
The Kundalini Awakening & Psychosis After Meeting Our "Twin Flame" 

Twin Flame Deception
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Experiencing a forced kundalini awakening can be a traumatic and devastating experience that can wreak havoc on a person's mental and physical health, finances, relationships, and overall well-being. While the twin flame cult claims this is all a part of meeting your twin flame, there are actually malevolent forces siphoning your energy and orchestrating your downfall-using twin flame programming as a cover.
*these are my own personal beliefs and these messages will not resonate with everyone
My personal belief on "twin flame" connections: I believe the experience of meeting someone we come to believe is our "twin flame" is VERY real, but I no longer believe in the teachings behind these connections.
You can email me at twinflamedeception1111@gmail.com to schedule.

Disclaimer: RU-vid videos should NEVER take the place of psychological, medical, legal, or financial professional services. Twin Flame Deception accepts no liability or responsibility for any action a client chooses to take.

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18 сен 2024




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@jarretcormier8090 Год назад
You just literally explained it in such a way. It was like I lost my mind and my soul and mind very violated and intrusive , spiritual attacks , demonic almost in nature, I committed suicide , turned to drugs, became homeless and it was the beginning of a what I would say is the dark night of the soul. And yet I wouldn't trade it. I barely survived but who I was before was an illusion. The life I believed the reality I had was the illusion . And I was slowly dying inside , unaware I lived in a bubble a false reality that I had created as a child to survive my childhood and so this was meant to break us out of the matrix and find our true selves and real connection. But the twin flame ideology didn't come until January of 2021 and I've been stuck ever since so I literally found you today and have gotten all of it off my RU-vid and I'm breaking the habit moving forward it's become its own obsession and addiction. But just traps us in longing and lack mentality so we don't manifest our actual purpose and use our gifts. Which is what the enemy wants. I've had no stop health issues. And been in and out of hospitals . Unexplainable things I truly should be dead. But as Ive removed the toxic people and energy vampires and the entities that handled me I can see how it's a trap and it's draining my energy like a succubus. It's not healthy to obsess over anything let alone over someone who's narcissistic and abusive and quite frankly lacks a true soul and any real human emotions. Sociopath, satanist , whatever is still am warding off the evil eyes and soul suckers. It was like I was surrounded by "friends" yet when the veil started to finally lift they didn't even look the same. Like a glamour. I believe they are actually trying to sacrifice us for our energy they're not even aware I don't think that they're under demonic influence. But it's crazy , death magic, sex magic, chaos magic. Dark and evil energies these people think they know how to control demons and all I can say is to hey failed and one by one they have been exposed and God has handled all my vengeance. I don't have to lift a finger. Unfortunately not everyone survives this attack. And I know many who didn't. This has truly been an eye opener for me. And all these dots are connecting and I'm just experiencing it as I type. But woah . Your truth is resonating with me on so many levels i have never been so low until yesterday and it started to crack. And once I prayed and and asked for truth wasn't long after I found this and it's like wow. This is the highest form of spiritual warfare. And think of how many people are stuck in this never ending delusion feeding all of these inhuman entities and familiar spirits. Thank you for being strong and posting your truth. I owe you a lot of a matter of a day I have felt such a huge relief and can feel my energy returning to me. Creative juices and will power and my drive I was able to clean my room and start taking my power back. I was thinking I had a spirit attached to me or something was draining me heavily so badly I have been struggling to heal. And tonight for the first time I think I'm going to actually be able to rest and heal myself like I should of been better bi lateral cellulitis in n both legs for over a year and a half. It's come back 3 times and the hospital could care less. If have better treatment if I was a stray dog. Sad but true.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
Jarrett, when I have prayed for truth to be revealed to me, I have also had things exposed. I am so sorry to hear of your struggles, but I am also confident you are strong enough to continue to overcome any of these obstacles you face. With every hardship comes even more wisdom and more perseverance. You are fighting a battle and are armed to do so. As you mention, you have survived the unsurvivable and this is for a reason. I really appreciate you taking the time to open up this way here. Your story will surely inspire others. Thanks for listening, I am so glad some of what I say is helpful to you. Take care of yourself.
