
The Gaslighting From These Demons Is Going CRAZY Today 

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1 июн 2024




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@MrHDProd Месяц назад
Stay away from people as much as you can 💯
@pro_154 Месяц назад
I thought this was just me being crazy.As soon as I realized, people were acting weird but now I just avoid people like they got covid
@CrackheadEnergy420 Месяц назад
FACTS! People are poison to your inner peace. I have tried so hard to make friends or find a relationship and every person I've met is fake and toxic and ruins my confidence. Fuck this world.
@qua7771 Месяц назад
Good people are rare in this day, and age. I'm sure there are some out there in every area. If we cut off the world we'll never find like minded people.
@Innatelydone Месяц назад
“The wicked watcheth the righteous, And seeketh to slay him.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭37‬:‭32‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@MeatSuit-1926 Месяц назад
And in return they're slaying themselves by choosing to slay us that choose not to be moulded into living like them GOD willing
@77HeIsLove_woot Месяц назад
The evil man digs a pit and falls into it himself. Psalms. The evil man waits for blood. He waits for blood. He waits for his own blood. Ps. - their evil will be their downfall. Psalms.
@endofbozrah8881 Месяц назад
@MWALevi Месяц назад
Hell is filling up faster by the day
@JFit21 Месяц назад
@baddiezone Месяц назад
The situation is about to escalate. Their current anger will soon turn into full-blown outrage, and their unacceptable behavior will come to the forefront.
@Insight-music Месяц назад
Surprise, we are already here
@eastside907ak9 Месяц назад
Were already living in Hell.
@leeleslie5518 Месяц назад
For real 💯
@avertthymortaleyes3460 Месяц назад
I'd rather be alone than in bad company.
@youareIndenial981 Месяц назад
To that i always reply,im both.
@KayleeRoy-mh1ri Месяц назад
" It's not the heart that breaks it's the mind that breaks " a good wise man once told me and I will never forget to pass on the secret 🫂🙏💯
@t-bonev5637 Месяц назад
Understandable. I will say that I would rather be roaming in the desolate wilderness than having to be confined under the same roof with a riotous and disobedient woman.
@qua7771 Месяц назад
I'm not finding a lot of truth seeking people in life. It's a bit isolating. The world is not in a good state of being.
@lionrebelwas2542 Месяц назад
I love your videos,thank you,I’m 48 and have this knowledge but it’s refreshing to see someone soo young and in point,wish I was at your age,blessings brotha
@agee7777 Месяц назад
The fake friends are the worst. I got rid of them all. Practically spend most of the time on my own now.
@geekzer713 Месяц назад
best choice mate 👍same here
@sharon3108 Месяц назад
Me too. I feel more at peace spending most of my time with dogs than I ever did with people
@1SmokingLizard Месяц назад
@RPMentorTokyoChannel Месяц назад
It's as if a narcissism and psychopathy bomb was dropped.
@arsenelupiniii8040 Месяц назад
It is actually mass formation psychosis. V2K and MK Ultra. I get out in the woods, way off trail with a compass. No phone, just my shooter, some lunch and a pocket knife. Sometimes I stay overnight with just the clothes I am wearing and a small fire. Makes me feel like an actual human again.
@Innatelydone Месяц назад
“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@_sacredseven_ Месяц назад
Shit so old😂 The only trick they have is to be Petty and try to Annoy you, hoping you lose your cool. It's the only win they can possibly have. Trying to pull us off our game because we're obviously playin in our own league and they know they don't compete. So if they can atleast distract us enough to make us slip a little bit, they feel accomplished. It's gross and sad.
@JFit21 Месяц назад
@cherryrose254 Месяц назад
This whole Community and neighbors and corrupt Police do this to me every day gaslight me, try to provoke me, gossip about me... crazy and sad people with no life projecting their insecurities onto me..
