
The Atheist Experience 836 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker 

The Atheist Experience
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@Multi1628 5 лет назад
~ Six years later, 2019, and Matt and Don are STILL fresh, interesting, and have helpful and fascinating things to say to callers - thank you both and TAE. Cheers, DAVEDJ ~
@jeff6660 3 года назад
When people start quoting from the bible I start quoting from the nearest comic book...doesn't matter which one I pick up.
@reasonablespeculation3893 5 лет назад
" salvation by grace, through faith", with Jesus being the "mechanism" … That may sound sensible if you've been immersed in the verbal obfuscation endorsed by religion... But what, specifically, does in mean.
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
faith means hoping your right when the chances are you're wrong, grace means smiling when it goes tit's up, and salvation is when you see an old fridge and take it to a scrap yard for cash. or is that salvage? theology was never my strong point.
@larjkok1184 4 года назад
Hi Joseph, I do a lot of miracle healing too. I never meet the people I heal, I don’t even know who they are or where they live. But the people who recover from whatever ailment they had can thank me for the healing. I do it remotely.
@RonaldStepp 5 лет назад
first call, way in at 24:50
@mcreyrey 5 лет назад
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
I've seen a miracle. It was on a stage right in front of me. A woman got onto a box and a masked man took a big ol' saw an' cleft the box in twain. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth in the audience. He put the two halves back together, opened the box, and the woman was whole again.
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
that sounds very much like a miracle, it would have been so easy to mix those two parts up.
@the-trustees 2 года назад
Theists WISH they had evidence as good as this... and we KNOW its misdirection. 🤪
@tedgrant2 2 года назад
@@the-trustees God died on the 24th of November 1859 but some people are still grieving.
@bms77 4 года назад
“No no no no n’no no no no no no n’no no NO”. 😂
@the-trustees 2 года назад
"Space aliens are ridiculous!" There is WAY more evidence for aliens than for his god character and he dismisses aliens IMMEDIATELY... as I do with HIS god character. Their self awareness is non-existent... 🙄
@moodyrick8503 3 года назад
When science gives us *an explanation it adds to our knowledge* . Claiming *God as an explanation adds nothing because no one knows how God does anything* . It can never rise above the level of a claim. Trying to *solve a mystery with an even bigger mystery* solves nothing.
@pretzelogic2689 5 лет назад
"I've got to get to another caller - Hi, you're on Atheist Experience -- they're rolling the credits -- send an email." Must be getting paid by the number of callers.
@Rasp63 4 года назад
As far as I know ptrezelogic, all those that are both on screen and off screen are volountary.
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
Aaaand we have a winner !
@brucebaker810 3 года назад
~ 40:00 Me: (points at the 'faith') Well that's your problem, right there.
@jameswest8280 4 года назад
To save time, have Joseph list the things he doesn't believe in.
@sharmila8357 5 лет назад
Calls from 24:45
@StormHeflin 4 года назад
Not all heroes have profile pictures.
@tedgrant2 6 лет назад
I'm really looking forward to Heaven. Ice cream on the patio. Fish n chips for tea. Action adventure movies in the evening.
@jameswest8280 5 лет назад
Playing the harp, and singing about how wonderful god is.
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
sorry but we've been looking into your life history and we decided that you are doing the slopping out. every. goddam. friday.
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
@@jameswest8280 santa claus: knows who is naughty, knows who is nice. god: knows who is naughty, knows who is nice. santa claus: seemingly never ending carols god: really never ending carols
@jameswest8280 4 года назад
@@HarryNicNicholas Don't forget bathing god's feet in you tears.
@brucebaker810 3 года назад
...and crazy, monkey sex all night long. And sleep in. Rinse. Repeat.
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
We know that Jesus ascended into Heaven (Acts chapter 1) and disappeared behind a cloud. We also know that John saw God in Heaven sitting on a throne just above the clouds. So why doesn't somebody design a machine to take us up to Heaven ? We could visit Jesus, God, Peter, Paul and Mary. Respect !,
@pretzelogic2689 5 лет назад
Cool voice on the intro. You should use that on some caller when discussing god's horrible actions.
@mcreyrey 5 лет назад
Geesh, Joseph is so gullible!
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
you can almost hear the head scratching and the brain whirring "i'm sure i used a goat foreskin condom...."
@tommystyx 5 лет назад
What happens if I get to heaven and don't like it? Are there other heavens I could go to until I find the one I want? It is a reward isn't it? Going to a heaven I don't like doesn't sound like a reward to me.
@insanetester1015 5 лет назад
Do you think you would have a choice if god really existed? god existence makes human existence nothing more sheep with a bigger brain and perhaps not even that...
@ricardovonkrypton8908 5 лет назад
Someone's comment on a other video pointed out: "What if I enjoy torture? Would Hell be my equavalent of Heaven? Would Heaven be my Hell?"
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
apparently you can just say "i don't want to go" and that's it. i guess reincarnation
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
@@insanetester1015 lets hope there's no god cos he seems like a petulant sort of bugger, and if he can invent people like cardinal pell, he likes young boys too.
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
@@ricardovonkrypton8908 believers are of course assuming god isn't a leather and sadism freak, he invented it remember.
@Thormp1 4 года назад
Theistic reasoning...there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of the world....but there's only one star with life on it, just so that the Hebrew war god could pull off a plan to rescue a minority of earth humans from the consequences of his own hatred.
@StormHeflin 4 года назад
Every time Don brings a topic, Matt goes on with it in a way that seems to counter or contradict Don. Just let the man bring a topic!