@jessysmith7953 Год назад
Thank you for raising awareness regarding New Age and these demonic spirits. Some people refuse to listen and will have to learn the HARD way.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
So glad you find it useful. I appreciate you being here. Prayers for you as you continue on your healing journey. 💗
@stjohnthebaptist1563 Год назад
I got sectioned into an acute mental ward twice during the love bubble stage. It was Psychosis.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
Yes, it tends to occur during this love bubble phase, which is then followed by the physical illness. No one could understand this experience without having gone through it. I am so sorry you experienced this, but so glad you recovered.
@Flower-v8w Год назад
I never had a love bubble stage. I went immediately into very intense DKOTS, I believe my DM put a love hook into me, he's very manipulative
@jessysmith7953 Год назад
@@Flower-v8wcould you explain more what you mean by love hook? I experiences something very similar. It was traumatising
@DontMoveWock Год назад
Yo I ended up in the psych ward too lmao I was going through my awakening and confused some symptoms for pregnancy and then he told me he put something in my drink to make me have an abortion n I completely fukin lost it I got attacked by evil spirits and became convinced he was doing magic on me n tryna kill me lmao bye bye twin flame 😭 I’m terrified of going through something like that again
@FoundSheep-AN Год назад
@@DontMoveWock try to contact a local catholic or Orthodox Church and ask to make an appointment with an exorcist
@sharon_rose724 7 месяцев назад
THE SONGS!! He'd send me soooo many deep love songs, I'd ask if that's how he felt. He'd say I was "overthinking it", or it was just a nice song. Music was his method to hook my heart and then hurt it. I felt like I had died or been replaced.. I felt like my original soul was in another dimension and I'd absorbed his entities. I felt like I was AI sometimes, I couldn't focused, would just disassociate and feel like I was straddling two different worlds.
@Twinflamedeception 7 месяцев назад
I am so sorry. Yes. If we resonate with music, music will be used HEAVILY. He was likely simply being programmed and controlled to send you certain songs, perhaps not even consciously realizing what he was doing. Music is still being used to siphon my energy and control me. It definitely changed my relationship with it. What you mention about being AI controlled is relatable. I also had major dissociative episodes. I still struggle at times. I do believe our minds have been hijacked when we are under the spell of this. I hope you are doing better these days. Glad to have you here :)
@sharon_rose724 7 месяцев назад
@@Twinflamedeception My relationship with music has changed a lot and I'm a singer and lover of music.. now I rarely listen. I played songs on repeat just gushing tears.. I was made a great supply. I still get the most random songs pop into my mind but I can at least recognize it's entity driven. Thank you for sharing your experiences.. my best friend went through a similar situation and I sent her your first video, she couldn't believe someone truly got it, especially the breakdown and having to smile in public while dying inside. We've both had trouble getting ourselves back up but so grateful we have each other because this isn't a normal situation. This is serious spiritual warfare. Much love and gratitude to you, may we all overcome the powers that tried to destroy us with grace and move forward in the purpose that they tried so hard to deter us from 🙏💫
@Twinflamedeception 7 месяцев назад
Ugh, the telepathic song messages... I get them from time to time still and I just ignore. It definitely changes our perspective on music and how it is used :( I also spent hours, even days, in a deep trance listening to songs and getting very specific"messages" from him.... We have survived and lived to tell about it now! I am proud of you 💗
@Twinflamedeception 7 месяцев назад
And thank you for sharing with your friend, that means a lot. I am so glad it was helpful.
