
The Greatest Story Ever Told...So Far | Lawrence M. Krauss | Talks at Google 

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@okarakoo 7 лет назад
All of Google's tech might and can't see a single slide...
@theultimatereductionist7592 7 лет назад
Boom. I just heard an awesome LOGIC bomb go off.
@davebashford3753 6 лет назад
I was just about to say the same thing. Dr. Krauss's talk is wonderful, but there are much better versions out there where you can see the slides.
@MehrdadIrani24 4 года назад
Wish the slides were visible. It's a shame for Google not being able to get the projector working right.
@blancaroca8786 2 года назад
Yes they have
@adithyansraj9948 2 года назад
Yeah couldn't see a thing
@bazookajoe6133 Год назад
One of the best science communicators we have. It's always a pleasure listening to Dr. Krauss.
@tomasneel1980 Год назад
e=mc2 except for atheists... go learn what that means before entropy turns you back to dust from where you came from... smh
@ronnypique2824 2 года назад
Always a great pleasure to listen to Dr. Lawrence Krauss. Awesome lecture. Thanks a lot, professor.
@studioelb 2 года назад
I love this guy. Make sense, unlike religions unproven magic and sorcery. Love science.
@StoccTube 5 лет назад
2019... and I have the bandwidth and mobile data to watch a Krause lecture on my commute to the office... why anyone watches dancing with the stars when RU-vid has free content like this is beyond me.
@eatfrenchtoast 4 года назад
@nogod7184 4 года назад
That is beyond you? How's about people paid to watch "Keeping up with the Kardashian" or "Newly wed with Jessica Simpson" ?
@othmanekhaled_okweb 4 года назад
For your next commute hope you got time for this video ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uSwJuOPG4FI.html
@StoccTube 4 года назад
othmane khaled thanks, I’ve seen this and other debates with Hamza. Unfortunately he makes a lot of noise, doesn’t listen and spews word salad - seems more focused on “not losing a debate” than seeking out truth. He’s not my cup of tea, and I think is a wasted mind as I’m sure if he applied himself to other pursuits he’d be very capable, but he’s brainwashed in my opinion - I don’t mind that others would disagree with my opinion though. I’m not anti Hamza, or any decent human (religious or otherwise), I’m simply anti religion itself.
@othmanekhaled_okweb 4 года назад
@@StoccTube thanks for replying. I respect your opinion no worries, but just to clarify things Hamza isn't the one representing the religion he just accepted Dr Lawrence's request to prove him wrong using his perspective of life (scientifically)
@harrshasuri1035 2 года назад
Great talk. Thanks! for putting it all together. I just bought the book. However, the conclusion/argument that it's all accidental did not appear strong
@juligrlee 7 лет назад
Absolutely agree. All people must understand the scientific method. Right now we have people asking questions and reverting to first century and 5th century religious guesses and never following the methods that have given us accurate understanding. Science is asking a question and following a method or methods of reason and observation to seek accurate understandings. All people ask questions. Most people do not follow a reasonable method based on observation and the scientific method on which they base their life decisions.
@jbemb1216 5 лет назад
This is just a theory right?
@MicDread 4 года назад
juli grlee , but guess what, science tells the story, the Bible already told. So stop God bashing for a change, and watch also many believers scientists have science too. Just a thought. Because if Krauss can bash Christ, let’s see if you can be better?
@bobpowers9862 4 года назад
@@MicDread Sorry? Did someone manage to prove this god hypothesis? No? Then it remains myth, as do all religious ideas: Myth. The bible isn't proof of anything, really-- except that fools will believe anything that puffs up their massive egos.... like... you.
@bobpowers9862 4 года назад
@@2fast2block Too stupid to breathe-- it's a MIRACLE that you can manage that. I expect you hold your breath as you two-finger out your garbage links to bullshit youtube bible crap. Until you idiots can prove this "god" thing? It remains myth, like Big Foot and the Easter Bunny.
@vinceb.591 4 года назад
juli grlee you‘re absolutely right.
@thegroove2000 2 года назад
How can it be by accident or coincidence that there are many plants and fruits, seeds etc that provivded the body with the essential nutrients it needs, with the water and the sun, eco system?. That to me makes little sense. Its like eveything all came together by chance according to lawrence but somehow sustains life on earth. There is sooooo much that is not known. So much yet to discover. Many mysteries that may never be solved.