@4669Mikehines Месяц назад
Totally agree. It's childish to me
@LD__2416 Месяц назад
Agree. Ive learned to turn it into entertainment because they are everywhere.. All it takes is one look from us and they know we know who they are so they attack pretty quickly. I just try to guess in my mind what tactic they will choose and see if I'm right lol.
@4669Mikehines Месяц назад
@@LD__2416 it's real heavy on social media 😂😂😂 let alone in real life . Nothing but the truth .
@NomadicBroski-mf3sv Месяц назад
I have stopped talking to basically everyone anymore. Shit is getting out of control FAST, I have been paying attention for years and it is getting really bad really fast. Almost nobody is acting normal anymore, I pray for humanity.
@maladyofdeath Месяц назад
Everyone is worshiping false gods.
@pro_154 Месяц назад
Honestly, that is becoming very apparent with the people.I see in the way that they act on the street.I'm starting to understand why they can't get enough of me. It's not me that they can't get enough of I guess. Hey but they could open a book too. Either way im glad to do my part.​@@maladyofdeath
@Private36997 Месяц назад
I thought I was going insane and questioning if I’m the one that’s not acting right,the whole freaking village is like walking traps lol
@NomadicBroski-mf3sv Месяц назад
@@Private36997 Its absolutely wild, they act so obvious and so pathetically, but yet NO ONE ELSE seems to care or do anything. I will not back down, and I just ignore everyone. It only confuses them and you can see it like short circuits their evil brains.
@turdno Месяц назад
its evil tey are out teir tiny little minds and idolatry will end society
@ayandangcobo1755 Месяц назад
"it's like you have to play their game to even be around those people" 💯... It's a game that's rigged against you. The only way to win is to not play. And even then they'll get mad you don't wanna be their little toy😂.
@MichaelBroer Месяц назад
Nah if they wanna have anything to do with us, they get to be the “toy”. Being nice don’t work. So logically, thats the position they want.
@cherryrose254 Месяц назад
I am dealing with gang stalkers and if I ignore them they continue to try harrass and bully for a reaction. These people got no common sense they only live to hate and envy those who have autenthicity.. 👎 If they "hate" me so bad why do they continue to watch me? 😂
@ayandangcobo1755 Месяц назад
@@cherryrose254 they also copy your every move... It's actually hilarious hahahaha
@Innatelydone Месяц назад
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@Patriot1792 Месяц назад
In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, "We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!" Isaiah 4:1
@J3SUS487 Месяц назад
They are disgraceful. They wipe their mouth after the fact and say, I have done no wickedness. Seen it my entire life...disgraceful. Proverbs 30:20. These women need😢to get right with GOD. Times a'tickin'. They scapegoat men all day long: Repent.
@carmencampeanu7810 Месяц назад
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏
@Innatelydone Месяц назад
“A sound heart is the life of the flesh: But envy the rottenness of the bones.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭30‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@mariaapolo2602 Месяц назад
I used to think everything going on in the world was political.But the reality is what is going on in the world is biblical.
@thelatebloomer4748 Месяц назад
@qua7771 Месяц назад
We're programmed to be short sighted for a reason. It's so we don't acknowledge who is running things at the highest levels of the power hierarchy. A evil handful of families we rarely hear about.
@valuetraveler2026 Месяц назад
it is in the minds of the masses.
@carmencampeanu7810 Месяц назад
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 Jesus is King 🤴 🙌
@johninnes881 Месяц назад
Instead of proving themselves they've GOT to try an pull the GENUINE ONES DOWN .
@Bawkr Месяц назад
So true
@maryoconnor2596 Месяц назад
They get annoyed that you have self esteem, and didn't have to cheat life and people to get where you are.
@bigsexy412 Месяц назад
@michaelangeline9726 Месяц назад
I would always let people effect me with all there hate. Only recently that I have been able to block people out. It’s all about jealousy and insecurity.