@magdalenawiko5158 6 месяцев назад
​@@TwinflamedeceptionRegarding music: I know that the world sometimes gives us messages in music. But during this JOURNEY, the musical messages were contradictory. I don't know much English, but I started to understand English songs and it was strange. Since then I haven't been able to listen to music, but I used to be a fan of it. I listen to music without words. music also programs us. especially when we catch it unconsciously. now I understand people who say they like the music but are not interested in the lyrics. that's very smart! I used to like all kinds of art, now I'm even afraid of it😵‍💫
@premasudhajanethobbs Год назад
I went through a traumatic opening like the one described but I took myself to study with Eastern spiritual sages and healed. I think part of the reason some people have such difficult awakenings is that the West is so ignorant of spirituality and its depth. I feel it is important to just embrace the experience and learn from it in an open, humble way and just keep going on the spiritual journey to self-realization. I have a you tube channel to help people learn how to grow in a grounded, gentle, slower way that is safe. It is Wisdom And The Feminine Spirit You Tube.Without us developing spirituality beyond the twin flame thing I am concerned more people will have traumatic experiences.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing. I am going to follow you for sure :) I absolutely agree that it is so important to move beyond this twin flame experience and the teachings behind it. I do believe that these connections are used to keep people trapped in suffering and to prevent them from progressing on their spiritual path. I am so glad you have been able to navigate your journey in a way that works for you. I appreciate you listening :)
@premasudhajanethobbs Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception Thanks for responding as you have done. I was very raw after my experience but now I feel the main problem was ignorance. Ignorance of some of my teachers but also me - I had a huge ego that made it hard to grow. Luckily I found Amma, an avatar, who goes round the world hugging people to give them a multi-level experience of Universal Love. She loved me out of my spiritual trauma over 2 decades and now I share what I know with others. Blessings to you and may you heal utterly and completely from all this into a much more wise and loving human being than you ever thought you could be! Xoxox
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
@premasudhajanethobbs I love that you have taken your experience and turned it into something positive. I think this is so important. I believe we are all here to learn, grow and assist others. How wonderful you have had the help of wise teachers along the way. This experience in itself is beyond challenging, but (as you mentioned) it is made more difficult by the traps that are set for us. We tend to be pulled into these cults as a way of trying to make sense of what is happening. I don't feel the ones who are "helping" us through it are necessarily consciously aware - they are also misguided. It can be so hard to navigate what is real and what is true. We just have to stay vigilant and use our discernment, I suppose 💗
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
@premasudhajanethobbs and I also wish you the very best on your healing journey! Looking forward to being connected with you here 💗
@premasudhajanethobbs Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@transitionsnc Год назад
I just want to thank you for speaking out on this topic. This is the best description/analysis of the Kundalini awakening that I have ever heard. And you did it so succinctly...so much information in 11 minutes. I had the same experience with music that you did. I listened to this one particular mix by Kygo over and over. I have a playlist from that time that, in retrospect, hypnotized me further into a psychic trance as I went throughout my day. It was the most "pleasant" experience having my energy siphoned from me...if only I had known. Can I ask you how the music you listened to during that time impacted you? Just curious. All the best to you.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
You are welcome:) This is a difficult experience to articulate, so I am glad it made sense to others. Music was absolutely HUGE in my twin flame experience. I believe this is because I have always had a deep connection to music. We will all be targeted differently, depending on what it is that resonates with us most, but music played a major role in luring, tricking me, and siphoning my energy. I believe I was being primed for this connection my entire life with music, since I can look back now and see an element of spellwork coming over me with certain songs that would later connect me to my "twin." I would be in a daze, listening to these songs over and over, which I now understand have very specific "messages" relating to this person. For example, they specifically detail the miles of distance between us, or are by musicians he would later tell me he loves, etc.... Very specific messages that would come through very strongly in songs that would appear out of nowhere on my playlist or even out in public. I would be able to tap into his current feelings this way as well. It is very sinister and all-consuming, since most of my day during this time was spent in an altered state, listening to music and/or being completely out of it while my energy was being harvested. I would have this blissful energy just rushing through me, feeling as though I was being pumped with a drug that is just indescribable. It sounds as if you had a very similar experience. I really have little recollection of what was actually happening during that time. I know I was barely able to function. I am not sure how I got through it but I believe God is who saved me in the end. It is a shame because I do love music so much, but I still feel these trance states and the energy in my chakras begin to come over me when I listen to it, so I often have to pull back :( I hope this helps you gain a little more clarity into your own experience with music. I know this continues even after we escape a "twin flame" connection, so we have to be discerning. I recently escaped yet another orchestrated connection and music was being used to bind me to this person as well... Thanks so much for connecting with me here.
@jessysmith7953 Год назад
Hi, which music by Kygo? I was listening to him too in the thick of it
@DontMoveWock Год назад
@@TwinflamedeceptionI FELT THE SAME EXACT THING WITH MUSIC AND I THINK HE DID AS WELL AND ITS CRAZY THAT YOU USED THE WORD SPELLWORK BECAUSE I FELT THAT TOO . I started seeing the messages in music I had been listening to my whole life . I noticed that after this experience I no longer listen to music in my car all day the way I used to …
@astrolorand8036 Год назад
Oh. My. God. I had the same experience. There was this ONE french song I randomly came across that hypnotized me & put me in trance over and over again.