@ChrisLee-yr7tz 2 года назад
Evolution is pretty straightforward. You're looking at it back to front. Think about it...If humans needed other nutrients to survive then we wouldn't be here in the first place. And evolution doesn't say anything is by accident or coincidence. At It's heart its a very simple process, but the complexity arises because it's been going on for billions of years.
@thegroove2000 2 года назад
@@ChrisLee-yr7tz Evolution is not a problem. The suspicion is that there may be something behind everything that is so mysterious, so cunning and clearly a lot smarter than you.
@ChrisLee-yr7tz 2 года назад
@@thegroove2000 That's fine as long as you acknowledge that there is literally no reason for that suspicion other than your brain's disposition to suspect that. The concept that something that cannot be explained only makes sense to you if it explained by something else that you cannot explain is completely circular.
@lizgichora6472 Год назад
Wonderful lecture Lawrence Krauss; Science is the process for discovering facts, skeptical inquiry, discovery. Yes, ' American Democracy is worth fighting for. '
@oliviajames8630 Год назад
I am currently reading "1001 Atheist & Agnostic Quotes and Proverbs to Live By" Lawrence M. Krauss. And is AMAZING !!! BLEW MY MIND !!!
@tomasneel1980 Год назад
e=mc2 except for you atheists... go learn what that means before entropy turns you back to dust from where you came from... smh
@derdagian1 5 лет назад
All Accidents; is the Assertion. Based upon baryons, the 5% of the Universe That is discovered. He’s a better preacher or politician than you think!
@BreckThePanther 2 года назад
Krauss might be one of the best thinkers alive. I love his stuff; science matters he goes deep in to material.
@OrGaZmO666 7 лет назад
*Heavy Breathing*
@alenrae1370 7 лет назад
right?!? lol
@FollowTheWhiteRabbit333 3 года назад
normal breathing but mic too sensitive and too close to mouth
@levelupmediadesign687 7 лет назад
I started understanding at the 23:00 mark.......
@seazenbones6945 2 года назад
Oh boy. That was the lecture I have been waiting for my whole life! How artistic. I had my ‘aha’ moment!
@bobbyjeangayheart360 2 года назад
“All the aspects of the world that makes it look like that the universe was design for our existence, are pure accident”
@brokenSnake 2 года назад
Takes a special set of balls to say that
@kosdas 3 года назад
Simply amazing presentation. Huge worth on every single word put together by this excellent teacher.
@lynnlynn1317 2 года назад
@peterbarker8249 Год назад
....fear 666 ..(upside down) ..ah, ..upside down add venture.. .🤜🤛👉🤜😂😂🤣 ..ah, Posiedon adventure..
@MelliaBoomBot 6 лет назад
and this is just it. I;ve had 20 years of Arts academia then I re-discover my love of astronomy and find myself thrown in at the deep end of developing a scientific brain and its a perception explosion....ooof.
@buukkreider544 Год назад
The GODHEAD, plural but singular. Genesis 1:26) "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." [The word GOD here is 'ELOHIM', plural - yet singular.] Deuteronomy 6:4) Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is one LORD: [God = Elohim; and yet ONE LORD] Acts 17:29) "Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the GODHEAD is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device." Romans 1:20) "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and GODHEAD; so that they are without excuse:" [The GODHEAD includes the SON] Colossians 2:9) For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the GODHEAD bodily. As a man, Jesus Christ died as SERVANT of THE LORD. He was not a man only, though... Isaiah 9:6) "For unto us a child is born, unto us a SON is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The MIGHTY GOD, The EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace." Jeremiah 23:5,6 below... "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." [Here in Jeremiah, he's a branch from David, a king, and he will be called THE LORD TSIDKENU - God's name and Righteous] John 1:1-4 below... "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men." and John 1:10, and 14 below... "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." Don't be unbelieving, but believing... Hebrews 1:1-14 below... "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" [Please look at this slowly and clearly]
@Sharperthanu1 Год назад
The Nothing that Lawtrence Krauss talks about in "A Universe from Nothing" is the theoretical opposite of something.That means that nothing is NOT mundane.It's Metaphysical.
