

The Sense Sphere
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In the wake of the season one finale, it is time to take a look at the Dr Who show and its relative position.
Whether it is ratings or canon being changed or a new style Doctor being written, it seems like the Showrunners like RTD, Chibnall and Moffatt wielded too much power in contrast to Producers from Verity Lambert to JNT. Is this responsible for the radical changes tot he Doctor Who format over the last decade or so?
A Sense Sphere Short to debate this.
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26 июн 2024




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@brianciavarella4792 7 дней назад
I look at russel now and see a pompus smug grotesque. He reminds me of baron Harkonnen from the 1984 Dune
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 7 дней назад
RTD was gleeful when he got control of Dr Who. Full control! It’s his baby. To do what ever he pleases with and there isn’t anything we can do about it. Except not watch. Which is what’s happened. Russell has brought this all on himself. This is all his failure. Let him bathe it that failure.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
The vast amount of criticism linked also with his poor ratings shows the real problem he’s created
@davidmullen6011 6 дней назад
He may have a massive ego, and certainly comes over as a little delusional, but my sense is there is also fear in there too... he is fearful. A man I feel who is looking over his shoulder almost constantly, and you see that very plainly in his 'Davros' dictate where he essentially rants to camera in a state of hysteria... That's fear, to me this is a man who is afraid. But looking past that I also see a man who is almost certainly now very worried over the poor reception to this first series, He is NOT Bad Wolf, if his show is missing the target and not performing like this, then he is under pressure. It's not a situation he has any experience with, has never failed in a project, but more than the show he is failing Bad Wolf itself, and all who work there. There is a lot of money, and a lot of livlihoods depending on Doctor Who being in production, and _staying_ in production. He and Bad Wolf's owners have the audience data, all the detail it shows, and it is not a nice read. I would hate to have to go into that office at Bad Wolf each day. The reassuring thing I suppose is that he is indeed stuck there for now, he cannot bolt. So amid a subdued atmosphere in the offices, and series 2 inevitably scraping the bedrock in terms of ratings, he will have to sit there and feel the pressure of it all. The audience research data he and Bad Wolf have access to, doesn't lie. Results don't lie.
@codyw1 6 дней назад
@@davidmullen6011 I'd agree but from some quotes Julie and Jane sound as deluded as he is.
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 6 дней назад
@@davidmullen6011 He’s not just fearful, he’s Paranoid! In his latest political statement, he said that although Labour will be the next Government he has to prepare for the Far Right Government that comes after. He’s in his early 60s. Things are good but he’s fearful of what might happen in 5,10, 15,20 years time. Which means he will be fearful for the rest of his life. Not a way to live. In my opinion, he is paranoid and suffering from a mental illness.
@anthonyparkinson4517 7 дней назад
Apparently the worst ratings in the programmes history are not a problem just because it crawls to 4.5m after a MONTH. RTD's been forced to admit the ratings aren't good and the BBC themselves have said Dr who under RTD is nothing but a vehicle for The Message. Cause and Effect but the showrunner's immense arrogance wilfully blinds him to this. He brought the show back for the masses two decades ago but he's returned to destroy that legacy.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
He says it’s too drama show with under 30s but there is no competition. It’s easy to be top in a field of one or two
@DorisDay-lw4xs 6 дней назад
Its not helping that certain areas of fandom. - people old enough to know better- are all in denial about the health of the show. I’m reading the gamut of opinions from “This is the best this show has been for decades “ to “The show’s future is secured with Disney”. They can go on about how the viewing figures don’t count, yet as has been said many times already, if the figures truly were spectacular, we would be hearing all about it 24/7. I dread to think what it’s like over on Gallifrey Base !
@anthonyparkinson4517 6 дней назад
@@DorisDay-lw4xs The Whovians are terrified that it'll get cancelled again so they're in a state of public denial as if lying about it will somehow help! I guess they take their cue from RTD who willingly talks crap every time he opens his smug mouth.
