
The Qur'an and Society: Islam and The State of Global Leadership 

Rashad Abdul-Rahmaan - The Qur'an in Society
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In this video, we discuss several issues facing the world today and consider the message of Islam in light of them. From the war in Gaza to the challenges of development in Africa along with the vestiges of colonialism, Muslims must understand the Qur'an and the light it broadcasts on all the occurrences in the world. Join us this evening as we continue our series: The Qur'an and Society.
#quran #gaza #africa #israel #prophetmuhammad #prophetmuhammed



30 июн 2024




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@affordablewindowwashingser6785 27 дней назад
Ty Imam Rashad wonderful information..sooo proud of our community. Thanking Allah for Imam Muhammed and his leadership!!!❤
@wildcat9276 24 дня назад
Your channel is very educational may Allah bless you thank you
@ibrahimriversnoone9767 26 дней назад
The 'NEED' is mutual, not one over the other.
@HotspittaReal1 26 дней назад
Just got back from North Carolina I haven't watched brother since I wasn't in Baltimore. Just watched this one, brother never disappoint message always on point 🤲🏾❤️
@rashidsavage6806 27 дней назад
I spoke with some of my African brothers and I highly recommended that all Africans and FBA/ADOS should read the book By Kwame Nkrumah; Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage Of Imperialism. Because White Supremacy Ideology is and always have been on the inner most part of the thinking, this is why Dr Fuller said "If you don't understand Racism/White supremacy, what it is and how it works , everything else you think you understand will only confuse you."
@jaiquanb7218 25 дней назад
Allahu Akbar
@bilalmuhammed2395 27 дней назад
As Salaamu Alaikum. Thank you for presenting this important topic. In my opinion our community has been stymied by the notion that leadership and direction in the many needs of community life needs to come from imams. I think this is why our Beloved Imam W. D. Mohammed called for an “Intelligent.” Much of the talent in our community waits for leadership to understand it can’t do everything by itself.
@Faisalbinomar-qx9yx 27 дней назад
Thanks brother. Every time you use the keys (120 keys) I get the thrills. Nice.. Assalamualaikum
@houstonmuhammad843 24 дня назад
Imam Rashad didn't answer the question he himself posed. "Who runs the world?"
@zayidabdulkareem7797 27 дней назад
Sounds like the Nation of Islam should merge with Al Islam. Allah starts with Leadership the first man is a Prophet.
@collinsccc 22 дня назад
It matter,pink or white?
@mohammednawaz2275 27 дней назад
Who runs the world? Allah.
@houstonmuhammad843 26 дней назад
Allah runs the world of man indirectly, but man is allowed to run it directly.
@MuhammadAli-vp7qt 25 дней назад
@@houstonmuhammad843 Man is allowed to run the world for a limited time. And the proof is that every day people are leaving this world by passing away/ death. And the Day of Judgement/ Yaumul al-Qiyamah is approaching, and people the just don't believe in the Hereafter and the Day of Judgement..