@LucAnderssen 7 лет назад
@washingtonx1 Год назад
Question at 48:16 minutes: "[...]I was wondering what you think about scientists kind of believing in the theories they're working on without proof to drive it forward?" Answer: "Well, they have to. I mean science isn't based on faith, but if you're going to spend 20 years of your life working on something, you've got to have a, I--- wouldn't call it a 'belief'. But you'd have to say to yourself there's something tells you it is strongly likely to be true. And you can be completely wrong. But the great thing that differentiates that from religion, let's say, is that, if you're a scientist, in the end, if it's shown to be wrong, you throw it out like yesterday's newspaper, even if you spent 20 years of your life on it. That's the difference. But certainly, you cannot work -- the builders of the Large Hadron Collider or the developers of the standard model couldn't have done what they've done [...] But they have a good reason for doing what they're doing. And the hope is that somehow the theory will make contact with reality. But if it won't, you can can be darn sure, and it's already happening in some sense, you saw when the Higgs was discovered that lots of string theorists went in and jumped ship, because suddenly, there was new particle physics to look at. So, yeah, we all have to have that kind of faith. But the difference is that the faith in science is eminently shakeable. The wonderful thing is that it is not ironclad. And that's supposed to be the great virtue of faith, is that you don't give it up. But in science, the great virtue of faith is that it has no utility beyond its utility."; This is a wonderful juxtaposition.
@Sharperthanu1 Год назад
That Metaphysical Nothing (not physical,spiritual) turned inside out at the time of the big bang,that we have abundant proof actually happened and became its' theoretical opposite: Something (Physics).
@ALavin-en1kr 2 месяца назад
No material science is not the greatest story ever told. Science is good but like all else in our dual system it also is dual. So science does have both good and bad outcomes as befits its dual origin; the material world. It cannot be otherwise. Mind is likely elemental emerging with quantum events and it is also subject to the laws of the elemental world. Consciousness; the hard problem is not elemental and likely merits the title here which has been given to material science. Let us not deify science or anything that is dual or subject to what has been called the problems of duality. Let us leave the Greatest Story Ever Told to Religion; to Consciousness. Let us not deify duality or matter of anything that is not One. The ancients saw all as flux; especially the philosopher Hericlitus; and modern physics agrees. So let us leave The Greatest Story to what is permanent and non-dual. Don’t steal religious terms for material science and don’t steal philosophical language for material science. Find your own language.
@CloudsBeyond Год назад
Big long intro about Lawrence, had he just said THE PERVERT as he is affectionately known that would have sufficed.
@richardcutt727 Год назад
Rather cheap shots at the Creator. He should stick to physics, stay out of politics. So the New Testament was written by "iron age peasants" who believed the earth was flat. Really???
@313dtown100 2 года назад
The sulky engine erroneously lighten because centimeter puzzlingly lick among a majestic quill. odd, bouncy answer
@raycaster4398 Год назад
I have a professional friend who also uses insulting humor. I told him you think you're funny, when actually you're a bully.
@azeeznasser Год назад
the world in which we live could not be an accident...Accidents do not culminate in creating a sophisticated such as ours, that is most unlikely and therefore a pathetic hypothesis
@XxxcloackndaggerxxX 4 года назад
The greatest story ever told is by journalist Christopher Bollyn about 9/11, so get your ass into gear and set up a podcast ASAP! Bollyn.com
@shahjaani5166 Год назад
From a natural point of view verything is meant to be happen. There is no such thing call accident except the one cuased by human errors.
@genhen 7 лет назад
What a great talk. Really boils down each step we made from the standard model until now. Still kinda makes you feel like bleh
@kevinfletcher1999 Год назад
Clear pictures of the slides being shown would be a great improvement.
@teshgemechis7253 2 года назад
He doesn't want to explain science without bashing religious thought.
@buzzin6895 5 лет назад
Professor Krauss has a dry sense of humor. I pick it up, & notice some of the audience doesn't.
