
The History of Old Republic De-Militarization 

Generation Tech
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@CatastrophicMarauder 4 года назад
Man old Republic gear looks really awesome
@blackshogun272 4 года назад
Brendan Lewis those dark ages and gaps in the timeline after all those wars took a toll on the galaxy's technological progression. Sometimes it'd jump forward and sometimes it'd take a big step back 💀
@bradmorales4002 4 года назад
Sooo how tecnoligically behind was the Star Wars galaxy in Legends during the Post Ruusan Reformation, Clone Wars, Empire and New Republic?
@blackshogun272 4 года назад
Brad Morales it was well over a thousand years behind on average if you look at the galaxy as a whole. It was more technologically advanced than the extragalactic races that invaded from its satellite galaxies (including The Yuuzhan Vong). But it coulda been reaching low tier Forerunner levels had they not constantly wiped each other out and regressed back into isolationistic sectors of space. The human race at one point could've rivaled the most ancient/powerful of galactic races but learned long before that they should never again try to "conquer" everything since the consequences were far more dire than they'd ever truly know. But what I'm trying to get at is that, the galaxy had its majority united under a strong single government or stable alliance it would have been spamming planetary repulsers, terraforming in months, and siphoning energy from entire star clusters or even galaxies. The main Star Wars galaxy (Sky River) has so much potential to be more but will forever be in a perpetual state of conflict due to their inability to work out relative peace...
@bradmorales4002 4 года назад
@@blackshogun272 damn.
@Domin8r007 4 года назад
Okay, now hear me out on this. Based on the picture that you showed for Darth Revan around the end, I now envision a trilogy set in The Old Republic with Keanu Reeves as Revan.
@GenerationTech 4 года назад
Yea that needs to happen Keanu already talks like a jedi
@dynjarren5454 4 года назад
I would make a good Mandalorian 💥👍
@Lucy_Ferrr 4 года назад
Yeah, you and everyone else in the starwars fandom
@bobbyrayvictory6905 4 года назад
Shut up and take my money
@JaelaOrdo 4 года назад
Demilitarization is one of the most idiotic ideas. What are you gonna do when the dolphins come, just expect them to show mercy?
@GenerationTech 4 года назад
High ground there’s no shame in running
@pyeitme508 4 года назад
@@GenerationTech Wrong! U can run and the high ground doesn't work every time!
@lacommentor4409 4 года назад
Peter Yim it. Works. Every. Time.
@pyeitme508 4 года назад
@@lacommentor4409 really? Only useful for Obiwan.
@wanderingshade8383 4 года назад
@@GenerationTech Nigerundayo!
@COH-gl5yg 4 года назад
They went through thousands of years of war as soon as the sith hide themselves they just went yeah we don't need an army
@matthewtuckman4447 4 года назад
Actually Darth Bane did and Darth Wredd
@ifigureditout999 2 года назад
It's like you can know, but how could you make sure your grandchildren's grandchildren know how important it is to defend yourself, we're talking thousands of years in-between most events
@MultiMachinegunner 4 года назад
The Jedi, after they decided the dark side was taboo, were close minded. They became fearful, something that they obviously wanted to avoid. And of course, as Yoda said: "Fear is a path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate... leads to suffering."
@noneedtoknow07 4 года назад
And Zayne Carrick's happy misadventures through the mandalorian wars, due hate and anger of his masters
@danamoore1788 4 года назад
@Stephen Jenkins 'Wary' equals ask for military backing to commit genocide? If that is your definition of wary I am afraid of your definition of hate.
@danamoore1788 4 года назад
@Stephen Jenkins Again, you justify Genocide on non-emotional 'wariness'. Since hate would scale up from there. A jedi feeling hate would think the Deathstar too tame.
@matthewtuckman4447 4 года назад
@Stephen Jenkins more like the Jedi wanted to destroy their rivals or anything that represented an enemy Ideologically or non Jedi force users, the Jedi were extremists, idealists and they believe they're right and everyone else is wrong and religious ideals to then thr Republic became like that to. But still things could've been different.
@matthewtuckman4447 4 года назад
@Stephen Jenkins the Jedi wanted they're ideology to reign supreme everywhere, if anything they just created something worse and worsened the Galaxy as a whole
@sheevone4359 4 года назад
4:05 a hands off approach... ;)
@Dylanschillin 4 года назад
@Bennahr_Fett 3 года назад
@kensmith2285 4 года назад
It's amazing that the Jedi of the Old Republic all the way up to the original trilogy we're so close minded when it came to learning different aspects of the force. But it's for reasons like this I love the expanding universe, characters like Kyle katarn and everyone else involved with Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy believed that the force wasn't inherently good or evil, it's how you use it.