@saywhat1512 6 дней назад
Only 6+ million in the late sixties when we only had three channels…given the limitless channels we have these days I’d say that’s pretty good figures. Especially seeing as other shows from that era that are still going have only a fraction of the viewers of those days. But never mind eh, the fake devious Doctor Who ‘fans’ gotta hate. 🤣😘😂
@anthonyparkinson4517 6 дней назад
@@saywhat1512 Ah, you're one of those who thinks this trash is still Dr Who. Classic Who reached 11m+ so it's telling how you cite 6m as a way of making RTD's garbage look reasonable. It's not. Never mind though we've both got another year of watching this skip-fire burn and I know which one of us will be happier doing it.
@lesigh1749 7 дней назад
Art least JNT had the decency to try to resign, several times. RTD thinks the sun shines from his arse and expects to be there forever.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Good point
@codyw1 6 дней назад
Poor old JNT wanted to do other things from 1983 on. He was trapped there or unemployed. Yet still tried to do his best for the show, unlike this assclown.
@Sir-Cuntington 7 дней назад
*Disney Doctor Who has been a failure, it failed because it went full RTD, NEVER go full RTD!!!* 😂
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
And do you know what I’m not even sure we are on full RTD yet - season 2!
@Walesbornandbred 7 дней назад
It failed because RTD has issues, he needs a therapist.
@saywhat1512 7 дней назад
That’s utter crap, the recent ones have been as entertaining as any…strange you haven’t justified your hate filled comment.
@saywhat1512 7 дней назад
@@Walesbornandbred Wow, the devious Fundies really are prepared to go low; it’s obviously not him who has issues, sad man.
@saywhat1512 7 дней назад
@@Walesbornandbred Welsh born my *rse. 😂😂😂
@DorisDay-lw4xs 7 дней назад
I didn’t get a notification for this 🤷‍♂️. Bloody You Tube. Barry and Terrance - what legends ! They came across as nice people who loved what they did. I don’t want to hear the word “progressive “ - everything’s regressing.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
I get your point
@iangreen4572 7 дней назад
If Terry Nation was still alive Rtd wouldn't be able to change Davros like that. As far as i know, the BBC pay to use the Daleks and Davros.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
It’s a battle I’d love to witness - RTD v Terry nation over Davros and Daleks
@codyw1 3 дня назад
@@noblerees1 RTD would run and hide like the coward he is.
@daryljoyce1211 6 дней назад
For me, Philip Hinchcliffe was the best custodian, he took on an enormously successful series and without resorting to plundering the past (beyond the transitional elements of season 12) built on the series, upped the atmosphere and the threat level, made the cliffhangers stronger hooks than they had ever been and explored - with Holmes - the sorts of stories from film history that could be moulded into Dr Who's unique format. Yes, season 12 features the return of Sontarans, the Daleks and the Cybermen, all commissioned before Holmes could stamp his signature take on the series, but the stories had that extra level of grittiness that Hinchcliffe and Holmes were refining at the time. From Terror of the Zygons onwards it's all new villains and settings that aren't overly concerned with harking back to all that has gone before. It's a mysterious time traveler and his companion out there making the most of the vast storylines offered by a time machine that can go anywhere in the universe and go to any point in time. It became broader in scope and grew a wider appeal. It's not rocket science to take the most open storytelling format ever devised for a programme and make the most of it - but perhaps when it's so masterfully done, you can lose sight of the fact that you don't need to reinvent the wheel to make Dr Who grab an audience.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
You will not find me disagree with one sentence of that
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 6 дней назад
Great comment. Holmes and other greats seem to not have any equivalents in today's world.
@codyw1 6 дней назад
Cancellation. That's what's best. It should never have "Come back" (because it never did, really).
