
The Best Healer in 5e is… a Rogue?!? 

Bilbrons & Dragons
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@energyscholar Год назад
I've played this build several times through several levels! First time was ~2014, as this build is available with just original 5e Players Handbook. Rogue (Thief) with Healer Feat & Inspiring Leader feat. Plays exactly as described. Makes huge contribution to party durability. Viable face. Appreciated by the team. Fun to play.
@GeorgisTrying Год назад
I made a Thief healer for a campaign a few years ago who got his hands on a Staff of Healing. I was already the principle party healer, but once I got the staff my impact skyrocketed to the king of utility. Massive support in combat, good damage, and great out of combat utility with all the rogue features
@caseykits Год назад
I love and hate making use of mechanics from 2014. They're worded so vaguely that we end up seeing them buffed in 2021 Sage Advice. Scrolls for every Thief this Christmas!!!
@Razdasoldier Год назад
Especially One dnd theifs
@null_value Год назад
I've heard of the thief fast hands medic build before, but I've never really considered it in more depth. Thanks for breaking it down, including Inspiring Leader being usable on more people with multiple speeches, and the Use Magic Device part!
@Nichoma Год назад
This actually seems super cool, really glad I found this the very night I was thinking of what to do for my friend's next game
@seanrosetta3079 Год назад
Thanks to you, I have learned about and joined both TFC and NDC. I don't get to play often because I have a family and 3 RPG game nights with friends, but I enjoy the occasional pickup game on these servers.
@wizard380 Год назад
this channel is great, can't believe i didn't found it until now. instant subscribe. keep up the good work!
@IanFooteBased 3 месяца назад
I made a similar character. He was a variant human thief rogue. Sage background, wizard apprentice. Started with Ritual Caster feat, eventually adding Tavern Brawler, Mounted Combat and Healer. S13 C12 D16 I15 W10 C8. He leaned into ritual casting, find familiar and phantom steed. He used tavern brawler to allow him to sneak attack with an acid flask as a bonus action. And, of course, the healing. His skills were athletics, perception, sleight of hand, stealth, arcana and history. Very strong build, very flexible.
@ATMOSK1234 Год назад
Merry Christmas!
@samuelbroad11 Год назад
our Inquisitive rogue has the inspiring leader feat and doubles my Imp familiars HP's. It's great.
@S1leNtRIP Год назад
Love the build! Any chance that two levels of fighter would up the effectiveness. Heavy Crossbow, Archery and Action surge seem pretty good late game.
@kmoustakas Год назад
The healer feat is amazing in general. Personally, instead of doing a thief I would do a sorcerer using quicken to cast a spell and use the action to activate a healing kit... unless we're starting the game at tier3 because I've had that use any item on an artificer and it's broken
@slurpjuicington Год назад
very cool class, thank you for sharing
@legs5775 5 месяцев назад
I’m gonna use my version of this build in an upcoming campaign. I’m not very experienced so thanks for your insight!
@AdrianGell 10 месяцев назад
I've been running this build as my main with some minor changes, and wanted to share what I've learned, sometimes the hard way. 1) Using exclusively daggers and darts is viable. Maybe a +1 short sword/scimitar for targets that need a magic weapon. Your damage will come from sneak attack. Throwing a dagger also frees that hand for a bonus action. Darts are cheaper if you are going to draw and throw on same turn, for same result. 2) Related to #1 - visibility is going to be a challenge. Sometimes I have to dedicate offhand to a lantern, sometimes I'll set one on the ground in range of the fight and hope to collect it later. You'll want to look for a drift globe or similar probably. I took a level dip into twilight cleric instead of Rogue 8 for that ludicrous dark vision, heavy armor, and initiative buff, but found it diluted the original concept and regret it. 3) I preferred the Mobile feat to Inspiring Leader. Let me close with a downed companion quickly and often had enough movement to drag them out of enemy range. As such I dumped Charisma/Str, maxed Dex/Con, and boosted Wis a little. The attack-to-disengage part of Mobile was helpful too. 4) The herbs mentioned in this video are from the Wildmount setting. They were not something I could locate in mine. But that said the Forgotten Realms wiki mentions several canon herbs and drugs such as Bloodstaunch, Alindluth, and my favorite Katakuda (aka dragonskin) which in perhaps diluted forms could explain the non-magical reason your healing kit works, why you'll only administer it once per rest as well as some of the poor decisions your players may subsequently make at the table. Many of them are not so much healing as just extending the PC's ability to keep fighting despite their injuries, which seems perfectly in line with what HP is intended to reflect, and the limits of a thief-as-healer.