@blackshogun272 4 года назад
Ken Smith that close mindedness is what happens when a religion grows (physically and egotistically) with very few opponents and zero tolerance for "new" or foreign concepts. This all comes down to power and self righteous determinism that ends up harming other via their blinding hubris...
@Jungoguy 4 года назад
It can be both. It only depends on who uses it
@NFStrife 4 года назад
@Stephen Jenkins While I do agree with you on some points. The light and dark are both corrosive. Both represent the opposites of one another, Light being justice/order and giving, while the dark side represents chaos/change, and want. Too much order would lead to oppression and then corruption. People fear chaos because you can't control the uncontrollable but that doesn't mean its bad. There's nothing wrong with wanting something you can't have but it is wrong when you hurt others to get it. Problem with the jedi is that they are so extreme they are blind to their ideals they didn't even see the corruption growing from within themselves and the republic. Like Gen tech said, they killed all those who just wanted to study the dark side, all that were left were the extremist.
@hannahdunlap5171 4 года назад
Stephen Jenkins Thank you, people have such big hate boners for the Jedi they forget that the Sith are much much worse
@rkneegordon6316 4 года назад
It sounds like all this started because the “Jehdi” couldn’t agree to meditate on the force standing up or sitting down. Either way, I see tons of untold stories for movies an tv series.
@Nx57ytre 4 года назад
If something is learned from the Star Wars universe it is that extremes are always bad.
@GenerationTech 4 года назад
As in real life
@TheRezro 4 года назад
@@GenerationTech Didn't Disney in fact strongly push idea of Jedi being evil, what cause whole outrage of the babies against TLJ?
@cdlwtamer2119 4 года назад
TheRezro I feel there was more to the response that people had to TLJ than just Disney’s representation of the Jedi within the movie, but Yano we live and we learn...
@TheRezro 4 года назад
@@cdlwtamer2119 Well yes, but most of that was nitpicks. I personally do consider new trilogy as average, but amount of unproportionate outrage is just hilarious.
@LordVader1094 4 года назад
@@TheRezro Lol not even remotely. Most people appreciated the criticism of the Jedi in TLJ. The problem was making Luke try to kill his cousin just because he MIGHT go bad, when he was willing to die to hopefully bring his Dad back to the lightside. You clearly have a strawman in your head regarding those who dislike TLJ, lol.
@etazeta674 4 года назад
While I tend to respect the Jedi, their greatest weakness is that when they're dealing with the sith, their rulebook goes out the window. They immediately decided to perform preemptive strikes on an order that made it clear they had no ill will towards the Jedi which led to almost every conflict in the star wars universe, and when Mace Windu found out about Palpatine, he immediately forgot his morals and tried to kill an unarmed prisoner. Honestly if the Jedi weren't so hostile against the Dark Side, we wouldn't see so many conflicts and deaths
@christophereadgbe2976 4 года назад
Grey Femling cause Palpatine would’ve come along peacefully had Windu just asked nicely. Right, sure got it.
@etazeta674 4 года назад
@@christophereadgbe2976 Ok, yeah. Palpatine would've put up one helluva fight before being defeated out of exhaustion, but even he isn't unbeatable. With Maces skill and Anakins power, there's a chance they could've defeated Palpatine and made him stand trial. Don't forget, Anakin only lashed out when Mace made it clear he was going to kill Palpatine, something that was against the Jedi way. If Mace had decided to bring Palpatine in alive, chances are Palpatine would've showed his true colors and Anakin would've chosen the Jedi over the scrotum faced sociopath
@Slender_Man_186 4 года назад
Like Palpatine said, he is the senate. As much as we love to meme that line, it was true, he controlled the senate. The trial probably wouldn’t even have happened.
@etazeta674 4 года назад
@Stephen Jenkins point made. The way things were when Mace rushed in were not in the Jedis favor, which goes into my beginning argument: when it comes to Sith, they rush in instead of using patience and forplanning. If Mace had waited a bit and talked with other Jedi to come up with a plan, they probably could have gotten evidence. Obi Wan could've told them that Viceroy Gunray was on Mustufar and they could've squeezed the truth out of him. Or go in with a recorder on and goad Palpatine into monologing about he manipulated things to get himself into power. As much as the Senate loved him, they would've hated him even more when they found out that their "hero" was the one who started the mess to begin with, and who personally ordered the attack on courascant.
@anastasiab9506 2 года назад
@@etazeta674 not just that, but Mace didn't even take some time to THINK. Imagine- he just learned that their most fearsome enemy was the Chancellor, a person who was in control of the republic- and confederacy- for YEARS. But instead of stopping and trying to understand just how deep the corruption runs and what kinds of "plans b" Palpatine might have, Mace just ran there to kill him. It didn't even occur to him that someone as calculating as Palpatine might have forseen that.