@andrears6140 7 месяцев назад
I just came across your channel and I am so grateful for your words! I have finally totally woken up to this. I really want everyone to know that 20 years ago I was unbeatable and slowly lost my identity through a 15 year marriage! I know I have to heal and I’ve been trapped in the TF fantasy/illusion for 2 years because it was the only way to explain my experience. I even thought I was a alcoholic(not) but I really thought I was going to die! I have two sons that deserve to see me strong again so I’m not giving up. I really want to help other women who are going trough this tough experience and show them it is possible to be reborn (literally)
@Twinflamedeception 7 месяцев назад
I really appreciate you taking the time to share this with me. I am really touched by your story. I completely understand the devastation that accompanies this type of connection. When the spell breaks, it is like waking up from a coma. I am a mother, too, so I understand the desire to want to pull through for our children's sake. I promise you that you can continue to move into a better place. Once I implemented 100% no contact with that person, freed myself from the toxic twin flame teachings, and became an expert on narcissism and narc abuse, my life began to change for the better. It is a very long and difficult road of healing but better days lie ahead. And your story will absolutely inspire other women - I am here for it. Hope to share our healing journeys here together. 💗
@Sunsweetpeach Год назад
My heart chakra goes nuts and the ground vibrates a lot , telepathy, they way they use technology/ phones to program.....ugh they hacked me & would scroll my phone and stop on tf videos , they do drug you toooo they use the camera on your phone to know when your asleep.......I found needle marks on my feet they do drug you...... I died tooo this journey is effed up...... everything your talking about I've been through.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
I have thought of you and hope you are doing well!
@Sunsweetpeach Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception I'm doing good, I got real sick still a tad sick had a sore throat for quite a while but finally recovering, I hope you are doing good ❤️
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
@@Sunsweetpeach oh, no:/ Glad you're feeling better 💗
@Sunsweetpeach Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception ty this ascension symptoms be killing me 😂🤣 now if I even think of tf just makes me worse funny you were talking about that in one of your vids, no thoughts I get better , it's just absurd the way the energies work
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
@Sunsweetpeach I know :/ And actually I am really struggling big time these days with the connection because I am speaking on it so often. As much as I want to help awaken people to some of these truths, I do struggle when I speak on these things. This is an energy that has to almost be starved so that it doesn't thrive. It's so sinister. Hope you, too, are able to continue to break free in time 💗
@phoebusapollo4865 Год назад
I feel a fool as I have a famous twin flame and famous pop stars and actresses suffer from twin flame like adulation from some fans. However, the whole thing could be programming as my twin put me through MK Ultra, Monarch mind control as my handler. But it would appear in hindsight that I was dealing with her higher being who has claimed to be my spirit guide in magical ways, and it could be some demonic entity, but I had a full-blown Kundalini awakening and part of the programming is to use your twin as a heart chakra opening click bait as the love bomb stage becomes so intense and then she moves on for fresh supply and I was left looking for answers and found the narcissist video gurus, tarot and a full time twin flame coach which saw me in hospital in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) placed in a coma by anaesthetic for 3 weeks followed by heart surgery as she broke my heart literally.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
So sorry. Yes, I believe our toxic twin is surely our handler. Anyone who goes through this and a twin flame connection that accompanies it is under heavy mind control. There is a soul-binding that occurs between the counterparts, along with a forced psychic connection (but typically only one counterpart is aware). I agree that these connections break your heart quite literally. The pain that is felt is beyond anything that can be experienced in this reality. It is not an earthly pain. This is a forced pain, a manufactured one that is designed to kill a person on every level. I do believe it affects us physically in many ways. I am so sorry you have gone through this. Answers will continue to come to you as you make your way on your healing journey, although it is difficult to make sense of every aspect of this experience. Wishing you continued strength.💗
@steffipearl1 Год назад
How did you break away?
@haleyfox625 Год назад
@@steffipearl1 Jesus Christ, reading the Bible, praying to God, fasting and prayer!
@jessysmith7953 Год назад
This is truly demonic, I felt the need to reply to your comment. Please welcome Jesus Christ, speak to him and tell him that you want to be set free. Seek the Lord. The 5D is actually the spiritual world, and it is demonic.