@mohamedsamura1737 25 дней назад
President Putin
@Livingtruth2024 17 дней назад
﷽” The Antichrist in the Christian traditions The Antichrist is characterised by unique characteristics that facilitate the identification of narcissists as his adherents. In the lost Apocrypha ‘He is little....young, thin legged, on his forehead is a place of white of hair.....his eyebrows stretch to his ears, he has marks of leprosy in his hands. He will change himself before them that look on him, will become a child and an old man...... will change in his marks; but the marks on his head will not change The Esdras -John - The likeness of his face is dark - The hairs of his head sharp as arrows - His eyebrows like a field - His right eye like the morning star - The other immovable (or like a lions) - His mouth about a cubit long - His teeth a span long - His fingers like sickles - The sole of his feet two spans long - On his forehead a writing :Antichrist - Sometimes he will become a child - And sometimes an old man John (Venice MS) - The hairs of his head like sharpened arrows - His teeth a span long - His legs like a cocks - The sole of his feet two spans long - His eyebrows full of foulness and roughness - On his forehead a writing - Antichrist - Holding in his right hand a cup of death - One eye like the morning star, the other like a lions The joints of his knees are stiff, h is crippled in body, smooth browed, crooked fingered, long headed, charming boastful, intelligent In a Latin text his appearance will be a thin tall man, with thin feet, having long hair, a long face and long nose, in the upper marked with leprosy, having a white part on his forehead In the Hebrew Book of Zerubbabel - he will be bald, and have one eye large and one eye small, his right arm a span long and his left two and half ells: on his forehead will be leprosy, his right ear will be stopped up and left open And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 25:23 The LORD said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.” 24 When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb. The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau. Genesis 25:25 And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau’s heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bore them.Gen. 25: 26 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Romans 9:13 For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth 2 Edras 6:9 Dajjal/Antichrist in the Islamic traditions -Quran and Sunnah One-Eyed, Blind in the Other Allah’s messenger ﷺ said, “The Dajjāl is one-eyed, his left eye, and very hairy. He will have with him a paradise and a fire, but his fire is actually a paradise and his paradise actually a fire. (Muslim, Ahmad & Ibn Majah) Also the Prophet ﷺ mentioned al-Masīḥ al-Dajjāl then said: “Certainly, Allah does not conceal things from you; Allah is surely not one-eyed, blind. (The prophet then pointed to his eye.) And the Dajjāl Messiah is indeed one-eyed, his right eye, his eye resembling a floating grape”. (Bukhari & Muslim) Some other ahadeeth where the prophet ﷺ said, “Allah is certainly not one-eyed, but the Dajjāl Messiah is one-eyed, his right eye, as if his eye is a floating grape. I was shown in a dream one night that near the Ka’bah there was a reddish-brown-complexioned man from the best looking men. His hair fell between his shoulders and it was anointed with water trickling down from his head. He had his hands placed on the shoulders of two other individuals so that he was between them, circling the house (Ka’bah). I asked, “Who is this?” They said, “The Messiah, the son of Mary.” I then saw a man behind him with very curly hair and blind in his right eye. Of those I have seen, Ibn Qaṭan most closely resembles him. He too had his hands on the shoulders of two others, circling the house. I asked, “Who is this?” They replied, “The Dajjāl Messiah.” (Bukhari & Muslim) “Shall I tell you a statement about the Dajjāl that no other prophet before me told his people? He is indeed one-eyed (blind in one). And he will come with what appears to be paradise and fire. What he says is paradise is actually the fire. I am warning you about him similar to how Noah warned his people”. (Bukhari & Muslim) “I warn you about him just as every other prophet warned his people about him; Noah warned his people about him. But I will tell you a statement about him that no other prophet told his people: You must know that he is one-eyed (blind in one) and surely Allah is not one-eyed”. (al-Bukhārī, Muslim, Abū Dāwūd, and al-Tirmidhi)
@Mamoo139 26 дней назад
Going there to rub? Please complete your sentences.
@rashadabdulrahmaan 26 дней назад
sometimes, its better no to do so
@MuhammadAli-vp7qt 25 дней назад
@@rashadabdulrahmaan The Zionist Judeo-Christian unholy alliances will never except Muslims until they leave their Deen al-Islam completely and follow their Zionist ways ,and even then Muslims will not be their equal.. And Allah Almighty Has warned the Muslims in the Holy Quran not to make an alliances with the Zionist.
@MuhammadAli-vp7qt 25 дней назад
@@rashadabdulrahmaan Shaykh Imran Hosein has explained to Muslims for a long time with the Holy Quran and Sahih Ahadith that are in harmony with the Holy Quran, not to make alliances with the Zionist Judeo-Christian unholy alliances. Check out shaykh Imran Hosein his Eschatological analysis and explanations, and of course there will be many disagreements with him.
@jeremycrawford4004 27 дней назад
One error in the quran? Ok, is it an error for a sinless man to follow a sinner? Yes, of course, so why does the quran try to teach that Jesus, a sinless man would follow the prophet of Islam, a man that had sins according to both the quran and hadith? Why does the quran ask YOU to follow the teachings and moral example of a sinner instead of forsaking your sins and following the sinless man, Jehovah in the flesh, Jesus Christ? What did we just learn? Jesus would never follow the quran, so why are you? This is not about a flag, an anthem, or a sports match, this is about salvation. Seek Jesus, leave islam.
