
The Relationship Between Psychopathy and Intelligence 

Dr. Todd Grande
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This video answers the question: What is the association between psychopathy and intelligence? When we think of the word “psychopathy,” there is this idea that psychopathic traits are related to intelligence, meaning the more we see of psychopathy the higher level of intelligence we see. This goes back in the media in terms of movies, television, and even early research into psychopathy and intelligence. One of the difficulties here is that we don't really have a single agreed-upon definition of psychopathy and we don't have a single agreed-upon definition of intelligence. Psychopathy can be understood in a number of different ways and there are several different instruments that measure psychopathy. A lot of our understanding really comes from how those instruments break down the construct of psychopathy. One of those popular instruments is the Psychopathy Checklist Revised and another popular instrument is the Psychopathic Personality Inventory Revised. If we look at the PCL, we see that there are different number of factors depending on which version of the instrument. One popular conceptualization is a two-factor model and each of those factors may have one or two lower order factors. If we look at Factor 1 we see interpersonal and affective traits like superficial charm, callousness, and being egocentric. Factor 2 is where we see antisocial behavior and sometimes lifestyle. Here we'd see irresponsibility, impulsivity, and violating society's norms, so largely thought of as criminality. A lot of times of course we think of psychopathy, we also think of antisocial personality disorder. That's an official diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). It's a cluster B personality disorder. The Factor 2 that we see what psychopathy would be more closely related to antisocial personality disorder than the Factor 1. Sometimes Factor 1 is even conceptualized as being helpful in some ways. A lot of times we think of psychopathy overall as destructive and related to criminality, but it really depends on which traits someone has. Another instrument was the Psychopathic Personality Inventory Revised and here we also see two factors, although there is a third factor which isn't used as much. The first two factors would be fearless dominance and self-centered impulsivity. Roughly speaking, fearless dominance lines up with Factor 1 except you also see characteristics like stress immunity, social boldness, and physical fearlessness. Self-centered impulsiveness is similar to Factor 2. The third factor I mentioned that we don't really use too often the cold-heartedness factor and usually that's thought of as separate. Here we see lack of empathy lack of remorse, lovelessness, and guiltlessness.
Research has found that there is no relationship between psychopathy and intelligence. In terms of whether intelligence is a protective factor against criminality, intelligence may actually be a protective factor with fearless dominance but with self-centered impulsivity higher intelligence actually puts the individual at more risk for antisocial behavior.
Watts, A. L., Salekin, R. T., Harrison, N., Clark, A., Waldman, I. D., Vitacco, M. J., & Lilienfeld, S. O. (2016). Psychopathy: Relations with three conceptions of intelligence. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, And Treatment, 7(3), 269-279. doi:10.1037/per0000183



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@icecreamnoel7233 5 лет назад
God, these videos are addictive for some reason.
@ffffffff963 5 лет назад
@@ayounglivelysoulinanoldtir3512 for psychos, yes
@sebastjansslavitis3898 5 лет назад
I think it's easier to assume that they are. Because its not as much about definition as what they can do. Someone who have tons of experience in manipulation, lying, reading people, may seem extraordinary smart for one who don't practise it, even if in the end its just an experience not intelligence. At least you can call them smart.
@genericusername8337 4 года назад
Yeah, but the general desire to even interact with people, thus granting opportunities to manipulate them, arises from extraversion, which is a measurable trait to a degree that I would claim to be quite high. What I'm getting at as an introverted person who is low in trait neuroticism and agreeableness is that, even though someone like me sees opportunities to manipulate people on the rare occasions that I spend long amounts of time with people and get to know them, I don't take advantage of them, simply because I don't care for it. An extraverted person who scores low on agreeableness would be much more inclined to do so, because this individual would be much more reward-driven. That is, after all, one of the primary things that separates extraverts from introverts; prioritizing rewards&status versus analysis&purpose/meaning behind things. He would ask questions that would allow him to get things out of this other individual, whereas someone like me would ask&does ask questions for the sake of analysis. In short, I don't think being manipulative is "smart", because the general desire to do so arises from other causes, which then determine how you use your intellectual resources.