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
He’s wrecking and changing so much it’s worrying
@DorisDay-lw4xs 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1This is another reason why Im glad Im not watching it. What I don’t know about doesn’t affect my personal cannon. So, all this stuff with Sutekh recently - might as well be a Comic Relief skit to me. 😂
@davidharding1299 7 дней назад
The ratings might pull him back... if they get low enough and all the parties connected to Doctor Who can't find a new way spin low numbers as a success anymore. And if DIsney declines to continue it's association with Doctor Who. He needs people around him to question what he's doing with each and every script. The show (including the cast and the people behind the cameras), the fans, the BBC and Disney all deserve better than what he's been giving us. Look, I'm sure on a personal level he's a really nice guy. But for my own sanity, I had to stop watching twice in the last 2 years (once during Chibnall's era and now again with RTD2) because holding my nose and watching despite the fact I wasn't enjoying any of it anymore... was doing my head in. I work as a software developer. My employer goes through phases when they seem to think we don't need dedicated testers to make sure the product works the way we want it to before we ship it out the door. And when field issues emerge (as they sometimes do)... these same managers get upset because they're hearing not-so-great things from the customers. And we've been told many times that 1 bad interaction with our product can take as many as 12 positive interactions for them to forgive us and trust us again. That's where Doctor Who is now, IMHO. RTD needs the t.v. show equivalent of a software tester. Someone whose job it is to maintain the quality. Somebody who knows the show's history and who can speak "truth to power" (RTD) about what he's doing and what he wants to do. Fans are the customer in this analogy... and they're voicing their complaints to these guys. RTD, Ncuti Gatwa and Jinkx Monsoon's attitude has been (so far) to "touch grass" or "fine, we don't need you". Really? RTD has admitted the ratings aren't where they would like them to be... and still, his solution isn't to fix what's broken. He's content to push even more people away from the show rather than take a hard critical look at what he's been doing. At this point... since Series 2 is already in the can... it may already be too late for Doctor Who. The damage has already been done AND I can't see Series 2 being any better... because it was produced under the same conditions. It was all written and mostly already shot before Series 1 started airing. So the earliest things might change... would be Series 3... which he claims he's already writing... so maybe not even then. At this point, I'm not confident there will even be a Series 3. This is all on RTD. I don't know what's going on with him... but his ego is really seems to be getting in the way of making this show into the same sort of success it was during RTD1. It's sad... but as I said, for my own mental health, I've had to walk away... something I never did during or even considered doing during the classic era. And I still LOVE the classic era. Not every story is going to be my favorite... but I'd still rather watch "Timeflight" or "Timelash" than what we're getting now. Begging folks to come back for the Christmas Special isn't gonna cut it... if the quality isn't there.
@lesigh1749 7 дней назад
Nope, RTD does not do reflection, he does deflection. The ratings are the fault of BIGOTS, not his perfect queer vision for the show.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
I have a few interesting shows coming up soon with Malcolm hulkes biographer who has views on rewriting of canon and state of the show and respect for previous stories
@brianwall4912 6 дней назад
I'm disabled i walk with a stick. and I don't find davros Unacceptable for Christ's sake it's his life support, I can't look at RTD smug face anymore, he's bringing his own agenda into my favourite show,
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yes I will not let this go as some of my friends in wheelchairs love Davros and find this a patronising move
@brianwall4912 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 so I walk with a stick so in RTD world I shouldn't, so that means the 1st doctor wouldn't be in his series as he walks with a stick
@Woke_Invaders 6 дней назад
My bet is he was trolling.
@mudcrab3420 5 дней назад
I am now scared of the physically disabled. They might be carrying powerful weapons and be part of some secret deep state military group that answers to no one.