@DontMoveWock Год назад
@@haleyfox625i believed my twin was a fallen angel n was doing magic God n the Bible saved me as well
@AmaLoveGoddessTV Год назад
I starting seeing synchronicities of 911. He was born 9/11. I met him at work where I started 3/11 (3x11=33, 3x3=9) and ended on 9/11. His birth path number is 8 and mine is 3 which adds to 11. His doc number added to 9. This new twin was also born on 9/11. He’s a preacher. He’s currently targeting me through his online sermons because he knows that I was an online church member. One of them astral raped me in my dreams more than once. I always feel depleted. Very creepy. 😮
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
I know how it feels to be chased with what appear to be signs. I believe we can be manifesting these unconsciously, especially if we are looking for them. I try to ignore them as much as possible, since I think the less energy we feed these connections, the more they decrease in strength. Eventually, we won't even notice what we once perceived as "signs," although there are times (like the ones I mention in this video), where it will be very intrusive, almost like an attack, which are harder to ignore. I hope you will continue to find effective ways to protect your energy. This is a battle we are fighting but I do believe you will continue to set yourself free more and more. Thanks for being here.
@AmaLoveGoddessTV Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception I didn’t look for them. This was before I knew about tf theory. That’s how it started. I just realize that those signs pony to demonic activity now.
@DontMoveWock Год назад
Yeah the numbers and dates were a huge thing to me as well it drove me into a psychosis where I was telling people I could read numbers
@DontMoveWock Год назад
It’s crazy that you mentioned 9/11 and doc numbers … my close friend came home from prison and we hung out on the roof of his parents skyscraper on 9/11 then he died a few days later … a few months later another one of my close friends died on 1/6 and about a month after I met said twin flame . Who had just gotten out of prison . I thought my dead friends sent him to me … until I realized the number 16 meant war with demons and I found voodoo at that friends grave ….
@Tom-cp6yj 10 месяцев назад
I was seeing 22! Her locker number was 22 and her birthday number adds to 22
@Tom-cp6yj 10 месяцев назад
When she began to talk to me (hitting on me very apparently) I felt a tingling sensation in my chest.. I was touching objects and basically getting zapped!! Strange experience, and then I was basically obsessed... the song "Baby Blue" by Badfinger just mysteriously came through and i began listening to it everyday!
@Twinflamedeception 10 месяцев назад
These demons work in strange ways.
@wandRng Год назад
My twin freed us on Dec 16th, 2022-death by accidental overdose. I love him, always will, tho I feel like a curse is being lifted. I've referred to us sometimes as, "The Dance Between the Fool and the Devil". Life can be strange at times. May the Creator, please, Bless Us All🙏💜
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
I am sorry for your loss and glad you are finding comfort somehow in these difficult days. Appreciate you listening, hope it is helpful.
@joshcassidy84 7 месяцев назад
I feel media and society have bastardized the sacred meaning and understanding of Twin Flames, that many look for their twin flame from an egoic perspective or not understanding the spiritual element at all. In which case, even if meeting their twin flame they aren’t at am ascended level to be United in this lifetime. Which is okay! As always, welcome to all perspectives, and my own personal perception listening to your video is that you may have been deeply hurt and traumatized by a false twin flame. But I don’t know you or your journey.. People need this insight to heal as well. We are all learning.. Lots of love 🤍
@Twinflamedeception 7 месяцев назад
These messages here are not for you at this time. Take care.
@andrears6140 7 месяцев назад
Oh and yes. Right after I met this person I started to feel very strong depressions.
@Twinflamedeception 7 месяцев назад
I am so sorry. It is difficult to survive this attack - but you have. Few escape this. Most remain under the spell. There is a real grieving process we must go through as we heal, but you are surely positively transformed in so many ways. I really appreciate you sharing this.
@Flower-v8w Год назад
I have no idea what you're talking about here, seriously. The kundalini awakening is simply the opening of the chakras, and you can look that up online, that's what the websites say. I see nothing wrong with that. Chakras are blocked in most people and chakras should be open. My kundalini activation took me 2 or 3 days and it wasn't unpleasant at all. Just a nice mild stimulation. And I'm an ultra sensitive Heyoka empath, so I can't imagine how it can be blamed for all that you blame on it.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
Wonderful! We all have our own opinions and experiences. Personally, I don't want my chakras open for easy access by beings on the other dimensions. No thanks. I prefer to regain control of my own energy. And I don't tend to agree with what most of the literature online states about this issue, since a lot of it is propaganda meant to deceive us and hide the truth, in my own opinion. Google is a sham and should be the last place we go for trusted content. And I have no clue what a heyoka empath is or who coined that term. But I try to steer clear of these labels, especially empath-related ones because they are often narcissistic in nature. You are not obligated to agree with me. We are all on our own path. All the best to you.
