
The King James Bible (1611) and early bibles 

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Early bibles in Wadham Library's collection, with a particular focus on the King James Bible (1611), are discussed by Helen Moore, Fellow in English at Corpus Christi, Oxford and Gordon Campbell, Fellow in Renaissance Studies at the University of Leicester. Focusing on the title page illustration, Helen and Gordon discuss what made this 'authorised' version of the bible so different from its predecessors.



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@snowpuppy77 3 года назад
Enjoyed the discussion of the KJB title page. Very interesting. Thank you.
@israelisjeshuas7009 6 месяцев назад
Very interesting, I learnt a lot. Thanks.
@alvinmarcus5780 3 месяца назад
They don't recommend wearing gloves when handling old books now. Said it could actually cause more damage.
@I8ofYeshua 3 месяца назад
Would you please post, I John 5:7? Thank you
@mprovens 4 года назад
What is the book holder spine protector called?
@mackennadegannes6513 4 года назад
Then do some research yourself. You must understand that the Bible is an Israelite's history book and these people were of colour and black. I can show you several verses referring to the prophets or the prophets referring to themselves as black; only if you wish. Let the bible speak for itself. Your will only find these verses in the King James as the other new English versions etc. have removed these references to black people. This is not something I'm making up. I just have to voice this information when people now believe a lie so much that they will not ever consider any truth to the claims.
@charmainede-gannes5718 4 года назад
@Aesha Jones Yes the only one to trust is the King James. The original had many more books and they were seperated because the Catholic chruch decided that those books should not be cannonized. I dont know who gave them their authorithy to do this, however, you can order the collection of the missing books called the Apocrypha and you can get it from Amazon. I recommend you get the one which has the book of Enoch included. When you read about the Watchers (fallen angels) in Enoch, you understand that there were supposed to be more in the Bible and in Enoch its in great detail. Will be nice to let me know what you think.
@ericgray1312 3 года назад
You're making an issue of race when the bible doesn't mention it. Just about every people group is named after the patriarch of the clan or maybe a physical feature. As in Edom, named after Esau, who was covered in red hair.
@SixStringSlinger1 2 года назад
@@ericgray1312 everything she is saying is false. She fails to realize that even the 1769 KJV had the apocrypha. But they weren't taken as Scripture. That's why they're in their own middle section and were meant specifically for historical reference and mannerisms.
@theemeraldfox7779 Год назад
Lmao 🤡
@DANNY-os7kj 5 лет назад
Any evidence that the 'He' bible are recognized as having been produced in 1611?
@herbbearingseed 4 года назад
Yes. And well known.
@SixStringSlinger1 2 года назад
It's true and I'm an avid KJV reader. I have a 1611 Facsimile (direct computer scanned copy of the 1st edition).. I believe the 1611 is the preserved Word, as is the KJV in general. But it's a well known fact. It's actually still debatable amongst some people if the Ruth 3 :15 is referring to "he" or "she" at the end of the verse. In fact the RSV and NRSV vary as well. It's because the Hebrew language has certain verbs attributed to "male" or "female" but there is a variance in the old manuscripts between the verb being masculine or feminine so they had to figure it out by the context of the passage. Some try to say it was a simple printers error. Either way, it's small potatoes because it's simply saying "and ___ went to the city" at the end of the verse... It's not like some important event happened where it's some crucial verse. The KJV is still the preserved Word of God and remains unchanged aside from spelling differences from Olde English to more modern spellings.
@charmainede-gannes5718 2 года назад
It was translated to English in 1611 and it was a lot bigger than it is now. Books were removed and are found separate as the Apocrypha.
@theemeraldfox7779 Год назад
@Charmaine De-Gannes actually the original translation from Hebrew and Greek was in 1540!
@petedambski3792 Год назад
The original 1611 can't be KJ because the J- 10th letter of the alphabet wasn't invented yet in the English language. If that's the case Jesus was, and is a fraud. and a construct of the Order of Jesus. IHS Which conveniently were formed in early 1500. Coincidence?