@patar3323 3 года назад
I think he's a little sociopathic, doesn't read people well. Though on the other hand he reads callers well. Maybe just bad at intuiting it, has to try. Addicted to debating anyway lol
@Ebiru2387 3 года назад
@@patar3323 Matt has narcissist tendencies. That is not to say i don't agree with much of what he says, but the manner in which he presents himself and interacts with others is evidence enough for this claim.
@The.Intruder 3 года назад
Bradley is yet another proof that every Christian is unique: pick and choose verses, redefine them according to what is comforting to them, and come out with their own version which is not supported by the Bible. Here for example, he claims Jesus is the only God since God is indivisible, and then taking this interpretation of his says Jesus saying "I am the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes unto the Father except through me." is actually "God is the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes unto God except through God". Edit the perfect words of God, so to speak. So what about the other verses where Jesus talks to the Father and says to the Father such things as "Life eternal is that they know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" (John 17:3) or "My Father is greater than I" (John 14:28)? Just 2 examples. Was he talking about himself? Aren't there 2 entities?. Christians stop listening to your Priests etc... they will tell anything you want to hear to keep their well-paid jobs. READ your Bibles yourselves.
@FourDeuce01 7 месяцев назад
Josh asked what would be a miracle healing. Maybe somebody who lost a leg and had it grow back.
@moneynongrata 6 лет назад
Shall math, physics, chemistry and so on part of church curriculum?
@pakalupapito8480 6 лет назад
@glutinousmaximus 5 лет назад
What _SHOULD_ be on there is *comparative religions* - but it won't be.
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
@@glutinousmaximus yes, it's high time atheists stopped debating and watched religions tear each other apart, i reckon matt should do a three way (er, you know what i mean).
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
santa claus: knows who is naughty, knows who is nice. god: knows who is naughty, knows who is nice. santa claus: seemingly never ending carols god: really never ending carols i recall reading superman comics with episodes of the bizarro men and bizarro world, and it struck me if *everything* is the opposite of superman's earth, then it's pretty much the same, if you reverse everything you end up back where you started, and the whole thing about god is, he's just like a person (only stupider and more sadistic) and heaven must really be pretty much like this place, and hell is probably pretty much like this place too.
@larjkok1184 4 года назад
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
can you do one on fallen angels, i'd like to know more about god's rebellious employees, did they know something we don't? 42:00 once upon a time someone made the claim that they could (make a compound that would) cure polio, and incredible as it sounds, they did, and it turns out the method they used could be done be pretty much anyone, and now we don't have polio (well, you know what i mean). THAT is the test, and polio vaccine isn't a miracle, it's stuff someone found that did the trick.
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
According to Luke chapter 16, Lazerus, a poor beggar, goes to Heaven and rests in the bosom of Abraham. There is also a rich man in the story, who goes to Hell and is tormented by fire. Abraham can see the rich man in Hell, has a conversation with him, but has no sympathy for the pain he suffers and reminds him that he had good things when he was alive, but now it's Lazarus who is comforted. This shows that the people in Heaven are perfectly aware of the suffering in Hell and the people in Hell are perfectly aware of the pleasure of those in the bosom of Abraham.
@HarryNicNicholas 4 года назад
i hear that limbo was abolished, was it converted to a ballroom for heaven or an annex for hell? it looks like i'm going to spend eternity in a green room, from what a catholic told me recently.
@thomasmills339 4 года назад
" according to Luke?" You've already lost.
@SynthMusicWorld 4 года назад
Greater knowledge source: plausible. Space aliens: ridiculous. You gotta love theist logic.
@chrisccc22 4 года назад
Awesome!!!!! I get to "Bone My Julie" in Heaven.
@jss302 5 лет назад
Can don ever NOT interrupt with his giggling and unhelpful quips ??😬
@larjkok1184 5 лет назад
j s s No. He can’t help it. He farts in the bath tub giggling to himself.
@clarkelaidlaw1678 Месяц назад
Heaven has no oxygen and it is zero degrees..
@FourDeuce01 7 месяцев назад
Steven calls those religious propaganda classes “objective” and then talks about praying in class.💩
@tedgrant2 3 года назад
Every Christian wants to go to Heaven. Go !
@brucebaker810 4 года назад
Steven. Poe? Methinks so. My buzzer went nuts at Chik FilA. But even that... But also, I think he may be a serial prankster. Voice seems similar to the guy who started serious, but segued into a joke. Churches in Las Vegas get chips in the plate. Have chip monks count them. Anybody? ETA: Chuck - Honolulu was one. Maybe also (Charles) - Hawaii
@FourDeuce01 7 месяцев назад
Another silly religious apologist who believes calling yourself non-denominational is superior to picking a denomination.🤤
@allim.5941 5 лет назад
No, chocolate is better than sex.
@ringo666 4 года назад
The biggest issue I'd have as a host/co-host is the ongoing insistence of christards to try to talk over the hosts before their counterpoint is even made. The dishonesty of half-listening in order to retort rather than listen to have a fruitful discussion is desperate and disrespectful. I know, the hosts interrupt, too, and with good reason, as Matt D has explained numerous times.
@johnmathes1289 5 лет назад
dons constant mocking laugh is insulting to callers
@MutilateTheDead 5 лет назад
John Mathes you can’t help what you find funny. Love that guys laugh.
@larjkok1184 5 лет назад
He’s about as sharp as a bowling ball. I’d say he’s experiencing some sort of augmented reality. Harmless enough but he certainly is not “all there”.
@ricardovonkrypton8908 5 лет назад
Laughter is an involuntary reaction, and mockery is perfectly reasonable against ridiculous subjects.
@samtorres9949 24 дня назад
It's really about kids who are already believers to get others in the class for easy credits and secretly indoctrinate them.
The Atheist Experience 835: Matt Dillahunty Flies Solo