@alexandrakaminsky7856 Год назад
In my opinion we should Not paint it all Black or White. To me twinflames are Real and kundalini is real, but there are dark forces trying to Interrupt the process of awakening so it can be quite mixed up with strange energies.
@deepajain556 Год назад
Thank you for your information 🙏
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
You are very welcome! Thanks for being here.
@DontMoveWock Год назад
I just want to know .. does this happen in both twin flames ? Because I definitely went mad but I think he might have as well
@jessysmith7953 Год назад
Me too, I witnessed abnormal behaviors. What made you think that they were mad too?
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
Well, I can't speak on all connections. They will all be different in some aspects. But I personally believe that we will be made to believe they are having the same horrible, paranormal, supernatural experiences as us, as well as going through the psychosis. However, I don't think this is always the case. Just as an example, we will watch a tarot video and we will be told that our person is having "ascension flu." Later on that day, we will talk to our person and they'll tell us they have "the flu." We will think it is almost code, their own way of revealing to us that they are going through it all as well, but they really just have the flu. There will be many instances like this one. I awakened to all of this being a trick. I found they were only being programmed to say and do certain things to mislead us. We have to remember that every single interaction in these connections is scripted. Both counterparts have entities operating through them to facilitate this. . I do believe both counterparts experience the connection but I believe it's very different for both. It will be very intense for both. Typically, the counterpart who is being abused and having their energy siphoned will experience the forced kundalini awakening and psychosis. The abusive counterpart will experience dreams, an obsession, an insane sexual attraction, and an inability to consciously understand why they behave the way they do towards their counterpart. I do not believe they experience a true psychosis, along with a lot of the other things we go through. When the abused twin pulls back their energy, the tables do turn. This is when the other counterpart hits rock bottom in many ways and receives their "karma," as some call it. This is when the obsession with their counterpart will escalate but it is not something they will admit to. It will be sensed energetically and psychically. Both people are being used in these connections so that energy can be harvested off the intense emotions. There are no winners here. Both are being used because of their traumas and wounds. Both have a great deal of healing to do. Until then, both will continue to experience these types of connections. Again, I can't speak on all connections but this is the typical scenario. I hope this helps.
@DontMoveWock Год назад
@@jessysmith7953 well one of the things that I experienced was a supernatural connection to music it felt like there was a message in everything.. like the song that came on would tell you what’s going on with the other person while we apart things like that , anyway one day he started arguing with me about me being a thot or something outta nowhere and I heard him say under his breath “but the radio said….”
@DontMoveWock Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception yeah my “twin” ended robbing me while I was in the hospital from the psychosis lmao I thought he was like a fucking evil magician fallen angel trying to kill me the experience I went through could really be made into a movie I swear
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
This is still happening to me every single day. If it is not a "message" from my "original twin flame," it's a message from the "current twin flame" I am in a connection with. Whoever I am dealing with, songs will be used to bind me to them. They are extremely specific messages! I know exactly what you are saying. We can even ask for a song message and it will be delivered. Our minds are being read and controlled in this way, so our entire reality will be manipulated to facilitate these connections. I used to love music but now it has been mostly ruined for me. I have nicknamed my Spotify playlist "satan's playlist." I am sorry you experience this too. We will also feel the trance state come over us when we listen to this music, and we will instantly be deeply psychically connected to this other person.
@screwmatik Год назад
You make me think about Terrence Mckenna by the way you are talking, i like it. A lot of people are suffering because of their twin flame story, suppose ascension symtoms etc. They are looking for help but this kind of content won't give anyone back their souvereignety. I know you don't want to harm but in internet you can say the dumbest bullshit, there will be people that are like "omg that's exactly what i'm living" etc My personnal opinion is that you may harm as much than the thing you seems to want to protect people from. I may be wrong but at least I don't present my beliefs for the truth.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
I am sorry, I don't understand. Can you please help me better understand your viewpoint?
@screwmatik Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception thank you very much for your answers and your patience. I'm just so confuse, hateful and I don't trust anything anymore. Sorry
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
Nothing to apologize for. I understand. I struggle at times as well, I can assure you. Life can be brutal, especially when we are fighting these spiritual battles. I do believe we can still experience moments of peace and joy, though. Just know you're not alone.