@theemeraldfox7779 Год назад
It was originally spelt Iesus!
@holybibletruthandstudies Месяц назад
(1) To believe in JESUS: Means you believe in the Holy Bible, & do what JESUS: says, you become & are A DOER OF THE WORD OF GOD (JESUS) {{be strong brothers & sisters & Repent from sin }🔥(Matthew,4:17) “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”‬ ‭KJV‬ • also read this Verse about what JESUS, says to those you believed in Him & used His Name to cast out devils 🔥(Matthew,7:22-23) “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”‬ ‭KJV‬‬ • JESUS; said believe in Me and Live Forever • that means Him & His Word; the HOLY BIBLE, His gospel • JESUS: is the Word of GOD: read🔥(Revelation,19:13) the Word of GOD (John,1:1) in the beginning was the Word • JESUS: is the Word of GOD: Made Flesh, read🔥(John,1:14) the Word made flesh • GOD: in the Flesh, read🔥(1Timothy,3:16) GOD manifest flesh • JESUS: is the Tree of Life, GOD, said eat from it & Live forever, read🔥(Genesis,2:9) in the midst the garden the Tree of Life •(2) 🔥(Genesis,3:22) eat and Live forever 🔥(John,6:47-58) “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.”🔥(Joshua,1:8)meditate day & night, do according to what is Written be prosperous 🔥(John,8:30-32) “As he spake these words, many believed on him. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”KJV • we become one in CHRIST JESUS; we are A new Creature, Born again & YES, Very Much "BELIEVERS" 🔥(Romans,6:5-6) “For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” ‭‭ ‬ ‭KJV‬‬ • in the Mighty Name, JESUS: of Nazareth • Amen
@Rod-bp8ow 2 года назад
The book of LIFE. KJV 1611 Preserved. Thy words are LIFE. Worldwide. Authorized and Preserved.
@sjurdurkjv 6 лет назад
Thank you
@user-er8dw4kq5p 8 месяцев назад
@mackennadegannes6513 5 лет назад
There is a problem here. The original full King Bible had black people illustrations, not what I'm seeing here. This has been changed. King James himself who translated the Bible was a black king on England. He was an Israelite, during this time black people were in high positions in Europe. This was changed, I have seen the one with the black illustrations.
@jerrywaters4814 5 лет назад
Charmain DeGannes Can I ask you question? Bibles confuse me, because of all different authors, but I believe that the differences that I see in kind of understand is in there reference line on how it can lead people. But I have an possession which can’t be cat any longer I believe it’s a king James Cambridge Bible. But I can’t seem to find it and verify. Revival as of today is 160 years old as far as what I’ve been told. But is a Cambridge Bible a Catholic Bible? Because I’m not Catholic although I do have a very old Catholic Bible as well 1930 or 40s. But I’m in search of a good Bible that that has A good reference line. But like I said I don’t know too much about Bibles because I studied of the previous bible I was talking about.
@mackennadegannes6513 5 лет назад
@@jerrywaters4814 So the original King James version was printed and circulated in 1611. It was a very large book. The catholic church swooped in a few years later and decided that some books should not be in the Bible. They separated the books and you can find them in a separate collection called the Apocrypha. If you read these books, you will understand why they took them out. They wanted to hide end time knowledge form the masses. You can find copies on Amazon. Another book you need to read is the book of Enoch. In Genesis Enoch is there in the time of the Watchers, the watchers were angels,when the angels came down and bred with women and created a generation of giants on the earth. (at the beginning of the book it clearly says that its for the generation of the last days) God brought the flood to destroy this DNA of the watcher offspring. However, when I read the book of Enoch, I came into great knowledge for the times we live in now. You can read this "Book of Enoch" on audio youtube. However, do not stress yourself about all the bibles out there. The King James version is the best and remember that Abraham and Enoch and the early Prophets did not have one. God revealed himself to the hearts that was open to receive. Another video you should access on RU-vid is "The Watchers" you will learn how they corrupted mankind and you will make the connection on what is happening in the earth right now, with mixing of human DNA and splicing things. The Bible says, "as it was in the days of Noah so it shall be in the days of the coming of the Messiah. Matthew 34: 27-39. I see them doing what the watchers, fallen angels did during the time Enoch and Noah lived.