@ruthlessrubberducky5729 4 года назад
4:09 "Hands off" approach? Savage editing
@arielattack3146 3 года назад
beautifully done
@williambacon2284 4 года назад
I gotta tell ya, Allen, I really enjoy these videos a lot. Keep up the good work.
@awddfg 4 года назад
*_If there were no jedi the Separatists could've easily taken Coruscant._*
@pyeitme508 4 года назад
How about no Jedi nor sith, then no fxxxing force religions that dxxx the galaxy many times?!
@taddad2641 4 года назад
@@pyeitme508 ther would without question BE force religions though. just not binary ones.
@TheRezro 4 года назад
No they couldn't. Coruscant in fact did have decent defenses and Jedi didn't really did that much on the first place. Problem was only that Republic siphon responsibility on them. Also without Jedi there would be no war on the first place, as Palpatine would have open way to rule. Or even one of dozens Sith before him. So no Separatist on the first place.
@somerandomcommunist1327 4 года назад
TheRezro the seperatists (at least publicly) was made because they wanted to split from the republic due to unequal representation in the senate and other things. Palpatine was the puppeteer, yes, but there would still be a revolt with the sith and Jedi or without them
@TheRezro 4 года назад
@@somerandomcommunist1327 It was more about taxation (outer rim was non-tax zone to help its development) as even if corporations weren't directly represented they still did have planets supporting them. Also whole conflict become a thing exactly due to Sidius manipulation, as he promised them that he legalize whole thing, what he didn't intend to do as he was actually senator of Naboo most loudly calling for taxation. It was what push his chancellor nomination after all (he obviously blamed Jedi for not delivering promise). Though all that was part of larger plan to instigate the conflict, as Trade Federation didn't actually intend to start war, as it would hurt they business.
@astalidiot8559 4 года назад
Hello, hope you do more old republic videos
@carterdebates7887 4 года назад
Sounds like a republic problem
@IsaiahAmos017 4 года назад
An old republic problem
@juliusboone4781 4 года назад
@@IsaiahAmos017 nah it's a New Republic problem too
@randomgamer625 4 года назад
Julius Boone well actully all the planets are Indipandant now sorry for my bad English
@matthewtuckman4447 4 года назад
The Republic became ideologically extremist the best comparison to America after Woodrow Wilson and his extremist Ideology Wilsonism believing in defending democracy around the world
@quickscopeoneeighty9158 4 года назад
I kinda wish Hollywood and Disney Star Wars would recognize the potential of story telling, merchandising, and overall money there is in the Old Republic. I might be biased towards the Old Republic, but it was a really cool era of Star Wars, it being followed by Phase II of the Clones and the Empire.
@Deamon93IT 4 года назад
The main issue of the Reformation is the fact that it rendered the Republic vulnerable. One thing is to reduce spending of defense, another is to remove it entirely and rely exclusively on local forces. The best course of action would have been to copy the Imperium of Man organization, with the PDF handling the local stuff and the Imperial Guard doing the rest (with Astartes acting as support). On the Jedi: they should have remained separate from the Republic and that link is what brought them down. Also it wasn't in the Republic best interest dealing with the internal affairs of the Jedi and Sith, as long as they didn't impact the galaxy stability as a whole. That change alone might have avoided a lot of the escalation, because the Jedi wouldn't have had the Republic military backing their purges
@hannahdunlap5171 4 года назад
I agree with a lot in the end the Jedi main flaws were their dealings with the Sith and quickly they rush into things with them
@seanbennett8569 4 года назад
Every time Alan says "Je'daii," I just hear an Australian saying "g'day"
@casbot71 4 года назад
As an Australian I agree. But the full term is _"Je'daii mate"._ And yes, a lot of our local wildlife has a connection to the Sith.…
@PpAirO5 4 года назад
🤔 Maybe Steve Irwin was a Je'daii ? Haow about that 😁 R.I.P. Steve Irwin, one of the greatest 😌
@sorcererberoll4641 4 года назад
Sean Bennett tyhthon is Australia confirmed
@sorcererberoll4641 4 года назад
Sean Bennett tyhthon is Australia confirmed
@prettysalty8447 4 года назад
I find it funny how the Sith seems like the good guy here, just wanting to be more open minded, and the supposed heroic Jedi were fueled by hatred to this side of the force. Everything bad that happened to The Jedi, such the rise of the galactic empire, could be considered their own fault in a way
@setsunasakamoto5567 4 года назад
Finally someone said it. Open minded folks in another Force academy. Only for Jedi to be jerks
@michaelhowell2326 4 года назад
I wish they would make a Star Wars movie that was rated R. Make it a whole lot more gruesome and gory.
@marinerproductions1315 4 года назад
Actually, from what I researched, Star Wars weaponry is actually pretty horrible. Blasters alone can cause an incredibly gory wound, vibroblades are a even more so because they're blades, and don't even get me started on the Force Powers.