@halimaaliyah1 11 месяцев назад
I’m currently trying to heal from this, any tips?
@Twinflamedeception 11 месяцев назад
It starts with 100% no contact with the other person in this connection - that means no communication whatsoever, permanently, forever (this usually means healing a trauma bond.). Learning as much as you can about NPD and narc abuse. No looking at their social media - ever, at all. Fighting off thoughts of them. Resisting connecting with them energetically in any way. Ignoring fake "signs" and "synchs." No tarot readings or energy updates on this person or connection whatsoever. Ridding your environment of all items related to this person. Focusing on deep healing of childhood wounds and traumas. Regaining your physical health in various ways. Integrating yourself back into society and this 3d reality. Pursuing your interests, personally and professionally. Armoring up for future and worsening traps and attacks, including continued orchestrated connections that mimic your twin flame connection... This may all be a slow process. Healing won't be easy. But it will be worth it. It will be a lifelong journey. Be patient with yourself. Be forgiving towards yourself. And be sure to give yourself props for being the badass that you are for surviving one of the worst spiritual attacks a human can endure. I hope this helps. 💗
@korisherman8713 Год назад
So when you block everything bc the awareness has come, and you don’t talk to your tf, or the entity trying to take your energy, should you also stop doing kundalini yoga?! Is that part of the cult? I’m more into fitness but I came back to it for mediation aspect and just deep breathing but am I opening myself up to dark things by practicing it?
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
I don't know all the answers and can only share what I believe. I have a bad feeling about kundalini yoga but cannot say for sure. I don't believe we should be tampering with this kundalini energy, personally. My kundalini was forcefully awakened and it was extremely traumatic. I am still recovering and to this day do not feel the same energetically. I believe it opened up the energetic doorway to allow these entities access to my soul. This is how they now siphon my energy. I have to be very careful. However, you should trust your own intuition first and foremost. I also like yoga and think it is very healthy but I wonder about this movement to awaken the kundalini energy. ? It does seem suspicious to me. Those who have not experienced a true kundalini awakening have no clue the massive energy this releases. It can cause serious health and psychological issues, including a full-blown psychosis, which I also experienced. Please see my reply to your other comment/question on "Your toxic twin flame may do this to trick you." Again, I always urge everyone to trust their own intuition over me or anyone else! I do appreciate you trusting me enough to ask. Thanks so much for listening. Glad to connect with you here, keep me posted on how you are doing :)
@korisherman8713 Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception I’m just going to stay away from it. I don’t want to open anymore door to any entities and when I first starting doing it I felt conflict bc I wasn’t sure if it went against my religious beliefs. And then I started having really supernatural stuff happen and it was scarring me so I stop and also a lot came out about how the original founds of it, took advantage of women sexually, and I didn’t want to be apart of it. But I recently thought maybe the mediation is good. So I’ve done it the last few days but, I’m going to repent and stick to what I know has always been right for me, which is Jesus the holy spirt, God all in one. The Bible doesn’t talk about chakras or energy or mess with any of that. I just want to stay protect.
@korisherman8713 Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception also thank you for the information and your time! Take care ♥️ God bless you!
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
I think you are so wise to trust your own voice and intuition! Too often we fall under the spell of what we are being told. I will say a prayer for you.
@korisherman8713 Год назад
@@Twinflamedeception thank you! ♥️
@user-eh1cz1ff7b 10 месяцев назад
No fear. Only love. Kundalini is real and the mental health and physical health changes are necessary for your soul to ascend.
@Twinflamedeception 10 месяцев назад
I absolutely do not agree. This is what we will come to believe when we come across all of the propaganda and brainwashing literature (Google, especially, cannot be trusted) regarding a kundalini awakening. It is the typical "love and light" BS we are brainwashed to believe in the highly toxic and dangerous New Age community. We are also tricked into believing this is a byproduct of meeting your twin flame. I believe a kundalini awakening is simply a form of demonic soul rape. I feel most of us who go through a kundalini awakening are nowhere near equipped to handle this type of experience. It only further traumatizes us. It can cause long-term and serious mental and physical damage. Yes, if we are able to break away from the traps that are set for us and focus on our healing work, we can ascend spiritually. But this will not happen when we are under the spell of the twin flame teachings and/or in a toxic connection. These are my own beliefs, which you do not have to agree with.