@Pooter-it4yg 7 дней назад
Been saying showrunner dominance is a problem for months. I'm glad it's finally being discussed by YTers. I don't actually like writers' rooms either - too many cooks is the opposite extreme. And I wouldn't put any faith in Bad Wolf providing oversight - Bad Wolf essentially IS Davies.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Glad you were interested in it. We have Malcolm hulke biographer coming in to look at writers room in the early days and Joe politics should be used in dr who
@papalaz4444244 6 дней назад
"Showrunner", the predictable US "season format" and "monster of the week" killed Dr Who. It just took a few years. It was better as a series of serials for multiple reasons.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
I keep arguing for it to return to episodic
@papalaz4444244 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 you get a new story, three cliffhangers and a finale, every 4 weeks (for 4 eps)
@edgeworth097 5 дней назад
​@@papalaz4444244Given the episode length, I can see an argument for every story being two episodes long, but I don't mind the current format at all. Well, I do take issue with the current season length, it should be longer than 8 episodes, but otherwise I think the format is fine
@FantomKat 6 дней назад
A huge problem in modern entertainment, including music, is that producers and show runners are being put in as friends and "yes men." That isnt their job -- their job is to tell the writers actors musicians etc "no that sucks we're not doing that go back to the writers room." The example i like to give is Todd Rundgren producing XTC's album Skylarking. Andy Partridge notoriously hates Todd to this day because Todd did his job, which included cracking the whip and telling Andy and the band No. As Todd describes it, "my job isnt to cater to artist's egos. My job as producer is to deliver the best possible product to the record company. I don't work for the artist, I work for rhe record company." The result was XTC's most commercially and critically acclaimed album of their career. We need more Todd's in this world. Nowadays a crew sits around and praises each others "genius" while getting high on their own farts.
@Cee1003 6 дней назад
Has anyone brought up that if Davros was truly evil, he would have had his support unit armed with rockets?
@anthonyparkinson4517 7 дней назад
If Davros is disabled then it follows that ALL Daleks are too. I somehow doubt RTD will be refraining from using them as is.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
I think he will double down on daleks
@mudcrab3420 5 дней назад
People forget this. 1963 - Our heroes go to a planet. There has been a long and horrible war. Both sides mutate. One into the Thals who are beautiful. The others into Daleks who are clinging to life, hideous shells of who they once was and forced to live - forever - in life support machines just to survive. Daleks are the cripples. Thals are the cool kids. It is interesting that there is the Galaxy Four story from the same era. Here the roles are flipped. You have beautiful women culture who turns out to be brutal and cruel and the Rills who are ugly mo fos but kind and thoughtful. Also of interest is the original Star Beast (first black companion in any format btw - written out of the re-make) where the cute furry alien is actually the 'bad guy'. Mills and Wagner openly stated it was their intention to flip the Cute=Good Guy dynamic.
@2006bbbb1 7 дней назад
JN-T also thought of the idea of those dumb birds sitting on the Guardians heads. I did meet him in 1982 and 1983 in Chicago, and in 1985 in Philadelphia. I found him to be very amiable person.
@mudcrab3420 5 дней назад
RTD bragged about how there was no one telling him "No". Think he should have tried to hide that fact in retrospect.
@slaggingmatch1273 7 дней назад
completely correct more people need to call him out all the words you used about him are spot on , Hubris Ego and wanting to me make the show his wet dream. He needs to go
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Thank you
@edwardbracken5211 6 дней назад
As the Doctor says in The Macra Terror: "Who guards the guards?"
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Good point
@phantomsidious2934 7 дней назад
The showrunner thing has been tired and done since towards the end of the Moffat era to be honest, when stories started to become more 'fan fiction' than original content, like the 'hybrid' crap, showing the true ego of the showrunner and his creative bankruptcy to just change the lore because he's run out of ideas and later chibbnall was the same with the 'timeless children '. Now rtd is showing his creative bankruptcy with the predictable and ridiculous finale and the whole bi gen thing, even brought back Tennant and Tate because that was the only way to draw new audience's back, which reeks of desperation
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Creative bankruptcy is an excellent term
@williamoarlock8634 7 дней назад
Moffat absolutely needed to be stopped from turning the show into 'Time Traveller's Wife'.
@Woke_Invaders 6 дней назад
According to certain lady in The Guardian, N'cuti represents the "new golden age era of Dr. Who".
@DorisDay-lw4xs 6 дней назад
However, its The Guardian ergo its opinion is worthless 😂.
@Woke_Invaders 6 дней назад
​@@DorisDay-lw4xsIt's sad how everything has been politicized. When people reject traditional religions, political ones occupy their place.