@dreadfulbadger 4 года назад
In some of the books they describe blasters causing steam explosions and blowing arms off.
@marinerproductions1315 4 года назад
@@dreadfulbadger, exactly.
@DarthNoox 4 года назад
"We are what you made us" -Lord Scourge
@SPAZ2D2 4 года назад
Hey jabba I love your decoration on the wall there🐌
@jjamesh99 4 года назад
So the Jedi are just as evil as the Sith. More so in the beginning before the rule of two.
@matthewtuckman4447 4 года назад
Yes the Ancient Sith were more moderate but the rule of two sith were extreme
@setsunasakamoto5567 4 года назад
And then in the beginning of the video, he said someone wanted to create another jedi academy, and still did it despite being rejected. And they said it was an open minded environment. And the lady decided to be Jerks and attacked them
@grayflaneur4854 4 года назад
I kind of feel like living in the continental U.S. is like living in the core. You pretty much are living in a bubble world as mentioned in this video. Washington is like Coruscant (the Imperial City) and places like New York, Paris, London are like old, famous worlds like Alderrean, etc. Art imitates life, perhaps.
@carsoncasmirri3874 4 года назад
Allen Kneale except the world is not beholden to a global government. Which like the republic would ultimately inhibit the rise of less developed parts of it
@waltermc3906 4 года назад
dude...don't think USA, think Rome.
@spencerrr9878 4 года назад
@@carsoncasmirri3874 Okay then Coruscant is like NYC more then because of the UN HQ there
@grayflaneur4854 4 года назад
Sure, Rome works/works better. It's not an obvious/perfect fit. I just notice some similarities.
@marinerproductions1315 4 года назад
@@grayflaneur4854, fuck that idea. The US could be nuked by countries like Russia, North Korea, or even China at any moment, and we wouldn't stand a fucking chance. So no, it's not like a bubble world. I live every day fearing when NY is gonna get nuked or hit by an EMP.
@HappyHusbandnWife 4 года назад
Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin adage translated as "If you want peace, prepare for war".
@pyrosmite8984 3 года назад
i have it tattooed on my shoulder
@travisstrauss1319 4 года назад
It sounds like to me that the jedi are the evil ones. Does it seem like it to anyone else? Another thing is that the jedi kidnapped young ones that where force sensitive.
@atomicarchive3381 4 года назад
If you think about it Jedi and sith are just exetreme political ideology
@travisstrauss1319 4 года назад
@@atomicarchive3381 I agree with you. But more often than not the Jedi start the war on the Sith. Now the Sith only have hate for the Jedi. So in the end the Jedi created the Sith mind set. Would you agree?
@blackshogun272 4 года назад
Travis Strauss Lord Scourge even tells The Hero of Tython: *"We are what you made us..."*
@travisstrauss1319 4 года назад
@@blackshogun272 This is very true. I agree with you.
@CABRALFAN27 4 года назад
They've certainly done some morally-questionable things, but when compared to the Sith (I remember an Arc in TCW, where Palpatine stole infant children, and then wanted to conduct horrible experiments on them, which is certainly a lot worse than "just" being taken and raised as part of a religious Order), I'd argue they're still the lesser of two evils no matter which way you slice it.
@monkeypizza449 4 года назад
Hands off approach shows clip of hands getting cut off
@MandoSki464 4 года назад
I hate palpatine but I don’t hate order 66. The Jedi had that shit coming from a long way back
@ryansanico6539 4 года назад
Light side:"Oh please put this back in Star Wars Cannon,Darkside:"Dew It."
@HolyknightVader999 4 года назад
You also forget the fact that Dark Jedi tend to be warlords. Part of the reason why the Republic always gets involved in these Jedi-Sith wars is because the Sith believe Force-users should rule, while the Senate and the Jedi believe elected officials and local rulers should rule.
@marcbartuschka6372 4 года назад
This is not true, I would say. The Republic often enough was build at least in part from planets which leaders were monarchs (aka NOT elected), and some of them like Empress Teta ruled with a iron fist against those who were not willing to bow, sending them on prison planets with high casualties. By the way, I not really have the impression that the leaders of the Jedi are chosen by one man/woman one vote-style anyway.
@HolyknightVader999 4 года назад
@@marcbartuschka6372 Not really. Most monarchs in the Republic are elected one way or another, like the Queen of Naboo. Also, Teta ruled with an iron fist before her empire became part of the Republic. Afterwards, her descendants were demoted to mere lords of the system, not emperors.
@grandinquisitor8335 2 года назад
true however, the bar for entry though to enter galactic politics is not something anyone can do, even good the good senators, were from the upper middle class or better. Even Padme came from the Naboo aristocracy.