@johninnes881 Месяц назад
@Innatelydone Месяц назад
@zeroh2hero Месяц назад
@Oodledoodle604 Месяц назад
Most of them are money hungry demons.. they’ll drive you over to make a buck.
@lilyrose3145 Месяц назад
Very true.
@lindatallon9217 Месяц назад
There is ALWAYS a HIDDEN AGENDA.....with these demons...👹👺🧛👹👺👹👺🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
@didymos2200 Месяц назад
Absolute carbage everywhere I go - except the nature.
@romac9516 Месяц назад
"Your opinion of me is none of my business"
@PunishedKenny Месяц назад
I love this sentiment. It's like if people wanna gossip about me behind my back, it really has nothing to do with me. I'm not gonna waste energy trying to defend my image to people stupid enough to believe any lie someone spouts about me.
@lorraine4755 Месяц назад
Yep, I was talking to a man today being gangstalked, these narcissist are all the same.
@tyronebateslibra9435 Месяц назад
Amen, we are living in biblical time's most humans best to avoid them.
@Innatelydone Месяц назад
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@Patriot1792 Месяц назад
In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, "We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!" Isaiah 4:1
@tonyamoore8435 Месяц назад
Speaking TRUTH bro! This is happening right now in my life! The antidote to the great deception is the truth! Jesus Christ!
@Innatelydone Месяц назад
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@johninnes881 Месяц назад
Theres a deep bitterness in they're hearts that ONLY CHRIST CAN FULLFILL
@Whoitbay1898 Месяц назад
Christ don't care about ppl like them Christ is just an excuse for them to carry out their filthy agenda
@pbmc_ Месяц назад
Jesus, come get us🙏
@annypsi6153 Месяц назад
Man T, this stuff is so horrible and out of control. Nobody got any sense left it seem like. They either pure children of iniquity, or willing and happy to let the demons run through them. I'm definitely going through it bro.
@aronrosas4191 Месяц назад
I work in a homeless shelter, to help people that actually need it. I've had numerous people disrespect my kindness as weakness. I'm a Christian and many homeless are atheist so they really don't vibe with people like me.
@user-nq3rm6ix2k Месяц назад
Not every homeless person is bad but a lot of homeless people are demonic
@markleyshon Месяц назад
This monitoring spirit stuff is still happening with people in their 60's and 70's,it never stops,young people in their 20's,30's,40's,50's are subjected to it everyday,i see it everywhere,spot on,ignore them,just live your own life and yes they bring war to you when they can't beat you.
@JamesHawkeYouTube Месяц назад
Never tell anyone what you do. It's not their concern and they only ask so they can prejudge you. Practice this.
@zeroh2hero Месяц назад
@lindatallon9217 Месяц назад
They are not worth our breathe....❤
@SweetLineMedia Месяц назад
Hard Verse: ”For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.“ ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬
@TigerPaint92 Месяц назад
The righteous WILL SUFFER in this life. It may not be fair, but its a fallen world. This world is dark and cold. You wont get away from it until you pass to the next one.
@valuetraveler2026 Месяц назад
I think there have been better times to be righteous
@bigsexy412 Месяц назад
@NoTime4It Месяц назад
This is exactly true. Its takes strength to be good. It takes strength to earn peace.
@ChosenForWar Месяц назад
When a chosen one finds solitude in God and IS IN SILENCE and PRAYER. That is the wickeds poison/kryptonite. They bleed and are weak and have no POWER! They fear and we have power as we deserve. The Lord gave us a spirit of power and not fear!
@fckinasshoe17 Месяц назад
They would never try out in the open. That would expose them. They have to remain passive aggressive.
@johninnes881 Месяц назад
@KrystalStarOlsen Месяц назад
That feeling when u have zero energy vamps feeding off you 🦄🌈
@MichaelBroer Месяц назад
Its all ego
@johnmoran7996 Месяц назад
Just shut the gas line off at the narcissist source.easy money 🤑!😂
@joseph233382 Месяц назад
I agree that we live our day to day lives around soulless npcs
@richardbrown8269 Месяц назад
New ways of dealing with them.it's like we are living in a competition on who can care less about the other person. But it's best to go solo.