@davidharding1299 7 дней назад
The other option to go forward with Davros (and I agree... retiring the character is a valid option, if people think he perpetuates a bad stereotype) is to use the canon that already exists to "regenerate" Davros for use going forward. Peter Capaldi's Doctor gave Davros some of his regeneration energy... so reveal that after the events of "The Magician's Apprentice"/"The Witch's Familiar"... Davros' body was rejuvinated back to a point before whatever events led to him being put into his life-support chair... and go forward that way. He'd lose a lot of his uniqueness as a character (pre-RTD2 Davros has a very distinct - I'll stop short of calling it "iconic" - appearance) as he'd just look like every other human white male villain that we've seen on the show over the years... but if RTD truly feels that Davros in the chair has unintended real world consequences for disabled people (which other than RTD, I've never heard anyone ever claim that people in wheelchairs are evil simply because they're disabled).. then IMHO that is a much better way to go. After all... changing it for that short doesn't change the reality that virtually every other Davros (excluding the little kid version from the Capaldi era) story will still have him in that life-support chair. He will never be able to undo that... and even if he could, he'll never be able to touch the millions of VHS, DVD and Blu ray versions of those stories out in the world on fan's shelves... where Davros looked the way he used to (the way a lot of fans think he should continue to look).
@lesigh1749 7 дней назад
Nobody including many people with disabilities that put them in a wheelchair cared about a stereotype with Davros, he is a very popular villain and a unique character and was enjoyed in the show whenever he turned up. It never occurred to anyone normal to be offended by him, only fruits like RTD and his writers room think of this nonsense.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
I will have Malcolm hulkes biographer on soon and he has views on RTD revising canon and changing other peoples work
@heatherwalters-petrenos5625 6 дней назад
As a disabled person I was very offended that Davros was made able bodied! So many of us who are disabled wish we could be able bodied and I personally think this invalidates disabled people’s back stories right along with the backstory of Davros. Perhaps if there were some checks in place for RTD he might have come to find out that a great many disabled people don’t like having their stories and struggles invalidated.
@davidharding1299 6 дней назад
@@heatherwalters-petrenos5625 I've heard more than one person on the internet say something very similar to what you have. I can't say 100% that I know for a fact they're actually disabled... but I have no reason to doubt what they're saying and I would never deny their right to be offended by RTD's words and actions. I also can't say with 100% certainty that there are no disabled people out there who agree with RTD either. I can only say that not once in my 59 years of life have I ever looked at someone with a disability and thought - that person is evil. To me that's crazy. Everybody has good and bad in them. Some are more good than bad. Some are the other way around. Most are just ordinary people living their lives as best they can. A couple of weeks ago, I read a post somewhere by someone who pointed out how Hollywood has often used disfigurement to indicate villains in films. I'm not trying to equate people with scars with people with disabilities... but I can't say that person was entirely wrong either (about Hollywood). It's almost become short-hand for evil that the villain of the story has a nasty scar running across his face. In some really twisted way, I think I can see what RTD is trying to do with this... but he's going about it in such a heavy-handed, over-the-top sort of way... that it's pissing off and/or alienating a lot people. It's almost like he's misappropriating their disability to show just how f-ing virtuous he is. He's so intent on righting all the wrongs of the world using Doctor Who... that he's not stopping to see if that's actually the appropriate way to do it. I should apologize if any of what I've said offends you. That was not my intent. I've got my own beef with RTD over Doctor Who... and I try hard not to speak on behalf of anyone but myself.
@meatrace 15 часов назад
Wonderful discussion, I came to the same conclusion myself a while ago. It was weird hearing all my thoughts being echoed from different mouths. I do want to say that as much emphasis as there was about the need for someone to "push back" or constrain RTD, and this is absolutely true, I'm much more worried that there isn't an avenue by which new writers can cut their teeth on the material like there once was. Other than Moffatt, what writing superstar has the "showrunner" approach actually launched? I also want to say great job, really excellent work by the moderator, in keeping everyone on task.
@Jamie_Pritchard 6 дней назад
We ALL need people to hold us accountable, perhaps even more so the higher you go. Power corrupts and RTD has become too powerful.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Checks and balances are key
@Jamie_Pritchard 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 Absolutely right
@Cee1003 6 дней назад
So much talent in writers is being missed due to this, effective, narcissistic approach. Give new blood a chance.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yes for that reason heather he does need checks and balances to stop him from the wildest ideas
@mudcrab3420 5 дней назад
B-Hop - "They're not bringing in the next Mark Gatiss" Well every cloud...