@gmjsimmons 3 года назад
Good point. 30 years ago, I was interested in psychopathy's seeming relationship to frontal-lobe brain damage. It's not, and researchers have continued to search. These factors are typically much more complicated than anticipated--as is all of scientific discovery.
@niccisherwood1550 4 года назад
I think less of the intelligent pscyhopaths are even identified, they might be smart enough to adapt, learn and try to understand behavior and emotions and mimic them to blend in, because they know they have to. These people are not by default bad, they are just another variation of human diversity, but such a stigma towards them because of movies ect. They are fascinating and might cause harm unintentionally as they are more likely to cross boundaries that other might not. Im not an expert though, but worth considering :)
@beyondbeauty6921 5 лет назад
What the brain lacks in one area, seems to be compensated in another area, Rules are steadfast but No two ppl have the same past traumas, upbringing, or life experiences hence results will always differ.
@ronaldvasquez6488 4 года назад
Your comment is like “damn bro I need some proper punctuation” lol
@lineseeking 3 месяца назад
The people with narcissistic and psychopathic traits that I knew all had low intelligence, and acted on their sense of grandiosity by attacking based on a sense of rivalry with people they felt intellectually challenged by. They often confuse evil with intelligence to redeem their insecurity. Hopefully, more research will be done on this topic as I think there is a likelihood that psychopathy will be negatively correlated with intelligence-especially how intelligence breaks down into aspects that the psychopath feels narcissistic about.
@serendipitous_synchronicity 3 года назад
My RU-vid home is popping up your earlier content... winning!! Thanks for educating us Dr Grande! ☺
@reaverobscure6648 4 года назад
I have sociopathic tendencies and psychosis, my sanity and intelligence keeps me out of trouble as possible, thanks for vid doc :)
@damsbb2440 4 года назад
How is that
@ronaldvasquez6488 4 года назад
Damsdoingood Dsg basically, just be glad he’s “intelligent” enough to not do these things.
@jb5602 4 года назад
What I am wondering: Is there a link between low agreeableness and psychopathy? Great videos, keep up the quality!
@babblingalong7689 4 года назад
I would think a strong negative correlation. More psychopathic traits = less agreeable. On the other hand, smart psychopaths can probably be agreeable as long as it serves them.
@annresnik6059 2 года назад
I thought the opposite is true: that less intelligent people commit psychopathic acts, because they are more likely to believe other people are stupid and they can charm people and get away with it. To me that indicates they are not intelligent, because police and other individuals, who work for agencies, may not always be extremely intelligent, but they have tools at their disposal to help with their jobs. Someone like Chris Watts is a good example. He seemed to think that he was the most intelligent person in the room and no one would suspect him, but in interviews it is obvious of his callousness, lack of remorse, impulsivity and lack of affect.
@diogenes9088 4 года назад
Perhaps some ppl were misdiagnosed with psychopathy & they actually have autism spectrum disorder. Because of the similarities in how empathy presents.
@foxglass5260 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Grande !
@bert.hbuysse5569 5 лет назад
Thanks Dr Grande!
@runwiththewind3281 5 лет назад
Thank you for helping me understand
@DrGrande 5 лет назад
You're welcome!
@Villanueva609 Год назад
im a 9 year old diagnosed with this sickness,i always end up in situations
@idkman2633 5 лет назад
I’d suppose the same malfunctions in antisocial individuals are present, but because they are indeed all individuals, they’d also have different intellect. Equal wrong wiring doesn’t make for equal intelligence.
@qiuwbr091 5 лет назад
Okay so this would help the nursing field a lot, because they are taught that almost everything has a physiological origin. “No, that patient beating on you isn’t stupid, Nurse Annie- he ‘is’ mean.” That would keep a lot of nurses out of harms way. We are totally misinformed.