@2fast2block 4 года назад
Krauss is a dumbass and dumbasses don't pick that up. Krauss, "The universe is huge and old and rare things happen all the time, including life." Just past 18:00 here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7ImvlS8PLIo.html That's not based on science but only Krauss farting that out of his dumb ass. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zU7Lww-sBPg.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-r4sP1E1Jd_Y.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Ymjlrw6GmKU.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L0-hgSjnomA.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-5AXkrc2OSs4.html Life takes information to proceed on. But to atheists/agnostics, chaos through time gave us information. Although it's even hard to write such a ridiculous statement, they believe it. All one can do is laugh at such stupidity. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-aA-FcnLsF1g.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7c9PaZzsqEg.html creation.com/laws-of-information-1 creation.com/laws-of-information-2 To this dumbass, it's ok to say that space, matter, time, and the laws of physics, ALL being there ALREADY with NO explanation of how, is OK to call "nothing". There, by that alone, Krauss excused himself of all of that. You simply come up with a childish snot-nosed brat excuse to call it "nothing". But it gets worse, space, matter, time, and the laws of physics, called nothing, created more space, matter, and time. The laws of physics were broken to create more space, matter, and time. Keep in mind (for those that have a working mind), that this "nothing" was eternal, and just by chance about 13 billion years ago according to Krauss, then did its magic. The 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics were asleep then. *Krauss' attempt to dispell the need of God, just confirms the need.* "A vacuum, to us, is a space with no matter in it. As a practical matter though, it's really a space with very little matter in it. You might already know that it's REALLY hard to get all the matter out of any space" from: education.jlab.org/qa/vacuum_02.html "Relativistic-quantum-field-theoretical vacuum states - no less than giraffes or refrigerators or solar systems - are particular arrangements of elementary physical stuff."- from: www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/a-universe-from-nothing-by-lawrence-m-krauss.html?_r=0 "That makes Matter = Energy; Energy = Space; Space = Time. Therefore matter, energy, space and time are all interchangeable characteristics, which implies strongly that they are all forms of one thing." from: medium.com/@alasdairf/are-matter-energy-time-space-all-interchangeable-e2dbf7d411e5 And this "nothing" from chaos gave us the fine-tuning. www.inplainsite.org/html/anthropic_principles.html kgov.com/fine-tuning-of-the-universe I like starting from the beginning because it shows how we got something to begin with. Not just that, it shows from the start who gave up their logic and who did not. From all we know, creation HAD to be a supernatural event. The first logical and honest step is to admit that. The second step is to seek who or what did the supernatural event and the proof for that. Fools jump to 'who created god', 'god of the gaps', 'science does not deal with supernatural' and whatever excuse they can use to prevent them from seeing the truth. All they can do is fart smoke screens to avoid the issue at hand. Those that deny it was a supernatural event, such a Krauss, Dawkins and a whole host of other fools, live in their fairytale of just making things up with nothing to back them. They say things so outrageous that they ask you to give up your common sense for science. Krauss and Dawkins go back and forth calling it "literally nothing" knowing it is something, and even their something can't produce what we have. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UT3dfPOdAYU.html Krauss admits he does not give a damn what nothing means and he then says he wants to be honest with his readers. He is full of doublespeak. He is WRONG and all he has is pride to continue saying such stupid things. www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/a-universe-from-nothing-by-lawrence-m-krauss.html?_r=1 "One unsolved mystery is why there is an excess of mater in our universe; this is the Matter/antimatter problem. Why is the universe only made of matter? Matter/antimatter particles annihilate each other to produce radiation. Radiation coverts to equal amounts of matter and anti matter. Krauss says that the CMB suggests the photon-to-proton ratio was a billion to one. He says that by ‘plausible quantum processes’ the universe started out with 1 part per billion more matter than antimatter. Most of the matter and antimatter combined to make photons. Later he admits we still don’t really know how this asymmetry between matter and antimatter began." "The energy calculated for empty space assuming virtual particles is 10 to the 120 times greater than that observed. This is a long-standing unsolved problem." "Krauss also says that this proves you can get something from nothing given the energetics of empty space and the law of gravity. So he says you can get a universe from nothing if you can start with empty space with non-zero energy and the laws of gravity and quantum mechanics. He admits empty space with non-zero energy is something!" Quotes from another review of Krauss' book here: creation.com/review-krauss-universe-from-nothing You can read Hawking, Krauss, Dawkins, and others who praise their gravity but they just made it up and have no idea where it could have come from. And the list goes on. All they have comes down to nothing. From the start, fools gave up their logic and that does not bother them. When it does not bother someone from the start, they continue giving up their logic with what follows.
