons8584 3 года назад
Did she pass away??
@molsondutch93 3 года назад
@@mr.simmons8584 ikr what a weird thing to say
@SeventeenSphinx 3 года назад
@@mr.simmons8584 she became very religious and left the show
@emorytodalen6627 3 года назад
@@SeventeenSphinx did she really?
@quaggykiwi8557 3 года назад
@@emorytodalen6627 i looked and couldnt find a source for it.
@bobobo2224 5 лет назад
Sorry, but impoverished people working off a debt is NOT slavery. That's called a job. You working off a debt is called payment. The master feeds you, plus him paying off your debt is the same as paying you. You work out off
@JarlGrimmToys 4 года назад
bob obo let’s for a moment say you’re correct, and what they call slavery in the bible was just having a job. If you have a job where you are considered the property of your employer, and they are allowed to beat you so long as you don’t die from the beating. Then that system of work is immoral and so is anyone promoting it.
@monofrida1 4 года назад
What are they working off a debt for?
@secularargument 3 года назад
Gotta love how theists make a stupid comment, and then disappear immediately after, no defense of it whatsoever lol. Sad shit.
@jonneexplorer 3 года назад
Your boss doesn't own you, your boss does not get to beat you. No what you describe is not a job, that is slavery. And it is monstrous, b ut not even the most despicable form of slavery sanctioned by your imaginary friend. YTou have lost your morality because you are forced to defend a vile book.