@HolyknightVader999 2 года назад
@@grandinquisitor8335 That, and the quality of the senators leaves much to be desired. Instead of public servants, they're at best, bean-counters, and at worst, greedy scum. So some Dark Jedi would rather go rogue than serve a gaggle of incompetent morons that are beneath them in intellect, skill, or courage.
@grandinquisitor8335 2 года назад
This is the government that deadlocked itself over the question "Is the Trade Federation parking gunships over Naboo a bad thing?" It would make anyone a dark side user after a point, that's why i'm team Fel empire all the way.
@Jungoguy 4 года назад
One of my biggest gripes with the sequel trilogy is the fact that a lot of the New Republic made THE SAME BLASTED MISTAKE the Old Republic did by ditching most of its military. Without the Jedi, they were even more vulnerable! The level of stupidity is enough to drive me crazy!
@andrewgfroerer5051 4 года назад
Really enjoy your videos I appreciate the amount of time put in to these keep up the good work!
@boleroinferno 4 года назад
The Jedi had a "hands off" approach to the force *video of Anakin slicing off Dooku's hands*
@Crabb90 2 года назад
It's almost as if being open-minded and reaching out to your ideological opposites prompts your opponents to return that generosity and kindness back to you whereas being close-minded and rigid in your beliefs simply prompts more violence. Weird.
@PrazerComFormatinho 4 года назад
Would be nice if you listed the comic books and novels who took place in that period. I read a lot of Tales of the Jedi, from Dark Horse. I believe they started 5000 years before the movies. But I dont know if the comics book align well with other expanded universe histories.
@PpAirO5 4 года назад
Which star/spacefreighter is it, in the thumbnail ? (Corellian YT-1300 Stock light freighter, aka. Millenium falcon look a like)
@Specter-Mr1 4 года назад
It was grate for Darth Bane, the Jedi believed the sith to be no more after Rusan, witch was not true. Darth Bane began the rule of two.
@sgtmarcusharris4260 4 года назад
What if the republic kept its military post russan but just down scaled it like the us after the end of ww2
@GenerationTech 4 года назад
Yea that would’ve been a more standard route but the army of light more or less replaced the federal military already so it’s a bit different. It would be like if the allies only had a crusader army after wwii
@marinerproductions1315 4 года назад
@@GenerationTech, what exactly is a Crusader Army?
@tba113 4 года назад
The US _gutted_ the military after WW2. Truman thought that having the A-Bomb meant large wars were a thing of the past, so every branch of service got cored like an apple after the war. Soldiers were demobilized, equipment was scrapped, and bases were closed all over the place. Obviously you'd want _some_ draw-down after a conflict like WW2 ended, because it's unbelievably expensive to maintain a military that large, but this was Starfleet levels of wishful thinking. The Korean War broke out slightly less than five years after the end of WW2, and the US forces sent there to defend South Korea were a bare shadow of what they'd been in 1945. When the war started, the Navy was down to two aircraft carriers from the dozens they'd sent against the Japanese, the Army and Marines were stuck trying to stare down T-54's with bazookas that - when they worked at all - would have barely annoyed German medium tanks years before, and the Air Force's most advanced jet fighter, the P-80, was a rush job left over from 1943. The fact that the allied forces were able to hang in there and not get pushed off the Korean peninsula entirely before reinforcements and better gear started to arrive was amazing.
@marinerproductions1315 4 года назад
@@tba113, right. But I'm still wondering, what the hell is a Crusader Army?
@tba113 4 года назад
@@marinerproductions1315 There's a few possibilities, but I think he means things like armored knights on horseback, of the kind you might have found headed to the eastern Mediterranean during the Middle Ages.
@danamoore1788 4 года назад
Listening to this I think the reason the jedi were kept in the government loop was to try and keep some control or at least information on them. Turn them loose and how far would they go?
@MrDibara Год назад
Totally see this as being the main reason. I mean, the Force itself is terrifying on its own, without much information on it, so how safe would you feel leaving an entire order of its users just... completely free and autonomous?
@timnewton50 2 года назад
A wise king never seeks out war, but must always be ready for it.