@kingsman428 4 года назад
@@2fast2block Piss off you Pratt. Humour has nothing to do with the load of bollocks you posted.
@pamcj008 7 лет назад
Another wonderful lecture by professor Krauss!
@lynnlynn1317 2 года назад
@ssssyther 4 года назад
I love the subtle jabs at Google peppered throughout lol
@SylvainDuford 7 лет назад
Google, please find a way to show us the slides.
@jinjanko 5 лет назад
pray darlin'
May I have more please.
@LS8eighteen 3 года назад
Look at that audience. They have eliminated all old people at Google. Dr. Krauss seems out of place. Wtf Love his comments on religion. Highly recommend the book.
@zuhairyassin505 7 лет назад
thank you google and professor it was fun
@lynnlynn1317 2 года назад
@vladtepes7539 3 года назад
doesnt get any better anytime to be overseen, so lets call it a timeline, shall we?
@marilynblum7324 6 лет назад
Dr KRAUSS do you use Tesla 3,6,9 concept for measuring the flow of particle physics? If so 1+1=3.
@billhaskell8112 5 лет назад
@johnvodopia6659 2 года назад
political narrative not evidence based reasoning
@colingeorgejenkins2885 4 года назад
It's funny the way he try's to exsplain counterspace
@aurelienyonrac 3 года назад
20:20 that is the talk. But take your time. This is complex for slow poke like us. We are talking about superconductor and plasma absorbing the infinite potential energy if the vacuum. Am i understanding correctly? Is that superconductor plasma the dark energy we are looking for? It looks like the dark plasma of the early universe. Thank you take care
@cheyennejohnson7107 5 лет назад
Who says I cant listen to a lawrwnce krauss lecture whilst looking at porn on Google images.....we humans have came a long way.
@msjennifer6119 4 года назад
Cheyenne Johnson Krause is definitely a Science Daddy
@geoden 3 года назад
That porn your watching is affecting your spelling!
@nickvk1aa450 5 лет назад
Another proof that smart physicists struggle with sense of self grandiose.
@moreplatesmoreface 3 года назад
not really
@LizzyStardust 7 лет назад
centrifugal force, It is the spin, THE SPIN....The spin, combined with gravity. There is no experiment that exists, without OUR spin. Try the numbers without the spin.
@steez1017 2 года назад
What brand glasses frames is he wearing
@pimcopim Год назад
is it just me but I cannot see the pictures
@peterbarker8249 Год назад
..in a word.. .. purely defensive..
@colingeorgejenkins2885 4 года назад
I wonder who his childhood hero was ! Bet it wasn't abraaxus
@lynnlynn1317 2 года назад
@solishifter687 5 лет назад
If this dude could apply any sort of ideology filter to his mouth he could probably get the funding he is complaining about. Maybe not as we don't have anything in common anymore, but it would be a shame to lose good ideas to the fires of war.
@peterbarker8249 Год назад
.....the sun shone.........🌚🕳️👽👁️
@adrianfischersuter 2 года назад
pity we don^t see the screen projected
@Rico-Suave_ Год назад
Watched all of it 50:11
@marilynblum7324 6 лет назад
Particles collaboration , collide ,reactionary environmental filter , speed shape, shapeless , fractal, temperatures, what life are we looking for? We design accordingly. Don’t! Think beyond what is thought to be understood?
@everett8610 Год назад
The greatest story ever told? 😂
@stepananokhin693 2 года назад
"Neutron decays, so there must be a force causing it to decay" I don't understand why we conclude so.
@RM-lu1kx 3 года назад
This is great, those creatards need to give up their pride and give in to science, because science is always right obvioisly, dont let pride cloud your minds
@chrismac2234 5 лет назад
Standing on the shoulders of giants.
@owlstead 4 года назад
If that's at Google, I darn sure hope it is the most boring room there, because it might just be the most boring room anywhere.