@pro_154 Месяц назад
Oh they think it's a competition.They don't realize that I really don't care about them
@carlhannen1769 Месяц назад
They're looking and thinking "impressive" but they haven't grown and it makes them insane with envy.
@RainbowBright33 Месяц назад
Sheeps aka Skruff Buckets 😂😂😂
@Robbysworldnsuch Месяц назад
No critiques from me this time Terry. 100% facts. These “men” out here. Playing games like high school cheerleaders…except what’s at stake is your job, your reputation, your character, your soul. And twice now I’ve found myself in the pit with these snakes, and I’m left wondering what in the hell did I do to deserve this, other than just be me? I pay taxes, I’m an upstanding citizen, I treat people with respect and kindness, I like having deep and interesting conversations. Apparently that was an abomination in the book of narcs.
@PersianDiva911 Месяц назад
True 100% - You are beautiful ❤
@nicolemimmiolsenolsen9603 Месяц назад
Omg I can relate thank God you made this video . I feel the same way, people took my kindness for weakness for the last time. I had to turn cold and just fokus on me I dont Even see them as human anymore
@ladyree7575 Месяц назад
💯 Brother Joel so TRUE!!! People do not understand common decency or common civility. These things are passae . I'm 71 yrs old. This world is scary now, people have become Animals you have to treat them as such. They do not understand or appreciate kindness. It's no longer the 60's. ,😔
@SeekJesusFindLife Месяц назад
I'm done being nice to those people who drain my energy and cut me off when I'm talking to them yet they come up to me to talk.
@user-qv7qd5lr9w Месяц назад
Sometimes you just have to accept that you can't explain in words of this inner knowledge you have, this intelligence in you cannot be accurately expressed with words. The greatest things cannot be put into words.
@ThatsMADDD Месяц назад
I’m with you on this but this is the devil’s trap. Don’t fall for it. His goal is to ruin you using people. Stand up for your self but don’t fall for this trap. You’ll end up turning evil and weird yourself. Make sure you stay a good, solid person.
@zeroh2hero Месяц назад
Facts 💯
@richardmeyer1837 Месяц назад
I deal with it all the time and I'm not exaggerating!
@eastside907ak9 Месяц назад
For real I feel you
@richardmeyer1837 Месяц назад
@@eastside907ak9 Stay Strong And Have A Great Day !
@user-nf7zn5xf1h Месяц назад
You answered a question for me. I always put others b4 myself with my family and friends only to be used and made fun of by the ones i gave my time ,energy and money.,i always asked god what i did to deserve this kind of treatment . Finally one day i had enough and ended all the help i gave to others. I gave up all my friends and family even though i still felt an obligation as a Christian to still help others. I am totally alone. The only question i still have is WHY AM I SO HAPPY !!!!!!!
@JohnSmith-bm6zg Месяц назад
Gaslighters are now doing their own research on gaslighting, and therefore gaslighting their victims by claiming they have been gaslit.
@baccaratnatural Месяц назад
You could put your girlfriend in a room with me alone and know she is safe and you'd have to kill me before I came on to her because it is called a value system and I want the same done back to me. The problem is people ain't that solid like some of us. And the women will break also easily too often of the time.
@pro_154 Месяц назад
Not too many dudes like us anymore.Where your boys know they can leave their girl around you and know that it ain't no fuck shit
@karinedumont5643 Месяц назад
Excellent video TerryJoel. Thank you. I agree totally on what you say. Before the manner that the others look at me affected me reallly so much, at the point that so manny times I was feeling so bad, so sad; also I have been mistreated all my life really hard; now I have understand that I must be a chosen one and that same 10000 persons could look at me with disrespect, strangeness , hate I don't care because I know that it must be them inner demons wich provoke that. I have no friends also in my life and I'm really ok with that; no hypocrisy, no once again narcissist pervert in my life, no more destruction of me and my soul, no more mockery on my kindness, about who I'm. Before I felt me super abnormal and super demolish. Now I''m proud to be different. I have God and Jesus inside me. Greetings from Belgium.