@casbot71 4 года назад
A bit of fine tuning for the Ruusan reformation would have been to emphasis the Judicial nature of the Jedi and change them culturally to be lone wanderer hero types enforcing justice in the Outer Rim, at least for a sabbatical or two. Jedi dedicate themselves to righting wrongs and fighting _mundane_ evil in the more lawless regions - organised crime and slavery. They actually work in teams still, and can be requested by local authorities or sent out by Central. But spend most of their efforts as *Knight Errants.* Not only does to keep them busy and out of politics, but it _makes the galaxy a better place for the downtrodden_ and also increases the risk of any large conspiracy being uncovered. As for the Republic military, it is still kept and is active as a patrol force, including rapid reaction units, that's purpose it to deter and defeat piracy and local wars and warlords. Many world in the less developed regions would be, and were, unable or unwilling to field enough forces to protect the region - which is how the Trade Federation got so much power and so many concessions. Having Republic patrol ships be ubiquitous protecting the spacelanes would give a reason for taxation and Central authority. They are providing police/coast guard and maintaining security far more efficiently through economy of scale, training and experience, and (from the local perspective) limitless reserves to hit back against tougher opponents such as pirates that could defeat a planetary fleet or a neighbouring system with a expansionist agenda - and particularly slavers. While the Jedi infiltrate and gather intelligence on the troublemakers and also occasionally cut off the head of the snake. After all what condemned the Republic even before the Clone Wars was indifference to its outer territories and tolerance for corruption and slavery - failing to live up to the standards it had set itself. As for the fleets, the ones assigned to local system patrol can be shorter range, with a rapid reaction central fleet composed of elite fast hyperdrive long range pure combat ships to jump in if any system needs temporally strengthening. And maybe local fleets crews can be rotated occasionally to prevent them becoming personal property of the local rulers? The galaxy becomes a less lawless and much nicer place to live, and people are happy to be citizens for the protection and _guaranteed_ rights.
@hannahdunlap5171 4 года назад
I love this idea
@thefanwithoutaface8105 4 года назад
Hey, maybe you should do a video comparing the overall power of the Jedi and Sith of the Old Republic vs those during the Clone Wars
@Glorymoon97 Год назад
Had the Republic not demiliterized the Naboo crisis could have been avoided via Republic intervention. They removed a big portion of their leverage options by demiliterizing.
@Burnsiealex 4 года назад
Lolol I’ve been noticing the “Easter egg” in your videos since your scenery change, I was waiting how long it would take for the hand on the shelf to flip me off 😂😂
@nickykoel1041 4 года назад
4:10 Allen: 'the jedi always had an handsoff aproach' *proceeds to show a clip of Anakin cutting off Count Dooku's hands* 😂
@ryank5424 4 года назад
IMO downsizing the military would have made more sense so you would still have a group of trained personnel instead of having to rebuild from scratch. System defense forces could be defeated piecemeal leaving them with no defense.
@TuskTheRipper96 4 года назад
The Legions of Leto did NOT deserve their destruction! Jedi genociders!
@DogeickBateman 2 года назад
Ironically later-generation Sith members would see Xendor as a hero of the Sith cause, even though Xendor was simply a man who wanted to expand his views.
@bluebeard6189 4 года назад
If you think about the Jedi have been responsible for every setback in the galaxy. How far Advanced would everything be if they didn't exist. Or at least didn't take such an active role
@wesselhavermans7576 4 года назад
Can joe make a video were sith and imperial fight in one army
@ryders.8507 4 года назад
Count Dooku had a very hands off approach too 4:05
@Warhammered 4 года назад
Welcome to Florida. The Sithshine State.
@samuelappling2108 4 года назад
What happened to the death stick guy? Who was he and what did he do after he rethought his life?
@GenerationTech 4 года назад
I think I saw him in MIIB
@samuelappling2108 4 года назад
@@GenerationTech Oh my god you responded! I love your videos! What's MIIB?
@max10eb 4 года назад
I have always thought the fighting between Jedi and the Seth was pointless. it just created hard ship for everyone.
@MrDibara Год назад
It would be great to have a new, extragalactic threat come to destroy all the known galaxy to force both Jedi and Sith to just quit their bullshit and work together in order to survive. Not necessarily the Yuuzan Vhong, albeit they would be cool, but any party or groups of parties united that were more than a match for _anything_ the Star Wars galaxy could throw at them. And make the conflict last LONG. Decades if not nearly a century. To force Jedi and Sith to set their differences aside and live under the same roof for long and long periods of time. Essentially, giving them more time to interact without killing each other. The idea being developing their cooexistance. And acceptance of each other.
@austinector7738 4 года назад
So jedi started the war I guess I was right to never like the jedi
@CD-Freedom 4 года назад
I agree, the Jedi should have been removed from the Republic. But in the end, both sides liked the power and authority they gave each other. And, it ultimately lead to mutual destruction.
@shalutosskratos1737 4 года назад
Why did you use a cowboys vs aliens clip as an example?
@redknightlord4694 4 года назад
I would like to see a video about how rebels and fallen Jedi correlate time wise
@scottmerryman 4 года назад
11:02, the face used to describe revan looks so much like Keanu Reeves. Can we please make that happen?
@number3766 2 года назад
There is a difference between peaceful and defenseless. Peaceful people have the means to destroy you, but choose not to. Defenseless people, on the other hand, cannot fight back
@holeshotshane6344 3 года назад
The jedi had an EXTREMELY hands off method
@adamcheklat7387 Год назад
And then there was the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, which FORCED Germany to dismantle it’s Army, which was also one out of 414 clauses made to punish the Empire from the Treaty’s total of 440.