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Good point
@user-gx9yn1vx8x 7 дней назад
I’m with Rachel, it has to be Verity Lambert and John Nathan-Turner as best producer.
@DorisDay-lw4xs 6 дней назад
Nah. Definitely not JNT. He was like a proto RTD but with more skeletons in the closet. Barry Letts and Terrence Dicks were the true bearers of Whos legacy.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Great to see you jazz
@ste_zace 4 дня назад
RTD has said i and the producers feel strongly about xyz, so either no one feels like they can call him out or they all feel the same way either way it cant be a good thing
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Totally agree that episodic is best
@Quietstormusic 5 дней назад
Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner - what makes good Doctor Who? Indeed, the latter had not even watched an episode of classic Who before RTD showed her some episodes in 2003 before production of the new series revival. She is clueless.
@GodParticleZero 6 дней назад
JNT and RTD...both ruined doctor who. No more 3 letter names, please lol
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yet teenager Chibnall was full of bile for pip and Jane baker
@anthonyparkinson4517 6 дней назад
Not the only commonality.....
@lorrainesheridan496 7 дней назад
RT D had too much power. Doubt that is true even now but major damage done and he has made his dollars
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Pension pot filled with
@EsteemedRepresentative 7 дней назад
Finally. A CONSTRUCTIVE discussion about what's happening to Doctor Who. I only recently discovered Rachel's "Chat Don't Shout"s channel and I thought that it was such a refreshing change to everything else on RU-vid. Then you all came together and did it again. Hats off to all of you! (BTW it's Philip Hinchcliffe for me.) Cheers!
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Oh well Rachael is on our big debate shows coming up and we have Malcolm hulkes biographer on who is unhappy about the disrespect shown by RTD to old stories and ideas
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Do please stick with us
@thezeroroom 7 дней назад
​@@noblerees1Oh that's great to hear *Rachel") and sad to hear. Why would he do that? I guess I'll find out soon. Great stuff!
@thezeroroom 7 дней назад
​@@noblerees1Not going anywhere. You're all great! Cheers from Canada.😊
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
⁠whereabouts? I visit Toronto in sept
@papalaz4444244 6 дней назад
"Most watched BBC show in 2024 for under 30's" Translation - the BBC is dead and under 30s don't watch any of it
@davidmullen6011 6 дней назад
It has been an open secret that the BBC has had real problems attracting the under 35's for many years now - largely due to them not catering for the younger generation. Claiming Doctor Who is a great success in this regard though is clear cope... Release the Audience Appreciation figures Bad Wolf, *what* are you shielding Davies and Co from?
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yes to be top in a tiny pool When you are missing the main audience is basically missing an open goal
@codyw1 3 дня назад
@@davidmullen6011 They don't cater for the younger generation but they don't cater for the older generation either - who do they cater for?!
@madmakam9841 7 дней назад
RTD with the “Emperor’s New Scripts”
@BUY_YOUTUB_VIEWS_819 6 дней назад
A constant source of joy!
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Hi there
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
That’s very kind and I appreciate that comment. And you won’t believe how it was such good timing as I was hitting one of those flat points. I’m trying to advertise and repost like hell but just need a break through. Thanks for your support and thanks for your advertising
@user-mk3bj9nq8c 6 дней назад
People are sick and tired of woke lunacy being forced upon them when all they want is some light entertainment. This show needs to be cancelled.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
I agree before anymore damage is done
@madmakam9841 7 дней назад
Stephen King …. Arguably the most popular modern author … never ever refuses to make changes and is reliant upon good editors to tell him when it doesn’t work
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Yes in the first era, especially in the writers tale we go through the drafts and different coloured scripts either RTD but this season feels much less drafted
It was like a real simulation👩🏻‍💻
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Какую одежду я не ношу? 😱
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😍😂❤️ #shorts
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