@johninnes881 Месяц назад
So true you can see what they're doing ,A MILE AWAY!
@njd9143 Месяц назад
4:05 great point, it's impossible to have any positive interactions with dudes my age now, it's all dog eats dog domination games, it's ridiculous
@Vanes218 Месяц назад
You describe everyone in both my families. So dealing with people in general who act effed up like this takes all my patience and energy. It is definitely about self protection nowadays. Good video, Joel. Society is ruled and dominated by dark entities. We are definitely living in different times!
@leeleslie5518 Месяц назад
Those demons are under mind control and thank you for the advice God is watching them 🙏💯
@BrenSoleo Месяц назад
Exactly Terry, ignore them. I know guys like that. They're not your friends bro. They're threatened individuals. These individuals see your value, see your light, see your potential, and their reaction is to hate. To bring you down. Why? Its because you're above em. Simple as that. Not that you're better, but you're just simply above them. You have something they dont. They're envious jealous enemies that would love it if you fall. Give em NOTHING Terry. Not even a speck of thought or energy. Ignore to oblivion
@DorisLLongll-db2gz 21 день назад
They are some demons around me and I know it, I keep my distance. Have a good day.
@markwilliams6406 День назад
Don't know how old this man is but I'm at least double his age he speaks like a wise man.love it. Carry on....
@Nsdus5676 Месяц назад
I hate the “What do you do?” Question.. I usually just answer with a resounding “About What?” Usually gets em to back off
@t-xu3ek Месяц назад
So warped they can't recognise genuine spirit. Deceitful, dishonest, backsliding, disrespectful on every level because they are fully aware they aren't authentic. They want your atrention and energy only.
@screwvo83 Месяц назад
Bro much love to your videos it helps when you live alone and people are Disrespectful even tho your being nice and they don't even know your actually struggling..
@jesus-on-demand Месяц назад
Take heart, sir, take heart. We still gotta spread kindness and goodness no matter whether the world appreciates it...
@mariedockery738 Месяц назад
You ain’t kidding brother.
@joshuawood1428 Месяц назад
Gaslighting has got to stop. I've already played some messages from this channel called Nazarene. Stay strong there's a lot of issues that got us to fix between the tribes of Israel and I'll kinds of stuff.
@staygolden84 Месяц назад
Whole lotta gang shi
@Big_Tough_Guy Месяц назад
Man, I've been nice to people in times where anyone else would have been struck by rage by what they did. I just don't feel like fighting. I think it could be considered weak, but I could probably get pretty crazy if unleashed lol. I got scammed by some people almost twice. The first time I remained nice to them even after, but the second time I was ready to unalive them for real.
@DaltonBlack-of5ld Месяц назад
All too relatable I feel like I have the potential to do horrific things and become extremely f u c k i n g sadistic not even saying this to brag no means of really expressing those thoughts.
@AllCelebzNElitenNeckMaskz Месяц назад
RESPECT 100% !
@LoudonMetal Месяц назад
YOUR SO ACCURATELY RIGHT TERRY BRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 65 yrs old and very experienced in Life and human psychology and I have seen this in real society all my life and has happened to me MY whole LIFE !! I was very grown up and mature just like you when I was 21 yrs young !! I RELATE BRO !! I have lived in 22 cities from Atlanta, New York city to Key West to all over the south large and small. It is a terrible epidemic everywhere !!! I had to make the same adjustments you are talking about years ago !! It is very sad but VERY TRUE !!! As METALLICA says. -- " SAD BUT TRUE " Stay strong and GROWING Terry !!! 💯💯💥💥✌✌💪💪👏👏💯💯
@Jack-xc2ys Месяц назад
To offer Grace without real consequences is an extraordinary privlige.