@casbot71 4 года назад
A final grand solution, introduce a additive to *all* food supplies that decreases midiclorin counts in those that eat it. Except resist the temptation to _clone some Jedi, feed them untainted food and raise them as supersoldiers_ - it's bound to backfire in the end. A couple of generations and no more Jedi or Sith. Or just declare Force abilities as heresy and witchcraft…
@casbot71 4 года назад
@Stephen Jenkins I'm ripping off the plot of a certain X men film…
@LordCoeCoe 4 года назад
Hands off, very nice.
@guleble6000 4 года назад
8:55 “I am an emo horse dude!” “I know!”
@darthlore2564 4 года назад
A military should always be at full strength during peace time or war
@TheMrPeteChannel 4 года назад
Last time I was this early The New Republic wasn't a joke!
@jamiewalsh3349 4 года назад
Jedi in its earliest days sound like jerks, even though they had good intentions
@erichdegurechaff9515 4 года назад
Hell is full of good intentions
@carsoncasmirri3874 4 года назад
Jamie Walsh basically because the Jedi aim to make something akin to platos republic
@thelastoasis1731 4 года назад
Ole Brumm the sith started it with their attack on coruscant. the massacre was only a retaliation on a war driven people.
@darthrevan4933 4 года назад
Ole Brumm agreed Coruscant was a military target in a time of war koraban was genocide against a defeated enemy
@DarkApostleNoek 4 года назад
Like I do get it there are countries out there with no military but none of these are superpowers, if you are at the top someone will aim for it. And what about less technically advanced systems they more likely were hoping on having the Republic's military to help them (they pay their taxes so it isnt a freebie) but if a non Republic force comes well I guess they're sol. I do get in peace time not having a giant military but at least enough troops to aid in a planet or 2.
@jacksonwilson2003 4 года назад
Can you do a video on whether blasters jammed, like a modern-day gun?
@jacobsedlack1173 4 года назад
If the Republic never demilitarized, then there's no plot for these movies. Palpatine would've had to subvert regular army personnel with the Force and draw more attention to himself so he needs the Senate to bury it's collective head in the sand about the fact that a federal army and navy would solve issues between mega-corporations, pirate cartels, and colonialist powers like the Mandalorians and their own aligned planets. If Mon Mothma wasn't naive and dumb as bricks with her inability to from learn the mistakes of the past there wouldn't be a First Order Crisis, but there'd still be a Hosnian System. Legends Star Wars remembered the need for central military powers not easily undermined by a cackling, scrotum-faced evil wizard and the New Republic was much more able to deal with threats like Thrawn and the Yuuzan Vong so Disney did away with it in their refusal to innovate. So long as there are two people in the universe who don't agree and don't like each other, a fight is due in time.
@peterpuskas2435 4 года назад
Woah, I thought that dolphin above you were your new haircut
@Stein871 4 года назад
Damn, jedi were evil after all. Having every dark side user hunted and executed for having a different belief. Sounds like space jihad to me.
@Chaotic-po8oj 3 года назад
I loved the “Welcome to Florida” sign inclusion. I’m a Floridian and I see this as perfect.
@williamblack_8935 4 года назад
Gods I love listening to you about star wars I learn so much morr
@casbot71 4 года назад
So basically the problem was *Evangelical Jedi.* Jedi who looked forward to a epic final apocalyptic battle for everything, after which the worthy would be _raptured_ into the Force.
@woodsman9427 Год назад
can you do a what if the old republic never demilitarization?
@lostalone1271 4 года назад
The lack of a standing military showcases the complacency of the Republic. Imagine the U.S. with no federal military, only state or even county based military and when conflicts arise the fed sends monks to negotiate.
@i.z2335 4 года назад
When i was this early the new republic hanst beem killes yet
@thinking_about_beer 3 года назад
Lol. "Hands off" approach lol
@hklamb5687 Год назад
That trooper on the thumbnail appears to be wearing the Tet on his chest
@TheHellbillyx 4 года назад
this needs to be the next 3+ star wars movies
@toastiboi7618 4 года назад
Random question What would happen if the darksaber was in combat against a white Lightsaber? Would the light still be taken out or would it be equalised?
@anthemanatheme1638 4 года назад
Technically, Humans have the High Ground. Worrying about Dolphins is a quick road to paranoia. And then, burning alive and being encased in a cybernetic suit.
@UncleMikeDrop 4 года назад
They should have at least tried pursuing neutrality not duality within the force. Instead of light, dark, and grey, they should have viewed the force as an infinite spectrum.
@blackshogun272 4 года назад
Heretics and Potential Threats to their ideals will never be tolerated by extreme religions...