@Gafizal1 Год назад
While "best" is clearly a screech this is an inspiring build and I may now consider a thief with a dip or two for lvl 20 one shots
@DomLobo 5 месяцев назад
Fantástico. Eu gosto desse tipo de personagem que foge do padrão, já que adiciona um pouco de variedade na mesa. Eu adicionaria o talento Chef para uma cura adicional durante os descansos curtos, o que deixaria a cura entre combates ainda mais potente. Vídeo maravilhoso.
@robertcasto5481 Год назад
Question .... where can you find what all the items in the med kit .... i.e., roots snd plants and such .... items do
@Bilbrons-and-Dragons Год назад
5e tools: 5etools-mirror-1.github.io/index.html
@jamestaylor3805 5 месяцев назад
Which of these spells do you want to be able to cast infinitely with huge bonuses? Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Goodberry, Wither and Bloom... The Ultimate Healer - Versatility of full Wizard spellbooks, lots of rituals and alpha level healing. Glyph of Warding and Life Domain magic with that Goodberry on top. The Warding Bond/Tethered Essence Combo in one person who gets Spell Mastery on Healing Word/Wither and Bloom as a capstone. (Because infinite castings of Goodberry via Spell Mastery is a line too far... or is it? The famine ender. Just put Goodberry as the Strixhaven Initiate selection and move healing word to the Druid spell selections.) Mark of Healing Halfling Witherbloom Student Circle of Stars Druid 2 Theurgy/Domain of Life Wizard 18 Strixhaven Initiate/Witherbloom Magic Initiate/Cleric Divinely Favored Ritual Caster/Cleric Int 1st, Wis 2nd, Dex/Cha 3rd. Divine Inspiration - Life Domain Disciple of Life - Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell's level. Preserve Life - As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that can restore a number of hit points equal to five times your cleric(Wizard) level. Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you, and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can't use this feature on an undead or a construct. Blessed Healer - When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that restores hit points to a creature other than you, you regain hit points equal to 2 + the spell's level. Supreme Healing - When you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 hit points to a creature, you restore 12. Starry Form - As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to take on a starry form, rather than transforming into a beast. This form sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The form lasts for 10 minutes. It ends early if you dismiss it (no action required), are incapacitated, die, or use this feature again. - Chalice: A constellation of a life-giving goblet appears on you. Whenever you cast a spell using a spell slot that restores hit points to a creature, you or another creature within 30 feet of you can regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier. Regain Wildhshape uses with a short or long rest. Healing Touch - as an action you can spend a Hit Die to heal yourself or another creature you are touching. Roll the the die and add Wis modifier and the target recovers that many Hit Points. Once you use this you cannot do so again until finishing a short or long rest. Medical Intuition - add 1d4 Intuition die to Medicine checks. The outcome is that all spell based hp recovery does max rolls +2 +Spell level healing to target, and an additional 2 +Spell level to self, and while in Starry Form an additional target heals 8 +Wis Mod +2 +Spell level if the spell consumes a slot. This makes a Warding Bond and Tether Essence combo that much more impressive. Also has Channel Arcana to provide a +2 to spell save DCs for those rare offensive spells. SPELL SELECTION Will only have 17 spell selections to make from the Cleric spells list via standard level progression, and must complete the Life Domain auxillary spell list before going outside of that list. So will use Wizard spell selections to learn the Clerical spells off of the Witherbloom auxillary spell list to shorten what is needed from the Life Domain requirement. Also, the five druid spells will focus on selections that are also on the Life Domain list, as will the spells selected through backgrounds and feats. Will end with 25+ Cleric spells normally not available to Wizards. Mark of Healing Halfling provides Spare The Dying cantrip. Star Druid provides Guidance cantrip and Guiding Bolt Spell with Prof worth of bonus castings. Druid class spell selections provides Goodberry, Cure Wounds, Speak with Animals, Create Water, and Purify Food and Drink. Feats 0 - Strixhaven Initiate = Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Healing Word(with bonus casting) 6 - Magic Initiate/Cleric = Word of Radiance, Sacred Flame, Shield of Faith(with a bonus casting) 10 - Ritual Caster/Cleric = Ceremony, Detect Poison 14 - Divinely Favored = Thaumaturgy, Sanctuary(with a bonus casting), Augury(with a bonus casting) 18 - Chef/Gourmund* Spells 2× Druid Cantrips = Resistance, Produce Flame 5× Wizard Cantrips = Create Bonfire, Control Flames, Mending, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation 5 (out of 23) Wizard