@lisasmith516 4 года назад
But many NURSES THEMSELVES ARE " MEAN OR PSYCHOPATHIC!" I have seen it and been HARMED by it. Uck. I'm all for GOOD NURSES. I hear though the common saying, "ONLY Nurses 'Eat their OWN'" SAD. SORRY TO MENTION THE BAD NURSES. You KNOW "They" Exist
@davez6910 4 года назад
I liked how you summarize what we know about the relationship between psychopathy and intelligence, so far. I just have a question: since modern conceptualization of psychopathy is often multi-faceted, do you think it's possible that those facets interact when relating with intelligence? The idea just crossed my mind since you mentioned that Interpersonal-affective is postively related with intelligence while impulsive-antisocial is negatively related. Thanks!
@ddh19454 4 года назад
Are there different levels to psychopathy? Like for instance how it is said that not all psychopaths become criminals They can be charming And have friends Is it possible that these people could be on a different level? Like can they have empathy towards their parents or their own children and have no empathy for the rest of the world?
@ALJorgeHenrique 4 года назад
Indeed! However, generally psychopaths are absolutely apathetic, they do not exactly love their parents. but there are exceptions.
@Calel_S 4 года назад
Any videos on how to prepare or what to expect when goin to visit a psychologist? Or advice on seekin a qualified, trustworthy one?
@tommo2348 5 лет назад
Could you do a video on the term malignant narcissist?
@wascawywabbit0987 5 лет назад
All narcissists wish you harm, therefore all narcissists are malignant.
@DaBroughtHD 5 лет назад
@@wascawywabbit0987 you really are not the brighest light are you?
@lisathomas3352 5 лет назад
@@wascawywabbit0987 holy shit
@MegaTrivial 5 лет назад
@@wascawywabbit0987 A healthy narcissism is when you want to look good, to be the best, to achieve success, etc; but you work for it. Unhealthy - malignant naircissism is when you want all these things, but in the expense of others. Exemple, when you hurt someone who is smart, popular, successful, beautiful, etc; in order to look yourself smarter, better, richer, etc.
@genericusername8337 5 лет назад
@@MegaTrivial Narcissism isn't healthy.
@whoever6458 3 года назад
I know there were definitely quite a number of complaints when I was studying biology that we'd like for the unsuccessful hypotheses and their resulting studies to also be published because a lot of people have unnecessarily repeated experiments that other scientists had already tried and found that the hypothesis was shown to be false. Both nope and yep are important answers.
@bpassion4fashion581 Год назад
Mix results is what I hear. It’s what I heard from my professors too! Which equals to “nobody knows for certain ! “ I stick to my own conclusion, assumption and believe that true full blown psychopaths are extremely intelligent . I have know one personally for over 20 years and although we can’t generalize, every psychopath I went on to study after that, has been extremely smart. And I am not talking about narcissist as not every narcissist is a psychopath, but every psychopath IS a narcissistic! I am talking about the sociopath / psychopath that is the most dangerous predator. The blue collar ones that get hired by the financial institutions for their lack of fear and high IQ among many other things, as well as the parasitic ones that lay low and commit crimes such as, large scale fraud to other minor crimes against intimate partners where they take what they can from the most vulnerable. Whether it is in the form of money, resources, or shelter, they grab you by the neck so tight one walks with them on their neck without knowing they are there. That’s how brilliant they are at getting away with what their aim target is. Anyways. This happened to me and bc of it I not only got a degree in psychology, but have been studying psychopaths non-stop for the past 12. years. Education is your only protection from the worst in humanity.
@ProfessorBorax 5 лет назад
I really want to get to the botom of what intelligence is, does, doesn't do, and how that relstes to me and my abilities...
@clearpill 5 лет назад
Great video! Something I would offer is that I've found intelligence to be less a trait and more a kind of fuel or energy source... and perhaps why there is no correlation between intelligence and things like conscientiousness. So the more intelligent you are the more of whatever you are you will become. Like electricity to a light bulb. Whatever your color is, the brighter it will shine.