@zympf 3 года назад
I am so disappointed in Krauss, I wanted to return his books but they won't take them back
@geoden 3 года назад
Something good in you made you buy them. A desire for knowledge I guess, get that desire back and re-read them, they will expand your mind and change your worldview. Good luck!
@zympf 3 года назад
@@clearwater348 apologies, threw them in the trash in disgust .. Amazon probably has cheap 2nd hand copies, but I suggest you don't waste your money and time
@JamesRichardWiley 4 года назад
I don't understand any of this but if it produces a product that improves the quality of my life then I am all for it.
@daleneparole1502 Год назад
What is FUKUSHlMA ?
@kenneths.perlman1112 Год назад
Brilliant and articulate.
@DeepTexas 7 лет назад
Krauss is a good man. His sense of humor is underrated.
@2fast2block 4 года назад
Krauss is a dumbass with dumbass followers like you. Krauss, "The universe is huge and old and rare things happen all the time, including life." Just past 18:00 here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7ImvlS8PLIo.html That's not based on science but only Krauss farting that out of his dumb ass. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zU7Lww-sBPg.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-r4sP1E1Jd_Y.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Ymjlrw6GmKU.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L0-hgSjnomA.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-5AXkrc2OSs4.html Life takes information to proceed on. But to atheists/agnostics, chaos through time gave us information. Although it's even hard to write such a ridiculous statement, they believe it. All one can do is laugh at such stupidity. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-aA-FcnLsF1g.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7c9PaZzsqEg.html creation.com/laws-of-information-1 creation.com/laws-of-information-2 To this dumbass, it's ok to say that space, matter, time, and the laws of physics, ALL being there ALREADY with NO explanation of how, is OK to call "nothing". There, by that alone, Krauss excused himself of all of that. You simply come up with a childish snot-nosed brat excuse to call it "nothing". But it gets worse, space, matter, time, and the laws of physics, called nothing, created more space, matter, and time. The laws of physics were broken to create more space, matter, and time. Keep in mind (for those that have a working mind), that this "nothing" was eternal, and just by chance about 13 billion years ago according to Krauss, then did its magic. The 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics were asleep then. *Krauss' attempt to dispell the need of God, just confirms the need.* "A vacuum, to us, is a space with no matter in it. As a practical matter though, it's really a space with very little matter in it. You might already know that it's REALLY hard to get all the matter out of any space" from: education.jlab.org/qa/vacuum_02.html "Relativistic-quantum-field-theoretical vacuum states - no less than giraffes or refrigerators or solar systems - are particular arrangements of elementary physical stuff."- from: www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/a-universe-from-nothing-by-lawrence-m-krauss.html?_r=0 "That makes Matter = Energy; Energy = Space; Space = Time. Therefore matter, energy, space and time are all interchangeable characteristics, which implies strongly that they are all forms of one thing." from: medium.com/@alasdairf/are-matter-energy-time-space-all-interchangeable-e2dbf7d411e5 And this "nothing" from chaos gave us the fine-tuning. www.inplainsite.org/html/anthropic_principles.html kgov.com/fine-tuning-of-the-universe I like starting from the beginning because it shows how we got something to begin with. Not just that, it shows from the start who gave up their logic and who did not. From all we know, creation HAD to be a supernatural event. The first logical and honest step is to admit that. The second step is to seek who or what did the supernatural event and the proof for that. Fools jump to 'who created god', 'god of the gaps', 'science does not deal with supernatural' and whatever excuse they can use to prevent them from seeing the truth. All they can do is fart smoke screens to avoid the issue at hand. Those that deny it was a supernatural event, such a Krauss, Dawkins and a whole host of other fools, live in their fairytale of just making things up with nothing to back them. They say things so outrageous that they ask you to give up your common sense for science. Krauss and Dawkins go back and forth calling it "literally nothing" knowing it is something, and even their something can't produce what we have. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UT3dfPOdAYU.html Krauss admits he does not give a damn what nothing means and he then says he wants to be honest with his readers. He is full of doublespeak. He is WRONG and all he has is pride to continue saying such stupid things. www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/a-universe-from-nothing-by-lawrence-m-krauss.html?_r=1 "One unsolved mystery is why there is an excess of mater in our universe; this is the Matter/antimatter problem. Why is the universe only made of matter? Matter/antimatter particles annihilate each other to produce radiation. Radiation coverts to equal amounts of matter and anti matter. Krauss says that the CMB suggests the photon-to-proton ratio was a billion to one. He says that by ‘plausible quantum processes’ the universe started out with 1 part per billion more matter than antimatter. Most of the matter and antimatter combined to make photons. Later he admits we still don’t really know how this asymmetry between matter and antimatter began." "The energy calculated for empty space assuming virtual particles is 10 to the 120 times greater than that observed. This is a long-standing unsolved problem." "Krauss also says that this proves you can get something from nothing given the energetics of empty space and the law of gravity. So he says you can get a universe from nothing if you can start with empty space with non-zero energy and the laws of gravity and quantum mechanics. He admits empty space with non-zero energy is something!" Quotes from another review of Krauss' book here: creation.com/review-krauss-universe-from-nothing You can read Hawking, Krauss, Dawkins, and others who praise their gravity but they just made it up and have no idea where it could have come from. And the list goes on. All they have comes down to nothing. From the start, fools gave up their logic and that does not bother them. When it does not bother someone from the start, they continue giving up their logic with what follows.