@abdoulrachidayouba4550 27 дней назад
Really bro?😂😂 Y’all arguments are outright silly and childish
@jeremycrawford4004 27 дней назад
@@abdoulrachidayouba4550 it's silly to say that Jesus was sinless, so only He is the best of mankind? Yep, see what following a sinner has taught you how to do?
@BLGClipsx 27 дней назад
Straight rubbish 😂
@Faisalbinomar-qx9yx 27 дней назад
😅 Surely someone would read this comment. Try harder. Thanks for utilizing electricity and chrominance.
@olorioyinkambon1507 27 дней назад
Assalamu alaikum, As a student of yours ,a new Muslim and an elder(BabyBoomer) I am surprised and confused with so much emphasis you are making on economic growth technology for us here in Amerikkka and the Mother land while having conferences exploring and listening to dialogue from Atheist Zionist, African /Arab controlled sell out countries that even consider collaborating with Israelis who are really controlled by Zionist government, Zionist Christians and Jews. I am not that knowledgeable on a lot of political views, but I personally could never sit down and entertain conversation with any of those demons and that would include the dummy and the mummy running for president. I don't hear you mention in detail about the death,destruction, exploitation, genocide. apartheid, of Palestinians since 1948, killings of African Leaders i.e, exploitation of child labor particularly in the DRC where children loose their limbs and die extracting resources we use for cell phones, electric cars,computers, bombs and killing machines used on the poorer Black. Brown, and nearly whites across the globe and not to mention how the western powers ,, kill our Black leaders like Patrice Lumumba, Sankara, and a host of others and how CIA infiltrates. I understand we have needs for Muslims here in this country but the mere fact they try to win us over by dangling their accomplishments and technology in you all's faces is nothing but the Devil. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to hear those conversations in Zionist occupied Palestine . There is so much emphasis on advancement in economics, education technology and Politics that we lose sight of how it is taking us to our own demise .Mother Earth is suffering. When one really looks at how this game is played with Spiritual eyes you can see that MONEY has no MORALS. I don't feel I should as a Muslim Black woman be in competition with these so -called Muslim allies. These ideas are superficial. I am not sure we are so special or selective in Allah's universe. UBUNTU is what African people and descendants need first to bring in the rest of humanity. . Where is the Heart! I wondered what Prophet Muhammed PBUH would say if he lived today. "Freedom is worth going to jail for, losing a job for. I would rather be a free pauper than a rich slave, I would rather die in abject poverty with my convictions than live in inordinate riches with lack of self respect".....MLK. May Allah have mercy on us as African people, May Allah have mercy from the words of my mouth if I am wrong ,I am humble to be corrected. ❤
@JAM-p8i 4 дня назад
How do you follow a religion that invented slavery? This baffles my mind.
@JoBlogz 27 дней назад
are you nation of islam?
@saeedm3005 27 дней назад
Wow! Your question is either a distraction or you have never read a single book about the NOI. If it's the latter, go to any Temple. They will assist you.
@JoBlogz 27 дней назад
@@saeedm3005 why so offended, defensive, patronising and standoffish at a simple, innocent and reasonable question? What is the great offence, please enlighten me? And if he is NOI, just answer that too please if you know. Thanks
@Nobody-yq9fk 26 дней назад
@@JoBlogzNOI as an organization is one that promotes other than Islam. Their founder Wallace Fard M. was one of the Dajjals that misguided many African Americans who would’ve been guided by true Islam. This man Wallace claimed he was Allah himself. Stay away from that organization brother. They have a man called Elijah Muhummad who even claimed he was a messenger of Allah. Anyone who claims that he is a part of such an organization is not a Muslim, he is a Kafr.
@saeedm3005 26 дней назад
@JoBlogz I'm not offended, not at all, just surprised. Maybe you aren't a Muslim. That may account for such a question. I have a question, If this guy was arab or Pakistani making the same talk, would you ask if he's NOI ?
@JoBlogz 26 дней назад
@@saeedm3005 if i saw a pakistani/indian speaking highly of the qadianis then yes i would ask about their affiliation. stop being such a victim and race bating at the remotest chance for goodness sake. choose another hill to die on brother. peace.
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