@sharon3108 Месяц назад
This is real truth ! Jealous of everything but esp our light. Sometimes it takes us many many years to see in ourselves what they see and want to stamp out before it’s noticed by others. People who have so much more than we do still want to squash us under their heel bc they know deep down we have potential to outshine them and they can’t stand it
@staceydelbucchia2576 Месяц назад
so true...Praise God...the real ones will win victory over these demons...have a blessed day...love your lion painting so cool...🤗🧡🙏🏼
@King.Mathias.Chosen1 Месяц назад
💯 Speak to em!!
@johninnes881 Месяц назад
@fckinasshoe17 Месяц назад
When ur attractive everyone wants to know "what u do" and "how old are u"? Its fkn sickening. I dont EVER wana know these things about ppl
@zeroh2hero Месяц назад
Duuuude that happened to me at my job, these people just want to know every bit of detail about you
@fckinasshoe17 Месяц назад
@@zeroh2hero theyre stalkers. Get a restraining order💋
@juanvaladez5703 Месяц назад
I know the feeling. Stay strong. It’s almost over. Christ is with us. 👑🔥🕊️
@SartorialisticSavage65 Месяц назад
We are royal chyldren.
@CyborgSodaCollects Месяц назад
I feel you Brother. Its a battle we wage every day.
@CaptainBlood-ge9zw Месяц назад
This is the mindset when walking amidst the weak minded people of this world: I’ll be me, you be you.
@Stoicambition93 Месяц назад
They’re working overtime to see you fail. These folks need Jesus.
@coreyorr8071 Месяц назад
So true... They say, no good deed goes unpunished! What up, bro...
@FallacyAsPraxis Месяц назад
You see this a lot everywhere now. People seem to feel a need to always one-up you, put you down, try to make themselves seem better than you. They downplay your accomplishments and talk trash behind your back. Always, it’s people who are beneath you (and know it) who do these things.
@ApexBartherian Месяц назад
These scruff rags brother, seriously 😹 You make my day TJ
@_sacredseven_ Месяц назад
Scruff buckets😂 haha I swear
@johninnes881 Месяц назад
@KristopherStidd Месяц назад
Thank you for the video Terry ❤️👍🏿🔥
@Lmb211 Месяц назад
This was a great one brother 👊🏻
@tacobell-wm3lh Месяц назад
Your a good person God bless keep spreading your message
@sethseven5323 Месяц назад
Speaking only truth brother. Keep up the videos, pure gold. Preach
@D-rd5wf Месяц назад
IYKYK. What’s understood don’t gotta be explained, let’s stay fearless and live life to the fullest 💯
@valuetraveler2026 Месяц назад
I totally get it - good to hear someone verbalize it.
@freemansaquatics5326 Месяц назад
The people who tell you what they are thinking about are the ones to keep around. Its the ones who tell you what you want to hear are the ones to look out for ive found.
@darrellsadler2848 Месяц назад
I feel your coolness dude. Thank you for your message here today.
@garaseer584 Месяц назад
Time is 3:33 👊🏻✊🏿👊🏻 (they wish 😅.) This video speaks to mah soul. Could not agree more. 🤣🤣🤣 ok whatever you just said was hilarious. OH! SCRUFF BUCKETS and what u said before..pardon just liked this so 😂😂😂
@ok-od6ge Месяц назад
Coffee machine
This Guy is Not A Genius
Просмотров 4,5 млн
Отец Проводит Тест с Сыном 😂
Life Of A Loner, Why Good People Turn Cold Hearted
Identify Your Fantasy and Get Rid of It
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Terrence Howard is Right About MOST Things
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Life Is Starting To Suck For Everyone
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Everyone Around You Is Faking It
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