@wildangel4452 4 года назад
@stanlyqbrick1621 2 месяца назад
if you are not inhibited and emotional like a normal human being then you are going to get from A to B quicker. Thus is why people see Psychopaths as intelligent.
@ayounglivelysoulinanoldtir3512 4 года назад
some say that psychopaths are highly intelligent, & others do not, but , what i do know, is that i could use a record player , unassisted, by the time i was 3, could read, as well as an adult, long before i started school, at age 5 &, by the time i was 9 years old, had developed such a n appetite for knowlage, that i had almost an entire bookcase full of general knowlage books, includeing history & science books. it may be that, as with the senses, so it is with the brain. if a person is blind, they usualy have more highly developed hearing, or sense of smell so, perhaps, because the amygdala is less well developed in our brains, the arias of our brains ,responsible for collecting & storing information become more highly developed, to compensate. thus, we can ramble on & on ,for hours, about history, or psychology, or astronomy, or whatever, but we can't fall in love !!!!
@christinah.8504 4 года назад
claiming intelligence would also include proof reading your response for spelling errors such as areas instead of arias. Knowledge instead of knowlage and an understanding that the word I would be capitalized.
@fluxpistol3608 5 лет назад
Is it more so that their lack of empathy inversely correlates to the need to operate with increased objectivity? Which could be perceived as increased intelligence, or at least mimicking intelligence, but is not necessarily the case as I would think an intelligent individual wouldn’t do half the stuff they do unless they lacked empathy & only saw others as objects.
@coneymoney5190 5 лет назад
Please could you talk about self defeating personality disorder
@joeycarr1398 5 лет назад
@@chocolatewheelchair per se?
@777lucifero 17 дней назад
There's also a social tendency to call psycopaths people that express realistic views, rather than parroting the more socially accepted positions, which most people follow to be part of the group, more than out of logical thought reasoning. Typically more intelligent people will tend to deviate from the socially accepted version/norm, so there might be a general social tendency to associate intelligence with psychopathic behaviour. Because they will tend to associate that intelligent person to what they perceive to be a psychopathic position on this
@cariad123 5 лет назад
What's your opinion on the Psychopath Test book?
@beyondbeauty6921 5 лет назад
Does this also name your email ? In the middle of this book, no conclusion as of yet but riveting read ...
@Mars-nr3mb 4 года назад
I think psychopathy has a lot to do with testosterone level rather than IQ. My IQ is 120, considered above average in northeast Asian societies and my testosterone is also high, I display lot of fearless traits since young such as challenging the rules of authorities, challenging the the gangs in high school alone.
@alleykat6145 4 года назад
You might be on to something fearlessness a lack of compassion are masculine traits.
@aligh.unstopable7406 4 года назад
My iq is 115 and in its best mode it can ritch to 130.high iq actulally can be usefull but in a good and peacefull society.wish the best for you dude
@LisaJOxo 4 года назад
@@alleykat6145 agree
@TheWiniarss 4 года назад
Hey! Could you answer the question, is psychopathy related to being more submissive to others?
@alleykat6145 4 года назад
Psychopath s dominate and manipulate others the don't submit, unless they are pretending
@SK_TorON 5 лет назад
Thank you for addressing this thought-provoking topic, Dr. Grande. As a completely speculative conjecture, I would expect that the IQ measurement in psychopaths would not be as reliable as in non-psychopaths. More specifically, I would expect that IQ test results of the same psychopath would strongly depend on factors that are normally assumed not to affect those results, e.g. factors like circumstances and location of the testing procedure (is there an opportunity to "show off", to dominate, or is it "fun" to frustrate the "idiot" tester?), who administers the test (an easily impressionable attractive female, or a grizzly forensic psychologist?), etc. In other words, the severe pathology of the emotional and moral spheres of a psychopath would necessitate the use of a non-standard measure of intelligence that, by definition, would not be the same as IQ. It would be interesting if someone tried to administer several IQ tests to the same psychopaths under varying circumstances whose effect is on the IQ is normally neglected. Would the results thus obtained be so widely distributed that they might appear to belong to different individuals?