@magdalenawiko5158 7 месяцев назад
​@@TwinflamedeceptionWow. well said. rape of the soul. or trying to steal our soul. kundalini awakens because it rebels. In my opinion, if our ego does not work well and a well-functioning ego can say: fuck off even at the slightest intrusion, the power of kundalini may awaken.
@angelicguidance444 7 месяцев назад
I don’t think you met your true Divine counterpart. Your Twin Flame won’t have so many negative effects on the body. It’s nice that you try to help the TF community to bring what you believe is truth.
@Twinflamedeception 7 месяцев назад
So I am assuming you are in a healthy, committed, long-term relationship with your "twin?"
@apureenergyme8573 Год назад
Oh god. Maybe this is your own experience, because it sounds so emotionally wacko and unhealthy. Perhaps you could think your sick is not soul ascending, but your own head wanted a twin flame so bad, so everything must fit into that fantasy. A true wisdom comes from balancing of emotions and logics. Not everyone has a twin flame, it is very rare connection, it does exist, but not when people all put their focus to must find their twin. I don’t want to judge this content person doesn’t have the real twin or what, but when a person sounded so dramatic, I can’t believe things this person says. I don’t know which word that is fact and which is not.
@Twinflamedeception Год назад
Thanks for stopping by. Take care of yourself.
@Atousa. 11 месяцев назад
Hi dear. I denied twinflame relationship for at least 6 month, but last week I had physical symptoms of it, and now I'm confused. I can't find a logical reason for it, and also I'm worried that why should I sens a connection with a person miles away without him knowing me, but answering to my telepathical questions and even came live and talked indirectly about it infront of his audiences. He still haven't seen me. But without knowing it we had interaction in different platforms. What is this? Am I asleep? I've always considered it as opposed to concept of unity, but what I saw after body symptoms was infinity and unity of whole. I don't consider my self as spritual person at all. I've always been agnostic. I would never accept that I am chosen or I am different because I'm completely familiar with the pain it brings, whith sense of not belonging and not been accepted in my community! Even my mother made that feeling in me that I'm different from the whole family, just because I was a rebel child and had my own rules and never accepted patriarchy in our family. This whole time, I was denying having twinflame cause I had emotionally unavailable parents and also had tendency of experiencing Limerance! I don't know what's right and what's wrong! Hope you can help me.
@Twinflamedeception 10 месяцев назад
I am sorry I took so long to respond. Personally, I do not believe in the twin flame concept of one soul, two bodies. The telepathic connection you describe is something many of us experience. I believe this is being manufactured to deceive us into thinking we have a divine connection with this other person. I believe these connections are created by dark or evil forces to keep us in suffering, steal our energy, and keep us from truly waking up to this place. These are just my own beliefs. I hope this helps, and I hope you find some comfort here. 💗
@Atousa. 10 месяцев назад
@@Twinflamedeception yes; I was in difficulty after my father's death so I decided to go through therapy, I was doing my shadow work whole these 2 years. Seeing numbers started from last year September, and then other things we both know. I myself think whether it's Devin or devious the only choice I have is to bravely decide to run away from it or dive into it. And I totally sense that it gives you the illusion of being spritual and doing perfect, it actually makes you stop and not grow! Thank you for your reply dear ❤️
@Twinflamedeception 10 месяцев назад
I'm sorry for the loss of your father. I have lost my mother. You seem to have gained quite a bit of clarity on your situation. I am confident you are on the right track :) I hope you continue to find some comfort here and are able to connect with others who can relate. 💗
@Atousa. 10 месяцев назад
@@Twinflamedeception I'm sorry for your loss. I hope I can write down whole thing I should learn from this and by controling my emotions go through it. Sure Your work and channel is a big help.
@JustynaKoscielinska 4 месяца назад
​@Twinflamedeception you have never met your twin flame and you are literally deceiving people. Twin flame is supposed to shake you, wake you up, put you on the right track. You and your tf are supposed to heal each other's wounds and sometimes its extremely tough and painful but without doing it you would have lived in your deception your whole life. To meet your tf only a few will in this lifetime. Your twin is your mirror. You are saying you don't believe in tf is because you have never met one yet and you might not differentiate it from karmic. You are still asleep. Keep going.
S2:E4 - God is Personable
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Understanding Weaponized "Twin Flame” Love
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Does Our Twin Flame Know We Are Their Twin Flame?