@UncleMikeDrop 4 года назад
@@blackshogun272 Oh I know. I was talking about the nascent post Je'dai who became the Jedi. Even Grey Force practitioners saw the Force as a duality of light and dark which is polarized thus inevitably leading to division. Viewing the Force as just the Force with no sides therefore no allignment does not. No one can take sides if there are no sides to take.😁
@blackshogun272 4 года назад
Mike Vasquez such talk would have you executed by the Sith and have you be "rehabilitated" by the Jedi. The only course of action to take in the presence of such ignorance and pride is to just leave. But not to give up your faith and start a new and more refined order that isn't biased as hell to a single perspective of The Force. And even if you do choose to align you new Force religion with a specific aspect of it (Light/Dark/Magick/etc) then at the very least try not to become bloodthirsty conquerors, learn to be justly in your actions, and if it can be done, help planets in need of true heroes that aren't seeking publicity, fear, or rewards. Very few Force Orders in Star Wars Legends hold such beliefs but the few that do put the ideals of the Jedi and Sith to shame. *Looks at Blackguard robes*
@UncleMikeDrop 4 года назад
@@blackshogun272 True. The biggest mistake every divergent group made was informing their original group of their intent to diverge. Playing along then gradually diverging. Is the key.
@calvinmatthews1527 4 года назад
Sounds like the exact opposite of how the Clone Wars went.
@heathward9419 4 года назад
And why haven't you been posting every night. If been up waiting worried sick that you left me.
@juanchitohurtado4760 4 года назад
How did the Katana Fleet fit in the prequel lore?
@LyviannaXIV 4 года назад
Jedi: Frame and hunt other schools of the force, Inquisitor style Sith: doing the same to the Jedi Jedi: surprised Pikachu
@LyviannaXIV 4 года назад
@Stephen Jenkins well, the early Jedi that wanted to know bout all while the light side radicalized? °^° they kinda just kept nudging each other into more extremes, but it was the Jedi who started the mess (that's what i think)
@ObsidianAngiris 4 года назад
Cutting back your military is an incredibly stupid idea, you'd think the Republic would learn this lesson after repeating the same mistake several times. If they have issues against possessing a galactic military then simply establish planetary defence forces ALONG WITH a small military of a few dozen ships and highly trained soldiers with advanced weapons and armour, this military won't be enough to conquer whole systems but will be able to handle pirates or deal with situations like the one at naboo when the trade federation blockaded the planet
@zacharywalker3423 4 года назад
that V-neck tho
@heathward9419 4 года назад
Don't ever leave me again.
@jalakor 4 года назад
What did they do for dates before they had BBY? I don’t understand that 🤔🤔 Edit: what type of date system did they have BEFORE the Battle of Yavin?
@dreadfulbadger 4 года назад
BBY=before battle of yavin. Hope thats what you meant.
@jalakor 4 года назад
unemployed no I got that, but what did they use BEFORE the Battle of Yavin?
@dreadfulbadger 4 года назад
@@jalakor you mean like before episode 6 came out? I don't know if the lore was even deep enough for a date system back then.
@DM__55 4 года назад
What is the freighter in the thumbnail?
@scratchysheep2016 4 года назад
The old republic armor is badass
@nukacolared 4 года назад
Wow if you think about it, the Jedi were more destructive than the Sith. Especially since the main reason the Sith became so extreme and destructive themselves was because of the Jedi.
@baldthanos4614 4 года назад
If Jedi were really the Jehdi, then Allen is really Ellen in regards getting a free Speeder Bike☝️🙂
@garl2000 4 года назад
Oh hi gt
@yung_andre 3 года назад
So can someone clarify was there more then one valorum
@AstraAstarte 2 года назад
total demilitarisation is always a bad idea because it dont matter how nice and powerful you may be without an army to defend yourself there will always be someone who wants what you have perfect example was the clone wars or even in our own history, after ww1 the british empire largely de militarised only having the expeditionary forces, and the French tho having a powerful army had become complacent allowing the army to become outdated meaning that when hitler gained power he was able to ignore the allies and do what ever he wanted infact i feel like if the star wars galaxy was real in reality something like the clone wars would have happened much sooner and well theres also the fact that it is space as time goes on new races develop and grow, i mean look at us ww2 was only what 70 years ago? and we are at a point where with the right funding and support space travel and colonisation is more than possible so imagine what we could have in 200 years, and so not all races that develop are gonna be peaceful, and if they grow and expand in a quieter region of space by the time anyone notices them its too late and you have an army too large and powerful for local security forces to fight, so always having a military even if its just a small well funded, well trained and well equipped response fleet with a few thousand marines can make all the difference,
@slikdeezyg8577 4 года назад
8:55 I am a emo horse dude? What the heck haha
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