@keyboardcorrector2340 4 года назад
Many a psychiatrist should keep in mind that their prospective sociopathic/psychopathic patient may construe/falsify their own I.Q. test results in order to potentially get a step closer in their goal. (The "goal" in this case might be to get out of a legalistic dilemma by proving that they may have been unaware of their actions due to seemingly having the handicap of low intelligence, to mess around with the clinical staff, etc.)
@jojogodtier Год назад
you save my thank you for saving my high school career
@Vixinaful 7 месяцев назад
Well considering the prefrontal cortrex, amygdala and hipocamus are damaged and it is now experimented on by TDCS to retrain these parts, and with my 46 year long experience with psychopathy, I cannot say I have met one intelligent psychopath. I've ehard they do exist but in my experience their intelligence is noticeably low.
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 11 месяцев назад
One thing people forget is morality 😇 is human kryptonite, with humans mostly turning into gibbering idiots whenever it is mentioned. Thus, psychopaths being more resistant to moral reasoning, would mean their average intelligence is much higher than what it seems when you measure non-moral metrics. Not because they think through moral 😇 related problems better, but because everyone else does much, much worse. I think measuring intelligence with the norm as the datum causes issues.
@tylerturducken519 4 года назад
The Cluster B personality disorder is not as bad as the Clusterfuck personality disorder. That one is the most frightening.
@edwardingania1983 4 года назад
did you forget empathy?, or maybe control of emotions, I would argue that these things missing could indicate an attraction to logic, if you have no heart all you have left is your brain and in a world increasingly lost in irrational emotion could not logic be a good thing, consider climate change and the emotions of a public who does not want change, a psychopath could look at this in an intellectual way and actually see what is good for humanity as a whole, it doesn't really matter if they care if it could save us all from extinction, personally I call this a brain full of love and a heart full of nightmares, emotion is far too irrational especially in a time when we need change so bad, as for why well surely saving the world has some perks that a psychopath could brag about??
@jazon85k 4 года назад
Wrong. Nowdays leaders is psychopats. They dont care about the future, they care about themselfs (power and money). An empath care about the others, also the people who dont birth yet; but the empath is too week to get power, because they dont want any. -my bet is people with ASD (high functioning of course) is a much better choice, they have high IQ and empathy.
@ffffffff963 5 лет назад
3:39 agreed, however I ask...whats your tool for measuring empathy or lack of?? You make many absolute statements Dr, and quite frankly every other PHD in all other disciplines make them everyday, without solid reproducing, replicating evidence. How is it that you can "measure " or "diagnose" ones PD, yet cannot measure or produce any serious evidence that one lacks empathy, absolutely. I find that to be fantasy. I agree with with many papers, experimentation re:empathy, believe that empathy comes in all sizes, or that empathy can be suppressed, ignored, possibly controlled......but to claim absolutely that one can be void of it entirely, absolute, is just not moral. Especially for those who are invested in finding truth regarding the human, emotions, motivations. In addition, 4:12 .......well, of course. I will make an absolute statement.... there is ALWAYS a bias no matter the study. Not saying informative, or even concrete evidence cannot come from a bias experiment, only that bias, is absolute in everyone of us, & i am almost certain that "us" includes PHD's.
@ronaldvasquez6488 4 года назад
You smell like weed man, are you high?
@ErenMortel 5 лет назад
What's ur relation with Ms. Ariana
@babblingalong7689 4 года назад
It's his famous sister. Meanwhile the doc's getting there himself.
@Sameoldfitup 3 года назад
When I was six years old my stepmother left me in a doorway with a note saying not wanted....
@billhildebrand5053 4 года назад
18,138 views Cimment 81 Huh? Comment 81: 18,138 There are three 18 or 3 18 18 18 in the above. Psychopathic ..I’m tired ..
@RJ-gi7cd 5 лет назад
Psychopathy and intelligence at the same time? Totally not me.
@bahjamohamed7775 4 года назад
Dr todd are you married?
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