@uh1100 4 года назад
religious comments! say no morel...
@2fast2block 4 года назад
@@uh1100 Here's what happens when you give a dumbass common science that they can't contend with, they will completely ignore it and since they are disgusting human beings that don't care, they will think they have something clever to say that makes it look like they are not as stupid as they are, so this is what is considered a good scientific come back to all the science they were provided: Drumroll, please.... their science....."religious comments! say no morel..." Yes, I'm serious. I'm not making this up. They are really that stupid.
@uh1100 4 года назад
drumroll...accepting the 'miracles coming from the holy scripts without seeing them?
@2fast2block 4 года назад
@@uh1100 oh,wait, more science to show all I put is wrong.... "drumroll...accepting the 'miracles coming from the holy scripts without seeing them?" Wow, your degree from Beavis and Butthead University really paid off.
@peterbarker8249 Год назад
..""Deafen'd itself.."
@chucktaylor4958 Год назад
And it ain’t the Bible
@rd264 3 года назад
Accidental? Peter Ward has said much the same thing is observed in Evolutionary Paleontology. As he puts it, plants and life that generates energy by photosynthesis, is an accident.
@schmetterling4477 3 года назад
An accident is when somebody violates the traffic rules and two objects that aren't supposed to make contact make contact. :-)
@aurelienyonrac 3 года назад
Amazing to see what is scripted and what is improvised. Maybe a question answer would be better at freeing the guy.
@kenneths.perlman1112 Год назад
Not blind faith.
@peterbarker8249 Год назад
..un firm nation..
@cindysanchez2212 3 года назад
The agonizing foam preliminarily appreciate because aftermath neurochemically irritate than a scary income. ubiquitous, deep fiberglass
@lynnlynn1317 2 года назад
@tonyterenzi 4 года назад
Why does professor Krauss keep making political remarks in his presentations. He is probably the only one who does so. And does he not realize that not everyone agrees with his liberal pro Democrat views. Very disappointing. He may think it’s funny but a lot of people are turned off.
@steve25782 6 лет назад
The stuff about how Trump is destroying the best parts of the country are just depressing since there's nothing that the decent and sane people can do about it. :-(
@justinfendelet8675 3 года назад
science you cant tell difference between science fiction and science there now the same -william shatner
@TheAIEpiphany 3 года назад
Beautiful lecture. Lemme go and spread some "we live in a superconductor" gospel now.
@chancekangas391 2 года назад
excellent talk
@kramptonschisch6322 3 года назад
I think that if Krauss shaved his head bald he would look better
@TheJustina102085 4 года назад
When they only make the dope Star Wars shirt you want in Kids small..
@mikely7354 2 года назад
Ten thousand sermons will be negated by this one lecture, and by the beauty of its reasonableness.
@chancekangas391 2 года назад
one of the best talks
@lynnlynn1317 2 года назад
@this-is-bioman 3 года назад
I don't get absolutely anything. This talk doesn't make any sense whatsoever :-/ concluding it with evolution makes it even worse.