@sevenswords8781 5 лет назад
@@mackennadegannes6513 with all due respect your talking nonsense and seemed confused The Apocrypha is the books taken out by protestants, they were in the original KJV and Protestants decided to take them out because they sided with Jews rather than the Catholic Pope, turns out that the Jews did use it and the Pope was right, 1500 years ahead of the knowledge he was right but that's the Holy Spirit for you sometimes we just have to follow but protestants do not hold the same belief, that is why they took them out and why luther wanted more books taken out but was restricted. Enoch is not an Inspired book and that is agreed by everyone accept protestants that are fixated on the end times, and at that can't even come close to what the book of Revelations is about. so The Pope was right, Jews and Protestants wrong. hope that clears your confusion.
@mackennadegannes6513 5 лет назад
@@sevenswords8781 No your explanation clears up nothing for me. From the time of Constantine, the Catholic Church and Popery had the power to do this, no one else had the power to take out any books but the Catholic Church. Then you had the Inquisition where their differences could not be challenged at all, or there would be death. Does this remind you of how they killed the Christ, those evil high priest Pharisees. Before they prayerfully seek God about the Messiah. Not only that, but the writings of the Prophets were very specific that the Messiah was coming and do you think they cared that they may be persecuting Him, the One sent by God. Protestants had no power to do this. I listen with an open mind on many topics, however, I have to be able to back up what I hear. You are certainly a Catholic as only a Catholic will not go beyond and find out who the Pope really is. Popery is a very evil force in this world. These Catholic powers are all Masons and Jesuits. Wake up and know what is going on. Read the book of Daniel.They are the ones who changed Christ Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Before you jump on me about this, be sure to come with scriptures from the New Testament that backs up, "the Sabbath is done away with" okay. That's the lie that was told to people who do not read the Bible. Maybe, if you take the time to read these books of the Apocrypha and Enoch, you will see why the evil powers that be kept it from the masses. And the prophets of the Apocrypha, lines up with what the other prophets wrote. If you are being led by the Holy Spirit, IT will give truth to you. This is not about religion. The catholic church killed millions and millions in the name of religion. I can't see any good that they did. The pope is a Babylonion king by nature and his kingdom is an evil one. I was raised catholic however, I seeked wisdom from God and got out at a young age, before 25. The customs of the catholic church does not align with the scriptures. So whoever, you think moved those books from the Bible, that's your belief. There are tons evidence that the Catholic church, oppressed and kill the early Jews and Christians to convert to Catholic. The pope has committed many blasphemies saying he is equal to Christ.
@mackennadegannes6513 5 лет назад
@@sevenswords8781 Also, its a practice of the Catholic Church to hide scriptures. Do you know about the slave bible, this bible was abridged to hide the scriptures which would let a person know that God is against taking a persons labour without wages. They cut the Bible in half so they could justify slavery. Look it up for yourself, all with the blessings of the Catholic church. www.msn.com/en-us/tv/video/slave-bible-removed-passages-to-instill-obedience-and-uphold-slavery/vp-BBW9QPt You may google up "the slave bible news video"
@davehester7349 5 лет назад
It is mostly the history of the jews....so little was deticated to this so called Jesus
@herbbearingseed 4 года назад
The whole bible is about Jesus. starting in verse one of the KJV, to the very last verse. Genesis 1 :1 , John 1 :1 ... 1 John 1 :1 ... Rev 22 :21 God simply uses the history of the Jews to show Jesus. This is ABC saved Chritianity.
@israelisjeshuas7009 6 месяцев назад
Isaiah 9:6 (‘Old Testament’): “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Daniel 7:13-14 (‘Old Testament’): “I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.” And of course there’s the whole of Isaiah 53, and much more of Jesus in the ‘Old Testament’. Rejoice, Jesus is the Messiah and Saviour of the world. 🙏👏🙌
@mekazy9597 4 года назад
The apocryphal The book of Enoch The gospel of Thomas The gospel of Judah, Mary and so many. Study on ur own. Religion has long time ago been corrupted. Ignorance is not an excuse.