spell selections from the Witherbloom list = Lesser Restoration, Wither and Bloom, Revivify, Death Ward, Greater Restoration 5 (out of 17) Theurgy Cleric spells selections to complete the Life Domain list = Beacon of Hope, Mass Cure Wounds, Spiritual Weapon, Guardians of Faith, Raise Dead 12 Remaining Theurgy spell selections = Aura of Vitality, Aura of Purity, Holy Aura, Warding Bond, Mass Healing Word, Heal, Mass Heal, Regenerate, Resurrection, Prayer of Healing, Aid, Temple of the Gods 18 remaining Wizard spells selections = Tether Essence, Dispell Magic, Remove Curse, Gentle Repose, Counter Spell, Slow, Silvery Barbs, Dissonant Whispers, Hypnotic Pattern, Shield, Misty Step, Haste, Suggestion, Simulacrum, Wish, Faithful Hound, Animate Objects, and Glyph of Warding Further Wizard spells and rituals can be gained the usual ways. Recieves Herbalists Kit proficiency twice, exhange one instance for Alchemists Supples, it suits the healer and halfling herbalist concept perfectly. The last feat can provide a third tool in Cooks Utensils via either Chef or Gourmund(pick one). Again, complimentary to the concept. Four languages at start. Suggest those that help the most with sagely Theurge research or helping the common people. Common, Halfling, Sylvan, Celestial Six skills, Nature, Survival, Arcana, Religion, Perception, Stealth Prior to long rests will spend slots on Goodberry and storing what other spells can be into Glyphs of Warding. Will try to conserve spell slots as much as possible, as they fuel the Starry Form bonus that's essential in hard fights. So will gather and horde curative items and anything that permits the casting of healing magics like scrolls or even some wands. With a breastplate and shield there is a solid AC available from the beginning. Obvious character goals from level 1 start with finding a copy of the Find Familiar spell, a Bag of Holding and Boots of Elven Kind. Another clear goal is collecting of unknown ritual spells, allowing for more ways to be of use. Access Wizard, Cleric and Druid rituals. Will seek attunable items such as a divine shield, robes that can be worn over a breastplate, a staff with incredible spell-like powers, all of which would be prefered to have healing focused powers. BONUS - Hunting down a magic item from 2e that was called The Manual of the Mad Surgeon. It was a spell book and focus meant for necromancers, and in it's wording it said something like "add your Int bonus to any healing caused by your use of wizard spells". Well Theurgists' spells are wizard spells after all. Infinite Goodberry at 9HP each...
@FlutesLoot Год назад
I love the Thief!
@Squeegeeman0 Год назад
It's Kinda' silly the "Combat Medic" doesn't have skill in Medicine.
@firemage8874 Год назад
its just a useless skill. Why waste a proficiency when you get no mechanical benefit
@Bilbrons-and-Dragons Год назад
I added it originally, but couldn't in good conscience keep it as my willingness to abandon optimization for RP only goes so far, lol.
@aleksanderhiller7506 11 месяцев назад
I've made a thief rogue combat Medic myself. I gave him expertise in medicine purely for flavour. I chose chef instead of inspiring leader. I also took two level dip in fighter for archery, second wind and action surge. I also got proficiency with a heavy crossbow for greater reach and some minimal dmg increase.
@Bootsofwings 6 месяцев назад
Worth noting hadozee get the fast hand option for free so you could now be a combat medic in any class
@brynwtsn Год назад
At 5:33 you mention getting triple sneak attack. Tell me how you see this working. As far as I know you can only get 2 per round.
@Bilbrons-and-Dragons Год назад
Thief's Reflexes gives you an extra turn on the first round of Combat, so you can get the 3rd that way.
@brynwtsn Год назад
@@Bilbrons-and-Dragons I guess I never considered that.
@TheRobversion1 Год назад
ah the healer rogue. not my cup of tea but i'm sure Flute's loot will like it. personally, i just prefer doing all of that fast hands stuff with a chainlock familiar or an unseen servant (and thus get to select a better subclass or class as the thief doesnt really bring anything else good to the table until tier 3). on a NDC note bilbron, just curious, how long is a typical session in NDC?
@Bilbrons-and-Dragons Год назад
It varies from 2-6 hours, probably around 4 hours on average. The games will state about how long they take when they're listed... my philosophy is that my games are faster because I'm a lightning quick player on my turn, so if everyone else does the same, we'll be out in 3h!
@TheRobversion1 Год назад
@@Bilbrons-and-Dragons cool. was curious as i prefer quicker sessions as well when i do online dnd as i cant fit in suddenly extended time. like if i get on a game that says it finishes in 3-4 hrs, i expect it to finish in 3-4 hrs. i've already had an experience with a game where i joined a 4 hr session and left the game at the 4 hr 10m mark then i was penalized for leaving (game wasn't finished). i understand games can get longer than expected, i just prefer DMs who wont penalize/know how to adjust. i'm a lightning quick player as well since i know my core tactics pretty well.