@geoden 3 года назад
That's because you need education.
@this-is-bioman 3 года назад
@@geoden lol maybe but for sure not that stupid one about the evolution crap.
@geoden 3 года назад
@@this-is-bioman Evolution is a well established fact, that is beyond doubt nowadays. The evidence is overwhelming, you can disbelieve it if you want but that changes nothing. All life evolves, whether you like it or not.
@this-is-bioman 3 года назад
@@geoden exactly, it's like a religion, there's absolutely no hard evidence. It's all purely speculative. We've managed to erradicate several rare species already and none new species have emerged out of thin air to take their place. We also have not observed any improvements in any other species. You know why? Because there is no such thing as annual evolution conferences where such changes are discussed LOL Everything stays always exactly the same as it has been designed by their original engineers.
@pickletoes8612 4 года назад
Love me some Krauss! Please sir eat healthy, get exercise, and live a long time cause I need to read more books authored by you. Your lectures always give me a giggle and a headache. Thanks for that :D
@willmpet 3 года назад
He managed to describe the life of Richard Feynman very well without duplicating Gleick's "Genius".
@cookiain 7 лет назад
Who's the guy who introduced him? He was great.
@god_damn9661 3 года назад
I thought it was a cannabis crystal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@GerardoPerez-ip5ru 3 года назад
Lawrence krauss is the second coming of Jesus .
@geoden 3 года назад
No, he is the first coming of Lawrence Krauss, this Jesus never came at all!
@richardkranium2944 4 года назад
Thumbnail to this has a picture of him doing the Jesus pose, called the greatest story ever told. I look at it and wonder if he’s really doing crane technique from karate kid. Everyone knows that is the greatest story ever told.
@AlinNemet 7 лет назад
wonderful, well said mr krauss :)
@elmnycollin1508 4 года назад
Finally Google embraces to its own nature. Science 🧪 science 🧫 science 🧬 we need more scientists to understand ourselves and the universe. We are what we are because the universe and we know what we know because of the scientist.
@archangecamilien1879 4 года назад
8:45 haha, he makes so many references to politics, etc...and with a straight face...
@joeschmoe1193 4 года назад
Krauss is a political jerk.
@youtubedotcom6963 4 года назад
@@joeschmoe1193 I agree. He got destroyed in this debate ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uSwJuOPG4FI.html
@thejeffbomb 4 года назад
Joe Schmoe Yes. It’s all peacocking and virtue signaling. Krause barely has a surface-level understanding of what is happening in politics. He says “Trump would like to stop particles at the border of nations.” Haha! What a zinger, eh? In reality, the Obama/Biden Administration deported more Mexicans than **ALL** other prior administrations COMBINED. And the Obama/Biden Administration **BUILT** the ‘cages’ and the Family Detention Centers That separate kids from their parents. An official within the Obama/Biden Administration stated that the purpose of their administration separating families was to punish and terrorize the kids, in order to discourage parents from illegally entering. Biden is on video trying to take **CREDIT** for the border wall, inferring it was all his idea. Krause needs to stick to physics, where he excels, and quit trying to divide science into political camps so he can sound ‘woke.’ Why would a science popularizer unnecessarily deride 1/2 of the voting population? How is that “popularizing” things very well - by excluding and going out of your way to mock one side in an unrelated area? Then to do it so poorly, and so cheaply, it’s kind of awful.
@jackrabbit2992 7 лет назад
Great, I love this guy! I have to see this movie now, Salt & Fire
@XxxcloackndaggerxxX 4 года назад
Netflix does not have it, most of their films makes me feel retarded! So I stay looking at Krauss and other notable speakers!
@lynnlynn1317 2 года назад
@emersomcm 4 года назад
Thanks Lawrence Krauss, sorry, we need more 200 years or so to be able to put you at your best use. Keep up any way.
@cissero4 4 года назад
You mean Jesus
@mogreasy8499 2 года назад
I love Lawrence Krauss discussion talks. Extremely brilliant man, and his views on life, and world made me rethink why we are all here.
@eatingtacos000 7 лет назад
this was excellent, thank you!
@gloriannepapolis6525 3 года назад
He is carrying 3 pens around
@lynnlynn1317 2 года назад
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