@mekazy9597 4 года назад
@Aesha Jones that outright paganism if you go by kjv alone.
@AnthonyTuminello 3 года назад
@@mekazy9597 No she's right. The KJV is the pure and perfect word of God in the English speaking language. It's been here for over 400 years and not a single contradiction has been found in it. The garbage books your promoting is nothing more than pseudepigrapha trash found in the "house of bondage" itself - Egypt. The Apocryphal books were only ever found in the Septuagint, which is NOT a "B.C. Old Testament in Greek" as it contains Codex Vaticanus which was written around 300 A.D. and it comes from the Alexandrian manuscripts which is used to create over 225 satanic modern English Bible translations since 1881. The Apocryphal books and the pseudepigraphal books are not scripture, and if they were, then the Scriptures would have alot of contradictions. For instance, Tobit 12:9 tells you that giving alms can deliver you from death and purge away your sins, just like what Mystery Babylon (The Catholic Church) teaches. 66 books and no more is the canon of Scripture and the book of Isaiah (66 chapters) makes that evident.
@mekazy9597 3 года назад
@@AnthonyTuminello even this kjv u claim to know contradicted itself in numerous account, made so many errors if you are not careful will mislead you into paganism which many christian are doing today, it will interest you to know the very first kjv did not call Jesus nor Peter. For you to get a better clue of what the scripture meant in a particular verse or book you need to compare it with so almost all the version of other scriptures else you will be completely misled into deception. For example its only kjv that translated phophorus or light bringer which is Lucifer as devil in the old testament me while Peter called Christ the Lucifer. When u studied the bible very well woth detailed research work you will know that the bible was referring to the king of Babylon Namrod who has deviated from the ways of God into paganistic generation and was never referring to one falling angel call Lucifer. King James version was a translation of the scripture from other language which were translated from other languages that error was spotted in some cases. e.g Jerome who translated the Septuagint to latin vulgate made a few errors. So bro you have to be very careful not to be misled bcos nobody will tell if you don't do your research properly. Those in the seminary school knows a few of this but they choose to keep mute.One of the reasons there so many answers but no question. When you start to question these things they label you anti Christ or threaten you with a curse.
@AnthonyTuminello 3 года назад
@@mekazy9597 Wrong. The KJV has been accused of having around 400 contradictions, but they have all been debunked (see Dr. Peter Ruckman's The "Errors" in the King James Bible). And no, you do not have to compare all the other versions of the Bible to understand what a particular verse says, that will mess you up because all these modern Bible PerVersions are based off of different manuscripts. I use only ONE Bible, the King James Bible. You want to know how to understand the Bible? By letting the Holy Ghost interpret his own book, and that's done by comparing Scripture with Scripture, NOT PerVersion with PerVersion. And I'm not quite sure about what you mean with the very first KJV not calling Jesus or Peter, but if your talking about how the name Jesus was spelled in the original; I have a facsimile of an original 1611 King James Bible that I read everyday and the name Jesus is spelled "Iesvs". This does NOT mean that you pronounce it "hey-zeus" or something stupid like that like how the 'Black Hebrew Israelites' pronounce it. Back in 1611, the letter J didn't exist yet and U was V and V was U. So it is still pronounced as "Jesus" in the 1611, in case that's what you were getting at. And the KJV will definitely not lead you into paganism. No Bible in all of world history has ever led more souls to the Lord Jesus Christ then the King James Bible. It is the Bible of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd great awakenings. The KJV has bore alot of good fruit unlike the satanic counterfeit bibles.
@SixStringSlinger1 2 года назад
The Book of Enoch was never in the Apocrypha. Idk where in the world people are getting that. If you've ever seen a Facsimile 1611 which is a computer scanned copy of the 1st edition then you'd know that
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