@Bilbrons-and-Dragons Год назад
@@TheRobversion1 Games NEVER go over the stated time, that part is written in stone
@TheRobversion1 Год назад
@@Bilbrons-and-Dragons awesome. thinking of getting onto a new westmarch server and considering NDC.
@FlutesLoot Год назад
I do indeed like this!
@zaraizabella 3 месяца назад
I'm doing a similar rogue healer build 4 rogue thief, 2 druid shepherd mobile feat My GM said it's fine for my character to use a goodberry to heal a downed party member with a bonus action But even if I had to use an action to heal with goodberry my PC can bonus action dash 1 hp healing, bringing party members back from the dead with a hyper mobile rogue a single cast of a level 1 spell can bring back 10 people from death
@davidcaolo2366 3 месяца назад
Quick question: From where do I get a Healer's Kit? I don't think that's available to me at level 1. Do I have to hope my DM gives me an opportunity to buy one? Thanks. Love the build and can't wait to play it.
@Bilbrons-and-Dragons 3 месяца назад
It's standard equipment so should be available as long as you have the gold and a slightly decent market available.
@brannenpfister2579 7 месяцев назад
Any merit to going battle master as a three level dip for extra quick tosses? Rogue eighteen through twenty seems meh
@pedrolagefogacadealmeida3695 4 месяца назад
Thk magic is too many rules for my first time d&d so this is a no brainer
@jasondads9509 8 месяцев назад
How about twilight cleric?
@semmy2597 Год назад
Personally, inspiring leader feels kinda useless if you aren’t planning on making out your charisma. Even if you have it maxed out, it’s only 5 temp hp, and don’t get me wrong, that’s great early on, but it feels like it falls off fairly quickly, even more so when u don’t have the charisma to get the most out of it
@ice8433 8 месяцев назад
I am late on this, but Inspiring Leader is Cha mod + Level, so at lvl1 it's 3 with this build and scales up to 22 at lvl20, which is a decent amount. Not only that, it is that amount of temporary hit points for everyone in the party every short rest. Assuming 2 short rests a day, thats 21thp per person per day or 28thp per short rest. 84 in a 4 person party, and that's not including summons, allies, larger parties, etc. It's not much but it stacks up in value very fast
@semmy2597 8 месяцев назад
huh has it always been level+Charisma? I could have sworn it was just charisma. Good to know tho!@@ice8433
@GrimHeaperThe Год назад
Can't you just use Hadozee with a mercy monk?
@caseykits Год назад
No. Hadozee’s Dexterous Feet feature does not allow you to take the Use an Object action, only to manipulate an object and some other movements similar to the free Object Interaction every PC gets on their turn.
@GrimHeaperThe Год назад
@@caseykits Oh right they patched it.
@caseykits Год назад
@@GrimHeaperThe They did. As a playtester and huge fan of prenerf Hadozee, I will say the nerfs it got were deserved.
@GrimHeaperThe Год назад
@@caseykits *Wave dashes across the horizon.*
@RichiRich1993 Год назад
As much as i love thief... wont Aura of Vitality not be better simply? (out of combat)
@ice8433 Год назад
Aura of Vitality base is 2d6/round for 10rounds so ~70hp. Assuming everyone takes damage, Healer's Kit on a 5-man lvl5 party would be 62.5 healing on average. Not including the 7thp per person which would be 35 on top of the 62.5 assuming everyone gets hit (For 97.5 additional hp every short rest). If your party is better about keeping the backline safe and only the frontline takes damage, Aura of Vitality would be better with the ability to put all the healing into 1-2 people, but it does take a 3rd lvl slot which could be used on a Fireball or Hypnotic Pattern or Spirit Guardians.
@RichiRich1993 Год назад
@@ice8433 True, yet Healer needs a whole feat investment
@ice8433 Год назад
@@RichiRich1993 Yes. The good news is, Rogues have an extra ASI and Steady Aim + Expertise to help compensate for being one point behind on Dex mod for a few levels, so the one feat doesn't hurt too badly. Especially since you can basically infinitely BA wackamole vs the spell slot required for Healing Word every time
@lessoriginal Год назад
he never said what the background should be...
@ice8433 8 месяцев назад
Custom background, doesn't really matter
@1979ce 11 месяцев назад
Life cleric with a strict haven background Can get good berries as a level one spell and heal 40 hit 1 spell that's gonna be way better than whatever this guy is doing
@horbi3683 Год назад
Merry Christmas!
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